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CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE             Vice-Chair Bryce Brady led the meeting in the pledge of allegiance and initiated a prayer.  
CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE             Vice-Chair Bryce Brady led the meeting in the pledge of allegiance and initiated a prayer.  
Vice-Chair Bryce Brady opened the meeting at02 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance and initiated a prayer.             PUBLIC COMMENTS
PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments.           CONSENT ITEMS             There were no consent items.  
PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments.           CONSENT ITEMS             There were no consent items.  
There were no public comments.             CONSENT ITEMS There were no consent items.             BUSINESS ITEMS  1.      GRMU Office Building Site Plan
BUSINESS ITEMS  1.      GRMU Office Building Site Plan
BUSINESS ITEMS  1.      GRMU Office Building Site Plan
Planner Cache Hancey presented the Site Plan with all the iterations that have been made through the review process. These included updates to the site plan orientation, parking, landscaping, and accessing. He presented conditions for approval for creating an entrance off Geneva Rd.
Planner Cache Hancey presented the Site Plan with all the iterations that have been made through the review process. These included updates to the site plan orientation, parking, landscaping, and accessing. He presented conditions for approval for creating an entrance off Geneva Rd.
Planner Cache Hancey presented the Site Plan with all the iterations that have been made through the review process. These included updates to the site plan orientation, parking, landscaping, and accessing. He presented conditions for approval for creating an entrance off Geneva Rd.
Discussion ensued on logistics and plan compliance where Planner Hancey shared relevant information.
Discussion ensued on logistics and plan compliance where Planner Hancey shared relevant information.
Discussion ensued on logistics and plan compliance where Planner Hancey shared relevant information.
Conditions for the approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, update the site plan, update the elevation plans, lighting specification on compliance with the code, and update the landscape plan with the set back and percentage requirements.   Commissioner Nathan Steele asked for clarification on pedestrian crossings.
Conditions for the approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, update the site plan, update the elevation plans, lighting specification on compliance with the code, and update the landscape plan with the set back and percentage requirements.   Commissioner Nathan Steele asked for clarification on pedestrian crossings.
Conditions for the approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, update the site plan, update the elevation plans, lighting specification on compliance with the code, and update the landscape plan with the set back and percentage requirements.   Commissioner Nathan Steele asked for clarification on pedestrian crossings.
Planner Hancey provided context on the power plant and presented the site plan. He presented updates from the review process and coordination with applicant towards compliance with the Vineyard Zoning Code. He introduced a conditional approval to maintain safety of an access point.
Eastlake Warehouse Lot Site Plan
Eastlake Warehouse Lot Site Plan
Commissioner Steele asked if studies have taken place to inform safety measures.
Planner Hancey provided context on the power plant and presented the site plan. He presented updates from the review process and coordination with applicant towards compliance with the Vineyard Zoning Code. He introduced a conditional approval to maintain safety of an access point.
Planner Hancey provided context on the power plant and presented the site plan. He presented updates from the review process and coordination with applicant towards compliance with the Vineyard Zoning Code. He introduced a conditional approval to maintain safety of an access point.
Conditions for approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, applicant will work with the engineering department to determine a safe location of the standard drive access off50 N prior to the issuance of a building permit, and submittal of an updated site plan with the required bicycle parking at each building.
Commissioner Steele asked if studies have taken place to inform safety measures.
Commissioner Steele asked if studies have taken place to inform safety measures.
Planner Hancey asked the applicant if they had an idea of when they want to start construction. The applicant responded in mentioning plans for the following day of the meeting.
Conditions for approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, applicant will work with the engineering department to determine a safe location of the standard drive access off50 N prior to the issuance of a building permit, and submittal of an updated site plan with the required bicycle parking at each building.
Conditions for approval included paying the outstanding fees, redline corrections, subject to all federal state and local laws, ADA requirements, applicant will work with the engineering department to determine a safe location of the standard drive access off50 N prior to the issuance of a building permit, and submittal of an updated site plan with the required bicycle parking at each building.
Planner Hancey asked the applicant if they had an idea of when they want to start construction. The applicant responded in mentioning plans for the following day of the meeting.
Planner Hancey asked the applicant if they had an idea of when they want to start construction. The applicant responded in mentioning plans for the following day of the meeting.
Planner Hancey presented on the Orchards Site Plan and the reasoning behind the request for amendment. The full landscaping was discussed to clarify and differentiate the16 approved landscaping plan and what was implemented.
Discussions about these changes ensued. Planner Hancey provided visual aids to reflect these differences.
Orchards Site Plan Amendment
Orchards Site Plan Amendment
Commissioner Steele initiated discussion on the decrease in the percent landscape and the increase in number of trees. Planner Hancey noted the town homes are rentals that are individually platted and have an HOA.
Planner Hancey presented on the Orchards Site Plan and the reasoning behind the request for amendment. The full landscaping was discussed to clarify and differentiate the16 approved landscaping plan and what was implemented.
Planner Hancey presented on the Orchards Site Plan and the reasoning behind the request for amendment. The full landscaping was discussed to clarify and differentiate the16 approved landscaping plan and what was implemented.
Commissioner Steele asked about future enforcement and maintenance. Planner Hancey commented on how we may hold them to the standards.
Discussions about these changes ensued.   Planner Hancey provided visual aids to reflect these differences.
Discussions about these changes ensued.   Planner Hancey provided visual aids to reflect these differences.
Commissioners Caden Rhoton, Brady, and Steele expressed concern of creating more pedestrian accesses that connects better into the city sidewalk network (i.e., Center St.) including ADA access.
Commissioner Steele initiated discussion on the decrease in the percent landscape and the increase in number of trees.   Planner Hancey noted the town homes are rentals that are individually platted and have an HOA.
Commissioner Steele initiated discussion on the decrease in the percent landscape and the increase in number of trees.   Planner Hancey noted the town homes are rentals that are individually platted and have an HOA.
A recommended condition was proposed to open up the fence.
Commissioner Steele asked about future enforcement and maintenance. Planner Hancey commented on how we may hold them to the standards.
Commissioner Steele asked about future enforcement and maintenance. Planner Hancey commented on how we may hold them to the standards.
Concern about a single entrance was voiced. Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour noted that they may utilize internal roads. A discussion about access and connectivity continued to build concern.
Commissioners Caden Photon, Brady, and Steele expressed concern of creating more pedestrian accesses that connects better into the city sidewalk network (i.e., Center St.) including ADA access.
Commissioners Caden Photon, Brady, and Steele expressed concern of creating more pedestrian accesses that connects better into the city sidewalk network (i.e., Center St.) including ADA access.
Commissioner Brady suggested to continue to Mayt24 to address concerns.
A recommended condition was proposed to open up the fence.
A recommended condition was proposed to open up the fence.
Concern about a single entrance was voiced. Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour noted that they may utilize internal roads.   A discussion about access and connectivity continued to build concern.
Concern about a single entrance was voiced. Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour noted that they may utilize internal roads.   A discussion about access and connectivity continued to build concern.
Planners Anthony Fletcher and Cache Hancey put out fliers for the Firehouse for attendance.
Commissioner Brady suggested to continue to Mayt24 to address concerns.
Commissioner Brady suggested to continue to Mayt24 to address concerns.
Planner Fletcher discussed how his learnings from a conference may improve our city.
Planner Hancey included information on an open house for the lake front in town center to address concerns, the impact Vineyard awards, and the impact Vineyard fair.
STAFF, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Planners Anthony Fletcher and Cache Hancey put out fliers for the Firehouse for attendance.
Staff Engineer Patrick James provided an update on the new phase of Utah City Development as well as an update on a trail that was identified as a high priority for UDOT.
STAFF, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Planners Anthony Fletcher and Cache Hancey put out fliers for the Firehouse for attendance.
Staff Engineer Patrick James provided an update on the new phase of Utah City Development as well as an update on a trail that was identified as a high priority for UDOT.
Staff Engineer Patrick James provided an update on the new phase of Utah City Development as well as an update on a trail that was identified as a high priority for UDOT.
Planner Fletcher discussed how his learnings from a conference may improve our city.
Commissioner Brady asked about an update for parking in the new phase. Planner Hancey discussed the thoughts and progress with parking structures, specifically for the FrontRunner Station.  
Planner Fletcher discussed how his learnings from a conference may improve our city.
Commissioner Brady asked about an update for parking in the new phase. Planner Hancey discussed the thoughts and progress with parking structures, specifically for the FrontRunner Station.  
Commissioner Brady asked about an update for parking in the new phase. Planner Hancey discussed the thoughts and progress with parking structures, specifically for the FrontRunner Station.             ADJOURNMENT
Planner Hancey included information on an open house for the lake front in town center to address concerns, the impact Vineyard awards, and the impact Vineyard fair.
ADJOURNMENT    Meeting Adjourned at58 pm.     MINUTES CERTIFIED CORRECT ON:17/2024     CERTIFIED BY:                                Madison Reed, Planner Technician
Planner Hancey included information on an open house for the lake front in town center to address concerns, the impact Vineyard awards, and the impact Vineyard fair.
ADJOURNMENT    Meeting Adjourned at58 pm.     MINUTES CERTIFIED CORRECT ON:17/2024     CERTIFIED BY:                                Madison Reed, Planner Technician
Meeting Adjourned at58 pm.     MINUTES CERTIFIED CORRECT ON:17/2024   CERTIFIED BY:                  Madison Reed, Planner Technician
OK, very cool. Welcome everybody. This is in your Planning Commission. I am standing in for K Edmondson, who is absent at the 00:00:00
meeting today. Umm, it is April 17th and it is 6:02 PM. Uh, we'll get right into things. I will give us an invocation and, uh, 00:00:08
budget allegiance, alright. 00:00:15
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:24
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:30
Thank you. 00:00:38
Generally, father, we're thankful that we could be here today to discuss the things that concern our city. Please watch this will 00:00:42
feel inspired as to the things that we need to do. We're thankful for those that are invested in the city that are, uh, trying to 00:00:47
make this better place. We're thankful for, uh, those that volunteer their time and efforts and especially our umm, police force 00:00:53
and fire. Uh, please bless them. We love you and we save these things and the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:00:59
All right, moving straight into public comments, Is there any public comments you can come up to the microphone? Have any comment? 00:01:06
No. All right, we'll move into no consent items, business items 5.1, the GRMU office building site plan. 00:01:13
OK, perfect. I have, I think I have all three items and I still, OK, brief presentation here just to give you some context of this 00:01:22
plan and, uh, just as an update from the staff report, I've received some updated documents on the site plan and landscaping. So 00:01:29
what you'll see here should be the most up to date accurate, umm, as to what has been committed. Uh, here's context for this. 00:01:36
Where this location will be, it'll be I, I believe two blocks north of the Mr. Car wash right on Team Road off to the West. 00:01:43
We're gonna have that Edgewater residential parking lot that they're working on right now. Umm, and then we just got a site plan 00:01:51
for a, uh, auto parts store to be right here on the north side of the car wash. Another auto parts. Yeah, OK, so. 00:01:58
Uh, to three blocks north of O'Reilly. So they said they like to be three each other. 3 units, yes, 3. 00:02:06
So, and then directly north is, will be the, umm, office building, right? So here is the site plan for the like, like I said, it's 00:02:15
most updated. Umm, what you saw on the Stockport didn't include this, uh, little landscape island in the parking lot. Umm, one of 00:02:21
the original conditions of approval was they weren't provided the 20% site landscaping. Umm, and so they did take out some parking 00:02:28
to accommodate that back here. Umm, and then they had to adjust some of the parking here. 00:02:34
As well as they shifted the building and then you'll see right here they have the bike racks right in front of the building. Umm, 00:02:41
as far as the site goes, they do have the, the zone. It's the DRMU does require a 15 foot uh, step back from Geneva road and 00:02:48
they've provided that umm and it's all landscaped and looks really nice. Umm, one of the, the conditions of approval that I have 00:02:56
on umm is about creating some sort of entrance off of Geneva Rd. Umm that will mostly be for like employees of. 00:03:03
When we get that trail and we can work on connecting all of these, OK, Umm. 00:03:41
Anyways, so like I said, feel free to stop me when, whenever, on any sides. If you do have any questions, here is the landscaping 00:03:47
page. Well, oh, sorry, I I have questions related to parking. I wanna make sure you're Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, you can. Thanks. 00:03:53
Umm, real quick, uh, total number of parking spaces, uh, I believe 73 and that uh, requirement is 71. So there are two above the 00:04:00
requirements, Perfect. And that's the standard for any office building, correct? Yeah. Regard, umm, regardless of what tenants 00:04:07
might be there, correct? Yeah. We, we have kind of a shell like office, uh, use in our parking code. I believe that's one for 250, 00:04:15
uh, square feet of interior use. Perfect. Thanks. Yeah and they, they original, the original plan did so I think 83 parking. 00:04:22
So like I said, with shifting the building and this landscape island back here, they did move out on some of them, but they're 00:04:30
still above the code on that. 00:04:34
As far as landscaping goes, they may not meet the code. They've done it really well, a really good job of of surrounding the 00:04:39
building with great quality landscaping that meets our our standards. Umm, to the West here we do have that parking lot that will 00:04:45
also have a four foot landscape buffer as well as a fence that they will border up against umm. 00:04:51
But besides that, uh, yeah, it, it overall looks great on the landscaping. What kind of fence are they doing on that side? On 00:04:58
which one? On the West side? Uh, I believe it's a raw iron on the, the, it's the parking lot. They're the ones who have to put in 00:05:04
the Oh, they're the ones. Yeah, Yep. 00:05:09
So here's some elevations of the building. Umm, one thing in the DRMU that does require the ground floor to get to contain at 00:05:19
least 30%, uh, transparent glass. And they've met that requirement here. 00:05:24
Time if it's lit up by like 10:00 PM or something like that. 00:05:59
Umm, so the South and the north elevation. So the South elevation will have two, uh, ground floor entrances in the north elevation 00:06:05
will have one entrance. 00:06:11
And then here's the E salvation facing Geneva Rd. Umm, as you can see, there's, there's not an entrance on this yet. That's why 00:06:18
place places as a condition of approval. Umm, and then we'll work with them when they submit building permit to get an update on 00:06:23
that. 00:06:27
That reflects that 15 foot genuine Rd. set back and the 20% requirement and they've done that as well. So then the other two that 00:07:04
that we're including is an updated elevation page and site plan with each pedestrian walkway and entrance. Umm, and we'll have 00:07:09
that we're, we're requesting to have that prior to the issuance, so the building permit. And then the last one, another kind of 00:07:15
standard one that all site lighting will be downlet and light poles may not extend above 20 feet, which these current lines are, 00:07:20
uh, compliant with. So. 00:07:25
That is all I have if you guys have any questions. Applicant is also here. I don't know if they've joined on teams yet or not. 00:07:32
Alright. 00:07:38
Oh, I'm in a meeting alone. Mm-hmm. 00:07:42
Maybe I sent them the wrong link, but it, it, if you could, umm, on the slides refer to the site plan again and can you indicate 00:07:45
where that eastern pedestrian walkway and entrance is again? So we're, we're still in discussions with them of where that would 00:07:53
best fit with the intended use. Umm, just how they split up the ground floor. Umm, and that'll happen usually at, at the building 00:08:00
plans that they do the tenant improvements. They're gonna figure out how they wanna break up that ground floor, umm, and which. 00:08:08
Umm, kind of side of the building would be best fit for that. OK, I, I'm, so it's, uh, just an entrance to the building and the 00:08:16
eastern pedestrian walkway is just kind of a protected way to walk through the parking lot. And so, so the, sorry, the, the 00:08:22
walkway is just gonna be, you know, a little bit of sidewalk weather. If you know, the door to the building is gonna be right 00:08:28
here. It's a little sidewalk. It just goes out to that future trail. 00:08:34
That their own consultant someday. Can you show the overall, umm, the map one of your earlier slides? Oh the contact, yes, thank 00:08:41
you. 00:08:46
Yep. So OK. Yep, that's context I needed. Thank you. Yep. 00:09:21
Don't have any questions. 00:09:25
No, any other questions? OK, I don't have any questions. I think building looks good. Uh, do I have a motion? Umm, do you need to? 00:09:27
Is this a public hearing? It's not No. OK umm, then I have a page here. I think that's good. Uh, I, yeah, I'll make the motion. 00:09:35
I'll move to approve, uh, the GRMU office building site plan application as requested by Joe 70 with Office Development Group with 00:09:42
the proposed. 00:09:50
Uh, conditions of approval that were shown tonight, including the two that were stripped off perfect. Do you have a second second 00:09:58
all in favor? Aye, that passes. So just for the applicant, I will send you a letter hopefully tomorrow, five time, umm, just kind 00:10:04
of outlining the next steps in the process. So. 00:10:10
You're all good. Cool. Thank you. 00:10:17
Moving on to item 5.2, the Eastlake Warehouse Lot 1 site plan. Alright. 00:10:26
And once again, we do have our applicants here, uh, Brett and Chris. 00:10:32
So here's a site contact of where we're talking, umm, off screen over here in the top left is the power plant that helps you. Umm, 00:10:37
so we have 1750 is kind of that main road view, and this is where these two buildings will front. 00:10:43
So here are the two buildings that they're proposing for the site plan. It'll be two warehouse buildings. Umm, I believe it's 00:10:50
totaling, umm, just under 115,000 square feet of warehouse space. Umm, once again with our parking, we kind of have a, a shell 00:10:57
building, umm, standard that I think it's one per 300 square feet of space in that parking stall. And they're, I think 20 or 30 00:11:05
stalls above that. They're providing umm, adequate parking, you could say umm. 00:11:12
For the site. 00:11:20
Umm, here's their landscaping plan. Umm, it it meets our standards. They're going to currently actually, if you drive up there 00:11:23
right now or bike up there. 00:11:28
Orvac, however you wanna get up there, uh, there, there is currently a fence along this road and they're gonna be taking out that 00:11:34
fence and they're gonna be putting up a, a three foot berm and then putting in all this landscaping there to, to shield it. Umm, 00:11:40
our code does require like all these parking, umm, spaces are shielded and they've done a, a good job of that. Umm, as far as how 00:11:45
the site will work, you do have three points of access to the building. So you'll have the, the westernmost, the center and the 00:11:51
eastern. 00:11:56
And the center one is is mostly going to be for semi truck traffic. 00:12:02
Because they have all the loading dock facing the, the center of the two buildings. So most employees or visitors will be using 00:12:06
these two other entrances. Umm, one thing that we did want to talk about, umm, and, and we have been kind of working with them and 00:12:12
we've put this just as a conditional approval so that we can umm, figure out the best way to do this is figure out this access 00:12:17
point at the center. Umm, if you'll notice to the north, we have two other access points onto 1750 Umm, and then we have this S 00:12:23
curve in on the road. 00:12:29
Hard to, to align umm to either one of these up here as that would be kind of the preferred method. But as you can see, it's 00:13:05
really hard to do that. Umm, and if you go along 1750, frankly, none of the businesses, none of the access points are aligned umm. 00:13:12
So we're, we're just trying to make it as, as safe as possible. 00:13:18
Umm, OK, so here are the elevations and I will note the question, Yeah. 00:13:26
UMM have traffic studies and are returning radius studies been completed to make sure that semi trucks can handle that term 00:13:31
turning left or right? 00:13:34
We run them down there all day every day. That's a good, that's a, that's a better study than what you do in cats. So I think 00:13:39
that's fine. 00:13:43
Yeah, that, that road is very wide, 1750 is. 00:13:50
Very well. 00:13:54
They did a fine job. 00:13:57
OK, No, I just wanted that on record that it can handle that. That's great. Thanks. OK, so here here are the elevations for the 00:13:59
buildings. I will note the blue there is just windows, it is not blue paint. I just want to make sure that. 00:14:06
Umm, so as you can see, it's, it's pretty standard for the buildings that are up there. Umm, they have a good use of changes of, 00:14:14
of height of the building of, of materials of, of color. They've included the awnings there as well. And it meets our standards 00:14:20
for the, the zoning district. 00:14:25
And so here's the condition of approval once again, those same three, uh, paying the outstanding fees and red line corrections are 00:14:32
subject to all federal, state and local laws. They must reserve all ADA requirements. 00:14:38
Umm, and then here's that, uh, the applicant will work with the engineering department to determine a safe location of the center 00:14:44
Dr. access off 1750 N prior to the issuance of building permit. Umm, and then the last one they just told me is they walked into 00:14:51
this building. Is there, we want them to submit an updated site plan with the required bicycle parking in each building. And they, 00:14:57
I think just emailed it to me prior to this meeting. So I should have that, but we can keep into the condition and it's fine. So. 00:15:04
Do you guys have any questions? No, any more questions for me? 00:15:16
No, I, I, I failed to think the last applicant. I'm sorry, but thank you guys. Umm, being responsive to staff comments and. 00:15:21
Something pretty a good job. I do wanna ask, uh, do you guys have a rough estimate of when you do wanna start construction and 00:15:29
tomorrow, OK. 00:15:33
So we're gonna put this off? 00:15:39
We'll continue this. 00:15:45
My son went to the, uh, what was three, uh, halfway open up on the 1003. Yeah, yeah. So. So yeah, it'll work for you soon. Yeah. 00:15:47
It's gotta be your family, right? No, but what? 00:15:54
Yeah, well, the reason I wanna thank you for this is some people might not look at like warehouse type things as saying, oh, 00:16:03
that's the sexiest settlement to come into our city, but it's jobs and you know, and that's the most important thing right now. 00:16:09
And so that's why I will always support, uh, things like that because diversity of jobs brings diversity of community and that's 00:16:15
whatever community drives on. So thank you for that. So with that, I, I do move to approve this. 00:16:22
Mm-hmm. 00:16:29
That's why I wanna make sure you hear it. 00:16:31
So I move to approve the East Lake warehouse, uh, Lot 1 site plan application as requested by uh, Chris Kephart and Brett Wood 00:16:35
with the conditions of approval that have been presented by staff tonight. Awesome. Thank you. Nate. Do I have a second? 00:16:41
Second Brad all in favor Aye, aye. All right, cool. Thank you guys once again I'll I'll send you guys a letter just an e-mail that 00:16:50
outline some of the next step you guys know what to do on that so. 00:16:56
OK. Thank you. Have a good night. All right, moving on to 5.3, the Orchard site plan amendment, we have cruising for you. 00:17:03
That's what it doesn't look like the applicant is here, unfortunately. Umm, this is 30 more conditions. So this is home center 00:17:12
construction. We have uh, Michaelson, umm, and then Karen's playmaker, I believe is the applicant here. Umm, so a little 00:17:18
background on this site plan amendment is back. Uh, a few months ago they were requesting some certificate, certificates of 00:17:24
occupancy on the townhomes, umm, that are just off the center street right by the center St. overpass. Umm, and as Anthony and I 00:17:30
went out there to do our inspection. 00:17:36
We know that the landscaping was completely different than what was approved back in 2016, so. 00:17:42
Price So we, we held them up on, on that, uh, certificate of occupancy until they get the pipeline amendment approved or they 00:17:50
provided a bond and they, they did go with the bond. This is something we, I don't think we can do anymore. Umm, so they didn't 00:17:55
provide that bond and essentially they want their money back. Umm, and so we're just gonna go over the, the landscaping here. What 00:18:01
I did is I broke this up into full quadrant because it's, it's a very detailed plan and that way you can kind of see the, the 00:18:06
changes. 00:18:12
Umm Oh, this is actually a good start to start with. Umm. 00:18:18
I just looked at how much landscaping they originally proposed, which was 37%, and they're as built. So what is there now? It's 00:18:22
29.5. So it is down quite a bit. But then if you look at the bottom, the total number of grass and shrubs increased almost double, 00:18:28
and same thing with trees, they've almost doubled that count as well. So while it is a less percentage of landscaping, it's 00:18:34
essentially a lot more quality of landscaping. 00:18:40
Umm so you can see less grass which is is also good umm. 00:18:48
A little bit less stone mulch, umm, fewer shrubs, but a lot more annual. Umm, no, like wild grasses, a ton of roses. Umm, and 00:18:52
you'll see that in the plan. It is, there's just a kind of plan. Good question. If there's less grass and stone mulch, then what's 00:18:59
the pavement sidewalk? OK, so here's this first quadrant and, and what I did is it's like that like game you play as a kid where 00:19:06
you have like 2 images and you have to find what's different. 00:19:13
That's what I did here to hopefully show you everything highlighted in red. 00:19:22
Is is technically different, Umm, not to say that it's it's bad or good, but it is just different. Umm, the list is as built less 00:19:25
is no less is what was proposed or what was approved. The right is going to be the as built Umm, and and also I would just went 00:19:33
there before this meeting. I took some pictures. Let me see if I can show you uh, well, let's stick with this umm, and, and I can 00:19:40
kind of go over these. So along with the the western side there umm, they had a large. 00:19:48
So I believe shrubs, they removed all those and just placed a tree. Then you have those six trees right there off to the right of 00:19:55
that. They replaced those with shrubs. So they kind of switch those. Umm, and you can see that in this picture here off to the 00:20:01
left, you'll see all those screens lining it and then you do see the shrubs off to the right. Umm, going back to this, which trees 00:20:08
are supposed to be next to the sidewalk then, correct? Yep. And now they're not right? Yep. 00:20:14
Umm, the next circles are going to be umm, these three umm, sidewalks pieces. 00:20:21
So essentially they were going to be connecting this development onto the sidewalk on the Center St. Instead they put up a six 00:20:29
foot rod iron fence. And so by doing that, it removes all that sidewalk and just put in umm, landscaping. So rather than the 00:20:35
sidewalk connecting here here, you know, it just kind of connects over this way and then down into this asphalt. 00:20:42
Umm, And they used to have some plantings here and they replaced that with this little like, almost like patio. It's just a 00:20:50
concrete area, umm. 00:20:54
And they wanna keep them from running out into Center Street. That fence does a really good job of that. Umm but also it does 00:21:30
really, you know, if somebody lives here in the first building and their kid goes to Franklin Elementary right over here, rather 00:21:35
than, you know, a little walk down the street, they're having to walk, or frankly, Dr. since their development to get to school. 00:21:40
Umm, But like I said, that's in the year. So we can discuss these conditions and I can propose them to them, umm, as part of this 00:21:45
approval. 00:21:51
Umm, other few things. The the buildings here in the middle kind of create this little courtyard. 00:21:57
Umm, what's what's really hard to see on the new plans is because there are so many plans, it's really hard to see umm, the 00:22:03
details. Where is this old plan? You know it has a big tree right here over here. It doesn't show it, but there is actually trees 00:22:10
in that area and I do have pictures of these little courtyards. Umm, but it is a little different. So there's one section. 00:22:17
That picture again and you can kind of see right here that that like cement concrete, sorry, concrete courtyard. 00:22:26
Umm, here's the next section. So you can see once again they have these sidewalks that they just removed. Umm, and then this area 00:22:35
right here, the landscaping is, is a little bit different. They, they don't have nearly as much in this quadrant as as what is 00:22:41
right here. 00:22:47
The next quadrant says to be the southwest once again, the same thing with the, the shrubs and trees that just kind of flipped 00:22:56
those. The courtyard here is a little bit different and I think the next part should have a picture of that courtyard to give you 00:23:02
an idea of what it looks like. Umm, some trees we're we're missing down here and then the, the sidewalk down here no longer 00:23:08
connects. Umm, which is a little strange because they do have parking right here. 00:23:14
Quite a bit of extra like desk parking and it doesn't connect at all. You have to like walk around a fence to get to it. Umm. 00:23:20
So here's that courtyard so you can see they they have trees all throughout the courtyards and it is landscaped rather well with 00:23:28
with some plants. Umm. 00:23:32
And then this is that last section, umm, same thing, you know, the sidewalk doesn't quite connect anymore. Umm, this retention 00:23:39
pond. At first I thought that that they removed all those streams, but as you can see, they, they have them on this. And so I went 00:23:44
there and took a picture and you can see that's actually planted a lot of trees around there, but the new plants just, it doesn't 00:23:50
look as big because they changed the shapes on them. 00:23:56
So. 00:24:02
That is all I have for them so we can have a discussion what what you guys would like to see if you do want to see some changes, 00:24:05
umm, I can run it by them and, and let them know that you know they, they want that bond back. We need to see some, some changes 00:24:10
if, if there are any so. 00:24:15
A couple of questions, if that's OK. Could you go to the slide that shows the table comparing the approved idea? So that's like 00:24:21
two, Yeah, umm. 00:24:25
So that's showing that the approved plan originally had 44 trees and they've already planted 77, correct? That's a significant 00:24:31
increase. Yeah, because at first I got really concerned seeing the percent landscape number go down this budget, right? But what 00:24:38
they're doing is decreasing graph, adding so many trees. 00:24:46
And a whole lot of annual. So, umm, while initially I would say I was really concerned that I'm looking at this a little bit more. 00:24:54
I'm going well, maybe I'm not as concerned. It's not so much a we're decreasing as it is for changing, right? Yeah. And, and as I 00:25:02
mentioned this, this is approved all the way back in 2016. And, and so a lot of things change. You know, I'm, I wouldn't describe 00:25:09
this as a whole new designer who did this well. And I wanna remind everyone that the way. 00:25:17
We think of how much water we use in irrigating grass is different now than it was absolutely as well. Umm. 00:25:24
So yeah, I don't wanna speak for everyone there, I just wanted to call that out that it is a big increase in your yeah one area 00:25:32
you can see like this is a good example. They had a lot of landscaping right up here and they removed those 3 trees and all the 00:25:39
landscaping and put hardscape in instead. So that's kind of those areas where why decreased 7% was was areas like that. And remind 00:25:46
me, are these umm, the, the townhomes? Are they gonna be on our occupied or are they rentals as of right now they. 00:25:54
Rentals umm, they still look at all one big flat or they individually platted you. They are individually platted and the majority 00:26:01
of these trees are in common area yes. So there's nature way or if there's nature way and they're they're working on there. I 00:26:08
think they might have the billing permit for their clubhouse that they're gonna start constructing soon. It's been noticed I'm 00:26:15
assuming OK, umm I that means also with all of this landscaping changes or. 00:26:21
Additions that they're doing, umm, maintenance of it and code enforcement in case tree dies. When we wanna, we wanna make sure. 00:26:29
We hold them to it to be a joy, not to the individual residents because it's something joy, right? And then there will always, 00:26:35
even if they do switch to a more owner occupied, umm, business model here once again, it would be that HOA that still maintains 00:26:42
all that common area. So I believe that clubhouse is maybe this lot right here. OK, that's where my comment. Thank you. Yeah, 00:26:48
they, they are individually private. So, uh, a couple of things, umm. 00:26:55
I will go back to the numbers of everything. 00:27:03
Umm, I do appreciate that there are more trees as far as the caliper of the trees, is it the same all 2 inch, which is our, umm, 00:27:08
minimum annual, uh, that's a huge number, but annual die every year We have to be replanted every single year. So that's kind of 00:27:14
let me, let me show you I might have. 00:27:20
I I might have missed. 00:27:27
With those numbers, are the majority of OK? 00:27:32
They're not animals, I mean, so I don't know plants that well. OK, I, I would've, no, I'm gonna say that's weird that they've 00:27:38
given you a number of annual. It's uh, in my defense, they're they originally just had like one of these labels, just like three. 00:27:44
I know that's not I need more description. OK, OK, alright, so here's yeah, this is a breakdown of of what there and you can see 00:27:51
things red, red bus, eastern and the blue spruce that make up those 77 trees. OK. 00:27:57
Yeah, O obviously our code enforcement officers can't go and count individual goals, right Flowers uh, could you speak 10 years 00:28:04
from now? What kind of enforcement is done to ensure the landscape plan is for the most part consistent with what we see here? 00:28:13
Yeah, unfortunately it is hard for us to to lever any tools to enforce that if. 00:28:21
Their if their landscaping is in compliance with our code, which our code pretty much says you can have we above 4 inches. 00:28:30
Umm, because what, what we essentially can do is if the development comes in and they submit this landscaping plan and it doesn't 00:28:35
meet our standards, you know, as, as I go out there and I can count every plant to make sure that they're, you know, planting all 00:28:41
1000 big lilies or whatever, we can hold them to it. We right, right. But and then essentially that's where we can hold it to 00:28:47
them. It's before we issue them that certifi certificate of occupancy. 00:28:52
If we don't do it before, then it is really hard to hold them to these standards to make sure that they put place all these trees 00:28:59
and they planted all these other plants. Umm, but our code enforcement, like I said, if, if the property starts to be in decline 00:29:06
and they aren't taking care of the plant, then then we are able to to issue some citations to get them to do stuff. But mostly 00:29:13
it's just make sure there's no weeds or trash. You know, we can't force them to replant all the trees that they've planted. 00:29:20
Umm, if they all died, we just don't have that in our code to to allow that. I, I can check with our attorney to see if there's 00:29:29
anything that yeah, that would allow us to approve a landscape time. Usually there's some power to enforce that landscape. Yeah. 00:29:35
I, I, I can look more into that to see if there's something that we could do. So biggest concern is with that many trees, right. 00:29:42
Once if it changes ownership, if it changes, manage management, making sure that they say, OK, well, rocks look good there. 00:29:49
Sure, sure. Umm, and I'm kind of bound to that. The applicant's not here umm, because I wanna know why they didn't make those 00:29:57
connections with sidewalk Uh, I. 00:30:03
I think that the connection should be there, but if they have some kind of reasoning that makes sense and. 00:30:08
And the team Patrick today by chance talk to you about these connections at all the that go from the the townhomes to Center 00:30:16
Street, they have the sidewalk. 00:30:20
Nothing. 00:30:26
We have investment. There's a six foot fence now. 00:30:29
Open up the fence and put in a gate. I would recommend putting in yeah we, we can put that as a condition that you need the exact 00:30:40
same sensing material and put it hinge on it yeah So yeah, if you wanted to see, you know, maybe one on the the north side here 00:30:46
and then one on the the east side here yeah we, we could do that as a condition. But yeah like I said, this comes down to uh, the 00:30:52
side plan that they followed on this like cash. This thing was like. 00:30:58
262016 yeah. How many eight years, eight years ago, the one that we're calling that, that, uh, site plan. And then the other 00:31:04
aspect on it would be that's, uh, doing, umm, sidewalk connection, sidewalk connections along there. Uh, I mean connections, uh, 00:31:11
through there. Uh, currently, uh, see, I think before, when it was done, the fence was Jacobi City maintained. And I'll tell you 00:31:19
what the city we want to have with you, uh, moving parts and so forth. 00:31:26
There, I think we're working with them, uh, to have that, uh, make sure that that fence is uh, maintained by, it's, it's not 00:31:34
already maintained by the HOA. How many entrances are there into the community, into the community itself, uh, into the 00:31:40
neighborhood. There's this one, essentially, there is this one down here, but it, I don't think it goes anywhere right now. So 00:31:47
this is that main entrance right here. 00:31:53
Yeah, the other aspect here again, it kinda comes down to the, uh, to the, the development so forth. So. 00:32:00
Having a sense sometimes having a fence right behind your uh, like umm. 00:32:07
Might kind of share a backyard, umm, may not be as attractive as well. Uh, and uh, I mean, people have personal preferences on, 00:32:14
you know, uh, access and so forth. Uh, I know my backyard where all the kids are going through. I've been not allowed out and my, 00:32:21
that's my personal, uh, my personal health. The original plan, did they have gates and they were removed? No, I don't believe 00:32:28
there's a fence on the original plan. My understanding is no, it has a public seat. 00:32:36
Additionally, I imagine public safety review the plans. 00:32:43
Back in 2016? I would hope so. That's before I think Verizon 2016. 00:32:47
So my reason for asking that is I'd love to hear Fryer's opinion on having them. So the, the whole development will it has the, 00:32:58
let's see if I, yeah, typically the fire, when the fire department, uh, reviews access and so forth, they review the main roads, 00:33:05
uh, through to be accessing it from off center St. uh, percentage. It was, uh, they were as long as, umm. 00:33:13
The fire department has access from the internal St. that's. 00:33:21
To our, uh, to keep to me and so forth and accessible by FI accessible for early fire trucks. Now there is oftentimes that the 00:33:54
those connections were not even noticeable from by anybody else. No vehicle, no productions. We even know that there was answers 00:34:01
there. The fire department was the ones who actually knew that it was back, way back entrance. I understand. I was just trying to 00:34:07
see if they waited on this and if there is sufficient. Yeah. 00:34:13
For the bill in the background, I mean, they do the billing permits every time they do the billing permits, uh, uh, regardless of 00:34:21
how old, uh, how old, uh. 00:34:25
May have been approved every time they pull billing permit. Uh, the fire department is required to review that, yeah. 00:34:29
So. 00:34:36
Either way. 00:34:37
And it's the fire department here in like my last fire departments where, uh, we ran our own vehicle maintenance, uh, repair shop. 00:34:39
Uh, I always have fire truck inside there because they decide to run into one bar another wall. I, I say for fun, the police 00:34:45
officers always have reason to run through cars. 00:34:51
So I guess another question I had, do you happen to have numbers of like how much square footage is landscaped square footage 00:35:00
versus how much isn't now? Because it seems like they added parking in some places that would have been so like a total site. Umm. 00:35:09
I don't think that this site plan let me actually pull this back up and see if this shows it. 00:35:19
Yeah, as you can see, like they added this parking right here and the ad built and that doesn't even exist in this section, umm, 00:35:30
on the, the, the approved plans, because I think that's part of the different pod. Umm and so this section, I don't believe they 00:35:36
added any additional parking and they removed landscaping for parking. Yeah, the only the part that I was just mostly noticing is 00:35:43
on the South side. 00:35:50
Development, They added angled parking where they had parallel parking. Oh, right here, right by building 12. Yeah. And I feel 00:35:58
like there's one more spot. 00:36:03
Adjust to the West of there. 00:36:10
Like the numbers don't make sense to me. 00:36:43
Uh, with. 00:36:48
If you go back to the numbers and everything, it shows the rock and the. 00:36:50
Stone mulch. Umm yeah, them getting rid of that much grass and stone also. I just wasn't seeing it, but let me. 00:36:55
This gives you a breakdown of the. 00:37:06
All of the the different types of UMM area within that and do they have that for both? I, I let me look to see if I can find that 00:37:10
real quick today UMM approved one. 00:37:15
OK, yeah, I see it. 00:37:32
I have salt on here. Yeah, I was gonna say, I think that they didn't include asphalt or hearts like sidewalks on there. 00:37:36
Umm. 00:37:48
Because you're right, I think that is a what, like a 16,000 square feet different. 00:37:53
And I'm, yeah, I'm, I don't wanna see. I'm not exactly sure where that that is made-up because I'm sure it's not just sidewalk, 00:38:00
OK. 00:38:04
And again, it would be awesome if the developer was here so that we could ask them these questions. Uh. 00:38:09
Do you guys have any questions? Uh, I just wanted to echo the connections question. Just I feel like that's something that I would 00:38:19
love to see more of in the city at in general and would love to know why those were related. And kind of on a similar note, I 00:38:27
don't know how updated this images on Google Maps, but just the one entrance that does exist, the sidewalk. 00:38:35
Comes in and then ends, and there's no great pedestrian access into the. 00:38:44
Into the development so you the sidewalk ends and then you have to looks like you have to go on the street and then through the 00:38:52
parking lot. So yeah, it does so it does look like looking at their plans here there this is the sidewalk you're talking about 00:38:59
just ends there and then to get into the development you're walking up the street. Yeah, there, yeah, yeah. So we can totally 00:39:07
include that. I don't know if that's something that can change, but I just would like to see essentially this is. 00:39:14
We we can put any conditions that that we feel would would improve this. 00:39:21
Umm, as they did, you know, do all this construction without following the original approval. Umm, So yeah, whatever, whatever you 00:39:26
guys think is best. I think. I mean, access to Center Street is one thing that I also think that if we could make the pedestrian 00:39:32
access on the main entrance that does exist better, then I think that would be a win too. Is there something in specific that you 00:39:38
want to see, whether it's like a crosswalk or something? I just think so is this. 00:39:45
This sidewalk right here, that is sidewalk, correct? Yep. So I I mean, even if this is connected into here so you don't have to. 00:39:52
I I don't know. I. 00:40:00
In my mind, it doesn't make great sense as a pedestrian. Like, if I'm gonna leave and take my dog on a walk, I'm probably just 00:40:02
gonna walk through those rocks anyway, Yeah, Instead of go around on the street to meet to the sidewalk, you know what I mean? So 00:40:08
I'd also be concerned about ADA access if I'm in a wheelchair to get to my unit. Yeah, I'm. I'm just looking out for them right 00:40:14
now. 00:40:20
They're really, there really isn't a lot of access like connection. Yeah. And even within once you're in there, yeah, kind of just 00:40:27
go out to the parking lot and then. Yeah. And and everything here is very much like garage loaded. Like they do have these 00:40:32
internal courtyards that, you know, if if somebody lives in this unit and you were to walk to visit them, you do have to like walk 00:40:37
through here. 00:40:43
As none of their front doors face the the external sure and then play with that. I, I, I think there's a place for those kind of 00:40:48
developments and that's pretty and so I have no problem with that. We just I'm concerned about everything that's been said here 00:40:56
everything. So it seems like we have a lot of conditions. I personally have personally, I would feel comfortable continuing it so 00:41:03
that the developer can actually be here. OK that or if you feel like you've heard. 00:41:11
Our concerns well umm could you have that initial discussion with them saying these are the concerns that well we would want to 00:41:18
well we definitely still move it I just want yeah yeah I yeah I could yeah if we wanted to to move it to the the following 00:41:26
Planning Commission meeting and I could tomorrow reach out to him and say hey there's some concerns that that were had umm and we 00:41:33
want to see improved pedestrians connectivity umm to center St. also I think it's just Cortana Lane is the name of the. 00:41:41
There, yeah, as well as how do pedestrians kind of enter into the development? Umm, we, we can absolutely do that and let yeah. 00:41:48
And I don't wanna speak for everyone, please disagree with me if you feel differently, but I'd say if they're able to make some of 00:41:55
those access improvements and walkability improvements, umm, then I wouldn't have a strong opinion on any of the landscape changes 00:42:01
that we're proposing. Yeah. 00:42:08
Uh, what do you guys think about that as as far as continuing it is? 00:42:15
Yeah, I think, I think getting some more clarity on on these items would be good and continue. 00:42:20
Uh, I move to continue to do I have to say to win or just the future meeting? Umm, we, we probably should say Dave, umm, as this 00:42:28
was an agenda item. Umm, and the next one will be May 1st. OK. I move to continue. What item number is it? 5.3 the orchard site 00:42:36
5.3 the orchard site plan to the next meeting on May 1st. 00:42:44
Do I have a second thank you, Kayden, Second thank you, Brad. All in favor. 00:42:54
All right, just just real quick, are these two points good enough for me to get going with them? Umm, connectivity to center and 00:42:59
Cortana, whether that's removed fence or put up a gate and and put in sidewalks, umm and then pedestrian safety entrance. So 00:43:05
figuring out whether that's put in some sidewalk or a crosswalk or whatever it may be to kind of let people flow into their ship 00:43:11
more safely. Yeah and if possible, if you could have some like square footage number I'm experiencing where that square before and 00:43:17
after. 00:43:23
Outage differences. So that didn't make sense. OK, I can do that. OK, alright, I have a clarification on a date for Wednesday and 00:43:29
continue to May 1st, May 1st, 2024. 00:43:36
OK. Uh, moving on to staff Commission and committee reports, does anybody have anything that they wanted to? 00:43:45
So I know that Anthony has something I have something request as well. Umm, today Anthony I went and Flyers neighborhoods we will 00:43:53
be having, uh, next week at uh, hopefully Kayden got one. I got one. Thank you. Hopefully looks good. Yeah, looks great. Umm, but 00:43:59
essentially, uh, next week the City Council will be voting, uh, to umm, purchase two lots in the Cottonwood neighborhood to put up 00:44:05
a fire house. 00:44:11
Umm And so that'll happen at City Council and then the following week, hopefully it'll be a finance on the 1st we will be doing a 00:44:18
site plan application. 00:44:23
For that Firehouse that use the Planning Commission overview, umm, you'll see the renderings of of the Firehouse kind of how that 00:44:28
function within the residential neighborhood. Umm, So yeah, we just invite, you know, any, any residents that are concerned about 00:44:35
this or want to learn more to, to come to, you know, City Council next week and planning session the following week. Cool. OK, so 00:44:42
Anthony, I'd like to be Anthony something as well. Alright, so, umm, yesterday I was hearing from the umm. 00:44:48
National APA conference. 00:44:55
We had that in Minneapolis and it was a great experience. I had the chance to meet with other partners from other cities 00:44:57
throughout the, you know, the country. Uh, there were great sessions that I believe, you know, I learned things that would help us 00:45:04
ready, help us as a city as we meddle through issues that we're working through, including, uh, you know, uh, you know, from 00:45:11
zoning all the way through to umm. 00:45:18
Code enforcement and how? 00:45:25
How these, you know, other bigger cities have dealt with issues, for example, we are as a city, those might come to you yet we are 00:45:27
doing some research on getting umm, scooters and you know, hopefully bikes in uh, to help with first mile, uh, you know, last 00:45:33
mile, umm, uh. 00:45:39
You know, trans transportation, micro mobility in the city, umm. 00:45:48
Like, like Salt Lake, you know, it was dumped on them, right? The companies just reached out to the city and just wanted to do 00:45:54
the, you know, the, umm, business in the city without Salt Lake City having any research done. That happened to many other big 00:46:02
cities in the country. So some there were sessions where some of them shared how they have had to mitigate these issues. 00:46:10
That the scooters and bikes, uh, came with, you know? 00:46:19
And so the other cities that also share how they planned before these things were allowed to come into the city. And that's what 00:46:24
we're trying to do just so that we don't have issues like these other big cities had. So the these and many other umm, ways to 00:46:30
make our city run better from the planning perspective, where things that I learned that I hope to share with the rest of the team 00:46:36
and many more. 00:46:43
Thank you, that makes sense. 00:46:49
I realize I have a, a few more things, umm, next week we actually have a pretty busy week in the city. On Tuesday we will be doing 00:46:52
an open house, umm, kinda have town hall here at uh, City Hall. It is for the lakefront at Town Center, Villas Springs, Providence 00:46:59
Deluxe, Tukaro Preserve, Cascade and Solstice neighborhoods, the kind of the, the northern umm, residents neighborhoods here. Umm, 00:47:06
we're gonna have hopefully a few and council members here. We're gonna have some staff members here, umm, just to address. 00:47:14
And concerns that people may have in those neighborhoods, umm, as well as that night, I believe this is an impact Vineyard, uh, 00:47:21
award. Umm, and then Wednesday, oh, Wednesday is that City Council meeting with the fire station Firehouse. Umm, and then Thursday 00:47:27
is the impact Vineyard fair at, I believe it's a freedom elementary. I could be wrong. Umm, but that one, uh, just each of the 00:47:33
commissions, each of the, uh, departments has a little table at Freedom elementary and we just kind of go over what we're working 00:47:39
on. People can come and ask. 00:47:45
About, you know, the master plans that we're looking on kind of what what goes on a Planning Commission or a bicycle geyser 00:47:52
Commission, Umm, and it should be a good time so. 00:47:56
Any updated on the Postal Service box? I so Anthony is like the most charismatic man I know. So I asked him I can do it. And I 00:48:01
think he's getting to the same place I did where they, they tell us they're running a study every time and that's it. They're 00:48:08
like, we're waiting on the results from the study. So I don't know if they've told you anything different. So last time I was 00:48:15
available earlier this year and I was, you know. 00:48:21
I told them I'm not moving until I have some real news, so I was there for a while. 00:48:29
So they had the manager come out and you know, speak to me after some time. Now what they the reason why they've been drug 00:48:34
intestine is they don't wanna put a new box here. 00:48:39
Because most of our neighborhoods have the umm, the mail in boxes that have an outgoing umm mail thing in it. So it's not a big 00:48:45
case for them. And my argument has been we need one of the City Hall at least for people that come in or want to just, you know, I 00:48:51
know probably not part of these neighborhoods. I want to build stuff. And they said that they have made again as cash there, you 00:48:58
know, having a study. 00:49:05
To move. 00:49:12
A box that's not being as utilized as they want it to be. Umm, to our city. Hopefully. Umm, they said that should be completed 00:49:14
sometime. 00:49:19
In, you know, June. So I've given them some time. I haven't pushed yet, but I could probably go push them a little bit more so 00:49:26
they know Jenna's getting close, OK. 00:49:30
Alright, cool. Thank you Anthony. Thanks guys. Anything else? Just a couple of updates on our side. Umm, so the next phase of Utah 00:49:35
City downtown has started at uh, phase 2C. Uh, the utilities are being installed, uh, there, uh, right now. Umm, so that's, that's 00:49:43
just the phase just north of where they're building those buildings right now. OK, umm, and uh, they're kind of getting close on, 00:49:50
on starting the park area. 00:49:58
Between them as well umm Also U dot has identified a trail lung in your connector as a high priority trail for them. So it it's a 00:50:06
trail that will connect uh. 00:50:12
Uh, the, the lake trail, umm, come up by 300 W uh, to Vineyard connector and then follow vignette connector up to basically to the 00:50:18
Interstate. OK, Umm, so that's a high priority for them. So that's, that's just starting planning, uh, cases, but OK, very cool. 00:50:26
That's coming up Great. Umm, And then I just have a question about, uh, I don't know if it's phase three of Utah City or, but they 00:50:33
have to have a parking plan for the entire development. 00:50:41
And for, for everybody here, umm, and hopefully once we figure that out, then they can start enforcing the parking over there 00:52:19
because those streets, the streets, you know, the front or they're all private. Umm, so, you know, if I grow up tonight, wanted to 00:52:26
say they don't want anybody parked there. They could, you know, take some action, but they haven't. It says, uh, front runner UTA 00:52:34
MMM. Do they have any plans of having more parking? And do they know that that parking lot is full every day? Uh, they, they are. 00:52:41
I, I, I think every person I've talked to, they're very impressed with the success of, of the Vineyard station. Umm, I don't think 00:52:49
they have any plans to increase the amount of parking there yet. I, I could be wrong. I've heard more long term plans say that 00:52:56
again, I, I've heard there's more long term plans for both marking there. But yeah, yeah, as development, uh, happens around it, 00:53:04
they'll add parking. OK, OK. Umm, just curious real quick, I can show you this. 00:53:11
We can start on design and it's a construction in 2025. And is that like an asphalt trail then I assume? Yeah, they said that they 00:53:49
this is a new initiative by the the governor. Umm, and I don't think they have their standards yet of, of what they want these 00:53:57
trucks to look like, but I think they said they're aiming for a 10 foot minimum. So they wouldn't do anything less than that. And 00:54:04
that'll go up over the upper pass I assume yeah. So one, one thing they brought up is that they they really don't like. 00:54:11
Uh, the switch back that, that are there, umm, and so they said their trail alignment would actually bypass that and just keep 00:54:19
going down the, the South side there. Umm, we're actually also looking at, at designing a little pocket part here, Tucker Row. And 00:54:25
part of that will also be kind of figuring out how to better align that switch back and, and landscape that, that section. So we 00:54:30
can hopefully work with the Utah trail network people to create a really cool kind of interchange there between the two trails. 00:54:36
Cool. 00:54:41
Platforms like that, completely detached from the road. Yeah, Yep. 00:54:48
That'd be great if it is part of the greater system, if there's a pocket park there that I love the idea of having to move like 00:54:54
amenities there. Yeah, I, I think we're, we've requested budget for this upcoming, uh, fiscal year to get the designs for this 00:55:01
park. Umm, especially as the, the water pipeline project here is finishing up and they're, umm, finally gonna hopefully put that 00:55:08
app back in soon in the next few weeks. 00:55:14
Umm, and then from there we can look at what we can do to, to really improve that area. We, we have gone through all the processes 00:55:22
to get, take over ownership of that land from the HOA though. 00:55:27
Umm, I believe that's all taken care of right now. So the city. 00:55:32
Yeah, it's being finalized right now where the city will will own it. And then from there we can work on these designs and 00:55:38
implementing it. OK, cool. Yeah, pretty cool to have if the switch back goes away and we decide to do asphalt air that connects to 00:55:44
that trail that runs along the railroad and to do some switchbacks so longboard on there. 00:55:50
OK, cool. Thank you guys so much, Uh, if that's everything. 00:55:59
Then we'll join the meeting. Thank you guys. 00:56:04
Cool. 00:56:31
Yeah, yeah. We've been in a lot of the other parts that we've approved. We've been doing kind of the same thing where there's like 00:56:37
like along the lake, we're doing little pockets along the trail. 00:56:42
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OK, very cool. Welcome everybody. This is in your Planning Commission. I am standing in for K Edmondson, who is absent at the 00:00:00
meeting today. Umm, it is April 17th and it is 6:02 PM. Uh, we'll get right into things. I will give us an invocation and, uh, 00:00:08
budget allegiance, alright. 00:00:15
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:24
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:30
Thank you. 00:00:38
Generally, father, we're thankful that we could be here today to discuss the things that concern our city. Please watch this will 00:00:42
feel inspired as to the things that we need to do. We're thankful for those that are invested in the city that are, uh, trying to 00:00:47
make this better place. We're thankful for, uh, those that volunteer their time and efforts and especially our umm, police force 00:00:53
and fire. Uh, please bless them. We love you and we save these things and the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:00:59
All right, moving straight into public comments, Is there any public comments you can come up to the microphone? Have any comment? 00:01:06
No. All right, we'll move into no consent items, business items 5.1, the GRMU office building site plan. 00:01:13
OK, perfect. I have, I think I have all three items and I still, OK, brief presentation here just to give you some context of this 00:01:22
plan and, uh, just as an update from the staff report, I've received some updated documents on the site plan and landscaping. So 00:01:29
what you'll see here should be the most up to date accurate, umm, as to what has been committed. Uh, here's context for this. 00:01:36
Where this location will be, it'll be I, I believe two blocks north of the Mr. Car wash right on Team Road off to the West. 00:01:43
We're gonna have that Edgewater residential parking lot that they're working on right now. Umm, and then we just got a site plan 00:01:51
for a, uh, auto parts store to be right here on the north side of the car wash. Another auto parts. Yeah, OK, so. 00:01:58
Uh, to three blocks north of O'Reilly. So they said they like to be three each other. 3 units, yes, 3. 00:02:06
So, and then directly north is, will be the, umm, office building, right? So here is the site plan for the like, like I said, it's 00:02:15
most updated. Umm, what you saw on the Stockport didn't include this, uh, little landscape island in the parking lot. Umm, one of 00:02:21
the original conditions of approval was they weren't provided the 20% site landscaping. Umm, and so they did take out some parking 00:02:28
to accommodate that back here. Umm, and then they had to adjust some of the parking here. 00:02:34
As well as they shifted the building and then you'll see right here they have the bike racks right in front of the building. Umm, 00:02:41
as far as the site goes, they do have the, the zone. It's the DRMU does require a 15 foot uh, step back from Geneva road and 00:02:48
they've provided that umm and it's all landscaped and looks really nice. Umm, one of the, the conditions of approval that I have 00:02:56
on umm is about creating some sort of entrance off of Geneva Rd. Umm that will mostly be for like employees of. 00:03:03
When we get that trail and we can work on connecting all of these, OK, Umm. 00:03:41
Anyways, so like I said, feel free to stop me when, whenever, on any sides. If you do have any questions, here is the landscaping 00:03:47
page. Well, oh, sorry, I I have questions related to parking. I wanna make sure you're Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, you can. Thanks. 00:03:53
Umm, real quick, uh, total number of parking spaces, uh, I believe 73 and that uh, requirement is 71. So there are two above the 00:04:00
requirements, Perfect. And that's the standard for any office building, correct? Yeah. Regard, umm, regardless of what tenants 00:04:07
might be there, correct? Yeah. We, we have kind of a shell like office, uh, use in our parking code. I believe that's one for 250, 00:04:15
uh, square feet of interior use. Perfect. Thanks. Yeah and they, they original, the original plan did so I think 83 parking. 00:04:22
So like I said, with shifting the building and this landscape island back here, they did move out on some of them, but they're 00:04:30
still above the code on that. 00:04:34
As far as landscaping goes, they may not meet the code. They've done it really well, a really good job of of surrounding the 00:04:39
building with great quality landscaping that meets our our standards. Umm, to the West here we do have that parking lot that will 00:04:45
also have a four foot landscape buffer as well as a fence that they will border up against umm. 00:04:51
But besides that, uh, yeah, it, it overall looks great on the landscaping. What kind of fence are they doing on that side? On 00:04:58
which one? On the West side? Uh, I believe it's a raw iron on the, the, it's the parking lot. They're the ones who have to put in 00:05:04
the Oh, they're the ones. Yeah, Yep. 00:05:09
So here's some elevations of the building. Umm, one thing in the DRMU that does require the ground floor to get to contain at 00:05:19
least 30%, uh, transparent glass. And they've met that requirement here. 00:05:24
Time if it's lit up by like 10:00 PM or something like that. 00:05:59
Umm, so the South and the north elevation. So the South elevation will have two, uh, ground floor entrances in the north elevation 00:06:05
will have one entrance. 00:06:11
And then here's the E salvation facing Geneva Rd. Umm, as you can see, there's, there's not an entrance on this yet. That's why 00:06:18
place places as a condition of approval. Umm, and then we'll work with them when they submit building permit to get an update on 00:06:23
that. 00:06:27
That reflects that 15 foot genuine Rd. set back and the 20% requirement and they've done that as well. So then the other two that 00:07:04
that we're including is an updated elevation page and site plan with each pedestrian walkway and entrance. Umm, and we'll have 00:07:09
that we're, we're requesting to have that prior to the issuance, so the building permit. And then the last one, another kind of 00:07:15
standard one that all site lighting will be downlet and light poles may not extend above 20 feet, which these current lines are, 00:07:20
uh, compliant with. So. 00:07:25
That is all I have if you guys have any questions. Applicant is also here. I don't know if they've joined on teams yet or not. 00:07:32
Alright. 00:07:38
Oh, I'm in a meeting alone. Mm-hmm. 00:07:42
Maybe I sent them the wrong link, but it, it, if you could, umm, on the slides refer to the site plan again and can you indicate 00:07:45
where that eastern pedestrian walkway and entrance is again? So we're, we're still in discussions with them of where that would 00:07:53
best fit with the intended use. Umm, just how they split up the ground floor. Umm, and that'll happen usually at, at the building 00:08:00
plans that they do the tenant improvements. They're gonna figure out how they wanna break up that ground floor, umm, and which. 00:08:08
Umm, kind of side of the building would be best fit for that. OK, I, I'm, so it's, uh, just an entrance to the building and the 00:08:16
eastern pedestrian walkway is just kind of a protected way to walk through the parking lot. And so, so the, sorry, the, the 00:08:22
walkway is just gonna be, you know, a little bit of sidewalk weather. If you know, the door to the building is gonna be right 00:08:28
here. It's a little sidewalk. It just goes out to that future trail. 00:08:34
That their own consultant someday. Can you show the overall, umm, the map one of your earlier slides? Oh the contact, yes, thank 00:08:41
you. 00:08:46
Yep. So OK. Yep, that's context I needed. Thank you. Yep. 00:09:21
Don't have any questions. 00:09:25
No, any other questions? OK, I don't have any questions. I think building looks good. Uh, do I have a motion? Umm, do you need to? 00:09:27
Is this a public hearing? It's not No. OK umm, then I have a page here. I think that's good. Uh, I, yeah, I'll make the motion. 00:09:35
I'll move to approve, uh, the GRMU office building site plan application as requested by Joe 70 with Office Development Group with 00:09:42
the proposed. 00:09:50
Uh, conditions of approval that were shown tonight, including the two that were stripped off perfect. Do you have a second second 00:09:58
all in favor? Aye, that passes. So just for the applicant, I will send you a letter hopefully tomorrow, five time, umm, just kind 00:10:04
of outlining the next steps in the process. So. 00:10:10
You're all good. Cool. Thank you. 00:10:17
Moving on to item 5.2, the Eastlake Warehouse Lot 1 site plan. Alright. 00:10:26
And once again, we do have our applicants here, uh, Brett and Chris. 00:10:32
So here's a site contact of where we're talking, umm, off screen over here in the top left is the power plant that helps you. Umm, 00:10:37
so we have 1750 is kind of that main road view, and this is where these two buildings will front. 00:10:43
So here are the two buildings that they're proposing for the site plan. It'll be two warehouse buildings. Umm, I believe it's 00:10:50
totaling, umm, just under 115,000 square feet of warehouse space. Umm, once again with our parking, we kind of have a, a shell 00:10:57
building, umm, standard that I think it's one per 300 square feet of space in that parking stall. And they're, I think 20 or 30 00:11:05
stalls above that. They're providing umm, adequate parking, you could say umm. 00:11:12
For the site. 00:11:20
Umm, here's their landscaping plan. Umm, it it meets our standards. They're going to currently actually, if you drive up there 00:11:23
right now or bike up there. 00:11:28
Orvac, however you wanna get up there, uh, there, there is currently a fence along this road and they're gonna be taking out that 00:11:34
fence and they're gonna be putting up a, a three foot berm and then putting in all this landscaping there to, to shield it. Umm, 00:11:40
our code does require like all these parking, umm, spaces are shielded and they've done a, a good job of that. Umm, as far as how 00:11:45
the site will work, you do have three points of access to the building. So you'll have the, the westernmost, the center and the 00:11:51
eastern. 00:11:56
And the center one is is mostly going to be for semi truck traffic. 00:12:02
Because they have all the loading dock facing the, the center of the two buildings. So most employees or visitors will be using 00:12:06
these two other entrances. Umm, one thing that we did want to talk about, umm, and, and we have been kind of working with them and 00:12:12
we've put this just as a conditional approval so that we can umm, figure out the best way to do this is figure out this access 00:12:17
point at the center. Umm, if you'll notice to the north, we have two other access points onto 1750 Umm, and then we have this S 00:12:23
curve in on the road. 00:12:29
Hard to, to align umm to either one of these up here as that would be kind of the preferred method. But as you can see, it's 00:13:05
really hard to do that. Umm, and if you go along 1750, frankly, none of the businesses, none of the access points are aligned umm. 00:13:12
So we're, we're just trying to make it as, as safe as possible. 00:13:18
Umm, OK, so here are the elevations and I will note the question, Yeah. 00:13:26
UMM have traffic studies and are returning radius studies been completed to make sure that semi trucks can handle that term 00:13:31
turning left or right? 00:13:34
We run them down there all day every day. That's a good, that's a, that's a better study than what you do in cats. So I think 00:13:39
that's fine. 00:13:43
Yeah, that, that road is very wide, 1750 is. 00:13:50
Very well. 00:13:54
They did a fine job. 00:13:57
OK, No, I just wanted that on record that it can handle that. That's great. Thanks. OK, so here here are the elevations for the 00:13:59
buildings. I will note the blue there is just windows, it is not blue paint. I just want to make sure that. 00:14:06
Umm, so as you can see, it's, it's pretty standard for the buildings that are up there. Umm, they have a good use of changes of, 00:14:14
of height of the building of, of materials of, of color. They've included the awnings there as well. And it meets our standards 00:14:20
for the, the zoning district. 00:14:25
And so here's the condition of approval once again, those same three, uh, paying the outstanding fees and red line corrections are 00:14:32
subject to all federal, state and local laws. They must reserve all ADA requirements. 00:14:38
Umm, and then here's that, uh, the applicant will work with the engineering department to determine a safe location of the center 00:14:44
Dr. access off 1750 N prior to the issuance of building permit. Umm, and then the last one they just told me is they walked into 00:14:51
this building. Is there, we want them to submit an updated site plan with the required bicycle parking in each building. And they, 00:14:57
I think just emailed it to me prior to this meeting. So I should have that, but we can keep into the condition and it's fine. So. 00:15:04
Do you guys have any questions? No, any more questions for me? 00:15:16
No, I, I, I failed to think the last applicant. I'm sorry, but thank you guys. Umm, being responsive to staff comments and. 00:15:21
Something pretty a good job. I do wanna ask, uh, do you guys have a rough estimate of when you do wanna start construction and 00:15:29
tomorrow, OK. 00:15:33
So we're gonna put this off? 00:15:39
We'll continue this. 00:15:45
My son went to the, uh, what was three, uh, halfway open up on the 1003. Yeah, yeah. So. So yeah, it'll work for you soon. Yeah. 00:15:47
It's gotta be your family, right? No, but what? 00:15:54
Yeah, well, the reason I wanna thank you for this is some people might not look at like warehouse type things as saying, oh, 00:16:03
that's the sexiest settlement to come into our city, but it's jobs and you know, and that's the most important thing right now. 00:16:09
And so that's why I will always support, uh, things like that because diversity of jobs brings diversity of community and that's 00:16:15
whatever community drives on. So thank you for that. So with that, I, I do move to approve this. 00:16:22
Mm-hmm. 00:16:29
That's why I wanna make sure you hear it. 00:16:31
So I move to approve the East Lake warehouse, uh, Lot 1 site plan application as requested by uh, Chris Kephart and Brett Wood 00:16:35
with the conditions of approval that have been presented by staff tonight. Awesome. Thank you. Nate. Do I have a second? 00:16:41
Second Brad all in favor Aye, aye. All right, cool. Thank you guys once again I'll I'll send you guys a letter just an e-mail that 00:16:50
outline some of the next step you guys know what to do on that so. 00:16:56
OK. Thank you. Have a good night. All right, moving on to 5.3, the Orchard site plan amendment, we have cruising for you. 00:17:03
That's what it doesn't look like the applicant is here, unfortunately. Umm, this is 30 more conditions. So this is home center 00:17:12
construction. We have uh, Michaelson, umm, and then Karen's playmaker, I believe is the applicant here. Umm, so a little 00:17:18
background on this site plan amendment is back. Uh, a few months ago they were requesting some certificate, certificates of 00:17:24
occupancy on the townhomes, umm, that are just off the center street right by the center St. overpass. Umm, and as Anthony and I 00:17:30
went out there to do our inspection. 00:17:36
We know that the landscaping was completely different than what was approved back in 2016, so. 00:17:42
Price So we, we held them up on, on that, uh, certificate of occupancy until they get the pipeline amendment approved or they 00:17:50
provided a bond and they, they did go with the bond. This is something we, I don't think we can do anymore. Umm, so they didn't 00:17:55
provide that bond and essentially they want their money back. Umm, and so we're just gonna go over the, the landscaping here. What 00:18:01
I did is I broke this up into full quadrant because it's, it's a very detailed plan and that way you can kind of see the, the 00:18:06
changes. 00:18:12
Umm Oh, this is actually a good start to start with. Umm. 00:18:18
I just looked at how much landscaping they originally proposed, which was 37%, and they're as built. So what is there now? It's 00:18:22
29.5. So it is down quite a bit. But then if you look at the bottom, the total number of grass and shrubs increased almost double, 00:18:28
and same thing with trees, they've almost doubled that count as well. So while it is a less percentage of landscaping, it's 00:18:34
essentially a lot more quality of landscaping. 00:18:40
Umm so you can see less grass which is is also good umm. 00:18:48
A little bit less stone mulch, umm, fewer shrubs, but a lot more annual. Umm, no, like wild grasses, a ton of roses. Umm, and 00:18:52
you'll see that in the plan. It is, there's just a kind of plan. Good question. If there's less grass and stone mulch, then what's 00:18:59
the pavement sidewalk? OK, so here's this first quadrant and, and what I did is it's like that like game you play as a kid where 00:19:06
you have like 2 images and you have to find what's different. 00:19:13
That's what I did here to hopefully show you everything highlighted in red. 00:19:22
Is is technically different, Umm, not to say that it's it's bad or good, but it is just different. Umm, the list is as built less 00:19:25
is no less is what was proposed or what was approved. The right is going to be the as built Umm, and and also I would just went 00:19:33
there before this meeting. I took some pictures. Let me see if I can show you uh, well, let's stick with this umm, and, and I can 00:19:40
kind of go over these. So along with the the western side there umm, they had a large. 00:19:48
So I believe shrubs, they removed all those and just placed a tree. Then you have those six trees right there off to the right of 00:19:55
that. They replaced those with shrubs. So they kind of switch those. Umm, and you can see that in this picture here off to the 00:20:01
left, you'll see all those screens lining it and then you do see the shrubs off to the right. Umm, going back to this, which trees 00:20:08
are supposed to be next to the sidewalk then, correct? Yep. And now they're not right? Yep. 00:20:14
Umm, the next circles are going to be umm, these three umm, sidewalks pieces. 00:20:21
So essentially they were going to be connecting this development onto the sidewalk on the Center St. Instead they put up a six 00:20:29
foot rod iron fence. And so by doing that, it removes all that sidewalk and just put in umm, landscaping. So rather than the 00:20:35
sidewalk connecting here here, you know, it just kind of connects over this way and then down into this asphalt. 00:20:42
Umm, And they used to have some plantings here and they replaced that with this little like, almost like patio. It's just a 00:20:50
concrete area, umm. 00:20:54
And they wanna keep them from running out into Center Street. That fence does a really good job of that. Umm but also it does 00:21:30
really, you know, if somebody lives here in the first building and their kid goes to Franklin Elementary right over here, rather 00:21:35
than, you know, a little walk down the street, they're having to walk, or frankly, Dr. since their development to get to school. 00:21:40
Umm, But like I said, that's in the year. So we can discuss these conditions and I can propose them to them, umm, as part of this 00:21:45
approval. 00:21:51
Umm, other few things. The the buildings here in the middle kind of create this little courtyard. 00:21:57
Umm, what's what's really hard to see on the new plans is because there are so many plans, it's really hard to see umm, the 00:22:03
details. Where is this old plan? You know it has a big tree right here over here. It doesn't show it, but there is actually trees 00:22:10
in that area and I do have pictures of these little courtyards. Umm, but it is a little different. So there's one section. 00:22:17
That picture again and you can kind of see right here that that like cement concrete, sorry, concrete courtyard. 00:22:26
Umm, here's the next section. So you can see once again they have these sidewalks that they just removed. Umm, and then this area 00:22:35
right here, the landscaping is, is a little bit different. They, they don't have nearly as much in this quadrant as as what is 00:22:41
right here. 00:22:47
The next quadrant says to be the southwest once again, the same thing with the, the shrubs and trees that just kind of flipped 00:22:56
those. The courtyard here is a little bit different and I think the next part should have a picture of that courtyard to give you 00:23:02
an idea of what it looks like. Umm, some trees we're we're missing down here and then the, the sidewalk down here no longer 00:23:08
connects. Umm, which is a little strange because they do have parking right here. 00:23:14
Quite a bit of extra like desk parking and it doesn't connect at all. You have to like walk around a fence to get to it. Umm. 00:23:20
So here's that courtyard so you can see they they have trees all throughout the courtyards and it is landscaped rather well with 00:23:28
with some plants. Umm. 00:23:32
And then this is that last section, umm, same thing, you know, the sidewalk doesn't quite connect anymore. Umm, this retention 00:23:39
pond. At first I thought that that they removed all those streams, but as you can see, they, they have them on this. And so I went 00:23:44
there and took a picture and you can see that's actually planted a lot of trees around there, but the new plants just, it doesn't 00:23:50
look as big because they changed the shapes on them. 00:23:56
So. 00:24:02
That is all I have for them so we can have a discussion what what you guys would like to see if you do want to see some changes, 00:24:05
umm, I can run it by them and, and let them know that you know they, they want that bond back. We need to see some, some changes 00:24:10
if, if there are any so. 00:24:15
A couple of questions, if that's OK. Could you go to the slide that shows the table comparing the approved idea? So that's like 00:24:21
two, Yeah, umm. 00:24:25
So that's showing that the approved plan originally had 44 trees and they've already planted 77, correct? That's a significant 00:24:31
increase. Yeah, because at first I got really concerned seeing the percent landscape number go down this budget, right? But what 00:24:38
they're doing is decreasing graph, adding so many trees. 00:24:46
And a whole lot of annual. So, umm, while initially I would say I was really concerned that I'm looking at this a little bit more. 00:24:54
I'm going well, maybe I'm not as concerned. It's not so much a we're decreasing as it is for changing, right? Yeah. And, and as I 00:25:02
mentioned this, this is approved all the way back in 2016. And, and so a lot of things change. You know, I'm, I wouldn't describe 00:25:09
this as a whole new designer who did this well. And I wanna remind everyone that the way. 00:25:17
We think of how much water we use in irrigating grass is different now than it was absolutely as well. Umm. 00:25:24
So yeah, I don't wanna speak for everyone there, I just wanted to call that out that it is a big increase in your yeah one area 00:25:32
you can see like this is a good example. They had a lot of landscaping right up here and they removed those 3 trees and all the 00:25:39
landscaping and put hardscape in instead. So that's kind of those areas where why decreased 7% was was areas like that. And remind 00:25:46
me, are these umm, the, the townhomes? Are they gonna be on our occupied or are they rentals as of right now they. 00:25:54
Rentals umm, they still look at all one big flat or they individually platted you. They are individually platted and the majority 00:26:01
of these trees are in common area yes. So there's nature way or if there's nature way and they're they're working on there. I 00:26:08
think they might have the billing permit for their clubhouse that they're gonna start constructing soon. It's been noticed I'm 00:26:15
assuming OK, umm I that means also with all of this landscaping changes or. 00:26:21
Additions that they're doing, umm, maintenance of it and code enforcement in case tree dies. When we wanna, we wanna make sure. 00:26:29
We hold them to it to be a joy, not to the individual residents because it's something joy, right? And then there will always, 00:26:35
even if they do switch to a more owner occupied, umm, business model here once again, it would be that HOA that still maintains 00:26:42
all that common area. So I believe that clubhouse is maybe this lot right here. OK, that's where my comment. Thank you. Yeah, 00:26:48
they, they are individually private. So, uh, a couple of things, umm. 00:26:55
I will go back to the numbers of everything. 00:27:03
Umm, I do appreciate that there are more trees as far as the caliper of the trees, is it the same all 2 inch, which is our, umm, 00:27:08
minimum annual, uh, that's a huge number, but annual die every year We have to be replanted every single year. So that's kind of 00:27:14
let me, let me show you I might have. 00:27:20
I I might have missed. 00:27:27
With those numbers, are the majority of OK? 00:27:32
They're not animals, I mean, so I don't know plants that well. OK, I, I would've, no, I'm gonna say that's weird that they've 00:27:38
given you a number of annual. It's uh, in my defense, they're they originally just had like one of these labels, just like three. 00:27:44
I know that's not I need more description. OK, OK, alright, so here's yeah, this is a breakdown of of what there and you can see 00:27:51
things red, red bus, eastern and the blue spruce that make up those 77 trees. OK. 00:27:57
Yeah, O obviously our code enforcement officers can't go and count individual goals, right Flowers uh, could you speak 10 years 00:28:04
from now? What kind of enforcement is done to ensure the landscape plan is for the most part consistent with what we see here? 00:28:13
Yeah, unfortunately it is hard for us to to lever any tools to enforce that if. 00:28:21
Their if their landscaping is in compliance with our code, which our code pretty much says you can have we above 4 inches. 00:28:30
Umm, because what, what we essentially can do is if the development comes in and they submit this landscaping plan and it doesn't 00:28:35
meet our standards, you know, as, as I go out there and I can count every plant to make sure that they're, you know, planting all 00:28:41
1000 big lilies or whatever, we can hold them to it. We right, right. But and then essentially that's where we can hold it to 00:28:47
them. It's before we issue them that certifi certificate of occupancy. 00:28:52
If we don't do it before, then it is really hard to hold them to these standards to make sure that they put place all these trees 00:28:59
and they planted all these other plants. Umm, but our code enforcement, like I said, if, if the property starts to be in decline 00:29:06
and they aren't taking care of the plant, then then we are able to to issue some citations to get them to do stuff. But mostly 00:29:13
it's just make sure there's no weeds or trash. You know, we can't force them to replant all the trees that they've planted. 00:29:20
Umm, if they all died, we just don't have that in our code to to allow that. I, I can check with our attorney to see if there's 00:29:29
anything that yeah, that would allow us to approve a landscape time. Usually there's some power to enforce that landscape. Yeah. 00:29:35
I, I, I can look more into that to see if there's something that we could do. So biggest concern is with that many trees, right. 00:29:42
Once if it changes ownership, if it changes, manage management, making sure that they say, OK, well, rocks look good there. 00:29:49
Sure, sure. Umm, and I'm kind of bound to that. The applicant's not here umm, because I wanna know why they didn't make those 00:29:57
connections with sidewalk Uh, I. 00:30:03
I think that the connection should be there, but if they have some kind of reasoning that makes sense and. 00:30:08
And the team Patrick today by chance talk to you about these connections at all the that go from the the townhomes to Center 00:30:16
Street, they have the sidewalk. 00:30:20
Nothing. 00:30:26
We have investment. There's a six foot fence now. 00:30:29
Open up the fence and put in a gate. I would recommend putting in yeah we, we can put that as a condition that you need the exact 00:30:40
same sensing material and put it hinge on it yeah So yeah, if you wanted to see, you know, maybe one on the the north side here 00:30:46
and then one on the the east side here yeah we, we could do that as a condition. But yeah like I said, this comes down to uh, the 00:30:52
side plan that they followed on this like cash. This thing was like. 00:30:58
262016 yeah. How many eight years, eight years ago, the one that we're calling that, that, uh, site plan. And then the other 00:31:04
aspect on it would be that's, uh, doing, umm, sidewalk connection, sidewalk connections along there. Uh, I mean connections, uh, 00:31:11
through there. Uh, currently, uh, see, I think before, when it was done, the fence was Jacobi City maintained. And I'll tell you 00:31:19
what the city we want to have with you, uh, moving parts and so forth. 00:31:26
There, I think we're working with them, uh, to have that, uh, make sure that that fence is uh, maintained by, it's, it's not 00:31:34
already maintained by the HOA. How many entrances are there into the community, into the community itself, uh, into the 00:31:40
neighborhood. There's this one, essentially, there is this one down here, but it, I don't think it goes anywhere right now. So 00:31:47
this is that main entrance right here. 00:31:53
Yeah, the other aspect here again, it kinda comes down to the, uh, to the, the development so forth. So. 00:32:00
Having a sense sometimes having a fence right behind your uh, like umm. 00:32:07
Might kind of share a backyard, umm, may not be as attractive as well. Uh, and uh, I mean, people have personal preferences on, 00:32:14
you know, uh, access and so forth. Uh, I know my backyard where all the kids are going through. I've been not allowed out and my, 00:32:21
that's my personal, uh, my personal health. The original plan, did they have gates and they were removed? No, I don't believe 00:32:28
there's a fence on the original plan. My understanding is no, it has a public seat. 00:32:36
Additionally, I imagine public safety review the plans. 00:32:43
Back in 2016? I would hope so. That's before I think Verizon 2016. 00:32:47
So my reason for asking that is I'd love to hear Fryer's opinion on having them. So the, the whole development will it has the, 00:32:58
let's see if I, yeah, typically the fire, when the fire department, uh, reviews access and so forth, they review the main roads, 00:33:05
uh, through to be accessing it from off center St. uh, percentage. It was, uh, they were as long as, umm. 00:33:13
The fire department has access from the internal St. that's. 00:33:21
To our, uh, to keep to me and so forth and accessible by FI accessible for early fire trucks. Now there is oftentimes that the 00:33:54
those connections were not even noticeable from by anybody else. No vehicle, no productions. We even know that there was answers 00:34:01
there. The fire department was the ones who actually knew that it was back, way back entrance. I understand. I was just trying to 00:34:07
see if they waited on this and if there is sufficient. Yeah. 00:34:13
For the bill in the background, I mean, they do the billing permits every time they do the billing permits, uh, uh, regardless of 00:34:21
how old, uh, how old, uh. 00:34:25
May have been approved every time they pull billing permit. Uh, the fire department is required to review that, yeah. 00:34:29
So. 00:34:36
Either way. 00:34:37
And it's the fire department here in like my last fire departments where, uh, we ran our own vehicle maintenance, uh, repair shop. 00:34:39
Uh, I always have fire truck inside there because they decide to run into one bar another wall. I, I say for fun, the police 00:34:45
officers always have reason to run through cars. 00:34:51
So I guess another question I had, do you happen to have numbers of like how much square footage is landscaped square footage 00:35:00
versus how much isn't now? Because it seems like they added parking in some places that would have been so like a total site. Umm. 00:35:09
I don't think that this site plan let me actually pull this back up and see if this shows it. 00:35:19
Yeah, as you can see, like they added this parking right here and the ad built and that doesn't even exist in this section, umm, 00:35:30
on the, the, the approved plans, because I think that's part of the different pod. Umm and so this section, I don't believe they 00:35:36
added any additional parking and they removed landscaping for parking. Yeah, the only the part that I was just mostly noticing is 00:35:43
on the South side. 00:35:50
Development, They added angled parking where they had parallel parking. Oh, right here, right by building 12. Yeah. And I feel 00:35:58
like there's one more spot. 00:36:03
Adjust to the West of there. 00:36:10
Like the numbers don't make sense to me. 00:36:43
Uh, with. 00:36:48
If you go back to the numbers and everything, it shows the rock and the. 00:36:50
Stone mulch. Umm yeah, them getting rid of that much grass and stone also. I just wasn't seeing it, but let me. 00:36:55
This gives you a breakdown of the. 00:37:06
All of the the different types of UMM area within that and do they have that for both? I, I let me look to see if I can find that 00:37:10
real quick today UMM approved one. 00:37:15
OK, yeah, I see it. 00:37:32
I have salt on here. Yeah, I was gonna say, I think that they didn't include asphalt or hearts like sidewalks on there. 00:37:36
Umm. 00:37:48
Because you're right, I think that is a what, like a 16,000 square feet different. 00:37:53
And I'm, yeah, I'm, I don't wanna see. I'm not exactly sure where that that is made-up because I'm sure it's not just sidewalk, 00:38:00
OK. 00:38:04
And again, it would be awesome if the developer was here so that we could ask them these questions. Uh. 00:38:09
Do you guys have any questions? Uh, I just wanted to echo the connections question. Just I feel like that's something that I would 00:38:19
love to see more of in the city at in general and would love to know why those were related. And kind of on a similar note, I 00:38:27
don't know how updated this images on Google Maps, but just the one entrance that does exist, the sidewalk. 00:38:35
Comes in and then ends, and there's no great pedestrian access into the. 00:38:44
Into the development so you the sidewalk ends and then you have to looks like you have to go on the street and then through the 00:38:52
parking lot. So yeah, it does so it does look like looking at their plans here there this is the sidewalk you're talking about 00:38:59
just ends there and then to get into the development you're walking up the street. Yeah, there, yeah, yeah. So we can totally 00:39:07
include that. I don't know if that's something that can change, but I just would like to see essentially this is. 00:39:14
We we can put any conditions that that we feel would would improve this. 00:39:21
Umm, as they did, you know, do all this construction without following the original approval. Umm, So yeah, whatever, whatever you 00:39:26
guys think is best. I think. I mean, access to Center Street is one thing that I also think that if we could make the pedestrian 00:39:32
access on the main entrance that does exist better, then I think that would be a win too. Is there something in specific that you 00:39:38
want to see, whether it's like a crosswalk or something? I just think so is this. 00:39:45
This sidewalk right here, that is sidewalk, correct? Yep. So I I mean, even if this is connected into here so you don't have to. 00:39:52
I I don't know. I. 00:40:00
In my mind, it doesn't make great sense as a pedestrian. Like, if I'm gonna leave and take my dog on a walk, I'm probably just 00:40:02
gonna walk through those rocks anyway, Yeah, Instead of go around on the street to meet to the sidewalk, you know what I mean? So 00:40:08
I'd also be concerned about ADA access if I'm in a wheelchair to get to my unit. Yeah, I'm. I'm just looking out for them right 00:40:14
now. 00:40:20
They're really, there really isn't a lot of access like connection. Yeah. And even within once you're in there, yeah, kind of just 00:40:27
go out to the parking lot and then. Yeah. And and everything here is very much like garage loaded. Like they do have these 00:40:32
internal courtyards that, you know, if if somebody lives in this unit and you were to walk to visit them, you do have to like walk 00:40:37
through here. 00:40:43
As none of their front doors face the the external sure and then play with that. I, I, I think there's a place for those kind of 00:40:48
developments and that's pretty and so I have no problem with that. We just I'm concerned about everything that's been said here 00:40:56
everything. So it seems like we have a lot of conditions. I personally have personally, I would feel comfortable continuing it so 00:41:03
that the developer can actually be here. OK that or if you feel like you've heard. 00:41:11
Our concerns well umm could you have that initial discussion with them saying these are the concerns that well we would want to 00:41:18
well we definitely still move it I just want yeah yeah I yeah I could yeah if we wanted to to move it to the the following 00:41:26
Planning Commission meeting and I could tomorrow reach out to him and say hey there's some concerns that that were had umm and we 00:41:33
want to see improved pedestrians connectivity umm to center St. also I think it's just Cortana Lane is the name of the. 00:41:41
There, yeah, as well as how do pedestrians kind of enter into the development? Umm, we, we can absolutely do that and let yeah. 00:41:48
And I don't wanna speak for everyone, please disagree with me if you feel differently, but I'd say if they're able to make some of 00:41:55
those access improvements and walkability improvements, umm, then I wouldn't have a strong opinion on any of the landscape changes 00:42:01
that we're proposing. Yeah. 00:42:08
Uh, what do you guys think about that as as far as continuing it is? 00:42:15
Yeah, I think, I think getting some more clarity on on these items would be good and continue. 00:42:20
Uh, I move to continue to do I have to say to win or just the future meeting? Umm, we, we probably should say Dave, umm, as this 00:42:28
was an agenda item. Umm, and the next one will be May 1st. OK. I move to continue. What item number is it? 5.3 the orchard site 00:42:36
5.3 the orchard site plan to the next meeting on May 1st. 00:42:44
Do I have a second thank you, Kayden, Second thank you, Brad. All in favor. 00:42:54
All right, just just real quick, are these two points good enough for me to get going with them? Umm, connectivity to center and 00:42:59
Cortana, whether that's removed fence or put up a gate and and put in sidewalks, umm and then pedestrian safety entrance. So 00:43:05
figuring out whether that's put in some sidewalk or a crosswalk or whatever it may be to kind of let people flow into their ship 00:43:11
more safely. Yeah and if possible, if you could have some like square footage number I'm experiencing where that square before and 00:43:17
after. 00:43:23
Outage differences. So that didn't make sense. OK, I can do that. OK, alright, I have a clarification on a date for Wednesday and 00:43:29
continue to May 1st, May 1st, 2024. 00:43:36
OK. Uh, moving on to staff Commission and committee reports, does anybody have anything that they wanted to? 00:43:45
So I know that Anthony has something I have something request as well. Umm, today Anthony I went and Flyers neighborhoods we will 00:43:53
be having, uh, next week at uh, hopefully Kayden got one. I got one. Thank you. Hopefully looks good. Yeah, looks great. Umm, but 00:43:59
essentially, uh, next week the City Council will be voting, uh, to umm, purchase two lots in the Cottonwood neighborhood to put up 00:44:05
a fire house. 00:44:11
Umm And so that'll happen at City Council and then the following week, hopefully it'll be a finance on the 1st we will be doing a 00:44:18
site plan application. 00:44:23
For that Firehouse that use the Planning Commission overview, umm, you'll see the renderings of of the Firehouse kind of how that 00:44:28
function within the residential neighborhood. Umm, So yeah, we just invite, you know, any, any residents that are concerned about 00:44:35
this or want to learn more to, to come to, you know, City Council next week and planning session the following week. Cool. OK, so 00:44:42
Anthony, I'd like to be Anthony something as well. Alright, so, umm, yesterday I was hearing from the umm. 00:44:48
National APA conference. 00:44:55
We had that in Minneapolis and it was a great experience. I had the chance to meet with other partners from other cities 00:44:57
throughout the, you know, the country. Uh, there were great sessions that I believe, you know, I learned things that would help us 00:45:04
ready, help us as a city as we meddle through issues that we're working through, including, uh, you know, uh, you know, from 00:45:11
zoning all the way through to umm. 00:45:18
Code enforcement and how? 00:45:25
How these, you know, other bigger cities have dealt with issues, for example, we are as a city, those might come to you yet we are 00:45:27
doing some research on getting umm, scooters and you know, hopefully bikes in uh, to help with first mile, uh, you know, last 00:45:33
mile, umm, uh. 00:45:39
You know, trans transportation, micro mobility in the city, umm. 00:45:48
Like, like Salt Lake, you know, it was dumped on them, right? The companies just reached out to the city and just wanted to do 00:45:54
the, you know, the, umm, business in the city without Salt Lake City having any research done. That happened to many other big 00:46:02
cities in the country. So some there were sessions where some of them shared how they have had to mitigate these issues. 00:46:10
That the scooters and bikes, uh, came with, you know? 00:46:19
And so the other cities that also share how they planned before these things were allowed to come into the city. And that's what 00:46:24
we're trying to do just so that we don't have issues like these other big cities had. So the these and many other umm, ways to 00:46:30
make our city run better from the planning perspective, where things that I learned that I hope to share with the rest of the team 00:46:36
and many more. 00:46:43
Thank you, that makes sense. 00:46:49
I realize I have a, a few more things, umm, next week we actually have a pretty busy week in the city. On Tuesday we will be doing 00:46:52
an open house, umm, kinda have town hall here at uh, City Hall. It is for the lakefront at Town Center, Villas Springs, Providence 00:46:59
Deluxe, Tukaro Preserve, Cascade and Solstice neighborhoods, the kind of the, the northern umm, residents neighborhoods here. Umm, 00:47:06
we're gonna have hopefully a few and council members here. We're gonna have some staff members here, umm, just to address. 00:47:14
And concerns that people may have in those neighborhoods, umm, as well as that night, I believe this is an impact Vineyard, uh, 00:47:21
award. Umm, and then Wednesday, oh, Wednesday is that City Council meeting with the fire station Firehouse. Umm, and then Thursday 00:47:27
is the impact Vineyard fair at, I believe it's a freedom elementary. I could be wrong. Umm, but that one, uh, just each of the 00:47:33
commissions, each of the, uh, departments has a little table at Freedom elementary and we just kind of go over what we're working 00:47:39
on. People can come and ask. 00:47:45
About, you know, the master plans that we're looking on kind of what what goes on a Planning Commission or a bicycle geyser 00:47:52
Commission, Umm, and it should be a good time so. 00:47:56
Any updated on the Postal Service box? I so Anthony is like the most charismatic man I know. So I asked him I can do it. And I 00:48:01
think he's getting to the same place I did where they, they tell us they're running a study every time and that's it. They're 00:48:08
like, we're waiting on the results from the study. So I don't know if they've told you anything different. So last time I was 00:48:15
available earlier this year and I was, you know. 00:48:21
I told them I'm not moving until I have some real news, so I was there for a while. 00:48:29
So they had the manager come out and you know, speak to me after some time. Now what they the reason why they've been drug 00:48:34
intestine is they don't wanna put a new box here. 00:48:39
Because most of our neighborhoods have the umm, the mail in boxes that have an outgoing umm mail thing in it. So it's not a big 00:48:45
case for them. And my argument has been we need one of the City Hall at least for people that come in or want to just, you know, I 00:48:51
know probably not part of these neighborhoods. I want to build stuff. And they said that they have made again as cash there, you 00:48:58
know, having a study. 00:49:05
To move. 00:49:12
A box that's not being as utilized as they want it to be. Umm, to our city. Hopefully. Umm, they said that should be completed 00:49:14
sometime. 00:49:19
In, you know, June. So I've given them some time. I haven't pushed yet, but I could probably go push them a little bit more so 00:49:26
they know Jenna's getting close, OK. 00:49:30
Alright, cool. Thank you Anthony. Thanks guys. Anything else? Just a couple of updates on our side. Umm, so the next phase of Utah 00:49:35
City downtown has started at uh, phase 2C. Uh, the utilities are being installed, uh, there, uh, right now. Umm, so that's, that's 00:49:43
just the phase just north of where they're building those buildings right now. OK, umm, and uh, they're kind of getting close on, 00:49:50
on starting the park area. 00:49:58
Between them as well umm Also U dot has identified a trail lung in your connector as a high priority trail for them. So it it's a 00:50:06
trail that will connect uh. 00:50:12
Uh, the, the lake trail, umm, come up by 300 W uh, to Vineyard connector and then follow vignette connector up to basically to the 00:50:18
Interstate. OK, Umm, so that's a high priority for them. So that's, that's just starting planning, uh, cases, but OK, very cool. 00:50:26
That's coming up Great. Umm, And then I just have a question about, uh, I don't know if it's phase three of Utah City or, but they 00:50:33
have to have a parking plan for the entire development. 00:50:41
And for, for everybody here, umm, and hopefully once we figure that out, then they can start enforcing the parking over there 00:52:19
because those streets, the streets, you know, the front or they're all private. Umm, so, you know, if I grow up tonight, wanted to 00:52:26
say they don't want anybody parked there. They could, you know, take some action, but they haven't. It says, uh, front runner UTA 00:52:34
MMM. Do they have any plans of having more parking? And do they know that that parking lot is full every day? Uh, they, they are. 00:52:41
I, I, I think every person I've talked to, they're very impressed with the success of, of the Vineyard station. Umm, I don't think 00:52:49
they have any plans to increase the amount of parking there yet. I, I could be wrong. I've heard more long term plans say that 00:52:56
again, I, I've heard there's more long term plans for both marking there. But yeah, yeah, as development, uh, happens around it, 00:53:04
they'll add parking. OK, OK. Umm, just curious real quick, I can show you this. 00:53:11
We can start on design and it's a construction in 2025. And is that like an asphalt trail then I assume? Yeah, they said that they 00:53:49
this is a new initiative by the the governor. Umm, and I don't think they have their standards yet of, of what they want these 00:53:57
trucks to look like, but I think they said they're aiming for a 10 foot minimum. So they wouldn't do anything less than that. And 00:54:04
that'll go up over the upper pass I assume yeah. So one, one thing they brought up is that they they really don't like. 00:54:11
Uh, the switch back that, that are there, umm, and so they said their trail alignment would actually bypass that and just keep 00:54:19
going down the, the South side there. Umm, we're actually also looking at, at designing a little pocket part here, Tucker Row. And 00:54:25
part of that will also be kind of figuring out how to better align that switch back and, and landscape that, that section. So we 00:54:30
can hopefully work with the Utah trail network people to create a really cool kind of interchange there between the two trails. 00:54:36
Cool. 00:54:41
Platforms like that, completely detached from the road. Yeah, Yep. 00:54:48
That'd be great if it is part of the greater system, if there's a pocket park there that I love the idea of having to move like 00:54:54
amenities there. Yeah, I, I think we're, we've requested budget for this upcoming, uh, fiscal year to get the designs for this 00:55:01
park. Umm, especially as the, the water pipeline project here is finishing up and they're, umm, finally gonna hopefully put that 00:55:08
app back in soon in the next few weeks. 00:55:14
Umm, and then from there we can look at what we can do to, to really improve that area. We, we have gone through all the processes 00:55:22
to get, take over ownership of that land from the HOA though. 00:55:27
Umm, I believe that's all taken care of right now. So the city. 00:55:32
Yeah, it's being finalized right now where the city will will own it. And then from there we can work on these designs and 00:55:38
implementing it. OK, cool. Yeah, pretty cool to have if the switch back goes away and we decide to do asphalt air that connects to 00:55:44
that trail that runs along the railroad and to do some switchbacks so longboard on there. 00:55:50
OK, cool. Thank you guys so much, Uh, if that's everything. 00:55:59
Then we'll join the meeting. Thank you guys. 00:56:04
Cool. 00:56:31
Yeah, yeah. We've been in a lot of the other parts that we've approved. We've been doing kind of the same thing where there's like 00:56:37
like along the lake, we're doing little pockets along the trail. 00:56:42
scroll up