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Mayor Fullmer began the meeting at01 PM. Councilmember Sifuentes gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITIONS/AWARDS/PROCLAMATIONS2.1. LibraryBoard Presentation | |
Julie Tanner introduced the current board, presented the library board’s vision as well as the challenges it has faced which included needs for additional funding to support additional staff time. | |
Councilmember Cameron initiated a discussion regarding additional funding and staff. 2. KindnessWeekProclamation2024-09 | |
MayorFullmerproclaimedNovember11-17,24,asVineyardKindnessWeek. 3. PresentationofVineyardAcademyGraduates | |
CommunicationsManagerJennaAhernpresentedthe24VineyardAcademy Graduates. WORK SESSION Noworkitemsweresubmitted. PUBLICCOMMENTS | |
Randy Gray, living in The Villas, expressed his appreciation to the council for the work they had done to resolve parking problems, but also expressed his concerns over continued issues regarding it. Additionally, he distributed a resolution passed by residents as well as photos of current parking issues. | |
Daria Evans, living in The Villas, thanked councilmember Rasmussen for her service. She also thanked Environmental Utilities Manager Sullivan Love and his team for working quickly to resolve water issues that happened the previous week. She had questions about the budget amendment and road construction near the Maverick, specifically how the new figure had been reached. She also had additional questions regarding sectionof the social media policy. | |
Claudia Lauret, living in The Villas, wanted to express her appreciation to the city staff for their work throughout the year. | |
Darlene Price, living in The Villas, had questions regarding construction near0 North. Specifically, she wanted to know if the purpose of the construction included any additional parking. | |
Karen Cornelius, living in The Villas, commented on the new Vineyard Grapevine page. She was concerned about what she viewed as a free speech issue. She also expressed concerns about the parking situation in the apartments that were still under construction. She believed that the cars represented overflow from the Lakefront area. MAYORANDCOUNCILMEMBERS'REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS | |
Councilmember Sifuentes asked that item2 be removed from consent and be discussed. Mayor Fullmer agreed. | |
Bicycle Advisory Commission Chair Anthony Jenkins presented on item2 and the desire to change the name of the commission to the Active Transportation Commission and answered questions from the council about the change. | |
Mr. Blakesley and Communications Manager Jenna Ahern presented the proposed amendments to the city’s social media policy. | |
Councilmember Cameron reported on a meeting between her, Mayor Fullmer and City Recorder Pamela Spencer regarding posting the agenda seven (7) days before the next meeting. She explained some of the challenges and concerns that were raised during that meeting. Additionally she covered recent events in the city and spoke about recent meetings she had regarding parking. | |
Councilmember Sifuentes spoke about the recent passage of Proposition to change the form of government in Vineyard. She stated that she was excited for the council to have an additional councilmember. | |
Councilmember Holdaway expressed concerns over development of an RFP for a city hall and asked to learn more about bonds and the bonding process. A discussion ensued. He also shared his concerns with the Vineyard Grapevine page. He expressed interest in attending more of the meetings regarding the recent split of the Alpine School District. There was a discussion regarding the split and the meetings that had already taken place. | |
City attorney Jayme Blakesley gave a more detailed overview of the status of the ASD split. STAFF,COMMISSION, ANDCOMMITTEE REPORTS CONSENT ITEMS7.1. Approvalof the October24, City Council Meeting Minutes2. MunicipalCodeAmendmentstoChapter2.30CommissionsandCommittee Creation (Ordinance24-15)3. Disposition of Surplus Property Policy Amendment (Ordinance24-16) PublicWorksDirectorNaseemGhandourwillpresentproposedamendmentstothe surplus property policy.4. Approvalofthe2025CityCouncilMeetingSchedule(Resolution2024-31) | |
Finance Director Kristie Bayles presented the proposed amendment to the FY25 Budget. | |
Ms. Price wanted to know where the budget was located. Ms. Bayles replied and explained where the budget could be found. | |
Councilmember Holdaway asked for future amendments to be provided to him earlier so that he could review them. Councilmember Sifuentes explained that the changes were part of the preliminary draft that was sent to the council on the Friday before the meeting. | |
Councilmember Sifuentes asked for clarification from Councilmember Holdaway regarding his concerns. A discussion ensued. | |
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER SIFUENTES MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION24-32 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR BUDGET. COUNCILMEMBER CAMERON SECONDED. THE ROLL CALL VOTE WAS AS FOLLOWS: MAYOR FULLMER AND COUNCILMEMBERS CAMERON AND SIFUENTES VOTED YES. COUNCILMEMBER HOLDAWAY VOTED NO. THE MOTION PASSED THREE (3) TO ONE (1). 2. PUBLICHEARING-ConsolidatedFeeScheduleAmendment(Resolution2024-)Finance Director Kristie Bayles will present proposed amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution. | |
Finance Director Kristie Bayles presented proposed amendments to the ConsolidatedFeeSchedule. | |
Ms. Price commented on previous budget discussions and concerns she had over increases in taxes. | |
Ms. Bayles explained the charges were the result of contractual obligations and not something the city had the option of not imposing. A discussion with the council ensued. | |
Ms. Cornelious expressed her concerns over tax increases and the building of the city hall. She accused the council of back door deals with the Mountainland Association of Governments. | |
Mr. Gray commented on bonds and taxes, expressed his concerns about those on fixed incomes. | |
Mayor Fullmer asked if it was possible to delay further action on this item until the December meeting. Mr. Blakesley explained that though it would be possible the item was on the agenda to allow for additional notice of the increase in the next month’s utility bills. A discussion ensued. | |
Councilmember Holdaway commented on what he viewed as the need for a larger tax base specifically for sales tax. | |
Mayor Fullmeradjourned the meeting at56 PM MINUTES APPROVED ON: /11/2024 CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: TONY LARA, DEPUTY Recorder |
You're OK. | 00:00:02 | |
OK, OK. | 00:00:04 | |
Today is November 13th. The time is 5:01 PM and we're going to go ahead and start our City Council meeting. We'll start out with | 00:00:05 | |
an invocation of the Pledge of Allegiance and Council member Marty Sequences will start us in lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance | 00:00:12 | |
and give that prayer. | 00:00:18 | |
Our dear, kind, Heavenly Father, we are so very grateful for this wonderful day. We are grateful that we could meet here together | 00:00:27 | |
as a community. | 00:00:30 | |
To work well and try to figure out how to take steps forward in our. | 00:00:34 | |
Decisions and please watch over and protect members of our community. We're so grateful for our veterans, we're grateful for. | 00:00:40 | |
The wonderful people that spend so much time and energy into making our city great. Please bless and watch over those in need. | 00:00:48 | |
Help us know how to help them. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. All right. | 00:00:53 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:01:03 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:01:09 | |
As you notice, we're missing somebody from the table tonight. Amber Rasmussen recently made a choice to go and focus on her family | 00:01:20 | |
and we wanted to thank her for the time that she spent serving our community. She did a lot of good for the community and now she | 00:01:26 | |
is turning in and doing a lot of good for her family and we want to thank her. She couldn't be here tonight, so we sent her gift | 00:01:32 | |
basket and her plaque to her. | 00:01:39 | |
And but I would like you all to join me and stand and thank her for her time. Thank you. | 00:01:45 | |
We are so excited to hear from our library board. We will have our chair present, Julie Gray, and she's going to tell us a little | 00:02:01 | |
bit about the board's vision for the Vineyard Library. So Julie, why don't you come on up? | 00:02:08 | |
We really appreciate this opportunity to talk to you guys all together. So thank you for this opportunity. | 00:02:19 | |
Our board is all here tonight, but I am going to spend the time over to Julie and Ann. | 00:02:29 | |
Who has made the presentation for us? | 00:02:38 | |
Thank you. | 00:02:41 | |
Well, let me kind of give you a little background while we're booting up because that we have been functioning for possibly. | 00:02:47 | |
Five years that we have to quietly meeting and building and our library. We are really excited about it and the board has been | 00:02:56 | |
unbelievable in coming up with creative ideas and how to serve our community. Our vision ahead is looking for certification that | 00:03:06 | |
we can be a political. | 00:03:16 | |
Library which will not only impact our children, but it'll impact our whole community and bringing us together. | 00:03:26 | |
Thank you, Julie. | 00:03:36 | |
Julianne Tanner, she is our public relays and she has. | 00:03:39 | |
The microphone isn't on for online. They can't. | 00:03:50 | |
Hopefully it pulls up quickly. | 00:04:01 | |
I'm Julie Tanner. I'm here to report on what's been happening as a library board and where we hope to go moving forward. | 00:04:05 | |
Get you acquainted with that and just. | 00:04:18 | |
It's a. | 00:05:07 | |
Yeah. | 00:05:48 | |
So hopefully that comes through OK. | 00:06:11 | |
Hopefully it doesn't have my notes broadcasting. | 00:06:16 | |
Excellent. OK, children reading. | 00:06:23 | |
Awesome. OK, so we finally have an established mission. | 00:06:28 | |
For the library board, so you know, you can read, but the Vineyard Library strives to create an inclusive and welcoming space | 00:06:32 | |
where everyone can connect, learn and thrive together. And on the handout that I gave you, I've also included our vision | 00:06:39 | |
statement, which is a little bit longer, a little bit more in depth and you can read it as you wish. But just so you know, the, | 00:06:46 | |
the mission kind of the driving force of why the library board is following their volunteering, their time and their energy. | 00:06:53 | |
To. | 00:07:01 | |
Creating the library here in Vineyard. | 00:07:02 | |
So the board looks a little bit man. All these fonts are way off. | 00:07:06 | |
The the board looks a little bit different this year than it did this time last year. We've had a little bit of a change. We still | 00:07:11 | |
have Julie Gray as our board chair, a fearless leader. I'm Julie Tanner. We have we have Christine Jeff and Mary Ann Gattis and | 00:07:19 | |
Diana Steele. We actually have two empty seats right now. One is just a normal chair to replace Abby Ben. | 00:07:27 | |
And one as our. | 00:07:36 | |
Our council seats now that Amber is is not here anymore, but we we are really grateful for the contributions of Abby Bunn and | 00:07:39 | |
Pilar Steel and Amber Rasmussen over the course of the last year before the conclusion of their service. | 00:07:46 | |
So we've seen a lot of growth. | 00:07:57 | |
For we're considered an emerging library and we've seen a lot of a lot of use, a lot of growth over the last year. We have 906 | 00:08:00 | |
current patrons and this year, just year to date, we have issued 222 new cards and circulated 3529 physical books. | 00:08:09 | |
And then that's not counting all of our digital stuff through Libby and OverDrive, which is 2335 audiobooks and 4016. | 00:08:21 | |
Ebooks and then on top of that there are also like magazines and stuff. So people are really trying to access materials through | 00:08:32 | |
their library membership. | 00:08:37 | |
And according to. | 00:08:44 | |
Valerie's communication with the state, her state and goodness, her state library connections. We are doing really well for an | 00:08:47 | |
emerging library and I'll talk a little bit more about that later, but we're currently in the process of, you'll notice, Vineyards | 00:08:56 | |
Children's, Vineyard Children's library, we're trying to transition to Vineyard library. | 00:09:05 | |
Setting up well, not cutting out the children we want to be able to provide service to. | 00:09:15 | |
Yes, to all of the members of the community and not just the youth. | 00:09:21 | |
So you've probably been through the library. It's full. It is flourishing and we're really excited at the prospect of hopefully | 00:09:30 | |
being included in new facilities as the city is growing and we would love to be kept in the loop with any developments there. | 00:09:39 | |
But if you guys have not been to the library recently, you should check it out upstairs. | 00:09:51 | |
And it's growing for quite a few reasons. | 00:10:01 | |
We can switch the slides. Thank you. | 00:10:06 | |
So some of the things that are drawing. | 00:10:11 | |
People to the library. It's free, it's close in proximity, it provides a nice safe space to gather. | 00:10:14 | |
And, and people are coming and participating in programs and making friends and we're gradually becoming a little community hub, | 00:10:25 | |
which is exciting to see. And some of the most notable programs you can see on the calendar that I gave you. Valerie puts one of | 00:10:31 | |
these together every month to let people know what's going on. | 00:10:38 | |
With the library and so the toddler story time every week is a is a big hit. The bilingual story time STEM after school clubs | 00:10:45 | |
every week. We have the science club and the coding club going on, the team game club every other week and then. | 00:10:53 | |
It got cut off Science Saturday. Thank you. And then also participation in the other outreach programs. | 00:11:05 | |
So. | 00:11:16 | |
We're a small space, small resources. | 00:11:19 | |
Small in staffing and and then funds. We've done a lot with the available resources, but we have a lot of momentum that we want to | 00:11:23 | |
keep going. | 00:11:29 | |
And a lot of areas where we would we have great aspirations for the growth. These are our most immediate priorities. We want to | 00:11:35 | |
expand the digital purchases on Libby because you saw those, those were some big numbers and especially considering how limited | 00:11:44 | |
our hours are for accessibility to physical materials, the Libby and you know the online feature really appeals to our patrons. | 00:11:53 | |
We also would like to add devices for auditory learning, learning things like Yodo players for people who might not be as | 00:12:03 | |
literate. | 00:12:07 | |
Or just prefer auditory learning. That's great for kids especially. | 00:12:11 | |
We have a proposed schedule on the handout that I gave you that was put together by Jenna that would be awesome to see within the | 00:12:17 | |
next year, adding a couple of additional programs, something you know, for every day of the week, something for every member of | 00:12:24 | |
the community and not just the children's story time and the youth clubs. | 00:12:31 | |
And then we would love to expand our collections to get some new books. We get a lot of donations from community members, but a | 00:12:41 | |
lot of them are not usable. Either they're the content is not relevant, is not going to circulate or the quality of the book is | 00:12:49 | |
not going to withstand the use of a library book. And so a lot of the books that get contributed. | 00:12:57 | |
Never really make it into circulation. | 00:13:07 | |
Which is sad to see. And we've gotten some really umm. | 00:13:09 | |
We've got some really supportive community members who have donated, namely Stacy Whitbeck, David Pierce, Orem Community Hospital, | 00:13:15 | |
Welcome Baby, and those those donations have been incredibly helpful because it allows us to get books that are actually worth | 00:13:21 | |
having on ourselves, things that are going to get checked out, that are going to get used instead of just getting people's cast | 00:13:27 | |
off. | 00:13:33 | |
And, and let's see adults, I already mentioned that we're, we're looking to see more than just the youth in the library. But then | 00:13:40 | |
the, the most pressing area of expansion that we really need right now is actually in our staffing. | 00:13:48 | |
Valerie wears a lot of hats, she has learned a lot of skills and brings so much value to the library. Like it would not function | 00:13:58 | |
without Valerie's efforts. But she is one person and it's a lot for one person to handle. | 00:14:06 | |
Especially with the growth that we're seeing and one of the areas that would. | 00:14:14 | |
That would accelerate the growth would be to get support from the City Council, specifically with funding. | 00:14:21 | |
And I can talk. | 00:14:29 | |
More about that. | 00:14:31 | |
We're currently in year 3 of the state certification process. It's a three-year process. And so we're kind of coming up there on | 00:14:33 | |
the end. And that's significant because it would allow us to have so many more options for funding. We would be eligible for so | 00:14:41 | |
many more grants, both state and federal and other other donors. We're currently considered a rural and emerging library. | 00:14:49 | |
And we? | 00:14:58 | |
We would like to. | 00:15:03 | |
Received that full certification from the state and be recognized as a state certified library. | 00:15:04 | |
But one of the biggest hurdles is our hours. You'll notice that we have really limited hours and it's one of our biggest areas of | 00:15:11 | |
feedback from patrons is that they would like to be able to attend the frequent library outside of normal business hours. And | 00:15:16 | |
right now we can't provide that. | 00:15:22 | |
And so we specifically need to be able to provide 11 more hours of of staffing so that we can be accessible on evenings and | 00:15:29 | |
weekends. It's one of the requirements from the state and it's one that we're really struggling to meet right now. And so it's a | 00:15:37 | |
big hold up with this state certification. So we really need council support so that we can be more independent in the future. | 00:15:45 | |
We also are trying to do as much as we can on our end. Christine just has been doing so much to establish the Friends of the | 00:15:53 | |
Library. | 00:15:57 | |
Currently. | 00:16:01 | |
We're waiting for the IRS to approve the 501C3 status so that we can have that. | 00:16:04 | |
Fundraising arm, and we're actively looking for staffing for that as well. So if you're interested in being on the Friends of the | 00:16:11 | |
Library board, Christine Death is your girl. Talk to her. | 00:16:18 | |
One second. | 00:16:26 | |
Oh awesome. | 00:16:32 | |
So if that wasn't an obvious enough. | 00:16:35 | |
For funding some wisdom from Doctor Seuss. The more that you read, the more things you'll know. The more that you learn, the more | 00:16:38 | |
places you'll go. And in a world where knowledge is power, one of the most meaningful contributions we can make for our community | 00:16:44 | |
to our community is a well supported library. Thank you. | 00:16:51 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Council. Did you have any questions? | 00:16:58 | |
OK, we'll go ahead and move. Did you have something, Marty? I just yeah, please. I think we all talked about helping you with | 00:17:11 | |
staffing at the budget retreat and it was unanimous. We all wanted to give you that support. So just so you know it, it was | 00:17:17 | |
unanimous and you're on the radar, so. | 00:17:23 | |
Christy, excuse me. I guess I'm wondering, it would be great to see the numbers of what those 11 hours would mean to our budget so | 00:17:32 | |
we could put it up for the next budget amendment. | 00:17:37 | |
11:50 We also offered for internal staff to designate some of their time towards moving and shifting hours so that it didn't cause | 00:17:44 | |
an additional burden. Go ahead, come, come to the microphone. | 00:17:51 | |
Program that Jenna and I looked into called Thriving Utah, where the state would help us pay for staffing that would give us a | 00:17:59 | |
monthly spiking so that would lower our cost to. | 00:18:05 | |
$1000 a year. I had one other question. I'm so sorry. With the proposed weekly program schedule, do we have enough staffing and | 00:18:12 | |
volunteers to be able to make that happen or is that contingent on the budget? | 00:18:19 | |
So we can't necessarily do that with volunteers because it has to be an ongoing requirements. We have to do it, you know, | 00:18:28 | |
essentially forever. So we would need to, you know, stuff like someone to do it instead of going to volunteers. OK, thank you. | 00:18:37 | |
OK. | 00:18:48 | |
Well, thank you so much. Such a great presentation. We're all really excited about what you guys are doing and moving forward. If | 00:18:50 | |
you haven't had a chance to see what Valerie put together with the certification, you need to check it out. It's been really | 00:18:57 | |
remarkable as this whole board has pulled together. I'll go ahead and move into the Kindness Week proclamation, and I'll read a | 00:19:03 | |
little bit of it. The City of Vineyard recognizes the value of kindness. | 00:19:09 | |
That it is performed and how these acts can positively impact. | 00:19:17 | |
The person offering kindness, the person receiving kindness and those witnessing it. You can read more about this proclamation, | 00:19:21 | |
but this week is Kindness Week and I hope you have the time to participate in some of the activities that are happening. This will | 00:19:29 | |
be posted on the bulletin board, and we look forward to continuing this tradition in our community. Thank you. We'll go ahead and | 00:19:36 | |
move on to our presentation for the Vineyard Academy graduates. | 00:19:44 | |
Very excited to recognize you today. | 00:19:51 | |
Awesome. All right, Mayor Council members, I'm pleased to introduce the graduates of Vineyard Academy. This group was a dedicated | 00:19:56 | |
group who committed to an in depth eight week expiration of the cities functions, operations and services. We started at the end | 00:20:03 | |
of August and ran through October and these individuals immersed themselves in city departments and initiatives, attending evening | 00:20:10 | |
sessions to gain hands on knowledge and engage with city staff. And I know that I think all of you have the chance. | 00:20:18 | |
At least one, so we're grateful to have you guys there and be able to see the work that we were doing. Graduates were also | 00:20:25 | |
introduced to key city resources and programs, including the Children's Library, Vineyard Cares, and essential public safety | 00:20:31 | |
services provided by the Sheriff's Office and public works. Through Vineyard Academy, graduates not only built a strong | 00:20:38 | |
understanding of city operations, but also formed valuable connections with the teams who served in your daily. | 00:20:44 | |
Their insightful feedback and active participation under score deep commitment to our community's growth and development. | 00:20:51 | |
And if I could have the graduates who are here stand. | 00:20:58 | |
All kind of congregated over here. | 00:21:04 | |
So I recommend these graduates be considered for future service opportunities within our city such as on boards, commissions and | 00:21:07 | |
committees as their unique perspectives and first hand knowledge will be an asset to Vineyards continued success. So give them a | 00:21:12 | |
round of applause. | 00:21:17 | |
Let's get pictures. Do you have certifications? Yes, I press them out. Well, let's get a picture. Yeah. | 00:21:27 | |
Come up and take picture with Council. | 00:21:36 | |
And I thought I wouldn't have you do anything. | 00:21:38 | |
My best thing is. | 00:21:48 | |
Okay. | 00:22:05 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:11 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:12 | |
All right, this brings us to our public comment. This is a time to address the council for things that are not currently on the | 00:22:33 | |
agenda. If you have something to share, please come up to the podium, state your name, where you're from, and we would love to | 00:22:39 | |
hear from you. We have another meeting right after this one, so we're going to keep everything to two minutes. Tony's going to set | 00:22:45 | |
a timer that will be on the screen. Please observe the clock and then. | 00:22:51 | |
Make sure you take your seat so that the next person can have just as much time. Thank you so much. | 00:22:58 | |
Their former members of the City Council and city staff. My first comment is if you really like what my wife has done, I owe it to | 00:23:05 | |
Morgan because his cousin is the one who introduced us 25 years ago. So that was and we've been together since. I just want to be | 00:23:13 | |
quick. | 00:23:20 | |
To highlight, and I know that parking is a controversial issue. | 00:23:28 | |
But I want to say thank you so much on behalf of the 55 plus community for what the Council did unanimously to give us the | 00:23:34 | |
opportunity to park on a. | 00:23:41 | |
Mallard before we even had Pinto and what Julie is passing out now is just the photos of how it looked with and it was terrible | 00:23:48 | |
and so we had a resolution that was passed. | 00:23:57 | |
For me, having done all the consulting work I've done for cities across the country, it's hard to understand how we can have a | 00:24:07 | |
density of 1.5. | 00:24:14 | |
Are 1.8 when the. | 00:24:20 | |
What 8 there are about? | 00:24:26 | |
Seven or eight people who live in a home, so that that makes it difficult for us to understand. And I'm speaking now on behalf of | 00:24:30 | |
those who want more parking because one size does not fit all. And but I also want to say. | 00:24:40 | |
How appreciative we are and we had 58 out of 59 people sign our resolution when we first parked there. So clearly that made a big | 00:24:50 | |
difference and. | 00:24:58 | |
So I would just like some consideration for. | 00:25:07 | |
For developers to give us more parking. Thank you. Thank you, Mayor. | 00:25:14 | |
OK. Well, it looks like you guys wrapped that up quickly. | 00:25:25 | |
We're going to go ahead and move on to our. | 00:25:28 | |
Oh please. Sorry I come up. We don't want to miss hearing from you. | 00:25:33 | |
I just couldn't get out. | 00:25:38 | |
OK Hi Daria Evans, Vineyard resident in the Villas. Thank you Randy for your presentation. I too want to thank Amber Rasmussen for | 00:25:41 | |
her service, especially to our community gardens that benefited many residents and I wish her well as she moves on. I also want to | 00:25:50 | |
say thanks to Sullivan Love and his crew. Last Thursday I was at our clubhouse and the water was off. | 00:25:58 | |
Called Russ. The water's offered something going on. | 00:26:08 | |
So I said I'll call the city, got ahold of them several times conversing back and forth, but all the water is back on in our | 00:26:12 | |
village community, so I'm grateful. There you are. Also, I'm glad that Brian, where are you getting the shade sales going? That's | 00:26:19 | |
great. I appreciate that. And also since it's kindness week, I want to give a shout out to our village community. We had a ladies | 00:26:26 | |
luncheon yesterday and we had many donations given to the family haven. | 00:26:33 | |
Which is a nonprofit organization that helps children and families in difficult circumstances. | 00:26:41 | |
So go Villas, thank you. | 00:26:47 | |
I just have a couple questions if I can. They are on the agenda. I have a question about. | 00:26:49 | |
The budget amendment. | 00:26:57 | |
I'm wearing another old dress because, you know, I'm a, I'm a fiscal conservative. Sorry. Are you going to be here for the budget | 00:26:59 | |
amendment? Yes, just the question about. | 00:27:04 | |
The road construction, was it by Maverick or was it talking about the location at the Maverick store and why is it $220,000 more | 00:27:10 | |
and then? | 00:27:18 | |
I don't understand bullet point #3 in the social media section. | 00:27:27 | |
Where? Let's see if I can bring it up here. | 00:27:34 | |
Under Section 3, the city engagement, I have a question I do not understand. Bullet point #3 official comments and hearing. Make | 00:27:43 | |
general comments that do not relate to a social media post at a City Council meeting or e-mail them to the mayor and City Council. | 00:27:53 | |
Members. | 00:28:05 | |
OK. We will get that answered at the appropriate time. That would be great. Thanks, Maria. Thank you. | 00:28:06 | |
Hi Claudia LeBron, Vineyard resident. I haven't been really up on things for a while, but I just want to take. | 00:28:18 | |
5 seconds to thank everybody involved in city government. I know we don't always agree, but I know this is a hard, thankless job | 00:28:27 | |
and I just want you to know that it's appreciated. | 00:28:34 | |
We're we're, we're moving forward. Thank you. | 00:28:42 | |
All right. | 00:28:48 | |
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our oh, come on. | 00:28:49 | |
I'm Darlene Price. I'm in the village right behind the 800 bridge that goes from Main Street and goes over to Geneva. | 00:28:56 | |
They're bulldozing and and putting, it's flattening out that area. Is that for additional parking? | 00:29:10 | |
Do you know where I'm talking about? | 00:29:20 | |
OK, so if you leave the villas and you turn your head up the up and you go over the hip over that mountain that goes over the | 00:29:22 | |
train tracks, just before you get to that, they are flattening and bulldozing a whole area right behind the condos. OK, if you | 00:29:31 | |
could point that out on a map to Naseem after this. Oh, not right now though, Daria. I mean, Darlene. | 00:29:40 | |
If you could point it out, we'll get that answer for you. | 00:29:50 | |
All right. Were there any other comments? I don't want to miss out on anybody. | 00:29:54 | |
Can you raise your hand if you plan on speaking? | 00:29:58 | |
OK. | 00:30:04 | |
Karen Cornelian Cornelius Fellow resident. | 00:30:14 | |
I'm just a little concerned about our new vineyard. | 00:30:18 | |
Grapevine, I just. | 00:30:24 | |
I find it interesting and here again we have an optics issue. It seems as though Council Member Holdaway had a meeting with the | 00:30:27 | |
city manager and some information was shared with him and he shared with us and then we had a new policy and Vineyard that dealt | 00:30:34 | |
with rumors. | 00:30:41 | |
And personally, I was offended because I don't consider what I hear from a council member who attends a meeting with city staff, | 00:30:49 | |
who has a witness with him, to be a rumor. And so I'm concerned that that that freedom of speech is trying to be squelched. | 00:30:59 | |
So I ask a question on the Grapevine. | 00:31:09 | |
And I immediately got a non answer to my question. | 00:31:14 | |
There was nothing that I asked that was answered, but now I can't find it either in the messages that I got on Facebook or on the | 00:31:18 | |
Vine. So I just am not quite sure that I understand how this works. But I feel like the optics were really poor because at the | 00:31:26 | |
time that it happened, it appeared to happen for a reason that is less than pleasant. | 00:31:34 | |
The next thing I want to talk about is what's happening over in Utah City right now and as I was coming across the 800 Bridge on | 00:31:43 | |
Sunday, returning home. | 00:31:48 | |
The cars that are normally parked at the. | 00:31:55 | |
Train station are not there, they are all in the parking lot for the new apartments. So if that parking lot is already full, what | 00:31:58 | |
are we going to do when the apartments are full? This has got to be worked out. To allow a builder, a developer to have a | 00:32:07 | |
seven-year temporary parking situation is ridiculous. We value. | 00:32:15 | |
The aesthetics of our community and that is not aesthetically pleasing. | 00:32:24 | |
Thank you. I'm sorry, just to quickly, just for a second, the temporary parking lot that you're talking about, can you tell me | 00:32:29 | |
what you're referring to so I can write it down? | 00:32:34 | |
Been paid for the apartments that have been built, which is obviously very insufficient and it's already filled with the overflow | 00:32:40 | |
parking from the lakefront. | 00:32:45 | |
Which is not the fault of the white friend, it's the fault of decisions that have been made by council and developers and we have | 00:32:51 | |
got to find a way to end this. I don't know if you're aware, but there's going to be a round table. Oh, OK. Well, we'll see you | 00:32:57 | |
there. OK, great. | 00:33:03 | |
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our consent items. | 00:33:10 | |
Marty, you mentioned that we would like to take one off. Would you like to make a motion on the rest of them? | 00:33:14 | |
And yes, I wanted to. | 00:33:30 | |
Is that? | 00:33:34 | |
7.2. | 00:33:36 | |
Yes, that's fine. Thank you. Yes, Anthony 7.2. | 00:33:40 | |
I moved to approve. I'm sorry. I moved to adopt the consent items 7.17 point 3 and 7.4 as presented. I believe this Pause for a | 00:33:45 | |
roll call. See. Aye, aye, Marty. Aye, Sarah. Aye. All right, let's go ahead. And those were approved. Let's go ahead and discuss | 00:33:54 | |
7.2. Anthony, could you come? I know we just or bring up your. | 00:34:02 | |
Board chairs. | 00:34:11 | |
Mayor, did you have a second on that motion? | 00:34:16 | |
Oh, oh, I don't know who did the first. I did the first. OK. We had a first by Marty. Can I get a second, second, second by Sarah, | 00:34:19 | |
and then we'll do the roll call again, just for clarity. OK. Yes. Hi, Marty. I'm Sarah. Hi. All right. Thank you for that, Jeremy. | 00:34:26 | |
All right, thank you very much. My name is Anthony, and I would like to introduce you to the chair of the Bicycle Advisory | 00:34:32 | |
Commission. | 00:34:39 | |
That is about to change the name. | 00:34:46 | |
From the BAC to ATC, which is going to be the Active Transportation Commission. I'll let the chair speak a lot more about it and I | 00:34:49 | |
urge you all to listen to him and support him. Thank you, thank you. | 00:34:56 | |
All right. Good evening, everybody. I know in an effort for more transparency, sometimes the consent items, not everyone is aware | 00:35:03 | |
of what's going on in those. So I wanted to make sure that we were very clear in this. We currently have the Bicycle Advisory | 00:35:10 | |
Commission. We recognize that not everyone likes to ride a bike or not everyone does bike, but we are proposing to change that to | 00:35:16 | |
the Active Transportation Commission and it would include things that's a little bit broader scope like safe routes to school. | 00:35:23 | |
Making sure trails and ramps are 88 accessible, those types of things that would impact all of us. | 00:35:30 | |
And so it's not just people that want to hop on their bike that could come to these meetings. We want to make sure that it's a | 00:35:36 | |
place where if there are unsafe intersections or crosswalks needed in certain places, this would be a great location to start by | 00:35:42 | |
sharing your concerns. Certainly they can still come to City Council, but it might be a little more focused of a of a group to | 00:35:48 | |
talk about some of those active transportation and pedestrian related issues in the city. | 00:35:54 | |
Also wanted to to call everyone's attention. I think Anthony Fletcher set some back there. We adopted our. | 00:36:01 | |
2025 schedule for next year, and we'd encourage everyone to get involved there. We typically don't have crowds like this and we're | 00:36:08 | |
not necessarily looking for crowds like this, but if you do have questions around pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, those types | 00:36:14 | |
of things, you can leave parking for the City Council that can handle that. | 00:36:21 | |
But we, we'd love to, we'd love to help that. Although I will say, the more that we can get this right, it could alleviate some, | 00:36:29 | |
some needs for people to, to hop in their car in some situations. And then the last thing that I wanted to call out is that | 00:36:34 | |
Martina Huntington was just elected as the chair for 2025. Sounds good. | 00:36:40 | |
A key aspect to it, if you're not aware, we actually have an at large member on the bike Advisory Commission now, active | 00:37:15 | |
Transportation Commission who's from Bike Utah and is connected with Mag in a lot of the active transportation plans and they're | 00:37:21 | |
excited about leading the way with Vineyard. As far as he knows, there weren't any cities in Utah that had a full comprehensive | 00:37:28 | |
plan with this. And so we can kind of be pioneers in this area so. | 00:37:34 | |
Great. Thank you. All right, Council that can I get a motion? Yeah, I moved to adopt. | 00:37:41 | |
The consent or not consent 7.2 as presented. Can I get a second? Just to clarify, this will be ordinance 2024. | 00:37:49 | |
7.2 Ordinance 2024-15. Can I get a second, Second. All in favor? It's an ordinance, Jake I, Marty, I, Sarah. All right, we'll go | 00:38:00 | |
ahead and move to our public hearing for the FY25 Budget Amendment Resolution 2024, Dash 32. What I'm going to do is have us go | 00:38:08 | |
into a public hearing. | 00:38:17 | |
And then we'll have the discussion, we'll go have a public hearing, and then we'll make a motion. Can I get a motion on this one? | 00:38:26 | |
You may want to do the items on the agenda out of order. So we have the budget hearing after 6:00 PM. | 00:38:31 | |
Oh, OK. What time is it right now? | 00:38:38 | |
540, you're quicker than we anticipated. OK, let's go ahead and. | 00:38:42 | |
Public hearing again, but the 9.2 doesn't have to be at 6:00 PM or does it? Because we've noticed it as well. Both the budget | 00:38:49 | |
hearing and the fee schedule hearing should be OK. Let's go ahead and talk about the social media policy amendment. I imagine this | 00:38:54 | |
one will be brief as well. | 00:39:00 | |
And then maybe we can take a recess. | 00:39:07 | |
I think I'm doing this presentation together with Jenna Hearn, who's in the back, as a resource to answer questions. | 00:39:13 | |
We had a work session I think a few months ago now where we presented the social media policy. The the history and the need for | 00:39:19 | |
this is about a year ago. | 00:39:25 | |
Can you hear me better now, Karen? Is that improved? Thank you. About a year ago, we had some social media activity that related | 00:39:33 | |
to city business. That was, I'll just call it a little bit sharp. We had some people mention things like maybe now's the time to | 00:39:40 | |
exercise our Second Amendment rights referring to public officials, elected officials and the city did not have in place of social | 00:39:47 | |
media policy that would allow it to deal with that type of comment or that kind of behavior on social media. | 00:39:55 | |
So what we have put forward is a policy. I think there are some things in the policy that are really important and I think the | 00:40:03 | |
best way to address it so there can be no confusion is to read just a few sentences from the policy and then I'll outline a little | 00:40:10 | |
bit of what it what it presents. I'm reading from Section 2. It's on page one of the policy. The city's social media properties | 00:40:17 | |
are public, meaning all comments are publicly visible, accessible. | 00:40:25 | |
Search engines and classified as public records under state law, Commenters on the city's social media posts enjoy First Amendment | 00:40:32 | |
rights. In following the law, there may be times when what some people perceive to be offensive comments will remain visible on | 00:40:39 | |
the social media posts if such comments are legally protected speech. And then we go on to ask people to please be understanding | 00:40:46 | |
that the posts are intended for a broad audience. | 00:40:52 | |
That may include children, may include people underage and that they behave in a respectful way. | 00:41:00 | |
The city is limited in what it can and cannot moderate on social media. You're we're limited both by how the platform functions, | 00:41:05 | |
but also by the 1st Amendment rights that people enjoy when they interact with the city in that way and so. | 00:41:12 | |
We have in the policy a bulleted list on the bottom of page one, the top of page 2 that goes through the categories of behavior on | 00:41:21 | |
social media that would require some kind of moderation to respect all of the users of that. I'm going to touch on the high | 00:41:28 | |
points, but this isn't an exclusive list. The kinds of comments that we can't allow to remain are things that are discriminatory. | 00:41:35 | |
So any reference to an individual's. | 00:41:42 | |
Age, race, gender, sexual orientation. | 00:41:50 | |
Things of that type, anything that is slanderous or defamatory, Anything that is advertising or commercial activity on a post, if | 00:41:53 | |
it's fraudulent or illegal, if it's spam or contains malware, if it has a hyperlink to anything other than a city website, we | 00:42:00 | |
can't allow that. If there's a copyright infringement. If the post includes personal or private information about an individual. | 00:42:08 | |
And then finally. | 00:42:15 | |
If there's some kind of safety issue or some kind of threatening behavior on the social media post, we also want to have in place | 00:42:22 | |
a process so that if a post is moderated, a record of that is preserved and the individual who's common is moderated has an | 00:42:29 | |
ability to appeal and have an appeal heard about the moderated comment. So there's an appeal process where if somebody's comment | 00:42:36 | |
is moderated and they think that it's done. | 00:42:43 | |
Against what the policy calls for. | 00:42:50 | |
They can ask for that to be removed and for the to be reviewed and for the policy to be, or for the comment to be reinstated or | 00:42:53 | |
made public again if the city was an error in that action. | 00:42:59 | |
And then Daria in the public comments asked the question about there's a, there's a portion of the policy that is instructive to | 00:43:07 | |
people that are using city social media. We don't so often on social media comments, the city will find that people use that as a | 00:43:15 | |
place to identify either hazards in the community or things that might require work or attention in the community. And. | 00:43:24 | |
Social media posts are not the city's main. | 00:43:34 | |
Forum or location for those kinds of things. And we are, we're concerned that if we don't have something in the policy that | 00:43:38 | |
directs people to the right location, that folks might use it as a place to report an emergency or to report a crime or to report | 00:43:44 | |
a safety hazard on the roads or sidewalks. | 00:43:50 | |
And so and then the other category of things where we need to have official comments come through in official ways is there are | 00:43:56 | |
some things under state law that require a public hearing and public hearings can receive comments in writing. And we will never | 00:44:05 | |
use social media as the form of record for things like a budget hearing of fee schedule hearing, land use hearing. | 00:44:13 | |
All of those kinds of things would be directed to. | 00:44:23 | |
The proper venue for that. So that third bullet that Daria pointed out where it says official comment slash hearing is intended to | 00:44:27 | |
direct people that if it is an item for which the city has to hold an official hearing and receive comments in that way, social | 00:44:33 | |
media will not be the the forum for those official comments. And so if you're making comments on social media and you want them to | 00:44:39 | |
be heard by decision makers as part of that process. | 00:44:46 | |
They'll need to be submitted in the way that they're called for. | 00:44:53 | |
Through that process. | 00:44:56 | |
Have any follow up questions on that? | 00:45:01 | |
Cancel Do you have any questions? | 00:45:04 | |
OK, I need a motion. | 00:45:09 | |
I move to adopt resolution 2024-26, amending the city's social media policy as presented. OK, that's the first time already. I | 00:45:11 | |
need second, second, second by Sarah. This is done by resolution sake. | 00:45:19 | |
All right, I'm Marty and Sarah. Great. | 00:45:28 | |
Where are we at on time? | 00:45:33 | |
OK, let's take one minute each to share our council duties and or what you'd like to see on the next agenda and then I think that | 00:45:37 | |
will bring us right to. | 00:45:43 | |
This discussion. | 00:45:52 | |
I'm going to say I should write. I should be writing down all the things that happen. | 00:45:59 | |
In between, but I know we've talked about changing the agenda to try to get it seven days in advance and so. | 00:46:04 | |
I had a meeting with the mayor and Pam and we we talked about the possibility of trying to get that earlier. | 00:46:12 | |
Pam reached out to multiple cities that are, you know, growing like ours and have a lot on their agenda. And it seems kind of | 00:46:21 | |
unanimous that that the take away was. | 00:46:26 | |
If you get it out too far ahead of time. | 00:46:33 | |
There will be so many amendments that people will get frustrated and so. | 00:46:36 | |
So one thing that they started in January, I didn't realize that that was new, was introduced to work sessions where where | 00:46:41 | |
anything we have questions on, we can request a work session to learn more about. | 00:46:46 | |
And then also that we have the right to take anything off the consent that we want. And so if you, I don't know that it's | 00:46:51 | |
realistic to say we could do seven day advance agenda just because there's so many moving parts right now. But if there's | 00:46:58 | |
something that you see on the consent items that you're concerned with, you can reach out to any of us on the council and we can | 00:47:04 | |
postpone or if we have questions, we can postpone it, right? So so we have. | 00:47:11 | |
Some tools that we can use. | 00:47:19 | |
To make sure that we all feel confident with with what's on the agenda. So I wanted to let you know that and the new fire station | 00:47:22 | |
start is starting. So that's exciting Firehouse. So that's super exciting. | 00:47:29 | |
There's been a lot that's happened that was cool. I was there by myself, but still cool. So, so many cute little kids and such a | 00:47:38 | |
great community. | 00:47:43 | |
Activity that brought everybody together. It was very fun. | 00:47:50 | |
Oh yeah, well, you know, it's a glorious parking round table. Immediately after we've we've gone, I've had multiple meetings with | 00:47:56 | |
with staff and cash and we've gone over and over ideas that we think might work citywide. So it'll be nice to have this roundtable | 00:48:02 | |
where we can hear. | 00:48:08 | |
Your ideas and your feedback and propose some things that we thought that might solve the problem. So anyway, we're excited about | 00:48:14 | |
that. | 00:48:17 | |
Who do you like to go? | 00:48:24 | |
OK, sorry. OK, So big things happen on November 5th, there were two things that greatly affect our city. First of all, Proposition | 00:48:27 | |
10 passed and thank you so much for the community support on that. I think it's it's going to be really great for Vineyard City to | 00:48:34 | |
have our change of government to to have an an additional council member and just change the the format and how our legislative | 00:48:42 | |
body works. | 00:48:49 | |
We just for those of you that might not know it will it will go into effect January 2026. So it will have, we'll have an election | 00:48:57 | |
November 2025 that will include 1/3 council seat and that that third council seat actually will only be a two year term. And so if | 00:49:05 | |
you take third you get that two year term and would need to run again in two years while the first two seats would be a four year | 00:49:12 | |
term. | 00:49:19 | |
And the reason we did that was to keep it balanced so that we didn't have a surplus of people of candidates every two year cycle. | 00:49:27 | |
So we'll have three seats. | 00:49:31 | |
Each cycle. So that's really exciting. That would go into effect with our new mayor. It would be a new council. | 00:49:37 | |
And again, I'm just really excited that we were able to pass that through. The other thing that greatly effects our city that | 00:49:44 | |
passed on November 5th was. | 00:49:49 | |
The two interlocals that were proposed within Alpine School District, the West Side and the Central District, both passed. It's | 00:49:56 | |
interesting if you look at the precincts and how they voted, but they both did pass and. | 00:50:05 | |
It kind of leaves Vineyard in a unique position. The laws have changed so many times throughout this process that there's a | 00:50:14 | |
there's quite a few unknowns, but I want you to understand that Vineyard. | 00:50:21 | |
It's, it's fair to presume that Vineyard City and the remaining cities that were not a part of an interlocal will be joining as a | 00:50:31 | |
school district. And we are currently meeting with them. We've been in touch with our council, with their mayor, city managers and | 00:50:39 | |
attorneys and we're we've been in touch with the other cities and Alpine School District and we're discussing all of the steps. | 00:50:46 | |
I've commented and responded to some questions on social media and frankly. | 00:50:55 | |
Every time I comment something I'm told, oh, no, it's changing or no you don't. What I told you actually isn't accurate, not from | 00:51:00 | |
our attorney, from other people, city City Council members from other cities. So I'm not going to give you all the details and | 00:51:07 | |
tell they're hammered out a little bit more. So I'm not sharing in accurate information. The oh, but if you have questions, please | 00:51:14 | |
contact me. I'm willing to answer and give you the information I currently have. It's just. | 00:51:21 | |
Know that it could change. And then the other thing, umm, actually I think that was it. | 00:51:29 | |
That's great, Jake. | 00:51:36 | |
Yeah, I don't have too much, but I do have a couple of things. | 00:51:39 | |
As you guys know, I'm really concerned about the City Hall and the RFP. I, I do not believe that that should be processing and I | 00:51:46 | |
don't and working as I know it's not out on the street yet until our citizens understand the bonding and the finances on that. I | 00:51:52 | |
was able to sit down with a financial expert today at a Brigham Young University that does this in depth to kind of help me | 00:51:59 | |
understand and wrap around. | 00:52:05 | |
Potential numbers of what it is just if it were 'cause I know. | 00:52:12 | |
I I struggle with the process that we're following because we're going, we're using city staff time right now. | 00:52:17 | |
To develop the RFP. | 00:52:26 | |
Once we put it out on the street, then we're going to select the vendor and then we're going to spend $1,000,000, right? And then | 00:52:28 | |
for citizens, I don't know. | 00:52:32 | |
And you know, there's just so much and I and I don't fault Eric, but as even just within the last six weeks. | 00:52:38 | |
More information is still being put together and it changes like are they bonded, are they going to bond? Are they going to pay | 00:52:46 | |
for it or are they going to be tenants? And just I was able to wrap around 2 numbers that I think is really scary, which is if | 00:52:52 | |
we're, if we are going to have a tenant on the 3rd tenant. | 00:52:58 | |
And Mag is only going to be able to doing, you know, 8 million in cash board, you know, you're looking at a $22 million bond. | 00:53:06 | |
A $22 million, a 20, just let's say that we had a AAA rating, which I don't know our rating, but let's say we have the best in the | 00:53:14 | |
world. | 00:53:17 | |
We're looking at a $1.4 million payment annually and right now we're only paying 60,000 to rent. | 00:53:23 | |
And that's like, that's like building a fire station every year just on the just on the payment. | 00:53:32 | |
Now, if we were to get a tenant that they were to miss a year here or there over the course of that 20 years, you're still looking | 00:53:38 | |
at a 700 thousand $700,000 payment on something that is just extremely. So you're putting all the marbles in that without first | 00:53:45 | |
going to the voters. And so I'm really concerned because there are two types of bonds. There's a general obligation bond which | 00:53:53 | |
would allow our citizens to vote on if they want it. | 00:54:00 | |
I think that really is the only path that we should pursue because it, I mean, being that it is the largest project we've ever | 00:54:08 | |
built in the city, that citizens should ask if that's what we want. Cuz that's basically what we'll be paying for in the next 20 | 00:54:15 | |
years and not much less in my opinion. Or there's a council vote where only five of us would be doing that. Also, just to put in | 00:54:22 | |
context, because of the, you know, I know we had some battles on the budget where we all agreed that. | 00:54:29 | |
There was no, I mean, I didn't, but you guys agreed that there was no more. | 00:54:37 | |
Ability to cut. | 00:54:41 | |
You know, I wanted that. Hey, are you guys OK with this? And that was left off. | 00:55:14 | |
I know Jamie, you promised that with Eric and everyone. | 00:55:19 | |
Go ahead, Eric. | 00:55:24 | |
Jamie, we asked Jamie to prepare a resolution for that and it was simply a clerical error that it didn't end up on tonight's | 00:55:27 | |
agenda. So it it will be the resolution will be on the meeting for the 20th. | 00:55:33 | |
When you asked about it earlier today and I looked at the agenda, it was a. | 00:55:40 | |
Supposed to be on there, but because we can't add things last minute, that will be on the agenda for the 20th. So come, come learn | 00:55:45 | |
about it. It'll be a resolution that essentially is just describing the intent of the council to pursue the design work for the | 00:55:52 | |
City Hall, which was budgeted in the in this year's budget. | 00:55:59 | |
Subsequent discussions about the the funding of the actual City Hall will again come back before the public. | 00:56:08 | |
For a in depth conversation that's six to eight months out. Once we have the designs kind of towards the tail end of that design | 00:56:16 | |
process, we can get clear cost estimates and then we will engage with our financial consultant who will propose to us the best or | 00:56:24 | |
recommend to us the the best bonding. | 00:56:32 | |
Form to fit within the budget and that will be a formula driven type budget assessment based on revenue streams that the city has | 00:56:41 | |
so that that will be an affordable. | 00:56:46 | |
Option or it won't be a good option at all and so that process will take place and there will be. | 00:56:52 | |
Numerous points down the line overtime for the. | 00:56:58 | |
For you the public to learn about that, hear about it and for council to learn about that as we go. Right now it wouldn't be | 00:57:03 | |
possible for us to be assessing what that bond looks like because we are not at the point where we have the specific details about | 00:57:11 | |
the cost and so forth. So expect that at subsequent meetings that will be a public discussion just like the 1:00 tonight. | 00:57:18 | |
Perfect. I would just add that. | 00:57:28 | |
I don't think that order of operation is is clear and as good because I believe we should be understanding if it is something we | 00:57:30 | |
want to do because it's easy to get the numbers. It took us maybe 30 minutes to figure out. | 00:57:36 | |
Ballpark, and those are the best ballpark that is if we get the incredible bond rating that Orem City has, that is under the | 00:57:43 | |
condition that we're not adding 2,000,000 for MAG. That is understanding that we are right on the $30 million budget which they | 00:57:50 | |
looked at. I mean many people looked at and said hey, this is going to go over budget that that cost is a year old in terms of | 00:57:56 | |
things. So those numbers could go much higher, but. | 00:58:03 | |
My next thing is is in talking about the. | 00:58:10 | |
Vineyard Grapevine. | 00:58:14 | |
I'm a big. | 00:58:16 | |
Proponent of freedom of speech there's a couple of issues that I have with it and I think I'm grateful that the citizens can now | 00:58:19 | |
speak through open comments I wish that would have been faster, but I. | 00:58:25 | |
I worry about and I've seen the posts that are put up by our staff, by the citizens submitting it through staff. The citizens | 00:58:32 | |
verbiage has been changed and altered. So it's not, that's not what they're saying. It's being viewed and alter saying hey, this | 00:58:38 | |
is a parking discussion and we're answering that. | 00:58:44 | |
#2 some things are not being posted already. Citizens have already said they've submitted it and it's not. So who is choosing what | 00:58:50 | |
we publish and what we don't and having that filtered? | 00:58:55 | |
Three, the mayor and executive staff get to be the ones that view the comments, but I as as as the legislative side, don't have | 00:59:01 | |
live access to see what is coming in and comments and rumors, so I'm excluded from being able to see it. | 00:59:08 | |
And then four, social media already provides an open-ended way to be able to have a two way form that's free. So paying for and | 00:59:16 | |
developing a website where we're already belabored and struggling financially. And I just wanted the council to know that I | 00:59:24 | |
disagree with that approach. I think that everyone knows Instagram, social media, you know, Facebook, Twitter, the main 3 so. | 00:59:31 | |
And then the last thing that I would say is on the school district split, I think we saw this coming through. I mean, I did and | 00:59:41 | |
I'm a little bit concerned because I haven't been in any meetings and I want to be in meetings. And I know that you were able to | 00:59:48 | |
go and meet with the mayors of of all the other mayors and whatnot and just it is a big thing because. | 00:59:56 | |
You know, a lot of people saying our tax is going to go up. Are they not? And being able so that I can participate. | 01:00:05 | |
As I haven't been in any or also the citizens ability to listen in as well. So I asked the council to restart those so that So | 01:00:12 | |
what will happen to your information is that they will they'll meet together and they'll get on the same page and they'll get all | 01:00:19 | |
of our responsibilities and duties together for what we're obligated to do. And then we will bring that to the council. And then | 01:00:27 | |
as that time comes, you can start going through that and sharing it with the residents and you can always. | 01:00:34 | |
Briefings from our city manager and our city attorney, and then when it's time to start meeting, we will. But right now they're | 01:00:41 | |
just going over. | 01:00:45 | |
Legal logistics and I understand that and I would just say, and I key on the word that you said obligated. I don't think the work | 01:00:51 | |
that we should only do the minimal of what's obligated. But you know, there's multiple meetings where two of us can be. I know | 01:00:57 | |
Marty, you've held meetings with just you and the mayor. And it's like I'm I'm screaming to say, hey, can I just sit in the wall | 01:01:03 | |
since two of us are not a quorum. And I just want to point out that. | 01:01:09 | |
I'm not being afforded those opportunities, right? Well, with this particular meeting, we have to go through these meetings to get | 01:01:15 | |
on the same page with other cities. But like I said, you're free to meet with the city manager and our lawyer and they can always | 01:01:24 | |
facilitate meetings for you so that you can get the same answers and questions and the same things that are happening. | 01:01:32 | |
As you, as you take the time to take those meetings, I, I agree. I just wanted to make it a point that I asked to be on them and | 01:01:41 | |
be involved. I, I don't sit on any boards. I don't sit on any committees in the city. | 01:01:47 | |
And I asked to be in different meetings to the fly on the wall and I'm not allowed to. And I just feel like, you know, I was voted | 01:01:53 | |
in to be able to. | 01:01:58 | |
Represent the cities and I are citizens and I kindly ask in a nice way and I know there's disagreement but just wanted to document | 01:02:03 | |
that. | 01:02:06 | |
Jake, I get it. I have had there's been committees and meetings that I wanted to be a part of, but which is another reason why I'm | 01:02:14 | |
looking forward to our form of government change which would allow two council members and the mayor attend meetings. So we're not | 01:02:20 | |
breaking Okma, but. | 01:02:26 | |
I want to tell you that. | 01:02:33 | |
There's been a few meetings, there's been a lot of conversations, but I will do my best to report to you and. | 01:02:37 | |
There will be meetings where we're all participating, I'm sure as we move forward because this is a big decision that we won't be | 01:02:46 | |
able to make without legislative approval. And so there's a lot to look forward to. It's just right now there's so there is just | 01:02:53 | |
really figuring out what the law is saying. And it's hard when the state keeps adjusting things and there's some some laws or some | 01:02:59 | |
ordinances or codes, I guess that contradict each other. | 01:03:06 | |
From my perspective. | 01:03:13 | |
So there's just a lot to figure out and so. | 01:03:16 | |
I, I'm not trying to speak for the mayor, but you will get to participate in this and if you have questions or want to talk to | 01:03:19 | |
other City Council members, you have the ability to do that and I don't think. | 01:03:25 | |
You, you imply that there have been a lot of meetings. I know the one that we all went to in Orem City, and I know a City Council | 01:03:31 | |
person invited me to one and Cedar Hills, but I only know of one other one. So it's not like you're excluded. There's been so few | 01:03:39 | |
because everybody's trying to figure out what's happening, right? I know. Well, we all have responsibilities too. So when your | 01:03:46 | |
responsibility comes to the table, we make sure you're there. | 01:03:53 | |
And if you're not given an appointment for whatever reason, you haven't been given the appointment. If you do in a meeting, we | 01:04:00 | |
always welcome you and facilitate those meetings with you so that we don't break OPA. And so we do it in the right order so that | 01:04:07 | |
we can provide the most transparency and follow the law. So right now with three votes, we can just notice it. And I notice the | 01:04:13 | |
notice was put together so fast today, like in a 5 minute period. | 01:04:19 | |
And right now it just takes three votes to make it a public meeting and allow me to be involved in any of those. And even then? | 01:04:26 | |
So, Marty, you have the power right now with three votes, What are you asking me to hold? Any meeting that we need to other | 01:04:33 | |
council members? | 01:04:37 | |
No, I know and they don't, they don't want me there. No, no, no, no, no, they might not want to make it a public meeting, right. | 01:04:42 | |
So I'm a lot of times I'm invited to these meetings and they specifically have, you know, they're when I'm invited to a meeting as | 01:04:49 | |
a council member, then I let the mayor know and if she wants to attend. | 01:04:56 | |
We leave that seat available to her. I was able to invite Sarah to 1 and I can't just, if they invite me to a meeting to discuss | 01:05:03 | |
logistics, I'm not going to say, well, I want 3 member. I want this to be a public meeting. It's not it doesn't work. And I'm not | 01:05:09 | |
asking them to vote or whatnot. What I am saying is, is that I know of two meetings where you attended alone, Marty and the mayor. | 01:05:15 | |
You attended a loan with the mayors and I beg to be there. And I just wanted to make sure that being excluded from those is just, | 01:05:21 | |
it's like. | 01:05:27 | |
I want to be as a fan of all, to learn, well, no other council members that I'm aware of related to the mayor's meetings because I | 01:05:33 | |
would have liked to be there because that's my responsibility. Well, in those efforts, for whatever given reason, the ball is | 01:05:40 | |
dropped and the opportunities are not given. And so I just wanted the citizens to know that I wait, you know, I was voted in just | 01:05:47 | |
like anyone. I don't need to be treated last time. I know I'm a different boy. | 01:05:53 | |
That I'd like to go to too, but I have to depend on her and trust her. | 01:06:01 | |
That she's gonna follow up with me and that she's gonna represent the city. Well, like I'm, I'm very interested in transportation | 01:06:05 | |
and the railroad and about Sarah's area of expertise or responsibility. So I don't get to attend those. And I'm, I understand we | 01:06:10 | |
have different responsibilities. So to be fair, I think I kind of inserted myself in a lot of places because I didn't know very | 01:06:16 | |
much and I really wanted to learn my job and do it well. And so I've, I've literally asked for almost all of the meetings that | 01:06:22 | |
I've had. | 01:06:28 | |
So it's not like anyone's been excluded. It's just I need to learn this. I want to understand this. Who can, who's best to teach | 01:06:34 | |
me about that, Right. So, and, and I get that, Sir, that I'm sure they do that for you too. | 01:06:39 | |
I know that's your experience and that experience has not been of mine. I asked for certain things and then I call the people | 01:06:47 | |
directly and go around the staff to be able to make my meetings possible sometimes. So I just want to make sure that's a different | 01:06:53 | |
experience and I'm grateful that your experience is that way, but that's not mine. | 01:06:59 | |
I don't want to take time in the meeting if it's not necessary, but if it would be helpful, I'd be happy to give kind of a a broad | 01:07:07 | |
stroke overview of the school district where the change is. Sure. Yeah, I think that would be great. Conversations are right now | 01:07:12 | |
so. | 01:07:17 | |
There's the laws, kind of from a lawyer's perspective, this is a really fun problem because I don't know that it's come up before, | 01:07:22 | |
but it but it makes it messy. The law contemplates a school district separating once. | 01:07:29 | |
It doesn't. I don't think it contemplates a school district separating twice at the same time. | 01:07:37 | |
And So what has ended up happening is with. | 01:07:44 | |
Several of the cities coming together to form their own district and another group of cities coming together to form our district. | 01:07:48 | |
Linden, Orem, Vineyard, and Pleasant Grove are left with being what the law calls a reorganized new school district. It's | 01:07:55 | |
important to note that the cities do not run the school district and are not the school district. But what will happen over the | 01:08:01 | |
next? | 01:08:08 | |
Year. | 01:08:16 | |
To two years is that the new school district will take shape and it'll take shape in phases. So right now we're still waiting for | 01:08:17 | |
the election results to be certified. We have a good idea of where the vote went right on all of this, but we have to wait until | 01:08:24 | |
the county clerk certifies the election before certain things can start happening and moving. The first few actions on the | 01:08:31 | |
formation of the reorganized new school district that will include Vineyard. | 01:08:38 | |
Will be done by the county. | 01:08:46 | |
They'll begin the process of organizing the boundaries of the district, creating boundaries for the board seats within the school | 01:08:48 | |
district. | 01:08:53 | |
And the rough deadlines for those things we do have a pretty good idea of because the statute, at least on those points is clear | 01:08:59 | |
that in April 2025 is when you'll see the redistricting and then fall of 2025 you'll have a school board election. It'll follow | 01:09:06 | |
the same cycle as the municipal election, the same primaries, the same deadlines for submitting candidacy and then of course the | 01:09:13 | |
vote in November along with. | 01:09:20 | |
The municipal election in January 2026 is when the new school board will be seated. | 01:09:28 | |
For this new school district, and then there is a long period of identifying assets and liabilities and then arranging for the | 01:09:35 | |
transfer of those assets and liabilities and for the new district to stand itself up so that it can provide educational services. | 01:09:43 | |
And the time frame for that runs from roughly January 2026 when the new school board is seated. | 01:09:51 | |
To July 1, 2027. Now there's one really important strategic point that I hope the public understands. | 01:10:00 | |
Vineyard had an opportunity to enter into an MOU to try to form its own school district to engage with these different groups in a | 01:10:08 | |
number of different ways. One of the choices the law provides for us that in my view is a massive benefit for being the | 01:10:16 | |
reorganized new school district and not one of these new districts that decided to separate, is that the law requires. | 01:10:25 | |
The the portions of the district that chose to separate. | 01:10:35 | |
Have to pay for our part of organizing our reorganizing school district. | 01:10:39 | |
We're trying to figure out what things we can make them pay for and at what stages we need to have them pay for those things. And | 01:10:46 | |
I'll say we're not considering this, but at least one of the cities involved in our conversations is trying to make sure that they | 01:10:54 | |
explore all legal remedies before we jump into doing things that would begin. | 01:11:02 | |
Identifying assets, making studies, coordinating together on different activities. | 01:11:11 | |
And then there's some question what part of that the city is doing, what part of it the new district does when it gets organized | 01:11:16 | |
and formed. What we do know is that Alpine School District has to put together a register of all their assets and liabilities. | 01:11:22 | |
They have to submit it to the legislative auditor, and then the legislative auditor holds on to that. And then once the new | 01:11:28 | |
districts form, they get that information. We want to get ahead of some issues and make sure that when that new districts form | 01:11:34 | |
that the cities put them in a position to. | 01:11:40 | |
Hit the ground running and and be in the best position to protect our children and students in the region. But that that kind of | 01:11:46 | |
in broad strokes is how some of the different pieces will move and where we're at the we did hold a meeting yesterday with the | 01:11:54 | |
mayors and lawyers and city managers for the four cities that will be in our reorganized new district. One of the reasons we | 01:12:01 | |
wanted to hold that meeting was to go through the legality and, and what the. | 01:12:09 | |
Different options were that were available to us. There's an important reason to have those meetings behind closed doors because | 01:12:16 | |
if you are going to contemplate any kind of legal action, which we're not, but one of the cities may. | 01:12:22 | |
Then we can't have that conversation in a public setting because they'll need to form documents and other things that will go into | 01:12:31 | |
that lawsuit. We also discussed at what point and how to involve public decision making and it's the intent, I think of all four | 01:12:38 | |
cities to create a process that will be a public process for. | 01:12:46 | |
Organizing ourselves, we want to be on the same page and then working with the county and with the old school district and the new | 01:12:54 | |
school districts to make sure that we're defended and in a good position there. | 01:13:00 | |
Perfect. Thank you. All right, we'll go ahead and move on to agenda item. Let's go back to it 9.1. We'll go into a public hearing. | 01:13:08 | |
Let's do. | 01:13:13 | |
It is for the FY25 Budget amendment, Resolution 202432. I'll have a motion to go into a public hearing. | 01:13:20 | |
Anyone. | 01:13:29 | |
So moved. Thank you, Marty. Can I get a second? Second. Thanks, Sarah. All in favor. | 01:13:31 | |
We're now in a public hearing. All right, Christy. | 01:13:38 | |
Is this you? | 01:13:42 | |
Yes. Can you guys hear me OK? | 01:13:44 | |
Part of the budgeting cycle, it is expected that throughout here there will be changes, things that come up and there will be | 01:13:49 | |
amendments that need to be made. And so tonight we are here to talk about the first one that I'm presenting that on the changes | 01:13:56 | |
that that we have seen a need for. I wanted to mention that in the upcoming slides you will see the words personnel payroll | 01:14:02 | |
adjustment several times. Do not freak out. | 01:14:09 | |
Nobody is getting paid more. | 01:14:16 | |
I just wanted to explain, we have several employees that part of their pay is given to different departments. And so there were | 01:14:19 | |
several employees that when we got together, it didn't make sense. So when we adjusted the percentage that was paid by each | 01:14:26 | |
department, total is still the same, but the different funds are, the different entities are paying different percentages and that | 01:14:33 | |
was a few. So on each of the account and each of the funds, you're going to see a little up and a little down. That's the first. | 01:14:41 | |
The second reason is some directors get a vehicle and a cell phone reimbursement. | 01:14:49 | |
And it was our understanding that in budgeting that when it went into the finance system that that was also broken out in | 01:14:58 | |
percentages like their wages were. And I can realize that is not the case. So the total amount for a vehicle or cell phone | 01:15:05 | |
reimbursement is now being charged to the primary department. So there were some adjustments up and down that way. Again, the | 01:15:13 | |
total did not change. It was just the department or the enterprise fund that that there were some differences in that. | 01:15:20 | |
So I wanted to explain that before we went on to my next slide. | 01:15:27 | |
So here we have our general fund adjustments. | 01:15:34 | |
The first one is really exciting news. | 01:15:37 | |
This is a one time increase in our franchise tax because back in 20/20/2020 and 2021, there were eight checks that were made out | 01:15:40 | |
to Vineyard City that were never cashed. So Questar Gas in doing their reports for the unclaimed, if any of you are familiar with | 01:15:48 | |
that, they realized that we had not cashed those checks. They reached out and we said Oh yes, we do want that money. We never did | 01:15:55 | |
receive it. So that is a one time incre. | 01:16:03 | |
Of the 118,000 and that's relative to the 8 checks that we have already received. | 01:16:10 | |
Sanitation revenue projections are up 8%. That's in relation to the fee increase that we have related to sanitation. So this is | 01:16:16 | |
just a follow up plan. We're increasing the revenue side to match that. | 01:16:23 | |
Again, on the expenditures, personnel, payroll adjustments, that's what I was explaining on the different percentages charged to | 01:16:30 | |
departments. | 01:16:34 | |
We have increased our bacon merchant fees by $10,000 because of the increase that we are being charged by the bank and the | 01:16:38 | |
merchants to process our transactions. | 01:16:42 | |
The next one is kind of a fun one, I think. Utah County has got a homeless project that they are working on. It's called the | 01:16:49 | |
Winter Response Task Force and they have asked that each city donate $100 for every $1000 residence. | 01:16:57 | |
Thank you for $1100 for every thousand residents. | 01:17:07 | |
And so we're proposing that we put the 2200 in as a placeholder in the event. | 01:17:12 | |
That that is, that capitalizes the last one. You were all aware of the library board communications earlier. This last one is | 01:17:18 | |
relevant to that. The AmeriCorps subsidy is a program that we can go out and pay a flat $7000 for the year and they will bring a | 01:17:25 | |
person in, they administer the payroll. There's not additional costs that way. We pay the flat fee and they bring in a person that | 01:17:33 | |
that would be filling that position to get. | 01:17:40 | |
Extra hours in the library that we need, so that's pretty exciting. | 01:17:48 | |
So that's all the ones in the general fund? | 01:17:52 | |
On capital projects, not a whole lot of adjustments, most of them are projects that were not quite complete at the end of fiscal | 01:17:56 | |
year 24. So the revenue that the money that we were going to spend has rolled over as well as the expense. So that kind of wash | 01:18:03 | |
each other out. The one that I do want to bring your attention to is we were able to receive a grant related to EU dot regional | 01:18:11 | |
trail enhancement on that grant is going to bring in $785,000 and. | 01:18:18 | |
Match will be 57,000. So that's that is a really exciting thing for us. And again the rest of the projects are just carry over | 01:18:26 | |
from the prior fiscal year. | 01:18:31 | |
Water and wastewater funds, I've combined these two because most of the things that we're going to talk about are relative to | 01:18:39 | |
both. The first two increases are related to the water fund, the pipeline project and the water tank project. I'm sure many of you | 01:18:45 | |
are familiar with. It has come to our attention that there's some change orders and an additional $100,000 is needed for the | 01:18:50 | |
pipeline project. | 01:18:56 | |
$200,000 for the water tank project and then within our wastewater or sewer fund. | 01:19:02 | |
There's an additional 1500 needed to cover data costs. Again, there was some up and down water and wastewater personnel payroll | 01:19:09 | |
adjustments. I do want to mention that there is fund balance in the water and wastewater funds. So there is no, there's no strain | 01:19:17 | |
on the general fund. This is them using their additional fund balance. | 01:19:24 | |
The transportation fund, it's my error. I misunderstood the communication that I received. So this was originally stated as an | 01:19:33 | |
increased cost for the repairs at Geneva and Center St. It's actually a carryover project from last year. So the $220,000 worth on | 01:19:40 | |
the fiscal year 24 budget, that project was not complete. We have rolled it over and that is why that that is now showing up on | 01:19:46 | |
there. | 01:19:53 | |
You can see that there's a difference. | 01:20:01 | |
In the 217 versus the 2:20, that is relative to the payroll adjustments that I had talked about. So there was actually less that | 01:20:03 | |
was charged to the transportation fund. So that's why that revenue is less than what that additional rollover cost was. | 01:20:11 | |
The internal service fund, again, this was no additional strain on the general fund. We have fund balance. If you remember, as | 01:20:21 | |
we've talked budget in the past, internal service funds does not tie out every year. It's meant to tie out over time. And so we | 01:20:28 | |
have a little bit of buffer and it's exactly for instances like this. We're currently working on an RFP for our IT contract | 01:20:35 | |
services and we are finding that we are going to need about 52,000 more. | 01:20:42 | |
To be able to include the cybersecurity as part of that RFP. | 01:20:50 | |
And then also there is a centricom that the increase that's going to be 1919 thousand. Again both of these are covered by fund | 01:20:54 | |
balance. So there is not. | 01:21:00 | |
Any burden on the general fund? Now this last one is just kind of a fun plug. If you have never been to this website, I encourage | 01:21:06 | |
all of you to go to this website. | 01:21:11 | |
If when Dominion Energy Crystal Gas had reached out and said hey, we sent you this $118,000 in checks, if we didn't reply to them | 01:21:18 | |
and say yes, we want that, then they by law have to hand it over to the state. So then we would go on and you | 01:21:26 | |
would see Vineyard for $118,000 where you have 8 different lines because it was eight different checks. | 01:21:33 | |
When I was working at Utah County, I saw this for the first time. | 01:21:42 | |
And I thought, yeah, like, what am I going to find? I got over it. Anything over $250 says amount over $250, and I go with $264 | 01:21:46 | |
just for checking this website. Now, that's not going to happen for all of you. And I'm not usually the lucky 1, but I thought I | 01:21:52 | |
would be remiss if I didn't tell everyone to go and check this because it is a really simple process to claim things that you're | 01:21:58 | |
not even aware of out there. | 01:22:04 | |
Any questions on the budget amendment? | 01:22:12 | |
OK. Are there any questions from the public? | 01:22:16 | |
Welcome to the microphone. | 01:22:20 | |
Say your name. | 01:22:22 | |
Feel like this is a school room? | 01:22:24 | |
Darlene Price Villas where's the budget? I've been looking all night long to find out the budget for us and I've gone to the. | 01:22:27 | |
Vineyard org and there's no budget. So where am I looking for the budget? | 01:22:38 | |
It's attached. This is part of the agenda on the civic wreck. | 01:22:45 | |
Maybe what we can do is put a link to it, or you could meet with Christy afterwards and she can see where you're having a miss. Is | 01:22:51 | |
there a website that our budget is on? | 01:22:57 | |
Not this one because this is an amendment. Until it's approved it will not show up on the website, but after approval it will show | 01:23:04 | |
up. So what's on the website now is the original one that was posted. | 01:23:10 | |
Ago and said yes, that we passed that budget, yes, on August 20. OK, so that one is on This one will only be put | 01:23:16 | |
on there once it has been approved by council tonight. Vineyard is where that is. Yes, it will say fiscal year 25 working | 01:23:23 | |
budget after amendment number one. I did a quick Google search and if it helps you, it's Vineyard and then it's forward | 01:23:30 | |
slash government, forward slash budget. Thank you. | 01:23:38 | |
All right. Any other questions? | 01:23:46 | |
Okay, seniors are 9. Can I get a motion go out of a public hearing? | 01:23:49 | |
So moved. Thank you. First by Marty. Can I get a second, second, second by Sarah? Any comments? All in favor? Aye, opposed. | 01:23:55 | |
You don't want to go out. Oh, sorry. | 01:24:07 | |
Public comment. | 01:24:09 | |
Aye. All right. Let's go ahead and have a budget discussion with the council. Any questions? You seem like you have some. Jake, | 01:24:10 | |
did you want to start? Yeah. | 01:24:15 | |
In my meetings with Eric, we got this. | 01:24:21 | |
Meeting was today, um. | 01:24:24 | |
On these adjustments, Christy, I know it's not ready for public, but the second we know about it, could we get a little bit more | 01:24:28 | |
heads up than just the 24 hour public notice that the budget's going to change because I only get it at 5? | 01:24:34 | |
24 hours before the meeting. | 01:24:42 | |
This this is something that we discussed in our last weeks meeting as well. And, and right, but you didn't have the actual numbers | 01:24:45 | |
to give me at that time. I didn't get them until yesterday. So it's just like as a courtesy, could I get them sooner so I could | 01:24:51 | |
review them like the finances of it. I had access to them Friday. | 01:24:58 | |
Is it Friday at 3:00? | 01:25:05 | |
Yeah, it was in the pre, the preview of the agenda and so I was able to read through it over the weekend. I think that was | 01:25:07 | |
descending into the full council. | 01:25:12 | |
So so. | 01:25:17 | |
Any further questions, comments. | 01:25:20 | |
It's not I need a motion. | 01:25:22 | |
Well, Jake, do you have concerns because you already voted no. So it looks like your intention is to vote no, but what are your | 01:25:25 | |
concerns, the cyber security and and being able to meet with them and understand that a little bit more in depth. Is it time | 01:25:32 | |
sensitive? Is it something that could wait until a council understands it better? | 01:25:40 | |
At this point it is a placeholder. | 01:25:50 | |
And the cybersecurity IT services contract will come before the council for a specific decision because of the dollar amount on | 01:25:52 | |
that. | 01:25:57 | |
So no work would be done, no RFP, no vendors until it came before. Three different questions there. The RFP, the RFP, it has been | 01:26:02 | |
done. We're going through the review process of those candidates and when one is selected, it will be recommended to council in a | 01:26:10 | |
public meeting with the dollar amount attached to it. | 01:26:18 | |
Yeah. So we're just doing this so we can have something in our budget right now and having a placeholder and then the council will | 01:26:27 | |
get to approve it and it will come before the public. And if we don't want it, then we will say no and then we will. | 01:26:35 | |
Amend the budget at some future bidding. | 01:26:45 | |
Correct. OK. Any other questions from the Council? | 01:26:48 | |
I feel good about putting me in this placeholder. It's always better to set money aside in my opinion if you want to spend it | 01:26:53 | |
later. | 01:26:56 | |
All right, I just need a motion. | 01:27:03 | |
I moved to adopt Resolution 2024 Dash 32, amending the 2025 fiscal year budget as presented. All right, we have a first time. | 01:27:12 | |
Marty. Can I get a second, second, second by Farah? Any comments? | 01:27:19 | |
All right, we'll go ahead and do this by roll call. Say no, I, Marty, I, Sarah. All right, it passed. We'll go ahead and open our | 01:27:26 | |
next public hearing. That is the consolidated reschedule amendment Resolution 202433. | 01:27:34 | |
I'll take a motion to go into a public hearing. | 01:27:43 | |
So moved. Thanks Marty. Can I get a second? | 01:27:47 | |
Second, thanks Sarah, all in favor, aye, we're now in a public hearing and Christie believe you're up again. Yes, that would be | 01:27:50 | |
me. Maria is usually one who takes care of these things that she had something come up at the last minute. We are reviewing the | 01:27:58 | |
consolidated fee schedule. Our hope is to make changes every year in about this time frame, November, December to take effect, | 01:28:05 | |
January 1st when it's related to utility changes and then to look at it again in May instead of it seems like. | 01:28:13 | |
Coming up a lot. So we've encouraged everyone, all the departments, hey, we're going to have two a year and let's keep it to that. | 01:28:20 | |
In light of that, there are quite a few changes in the recreation program on the consolidated fee schedule. There was a lot of | 01:28:26 | |
programs that we were not currently offering and they decided that we were not going to offer them and so those were dropped. | 01:28:31 | |
There was also some shift in. | 01:28:37 | |
Costs for those programs, minor increases related to some of the things that we do and then as well as adding some programs that | 01:28:44 | |
they felt like we would be using going forward that we are hoping to implement. Anything else I need to say about that, Brian? | 01:28:52 | |
I think that's pretty good. | 01:29:03 | |
We're also doing a slight increase to the field painting costs for any soccer clubs or. | 01:29:07 | |
Residents that want to reserve Park Fields, just due to us having the paint robot, now the paint costs more money. It saves us | 01:29:15 | |
time, but the paint is more expensive. So on a smaller scale that just helps cover our our costs. OK, Are there any questions from | 01:29:21 | |
the public about this? | 01:29:27 | |
All right, seeing if there are none, I'll go ahead and ask for motion, go out of a public hearing. Sorry. | 01:29:37 | |
I wasn't. I wasn't. I apologize. No. So these ones related to the recreation department will take effect immediately if we approve | 01:29:42 | |
this consolidated fee schedule tonight. There are also fee increases related to water and sewer that will be effective January 1st | 01:29:50 | |
of 2025 when we went out and bonded for the water and sewer bonds to build our water tank and booster station. | 01:29:58 | |
Management at that time committed to do periodic increases to cover costs. | 01:30:07 | |
To the rating agencies that rated our bonds and I was made aware of that recently. So starting January 1st, 2025, there will be a | 01:30:12 | |
4% increase in water and a 2% increase in sewer and we will do that for the next four years on January 1st. | 01:30:21 | |
Going forward, the one thing that's a little bit different is the sewer. We were just told that sewer treatment is going to | 01:30:30 | |
increase 15% again at the beginning of January. And so the sewer usage rate increases 17%. That's the 2% for the bond request of | 01:30:38 | |
15% that we are being charged for that treatment. But everything else, the sewer base rate will only be the 2%. | 01:30:46 | |
And again, that would take effect January 1st of 2025 for the utility rate changes. | 01:30:55 | |
Hmm, any questions or comments from the public? | 01:31:02 | |
OK, there are none. | 01:31:07 | |
Please come up darling. | 01:31:11 | |
We have my house had $4000 increase in taxes and now as I'm looking at. | 01:31:17 | |
Just just our. | 01:31:27 | |
Our history we were in, we were in the whole last year's budget by $200,000. I suppose you just erased that. I'm not sure how you | 01:31:29 | |
meant to cover that up. We voted you or you voted yourself a raise and a merit raise. | 01:31:37 | |
You were talking about a design, about this, about this City Hall. | 01:31:47 | |
The people that were here said we don't want that and you went ahead and did it anyway. | 01:31:52 | |
Now I'm hearing you say, well, if we build it, they will come. | 01:32:00 | |
And we will pass a bond and I will tell you right now any bond that you come and ask me for more money to build something we did | 01:32:04 | |
not want. I would vote no on. I I can't in good in good things to do that $4000 for someone who's on Social Security with no other | 01:32:12 | |
income. | 01:32:20 | |
Is a big bite out of my budget and so something in my budget has to go. | 01:32:28 | |
So we reduce the number of meals that we eat, we reduce the number of electricity, watts we reduce, we just go back through and I | 01:32:35 | |
have been doing that the last two days. The analogy here in January, we are getting an increase in sewage and water, correct? | 01:32:41 | |
That's what you just said. | 01:32:47 | |
You guys are killing us. You're absolutely killing us and put us putting us in ******* to our homes. And I don't think that's | 01:32:55 | |
transparent at all. I think that is insidious. | 01:33:01 | |
Christy, did you have any comments about anything that she talked about? | 01:33:18 | |
No, most of what she talked about was related to budget. Obviously as constant recent as we are charged more, we have to pass that | 01:33:24 | |
on to the public. We don't have a golden goose egg that we that we're able to offer. | 01:33:30 | |
Right. And we don't treat our own water. So when someone or our own sewer water, wastewater. So when someone else raises the | 01:33:38 | |
prices, we have to pass that on to them. No, I, I think that's really important for the public to hear. I think that pass throughs | 01:33:44 | |
are really important and and so clarifying that I think is really important to the public. | 01:33:50 | |
Are there any requests, comments. I feel like the public should. | 01:33:59 | |
This is my last one, then I won't say anymore. | 01:34:02 | |
We've got this process, to my estimation, wrong. It comes before you and you decide to pass it or not. If you pass it, then you | 01:34:05 | |
say now we'll go to the city and we will ask and see if they wanted this pass. That seems backwards to me. You need to ask us | 01:34:12 | |
first, unless it is a rule that that's how it's done. Are you still talking about the sewer increase? I am talking about | 01:34:19 | |
everything, OK. | 01:34:25 | |
You make a decision. We're just listening to you talk tonight. We will make a decision on the budget and then we will go to the | 01:34:33 | |
community and we will ask them no, and I don't want to argue. Isn't that what you just said? You finished your comment and then | 01:34:39 | |
I'm going to invite you to take a seat. | 01:34:46 | |
We're hearing from the public first before we talk, just as you're saying. | 01:34:57 | |
So this is your chance to tell us what you think and we want to listen and we want to hear you. And we, we don't take this lightly | 01:35:02 | |
and things and, and I'll stop so that you can continue to talk and not hear me talk and talk. OK, so I, I understand, I understand | 01:35:10 | |
what you are saying that this is where we're talking about this first. Did I not hear you say we will decide on the budget and | 01:35:17 | |
vote yes or no and then we will take it to the to the community. Did you say that? | 01:35:25 | |
OK. | 01:35:33 | |
Is that the extent of your comment? Because I'm going to have you. | 01:35:35 | |
Comment to the public. Well, I think there's a clarification maybe where the confusion is, is we we don't do our own water | 01:35:42 | |
treatment. We have to pay a company to do it. And when they raise their prices and send us the price increase, we have to put it | 01:35:48 | |
into our budget and put it back on the residents because each resident has to pay for their own sewer treatment. It's not | 01:35:54 | |
something that the government subsidizes. | 01:36:01 | |
And so some of the costs that are on this, that specifically is something that we, we don't really have a choice on unless we | 01:36:07 | |
wanted to make a decision as a government to subsidize our sewer treatment. So I think that might be where some of the we're told | 01:36:15 | |
we need to increase this. So This is why we're increasing it. The other things are up to discussion. And I think Christie's done a | 01:36:22 | |
great job of explaining a lot of things. But like I said, it's not my turn. You were also going to comment on. | 01:36:30 | |
What we're doing tonight as a public hearing. | 01:36:37 | |
But as I was cutting you off, no, I just thought that we're bringing it to the public. Yes, the public goes first. You guys tell | 01:36:40 | |
us what your concerns are, please. This is your time. And then we make the vote. We discuss as a council, we make that vote. All | 01:36:46 | |
right, Karen. | 01:36:51 | |
Karen Cornelius, fellow resident. I think what Darlene just said speaks to the issue of bonding. | 01:36:59 | |
And that is why bonding for a City Hall is very, very, very frightening. | 01:37:06 | |
For a city that has nothing in reserves. And when I spent 3 or 4 meetings asking the question of using the $1 million that you are | 01:37:12 | |
talking about to go out and get a plan for a City Hall that we do not need. And I said, can't we use that as reserve? Can't we use | 01:37:22 | |
that for a fire station? We have no reserve. So when things like this come up, you don't have any choice but coming back to us. | 01:37:32 | |
And we're done. We're done. Like Darlene said, when your income is fixed, you go without. You didn't go with that. When it came | 01:37:42 | |
time to raise salaries, to raise your salary, you didn't go without. There's many things in that budget that could have been cut | 01:37:50 | |
that were not life saving. I'm thrilled that we're getting a fire station. I'm thrilled that we will have that safety. I am not | 01:37:57 | |
thrilled that you are going to waste $1,000,000 for something that we don't need. | 01:38:04 | |
And I certainly don't see the urgency in it. And it makes me feel there is no transparency and that there is some backdoor deal | 01:38:12 | |
taking place that we have to do it right now. | 01:38:17 | |
If they are willing to donate land today and only today, then that's crooked and we don't want it. | 01:38:24 | |
Thank you. | 01:38:30 | |
All right, any other comments? | 01:38:33 | |
Come on. | 01:38:35 | |
Mandy Gray I have commented on this before but. | 01:38:42 | |
When it comes to bonding. | 01:38:49 | |
And the whole Utah County. | 01:38:52 | |
And Marty saw me escorted from the last when there was no. | 01:38:56 | |
Approval for us denying. | 01:39:06 | |
The bonding and at the school district for and and my son who has full spectrum autism. | 01:39:11 | |
Makes $15,000 a year. | 01:39:22 | |
And now he's going to pay $4000 a year. | 01:39:26 | |
That's not right and we need the council. And Mary, you've been so helpful. He cried when he talked to you because he we can pay | 01:39:32 | |
for it now, but when the Lord calls us home. | 01:39:40 | |
Who's gonna pay for him? | 01:39:48 | |
And then we have that same issue in our 55 plus community for the senior citizens. | 01:39:51 | |
How are they going to pay for all these bonds? And the issue for us is. | 01:39:58 | |
How come? | 01:40:08 | |
Why? | 01:40:10 | |
And by the way, we have legislators now who have told us that this shouldn't be happening. | 01:40:11 | |
And so we need help with the legislature and doing this. So. And Marty, thank you for your help, too. Yeah. And I think that | 01:40:21 | |
meeting is moving forward already. It's already been in work, so we'll keep you updated on it. Thank you so much. | 01:40:30 | |
All right. Any other questions from the public? OK. | 01:40:39 | |
Let's go ahead and go out of a public hearing. | 01:40:44 | |
I need a motion. | 01:40:48 | |
Samuel, OK for spring. Marty, can I get a second, second, second by Sarah, I have a question quickly. Is this something that we | 01:40:49 | |
can put to our December meeting? | 01:40:55 | |
Do you want to take a vote on the leaving the hearing? | 01:41:07 | |
All in favor, aye. All right, now we're out of a public hearing. | 01:41:11 | |
Is this something that we can take to our December meetings? | 01:41:16 | |
I'm going to defer to Jamie. | 01:41:20 | |
What about time wise? | 01:41:23 | |
We were just trying to get in the residence as much of a heads up as. | 01:41:26 | |
We could, we were trying to be transparent and say hey, this is coming up. So the one difficulty it will present, and this is not | 01:41:31 | |
a legal requirement, but I do believe it's a courtesy that the public deserves is Christie has been working to have this presented | 01:41:37 | |
to the council today because she wants to be able to win the December Billings go out to include a notice in the Billings so | 01:41:43 | |
people will be aware of the rate increase, some of the rate increase. We're not, we can't, we don't control, but we still want to | 01:41:49 | |
make sure people are aware. | 01:41:55 | |
And and know what's happening and why it's happening. If you wait and take it up in a December meeting, she will not be able to | 01:42:01 | |
send that Mailer. OK. And then the ones that we're not able to pass because we want to give implementers, we'll end up subsidizing | 01:42:08 | |
with our other funds if we wanted to give proper notice. | 01:42:14 | |
If we waited. | 01:42:22 | |
All right. | 01:42:26 | |
Are we, I hate even asking because I, I understand that the accounting can be, it's, you've done great work and you're presenting | 01:42:33 | |
that and I appreciate it. Is there a way to make this amendment one and then 1.5 or two? Like is there a limit on how many | 01:42:40 | |
amendments we can make to the budget? If we, you know, if we went through and picked. | 01:42:47 | |
And we're not talking budget amendment right now. We're the budget amendment you've approved already consolidated fees. What | 01:42:55 | |
you're talking about are the fee increases. So there were Christie went through them, but there were Parks and Rec related fee | 01:42:59 | |
increases and then there's were, I'll just call them utility. | 01:43:03 | |
Related fee increases, I don't know that a lot of the comments related to the fees. | 01:43:09 | |
Except of course, it increases an increase, right? | 01:43:14 | |
Yeah. And I'm sorry, I was distracted by the comments that had to do with the budget overall, So I lost track of what we were | 01:43:19 | |
doing. Thank you. | 01:43:22 | |
I think it's important for us to notice the public in December. I think it's and it's also something that's necessary for being | 01:43:30 | |
billed by TSTSSD is that so I think it's important for us to make this move forward so that we can make sure the public all knows. | 01:43:39 | |
But that's if you feel comfortable or feel like we have other options to wait so we can give the public more time to. | 01:43:49 | |
Understand it through the agenda or through public notice if it helps you gain some comfort with the decision. There's the TSSD | 01:43:58 | |
increase, and then there also are the increases that the city is putting forward. The city's increases are not discretionary. The | 01:44:06 | |
bond agreement requires that we make regular increases to keep pace with inflationary expenses. So the city doesn't have an option | 01:44:13 | |
not to approve those if if you don't approve them then. | 01:44:20 | |
We're violating the our commitments under those bond agreements, OK. And that is something we took to the public and they knew | 01:44:28 | |
that would come forward. So all right, thank the final comments. I think it kind of goes hand in hand with the budget things to | 01:44:34 | |
their comments. | 01:44:40 | |
This past week I looked at kind of the vehicles again and also like the on Prem cyber security and I don't remember the dollar | 01:44:47 | |
amount was like 50K or something and. | 01:44:52 | |
It's like almost everything that we do now is cloud based, you know, e-mail and all of our documents and phone and getting a | 01:44:59 | |
server on does not cost 50K to store whatever we need to store. And it's like we've got to be looking under every rock. And I and | 01:45:07 | |
I'm just, I'm not seeing that thought. That's my problem is I see so much, so many places where we could easily cut. | 01:45:16 | |
You know, we've got so many $80,000 vehicles that are just. | 01:45:25 | |
I think the most I've ever spent on my vehicle is like 28, you know, And it's like, I know I'm a frugal person. I think our city | 01:45:31 | |
needs to turn frugal. And it's not a bad thing. That doesn't mean you're poor. It just means that you're living under your means. | 01:45:37 | |
So that's just my comment is I, I want, I would love the culture to change a little bit more. | 01:45:44 | |
OK. | 01:45:54 | |
Did anybody want to make a comment on? | 01:45:55 | |
I kind of wanted to make a couple public comments just overall. | 01:45:58 | |
We do have a reserve that we're using specifically for this right now. There have been some increases that luckily we do have the | 01:46:04 | |
reserve that we're pulling from so that it doesn't have to be yet another tax increase. So I appreciate that that we we are taking | 01:46:10 | |
those steps. | 01:46:16 | |
I hesitate to say this because it feels. | 01:46:25 | |
It's, I don't want to sound insensitive at all. Our raise was I think 3% just for perspective. It was $37 more a month. And I | 01:46:29 | |
understand that council that Sarah and Jake are actually donating that to Utah County to a program that helps people with tax that | 01:46:38 | |
have a hard time paying their taxes, which I think is really cool. The reason why that 3%. | 01:46:47 | |
Raise happened and it would have been so easy. Just like no I'm principle. | 01:46:56 | |
But what we decided the year before was we had gone so long without raising counsel because it's such an awkward topic to give | 01:47:00 | |
yourself a raise that we were, that we had to make a larger increase to our salaries just to keep up with surrounding people. | 01:47:08 | |
We're still below, or we're average to several cities around us, but still below several others. And so we decided that if we do | 01:47:15 | |
minimal increases each year, that it won't have to be this really big awkward thing where we're asking. | 01:47:23 | |
Big raise and then the so that's why that passed at least so you understand why I voted for it and so that $37 a month. | 01:47:30 | |
I guess I'm I just I want to put it in perspective. | 01:47:44 | |
And then I hope you all know that I do understand the economic stress. I do see the economy and I do see inflation and there it's | 01:47:47 | |
such an awful difficult topic. And I do like Jake's mentality of finding ways to cut, which I really do believe we run a tight | 01:47:55 | |
ship. Could it be tighter? Sure. There are things that maybe we can reevaluate that we are and there are things that we have | 01:48:02 | |
reevaluated and so. | 01:48:09 | |
I mean, I know we're off topic because now we're on the consolidated fee, but I wanted to make sure to respond to some of those | 01:48:18 | |
comments. And I hope you understand that I value each and every one of you sharing your perspective because if you didn't, it | 01:48:26 | |
would make my job a lot harder. So I, I want to know and when I'm making these decisions, I feel it very I, I. | 01:48:33 | |
We really do consider everyone and specifically our senior community is the biggest concern. And so I don't want you to feel that | 01:48:42 | |
we're insensitive to that. And I, we will do our best to continue to do better and thank you. | 01:48:49 | |
OK, I need a motion. Before that I want to make one more comment and it. | 01:48:58 | |
You know, in the foundation of Vineyard, when it was decided to be a city, we realized that we didn't have State Street, we didn't | 01:49:03 | |
have BYU and we didn't have UVU. And so the creation of Vineyard was very unique in that we wouldn't have a tax base unless an RDA | 01:49:10 | |
was created and something was brought here, right? And businesses haven't come. And because our population is so small | 01:49:16 | |
comparatively. | 01:49:23 | |
We make a mistake or an assumption. | 01:49:31 | |
Of whether we pay whatever position and say this is comparable to another city. | 01:49:34 | |
Our city is not comparable because we don't have the sales tax base and so we have to double tax our property tax and that that | 01:49:40 | |
and and the founders of the city originally knew that and the frugality had to match up. And as we go and say, hey, we are going | 01:49:47 | |
to be a city, if we are going to do comparable spending, we must have a comparable tax base which we don't. And so all it does is | 01:49:55 | |
go on to the. | 01:50:02 | |
Citizens and so like we can't be saying comparable because we won't be our our tax base is significantly smaller percentage wise | 01:50:09 | |
to Linden Pleasant Grove, Orem or anyone that we have to be a very frugal city to to be able to just provide the basics and or it | 01:50:18 | |
will be on the burden of. | 01:50:26 | |
The taxpayers heavily and that's why we have to double the tax rate, right. So that's just my comment is. | 01:50:35 | |
I wish we could be the city of others, but that's not that's not in the cards, nor will it. | 01:50:40 | |
For decades we will not have the tax base. | 01:50:47 | |
So I just want to make citizens know that we want, we want, even if we were to bring in businesses like crazy. | 01:50:51 | |
Forums tax base and all of them around is such massive mall the dealerships I mean we we've got 1 gas station you know a mall and | 01:50:59 | |
there's just not a tax base and that's why you look at. | 01:51:04 | |
The bond for the City Hall, we don't have sales tax. I, I eat a burrito at Maverick every single day, but I can't eat 10, you | 01:51:12 | |
know? | 01:51:16 | |
Thank you, Jake. I'm going to go ahead and close up this meeting. I will I will end my comment, which is I think that we have been | 01:51:23 | |
frugal. We haven't raised our taxes in 20 years. We had a decrease in what we were spending tax wise for seven years. We went over | 01:51:31 | |
this comment, we talked about it and we work with services as we live in an economy that's experiencing a lot of inflation. | 01:51:39 | |
And there's pass throughs and obligations that have come to the public that we voted on and we have to fulfill our obitations. And | 01:51:48 | |
so with that, I really need a motion because we have to close in time to switch the record. I'm going to, I'm going to go ahead | 01:51:54 | |
and close it and then I'm going to switch the recording. So I need a motion. | 01:52:01 | |
Well, I think we need to approve the consolidated fee schedule so that we can get a notice to the residents. So I moved to adopt | 01:52:10 | |
Resolution 2024. So I have a first time already. Can I get a second, second. I have a second by Sarah. Any comments? | 01:52:17 | |
OK. | 01:52:26 | |
I would like to make a comment. I think that. | 01:52:28 | |
The you thought what are the? | 01:52:34 | |
Conservancy District One of the Utah Valley Conservancy District. | 01:52:38 | |
I know it's just a pass through, but for a city like ours, it's it's, it's really difficult to see the. | 01:52:43 | |
The incredible trucks and nice stuff and we're buying all this and I know they're they're great people, but I just don't know. I | 01:52:52 | |
think that there needs to be a strong conversation about like seniors and everything about it because it just comes every single | 01:52:58 | |
year. And again, I just see these, the amount of trucks and stuff and I go, I'd love to see cuts. It just can't be. Are you | 01:53:03 | |
talking about our truck? | 01:53:08 | |
I believe he's talking about the pass through the no, the water of the Conservancy districts and just their vehicles and just I, I | 01:53:14 | |
look at it and look through their finances and I go. | 01:53:19 | |
You guys keep putting a pass through and then us as a council say, well, there's nothing we can do. And I look through the culture | 01:53:24 | |
of it and I go there is there is something like that's how people don't make their budget when they say they can't cut. And I know | 01:53:30 | |
these families cut to make it work. And we can't just allow a government, another government entity to do it. That's a board. And | 01:53:37 | |
then to say, oh, it's not our fault. That's why I would be voting no. | 01:53:44 | |
OK. | 01:53:54 | |
Has that changed anybody? Do you want to keep your motion? Okay, Jake? | 01:53:56 | |
No, no. | 01:54:03 | |
Yay, bye bye. OK, take care. | 01:54:07 | |
Jamie, is there a way that we can, well, I can ask you actually after this, we'll go ahead and I believe I've had everything and | 01:54:11 | |
adjourned this meeting and then we'll start the next one, OK. | 01:54:17 |
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You're OK. | 00:00:02 | |
OK, OK. | 00:00:04 | |
Today is November 13th. The time is 5:01 PM and we're going to go ahead and start our City Council meeting. We'll start out with | 00:00:05 | |
an invocation of the Pledge of Allegiance and Council member Marty Sequences will start us in lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance | 00:00:12 | |
and give that prayer. | 00:00:18 | |
Our dear, kind, Heavenly Father, we are so very grateful for this wonderful day. We are grateful that we could meet here together | 00:00:27 | |
as a community. | 00:00:30 | |
To work well and try to figure out how to take steps forward in our. | 00:00:34 | |
Decisions and please watch over and protect members of our community. We're so grateful for our veterans, we're grateful for. | 00:00:40 | |
The wonderful people that spend so much time and energy into making our city great. Please bless and watch over those in need. | 00:00:48 | |
Help us know how to help them. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. All right. | 00:00:53 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:01:03 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:01:09 | |
As you notice, we're missing somebody from the table tonight. Amber Rasmussen recently made a choice to go and focus on her family | 00:01:20 | |
and we wanted to thank her for the time that she spent serving our community. She did a lot of good for the community and now she | 00:01:26 | |
is turning in and doing a lot of good for her family and we want to thank her. She couldn't be here tonight, so we sent her gift | 00:01:32 | |
basket and her plaque to her. | 00:01:39 | |
And but I would like you all to join me and stand and thank her for her time. Thank you. | 00:01:45 | |
We are so excited to hear from our library board. We will have our chair present, Julie Gray, and she's going to tell us a little | 00:02:01 | |
bit about the board's vision for the Vineyard Library. So Julie, why don't you come on up? | 00:02:08 | |
We really appreciate this opportunity to talk to you guys all together. So thank you for this opportunity. | 00:02:19 | |
Our board is all here tonight, but I am going to spend the time over to Julie and Ann. | 00:02:29 | |
Who has made the presentation for us? | 00:02:38 | |
Thank you. | 00:02:41 | |
Well, let me kind of give you a little background while we're booting up because that we have been functioning for possibly. | 00:02:47 | |
Five years that we have to quietly meeting and building and our library. We are really excited about it and the board has been | 00:02:56 | |
unbelievable in coming up with creative ideas and how to serve our community. Our vision ahead is looking for certification that | 00:03:06 | |
we can be a political. | 00:03:16 | |
Library which will not only impact our children, but it'll impact our whole community and bringing us together. | 00:03:26 | |
Thank you, Julie. | 00:03:36 | |
Julianne Tanner, she is our public relays and she has. | 00:03:39 | |
The microphone isn't on for online. They can't. | 00:03:50 | |
Hopefully it pulls up quickly. | 00:04:01 | |
I'm Julie Tanner. I'm here to report on what's been happening as a library board and where we hope to go moving forward. | 00:04:05 | |
Get you acquainted with that and just. | 00:04:18 | |
It's a. | 00:05:07 | |
Yeah. | 00:05:48 | |
So hopefully that comes through OK. | 00:06:11 | |
Hopefully it doesn't have my notes broadcasting. | 00:06:16 | |
Excellent. OK, children reading. | 00:06:23 | |
Awesome. OK, so we finally have an established mission. | 00:06:28 | |
For the library board, so you know, you can read, but the Vineyard Library strives to create an inclusive and welcoming space | 00:06:32 | |
where everyone can connect, learn and thrive together. And on the handout that I gave you, I've also included our vision | 00:06:39 | |
statement, which is a little bit longer, a little bit more in depth and you can read it as you wish. But just so you know, the, | 00:06:46 | |
the mission kind of the driving force of why the library board is following their volunteering, their time and their energy. | 00:06:53 | |
To. | 00:07:01 | |
Creating the library here in Vineyard. | 00:07:02 | |
So the board looks a little bit man. All these fonts are way off. | 00:07:06 | |
The the board looks a little bit different this year than it did this time last year. We've had a little bit of a change. We still | 00:07:11 | |
have Julie Gray as our board chair, a fearless leader. I'm Julie Tanner. We have we have Christine Jeff and Mary Ann Gattis and | 00:07:19 | |
Diana Steele. We actually have two empty seats right now. One is just a normal chair to replace Abby Ben. | 00:07:27 | |
And one as our. | 00:07:36 | |
Our council seats now that Amber is is not here anymore, but we we are really grateful for the contributions of Abby Bunn and | 00:07:39 | |
Pilar Steel and Amber Rasmussen over the course of the last year before the conclusion of their service. | 00:07:46 | |
So we've seen a lot of growth. | 00:07:57 | |
For we're considered an emerging library and we've seen a lot of a lot of use, a lot of growth over the last year. We have 906 | 00:08:00 | |
current patrons and this year, just year to date, we have issued 222 new cards and circulated 3529 physical books. | 00:08:09 | |
And then that's not counting all of our digital stuff through Libby and OverDrive, which is 2335 audiobooks and 4016. | 00:08:21 | |
Ebooks and then on top of that there are also like magazines and stuff. So people are really trying to access materials through | 00:08:32 | |
their library membership. | 00:08:37 | |
And according to. | 00:08:44 | |
Valerie's communication with the state, her state and goodness, her state library connections. We are doing really well for an | 00:08:47 | |
emerging library and I'll talk a little bit more about that later, but we're currently in the process of, you'll notice, Vineyards | 00:08:56 | |
Children's, Vineyard Children's library, we're trying to transition to Vineyard library. | 00:09:05 | |
Setting up well, not cutting out the children we want to be able to provide service to. | 00:09:15 | |
Yes, to all of the members of the community and not just the youth. | 00:09:21 | |
So you've probably been through the library. It's full. It is flourishing and we're really excited at the prospect of hopefully | 00:09:30 | |
being included in new facilities as the city is growing and we would love to be kept in the loop with any developments there. | 00:09:39 | |
But if you guys have not been to the library recently, you should check it out upstairs. | 00:09:51 | |
And it's growing for quite a few reasons. | 00:10:01 | |
We can switch the slides. Thank you. | 00:10:06 | |
So some of the things that are drawing. | 00:10:11 | |
People to the library. It's free, it's close in proximity, it provides a nice safe space to gather. | 00:10:14 | |
And, and people are coming and participating in programs and making friends and we're gradually becoming a little community hub, | 00:10:25 | |
which is exciting to see. And some of the most notable programs you can see on the calendar that I gave you. Valerie puts one of | 00:10:31 | |
these together every month to let people know what's going on. | 00:10:38 | |
With the library and so the toddler story time every week is a is a big hit. The bilingual story time STEM after school clubs | 00:10:45 | |
every week. We have the science club and the coding club going on, the team game club every other week and then. | 00:10:53 | |
It got cut off Science Saturday. Thank you. And then also participation in the other outreach programs. | 00:11:05 | |
So. | 00:11:16 | |
We're a small space, small resources. | 00:11:19 | |
Small in staffing and and then funds. We've done a lot with the available resources, but we have a lot of momentum that we want to | 00:11:23 | |
keep going. | 00:11:29 | |
And a lot of areas where we would we have great aspirations for the growth. These are our most immediate priorities. We want to | 00:11:35 | |
expand the digital purchases on Libby because you saw those, those were some big numbers and especially considering how limited | 00:11:44 | |
our hours are for accessibility to physical materials, the Libby and you know the online feature really appeals to our patrons. | 00:11:53 | |
We also would like to add devices for auditory learning, learning things like Yodo players for people who might not be as | 00:12:03 | |
literate. | 00:12:07 | |
Or just prefer auditory learning. That's great for kids especially. | 00:12:11 | |
We have a proposed schedule on the handout that I gave you that was put together by Jenna that would be awesome to see within the | 00:12:17 | |
next year, adding a couple of additional programs, something you know, for every day of the week, something for every member of | 00:12:24 | |
the community and not just the children's story time and the youth clubs. | 00:12:31 | |
And then we would love to expand our collections to get some new books. We get a lot of donations from community members, but a | 00:12:41 | |
lot of them are not usable. Either they're the content is not relevant, is not going to circulate or the quality of the book is | 00:12:49 | |
not going to withstand the use of a library book. And so a lot of the books that get contributed. | 00:12:57 | |
Never really make it into circulation. | 00:13:07 | |
Which is sad to see. And we've gotten some really umm. | 00:13:09 | |
We've got some really supportive community members who have donated, namely Stacy Whitbeck, David Pierce, Orem Community Hospital, | 00:13:15 | |
Welcome Baby, and those those donations have been incredibly helpful because it allows us to get books that are actually worth | 00:13:21 | |
having on ourselves, things that are going to get checked out, that are going to get used instead of just getting people's cast | 00:13:27 | |
off. | 00:13:33 | |
And, and let's see adults, I already mentioned that we're, we're looking to see more than just the youth in the library. But then | 00:13:40 | |
the, the most pressing area of expansion that we really need right now is actually in our staffing. | 00:13:48 | |
Valerie wears a lot of hats, she has learned a lot of skills and brings so much value to the library. Like it would not function | 00:13:58 | |
without Valerie's efforts. But she is one person and it's a lot for one person to handle. | 00:14:06 | |
Especially with the growth that we're seeing and one of the areas that would. | 00:14:14 | |
That would accelerate the growth would be to get support from the City Council, specifically with funding. | 00:14:21 | |
And I can talk. | 00:14:29 | |
More about that. | 00:14:31 | |
We're currently in year 3 of the state certification process. It's a three-year process. And so we're kind of coming up there on | 00:14:33 | |
the end. And that's significant because it would allow us to have so many more options for funding. We would be eligible for so | 00:14:41 | |
many more grants, both state and federal and other other donors. We're currently considered a rural and emerging library. | 00:14:49 | |
And we? | 00:14:58 | |
We would like to. | 00:15:03 | |
Received that full certification from the state and be recognized as a state certified library. | 00:15:04 | |
But one of the biggest hurdles is our hours. You'll notice that we have really limited hours and it's one of our biggest areas of | 00:15:11 | |
feedback from patrons is that they would like to be able to attend the frequent library outside of normal business hours. And | 00:15:16 | |
right now we can't provide that. | 00:15:22 | |
And so we specifically need to be able to provide 11 more hours of of staffing so that we can be accessible on evenings and | 00:15:29 | |
weekends. It's one of the requirements from the state and it's one that we're really struggling to meet right now. And so it's a | 00:15:37 | |
big hold up with this state certification. So we really need council support so that we can be more independent in the future. | 00:15:45 | |
We also are trying to do as much as we can on our end. Christine just has been doing so much to establish the Friends of the | 00:15:53 | |
Library. | 00:15:57 | |
Currently. | 00:16:01 | |
We're waiting for the IRS to approve the 501C3 status so that we can have that. | 00:16:04 | |
Fundraising arm, and we're actively looking for staffing for that as well. So if you're interested in being on the Friends of the | 00:16:11 | |
Library board, Christine Death is your girl. Talk to her. | 00:16:18 | |
One second. | 00:16:26 | |
Oh awesome. | 00:16:32 | |
So if that wasn't an obvious enough. | 00:16:35 | |
For funding some wisdom from Doctor Seuss. The more that you read, the more things you'll know. The more that you learn, the more | 00:16:38 | |
places you'll go. And in a world where knowledge is power, one of the most meaningful contributions we can make for our community | 00:16:44 | |
to our community is a well supported library. Thank you. | 00:16:51 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Council. Did you have any questions? | 00:16:58 | |
OK, we'll go ahead and move. Did you have something, Marty? I just yeah, please. I think we all talked about helping you with | 00:17:11 | |
staffing at the budget retreat and it was unanimous. We all wanted to give you that support. So just so you know it, it was | 00:17:17 | |
unanimous and you're on the radar, so. | 00:17:23 | |
Christy, excuse me. I guess I'm wondering, it would be great to see the numbers of what those 11 hours would mean to our budget so | 00:17:32 | |
we could put it up for the next budget amendment. | 00:17:37 | |
11:50 We also offered for internal staff to designate some of their time towards moving and shifting hours so that it didn't cause | 00:17:44 | |
an additional burden. Go ahead, come, come to the microphone. | 00:17:51 | |
Program that Jenna and I looked into called Thriving Utah, where the state would help us pay for staffing that would give us a | 00:17:59 | |
monthly spiking so that would lower our cost to. | 00:18:05 | |
$1000 a year. I had one other question. I'm so sorry. With the proposed weekly program schedule, do we have enough staffing and | 00:18:12 | |
volunteers to be able to make that happen or is that contingent on the budget? | 00:18:19 | |
So we can't necessarily do that with volunteers because it has to be an ongoing requirements. We have to do it, you know, | 00:18:28 | |
essentially forever. So we would need to, you know, stuff like someone to do it instead of going to volunteers. OK, thank you. | 00:18:37 | |
OK. | 00:18:48 | |
Well, thank you so much. Such a great presentation. We're all really excited about what you guys are doing and moving forward. If | 00:18:50 | |
you haven't had a chance to see what Valerie put together with the certification, you need to check it out. It's been really | 00:18:57 | |
remarkable as this whole board has pulled together. I'll go ahead and move into the Kindness Week proclamation, and I'll read a | 00:19:03 | |
little bit of it. The City of Vineyard recognizes the value of kindness. | 00:19:09 | |
That it is performed and how these acts can positively impact. | 00:19:17 | |
The person offering kindness, the person receiving kindness and those witnessing it. You can read more about this proclamation, | 00:19:21 | |
but this week is Kindness Week and I hope you have the time to participate in some of the activities that are happening. This will | 00:19:29 | |
be posted on the bulletin board, and we look forward to continuing this tradition in our community. Thank you. We'll go ahead and | 00:19:36 | |
move on to our presentation for the Vineyard Academy graduates. | 00:19:44 | |
Very excited to recognize you today. | 00:19:51 | |
Awesome. All right, Mayor Council members, I'm pleased to introduce the graduates of Vineyard Academy. This group was a dedicated | 00:19:56 | |
group who committed to an in depth eight week expiration of the cities functions, operations and services. We started at the end | 00:20:03 | |
of August and ran through October and these individuals immersed themselves in city departments and initiatives, attending evening | 00:20:10 | |
sessions to gain hands on knowledge and engage with city staff. And I know that I think all of you have the chance. | 00:20:18 | |
At least one, so we're grateful to have you guys there and be able to see the work that we were doing. Graduates were also | 00:20:25 | |
introduced to key city resources and programs, including the Children's Library, Vineyard Cares, and essential public safety | 00:20:31 | |
services provided by the Sheriff's Office and public works. Through Vineyard Academy, graduates not only built a strong | 00:20:38 | |
understanding of city operations, but also formed valuable connections with the teams who served in your daily. | 00:20:44 | |
Their insightful feedback and active participation under score deep commitment to our community's growth and development. | 00:20:51 | |
And if I could have the graduates who are here stand. | 00:20:58 | |
All kind of congregated over here. | 00:21:04 | |
So I recommend these graduates be considered for future service opportunities within our city such as on boards, commissions and | 00:21:07 | |
committees as their unique perspectives and first hand knowledge will be an asset to Vineyards continued success. So give them a | 00:21:12 | |
round of applause. | 00:21:17 | |
Let's get pictures. Do you have certifications? Yes, I press them out. Well, let's get a picture. Yeah. | 00:21:27 | |
Come up and take picture with Council. | 00:21:36 | |
And I thought I wouldn't have you do anything. | 00:21:38 | |
My best thing is. | 00:21:48 | |
Okay. | 00:22:05 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:11 | |
Thank you. | 00:22:12 | |
All right, this brings us to our public comment. This is a time to address the council for things that are not currently on the | 00:22:33 | |
agenda. If you have something to share, please come up to the podium, state your name, where you're from, and we would love to | 00:22:39 | |
hear from you. We have another meeting right after this one, so we're going to keep everything to two minutes. Tony's going to set | 00:22:45 | |
a timer that will be on the screen. Please observe the clock and then. | 00:22:51 | |
Make sure you take your seat so that the next person can have just as much time. Thank you so much. | 00:22:58 | |
Their former members of the City Council and city staff. My first comment is if you really like what my wife has done, I owe it to | 00:23:05 | |
Morgan because his cousin is the one who introduced us 25 years ago. So that was and we've been together since. I just want to be | 00:23:13 | |
quick. | 00:23:20 | |
To highlight, and I know that parking is a controversial issue. | 00:23:28 | |
But I want to say thank you so much on behalf of the 55 plus community for what the Council did unanimously to give us the | 00:23:34 | |
opportunity to park on a. | 00:23:41 | |
Mallard before we even had Pinto and what Julie is passing out now is just the photos of how it looked with and it was terrible | 00:23:48 | |
and so we had a resolution that was passed. | 00:23:57 | |
For me, having done all the consulting work I've done for cities across the country, it's hard to understand how we can have a | 00:24:07 | |
density of 1.5. | 00:24:14 | |
Are 1.8 when the. | 00:24:20 | |
What 8 there are about? | 00:24:26 | |
Seven or eight people who live in a home, so that that makes it difficult for us to understand. And I'm speaking now on behalf of | 00:24:30 | |
those who want more parking because one size does not fit all. And but I also want to say. | 00:24:40 | |
How appreciative we are and we had 58 out of 59 people sign our resolution when we first parked there. So clearly that made a big | 00:24:50 | |
difference and. | 00:24:58 | |
So I would just like some consideration for. | 00:25:07 | |
For developers to give us more parking. Thank you. Thank you, Mayor. | 00:25:14 | |
OK. Well, it looks like you guys wrapped that up quickly. | 00:25:25 | |
We're going to go ahead and move on to our. | 00:25:28 | |
Oh please. Sorry I come up. We don't want to miss hearing from you. | 00:25:33 | |
I just couldn't get out. | 00:25:38 | |
OK Hi Daria Evans, Vineyard resident in the Villas. Thank you Randy for your presentation. I too want to thank Amber Rasmussen for | 00:25:41 | |
her service, especially to our community gardens that benefited many residents and I wish her well as she moves on. I also want to | 00:25:50 | |
say thanks to Sullivan Love and his crew. Last Thursday I was at our clubhouse and the water was off. | 00:25:58 | |
Called Russ. The water's offered something going on. | 00:26:08 | |
So I said I'll call the city, got ahold of them several times conversing back and forth, but all the water is back on in our | 00:26:12 | |
village community, so I'm grateful. There you are. Also, I'm glad that Brian, where are you getting the shade sales going? That's | 00:26:19 | |
great. I appreciate that. And also since it's kindness week, I want to give a shout out to our village community. We had a ladies | 00:26:26 | |
luncheon yesterday and we had many donations given to the family haven. | 00:26:33 | |
Which is a nonprofit organization that helps children and families in difficult circumstances. | 00:26:41 | |
So go Villas, thank you. | 00:26:47 | |
I just have a couple questions if I can. They are on the agenda. I have a question about. | 00:26:49 | |
The budget amendment. | 00:26:57 | |
I'm wearing another old dress because, you know, I'm a, I'm a fiscal conservative. Sorry. Are you going to be here for the budget | 00:26:59 | |
amendment? Yes, just the question about. | 00:27:04 | |
The road construction, was it by Maverick or was it talking about the location at the Maverick store and why is it $220,000 more | 00:27:10 | |
and then? | 00:27:18 | |
I don't understand bullet point #3 in the social media section. | 00:27:27 | |
Where? Let's see if I can bring it up here. | 00:27:34 | |
Under Section 3, the city engagement, I have a question I do not understand. Bullet point #3 official comments and hearing. Make | 00:27:43 | |
general comments that do not relate to a social media post at a City Council meeting or e-mail them to the mayor and City Council. | 00:27:53 | |
Members. | 00:28:05 | |
OK. We will get that answered at the appropriate time. That would be great. Thanks, Maria. Thank you. | 00:28:06 | |
Hi Claudia LeBron, Vineyard resident. I haven't been really up on things for a while, but I just want to take. | 00:28:18 | |
5 seconds to thank everybody involved in city government. I know we don't always agree, but I know this is a hard, thankless job | 00:28:27 | |
and I just want you to know that it's appreciated. | 00:28:34 | |
We're we're, we're moving forward. Thank you. | 00:28:42 | |
All right. | 00:28:48 | |
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our oh, come on. | 00:28:49 | |
I'm Darlene Price. I'm in the village right behind the 800 bridge that goes from Main Street and goes over to Geneva. | 00:28:56 | |
They're bulldozing and and putting, it's flattening out that area. Is that for additional parking? | 00:29:10 | |
Do you know where I'm talking about? | 00:29:20 | |
OK, so if you leave the villas and you turn your head up the up and you go over the hip over that mountain that goes over the | 00:29:22 | |
train tracks, just before you get to that, they are flattening and bulldozing a whole area right behind the condos. OK, if you | 00:29:31 | |
could point that out on a map to Naseem after this. Oh, not right now though, Daria. I mean, Darlene. | 00:29:40 | |
If you could point it out, we'll get that answer for you. | 00:29:50 | |
All right. Were there any other comments? I don't want to miss out on anybody. | 00:29:54 | |
Can you raise your hand if you plan on speaking? | 00:29:58 | |
OK. | 00:30:04 | |
Karen Cornelian Cornelius Fellow resident. | 00:30:14 | |
I'm just a little concerned about our new vineyard. | 00:30:18 | |
Grapevine, I just. | 00:30:24 | |
I find it interesting and here again we have an optics issue. It seems as though Council Member Holdaway had a meeting with the | 00:30:27 | |
city manager and some information was shared with him and he shared with us and then we had a new policy and Vineyard that dealt | 00:30:34 | |
with rumors. | 00:30:41 | |
And personally, I was offended because I don't consider what I hear from a council member who attends a meeting with city staff, | 00:30:49 | |
who has a witness with him, to be a rumor. And so I'm concerned that that that freedom of speech is trying to be squelched. | 00:30:59 | |
So I ask a question on the Grapevine. | 00:31:09 | |
And I immediately got a non answer to my question. | 00:31:14 | |
There was nothing that I asked that was answered, but now I can't find it either in the messages that I got on Facebook or on the | 00:31:18 | |
Vine. So I just am not quite sure that I understand how this works. But I feel like the optics were really poor because at the | 00:31:26 | |
time that it happened, it appeared to happen for a reason that is less than pleasant. | 00:31:34 | |
The next thing I want to talk about is what's happening over in Utah City right now and as I was coming across the 800 Bridge on | 00:31:43 | |
Sunday, returning home. | 00:31:48 | |
The cars that are normally parked at the. | 00:31:55 | |
Train station are not there, they are all in the parking lot for the new apartments. So if that parking lot is already full, what | 00:31:58 | |
are we going to do when the apartments are full? This has got to be worked out. To allow a builder, a developer to have a | 00:32:07 | |
seven-year temporary parking situation is ridiculous. We value. | 00:32:15 | |
The aesthetics of our community and that is not aesthetically pleasing. | 00:32:24 | |
Thank you. I'm sorry, just to quickly, just for a second, the temporary parking lot that you're talking about, can you tell me | 00:32:29 | |
what you're referring to so I can write it down? | 00:32:34 | |
Been paid for the apartments that have been built, which is obviously very insufficient and it's already filled with the overflow | 00:32:40 | |
parking from the lakefront. | 00:32:45 | |
Which is not the fault of the white friend, it's the fault of decisions that have been made by council and developers and we have | 00:32:51 | |
got to find a way to end this. I don't know if you're aware, but there's going to be a round table. Oh, OK. Well, we'll see you | 00:32:57 | |
there. OK, great. | 00:33:03 | |
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our consent items. | 00:33:10 | |
Marty, you mentioned that we would like to take one off. Would you like to make a motion on the rest of them? | 00:33:14 | |
And yes, I wanted to. | 00:33:30 | |
Is that? | 00:33:34 | |
7.2. | 00:33:36 | |
Yes, that's fine. Thank you. Yes, Anthony 7.2. | 00:33:40 | |
I moved to approve. I'm sorry. I moved to adopt the consent items 7.17 point 3 and 7.4 as presented. I believe this Pause for a | 00:33:45 | |
roll call. See. Aye, aye, Marty. Aye, Sarah. Aye. All right, let's go ahead. And those were approved. Let's go ahead and discuss | 00:33:54 | |
7.2. Anthony, could you come? I know we just or bring up your. | 00:34:02 | |
Board chairs. | 00:34:11 | |
Mayor, did you have a second on that motion? | 00:34:16 | |
Oh, oh, I don't know who did the first. I did the first. OK. We had a first by Marty. Can I get a second, second, second by Sarah, | 00:34:19 | |
and then we'll do the roll call again, just for clarity. OK. Yes. Hi, Marty. I'm Sarah. Hi. All right. Thank you for that, Jeremy. | 00:34:26 | |
All right, thank you very much. My name is Anthony, and I would like to introduce you to the chair of the Bicycle Advisory | 00:34:32 | |
Commission. | 00:34:39 | |
That is about to change the name. | 00:34:46 | |
From the BAC to ATC, which is going to be the Active Transportation Commission. I'll let the chair speak a lot more about it and I | 00:34:49 | |
urge you all to listen to him and support him. Thank you, thank you. | 00:34:56 | |
All right. Good evening, everybody. I know in an effort for more transparency, sometimes the consent items, not everyone is aware | 00:35:03 | |
of what's going on in those. So I wanted to make sure that we were very clear in this. We currently have the Bicycle Advisory | 00:35:10 | |
Commission. We recognize that not everyone likes to ride a bike or not everyone does bike, but we are proposing to change that to | 00:35:16 | |
the Active Transportation Commission and it would include things that's a little bit broader scope like safe routes to school. | 00:35:23 | |
Making sure trails and ramps are 88 accessible, those types of things that would impact all of us. | 00:35:30 | |
And so it's not just people that want to hop on their bike that could come to these meetings. We want to make sure that it's a | 00:35:36 | |
place where if there are unsafe intersections or crosswalks needed in certain places, this would be a great location to start by | 00:35:42 | |
sharing your concerns. Certainly they can still come to City Council, but it might be a little more focused of a of a group to | 00:35:48 | |
talk about some of those active transportation and pedestrian related issues in the city. | 00:35:54 | |
Also wanted to to call everyone's attention. I think Anthony Fletcher set some back there. We adopted our. | 00:36:01 | |
2025 schedule for next year, and we'd encourage everyone to get involved there. We typically don't have crowds like this and we're | 00:36:08 | |
not necessarily looking for crowds like this, but if you do have questions around pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, those types | 00:36:14 | |
of things, you can leave parking for the City Council that can handle that. | 00:36:21 | |
But we, we'd love to, we'd love to help that. Although I will say, the more that we can get this right, it could alleviate some, | 00:36:29 | |
some needs for people to, to hop in their car in some situations. And then the last thing that I wanted to call out is that | 00:36:34 | |
Martina Huntington was just elected as the chair for 2025. Sounds good. | 00:36:40 | |
A key aspect to it, if you're not aware, we actually have an at large member on the bike Advisory Commission now, active | 00:37:15 | |
Transportation Commission who's from Bike Utah and is connected with Mag in a lot of the active transportation plans and they're | 00:37:21 | |
excited about leading the way with Vineyard. As far as he knows, there weren't any cities in Utah that had a full comprehensive | 00:37:28 | |
plan with this. And so we can kind of be pioneers in this area so. | 00:37:34 | |
Great. Thank you. All right, Council that can I get a motion? Yeah, I moved to adopt. | 00:37:41 | |
The consent or not consent 7.2 as presented. Can I get a second? Just to clarify, this will be ordinance 2024. | 00:37:49 | |
7.2 Ordinance 2024-15. Can I get a second, Second. All in favor? It's an ordinance, Jake I, Marty, I, Sarah. All right, we'll go | 00:38:00 | |
ahead and move to our public hearing for the FY25 Budget Amendment Resolution 2024, Dash 32. What I'm going to do is have us go | 00:38:08 | |
into a public hearing. | 00:38:17 | |
And then we'll have the discussion, we'll go have a public hearing, and then we'll make a motion. Can I get a motion on this one? | 00:38:26 | |
You may want to do the items on the agenda out of order. So we have the budget hearing after 6:00 PM. | 00:38:31 | |
Oh, OK. What time is it right now? | 00:38:38 | |
540, you're quicker than we anticipated. OK, let's go ahead and. | 00:38:42 | |
Public hearing again, but the 9.2 doesn't have to be at 6:00 PM or does it? Because we've noticed it as well. Both the budget | 00:38:49 | |
hearing and the fee schedule hearing should be OK. Let's go ahead and talk about the social media policy amendment. I imagine this | 00:38:54 | |
one will be brief as well. | 00:39:00 | |
And then maybe we can take a recess. | 00:39:07 | |
I think I'm doing this presentation together with Jenna Hearn, who's in the back, as a resource to answer questions. | 00:39:13 | |
We had a work session I think a few months ago now where we presented the social media policy. The the history and the need for | 00:39:19 | |
this is about a year ago. | 00:39:25 | |
Can you hear me better now, Karen? Is that improved? Thank you. About a year ago, we had some social media activity that related | 00:39:33 | |
to city business. That was, I'll just call it a little bit sharp. We had some people mention things like maybe now's the time to | 00:39:40 | |
exercise our Second Amendment rights referring to public officials, elected officials and the city did not have in place of social | 00:39:47 | |
media policy that would allow it to deal with that type of comment or that kind of behavior on social media. | 00:39:55 | |
So what we have put forward is a policy. I think there are some things in the policy that are really important and I think the | 00:40:03 | |
best way to address it so there can be no confusion is to read just a few sentences from the policy and then I'll outline a little | 00:40:10 | |
bit of what it what it presents. I'm reading from Section 2. It's on page one of the policy. The city's social media properties | 00:40:17 | |
are public, meaning all comments are publicly visible, accessible. | 00:40:25 | |
Search engines and classified as public records under state law, Commenters on the city's social media posts enjoy First Amendment | 00:40:32 | |
rights. In following the law, there may be times when what some people perceive to be offensive comments will remain visible on | 00:40:39 | |
the social media posts if such comments are legally protected speech. And then we go on to ask people to please be understanding | 00:40:46 | |
that the posts are intended for a broad audience. | 00:40:52 | |
That may include children, may include people underage and that they behave in a respectful way. | 00:41:00 | |
The city is limited in what it can and cannot moderate on social media. You're we're limited both by how the platform functions, | 00:41:05 | |
but also by the 1st Amendment rights that people enjoy when they interact with the city in that way and so. | 00:41:12 | |
We have in the policy a bulleted list on the bottom of page one, the top of page 2 that goes through the categories of behavior on | 00:41:21 | |
social media that would require some kind of moderation to respect all of the users of that. I'm going to touch on the high | 00:41:28 | |
points, but this isn't an exclusive list. The kinds of comments that we can't allow to remain are things that are discriminatory. | 00:41:35 | |
So any reference to an individual's. | 00:41:42 | |
Age, race, gender, sexual orientation. | 00:41:50 | |
Things of that type, anything that is slanderous or defamatory, Anything that is advertising or commercial activity on a post, if | 00:41:53 | |
it's fraudulent or illegal, if it's spam or contains malware, if it has a hyperlink to anything other than a city website, we | 00:42:00 | |
can't allow that. If there's a copyright infringement. If the post includes personal or private information about an individual. | 00:42:08 | |
And then finally. | 00:42:15 | |
If there's some kind of safety issue or some kind of threatening behavior on the social media post, we also want to have in place | 00:42:22 | |
a process so that if a post is moderated, a record of that is preserved and the individual who's common is moderated has an | 00:42:29 | |
ability to appeal and have an appeal heard about the moderated comment. So there's an appeal process where if somebody's comment | 00:42:36 | |
is moderated and they think that it's done. | 00:42:43 | |
Against what the policy calls for. | 00:42:50 | |
They can ask for that to be removed and for the to be reviewed and for the policy to be, or for the comment to be reinstated or | 00:42:53 | |
made public again if the city was an error in that action. | 00:42:59 | |
And then Daria in the public comments asked the question about there's a, there's a portion of the policy that is instructive to | 00:43:07 | |
people that are using city social media. We don't so often on social media comments, the city will find that people use that as a | 00:43:15 | |
place to identify either hazards in the community or things that might require work or attention in the community. And. | 00:43:24 | |
Social media posts are not the city's main. | 00:43:34 | |
Forum or location for those kinds of things. And we are, we're concerned that if we don't have something in the policy that | 00:43:38 | |
directs people to the right location, that folks might use it as a place to report an emergency or to report a crime or to report | 00:43:44 | |
a safety hazard on the roads or sidewalks. | 00:43:50 | |
And so and then the other category of things where we need to have official comments come through in official ways is there are | 00:43:56 | |
some things under state law that require a public hearing and public hearings can receive comments in writing. And we will never | 00:44:05 | |
use social media as the form of record for things like a budget hearing of fee schedule hearing, land use hearing. | 00:44:13 | |
All of those kinds of things would be directed to. | 00:44:23 | |
The proper venue for that. So that third bullet that Daria pointed out where it says official comment slash hearing is intended to | 00:44:27 | |
direct people that if it is an item for which the city has to hold an official hearing and receive comments in that way, social | 00:44:33 | |
media will not be the the forum for those official comments. And so if you're making comments on social media and you want them to | 00:44:39 | |
be heard by decision makers as part of that process. | 00:44:46 | |
They'll need to be submitted in the way that they're called for. | 00:44:53 | |
Through that process. | 00:44:56 | |
Have any follow up questions on that? | 00:45:01 | |
Cancel Do you have any questions? | 00:45:04 | |
OK, I need a motion. | 00:45:09 | |
I move to adopt resolution 2024-26, amending the city's social media policy as presented. OK, that's the first time already. I | 00:45:11 | |
need second, second, second by Sarah. This is done by resolution sake. | 00:45:19 | |
All right, I'm Marty and Sarah. Great. | 00:45:28 | |
Where are we at on time? | 00:45:33 | |
OK, let's take one minute each to share our council duties and or what you'd like to see on the next agenda and then I think that | 00:45:37 | |
will bring us right to. | 00:45:43 | |
This discussion. | 00:45:52 | |
I'm going to say I should write. I should be writing down all the things that happen. | 00:45:59 | |
In between, but I know we've talked about changing the agenda to try to get it seven days in advance and so. | 00:46:04 | |
I had a meeting with the mayor and Pam and we we talked about the possibility of trying to get that earlier. | 00:46:12 | |
Pam reached out to multiple cities that are, you know, growing like ours and have a lot on their agenda. And it seems kind of | 00:46:21 | |
unanimous that that the take away was. | 00:46:26 | |
If you get it out too far ahead of time. | 00:46:33 | |
There will be so many amendments that people will get frustrated and so. | 00:46:36 | |
So one thing that they started in January, I didn't realize that that was new, was introduced to work sessions where where | 00:46:41 | |
anything we have questions on, we can request a work session to learn more about. | 00:46:46 | |
And then also that we have the right to take anything off the consent that we want. And so if you, I don't know that it's | 00:46:51 | |
realistic to say we could do seven day advance agenda just because there's so many moving parts right now. But if there's | 00:46:58 | |
something that you see on the consent items that you're concerned with, you can reach out to any of us on the council and we can | 00:47:04 | |
postpone or if we have questions, we can postpone it, right? So so we have. | 00:47:11 | |
Some tools that we can use. | 00:47:19 | |
To make sure that we all feel confident with with what's on the agenda. So I wanted to let you know that and the new fire station | 00:47:22 | |
start is starting. So that's exciting Firehouse. So that's super exciting. | 00:47:29 | |
There's been a lot that's happened that was cool. I was there by myself, but still cool. So, so many cute little kids and such a | 00:47:38 | |
great community. | 00:47:43 | |
Activity that brought everybody together. It was very fun. | 00:47:50 | |
Oh yeah, well, you know, it's a glorious parking round table. Immediately after we've we've gone, I've had multiple meetings with | 00:47:56 | |
with staff and cash and we've gone over and over ideas that we think might work citywide. So it'll be nice to have this roundtable | 00:48:02 | |
where we can hear. | 00:48:08 | |
Your ideas and your feedback and propose some things that we thought that might solve the problem. So anyway, we're excited about | 00:48:14 | |
that. | 00:48:17 | |
Who do you like to go? | 00:48:24 | |
OK, sorry. OK, So big things happen on November 5th, there were two things that greatly affect our city. First of all, Proposition | 00:48:27 | |
10 passed and thank you so much for the community support on that. I think it's it's going to be really great for Vineyard City to | 00:48:34 | |
have our change of government to to have an an additional council member and just change the the format and how our legislative | 00:48:42 | |
body works. | 00:48:49 | |
We just for those of you that might not know it will it will go into effect January 2026. So it will have, we'll have an election | 00:48:57 | |
November 2025 that will include 1/3 council seat and that that third council seat actually will only be a two year term. And so if | 00:49:05 | |
you take third you get that two year term and would need to run again in two years while the first two seats would be a four year | 00:49:12 | |
term. | 00:49:19 | |
And the reason we did that was to keep it balanced so that we didn't have a surplus of people of candidates every two year cycle. | 00:49:27 | |
So we'll have three seats. | 00:49:31 | |
Each cycle. So that's really exciting. That would go into effect with our new mayor. It would be a new council. | 00:49:37 | |
And again, I'm just really excited that we were able to pass that through. The other thing that greatly effects our city that | 00:49:44 | |
passed on November 5th was. | 00:49:49 | |
The two interlocals that were proposed within Alpine School District, the West Side and the Central District, both passed. It's | 00:49:56 | |
interesting if you look at the precincts and how they voted, but they both did pass and. | 00:50:05 | |
It kind of leaves Vineyard in a unique position. The laws have changed so many times throughout this process that there's a | 00:50:14 | |
there's quite a few unknowns, but I want you to understand that Vineyard. | 00:50:21 | |
It's, it's fair to presume that Vineyard City and the remaining cities that were not a part of an interlocal will be joining as a | 00:50:31 | |
school district. And we are currently meeting with them. We've been in touch with our council, with their mayor, city managers and | 00:50:39 | |
attorneys and we're we've been in touch with the other cities and Alpine School District and we're discussing all of the steps. | 00:50:46 | |
I've commented and responded to some questions on social media and frankly. | 00:50:55 | |
Every time I comment something I'm told, oh, no, it's changing or no you don't. What I told you actually isn't accurate, not from | 00:51:00 | |
our attorney, from other people, city City Council members from other cities. So I'm not going to give you all the details and | 00:51:07 | |
tell they're hammered out a little bit more. So I'm not sharing in accurate information. The oh, but if you have questions, please | 00:51:14 | |
contact me. I'm willing to answer and give you the information I currently have. It's just. | 00:51:21 | |
Know that it could change. And then the other thing, umm, actually I think that was it. | 00:51:29 | |
That's great, Jake. | 00:51:36 | |
Yeah, I don't have too much, but I do have a couple of things. | 00:51:39 | |
As you guys know, I'm really concerned about the City Hall and the RFP. I, I do not believe that that should be processing and I | 00:51:46 | |
don't and working as I know it's not out on the street yet until our citizens understand the bonding and the finances on that. I | 00:51:52 | |
was able to sit down with a financial expert today at a Brigham Young University that does this in depth to kind of help me | 00:51:59 | |
understand and wrap around. | 00:52:05 | |
Potential numbers of what it is just if it were 'cause I know. | 00:52:12 | |
I I struggle with the process that we're following because we're going, we're using city staff time right now. | 00:52:17 | |
To develop the RFP. | 00:52:26 | |
Once we put it out on the street, then we're going to select the vendor and then we're going to spend $1,000,000, right? And then | 00:52:28 | |
for citizens, I don't know. | 00:52:32 | |
And you know, there's just so much and I and I don't fault Eric, but as even just within the last six weeks. | 00:52:38 | |
More information is still being put together and it changes like are they bonded, are they going to bond? Are they going to pay | 00:52:46 | |
for it or are they going to be tenants? And just I was able to wrap around 2 numbers that I think is really scary, which is if | 00:52:52 | |
we're, if we are going to have a tenant on the 3rd tenant. | 00:52:58 | |
And Mag is only going to be able to doing, you know, 8 million in cash board, you know, you're looking at a $22 million bond. | 00:53:06 | |
A $22 million, a 20, just let's say that we had a AAA rating, which I don't know our rating, but let's say we have the best in the | 00:53:14 | |
world. | 00:53:17 | |
We're looking at a $1.4 million payment annually and right now we're only paying 60,000 to rent. | 00:53:23 | |
And that's like, that's like building a fire station every year just on the just on the payment. | 00:53:32 | |
Now, if we were to get a tenant that they were to miss a year here or there over the course of that 20 years, you're still looking | 00:53:38 | |
at a 700 thousand $700,000 payment on something that is just extremely. So you're putting all the marbles in that without first | 00:53:45 | |
going to the voters. And so I'm really concerned because there are two types of bonds. There's a general obligation bond which | 00:53:53 | |
would allow our citizens to vote on if they want it. | 00:54:00 | |
I think that really is the only path that we should pursue because it, I mean, being that it is the largest project we've ever | 00:54:08 | |
built in the city, that citizens shoul |