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Session August 21st 2024 The time is now 1103. We are having a special session. 00:00:00
For one particular business item, but before we get to that, let's just do roll call. I'll start over with Mr. Morgan. 00:00:09
Morgan, Bram. Community Development. 00:00:17
Eric Ellis, city management. I'm seeing the door. Public works director, City engineer. 00:00:19
Chris Johnson, building official. 00:00:25
Brandon Valley Orem Fire Prevention. 00:00:27
Preston Jensen Parks. 00:00:30
All right, sweet. So we have one business item on our special session for today. It's 2.1 Utah City Phase 5 Subdivision plat. 00:00:35
So which particular planner will be presenting that? 00:00:45
Would that be cash or would that be Anthony? 00:00:49
I have this OK, so Mr. Cash can't see take it away. OK. Yeah, just a little background on this. As you recall last week we had a 00:00:52
DRC meeting where we approved a plat for Utah City phase two amended and doing that it created four additional lots. And then we 00:00:58
were later informed that the county would not allow that, that that we would need to do a new final plat to create new lots. And 00:01:04
so that's what this is it's. 00:01:10
To essentially do the same thing as that phase two amended plat was to do was to create these lots on block 4. 00:01:17
For the grocery store, I will note that there are some updates to that. Let me show my screen here. 00:01:24
So this is that new plat. However, I am waiting on an update that will also split off the will create a fifth lot that will create 00:01:32
a lot where the parking lot is going to be. So essentially the grocery store will have two lots where the grocery store building 00:01:40
sits and then the the parking lot and then you have lots 1-2 and four that will be developed at a later, later stage. So cash this 00:01:47
parking lot lot so we can get we can take this forward, get it approved and then it would be. 00:01:55
At basically an additional subdivision final plot that would come forward later to do like A2 lot subdivision. Is that the plan? 00:02:02
Basically just sending all its Lot 3, we'll say we'll continue the lot lane that goes between 1:00 and 2:00. It'll keep going down 00:02:16
through and split lot 3. 00:02:21
So the grocery store will be lot 4 and then this will be lot 5. 00:02:27
The wrap do we need to have? 00:02:31
That that plat here to make a decision. 00:02:35
I I think it'd probably be better if we did. Let me see what I have. What does that bronze? Is that something you have on your 00:02:38
computer? You just he sent me. There we go. 00:02:43
Yeah, I just took a minute to. 00:02:50
So. 00:02:53
Over in the notes, need to have the code section that JD gave us to reference. 00:03:07
We have a note on there that says all. 00:03:13
OK. 00:03:18
The same are you OK doing those as conditions or are you wanting to have that? 00:03:29
As an exhibit, no, that's fine as a condition, just also just want to make sure that the with the roads still being shown as 00:03:34
private that the the Public Utilities portion of it is still has a dedication to the city as well as also the. 00:03:41
The Public Utilities aren't maybe within the roads as well. 00:03:49
So then that's something you can verify prior to signature that's at most, yeah, that's just administrative check. 00:03:55
Gosh, do you have those conditions crafted? Yeah. Let me just see if this is opening up with the edits. 00:04:04
Sorry, my computer may be frozen. 00:04:18
Just one second. 00:04:22
And then I'll just kind of go back for a little. 00:04:26
Which actually. 00:04:34
Other than the new locks that we were creating, there were some revisions that. 00:04:37
Have made. 00:04:44
I don't know if you could. 00:04:46
Move the new. 00:04:51
But then Jamie wanted to be. 00:04:53
So we we needed to do a platinum in any way. 00:04:56
But that's a separate. That's a separate plat. 00:05:01
Is that, is that one that was noticed that that's the question. So it was noticed last week that the phase two amendment was 00:05:08
noticed last week. And that's what I'm saying for us to make a decision in this meeting, we'd have to have an agenda, correct? 00:05:13
Correct. 00:05:18
This is This is a totally new flat. This is phased by a flat. 00:05:23
OK. 00:05:27
We also submitted. 00:05:34
Which kind of got confused. 00:05:37
Thanks for making things so crystal clear for us dude. 00:05:47
I'll stop calling you Ronald McDonald if you. 00:05:55
That's your way to get us back. 00:06:00
There needs to be. 00:06:05
For the public. 00:06:11
To have the all of the streets. 00:06:15
So the thing that we did wrong last time was we added. You're creating. 00:06:22
So if your approval could still stand from last week. 00:06:29
Minus the new block creation, we still need to. We still need a platform. 00:06:35
OK. 00:06:43
Yeah. 00:06:44
Yeah, so that phase two amendment plat did have like the conditions that they needed to have that platinum added. And okay, so 00:06:48
that's my question then. So are we going to have to do another freaking meeting or can we just have this? If that was, we might 00:06:54
need to talk to Jamie about that just because the plot we did approve did show those four new lots. 00:07:00
And that can be on a different meeting. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's one of these, that's one item we could just throw on next DRC 00:07:08
meeting in two weeks or whatever. And it's a pretty simple, you know, adding a plat note to the the plat itself. They're not 00:07:13
creating any new lots with it. They're not. 00:07:18
You know, making any big changes besides just that. Note that we've requested that they put on there. 00:07:24
I think my only concern about is, is it going to is that is are we able to actually do that versus not? If so, how are we going to 00:07:34
present it? 00:07:38
How are you going to present what? 00:07:44
What's what's being asked for I I would prefer superseding what was done, sure. I I would prefer we just take this through a new 00:07:47
DRC. Yeah, the, the phase two amendment amended plat just take that through a a new Dr. sheet item just so it's very clear what 00:07:52
we're trying to do here and it doesn't. 00:07:58
Cash. 00:08:05
Just avoid that, yeah, Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing is I think. 00:08:09
You know, don't want Millie up the water is trying to go back to partially resend something and you know, and then kind of go back 00:08:13
to like what was recently what wasn't and. 00:08:18
I think it would speak, you know, like cash is saying there's a cleaner cut. 00:08:24
As long as it doesn't. 00:08:29
Make things make things worse. 00:08:31
Cool Bronson. 00:08:36
I guess like a request maybe for me, I don't know if the DRC wants to make this request too, but I would think like the downtown 00:08:39
area, it would be really helpful if we had one exhibit. 00:08:44
That we could even just keep on our wall, but at least right now it has all of like the the current plat called out and just 00:08:50
outlined in in the development. 00:08:55
And I think that's going that would help us out if it was all consolidated on one exhibit that we could then just start kind of 00:09:01
tracking from there. Is that some your team could put together? Okay. 00:09:06
And even just just send us a PDF of it or something, yeah. 00:09:13
Cool. 00:09:20
The overall block number. 00:09:21
That's. 00:09:24
While all of our flats are. 00:09:32
Your blocks are numbered. 00:09:38
Yeah. 00:09:40
So could you have it like the the exhibit show like the block number and maybe just in a different color like a black and then 00:09:44
like the the phasing in a in a different text color with like the boundary lines? 00:09:50
Yeah, that would be really helpful. So and then we could just send it to this group and then we know like because a lot of times 00:09:57
we're talking about like phase two, I'm thinking block 2. 00:10:01
Yeah, I'm crossing wires. 00:10:07
Yeah. 00:10:13
Cool, that'd be helpful. 00:10:22
OK so these are the the conditions that I've come up with for this approval. So the first one is that the all sorry not blocks but 00:10:26
lots will be assigned an address and printed on the mylar. 00:10:31
A note with in accordance with section 3.06, point 010 of the revised ordinance of Vineyard City, all private roads shall be 00:10:39
available for public use at all times. So that's the the note that's on the other like phase three plat and then an updated plot 00:10:45
with the lot line splitting the existing lot 3, creating lot 5 will be provided prior to recordation and just also the note about 00:10:51
utilities within the. 00:10:57
Within the Public Utilities meant as well as within the any private roads. 00:11:04
Within public, private rows are. 00:11:08
Except, you know, accessible to the city. 00:11:10
That's a. So there's a. We'll provide the general wording, okay. 00:11:14
There's a general wording that's on other plots. 00:11:20
Provided for utility. 00:11:24
I guess you could read that as private road and. 00:11:41
Private road and public. 00:11:47
I guess QE is publicly yeah means Public Utilities meant. 00:11:49
So. 00:11:56
No. 00:12:00
Yeah, maybe, Maybe. 00:12:05
Yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe a note to also stating that public utility easements are. 00:12:08
Let's see public utility easements. 00:12:18
I don't see anything about the public utility easement and the required flat notes. There's a note that on the public utility 00:12:25
easements kind of finding it those for use for public for. 00:12:29
For Public Utilities, and we can even cite the code reference, the state code reference as well. 00:12:33
Like I said, that's an administrative change. 00:12:41
To be able to tell you all to have the exact rating right now. 00:12:43
So what would you like for this 4th condition of the public utility easement? 00:12:49
And reference to the reference to the state definition. Yeah. And you could do it even just like. 00:12:54
The parentheses where it says public utility easement. 00:13:02
With the state definition reference to the state definition. 00:13:07
A reference to the state. 00:13:13
No. 00:13:18
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like I said, I was suggested just to make sure it's in plural sense, but. 00:13:22
For all Public Utilities. 00:13:30
For all Public Utilities. 00:13:35
I don't know how you want me to put this. 00:13:38
Easements. There we go. 00:13:42
Easements. 00:13:43
Because it isn't just a single one. 00:13:48
I can say the definition for the public utility easements will be noted on the plot with the reference to the state. 00:13:51
Is that OK with you, Nissim? That's fine, OK. 00:14:00
That's all I have. That's everything. OK. Well, does anyone have any questions? Let's start on the Mr. Preston sides first. Sir, 00:14:14
do you have any questions? 00:14:18
Nope. OK, fire. 00:14:23
Nope, building. 00:14:26
Building has nothing all right by the works and engineering. I think we satisfied our questions. Eric, Sir. 00:14:27
No questions. And Morgan? 00:14:33
Covered everything. Sweet. I don't care if there's no other questions and everyone's done. Do I have a motion and cash? Can you 00:14:36
put that thing back on the board on the screen? 00:14:39
All right, so do we have a motion? 00:14:44
Motion to approve Utah City Phase Five final plat with the four conditions read into the record. 00:14:47
We got first, we have a second. 00:14:57
Second, All right, so we got first. Second, caches have to be roll call to make sure we do this properly. Sure. OK, so let's just 00:14:59
do roll call. Let's start off with Morgan. 00:15:03
Yes, Eric, Sir. Yes, OK, myself, I. 00:15:09
Chris, there we go. Aye, impress them. 00:15:15
Hi, sweet. So it's unanimous. 00:15:20
All right. With that being said, we've passed the business items 2.1 and item number three is adjournment and don't believe we 00:15:22
need to have any special votes for adjournment. So if there's no one that would like to make any other cases want to go on 00:15:28
through, through a time, OK, this means it's been adjourned. Thank you very much. 00:15:33
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Session August 21st 2024 The time is now 1103. We are having a special session. 00:00:00
For one particular business item, but before we get to that, let's just do roll call. I'll start over with Mr. Morgan. 00:00:09
Morgan, Bram. Community Development. 00:00:17
Eric Ellis, city management. I'm seeing the door. Public works director, City engineer. 00:00:19
Chris Johnson, building official. 00:00:25
Brandon Valley Orem Fire Prevention. 00:00:27
Preston Jensen Parks. 00:00:30
All right, sweet. So we have one business item on our special session for today. It's 2.1 Utah City Phase 5 Subdivision plat. 00:00:35
So which particular planner will be presenting that? 00:00:45
Would that be cash or would that be Anthony? 00:00:49
I have this OK, so Mr. Cash can't see take it away. OK. Yeah, just a little background on this. As you recall last week we had a 00:00:52
DRC meeting where we approved a plat for Utah City phase two amended and doing that it created four additional lots. And then we 00:00:58
were later informed that the county would not allow that, that that we would need to do a new final plat to create new lots. And 00:01:04
so that's what this is it's. 00:01:10
To essentially do the same thing as that phase two amended plat was to do was to create these lots on block 4. 00:01:17
For the grocery store, I will note that there are some updates to that. Let me show my screen here. 00:01:24
So this is that new plat. However, I am waiting on an update that will also split off the will create a fifth lot that will create 00:01:32
a lot where the parking lot is going to be. So essentially the grocery store will have two lots where the grocery store building 00:01:40
sits and then the the parking lot and then you have lots 1-2 and four that will be developed at a later, later stage. So cash this 00:01:47
parking lot lot so we can get we can take this forward, get it approved and then it would be. 00:01:55
At basically an additional subdivision final plot that would come forward later to do like A2 lot subdivision. Is that the plan? 00:02:02
Basically just sending all its Lot 3, we'll say we'll continue the lot lane that goes between 1:00 and 2:00. It'll keep going down 00:02:16
through and split lot 3. 00:02:21
So the grocery store will be lot 4 and then this will be lot 5. 00:02:27
The wrap do we need to have? 00:02:31
That that plat here to make a decision. 00:02:35
I I think it'd probably be better if we did. Let me see what I have. What does that bronze? Is that something you have on your 00:02:38
computer? You just he sent me. There we go. 00:02:43
Yeah, I just took a minute to. 00:02:50
So. 00:02:53
Over in the notes, need to have the code section that JD gave us to reference. 00:03:07
We have a note on there that says all. 00:03:13
OK. 00:03:18
The same are you OK doing those as conditions or are you wanting to have that? 00:03:29
As an exhibit, no, that's fine as a condition, just also just want to make sure that the with the roads still being shown as 00:03:34
private that the the Public Utilities portion of it is still has a dedication to the city as well as also the. 00:03:41
The Public Utilities aren't maybe within the roads as well. 00:03:49
So then that's something you can verify prior to signature that's at most, yeah, that's just administrative check. 00:03:55
Gosh, do you have those conditions crafted? Yeah. Let me just see if this is opening up with the edits. 00:04:04
Sorry, my computer may be frozen. 00:04:18
Just one second. 00:04:22
And then I'll just kind of go back for a little. 00:04:26
Which actually. 00:04:34
Other than the new locks that we were creating, there were some revisions that. 00:04:37
Have made. 00:04:44
I don't know if you could. 00:04:46
Move the new. 00:04:51
But then Jamie wanted to be. 00:04:53
So we we needed to do a platinum in any way. 00:04:56
But that's a separate. That's a separate plat. 00:05:01
Is that, is that one that was noticed that that's the question. So it was noticed last week that the phase two amendment was 00:05:08
noticed last week. And that's what I'm saying for us to make a decision in this meeting, we'd have to have an agenda, correct? 00:05:13
Correct. 00:05:18
This is This is a totally new flat. This is phased by a flat. 00:05:23
OK. 00:05:27
We also submitted. 00:05:34
Which kind of got confused. 00:05:37
Thanks for making things so crystal clear for us dude. 00:05:47
I'll stop calling you Ronald McDonald if you. 00:05:55
That's your way to get us back. 00:06:00
There needs to be. 00:06:05
For the public. 00:06:11
To have the all of the streets. 00:06:15
So the thing that we did wrong last time was we added. You're creating. 00:06:22
So if your approval could still stand from last week. 00:06:29
Minus the new block creation, we still need to. We still need a platform. 00:06:35
OK. 00:06:43
Yeah. 00:06:44
Yeah, so that phase two amendment plat did have like the conditions that they needed to have that platinum added. And okay, so 00:06:48
that's my question then. So are we going to have to do another freaking meeting or can we just have this? If that was, we might 00:06:54
need to talk to Jamie about that just because the plot we did approve did show those four new lots. 00:07:00
And that can be on a different meeting. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's one of these, that's one item we could just throw on next DRC 00:07:08
meeting in two weeks or whatever. And it's a pretty simple, you know, adding a plat note to the the plat itself. They're not 00:07:13
creating any new lots with it. They're not. 00:07:18
You know, making any big changes besides just that. Note that we've requested that they put on there. 00:07:24
I think my only concern about is, is it going to is that is are we able to actually do that versus not? If so, how are we going to 00:07:34
present it? 00:07:38
How are you going to present what? 00:07:44
What's what's being asked for I I would prefer superseding what was done, sure. I I would prefer we just take this through a new 00:07:47
DRC. Yeah, the, the phase two amendment amended plat just take that through a a new Dr. sheet item just so it's very clear what 00:07:52
we're trying to do here and it doesn't. 00:07:58
Cash. 00:08:05
Just avoid that, yeah, Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing is I think. 00:08:09
You know, don't want Millie up the water is trying to go back to partially resend something and you know, and then kind of go back 00:08:13
to like what was recently what wasn't and. 00:08:18
I think it would speak, you know, like cash is saying there's a cleaner cut. 00:08:24
As long as it doesn't. 00:08:29
Make things make things worse. 00:08:31
Cool Bronson. 00:08:36
I guess like a request maybe for me, I don't know if the DRC wants to make this request too, but I would think like the downtown 00:08:39
area, it would be really helpful if we had one exhibit. 00:08:44
That we could even just keep on our wall, but at least right now it has all of like the the current plat called out and just 00:08:50
outlined in in the development. 00:08:55
And I think that's going that would help us out if it was all consolidated on one exhibit that we could then just start kind of 00:09:01
tracking from there. Is that some your team could put together? Okay. 00:09:06
And even just just send us a PDF of it or something, yeah. 00:09:13
Cool. 00:09:20
The overall block number. 00:09:21
That's. 00:09:24
While all of our flats are. 00:09:32
Your blocks are numbered. 00:09:38
Yeah. 00:09:40
So could you have it like the the exhibit show like the block number and maybe just in a different color like a black and then 00:09:44
like the the phasing in a in a different text color with like the boundary lines? 00:09:50
Yeah, that would be really helpful. So and then we could just send it to this group and then we know like because a lot of times 00:09:57
we're talking about like phase two, I'm thinking block 2. 00:10:01
Yeah, I'm crossing wires. 00:10:07
Yeah. 00:10:13
Cool, that'd be helpful. 00:10:22
OK so these are the the conditions that I've come up with for this approval. So the first one is that the all sorry not blocks but 00:10:26
lots will be assigned an address and printed on the mylar. 00:10:31
A note with in accordance with section 3.06, point 010 of the revised ordinance of Vineyard City, all private roads shall be 00:10:39
available for public use at all times. So that's the the note that's on the other like phase three plat and then an updated plot 00:10:45
with the lot line splitting the existing lot 3, creating lot 5 will be provided prior to recordation and just also the note about 00:10:51
utilities within the. 00:10:57
Within the Public Utilities meant as well as within the any private roads. 00:11:04
Within public, private rows are. 00:11:08
Except, you know, accessible to the city. 00:11:10
That's a. So there's a. We'll provide the general wording, okay. 00:11:14
There's a general wording that's on other plots. 00:11:20
Provided for utility. 00:11:24
I guess you could read that as private road and. 00:11:41
Private road and public. 00:11:47
I guess QE is publicly yeah means Public Utilities meant. 00:11:49
So. 00:11:56
No. 00:12:00
Yeah, maybe, Maybe. 00:12:05
Yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe a note to also stating that public utility easements are. 00:12:08
Let's see public utility easements. 00:12:18
I don't see anything about the public utility easement and the required flat notes. There's a note that on the public utility 00:12:25
easements kind of finding it those for use for public for. 00:12:29
For Public Utilities, and we can even cite the code reference, the state code reference as well. 00:12:33
Like I said, that's an administrative change. 00:12:41
To be able to tell you all to have the exact rating right now. 00:12:43
So what would you like for this 4th condition of the public utility easement? 00:12:49
And reference to the reference to the state definition. Yeah. And you could do it even just like. 00:12:54
The parentheses where it says public utility easement. 00:13:02
With the state definition reference to the state definition. 00:13:07
A reference to the state. 00:13:13
No. 00:13:18
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like I said, I was suggested just to make sure it's in plural sense, but. 00:13:22
For all Public Utilities. 00:13:30
For all Public Utilities. 00:13:35
I don't know how you want me to put this. 00:13:38
Easements. There we go. 00:13:42
Easements. 00:13:43
Because it isn't just a single one. 00:13:48
I can say the definition for the public utility easements will be noted on the plot with the reference to the state. 00:13:51
Is that OK with you, Nissim? That's fine, OK. 00:14:00
That's all I have. That's everything. OK. Well, does anyone have any questions? Let's start on the Mr. Preston sides first. Sir, 00:14:14
do you have any questions? 00:14:18
Nope. OK, fire. 00:14:23
Nope, building. 00:14:26
Building has nothing all right by the works and engineering. I think we satisfied our questions. Eric, Sir. 00:14:27
No questions. And Morgan? 00:14:33
Covered everything. Sweet. I don't care if there's no other questions and everyone's done. Do I have a motion and cash? Can you 00:14:36
put that thing back on the board on the screen? 00:14:39
All right, so do we have a motion? 00:14:44
Motion to approve Utah City Phase Five final plat with the four conditions read into the record. 00:14:47
We got first, we have a second. 00:14:57
Second, All right, so we got first. Second, caches have to be roll call to make sure we do this properly. Sure. OK, so let's just 00:14:59
do roll call. Let's start off with Morgan. 00:15:03
Yes, Eric, Sir. Yes, OK, myself, I. 00:15:09
Chris, there we go. Aye, impress them. 00:15:15
Hi, sweet. So it's unanimous. 00:15:20
All right. With that being said, we've passed the business items 2.1 and item number three is adjournment and don't believe we 00:15:22
need to have any special votes for adjournment. So if there's no one that would like to make any other cases want to go on 00:15:28
through, through a time, OK, this means it's been adjourned. Thank you very much. 00:15:33
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