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Call to Order   Chair Naseem Ghandour started the meeting at01am.  Consent Items   No Agenda Item for Consent.
Business Items        1.Holdaway Fields Phase Final Plat
Community Development Director Morgan Brim presented the Holdaway Fields Phase Final Plat. He provided orientation and included the staffs review. He introduced Eric, the applicant.   Mr. Brim noted this is just to record the parcel.
Chair Ghandour opened up to questions.   Holdaway Fields Representer Eric Magleby clarified a minor editorial thing.
City Manager Eric Ellis commented on a typo in a staff report of the documents.    Chair Ghandour noted that this will have to be corrected but that the applicant will not be held responsible for.
Planner Anthony Fletcher noted how this error came about.
Planner Fletcher noted a recommendation to put the utility notes on the plat, which Anthony has that updated plat.    Chair Ghandour noted that those are required by law, and that it would not change the progress.
Chair Ghandour noted on record the conditions: Applicant pays any outstanding fees, the applicant makes any redline corrections prior to the recordation of the plat,  all city and county requirements will need to be met prior to the recordation of the plat, a phaseand disturbance permit for utilities and roads will be required prior to construction, the review of construction drawings in storm water, drainage, calculations will be completed and submitted along with the land disturbance permit, the applicant shall include utility notes for power and gas (i.e. Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion Energy.)
Mr. Brim requested to put the conditions in the staff report for clarity.   Discussion about publishing the correct document ensued.
Chair Ghandour called for a motion.
Chair Ghandour closed the business items    Work Session   No work items were submitted.
Staff, Commission, and Committee Reports
Mr. Brim welcomed comments on by-laws and noted that Anthony will start crafting those.   Chair Ghandour noted he would like them to start making progress.
Mm-hmm. OK. I was asking. 00:00:04
Good to go Yep sorry all right there we go so development review committee uh for March 7th 2024 uh is now uh in order uh so. 00:00:08
This being said, we have live agenda today. 00:00:24
There's no consent items and then, uh, just one business item that we currently have is totally sealed 1C final flat Derborough 00:00:30
Vineyard Holdaway LLC taking approval for holdaway fields phase 1C final plat and we have Anthony. Are you gonna do a presentation 00:00:37
on this, Sir? 00:00:44
Or and I do. OK, so we're gonna have Morgan Brown. 00:00:53
He's kinda, uh, he's got everything prepped for us, so I won't make him run around too much. Uh, so this is the, uh, Polaroid 00:01:00
fields, uh, phase 1C, this is umm, the break it off umm, approximately it looks like 4.305 acres for umm, the church side off of 00:01:08
Main Street and 400 S, So that would be the northeast corner of that property. 00:01:16
I believe all departments have reviewed it. Umm, at least from what we saw on city Inspector, looks like there were no additional 00:01:25
outstanding comments. We do have the umm applicant Eric here. So Eric, if you could come up to the microphone if there's any 00:01:30
questions. 00:01:35
No. For the for staff to ask you a question, Yes, yes. 00:01:42
So, but that, that that's it. So this is, this will be kind of just getting the, umm, parcel recorded so that, uh, umm, so the 00:01:47
church can, can come in and build. So anyway, that's different staff and I don't know if there's any questions for Eric. OK, open 00:01:54
this up to, uh, questions from. 00:02:00
Anyone on the board or stuff so anyone have questions? 00:02:08
No error, not a question from us, I just wanted to clarify 1 minor. 00:02:15
Thing. 00:02:23
And, umm. 00:02:24
Sorry, Eric. Well, other Eric. We'll, we'll need you on the microphone. 00:02:26
OK. 00:02:33
Eric Ellis, city manager on the DRC. I just noticed on one of the pages that it's it refers to Utah City. I assume that that's an 00:02:41
error. So if you search Utah City, is that on the plot itself? Is that it's not on the plat? It's one of the narratives. 00:02:51
Pages. Oh in the staff report. Uh, yes. 00:03:01
Uh. 00:03:08
OK, I see. That's the recommendation staff approval. Uh, staff recommends approval for the Utah City phase three subdivision plan. 00:03:09
So, you know, that would have to be corrected. That was all that I have. That's it. That's it. That's administrator and that's, we 00:03:16
won't hold that accountable for a good call. So that error is really from, umm, trying to, because before we had, uh, you know, we 00:03:24
had an agenda you just created on word right now we have to kind of create it on word or just type in direct, you know. 00:03:31
OK. So then probably one of those transposing things because we had Utah City on the agenda before, OK. So it may have been one of 00:03:39
those. So we'll have that corrected for when we do it in the official according to the minutes and then approval the minutes. 00:03:46
OK, so I appreciate that. Uh, thank you very much, Eric. Uh, anything else? 00:03:55
Member of staff. 00:04:01
So we go ahead and make sure. So after sending the staff report with all the conditions that we had umm, we had you uh, left the 00:04:04
conditions. Yes, we had conditions in the staff report. OK, I can look, I can list those conditions correctly. 00:04:11
So, uh, go ahead and, uh, after you're done talking, I'll look the conditions, uh, prior to the recommendation, yeah. So, umm, we 00:04:19
recommend that. One of the big things was to get the utility, uh, notes on the flat and, uh, they had it safe and they sent it 00:04:27
over late last night. So I have an up to date one with umm, hasn't been thoroughly reviewed, but at least that comment has been. 00:04:35
Uh, addressed. OK, I appreciate that. Yeah. I mean the utility notes are standard and they're, they're required by law. So I mean. 00:04:44
If any changes to the utility announced at all, because we're adhering to the layers of law of the state. So I wouldn't expect 00:04:52
there to be any conflicts or any reason to have to re review the whole spot, uh, or bring it forth through the RCA because of that 00:05:02
reason. OK, so, uh, to go and put on a professional record, umm, for the, uh, phase one, uh, the, uh, for Halloween field, uh. 00:05:11
The staff recommends approval for the full ICL change 1C uh, fi uh plan uh final class uh with the following conditions, the first 00:05:22
conditions that are asking to save any outstanding fees. 00:05:27
Umm, second conditions applicant makes any red line corrections prior to the, uh, recordation of the class And uh, I'm gonna ask, 00:05:35
uh, Anthony and uh, Patrick is red line, uh, corrections, uh, are all administrative. Is that correct? 00:05:42
Yeah, we're not looking at anything. Uh, uh, there's no, no, no changes of, uh, lots lot sizes or boundaries or so forth. It's 00:05:51
just all grammar. Yeah, OK. Of course, uh, all study and county requirements will, it will need to be met prior to recording this 00:05:58
last. That's, uh, items there specifically because sometimes when the county does receive it and review it, the county may, uh, 00:06:06
catch in in there on that it's. And then of course, as long as that error is, uh, administrative and, uh, to administrative. 00:06:13
And that that will be. 00:06:21
That would just be a correction. Sometimes that correction can be done by the city, uh, ads accounting or sometimes it may require 00:06:24
a re printing of the thought. Uh, so the intent is not to make you trying to find out versions of the plots on that. 00:06:32
Uh, as well as uh, condition number 4A phase one land and service premise for utilities and will will be required as far as the 00:06:42
construction that's standard practice. 00:06:47
UH condition #5 the review of the construction drawings and stormwater drainage calculations will be completed. 00:06:53
I want, uh, and submit it along with the land of service permit. That's standard condition. And then the last condition, the 00:07:00
condition number six, the applicant, uh, shall include utility notes for power and gas, uh, IE Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion 00:07:06
Energy, uh, which is what we just spoke about. 00:07:12
OK, so with those, uh, cond, uh, with those, uh, fixed conditions is, uh, again, I'm, I'll ask the board that there, uh, does 00:07:18
anyone have, uh, any questions about those conditions and with does the board have any addition to the conditions? Yeah. Umm, my, 00:07:26
my question is, umm, or more of a request. If we have conditions that we have in, in, in the staff report, umm, so maybe we just 00:07:33
need to prep those, but beforehand, it's just so we all have the, the, the same conditions. 00:07:41
So, and maybe we can act in this as we need to, but if we have standardized conditions, I'd like to OK, so get those on future 00:07:48
plans. OK, So the staff report that you're showing up there has four conditions. The staff report I received, uh, yesterday I had 00:07:52
6. 00:07:56
Oh, really? OK, OK, OK, the the one that's posted. So we, we just need to be careful that we're, we're we're only happy. We we we 00:08:01
need to just whatever the the most recent staff report is that that needs to be the one that the public can get. So just whoever 00:08:08
some intimate. So I opened it up on the public website and it did have all 60 did umm, this is this is what I pulled from the 00:08:16
website. We might we must have a or is this one from the file? This this might be OK. This might be from our file. OK. 00:08:23
People can just make sure that we have it organized on. And just for the record, I know that, uh, we've, we've recently updated 00:08:31
our website and we also updated our agenda, uh, software. So, uh, you know, if there's any kind of pick up on their, on, on their, 00:08:37
I mean, as long as it's not, uh, you know, a, uh, a error that would prevent, uh, uh, the proceedings to move forward, we'll do 00:08:43
our best to make sure about, uh, those type of. 00:08:50
Umm. 00:08:57
Uh, this, uh, this type of, uh, corrections are in our hiccups. Don't uh, hold it is that, uh. 00:08:58
Held against that yeah yeah and I, I, I think a lot at least with the conditions that I, I mean the one in the file, umm was just 00:09:05
not updated. So I, I think we're, we're good. OK, that's good. I appreciate that cool uh, anyone else, uh, have any comments? 00:09:13
No, All right. Well, uh, sweet. So with that being said, uh, do I close? Please call for a motion. OK, so I call for a motion. 00:09:22
To approve all the Wakefield Phase 1C final plat UMM with the six conditions stated in in the record. 00:09:32
A second, uh, so we have a, uh, we have a motion and then we have a second, uh, is this a wrong call book? And unless it's not an 00:09:42
ordinance, so we, we can just do, you can just do if you have alright. So, uh, anyone opposed? Nope. All right. Well, so, uh, we, 00:09:49
we approve. Yeah. Well, you, you still wanna call for, for the motion? Aye, yeah. OK, yeah. Information. OK, so I call it motion, 00:09:57
uh, for approval of, uh, the, uh, approval of the motion. Is that alright? Alright. 00:10:04
Sweet. Alright, now we go ahead. So we got unanimous motion to approve the whole list field phase 1C, final product application 00:10:12
and travel time so. 00:10:18
All right. 00:10:26
Well appreciate that so we'll close the business items and then we'll go on to the work session. I see that we have no work 00:10:29
session uh items listed. So with that being said, is that correct, Anthony, nothing we would like to all right. So that being 00:10:35
said, we have uh item number five, staff mission and committee reports uh does anyone have uh any reports to provide to the RC 00:10:41
that we haven't heard already? 00:10:47
I believe there's some interest in umm, some, some bylaws and so. 00:10:54
But what I would say if you have like, more categorically like or just items, umm, things that you would want and by laws to send 00:10:59
those over to, umm, the, the chair and to Anthony. Umm, and then Anthony, I believe he's gonna start drafting just, umm, just some 00:11:06
good basic boilerplate, umm, bylaws. So, yeah, So, uh, I would, I would hope that, uh, we can get the bylaws done together by, 00:11:12
umm, probably April. 00:11:19
Uh, it should be pretty straightforward, pretty simple. I don't think that, uh, we're going to, uh, go too crazy when it comes to 00:11:26
our bylaws and, uh, you know what, what would we do around here? So I, I'm not mistaken, give an example of some other, uh, 00:11:33
municipalities. That's all, you know, the, that form of, uh, flatteries plagiarism would consider local government. 00:11:40
So. 00:11:50
All right, with that being said, any of the other committee reports, Commission reports, staff reports, uh, so I'll go ahead and 00:11:51
close that. Uh, so, uh, Germany is the very last one up here. Uh, we have our next meeting is March 21st, 2024. Uh, do I hear a 00:11:56
motion to adjourn? 00:12:01
Yep, I got one motion to adjourn by Mr. Eric Ellis. Do you have a second? OK, so we got the fire department, who wants to, uh, 00:12:07
second that motion? OK, so, uh, let's pick a vote, uh, everyone in favor for a journey. All right, all right, Well, we're 00:12:13
adjourned. Have a good day. 00:12:18
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Mm-hmm. OK. I was asking. 00:00:04
Good to go Yep sorry all right there we go so development review committee uh for March 7th 2024 uh is now uh in order uh so. 00:00:08
This being said, we have live agenda today. 00:00:24
There's no consent items and then, uh, just one business item that we currently have is totally sealed 1C final flat Derborough 00:00:30
Vineyard Holdaway LLC taking approval for holdaway fields phase 1C final plat and we have Anthony. Are you gonna do a presentation 00:00:37
on this, Sir? 00:00:44
Or and I do. OK, so we're gonna have Morgan Brown. 00:00:53
He's kinda, uh, he's got everything prepped for us, so I won't make him run around too much. Uh, so this is the, uh, Polaroid 00:01:00
fields, uh, phase 1C, this is umm, the break it off umm, approximately it looks like 4.305 acres for umm, the church side off of 00:01:08
Main Street and 400 S, So that would be the northeast corner of that property. 00:01:16
I believe all departments have reviewed it. Umm, at least from what we saw on city Inspector, looks like there were no additional 00:01:25
outstanding comments. We do have the umm applicant Eric here. So Eric, if you could come up to the microphone if there's any 00:01:30
questions. 00:01:35
No. For the for staff to ask you a question, Yes, yes. 00:01:42
So, but that, that that's it. So this is, this will be kind of just getting the, umm, parcel recorded so that, uh, umm, so the 00:01:47
church can, can come in and build. So anyway, that's different staff and I don't know if there's any questions for Eric. OK, open 00:01:54
this up to, uh, questions from. 00:02:00
Anyone on the board or stuff so anyone have questions? 00:02:08
No error, not a question from us, I just wanted to clarify 1 minor. 00:02:15
Thing. 00:02:23
And, umm. 00:02:24
Sorry, Eric. Well, other Eric. We'll, we'll need you on the microphone. 00:02:26
OK. 00:02:33
Eric Ellis, city manager on the DRC. I just noticed on one of the pages that it's it refers to Utah City. I assume that that's an 00:02:41
error. So if you search Utah City, is that on the plot itself? Is that it's not on the plat? It's one of the narratives. 00:02:51
Pages. Oh in the staff report. Uh, yes. 00:03:01
Uh. 00:03:08
OK, I see. That's the recommendation staff approval. Uh, staff recommends approval for the Utah City phase three subdivision plan. 00:03:09
So, you know, that would have to be corrected. That was all that I have. That's it. That's it. That's administrator and that's, we 00:03:16
won't hold that accountable for a good call. So that error is really from, umm, trying to, because before we had, uh, you know, we 00:03:24
had an agenda you just created on word right now we have to kind of create it on word or just type in direct, you know. 00:03:31
OK. So then probably one of those transposing things because we had Utah City on the agenda before, OK. So it may have been one of 00:03:39
those. So we'll have that corrected for when we do it in the official according to the minutes and then approval the minutes. 00:03:46
OK, so I appreciate that. Uh, thank you very much, Eric. Uh, anything else? 00:03:55
Member of staff. 00:04:01
So we go ahead and make sure. So after sending the staff report with all the conditions that we had umm, we had you uh, left the 00:04:04
conditions. Yes, we had conditions in the staff report. OK, I can look, I can list those conditions correctly. 00:04:11
So, uh, go ahead and, uh, after you're done talking, I'll look the conditions, uh, prior to the recommendation, yeah. So, umm, we 00:04:19
recommend that. One of the big things was to get the utility, uh, notes on the flat and, uh, they had it safe and they sent it 00:04:27
over late last night. So I have an up to date one with umm, hasn't been thoroughly reviewed, but at least that comment has been. 00:04:35
Uh, addressed. OK, I appreciate that. Yeah. I mean the utility notes are standard and they're, they're required by law. So I mean. 00:04:44
If any changes to the utility announced at all, because we're adhering to the layers of law of the state. So I wouldn't expect 00:04:52
there to be any conflicts or any reason to have to re review the whole spot, uh, or bring it forth through the RCA because of that 00:05:02
reason. OK, so, uh, to go and put on a professional record, umm, for the, uh, phase one, uh, the, uh, for Halloween field, uh. 00:05:11
The staff recommends approval for the full ICL change 1C uh, fi uh plan uh final class uh with the following conditions, the first 00:05:22
conditions that are asking to save any outstanding fees. 00:05:27
Umm, second conditions applicant makes any red line corrections prior to the, uh, recordation of the class And uh, I'm gonna ask, 00:05:35
uh, Anthony and uh, Patrick is red line, uh, corrections, uh, are all administrative. Is that correct? 00:05:42
Yeah, we're not looking at anything. Uh, uh, there's no, no, no changes of, uh, lots lot sizes or boundaries or so forth. It's 00:05:51
just all grammar. Yeah, OK. Of course, uh, all study and county requirements will, it will need to be met prior to recording this 00:05:58
last. That's, uh, items there specifically because sometimes when the county does receive it and review it, the county may, uh, 00:06:06
catch in in there on that it's. And then of course, as long as that error is, uh, administrative and, uh, to administrative. 00:06:13
And that that will be. 00:06:21
That would just be a correction. Sometimes that correction can be done by the city, uh, ads accounting or sometimes it may require 00:06:24
a re printing of the thought. Uh, so the intent is not to make you trying to find out versions of the plots on that. 00:06:32
Uh, as well as uh, condition number 4A phase one land and service premise for utilities and will will be required as far as the 00:06:42
construction that's standard practice. 00:06:47
UH condition #5 the review of the construction drawings and stormwater drainage calculations will be completed. 00:06:53
I want, uh, and submit it along with the land of service permit. That's standard condition. And then the last condition, the 00:07:00
condition number six, the applicant, uh, shall include utility notes for power and gas, uh, IE Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion 00:07:06
Energy, uh, which is what we just spoke about. 00:07:12
OK, so with those, uh, cond, uh, with those, uh, fixed conditions is, uh, again, I'm, I'll ask the board that there, uh, does 00:07:18
anyone have, uh, any questions about those conditions and with does the board have any addition to the conditions? Yeah. Umm, my, 00:07:26
my question is, umm, or more of a request. If we have conditions that we have in, in, in the staff report, umm, so maybe we just 00:07:33
need to prep those, but beforehand, it's just so we all have the, the, the same conditions. 00:07:41
So, and maybe we can act in this as we need to, but if we have standardized conditions, I'd like to OK, so get those on future 00:07:48
plans. OK, So the staff report that you're showing up there has four conditions. The staff report I received, uh, yesterday I had 00:07:52
6. 00:07:56
Oh, really? OK, OK, OK, the the one that's posted. So we, we just need to be careful that we're, we're we're only happy. We we we 00:08:01
need to just whatever the the most recent staff report is that that needs to be the one that the public can get. So just whoever 00:08:08
some intimate. So I opened it up on the public website and it did have all 60 did umm, this is this is what I pulled from the 00:08:16
website. We might we must have a or is this one from the file? This this might be OK. This might be from our file. OK. 00:08:23
People can just make sure that we have it organized on. And just for the record, I know that, uh, we've, we've recently updated 00:08:31
our website and we also updated our agenda, uh, software. So, uh, you know, if there's any kind of pick up on their, on, on their, 00:08:37
I mean, as long as it's not, uh, you know, a, uh, a error that would prevent, uh, uh, the proceedings to move forward, we'll do 00:08:43
our best to make sure about, uh, those type of. 00:08:50
Umm. 00:08:57
Uh, this, uh, this type of, uh, corrections are in our hiccups. Don't uh, hold it is that, uh. 00:08:58
Held against that yeah yeah and I, I, I think a lot at least with the conditions that I, I mean the one in the file, umm was just 00:09:05
not updated. So I, I think we're, we're good. OK, that's good. I appreciate that cool uh, anyone else, uh, have any comments? 00:09:13
No, All right. Well, uh, sweet. So with that being said, uh, do I close? Please call for a motion. OK, so I call for a motion. 00:09:22
To approve all the Wakefield Phase 1C final plat UMM with the six conditions stated in in the record. 00:09:32
A second, uh, so we have a, uh, we have a motion and then we have a second, uh, is this a wrong call book? And unless it's not an 00:09:42
ordinance, so we, we can just do, you can just do if you have alright. So, uh, anyone opposed? Nope. All right. Well, so, uh, we, 00:09:49
we approve. Yeah. Well, you, you still wanna call for, for the motion? Aye, yeah. OK, yeah. Information. OK, so I call it motion, 00:09:57
uh, for approval of, uh, the, uh, approval of the motion. Is that alright? Alright. 00:10:04
Sweet. Alright, now we go ahead. So we got unanimous motion to approve the whole list field phase 1C, final product application 00:10:12
and travel time so. 00:10:18
All right. 00:10:26
Well appreciate that so we'll close the business items and then we'll go on to the work session. I see that we have no work 00:10:29
session uh items listed. So with that being said, is that correct, Anthony, nothing we would like to all right. So that being 00:10:35
said, we have uh item number five, staff mission and committee reports uh does anyone have uh any reports to provide to the RC 00:10:41
that we haven't heard already? 00:10:47
I believe there's some interest in umm, some, some bylaws and so. 00:10:54
But what I would say if you have like, more categorically like or just items, umm, things that you would want and by laws to send 00:10:59
those over to, umm, the, the chair and to Anthony. Umm, and then Anthony, I believe he's gonna start drafting just, umm, just some 00:11:06
good basic boilerplate, umm, bylaws. So, yeah, So, uh, I would, I would hope that, uh, we can get the bylaws done together by, 00:11:12
umm, probably April. 00:11:19
Uh, it should be pretty straightforward, pretty simple. I don't think that, uh, we're going to, uh, go too crazy when it comes to 00:11:26
our bylaws and, uh, you know what, what would we do around here? So I, I'm not mistaken, give an example of some other, uh, 00:11:33
municipalities. That's all, you know, the, that form of, uh, flatteries plagiarism would consider local government. 00:11:40
So. 00:11:50
All right, with that being said, any of the other committee reports, Commission reports, staff reports, uh, so I'll go ahead and 00:11:51
close that. Uh, so, uh, Germany is the very last one up here. Uh, we have our next meeting is March 21st, 2024. Uh, do I hear a 00:11:56
motion to adjourn? 00:12:01
Yep, I got one motion to adjourn by Mr. Eric Ellis. Do you have a second? OK, so we got the fire department, who wants to, uh, 00:12:07
second that motion? OK, so, uh, let's pick a vote, uh, everyone in favor for a journey. All right, all right, Well, we're 00:12:13
adjourned. Have a good day. 00:12:18
scroll up