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Hey, go ahead, we're going. 00:00:05
All right, all right, today, October 9th, 2024, it's Wednesday and the time is 6:00 and 7:00. We're going to go ahead and start 00:00:09
our regular City Council meeting. 00:00:17
And the Pledge of Allegiance and. 00:00:27
Dear Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for this on the fall day. We're grateful that we can be here together as we're working 00:00:33
towards. 00:00:37
It will also benefit the community as a whole. He's blessed us that we can be in tune. 00:00:42
To one another. 00:00:51
We can get. 00:00:54
We are so very grateful for all of the staff that were here. 00:00:56
All right. 00:01:13
Jerry, Jerry. Jerry. 00:02:08
Say out loud so we can know it. 00:02:13
OK, We never want to pretend it. We're just really grateful for their efforts and doing it right away. And compliance this week 00:02:17
that all cities come into the faster that that fights them will be back in place. And so we're hoping to see an October timeline 00:02:23
as we talk to other communities, but we're just really grateful for our team for working so efficiently. So thank you all very 00:02:28
much for that. 00:02:34
Let's see. 00:02:41
We also voted in a new planning commissioner that. 00:02:42
Of our that's filling the rest of the commissioners who served the city well. Natalie Carpenter come up and introduce yourself to 00:02:46
a residence. We all voted during panelists last week, but we want to hear from you is that we want to serve you. 00:02:55
Over here. 00:03:34
The Constitution of the United states constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state in the constitution of 00:03:58
state of Utah, and that I will discharge the duties of my office, and I will charge the chiefs at my office. 00:04:05
Congratulations. 00:04:13
Thank you so much. 00:04:44
All right, that moves us right into our work session and we are going to hear from Natalie Allen, one of our employees. It's been 00:04:46
meeting up privacy, cybersecurity and looking at a little bit of an update on services, IT services. 00:04:53
State sort of thing here. 00:05:06
So. 00:05:39
Especially in implementing privacy related changes. So we need to start ahead of the service and. 00:05:50
Not because of that, but because of our desire to interrupt. 00:06:01
There have been some improvements. 00:06:09
Ourselves, there's a lot of resources. Why? 00:06:13
My daughter needs a stronger pregnancy measures. 00:06:17
And so because of that as well as. 00:06:20
And they have made privacy more of a priority in the 1st place and. 00:06:23
They've wished because we're priority based, implemented a lot of different laws that are even out of these parties. So these laws 00:06:31
are designed to ensure that data protection is at the forefront of our application. And one of the examples. 00:06:40
Sorry, should have changed that center. That's what I meant to do. So one of the specific examples, so a lot of the changes. 00:06:52
To the HD591 ordinance and which is actually one of the all voted on that and. 00:07:00
You guys was back in February, so well, that's when the state made those changes. 00:07:13
So as part of the evolving changes. 00:07:21
For an evolving priorities. 00:07:26
In your form I mentioned was established this year and. 00:07:32
A little bit, but this office has incredible support for us and has made it so that we have resources to help us navigate the 00:07:42
complexities of privacy and the new regulations. 00:07:48
So because of the oxidative privacy, they I was able to attend a privacy boot camp actually just a couple weeks ago. Well more 00:07:56
than a couple weeks still happened, but it will because that boot camp, it is leading to the certified information privacy manager 00:08:04
of the CIPM certification that I will soon receive. 00:08:11
And. 00:08:19
In line with the commitment to privacy, the Office of Data Privacy is also preparing to release a privacy planning document in the 00:08:21
beginning of November. And this resource will specifically guidance companies like us in creating effective privacy strategies to 00:08:29
compliance with the law. So I'm actually going to give some time over Chris. So I continue apart. 00:08:36
Yeah, and thank you. This is what we saw. 00:08:48
I'm actually going to turn that because is actually about the residents. 00:08:51
And I saw this on the agenda. I was going to be here on my way home from work and I was like, I have. 00:09:04
Because I like to capture the history of the privacy of what we're doing is for the first day of the nation to really try to 00:09:10
address privacy. And one thing that I think the public needs to recognize is we're not in a perfect statement. We're not even in a 00:09:16
good state when it comes to data management. And honestly, where we are as a state and as every state in the country, there's 00:09:22
foundational records management in the laws, right? How long we're supposed to keep data giving notice, quote before that data. 00:09:28
The purposes and use of the data. But in Utah, just like every other state, you're going to find most entities have actually kept 00:09:35
data forever. 00:09:38
That's part of migration as we have the paper records, IT systems. We didn't account for privacy records management. Most of 00:09:42
reforms don't give notice of purpose. Many government agencies nationwide have stopped really focusing on the concept of record 00:09:48
series, which is transparency mechanism so people know what we're doing with data. So with that said, it makes it really hard to 00:09:54
do commentary. Start doing privacy now. There's a lot of things that need to be fixed and especially here in Vineyard where we're 00:10:00
building a brand new city. 00:10:06
Greatest technology so there's lots of things that you do with license plate readers with facial recognition with few location 00:10:13
services with noise listening devices for gunshot detection and these aren't bad things at all, but they raise the risk of 00:10:20
possible privacy violation. So at the state did last session was create a government data privacy app to set a forward-looking 00:10:27
strategy that essentially says from this point on we're going to do better when we do new systems new services evenings that are. 00:10:35
And then we're going to the next three years figuring out all these existing stuff out there and come up with a strategy. But at 00:10:42
the end of a decade as the life cycle to our system, they will be replaced with things that you adequately protect privacy. And 00:10:49
Utah would then be ahead of the curve and have really great privacy programs across the state. So here a minute ago, I'm going to 00:10:56
talk to completely very early on this process. 00:11:03
The state on the first key privacy officer in the state. We wanted a few states with the privacy officer with an office of data 00:11:10
privacy. 00:11:13
First one for our legislative leadership called out this nationwide issue. So literally all the states are looking for us saying 00:11:17
are you can modernize their laws. I had a chance to sit down with our attorney and records officer here. This is about a year ago. 00:11:23
You were talking about some issues with grandma. And so I've been able to take that into what are we going to do to actually fix 00:11:29
this? How are we going to update the laws and make it so we have a privacy? 00:11:36
So here in vineyards, we are ahead of the curve. We have leadership. 00:11:43
You have Natalie who attended a workshop, boot camp. These are all foundational things that you take the privacy building. But 00:11:49
what's really going to happen now between now and May 1st is essentially initiating your program saying we are committed to 00:11:55
privacy, we're going to do it. And then the hard work actually starts after May 1st of actually doing slowly maturing overtime. 00:12:01
And we can't just stop government functioning just because we have some privacy issues. We still have to process it and do things, 00:12:07
but the idea is start. 00:12:13
You will be done. We're going to figure out how to clean up the laws, figure out how we're actually going to do this. But that 00:12:19
never been done. But the public should be able to trust that we are doing it because there's a plan to people both at the state 00:12:25
level and they're the city that are following the plan, implementing the plan, and doing the transparent plan. A couple shoutouts 00:12:32
to the city too. Union is the first city that adopted in some of our development agreement. 00:12:38
Private developers agreed to protect personal data when it comes to use of license plate readers. 00:12:44
And some of our public private partnership garages or things that are concerns around that no other city in the nation has done 00:12:49
that. If you saw a city developers have been very active in discussions and wanting to do privacy right. We can do great things 00:12:57
very vigor and do it with balancing the rights of public safety and efficiency and all the other things that you have. But I, I do 00:13:04
think we have great things happening here and we should be proud of what's happening here and those other partners so. 00:13:11
Yes, thank you so much. We've had a really great team. And it's not about what technology we have today. It's just the idea that 00:13:19
the technology is available and we want to get ahead of it so that residents know that their privacy is always protected. And 00:13:25
you're doing such a great job and it's going to work with everything. For several years, we've been kind of focusing towards this. 00:13:30
And so it's we're excited to see the strategic stuff. 00:13:36
Thank you. 00:13:42
Right now we take us home. 00:13:47
Well, thank you so much. So that's not an issue. 00:13:49
So because in conjunction with all of these privacy focused efforts, we have also posted an RFP for cybersecurity and ID support 00:13:55
services. So our goal is to partner with the provider who not only offers competitive printing and robust protection, but 00:14:03
specifically you can also deliver consultations services so they because. 00:14:11
So much of our privacy is linked with cybersecurity and IT and making sure that we are. 00:14:20
Proficient in that. So their their services, their consultation services are going to be key. 00:14:26
Need to develop and implement new privacy policies and plans. 00:14:33
So to wrap things up, I just wanted to outline the next step. So you guys have an overview of the different milestones that we'll 00:14:39
be getting. Specifically, I am going to get my my CF cancer education. And then in conjunction these kind of are happening more or 00:14:48
less at the same time, but we're going to award the bid for the cybersecurity and IT company and getting that certification will. 00:14:57
Be able to further enhance our ability to manage privacy initiatives effectively and then having that new company. 00:15:07
We will be able to move forward with. 00:15:15
Having the right goals and objectives. 00:15:18
Outlined and then with that implementation that's concerning the privacy plan and coordinating with the privacy plan from the 00:15:22
Office of Data Privacy and then coordinating with our company so that we can also create formal policies and and plan creation. 00:15:30
Which will. 00:15:40
Help us to formulate a better option and also then. 00:15:43
Once we accomplish all of those specific milestones, then Vineyard will be in a really great position to further plan and stuff 00:15:47
like he was saying like after May and being able to achieve our long term privacy and and security objectives. 00:15:54
So thank you so much for your support and also just, I mean it means a lot that Vineyard has a vacuum relationship. And so I'm 00:16:03
confident that three steps will be able to create. 00:16:10
Foreign privacy focused environment for Vineyard City and other things. 00:16:17
Any questions? 00:16:22
Let me just add that another series of a privacy that we started next week and then the 1st. 00:16:25
Thanks so much. 00:16:33
Yeah. How much is the cybersecurity certification cost? 00:16:38
How much money did we set at the time? 00:16:45
As far as the the Skype certification is actually the opposite. 00:16:51
So. 00:17:02
And then? 00:17:13
The details of the contract. 00:17:15
Identified the. 00:17:21
Contractor. 00:17:25
How much should we set aside in the budget? 00:17:27
Why? I'm just not in a couple of games. 00:17:41
Perfect. Thank you. 00:17:47
I'd take there and cancel. 00:18:08
All right. Well, thank you very much. So I'm excited to talk to you about district cities. 00:18:49
Communities across the globe, which further aligns the vineyards mission of staying. 00:18:55
Imagine a world where cities not only coexist, but. 00:19:05
Shareholders support each other. Sister cities. There's something called twin towns do just that. They establish partnerships and 00:19:11
transcendent borders, Austrian friendships and cooperation with diverse cultures. They promote cultural exchange, anti economic 00:19:17
development and encourage community. 00:19:24
Overall, as we researched sister city and talked to other cities that have sister cities, these are some kind of the primary 00:19:35
benefits that we see. Also, there's a lot from a cultural exchange standpoint. Economic development is a very exciting piece of 00:19:41
this, being able to look at cities and that innovation district. 00:19:48
So as we look at potentially having this, we want to see a city that, you know, the hope is that they're strong where we want them 00:19:57
strong. 00:20:01
Educational opportunities, networking is really, really critical seeing kind of where these have. 00:20:10
That has a lot of the same type of environmental locations that we have. So city that are on the water that are having 00:20:17
universities that are working to create district. 00:20:26
In doing that, we've looked at. 00:20:39
Several innovation districts that have talked to people, some of these. 00:20:41
Looked at places like Portugal where they have a great division district and they have. 00:20:46
A lot of technology, life science that they can come together and and and collaborate and help to build economic activity. 00:20:55
There's a lot of parallels that we found. 00:21:10
Through. 00:21:14
A lot of what we're doing, especially on the lake right now, is trying to. 00:21:16
Trade an environment that is able to to sustain the natural beauty that we have all the way. 00:21:21
And overall to be able to connect that to our downtown for downtown with the businesses that are located in the nation. 00:21:28
Provide a lot of economic development, how do we connect that to, to, to, to a lot of funds? And so some of these things are 00:21:40
happening. 00:21:44
Pretty exciting. 00:21:52
App is a really interesting innovation district that we visited. 00:21:55
Last year This is a. 00:22:01
Several 100 companies and puts them all into one incubator space and and these are mainly startup companies and then and then they 00:22:06
also work with the larger IT players that help to to provide the mentorship companies. 00:22:14
And so in the station. 00:22:23
And provide the resources to also helps. 00:22:32
And so some of these are our concepts that we we've been looking at within our downtown, we also part of our universities to 00:22:39
create a lot of innovation. 00:22:43
Of the idea of helping our students in our. 00:22:49
Grow to have those resource points. 00:22:56
There's other places like Singapore that are very tech heavy but are really interesting too because we're also right on the water 00:23:04
and so it's interesting to see how cities are able to. 00:23:10
Couple of the overall city environment and what their waterfront went with their innovation district. 00:23:18
And so this is kind of just touching upon this other piece overall benefits that we really see. I've done another thing too is 00:23:30
with infrastructure and how they've been able to have very efficient transits this time. 00:23:37
You know, right now we have the potential to have you know ERT potentially from the light rail, all them together, together, all 00:23:46
above. And so this is provide us the opportunity to see how how transit is really efficiently and how the efficiency of transit 00:23:53
and your overall transportation system, it can really help your economic development. 00:24:00
Drive and drive businesses. 00:24:08
These are some. 00:24:13
Steps that we're looking at right now Mariah authorities intern that doesn't working with the city done a lot of research and 00:24:15
great, great work on this. And so right now we're we're we're still kind of in that phase of research and that. 00:24:23
Fine cities that are a lot like us and are well set up requirement, but also have that academic space that's really important that 00:24:32
we found. 00:24:38
That they have some problem. 00:24:48
There's a lot of cities in the top that have. 00:24:54
You can see that all over the world and it's really kind of exciting. A lot of cities, too, won't pick. 00:25:01
A lot of Utah cities will pick cities that have a lot of. 00:25:09
But I think from a cultural standpoint to. 00:25:26
That is everything. I just want to give you an update with. 00:25:44
Sister Cities and as we go further along, we'll come back and provide more updates. Are there any questions? 00:25:53
Yeah, I had a really bad experience with with this one, most of the Uruguay and most of the day. 00:26:03
Minnesota first assistance of the national city about 20 years ago and they end up being a lot of travel and people going to 1 00:26:11
country and another country and end up not giving a lot of. And my concern would be prior to traveling the world would be 00:26:18
identifying the economic development businesses that you're partnering with doing many different Zoom meetings before you have 00:26:25
them travel doing it through Zoom 100%. 00:26:33
Nationally, the city's highlighted this many decades ago when they when I was there three or four years ago, someone actually 00:26:41
stood up and was like, is any economic development ever happened in the sister cities in a single room and they just went quiet 00:26:48
and was like, right, because it's just politicians. 00:26:54
So it's been my benefit, not saying that there is only, but on the idea that it would need to be like we are targeting X business 00:27:05
that is in that city. 00:27:10
And they would want to come here prior to. 00:27:17
Intend to travel. 00:27:20
You know, politicians we have we have very good resources in bringing in businesses and you probably won't Utah City and folks 00:27:22
that own the property that we're targeting them first and it would be helpful for us to fly there, you know, something in private 00:27:29
property. So I mean that's just. 00:27:35
Whatever program. 00:27:43
Program. 00:27:48
For their perspective. 00:28:15
Some of the things that excited me and the building environment and there were cities that were dealing with animal groups that 00:28:26
were the one we're dealing with. All of these different opportunities beyond the development of that could be really better. 00:28:34
And I'm excited, I'm excited because thank you for presenting that to us and keep us informed and excited to take care of. 00:29:06
We'll go ahead and turn this time over to visit the type of granting the attention of the council that are currently on the 00:29:18
agenda. We'd want to come to the podium, state your name and where you are from. 00:29:22
In the barrier evidence, the catabytes resident. 00:29:37
Thank you very much. 00:29:41
I would like to 1st off. 00:29:44
Planning Commission, they asked my question. 00:29:49
Grant the wayfinding signage and the 1200 N. 00:29:54
I have some questions. 00:30:04
Our last City Council meeting, the first innovation campus to divorce was mentioned. 00:30:06
I would like to know where that is located and so I went back. 00:30:12
To articles, etcetera. 00:30:18
The son was treating it and I had some questions. 00:30:34
The first question I have is that this guiding development different and the statement is Vineyard as such secure and energy 00:30:38
future that bolsters the power agreement for incoming development. I would like to know how it is going to be accomplished and who 00:30:47
will pay for it and then you go on this and you have it all the same energy strategy that includes fossil fuels. 00:30:56
And nuclear energy? 00:31:06
My heart's been interesting. 00:31:11
My next question. 00:31:17
The thing is looking at solutions. Most of the innovative solutions being explored in district is District Energy, which provides 00:31:19
a highly efficient way to heat and cool multiple buildings through the central plant. This system uses underground pipes to pump 00:31:26
steam, hot water, or chilled water to buildings throughout the district such as downtown or possible campuses. I'd like to know 00:31:33
where has this solution been used today in the United States? 00:31:41
Are we going to be the first doing this or has this been? 00:31:49
And as the dinner continues to innovate, we're exploring the Roland and Math. 00:31:57
I'd like to know where do you attend these reactors to be placed in the inner Utah city? Yes. 00:32:14
We have been anything. We have been part of discussions with national leaders about the potential for advanced nuclear 00:32:22
technologies in Utah. I would like to know who those national leaders are. 00:32:28
And then some people work on this organization. District Vineyard is working on plants to strengthen our energy infrastructure to 00:32:35
reduce outages and energy demand. 00:32:42
Effectively then integrates long term energy sources. 00:32:51
This infrastructure investment includes exploring large scale battery storage systems to store excess energy generated during peak 00:32:55
production times and recently. This will ensure the City's energy supply remains stable and affordable for generations to come. 00:33:04
Where are you planning on putting large scale damage storage? Storage systems? 00:33:15
And then the left line of your article. 00:33:21
The future of energy is here, and Utah City Vineyard is at perfect. 00:33:27
I would just like some great, great experience. 00:33:34
And Cornell's resident. 00:34:08
It's interesting because. 00:34:11
Dori and I were at a rehearsal at the most last night. 00:34:12
We began visiting at 5:00. 00:34:18
I've never heard a product so many contacted Jacob. 00:34:40
Guess what? He and I expected them. 00:34:49
I think this is a travesty that we don't talk. I realize that they're opening laws that you have to kill. 00:34:53
As a council. 00:35:02
Talk and discuss and in the situation, how can you serve me? How can you troubled? My bad. Another thing that I came across 00:35:04
earlier in the summer. 00:35:09
Article, I guess by our mayor about safety master plan. 00:35:17
Going into effect here, I put home with help. 00:35:24
With the deficit that we had when it came to chances that related to public safety, now we were supposedly having this great plan 00:35:30
for this place. This was June. I come to meetings. I've heard nothing more about it. What is going on? Is it happening in the 00:35:37
basement? 00:35:44
Behind closed doors, we are your. 00:35:52
Constituents, we pay for the running of this city. 00:35:56
It's being run right now on our back. 00:36:01
There is not the economic development of it. So I think it's wrong or kept a bit dark. I can't believe you have these exciting 00:36:04
things that you're planning. Maybe you should share with us and that's good enough to share. That's why if they're not good enough 00:36:11
to share. 00:36:17
And it makes you rather exchange. 00:36:25
I asked last time. 00:36:29
If we could please give some more information on our return and investment in the World Trade Organization, that might be a little 00:36:33
bit difficult we heard just now. 00:36:37
Sister cities, I'm not sure, but you all went to us. We funded it. Now we need to know what we funded. We need to know what's 00:36:43
coming as a result of that. 00:36:48
So I don't think that I want to learn more from the newspaper. I want to learn more from coming to. 00:36:54
I want to be informed by coming to meetings. 00:37:01
I want to be able to call my council members. 00:37:04
Learn more and not have them tell me that they're in the dark. 00:37:06
So in in all fairness to all of this, let's. 00:37:11
Come out in the dark. Let's go back. Let's tell us what's going on. 00:37:15
On my face is this isolated congressman. 00:37:21
In light of the parking issues in the city. 00:37:24
But when I was Planning Commission last week. 00:37:27
And the other. 00:37:30
For a fake center. 00:37:33
And these people right here. 00:37:35
I'm sorry, we need to look at things like that. That's not important. 00:37:40
Have you seen the trouble that we're in this city? Thanks. 00:37:45
I'm Anne. Hello, I'm a resident of Water Savage. I actually refer to talk about some of the garden issues. 00:37:56
I just want to let you guys know that's been doing policies I've had so come into my house. That's one of the. 00:38:04
Questions. And every day, each of us, right. 00:38:11
Depending on what time you would be at different times so. 00:38:15
Yeah, I certainly have to put it up and it moves his car driveway, just takes forward, which is really frustrating when it's. 00:38:20
College, but so. 00:38:27
$150.00 and. 00:38:34
You have blends which people everything hard. 00:38:37
And it's been great for the past few years. As of Monday. 00:38:42
The parking lot is just full, so our 18 passes are kind of useless now because they're philosophical. They can get their work. My 00:38:49
insurance was like, you know this. 00:38:53
Time and she said I posted something on my Instagram story this morning and by this at like 530 before I walked in here, I'd 00:39:01
gotten 73 responses for like people in the apron saying like what we do like like he also heard you move it because you understand 00:39:09
that paper changes in the sport. I mean I example last night our Broads were broken. 00:39:17
And one of my roommates who has a parking passport on the street could not for his his fault so he had to turn down the promo at 00:39:26
1:00 AM and speak her parents house and. 00:39:31
It's. I really do appreciate all working for putting it in and I understand how to call if I found out about. 00:39:42
In Cornell has been a resident of the world community. 00:40:20
Election month and I do not believe be wrong. I don't believe there are any seats in the city of venue there. So my comments are 00:40:24
really more projecting forward to 2025. At the end of 2023 there were some problems in this. I'm checking up on about maybe RCB or 00:40:31
rank choice boarding plus is the best thing. 00:40:38
These are just my bullet points. It was hard to understand which made it hard to explain. 00:40:46
It's really a pretty convoluted process, including information discrimination. It was disjointed and it was seemed to be very 00:40:53
difficult to certify the process. What was it now? So I just like an update for 2025. I would be very thrilled if we went back to 00:41:00
our old style book at the franchise voting on the show. 00:41:07
Mr. Jones and Mr. Musically, and today I mean in terms of some of the. 00:41:22
Talk about parking and into air requirement just for the public. 00:41:28
So thank you for coming. I actually expected to be more. 00:41:35
But this is this has been an issue quite a lot. 00:41:40
And we have a lot of different situations, a lot of different places. 00:41:45
That have different and so trying to figure out what works. 00:41:50
Has been a bit of a challenge so. 00:41:55
What We wanted to open up the overnight parking, yes. 00:42:00
There were some challenges and so we are planning roundtable discussion on November. And so he'll let everybody know. We really do 00:42:04
want to find a solution that works for everybody. I. 00:42:10
That was inside the White House when I had six hours going all over the restaurant and everybody saw their parts. That I 00:42:18
understand. 00:42:21
Your your perspective and that would be hard. So if you will promote that. 00:42:25
Over here in this room, November 5th at 7:00. And hopefully we can we can work on solutions that will work for everything. So 00:42:32
thank you. 00:42:36
Thank you, Sir. I would just add that that we're wrapping up about 1/4 of the master plan for the city. 00:42:43
And one of the. 00:42:54
Potential policies that can be explored for a broad array of neighborhoods so that will create more solution in one place doesn't 00:42:58
necessarily move into and become a problem another place. So, so in addition to this ground game, which I'm looking forward to now 00:43:05
that this is an issue that we are trying to take a very methodical and Broad City people on and come up with solutions that work 00:43:12
for everyone in addition to that. 00:43:20
Less expensive options for parking management so that it doesn't have. 00:43:29
So all those are big issues will discover that solve the problem in one place. 00:43:37
Elsewhere we want to create a broadcast. 00:43:48
All right, hum. We will. Every year we will on breakfast, but we will come back this year probably. 00:43:52
Can we vote on it every other year? Thank you. 00:44:04
OK. So every year we want to purchase voting and it will practice next year to be going on. So you will get this. 00:44:09
And let's see. 00:44:21
So there was a lot to talk about in an article and I would love to. Maybe what we'll do is we'll put a voice session together just 00:44:24
to talk about why, why we announced it this way. When it goes out to the news, we do updates and multiple things out. We're 00:44:31
bursting in these meetings. We install updates. We every now and then we'll do an update on our fossil fuels like we have the 00:44:38
natural gas plant farming and we'll talk about how one of our private developers is working. 00:44:46
District energy and we and it comes to many small moments, but when you read it as a full story, it says something a little bit 00:44:54
different. So you're hearing it different because it's in one place. And so that's why they send it out with their news because 00:45:00
sometimes the newsletter people are always watching. Not everybody's always watching Facebook. So for the most transparency 00:45:05
possible, I put it out in the biggest format that I can find to make sure how requirements and stuff. Anyone who's coming sooner 00:45:11
has an idea of all over him. 00:45:16
Secondly, we can work with multiple levels. So we're probably the space plan. So while we're working, fossil fuel is big in space 00:45:23
and we have these renewable support. 00:45:27
And so it's something that I want to make sure that the residents are aware of and they have the ability to defend their voices 00:45:32
sessions as we go through this, what we'll do is maybe do a work session where we kind of bring the whole story together so that 00:45:39
you can see these little things that you have been learning in the meeting that seem like one piece or maybe nuanced or not 00:45:46
noticeable in those updates. You'll be able to see it in a holistic picture. So that's that's great feedback. 00:45:52
Let's go ahead and move on to. 00:46:00
Our next agenda item and that is going to be our consent agenda items. 00:46:02
Can I get a motion? 00:46:11
Nassim, I think I'd ask for something on 7/23. 00:46:24
Can you review my notes? 00:46:32
Did you want to pull that up for discussion and approve some kind of claim? 00:46:34
It was. Remember what it was? Let's just discuss it. 00:46:41
Yeah. 00:46:51
Do we have a first by date to approve this 1.1 and 7.2? I need a second second a second right Amber? 00:46:54
Is a resolution under the resolution. 00:47:05
Amber aye aye party. 00:47:09
He seems you want to give a brief opening. 00:47:13
I went through I just. 00:47:21
In a procurement world, it's always better to have one, more than one response. I felt comfortable with just having one. But the 00:47:25
request that I had, you know, when you go up to a multiple award, you want to have three to four and a competitive bid process. 00:47:32
And so my request for him was just to e-mail back briefly about those others that for whatever reason didn't respond and ask 00:47:39
briefly what what was the reason? We can't force them to. 00:47:47
But when one finger only responded, it allows for not a great price. 00:47:55
I am very uncomfortable because in this particular market, unlike this kind of market. 00:48:01
Has extremely large market care in the county and to see if we're going to verify that, but I am concerned moving forward with one 00:48:09
vendor is only in our county. We've seen that across other cities as well. 00:48:16
Oh, I see. 00:48:27
Options. 00:49:07
Mental damage Hubbles and so you save it out for for which place comes to work and it's it's sort of the five year contract. The 00:49:31
five year contract is the first year one year contract options to be able to maximize. 00:49:43
Your relevant 1st paper presentation. 00:49:58
So. 00:50:06
And spend the day. 00:50:30
Complete. 00:50:34
Proposal. 00:50:38
We have. 00:50:44
But we did also enterprises with what we played with this kind of average. 00:50:51
As well. 00:51:06
So the city chooses to. 00:51:13
And did you get real quick just go to RP, that's kind of the highest tier open. 00:51:26
Option. The lower tier from that is to see. 00:51:40
Top three, so reach out to three people with no offer service. We will get those three bids taking it to the next year to open it 00:51:45
to AT and all businesses that provide that service and all that provide services in Utah have access to provide. 00:51:54
Situation along with that. 00:52:09
Because other other businesses. 00:52:12
We open it up for any home. 00:52:15
Yeah. And that's what I wanted to point out. It's not that, it's just. 00:52:22
It's a matter of are we don't come back and say, well, we can't do that many roads at that one time or at this particular year. 00:52:26
We're hit really hard. And so that's our busy season. So that's why we're only getting one gathering data. 00:52:34
Hopefully next year or years you get two or three and it keeps thinking though, but I feel comfortable with the background and the 00:52:43
pricing of this evil. It's just what we do next time to try to maybe there's some feedback on it. 00:52:49
Well, this was for a girl called and I. 00:52:58
2nd, 2nd 2nd 3 Any discussion? 00:53:09
All right. 00:53:16
I am. 00:53:20
All right. This puts us in our business items. This is a public hearing. 00:53:23
Special purpose zoning code. Anthony will be giving us a background. 00:53:32
Earlier and I was having it. So what we're going to do is have a bunch of the public hearing. We'll have a discussion will come on 00:53:39
the public hearing. Can I get a motion? I'm just going to public hearing party. 00:53:45
Amber all in favor? 00:53:53
Thank you, Mayor. 00:53:55
My name is Anthony Webster. 00:54:02
And that would be 202433. So just for the quick background while going through the site plan publication, you know reading 00:54:11
process, the applicant indicated that. 00:54:18
Exploring Washington Drive through to the Village Market site plan that has been approved. 00:54:27
So they have just want to make it clear that this this zoning text amendment, it's not giving them a goal on applicants of goal 00:54:34
pharmacy drive students in the cycling has been approved. 00:54:42
Will be required to go through all city processes and requirements and you know we just Planning Commission for approval to vote. 00:54:51
So the applicant did want to have actually wanted to have been used in the downtown area but during the. 00:55:01
Public Hearing Planning Commission, We have discussions and taking the language load. 00:55:14
So this will be. 00:55:19
Average length of cars range from 7:50 feet depending on the size and what we mean by second distance is the measure that's used 00:55:23
to determine drive through names while taking place. So best practice is to have supply for 10 feet for each car. 00:55:34
In a drive through lane. 00:55:47
And based on the. 00:55:49
Then we recommend 60 feet. 00:55:52
Which means that's going to be 3. 00:55:56
So this was definitely the cable to get on. 00:56:03
Some apples that we. 00:56:06
Just to clarify, he meant 18 feet the best. 00:56:10
So 20 feet per color. 00:56:15
OK, so during the public hearing and Planning Commission. 00:56:28
We had a lot of discussions and they added on to the language that also posted them. 00:56:33
And while the big changes were to make it an operating permitted abuse, make it a conditional use to be required for all pharmacy 00:56:39
doctors. 00:56:44
And they maintained the 60 feet and. 00:56:50
Also maintained the 12 foot width that we recommend and one of the things that was made from Planning Commission was to have 00:56:53
traffic analysis. 00:56:59
Submitted as part of that application process for site plan that is being considered. 00:57:05
So Planning Commission raised on all of that. 00:57:13
Language blending positively that City Council. 00:57:18
Approves the Ordnance, 2024. 00:57:24
So here would be. 00:57:28
A proposed motion. 00:57:32
Or it was against 136%? 00:57:34
Comments for a question. 00:57:40
Or the conditional abuse with this to allow flexibility and. 00:57:42
And. 00:57:52
So we know that pharmacies are successful. 00:57:56
Just to change conditions or other conditions always exist. 00:58:02
Patients will be asleep. 00:58:06
Or just to. 00:58:08
Yeah. 00:58:17
So we have to listen status, we have to follow all the standards. 00:58:25
And finally, Commission be able to condition that could potentially anything and also tax Democrats. 00:58:29
So what that does, it just gives you the flag Commission. 00:58:41
Some sort of? 00:58:49
I. 00:59:08
Are there any questions for the public? 00:59:13
But none of that time finished. The previous Planning Commission talked about how it was going to be hard to ask that in One 00:59:25
Direction, and I don't think that's the one part of the bill. 00:59:33
I've had to go some circuit look, the Archer said. 00:59:41
Route to get to get to. 00:59:46
Alphabet talked about. 00:59:49
Blocking the public road to the building shops together. 00:59:53
I think the development needs to do this so it's easy access. The developers doing it from the double supply maximize their 00:59:56
profits. Use every square foot they can reflecting the public. 01:00:02
Like that to be considered in the future again, locate the drive. 01:00:11
By both sides of the chairman production people come from. Thank you. 01:00:18
I've been talking about the right here, unless it has to do with the condition, et cetera. 01:00:36
I mean, do you think that would be a perfect conversation for the conditions? 01:00:48
That's all part of the reason why you're requiring analysis. 01:00:54
Any other questions from the public? 01:01:08
All right, let's tell him go on to public degree. So thank you for whatever I need to submit. 01:01:13
Thanks, Sarah. All in favor. Aye, aye. All right, if you have any questions. 01:01:21
I just am very concerned about it as well. You know, I was going to go to Midtown. I don't know why I was in the City Council for 01:01:30
now, but I happen to be there. 01:01:35
And also medical. 01:01:41
If we don't build it right, I remember the grumblings of it is not accessible different things and failing them from a wall. Even 01:01:44
the developers have that about giving in and out. 01:01:49
We've invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our RDA money to make it successful and I know they own the property but will 01:01:56
clean up with on us and I just have you know it's already in the pharmacy going under and vineyard in a very accessible area up on 01:02:05
the road is much cleaner but much easier more so on the other side of the tracks down in there and then making it unaccessible so. 01:02:13
I want it to be successful but also understanding that they own the grocery store meeting it gives me scared for our investment. 01:02:23
A grocery store 1 moment and then they're gonna build their own and then own it. It's like are we gonna return our clean up 01:02:32
initial honor? And so I I struggle with allowing for this half. 01:02:38
Like like what he's saying or it is hard to access and so then I struggle with that. 01:02:45
We needed to be successful. You know, we put in hundreds of millions of dollars. 01:02:53
So we like the idea that there's a condition on that that allows you to assess each detrimental impact for this specific 01:02:57
ordinance. I just don't think it's the right spot and it should they should adjust it to. 01:03:04
Putting the responsibility of it's successful. So you like the zoning you're just concerned about that specific. No, I don't I 01:03:13
don't want to adjust this. I don't think, I don't think the pharmacy fits in that specific area. So the pharmacy is not like the 01:03:18
drive through thing. I don't think the drive through fits. 01:03:24
So they can look at it and fix. 01:03:34
But that's separate from what we're creating a conditional use format that free to, I don't see a giving a condition to have a 01:03:38
drive through in the downtown area, good spot for that. Again, I'm really excited for us to have a drive through. So if we're 01:03:47
going to have a. 01:03:55
City on and off. 01:04:03
Distance and so that will be an option. 01:04:28
Hello, Lisa. Required. 01:04:45
Yeah, and that's a good point learning because psychological. So you guys do have questions that you want to understand better 01:04:55
meeting with Morgan or the. 01:05:00
Okay, any other questions about this particular topic? 01:05:08
No. OK, then I just think about that. 01:05:12
Ordinance 22-13. 01:05:20
And the first time and I get a second. 01:05:24
Lot 6545, the new fire station. 01:05:51
Public facility we will have. 01:05:56
Margin. 01:06:02
So we're going to do the same thing. We're going to open the public steering discussion. Can I get a motion? Can I move to open a 01:06:05
question? Thank you, Amber, can I get a second? 01:06:11
Can you Sarah on the table? I always renounce her tangible but I can't remember something. 01:06:19
No change approval of it essentially just takes the one lot that we created in the where the fire stations group for and rezone 01:06:27
facility with our zoning map will see all city on the property. 01:06:35
All the schools and so we thought that this was the most fitting domain for this type of use and it was also traditional. 01:06:47
So I'm happy to understand any questions on that editing Ordinance 2024. 01:06:59
What would that etcetera? 01:07:12
Property and sell it for representative. 01:07:19
We have to go through that process and so it's not like a stipulating that if it changes it just automatically correct. OK, what 01:07:27
if we kept it that way? What what are all the things that could land in that spot and public facilities? It actually is a pretty 01:07:32
like fairly open. 01:07:38
Use. 01:07:44
That option. 01:07:52
But yeah, I'm not. So would it be better to keep it better because it becomes an important thing to the city that doesn't disrupt 01:07:55
the community or is important from your professional opinion to merge put in situation of the first actor cannot do that without 01:08:01
going through a public hearing. 01:08:07
All right question. 01:08:16
One of the public facilities. 01:08:26
For their fire apparatus. 01:08:32
Side of the property it is effective residential would allow and the reason we hopefully. 01:08:35
There's also that power line 4/4 and 300 W that runs along there. So we felt that this garage is being built. I believe that Max 01:08:46
had 25 feet won't ruin any of the views or anything like that because it's far away from from any other residential building. 01:08:53
Any questions? 01:09:02
Gardena hasn't spent your residence I'm sorry cash last week yes I had one question about this and it's found that garage I said 01:09:13
all the buildings would remain intact if we go back to the residential zoning, but then that building will not be that building a 01:09:22
lot of clients correct OK so why don't we send it back any further or make it slow and so we. 01:09:31
With the size of the loft, is this too small for the size of garage is needed for the apparatus and then you are really 01:09:42
constrained and how the bottles also granting towards the accessory rather than the neighborhood. They really did just constraints 01:09:50
where that could go. And that being said, even if it wasn't on it would just be grant other than you know we wouldn't have to them 01:09:57
also broader anything like that. But don't you think that's a precedent for other things happening on that same? 01:10:05
We're taking one of zones ordinance and reverted back to another one and making another session. Another grandfather. We're going 01:10:13
to have this. 01:10:17
We're setting the presidents, so I just need to have to have a residential where you have to have a public facilities. Thank you. 01:10:23
Maybe we can talk about how it's isolated and experienced. 01:10:34
You will often see properties, zones, but maybe not developed yet and the existing pieces on the property would be what are 01:10:44
called. 01:10:51
If you were a cheaper days, it brings up factor resolution without structure. That is what we don't know. 01:11:04
This is the way the courts depart. 01:11:12
Where you see the demands often. 01:11:14
And so I don't know that you are doing anything. 01:11:40
It could probably go on, and certainly wouldn't. 01:12:06
They often talked about this time. 01:12:35
Houses. 01:12:38
So I think that's we talked about. 01:12:50
If it fulfills, our firefighters are happy and they're able to work more position. I don't know that. 01:12:57
The staff wandered around the reservation not to talk about it. 01:13:06
Well, I think that's one of the reasons. 01:13:12
I have a question. 01:13:20
OK, let's go back to the public here. I need to run second, second, second time. All in favor. All right. Have we had a chance to 01:13:31
put like a sign of that block yet? Because I really want to make sure that these people have been doing this to me. So I know we 01:13:37
need to fire so the community is aware of it. I feel that you get a lot of social media outreach, people contracting and questions 01:13:44
and concerns. 01:13:50
That process that I really want to make sure that our new residents are aware of this. 01:13:57
This is something we have. 01:14:02
Staff level of way to do it. So one way is because we've got to do the home builder and just say you know they. 01:14:04
That they do something or we can just. 01:14:14
Do something with that so that there are some options. We just want to kind of pick up project for that. 01:14:20
We can make that why would be wonderful. I mean, definitely I would love to see it. 01:14:27
If I pay the rest of them, yeah, I think we're all one of us. 01:14:36
Any other questions or thoughts? 01:14:44
I don't like setting the precedence when we set his own. 01:14:52
And then? 01:15:00
I struggle with that and then grandfather anytime you know, like you just come to the desk. So I get that the fire station being 01:15:04
the height, I think, I don't know, I struggle with it. I, I just clarify that height. It is all according to our enormous 01:15:11
residential building itself with the fire station. I don't think it's about 35 feet. The garage doesn't go over 25 feet and then 01:15:17
the set back. 01:15:24
In a normal residential zone for every foot or for every football, I think. 01:15:32
Any future set back? 01:15:39
And it's 5 feet. It really is not. 01:15:41
Tightest. 01:15:51
I mean, I like Darius so much too. I think it's going to be aware of this thing, but I also like talking about land owners. 01:15:55
To be able to. 01:16:02
Don't let they want to go reset. 01:16:04
Oh, no, I'm just talking about general. Yeah, I don't think it's, I'm saying that's what we're here for. We're going to work with 01:16:11
land owners. We're going to work with projects. And so I appreciate flexibility, but I do appreciate this. 01:16:19
OK. Any other comments? 01:16:32
1.3 needs to make it to Planning Commission course, so this will be postponed until that has. 01:16:54
Yeah. 01:17:03
OK. 01:17:15
All right. 01:17:19
Cancel Do you have a face or offered with money? 01:17:22
Just today, Sarah and I had a really cool opportunity. 01:17:32
To do and participate in a couple of nights there, encouraging voting and encouraging the students to get involved in it was just 01:17:36
a really. 01:17:42
It was just really important to be able to be a friend back and see the engagement. And just as a reminder, there are things 01:17:50
coming up on the ballot. You should be receiving them. 01:17:54
Starting Monday, they're out in the mail on Monday. 01:18:01
So you should start seeing them next week. 01:18:04
And just encourage your neighbors to get involved. And that's a big representative election. That was just kind of. 01:18:07
Excited for the day? 01:18:17
We had the. 01:18:22
The Liberate Spa open up, they did their grand opening that was really exciting and they should go check it out. The clinical 01:18:24
facility with some really cool. 01:18:29
Yes. 01:18:36
What does that take? 01:18:43
Floating, but we do have the float, the float bed, but they also have a hyperbolic Chamber of sorts, like it's a lower grade, not 01:18:46
like what you might see at a hospital, but it's pretty cool. And then also just tomorrow for economics, we have not there and then 01:18:55
just something nearby. 01:19:03
And where else there are. 01:19:13
Bitter or whiter, they're outdoors, they open nothing or and then they really want to engage with each other as well. 01:19:15
Oh my goodness, thank you are the Texas Roadhouse with so cold. We the surrounding cities got to go to Texas Roadhouse where they 01:19:23
created a community corner in the back of the restaurant where they have pictures and they're brilliant from each city. Clinton, 01:19:31
Provo, Orange Bayward and a big resident is owner president in that restaurant. So it was really fun to engage in. 01:19:40
The you know the highlights and if they have a really cool picture. 01:19:50
Have an elementary school classic from back in the day. So that was a really cool, really cool experience thing. I know that 01:19:53
they've been great partners with the city. We were so excited to be a part of that. 01:19:59
And then it will also highlight which businesses are one 100 percent, $1000 to make sure that. 01:20:08
I don't know. 01:20:32
And what what the that will do is I think it's the first three months that to do this one color and then after that that memory 01:20:36
you can see. 01:20:46
That's so cool. Thank you so much. 01:21:02
I wanted to thank. 01:21:25
I'm just rotating you off of last week and I put you first last week, so I'm going to give it to Amber and then. 01:21:28
OK. Let me tend to be 1 little bit over the last couple of days and one of the core sessions was really energy precipitation, 01:21:35
nuclear, geothermal inhibition about whether it was exciting. 01:21:43
Different people from the state come together and there was very positive. 01:21:52
5 grand there so that was really good to get about 3 months is on October 21st at 537 thirty at Grove Park so make sure you stop 01:21:59
by and get some candy staff. 01:22:05
Toward the Lakeshore with forestry fires and lands as their assessment boundaries of our projects submit our application so we'll 01:22:14
keep you updated on that. As far as the same and community gardens building up in all times that should be cleared up by that 01:22:19
afternoon too. 01:22:24
Why do you ask the question? 01:22:40
You know, our downtown, our beachfront plan has a lot of things that are up in the air in terms of the math, so. 01:22:50
Everything over most detailed of like what issues they have with the plan, the computer and crossing the sovereign land and things 01:23:01
have been more updated by what they do and not allowed. 01:23:07
So I helped direction thing because you know there's. 01:23:16
The Great. 01:23:24
It currently is ongoing litigation. 01:23:27
In a nutshell. 01:23:35
In the United States. 01:23:40
Public trust. 01:23:43
And the statement is responsible for the. 01:23:45
So one of the conversations we can have, it would. 01:23:58
Horseshoe fired State tax is. 01:24:04
To make sure our project. 01:24:08
Republic and we're doing it with Niger to get somebody litigation because. 01:24:12
So they were instead of just sitting. 01:24:22
With us and look at what the existing conditions are. 01:24:27
All the boys together and I took that too. Document what the existing conditions are and make sure that whatever we. 01:24:33
Trust that. 01:24:42
Open the other one. 01:25:00
That order. So I don't think we have any issues. 01:25:02
I just think it's an important and so basically planning will stop until we understand the legalities where we can. 01:25:16
Well, what we've. 01:25:27
I want to be careful about to get to work on the road because we really are expecting their role. 01:25:30
Right. 01:25:36
This process so. 01:25:38
The meaningful stuff out. 01:25:41
We want to make sure that our. 01:25:44
From there instead of submitting plants. 01:25:48
Our work with them is to try to identify what those areas are. 01:25:55
Them will perform. 01:26:03
Document of activities that respect the public trust. 01:26:06
Which they want us to leave. 01:26:18
So once we get that. 01:26:21
Did they bring that in relation with the Utah Lake Master Plan of Life? 01:26:27
Yeah, they do have a master point across the public. 01:26:35
Aspects that. 01:26:41
Encouraging about having the city and city residents in our original design. 01:26:43
OK. 01:26:49
That's really resolved my concerns like where that is because it's a very lengthy and as you know this is going to take some time. 01:26:54
That's one of the holdups of one car away and other things close to soccer what you can and cannot do. My question is I know 01:27:04
really Gammon and Wayne those properties are now those other properties are now on in the possession of the state or I'm sorry. 01:27:14
Like Vineyard beach and everything. 01:27:25
So. 01:27:28
Are those things settled out of like the city, you know, the weather is from like the path all the way down to the water's edge. I 01:27:31
saw the momentum parcel out there indicating everything in the city's name. But this is the litigation between now that you guys 01:27:39
hold the plane, do you hold those free plan from the federal government? 01:27:48
Litigation as well or as a general. 01:27:57
Conversation. I just think, right, I'm concerned about the story. 01:28:03
Well, none of those people are waiting. The third or fourth cousin, they're like 5 generations. What I'm saying is I know, I know 01:28:16
they're in the city name. What I'm saying is that. 01:28:20
If those legalities haven't been determined, I worry about planning anything. 01:28:27
I just, I don't have those because they're in, they're in our city, Maine. 01:28:38
All right. Thanks for the update there. 01:28:47
I was concerned about the I mean, I'm really grateful that the city has put forth a new city app. I got a lot of citizens for 01:28:53
asking about the cost. 01:28:57
And how many hours are involved in development and maintenance? 01:29:03
One of the concerns I have is cyber security if we are going to be in the development business of locking down that town. 01:29:08
I didn't see that plan and that was the first time I've heard of it. 01:29:17
No, the new Vineyard City app that we. 01:29:24
Just how did we do? I didn't know about it. 01:29:29
So I will continue to see out of something technology. 01:29:34
And also our overall. 01:29:39
The contract for the the city app. 01:29:44
I was thinking of you by the calendar. It's a dollar. 01:29:48
Payment all cyber security measurable. 01:29:55
Website. 01:30:02
And secured data security will be on the app developer. 01:30:04
Of like entering in data there. 01:30:09
OK. 01:30:19
The other thing that I, I've got a lot of time this past week that, you know, RDA and I wanted to thank staff for. 01:30:22
We didn't have an extension on on all those RDA founding documents. I didn't ask for quite a bit, but I wanted to share with 01:30:35
council this meeting and describe it after of my my great concern. 01:30:41
About getting the 2024 against the property tax. 01:30:48
Stephen, the new tax that has shown that we're around $800. 01:30:51
After the first student contribution. 01:30:57
And all the other students around us. 01:31:02
4000. 01:31:05
Linden is over 7000 and this is due because our RDA takes the money from education and I'll turn this public thing to three to 01:31:08
move it to Utah City. 01:31:14
And the data is off of the ASD and. 01:31:22
The state certified tax rate system. 01:31:29
My concern is what I wanted the council to talk about. This is just approximate attention from 4 of Linden and others that are 01:31:34
looking at the split and seeing their contributions are extremely high whereas ours are only $800.00. And knowing that seeing the 01:31:44
two poles that came out in the central split of around 50% and moved satisfied, you know a great percentage on their undecided. 01:31:54
When you're looking at the wax. 01:32:05
In the 70 some odd percent, you know, saying they were satisfied, it looks very. 01:32:07
Likely that a split will occur in either just the West going and then possibly central. And my concern is the funding for this new 01:32:15
district with the RDA taking so much of our money to go across the away from our students. And what what's happened is, is that 01:32:25
just other cities, the other 14 cities are making up for us on. 01:32:35
And so I would, I would love the council to start preliminary conversation even if there isn't a school that we're not, we're 01:32:47
obviously can't do that interlocal agreement, but if we could start open meetings to understand what that is, we're coming at the 01:32:54
table being very underfunded. 01:33:01
Because of the RDA And is there any appetite to enough discussions even if you know, I know I paid for this to be in November? 01:33:12
The boy was sweating in the dense path and. 01:33:23
So I'll do this for the council, meet the different. 01:33:27
Discussions about how Jack's recovery works with the RDA. 01:33:32
What I would recommend is to document that. 01:33:36
Obtained. Would you share because you want to open up the discussion with the rest of the Johnson and then we should review those 01:33:41
numbers AFC and have our RDA? 01:33:46
Director, Combat Assessment. 01:33:53
So that you can access it if you wanted to. 01:34:03
Yeah. What I need is, I think it was also it's it's interpretation. 01:34:10
We have a clear for the council so that we all have a great discussion what we can do because Jake is saying we want a discussion 01:34:18
before November. 01:34:23
When the election is coming out, it's it's right time frame that I can see what opportunities there are and then get back to. 01:34:31
Suggesting this is necessarily the case with some issue I think. 01:34:42
And there's a restriction I guess. 01:34:47
It is our productivity. I don't know what the question you're raised with these questions that people have to look at what's in 01:34:53
the document. 01:34:58
Certainly if it's just. 01:35:06
A question about 30 days at the current department. 01:35:09
That's really great 1. 01:35:18
Make sure that. 01:35:30
I'm actually not talking about bringing up the RDA. I mean, yeah, it's probably a group for discussion of okay, you do plan A, 01:35:34
Plan B and plan CI believe that we. 01:35:40
Our side plan is don't do anything. 01:35:49
I interlock with random supply. However, what is our Plan B if one of them splits, why are why are we not having like we have that 01:35:54
inner city dialogue with the poor city. Why, why can't we do that? I see. So you're wanting to do to begin the process of 01:36:00
contingency plan, right? I was like, hey, what happened to the fund And then and then, OK, what is the contingency of plan C and 01:36:07
the way? 01:36:13
Yeah, let me finish. So that's the way the platform worked last time. 01:36:22
We were very open and transparent with all sorts of things and it was a quorum where I as well, and that was the request. 01:36:27
Yeah, I've been in touch with and I continue my elections beginning with the City Council members to discuss kind of incumbency 01:36:38
plans and how long before depending on how November so work and so. 01:36:47
This is definitely going to be a public process once we figure out what's happening and we're standing all the information right 01:36:56
now to know exactly what steps we need to take. So your concerns are definitely something that I've been working with the school 01:37:01
district responsibility. 01:37:06
And I will keep you updated. I have more information by next council and I can update you then if you want to do it publicly. 01:37:12
Before that. 01:37:22
I don't know. 01:37:25
Is a parking meeting and with meeting out of town I don't know if I'm able to. 01:37:27
I think that's where we would probably wait. 01:37:32
And what we'll do is we'll start this descendants assignments and then as managers were meeting as well. And as soon I think what 01:37:37
you're really thinking a part of is you just want to be where having to discuss things about the committee that starts forming how 01:37:45
this works. And already as we follow up with us, but we'll make sure to do what you need to stay out of that and I can also. 01:37:53
Yeah. And I can, I can keep you updated if you want more information as they come across it. But that's really that's for sharing 01:38:03
everything in the public. I think that there's so many have known. So I think it's more productive to have an absolutely until the 01:38:08
election. 01:38:12
Yeah, as long as we're prepared with the tools you need. 01:38:20
It's very administrative that a lot of it is administrative, but we're just trying to be open communication. 01:38:24
Yeah, I think, I think that the last thing was from a request from me on the fire department RDA and being able to use the City 01:38:40
Hall money for the RDA money. We asked for a legal request from you daily on. 01:38:49
Its City Hall RDA funds, but even though we don't have. 01:38:59
Maybe politically we don't want to go do it. I wanted to understand the RDA rules on being able to use that towards the fire 01:39:03
department. Did you get that request? 01:39:08
I received a request, but I'd be happy to tell. 01:39:15
We just wondered if this will be more definition of like can RV Axon be used to build something of height like a building like it 01:39:19
was like, no, it can only be used for infrastructure, but yet we're using it to go to City Hall. So could those funds could have 01:39:27
they been in fact venues to do the fire department and then so you're asking. 01:39:35
If the question you're asking is eligible, yeah, well, what is that defined by? 01:39:44
Council this year. 01:40:10
Or the dollar 9090 thousand. 01:40:22
Another. 01:40:27
All right. Thank you for coming. 01:40:55
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Hey, go ahead, we're going. 00:00:05
All right, all right, today, October 9th, 2024, it's Wednesday and the time is 6:00 and 7:00. We're going to go ahead and start 00:00:09
our regular City Council meeting. 00:00:17
And the Pledge of Allegiance and. 00:00:27
Dear Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for this on the fall day. We're grateful that we can be here together as we're working 00:00:33
towards. 00:00:37
It will also benefit the community as a whole. He's blessed us that we can be in tune. 00:00:42
To one another. 00:00:51
We can get. 00:00:54
We are so very grateful for all of the staff that were here. 00:00:56
All right. 00:01:13
Jerry, Jerry. Jerry. 00:02:08
Say out loud so we can know it. 00:02:13
OK, We never want to pretend it. We're just really grateful for their efforts and doing it right away. And compliance this week 00:02:17
that all cities come into the faster that that fights them will be back in place. And so we're hoping to see an October timeline 00:02:23
as we talk to other communities, but we're just really grateful for our team for working so efficiently. So thank you all very 00:02:28
much for that. 00:02:34
Let's see. 00:02:41
We also voted in a new planning commissioner that. 00:02:42
Of our that's filling the rest of the commissioners who served the city well. Natalie Carpenter come up and introduce yourself to 00:02:46
a residence. We all voted during panelists last week, but we want to hear from you is that we want to serve you. 00:02:55
Over here. 00:03:34
The Constitution of the United states constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state in the constitution of 00:03:58
state of Utah, and that I will discharge the duties of my office, and I will charge the chiefs at my office. 00:04:05
Congratulations. 00:04:13
Thank you so much. 00:04:44
All right, that moves us right into our work session and we are going to hear from Natalie Allen, one of our employees. It's been 00:04:46
meeting up privacy, cybersecurity and looking at a little bit of an update on services, IT services. 00:04:53
State sort of thing here. 00:05:06
So. 00:05:39
Especially in implementing privacy related changes. So we need to start ahead of the service and. 00:05:50
Not because of that, but because of our desire to interrupt. 00:06:01
There have been some improvements. 00:06:09
Ourselves, there's a lot of resources. Why? 00:06:13
My daughter needs a stronger pregnancy measures. 00:06:17
And so because of that as well as. 00:06:20
And they have made privacy more of a priority in the 1st place and. 00:06:23
They've wished because we're priority based, implemented a lot of different laws that are even out of these parties. So these laws 00:06:31
are designed to ensure that data protection is at the forefront of our application. And one of the examples. 00:06:40
Sorry, should have changed that center. That's what I meant to do. So one of the specific examples, so a lot of the changes. 00:06:52
To the HD591 ordinance and which is actually one of the all voted on that and. 00:07:00
You guys was back in February, so well, that's when the state made those changes. 00:07:13
So as part of the evolving changes. 00:07:21
For an evolving priorities. 00:07:26
In your form I mentioned was established this year and. 00:07:32
A little bit, but this office has incredible support for us and has made it so that we have resources to help us navigate the 00:07:42
complexities of privacy and the new regulations. 00:07:48
So because of the oxidative privacy, they I was able to attend a privacy boot camp actually just a couple weeks ago. Well more 00:07:56
than a couple weeks still happened, but it will because that boot camp, it is leading to the certified information privacy manager 00:08:04
of the CIPM certification that I will soon receive. 00:08:11
And. 00:08:19
In line with the commitment to privacy, the Office of Data Privacy is also preparing to release a privacy planning document in the 00:08:21
beginning of November. And this resource will specifically guidance companies like us in creating effective privacy strategies to 00:08:29
compliance with the law. So I'm actually going to give some time over Chris. So I continue apart. 00:08:36
Yeah, and thank you. This is what we saw. 00:08:48
I'm actually going to turn that because is actually about the residents. 00:08:51
And I saw this on the agenda. I was going to be here on my way home from work and I was like, I have. 00:09:04
Because I like to capture the history of the privacy of what we're doing is for the first day of the nation to really try to 00:09:10
address privacy. And one thing that I think the public needs to recognize is we're not in a perfect statement. We're not even in a 00:09:16
good state when it comes to data management. And honestly, where we are as a state and as every state in the country, there's 00:09:22
foundational records management in the laws, right? How long we're supposed to keep data giving notice, quote before that data. 00:09:28
The purposes and use of the data. But in Utah, just like every other state, you're going to find most entities have actually kept 00:09:35
data forever. 00:09:38
That's part of migration as we have the paper records, IT systems. We didn't account for privacy records management. Most of 00:09:42
reforms don't give notice of purpose. Many government agencies nationwide have stopped really focusing on the concept of record 00:09:48
series, which is transparency mechanism so people know what we're doing with data. So with that said, it makes it really hard to 00:09:54
do commentary. Start doing privacy now. There's a lot of things that need to be fixed and especially here in Vineyard where we're 00:10:00
building a brand new city. 00:10:06
Greatest technology so there's lots of things that you do with license plate readers with facial recognition with few location 00:10:13
services with noise listening devices for gunshot detection and these aren't bad things at all, but they raise the risk of 00:10:20
possible privacy violation. So at the state did last session was create a government data privacy app to set a forward-looking 00:10:27
strategy that essentially says from this point on we're going to do better when we do new systems new services evenings that are. 00:10:35
And then we're going to the next three years figuring out all these existing stuff out there and come up with a strategy. But at 00:10:42
the end of a decade as the life cycle to our system, they will be replaced with things that you adequately protect privacy. And 00:10:49
Utah would then be ahead of the curve and have really great privacy programs across the state. So here a minute ago, I'm going to 00:10:56
talk to completely very early on this process. 00:11:03
The state on the first key privacy officer in the state. We wanted a few states with the privacy officer with an office of data 00:11:10
privacy. 00:11:13
First one for our legislative leadership called out this nationwide issue. So literally all the states are looking for us saying 00:11:17
are you can modernize their laws. I had a chance to sit down with our attorney and records officer here. This is about a year ago. 00:11:23
You were talking about some issues with grandma. And so I've been able to take that into what are we going to do to actually fix 00:11:29
this? How are we going to update the laws and make it so we have a privacy? 00:11:36
So here in vineyards, we are ahead of the curve. We have leadership. 00:11:43
You have Natalie who attended a workshop, boot camp. These are all foundational things that you take the privacy building. But 00:11:49
what's really going to happen now between now and May 1st is essentially initiating your program saying we are committed to 00:11:55
privacy, we're going to do it. And then the hard work actually starts after May 1st of actually doing slowly maturing overtime. 00:12:01
And we can't just stop government functioning just because we have some privacy issues. We still have to process it and do things, 00:12:07
but the idea is start. 00:12:13
You will be done. We're going to figure out how to clean up the laws, figure out how we're actually going to do this. But that 00:12:19
never been done. But the public should be able to trust that we are doing it because there's a plan to people both at the state 00:12:25
level and they're the city that are following the plan, implementing the plan, and doing the transparent plan. A couple shoutouts 00:12:32
to the city too. Union is the first city that adopted in some of our development agreement. 00:12:38
Private developers agreed to protect personal data when it comes to use of license plate readers. 00:12:44
And some of our public private partnership garages or things that are concerns around that no other city in the nation has done 00:12:49
that. If you saw a city developers have been very active in discussions and wanting to do privacy right. We can do great things 00:12:57
very vigor and do it with balancing the rights of public safety and efficiency and all the other things that you have. But I, I do 00:13:04
think we have great things happening here and we should be proud of what's happening here and those other partners so. 00:13:11
Yes, thank you so much. We've had a really great team. And it's not about what technology we have today. It's just the idea that 00:13:19
the technology is available and we want to get ahead of it so that residents know that their privacy is always protected. And 00:13:25
you're doing such a great job and it's going to work with everything. For several years, we've been kind of focusing towards this. 00:13:30
And so it's we're excited to see the strategic stuff. 00:13:36
Thank you. 00:13:42
Right now we take us home. 00:13:47
Well, thank you so much. So that's not an issue. 00:13:49
So because in conjunction with all of these privacy focused efforts, we have also posted an RFP for cybersecurity and ID support 00:13:55
services. So our goal is to partner with the provider who not only offers competitive printing and robust protection, but 00:14:03
specifically you can also deliver consultations services so they because. 00:14:11
So much of our privacy is linked with cybersecurity and IT and making sure that we are. 00:14:20
Proficient in that. So their their services, their consultation services are going to be key. 00:14:26
Need to develop and implement new privacy policies and plans. 00:14:33
So to wrap things up, I just wanted to outline the next step. So you guys have an overview of the different milestones that we'll 00:14:39
be getting. Specifically, I am going to get my my CF cancer education. And then in conjunction these kind of are happening more or 00:14:48
less at the same time, but we're going to award the bid for the cybersecurity and IT company and getting that certification will. 00:14:57
Be able to further enhance our ability to manage privacy initiatives effectively and then having that new company. 00:15:07
We will be able to move forward with. 00:15:15
Having the right goals and objectives. 00:15:18
Outlined and then with that implementation that's concerning the privacy plan and coordinating with the privacy plan from the 00:15:22
Office of Data Privacy and then coordinating with our company so that we can also create formal policies and and plan creation. 00:15:30
Which will. 00:15:40
Help us to formulate a better option and also then. 00:15:43
Once we accomplish all of those specific milestones, then Vineyard will be in a really great position to further plan and stuff 00:15:47
like he was saying like after May and being able to achieve our long term privacy and and security objectives. 00:15:54
So thank you so much for your support and also just, I mean it means a lot that Vineyard has a vacuum relationship. And so I'm 00:16:03
confident that three steps will be able to create. 00:16:10
Foreign privacy focused environment for Vineyard City and other things. 00:16:17
Any questions? 00:16:22
Let me just add that another series of a privacy that we started next week and then the 1st. 00:16:25
Thanks so much. 00:16:33
Yeah. How much is the cybersecurity certification cost? 00:16:38
How much money did we set at the time? 00:16:45
As far as the the Skype certification is actually the opposite. 00:16:51
So. 00:17:02
And then? 00:17:13
The details of the contract. 00:17:15
Identified the. 00:17:21
Contractor. 00:17:25
How much should we set aside in the budget? 00:17:27
Why? I'm just not in a couple of games. 00:17:41
Perfect. Thank you. 00:17:47
I'd take there and cancel. 00:18:08
All right. Well, thank you very much. So I'm excited to talk to you about district cities. 00:18:49
Communities across the globe, which further aligns the vineyards mission of staying. 00:18:55
Imagine a world where cities not only coexist, but. 00:19:05
Shareholders support each other. Sister cities. There's something called twin towns do just that. They establish partnerships and 00:19:11
transcendent borders, Austrian friendships and cooperation with diverse cultures. They promote cultural exchange, anti economic 00:19:17
development and encourage community. 00:19:24
Overall, as we researched sister city and talked to other cities that have sister cities, these are some kind of the primary 00:19:35
benefits that we see. Also, there's a lot from a cultural exchange standpoint. Economic development is a very exciting piece of 00:19:41
this, being able to look at cities and that innovation district. 00:19:48
So as we look at potentially having this, we want to see a city that, you know, the hope is that they're strong where we want them 00:19:57
strong. 00:20:01
Educational opportunities, networking is really, really critical seeing kind of where these have. 00:20:10
That has a lot of the same type of environmental locations that we have. So city that are on the water that are having 00:20:17
universities that are working to create district. 00:20:26
In doing that, we've looked at. 00:20:39
Several innovation districts that have talked to people, some of these. 00:20:41
Looked at places like Portugal where they have a great division district and they have. 00:20:46
A lot of technology, life science that they can come together and and and collaborate and help to build economic activity. 00:20:55
There's a lot of parallels that we found. 00:21:10
Through. 00:21:14
A lot of what we're doing, especially on the lake right now, is trying to. 00:21:16
Trade an environment that is able to to sustain the natural beauty that we have all the way. 00:21:21
And overall to be able to connect that to our downtown for downtown with the businesses that are located in the nation. 00:21:28
Provide a lot of economic development, how do we connect that to, to, to, to a lot of funds? And so some of these things are 00:21:40
happening. 00:21:44
Pretty exciting. 00:21:52
App is a really interesting innovation district that we visited. 00:21:55
Last year This is a. 00:22:01
Several 100 companies and puts them all into one incubator space and and these are mainly startup companies and then and then they 00:22:06
also work with the larger IT players that help to to provide the mentorship companies. 00:22:14
And so in the station. 00:22:23
And provide the resources to also helps. 00:22:32
And so some of these are our concepts that we we've been looking at within our downtown, we also part of our universities to 00:22:39
create a lot of innovation. 00:22:43
Of the idea of helping our students in our. 00:22:49
Grow to have those resource points. 00:22:56
There's other places like Singapore that are very tech heavy but are really interesting too because we're also right on the water 00:23:04
and so it's interesting to see how cities are able to. 00:23:10
Couple of the overall city environment and what their waterfront went with their innovation district. 00:23:18
And so this is kind of just touching upon this other piece overall benefits that we really see. I've done another thing too is 00:23:30
with infrastructure and how they've been able to have very efficient transits this time. 00:23:37
You know, right now we have the potential to have you know ERT potentially from the light rail, all them together, together, all 00:23:46
above. And so this is provide us the opportunity to see how how transit is really efficiently and how the efficiency of transit 00:23:53
and your overall transportation system, it can really help your economic development. 00:24:00
Drive and drive businesses. 00:24:08
These are some. 00:24:13
Steps that we're looking at right now Mariah authorities intern that doesn't working with the city done a lot of research and 00:24:15
great, great work on this. And so right now we're we're we're still kind of in that phase of research and that. 00:24:23
Fine cities that are a lot like us and are well set up requirement, but also have that academic space that's really important that 00:24:32
we found. 00:24:38
That they have some problem. 00:24:48
There's a lot of cities in the top that have. 00:24:54
You can see that all over the world and it's really kind of exciting. A lot of cities, too, won't pick. 00:25:01
A lot of Utah cities will pick cities that have a lot of. 00:25:09
But I think from a cultural standpoint to. 00:25:26
That is everything. I just want to give you an update with. 00:25:44
Sister Cities and as we go further along, we'll come back and provide more updates. Are there any questions? 00:25:53
Yeah, I had a really bad experience with with this one, most of the Uruguay and most of the day. 00:26:03
Minnesota first assistance of the national city about 20 years ago and they end up being a lot of travel and people going to 1 00:26:11
country and another country and end up not giving a lot of. And my concern would be prior to traveling the world would be 00:26:18
identifying the economic development businesses that you're partnering with doing many different Zoom meetings before you have 00:26:25
them travel doing it through Zoom 100%. 00:26:33
Nationally, the city's highlighted this many decades ago when they when I was there three or four years ago, someone actually 00:26:41
stood up and was like, is any economic development ever happened in the sister cities in a single room and they just went quiet 00:26:48
and was like, right, because it's just politicians. 00:26:54
So it's been my benefit, not saying that there is only, but on the idea that it would need to be like we are targeting X business 00:27:05
that is in that city. 00:27:10
And they would want to come here prior to. 00:27:17
Intend to travel. 00:27:20
You know, politicians we have we have very good resources in bringing in businesses and you probably won't Utah City and folks 00:27:22
that own the property that we're targeting them first and it would be helpful for us to fly there, you know, something in private 00:27:29
property. So I mean that's just. 00:27:35
Whatever program. 00:27:43
Program. 00:27:48
For their perspective. 00:28:15
Some of the things that excited me and the building environment and there were cities that were dealing with animal groups that 00:28:26
were the one we're dealing with. All of these different opportunities beyond the development of that could be really better. 00:28:34
And I'm excited, I'm excited because thank you for presenting that to us and keep us informed and excited to take care of. 00:29:06
We'll go ahead and turn this time over to visit the type of granting the attention of the council that are currently on the 00:29:18
agenda. We'd want to come to the podium, state your name and where you are from. 00:29:22
In the barrier evidence, the catabytes resident. 00:29:37
Thank you very much. 00:29:41
I would like to 1st off. 00:29:44
Planning Commission, they asked my question. 00:29:49
Grant the wayfinding signage and the 1200 N. 00:29:54
I have some questions. 00:30:04
Our last City Council meeting, the first innovation campus to divorce was mentioned. 00:30:06
I would like to know where that is located and so I went back. 00:30:12
To articles, etcetera. 00:30:18
The son was treating it and I had some questions. 00:30:34
The first question I have is that this guiding development different and the statement is Vineyard as such secure and energy 00:30:38
future that bolsters the power agreement for incoming development. I would like to know how it is going to be accomplished and who 00:30:47
will pay for it and then you go on this and you have it all the same energy strategy that includes fossil fuels. 00:30:56
And nuclear energy? 00:31:06
My heart's been interesting. 00:31:11
My next question. 00:31:17
The thing is looking at solutions. Most of the innovative solutions being explored in district is District Energy, which provides 00:31:19
a highly efficient way to heat and cool multiple buildings through the central plant. This system uses underground pipes to pump 00:31:26
steam, hot water, or chilled water to buildings throughout the district such as downtown or possible campuses. I'd like to know 00:31:33
where has this solution been used today in the United States? 00:31:41
Are we going to be the first doing this or has this been? 00:31:49
And as the dinner continues to innovate, we're exploring the Roland and Math. 00:31:57
I'd like to know where do you attend these reactors to be placed in the inner Utah city? Yes. 00:32:14
We have been anything. We have been part of discussions with national leaders about the potential for advanced nuclear 00:32:22
technologies in Utah. I would like to know who those national leaders are. 00:32:28
And then some people work on this organization. District Vineyard is working on plants to strengthen our energy infrastructure to 00:32:35
reduce outages and energy demand. 00:32:42
Effectively then integrates long term energy sources. 00:32:51
This infrastructure investment includes exploring large scale battery storage systems to store excess energy generated during peak 00:32:55
production times and recently. This will ensure the City's energy supply remains stable and affordable for generations to come. 00:33:04
Where are you planning on putting large scale damage storage? Storage systems? 00:33:15
And then the left line of your article. 00:33:21
The future of energy is here, and Utah City Vineyard is at perfect. 00:33:27
I would just like some great, great experience. 00:33:34
And Cornell's resident. 00:34:08
It's interesting because. 00:34:11
Dori and I were at a rehearsal at the most last night. 00:34:12
We began visiting at 5:00. 00:34:18
I've never heard a product so many contacted Jacob. 00:34:40
Guess what? He and I expected them. 00:34:49
I think this is a travesty that we don't talk. I realize that they're opening laws that you have to kill. 00:34:53
As a council. 00:35:02
Talk and discuss and in the situation, how can you serve me? How can you troubled? My bad. Another thing that I came across 00:35:04
earlier in the summer. 00:35:09
Article, I guess by our mayor about safety master plan. 00:35:17
Going into effect here, I put home with help. 00:35:24
With the deficit that we had when it came to chances that related to public safety, now we were supposedly having this great plan 00:35:30
for this place. This was June. I come to meetings. I've heard nothing more about it. What is going on? Is it happening in the 00:35:37
basement? 00:35:44
Behind closed doors, we are your. 00:35:52
Constituents, we pay for the running of this city. 00:35:56
It's being run right now on our back. 00:36:01
There is not the economic development of it. So I think it's wrong or kept a bit dark. I can't believe you have these exciting 00:36:04
things that you're planning. Maybe you should share with us and that's good enough to share. That's why if they're not good enough 00:36:11
to share. 00:36:17
And it makes you rather exchange. 00:36:25
I asked last time. 00:36:29
If we could please give some more information on our return and investment in the World Trade Organization, that might be a little 00:36:33
bit difficult we heard just now. 00:36:37
Sister cities, I'm not sure, but you all went to us. We funded it. Now we need to know what we funded. We need to know what's 00:36:43
coming as a result of that. 00:36:48
So I don't think that I want to learn more from the newspaper. I want to learn more from coming to. 00:36:54
I want to be informed by coming to meetings. 00:37:01
I want to be able to call my council members. 00:37:04
Learn more and not have them tell me that they're in the dark. 00:37:06
So in in all fairness to all of this, let's. 00:37:11
Come out in the dark. Let's go back. Let's tell us what's going on. 00:37:15
On my face is this isolated congressman. 00:37:21
In light of the parking issues in the city. 00:37:24
But when I was Planning Commission last week. 00:37:27
And the other. 00:37:30
For a fake center. 00:37:33
And these people right here. 00:37:35
I'm sorry, we need to look at things like that. That's not important. 00:37:40
Have you seen the trouble that we're in this city? Thanks. 00:37:45
I'm Anne. Hello, I'm a resident of Water Savage. I actually refer to talk about some of the garden issues. 00:37:56
I just want to let you guys know that's been doing policies I've had so come into my house. That's one of the. 00:38:04
Questions. And every day, each of us, right. 00:38:11
Depending on what time you would be at different times so. 00:38:15
Yeah, I certainly have to put it up and it moves his car driveway, just takes forward, which is really frustrating when it's. 00:38:20
College, but so. 00:38:27
$150.00 and. 00:38:34
You have blends which people everything hard. 00:38:37
And it's been great for the past few years. As of Monday. 00:38:42
The parking lot is just full, so our 18 passes are kind of useless now because they're philosophical. They can get their work. My 00:38:49
insurance was like, you know this. 00:38:53
Time and she said I posted something on my Instagram story this morning and by this at like 530 before I walked in here, I'd 00:39:01
gotten 73 responses for like people in the apron saying like what we do like like he also heard you move it because you understand 00:39:09
that paper changes in the sport. I mean I example last night our Broads were broken. 00:39:17
And one of my roommates who has a parking passport on the street could not for his his fault so he had to turn down the promo at 00:39:26
1:00 AM and speak her parents house and. 00:39:31
It's. I really do appreciate all working for putting it in and I understand how to call if I found out about. 00:39:42
In Cornell has been a resident of the world community. 00:40:20
Election month and I do not believe be wrong. I don't believe there are any seats in the city of venue there. So my comments are 00:40:24
really more projecting forward to 2025. At the end of 2023 there were some problems in this. I'm checking up on about maybe RCB or 00:40:31
rank choice boarding plus is the best thing. 00:40:38
These are just my bullet points. It was hard to understand which made it hard to explain. 00:40:46
It's really a pretty convoluted process, including information discrimination. It was disjointed and it was seemed to be very 00:40:53
difficult to certify the process. What was it now? So I just like an update for 2025. I would be very thrilled if we went back to 00:41:00
our old style book at the franchise voting on the show. 00:41:07
Mr. Jones and Mr. Musically, and today I mean in terms of some of the. 00:41:22
Talk about parking and into air requirement just for the public. 00:41:28
So thank you for coming. I actually expected to be more. 00:41:35
But this is this has been an issue quite a lot. 00:41:40
And we have a lot of different situations, a lot of different places. 00:41:45
That have different and so trying to figure out what works. 00:41:50
Has been a bit of a challenge so. 00:41:55
What We wanted to open up the overnight parking, yes. 00:42:00
There were some challenges and so we are planning roundtable discussion on November. And so he'll let everybody know. We really do 00:42:04
want to find a solution that works for everybody. I. 00:42:10
That was inside the White House when I had six hours going all over the restaurant and everybody saw their parts. That I 00:42:18
understand. 00:42:21
Your your perspective and that would be hard. So if you will promote that. 00:42:25
Over here in this room, November 5th at 7:00. And hopefully we can we can work on solutions that will work for everything. So 00:42:32
thank you. 00:42:36
Thank you, Sir. I would just add that that we're wrapping up about 1/4 of the master plan for the city. 00:42:43
And one of the. 00:42:54
Potential policies that can be explored for a broad array of neighborhoods so that will create more solution in one place doesn't 00:42:58
necessarily move into and become a problem another place. So, so in addition to this ground game, which I'm looking forward to now 00:43:05
that this is an issue that we are trying to take a very methodical and Broad City people on and come up with solutions that work 00:43:12
for everyone in addition to that. 00:43:20
Less expensive options for parking management so that it doesn't have. 00:43:29
So all those are big issues will discover that solve the problem in one place. 00:43:37
Elsewhere we want to create a broadcast. 00:43:48
All right, hum. We will. Every year we will on breakfast, but we will come back this year probably. 00:43:52
Can we vote on it every other year? Thank you. 00:44:04
OK. So every year we want to purchase voting and it will practice next year to be going on. So you will get this. 00:44:09
And let's see. 00:44:21
So there was a lot to talk about in an article and I would love to. Maybe what we'll do is we'll put a voice session together just 00:44:24
to talk about why, why we announced it this way. When it goes out to the news, we do updates and multiple things out. We're 00:44:31
bursting in these meetings. We install updates. We every now and then we'll do an update on our fossil fuels like we have the 00:44:38
natural gas plant farming and we'll talk about how one of our private developers is working. 00:44:46
District energy and we and it comes to many small moments, but when you read it as a full story, it says something a little bit 00:44:54
different. So you're hearing it different because it's in one place. And so that's why they send it out with their news because 00:45:00
sometimes the newsletter people are always watching. Not everybody's always watching Facebook. So for the most transparency 00:45:05
possible, I put it out in the biggest format that I can find to make sure how requirements and stuff. Anyone who's coming sooner 00:45:11
has an idea of all over him. 00:45:16
Secondly, we can work with multiple levels. So we're probably the space plan. So while we're working, fossil fuel is big in space 00:45:23
and we have these renewable support. 00:45:27
And so it's something that I want to make sure that the residents are aware of and they have the ability to defend their voices 00:45:32
sessions as we go through this, what we'll do is maybe do a work session where we kind of bring the whole story together so that 00:45:39
you can see these little things that you have been learning in the meeting that seem like one piece or maybe nuanced or not 00:45:46
noticeable in those updates. You'll be able to see it in a holistic picture. So that's that's great feedback. 00:45:52
Let's go ahead and move on to. 00:46:00
Our next agenda item and that is going to be our consent agenda items. 00:46:02
Can I get a motion? 00:46:11
Nassim, I think I'd ask for something on 7/23. 00:46:24
Can you review my notes? 00:46:32
Did you want to pull that up for discussion and approve some kind of claim? 00:46:34
It was. Remember what it was? Let's just discuss it. 00:46:41
Yeah. 00:46:51
Do we have a first by date to approve this 1.1 and 7.2? I need a second second a second right Amber? 00:46:54
Is a resolution under the resolution. 00:47:05
Amber aye aye party. 00:47:09
He seems you want to give a brief opening. 00:47:13
I went through I just. 00:47:21
In a procurement world, it's always better to have one, more than one response. I felt comfortable with just having one. But the 00:47:25
request that I had, you know, when you go up to a multiple award, you want to have three to four and a competitive bid process. 00:47:32
And so my request for him was just to e-mail back briefly about those others that for whatever reason didn't respond and ask 00:47:39
briefly what what was the reason? We can't force them to. 00:47:47
But when one finger only responded, it allows for not a great price. 00:47:55
I am very uncomfortable because in this particular market, unlike this kind of market. 00:48:01
Has extremely large market care in the county and to see if we're going to verify that, but I am concerned moving forward with one 00:48:09
vendor is only in our county. We've seen that across other cities as well. 00:48:16
Oh, I see. 00:48:27
Options. 00:49:07
Mental damage Hubbles and so you save it out for for which place comes to work and it's it's sort of the five year contract. The 00:49:31
five year contract is the first year one year contract options to be able to maximize. 00:49:43
Your relevant 1st paper presentation. 00:49:58
So. 00:50:06
And spend the day. 00:50:30
Complete. 00:50:34
Proposal. 00:50:38
We have. 00:50:44
But we did also enterprises with what we played with this kind of average. 00:50:51
As well. 00:51:06
So the city chooses to. 00:51:13
And did you get real quick just go to RP, that's kind of the highest tier open. 00:51:26
Option. The lower tier from that is to see. 00:51:40
Top three, so reach out to three people with no offer service. We will get those three bids taking it to the next year to open it 00:51:45
to AT and all businesses that provide that service and all that provide services in Utah have access to provide. 00:51:54
Situation along with that. 00:52:09
Because other other businesses. 00:52:12
We open it up for any home. 00:52:15
Yeah. And that's what I wanted to point out. It's not that, it's just. 00:52:22
It's a matter of are we don't come back and say, well, we can't do that many roads at that one time or at this particular year. 00:52:26
We're hit really hard. And so that's our busy season. So that's why we're only getting one gathering data. 00:52:34
Hopefully next year or years you get two or three and it keeps thinking though, but I feel comfortable with the background and the 00:52:43
pricing of this evil. It's just what we do next time to try to maybe there's some feedback on it. 00:52:49
Well, this was for a girl called and I. 00:52:58
2nd, 2nd 2nd 3 Any discussion? 00:53:09
All right. 00:53:16
I am. 00:53:20
All right. This puts us in our business items. This is a public hearing. 00:53:23
Special purpose zoning code. Anthony will be giving us a background. 00:53:32
Earlier and I was having it. So what we're going to do is have a bunch of the public hearing. We'll have a discussion will come on 00:53:39
the public hearing. Can I get a motion? I'm just going to public hearing party. 00:53:45
Amber all in favor? 00:53:53
Thank you, Mayor. 00:53:55
My name is Anthony Webster. 00:54:02
And that would be 202433. So just for the quick background while going through the site plan publication, you know reading 00:54:11
process, the applicant indicated that. 00:54:18
Exploring Washington Drive through to the Village Market site plan that has been approved. 00:54:27
So they have just want to make it clear that this this zoning text amendment, it's not giving them a goal on applicants of goal 00:54:34
pharmacy drive students in the cycling has been approved. 00:54:42
Will be required to go through all city processes and requirements and you know we just Planning Commission for approval to vote. 00:54:51
So the applicant did want to have actually wanted to have been used in the downtown area but during the. 00:55:01
Public Hearing Planning Commission, We have discussions and taking the language load. 00:55:14
So this will be. 00:55:19
Average length of cars range from 7:50 feet depending on the size and what we mean by second distance is the measure that's used 00:55:23
to determine drive through names while taking place. So best practice is to have supply for 10 feet for each car. 00:55:34
In a drive through lane. 00:55:47
And based on the. 00:55:49
Then we recommend 60 feet. 00:55:52
Which means that's going to be 3. 00:55:56
So this was definitely the cable to get on. 00:56:03
Some apples that we. 00:56:06
Just to clarify, he meant 18 feet the best. 00:56:10
So 20 feet per color. 00:56:15
OK, so during the public hearing and Planning Commission. 00:56:28
We had a lot of discussions and they added on to the language that also posted them. 00:56:33
And while the big changes were to make it an operating permitted abuse, make it a conditional use to be required for all pharmacy 00:56:39
doctors. 00:56:44
And they maintained the 60 feet and. 00:56:50
Also maintained the 12 foot width that we recommend and one of the things that was made from Planning Commission was to have 00:56:53
traffic analysis. 00:56:59
Submitted as part of that application process for site plan that is being considered. 00:57:05
So Planning Commission raised on all of that. 00:57:13
Language blending positively that City Council. 00:57:18
Approves the Ordnance, 2024. 00:57:24
So here would be. 00:57:28
A proposed motion. 00:57:32
Or it was against 136%? 00:57:34
Comments for a question. 00:57:40
Or the conditional abuse with this to allow flexibility and. 00:57:42
And. 00:57:52
So we know that pharmacies are successful. 00:57:56
Just to change conditions or other conditions always exist. 00:58:02
Patients will be asleep. 00:58:06
Or just to. 00:58:08
Yeah. 00:58:17
So we have to listen status, we have to follow all the standards. 00:58:25
And finally, Commission be able to condition that could potentially anything and also tax Democrats. 00:58:29
So what that does, it just gives you the flag Commission. 00:58:41
Some sort of? 00:58:49
I. 00:59:08
Are there any questions for the public? 00:59:13
But none of that time finished. The previous Planning Commission talked about how it was going to be hard to ask that in One 00:59:25
Direction, and I don't think that's the one part of the bill. 00:59:33
I've had to go some circuit look, the Archer said. 00:59:41
Route to get to get to. 00:59:46
Alphabet talked about. 00:59:49
Blocking the public road to the building shops together. 00:59:53
I think the development needs to do this so it's easy access. The developers doing it from the double supply maximize their 00:59:56
profits. Use every square foot they can reflecting the public. 01:00:02
Like that to be considered in the future again, locate the drive. 01:00:11
By both sides of the chairman production people come from. Thank you. 01:00:18
I've been talking about the right here, unless it has to do with the condition, et cetera. 01:00:36
I mean, do you think that would be a perfect conversation for the conditions? 01:00:48
That's all part of the reason why you're requiring analysis. 01:00:54
Any other questions from the public? 01:01:08
All right, let's tell him go on to public degree. So thank you for whatever I need to submit. 01:01:13
Thanks, Sarah. All in favor. Aye, aye. All right, if you have any questions. 01:01:21
I just am very concerned about it as well. You know, I was going to go to Midtown. I don't know why I was in the City Council for 01:01:30
now, but I happen to be there. 01:01:35
And also medical. 01:01:41
If we don't build it right, I remember the grumblings of it is not accessible different things and failing them from a wall. Even 01:01:44
the developers have that about giving in and out. 01:01:49
We've invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our RDA money to make it successful and I know they own the property but will 01:01:56
clean up with on us and I just have you know it's already in the pharmacy going under and vineyard in a very accessible area up on 01:02:05
the road is much cleaner but much easier more so on the other side of the tracks down in there and then making it unaccessible so. 01:02:13
I want it to be successful but also understanding that they own the grocery store meeting it gives me scared for our investment. 01:02:23
A grocery store 1 moment and then they're gonna build their own and then own it. It's like are we gonna return our clean up 01:02:32
initial honor? And so I I struggle with allowing for this half. 01:02:38
Like like what he's saying or it is hard to access and so then I struggle with that. 01:02:45
We needed to be successful. You know, we put in hundreds of millions of dollars. 01:02:53
So we like the idea that there's a condition on that that allows you to assess each detrimental impact for this specific 01:02:57
ordinance. I just don't think it's the right spot and it should they should adjust it to. 01:03:04
Putting the responsibility of it's successful. So you like the zoning you're just concerned about that specific. No, I don't I 01:03:13
don't want to adjust this. I don't think, I don't think the pharmacy fits in that specific area. So the pharmacy is not like the 01:03:18
drive through thing. I don't think the drive through fits. 01:03:24
So they can look at it and fix. 01:03:34
But that's separate from what we're creating a conditional use format that free to, I don't see a giving a condition to have a 01:03:38
drive through in the downtown area, good spot for that. Again, I'm really excited for us to have a drive through. So if we're 01:03:47
going to have a. 01:03:55
City on and off. 01:04:03
Distance and so that will be an option. 01:04:28
Hello, Lisa. Required. 01:04:45
Yeah, and that's a good point learning because psychological. So you guys do have questions that you want to understand better 01:04:55
meeting with Morgan or the. 01:05:00
Okay, any other questions about this particular topic? 01:05:08
No. OK, then I just think about that. 01:05:12
Ordinance 22-13. 01:05:20
And the first time and I get a second. 01:05:24
Lot 6545, the new fire station. 01:05:51
Public facility we will have. 01:05:56
Margin. 01:06:02
So we're going to do the same thing. We're going to open the public steering discussion. Can I get a motion? Can I move to open a 01:06:05
question? Thank you, Amber, can I get a second? 01:06:11
Can you Sarah on the table? I always renounce her tangible but I can't remember something. 01:06:19
No change approval of it essentially just takes the one lot that we created in the where the fire stations group for and rezone 01:06:27
facility with our zoning map will see all city on the property. 01:06:35
All the schools and so we thought that this was the most fitting domain for this type of use and it was also traditional. 01:06:47
So I'm happy to understand any questions on that editing Ordinance 2024. 01:06:59
What would that etcetera? 01:07:12
Property and sell it for representative. 01:07:19
We have to go through that process and so it's not like a stipulating that if it changes it just automatically correct. OK, what 01:07:27
if we kept it that way? What what are all the things that could land in that spot and public facilities? It actually is a pretty 01:07:32
like fairly open. 01:07:38
Use. 01:07:44
That option. 01:07:52
But yeah, I'm not. So would it be better to keep it better because it becomes an important thing to the city that doesn't disrupt 01:07:55
the community or is important from your professional opinion to merge put in situation of the first actor cannot do that without 01:08:01
going through a public hearing. 01:08:07
All right question. 01:08:16
One of the public facilities. 01:08:26
For their fire apparatus. 01:08:32
Side of the property it is effective residential would allow and the reason we hopefully. 01:08:35
There's also that power line 4/4 and 300 W that runs along there. So we felt that this garage is being built. I believe that Max 01:08:46
had 25 feet won't ruin any of the views or anything like that because it's far away from from any other residential building. 01:08:53
Any questions? 01:09:02
Gardena hasn't spent your residence I'm sorry cash last week yes I had one question about this and it's found that garage I said 01:09:13
all the buildings would remain intact if we go back to the residential zoning, but then that building will not be that building a 01:09:22
lot of clients correct OK so why don't we send it back any further or make it slow and so we. 01:09:31
With the size of the loft, is this too small for the size of garage is needed for the apparatus and then you are really 01:09:42
constrained and how the bottles also granting towards the accessory rather than the neighborhood. They really did just constraints 01:09:50
where that could go. And that being said, even if it wasn't on it would just be grant other than you know we wouldn't have to them 01:09:57
also broader anything like that. But don't you think that's a precedent for other things happening on that same? 01:10:05
We're taking one of zones ordinance and reverted back to another one and making another session. Another grandfather. We're going 01:10:13
to have this. 01:10:17
We're setting the presidents, so I just need to have to have a residential where you have to have a public facilities. Thank you. 01:10:23
Maybe we can talk about how it's isolated and experienced. 01:10:34
You will often see properties, zones, but maybe not developed yet and the existing pieces on the property would be what are 01:10:44
called. 01:10:51
If you were a cheaper days, it brings up factor resolution without structure. That is what we don't know. 01:11:04
This is the way the courts depart. 01:11:12
Where you see the demands often. 01:11:14
And so I don't know that you are doing anything. 01:11:40
It could probably go on, and certainly wouldn't. 01:12:06
They often talked about this time. 01:12:35
Houses. 01:12:38
So I think that's we talked about. 01:12:50
If it fulfills, our firefighters are happy and they're able to work more position. I don't know that. 01:12:57
The staff wandered around the reservation not to talk about it. 01:13:06
Well, I think that's one of the reasons. 01:13:12
I have a question. 01:13:20
OK, let's go back to the public here. I need to run second, second, second time. All in favor. All right. Have we had a chance to 01:13:31
put like a sign of that block yet? Because I really want to make sure that these people have been doing this to me. So I know we 01:13:37
need to fire so the community is aware of it. I feel that you get a lot of social media outreach, people contracting and questions 01:13:44
and concerns. 01:13:50
That process that I really want to make sure that our new residents are aware of this. 01:13:57
This is something we have. 01:14:02
Staff level of way to do it. So one way is because we've got to do the home builder and just say you know they. 01:14:04
That they do something or we can just. 01:14:14
Do something with that so that there are some options. We just want to kind of pick up project for that. 01:14:20
We can make that why would be wonderful. I mean, definitely I would love to see it. 01:14:27
If I pay the rest of them, yeah, I think we're all one of us. 01:14:36
Any other questions or thoughts? 01:14:44
I don't like setting the precedence when we set his own. 01:14:52
And then? 01:15:00
I struggle with that and then grandfather anytime you know, like you just come to the desk. So I get that the fire station being 01:15:04
the height, I think, I don't know, I struggle with it. I, I just clarify that height. It is all according to our enormous 01:15:11
residential building itself with the fire station. I don't think it's about 35 feet. The garage doesn't go over 25 feet and then 01:15:17
the set back. 01:15:24
In a normal residential zone for every foot or for every football, I think. 01:15:32
Any future set back? 01:15:39
And it's 5 feet. It really is not. 01:15:41
Tightest. 01:15:51
I mean, I like Darius so much too. I think it's going to be aware of this thing, but I also like talking about land owners. 01:15:55
To be able to. 01:16:02
Don't let they want to go reset. 01:16:04
Oh, no, I'm just talking about general. Yeah, I don't think it's, I'm saying that's what we're here for. We're going to work with 01:16:11
land owners. We're going to work with projects. And so I appreciate flexibility, but I do appreciate this. 01:16:19
OK. Any other comments? 01:16:32
1.3 needs to make it to Planning Commission course, so this will be postponed until that has. 01:16:54
Yeah. 01:17:03
OK. 01:17:15
All right. 01:17:19
Cancel Do you have a face or offered with money? 01:17:22
Just today, Sarah and I had a really cool opportunity. 01:17:32
To do and participate in a couple of nights there, encouraging voting and encouraging the students to get involved in it was just 01:17:36
a really. 01:17:42
It was just really important to be able to be a friend back and see the engagement. And just as a reminder, there are things 01:17:50
coming up on the ballot. You should be receiving them. 01:17:54
Starting Monday, they're out in the mail on Monday. 01:18:01
So you should start seeing them next week. 01:18:04
And just encourage your neighbors to get involved. And that's a big representative election. That was just kind of. 01:18:07
Excited for the day? 01:18:17
We had the. 01:18:22
The Liberate Spa open up, they did their grand opening that was really exciting and they should go check it out. The clinical 01:18:24
facility with some really cool. 01:18:29
Yes. 01:18:36
What does that take? 01:18:43
Floating, but we do have the float, the float bed, but they also have a hyperbolic Chamber of sorts, like it's a lower grade, not 01:18:46
like what you might see at a hospital, but it's pretty cool. And then also just tomorrow for economics, we have not there and then 01:18:55
just something nearby. 01:19:03
And where else there are. 01:19:13
Bitter or whiter, they're outdoors, they open nothing or and then they really want to engage with each other as well. 01:19:15
Oh my goodness, thank you are the Texas Roadhouse with so cold. We the surrounding cities got to go to Texas Roadhouse where they 01:19:23
created a community corner in the back of the restaurant where they have pictures and they're brilliant from each city. Clinton, 01:19:31
Provo, Orange Bayward and a big resident is owner president in that restaurant. So it was really fun to engage in. 01:19:40
The you know the highlights and if they have a really cool picture. 01:19:50
Have an elementary school classic from back in the day. So that was a really cool, really cool experience thing. I know that 01:19:53
they've been great partners with the city. We were so excited to be a part of that. 01:19:59
And then it will also highlight which businesses are one 100 percent, $1000 to make sure that. 01:20:08
I don't know. 01:20:32
And what what the that will do is I think it's the first three months that to do this one color and then after that that memory 01:20:36
you can see. 01:20:46
That's so cool. Thank you so much. 01:21:02
I wanted to thank. 01:21:25
I'm just rotating you off of last week and I put you first last week, so I'm going to give it to Amber and then. 01:21:28
OK. Let me tend to be 1 little bit over the last couple of days and one of the core sessions was really energy precipitation, 01:21:35
nuclear, geothermal inhibition about whether it was exciting. 01:21:43
Different people from the state come together and there was very positive. 01:21:52
5 grand there so that was really good to get about 3 months is on October 21st at 537 thirty at Grove Park so make sure you stop 01:21:59
by and get some candy staff. 01:22:05
Toward the Lakeshore with forestry fires and lands as their assessment boundaries of our projects submit our application so we'll 01:22:14
keep you updated on that. As far as the same and community gardens building up in all times that should be cleared up by that 01:22:19
afternoon too. 01:22:24
Why do you ask the question? 01:22:40
You know, our downtown, our beachfront plan has a lot of things that are up in the air in terms of the math, so. 01:22:50
Everything over most detailed of like what issues they have with the plan, the computer and crossing the sovereign land and things 01:23:01
have been more updated by what they do and not allowed. 01:23:07
So I helped direction thing because you know there's. 01:23:16
The Great. 01:23:24
It currently is ongoing litigation. 01:23:27
In a nutshell. 01:23:35
In the United States. 01:23:40
Public trust. 01:23:43
And the statement is responsible for the. 01:23:45
So one of the conversations we can have, it would. 01:23:58
Horseshoe fired State tax is. 01:24:04
To make sure our project. 01:24:08
Republic and we're doing it with Niger to get somebody litigation because. 01:24:12
So they were instead of just sitting. 01:24:22
With us and look at what the existing conditions are. 01:24:27
All the boys together and I took that too. Document what the existing conditions are and make sure that whatever we. 01:24:33
Trust that. 01:24:42
Open the other one. 01:25:00
That order. So I don't think we have any issues. 01:25:02
I just think it's an important and so basically planning will stop until we understand the legalities where we can. 01:25:16
Well, what we've. 01:25:27
I want to be careful about to get to work on the road because we really are expecting their role. 01:25:30
Right. 01:25:36
This process so. 01:25:38
The meaningful stuff out. 01:25:41
We want to make sure that our. 01:25:44
From there instead of submitting plants. 01:25:48
Our work with them is to try to identify what those areas are. 01:25:55
Them will perform. 01:26:03
Document of activities that respect the public trust. 01:26:06
Which they want us to leave. 01:26:18
So once we get that. 01:26:21
Did they bring that in relation with the Utah Lake Master Plan of Life? 01:26:27
Yeah, they do have a master point across the public. 01:26:35
Aspects that. 01:26:41
Encouraging about having the city and city residents in our original design. 01:26:43
OK. 01:26:49
That's really resolved my concerns like where that is because it's a very lengthy and as you know this is going to take some time. 01:26:54
That's one of the holdups of one car away and other things close to soccer what you can and cannot do. My question is I know 01:27:04
really Gammon and Wayne those properties are now those other properties are now on in the possession of the state or I'm sorry. 01:27:14
Like Vineyard beach and everything. 01:27:25
So. 01:27:28
Are those things settled out of like the city, you know, the weather is from like the path all the way down to the water's edge. I 01:27:31
saw the momentum parcel out there indicating everything in the city's name. But this is the litigation between now that you guys 01:27:39
hold the plane, do you hold those free plan from the federal government? 01:27:48
Litigation as well or as a general. 01:27:57
Conversation. I just think, right, I'm concerned about the story. 01:28:03
Well, none of those people are waiting. The third or fourth cousin, they're like 5 generations. What I'm saying is I know, I know 01:28:16
they're in the city name. What I'm saying is that. 01:28:20
If those legalities haven't been determined, I worry about planning anything. 01:28:27
I just, I don't have those because they're in, they're in our city, Maine. 01:28:38
All right. Thanks for the update there. 01:28:47
I was concerned about the I mean, I'm really grateful that the city has put forth a new city app. I got a lot of citizens for 01:28:53
asking about the cost. 01:28:57
And how many hours are involved in development and maintenance? 01:29:03
One of the concerns I have is cyber security if we are going to be in the development business of locking down that town. 01:29:08
I didn't see that plan and that was the first time I've heard of it. 01:29:17
No, the new Vineyard City app that we. 01:29:24
Just how did we do? I didn't know about it. 01:29:29
So I will continue to see out of something technology. 01:29:34
And also our overall. 01:29:39
The contract for the the city app. 01:29:44
I was thinking of you by the calendar. It's a dollar. 01:29:48
Payment all cyber security measurable. 01:29:55
Website. 01:30:02
And secured data security will be on the app developer. 01:30:04
Of like entering in data there. 01:30:09
OK. 01:30:19
The other thing that I, I've got a lot of time this past week that, you know, RDA and I wanted to thank staff for. 01:30:22
We didn't have an extension on on all those RDA founding documents. I didn't ask for quite a bit, but I wanted to share with 01:30:35
council this meeting and describe it after of my my great concern. 01:30:41
About getting the 2024 against the property tax. 01:30:48
Stephen, the new tax that has shown that we're around $800. 01:30:51
After the first student contribution. 01:30:57
And all the other students around us. 01:31:02
4000. 01:31:05
Linden is over 7000 and this is due because our RDA takes the money from education and I'll turn this public thing to three to 01:31:08
move it to Utah City. 01:31:14
And the data is off of the ASD and. 01:31:22
The state certified tax rate system. 01:31:29
My concern is what I wanted the council to talk about. This is just approximate attention from 4 of Linden and others that are 01:31:34
looking at the split and seeing their contributions are extremely high whereas ours are only $800.00. And knowing that seeing the 01:31:44
two poles that came out in the central split of around 50% and moved satisfied, you know a great percentage on their undecided. 01:31:54
When you're looking at the wax. 01:32:05
In the 70 some odd percent, you know, saying they were satisfied, it looks very. 01:32:07
Likely that a split will occur in either just the West going and then possibly central. And my concern is the funding for this new 01:32:15
district with the RDA taking so much of our money to go across the away from our students. And what what's happened is, is that 01:32:25
just other cities, the other 14 cities are making up for us on. 01:32:35
And so I would, I would love the council to start preliminary conversation even if there isn't a school that we're not, we're 01:32:47
obviously can't do that interlocal agreement, but if we could start open meetings to understand what that is, we're coming at the 01:32:54
table being very underfunded. 01:33:01
Because of the RDA And is there any appetite to enough discussions even if you know, I know I paid for this to be in November? 01:33:12
The boy was sweating in the dense path and. 01:33:23
So I'll do this for the council, meet the different. 01:33:27
Discussions about how Jack's recovery works with the RDA. 01:33:32
What I would recommend is to document that. 01:33:36
Obtained. Would you share because you want to open up the discussion with the rest of the Johnson and then we should review those 01:33:41
numbers AFC and have our RDA? 01:33:46
Director, Combat Assessment. 01:33:53
So that you can access it if you wanted to. 01:34:03
Yeah. What I need is, I think it was also it's it's interpretation. 01:34:10
We have a clear for the council so that we all have a great discussion what we can do because Jake is saying we want a discussion 01:34:18
before November. 01:34:23
When the election is coming out, it's it's right time frame that I can see what opportunities there are and then get back to. 01:34:31
Suggesting this is necessarily the case with some issue I think. 01:34:42
And there's a restriction I guess. 01:34:47
It is our productivity. I don't know what the question you're raised with these questions that people have to look at what's in 01:34:53
the document. 01:34:58
Certainly if it's just. 01:35:06
A question about 30 days at the current department. 01:35:09
That's really great 1. 01:35:18
Make sure that. 01:35:30
I'm actually not talking about bringing up the RDA. I mean, yeah, it's probably a group for discussion of okay, you do plan A, 01:35:34
Plan B and plan CI believe that we. 01: