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The Sycamores PhaseFinal plat approval | |
Chair James introduced the item as the next phase. He noted that there were comments that have been taken care of previously. | |
Planner Anthony Fletcher noted that there are unique lots. Only would be buildable; theth one would be open space. Chair James asked if that was to provide space for a walk path. Planner Fletcher said yes, something of that sort. Chair James noted that there was an utility that runs through there. | |
Planner Fletcher acknowledged the conditions: pay off all outstanding fees (which they do not have at the moment) and to apply for a land disturbance permit as the next step. He noted that he wanted this as part of the motion. Chair James agreed with needing a land disturbance permit. | |
Geneva Retail Frontage Subdivision Plat F | |
Chair James provided a background and noted this was to remove the boundary between the two lots. Chair James noted that it already had a land disturbance permit in review. | |
Planner Fletcher discussed shrubs in the lot that need approval from public works before implementation. He added that there was an issue with the tax clearance. There will be an automatic hold on the reviews until it has been paid off at the county. | |
Planner Fletcher noted the conditions: the applicant needs approval on the shrubs, the applicant needs to pay their taxes before recordation, and the land disturbance permit needs to be approved. | |
The applicant, Brady Morris with X-Development, noted that two of those things are related to the subdivision, and the other one is related to the site plan. Planner Fletcher acknowledged this and noted that the shrubs condition should be removed for this approval. | |
Motion: DEPUTY FIRE MARSHALL BRANDON VALLEY MOTIONED TO APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS AT14AM. BUILDING OFFICIAL JOHNSON SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR: VALLEY, ELLIS, JOHNSON, VAWDREY, AND JAMES. THIS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Planner Fletcher added that the applicant was present and that it will be a hotel. He noted that they are reviewing the site plan and conditional use application. Planner Fletcher explained that these will be a part of another approval. He noted the next scheduled meeting is on Julyth. STAFF, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no reports. | |
ADJOURNMENT Chair James adjourned the meeting at16am. MINUTES CERTIFIED COMPLETE ON: Decemberth,24 CERTIFIED (NOTICED) BY: Madison Reed, Planning Technician |
Uh, with the team out, umm. So this is the Development Review Committee meeting for June 20th, 2024. | 00:00:00 | |
Umm, do we just dive into the first side of the business? | 00:00:14 | |
OK, the first item of business is the Sycamore phase five, uh, final plat. OK, I was sharing my screen, but there we go. | 00:00:18 | |
Umm, so this is just the next phase for the sycamores. Umm, just here to the southwest of City Hall, umm. | 00:00:31 | |
Pretty standard flat to match the other phases that have been happening. There were a few comments, uh, previously that have been | 00:00:41 | |
taken care of by the applicant. Umm. Does anybody have any comments or questions? | 00:00:51 | |
OK. | 00:01:07 | |
Is that all we do? And then? | 00:01:10 | |
I just wanted to point out to the team that we have 19. You need to log spell, but only 18 would be buildable. Umm, the 19th 1:00 | 00:01:12 | |
will be uh, an open space that had to be, umm, put in there and that's the little corner one right there. I just wanted to point | 00:01:19 | |
that out yeah. Is that, uh, just provide space for a walk path, a trail or something, something of that sort yeah. | 00:01:27 | |
I know there's a utility that goes through there as well, yeah. | 00:01:35 | |
So, umm. | 00:01:43 | |
The only condition we have for the only condition we have for this one would be to have them, umm, pay off standard fees, umm, as | 00:01:44 | |
a stand. Now there are no fees, but if anything comes up, we would want to make sure that they have that paid and uh, they would | 00:01:50 | |
need to apply for a land assurance permit as well at the next step before they can do anything on the land. So these are the | 00:01:57 | |
conditions and would want to have that. | 00:02:03 | |
As part of your motion if you umm, want to approve this. | 00:02:10 | |
OK, yeah, so for construction and land disturbance permit needs to be umm submitted in uh a review would be on a simple drawings | 00:02:15 | |
for that. Do I make a motion or or are we is everybody good at this plan? | 00:02:23 | |
That's true. Cannot make a motion. | 00:02:34 | |
Somebody make a motion to approve this plan. | 00:02:39 | |
I can make a motion to approve this. | 00:02:45 | |
Sign more Phase five final plan. | 00:02:49 | |
I'll second that with the conditions you have to state that too. | 00:02:54 | |
With the conditions to to pay any inference unforeseen fee fees. Yep, and. | 00:03:00 | |
And it'll end to some of the lens permit. Thank you. | 00:03:09 | |
Again, I'll second that with those conditions. | 00:03:16 | |
OK, the plat for the Sycamore Space 5 is approved. Are we gonna vote? | 00:03:19 | |
Oh, do we need to go? | 00:03:25 | |
Certainly I wouldn't pay any attention. We'll vote right. All in favor. All in favor. Aye, aye, aye. | 00:03:28 | |
OK, now the PLA, so the two questions 5 is approved. | 00:03:38 | |
OK. Next item of business. | 00:03:43 | |
Uh, we will talk about the Geneva retail frontage subdivision platform. | 00:03:47 | |
So this plat. | 00:03:55 | |
Was combining. | 00:03:59 | |
That's that's what correct. Yeah. | 00:04:04 | |
Combi combining the the two parcels or or lots in this area into 11 lot. | 00:04:06 | |
Umm, there weren't really many comments on that. Pretty standard, just removing the boundary between the two lots. Does anybody | 00:04:19 | |
have any questions or comments on this one? | 00:04:24 | |
This one. | 00:04:35 | |
Also already has a line of service permit in, uh, currently, umm, interview. Uh, is there anything else on this one entity? Yeah. | 00:04:38 | |
So we have two things. Uh, the first one is gonna be the shrub, uh, the shrubs that they have indicated to go in the in somewhere | 00:04:45 | |
in the, a lot has to be approved by, uh, public works or the if it doesn't seem to be one that's really in our, uh, vignette tree | 00:04:53 | |
manual. | 00:05:00 | |
So that it needs approval from George or the, you know, public works before that can be put in in the future. And there was also | 00:05:08 | |
an issue with the tax clearance, uh, some money owed on the land that we have. Like we run this by Jamie and he's OK with us not | 00:05:15 | |
holding the project, but doing our reviews. But there's gonna be an automatic hold on the project until that is paid because after | 00:05:22 | |
we, we approve this one, it would not be. | 00:05:29 | |
Umm, we cannot record this until that has been paid off at the county. So we have that in as a condition as well. There are three | 00:05:38 | |
conditions. | 00:05:42 | |
There's a shrub that needs approval and. | 00:05:46 | |
The tax that needs to be paid and also the land disturbance permit umm as the conditions as well before we can have this recorded. | 00:05:53 | |
So these are the main things so. | 00:05:59 | |
Two of those things are related to the subdivision. The other one is define client. | 00:06:07 | |
Yeah, which are separate items, so we can actually take out the shrub one. In terms of the conditions, the main ones are gonna be | 00:06:14 | |
the tax and the land disturbance permit. | 00:06:19 | |
OK. | 00:06:24 | |
OK. Do you have any, I guess the motion to approve this, but? | 00:06:28 | |
I'll motion to approve the Geneva Retail Frontage Subdivision Platinum with the conditions of the tax and the land disturbance | 00:06:33 | |
permit. | 00:06:37 | |
I need someone to pretend that I'll second that. | 00:06:45 | |
OK, uh, all approved. | 00:06:51 | |
Or all those in favor say aye aye aye aye, OK. The Geneva retail project subdivision S is approved. | 00:06:54 | |
We have an applicant here, so if there are any questions for the applicant, umm, I'm sure they're more than willing to answer. But | 00:07:07 | |
as you already know, it's gonna be a hotel in that spot. So we're reviewing the site plan and, uh, conditional use permit for that | 00:07:13 | |
one. | 00:07:18 | |
All right, does applicant have anything to say as well? | 00:07:25 | |
Yeah. | 00:07:34 | |
So that, that would, uh, come up in our next BRC. So, yeah, because we'd have to review, share, uh, comments with you, make sure | 00:07:36 | |
we're all on the same page, then we schedule you for this meeting and then we can have the whole panel ask you questions that they | 00:07:41 | |
may have. Yep. | 00:07:47 | |
No, no, this is just the first day. | 00:07:53 | |
So the next scheduled meeting for DRC will be the 18th of July, so. | 00:08:00 | |
Before then would have some communications going back and forth and I'm sure we can. | 00:08:08 | |
Umm. | 00:08:14 | |
And your breathing OK? We've been talking on the phone. | 00:08:17 | |
OK. I think we're good to close for today. Yeah, we'll adjourn the meeting for today. | 00:08:23 | |
What's that? That's it for anything else. | 00:08:33 |
* you need to log in to manage your favorites
Uh, with the team out, umm. So this is the Development Review Committee meeting for June 20th, 2024. | 00:00:00 | |
Umm, do we just dive into the first side of the business? | 00:00:14 | |
OK, the first item of business is the Sycamore phase five, uh, final plat. OK, I was sharing my screen, but there we go. | 00:00:18 | |
Umm, so this is just the next phase for the sycamores. Umm, just here to the southwest of City Hall, umm. | 00:00:31 | |
Pretty standard flat to match the other phases that have been happening. There were a few comments, uh, previously that have been | 00:00:41 | |
taken care of by the applicant. Umm. Does anybody have any comments or questions? | 00:00:51 | |
OK. | 00:01:07 | |
Is that all we do? And then? | 00:01:10 | |
I just wanted to point out to the team that we have 19. You need to log spell, but only 18 would be buildable. Umm, the 19th 1:00 | 00:01:12 | |
will be uh, an open space that had to be, umm, put in there and that's the little corner one right there. I just wanted to point | 00:01:19 | |
that out yeah. Is that, uh, just provide space for a walk path, a trail or something, something of that sort yeah. | 00:01:27 | |
I know there's a utility that goes through there as well, yeah. | 00:01:35 | |
So, umm. | 00:01:43 | |
The only condition we have for the only condition we have for this one would be to have them, umm, pay off standard fees, umm, as | 00:01:44 | |
a stand. Now there are no fees, but if anything comes up, we would want to make sure that they have that paid and uh, they would | 00:01:50 | |
need to apply for a land assurance permit as well at the next step before they can do anything on the land. So these are the | 00:01:57 | |
conditions and would want to have that. | 00:02:03 | |
As part of your motion if you umm, want to approve this. | 00:02:10 | |
OK, yeah, so for construction and land disturbance permit needs to be umm submitted in uh a review would be on a simple drawings | 00:02:15 | |
for that. Do I make a motion or or are we is everybody good at this plan? | 00:02:23 | |
That's true. Cannot make a motion. | 00:02:34 | |
Somebody make a motion to approve this plan. | 00:02:39 | |
I can make a motion to approve this. | 00:02:45 | |
Sign more Phase five final plan. | 00:02:49 | |
I'll second that with the conditions you have to state that too. | 00:02:54 | |
With the conditions to to pay any inference unforeseen fee fees. Yep, and. | 00:03:00 | |
And it'll end to some of the lens permit. Thank you. | 00:03:09 | |
Again, I'll second that with those conditions. | 00:03:16 | |
OK, the plat for the Sycamore Space 5 is approved. Are we gonna vote? | 00:03:19 | |
Oh, do we need to go? | 00:03:25 | |
Certainly I wouldn't pay any attention. We'll vote right. All in favor. All in favor. Aye, aye, aye. | 00:03:28 | |
OK, now the PLA, so the two questions 5 is approved. | 00:03:38 | |
OK. Next item of business. | 00:03:43 | |
Uh, we will talk about the Geneva retail frontage subdivision platform. | 00:03:47 | |
So this plat. | 00:03:55 | |
Was combining. | 00:03:59 | |
That's that's what correct. Yeah. | 00:04:04 | |
Combi combining the the two parcels or or lots in this area into 11 lot. | 00:04:06 | |
Umm, there weren't really many comments on that. Pretty standard, just removing the boundary between the two lots. Does anybody | 00:04:19 | |
have any questions or comments on this one? | 00:04:24 | |
This one. | 00:04:35 | |
Also already has a line of service permit in, uh, currently, umm, interview. Uh, is there anything else on this one entity? Yeah. | 00:04:38 | |
So we have two things. Uh, the first one is gonna be the shrub, uh, the shrubs that they have indicated to go in the in somewhere | 00:04:45 | |
in the, a lot has to be approved by, uh, public works or the if it doesn't seem to be one that's really in our, uh, vignette tree | 00:04:53 | |
manual. | 00:05:00 | |
So that it needs approval from George or the, you know, public works before that can be put in in the future. And there was also | 00:05:08 | |
an issue with the tax clearance, uh, some money owed on the land that we have. Like we run this by Jamie and he's OK with us not | 00:05:15 | |
holding the project, but doing our reviews. But there's gonna be an automatic hold on the project until that is paid because after | 00:05:22 | |
we, we approve this one, it would not be. | 00:05:29 | |
Umm, we cannot record this until that has been paid off at the county. So we have that in as a condition as well. There are three | 00:05:38 | |
conditions. | 00:05:42 | |
There's a shrub that needs approval and. | 00:05:46 | |
The tax that needs to be paid and also the land disturbance permit umm as the conditions as well before we can have this recorded. | 00:05:53 | |
So these are the main things so. | 00:05:59 | |
Two of those things are related to the subdivision. The other one is define client. | 00:06:07 | |
Yeah, which are separate items, so we can actually take out the shrub one. In terms of the conditions, the main ones are gonna be | 00:06:14 | |
the tax and the land disturbance permit. | 00:06:19 | |
OK. | 00:06:24 | |
OK. Do you have any, I guess the motion to approve this, but? | 00:06:28 | |
I'll motion to approve the Geneva Retail Frontage Subdivision Platinum with the conditions of the tax and the land disturbance | 00:06:33 | |
permit. | 00:06:37 | |
I need someone to pretend that I'll second that. | 00:06:45 | |
OK, uh, all approved. | 00:06:51 | |
Or all those in favor say aye aye aye aye, OK. The Geneva retail project subdivision S is approved. | 00:06:54 | |
We have an applicant here, so if there are any questions for the applicant, umm, I'm sure they're more than willing to answer. But | 00:07:07 | |
as you already know, it's gonna be a hotel in that spot. So we're reviewing the site plan and, uh, conditional use permit for that | 00:07:13 | |
one. | 00:07:18 | |
All right, does applicant have anything to say as well? | 00:07:25 | |
Yeah. | 00:07:34 | |
So that, that would, uh, come up in our next BRC. So, yeah, because we'd have to review, share, uh, comments with you, make sure | 00:07:36 | |
we're all on the same page, then we schedule you for this meeting and then we can have the whole panel ask you questions that they | 00:07:41 | |
may have. Yep. | 00:07:47 | |
No, no, this is just the first day. | 00:07:53 | |
So the next scheduled meeting for DRC will be the 18th of July, so. | 00:08:00 | |
Before then would have some communications going back and forth and I'm sure we can. | 00:08:08 | |
Umm. | 00:08:14 | |
And your breathing OK? We've been talking on the phone. | 00:08:17 | |
OK. I think we're good to close for today. Yeah, we'll adjourn the meeting for today. | 00:08:23 | |
What's that? That's it for anything else. | 00:08:33 |