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Call to Order/Invocation/Inspirational Thought/Pledge of Allegiance   Vice-Chair Bryce Brady called the meeting to order at59pm. Commissioner Chris Bramwell led the pledge of allegiance and in prayer.  
Public Comments PC   Resident Daria Evans asked about the grant for the improvement of Vineyard beach and wanted an update. She also asked about designs for wayfinding of Mill Road and status of the grant. She asked for the definition of stacking distance as well as a mansion town house. Ms. Evans asked about the number of units in specific blocks:, and. She made a comment about the density and a concern for health of citizens.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if we could touch on the grant and wayfinding signage during the staff report.   Community Development Director Morgan Brim noted that the comments for an agenda item will be addressed in that item.  
Consent Items  1.Approval of the Augusth,24 Planning Commission Meeting Draft Minutes  2.Approval of the Augustst,24 Planning Commission Draft Minutes.
Business Items     Director Brim asked a question about when to address the public comments.   Vice-Chair Brady requested to touch on it during the staff report.  1.
2024 Planning Commission Chair & Vice-Chair Re-Election
Vice-Chair Brady asked who had the time to be the chair and who has the time to back them up. He discussed the meetings with expected attendance. He noted that his term ends inmonths and that there will be a new election inmonths.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if anyone had conflict with attending those meetings.
Commissioner Bramwell clarified Thursday mornings.   Senior Planner Cache Hancey noted the time and date of the meetings.
Commissioner Steele asked if the schedule is municipally coded to be held on that date.   Senior Planner Hancey explained why that schedule was selected.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if Commissioner Caden Rhotton was an alternate. He asked who were the alternates.
Senior Planner Hancey listed the alternates.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if anyone had a conflict.   Commissioner Steele said that the schedule is hard.   Commissioner Bramwell noted that he works on Thursdays and asked about online options.
Senior Planner Hancey explained the attendance preferences.   Director Brim said that it was not an absolute criteria.   Commissioner Bramwell asked about the schedule of city council.
Director Brim listed the schedule.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that Natalie Harbinwas voted in to Planning Commission and said that they could postpone the vote to the following meeting.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if she would be a sitting member.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that she is replacing Tay Gudmundson.   Director Brim recommended not postponing the vote.   Commissioner Bramwell asked about the timing of the Thursday meetings.
Senior Planner Hancey noted the time and availability of the Development Review Committee meetings.   Commissioner Bramwell said he could work his schedule around.
Minor Site Plan Amendment & Conditional Use Permit Application - Enigma7 E00 N   Senior Planner Hancey presented the Enigmasite plan amendment and conditional use permit. He provided background and context. The site plan and parking were provided and discussed. He noted that a traffic coordination plan and map provided as a condition. Senior Planner Hancey briefed the format of his presentation for updates. He presented the event space and described some details.
Senior Planner Hancey provided the conditions of approval: applicant pays any outstanding fees and makes redline corrections; applicant is subject all federal, state, and local laws; applicant must observe all ADA requirements (ADA access must be provided at all times either through allowing the use of the south entrance doors or by creating new and improved ADA stalls closer to the main entrance on the main entrance on the north. ADA stalls “must be located on the shortest accessible route to the accessible entrance); A traffic coordination plan and map must be submitted and approved by the community development department prior to updating the business license (This plan must include a site plan with indicated parking stalls that meet the VZC standards); the event space must be limited to0 people or fewer per building code; and parking must be contained on site, including the parking wrapping the building and the dirt lot on the north.   Senior Planner Hancey included a proposed motion.
Vice-Chair Brady noted that there is storage for metals and asked if it was fenced off.
Katie Schwarz with Enigmanoted that there is no fencing and that it is an agreement with the owner.   Vice-Chair Brady asked what the plan was to mark the parking stalls.
Ms. Schwarz explained that they are comfortable with orienting people and that they can spray paint it. They ideally will have somebody there guiding.    Vice-Chair Brady asked if there was any concern for having that open.   Ms. Schwarz noted that they have cameras but that they have not had much issues.
Vice-Chair Brady asked if we would want at least the stalls being permanently marked.   Director Brim said they would need to mark for the events based on the type of vehicles.   Vice-Chair Brady asked what kind of events.   Ms. Schwarz said their common offers are corporate events.
Vice-Chair Brady asked if it would make sense to make a requirement to mark off the industrial area.   Director Brim noted that it could be a requirement.   Director Brim included that the traffic coordinator could keep traffic away, or they could require cones or something.   Ms. Schwarz added the lighting would keep people close to the building.   Vice-Chair Brady noted events that could inspire people to wander.
Commissioner Steele asked about the owner of the dirt lot and building.   Ms. Schwarz said they are the same person.   Commissioner Steele asked if the traffic coordination plan was approved by the property owners.   Ms. Schwarz said yes he has approved everything.
Commissioner Steele noted that it is their land and they should have a say on how they handle their business, if there is a plan to keep cars out of the public right of way.
Senior Planner Hancey addressed land behind the site that is a rail corridor and that there will be construction there.   Staff Engineer Patrick James said that normally they do not but that they could talk to them about doing that.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that there is still distant.   Vice-Chair Brady noted that they would not want to be liable for anything.
LDS Church Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit - Holdaway Fields
Commissioner Graden Ostler left at31 pm.
Planner Anthony Fletcher presented the LDS church and provided a background. He provided locational context and highlights. He included the elevations will consist of Brick Veneer Asphalt and that they are providing more than the required number of parking stalls. They met the bike parking and landscaping standards as well. Planner Fletcher presented the site plan, landscaping plan, and elevations.
Planner Fletcher provided the conditions and  staff recommendations for the site plan and conditional use permit: The applicant shall provide an updated plan set showing all iterations for all sheets, the applicant shall meet all building design requirements, and the applicant shall observe the city’s “Nuisances General” ordinance outlined in the Municipal Code, Section08.101(2)(p).    Planner Fletcher provided a sample motion.
Commissioner Rhotton asked why there was so much extra parking than the requirements.   Planner Fletcher noted the applicant is present.   Commissioner Rhotton noted that he would advise more bike parking and less car parking.
The applicant, Chad Spencer, noted that this is in the range for what the church prefers. He added that there will be multiple wards with people coming from different areas.   Commissioner Rhotton said it makes sense but that he would prefer less parking.
Commissioner Steele asked if this was a stake center.   Mr. Spencer said yes.
Commissioner Bramwell asked to increase bike parking.   Mr. Spencer said that they are comfortable with what they proposed.
Director Brim noted what the planning commission can do with their recommendations. He asked to make sure that the bike parking is in a visible spot.   Mr. Spencer noted that it is provided on both sides of the building by the doors and lighting.   Director Brim noted that he would appreciate more bike parking.
Vice-Chair Brady asked how soon they are going to get started.   Mr. Spencer noted that due to the weather they would probably start in March/ April.   Vice-Chair Brady asked how long of a build.   Mr. Spencer noted it’s about a month build.
PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Text Amendment for Drive-Thrus Site Plan: Utah City Blockc
Planner Fletcher introduced the applicant, Bronson Tatton. He presented an introduction to the Zoning Text Amendment - Pharmacy Drive-thru. He included useful information to provide perspective including stacking distance information and data used to formulate our numbers.
Senior Planner Hancey added context to the numbers and the distance for Bella’s Market.   Commissioner Rhotton clarified that it isft without the sidewalk.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that it depends on the location of the service window.   Vice-Chair Brady asked if they had an image of the site for the building.
Commissioner Steele clarified that they are just considering the amendment to the zoning code, not to any specific site.   Planner Fletcher said yes.
Planner Fletcher presented the proposed text amendment and described the standards.
Vice-Chair Brady noted that all of the examples have drive-thrus contained in their parking lot and feels that the stacking needs to be bigger if it reaches out to a main road.   Director Brim noted that this recommendation would go to the city council.   Vice-Chair Brady noted that the lane may need to be wider being next to a main road for safe and accessible access.   Discussion about this ensued for clarity and understanding.
Commissioner Steele noted that this is creating a precedent for future drive-thrus and asked if we require a traffic engineer’s report with every application in this zoning district.   City Engineer and Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour discussed the specific situation and that is the report they are utilizing. In most cases, for commercial they do request a traffic impact analysis.
Commissioner Steele noted that the concerns would be addressed in a traffic impact analysis. He is proposing that this should be explicitly listed.   Director Ghandour clarified that when the applicant submits a drive-thru, they do request to show the stacking and show they are not blocking any public right of way.   Commissioner Steele noted he was asking for that higher level analysis.
Vice-Chair Brady agreed that it should be a requirement. He acknowledged that there are instances that may extend stacking. He also noted that que times may be longer at pharmacy.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that he had other images to exemplify what could be allowed. He discussed the specifics for a scenario.
Vice-Chair Brady noted that he would prefer it to be a conditional use.   Commissioner Steele agreed.   Vice-Chair Brady noted that it being a conditional use would give us more say.
Commissioner Rhotton asked if there was something that we could do to prevent stacking going into the street.   Senior Planner Hancey said that drive-thru pharmacies are rare. He said he could expand his search to gather more information.   Vice-Chair Brady reiterated that he wanted it to be a conditional use.   Planner Fletcher adjusted this in the conditions.   Director Brim suggested wording for the conditions.
Ms. Evans agreed with the additional parts of the amendment.
Vice-Chair Brady reminded the public to keep their comments about the text amendment and separate from the Bella’s Market.
Mr. Tatton noted that they were going to propose ft stacking distance. He discussed utilities placement and parking lot.   Vice-Chair Brady noted that the specifics would be discussed later.   Mr. Tatton said that he would not have an issue with having a traffic engineer in on it.   Vice-Chair Brady asked about adjustments for future projects.   Director Brim said you would want to put it in the wording of the conditions.   Planner Fletcher added these adjustments.   Commissioner Steele provided wording. Planner Fletcher made those adjustments.
Site Plan: Utah City Blockc
Senior Planner Hancey invited Mr. Tatton’s participation. He presented locational context and a narrative that  included the number of units:2 units. He showed a plan for perspective. The applicant asked to defer the landscape approval plan. Senior Planner Hancey presented the elevations and noted that they have met all of our standards of the downtown code.   Commissioner Bramwell asked what the building heights were.   Vice-Chair Brady gave that it had a maximum height of feet and5 inches.   Planner Hancey provided the renderings for context.   Senior Planner Hancey presented and described the parking diagram.   Mr. Tatton asked if there were any questions or comments.   Vice-Chair Brady asked about where the reduction numbers came from.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that that is in the code for the Downtown Special Purpose Zoning District. He explained some of the agreements.   Vice-Chair Brady initiated a description on how parking numbers are decided and how the process is regulated.   Vice-Chair Brady announced how Vineyard is accounting for parking standards. He shared that there is a study being done every0 units.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that the study will be seen sometime next year.   Mr. Tatton clarified it will happen in26.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that at that point they will address that study.
Ms. Evans asked about the temporary parking lot. She expressed concern for the residents.   Vice-Chair Brady acknowledged that the parking lot will not be dirt. He added that the temporaryyears refers to bulk up the landscaping if they do not build structured parking.   Senior Planner Hancey clarified this.   Vice-Chair Brady noted that they will advertise the units with or without parking. He highlights the benefits and choice of driving.   Senior Planner Hancey discussed the code enforcement and complaints that the city receives.   Ms. Evans asked to get her questions about unit numbers answered.   Commissioner Rhotton providedc had2 units.   Vice-Chair Brady said he could show Ms. Evans detailed information that was provided in the agenda packet which includes the blocks, number of beds, and units.
Senior Planner Hancey reviewed the recommendations and conditions: pay any outstanding fees; fix any redline corrections; the applicant is subject to any state, federal, and local laws; the landscape plan is reviewed and approved during the technical review; a land disturbance permit is obtained; and a full review of civil drawings is completed during the land disturbance permit process.
Sign Standard Waiver - Wendy's
Senior Planner Hancey provided a background for the sign standard waiver. He reviewed the sign standard waiver process and showed the evaluation criteria. Senior Planner Hancey noted they wantsigns instead of He presented the elevations and highlighted the signs. He provided details for size of the signs.
Commissioner Steele asked if the signs are internally illuminated.   Senior Planner Hancey said yes.   Commissioner Steele asked if this was worrisome.
Senior Planner Hancey noted requests they have made with turning off the lights and discussed the north elevation lights. He feels that it is far enough away to create concern. He showed a map for perspective.   Commissioner Steele agreed that there is no concern.
Senior Planner Hancey noted that they do have a monument sign on Geneva Road. He feels that it is a respectable sign. He presented a sample motion.   Planner Fletcher left the meeting at30pm.   Vice-Chair Brady asked about a callout for pipe columns.   Engineer James noted that they are decorative columns on the building.
Public Hearing: Rezone of Lot45 (New Fire Station Lot) in the Cottonwoods Neighborhood from R-1-8 to Public Facilities
Senior Planner Hancey presented the city initiated application for a rezone. He provided background of the request and announced that it is a recommendation to city council. He noted that if it is sold back to residential, it will have to go back through a rezone. Senior Planner Hancey noted this will be done by ordinance that would add a map to the zoning code.
Senior Planner Hancey provided background on this rezone application. He noted that it was postponed because it called for a zoning text amendment as well and needed more time.   Work Session   No work items were submitted.  
Staff, Commission, and Committee Reports
Director Brim introduced the Utah APA conference and noted budget for planning conferences. He announced that Planner Fletcher will be leadingsessions.
Director Brim addressed Ms. Evan’s comments including the TRCC grant and noted inflationary costs rose to6 million dollar grant. He discussed the process and that it will be a several month process. He introduced Planner Fletcher is the one managing that project. The grant was extended for another months.
Director Brim discussed the Mill Road project that is a two part project. He briefed some details of this project and provided an update in the process. The city is working on bringing on a consultant. Director Brim announced that there will be a town hall on this project specifically.   Vice-Chair Brady asked Mr. Tatton if there was a definition for a mansion town house.   Senior Planner Hancey noted that that was language in the code that is centered around the larger units and exempt the small ones.   Director Brim provided a description.
Senior Planner Hancey added an update on the ULI conference and noted that it would meet the training requirements.   Senior Planner Hancey also discussed a training that is coming up soon.   Senior Planner Hancey included that the community development team did an inventory in the Flex Office Industry manufacturing zone.
Director Ghandour provided an update on the trail enhancement project that is supported by MAG.  
Adjournment   The meeting was adjourned at49 pm.         MINUTES Certified COMPLETE ON: Novemberh,24 CERTIFIED (NOTICED) BY: Madison Reed, Planning Technician
Alright, welcome everybody. Today is October 2nd, uh, 2024. It is 6:03 PM and this is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting, 00:00:12
uh, to get things started, uh, we'll have Chris Bramwell give us a Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation. 00:00:18
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:30
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:36
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful that we can be gathered here together today as a community and members of the Planning 00:00:48
Commission. Please bless us. That as we hear the items on the agenda before us today and we could be mindful of the rights of the 00:00:55
citizens of the city and the state. That we can do our duties according to the law. That we can ensure that we protect property 00:01:02
rights and that we can do what is best for this community. And we say these things in Jesus Christ. 00:01:10
Hey man, Hey man, thank you. All right, we'll move right into, uh, public comment. Uh, if you have any public comments come up, 00:01:17
state your name. Uh, you have about 3 minutes. You have any questions? I can write down your questions, but we don't really do it 00:01:21
back and forth so. 00:01:26
Good evening. 00:01:38
Hello, OK, thank you. OK, I have some questions from back April 3rd, 2024. 00:01:56
Signing Commission meeting within your to receive the $3,000,000 grant to begin grading and trail improvement of Vineyard Beach. 00:02:06
Anthony Fletcher presented a grand plan with many amenities for the nearby. 00:02:12
So worked hard on it. Umm, I'd like to know what is happening now. Did we lose that grant money? Why hasn't worked and started? 00:02:18
We're six months now later. So that's a question for you. And also another question, have designs been submitted for wayfinding 00:02:25
signage for Mill Road and do we still have that $120,000 grant? 00:02:32
And another question. 00:02:42
Umm this is concerning the PRI the pharmacy drive through. I was looking at the reference umm. 00:02:45
With the other stores? And what's a stacking distance mean? I don't understand that term. 00:02:54
And then concerning the ordinance 2024 dash 13 under #1 materials and color, it talked about it would be an exception to the 00:03:00
Manson Town Ho house. I want to know what the Manson townhouse is, what it entails, where it's going to be. And then I would like 00:03:09
to ask, I want to clarify my numbers on the numbers of units going into Utah City. 00:03:18
So far, umm, Mr. Mr. Chapman probably can address these. I want to make sure Block 5 is 199 units, Block six 254. 00:03:27
Block 8250, block 14250 and up and coming block 13200 three 142 units. I'd like to know how many units will be in the seven story 00:03:39
tower and how many in the five story building and I just want to umm. 00:03:47
Just make a comment. 00:03:59
Umm, I read recently about bird flu. 00:04:04
And why the price of eggs are so high? It's because the birds are confined in cages and they're all stacked together. 1 bird gets 00:04:07
it. The whole slot needs to be cold and I'm looking at Utah City worrying about them being so close together. 00:04:15
Did we not learn anything from COVID about people needing space? That's my 'cause I'm more concerned about these people coming in 00:04:25
more than me watching in develop. And I'd like to know when it's going to break ground. And those are my comments. Thank you. 00:04:33
Uh, later in. 00:04:46
Staff report could we, uh, touch on the grant and the wayfinding signage? Yeah yeah, we, I mean, I, it's wanna let everyone speak 00:04:48
and then we can, we can go back. I think that the items that are part of an agenda is item. Yeah we'll, we'll talk about that. 00:04:54
Yeah OK cool. Any other comments public? 00:05:00
All right. And if there are none, uh, we'll move into consent items. So I have a motion for consent items. 00:05:08
Move to approve the consent items as presented. 00:05:19
Alright, there's a second, second all in favor, aye aye. And making a business item 5.3, the 2024 Planning Commission chair and 00:05:22
vice chair of re-election. And then, Bryce, do you want us to umm, I was just gonna let you know umm, but you do want to address 00:05:27
those two graphs, so. 00:05:33
With the, uh, when you're the grant and the wayfinding signage, if you guys could just touch on it during your staff report. OK, 00:05:40
yeah. And then also, uh, how many units you could find out how many units there are for each of those buildings. 00:05:46
Uh, during the staff report also that would be. 00:05:52
Yeah. And if you don't have information now, we can provide that, that, that, that information. So perfect. Thank you. 00:05:55
OK, umm. 00:06:03
Yeah. 5.3 uh, Commission chair and vice chair re-election. So we've done this a handful of times with you guys and it's always 00:06:06
like, who would like to, who has the time to, uh, be the chair and who has the time to back them up? Umm, with the chairman of the 00:06:13
Commission, uh, you're expected to go to the Thursday, Thursday DRC meeting, umm. 00:06:21
Besides this meeting and the City Council meeting, those are the two main. 00:06:30
Things that you're expected to be to if you have the time and the desire to do that. Umm. 00:06:35
That'd be great to know. I am going to be off Planning Commission in three months. 00:06:44
Uh, that is the end of my term, so. 00:06:51
And we will be re electing a new chair and vice chair in three months. 00:06:56
This would be like a good trial run if you're interested for next year. You know, you have three months. Yeah, yeah. 00:07:03
Uh, does anybody have a conflict where they would not be able to make those meetings? 00:07:10
Thursday morning, Thursday morning, yeah. And we, we can be flexible or not that it is a sitting member of the DRT, but we can 00:07:15
provide, uh, but you can join on teams. Umm, and if every other Thursday, it's actually the Thursday following Planning 00:07:22
Commission, umm, and most meetings probably half an hour. Uh, it just depends on the agenda of course, but is the scheduled first 00:07:30
meeting like in the municipal code that it has to be held on Thursdays because I publicly noticed that way or so yeah, we, we. 00:07:37
On the calendar at the beginning of the year and this year it was Thursdays at 9. Uh, we'll go on another calendar, uh, in the 00:08:15
following year. But generally speaking, that's what like, because it is just mostly staff, I think the, the Planning Commission 00:08:22
members, the only non staff person on the DRT. So that's just generally what has worked best with the staff time. 00:08:29
And of the, uh, six of us that are here, is, is Caden an alternate or is Kaden a city member? I have him as a sitting member. 00:08:36
Who's an alternate? I have Steve Anderson, Graydon and Bradley alternate. OK, great. OK. 00:08:43
OK. 00:08:52
OK. 00:08:56
Anybody have a complex? 00:08:58
Umm, it would be hard for me to attend the DRC meeting as they're scheduled now, OK. 00:09:01
Complex over here. 00:09:07
OK, we're every, you said they could be attended remotely. Yeah, yeah. The a actually as of right now, the Planning Commission 00:09:09
members, I believe, no, it's their, whoever's still in for them doesn't have voting power, not yet. We're still working on that. 00:09:15
Yeah. Umm, but essentially we, we would prefer a Planning Commission member to be there because it is, you know, they, they are 00:09:21
getting these applications that eventually come to the Finance Commission. So it's good to stay ahead of, of what's coming down 00:09:27
the pipeline. 00:09:33
Umm, but yeah, we we can totally make them available for teams and. 00:09:40
We, it's like I said, it is twice a month and I'd say probably half of them would cancel due to lack of applications. Umm, which 00:09:43
is a, it's a standard meeting that they have. Yeah. And I, I'd say that that doesn't need to be like a absolute criteria. I think 00:09:49
if someone has a desire to be chair, be chair. And then if you, if you can make it, that's great. Umm, we'll always have a quorum 00:09:56
because we have to set it up. At least with the directors that have a director's stick, he can or he or she can provide. 00:10:02
Umm, you know, I, I, I, I did designate, but we need to change that Planning Commission. Yeah, like like someone else be assigned. 00:10:09
So please don't let that be a reason to not if you wanna be a chair and serve that capacity, yeah, I'd like do not absolutely 00:10:14
require to. 00:10:19
If you can, that would be great. So, but not a requirement. City Council is on Wednesdays as well. Every other Wednesday. Yeah, 00:10:24
it's yeah, yeah. And, and that, that, that one is a once a month, uh, report. Did you just report to get in the meeting? It's 00:10:31
fairly quick. It's just these are things that we've been working on as planning commissioners and that balance here. If you can't 00:10:39
go, that's typically where the chair would would step in. Umm, and we've had signs with if you can't and you know. 00:10:46
How many city members can we have? We have 5 city members and three alternatives. 00:11:24
So she's she's replacing pay to pay, had to resign. 00:11:28
But I. 00:11:31
I, I, I wouldn't hold doing the business because I, I would say if you guys don't want it, just go for it. So what time is the 00:11:34
Thursday meeting? I don't have a desire. Uh, the Thursday meeting, you're at 9:00 AM. They're located right here in the council 00:11:41
room. And like I said, we, we always have a team link sent out. We do have a remote employees that, that do join that way. Umm, 00:11:47
and, and you can join on that even if you just listen in So you have an idea of what's going on. Umm. 00:11:53
But but it's more incentive if if you have a desire to be chair, just that you know, I'm not gonna. We will work for you. Yeah, 00:12:02
yeah, we're good. So I can work my schedule around. But if somebody else really wants to do it, I'm totally fine. 00:12:08
Letting somebody else I moved to Chris Bramwell be the chair. Second, are you Brad, are you wanting to stay as the vice Chair of 00:12:16
the year? And we probably would need a nomination for that as well. I, I would include that in a motion if you want to do that, 00:12:24
the motion, if that's how you're reflecting it and you already seconded it so. 00:12:32
OK, uh yeah, I guess we can do 2 separately. 00:12:41
You can just do it on a amendment to the motion and then the second. 00:12:46
Secondly, both OK, all right and I that's. 00:12:50
We have been able to vote for myself as a vice chair, vice chair and I vote for myself as a vice chair. And then do you do you re 00:12:54
second any second, Sir? Uh, this isn't A roll call. Is it all in favor aye, all right. 00:13:00
Do we wanna move now, or should I authorize you to keep acting as chair for the rest of the? 00:13:08
All right, uh, reading up on my rule of order. 00:13:17
Uh, moving on to 5.4 minor site plan amendments and conditional use permit application for the Enigma Three site. 00:13:22
Greg, I will be giving a brief, umm, explanation about this project as well as we do have, uh, Katie with Enigma 3 here to answer 00:13:30
any questions you guys might have. So if you remember about a month ago, we, we met with the zoning text amendment to allow event 00:13:37
states in the flex office industrial zone lasting the City Council. It was approved, umm, to make it that change for our zoning, 00:13:44
uh, code and so ending the trees submitted for site plan amendment and conditional use permit, umm, as required by the code. 00:13:51
Just for contact, here is their site. Umm, that blue line there 1600 N and then this building. I believe they take up the whole 00:13:58
space of the building, but the event space is kind of right, right in the center of the next slide should have a diagram showing 00:14:05
kind of a utilization here. Umm, as far as their oh, I just realized this is trying to find it was off the screen there. Let me 00:14:11
fix that. 00:14:17
Umm. 00:14:25
ADA accessible umm, parking stalls on the South side, umm, and then in the rear of their law on the north side, they, they have a 00:14:57
90 by 225 dirt lot that they are proposing to use as additional like overflow parking. Umm, as as part of that they are uh, going 00:15:04
to be providing some lighting for that area, umm, as well as crosswalk and the traffic coordinator umm, that will be required when 00:15:11
that dirt lot is being used. 00:15:18
Umm, just as, uh, the zoning code states with their event state size, they are required to have 58 parking stalls. Umm, and so 00:15:26
they, they are just high of that with the base stalls that they're overflow will uh, help accommodate that. 00:15:32
So you can see there, it's, I believe I initially said it was like 9000 square feet, but it's actually close to 11,600 square 00:16:40
feet. That's why the parking, uh, was increased. Uh, a rough, uh, idea of kind of how the business works. They have this, this 00:16:45
main area that they'll use for events have bathrooms, kitchens and a kind of preferring green room that, that, uh, event attendees 00:16:51
can all use. Umm, there is a kitchen there on site. It will not be for cooking. Umm, it'll just be for like drinking caterers use 00:16:57
it to. 00:17:03
Store their food in there and bring it out. Umm, we did have them do a, an architectural study of their building to umm, prove 00:17:09
that it could be used for this type of use. Umm, And that study came back saying that it is based with a maximum occupancy of 00:17:16
three of no more than 300 people. Umm, on one other note is that that bartending is an available service. Umm, but that will be 00:17:23
required through a separate permit that says then organizers will have to get through the city. 00:17:31
The the business license and all that will not be umm issuing the the like alcohol license. 00:17:38
New and improved closer to the main entrance on the north Umm, the ADA law states that umm solve must be located on the shorter 00:18:14
successful route to to the accessible entrance. So if you go back to this slide here, you'll see their, their ADA stalls are right 00:18:20
here where the event main entrance is all the way up here. And so I spoke with the applicant today. They they do have an entrance 00:18:26
to the building right here and accessible entrance. And so umm, that is what that requirement is saying is that these cells have 00:18:32
to be available for ADA use. 00:18:38
Interest has to to remain open for 8888 during business hours, umm, when they're they're having these events. 00:18:44
OK, umm, this next one has to do with that, that traffic coordination plan that that I was talking about. So we want them to 00:18:54
submit a traffic coordination plan and map, umm, that will be, uh, approved by the community development department prior to the 00:19:00
updating of the business license. And that prime must include a site plan with indicating parking stalls that meet the veneer 00:19:05
zoning code standards. Umm, the map that they presented here. 00:19:11
The the stall widths and all that I I think they might have had issues with Calvert, it was just it did not. 00:19:18
Also a part of that is this is kind of a zoomed in pictures. They, they haven't proposed crosswalk area where people from this 00:19:56
extra lot are gonna be crossing over to get into the entrance. Umm, we just wanna see more details of, of what this will look 00:20:01
like, whether they're gonna paint that, but whether they're gonna just put signs up. So that would be all part of this traffic 00:20:06
coordination plan, umm, that, that we're wanting to see. 00:20:11
We do have a proposed motion with these conditions, but happy to entertain questions and hope we can answer them. So looking at 00:20:48
the map, the space behind them seems like a storage for metals and materials. Is that sand stuff? 00:20:55
Yeah, we just dropped to the mic and just say your name here with just for the record. Thank you. 00:21:04
I'm Katie Schwarz, I'm the business owner. Umm, so there is no fencing. That's Martin's property behind us and he's the building 00:21:12
owner was Lecy, and we have an agreement with him on using that space. So land directly behind us is where he stores that, umm, 00:21:18
all this level. And so there was no fencing on our side. There is on the backside of that lot. Yeah, on the front. OK, so what's 00:21:25
the plan to like have? 00:21:31
Designated parking, marking it or having it like show that these are actually parking stocks. 00:21:39
Umm, yeah, it's so, so we're a video production company. And So what we do on regular basis is move hundreds of people onto a 00:21:45
production site and then off. So it's pretty common for us to deal with. We typically hire PAS to run that and we have people 00:21:52
stationed. And then usually we just have people Mark. But we can also go on spray paint it if we need to. It's there. It'll, it'll 00:21:59
move really fast. So we can do it that day before if we need to. But I, I do we have someone there just guiding each parking. OK. 00:22:07
Do you feel concerned at all about having? 00:22:14
That's just open with people kind of hanging out back there. Umm, you know, we have a lot of cameras back there. We've had a 00:22:17
little bit of issue, uh, our end of this year, but, umm, in terms of stuff over our holiday weekend, yeah. But, uh, we have a lot 00:22:24
of cameras. We have a lot of people in and out, umm, So other than that, like we haven't had much, OK. 00:22:32
Umm, and then I guess question for the city. Well, I guess kind of question for both. If it's, uh, only 17 parking stalls, umm, 00:22:40
what do we want at least those 17 being permanently marked or. 00:22:46
Uh, is it fine to just have kind of open, I would say in March for E each of that being, umm, the kind of the nature of their job. 00:22:54
It sounds like they may have like, like a large production crew coming in and they may not have like, it might be more trailers 00:23:00
like large trucks. And so in that case, they're, you know, they're gonna park kind of wherever they need to, but I mean, 00:23:06
connecting it to the event that they're, they're marked prior to, uh, I think would be an appropriate. Yeah. I, I think some kind 00:23:12
of marking priority event and. 00:23:18
Even foreign events, they were thinking about potential. What kind of events? Again, ideally, like our our best offers have been 00:23:24
like corporate events. So 200 people from, you know, they didn't wanna come in. OK. Umm, well, would it make sense to make it a 00:23:32
requirement also to not send off with fencing, but like mark off, like don't go into this industrial area? Yeah, absolutely. I 00:23:39
mean that that would definitely be within purview. 00:23:47
Asked like we felt pretty comfortable with it and then with with the light. So you could, if you wanna just like more, umm, be 00:24:25
very clear having like signage and kinda posted on that sender. Umm or you, you could, you could require the fencing as well, OK. 00:24:32
There's not a lot of light out there, so we don't usually lose people. They stay close to the building, right? Yeah. I'm just 00:24:39
thinking if there was like a wedding, for example, I know that there are some people that would find our way over there. Uh, OK 00:24:46
Any other questions from the Commission? Alright, see you. Yeah, but before we talk to you, I know we just started asking 00:24:52
questions. Did you have any kind of presentations that you wanted to share with us? No, thank you. Have a great time. 00:24:58
OK, thanks. Umm, so thanks Katie. Umm. 00:25:04
First off, is the owner of the dirt lot the same as the owner of the building? That is correct. Yeah. OK, so. 00:25:08
I'm assuming any kind of traffic coordination plan that we look at will have the approval of the property owners will be utilizing 00:25:17
it. Yeah, he's fully approved that. OK, perfect. 00:25:22
OK, so with that, umm, I wouldn't put too many extra requirements on it because it is their land and their business. However they 00:25:29
wanna operate it or whatever risk they wanna take, that's within their purview. As long as it's not creating any kind of risk or 00:25:38
danger for the general community, I'm generally going to be of the philosophy of let them handle their business. 00:25:46
You know, umm, and so that said, if they submit a traffic coordination plans that satisfies, so you're not gonna be getting cars 00:25:54
out in the public right of way. I, I think that's pretty much all we need. That's my general thought. Just to clarify on that 00:26:01
land, uh, directly behind it is actually this like rail corridor that we have preserved to this build minus those property. So you 00:26:07
can see on the map here highlighted in blue all these sections is where that parking is. 00:26:13
Umm so there is going to be construction on this lot. Uh, Martin Snow will be building 2 buildings there and that umm Nathan, do 00:26:20
you know if he's? 00:26:24
Patrick, do you know if you'd be putting up any kind of construction fencing there to separate it? Umm, normally they in most 00:26:28
cases, but they. 00:26:34
It still is pretty far away, like the buildings that are going up are are pretty far north on the site, so it is quite a distance 00:26:44
from where the parking lot is going to be. Umm, but it is it is something to consider. 00:26:50
So we could work with Martin during, umm, kind of that, that pre construction meeting, you know, making sure things are secured 00:26:57
and, and I'm, I'm sure they wouldn't wanna be liable for anything. So. 00:27:03
And it's in their best interest. Yeah, it is in their best interest to do something. OK. Any other questions? 00:27:09
All right, umm, there's a motion then. 00:27:17
Umm, yeah. I moved to recommend approval of the site plan amendment and conditional use permit application as proposed with 00:27:22
conditions as presented. 00:27:27
Sorry, 2nd. 00:27:32
One second all in favor. 00:27:34
Thank you so much. 00:27:37
OK. All right. Moving on to 5.5, the LDS Church site plan and conditional use permanent at Holdaway Field. 00:27:41
Yeah, so we've got this one. 00:28:03
I do OK, all good. 00:28:06
Sometimes you got to redownload, yeah. 00:28:11
All right, I'm going to excuse myself. Alright, good luck tonight. Thanks, David. 00:28:16
Hi, my name is Anthony, uh, and I'll be preventing the alias church. So we have an application from uh, Chad, Chad Spencer, who is 00:28:33
representing the church, umm, to apply for a, uh, site plan and site plan approval and conditional use permit. So the site, umm, 00:28:41
by way of location will be located on the corner of Main Street. 00:28:49
And 400 S, so just to give you good context, this is City Hall Florida South and is going to be right in this corner right here. 00:28:58
Umm, just a few things about the project it'll be it'll be a me meeting house with about 23,000 square feet, umm, 310 seating 00:29:08
capacity and we'll have a Chapel. It will have a cultural hall, classrooms and some umm, office as well and a pavilion for picnics 00:29:17
on the east side of it. Now, just to give a little bit more detail, we have the elevations. 00:29:25
Umm showing right now as umm. 00:29:34
Briggs Vignette Asphalt and umm, the parking lot is actually going to be given us 269 parking spaces. What is required is just, 00:29:37
umm, 78. So it is over parked. Uh, bicycle parking is 12, but what is required is just 8, uh, park uh, bike spaces. And they have 00:29:47
a good landscape plan as well that we have reviewed and it meets all the standards of uh. 00:29:57
So that's the site plan. 00:30:07
Umm, the front of the. 00:30:10
The front of the meeting house actually faces 400 S, so just to get you oriented. 00:30:14
Thus, the landscaping plan. 00:30:21
And here are the elevations. So that's the front based in 400 S. 00:30:24
The West. 00:30:31
Acceleration. 00:30:34
In the North. 00:30:37
So this. 00:30:41
This project is located in the holdaway field, uh, zoning district and is predominantly, umm, going to be a residential district. 00:30:43
That is the reason why this requires a conditional use permit. So we have gone through a bunch of reviews and communicated a lot 00:30:52
with the applicant and the only thing that we require as a condition is to have. 00:31:00
Them, umm, submit to us an updated, uh, plan that shows all the iterations. 00:31:10
You know a plan said that shows all the iterations together. So, umm, the rest of the conditions are the standard ones to meet. 00:31:17
You know, the federal and, uh, state code needed. 00:31:23
Umm. 00:31:31
So staff recommends approval of this UMM, site plan application and conditional use permit. And here's a sample motion. I have a 00:31:33
couple questions. Sure. Can I ask why? Why is there so much more parking than required on this building? Do you know? 00:31:42
They have a lot of land. I have the applicant here. And is there any questions? I'll let him move up there. And you know how many 00:31:53
steps just because I'm assuming most of the people that will attend this building. 00:31:59
Live close enough to walk or to ride a bike. So I mean if it were. 00:32:05
My, my application, I would wanna put more bike parking and less car parking, but I'm just curious because that seems like a lot 00:32:12
of parking for yeah. So this is, this is actually right in the range of what the church prefers for these meeting houses. They've 00:32:20
obviously done a lot of studies. This building, umm, is designed to have 4 wards in it. Mm-hmm. So not only will you have the area 00:32:27
right around it, O potentially you'll have people driving a distance to attend it. So they just are trying. 00:32:35
Make sure that all the parking is contained on site so. 00:32:42
Yeah. 00:32:47
OK. Yeah, I mean. 00:32:51
That makes sense. I would prefer less parking but. 00:32:53
Can can I ask you a question? Umm, sorry to use nomenclature but specific to the Church of these things, but is this the stakes in 00:32:57
this? It is it is. OK, so that could be one reason. Have bigger meetings actually instead of just more. Can you check? 00:33:05
Any other questions from the question? 00:33:16
I would just say, can we increase the bike parking? I, I, I see some of the other buildings that go on Sunday morning walks and 00:33:20
especially the ones for people, they may even live a mile or throw away from the new one in the Hamptons way more than I take 8 00:33:27
bikes. Yeah. So we provided 12/12. I mean, I, I, I would even more. 00:33:33
Suggest umm, I think we're we're comfortable with what we proposed so. 00:33:42
Yeah, umm, So, umm, the Planning Commission on, on the, on that specific topic can definitely make a recommendation if you'd like 00:33:49
to see more parking, umm, under state code, umm, because it's a standard in our code for the number of parking. All that required 00:33:55
to do is, is is hit the minimum. But you know, from the City side, we always love more and more parking. Umm, I would say too, 00:34:01
probably if you go back to the site plan while we're talking about bike parking. 00:34:07
Is ensuring that the bike parking is in a visible spot that's not located in in a in a spot where people can get to it. 00:34:14
That that, that'd be awesome. Sure. 00:34:51
How can you hoping to get going on this? So due to the weather and where it is, we'll probably actually break ground in March, 00:34:54
April, Yeah. And it's uh, 12 months. It's about a 14 months and they start to finish, Yeah. 00:35:01
All right. Any other questions? 00:35:10
I just recommend that cascade neighborhood be assigned to that. 00:35:13
Right. Six buildings in seven years is a lot. 00:35:21
So why I driven like why add another one is my recommendation, yeah. 00:35:26
All right, uh, do I have a motion on this? 00:35:32
He has that motion up there that way. 00:35:37
I move to approve the site plan and conditional use with the conditions as presented. Thanks Chris. Do I have a second? 00:35:40
I, I second, while please adding the condition on the quest that you please express to the applicant our concerns about bike 00:35:48
parking, please consider adding more. Thank you, Nate. All in favor. Aye. All right. Thank you so much. 00:35:56
Alright, moving to 5.6 public hearings Zoning. This is a public hearing for a zoning text amendment to allow for pharmacy Dr. 00:36:05
throughs within the downtown Vineyard Town Center special purpose zoning code. 00:36:11
The few cash or anything. 00:36:19
All right. 00:36:22
So we have the applicant here, umm Bronson is applicant for this zoning text amendment. Bronson time with Flatborough. 00:36:31
So if there are any questions, you'll be available to also answer. 00:36:39
So just to give a quick introduction and background, umm, the applicant is requesting to have a text amendment to allow umm drive 00:36:45
through pharmacy Dr. Throughs to be permitted in the downtown area of Coloss City. And to give some more context, the last time we 00:36:52
umm had they came on here, we had umm, they're also the applicants for they were also the applicants for the site plan for the 00:36:59
Bella's Market. 00:37:06
And they, through the process, they expressed interest in including pharmacy drive through as we, you know, move along the process 00:37:13
and we're also trying to study how it's going to work for them and all that. So, uh, they have taken this step to make it 00:37:20
available, make it work for them to include the, uh, pharmacy drive through to umm, the grocery store that they are about to build 00:37:26
now. 00:37:32
This does not guarantee that umm, you know, they can just go ahead and start building. They will be required to. 00:37:40
Go through, umm, A5 point amendment process, uh, that we have for the city. So they would have to come back to Planning Commission 00:37:47
with, umm, an updated site plan, uh, the grocery store showing all the requirements have been met based on this, umm, donating 00:37:55
text amendment that may be passed by, uh, the City Council later. 00:38:03
So just some useful information so people can understand, uh, what we're dealing with here. An average length of cars. I just had 00:38:12
it, you know, uh, put up there just so people can have a better understanding is really between, oh, the range is really between 00:38:20
10 feet and 18 feet and stacking distance. Explain where the stacking distance is, is literally a term used to. 00:38:29
Umm, measure the capacity of a drive through lane. Umm. 00:38:38
For the number of cars it can take, uh, you know, from the point where they enter the, the drive through lane to the service 00:38:44
window. So if, uh, we say 60 feet, which is what we are recommending as staff. So literally is saying that you can take up to 00:38:51
three cars in the, you know, umm, queued together. So second distance could be explained to be queueing distance as well. So 00:38:59
that's thanks you're welcome. So, umm, the recommended best practice is to have. 00:39:06
Umm, 20 feet per car or per vehicle. So if we are, you know, staff requirements. 60 feet means three cars, preferably mid sized 00:39:14
cars with comfortably stacked OQ to the window of the pharmacy. 00:39:23
Here are some umm numbers that we we put together based on what is happening in the Valley. We have a lot more data from outside 00:39:33
of Utah as well. Umm, you know, throughout the nation and it really just ranges between these distances that we have umm, showing 00:39:40
up here. 00:39:47
I, I, I'm actually the one who took this measurement here. Uh, the, the 80 feet is possible with their site, with how it wraps 00:40:03
around, if their window is located all the way on the east side of the, the building, and that would be from the entrance. So from 00:40:10
the street, which it would also cross over the sidewalk, that would be 80 feet They are at about. 00:40:17
See right now, minus that sidewalk and entrance. 00:40:24
Sorry since you're. 00:40:30
So 60 without the sidewalk, yeah. 00:40:35
So. 00:40:38
It just depends on, we don't have the location of that service window. It's the service window located all the way to the the West 00:40:40
of the entrance. Then they'd be like 20 feet. And so a lot of it depends on that location of the window which they'll provide to 00:40:46
us in that updated site plan and then we can measure it to be more precise. 00:40:52
Hello. 00:41:01
Do you guys have an image of of the site for the for the building? Yeah, well, before we do that, what we're considering right now 00:41:03
is just an amendment to the code. We're not approving any site plan tonight, right? 00:41:09
Right now we're just considering an amendment to the zoning code. There is no specific site plan we're referring to. We're not. 00:41:17
Yeah, so this would just allow them in the future to up so to update this to update your site plan to be able to allow them to do 00:41:25
that. So this is, you know, by no means guarantee that they have access to it. So if we wanna talk about site plan, we'll come 00:41:32
back to that. If they decide to go ahead with, you know, including the drive through, we'll we'll we'll we'll have the image 00:41:40
ready. Umm, but we'll, we'll allow Anthony to keep going. So if you guys you wanna see it. 00:41:47
Alright, Yeah, but just as a reference, not As for this specific plan. OK, cool. 00:41:55
Alright, so umm, we've, we've worked with the applicant and staff, we've also had a lot of discussions and research and we came up 00:42:02
with this umm. 00:42:07
Text language for the amendment proposed amendment we included the queue in distance and our second you know distance should be a 00:42:13
minimum of 60. Would it also include that the width of the. 00:42:22
Drive through it should be 12 feet to allow for easier maneuvering. 00:42:32
Umm, we also do have here that each of the. 00:42:38
East entrance and exit of the aisle in direction of traffic flow shall be clearly designated by signs and pavement markings as 00:42:45
well. Wanna make sure that people are going through the right entrances and exits for these Dr. throughs as well. And we wanna 00:42:53
make sure also through this code that pedestrian walkways, you know the walk the sidewalks are not blocked when you're using so. 00:43:01
That's all part of the reason why we considered and recommended to 60 feet in this one. OK, thank you. So a couple of questions I 00:43:10
have or comments umm. 00:43:15
And with the, umm, examples that you guys provided, I've looked up all of them and, uh, well, the stacking distance is 40 feet or 00:43:21
80 feet or something. They're all contained within their parking lot and none of them have an entrance from the main road, uh, 00:43:28
which is my main concern with. 00:43:35
The example is given for the Utah City one is, uh, I think that, uh, we could have a number for stacking distance if it, if the 00:43:42
stacking continues in the parking lot beyond that distance. But I think the number absolutely needs to be bigger if the stacking 00:43:49
starts to exit out onto a main thoroughfare, Umm. 00:43:56
That, that's just one of the comments that I wanted to make and uh, for the specific thing uh, is that something we could add into 00:44:05
the language? Umm. 00:44:10
Yeah, AB absolutely. So this recommendation would go to City Council. So if you felt more comfortable with but the higher number, 00:44:16
umm, since it would be coming off of public right away, you can make that that recommendation and then move forward. That's for 00:44:22
the same account. Umm and again with this specific one, assuming that they're more beyond this in utility. Umm, if it's coming off 00:44:28
of uh main road and but you guys were mentioning 12 feet wide. If it's coming off of the main road and they need to make a full 00:44:34
U-turn. 00:44:40
To the pharmacy, I think we should probably have dimensions for how much space that is from the road to make that turn uh, just 00:44:46
just any road like if it's not part of their property like not part of their yeah so OK yeah umm that way, uh. 00:44:57
In this, in this particular case with the umm, grocery store with Bellas, uh, if they have to make a complete U-turn, I want to 00:45:09
make sure that that space is big enough that it's comfortable for anybody to make AU turn from the public right of way. 00:45:15
So that's also some language I'd like to see there. Umm, so when you're saying that, maybe so I understand. So like if there's a, 00:45:23
so there's a concern like the meters and, and medium or something in the right of way that would prohibit someone from making a 00:45:29
turn if, if they can't get into the Internet. Maybe I'm not quite. So for example, let's say, let's say it's 12 feet from the 00:45:35
property line to the building. Mm-hmm. And. 00:45:41
The balance market doesn't necessarily have this. Let's say there's not a sidewalk there and they have 12 feet to go from the 00:45:48
public right of way road and turn their car. Oh, OK. I mean. 00:45:53
I just want there to be enough space that they can comfortably turn a truck right right and make that U-turn without having so 00:45:59
they're hitting the right away at a. 00:46:03
Per per perpendicular as opposed to like like an angle. Where do you have like, so you, you want them to be able to make that full 00:46:09
movement where they're meeting up with the right of way? Yes. OK, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, umm, I think we're understanding each 00:46:16
other. Uh, maybe I'll, maybe I'll give an example, uh, assuming a road is going from east to West and the, umm, pharmacy is on the 00:46:23
South side of the building and it's a left. 00:46:29
The pharmacy. 00:46:37
Is on the left side of the window. So they would have to be going, uh, with, they would have to be going east in their power. So 00:46:38
they're going West on the road and to make the turn into it. I just wanna make sure that that space going, if they're going West 00:46:44
and turning all the way around to be headed E through the pharmacy with that turn is big enough because 12 feet, uh, plus the road 00:46:51
is kind of pushing it as far as space. 00:46:57
Most most vehicles would not be able to make that turn OK. 00:47:04
On that same note. 00:47:09
Because this is an update to the zoning code, if this is ultimately creating a precedent and future applications are going to be 00:47:11
going off of it. Because it says right there in the pro pros language that this is an exception to the standard of no Dr. 00:47:17
throughs. Umm, and this is a question for engineering. Do we typically require a traffic engineer's report with every new 00:47:24
application in the zoning district? 00:47:30
MMM, yes. 00:47:42
Give me the receipt in here for the work structure. So in your, uh, in your question in regards to engineering, uh, like, uh, 00:47:42
analysis, uh, traffic analysis for the, for this departation and drive through, uh, not specifically to this, I'm saying for new 00:47:49
developments in the zoning district, do you require a traffic engineering report? So, umm, uh, for this particular, uh, for this 00:47:55
particular, uh, situation, uh, they, uh, developed a. 00:48:01
Overall engineering traffic analysis report, uh, for the downtown as a whole, and that's the report that we're basically, uh, 00:48:09
we're utilizing, but you're still a short answer for the questions you're providing is, uh, in most cases for commercial, uh, for 00:48:16
commercial applications, especially drivers and so forth. If you ask, you do ask for, uh, traffic impact analysis on that for, uh, 00:48:24
for residential, uh, not so. Thank you. That's what I wanted to know if we are requesting, uh, traffic impact analysis. 00:48:31
For every commercial development, including those that would be requesting the drive through, I think a lot of the concerns that I 00:48:39
share with you would be addressed to show in the report specifically, OK, if you're entering the driveway from or a drive through 00:48:46
from the right of way, how can we be sure that the stacking is not going to affect the traditional flow of traffic That's usually 00:48:52
to be expected, I would expect that. 00:48:58
I don't know if that needs to be explicitly listed here. I'm proposing that it should be, since this is an exception to the rule 00:49:06
that we're proposing here, and any time we have applicants proposing an exception to the rule, I want the honors to be on them to 00:49:11
show that. 00:49:16
It's not going to negatively impact the entire community there. And, uh, again, just to further clarify, uh, when, uh, absent or a 00:49:22
drivers specifically on the plans, we do request, uh, require them to show the stacking, umm, of the, of the particular voucher 00:49:29
and show that they're not blocking any type of public right away. Umm, that, that's perfect. I, I know that sometimes when I 00:49:37
propose second plans, it's just an AutoCAD plug in to say, look, I can fit 7 Camrys I'm asking for. 00:49:44
And beyond with a licensed traffic engineer, which I am not to be able to say that yes, this is legit and it will go according to 00:49:52
plan. I think for exceptions that we're allowing here that's reasonable to ask for. 00:49:59
Umm, yeah. And I think, uh, but. 00:50:10
I, I do agree that it should be a requirement, but also even when we make better requirements, there are still instances where 00:50:12
stacking communities beyond, uh, expectations. Starbucks, for example, sacking has come out onto the public right of way. Umm, and 00:50:19
for pharmacies, uh, while it's not used as much as the Starbucks is, the, uh, queue times are much higher. Umm, so umm, with that 00:50:26
being the case. 00:50:32
Uh. 00:50:40
I wonder if there's. 00:50:43
Cloud through the zoning text message so this is one option and that does show about 5 cars on this one it's kind of packed that 00:51:15
service window so you still have you know if the window is right here you can have up to four cars in that queue and then what's 00:51:22
the flow of traffic there give me an arrow on one way that's hard to write so yeah the the goal is to to make it so they don't 00:51:30
have to use like pneumatic tubes like the bank sellers that you can just go right up to the window is that right from them so. 00:51:37
So I, I don't know if you noticed when you were measuring some, some locations do the windows, some do the pneumatic tubes, some 00:51:45
do bolt this little to not do them. It is just a better overall experience. Umm, and so traffic is, is on the street and you have 00:51:51
to have heat turned up into this. You can cross the sidewalk right here. Umm, but once again, we, we kind of explained that this 00:51:58
road will eventually be cut off of Main Street, so there won't be a lot of cars. 00:52:04
Heading West on this road because the, the nature of how it's designed, umm, and that's that's why they want to try and accomplish 00:52:12
this drive through in this direction. 00:52:16
So I feel like every single drive through is going to be different for whether it's a pharmacy or a Starbucks or a anything. Uh, 00:52:21
uh. 00:52:24
I don't wanna blanket to say prices ago that they're 60 feet. Uh, I would prefer to have it be a conditional use where they would 00:52:29
have to come in umm, and get it approved. 00:52:35
But I mean they work through that, that find amendment right that is still going. But we we could do that. It is a conditional. 00:52:42
Yeah, yeah, I, I mean for future applications as well. Yeah, I mean if they come in and they meet the requirements then. 00:52:48
Legally, we have to approve them if they meet all of our city requirements, but if it's conditional use, then we can, yeah, more 00:52:56
say in what happens, I think. And I think that that makes a lot of sense for the downtown. 00:53:02
Did you guys have any questions? 00:53:10
Now, just one thought, is there something that, and I haven't seen this, but where the stacking could potentially go out into the 00:53:13
right of way, is there something that we could do or require or something that prevents any stacking beyond 60 feet like a gate or 00:53:19
something? So it's there's four cars in there. You can't just line up in the street. You would have to come back another time or 00:53:26
something, I don't know. 00:53:33
That's not the perfect solution but at least it would keep track of pharmacies are just rare it it's all those that I found. I 00:53:39
spent a a good long time just looking for any drive through pharmacies out outside of like Acvs or Walgreens. 00:53:46
Blocking your sidewalks. Umm, but we, we could keep looking around, you know, especially if it does, you know, if it does go for 00:54:23
approval through City Council with these conditions when it comes back through a site plan and the conditional use, we, we could 00:54:29
keep looking around to see if there are any more unique standards throughout the country. I, I kind of kept my research through 00:54:35
Salt Lake Valley and, and Utah County, umm, to even pull up I think like 10 and try through pharmacies. Umm, but but we could keep 00:54:41
looking when this comes back. 00:54:47
Uh, personally, I, I don't feel comfortable to blanket him and I, I want it to be a conditioning firm. Yeah. So Anthony has 00:54:53
updated the conditions of approval in the presentation. He has updated on the red. 00:55:00
Umm. 00:55:08
I was, I was, I was trapped in a, a kids condition too that we could, umm, we could kinda to address, uh, Commissioner Steele's 00:55:11
comments. So you can have this or not, it sounds like we're gonna be covered kinda, kinda either way. But if you wanted to just 00:55:18
called out, umm, in the code. Umm, So say a traffic impact analysis is required to be submitted by a licensed engineer at the time 00:55:25
of site plan submission showing projected stacking at peak traffic time and business. 00:55:32
Operation this analysis Shell shell pro umm projected conflict with pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the street right of 00:55:40
way. But since street right of way just because there there may be some private streets and and in here as well. So see right away 00:55:47
should should cover should you Scroll down because I can only read half of that. This is what I have. So if you guys are OK with 00:55:54
that, I can send it to Anthony. He can he can throw it on there. OK, I'm I'm comfortable with that. 00:56:01
OK, I'll send it over to you. 00:56:08
Any other questions? 00:56:10
No. 00:56:12
I have a motion to open this up for public hearing. 00:56:20
A motion to open the public hearing. Thanks. Do I have a second? 00:56:24
2nd. 00:56:27
1st all in favor. All right, if you guys have any comments, uh, please come up, state your name. If you have any questions, I'll 00:56:28
write down your questions and we'll just go from there. 00:56:32
All right. 00:56:43
Yeah, I'll get to also, uh, sorry, if you wouldn't mind, uh, if you have, uh, questions or comments, try to try to keep them 00:56:45
separate from that balance. Actual like, OK, I just want, uh, Daria Evans, still a resident. I just wanna say I agree with your 00:56:52
extra part of this amendment. Thank you. 00:56:59
Any other questions or comments? 00:57:10
Alright, motion to close the public hearing. 00:57:13
Alright, thank you. Got a second? 00:57:18
I'll take it down here, Brad. Uh, all in favor. All right, all right. Umm you have anything you wanted to add, Bronson? 00:57:24
Yeah, thank you, Bronson With, uh, the developer, umm, we, we do wanna propose going to 50, uh, feet in stacking and some of the 00:57:35
language you've added, umm may negate that, but we're thinking the same thing. Three cars is what our operator needs for, for 00:57:43
stacking in, in his other stores. And that would be one of the window and then two behind it. 00:57:52
So OK, we we come up with 50 on that, but. 00:58:01
I don't think 60 is gonna be the end of the world. We do have in the current design, we've got some utilities coming in the back 00:58:05
right behind the the drive through that are they're constraining the width and then on the front of the drive through we've got 00:58:12
the parking parking lot coming out. And so we are a little bit constrained there. There are some things we could do to instead of 00:58:18
taking the drive through out its own exit. 00:58:24
We could bring it into the the parking lot exit. It does create a, you know, a another unique. 00:58:32
Uh, kind of intersection right of the, the throat of the entrance into the parking. Umm, so that's, that's really only the context 00:58:40
I do behind the 50 would be one part of the window, which would be like 1/2 length of the car and then two cars behind it. OK. 00:58:47
And, and we'll get into the, uh, more of the specifics for yeah, when we come back. Yeah OK. So that, that would be my only 00:58:55
proposed change. I don't think we have an issue with with having. 00:59:02
Traffic engineer waiting on it either. 00:59:10
OK. 00:59:17
Thanks, Manson. Yeah. 00:59:18
So, uh, I guess the question, if they're coming in for a conditional use permit and we feel like the length of the drive through 00:59:22
of a specific project should be longer. Uh, and we have the language in here that says 60 feet. How does, how's that gonna work? 00:59:29
Umm, you would wanna bill it in there. So what I would do is under, umm, UH-6, you, you can put if, umm, if the analysis shows 00:59:36
that 60 feet, umm, it, umm, is, is not enough. And I, I. 00:59:43
It works with it, but it's not enough to have to not have conflict then, umm, then that that, uh, queue and distance may be 00:59:51
increased based off the off the track the traffic impact. Now it shouldn't have any exceptions of one through 5 can be met, right? 00:59:58
Mm-hmm. Yeah, kind of blanket like that yeah. That's really tight by night. Mm-hmm. 01:00:05
OK. 01:00:14
Umm, because you still take. Can you re repeat that? Yeah. So it's not specific to ceiling distance. It's. 01:00:24
Saying if the UMM traffic impact, if the traffic impact impact analysis, UMM proves that exceptions to requirements one through 5 01:00:29
are justified, then they can be considered or approved or incorporated into the plan, whatever the right word is there. 01:00:39
I think you understand the general. 01:00:49
You can just say that the minimum requirements of the, uh, traffic impact must be there. 01:00:56
Traffic impact pact plan. Wow, I haven't had something. I keep saying traffic and that's not seeing them. What to say? Hold on. 01:01:02
Any other comments? 01:01:15
No. 01:01:17
Yes, ma'am. OK, So I do we need an official bill for the meeting of the recommendation? Yes, but I will need a motion. 01:01:19
I moved to recommend approval, uh, with the conditions that we presented tonight, if you wanna, and then maybe just if you, we'll, 01:01:29
we'll work on that language, umm, to go to City Council, but if you wanna just state that kind of that last sentence and then 01:01:36
we'll go. That'll be the tag on it. Well, there were three items that we added. Umm, so I move that we recommend approval to the 01:01:43
City Council to approve the ordinance as presented, uh, with the additional. 01:01:50
Two items, uh, including the requirement of a conditional use permit for all drive through applications as well as, uh, traffic 01:01:57
impact analysis to be required. Umm, including the requirement. That is the analysis shows any conflicts or umm. 01:02:06
Sorry, I need to stop reading if the if the analysis UMM shows that any exceptions to the requirements set forth in this ordinance 01:02:17
UMM are warranted and that those can be incorporated into the approved plan. 01:02:25
All right, let's say that a second. 01:02:34
Second, All right. Thank you, Kaden. This is going to be a roll call, right? 01:02:36
OK, then, uh, hi Chris. Hi, I, I, I Fred. Hi. All right, that passes. All right. Moving to 5.7 site plan for Utah City Block 13 C. 01:02:41
This pawn will be me. Umm, I might be tagging this year with cross and, uh, our our other planner, Rachel, who works remote, is 01:02:58
one who deserves you here. So I'm just kind of taking over for her. Umm, and I might, uh, just have some sides up and, and I'll 01:03:05
invite bronze enough to, to add additional comments so that he may have, umm, let me pull up the plan here. 01:03:12
A lot of windows open. 01:03:23
OK, so yeah, uh, as I mentioned, this is for the site plan approval for block 13 C located in the the Utah City development. Umm, 01:03:33
we can start out with this map here to give you some context of where this block is located at. I'll zoom in here. 01:03:42
You can all see it. 01:03:51
So you'll see the venue connector looping around. You have the the problem that's parked. 01:03:54
Umm, and then this is just gonna be located just one block north of 10 B SO13C right here. 01:03:58
I'm going to the narrative here, umm, this, this block here will have is, is being proposed to have 342, uh, residential units. 01:04:07
Umm, it will have a seven story portion of, of building and I'll, I'll show the elevation here in a minute. Umm, that'll be along 01:04:14
3rd Ave. umm, while the rest of the buildings will, will be 5 stories. So it's not all the, the seven story height, umm. 01:04:22
They, they are providing, uh, similar to their, their other blocks, quite a few different, umm, different amenities in different 01:04:29
rooms. Like you'll, you'll see here they have a tea room and a bike room. 01:04:33
Umm and and other types of amenities, spaces for for the residents here, umm, as well as there's a courtyard, umm that is, that is 01:04:38
incorporated into the building that'll pull up the. 01:04:44
Umm, I think this plan shows it the best. 01:04:52
It's within the, the vineyard green landscape manual, umm, and they do provide us with, with a planting list and we make sure 01:05:26
that, that that meets our standards. Umm, but this gives you a good idea of, of how this building will umm, feel with the, the 01:05:33
Paseo going through right here. That courtyard that I I believe will be a, a private courtyard for the, the residents of, of that 01:05:40
building and impact the other residents of Utah City who might have crossed in the answer to that umm. 01:05:46
And and and then. 01:05:54
Of 40 elevations here, so you can see them so this right here is going to be the east elevation. This is the one that is 7 stories 01:05:56
tall, so it is quite a bit taller than than the other buildings or half of the building. Umm, here's the South elevation umm, 01:06:03
they, they've met all of our standards from the the downtown code umm, just a, a brief overview of it. We have like certain 01:06:11
departments like on the ground floor, we have a transparency requirement where, uh a certain percentage of of. 01:06:18
Quite a few different elements UMM incorporated into its facade to break it up and makes it appear that it's, you know, multiple 01:06:56
buildings, UMM, as well as other architectural designs. Like they have this archway which is that entrance into the Pateo. 01:07:02
Oh sorry, I forgot this was. 01:07:12
Sort of the. 01:07:16
Red wine from our initial measurement. 01:07:18
OK. So the West elevation here. 01:07:25
This is where it's back down to five stories. 01:07:29
And then the north elevation with that continued arts way through the Paseo. 01:07:35
Where are the building heights here? 01:07:41
Umm, I have that a minute ago. Let me. 01:07:45
Uh, yeah. 01:07:49
It's not showing it on here. 01:07:52
They're not it. No, that's I think a material board. Let me, I I do have it in here. I believe it's in the. 01:07:56
Uh, I believe it's in this report here. 01:08:05
I literally just had it up. 01:08:14
Give me a second and I'll find it. Umm. It has a maximum height of 83 feet and 5 1/2 inches. 01:08:17
Wow. 01:08:24
So. 01:08:29
Umm, the, the rest of the, the elevations that we do have are kind of the interior and it is kind of hard to like conceptualize 01:08:31
what that looks like. Umm and so we can go on to the, the rendering here to, to show you, you know what, what this building look 01:08:37
like here. Umm. 01:08:43
Uh, the split city. Feel free to stop if you have any questions, uh, any of the specifics, umm, renderings. 01:08:50
Umm, we'll, we'll have Bronson talk a little bit. There's, I remember him telling me about the sculpture. I think it's the 01:09:07
sculpture. Like it's, it's pretty look at, but it also is like a play, like gym for kids to play on. And that's gonna be located 01:09:13
on the West side. There's this kind of little alcove in, in the development. Umm. 01:09:19
It was, I believe, 342 units. 01:09:30
Good luck. 01:09:34
Yeah, yeah, 8083 feet and five inches is the maximum height. 01:09:36
So this will give you an idea of that interior. 01:09:48
OK. 01:09:52
Umm, one thing I I did not address. Let me pull up the the parking. 01:10:01
So you asked them to deal with, with how many umm, different kind of blocks they have going through for site plan and, and 01:10:08
construction right now. We ask them to just provide us with a parking diagram to show, umm, throughout all the development, all of 01:10:13
the, the, these temporary responses they're building what lots are going to be designated for which squawk. Umm, so you'll see 01:10:19
block 13 C here in green. They meet their, their parking. 01:10:25
Standards. 01:10:32
You'll see they have their, their block right here, they have some on street parking that's built in and then these lofts right 01:10:37
here where they're allocating those required, uh, uh, parking stalls. So you'll see 488 stalls are required for this block and 01:10:42
they, they meet that requirement. 01:10:47
I believe they're right on that requirement. 01:10:55
So that I can, uh, turn it over. Brought to me if you guys have questions, more of the details of the site plan, anything 01:11:00
specific? Umm, we'd be better to, to answer those questions than I would. 01:11:05
Sure, yeah. 01:11:16
All right, umm, well, I guess after seeing this, are there any questions you guys have right off the bat? Umm. 01:11:19
Not I I was kind of wondering, uh, with the parking requirements, umm. 01:11:28
Where, where did the reduction numbers come from? Like where, where did that? Where did we come up with that? Sure. I have that. 01:11:35
I, I know I have it up here. I'm just curious where those numbers came from. That's in the, the downtown, uh, special purpose 01:11:42
zoning district on the table there, there is this kind of calculation, umm, for reductions where they provide like transit taxes 01:11:50
or umm, unbundled parking. So they have that listed here where you can rent an apartment. And if you don't. 01:11:57
The car, you pay a lower rate for rent than somebody who does bring a car. So you're essentially offset that cost. Uh, so transit 01:12:05
passes, we are, uh, working with them right now in UTA on, on figuring out how to, to do like a, a development wide transit pack 01:12:11
with ETA, umm, bike walkers, fencing, if they provide us with the bike walkers, if not, some parking, umm, and then product 01:12:17
control, Palm street parking. Umm, that's where the, those numbers came from. OK. Uh, and I also want to make it, uh, clear that 01:12:23
again. 01:12:29
With every 500 unit visit, correct. I believe it's 500A thousand 1500 all up to 2500. OK. In the code they they will have to 01:12:35
provide us with a parking study that shows that they are meeting the standards. And if that study comes back saying they're at you 01:12:43
know, 1.6 dollars per unit and they need to be at 1.8, they will be required to, you know, go back and reach that 1.8 before more 01:12:50
certificates of occupancy are issued. So, so yeah, for anybody that has issues. 01:12:58
With parking, uh, this is kind of the first thing that Vineyard has done as far as having peace with partial time. And, uh, that 01:13:05
if they're, they don't have adequate parking, then they can't build more units until they have adequate parking for that stuff. 01:13:12
So, uh, it's always a concern to see like, oh, there's a reduction in parking and they're not doing as many, but they're having a 01:13:19
study done every 505 hundred. 01:13:26
Units so that. 01:13:33
On a few buildings that we'll be receiving that certificate of occupancy and they, they might hit that 500 threshold fairly soon, 01:14:05
sometime next year, umm, and probably in 2026. OK, yeah, 2026. And at that point we will address that study and, and then we will, 01:14:11
you know, no longer issue certificates of occupancy for buildings and they'll have to do that study and, and right size that 01:14:16
parking accordingly. Yep. 01:14:22
OK. Any questions, comments? 01:14:29
OK. 01:14:35
All right. Thanks, Boston. OK. 01:14:37
Is there anything that we may have missed that you guys would like to point out to us? 01:14:40
Come, just come up real quick, yes. 01:14:45
I would like to know what the temporary Daria Evans, excuse me. 01:14:54
I would like to know what the temporary parking lot is going to look like. Is it going to be dirt with a few bushes around it or 01:14:59
is it going to be paved? Because I read in the site in this proposal that they have up to seven years to get everything taken care 01:15:08
of. And so I want to make sure that these new residents have adequate parking, adequate. 01:15:16
Facilities, everything. I want it all to be adequate. 01:15:26
Right now, he said we're we're got the minimum parking, but but they can we can give them transit passes. It sounds like they want 01:15:29
to make sure that they are regulating what the resident wants to do. They won't have enough parking, but we'll give you a transit 01:15:36
pass. Well, let us that person does not want a transit pass. What if they want it's hard and what if they want grandma to come and 01:15:42
visit? Is guest parking gonna be? 01:15:48
Way in yellow when they're down in the green, you know? 01:15:56
I just, I'm really getting concerned for these residents that are coming in. Thank you. Uh, so with, uh, with the parking, umm, 01:15:59
it's not, uh, start parking. They finish their, their parking lots and parking stalls. Uh, none of it will be fair parking. Uh, 01:16:08
the requirement for the seven-year thing, uh, is if they don't build a, umm, structured parking. 01:16:16
Then, uh, they're required to bump up their landscaping by 25%. Yeah. So our, our, our landscape code has certain, uh, 01:16:25
requirements for parking lots and they essentially are not hitting those requirements. 01:16:31
That it is an improved surface that the code requirement, umm, for, for these residents. And the cool thing about, uh, uh, the 01:17:07
parking plan and the parking setting and stuff. And with how they're gonna be managing the parking, uh, is if there is a unit 01:17:15
available, let's say that doesn't have a parking stall available, then they're managing it in such a way that they'll, they'll 01:17:22
advertise it as here's a unit. It doesn't have a parking style available. And the way they're gonna be managing the parking is. 01:17:30
If they don't have a pass and they don't have a spot, then they won't get a spot. And the benefits of that are you'll probably be 01:17:37
paying less rent. There's some people that don't wanna drive that have no interest in driving. I have some nieces and nephews now 01:17:45
that don't even have a driver's license in their, in their 20s. Umm, So it, it makes it so people can save money and it makes it, 01:17:52
uh, in this case it's managed. Whereas other projects and vineyards in the past, uh, there were promises made by developers. 01:18:00
So, yeah, thanks. Yeah. 01:19:08
All right. Uh, do I? 01:19:10
Sorry, sure. Can I get my other questions answered about the number of units and how many units are in the seven story tower and 01:19:13
how many in the five story building? OK, So, uh, I don't know if we have those right off the top. 01:19:20
Umm. 01:19:29
OK. 01:19:32
Umm, I can just. I have a here. I can. 01:19:34
In the Manson Town Hall. 01:19:37
I can add them up here. 01:19:41
342, is that right for 13 C total total? Yeah, I don't know 340. 01:19:52
OK, Yeah. 01:20:02
I don't know. 01:20:05
Divided between the stories, but there's 342 total. 01:20:06
And and I I can I can show you all the numbers after the with each block it splits it up into studios, one bedroom, 2 bedroom. It 01:20:11
shows the total amount of beds, the settlement of the unit. If you wanna see that after. 01:20:17
Alright, and that that is in the uh, uh, agenda packet. Umm, is this the parking summary? Is that what you're looking at? Yes, I 01:20:23
was in the parking summary. 72 studios 218 one bed, 52 two bed. 01:20:32
All right, umm, do I have a motion on this one? 01:20:42
Yeah, Uh oh. Can you put that cash? Sorry, I'll help you again. 01:20:53
Let me pull up that. 01:21:00
Umm, staff report here. Umm, yeah, I'll go over the recommendations request that Rachel Wesker over that as well. Umm, so these 01:21:03
are just, like I said, similar, uh, payout any, any outstanding fees and red line corrections. Umm, they're subject all federal, 01:21:10
state and local laws. A landscape is reviewed, a landscape plan is reviewed and approved during the technical review, a land 01:21:17
disturbance permit LVP is obtained and then a full review of civil drawings is completed during the LDP process. 01:21:24
OK, umm, I move to recommend approval of the site plan for Utah City Block 13 C with the conditions as outlined, it shouldn't be a 01:21:35
recommended approval. OK, I recommend approval. Now you just approve it. No, I approve. 01:21:44
I approve the site plans for you test to be blocked. I moved to approve UH type plan for Utah City Block 17 C with the conditions 01:21:54
as outlined by session. 01:21:59
Thank you, Kayden. Do I have a second? Second Thanks, Brad. All in favor. Aye. OK, moving to 5.8, the sign standard waiver for 01:22:04
Wendy's. OK, this is me again. I, I don't believe we have an applicant here for this. So Wendy's, they received a site plan 01:22:11
approval in, in the May of this year. They're they're under construction right now. They applied for a building permit for their 01:22:17
signs, umm, which triggered the sign standard waiver. Umm. 01:22:23
They're, they're proposing 6 wall signs. Our code allows umm, up to four, umm, And so they, they are over that limit. And uh, let 01:22:30
me see if I have representation and I think. 01:22:35
Apologize. 01:22:42
I think some Commission members may not be super familiar with our, our Stein standard waiver process. So I just wanted to review 01:22:52
that real quick. Umm, essentially we have this set standard in our city code that signs can, umm, have to follow this, you know, 01:22:58
certain criteria, whether it's size or amount or height, location. 01:23:04
Umm and applicants can go beyond that standard by applying percent and waiver. 01:23:11
And So what you see here is this is evaluation criteria in our code that you use, the Planning Commission are reviewing UMM and 01:23:16
deciding if what they are proposing meets that evaluation criteria. And so the one that they're applying for that, that we have 01:23:23
to, you know, evaluate is, is the quantity as they want to, to propose 6 signs instead of just 4 umm. And it's essentially umm 01:23:29
the, the criteria here is, does this help facilitate pedestrian vehicular traffic? 01:23:36
Umm, and is are there any negative impacts to surrounding properties? So I'll show you. 01:23:44
Umm, the, the elevations here, So you'll see the north elevation, they have the, the like Wendy's girl logo and then a sign over 01:23:50
here that says quality is our recipe on the South elevation. They won't have that same Wendy's girl logo. And then and made fresh 01:23:57
the order sign, the east elevation, the Wendy's logo and a delivery pick up. And there are no signs on the West elevation, which, 01:24:04
uh, we, we did ask them to do is that does about the Edgewater development and we just didn't want any kind of. 01:24:11
Signage, uh, glowing in that that direction. 01:24:18
Umm, on this page here I do have the the sizes for each time. So you'll see a no elevation. Did they go over 34 square feet? Umm, 01:24:22
so they are, you know, pretty umm, conscious about the size of these signs and and they do, umm, fit the the design and standard 01:24:30
of kind of the windy you do see just across the the nation. Umm, unless I can take them any questions you might have? 01:24:38
Every single one of those signs internally illuminated, Yes. 01:24:47
Is that cause for concern at all? Umm. So we have in, in some instances, uh, where we have had buildings go up right by the 01:24:52
Edgewater development umm, we have requested that they have like an auto turn off at like 10:00 at night or something like that. 01:24:59
Anything that faces the development. Umm, let me show you on a map, because it is, it is actually somewhat removed from the 01:25:06
Edgewater. I, I don't think if anything it would be the, the north elevation is what would uh. 01:25:13
Essentially like shine towards umm, the the neighborhood. 01:25:22
Very important. 01:25:29
To the flare here. 01:25:32
So this is essentially where it's being built is right here and, and I feel that, uh, it is far enough away from the Edgewater 01:25:34
development that those signs aren't going to be. And there's no signs on that. Yeah. And then there's no signs facing this 01:25:41
direction. So that's, yeah, yeah. I don't think any LED lights would affect anything on the commercial areas. Yeah, I was just 01:25:47
concerned about the neighbors that we're there. But if there's nothing facing there, then yeah, there's no concern. 01:25:54
Don't worry, yeah, I'm not doing 1 of like the larger Oh yeah, just to I do that on here at the bottom. They do have additional 01:26:04
times that does not go through the the science and waiver process and that's this monument time to make them. Umm, it's just on 01:26:10
Geneva Rd. It's a honestly a pretty small sign. It's not one of these giant pylon signs, you know, trying to track the freeway. We 01:26:17
actually don't allow most of those times in the city anyways. So it is a pretty, I feel like respectable fine for the community. 01:26:24
So I do have a proposed motion, unless you guys do have any kind of conditions or questions like that, Umm. 01:26:34
This would be my my proposed motion. 01:26:42
Are you understanding motion? 01:26:55
Yeah, yeah, one second. Uh, sorry, real quick. Uh, what's the, umm. 01:26:57
All right. 01:27:04
The thing called the height non structural pipe. 01:27:06
I'm having a hard time seeing that. What, what are you looking at? Uh, there's just like a. 01:27:11
Calling from height column. 01:27:17
Is this in the, uh, the signed package? Yeah. Which page is that for the building or I wasn't seeing like where those? 01:27:20
Columns were or is that? 01:27:31
Oh, down there, there's no like signage on any of that. I just. 01:27:36
Those are just those are I think those are decorative columns on the building. On the building, Yeah. Yeah. So there's an entry 01:27:41
feature. OK, just one. Yeah, right here on the. 01:27:47
Right there, if you can see that there's probably a better guy. There you go. OK, yeah. 01:27:54
Right. Yeah, just underneath one of the cats. 01:27:59
OK, Yeah, uh yeah. Would anybody like to make a motion on this? 01:28:03
And pull back up. 01:28:08
Yeah, I will move to approve the time standard waiver, umm, application for the Windows development. Thanks, Matt. That's that's 01:28:11
good. Second Kayden, all in favor. Aye, aye, aye. All right, moving on. 5.9 public hearing for the rezone of Lot 6545, the new 01:28:20
fire station lot in the Cottonwoods neighborhood from R18 to public facility. 01:28:29
This one is going to be more interesting handling it again. Uh yeah. So this is one it is it is a public hearing as we are 01:28:41
proposing a rezone. This is a city initiated application. Umm, essentially we, we have this new fire station that the site plan 01:28:48
got approved of umm, that's being built in a residential neighborhood. Umm, but as, as staff, we felt that it was uh better to 01:28:55
zone this as a public facility. Is that what it will be operating as? Umm and so that's what. 01:29:02
Support is to rezone it to public facilities. This is a, a recommendation to City Council. Umm, but yeah, the, we, we've had 01:29:10
people ask that, you know, in, in 5-10 years, I don't know the last time on this. But if, if we do ever decide to sell it and 01:29:17
revert it back to, to residential, it will have to go back through a rezone. Umm, but for the time being, we felt it was more 01:29:25
appropriate as our public workstation, City Hall, umm, every school in the city is, is all zones public facilities. We. 01:29:32
Is is most appropriate to to include this in that zoning designation? Yeah. 01:29:40
Cool, any questions on this? And this will be done by ordinance. So the recommendation would be forward to recommend ordinance 01:29:46
20/24/14. Umm, and it essentially adds this map to our zoning code. It's really hard to see but there's a tiny pink dot right 01:29:53
where my cursor is at. Umm luckily on our website if you click on this map, it actually opens up to our zoning map that you can 01:30:00
zoom in and and interactive. Umm, there's only so much we can do when master. 01:30:08
Again, lock or small. 01:30:15
Uh, if there aren't any questions, uh, can someone make a motion to open a public hearing? 01:30:19
Make a motion to open a public hearing. Thank you, Chris. 30 seconds. All in favor, aye. Any comments? Sorry, yes. 01:30:25
OK. Public hearing, motion to close the public hearing. Thank you. Our second. 01:30:36
All in favor. All right, all right, there's a motion I move to approve the city initiated application. Sorry, it will be I, I 01:30:41
wrote that wrong. It this is a recommendation. All right, I, uh, moved to recommend the city initiated application to rezone the 01:30:48
lot 6545, new fire station lot and the Cottonwoods neighborhood from R18 to public facilities. Can you also just include through 01:30:56
ordinance 20/24/14 through ordinance 2020? 01:31:03
14 Thank you. Do I have second? 01:31:11
2nd Thank you Katie. And this is vocal Caden aye aye, Bryce aye Nate Brett. And that password is? 01:31:15
All right, do we need to make a motion to move? So because we are going to be renoticing this next item, I I don't believe you 01:31:26
need to make any motions on it. You just yeah, strike it from the agenda. And if you want, I can go a little background on what's 01:31:34
going on. Uh, sorry, yeah. If you wouldn't mind giving yeah. So essentially this is, uh, just an applicant initiated zoning text 01:31:41
amendment. Uh, it's about Wendy's lot to the north, uh, to the O'Reilly. 01:31:49
Want to fit into those standards if we just had to tweak the the DRAM code language and because it's now a zoning text amendment 01:32:26
to the dru and the zoning map amendment, we had to postpone it so we can re notice the future meeting where we'll have both of 01:32:32
those items. OK, alright, umm moving on to staff Commission and committee reports. Any anyone on the Commission have any reports 01:32:38
or. 01:32:44
Anything from staff yeah, so, umm to so let's see next week Thursday and Friday is the UTI PA. We do always provide funding for 01:32:53
uh, planning commissioners, uh, should you umm, Washington want to go umm also if you have just other anything that's planning 01:33:00
oriented that kind of fits within that scope, there's other conference as well. Let us know. So umm City Council has always been 01:33:07
very generous to provide umm budget for you so. 01:33:14
It's in Provo this year, umm, Anthony will, he's actually going to be, uh, teaching 3 sessions. So if you, if you wanna, you wanna 01:33:21
see an Anthony in action. 01:33:27
Yeah, this is, uh, we're, we're pretty excited for him, but that, that's a really great one being Provo if you wanna be a carpool 01:33:34
staff or take your own car, but umm, yeah, just just let us know that to address, umm, some majority's comments, umm, regarding 01:33:41
the, umm, waterfront grant, that's the TRCC grant. Umm, so that was a, uh, $3,000,000 grant. 01:33:48
Umm to county recently approved, umm, inflationary cost to be added to it. They understand, umm, a lot of the issues that, that 01:33:57
we're, we're going through right now with FSSL, that's the owner of, of the property. And so that's, uh, forestry, fire, state 01:34:04
land, umm, and so, so, uh, essentially, I don't know exactly what we're, we're up to with the inflationary costs. It's like a 3.6, 01:34:11
umm, $1,000,000 grant now. So that's that that's, that's pretty good. We did have a lot of concern with all. 01:34:19
Umm, the process with FSSL is pretty extensive. So we've done a full submittal to them, umm, and they've indicated that it's gonna 01:34:26
be a several month process. So several months being anywhere from three to 12 months. So if you don't, don't necessarily know it, 01:34:34
it goes into that, that, that state, umm, process. Uh, we do know that they are dealing with a lot of other issues right now on 01:34:41
the Great Salt Lake and so they've indicated that. 01:34:49
Back and pull some things up we're also doing a master plan umm, of umm the entire Utah lake right now umm and so I know that they 01:34:56
umm with that master plan essentially they're umm they're they're a pet capacity to to do the reviews is slow down as well but umm 01:35:04
Anthony is actually he he's assisting with the management of that so we've been working really closely umm with them and so I 01:35:11
think we're we're starting to see some progress umm essentially we're having. 01:35:19
Umm, our, uh, our attorney meeting with, with, with our attorney, there's a lot of, umm, legal, legal ease, legalese that, that 01:35:27
kinda go into it. We can't do anything that would prohibit navigation of waterways. Umm, but also that, umm, navigation waterways 01:35:33
could, could include bringing people to set up the lake, which is, which we're doing, providing a lot of access down, down to, to 01:35:38
the water. And so they, they, they definitely recognize that. But yeah, we'll, we'll keep you apprised, but we don't unfortunately 01:35:44
just don't have. 01:35:50
The timeline E everything from our end is completed, it's submitted. So I'm just going through that process with them. Umm, we did 01:35:57
get the grant extended umm, last year for another 20-4 months. So, umm, we're hoping that we can ex uh, spend those funds within 01:36:04
that time frame. Umm definitely don't wanna have to go back to county and and request another extension, umm, the umm. 01:36:12
The Mill Rd. umm project, so that would be so that it's two projects per tag graph ever that was funded. 1 is a city wide way 01:36:20
wayfinding signage and the other is umm, the Mill Rd. corridors. We think corridors base that includes all Mill Rd. umm, the 01:36:27
intersections that would include 400 uh, N umm, and also uh, trail alignments that we have along uh, potentially Geneva Rd. on our 01:36:34
side. 01:36:41
And then looking at UMM 800 N trying to get a a, a good efficient connection to to the train station. 01:36:49
Umm, so the, that has been accepted. Umm, and we're, uh, Mag Mount Lands Association of government, they do the administration of, 01:36:56
of, of the, the, of the grant. So right now, umm, they're in the process of bringing on a consultant that will then work with, uh, 01:37:02
the community development and engineering departments. As we go through that process. We are planning a town hall, uh, that will 01:37:08
be specific to that project for, for that side. 01:37:14
Umm. And umm, that will probably be a few months out. What the consultant has told us is that they want to get started and start 01:37:21
doing all the background umm. 01:37:26
Research information gathering, meeting with all the applicable entities and partnerships that you know that that we would have. 01:37:31
ETA obviously, U dot with the vendor connector of the city, uh, UP central Utah water, there's a lot of major property owners that 01:37:37
have some sort of connection, umm, to to that corridor. So there'll be a lot of just meetings with those groups. So probably once 01:37:43
it starts, hopefully that would be, you know, a Nove NE November time frame. It'd probably be about two to three months after that 01:37:49
would be able to. 01:37:55
The, the town hall and, uh, and have the public really did dig in on that project, so. 01:38:01
Cool. Uh, and then I guess just one real quick question I forgot to ask Frank. And uh, we have a definition of what amount mansion 01:38:08
townhouse is. 01:38:12
So that, that was just language that's in the, the special purpose learning code. Umm, it's essentially saying like the standards 01:38:17
for the, the building design, umm, are for these larger, like apartment style buildings, mansions. And these smaller buildings are 01:38:24
exempt from that, that material requirement. Yeah. Typically a, a, a mansion housing type. So that refers to, you know, there's, 01:38:30
you know what we, we think of a mansions really large. 01:38:37
Type housing umm what what this basically is is taking like a what would look like a really big. 01:38:45
Single family detached house, umm, that would have several units inside of that. A lot of times they're set up as either duplex or 01:38:51
four Plex. Umm, And so the idea with that housing type in, in my zoning vernacular is basically you're you're you're trading, umm, 01:38:57
a multi family product within, umm, uh, with within the building types that appears like a like a large single family home. So 01:39:04
that that's. 01:39:10
That that's what mansion type tends to talk about. It's more of the appearance of a single family with multiple units inside of 01:39:17
it. Cool. 01:39:20
All right, all right, anything else from yeah, I, I do have a few things. Uh, we do I, I emailed out to everybody on the session. 01:39:24
I think about the ULI conference Overland Institute. If any of you are interested in, in doing that, umm, just let me know and 01:39:30
I'll, I'll try to, to help you get signed up. Umm, it does fulfill your 3 hour requirements of training for the year. So and lunch 01:39:35
is there so. 01:39:41
Yeah. So, yeah, uh, just today we today. 01:40:18
Cool. 01:41:22
I I think that is everything in mind. 01:41:24
You got something to do? 01:41:28
Yes, I do. Uh. 01:41:30
Quick update for uh, from the work in engineering. Uh, so uh, we're moving forward with, umm, the umm. 01:41:33
'Cause the trail enhancement, uh, project, uh, that it was a mag, uh, it was a mag, umm, umm, supported grants that would that the 01:41:42
cities to know the grants America about like, uh, 2023 or 2023 for trail enhancement, they were gonna throw enhancement, uh, the, 01:41:49
uh, the dollar, uh, the project was, uh, adulting, like funded by the, uh, federal government. Uh, and this is specifically to 01:41:57
address the Center St. crossing. 01:42:04
OK, at Gallon Park, uh, as well as the, the 400 S uh, crossing over the lakeside, uh, or please make sure, uh, Lakeshore park, the 01:42:12
city, uh, it had uh, to address the immediate need. The city has done some work along there using and putting RFPs and then, uh, 01:42:20
constructing midstock crossing as well as on umm, 400 S by lake, uh, Lakeshore next door. 01:42:28
Thanks guys. Thank you. Like that, uh, park, uh, uh, doing some, umm, uh, doing some uh, temporary fixes on there, but this, uh, 01:42:37
this grant ultimately and this project ultimately wants to go to, uh, go above and beyond what the city was able to do with this 01:42:44
funding. The total dollar amount, uh, was about $842,000. Uh, where the city, uh, is, uh, contravene 6.6% uh, to that, uh, so, uh, 01:42:52
a great return on investment in terms of. 01:42:59
Uh, work with you on. So the consultant was still, umm, uh, is we're in the process of working with the POT, uh, Udon, excuse me 01:43:07
specifically, uh, since it's federal mining, UDOT is required to be part of that process, uh, to select a consultant, uh, and then 01:43:14
move forward with designs and then, uh, do some further enhancements along, uh, along those areas. So the type of enhancement that 01:43:22
we're looking for when we apply for the grant, uh, instead of using RFPs, which is the, uh, uh, purchase would be using. 01:43:29
SIGNALS by Hawks is an acronym for High Intensity Flights. So it's more more visible obviously in your case, but. 01:43:37
Uh, professionally invisible. 01:43:46
RRSP, excuse me, RFP's, uh, rectangular rapid slashing beacon. So, uh, that's what we currently have out there. And then of 01:43:50
course, that's not just for the center street, but also for the former South. And then having, having, uh, Patrick and myself 01:43:57
members, uh, the potential consultant is that we're doing the work and you know, uh, we express our desire, uh, for the, for the 01:44:04
400 staff, uh, as part of the scope of work too, fix the inter intersection where Lakeside Park, umm. 01:44:12
Parking uh parking parking lot entrance exit is offset to the intersections uh re making that realignment to make it safer for 01:44:20
vehicle vehicles and also to uh ex uh extend that corridor enhancements along the corridor going for going further for that 01:44:27
intersection. Umm the east side of like that uh like that part on 400 S as well uh the great thing about using the uh RFPs, which 01:44:33
is a purchase is that those are easily. 01:44:40
Ish Relocatable. 01:44:48
So they're reusable, so we'll be able to utilize those in other places in the state of that. Uh, we feel that, uh, that's what we 01:44:49
feel the need for investment enhancement. So, uh, you know, I took, uh, a lot of work, uh, went back into the background. 01:44:56
Definitely. Uh, I'll just keep those to, uh, the planners to help, uh, push, uh, put a steer, steer, steer us towards the right 01:45:02
direction. 01:45:08
Uh, to make that happen. And this is all and according to the active transportation master plan, which was, uh, done, uh, some 01:45:15
time ago. 01:45:18
With the, I just wanted to kind of elaborate on this because. 01:45:23
It's been, uh, a work in progress, but and some time waiting for the for the money to come available from the federal government. 01:45:27
Cool, great thanks. 01:45:32
Alright, if there is nothing else. 01:45:37
And we'll adjourn the meeting. Thanks, everybody. 01:45:41
Oh. 01:45:52
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Alright, welcome everybody. Today is October 2nd, uh, 2024. It is 6:03 PM and this is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting, 00:00:12
uh, to get things started, uh, we'll have Chris Bramwell give us a Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation. 00:00:18
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:30
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:36
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful that we can be gathered here together today as a community and members of the Planning 00:00:48
Commission. Please bless us. That as we hear the items on the agenda before us today and we could be mindful of the rights of the 00:00:55
citizens of the city and the state. That we can do our duties according to the law. That we can ensure that we protect property 00:01:02
rights and that we can do what is best for this community. And we say these things in Jesus Christ. 00:01:10
Hey man, Hey man, thank you. All right, we'll move right into, uh, public comment. Uh, if you have any public comments come up, 00:01:17
state your name. Uh, you have about 3 minutes. You have any questions? I can write down your questions, but we don't really do it 00:01:21
back and forth so. 00:01:26
Good evening. 00:01:38
Hello, OK, thank you. OK, I have some questions from back April 3rd, 2024. 00:01:56
Signing Commission meeting within your to receive the $3,000,000 grant to begin grading and trail improvement of Vineyard Beach. 00:02:06
Anthony Fletcher presented a grand plan with many amenities for the nearby. 00:02:12
So worked hard on it. Umm, I'd like to know what is happening now. Did we lose that grant money? Why hasn't worked and started? 00:02:18
We're six months now later. So that's a question for you. And also another question, have designs been submitted for wayfinding 00:02:25
signage for Mill Road and do we still have that $120,000 grant? 00:02:32
And another question. 00:02:42
Umm this is concerning the PRI the pharmacy drive through. I was looking at the reference umm. 00:02:45
With the other stores? And what's a stacking distance mean? I don't understand that term. 00:02:54
And then concerning the ordinance 2024 dash 13 under #1 materials and color, it talked about it would be an exception to the 00:03:00
Manson Town Ho house. I want to know what the Manson townhouse is, what it entails, where it's going to be. And then I would like 00:03:09
to ask, I want to clarify my numbers on the numbers of units going into Utah City. 00:03:18
So far, umm, Mr. Mr. Chapman probably can address these. I want to make sure Block 5 is 199 units, Block six 254. 00:03:27
Block 8250, block 14250 and up and coming block 13200 three 142 units. I'd like to know how many units will be in the seven story 00:03:39
tower and how many in the five story building and I just want to umm. 00:03:47
Just make a comment. 00:03:59
Umm, I read recently about bird flu. 00:04:04
And why the price of eggs are so high? It's because the birds are confined in cages and they're all stacked together. 1 bird gets 00:04:07
it. The whole slot needs to be cold and I'm looking at Utah City worrying about them being so close together. 00:04:15
Did we not learn anything from COVID about people needing space? That's my 'cause I'm more concerned about these people coming in 00:04:25
more than me watching in develop. And I'd like to know when it's going to break ground. And those are my comments. Thank you. 00:04:33
Uh, later in. 00:04:46
Staff report could we, uh, touch on the grant and the wayfinding signage? Yeah yeah, we, I mean, I, it's wanna let everyone speak 00:04:48
and then we can, we can go back. I think that the items that are part of an agenda is item. Yeah we'll, we'll talk about that. 00:04:54
Yeah OK cool. Any other comments public? 00:05:00
All right. And if there are none, uh, we'll move into consent items. So I have a motion for consent items. 00:05:08
Move to approve the consent items as presented. 00:05:19
Alright, there's a second, second all in favor, aye aye. And making a business item 5.3, the 2024 Planning Commission chair and 00:05:22
vice chair of re-election. And then, Bryce, do you want us to umm, I was just gonna let you know umm, but you do want to address 00:05:27
those two graphs, so. 00:05:33
With the, uh, when you're the grant and the wayfinding signage, if you guys could just touch on it during your staff report. OK, 00:05:40
yeah. And then also, uh, how many units you could find out how many units there are for each of those buildings. 00:05:46
Uh, during the staff report also that would be. 00:05:52
Yeah. And if you don't have information now, we can provide that, that, that, that information. So perfect. Thank you. 00:05:55
OK, umm. 00:06:03
Yeah. 5.3 uh, Commission chair and vice chair re-election. So we've done this a handful of times with you guys and it's always 00:06:06
like, who would like to, who has the time to, uh, be the chair and who has the time to back them up? Umm, with the chairman of the 00:06:13
Commission, uh, you're expected to go to the Thursday, Thursday DRC meeting, umm. 00:06:21
Besides this meeting and the City Council meeting, those are the two main. 00:06:30
Things that you're expected to be to if you have the time and the desire to do that. Umm. 00:06:35
That'd be great to know. I am going to be off Planning Commission in three months. 00:06:44
Uh, that is the end of my term, so. 00:06:51
And we will be re electing a new chair and vice chair in three months. 00:06:56
This would be like a good trial run if you're interested for next year. You know, you have three months. Yeah, yeah. 00:07:03
Uh, does anybody have a conflict where they would not be able to make those meetings? 00:07:10
Thursday morning, Thursday morning, yeah. And we, we can be flexible or not that it is a sitting member of the DRT, but we can 00:07:15
provide, uh, but you can join on teams. Umm, and if every other Thursday, it's actually the Thursday following Planning 00:07:22
Commission, umm, and most meetings probably half an hour. Uh, it just depends on the agenda of course, but is the scheduled first 00:07:30
meeting like in the municipal code that it has to be held on Thursdays because I publicly noticed that way or so yeah, we, we. 00:07:37
On the calendar at the beginning of the year and this year it was Thursdays at 9. Uh, we'll go on another calendar, uh, in the 00:08:15
following year. But generally speaking, that's what like, because it is just mostly staff, I think the, the Planning Commission 00:08:22
members, the only non staff person on the DRT. So that's just generally what has worked best with the staff time. 00:08:29
And of the, uh, six of us that are here, is, is Caden an alternate or is Kaden a city member? I have him as a sitting member. 00:08:36
Who's an alternate? I have Steve Anderson, Graydon and Bradley alternate. OK, great. OK. 00:08:43
OK. 00:08:52
OK. 00:08:56
Anybody have a complex? 00:08:58
Umm, it would be hard for me to attend the DRC meeting as they're scheduled now, OK. 00:09:01
Complex over here. 00:09:07
OK, we're every, you said they could be attended remotely. Yeah, yeah. The a actually as of right now, the Planning Commission 00:09:09
members, I believe, no, it's their, whoever's still in for them doesn't have voting power, not yet. We're still working on that. 00:09:15
Yeah. Umm, but essentially we, we would prefer a Planning Commission member to be there because it is, you know, they, they are 00:09:21
getting these applications that eventually come to the Finance Commission. So it's good to stay ahead of, of what's coming down 00:09:27
the pipeline. 00:09:33
Umm, but yeah, we we can totally make them available for teams and. 00:09:40
We, it's like I said, it is twice a month and I'd say probably half of them would cancel due to lack of applications. Umm, which 00:09:43
is a, it's a standard meeting that they have. Yeah. And I, I'd say that that doesn't need to be like a absolute criteria. I think 00:09:49
if someone has a desire to be chair, be chair. And then if you, if you can make it, that's great. Umm, we'll always have a quorum 00:09:56
because we have to set it up. At least with the directors that have a director's stick, he can or he or she can provide. 00:10:02
Umm, you know, I, I, I, I did designate, but we need to change that Planning Commission. Yeah, like like someone else be assigned. 00:10:09
So please don't let that be a reason to not if you wanna be a chair and serve that capacity, yeah, I'd like do not absolutely 00:10:14
require to. 00:10:19
If you can, that would be great. So, but not a requirement. City Council is on Wednesdays as well. Every other Wednesday. Yeah, 00:10:24
it's yeah, yeah. And, and that, that, that one is a once a month, uh, report. Did you just report to get in the meeting? It's 00:10:31
fairly quick. It's just these are things that we've been working on as planning commissioners and that balance here. If you can't 00:10:39
go, that's typically where the chair would would step in. Umm, and we've had signs with if you can't and you know. 00:10:46
How many city members can we have? We have 5 city members and three alternatives. 00:11:24
So she's she's replacing pay to pay, had to resign. 00:11:28
But I. 00:11:31
I, I, I wouldn't hold doing the business because I, I would say if you guys don't want it, just go for it. So what time is the 00:11:34
Thursday meeting? I don't have a desire. Uh, the Thursday meeting, you're at 9:00 AM. They're located right here in the council 00:11:41
room. And like I said, we, we always have a team link sent out. We do have a remote employees that, that do join that way. Umm, 00:11:47
and, and you can join on that even if you just listen in So you have an idea of what's going on. Umm. 00:11:53
But but it's more incentive if if you have a desire to be chair, just that you know, I'm not gonna. We will work for you. Yeah, 00:12:02
yeah, we're good. So I can work my schedule around. But if somebody else really wants to do it, I'm totally fine. 00:12:08
Letting somebody else I moved to Chris Bramwell be the chair. Second, are you Brad, are you wanting to stay as the vice Chair of 00:12:16
the year? And we probably would need a nomination for that as well. I, I would include that in a motion if you want to do that, 00:12:24
the motion, if that's how you're reflecting it and you already seconded it so. 00:12:32
OK, uh yeah, I guess we can do 2 separately. 00:12:41
You can just do it on a amendment to the motion and then the second. 00:12:46
Secondly, both OK, all right and I that's. 00:12:50
We have been able to vote for myself as a vice chair, vice chair and I vote for myself as a vice chair. And then do you do you re 00:12:54
second any second, Sir? Uh, this isn't A roll call. Is it all in favor aye, all right. 00:13:00
Do we wanna move now, or should I authorize you to keep acting as chair for the rest of the? 00:13:08
All right, uh, reading up on my rule of order. 00:13:17
Uh, moving on to 5.4 minor site plan amendments and conditional use permit application for the Enigma Three site. 00:13:22
Greg, I will be giving a brief, umm, explanation about this project as well as we do have, uh, Katie with Enigma 3 here to answer 00:13:30
any questions you guys might have. So if you remember about a month ago, we, we met with the zoning text amendment to allow event 00:13:37
states in the flex office industrial zone lasting the City Council. It was approved, umm, to make it that change for our zoning, 00:13:44
uh, code and so ending the trees submitted for site plan amendment and conditional use permit, umm, as required by the code. 00:13:51
Just for contact, here is their site. Umm, that blue line there 1600 N and then this building. I believe they take up the whole 00:13:58
space of the building, but the event space is kind of right, right in the center of the next slide should have a diagram showing 00:14:05
kind of a utilization here. Umm, as far as their oh, I just realized this is trying to find it was off the screen there. Let me 00:14:11
fix that. 00:14:17
Umm. 00:14:25
ADA accessible umm, parking stalls on the South side, umm, and then in the rear of their law on the north side, they, they have a 00:14:57
90 by 225 dirt lot that they are proposing to use as additional like overflow parking. Umm, as as part of that they are uh, going 00:15:04
to be providing some lighting for that area, umm, as well as crosswalk and the traffic coordinator umm, that will be required when 00:15:11
that dirt lot is being used. 00:15:18
Umm, just as, uh, the zoning code states with their event state size, they are required to have 58 parking stalls. Umm, and so 00:15:26
they, they are just high of that with the base stalls that they're overflow will uh, help accommodate that. 00:15:32
So you can see there, it's, I believe I initially said it was like 9000 square feet, but it's actually close to 11,600 square 00:16:40
feet. That's why the parking, uh, was increased. Uh, a rough, uh, idea of kind of how the business works. They have this, this 00:16:45
main area that they'll use for events have bathrooms, kitchens and a kind of preferring green room that, that, uh, event attendees 00:16:51
can all use. Umm, there is a kitchen there on site. It will not be for cooking. Umm, it'll just be for like drinking caterers use 00:16:57
it to. 00:17:03
Store their food in there and bring it out. Umm, we did have them do a, an architectural study of their building to umm, prove 00:17:09
that it could be used for this type of use. Umm, And that study came back saying that it is based with a maximum occupancy of 00:17:16
three of no more than 300 people. Umm, on one other note is that that bartending is an available service. Umm, but that will be 00:17:23
required through a separate permit that says then organizers will have to get through the city. 00:17:31
The the business license and all that will not be umm issuing the the like alcohol license. 00:17:38
New and improved closer to the main entrance on the north Umm, the ADA law states that umm solve must be located on the shorter 00:18:14
successful route to to the accessible entrance. So if you go back to this slide here, you'll see their, their ADA stalls are right 00:18:20
here where the event main entrance is all the way up here. And so I spoke with the applicant today. They they do have an entrance 00:18:26
to the building right here and accessible entrance. And so umm, that is what that requirement is saying is that these cells have 00:18:32
to be available for ADA use. 00:18:38
Interest has to to remain open for 8888 during business hours, umm, when they're they're having these events. 00:18:44
OK, umm, this next one has to do with that, that traffic coordination plan that that I was talking about. So we want them to 00:18:54
submit a traffic coordination plan and map, umm, that will be, uh, approved by the community development department prior to the 00:19:00
updating of the business license. And that prime must include a site plan with indicating parking stalls that meet the veneer 00:19:05
zoning code standards. Umm, the map that they presented here. 00:19:11
The the stall widths and all that I I think they might have had issues with Calvert, it was just it did not. 00:19:18
Also a part of that is this is kind of a zoomed in pictures. They, they haven't proposed crosswalk area where people from this 00:19:56
extra lot are gonna be crossing over to get into the entrance. Umm, we just wanna see more details of, of what this will look 00:20:01
like, whether they're gonna paint that, but whether they're gonna just put signs up. So that would be all part of this traffic 00:20:06
coordination plan, umm, that, that we're wanting to see. 00:20:11
We do have a proposed motion with these conditions, but happy to entertain questions and hope we can answer them. So looking at 00:20:48
the map, the space behind them seems like a storage for metals and materials. Is that sand stuff? 00:20:55
Yeah, we just dropped to the mic and just say your name here with just for the record. Thank you. 00:21:04
I'm Katie Schwarz, I'm the business owner. Umm, so there is no fencing. That's Martin's property behind us and he's the building 00:21:12
owner was Lecy, and we have an agreement with him on using that space. So land directly behind us is where he stores that, umm, 00:21:18
all this level. And so there was no fencing on our side. There is on the backside of that lot. Yeah, on the front. OK, so what's 00:21:25
the plan to like have? 00:21:31
Designated parking, marking it or having it like show that these are actually parking stocks. 00:21:39
Umm, yeah, it's so, so we're a video production company. And So what we do on regular basis is move hundreds of people onto a 00:21:45
production site and then off. So it's pretty common for us to deal with. We typically hire PAS to run that and we have people 00:21:52
stationed. And then usually we just have people Mark. But we can also go on spray paint it if we need to. It's there. It'll, it'll 00:21:59
move really fast. So we can do it that day before if we need to. But I, I do we have someone there just guiding each parking. OK. 00:22:07
Do you feel concerned at all about having? 00:22:14
That's just open with people kind of hanging out back there. Umm, you know, we have a lot of cameras back there. We've had a 00:22:17
little bit of issue, uh, our end of this year, but, umm, in terms of stuff over our holiday weekend, yeah. But, uh, we have a lot 00:22:24
of cameras. We have a lot of people in and out, umm, So other than that, like we haven't had much, OK. 00:22:32
Umm, and then I guess question for the city. Well, I guess kind of question for both. If it's, uh, only 17 parking stalls, umm, 00:22:40
what do we want at least those 17 being permanently marked or. 00:22:46
Uh, is it fine to just have kind of open, I would say in March for E each of that being, umm, the kind of the nature of their job. 00:22:54
It sounds like they may have like, like a large production crew coming in and they may not have like, it might be more trailers 00:23:00
like large trucks. And so in that case, they're, you know, they're gonna park kind of wherever they need to, but I mean, 00:23:06
connecting it to the event that they're, they're marked prior to, uh, I think would be an appropriate. Yeah. I, I think some kind 00:23:12
of marking priority event and. 00:23:18
Even foreign events, they were thinking about potential. What kind of events? Again, ideally, like our our best offers have been 00:23:24
like corporate events. So 200 people from, you know, they didn't wanna come in. OK. Umm, well, would it make sense to make it a 00:23:32
requirement also to not send off with fencing, but like mark off, like don't go into this industrial area? Yeah, absolutely. I 00:23:39
mean that that would definitely be within purview. 00:23:47
Asked like we felt pretty comfortable with it and then with with the light. So you could, if you wanna just like more, umm, be 00:24:25
very clear having like signage and kinda posted on that sender. Umm or you, you could, you could require the fencing as well, OK. 00:24:32
There's not a lot of light out there, so we don't usually lose people. They stay close to the building, right? Yeah. I'm just 00:24:39
thinking if there was like a wedding, for example, I know that there are some people that would find our way over there. Uh, OK 00:24:46
Any other questions from the Commission? Alright, see you. Yeah, but before we talk to you, I know we just started asking 00:24:52
questions. Did you have any kind of presentations that you wanted to share with us? No, thank you. Have a great time. 00:24:58
OK, thanks. Umm, so thanks Katie. Umm. 00:25:04
First off, is the owner of the dirt lot the same as the owner of the building? That is correct. Yeah. OK, so. 00:25:08
I'm assuming any kind of traffic coordination plan that we look at will have the approval of the property owners will be utilizing 00:25:17
it. Yeah, he's fully approved that. OK, perfect. 00:25:22
OK, so with that, umm, I wouldn't put too many extra requirements on it because it is their land and their business. However they 00:25:29
wanna operate it or whatever risk they wanna take, that's within their purview. As long as it's not creating any kind of risk or 00:25:38
danger for the general community, I'm generally going to be of the philosophy of let them handle their business. 00:25:46
You know, umm, and so that said, if they submit a traffic coordination plans that satisfies, so you're not gonna be getting cars 00:25:54
out in the public right of way. I, I think that's pretty much all we need. That's my general thought. Just to clarify on that 00:26:01
land, uh, directly behind it is actually this like rail corridor that we have preserved to this build minus those property. So you 00:26:07
can see on the map here highlighted in blue all these sections is where that parking is. 00:26:13
Umm so there is going to be construction on this lot. Uh, Martin Snow will be building 2 buildings there and that umm Nathan, do 00:26:20
you know if he's? 00:26:24
Patrick, do you know if you'd be putting up any kind of construction fencing there to separate it? Umm, normally they in most 00:26:28
cases, but they. 00:26:34
It still is pretty far away, like the buildings that are going up are are pretty far north on the site, so it is quite a distance 00:26:44
from where the parking lot is going to be. Umm, but it is it is something to consider. 00:26:50
So we could work with Martin during, umm, kind of that, that pre construction meeting, you know, making sure things are secured 00:26:57
and, and I'm, I'm sure they wouldn't wanna be liable for anything. So. 00:27:03
And it's in their best interest. Yeah, it is in their best interest to do something. OK. Any other questions? 00:27:09
All right, umm, there's a motion then. 00:27:17
Umm, yeah. I moved to recommend approval of the site plan amendment and conditional use permit application as proposed with 00:27:22
conditions as presented. 00:27:27
Sorry, 2nd. 00:27:32
One second all in favor. 00:27:34
Thank you so much. 00:27:37
OK. All right. Moving on to 5.5, the LDS Church site plan and conditional use permanent at Holdaway Field. 00:27:41
Yeah, so we've got this one. 00:28:03
I do OK, all good. 00:28:06
Sometimes you got to redownload, yeah. 00:28:11
All right, I'm going to excuse myself. Alright, good luck tonight. Thanks, David. 00:28:16
Hi, my name is Anthony, uh, and I'll be preventing the alias church. So we have an application from uh, Chad, Chad Spencer, who is 00:28:33
representing the church, umm, to apply for a, uh, site plan and site plan approval and conditional use permit. So the site, umm, 00:28:41
by way of location will be located on the corner of Main Street. 00:28:49
And 400 S, so just to give you good context, this is City Hall Florida South and is going to be right in this corner right here. 00:28:58
Umm, just a few things about the project it'll be it'll be a me meeting house with about 23,000 square feet, umm, 310 seating 00:29:08
capacity and we'll have a Chapel. It will have a cultural hall, classrooms and some umm, office as well and a pavilion for picnics 00:29:17
on the east side of it. Now, just to give a little bit more detail, we have the elevations. 00:29:25
Umm showing right now as umm. 00:29:34
Briggs Vignette Asphalt and umm, the parking lot is actually going to be given us 269 parking spaces. What is required is just, 00:29:37
umm, 78. So it is over parked. Uh, bicycle parking is 12, but what is required is just 8, uh, park uh, bike spaces. And they have 00:29:47
a good landscape plan as well that we have reviewed and it meets all the standards of uh. 00:29:57
So that's the site plan. 00:30:07
Umm, the front of the. 00:30:10
The front of the meeting house actually faces 400 S, so just to get you oriented. 00:30:14
Thus, the landscaping plan. 00:30:21
And here are the elevations. So that's the front based in 400 S. 00:30:24
The West. 00:30:31
Acceleration. 00:30:34
In the North. 00:30:37
So this. 00:30:41
This project is located in the holdaway field, uh, zoning district and is predominantly, umm, going to be a residential district. 00:30:43
That is the reason why this requires a conditional use permit. So we have gone through a bunch of reviews and communicated a lot 00:30:52
with the applicant and the only thing that we require as a condition is to have. 00:31:00
Them, umm, submit to us an updated, uh, plan that shows all the iterations. 00:31:10
You know a plan said that shows all the iterations together. So, umm, the rest of the conditions are the standard ones to meet. 00:31:17
You know, the federal and, uh, state code needed. 00:31:23
Umm. 00:31:31
So staff recommends approval of this UMM, site plan application and conditional use permit. And here's a sample motion. I have a 00:31:33
couple questions. Sure. Can I ask why? Why is there so much more parking than required on this building? Do you know? 00:31:42
They have a lot of land. I have the applicant here. And is there any questions? I'll let him move up there. And you know how many 00:31:53
steps just because I'm assuming most of the people that will attend this building. 00:31:59
Live close enough to walk or to ride a bike. So I mean if it were. 00:32:05
My, my application, I would wanna put more bike parking and less car parking, but I'm just curious because that seems like a lot 00:32:12
of parking for yeah. So this is, this is actually right in the range of what the church prefers for these meeting houses. They've 00:32:20
obviously done a lot of studies. This building, umm, is designed to have 4 wards in it. Mm-hmm. So not only will you have the area 00:32:27
right around it, O potentially you'll have people driving a distance to attend it. So they just are trying. 00:32:35
Make sure that all the parking is contained on site so. 00:32:42
Yeah. 00:32:47
OK. Yeah, I mean. 00:32:51
That makes sense. I would prefer less parking but. 00:32:53
Can can I ask you a question? Umm, sorry to use nomenclature but specific to the Church of these things, but is this the stakes in 00:32:57
this? It is it is. OK, so that could be one reason. Have bigger meetings actually instead of just more. Can you check? 00:33:05
Any other questions from the question? 00:33:16
I would just say, can we increase the bike parking? I, I, I see some of the other buildings that go on Sunday morning walks and 00:33:20
especially the ones for people, they may even live a mile or throw away from the new one in the Hamptons way more than I take 8 00:33:27
bikes. Yeah. So we provided 12/12. I mean, I, I, I would even more. 00:33:33
Suggest umm, I think we're we're comfortable with what we proposed so. 00:33:42
Yeah, umm, So, umm, the Planning Commission on, on the, on that specific topic can definitely make a recommendation if you'd like 00:33:49
to see more parking, umm, under state code, umm, because it's a standard in our code for the number of parking. All that required 00:33:55
to do is, is is hit the minimum. But you know, from the City side, we always love more and more parking. Umm, I would say too, 00:34:01
probably if you go back to the site plan while we're talking about bike parking. 00:34:07
Is ensuring that the bike parking is in a visible spot that's not located in in a in a spot where people can get to it. 00:34:14
That that, that'd be awesome. Sure. 00:34:51
How can you hoping to get going on this? So due to the weather and where it is, we'll probably actually break ground in March, 00:34:54
April, Yeah. And it's uh, 12 months. It's about a 14 months and they start to finish, Yeah. 00:35:01
All right. Any other questions? 00:35:10
I just recommend that cascade neighborhood be assigned to that. 00:35:13
Right. Six buildings in seven years is a lot. 00:35:21
So why I driven like why add another one is my recommendation, yeah. 00:35:26
All right, uh, do I have a motion on this? 00:35:32
He has that motion up there that way. 00:35:37
I move to approve the site plan and conditional use with the conditions as presented. Thanks Chris. Do I have a second? 00:35:40
I, I second, while please adding the condition on the quest that you please express to the applicant our concerns about bike 00:35:48
parking, please consider adding more. Thank you, Nate. All in favor. Aye. All right. Thank you so much. 00:35:56
Alright, moving to 5.6 public hearings Zoning. This is a public hearing for a zoning text amendment to allow for pharmacy Dr. 00:36:05
throughs within the downtown Vineyard Town Center special purpose zoning code. 00:36:11
The few cash or anything. 00:36:19
All right. 00:36:22
So we have the applicant here, umm Bronson is applicant for this zoning text amendment. Bronson time with Flatborough. 00:36:31
So if there are any questions, you'll be available to also answer. 00:36:39
So just to give a quick introduction and background, umm, the applicant is requesting to have a text amendment to allow umm drive 00:36:45
through pharmacy Dr. Throughs to be permitted in the downtown area of Coloss City. And to give some more context, the last time we 00:36:52
umm had they came on here, we had umm, they're also the applicants for they were also the applicants for the site plan for the 00:36:59
Bella's Market. 00:37:06
And they, through the process, they expressed interest in including pharmacy drive through as we, you know, move along the process 00:37:13
and we're also trying to study how it's going to work for them and all that. So, uh, they have taken this step to make it 00:37:20
available, make it work for them to include the, uh, pharmacy drive through to umm, the grocery store that they are about to build 00:37:26
now. 00:37:32
This does not guarantee that umm, you know, they can just go ahead and start building. They will be required to. 00:37:40
Go through, umm, A5 point amendment process, uh, that we have for the city. So they would have to come back to Planning Commission 00:37:47
with, umm, an updated site plan, uh, the grocery store showing all the requirements have been met based on this, umm, donating 00:37:55
text amendment that may be passed by, uh, the City Council later. 00:38:03
So just some useful information so people can understand, uh, what we're dealing with here. An average length of cars. I just had 00:38:12
it, you know, uh, put up there just so people can have a better understanding is really between, oh, the range is really between 00:38:20
10 feet and 18 feet and stacking distance. Explain where the stacking distance is, is literally a term used to. 00:38:29
Umm, measure the capacity of a drive through lane. Umm. 00:38:38
For the number of cars it can take, uh, you know, from the point where they enter the, the drive through lane to the service 00:38:44
window. So if, uh, we say 60 feet, which is what we are recommending as staff. So literally is saying that you can take up to 00:38:51
three cars in the, you know, umm, queued together. So second distance could be explained to be queueing distance as well. So 00:38:59
that's thanks you're welcome. So, umm, the recommended best practice is to have. 00:39:06
Umm, 20 feet per car or per vehicle. So if we are, you know, staff requirements. 60 feet means three cars, preferably mid sized 00:39:14
cars with comfortably stacked OQ to the window of the pharmacy. 00:39:23
Here are some umm numbers that we we put together based on what is happening in the Valley. We have a lot more data from outside 00:39:33
of Utah as well. Umm, you know, throughout the nation and it really just ranges between these distances that we have umm, showing 00:39:40
up here. 00:39:47
I, I, I'm actually the one who took this measurement here. Uh, the, the 80 feet is possible with their site, with how it wraps 00:40:03
around, if their window is located all the way on the east side of the, the building, and that would be from the entrance. So from 00:40:10
the street, which it would also cross over the sidewalk, that would be 80 feet They are at about. 00:40:17
See right now, minus that sidewalk and entrance. 00:40:24
Sorry since you're. 00:40:30
So 60 without the sidewalk, yeah. 00:40:35
So. 00:40:38
It just depends on, we don't have the location of that service window. It's the service window located all the way to the the West 00:40:40
of the entrance. Then they'd be like 20 feet. And so a lot of it depends on that location of the window which they'll provide to 00:40:46
us in that updated site plan and then we can measure it to be more precise. 00:40:52
Hello. 00:41:01
Do you guys have an image of of the site for the for the building? Yeah, well, before we do that, what we're considering right now 00:41:03
is just an amendment to the code. We're not approving any site plan tonight, right? 00:41:09
Right now we're just considering an amendment to the zoning code. There is no specific site plan we're referring to. We're not. 00:41:17
Yeah, so this would just allow them in the future to up so to update this to update your site plan to be able to allow them to do 00:41:25
that. So this is, you know, by no means guarantee that they have access to it. So if we wanna talk about site plan, we'll come 00:41:32
back to that. If they decide to go ahead with, you know, including the drive through, we'll we'll we'll we'll have the image 00:41:40
ready. Umm, but we'll, we'll allow Anthony to keep going. So if you guys you wanna see it. 00:41:47
Alright, Yeah, but just as a reference, not As for this specific plan. OK, cool. 00:41:55
Alright, so umm, we've, we've worked with the applicant and staff, we've also had a lot of discussions and research and we came up 00:42:02
with this umm. 00:42:07
Text language for the amendment proposed amendment we included the queue in distance and our second you know distance should be a 00:42:13
minimum of 60. Would it also include that the width of the. 00:42:22
Drive through it should be 12 feet to allow for easier maneuvering. 00:42:32
Umm, we also do have here that each of the. 00:42:38
East entrance and exit of the aisle in direction of traffic flow shall be clearly designated by signs and pavement markings as 00:42:45
well. Wanna make sure that people are going through the right entrances and exits for these Dr. throughs as well. And we wanna 00:42:53
make sure also through this code that pedestrian walkways, you know the walk the sidewalks are not blocked when you're using so. 00:43:01
That's all part of the reason why we considered and recommended to 60 feet in this one. OK, thank you. So a couple of questions I 00:43:10
have or comments umm. 00:43:15
And with the, umm, examples that you guys provided, I've looked up all of them and, uh, well, the stacking distance is 40 feet or 00:43:21
80 feet or something. They're all contained within their parking lot and none of them have an entrance from the main road, uh, 00:43:28
which is my main concern with. 00:43:35
The example is given for the Utah City one is, uh, I think that, uh, we could have a number for stacking distance if it, if the 00:43:42
stacking continues in the parking lot beyond that distance. But I think the number absolutely needs to be bigger if the stacking 00:43:49
starts to exit out onto a main thoroughfare, Umm. 00:43:56
That, that's just one of the comments that I wanted to make and uh, for the specific thing uh, is that something we could add into 00:44:05
the language? Umm. 00:44:10
Yeah, AB absolutely. So this recommendation would go to City Council. So if you felt more comfortable with but the higher number, 00:44:16
umm, since it would be coming off of public right away, you can make that that recommendation and then move forward. That's for 00:44:22
the same account. Umm and again with this specific one, assuming that they're more beyond this in utility. Umm, if it's coming off 00:44:28
of uh main road and but you guys were mentioning 12 feet wide. If it's coming off of the main road and they need to make a full 00:44:34
U-turn. 00:44:40
To the pharmacy, I think we should probably have dimensions for how much space that is from the road to make that turn uh, just 00:44:46
just any road like if it's not part of their property like not part of their yeah so OK yeah umm that way, uh. 00:44:57
In this, in this particular case with the umm, grocery store with Bellas, uh, if they have to make a complete U-turn, I want to 00:45:09
make sure that that space is big enough that it's comfortable for anybody to make AU turn from the public right of way. 00:45:15
So that's also some language I'd like to see there. Umm, so when you're saying that, maybe so I understand. So like if there's a, 00:45:23
so there's a concern like the meters and, and medium or something in the right of way that would prohibit someone from making a 00:45:29
turn if, if they can't get into the Internet. Maybe I'm not quite. So for example, let's say, let's say it's 12 feet from the 00:45:35
property line to the building. Mm-hmm. And. 00:45:41
The balance market doesn't necessarily have this. Let's say there's not a sidewalk there and they have 12 feet to go from the 00:45:48
public right of way road and turn their car. Oh, OK. I mean. 00:45:53
I just want there to be enough space that they can comfortably turn a truck right right and make that U-turn without having so 00:45:59
they're hitting the right away at a. 00:46:03
Per per perpendicular as opposed to like like an angle. Where do you have like, so you, you want them to be able to make that full 00:46:09
movement where they're meeting up with the right of way? Yes. OK, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, umm, I think we're understanding each 00:46:16
other. Uh, maybe I'll, maybe I'll give an example, uh, assuming a road is going from east to West and the, umm, pharmacy is on the 00:46:23
South side of the building and it's a left. 00:46:29
The pharmacy. 00:46:37
Is on the left side of the window. So they would have to be going, uh, with, they would have to be going east in their power. So 00:46:38
they're going West on the road and to make the turn into it. I just wanna make sure that that space going, if they're going West 00:46:44
and turning all the way around to be headed E through the pharmacy with that turn is big enough because 12 feet, uh, plus the road 00:46:51
is kind of pushing it as far as space. 00:46:57
Most most vehicles would not be able to make that turn OK. 00:47:04
On that same note. 00:47:09
Because this is an update to the zoning code, if this is ultimately creating a precedent and future applications are going to be 00:47:11
going off of it. Because it says right there in the pro pros language that this is an exception to the standard of no Dr. 00:47:17
throughs. Umm, and this is a question for engineering. Do we typically require a traffic engineer's report with every new 00:47:24
application in the zoning district? 00:47:30
MMM, yes. 00:47:42
Give me the receipt in here for the work structure. So in your, uh, in your question in regards to engineering, uh, like, uh, 00:47:42
analysis, uh, traffic analysis for the, for this departation and drive through, uh, not specifically to this, I'm saying for new 00:47:49
developments in the zoning district, do you require a traffic engineering report? So, umm, uh, for this particular, uh, for this 00:47:55
particular, uh, situation, uh, they, uh, developed a. 00:48:01
Overall engineering traffic analysis report, uh, for the downtown as a whole, and that's the report that we're basically, uh, 00:48:09
we're utilizing, but you're still a short answer for the questions you're providing is, uh, in most cases for commercial, uh, for 00:48:16
commercial applications, especially drivers and so forth. If you ask, you do ask for, uh, traffic impact analysis on that for, uh, 00:48:24
for residential, uh, not so. Thank you. That's what I wanted to know if we are requesting, uh, traffic impact analysis. 00:48:31
For every commercial development, including those that would be requesting the drive through, I think a lot of the concerns that I 00:48:39
share with you would be addressed to show in the report specifically, OK, if you're entering the driveway from or a drive through 00:48:46
from the right of way, how can we be sure that the stacking is not going to affect the traditional flow of traffic That's usually 00:48:52
to be expected, I would expect that. 00:48:58
I don't know if that needs to be explicitly listed here. I'm proposing that it should be, since this is an exception to the rule 00:49:06
that we're proposing here, and any time we have applicants proposing an exception to the rule, I want the honors to be on them to 00:49:11
show that. 00:49:16
It's not going to negatively impact the entire community there. And, uh, again, just to further clarify, uh, when, uh, absent or a 00:49:22
drivers specifically on the plans, we do request, uh, require them to show the stacking, umm, of the, of the particular voucher 00:49:29
and show that they're not blocking any type of public right away. Umm, that, that's perfect. I, I know that sometimes when I 00:49:37
propose second plans, it's just an AutoCAD plug in to say, look, I can fit 7 Camrys I'm asking for. 00:49:44
And beyond with a licensed traffic engineer, which I am not to be able to say that yes, this is legit and it will go according to 00:49:52
plan. I think for exceptions that we're allowing here that's reasonable to ask for. 00:49:59
Umm, yeah. And I think, uh, but. 00:50:10
I, I do agree that it should be a requirement, but also even when we make better requirements, there are still instances where 00:50:12
stacking communities beyond, uh, expectations. Starbucks, for example, sacking has come out onto the public right of way. Umm, and 00:50:19
for pharmacies, uh, while it's not used as much as the Starbucks is, the, uh, queue times are much higher. Umm, so umm, with that 00:50:26
being the case. 00:50:32
Uh. 00:50:40
I wonder if there's. 00:50:43
Cloud through the zoning text message so this is one option and that does show about 5 cars on this one it's kind of packed that 00:51:15
service window so you still have you know if the window is right here you can have up to four cars in that queue and then what's 00:51:22
the flow of traffic there give me an arrow on one way that's hard to write so yeah the the goal is to to make it so they don't 00:51:30
have to use like pneumatic tubes like the bank sellers that you can just go right up to the window is that right from them so. 00:51:37
So I, I don't know if you noticed when you were measuring some, some locations do the windows, some do the pneumatic tubes, some 00:51:45
do bolt this little to not do them. It is just a better overall experience. Umm, and so traffic is, is on the street and you have 00:51:51
to have heat turned up into this. You can cross the sidewalk right here. Umm, but once again, we, we kind of explained that this 00:51:58
road will eventually be cut off of Main Street, so there won't be a lot of cars. 00:52:04
Heading West on this road because the, the nature of how it's designed, umm, and that's that's why they want to try and accomplish 00:52:12
this drive through in this direction. 00:52:16
So I feel like every single drive through is going to be different for whether it's a pharmacy or a Starbucks or a anything. Uh, 00:52:21
uh. 00:52:24
I don't wanna blanket to say prices ago that they're 60 feet. Uh, I would prefer to have it be a conditional use where they would 00:52:29
have to come in umm, and get it approved. 00:52:35
But I mean they work through that, that find amendment right that is still going. But we we could do that. It is a conditional. 00:52:42
Yeah, yeah, I, I mean for future applications as well. Yeah, I mean if they come in and they meet the requirements then. 00:52:48
Legally, we have to approve them if they meet all of our city requirements, but if it's conditional use, then we can, yeah, more 00:52:56
say in what happens, I think. And I think that that makes a lot of sense for the downtown. 00:53:02
Did you guys have any questions? 00:53:10
Now, just one thought, is there something that, and I haven't seen this, but where the stacking could potentially go out into the 00:53:13
right of way, is there something that we could do or require or something that prevents any stacking beyond 60 feet like a gate or 00:53:19
something? So it's there's four cars in there. You can't just line up in the street. You would have to come back another time or 00:53:26
something, I don't know. 00:53:33
That's not the perfect solution but at least it would keep track of pharmacies are just rare it it's all those that I found. I 00:53:39
spent a a good long time just looking for any drive through pharmacies out outside of like Acvs or Walgreens. 00:53:46
Blocking your sidewalks. Umm, but we, we could keep looking around, you know, especially if it does, you know, if it does go for 00:54:23
approval through City Council with these conditions when it comes back through a site plan and the conditional use, we, we could 00:54:29
keep looking around to see if there are any more unique standards throughout the country. I, I kind of kept my research through 00:54:35
Salt Lake Valley and, and Utah County, umm, to even pull up I think like 10 and try through pharmacies. Umm, but but we could keep 00:54:41
looking when this comes back. 00:54:47
Uh, personally, I, I don't feel comfortable to blanket him and I, I want it to be a conditioning firm. Yeah. So Anthony has 00:54:53
updated the conditions of approval in the presentation. He has updated on the red. 00:55:00
Umm. 00:55:08
I was, I was, I was trapped in a, a kids condition too that we could, umm, we could kinda to address, uh, Commissioner Steele's 00:55:11
comments. So you can have this or not, it sounds like we're gonna be covered kinda, kinda either way. But if you wanted to just 00:55:18
called out, umm, in the code. Umm, So say a traffic impact analysis is required to be submitted by a licensed engineer at the time 00:55:25
of site plan submission showing projected stacking at peak traffic time and business. 00:55:32
Operation this analysis Shell shell pro umm projected conflict with pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the street right of 00:55:40
way. But since street right of way just because there there may be some private streets and and in here as well. So see right away 00:55:47
should should cover should you Scroll down because I can only read half of that. This is what I have. So if you guys are OK with 00:55:54
that, I can send it to Anthony. He can he can throw it on there. OK, I'm I'm comfortable with that. 00:56:01
OK, I'll send it over to you. 00:56:08
Any other questions? 00:56:10
No. 00:56:12
I have a motion to open this up for public hearing. 00:56:20
A motion to open the public hearing. Thanks. Do I have a second? 00:56:24
2nd. 00:56:27
1st all in favor. All right, if you guys have any comments, uh, please come up, state your name. If you have any questions, I'll 00:56:28
write down your questions and we'll just go from there. 00:56:32
All right. 00:56:43
Yeah, I'll get to also, uh, sorry, if you wouldn't mind, uh, if you have, uh, questions or comments, try to try to keep them 00:56:45
separate from that balance. Actual like, OK, I just want, uh, Daria Evans, still a resident. I just wanna say I agree with your 00:56:52
extra part of this amendment. Thank you. 00:56:59
Any other questions or comments? 00:57:10
Alright, motion to close the public hearing. 00:57:13
Alright, thank you. Got a second? 00:57:18
I'll take it down here, Brad. Uh, all in favor. All right, all right. Umm you have anything you wanted to add, Bronson? 00:57:24
Yeah, thank you, Bronson With, uh, the developer, umm, we, we do wanna propose going to 50, uh, feet in stacking and some of the 00:57:35
language you've added, umm may negate that, but we're thinking the same thing. Three cars is what our operator needs for, for 00:57:43
stacking in, in his other stores. And that would be one of the window and then two behind it. 00:57:52
So OK, we we come up with 50 on that, but. 00:58:01
I don't think 60 is gonna be the end of the world. We do have in the current design, we've got some utilities coming in the back 00:58:05
right behind the the drive through that are they're constraining the width and then on the front of the drive through we've got 00:58:12
the parking parking lot coming out. And so we are a little bit constrained there. There are some things we could do to instead of 00:58:18
taking the drive through out its own exit. 00:58:24
We could bring it into the the parking lot exit. It does create a, you know, a another unique. 00:58:32
Uh, kind of intersection right of the, the throat of the entrance into the parking. Umm, so that's, that's really only the context 00:58:40
I do behind the 50 would be one part of the window, which would be like 1/2 length of the car and then two cars behind it. OK. 00:58:47
And, and we'll get into the, uh, more of the specifics for yeah, when we come back. Yeah OK. So that, that would be my only 00:58:55
proposed change. I don't think we have an issue with with having. 00:59:02
Traffic engineer waiting on it either. 00:59:10
OK. 00:59:17
Thanks, Manson. Yeah. 00:59:18
So, uh, I guess the question, if they're coming in for a conditional use permit and we feel like the length of the drive through 00:59:22
of a specific project should be longer. Uh, and we have the language in here that says 60 feet. How does, how's that gonna work? 00:59:29
Umm, you would wanna bill it in there. So what I would do is under, umm, UH-6, you, you can put if, umm, if the analysis shows 00:59:36
that 60 feet, umm, it, umm, is, is not enough. And I, I. 00:59:43
It works with it, but it's not enough to have to not have conflict then, umm, then that that, uh, queue and distance may be 00:59:51
increased based off the off the track the traffic impact. Now it shouldn't have any exceptions of one through 5 can be met, right? 00:59:58
Mm-hmm. Yeah, kind of blanket like that yeah. That's really tight by night. Mm-hmm. 01:00:05
OK. 01:00:14
Umm, because you still take. Can you re repeat that? Yeah. So it's not specific to ceiling distance. It's. 01:00:24
Saying if the UMM traffic impact, if the traffic impact impact analysis, UMM proves that exceptions to requirements one through 5 01:00:29
are justified, then they can be considered or approved or incorporated into the plan, whatever the right word is there. 01:00:39
I think you understand the general. 01:00:49
You can just say that the minimum requirements of the, uh, traffic impact must be there. 01:00:56
Traffic impact pact plan. Wow, I haven't had something. I keep saying traffic and that's not seeing them. What to say? Hold on. 01:01:02
Any other comments? 01:01:15
No. 01:01:17
Yes, ma'am. OK, So I do we need an official bill for the meeting of the recommendation? Yes, but I will need a motion. 01:01:19
I moved to recommend approval, uh, with the conditions that we presented tonight, if you wanna, and then maybe just if you, we'll, 01:01:29
we'll work on that language, umm, to go to City Council, but if you wanna just state that kind of that last sentence and then 01:01:36
we'll go. That'll be the tag on it. Well, there were three items that we added. Umm, so I move that we recommend approval to the 01:01:43
City Council to approve the ordinance as presented, uh, with the additional. 01:01:50
Two items, uh, including the requirement of a conditional use permit for all drive through applications as well as, uh, traffic 01:01:57
impact analysis to be required. Umm, including the requirement. That is the analysis shows any conflicts or umm. 01:02:06
Sorry, I need to stop reading if the if the analysis UMM shows that any exceptions to the requirements set forth in this ordinance 01:02:17
UMM are warranted and that those can be incorporated into the approved plan. 01:02:25
All right, let's say that a second. 01:02:34
Second, All right. Thank you, Kaden. This is going to be a roll call, right? 01:02:36
OK, then, uh, hi Chris. Hi, I, I, I Fred. Hi. All right, that passes. All right. Moving to 5.7 site plan for Utah City Block 13 C. 01:02:41
This pawn will be me. Umm, I might be tagging this year with cross and, uh, our our other planner, Rachel, who works remote, is 01:02:58
one who deserves you here. So I'm just kind of taking over for her. Umm, and I might, uh, just have some sides up and, and I'll 01:03:05
invite bronze enough to, to add additional comments so that he may have, umm, let me pull up the plan here. 01:03:12
A lot of windows open. 01:03:23
OK, so yeah, uh, as I mentioned, this is for the site plan approval for block 13 C located in the the Utah City development. Umm, 01:03:33
we can start out with this map here to give you some context of where this block is located at. I'll zoom in here. 01:03:42
You can all see it. 01:03:51
So you'll see the venue connector looping around. You have the the problem that's parked. 01:03:54
Umm, and then this is just gonna be located just one block north of 10 B SO13C right here. 01:03:58
I'm going to the narrative here, umm, this, this block here will have is, is being proposed to have 342, uh, residential units. 01:04:07
Umm, it will have a seven story portion of, of building and I'll, I'll show the elevation here in a minute. Umm, that'll be along 01:04:14
3rd Ave. umm, while the rest of the buildings will, will be 5 stories. So it's not all the, the seven story height, umm. 01:04:22
They, they are providing, uh, similar to their, their other blocks, quite a few different, umm, different amenities in different 01:04:29
rooms. Like you'll, you'll see here they have a tea room and a bike room. 01:04:33
Umm and and other types of amenities, spaces for for the residents here, umm, as well as there's a courtyard, umm that is, that is 01:04:38
incorporated into the building that'll pull up the. 01:04:44
Umm, I think this plan shows it the best. 01:04:52
It's within the, the vineyard green landscape manual, umm, and they do provide us with, with a planting list and we make sure 01:05:26
that, that that meets our standards. Umm, but this gives you a good idea of, of how this building will umm, feel with the, the 01:05:33
Paseo going through right here. That courtyard that I I believe will be a, a private courtyard for the, the residents of, of that 01:05:40
building and impact the other residents of Utah City who might have crossed in the answer to that umm. 01:05:46
And and and then. 01:05:54
Of 40 elevations here, so you can see them so this right here is going to be the east elevation. This is the one that is 7 stories 01:05:56
tall, so it is quite a bit taller than than the other buildings or half of the building. Umm, here's the South elevation umm, 01:06:03
they, they've met all of our standards from the the downtown code umm, just a, a brief overview of it. We have like certain 01:06:11
departments like on the ground floor, we have a transparency requirement where, uh a certain percentage of of. 01:06:18
Quite a few different elements UMM incorporated into its facade to break it up and makes it appear that it's, you know, multiple 01:06:56
buildings, UMM, as well as other architectural designs. Like they have this archway which is that entrance into the Pateo. 01:07:02
Oh sorry, I forgot this was. 01:07:12
Sort of the. 01:07:16
Red wine from our initial measurement. 01:07:18
OK. So the West elevation here. 01:07:25
This is where it's back down to five stories. 01:07:29
And then the north elevation with that continued arts way through the Paseo. 01:07:35
Where are the building heights here? 01:07:41
Umm, I have that a minute ago. Let me. 01:07:45
Uh, yeah. 01:07:49
It's not showing it on here. 01:07:52
They're not it. No, that's I think a material board. Let me, I I do have it in here. I believe it's in the. 01:07:56
Uh, I believe it's in this report here. 01:08:05
I literally just had it up. 01:08:14
Give me a second and I'll find it. Umm. It has a maximum height of 83 feet and 5 1/2 inches. 01:08:17
Wow. 01:08:24
So. 01:08:29
Umm, the, the rest of the, the elevations that we do have are kind of the interior and it is kind of hard to like conceptualize 01:08:31
what that looks like. Umm and so we can go on to the, the rendering here to, to show you, you know what, what this building look 01:08:37
like here. Umm. 01:08:43
Uh, the split city. Feel free to stop if you have any questions, uh, any of the specifics, umm, renderings. 01:08:50
Umm, we'll, we'll have Bronson talk a little bit. There's, I remember him telling me about the sculpture. I think it's the 01:09:07
sculpture. Like it's, it's pretty look at, but it also is like a play, like gym for kids to play on. And that's gonna be located 01:09:13
on the West side. There's this kind of little alcove in, in the development. Umm. 01:09:19
It was, I believe, 342 units. 01:09:30
Good luck. 01:09:34
Yeah, yeah, 8083 feet and five inches is the maximum height. 01:09:36
So this will give you an idea of that interior. 01:09:48
OK. 01:09:52
Umm, one thing I I did not address. Let me pull up the the parking. 01:10:01
So you asked them to deal with, with how many umm, different kind of blocks they have going through for site plan and, and 01:10:08
construction right now. We ask them to just provide us with a parking diagram to show, umm, throughout all the development, all of 01:10:13