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Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at08 PM.          WORKSESSION1.       City Council Budget PrioritiesDiscussion The mayor and City Council will discuss their top budget priorities for the Fiscal Year24-2025 Budget. No action will be taken at this time.   Council Priorities FY2025
Councilmember Holdaway Identify larger travel budgets by specific conference or training (any unplanned should be cleared with plenty of advance notice (shoot for-day advance notice for proper authorization)     Review per diem policy     Review Hotel policy     Survey software, look for potential savings or unneeded software     Review how often city vehicles leave the county     Review how often to city vehicles go home with employees (identify needs)     Review lobbyist uses and policy; compare to neighboring municipalities lobby uses/policies       Push for local conferences over national conferences when possible     Look for ways to incentivize local vs national conferences.  Review all conferences and trainings from last year (send out).  Communications department under Mayor, have it be under the City Manager.  Cash for fire house.  Put aside savings for City Hall.  Review Mosquito Abatement
Councilmember Sifuentes     Library: Be sure they have needed funding and support     Gammon Park: move ahead on planning and near future implementation of enhancements     Acquire an automated line painter for sports fields     Open and maintain park restrooms5     Evaluate and install permanent lighting for trails where needed to make them safer     Install fencing for community gardens    0 North crossing: a.     Get letters of support for overpass; vehicular priority or pedestrian b.     Insert the need in plans for disaster response     Downtown City Hall: a.     Finalize Planning and engineering b.     Implement soon to retain partners; MAG & others     Vineyard Connector and Main Street intersection: a.     Improve amenities and look for opportunities for safe crossings (under overpass,0 W overpass with pedestrian crossing, etc.
Councilmember Cameron     Support for the Library     Develop plans and implementation of Heritage Park     Add a rentable affordable space at Heritage Park (barn, pavilion, etc.).     Review contracts and agreements policies     Neighborhood by neighborhood review parking to assure it is functioning properly
Councilmember Rasmussen     Cyber security / Technology     Website improvements     Increase flyering where possible to get our messages out     Corridor Park plan; phase and implement plans     Focus on installation of park benches and lighting around the city trails     Improve alternative transportation routes to and across Vineyard Connector     Plantings and educational signage for native plants     Installation of bat boxes     Work on plans and construction of City Hall downtown.  Identify and/or development of teen amenities
Mayor Fullmer     Parks on both ends of the city (look for cemetery options, but not in Gammon Park)     Vertical Agriculture – as the city’s contribution to fighting homelessness (food supply)     Innovation research campus (BYU, U of U, UVU, USU partnerships)     Bring entrepreneurship incubators into the city     Lakeshore enhancement implementation    0 S parking at baseball fields     Walkara Way – Councilmember Rasmussen will represent Vineyard City on implementation
Mayor Fullmer recapped the meeting. A discussion ensued.  .     ADJOURNMENT
Mayor Fullmer adjourned the meeting at47 PM.     MINUTES APPROVED ON:    April,24   CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:        Pamela Spencer, CIty Recorder
Recently watching us. We're ready. OK, sorry. So the time is 408 April 3rd 2024. 00:00:00
We are going to start our City Council budget priorities discussion. The last retreat that we had, we weren't able to finalize 00:00:07
those details. Marty brought it up that we should have another meeting where we discuss all of these things together. And then I 00:00:15
actually heard that you have a similar conversation with Eric and Amber where you guys wanted to kind of present some ideas and so 00:00:22
on this time for us to go ahead and bring these discussion items to the table. 00:00:30
With the constraints on time that we have, what I'm thinking is that we'll go around and I will give each council person 10 00:00:38
minutes to present. If you don't need 10 minutes, it's OK. We're not going to add it to another person. We're just going to go on 00:00:43
and move through the meeting so that if we do have any discussions beyond that. 00:00:48
We can really get into the means of the. 00:00:54
We do have staff that are present if you have any questions that pertain to any implementation or any of your plans for your 00:00:57
priorities. 00:01:01
Umm, is there anybody that wanted to start out? 00:01:05
Otherwise, I can start here and we'll go around the table, OK? 00:01:09
So mine are more cutting than wishes, but one of the first things I want to just set the rules that. 00:01:16
If we could set a baseline of. 00:01:26
The budget gets down to $100, maybe 5 minutes too small to go to that, but $300.00 so that it's it's not high level. 00:01:29
It's it's not like 20 grand travel or. 00:01:40
10 grand it's it really gets finite in terms of the name of the association that we're traveling to the. 00:01:45
So it's extremely. 00:01:57
We don't detail instead of doing like a miscellaneous budget for 1520 grand, it's more. 00:01:59
Hey, what is this for? Just so that when it gets presented to us, if we get like a hey, it needs to be down to. 00:02:05
$200. 00:02:15
Yeah, just like when, when the budget, when the budget comes back, if each department head goes. 00:02:18
I understand it doesn't need down to $10.00 or $15.00. That's kind of small. But you say, hey, if it's if it's something, then you 00:02:24
should spell out exactly what it is. If it's, if it's. 00:02:30
Over 100, a hundred, you know, over maybe $100 is too small, but just the way the department heads know when they submit it back 00:02:37
to us that it's that granular. 00:02:42
This is a rule. 00:02:48
All right, so granular descriptions or yeah, so like, yeah, so just as a rule, like you don't just go, hey, our budget has 10,000 00:02:50
in travel it's. 00:02:56
900 is going to the. 00:03:02
City Recorders Association. So it's like they don't just do 10 grand as a group. It's I need to break that down to what is that in 00:03:06
the budget when they're asked, when they're making a request, Well, just in the annual budget, just like, hey, this is. 00:03:13
So it's it's just visibility in terms of. 00:03:21
Where like submitting it to us like any next month or so? 00:03:27
And I think if we agree on what that down to that level it is. 00:03:30
The rules. 00:03:36
And then? 00:03:37
I don't know. Do we want to talk? Are we allowed to vote on that? Like, just like a suggestion? 00:03:39
Because I can say, hey, maybe it honored us too much or 205 hundred 600. I think it's less about the numbering necessary because 00:03:45
there might be something like in in public works that's like, you know, they actually need specifically 20,000 or I don't know if 00:03:52
it goes above. I'm just saying that they don't if it if it. 00:03:59
If it's anything below that then don't start. Spell it out right. It seems like we do have granular descriptions. 00:04:06
But it's not published on the main budget, right? 00:04:14
It's what you guys go through as part of your your approval process. 00:04:18
What what Christie is going to get to you as? 00:04:22
You know, in the same budget it's going to have. 00:04:26
Annual engineers conference, it'll have the conference and it's in any associated cost and we'll have to travel for that specific 00:04:30
cost. But it it does get broken down by that for for your guys's review. 00:04:37
As we go into the budget approval has we've grown and gotten bigger. Food for thought. And I think the reason why the City Council 00:04:45
started saying hey, you need a little bit of extra leeway is because. 00:04:50
Conference has come up and things like that that were like, hey, that person really needs the training and their staff need to be 00:04:57
able to provide that training for their people. And so it could say training for this, but it might not say training at recorder 00:05:04
conference next day. Do you know what I mean? 00:05:10
But I don't want it to be where they. 00:05:18
I mean, I guess if we're going to hire someone new that would be in the budget. So then if we had to make a budget amendment, if 00:05:53
it was unforeseen, then we could we have to know then and there, but they might have the experience and not need that conference, 00:06:00
you know what I mean? Like I don't want to micromanage too tight like have like I think it would be OK to have made in certain 00:06:08
categories that are, you know, miscellaneous specifically would be for a conference for this department. 00:06:15
I don't know if you'd want it to be a itemized then. 00:06:23
That Marty, So I think, I think your proactive approach and the granular items are met maybe when we go through the budget if you 00:06:26
don't feel like it's. 00:06:30
Exactly what you want. I feel I have no problem with them coming back to the budget to or the council to ask because there's a 00:06:35
higher of a new person. But I'm just saying for budgeting it should be, hey, this is what it is. 00:06:40
But then come back, because if we're hiring somebody, we have a City Council meeting to adjust, hey, we're hiring this person and 00:06:47
we're sending them to this conference, this conference, OK. 00:06:51
Sometimes they go, they're hiring someone and they don't know who it is yet. 00:06:57
It doesn't matter. They can still come back to us without a name. They don't have to tell us the name. No, but like if you, if 00:07:01
they're hiring someone that's already been to that training versus they might not have been to a train. 00:07:07
Yeah, I just heard that we didn't spend all of it. Yeah, we're getting it granulated. So the second thing is, is I think something 00:07:15
that we were. 00:07:20
There are granular descriptions that you will be given, so you might want to look at those and verify whether or not they're what 00:07:25
you're looking for. 00:07:29
And then additionally, we always have amendments if there's new hires that weren't put in our budget. So amendments will come and 00:07:34
we could always add additional things for your 30 days. I like the prohibitive approach. Does anybody else? I think it should be 00:07:40
made, the granular should be made. I don't mind doing it in 3rd grade high level, you know, making public for people that making 00:07:47
the granular very public as well, like. 00:07:53
No one can understand. Some people understand it. 00:08:00
But it's public knowledge. Second one is I think we need to review our food and meeting policy. I'm not saying it's out of whack. 00:08:03
I'm not saying it is like I got the Ledger and I didn't. I don't see it in context. So I think it would be very imperative to 00:08:10
review what that is like if I go to a conference, what is the dollar amount? 00:08:18
Per diem per day and then also like what people eat when they're like a department head. Just what are those policies? And then 00:08:26
that's a budget priority. It's more cost cutting, but just I'm also not accusing this bad. I'm just. 00:08:34
Looking at the Ledger. 00:08:43
Understanding what that is also just through number 3A review of a hotel policy, like I work government entities, I'm not allowed 00:08:45
to spend over $120.00 a night. I know it sucks, but that's my hotel Max. And in any city in New York, yeah, that's what my the CDC 00:08:52
gives me on my budget. 00:08:59
Well, I but but that actually goes my next policy of like, what is it? 00:09:10
Like conference hotels will gouge me. Like I have to go to the National League of Cities and others, and they'll pick the nicest 00:09:17
hotel and it's like I'm at 3:50 at night and it's like, oh, my government, they don't allow me to stay there. 00:09:23
But the association's making money on that, and so I can literally walk across the street and get a 150. 00:09:30
You know, so just look at what our hotel policy is. 00:09:37
Five, and I know we've already paid for this, but survey software budget. 00:09:43
Like $5000 for the year is the most amazing software in the world. 00:09:48
You know, Qualtrics is a fantastic software. They have a great package for that. 00:09:56
My other budget is just a review of our our vehicle policy. 00:10:02
I think removing a vehicle from the county, like how often can a city vehicle leave the county's? 00:10:08
Or a negotiated policy. Maybe the county isn't the right, you know. 00:10:17
Also just a review of cars like being taken home at night, are they parked at like who gets to take them home? 00:10:24
Who's parking there would reduce significantly? There may be some some circumstances on a position by position basis, right? But 00:10:32
what are the rules? 00:10:36
Obviously, my other is the review of our like lobbyist policy, like what we would spend a review of like what other cities spend. 00:10:44
So I know that's more of a cut. 00:10:50
And I think we need to do a review of each association. 00:10:56
Like and have just a line item view of like. 00:11:01
Do we have a majority of that one? This one? 00:11:04
You know, but I also think on the membership. 00:11:07
Like I've been attending local chapters and national chapters. Local chapters are incredible. 00:11:11
Of all of them of like so you go to Mako you act chapter is just as good as Nako at the Utah level sorry National Association of 00:11:18
County. So like a lot of times we're spending money to go to the national conference where there's a state chapter and we could 00:11:25
give a bonus to the. 00:11:31
City employee of going. 00:11:39
Do you really want to go to the national conference? Why don't we give you a little bit of cash for just staying at the youth, at 00:11:42
the local chapter because it's just as good. What questions are you going to ask? You know, and maybe it's coming up. 00:11:49
To just go to the Utah because you save so much money on the airfare. 00:11:59
I would be just our employees cash, just a bonus. This is a bonus because it's sad because a lot of people like to travel to 00:12:03
Florida or New Orleans or Arizona and there's a lot of cities that will go. You know what, let's just go to the local chapter and 00:12:09
we'll give you 250 bucks for. 00:12:15
Yeah, you spend the night and they're caught. So it's not like a cut in pay for training. But it's just it's recognizing that some 00:12:21
of these perks are for traveling, which are great, but sometimes they don't want to go to the National Commons. They're like, hey, 00:12:27
you know what, I'll take the cash to go to the local chapter meeting. 00:12:32
Yeah, I feel like they don't even. 00:12:38
Different meanings. 00:12:40
Travel during these conferences, it's just all the meetings. I, I don't mind saying, hey, let's go ahead and review these things. 00:12:42
Let's review our memberships or where we're going or see where we're at. But definitely making sure whatever we're doing is 00:12:48
fruitful and then just having our employees attend. I don't think we need to get any additional bonuses for anything like that. 00:12:55
Well, I like it because let me play devil's advocate. 00:13:01
We have a lot of really well trained people that have been here for 1520 years and so some of them don't need to go to the 00:13:08
conference, but we're like. 00:13:12
Putting out two grand, 3 grand for travel. So it's like, oh that's nice. I get to go to this place or that place. My wife can 00:13:17
come. 00:13:22
But it's like, oh, they choose it. So if they don't go, you're like, well, you have the training, you're great. You should still 00:13:28
be getting kind of a. 00:13:32
Non travel. 00:13:37
500 bucks in your because. 00:13:39
We're paying for your experience. 00:13:42
Compensation plan, right? So it rewards them of like I've been around for 1015 years. I don't feel like I need to be going to 00:13:45
this, but it's still an extra. So they're making a decision like do I need to go there? 00:13:51
I'll take the cash instead. 00:13:59
Compensation, so you could we could review, I don't know if they do. I think I think a lot of the contracts do, but more 00:14:03
specifically I would. 00:14:07
I would caution that the purpose behind sending people to conferences is so that they have the latest education. 00:14:13
For 15 years, it's good for them to stay up to date on new things in their associations. 00:14:22
Every year or like. 00:14:30
The recorder, they have new software and new programs. They're new regulations in the state, yeah. 00:14:32
But there, but there's state chapters cover that, right, like and they're all state specific. I definitely don't mind the review 00:14:39
of it. I think it's delving into it. I think, I think it's I think we just need to be cautious. Like I don't want to feel like I'm 00:14:45
saying here, I'll give you money. Don't go get trained. No, no, no, but there are. 00:14:52
So you stay nearby. 00:15:00
But they still attend. Yeah, that would be interesting. 00:15:03
Great. But I also think certain times they can overlook it and they're like, hey, and I really feel pressured to go because I feel 00:15:06
like I need this training. But it's like I looked through the agenda of what they're going through and I don't need this. I'd 00:15:13
rather take the 500. Well, it's honestly, I don't know. I can learn it. 00:15:19
I understand that. 00:15:26
Yeah, I know, but we need to reward their expertise for being years. I I I think you're no. 00:15:30
Yeah, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I love. I feel like you've got. 00:15:37
Two facets here. Let's review the policy on traveling to conferences, maybe even put like a limit. If your conference is going to 00:15:41
cost more than this number, let's talk about it and you have to get special approval or something. And then but this whole 00:15:48
incentivizing them not to go get trained, it's just to me like, no, I think you get the wrong. I think it gives the wrong 00:15:55
impression that we're like, we care more about. 00:16:01
Well, no, no, no, no. It's not that. It's actually it's not. We don't care more about it. It's that we respect their expertise of 00:16:09
years and sometimes these are dog and pony like. I've gone to so many conferences where they go, I could have done this online. I 00:16:16
went because I was hoping to get something. I knew this wasn't great, but I want them to get out. 00:16:22
Still, they need, they need that, they need the conferences. So it's like take the 500, take the $500.00, but you're still going 00:16:30
on vacation with your wife to Park City or going to whatever you want to do and I. 00:16:37
Something like that. What we could do is take the two things that you mentioned, which is what he asked, was we could review the 00:16:46
conferences that we're attending and then we could review the compensation according to travel. 00:16:53
Just just reviewing it and saying what all of us will review and sign off on. 00:17:01
And then lastly, the, I think the communications director position is fine, but I don't know why we have it in this under the 00:17:08
mayor's department. If it's going to be full time, why isn't it within all of our departments or at least it splits half of it so 00:17:14
it doesn't report to you. I fundamentally believe it needs to report to all of us. I don't think it should be and I think 00:17:21
financially that. 00:17:28
You know, if we're going to fund it at full level, it needs to be under all of us. I think that the way that it has been, it was 00:17:35
under the mayor and then it went to. 00:17:40
The manager and then we pulled it back and the policy which would set it kind of like our finance. 00:17:46
Umm, policy. Have you read through our finance policy a little bit? So it's like putting multiple checks and balances that we can 00:17:54
create. So right now staff is pulling together communications policy. What I could do is put communications policy for checks and 00:18:02
balances and that could be part of the goal. I, I feel like that's one of my goals too. Typically you would have it under 00:18:10
administration. So if it was another way, it would go under the city manager. And right now our comms team works with Eric. 00:18:18
Right. But I just think that it should be under Eric strategic like it shouldn't be within just the mayor's office. And I think 00:18:27
financially like, OK, then if it's just your office, then why is it paid full time? 00:18:34
And then my budget. So those are all cut. 00:18:43
But all of our cuts, I fundamentally believe that if you review all of that, there's ways to pay our employees higher. 00:18:47
I think that. 00:18:57
Sometimes we give them perks like, hey, I get to drive this car home. 00:19:00
My quick review on the Ledger there's like 84,000 in gas. 00:19:05
And I go, OK, there's gotta be people taking home, why don't we just give them the money instead of us having your vehicle? 00:19:09
I don't just on call. Yeah, all the other vehicles stay, stay at home. No, stay at home, stay at the OK. 00:19:20
Every night. 00:19:32
Except for the on the call folks. OK. 00:19:34
Employee reports to work perfect early, early in the morning. 00:19:38
But that's pretty directors. 00:19:44
Sure, the directors allow that. 00:19:50
OK. A lot of these are obviously I haven't gotten the public version of the Ledger and I'm still waiting on that to review. 00:19:57
That was a CPA of like, but just originally with Kim looking at it, she was like, I think these are the rules that need to be 00:20:11
looked at on this type of spending, like food and meetings. 00:20:17
And then the other three and I need to finish. 00:20:25
Putting that cash towards, I'm a person that paid for my house in 20 years and paid upfront cash, and I think that putting money 00:20:30
down on the fire station is a higher priority than building a City Hall and getting that done so that you come from a strong 00:20:37
position and then mosquito abatement. 00:20:44
And then? 00:20:53
I think that the City Hall should be pushed a couple years to be able to pay better in cash and save up for. 00:20:54
A stronger position. So those are my initial like quite honestly like guys I want to get help from my budget committee for next 00:21:03
time that those are my quick ones so. 00:21:08
We have money going forward for the fire station we discussed over in Cottonwoods. It's not the one you're talking about or the 00:21:15
renovation of this building. 00:21:18
The Future station in downtown. 00:21:22
Oh, I just thought we were paying cash for the fire station. Yeah, we don't have money to set aside. 00:21:25
We have a lot of money set aside for the fire station. 00:21:32
Now the changes. 00:21:38
The Firehouse is Firehouse. It is a house Firehouse. We still have the cash for that. But didn't we set aside like we have like a 00:21:43
like 9 million or something instead of no, what do we have? I feel like last year in capital projects, the fire station had a lot 00:21:51
of money. We have, if we push money around, we have about $9 million. But for those it's not going to cost us. So we can take cash 00:21:59
for it and go back towards infrastructure further. Yeah. And then we can save up for currently we're budgeted at 1.7. 00:22:08
Yeah. 00:22:18
So we're we're doing what you want on that. Yeah, we've saved that for. 00:22:20
All right, that's all. 00:22:26
I have that as one of your priorities. And then when you say mosquito abatement. 00:22:59
I want to understand a little bit more about what your goals are for mosquito. 00:23:03
I don't think they need to come together. The detailed plan of it. There's a lot of ways in which you could do a mosquito 00:23:07
abatement and the city done it in a variety of ways. But getting cash and getting presented, there's a way that you know, you 00:23:13
could have one of the HOA's do it and bid it out to citywide. The city could do it and get a project. 00:23:20
Slicker did in the past. I don't think they want to do it, but just it was a really good program. 00:23:27
So right now we. 00:23:33
We contract with the county and we pay additional. So they start earlier and they end earlier and then our team goes and it ends 00:23:36
later. We pay them to end earlier now. 00:23:42
And then we have other programs that we're doing with like. 00:23:49
I was going to say FFRK, but anyway, and I understand the county program. I mean, I know them well, but they don't come enough or 00:23:56
often or drive slow enough. And so like I think that you could maybe, and I don't want to decide whether it be county or HOA or 00:24:05
city, but I think putting a higher emphasis of how, how much that is funded would change the lives of our citizens. But just to 00:24:15
talk about where we want to put the money. So HOAS do their own treatment and then we do spot treatment. 00:24:24
So they do our sewers and we also do spot stores. We were out there in our wetland area. We also use treatment for our parks and 00:24:33
then the county does spot treatment as well. 00:24:39
Mosquito. 00:24:46
And when we were going through our abatement, we used to pay for full abatement and the mosquito counts weren't going down with 00:24:49
our abatement. And so we just paid the county more to do the abatement. In the last year and a half or whenever we have the high 00:24:55
water levels, that's when we have to see those because all of the wetlands build up and we had a bunch of mosquitoes and we still 00:25:01
were under where we were. 00:25:07
A few years before that, which was incredible in the tracks, but I'm not against ever finding more clearer and better 00:25:14
opportunities for mosquito abatement. But I feel like our team. 00:25:18
Really exercising a lot of opportunities for mosquitoes so they have additional ideas. 00:25:24
Yeah. I just don't think it's at the level of financially that makes a difference like it used to be. So I think we could look 00:25:37
into that. So but also City Hall, I really don't, I fundamentally believe that our City Hall should not be in Utah City, though I, 00:25:42
I understand maybe there's a partner there. 00:25:48
But I think they have the rec center or the Aquatic Center and other assets and I think it's better down in the. 00:25:55
Megaplex area. 00:26:07
Or even another area. I just don't think it fits. 00:26:09
I would rather. 00:26:14
Not finance City Hall there, even if we did have partners, I think. 00:26:16
There's other ways where we could put it that would better fit. 00:26:20
Maybe the partners would move out. And also we benefited Utah City so much with the $1.5 billion head. I don't think we want to 00:26:23
buy land from them. 00:26:28
Or. 00:26:33
Yeah, I just don't think it's the right that they they've made like we want to support other businesses besides that didn't get 00:26:37
the government loan. I think it's that they're donating the land to us and then there's just ample opportunity to be in the center 00:26:45
of the city. We can talk about this later. I do think it's important as we do talk about the **** that a PID is they're putting an 00:26:52
additional levy on themselves. 00:26:59
For additional infrastructure, well, it's a they're taking from their own pocket, you know, they're saying hey, we pay, you know, 00:27:07
$2.00 in taxes, can you charge us $5 in taxes and we'll pay for infrastructure up to your standard. It's not the same as just 00:27:13
calling it a government loan. They're they're putting an additional levy on themselves. I agree, But no other, no other 00:27:20
construction company or development company gets that government loan. Only they do. And so it's a huge advantage with the rates 00:27:26
that they get versus others. 00:27:32
And so, but no other place is putting the levee on themselves. So if one of the other developments wanted to put an additional 00:27:39
levy on themselves, we would have to have that discussion. 00:27:44
But I just think giving him an additional, it's just too much like we've given him a lot. Let's do something. And I, I disagree. I 00:27:50
don't think Utah City is the center of our city. Well, and that's OK. We can we can agree to disagree. I think that I think what 00:27:56
I'm trying to clarify is. 00:28:02
They are donating lands to us, so we're not getting, we're not giving them anything. And then they are loving themselves. They're 00:28:08
paying additional tax, so we're not giving them anything. They're just going to the bank and getting a different rate, which we're 00:28:13
not giving them. 00:28:18
Because we signed in December to allow them to do that. That's right. 00:28:25
1.5 billion. 00:28:31
OK, Yeah. So I just if you were going to pay additional taxes, we would want to help support your property as well. But you're not 00:28:35
paying additional taxes. Nobody else is. They're paying. But you know what I'm saying? I just want to show we're not giving them 00:28:40
something. They're paying for something. 00:28:45
Yeah, we're not giving them money. 00:28:52
We just get we gave them the ability to take a government loan at a government, right? Yeah. And if, if other developers want to 00:28:55
do it, I'd consider it. It's not like I'm picking favorites. 00:29:00
I yeah, I would disagree on that just fundamentally, but that's OK. And it's just a different opinion. 00:29:05
OK, I just wanted to make sure we were clear on that information. Is there anything else you want to add to your list? 00:29:13
Like honestly I've been waiting on the public Ledger so I did as best I could to be prepared for today I'm hoping to get. 00:29:20
So once I can get that, maybe telling you that we're going to let you use the general library you already have. 00:29:37
So my CBI can use it. 00:29:46
Oh, so I did not know that she could use the unredacted? 00:29:50
All of our research that we did. 00:29:57
That 1700 pages first of all. 00:30:00
I think that's a great compromise. 00:30:08
And she doesn't even need to be deputized. She doesn't need to sign anything. 00:30:14
Just be careful with the information that is shared publicly. 00:30:20
And I like your CPA. I think she's, I think she will really respect that. So does that work for you? I mean, so now I have when I 00:30:28
want to make something public, I have to come and ask permission. Well, maybe just like, yeah, maybe just like if it has 00:30:34
proprietary information. 00:30:40
If you want to ask for help, always do. I would never put something else and put. 00:30:48
Myself in jeopardy. I will be careful. All right, OK. 00:30:53
But I think as you're reviewing that, what you really asked for in your goals was kind of a review of some of our policies, our 00:31:00
financial policies. So I think it could be a huge savings. 00:31:05
Awesome, Marty. OK. Mine is less extensive, I think probably because I've been like. 00:31:13
You're talking about the library. I'm super. We're on the same page of library, Sir. Good. The library mostly. I just know that 00:31:21
with the transition of having, we've just had some transition with library responsibilities through staffing. So I want to just 00:31:27
make sure that we communicate with the library and talk about maybe what then feeling that they need support on and make sure that 00:31:34
if there's a funding request that we strongly consider it. I think they're very good at. I know that they're working on their 00:31:40
5O13C. 00:31:47
C3, OK, Thank you. And I know that that still has a little bit of time on. I think we're maybe a year, year and a half away from 00:31:54
it. 00:31:58
But we did just approve the funding for the application, which is fantastic. 00:32:03
And so I just want to make sure that maybe as we're making the budget, we have that conversation with them because I worry that 00:32:08
they just, I think Valerie's been amazing, but if they feel like they're not getting enough help on their programs until they can 00:32:15
start applying for those scripts, I just want to have that conversation with them. I would love to consider. 00:32:22
Moving forward on things for Gavin Park. 00:32:31
I know that there's like. 00:32:36
I just know that Parks and Rec need more space to do soccer programming and just need thinking more fields. I think that would be 00:32:39
great to see if we can get that into the budget this year since we cut that last year. I also think it'd be great if we could work 00:32:46
on that line painter again for Brian, if that's an option. I feel like I talked to him and they could leave and have it cost less 00:32:54
than their labor right now. And I said bring it up to Eric because. 00:33:01
You guys should be reducing. We just talked about it. They simply don't have enough in their pink budget this year because it's it 00:33:09
truly is. It's about $1000 less than their paint budget to lease and operate and include payment. And so they put it in their 00:33:16
budget for this upcoming year. So as soon as July going forward, as long as it gets approved, we'll enter into the contract with 00:33:22
the lease on that and we'll do the rest of the painting. Did you need us to do a budget amendment forward to save the City 00:33:28
Council? 00:33:34
Brian didn't make it sound like it was that big the deal to. 00:33:43
Span the three months we came now July. Also in regards to the park, I would love to look at, I guess I'm trying to go by 00:33:49
department a little bit, but personally I'd love to look at getting heaters in some of our bathrooms so that we can keep them open 00:33:55
year round. 00:34:01
And maybe even automated automatic locks of sorts to help prevent like people late at night using them I. 00:34:08
We have the heaters. I know one of them, the Vineyard Park, has them already. 00:34:17
And they need to get installed and then. 00:34:23
Missing how to comment for us. No Excuse me. So the parts and rights they work with, they have, they have. 00:34:27
On my system. 00:34:40
In the budget, let's go through some other and they requested about their business. 00:34:42
There's some. There's some certain. 00:34:50
And. 00:35:19
What about the conversation? Is that being brought up again for this year's budget? 00:35:26
Yeah, OK. 00:35:32
For the for the purpose of them staying open all year. 00:35:35
And I don't. 00:35:39
And I don't know if you want to. 00:35:42
All the. 00:35:45
Start out with and see how they like it and see what the perks are or if you wanted to go online. I'm fine either way, just fit it 00:35:48
a conversation. 00:35:53
I just want to know because usually when I make a suggestion like, but people will sleep in there and you can't let them in the 00:35:59
bathroom at night. So, so we, we have, we had a conversation about it as as part of that suggestion. 00:36:07
And the determinant was determination was made that we put auto locks on it and potentially, you know, we test that for a little 00:36:15
while to see if they're if if. 00:36:19
We're having problems. If we're having any problems, we can have a sheriff stop by and have a Keith Bob to just check to be sure 00:36:24
that they're clear in the evenings. But until it's a problem. 00:36:30
That was a solution for it. 00:36:38
Why would you have Sunset park? Would be a good one to have a heater in but we would for sure want to keep checking on it and I 00:36:41
guess by the trail it'll probably be more of a concern. 00:36:48
I guess that's another question. I think it I don't know all the details to this one, but lighting along the trail would be 00:36:59
something that. 00:37:04
I don't know if all trails but maybe certain sections of the trail or I don't know just something. I don't have the knowledge or 00:37:10
statistics on any of this. 00:37:14
Yeah, like it would be cool if we could. Somehow I feel like it would improve on safety. 00:37:21
And I don't want it to be a nuisance to neighbors and I don't want it to create more people hanging out there late at night. But 00:37:27
it might be nice to have some kind of lighting option and just. 00:37:33
Last year the Council talked about us going down. 00:37:41
Yeah. 00:37:52
Likes the solar powers that provide those little bit of spotlight that would be really nice. I've been running on our trails 00:37:54
before and about had a heart attack in the infection and it was actually one of my friends. But yeah like I about died it was 00:37:59
great my heart rate you should have seen it on my. 00:38:05
I wasn't alone and it was terrifying. OK, so the other thing is I think it'd be cool if we could be in the budget or grant figure 00:38:12
out the garden fence conversation. 00:38:18
Awesome. OK. And then I. 00:38:26
The next is just like some of the capital projects that I want to continue us putting. 00:38:30
From Rob, that Rob's not working there anymore. So Ada or Jason, anywhere you could get, I could get one more order. 00:39:11
Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. And to say we really need it, the crux of why they need it, it's not just to have students get over, 00:39:18
it's actually alternative. 00:39:23
Route or say or the. 00:39:29
What is it called? 00:39:32
Thank you. Yes, for earthquakes, for their evacuation now and it's super critical. Yeah, so. 00:39:34
Thing that tasted last year. 00:39:42
Yes. 00:39:44
So that's one of the questions. That's one of the things that we'll need from them as we move forward. That's great. Yeah, I 00:39:47
think, I think when I, when you met with them recently, they they really want to have a good working relationship with that. So I 00:39:54
think we can write some letters. Yeah. And I feel like we've always had a super great relationship. 00:40:01
Yeah. Well, we did get a trial side, which was a really big deal. That was when Lehigh kind of got passed by on that one. Alpine, 00:40:11
I would say we got a lot. 00:40:16
OK. And then it's OK to agree to this degree. I actually am really looking forward to the city offices moving forward in the 00:40:25
downtown. I think it's a great area where. 00:40:32
I just think just from all of our plans and things I've seen and the fact that they're donating the land, I think is all stuff I'm 00:40:39
really excited about. And so I'm happy to put funding towards that capital project. And then also something that I would like 00:40:46
seeing to see taking care of. And I know this is like their sort of facets to this part, but on 800 on Vineyard Connector and 00:40:52
Main, that area that's under construction, it would be nice that once that construction is done to make improvements to that area 00:40:58
to improve the quality of life. 00:41:05
I know we talked about a part, the potential part for. 00:41:11
I can't think of the apartment complex name. 00:41:16
Thank you. I would like to see improvements in that spot. I think that we could be under construction as long as it has. It's been 00:41:20
a little bit of an eyesore and not great for the people that live right there. And that's it. Look at me and my time. 00:41:26
OK, so Tucker wrote. Those are a lot of the people that are hurting. 00:41:37
I think. I think there's some of them. 00:41:43
All right, so. 00:41:46
So the the crossing from Mill Rd. that was my mind as well. 00:41:50
To see something, at least to know something's being worked on. 00:41:55
We have so many people requested that. 00:42:03
So I think that should be. 00:42:06
Somewhere at the top of the list. So we have a tech grant that just came in and we'll work on the design for that crossing. 00:42:08
OK. So, so if that's the case, is it the whole Rd. like you talked about or is it just it'll be designed that goes into the full 00:42:19
Rd. but then we'll have to work through the process of creating the agreements in there, right. So things like that. And so 00:42:24
letters from the Alpine School District health. Exactly. So we're not talking about at grade crossing, we're talking about a grid. 00:42:30
It will, they won't allow us to do an app right there, OK. 00:42:36
The state's trying to get rid of all accurate crossings for safety because they're trying to make a good trainer go faster. Yeah, 00:42:43
but it'll it'll have to be there. 00:42:48
An overcast and it actually grew, well, just pedestrian. 00:42:54
I don't want to speak, but it could be either or both. 00:42:59
Yeah, if that's what all we could get. But if the schools are going to benefit, it would need to be approved. I mean, still 00:43:05
benefit would benefit, but they'll be failing their evacuation routes. 00:43:10
So that's why it's critical. 00:43:17
And that's what will really show the state when we go and we get these agreements, how the funding needs to come forward because 00:43:20
it is such a critical factor. So it would be nice if if there were huge hang ups on it being a road that we that we didn't. 00:43:27
Stop at least the pedestrian, you know what I mean. If it's ten years of your road and one year to do pedestrian. 00:43:36
And eventually. 00:43:44
Yeah, absolutely, if that was the case. 00:43:47
So a week or so ago, I met with Eric and Morgan. We were talking about that area down by where the silos were. One of the 00:43:51
developers was going to help pay for Heritage Park. Yeah, one of the developers were going to help pay to develop that into the 00:43:58
park. And so we talked about the possibility of putting. 00:44:05
Like an Event Center that that the citizens can grant. And we brought up this part. 00:44:13
Just you know that happens where. 00:44:19
Family reunions. Anyway, I thought that would be really cool and it would be a really nice. 00:44:23
Without a huge expense, right? Because it's not. 00:44:30
It's not a building like this. Have you been? 00:44:33
Every time. 00:44:36
I've been there with the pavilions but I don't know if it's seen. Is it in your facility? 00:44:40
We talked about like, doing theater and stuff over there in the hospital. Yeah, it would be really cool, and I don't think it 00:44:47
would be a huge expense, but it would be a huge benefit. You could do it barn style and tear down Leroy's barn. And you'd have to 00:44:53
take the ladders off of the stylist, which is very easy. You just cut them off so people can't climb up, you know? But you could 00:45:00
leave the structures and just build the events that are like a barn style. 00:45:06
What? It is heated, right? So they can have reception in the winter time or they can open all the time. It would make so much 00:45:14
money. Yeah, that would be a cool future for us. The city would make money, so. 00:45:19
The wedding establishment on 400 S is gonna go out of business. 00:45:26
That is on Geneva and 400 S. 00:45:32
And. 00:45:35
So grants will that or Sunday and and it has thrown so much wedding like sleepy Ridge can't handle weddings. No one can handle the 00:45:42
events that need it and like. 00:45:47
I don't want to go into finances of sleep your age, but if you did an Event Center it would be rented out. 00:45:54
And it would profit. The city would have. 00:46:01
Financial plus to the venue if if it were done right, you know Provo Provo library. 00:46:05
You know the old library that they have. 00:46:13
Kill it for the city. It's such a financial, it's a moneymaker. I think if you approached it as as that. 00:46:15
Well, maybe I just don't want it to be. I just don't want to be a huge fever for citizens, right? Like I want them to be able to 00:46:24
rent it for a reasonable fee. If you incorporated something like that in in the downtown in the city center, something like what 00:46:29
they did it it. 00:46:34
The library where they rented for, you know, thousands of dollars, you know. 00:46:40
An event then it makes sense to me, but this one was just thinking something simpler. 00:46:46
You know when we lived in Nevada? We get ready. 00:46:52
We could rent a building for like $50, you know, or our $25.00 an hour, right? So just something that that gives people access for 00:46:56
a bigger space without a huge fee, But and then you could maybe do something nicer in the city where people. 00:47:04
There would be a big demand we get requests for scout troops. 00:47:12
Well, right. And then if the city wanted to donate so many, so many nights or so many days a year, then, you know, whatever could 00:47:20
be a huge benefit, I think. 00:47:24
Especially since we stayed so much. 00:47:30
OK, my other thing was the Hill. I emailed you guys about that. 00:47:34
And my husband would show me if he heard me saying, but there was a lot of money budgeted to landscape that hill. And I feel like 00:47:40
that's kind of a waste of money because the original plan was just a burn, just a 2 foot 3 foot little hill wrapping the the West 00:47:46
SE and the north. 00:47:53
And I feel like that's. 00:48:02
Fine and sufficient. And if you're doing an RFP for landscaping, I'd like to see what it would cost us to turn that back into the 00:48:04
original plan. 00:48:08
And put that money towards something. I was planning on sending you an e-mail I probably should have done right away. When you 00:48:13
guys originally came in with the request to get rid of the hill. They have mentioned bringing a burn like you're talking about. 00:48:19
But because the city voted when we created the park, that being such a high amenity, the reduction of cost would be just leaving 00:48:25
the hill and not doing anything for it. So the City Council to kind of make more private area but also benefit the residents based 00:48:32
on that. 00:48:38
Goal for having that amenity created this really cool. 00:48:45
Sliding thing we put trees on to protect our houses on that side. 00:48:50
So if we were going to change it, we would keep it as a help. But we've actually already started paying for the hill and the 00:48:55
design and kind of putting towards it. And yeah, he's already out and it's already moving forward so. 00:49:03
Taking that cause and then putting it towards Mill and what I was going to send you was and I will also. 00:49:15
With that, we have money for me right now. 00:49:23
So I think the original intent of this was further requested you and your husband for the Hill, my husband. 00:49:26
So I feel like that's where we're at on it right now. I don't know if you guys. 00:49:36
My my kids have huge opinions on this, but when they found out that the hill was going to get cut down, they were like ready to go 00:49:42
and pick it. They were they're like, what do we need to do? Do like we need to camp out and put a tent there. They just. 00:49:50
It's the one hill for sledding in our whole city. Like when the snow comes, that's where the kids can go. And so and then I've 00:49:58
also heard other moms talk about how they don't feel like we have any good slides and the hills bringing in some good slides on 00:50:05
it. It'll actually have slides. Yeah, it actually has slides on it. If you go over and look at the the hill on North Canyon Rd. in 00:50:11
Provo, they just built in Provo just built a new park and it has a big hill on the backside of it that has slides down and that 00:50:18
place. 00:50:24
Is phenomenally popular. 00:50:32
And they just finished it this year. N Canyon Rd. So. 00:50:34
So kind of up above the River Woods and just barely to the South. 00:50:39
So just my perspective is. 00:50:45
Without how much we put into the hill, like with just the plans that we've already paid for and everything that's moving forward. 00:50:49
I'm I'm in a disagreement. So we so we paid for the plan, right And now you're just sending it out to bid this week. 00:50:56
So we didn't need someone to draft the plan. It was just. 00:51:11
No, no, we did. Yeah. We had a student concept originally and then we and then we hired. 00:51:14
And then later Consort did the construction document. So how much do you think regarding investments like 50,000 or something 00:51:23
probably around we have to see what the PC plan cost, could that provide that to the original concept about 4373? OK. 00:51:29
OK. So OK, Well, that sounds cool if they're putting slides in that. 00:51:37
And these slides, I mean, the sliding factor, seriously, if it snows, it's mud in about 45 minutes, so. 00:51:41
Will they be able to slide on the slides? 00:51:51
Yeah. 00:52:08
Right, nice, because it was it's our biggest park and it's like, I think it was loaded in the top 10 amenities for the park. So 00:52:16
it'll be it'll be yeah, okay, all right, never mind. 00:52:21
No, that's yeah, it's fine. I just, yeah, OK, that's good. And if we have money for them for the crossing of the district, that's 00:52:31
huge. So that's a bigger deal to me. 00:52:35
OK. All right. 00:52:41
I I'm gonna second Jake. I don't want I want to really be very. 00:52:44
Class has been careful about our contracts and agreements and membership. 00:52:50
When I see that qualifies as being paid 75 grand a year and American Fork is 1400, that is it's not OK, we're small. 00:52:55
And then like as far as the other things, we can talk about that too, but there's a lot of money and stuff like that. But Nelson 00:53:04
Abbott, when we heard, when we heard what we were paying stage, she was like, why? Why are you paying them? This is what I get 00:53:10
paid to do. And I'm happy to represent your city. They're great. There's nothing. 00:53:16
So, so that's going on. 00:53:22
OK. 00:53:25
Mark. 00:53:27
I know I didn't, he said. Just one more. No, you're just echoing. I'm echoing. Sorry. No, no, just like what are you saying? 00:53:29
Echoing the question. Sorry. 00:53:33
The last thing is I'd like to go neighborhood by neighborhood and address any parking issues that they have. We've already we've 00:53:39
already talked about a few of them, but. 00:53:44
Like. 00:53:51
Vermont, what's it called, right? Like I think there's other neighborhoods that we that maybe are still local that still have 00:53:54
issues and I think it would be before we go full steam ahead with. 00:54:01
Utah City that we address the issues that we have here. 00:54:08
Budget wise, you want to do something like that or in relation to the budget that we've put towards going in the neighborhood by 00:54:12
neighborhood with the parking study and things like that? 00:54:17
Or you want something additional? 00:54:24
Well, I guess if you if you implemented all of the parking study things, I don't know if it addressed on Tucker Rd. 00:54:29
But just neighborhood by neighborhood and see if they have the express that we need to take care of that makes their quality of 00:54:38
life a little bit better. 00:54:42
And I would like to hear a work session on what you guys have planned for City Hall, enough partners and that things that you're 00:54:47
talking about with that, I'd like to understand that. 00:54:51
So I have like an update on it too. I think it would be great. We're about to get the final. 00:54:56
Iteration back from Nelson Parker. 00:55:03
And we could have them plan to do a presentation on it, but kind of finalizing the the split of square footage between our our 00:55:07
partners, it should be, it should be a a. 00:55:12
A great way to bring you guys in and kind of help you understand where we are. 00:55:20
All right, I'm going to be quick. 00:55:25
I said that. 00:55:30
No, I took the full 10 though. 00:55:33
All right, first we're. 00:55:36
For cyber security and look at Microsoft contracts, all those things. 00:55:41
I want to make sure we're prioritizing our technology and our software. 00:55:45
And putting all that in order. 00:55:49
I'm urgently, desperately, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm very worried. I want that website on. I want us to really 00:55:52
focus on getting information out of the public. I know what I'm saying. We've all talked about and I know that in the past years 00:55:59
we've got a lot of flyering throughout the city and I don't think we've done as much as that. I'd like to see a budget set aside 00:56:06
for that. I would like to see phasing plans for the Corridor Park plan and maybe doing implementation. 00:56:12
I'd like to see our bench program we've talked about for a few years but never had implemented, but we're just making sure our 00:56:20
trails have nice amenities for people. 00:56:25
Rest um. 00:56:30
I would like us to be looking at ways to get the best dreams over interconnected. 00:56:34
Something I hear a lot about going preserves from what area? 00:56:39
8400. 00:56:43
Bridge No. No. 00:56:45
So it doesn't have a sidewalk all the way. He started Maine and go to. 00:56:48
That way, yeah. I mean, they're going to go to 8th North. 00:56:54
The gates got to come from their H lane. The HOA will bring the sidewalk. The sidewalk will bring them to yeah. Oh, oh, no, no, 00:57:01
no, no, no. We're talking about no Vineyard. 00:57:10
Connector, yeah. So you'll get in the sidewalk, you go down to 800, the dot will put in a. 00:57:19
Crosswalk for safer connection. You'll go down under where they are working on the water area and they'll go under the bridge and 00:57:27
then you'll come up. 00:57:32
Into the preferential area, if you walk to the West a little bit more, they are building a pedestrian overpass across Main Street 00:57:36
that will connect from 300 W Belvia Rd. and it'll go along with Main St. in the downtown. 00:57:43
Yeah, I think even if we wanted that right now, because we got the 7 million to go over from Maine to. 00:58:34
Is it 303 hundred W? They're not going to prioritize a tunnel or any overpass crossing. You can only have so many that go over 800 00:58:41
connectors. So right now we have the one that goes under the 800 N bridge, OK. I mean, don't you feel like that's been our 00:58:49
discussion so far? So to clarify, I never walk over there. We can't get under the bridge connector right there. We can, You can. 00:58:58
OK, Yeah. And if you see any questions, that's the area that's being fixed because the water issue. 00:59:06
Back to the bench conversation and just the trail. I like providing the Ballers and something like that as well. I'd like to see. 00:59:20
Expand our collaboration with UVU on our native plant signs. They want to do that. Houses love us to do stuff with the Autobahn 00:59:27
society. Maybe do some bath houses. 00:59:32
What's the auto society? 00:59:41
Isn't the Autobahn a road in Germany? 00:59:46
'Cause we can get rid of those. I'm really short. 00:59:50
And then City Hall I. 00:59:56
I mean, I feel like maybe things will be a little more comfortable. 00:59:59
We get that presentation and are almost engaged, but I'm excited about what I've heard so far. I think it's going to offer so much 01:00:02
that we talked about here today, so. 01:00:07
And I will say one other thing. I know maybe the location is a debate, but I know that specifically with how some of our council 01:00:18
meetings have been so crowded, I do see a need for a bigger, bigger council chamber because I mean specifically like some of our 01:00:27
bigger meetings really have been pushed out in the hallway. Also, Mill Creeks is bulletproof. I went and saw theirs and I thought. 01:00:36
Is that a recently proof for us, all the developed countries? Yes. 01:00:45
Just the benches. Bulletproof. Are we talking windows? Everything. But they don't have like glass. 01:00:53
Definitely opened my eyes and I went, yeah, OK, no, no situation. Is it Neal Creek? They're really interesting, City Council. 01:01:03
Oh, I don't know if there is. 01:01:12
They border each other. I lived there for a while. 01:01:16
I lived in Mill Creek, went to school on South Salt Lake. 01:01:19
You guys want to know some more stories we can talk about that. 01:01:23
And I got asked to do anything. If anyone's interested. I told her that you think this is a real story. It's a long story, but 01:01:27
I'll give you the short version. The answer to this really cool, crazy, scary girl was I don't think my mom would want me to. And 01:01:32
she was like, not interested. 01:01:37
Like you have to say pathetic. My whole life I've been training for this moment like all the assemblies don't join the games, just 01:01:44
say no because like look like less desirable. Let me ask my mom serious. 01:01:51
**** your mom. 01:02:01
All right, Mayor. So mine kind of starts on some of yours. I like the idea of the parts on both ends that you guys were talking 01:02:04
about. I would really like, as we look into those, to review the cemetery. We're already talking about the cemetery with the 01:02:11
downtown and the boards, but we had a cemetery located over in Holdaway Fields and then we had a request recently to re review 01:02:18
Gannon Park. So I think let's put some effort into that this year. 01:02:26
And make sure that we can get people a place a a place, a place to rest their their dead. Can I add something? I'm really excited 01:02:34
about the cemetery as well. I'm really supportive of it. 01:02:38
I'm hesitant as much as Forge. 01:02:43
They offered us a small space that we need to review. 01:02:47
So I'm hesitating. 01:02:53
There's an area where they donated to restrain space. 01:02:57
I would love to see the cemetery somewhere that's not as centralized, where we are giving away or getting taking over valuable 01:03:03
park space for the for the young people in our community. I think that when it's a little bit off to the side, it's also less 01:03:10
likely to be a vandalism area for teenagers. 01:03:17
That teenagers thing. 01:03:27
Start looking at that. 01:03:30
Getting surveys out, prioritizing those amenities. 01:03:33
Teenager. 01:03:40
And it's. 01:03:47
Brainstorm what that would actually look like. I think so. And get people. Yeah. As part of that, one of our big things that we've 01:03:51
been doing for the last few years is focus on agriculture. I want to keep it going. We've been doing vertical agriculture. We've 01:03:57
been adding it into how we're looking at our RDA. We've been planning over in the Heritage Park area, maybe some kind of vertical 01:04:03
farm in that area, something to keep our heritage going. But also in the downtown, we've got a vertical opportunity to partner 01:04:09
with one of our grocery stores. 01:04:16
Activity as bills start coming down and forcing cities to participate in different ways, this is one of the ways that we could 01:04:55
qualify and it's one of the ways that built into our heritage. I'm sorry. 01:05:00
Vertical farm is just a company buying property and vertical farmers, Yeah, it could be not, It could also be, you know, some 01:05:10
farmer that comes in on that land and we say, hey, you have this area to go ahead and. 01:05:18
Filled out your what are they called? They're not tents. They are high high high tunnels. They could do like a high tunnel. 01:05:28
So we could, we can do it however we want, but the idea is that the aquarium, they have a little section inside. I just saw where 01:05:41
they started building it up and I think we look at it, you can make it look good, similar to the Grove operation, exactly. And we 01:05:48
have, I don't know if you can grow, but they work with you. Again, it's a vertical arm on the north side of our city. 01:05:55
Fairly to the West of the 10 car coding and they just altered a recent company that wants to still continue to work with us. 01:06:03
System where it takes six days and it grows like perfect. 01:06:13
Half water and they're. 01:06:18
Developing into girl kinds of foods and feed the world. It takes a lot less water, a lot less land. You finish the door and you're 01:06:20
like, are they talking with the. 01:06:24
Utah City, people that do it over there, like in the, they're looking over there too. 01:06:30
Yeah, so. 01:06:35
They worked with Martin Snow to do a vertical area. They worked with Keaton Nate and the Goodborough team, I mean Flagborough team 01:06:38
to do something with a grocery store over until the Wakefield. We talked about having a garden kind of like they it's like Arizona 01:06:46
Park where they have this beautiful tent and it's a green kind of like we see it cooked. Just a place for people to go in and do 01:06:53
plants and find a community thing. However we visual envision it, we can, we can do it. 01:07:00
We also have a partnership with the university on it and their students that have been kind of working with us as well as USU and 01:07:08
our hospitals, so. 01:07:12
I'd love to see that keep going. 01:07:17
I really want us to. We've been working on our innovation research campus and it's been going really well. It's something that 01:07:20
we've been putting a lot of time into and I'd like to see us keep moving on it. We've worked with a lot of incubators around the 01:07:27
state. We've had great relationships with UVUBYUBU as far as their young entrepreneurial programs and really dedicating time to 01:07:33
visualizing what we want to see on the East Side. 01:07:40
With an innovation campus and how it looks all in these small businesses here, I think is going to set Vineyard up for major 01:07:47
success in the future. Just bringing and starting and incubating an ecosystem that'll bring in biotech and my science and. 01:07:56
They are parking incubator and they want to come in. 01:08:36
And this will indicate this with us. So really exactly when you say incubator. 01:08:40
Bring you out into society by getting investors from these areas to invest in your company and then creating areas like for 01:09:16
instance in the homesteads we created work. 01:09:22
With housing as part of our innovation research model here so that people could work and live in the same area to make it 01:09:30
affordable, but to be able to start these small businesses and just keeping our eye on that target. And then there's a private 01:09:35
industry fiber, they're saying, hey. 01:09:40
You're a new business, but you don't have video, you don't have the ability to do marketing. So we're going to give you those 01:09:46
resources. We're going to incubate you and then we're going to invest and then send you off into, you know, expanding into our 01:09:52
area. And that's what we really want to see is we want to start them here and then we want them to grow here. We have 01:09:58
apprenticeship programs. 01:10:04
I know I can't talk about that program in the past, but. 01:10:10
Seeing apprenticeships come back. 01:10:13
Like you could. You could add it to that and you could. 01:10:17
Through this, this is all through the view or this is through multiple universities that we are working with multiple developers. 01:10:20
Like I said, Homestead is just right over here on Center St. 01:10:26
Multiple different entities, like we're working with the chamber, we're working with the state we're working with, going on things 01:10:34
like that. I was just going to say just today Morgan arranged for a meeting with Ubus Entrepreneurship Center guy. Jim, Peter, 01:10:39
Peter J. 01:10:44
And and we we had him meet with our work work live units developer. 01:10:50
And he loved it. He's got this huge list of businesses that he started funneling that way as soon as those are starting to get 01:10:56
ready to be occupied, has an interest in potentially locating some of the UVU resources over there. And that's just one small 01:11:04
area. If this, if this E Geneva site has, has larger innovation hubs and entrepreneurial opportunities, it it could be phenomenal. 01:11:11
And he said they're pumping out businesses they they get. 01:11:19
They get more applications for businesses than they can even get close to satisfying and they're they've got 30 plus brand new 01:11:27
businesses that they're working on and get. 01:11:31
10 or 15 every year that come in and they bring them through their system and so that could we could have a home for them. 01:11:36
I don't. I don't do with all of that. My only thing is, is that our role as government like to have meetings and facilitate the 01:11:43
land owners of what they want to bring on their land. I don't want to spend tax dollars for budgetary dollars to go and do a job 01:11:50
that they would do with land owners what they want to attract like they need to be the one. 01:11:57
Extract and we can be in meetings and hear that type of stuff and oh, that's what you're planning as they come in. I just don't 01:12:04
want to be going out and saying we're going to sponsor $10,000 and do a booth and say hey, let's sell vineyard because we're 01:12:10
essentially located they're going to come like. 01:12:16
I just don't want to use anything, but that's something like going to be talking to a new test day, like all the conversations, 01:12:22
organ and everything. But like if we're paying for like an incubating real thing or sponsorships or going to membership things, 01:12:28
it's like I've never seen a government be successful. 01:12:34
It's the private market that that. 01:12:42
Populate and build out and we go out and we tell our story. Is Utah City member of the chamber? They all should be. I mean, that's 01:13:21
that's a private business thing. 01:13:26
Like I just don't want to learn the lines of like, and I'm not saying like, hey, we go to the chamber meetings and go through and 01:13:32
do that, but like I don't want taxpayer dollars going to like, hey, let's go us take a leading role. It's like this is their 01:13:38
property. This is their thing. We want to be in every meeting and say, yeah, come on in, guys, we're we're totally great. But 01:13:43
like. 01:13:49
I think there is AI wouldn't support. 01:13:56
Financing or traveling somewhere. 01:13:59
I mean, unless it was a. 01:14:02
We're going to go get Walmart. We got to go to Arkansas, go talk to Walmart. That's like, OK, yeah, I've been here. They'll go do 01:14:05
that, you know, but that is most certainly effectively what is happening on the on those economic development tours. Is there 01:14:12
they're meeting with businesses that are that we would desire to come to our city. Because if you sit back and just wait for 01:14:19
whatever comes, you might get a lot of businesses interested in in locating to where you are. But if you get. 01:14:27
66 McDonald's. 01:14:35
And no fine dining. We've missed ball on our opportunity to develop our our economy in such a way that we get the kinds of things 01:14:38
that people want, not just right. I mean, there's a great show in Las Vegas. What's the one that we go to the trade show? Yeah, I 01:14:44
mean, that we do that. I can understand doing that. 01:14:51
But like you were talking incubator or like something I was like, I don't what are we funding here? Incubators have everything to 01:14:58
go through with going to ICSC. It has everything to do with how we stone. So I'm just saying let's keep our eye focused on this so 01:15:04
that we when we're going to ICSE, that's our big goal. We're saying we want. 01:15:11
So create an area that draws in businesses that's going to attract these small businesses that are already in our economy that 01:15:19
provide space for them. And we're going to zone the area so that this type of building and these types of people can come in 01:15:26
because that's where you guys, us in total are going to be able to have an impact when we do the stationary plan. That's where 01:15:32
we're going to design something that says, hey, and we're going to design it this way. So. 01:15:39
Small businesses and these newer companies can come and then have areas to expand into because that's part of our zoning process. 01:15:48
While we have that responsibility right now, that's part of our. 01:15:56
Process and then also going out and saying, hey, we're going to go ahead and tell our story at the state. We're going to talk 01:15:59
about it with the county. This is how we get funding for our shoreline. This is how we get grants for our roads. This this is our 01:16:05
whole process of thing. We've got all of these plans. UVU has this Wellness Center that's coming in. We have this great 01:16:11
partnership with UVU and we're going to their events and their conferences to build out relationships so that they want to come in 01:16:17
and do a Wellness Center. 01:16:23
Deregulated this area so that you can kind of be a part of our city and as if we keep that focus and we keep working on that and 01:17:00
all of our conversations and everything that we're doing. 01:17:05
And with how we're spending with our zoning, with how we're talking, I feel like that's really going to be the next thing that the 01:17:10
Vineyard takes off on. And it's going to be health that we're going after transportation, it's going to be the regional airport 01:17:15
that's expanding internationally right now. 01:17:20
We want to make sure we're controlling our airspace so that they're just not flying over us, but we maintain the quality of life 01:17:27
here. But then saying, OK, how do we are in incubation group? How do they work with the airport and those students that are down 01:17:33
there, How can they start coming here and doing some trainings and then go back there. All of the different entities that are 01:17:39
coming from around the entire region, making space for them in our community by zoning and talking to them and getting out and 01:17:45
speaking about it at conferences. 01:17:51
So I thought it was about work because I was under the understanding of Five Borough owned that whole. 01:17:57
Area, so you're talking about. 01:18:03
Doing things for the city and I'm thinking that they only only get to decide everything that happened there. Yeah, absolutely. I 01:18:06
mean, ex development owns the land by Top Golf and by Megaplex. But we were actively part of discussions and saying, hey, we want 01:18:14
this area to have these amenities, to have this green space to be shaped like this, to give you this transportation, to give you 01:18:22
this amount of parking. And because we're envisioning entertainment and medical over here. 01:18:31
I guess I come from a different point of view, which is I think that that's private business and the private land owners job to do 01:19:12
that. I think our residents want us to grow. 01:19:18
Slowly and allow them to come in. I don't think we need to be going to too many places. I mean, obviously you want a grocery 01:19:24
store. There's some really key things that that need to come in. But if we just lower our taxes and function like a what a city 01:19:32
does well, it will lower the tax base and those because we are so centrally located in the county, this is the best property that 01:19:40
is available and they will come to those land owners and that's their job and obviously. 01:19:49
Making them available and and talking to them as well but like. 01:19:57
I don't. I think Vineyard residents are happy to grow organically, Not in five years. I think all of the new residents see it that 01:20:02
way. 01:20:06
But I think there's a lot of people that. 01:20:15
There's it's like this balance of I think the general population, in my opinion, from my experience, they want to see a lot of 01:20:18
economic development and they're stressed about too much agency. That's kind of what I get from people. And so it's hard because 01:20:24
it's like. 01:20:29
They really want a grocery store. 01:20:35
And they're really excited about a grocery store. But if we just have a grocery store and not some more development near it, it's 01:20:38
a little. 01:20:42
Incentivize that is lower taxes and just doing by our parking policies and by. 01:20:51
Thing that it looks nice that we have the megaplex and we have topped off but I think what a lot of people don't understand is how 01:21:03
the city played a part of those things like and how the city tried to like we've been trying to facilitate the grocery store 01:21:09
again. That's why it's coming I think that. 01:21:14
I mean, maybe it doesn't have to be an expensive thing. I don't know. I haven't seen numbers, I haven't seen a kind of proposal of 01:21:21
what you're talking about, but. 01:21:25
I mean, I, I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not saying I'm like, sure, let me sign a blank check or anything. I was like, I'm 01:21:30
curious. I think conceptually, I want to see a team that says conceptually this is what we're moving towards. And I would think 01:21:36
this is how we got hunting and Cancer Institute. It takes more. 01:21:42
The issues of our library and of correcting like expanding our parks like our Gammon Park and others to catch up just because it's 01:22:54
budget priorities, like I feel like doing it more, you know, doing all of that. 01:23:02
I don't even know if I'm asking for money. We have, we have money for parking and we're going through that because that is our top 01:23:12
priority. But you can't fix the library. That was a volunteer library where we've been dedicating resources for going out and 01:23:18
getting sponsorships and having people voluntarily time until you have diverse tax base that can produce the type of funding that 01:23:23
we need. 01:23:29
To pay for our fire, our safety, our libraries, all of those amenities that cost so much, our parks are parking, all those things 01:23:35
that really take from the citizens Unless we have this tax base that's getting back to it, that's going to be such a cost burden 01:23:42
on the city long term. And so really saying our focus is business and bringing business and industry to our people. We, we're a 01:23:49
bedroom community that can't afford those types of things. And that's why we send people over to Orem to go into their library. 01:23:56
I mean, I mean, I'll look at the economic development proposal or budget or what they're like, you know, all the various incubator 01:24:04
and travel things, you know, Yeah, see if you like it. But that's my that's my goal. And then my other goal is the leisure. So 01:24:12
ACT, health, airspace, transportation and a whole of the innovation Park. I agree with Amber on the communications. I like your 01:24:20
review idea. I like the parts with the cemetery. And then I think we should continue to focus on the shoreline. 01:24:28
And maybe as we go through the center of 400. 01:25:07
400 S 400 OK. 01:25:11
Federal dollars, so I believe they were out like 20252026, but I think we may be able to do it and then. 01:25:49
But it's out in this federal volume. We could reposition form and say we have money for it. Could you help us go in on it right 01:26:03
now and have that reimbursement split between us or something like that? And and so that's the intersection where it's the road 01:26:09
along the Vineyard, yeah. 01:26:16
Where you would straighten it, put the pump out? OK. But I also just the idea of, I know we've kind of talked about it a little 01:26:22
bit in Parks and Rec with that park space being, you know, with release the land to Om City. But it would be nice to kind of get 01:26:30
into more of a partnership or maybe if we contribute some of the land to additional parking in that park, then we can maybe have 01:26:37
some of that space on certain things of the week or something. So there's corridor along our city strip. 01:26:44
That if their city. 01:26:52
I would be able to it I I think I know it's a very. 01:26:55
I do not mind having the discussion again where we kind of try to motivate or and move forward. I would hesitate to turn over that 01:27:00
park space or parking until some negotiations that we've asked for along the. 01:27:08
East side or corridor have been fully completed and if they're able to turn that land over that we're asking for, we could trace 01:27:16
with that and maybe open. So, so maybe maybe I just need to learn more about it. Yeah, we could do that. 01:27:24
I mean that way, yeah. 01:27:34
Oh forms Park City owners and acres in there. Oh you're talking about adding parking there? 01:27:41
And create more spark space there, but in turn part of the green space that we own that we wanted to put more parking there. 01:28:27
So they want to do that. 01:28:35
We just didn't have the funding for it, right. Well, they also weren't coming to the table with some negotiations. So we said you 01:28:38
guys go ahead and take that on, buy the house, we'll trade you this parking once you remediate that by yourself, unless you want 01:28:45
to close on these other negotiations. And then if you do that, we'll be happy to play on you. So I guess, I guess in short, I am 01:28:51
in support of some kind of negotiation to make improvements to whatever we need. 01:28:58
I think it would be. It's, it's a great conversation to again, petition them to. 01:29:05
Probably the same. And now Eric, can I have that assignment as far as transportation goes? 01:29:13
That just that. 01:29:23
Yeah, 'cause I have to meet with the Oregon City manager all the time. 01:29:27
So it's very easy for me to. 01:29:33
Walk her away and the golf course wanted to talk to you. I'll I'll invite you to this meeting. I'd love to be for the 400 S 01:29:38
problem. I live over there also. 01:29:45
Ross is my great uncle. I know the well problem, I know the issue. I know the that a lot of you guys don't know the. 01:29:53
There's a pipe under that House of how they need to design it. 01:30:02
It's on the West side, so it's like this is what you need to do. But also. 01:30:06
It has to do with the timing of that because they're bringing grey water from Sleepy Ridge over that park from the treatment 01:30:14
facility to so they're not using drinking water to water that out. And that is coming through on a grant when you know. 01:30:23
So it's just, I just know all the details of it. That's right. That makes me wonder, is there anything about the far away? I 01:30:33
didn't hear anything about that quite a while. 01:30:37
For meeting, as we're talking about the budget and we're meeting, we're supposed to meet today, but I had to push off. 01:30:42
Yeah, things are good. We'll have our first meeting hopefully in two weeks and all things are done. We have a couple new land 01:30:50
owners who come to the table or yeah. 01:30:56
Can you let us know when that is you want to come? Yes, yes she does. 01:31:07
Yeah. 01:31:12
Yeah, I've been waiting to hear about Do you Wanna? 01:31:13
You see the one appointment. 01:31:16
I don't think it would be appropriate for me to represent. I don't either, and that's I already put amber on it. 01:31:18
Well, just, yeah. I mean, I don't think anyone's really assigned anyone there, but I took up and said I would need it from. 01:31:27
At some point. 01:31:38
I wouldn't represent the city. OK, I need 2 seconds. Were you just were we hoping to get to like 5 priorities or do you care if we 01:31:39
have like 10 priorities? You guys mentioned a lot. I feel like there were there were consistent priorities alone, all of us great. 01:31:48
I would say one more priority that I have. 01:31:59
OK, go fast because I went to. 01:32:03
I believe that if we gave a directive to the department heads in the in the spending cuts. 01:32:06
Especially for them to review. 01:32:14
Software's that are not needed. 01:32:17
But that they come back understanding that we have a goal to be one of the highest paying. 01:32:21
In employees, but it's upon their directive to look for their own cost savings measured. I don't think we should be coming at 01:32:27
them. Oh, we're cutting all of this because I know I came out and said hey, I think we could cut here. I think, I think if we put 01:32:33
a general idea like hey in the budget, we want to be line item. 01:32:39
The same rate if they could come and say, hey, we could cut this through. I think I and I lost it for everyone. But that doesn't 01:32:46
mean that they're losing that much. It means that maybe we could start to pay our salaries a little bit higher so that it it, it 01:32:52
is a really good job. 01:32:57
Yeah. And we also talked about tightening the budget, but I like the because. 01:33:06
As I work for counties and you put that carrot out and you say, hey, look, we're A-Team. And politically, you know, I understand 01:33:11
people don't want to pay, but I have had so many city employees that can work harder, that can hate. 01:33:19
You know what, I know I'm going to use this. I'm not gonna use this software. It cost us, but I think we can get it done through 01:33:28
this. And they just become so valuable that you go, well, we're just not gonna cut this out. And you're gonna work harder and 01:33:33
you're not gonna be incentivized. You're just not going to. And I think we need to have a council. 01:33:39
A council prerogative or or or or a goal that like if you can find this and we can do it and it makes sense and we can sit down 01:33:47
and go. 01:33:52
Because I look at Qualtrics and I love quotes. I work for culture for five years and they're some of the best people that I know. 01:33:58
By the same rate, I don't know if it's worth that much. 01:34:04
But I know, but I still look at the communication sector and I go, hey, she could be doing a fantastic job and I still believe in 01:34:08
service. And do I believe it in that much? No. But if she's doing an incredible job of listening and gathering feedback and 01:34:16
putting it together and getting that data back, man, we need to be rewarding her. You know, I don't know if you, yeah, you, you 01:34:23
really, this needs to be on a department level by department level and you can go, wow. 01:34:30
So if you go to the department heads and they go, look, this, this position needs to be funded more and you really trust them and 01:34:38
they trust you to really come back. I think you can, you're not really doing adjustments on the budget cuz it kind of stays the 01:34:45
same in many cases. But we become very efficient and we can go to the taxpayers and say, look, we're being very. 01:34:53
Prudent with our dollars, but yes, we believe that these people need to be paid some of the best in the county and because they're 01:35:01
they're good. 01:35:05
So I'd like to see that a priority in the budget. They're not asking for a lot. 01:35:46
OK. So it sounds like the three of you all mention that. It sounds like everything was all agreed to really with the idea that he 01:35:50
would research kind of what it costs for soccer and then there was a disagreement on? 01:35:58
The City Hall. 01:36:08
But. 01:36:10
I don't know if we just do the work session and then we talk about that one later. And then additionally, you guys will go ahead 01:36:12
and look at what it means for bringing in businesses to maybe there's some, hey, we need to have a budget because you need to jump 01:36:19
on a plane to Walmart to tell them to come to Home Depot or well, you know what I mean? Like somebody needed to jump on a plane 01:36:27
and you didn't approve it. In the budget, we would get an amendment and then you would know you would approve it. 01:36:34
So I don't think anything is going to come at us in a weird way. It's just I think making that, keeping that focus on bringing 01:36:41
businesses and building our innovation research campus and really focusing on how you guys want to see the station area plan come 01:36:48
together, that's going to be important. So we'll put a list of these together. If you guys wrote stuff up, maybe you could send it 01:36:54
to Eric and then he could call me the list. 01:37:00
I realize just to send you our own personal, I think that's great. I took quite good notes, but anything that you added would be. 01:37:07
I mean, I'm sure maybe it was all in her credit people, but. 01:37:18
I still want to see how that turned out. Well, I just hope you're in my office and it was missing. I know you didn't bring it. 01:37:22
I have I have one version of a photo of one version of it, but I. 01:37:30
Yes. And I will send that to everybody and I'll send it to them. That way we have it and we'll see how our ideas came together. 01:37:33
But I feel like this is really productive and we have a place moving forward as we get ready. 01:37:39
Yeah, go ahead. 01:37:46
How? 01:37:48
What I was thinking that we could do is take this list and maybe find commonalities but also. 01:37:50
Tag each one of your priorities and then as we go through our budget, we can tag where all of your priorities are being touched 01:37:58
on. 01:38:03
The result? It might take in all of your priorities. 01:38:10
In the budget today. 01:38:18
Perfect. So important. OK, well. 01:38:25
I, I, I agree with that. I also think that you know a lot of the policy changes that I made. 01:38:29
Because I'm doing our own analysis of does that lower it? Does it not make any difference like on those world? 01:38:36
How much savings is that? You know, so like having. 01:38:43
Chris is not here, but. 01:38:47
We might be able to see that marker inside of that, hey, this makes this change. This makes that big change. That's what I wanted, 01:38:49
Kim and the group of that I'm working with of like. 01:38:53
Look at what we did spend the last two years. Look at what it make does it and you know so we'll we'll look at that. I will give 01:38:58
you an advance in that some of our security enhancements that we're looking at are going to cost are going to cause our software. 01:39:07
Unfortunately that's OK, maybe we decrease it. Just today was here talking about Microsoft and I'm like. 01:39:18
So we have. 01:39:34
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Recently watching us. We're ready. OK, sorry. So the time is 408 April 3rd 2024. 00:00:00
We are going to start our City Council budget priorities discussion. The last retreat that we had, we weren't able to finalize 00:00:07
those details. Marty brought it up that we should have another meeting where we discuss all of these things together. And then I 00:00:15
actually heard that you have a similar conversation with Eric and Amber where you guys wanted to kind of present some ideas and so 00:00:22
on this time for us to go ahead and bring these discussion items to the table. 00:00:30
With the constraints on time that we have, what I'm thinking is that we'll go around and I will give each council person 10 00:00:38
minutes to present. If you don't need 10 minutes, it's OK. We're not going to add it to another person. We're just going to go on 00:00:43
and move through the meeting so that if we do have any discussions beyond that. 00:00:48
We can really get into the means of the. 00:00:54
We do have staff that are present if you have any questions that pertain to any implementation or any of your plans for your 00:00:57
priorities. 00:01:01
Umm, is there anybody that wanted to start out? 00:01:05
Otherwise, I can start here and we'll go around the table, OK? 00:01:09
So mine are more cutting than wishes, but one of the first things I want to just set the rules that. 00:01:16
If we could set a baseline of. 00:01:26
The budget gets down to $100, maybe 5 minutes too small to go to that, but $300.00 so that it's it's not high level. 00:01:29
It's it's not like 20 grand travel or. 00:01:40
10 grand it's it really gets finite in terms of the name of the association that we're traveling to the. 00:01:45
So it's extremely. 00:01:57
We don't detail instead of doing like a miscellaneous budget for 1520 grand, it's more. 00:01:59
Hey, what is this for? Just so that when it gets presented to us, if we get like a hey, it needs to be down to. 00:02:05
$200. 00:02:15
Yeah, just like when, when the budget, when the budget comes back, if each department head goes. 00:02:18
I understand it doesn't need down to $10.00 or $15.00. That's kind of small. But you say, hey, if it's if it's something, then you 00:02:24
should spell out exactly what it is. If it's, if it's. 00:02:30
Over 100, a hundred, you know, over maybe $100 is too small, but just the way the department heads know when they submit it back 00:02:37
to us that it's that granular. 00:02:42
This is a rule. 00:02:48
All right, so granular descriptions or yeah, so like, yeah, so just as a rule, like you don't just go, hey, our budget has 10,000 00:02:50
in travel it's. 00:02:56
900 is going to the. 00:03:02
City Recorders Association. So it's like they don't just do 10 grand as a group. It's I need to break that down to what is that in 00:03:06
the budget when they're asked, when they're making a request, Well, just in the annual budget, just like, hey, this is. 00:03:13
So it's it's just visibility in terms of. 00:03:21
Where like submitting it to us like any next month or so? 00:03:27
And I think if we agree on what that down to that level it is. 00:03:30
The rules. 00:03:36
And then? 00:03:37
I don't know. Do we want to talk? Are we allowed to vote on that? Like, just like a suggestion? 00:03:39
Because I can say, hey, maybe it honored us too much or 205 hundred 600. I think it's less about the numbering necessary because 00:03:45
there might be something like in in public works that's like, you know, they actually need specifically 20,000 or I don't know if 00:03:52
it goes above. I'm just saying that they don't if it if it. 00:03:59
If it's anything below that then don't start. Spell it out right. It seems like we do have granular descriptions. 00:04:06
But it's not published on the main budget, right? 00:04:14
It's what you guys go through as part of your your approval process. 00:04:18
What what Christie is going to get to you as? 00:04:22
You know, in the same budget it's going to have. 00:04:26
Annual engineers conference, it'll have the conference and it's in any associated cost and we'll have to travel for that specific 00:04:30
cost. But it it does get broken down by that for for your guys's review. 00:04:37
As we go into the budget approval has we've grown and gotten bigger. Food for thought. And I think the reason why the City Council 00:04:45
started saying hey, you need a little bit of extra leeway is because. 00:04:50
Conference has come up and things like that that were like, hey, that person really needs the training and their staff need to be 00:04:57
able to provide that training for their people. And so it could say training for this, but it might not say training at recorder 00:05:04
conference next day. Do you know what I mean? 00:05:10
But I don't want it to be where they. 00:05:18
I mean, I guess if we're going to hire someone new that would be in the budget. So then if we had to make a budget amendment, if 00:05:53
it was unforeseen, then we could we have to know then and there, but they might have the experience and not need that conference, 00:06:00
you know what I mean? Like I don't want to micromanage too tight like have like I think it would be OK to have made in certain 00:06:08
categories that are, you know, miscellaneous specifically would be for a conference for this department. 00:06:15
I don't know if you'd want it to be a itemized then. 00:06:23
That Marty, So I think, I think your proactive approach and the granular items are met maybe when we go through the budget if you 00:06:26
don't feel like it's. 00:06:30
Exactly what you want. I feel I have no problem with them coming back to the budget to or the council to ask because there's a 00:06:35
higher of a new person. But I'm just saying for budgeting it should be, hey, this is what it is. 00:06:40
But then come back, because if we're hiring somebody, we have a City Council meeting to adjust, hey, we're hiring this person and 00:06:47
we're sending them to this conference, this conference, OK. 00:06:51
Sometimes they go, they're hiring someone and they don't know who it is yet. 00:06:57
It doesn't matter. They can still come back to us without a name. They don't have to tell us the name. No, but like if you, if 00:07:01
they're hiring someone that's already been to that training versus they might not have been to a train. 00:07:07
Yeah, I just heard that we didn't spend all of it. Yeah, we're getting it granulated. So the second thing is, is I think something 00:07:15
that we were. 00:07:20
There are granular descriptions that you will be given, so you might want to look at those and verify whether or not they're what 00:07:25
you're looking for. 00:07:29
And then additionally, we always have amendments if there's new hires that weren't put in our budget. So amendments will come and 00:07:34
we could always add additional things for your 30 days. I like the prohibitive approach. Does anybody else? I think it should be 00:07:40
made, the granular should be made. I don't mind doing it in 3rd grade high level, you know, making public for people that making 00:07:47
the granular very public as well, like. 00:07:53
No one can understand. Some people understand it. 00:08:00
But it's public knowledge. Second one is I think we need to review our food and meeting policy. I'm not saying it's out of whack. 00:08:03
I'm not saying it is like I got the Ledger and I didn't. I don't see it in context. So I think it would be very imperative to 00:08:10
review what that is like if I go to a conference, what is the dollar amount? 00:08:18
Per diem per day and then also like what people eat when they're like a department head. Just what are those policies? And then 00:08:26
that's a budget priority. It's more cost cutting, but just I'm also not accusing this bad. I'm just. 00:08:34
Looking at the Ledger. 00:08:43
Understanding what that is also just through number 3A review of a hotel policy, like I work government entities, I'm not allowed 00:08:45
to spend over $120.00 a night. I know it sucks, but that's my hotel Max. And in any city in New York, yeah, that's what my the CDC 00:08:52
gives me on my budget. 00:08:59
Well, I but but that actually goes my next policy of like, what is it? 00:09:10
Like conference hotels will gouge me. Like I have to go to the National League of Cities and others, and they'll pick the nicest 00:09:17
hotel and it's like I'm at 3:50 at night and it's like, oh, my government, they don't allow me to stay there. 00:09:23
But the association's making money on that, and so I can literally walk across the street and get a 150. 00:09:30
You know, so just look at what our hotel policy is. 00:09:37
Five, and I know we've already paid for this, but survey software budget. 00:09:43
Like $5000 for the year is the most amazing software in the world. 00:09:48
You know, Qualtrics is a fantastic software. They have a great package for that. 00:09:56
My other budget is just a review of our our vehicle policy. 00:10:02
I think removing a vehicle from the county, like how often can a city vehicle leave the county's? 00:10:08
Or a negotiated policy. Maybe the county isn't the right, you know. 00:10:17
Also just a review of cars like being taken home at night, are they parked at like who gets to take them home? 00:10:24
Who's parking there would reduce significantly? There may be some some circumstances on a position by position basis, right? But 00:10:32
what are the rules? 00:10:36
Obviously, my other is the review of our like lobbyist policy, like what we would spend a review of like what other cities spend. 00:10:44
So I know that's more of a cut. 00:10:50
And I think we need to do a review of each association. 00:10:56
Like and have just a line item view of like. 00:11:01
Do we have a majority of that one? This one? 00:11:04
You know, but I also think on the membership. 00:11:07
Like I've been attending local chapters and national chapters. Local chapters are incredible. 00:11:11
Of all of them of like so you go to Mako you act chapter is just as good as Nako at the Utah level sorry National Association of 00:11:18
County. So like a lot of times we're spending money to go to the national conference where there's a state chapter and we could 00:11:25
give a bonus to the. 00:11:31
City employee of going. 00:11:39
Do you really want to go to the national conference? Why don't we give you a little bit of cash for just staying at the youth, at 00:11:42
the local chapter because it's just as good. What questions are you going to ask? You know, and maybe it's coming up. 00:11:49
To just go to the Utah because you save so much money on the airfare. 00:11:59
I would be just our employees cash, just a bonus. This is a bonus because it's sad because a lot of people like to travel to 00:12:03
Florida or New Orleans or Arizona and there's a lot of cities that will go. You know what, let's just go to the local chapter and 00:12:09
we'll give you 250 bucks for. 00:12:15
Yeah, you spend the night and they're caught. So it's not like a cut in pay for training. But it's just it's recognizing that some 00:12:21
of these perks are for traveling, which are great, but sometimes they don't want to go to the National Commons. They're like, hey, 00:12:27
you know what, I'll take the cash to go to the local chapter meeting. 00:12:32
Yeah, I feel like they don't even. 00:12:38
Different meanings. 00:12:40
Travel during these conferences, it's just all the meetings. I, I don't mind saying, hey, let's go ahead and review these things. 00:12:42
Let's review our memberships or where we're going or see where we're at. But definitely making sure whatever we're doing is 00:12:48
fruitful and then just having our employees attend. I don't think we need to get any additional bonuses for anything like that. 00:12:55
Well, I like it because let me play devil's advocate. 00:13:01
We have a lot of really well trained people that have been here for 1520 years and so some of them don't need to go to the 00:13:08
conference, but we're like. 00:13:12
Putting out two grand, 3 grand for travel. So it's like, oh that's nice. I get to go to this place or that place. My wife can 00:13:17
come. 00:13:22
But it's like, oh, they choose it. So if they don't go, you're like, well, you have the training, you're great. You should still 00:13:28
be getting kind of a. 00:13:32
Non travel. 00:13:37
500 bucks in your because. 00:13:39
We're paying for your experience. 00:13:42
Compensation plan, right? So it rewards them of like I've been around for 1015 years. I don't feel like I need to be going to 00:13:45
this, but it's still an extra. So they're making a decision like do I need to go there? 00:13:51
I'll take the cash instead. 00:13:59
Compensation, so you could we could review, I don't know if they do. I think I think a lot of the contracts do, but more 00:14:03
specifically I would. 00:14:07
I would caution that the purpose behind sending people to conferences is so that they have the latest education. 00:14:13
For 15 years, it's good for them to stay up to date on new things in their associations. 00:14:22
Every year or like. 00:14:30
The recorder, they have new software and new programs. They're new regulations in the state, yeah. 00:14:32
But there, but there's state chapters cover that, right, like and they're all state specific. I definitely don't mind the review 00:14:39
of it. I think it's delving into it. I think, I think it's I think we just need to be cautious. Like I don't want to feel like I'm 00:14:45
saying here, I'll give you money. Don't go get trained. No, no, no, but there are. 00:14:52
So you stay nearby. 00:15:00
But they still attend. Yeah, that would be interesting. 00:15:03
Great. But I also think certain times they can overlook it and they're like, hey, and I really feel pressured to go because I feel 00:15:06
like I need this training. But it's like I looked through the agenda of what they're going through and I don't need this. I'd 00:15:13
rather take the 500. Well, it's honestly, I don't know. I can learn it. 00:15:19
I understand that. 00:15:26
Yeah, I know, but we need to reward their expertise for being years. I I I think you're no. 00:15:30
Yeah, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I love. I feel like you've got. 00:15:37
Two facets here. Let's review the policy on traveling to conferences, maybe even put like a limit. If your conference is going to 00:15:41
cost more than this number, let's talk about it and you have to get special approval or something. And then but this whole 00:15:48
incentivizing them not to go get trained, it's just to me like, no, I think you get the wrong. I think it gives the wrong 00:15:55
impression that we're like, we care more about. 00:16:01
Well, no, no, no, no. It's not that. It's actually it's not. We don't care more about it. It's that we respect their expertise of 00:16:09
years and sometimes these are dog and pony like. I've gone to so many conferences where they go, I could have done this online. I 00:16:16
went because I was hoping to get something. I knew this wasn't great, but I want them to get out. 00:16:22
Still, they need, they need that, they need the conferences. So it's like take the 500, take the $500.00, but you're still going 00:16:30
on vacation with your wife to Park City or going to whatever you want to do and I. 00:16:37
Something like that. What we could do is take the two things that you mentioned, which is what he asked, was we could review the 00:16:46
conferences that we're attending and then we could review the compensation according to travel. 00:16:53
Just just reviewing it and saying what all of us will review and sign off on. 00:17:01
And then lastly, the, I think the communications director position is fine, but I don't know why we have it in this under the 00:17:08
mayor's department. If it's going to be full time, why isn't it within all of our departments or at least it splits half of it so 00:17:14
it doesn't report to you. I fundamentally believe it needs to report to all of us. I don't think it should be and I think 00:17:21
financially that. 00:17:28
You know, if we're going to fund it at full level, it needs to be under all of us. I think that the way that it has been, it was 00:17:35
under the mayor and then it went to. 00:17:40
The manager and then we pulled it back and the policy which would set it kind of like our finance. 00:17:46
Umm, policy. Have you read through our finance policy a little bit? So it's like putting multiple checks and balances that we can 00:17:54
create. So right now staff is pulling together communications policy. What I could do is put communications policy for checks and 00:18:02
balances and that could be part of the goal. I, I feel like that's one of my goals too. Typically you would have it under 00:18:10
administration. So if it was another way, it would go under the city manager. And right now our comms team works with Eric. 00:18:18
Right. But I just think that it should be under Eric strategic like it shouldn't be within just the mayor's office. And I think 00:18:27
financially like, OK, then if it's just your office, then why is it paid full time? 00:18:34
And then my budget. So those are all cut. 00:18:43
But all of our cuts, I fundamentally believe that if you review all of that, there's ways to pay our employees higher. 00:18:47
I think that. 00:18:57
Sometimes we give them perks like, hey, I get to drive this car home. 00:19:00
My quick review on the Ledger there's like 84,000 in gas. 00:19:05
And I go, OK, there's gotta be people taking home, why don't we just give them the money instead of us having your vehicle? 00:19:09
I don't just on call. Yeah, all the other vehicles stay, stay at home. No, stay at home, stay at the OK. 00:19:20
Every night. 00:19:32
Except for the on the call folks. OK. 00:19:34
Employee reports to work perfect early, early in the morning. 00:19:38
But that's pretty directors. 00:19:44
Sure, the directors allow that. 00:19:50
OK. A lot of these are obviously I haven't gotten the public version of the Ledger and I'm still waiting on that to review. 00:19:57
That was a CPA of like, but just originally with Kim looking at it, she was like, I think these are the rules that need to be 00:20:11
looked at on this type of spending, like food and meetings. 00:20:17
And then the other three and I need to finish. 00:20:25
Putting that cash towards, I'm a person that paid for my house in 20 years and paid upfront cash, and I think that putting money 00:20:30
down on the fire station is a higher priority than building a City Hall and getting that done so that you come from a strong 00:20:37
position and then mosquito abatement. 00:20:44
And then? 00:20:53
I think that the City Hall should be pushed a couple years to be able to pay better in cash and save up for. 00:20:54
A stronger position. So those are my initial like quite honestly like guys I want to get help from my budget committee for next 00:21:03
time that those are my quick ones so. 00:21:08
We have money going forward for the fire station we discussed over in Cottonwoods. It's not the one you're talking about or the 00:21:15
renovation of this building. 00:21:18
The Future station in downtown. 00:21:22
Oh, I just thought we were paying cash for the fire station. Yeah, we don't have money to set aside. 00:21:25
We have a lot of money set aside for the fire station. 00:21:32
Now the changes. 00:21:38
The Firehouse is Firehouse. It is a house Firehouse. We still have the cash for that. But didn't we set aside like we have like a 00:21:43
like 9 million or something instead of no, what do we have? I feel like last year in capital projects, the fire station had a lot 00:21:51
of money. We have, if we push money around, we have about $9 million. But for those it's not going to cost us. So we can take cash 00:21:59
for it and go back towards infrastructure further. Yeah. And then we can save up for currently we're budgeted at 1.7. 00:22:08
Yeah. 00:22:18
So we're we're doing what you want on that. Yeah, we've saved that for. 00:22:20
All right, that's all. 00:22:26
I have that as one of your priorities. And then when you say mosquito abatement. 00:22:59
I want to understand a little bit more about what your goals are for mosquito. 00:23:03
I don't think they need to come together. The detailed plan of it. There's a lot of ways in which you could do a mosquito 00:23:07
abatement and the city done it in a variety of ways. But getting cash and getting presented, there's a way that you know, you 00:23:13
could have one of the HOA's do it and bid it out to citywide. The city could do it and get a project. 00:23:20
Slicker did in the past. I don't think they want to do it, but just it was a really good program. 00:23:27
So right now we. 00:23:33
We contract with the county and we pay additional. So they start earlier and they end earlier and then our team goes and it ends 00:23:36
later. We pay them to end earlier now. 00:23:42
And then we have other programs that we're doing with like. 00:23:49
I was going to say FFRK, but anyway, and I understand the county program. I mean, I know them well, but they don't come enough or 00:23:56
often or drive slow enough. And so like I think that you could maybe, and I don't want to decide whether it be county or HOA or 00:24:05
city, but I think putting a higher emphasis of how, how much that is funded would change the lives of our citizens. But just to 00:24:15
talk about where we want to put the money. So HOAS do their own treatment and then we do spot treatment. 00:24:24
So they do our sewers and we also do spot stores. We were out there in our wetland area. We also use treatment for our parks and 00:24:33
then the county does spot treatment as well. 00:24:39
Mosquito. 00:24:46
And when we were going through our abatement, we used to pay for full abatement and the mosquito counts weren't going down with 00:24:49
our abatement. And so we just paid the county more to do the abatement. In the last year and a half or whenever we have the high 00:24:55
water levels, that's when we have to see those because all of the wetlands build up and we had a bunch of mosquitoes and we still 00:25:01
were under where we were. 00:25:07
A few years before that, which was incredible in the tracks, but I'm not against ever finding more clearer and better 00:25:14
opportunities for mosquito abatement. But I feel like our team. 00:25:18
Really exercising a lot of opportunities for mosquitoes so they have additional ideas. 00:25:24
Yeah. I just don't think it's at the level of financially that makes a difference like it used to be. So I think we could look 00:25:37
into that. So but also City Hall, I really don't, I fundamentally believe that our City Hall should not be in Utah City, though I, 00:25:42
I understand maybe there's a partner there. 00:25:48
But I think they have the rec center or the Aquatic Center and other assets and I think it's better down in the. 00:25:55
Megaplex area. 00:26:07
Or even another area. I just don't think it fits. 00:26:09
I would rather. 00:26:14
Not finance City Hall there, even if we did have partners, I think. 00:26:16
There's other ways where we could put it that would better fit. 00:26:20
Maybe the partners would move out. And also we benefited Utah City so much with the $1.5 billion head. I don't think we want to 00:26:23
buy land from them. 00:26:28
Or. 00:26:33
Yeah, I just don't think it's the right that they they've made like we want to support other businesses besides that didn't get 00:26:37
the government loan. I think it's that they're donating the land to us and then there's just ample opportunity to be in the center 00:26:45
of the city. We can talk about this later. I do think it's important as we do talk about the **** that a PID is they're putting an 00:26:52
additional levy on themselves. 00:26:59
For additional infrastructure, well, it's a they're taking from their own pocket, you know, they're saying hey, we pay, you know, 00:27:07
$2.00 in taxes, can you charge us $5 in taxes and we'll pay for infrastructure up to your standard. It's not the same as just 00:27:13
calling it a government loan. They're they're putting an additional levy on themselves. I agree, But no other, no other 00:27:20
construction company or development company gets that government loan. Only they do. And so it's a huge advantage with the rates 00:27:26
that they get versus others. 00:27:32
And so, but no other place is putting the levee on themselves. So if one of the other developments wanted to put an additional 00:27:39
levy on themselves, we would have to have that discussion. 00:27:44
But I just think giving him an additional, it's just too much like we've given him a lot. Let's do something. And I, I disagree. I 00:27:50
don't think Utah City is the center of our city. Well, and that's OK. We can we can agree to disagree. I think that I think what 00:27:56
I'm trying to clarify is. 00:28:02
They are donating lands to us, so we're not getting, we're not giving them anything. And then they are loving themselves. They're 00:28:08
paying additional tax, so we're not giving them anything. They're just going to the bank and getting a different rate, which we're 00:28:13
not giving them. 00:28:18
Because we signed in December to allow them to do that. That's right. 00:28:25
1.5 billion. 00:28:31
OK, Yeah. So I just if you were going to pay additional taxes, we would want to help support your property as well. But you're not 00:28:35
paying additional taxes. Nobody else is. They're paying. But you know what I'm saying? I just want to show we're not giving them 00:28:40
something. They're paying for something. 00:28:45
Yeah, we're not giving them money. 00:28:52
We just get we gave them the ability to take a government loan at a government, right? Yeah. And if, if other developers want to 00:28:55
do it, I'd consider it. It's not like I'm picking favorites. 00:29:00
I yeah, I would disagree on that just fundamentally, but that's OK. And it's just a different opinion. 00:29:05
OK, I just wanted to make sure we were clear on that information. Is there anything else you want to add to your list? 00:29:13
Like honestly I've been waiting on the public Ledger so I did as best I could to be prepared for today I'm hoping to get. 00:29:20
So once I can get that, maybe telling you that we're going to let you use the general library you already have. 00:29:37
So my CBI can use it. 00:29:46
Oh, so I did not know that she could use the unredacted? 00:29:50
All of our research that we did. 00:29:57
That 1700 pages first of all. 00:30:00
I think that's a great compromise. 00:30:08
And she doesn't even need to be deputized. She doesn't need to sign anything. 00:30:14
Just be careful with the information that is shared publicly. 00:30:20
And I like your CPA. I think she's, I think she will really respect that. So does that work for you? I mean, so now I have when I 00:30:28
want to make something public, I have to come and ask permission. Well, maybe just like, yeah, maybe just like if it has 00:30:34
proprietary information. 00:30:40
If you want to ask for help, always do. I would never put something else and put. 00:30:48
Myself in jeopardy. I will be careful. All right, OK. 00:30:53
But I think as you're reviewing that, what you really asked for in your goals was kind of a review of some of our policies, our 00:31:00
financial policies. So I think it could be a huge savings. 00:31:05
Awesome, Marty. OK. Mine is less extensive, I think probably because I've been like. 00:31:13
You're talking about the library. I'm super. We're on the same page of library, Sir. Good. The library mostly. I just know that 00:31:21
with the transition of having, we've just had some transition with library responsibilities through staffing. So I want to just 00:31:27
make sure that we communicate with the library and talk about maybe what then feeling that they need support on and make sure that 00:31:34
if there's a funding request that we strongly consider it. I think they're very good at. I know that they're working on their 00:31:40
5O13C. 00:31:47
C3, OK, Thank you. And I know that that still has a little bit of time on. I think we're maybe a year, year and a half away from 00:31:54
it. 00:31:58
But we did just approve the funding for the application, which is fantastic. 00:32:03
And so I just want to make sure that maybe as we're making the budget, we have that conversation with them because I worry that 00:32:08
they just, I think Valerie's been amazing, but if they feel like they're not getting enough help on their programs until they can 00:32:15
start applying for those scripts, I just want to have that conversation with them. I would love to consider. 00:32:22
Moving forward on things for Gavin Park. 00:32:31
I know that there's like. 00:32:36
I just know that Parks and Rec need more space to do soccer programming and just need thinking more fields. I think that would be 00:32:39
great to see if we can get that into the budget this year since we cut that last year. I also think it'd be great if we could work 00:32:46
on that line painter again for Brian, if that's an option. I feel like I talked to him and they could leave and have it cost less 00:32:54
than their labor right now. And I said bring it up to Eric because. 00:33:01
You guys should be reducing. We just talked about it. They simply don't have enough in their pink budget this year because it's it 00:33:09
truly is. It's about $1000 less than their paint budget to lease and operate and include payment. And so they put it in their 00:33:16
budget for this upcoming year. So as soon as July going forward, as long as it gets approved, we'll enter into the contract with 00:33:22
the lease on that and we'll do the rest of the painting. Did you need us to do a budget amendment forward to save the City 00:33:28
Council? 00:33:34
Brian didn't make it sound like it was that big the deal to. 00:33:43
Span the three months we came now July. Also in regards to the park, I would love to look at, I guess I'm trying to go by 00:33:49
department a little bit, but personally I'd love to look at getting heaters in some of our bathrooms so that we can keep them open 00:33:55
year round. 00:34:01
And maybe even automated automatic locks of sorts to help prevent like people late at night using them I. 00:34:08
We have the heaters. I know one of them, the Vineyard Park, has them already. 00:34:17
And they need to get installed and then. 00:34:23
Missing how to comment for us. No Excuse me. So the parts and rights they work with, they have, they have. 00:34:27
On my system. 00:34:40
In the budget, let's go through some other and they requested about their business. 00:34:42
There's some. There's some certain. 00:34:50
And. 00:35:19
What about the conversation? Is that being brought up again for this year's budget? 00:35:26
Yeah, OK. 00:35:32
For the for the purpose of them staying open all year. 00:35:35
And I don't. 00:35:39
And I don't know if you want to. 00:35:42
All the. 00:35:45
Start out with and see how they like it and see what the perks are or if you wanted to go online. I'm fine either way, just fit it 00:35:48
a conversation. 00:35:53
I just want to know because usually when I make a suggestion like, but people will sleep in there and you can't let them in the 00:35:59
bathroom at night. So, so we, we have, we had a conversation about it as as part of that suggestion. 00:36:07
And the determinant was determination was made that we put auto locks on it and potentially, you know, we test that for a little 00:36:15
while to see if they're if if. 00:36:19
We're having problems. If we're having any problems, we can have a sheriff stop by and have a Keith Bob to just check to be sure 00:36:24
that they're clear in the evenings. But until it's a problem. 00:36:30
That was a solution for it. 00:36:38
Why would you have Sunset park? Would be a good one to have a heater in but we would for sure want to keep checking on it and I 00:36:41
guess by the trail it'll probably be more of a concern. 00:36:48
I guess that's another question. I think it I don't know all the details to this one, but lighting along the trail would be 00:36:59
something that. 00:37:04
I don't know if all trails but maybe certain sections of the trail or I don't know just something. I don't have the knowledge or 00:37:10
statistics on any of this. 00:37:14
Yeah, like it would be cool if we could. Somehow I feel like it would improve on safety. 00:37:21
And I don't want it to be a nuisance to neighbors and I don't want it to create more people hanging out there late at night. But 00:37:27
it might be nice to have some kind of lighting option and just. 00:37:33
Last year the Council talked about us going down. 00:37:41
Yeah. 00:37:52
Likes the solar powers that provide those little bit of spotlight that would be really nice. I've been running on our trails 00:37:54
before and about had a heart attack in the infection and it was actually one of my friends. But yeah like I about died it was 00:37:59
great my heart rate you should have seen it on my. 00:38:05
I wasn't alone and it was terrifying. OK, so the other thing is I think it'd be cool if we could be in the budget or grant figure 00:38:12
out the garden fence conversation. 00:38:18
Awesome. OK. And then I. 00:38:26
The next is just like some of the capital projects that I want to continue us putting. 00:38:30
From Rob, that Rob's not working there anymore. So Ada or Jason, anywhere you could get, I could get one more order. 00:39:11
Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. And to say we really need it, the crux of why they need it, it's not just to have students get over, 00:39:18
it's actually alternative. 00:39:23
Route or say or the. 00:39:29
What is it called? 00:39:32
Thank you. Yes, for earthquakes, for their evacuation now and it's super critical. Yeah, so. 00:39:34
Thing that tasted last year. 00:39:42
Yes. 00:39:44
So that's one of the questions. That's one of the things that we'll need from them as we move forward. That's great. Yeah, I 00:39:47
think, I think when I, when you met with them recently, they they really want to have a good working relationship with that. So I 00:39:54
think we can write some letters. Yeah. And I feel like we've always had a super great relationship. 00:40:01
Yeah. Well, we did get a trial side, which was a really big deal. That was when Lehigh kind of got passed by on that one. Alpine, 00:40:11
I would say we got a lot. 00:40:16
OK. And then it's OK to agree to this degree. I actually am really looking forward to the city offices moving forward in the 00:40:25
downtown. I think it's a great area where. 00:40:32
I just think just from all of our plans and things I've seen and the fact that they're donating the land, I think is all stuff I'm 00:40:39
really excited about. And so I'm happy to put funding towards that capital project. And then also something that I would like 00:40:46
seeing to see taking care of. And I know this is like their sort of facets to this part, but on 800 on Vineyard Connector and 00:40:52
Main, that area that's under construction, it would be nice that once that construction is done to make improvements to that area 00:40:58
to improve the quality of life. 00:41:05
I know we talked about a part, the potential part for. 00:41:11
I can't think of the apartment complex name. 00:41:16
Thank you. I would like to see improvements in that spot. I think that we could be under construction as long as it has. It's been 00:41:20
a little bit of an eyesore and not great for the people that live right there. And that's it. Look at me and my time. 00:41:26
OK, so Tucker wrote. Those are a lot of the people that are hurting. 00:41:37
I think. I think there's some of them. 00:41:43
All right, so. 00:41:46
So the the crossing from Mill Rd. that was my mind as well. 00:41:50
To see something, at least to know something's being worked on. 00:41:55
We have so many people requested that. 00:42:03
So I think that should be. 00:42:06
Somewhere at the top of the list. So we have a tech grant that just came in and we'll work on the design for that crossing. 00:42:08
OK. So, so if that's the case, is it the whole Rd. like you talked about or is it just it'll be designed that goes into the full 00:42:19
Rd. but then we'll have to work through the process of creating the agreements in there, right. So things like that. And so 00:42:24
letters from the Alpine School District health. Exactly. So we're not talking about at grade crossing, we're talking about a grid. 00:42:30
It will, they won't allow us to do an app right there, OK. 00:42:36
The state's trying to get rid of all accurate crossings for safety because they're trying to make a good trainer go faster. Yeah, 00:42:43
but it'll it'll have to be there. 00:42:48
An overcast and it actually grew, well, just pedestrian. 00:42:54
I don't want to speak, but it could be either or both. 00:42:59
Yeah, if that's what all we could get. But if the schools are going to benefit, it would need to be approved. I mean, still 00:43:05
benefit would benefit, but they'll be failing their evacuation routes. 00:43:10
So that's why it's critical. 00:43:17
And that's what will really show the state when we go and we get these agreements, how the funding needs to come forward because 00:43:20
it is such a critical factor. So it would be nice if if there were huge hang ups on it being a road that we that we didn't. 00:43:27
Stop at least the pedestrian, you know what I mean. If it's ten years of your road and one year to do pedestrian. 00:43:36
And eventually. 00:43:44
Yeah, absolutely, if that was the case. 00:43:47
So a week or so ago, I met with Eric and Morgan. We were talking about that area down by where the silos were. One of the 00:43:51
developers was going to help pay for Heritage Park. Yeah, one of the developers were going to help pay to develop that into the 00:43:58
park. And so we talked about the possibility of putting. 00:44:05
Like an Event Center that that the citizens can grant. And we brought up this part. 00:44:13
Just you know that happens where. 00:44:19
Family reunions. Anyway, I thought that would be really cool and it would be a really nice. 00:44:23
Without a huge expense, right? Because it's not. 00:44:30
It's not a building like this. Have you been? 00:44:33
Every time. 00:44:36
I've been there with the pavilions but I don't know if it's seen. Is it in your facility? 00:44:40
We talked about like, doing theater and stuff over there in the hospital. Yeah, it would be really cool, and I don't think it 00:44:47
would be a huge expense, but it would be a huge benefit. You could do it barn style and tear down Leroy's barn. And you'd have to 00:44:53
take the ladders off of the stylist, which is very easy. You just cut them off so people can't climb up, you know? But you could 00:45:00
leave the structures and just build the events that are like a barn style. 00:45:06
What? It is heated, right? So they can have reception in the winter time or they can open all the time. It would make so much 00:45:14
money. Yeah, that would be a cool future for us. The city would make money, so. 00:45:19
The wedding establishment on 400 S is gonna go out of business. 00:45:26
That is on Geneva and 400 S. 00:45:32
And. 00:45:35
So grants will that or Sunday and and it has thrown so much wedding like sleepy Ridge can't handle weddings. No one can handle the 00:45:42
events that need it and like. 00:45:47
I don't want to go into finances of sleep your age, but if you did an Event Center it would be rented out. 00:45:54
And it would profit. The city would have. 00:46:01
Financial plus to the venue if if it were done right, you know Provo Provo library. 00:46:05
You know the old library that they have. 00:46:13
Kill it for the city. It's such a financial, it's a moneymaker. I think if you approached it as as that. 00:46:15
Well, maybe I just don't want it to be. I just don't want to be a huge fever for citizens, right? Like I want them to be able to 00:46:24
rent it for a reasonable fee. If you incorporated something like that in in the downtown in the city center, something like what 00:46:29
they did it it. 00:46:34
The library where they rented for, you know, thousands of dollars, you know. 00:46:40
An event then it makes sense to me, but this one was just thinking something simpler. 00:46:46
You know when we lived in Nevada? We get ready. 00:46:52
We could rent a building for like $50, you know, or our $25.00 an hour, right? So just something that that gives people access for 00:46:56
a bigger space without a huge fee, But and then you could maybe do something nicer in the city where people. 00:47:04
There would be a big demand we get requests for scout troops. 00:47:12
Well, right. And then if the city wanted to donate so many, so many nights or so many days a year, then, you know, whatever could 00:47:20
be a huge benefit, I think. 00:47:24
Especially since we stayed so much. 00:47:30
OK, my other thing was the Hill. I emailed you guys about that. 00:47:34
And my husband would show me if he heard me saying, but there was a lot of money budgeted to landscape that hill. And I feel like 00:47:40
that's kind of a waste of money because the original plan was just a burn, just a 2 foot 3 foot little hill wrapping the the West 00:47:46
SE and the north. 00:47:53
And I feel like that's. 00:48:02
Fine and sufficient. And if you're doing an RFP for landscaping, I'd like to see what it would cost us to turn that back into the 00:48:04
original plan. 00:48:08
And put that money towards something. I was planning on sending you an e-mail I probably should have done right away. When you 00:48:13
guys originally came in with the request to get rid of the hill. They have mentioned bringing a burn like you're talking about. 00:48:19
But because the city voted when we created the park, that being such a high amenity, the reduction of cost would be just leaving 00:48:25
the hill and not doing anything for it. So the City Council to kind of make more private area but also benefit the residents based 00:48:32
on that. 00:48:38
Goal for having that amenity created this really cool. 00:48:45
Sliding thing we put trees on to protect our houses on that side. 00:48:50
So if we were going to change it, we would keep it as a help. But we've actually already started paying for the hill and the 00:48:55
design and kind of putting towards it. And yeah, he's already out and it's already moving forward so. 00:49:03
Taking that cause and then putting it towards Mill and what I was going to send you was and I will also. 00:49:15
With that, we have money for me right now. 00:49:23
So I think the original intent of this was further requested you and your husband for the Hill, my husband. 00:49:26
So I feel like that's where we're at on it right now. I don't know if you guys. 00:49:36
My my kids have huge opinions on this, but when they found out that the hill was going to get cut down, they were like ready to go 00:49:42
and pick it. They were they're like, what do we need to do? Do like we need to camp out and put a tent there. They just. 00:49:50
It's the one hill for sledding in our whole city. Like when the snow comes, that's where the kids can go. And so and then I've 00:49:58
also heard other moms talk about how they don't feel like we have any good slides and the hills bringing in some good slides on 00:50:05
it. It'll actually have slides. Yeah, it actually has slides on it. If you go over and look at the the hill on North Canyon Rd. in 00:50:11
Provo, they just built in Provo just built a new park and it has a big hill on the backside of it that has slides down and that 00:50:18
place. 00:50:24
Is phenomenally popular. 00:50:32
And they just finished it this year. N Canyon Rd. So. 00:50:34
So kind of up above the River Woods and just barely to the South. 00:50:39
So just my perspective is. 00:50:45
Without how much we put into the hill, like with just the plans that we've already paid for and everything that's moving forward. 00:50:49
I'm I'm in a disagreement. So we so we paid for the plan, right And now you're just sending it out to bid this week. 00:50:56
So we didn't need someone to draft the plan. It was just. 00:51:11
No, no, we did. Yeah. We had a student concept originally and then we and then we hired. 00:51:14
And then later Consort did the construction document. So how much do you think regarding investments like 50,000 or something 00:51:23
probably around we have to see what the PC plan cost, could that provide that to the original concept about 4373? OK. 00:51:29
OK. So OK, Well, that sounds cool if they're putting slides in that. 00:51:37
And these slides, I mean, the sliding factor, seriously, if it snows, it's mud in about 45 minutes, so. 00:51:41
Will they be able to slide on the slides? 00:51:51
Yeah. 00:52:08
Right, nice, because it was it's our biggest park and it's like, I think it was loaded in the top 10 amenities for the park. So 00:52:16
it'll be it'll be yeah, okay, all right, never mind. 00:52:21
No, that's yeah, it's fine. I just, yeah, OK, that's good. And if we have money for them for the crossing of the district, that's 00:52:31
huge. So that's a bigger deal to me. 00:52:35
OK. All right. 00:52:41
I I'm gonna second Jake. I don't want I want to really be very. 00:52:44
Class has been careful about our contracts and agreements and membership. 00:52:50
When I see that qualifies as being paid 75 grand a year and American Fork is 1400, that is it's not OK, we're small. 00:52:55
And then like as far as the other things, we can talk about that too, but there's a lot of money and stuff like that. But Nelson 00:53:04
Abbott, when we heard, when we heard what we were paying stage, she was like, why? Why are you paying them? This is what I get 00:53:10
paid to do. And I'm happy to represent your city. They're great. There's nothing. 00:53:16
So, so that's going on. 00:53:22
OK. 00:53:25
Mark. 00:53:27
I know I didn't, he said. Just one more. No, you're just echoing. I'm echoing. Sorry. No, no, just like what are you saying? 00:53:29
Echoing the question. Sorry. 00:53:33
The last thing is I'd like to go neighborhood by neighborhood and address any parking issues that they have. We've already we've 00:53:39
already talked about a few of them, but. 00:53:44
Like. 00:53:51
Vermont, what's it called, right? Like I think there's other neighborhoods that we that maybe are still local that still have 00:53:54
issues and I think it would be before we go full steam ahead with. 00:54:01
Utah City that we address the issues that we have here. 00:54:08
Budget wise, you want to do something like that or in relation to the budget that we've put towards going in the neighborhood by 00:54:12
neighborhood with the parking study and things like that? 00:54:17
Or you want something additional? 00:54:24
Well, I guess if you if you implemented all of the parking study things, I don't know if it addressed on Tucker Rd. 00:54:29
But just neighborhood by neighborhood and see if they have the express that we need to take care of that makes their quality of 00:54:38
life a little bit better. 00:54:42
And I would like to hear a work session on what you guys have planned for City Hall, enough partners and that things that you're 00:54:47
talking about with that, I'd like to understand that. 00:54:51
So I have like an update on it too. I think it would be great. We're about to get the final. 00:54:56
Iteration back from Nelson Parker. 00:55:03
And we could have them plan to do a presentation on it, but kind of finalizing the the split of square footage between our our 00:55:07
partners, it should be, it should be a a. 00:55:12
A great way to bring you guys in and kind of help you understand where we are. 00:55:20
All right, I'm going to be quick. 00:55:25
I said that. 00:55:30
No, I took the full 10 though. 00:55:33
All right, first we're. 00:55:36
For cyber security and look at Microsoft contracts, all those things. 00:55:41
I want to make sure we're prioritizing our technology and our software. 00:55:45
And putting all that in order. 00:55:49
I'm urgently, desperately, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm very worried. I want that website on. I want us to really 00:55:52
focus on getting information out of the public. I know what I'm saying. We've all talked about and I know that in the past years 00:55:59
we've got a lot of flyering throughout the city and I don't think we've done as much as that. I'd like to see a budget set aside 00:56:06
for that. I would like to see phasing plans for the Corridor Park plan and maybe doing implementation. 00:56:12
I'd like to see our bench program we've talked about for a few years but never had implemented, but we're just making sure our 00:56:20
trails have nice amenities for people. 00:56:25
Rest um. 00:56:30
I would like us to be looking at ways to get the best dreams over interconnected. 00:56:34
Something I hear a lot about going preserves from what area? 00:56:39
8400. 00:56:43
Bridge No. No. 00:56:45
So it doesn't have a sidewalk all the way. He started Maine and go to. 00:56:48
That way, yeah. I mean, they're going to go to 8th North. 00:56:54
The gates got to come from their H lane. The HOA will bring the sidewalk. The sidewalk will bring them to yeah. Oh, oh, no, no, 00:57:01
no, no, no. We're talking about no Vineyard. 00:57:10
Connector, yeah. So you'll get in the sidewalk, you go down to 800, the dot will put in a. 00:57:19
Crosswalk for safer connection. You'll go down under where they are working on the water area and they'll go under the bridge and 00:57:27
then you'll come up. 00:57:32
Into the preferential area, if you walk to the West a little bit more, they are building a pedestrian overpass across Main Street 00:57:36
that will connect from 300 W Belvia Rd. and it'll go along with Main St. in the downtown. 00:57:43
Yeah, I think even if we wanted that right now, because we got the 7 million to go over from Maine to. 00:58:34
Is it 303 hundred W? They're not going to prioritize a tunnel or any overpass crossing. You can only have so many that go over 800 00:58:41
connectors. So right now we have the one that goes under the 800 N bridge, OK. I mean, don't you feel like that's been our 00:58:49
discussion so far? So to clarify, I never walk over there. We can't get under the bridge connector right there. We can, You can. 00:58:58
OK, Yeah. And if you see any questions, that's the area that's being fixed because the water issue. 00:59:06
Back to the bench conversation and just the trail. I like providing the Ballers and something like that as well. I'd like to see. 00:59:20
Expand our collaboration with UVU on our native plant signs. They want to do that. Houses love us to do stuff with the Autobahn 00:59:27
society. Maybe do some bath houses. 00:59:32
What's the auto society? 00:59:41
Isn't the Autobahn a road in Germany? 00:59:46
'Cause we can get rid of those. I'm really short. 00:59:50
And then City Hall I. 00:59:56
I mean, I feel like maybe things will be a little more comfortable. 00:59:59
We get that presentation and are almost engaged, but I'm excited about what I've heard so far. I think it's going to offer so much 01:00:02
that we talked about here today, so. 01:00:07
And I will say one other thing. I know maybe the location is a debate, but I know that specifically with how some of our council 01:00:18
meetings have been so crowded, I do see a need for a bigger, bigger council chamber because I mean specifically like some of our 01:00:27
bigger meetings really have been pushed out in the hallway. Also, Mill Creeks is bulletproof. I went and saw theirs and I thought. 01:00:36
Is that a recently proof for us, all the developed countries? Yes. 01:00:45
Just the benches. Bulletproof. Are we talking windows? Everything. But they don't have like glass. 01:00:53
Definitely opened my eyes and I went, yeah, OK, no, no situation. Is it Neal Creek? They're really interesting, City Council. 01:01:03
Oh, I don't know if there is. 01:01:12
They border each other. I lived there for a while. 01:01:16
I lived in Mill Creek, went to school on South Salt Lake. 01:01:19
You guys want to know some more stories we can talk about that. 01:01:23
And I got asked to do anything. If anyone's interested. I told her that you think this is a real story. It's a long story, but 01:01:27
I'll give you the short version. The answer to this really cool, crazy, scary girl was I don't think my mom would want me to. And 01:01:32
she was like, not interested. 01:01:37
Like you have to say pathetic. My whole life I've been training for this moment like all the assemblies don't join the games, just 01:01:44
say no because like look like less desirable. Let me ask my mom serious. 01:01:51
**** your mom. 01:02:01
All right, Mayor. So mine kind of starts on some of yours. I like the idea of the parts on both ends that you guys were talking 01:02:04
about. I would really like, as we look into those, to review the cemetery. We're already talking about the cemetery with the 01:02:11
downtown and the boards, but we had a cemetery located over in Holdaway Fields and then we had a request recently to re review 01:02:18
Gannon Park. So I think let's put some effort into that this year. 01:02:26
And make sure that we can get people a place a a place, a place to rest their their dead. Can I add something? I'm really excited 01:02:34
about the cemetery as well. I'm really supportive of it. 01:02:38
I'm hesitant as much as Forge. 01:02:43
They offered us a small space that we need to review. 01:02:47
So I'm hesitating. 01:02:53
There's an area where they donated to restrain space. 01:02:57
I would love to see the cemetery somewhere that's not as centralized, where we are giving away or getting taking over valuable 01:03:03
park space for the for the young people in our community. I think that when it's a little bit off to the side, it's also less 01:03:10
likely to be a vandalism area for teenagers. 01:03:17
That teenagers thing. 01:03:27
Start looking at that. 01:03:30
Getting surveys out, prioritizing those amenities. 01:03:33
Teenager. 01:03:40
And it's. 01:03:47
Brainstorm what that would actually look like. I think so. And get people. Yeah. As part of that, one of our big things that we've 01:03:51
been doing for the last few years is focus on agriculture. I want to keep it going. We've been doing vertical agriculture. We've 01:03:57
been adding it into how we're looking at our RDA. We've been planning over in the Heritage Park area, maybe some kind of vertical 01:04:03
farm in that area, something to keep our heritage going. But also in the downtown, we've got a vertical opportunity to partner 01:04:09
with one of our grocery stores. 01:04:16
Activity as bills start coming down and forcing cities to participate in different ways, this is one of the ways that we could 01:04:55
qualify and it's one of the ways that built into our heritage. I'm sorry. 01:05:00
Vertical farm is just a company buying property and vertical farmers, Yeah, it could be not, It could also be, you know, some 01:05:10
farmer that comes in on that land and we say, hey, you have this area to go ahead and. 01:05:18
Filled out your what are they called? They're not tents. They are high high high tunnels. They could do like a high tunnel. 01:05:28
So we could, we can do it however we want, but the idea is that the aquarium, they have a little section inside. I just saw where 01:05:41
they started building it up and I think we look at it, you can make it look good, similar to the Grove operation, exactly. And we 01:05:48
have, I don't know if you can grow, but they work with you. Again, it's a vertical arm on the north side of our city. 01:05:55
Fairly to the West of the 10 car coding and they just altered a recent company that wants to still continue to work with us. 01:06:03
System where it takes six days and it grows like perfect. 01:06:13
Half water and they're. 01:06:18
Developing into girl kinds of foods and feed the world. It takes a lot less water, a lot less land. You finish the door and you're 01:06:20
like, are they talking with the. 01:06:24
Utah City, people that do it over there, like in the, they're looking over there too. 01:06:30
Yeah, so. 01:06:35
They worked with Martin Snow to do a vertical area. They worked with Keaton Nate and the Goodborough team, I mean Flagborough team 01:06:38
to do something with a grocery store over until the Wakefield. We talked about having a garden kind of like they it's like Arizona 01:06:46
Park where they have this beautiful tent and it's a green kind of like we see it cooked. Just a place for people to go in and do 01:06:53
plants and find a community thing. However we visual envision it, we can, we can do it. 01:07:00