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BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Auto Zone - Site Plan Application | |
Senior Planner Cache Hancey presented on the site plan application an Auto Zone by Colby Anderson ,with CIR Engineering. The Site is located at3 N Geneva Road (Parcel ID:40:612:0201). The proposed site is located within the Geneva Road Mixed Use (GRMU) special purpose zoning district. | |
Senior Planner Hancey presented the site plan and access in introduction to the project. He outlined the building and it parking, bicycle parking, trash, delivery, and sidewalks. He also included the landscaping. Planner Hancey noted that this meets the requirements for fencing and highlighted the access. He noted that these are revised elevations without color, but that it is laid out in the materials. | |
Senior Planner Hancey noted that they have met all of the requirements but they are subject to the conditions: applicant pays any outstanding fees and makes redline corrections; applicant is subject to all federal, state, and local laws; applicant must observe all ADA requirements. | |
Commissioner Graden Ostler asked about how the parking stalls were determined. Senior Planner Hancey described the calculation that is used to determine the number of parking stalls. He then briefed the business logistics including employees and hours of operation. | |
STAFF, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Steele commended the staff of Vineyard for putting together a great Vineyard Days. | |
Senior Planner Hancey noted his and Morgan’s experience at the CNU Conference experience and how Vineyard could learn from Cincinnati. He provided an update on the hiring process for the Planning Technician. | |
Discussion about the trail and its updated information ensued. | |
Vice-Chair Brady asked about the By-Laws changes. Senior Planner Hancey noted that the By-Laws discussion has not happened yet. Senior Planner Hancey announced that he passed his AICP test. | |
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at19pm CERTIFIED COMPLETE ON: 21/2024 CERTIFIED (NOTICED) BY: Madison Reed, Planning Technician |
Today is June 5th, 2024. It is 6:03 PM and this is the Senior Planning Commission meeting. Uh, we'll get right into things. I'll | 00:00:00 | |
give an invocation and then a Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:05 | |
Do you have my father? We're thankful we could be here today to discuss things, uh, pertaining to the city as well as it will feel | 00:00:11 | |
inspired as to, uh, the things that we need to do and the decisions that we need to make. Help us to know what would be best for | 00:00:18 | |
the city and what aligns with our goals. We're thankful for those that volunteer their time and efforts, uh, to the city and | 00:00:24 | |
please bless them. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen, Alright. | 00:00:30 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:00:40 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:46 | |
We'll move right into the public comments if there are any. Do you have any public comments? All right, moving into our business | 00:00:55 | |
items and business item 5.1, the AutoZone site plan application. | 00:01:01 | |
Right. We do have our applicant here, Kobe Anderson. Umm, I'll have to brief presentation and then if they have any questions for | 00:01:08 | |
you, we just might need to come up to the mic uh, and then they can kind of grill you on, on any questions I may have. Yeah. This | 00:01:15 | |
is the AutoZone site plan. It is uh, here's a little contextual map. We have the uh, O'Reilly, the Jiffy Lube, the Mr. car Wash, | 00:01:21 | |
then AutoZone umm, this is in the GRMU. | 00:01:27 | |
Umm, this next we'll there's just a show you kind of the access to the site. | 00:01:34 | |
Umm, there will be access straight off of Geneva Rd. They also have access that goes over into the Mr. Car Wash lot and then umm X | 00:01:41 | |
development. The, the people bought out that land are working on this road that will go along the back of the, the western side of | 00:01:47 | |
these lot, umm towards that McDonald's and out on Discourse North. | 00:01:52 | |
So just to give you some idea of access to the site going back, so here's the site plan. We have, uh, a 6800 square foot building. | 00:01:59 | |
It is located almost directly right on the property line. Uh, this zone doesn't have any side set back. Umm, and so they, they | 00:02:06 | |
built right on stack that, uh, property line so that they could accommodate the, the parking in this access Rd. that you can see | 00:02:12 | |
here. | 00:02:18 | |
Umm, it has adequate number of parking. I think they hit our our requirement. I believe those 23 stalls and they're right at 23 | 00:02:26 | |
stalls. | 00:02:29 | |
Umm, they have a bicycle parking as well right here, umm. | 00:02:33 | |
And then other things about the site, they do have a traction closure right here that will be accessed through that access Rd. | 00:02:38 | |
Umm, they will have a, a delivery day right here for, for trucks that, that drop off, uh, supplies and stuff. Umm, and I believe | 00:02:45 | |
there will be a door, like a garage door right there. Umm, they can easily access to, to bring all into their, like back to fire | 00:02:51 | |
room. And then there's also sidewalks that goes along with the backside of the, of the building. | 00:02:57 | |
So here's that landscaping. They've done a, a good job at, at the providing screenings, Uh, just to the West of them, they have | 00:03:07 | |
that parking lot. | 00:03:11 | |
Umm, the, the Edgewater townhome parking lot, umm, and so they've tried to screen their, their building from the townhomes as | 00:03:16 | |
well. Umm, same thing along Geneva Rd. They've, they've met a requirement of putting plenty of, of, umm, plantings along to | 00:03:22 | |
neighbor Rd. as well as the internal parking. Umm, the other thing to take note is that this does fall within the, I think it's | 00:03:28 | |
the bottom 4 lots is the Gru have to have this 42 inch broad island fence go longer, uh, to neighbor road. And so they, they | 00:03:34 | |
haven't met that requirement. | 00:03:40 | |
Umm, in this plan, and they have also provided this, uh, crosswalk that will lead to a future potential trail and Geneva Rd. Umm, | 00:03:46 | |
so that's kind of down in the southern half of this, umm, access Rd. | 00:03:53 | |
All the plantings, umm, need our qualifications as well in terms of minimal minimum counter size and, and uh, planting sizes and I | 00:04:01 | |
and, and no turf is provided as well. | 00:04:07 | |
For water wise, let's see. | 00:04:14 | |
There we go. So here's some elevation. So this is the front elevation. Umm, it's made-up of stone, brick and stucco and and lots | 00:04:18 | |
of glass. Umm and then you know they're, they're big sign right on the front facing Geneva Rd. | 00:04:24 | |
Here's that the West elevation. So this is stating that Watertown homes, umm, and there's no signage provided there. And that's, | 00:04:32 | |
uh, being very aware of, of their neighboring properties with the, the townhomes. So they don't have any bright AutoZone lights, | 00:04:38 | |
you know, shining right into their, their windows. Umm, And then they provided these metal trellises that, uh, go along each | 00:04:44 | |
section up here. And that's, uh, part of the GRNU code has the language that umm, requires. | 00:04:51 | |
The every 30 feet for the building to be broken up, umm and so that is what those are for, to just provide some architectural | 00:04:58 | |
interest to the building. | 00:05:02 | |
Umm, this is the north elevation. We'll have a sign in. All of these signs will be approved through a separate building permit as | 00:05:08 | |
well. Umm, and there's that day door you can see there for delivery and then similar for the South elevation. | 00:05:15 | |
Because there's no like, bright Blues or pinks or anything like that on the brink. | 00:05:54 | |
So with that, that's, uh, all the, the materials that I've prepared, umm, they've met all of our zoning, uh, requirements in the | 00:06:01 | |
Gru as well, the zoning code, umm, and we just kind of have our basic condition approval that they make any Grapevine corrections. | 00:06:07 | |
They're subject to all federal, state and local laws and they observe all ADA requirements. Cool. And not requesting any variances | 00:06:13 | |
or exceptions, no. | 00:06:19 | |
Thank you cash yes umm, everything looks good to me uh, did you guys have any questions or comments? | 00:06:26 | |
Yeah. How was 23 parking installed determined? Great question. So our zoning code and our, our parking section has a table in it | 00:06:35 | |
and that table lists different uses. So it'll say retail, hotel, restaurants, umm, it gets very specific, very granular. And then | 00:06:43 | |
whatever we establish the use is there's a ratio. And this I believe was. | 00:06:51 | |
Oh shoot, I don't know if I remember but umm. But it's usually like 11 stall per X. Oh thank you. | 00:07:00 | |
UH-1 stall per 300 square feet of internal space. So we take the total square footage of the building, divide that by 300, and | 00:07:09 | |
that gives us the 23. | 00:07:13 | |
Cool. So yeah, just that way different uses that will have bigger impact, you know, we're gonna require bigger parking, uh, stall | 00:07:20 | |
numbers, umm, and vice versa. It's a less impactful type of use, like an office space, I believe is, umm, a little bit less. I | 00:07:26 | |
could be wrong, but it, it just varies. So I'd be happy to review that table anytime with you if you want to kind of have a better | 00:07:32 | |
understanding of how we, we calculator parking ratios. | 00:07:38 | |
That's fine. So yeah, this the, the, the parking should be adequate. Uh, I believe in their narrative, they, they listed that | 00:07:47 | |
they'll have, umm, was it 5 employees on site? I could be wrong. | 00:07:52 | |
Umm, but yeah, it's adequate parking so that it has, you know, parking for the, the employees that are there and then any, any | 00:08:00 | |
customers that that come to visit umm. | 00:08:04 | |
It says that they will have 10 to 15 full and part time employees. Umm, it doesn't say necessarily they're scheduled, but so on | 00:08:10 | |
site though they tend to to 15 employees hours of operation, umm, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM seven days per week. So and then they | 00:08:17 | |
actually they did have a photometric plan and that photometric plan did show that there's no light spilling over into the | 00:08:24 | |
suggested residential. And it helps that that parking lot is also there is a buffer. | 00:08:31 | |
Between lemon and Edgewater. | 00:08:39 | |
Cool Dave, do you have any questions? Umm, I don't. This seems straightforward and I like it. Thank you for bringing jobs and | 00:08:43 | |
yours to our community. Yeah uh, would one of you guys like to make a motion? I'm happy to. I'll move to approve that as in site | 00:08:49 | |
plan application, umm, as requested by the applicant, umm, with the conditions of approval that were presented tonight by staff. | 00:08:55 | |
Thank you. Nick, do I have a second? All right. | 00:09:01 | |
Thanks. Great. And all in favor, aye. All right, that moves forward. Thank you so much. | 00:09:08 | |
Nice and straightforward. So yeah, going forward I'm going to be sending you just a letter. Umm, it might be next Monday. Umm, | 00:09:14 | |
unless Anthony can do it tomorrow. We'll see that that just kind of goes over next steps that you have approval for. I believe a | 00:09:20 | |
year with the site plan to get moving on, on construction and plan disturbance. We'll be working with our engineering department | 00:09:26 | |
on that umm, and then our building department on the building permit so. | 00:09:31 | |
Thanks for coming out. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks. | 00:09:37 | |
All right, moving on to staff, Commission and committee report, anything from the Commission? | 00:09:40 | |
That was an awesome Vineyard days. Please just extend my gratitude and congratulations to all staff that were involved in | 00:09:48 | |
planning. That was great. | 00:09:53 | |
Umm, yeah. Anything from staff, Yeah. Uh, so I have a few things. Umm, in, uh, middle of last month, May umm, we didn't have | 00:10:00 | |
Planning Commission. Morgan and I were actually aware of a conference called CNU. It was in Cincinnati, Umm, And so we, we had an | 00:10:07 | |
excellent time learning about, umm, kind of the downtown in Cincinnati and how to revitalize. It's definitely one of these like | 00:10:15 | |
Rust Belt cities that was kind of forgotten about and umm, they experienced. | 00:10:22 | |
A lot of, a lot of hardship and umm, you know, anti growth, umm, and, and one of the, the big things that they actually, umm, | 00:10:29 | |
recently implemented in Cincinnati is a streetcar system, which is really cool. Umm, that, that goes from the downtown up into a, | 00:10:35 | |
a neighborhood called Over The Rhine. And, and I lived in Cincinnati a few years ago and it was the overline of like the | 00:10:41 | |
neighborhood. You don't go into, like you don't go into this area, but they put the streetcar connecting Over The Rhine right into | 00:10:47 | |
this downtown. | 00:10:53 | |
And now when you go to Cincinnati, ever read like go Over The Rhine? It is the most like happening neighborhood out there. And | 00:10:59 | |
it's sure you take the streetcar, which is a free transportation comes every 15 to 30 minutes. Umm, And take umm, it, it doesn't | 00:11:06 | |
look like a trolley. It looks more like a, a more similar to a bus, but it's actually on rail. Umm, that's not like a historical | 00:11:12 | |
streetcar. Yeah. Umm. | 00:11:18 | |
So, yeah, it was just neat to, to experience kind of what a streetcar, what public transportation can, can do and help | 00:11:26 | |
revitalizing it, Uh, an area that was definitely forgotten about and experienced a lot of crime and poverty and, umm, to see it | 00:11:31 | |
completely turn it around. Like I said, it was really like highlight of the trip was going on the streetcar and, and seeing over | 00:11:36 | |
the line and, and spending time there. | 00:11:41 | |
So that was a pretty exciting time going to the comfort. So that was part of it was this like Street car tour to see what can be | 00:11:47 | |
done Pretty cool. So cool. Umm, I feel like I had a few other things. Uh, we will actually we're in the process right now of | 00:11:53 | |
hiring a new planning technician. Umm, that's exciting for our department. It'll help us hopefully get agendas out to you guys a | 00:11:59 | |
bit sooner. Umm right now we're we're. | 00:12:05 | |
I think we're pretty good at getting them out, uh, Thursday or Friday before, but hopefully we can do even earlier with this new | 00:12:12 | |
position, umm, help offload a lot of work from Anthony and I and, and, uh, especially if we have a lot more applications coming | 00:12:18 | |
down the pipeline. Umm, and I, I think that's it. Do we have anything from engineering? | 00:12:24 | |
I don't think so today did we, did we announce the uh, uh, shoot, what's it called the trail? | 00:12:31 | |
They count July 1st with UDOT, umm, and I, sorry to confirm, is this the funding for the design or for the actual all of it? We | 00:13:11 | |
got 5, a little over $5,000,000 for it, right? But it's because we still have to do design. It's still gonna be quite a while | 00:13:17 | |
before you see any ground. Their goal is, uh, next year to start construction. So this right now they're implementing kind of, uh, | 00:13:23 | |
their, their standards that they want to implement through all the trails that they're designing. So they'll have like minimum | 00:13:29 | |
width. | 00:13:35 | |
And stuff like that. Umm, and then once they have these design standards built out, then they can put that, you know, copy and | 00:13:41 | |
paste it into our, uh, location and, and get the design work done there. Umm, and I, I think that's it from, from our end. | 00:13:49 | |
Yeah, I don't think I have anything cool. I did have a quick question about DRTI. Don't know if you guys know this, umm, but in | 00:13:58 | |
DRC before, uh, the bilat didn't allow there to be a, uh, stand in for the chairman of the Planning Commission. Do you know if | 00:14:06 | |
they changed that and when they had their bylaws meeting? The bylaws has not happened yet. the IT hasn't happened yet. The | 00:14:13 | |
discussion has not. We've actually haven't had an ERP for quite a while. Yeah, umm, and that's actually another thing. | 00:14:21 | |
With the current bylaw, sure. OK, Yeah, we'll we'll make sure that we address that. OK. | 00:14:58 | |
Culture today rather than. | 00:15:04 | |
Put a tendency most of the people are staffed. Yeah, it's it's in all staff meetings and just about every city that does it this | 00:15:07 | |
way does it during the day. I think I'm not. I think the Planning Commission is the only non staff, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. | 00:15:14 | |
Special staff, they're getting paid to do that. | 00:15:22 | |
Oh, and I did want to, uh, uh, just say that I passed my AACP test this past week, so that was a pretty exciting accomplishment | 00:15:28 | |
for myself. I know Morgan would say that he's here, so I'll put my own horn. | 00:15:34 | |
Alright, thank you. Yeah, just barely. | 00:15:42 | |
Cool. All right. Uh, if we've got nothing else, then meeting adjourned. Thank you everybody. Almost our shortest meeting. | 00:15:46 | |
It would have been the shortest. Uh, need more color elements. We'll try and send those to you. I don't, I don't need them. | 00:15:58 | |
They're not necessary. They might, they might have them. I might. | 00:16:03 |
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Today is June 5th, 2024. It is 6:03 PM and this is the Senior Planning Commission meeting. Uh, we'll get right into things. I'll | 00:00:00 | |
give an invocation and then a Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:05 | |
Do you have my father? We're thankful we could be here today to discuss things, uh, pertaining to the city as well as it will feel | 00:00:11 | |
inspired as to, uh, the things that we need to do and the decisions that we need to make. Help us to know what would be best for | 00:00:18 | |
the city and what aligns with our goals. We're thankful for those that volunteer their time and efforts, uh, to the city and | 00:00:24 | |
please bless them. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen, Alright. | 00:00:30 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:00:40 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:46 | |
We'll move right into the public comments if there are any. Do you have any public comments? All right, moving into our business | 00:00:55 | |
items and business item 5.1, the AutoZone site plan application. | 00:01:01 | |
Right. We do have our applicant here, Kobe Anderson. Umm, I'll have to brief presentation and then if they have any questions for | 00:01:08 | |
you, we just might need to come up to the mic uh, and then they can kind of grill you on, on any questions I may have. Yeah. This | 00:01:15 | |
is the AutoZone site plan. It is uh, here's a little contextual map. We have the uh, O'Reilly, the Jiffy Lube, the Mr. car Wash, | 00:01:21 | |
then AutoZone umm, this is in the GRMU. | 00:01:27 | |
Umm, this next we'll there's just a show you kind of the access to the site. | 00:01:34 | |
Umm, there will be access straight off of Geneva Rd. They also have access that goes over into the Mr. Car Wash lot and then umm X | 00:01:41 | |
development. The, the people bought out that land are working on this road that will go along the back of the, the western side of | 00:01:47 | |
these lot, umm towards that McDonald's and out on Discourse North. | 00:01:52 | |
So just to give you some idea of access to the site going back, so here's the site plan. We have, uh, a 6800 square foot building. | 00:01:59 | |
It is located almost directly right on the property line. Uh, this zone doesn't have any side set back. Umm, and so they, they | 00:02:06 | |
built right on stack that, uh, property line so that they could accommodate the, the parking in this access Rd. that you can see | 00:02:12 | |
here. | 00:02:18 | |
Umm, it has adequate number of parking. I think they hit our our requirement. I believe those 23 stalls and they're right at 23 | 00:02:26 | |
stalls. | 00:02:29 | |
Umm, they have a bicycle parking as well right here, umm. | 00:02:33 | |
And then other things about the site, they do have a traction closure right here that will be accessed through that access Rd. | 00:02:38 | |
Umm, they will have a, a delivery day right here for, for trucks that, that drop off, uh, supplies and stuff. Umm, and I believe | 00:02:45 | |
there will be a door, like a garage door right there. Umm, they can easily access to, to bring all into their, like back to fire | 00:02:51 | |
room. And then there's also sidewalks that goes along with the backside of the, of the building. | 00:02:57 | |
So here's that landscaping. They've done a, a good job at, at the providing screenings, Uh, just to the West of them, they have | 00:03:07 | |
that parking lot. | 00:03:11 | |
Umm, the, the Edgewater townhome parking lot, umm, and so they've tried to screen their, their building from the townhomes as | 00:03:16 | |
well. Umm, same thing along Geneva Rd. They've, they've met a requirement of putting plenty of, of, umm, plantings along to | 00:03:22 | |
neighbor Rd. as well as the internal parking. Umm, the other thing to take note is that this does fall within the, I think it's | 00:03:28 | |
the bottom 4 lots is the Gru have to have this 42 inch broad island fence go longer, uh, to neighbor road. And so they, they | 00:03:34 | |
haven't met that requirement. | 00:03:40 | |
Umm, in this plan, and they have also provided this, uh, crosswalk that will lead to a future potential trail and Geneva Rd. Umm, | 00:03:46 | |
so that's kind of down in the southern half of this, umm, access Rd. | 00:03:53 | |
All the plantings, umm, need our qualifications as well in terms of minimal minimum counter size and, and uh, planting sizes and I | 00:04:01 | |
and, and no turf is provided as well. | 00:04:07 | |
For water wise, let's see. | 00:04:14 | |
There we go. So here's some elevation. So this is the front elevation. Umm, it's made-up of stone, brick and stucco and and lots | 00:04:18 | |
of glass. Umm and then you know they're, they're big sign right on the front facing Geneva Rd. | 00:04:24 | |
Here's that the West elevation. So this is stating that Watertown homes, umm, and there's no signage provided there. And that's, | 00:04:32 | |
uh, being very aware of, of their neighboring properties with the, the townhomes. So they don't have any bright AutoZone lights, | 00:04:38 | |
you know, shining right into their, their windows. Umm, And then they provided these metal trellises that, uh, go along each | 00:04:44 | |
section up here. And that's, uh, part of the GRNU code has the language that umm, requires. | 00:04:51 | |
The every 30 feet for the building to be broken up, umm and so that is what those are for, to just provide some architectural | 00:04:58 | |
interest to the building. | 00:05:02 | |
Umm, this is the north elevation. We'll have a sign in. All of these signs will be approved through a separate building permit as | 00:05:08 | |
well. Umm, and there's that day door you can see there for delivery and then similar for the South elevation. | 00:05:15 | |
Because there's no like, bright Blues or pinks or anything like that on the brink. | 00:05:54 | |
So with that, that's, uh, all the, the materials that I've prepared, umm, they've met all of our zoning, uh, requirements in the | 00:06:01 | |
Gru as well, the zoning code, umm, and we just kind of have our basic condition approval that they make any Grapevine corrections. | 00:06:07 | |
They're subject to all federal, state and local laws and they observe all ADA requirements. Cool. And not requesting any variances | 00:06:13 | |
or exceptions, no. | 00:06:19 | |
Thank you cash yes umm, everything looks good to me uh, did you guys have any questions or comments? | 00:06:26 | |
Yeah. How was 23 parking installed determined? Great question. So our zoning code and our, our parking section has a table in it | 00:06:35 | |
and that table lists different uses. So it'll say retail, hotel, restaurants, umm, it gets very specific, very granular. And then | 00:06:43 | |
whatever we establish the use is there's a ratio. And this I believe was. | 00:06:51 | |
Oh shoot, I don't know if I remember but umm. But it's usually like 11 stall per X. Oh thank you. | 00:07:00 | |
UH-1 stall per 300 square feet of internal space. So we take the total square footage of the building, divide that by 300, and | 00:07:09 | |
that gives us the 23. | 00:07:13 | |
Cool. So yeah, just that way different uses that will have bigger impact, you know, we're gonna require bigger parking, uh, stall | 00:07:20 | |
numbers, umm, and vice versa. It's a less impactful type of use, like an office space, I believe is, umm, a little bit less. I | 00:07:26 | |
could be wrong, but it, it just varies. So I'd be happy to review that table anytime with you if you want to kind of have a better | 00:07:32 | |
understanding of how we, we calculator parking ratios. | 00:07:38 | |
That's fine. So yeah, this the, the, the parking should be adequate. Uh, I believe in their narrative, they, they listed that | 00:07:47 | |
they'll have, umm, was it 5 employees on site? I could be wrong. | 00:07:52 | |
Umm, but yeah, it's adequate parking so that it has, you know, parking for the, the employees that are there and then any, any | 00:08:00 | |
customers that that come to visit umm. | 00:08:04 | |
It says that they will have 10 to 15 full and part time employees. Umm, it doesn't say necessarily they're scheduled, but so on | 00:08:10 | |
site though they tend to to 15 employees hours of operation, umm, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM seven days per week. So and then they | 00:08:17 | |
actually they did have a photometric plan and that photometric plan did show that there's no light spilling over into the | 00:08:24 | |
suggested residential. And it helps that that parking lot is also there is a buffer. | 00:08:31 | |
Between lemon and Edgewater. | 00:08:39 | |
Cool Dave, do you have any questions? Umm, I don't. This seems straightforward and I like it. Thank you for bringing jobs and | 00:08:43 | |
yours to our community. Yeah uh, would one of you guys like to make a motion? I'm happy to. I'll move to approve that as in site | 00:08:49 | |
plan application, umm, as requested by the applicant, umm, with the conditions of approval that were presented tonight by staff. | 00:08:55 | |
Thank you. Nick, do I have a second? All right. | 00:09:01 | |
Thanks. Great. And all in favor, aye. All right, that moves forward. Thank you so much. | 00:09:08 | |
Nice and straightforward. So yeah, going forward I'm going to be sending you just a letter. Umm, it might be next Monday. Umm, | 00:09:14 | |
unless Anthony can do it tomorrow. We'll see that that just kind of goes over next steps that you have approval for. I believe a | 00:09:20 | |
year with the site plan to get moving on, on construction and plan disturbance. We'll be working with our engineering department | 00:09:26 | |
on that umm, and then our building department on the building permit so. | 00:09:31 | |
Thanks for coming out. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks. | 00:09:37 | |
All right, moving on to staff, Commission and committee report, anything from the Commission? | 00:09:40 | |
That was an awesome Vineyard days. Please just extend my gratitude and congratulations to all staff that were involved in | 00:09:48 | |
planning. That was great. | 00:09:53 | |
Umm, yeah. Anything from staff, Yeah. Uh, so I have a few things. Umm, in, uh, middle of last month, May umm, we didn't have | 00:10:00 | |
Planning Commission. Morgan and I were actually aware of a conference called CNU. It was in Cincinnati, Umm, And so we, we had an | 00:10:07 | |
excellent time learning about, umm, kind of the downtown in Cincinnati and how to revitalize. It's definitely one of these like | 00:10:15 | |
Rust Belt cities that was kind of forgotten about and umm, they experienced. | 00:10:22 | |
A lot of, a lot of hardship and umm, you know, anti growth, umm, and, and one of the, the big things that they actually, umm, | 00:10:29 | |
recently implemented in Cincinnati is a streetcar system, which is really cool. Umm, that, that goes from the downtown up into a, | 00:10:35 | |
a neighborhood called Over The Rhine. And, and I lived in Cincinnati a few years ago and it was the overline of like the | 00:10:41 | |
neighborhood. You don't go into, like you don't go into this area, but they put the streetcar connecting Over The Rhine right into | 00:10:47 | |
this downtown. | 00:10:53 | |
And now when you go to Cincinnati, ever read like go Over The Rhine? It is the most like happening neighborhood out there. And | 00:10:59 | |
it's sure you take the streetcar, which is a free transportation comes every 15 to 30 minutes. Umm, And take umm, it, it doesn't | 00:11:06 | |
look like a trolley. It looks more like a, a more similar to a bus, but it's actually on rail. Umm, that's not like a historical | 00:11:12 | |
streetcar. Yeah. Umm. | 00:11:18 | |
So, yeah, it was just neat to, to experience kind of what a streetcar, what public transportation can, can do and help | 00:11:26 | |
revitalizing it, Uh, an area that was definitely forgotten about and experienced a lot of crime and poverty and, umm, to see it | 00:11:31 | |
completely turn it around. Like I said, it was really like highlight of the trip was going on the streetcar and, and seeing over | 00:11:36 | |
the line and, and spending time there. | 00:11:41 | |
So that was a pretty exciting time going to the comfort. So that was part of it was this like Street car tour to see what can be | 00:11:47 | |
done Pretty cool. So cool. Umm, I feel like I had a few other things. Uh, we will actually we're in the process right now of | 00:11:53 | |
hiring a new planning technician. Umm, that's exciting for our department. It'll help us hopefully get agendas out to you guys a | 00:11:59 | |
bit sooner. Umm right now we're we're. | 00:12:05 | |
I think we're pretty good at getting them out, uh, Thursday or Friday before, but hopefully we can do even earlier with this new | 00:12:12 | |
position, umm, help offload a lot of work from Anthony and I and, and, uh, especially if we have a lot more applications coming | 00:12:18 | |
down the pipeline. Umm, and I, I think that's it. Do we have anything from engineering? | 00:12:24 | |
I don't think so today did we, did we announce the uh, uh, shoot, what's it called the trail? | 00:12:31 | |
They count July 1st with UDOT, umm, and I, sorry to confirm, is this the funding for the design or for the actual all of it? We | 00:13:11 | |
got 5, a little over $5,000,000 for it, right? But it's because we still have to do design. It's still gonna be quite a while | 00:13:17 | |
before you see any ground. Their goal is, uh, next year to start construction. So this right now they're implementing kind of, uh, | 00:13:23 | |
their, their standards that they want to implement through all the trails that they're designing. So they'll have like minimum | 00:13:29 | |
width. | 00:13:35 | |
And stuff like that. Umm, and then once they have these design standards built out, then they can put that, you know, copy and | 00:13:41 | |
paste it into our, uh, location and, and get the design work done there. Umm, and I, I think that's it from, from our end. | 00:13:49 | |
Yeah, I don't think I have anything cool. I did have a quick question about DRTI. Don't know if you guys know this, umm, but in | 00:13:58 | |
DRC before, uh, the bilat didn't allow there to be a, uh, stand in for the chairman of the Planning Commission. Do you know if | 00:14:06 | |
they changed that and when they had their bylaws meeting? The bylaws has not happened yet. the IT hasn't happened yet. The | 00:14:13 | |
discussion has not. We've actually haven't had an ERP for quite a while. Yeah, umm, and that's actually another thing. | 00:14:21 | |
With the current bylaw, sure. OK, Yeah, we'll we'll make sure that we address that. OK. | 00:14:58 | |
Culture today rather than. | 00:15:04 | |
Put a tendency most of the people are staffed. Yeah, it's it's in all staff meetings and just about every city that does it this | 00:15:07 | |
way does it during the day. I think I'm not. I think the Planning Commission is the only non staff, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. | 00:15:14 | |
Special staff, they're getting paid to do that. | 00:15:22 | |
Oh, and I did want to, uh, uh, just say that I passed my AACP test this past week, so that was a pretty exciting accomplishment | 00:15:28 | |
for myself. I know Morgan would say that he's here, so I'll put my own horn. | 00:15:34 | |
Alright, thank you. Yeah, just barely. | 00:15:42 | |
Cool. All right. Uh, if we've got nothing else, then meeting adjourned. Thank you everybody. Almost our shortest meeting. | 00:15:46 | |
It would have been the shortest. Uh, need more color elements. We'll try and send those to you. I don't, I don't need them. | 00:15:58 | |
They're not necessary. They might, they might have them. I might. | 00:16:03 |