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Chair Fullmer opened the meeting24 PM.    Presentations/Recognitions/Awards/Proclamations        1.RDA Director Josh Daniels will give an RDA update
Mr. Daniels gave a brief update and reviewed the annual report process. He mentioned that the annual reports could be found online.
Board member Holdaway asked about putting RDA information on the city website. Mr. Daniels explained that this information would be on the new website and explained the listings in the annual report.    Consent Items        1.Approval of December,23 Draft RDA Meeting Minutes
Motion:Boardmember Rasmussen moved to go into a closed session for a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation immediately following the RDA meeting in the city council chambers. Boardmember Holdaway seconded the motion. Roll Call went as follows: Chair Fullmer, Boardmembers Cameron, Holdaway, Rasmussen, and Sifuentes voted yes. The motion carried unanimously.    Adjournment
Chair Fullmer adjourned the meeting at33 PM.   MINUTES APPROVED ON:    March,24                     CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   Pamela Spencer, CIty Recorder
All right, let's see. It's March 13th, 2024. The time is 9:25. We're going to go ahead and get the Vineyard Redevelopment Agency 00:00:00
board started. Thanks for all of those that are still with us. 00:00:08
It's just great to have you here. 00:00:16
Yeah. All right. Well, we're going to start out with. 00:00:20
A little update from our RDA Director, Josh Daniels and then we'll move into our consent agenda. Josh, take it away. Great. 00:00:25
Thanks. Josh Daniels from the RDA. I gave a more lengthy presentation at the recent retreat, so I won't repeat any of that, but I 00:00:33
think we'll we'll probably have a a broader and and deeper discussion about some of those items at the upcoming meeting. 00:00:40
In a couple weeks that you mentioned earlier, but what I do want to share is just draw your attention to the annual RDA report. So 00:00:48
there was a change in the legal requirements for reporting annually the RDA. So typically in the past at the end of the year you 00:00:57
would receive this report prepared by Lewis and Young and so that report is no longer required. And so now the annual report 00:01:05
starting with the year 2022. 00:01:13
And also just recently in 2023, the annual report is more of a data report that is given to the Governor's Office of Economic 00:01:21
Development, so located here on the GO Ed website, also now known as Go EO, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity. So all Rdas 00:01:31
in the state now submit their their annual budget and these data points as their annual report and that can be found online. 00:01:40
This is the 2023 version here, so it's just the basic high level. 00:01:50
Data points, you know, you base taxable value, which we talked about at the retreat and the current assessed value. That's how I 00:01:58
created that chart that I that I shared with the value of the incremental increase. There's also a link to the project area budget 00:02:05
which I've pulled up here. So if you're, if you're interested in that and we could print this out or e-mail it out, but it's also 00:02:13
just also available online. I just wanted to kind of draw your attention to those resources. 00:02:21
Into that new type of report, these reports are uploaded in June of each year. So also the reporting cycles just slightly 00:02:28
different sort of at the end of the calendar year these, these data items will be uploaded in June. That's all I've got for you. 00:02:38
This is just a public website that we don't need to log in or anything, correct? This is a public website so you can search for 00:02:48
any RDA or CRA in the state here. 00:02:53
Taxes remitted back to all the entities that are in it and putting forth a. 00:03:39
On the website, we put our RDA stuff on the city website. 00:03:44
Yeah. I mean there, there is a section of the city website that has RDA information. I think that the websites being updated. So 00:03:48
I'm not sure if that is like live right now, but previously it has been and I imagine going forward it will be as well. 00:03:56
The goal is is that I know that the RDA has its mission and there's going to be the haves and the have nots and where is the 00:04:05
council going to be voting on who gets these and who doesn't? And we're going to sometimes vote to give a better, you know, a 00:04:11
deal. And that's our prerogative. But just in every instance of any remitted, whether the beginning of the deal, you know, if 00:04:18
there's some upfront money on some of them and then as taxes, you know, are remitted annually, if we could just hey, this is you 00:04:24
get this. 00:04:31
In December 31st, or you know, two weeks later. 00:04:38
It's just calculated so it's very clear for everyone. I think it'd be easier to find it on our website and. 00:04:42
You know the total if it had year that year like hey in 2023 we remitted this and year to date we have you know, we ended up 00:04:49
giving them X amount over the 20 year cycle. 00:04:54
You know, and you're talking kind of on a recipient basis, yeah, broken down by the total everyone that's in the RDA. I know we 00:05:01
talked about the two big ones, but there's others that are in the RDA and we'll go forward, right. So, yeah, in the annual budget 00:05:08
document, there is a listing of the project expenditures and every annual report has this towards the end, these project 00:05:16
expenditures. So these are specific essentially recipients or or or products so that. 00:05:23
The way the project expenditure works is that a potential recipient applies to the RDA board for approval for a project. If 00:05:31
approved, then you'll enter into a reimbursement agreement, right? So this listing at the bottom of the budget document is a 00:05:38
listing of all of those approved projects that would then have related reimbursement agreements. And then in the budget document, 00:05:46
this one's, this one's nice and every year looks like this where it's a multi year listing. 00:05:53
And it has a listing of the total expenditures for each of those projects. So there is at least some, some of I think what, what 00:06:01
you're, what you're asking for here in this annual report. Yeah. And then additionally, more detail will come out and your 00:06:08
upcoming update. And then as we move forward, I feel like we can get more granular and find ways to help you learn how to invest 00:06:16
and, and make sure that you know. 00:06:23
Who you want, how you want to help as those proposals come forward? All right, I need a motion on the consent items. I move to 00:06:32
approve the consent items as presented. Thanks. Number first by Amber. 00:06:37
Second by Marty. All in favor, aye. All right, we'll go ahead and. 00:06:45
Close this meeting, but before we do, we just are go, we need to go into a closed session for item C, which is the strategy 00:06:51
session to discuss to discuss pending or reasonable. 00:06:57
Reasonably imminent litigation. So I need a motion for that that we will meet for in a closed session for that purpose right after 00:07:03
we close this meeting. 00:07:08
I move, we move to the closed session for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation in 00:07:14
joining us a year that will happen here right after, after this meeting. Yeah. If we close the meeting, we don't have to come 00:07:21
back. OK. We'll close the meeting right after that. Yeah, You can vote on both at the same time. 00:07:27
You need a second. Second by Jake. All in favor. All right, this meeting. Oh, roll call. Jake. Amber. Hi, I'm Marty. Yay, Sarah. 00:07:35
All right, this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. 00:07:43
Thank you for coming. 00:07:54
Play. 00:07:56
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All right, let's see. It's March 13th, 2024. The time is 9:25. We're going to go ahead and get the Vineyard Redevelopment Agency 00:00:00
board started. Thanks for all of those that are still with us. 00:00:08
It's just great to have you here. 00:00:16
Yeah. All right. Well, we're going to start out with. 00:00:20
A little update from our RDA Director, Josh Daniels and then we'll move into our consent agenda. Josh, take it away. Great. 00:00:25
Thanks. Josh Daniels from the RDA. I gave a more lengthy presentation at the recent retreat, so I won't repeat any of that, but I 00:00:33
think we'll we'll probably have a a broader and and deeper discussion about some of those items at the upcoming meeting. 00:00:40
In a couple weeks that you mentioned earlier, but what I do want to share is just draw your attention to the annual RDA report. So 00:00:48
there was a change in the legal requirements for reporting annually the RDA. So typically in the past at the end of the year you 00:00:57
would receive this report prepared by Lewis and Young and so that report is no longer required. And so now the annual report 00:01:05
starting with the year 2022. 00:01:13
And also just recently in 2023, the annual report is more of a data report that is given to the Governor's Office of Economic 00:01:21
Development, so located here on the GO Ed website, also now known as Go EO, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity. So all Rdas 00:01:31
in the state now submit their their annual budget and these data points as their annual report and that can be found online. 00:01:40
This is the 2023 version here, so it's just the basic high level. 00:01:50
Data points, you know, you base taxable value, which we talked about at the retreat and the current assessed value. That's how I 00:01:58
created that chart that I that I shared with the value of the incremental increase. There's also a link to the project area budget 00:02:05
which I've pulled up here. So if you're, if you're interested in that and we could print this out or e-mail it out, but it's also 00:02:13
just also available online. I just wanted to kind of draw your attention to those resources. 00:02:21
Into that new type of report, these reports are uploaded in June of each year. So also the reporting cycles just slightly 00:02:28
different sort of at the end of the calendar year these, these data items will be uploaded in June. That's all I've got for you. 00:02:38
This is just a public website that we don't need to log in or anything, correct? This is a public website so you can search for 00:02:48
any RDA or CRA in the state here. 00:02:53
Taxes remitted back to all the entities that are in it and putting forth a. 00:03:39
On the website, we put our RDA stuff on the city website. 00:03:44
Yeah. I mean there, there is a section of the city website that has RDA information. I think that the websites being updated. So 00:03:48
I'm not sure if that is like live right now, but previously it has been and I imagine going forward it will be as well. 00:03:56
The goal is is that I know that the RDA has its mission and there's going to be the haves and the have nots and where is the 00:04:05
council going to be voting on who gets these and who doesn't? And we're going to sometimes vote to give a better, you know, a 00:04:11
deal. And that's our prerogative. But just in every instance of any remitted, whether the beginning of the deal, you know, if 00:04:18
there's some upfront money on some of them and then as taxes, you know, are remitted annually, if we could just hey, this is you 00:04:24
get this. 00:04:31
In December 31st, or you know, two weeks later. 00:04:38
It's just calculated so it's very clear for everyone. I think it'd be easier to find it on our website and. 00:04:42
You know the total if it had year that year like hey in 2023 we remitted this and year to date we have you know, we ended up 00:04:49
giving them X amount over the 20 year cycle. 00:04:54
You know, and you're talking kind of on a recipient basis, yeah, broken down by the total everyone that's in the RDA. I know we 00:05:01
talked about the two big ones, but there's others that are in the RDA and we'll go forward, right. So, yeah, in the annual budget 00:05:08
document, there is a listing of the project expenditures and every annual report has this towards the end, these project 00:05:16
expenditures. So these are specific essentially recipients or or or products so that. 00:05:23
The way the project expenditure works is that a potential recipient applies to the RDA board for approval for a project. If 00:05:31
approved, then you'll enter into a reimbursement agreement, right? So this listing at the bottom of the budget document is a 00:05:38
listing of all of those approved projects that would then have related reimbursement agreements. And then in the budget document, 00:05:46
this one's, this one's nice and every year looks like this where it's a multi year listing. 00:05:53
And it has a listing of the total expenditures for each of those projects. So there is at least some, some of I think what, what 00:06:01
you're, what you're asking for here in this annual report. Yeah. And then additionally, more detail will come out and your 00:06:08
upcoming update. And then as we move forward, I feel like we can get more granular and find ways to help you learn how to invest 00:06:16
and, and make sure that you know. 00:06:23
Who you want, how you want to help as those proposals come forward? All right, I need a motion on the consent items. I move to 00:06:32
approve the consent items as presented. Thanks. Number first by Amber. 00:06:37
Second by Marty. All in favor, aye. All right, we'll go ahead and. 00:06:45
Close this meeting, but before we do, we just are go, we need to go into a closed session for item C, which is the strategy 00:06:51
session to discuss to discuss pending or reasonable. 00:06:57
Reasonably imminent litigation. So I need a motion for that that we will meet for in a closed session for that purpose right after 00:07:03
we close this meeting. 00:07:08
I move, we move to the closed session for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation in 00:07:14
joining us a year that will happen here right after, after this meeting. Yeah. If we close the meeting, we don't have to come 00:07:21
back. OK. We'll close the meeting right after that. Yeah, You can vote on both at the same time. 00:07:27
You need a second. Second by Jake. All in favor. All right, this meeting. Oh, roll call. Jake. Amber. Hi, I'm Marty. Yay, Sarah. 00:07:35
All right, this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. 00:07:43
Thank you for coming. 00:07:54
Play. 00:07:56
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