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It is November 12th, 2024 at 6:09 PM and we will call this meeting to order. We'll go ahead and jump right in. There's no public | 00:00:00 | |
here, so we'll jump right into approval of minutes. Item 3.1 is approval of the 2023 Bicycle Advisory Commission meeting minutes | 00:00:07 | |
and those are attached in the packet. | 00:00:13 | |
Anyone have any comments or any updates or suggestions they need to make on that before we approve those? | 00:00:21 | |
Correct. Yep. Yeah. Just making sure that anything, any actions that we're taking or captured accurately, particularly things that | 00:00:31 | |
you said, you want to make sure that those are. So hopefully you had a chance to review those. And if someone did, I just need a | 00:00:36 | |
motion to approve those. | 00:00:42 | |
I motion to approve those minutes. | 00:00:51 | |
I got a first by Martina. Do I have a second? | 00:00:53 | |
Jordan will second that all in favor. | 00:00:58 | |
Aye, OK. | 00:01:01 | |
We'll move on to the work session Item 4.2, Safe systems approach by Commissioner Jordan Christensen. | 00:01:02 | |
So at the. | 00:01:18 | |
At the. | 00:01:23 | |
Conference that we went to in Provo. I went to a presentation. | 00:01:26 | |
From. | 00:01:32 | |
Oh Yep, sorry, is this better? | 00:01:35 | |
Yeah, great. Yeah. So at the. | 00:01:40 | |
Umm connected Community Summit that we went to. I went to a. | 00:01:43 | |
Presentation from. | 00:01:50 | |
Mike West, who works for Lehigh City and part of his presentation is about the safe system approach, which I had heard of but | 00:01:52 | |
didn't really know much about. | 00:01:58 | |
So I brought a little bit sure about that. | 00:02:05 | |
Let's see if this will work. | 00:02:10 | |
OK, there we go. | 00:02:17 | |
And then a couple things that I've been doing in Vineyard since this. I think I'm probably the least qualified person in the room | 00:02:20 | |
to be talking about this. | 00:02:25 | |
But this is just an overview of what the safe system approach is. There's. | 00:02:31 | |
Principles here. | 00:02:38 | |
That are listed here I think 1 of. | 00:02:43 | |
One of them that I've been thinking a lot about is just that safety is proactive. I think that our default as. | 00:02:48 | |
As a city at times has been to be reactive to. | 00:02:56 | |
Intersections and roadway design that isn't. | 00:03:03 | |
Fulfilling its purpose very well. | 00:03:08 | |
Umm. And so that. | 00:03:10 | |
Is the principles and then down here. | 00:03:16 | |
Are elements of. | 00:03:22 | |
Of this, and obviously the city isn't. | 00:03:26 | |
100%. | 00:03:29 | |
Responsible for all of these things, I think safe vehicle design is mostly going to be outside of the city's purview. | 00:03:32 | |
Umm, but we can. | 00:03:42 | |
Still have safe roads and safe speeds and safe road users. | 00:03:48 | |
Um, and so part of. | 00:03:53 | |
Part of the impetus of bringing this up is that I saw on the city's website that we have listed under the. | 00:03:56 | |
Traffic calming section on the website. | 00:04:05 | |
An article that talks about the three ES of. | 00:04:09 | |
Road safety. | 00:04:13 | |
Something to that effect and I think the safe system approaches is saying those things are important, but they tend to become | 00:04:16 | |
siloed and we tend to say. | 00:04:22 | |
You know if a crash happens then. | 00:04:29 | |
Umm, it's hard to point to all of the. | 00:04:32 | |
Elements that are responsible there and so we tend to blame individuals for acting poorly in in that system. | 00:04:39 | |
And I think this point here, the traditional approach is to say, you know, we need to improve human behavior, which is probably | 00:04:49 | |
true, but a better. | 00:04:54 | |
A better option here is to just design for human making mistakes and limitations and I think one example that is relevant here is | 00:05:00 | |
one of my first jobs was working in like data analytics for a warehouse and they were wanting to improve. | 00:05:09 | |
They're restocking and essentially inventory turnover rate that they could accomplish. | 00:05:18 | |
While also reducing. | 00:05:27 | |
What they called incidents, which was essentially anything. | 00:05:31 | |
With their inventory that. | 00:05:35 | |
Caused a safety problem for their employees or damaged goods or anything like that. | 00:05:39 | |
And, and part of this was, was acknowledging that, yeah, we needed to reduce and improve human behavior, but at a certain level, a | 00:05:45 | |
lot of the incidents that they were seeing. | 00:05:51 | |
People were acting in reasonable ways and the warehouse design just wasn't accommodating to people being human and and not being | 00:05:57 | |
able to perfectly execute their job at every moment in their shift. And so a lot of the improvement gains were from redesigning | 00:06:06 | |
the warehouse layout, redesigning operating procedures, redesigning kind of the shift scheduling even. | 00:06:15 | |
To say, yeah, people are acting reasonable and they're still. | 00:06:24 | |
Creating these incidents and so we need to change the environment in which they're working. | 00:06:29 | |
Umm. So all that said. | 00:06:34 | |
I. | 00:06:37 | |
Been looking at this intersection that is near where I live. So this is the Vineyard loop Rd. and preserve drive which becomes | 00:06:41 | |
malware drive. This down South of here is the 55 plus. | 00:06:49 | |
Villas community up here is townhouses and condos over here. | 00:06:57 | |
Freedom is is also South of here, so S is this intersection is the 55 plus and then on the other side of that neighborhood is. | 00:07:03 | |
I guess southeast of here is freedom. | 00:07:12 | |
So I borrowed bike Utah's speed gun, um. | 00:07:16 | |
And sat roughly around here cutting hidden by these trees. And justice observed how fast people were going. And here's a | 00:07:20 | |
histogram. | 00:07:25 | |
Kind of just showing speeds of cars mostly going through this intersection, kind of along this stretch of Rd. also. | 00:07:31 | |
And. | 00:07:41 | |
In case anybody didn't have contact. So last year we changed the speed of this road from 35 to 25. | 00:07:43 | |
Which I don't doubt that there is probably some behavior here that has changed because of that, you know, 12. | 00:07:51 | |
13% of people are going. | 00:08:01 | |
Under 25 or up to 25. | 00:08:03 | |
But kind of the majority of people here are going between 30 and 40 miles an hour in this intersection. And from what I understand | 00:08:07 | |
of Utah. | 00:08:12 | |
Law, just because we don't have crosshorks painted across this road doesn't mean that pedestrians wouldn't have the right of way | 00:08:17 | |
here. I think they still should have the right of way and people should yield to them when they're trying to cross. | 00:08:24 | |
That in reality, that. | 00:08:33 | |
That never happens. I think I've seen it twice. But in that situation, you know somebody has stopped, right? | 00:08:35 | |
Here for somebody trying to cross and the person behind them used the. | 00:08:43 | |
Use the median to go around them and continue through. So I think it'd probably be even worse if people did routinely stop here | 00:08:48 | |
for pedestrians. | 00:08:52 | |
Right. Unless really everybody's, unless everybody's doing it, and then it would be better. | 00:08:59 | |
Otherwise it'll be the sudden stop. | 00:09:04 | |
Right. So I think, I think kind of looking at this intersection and really similar intersections kind of all throughout Vineyard | 00:09:08 | |
Loop Rd. I think there's some. | 00:09:14 | |
If we stick with the three ES, the education, engineering, enforcement, there's probably some blame that we could assign to each | 00:09:21 | |
of those of saying, you know, this, maybe this stretch of Rd. isn't patrolled very heavily. And honestly, I haven't really seen | 00:09:29 | |
police out there. I'm sure that we can educate people more and I'm sure that there's some engineering that can happen here. | 00:09:37 | |
But I think that the safe systems approach is to say. | 00:09:46 | |
You know, we also share responsibility here. It's not a it's not a matter of finding which person to blame. It's it's saying | 00:09:51 | |
collectively I. | 00:09:56 | |
You know, kids are trying to cross this road to go to school. The, you know, part of the 55 plus community is is. | 00:10:01 | |
Is part of my church and frequently wants to cross this road here to visit people in my neighborhood. | 00:10:12 | |
People. People from just general observation seem to. | 00:10:20 | |
It seemed to anticipate that they should be able to walk across the road here, and people driving seemed to anticipate that they | 00:10:26 | |
shouldn't have to slow down and wait for people to cross the road here. | 00:10:31 | |
And so I think there's a couple things like first of all. | 00:10:37 | |
You know, one or 2% of people are going over 50 miles an hour on this stretch of Rd. which is pretty crazy to think about. And and | 00:10:42 | |
there's like some evidence of like pretty insane behavior. So this is that intersection where last year somebody was spinning | 00:10:49 | |
Donuts here just because the intersection is so wide and you it accommodates reckless behavior like that or this is. | 00:10:56 | |
Sure. Probably under 25. So, you know, valid point. This was near a similar intersection over by the South clubhouse earlier this | 00:11:05 | |
year. Somebody flipped over their car somehow doing that. | 00:11:12 | |
Pretty crazy. So I think it's easy to say, oh, well, if we just control for the very poor behavior, then we can fix all this. But | 00:11:21 | |
in reality, like most people are doing what they think is reasonable, which is going between 30 and 40 miles an hour. And even at | 00:11:28 | |
that speed, you know, somebody going 30 miles, 35 miles an hour here and failing to see my kid or, or whoever who's trying to | 00:11:35 | |
cross the road could, could pretty easily result in a severe injury or fatality. | 00:11:42 | |
And so. | 00:11:51 | |
Yeah, definitely. Let's talk about this extreme behavior and and figure that out. But. | 00:11:52 | |
But I think it's it's kind of the warehouse problem too, is like a lot of people are doing what they think is a reasonable thing | 00:12:00 | |
and yet they're still prone to, you know, potentially severely injuring somebody or, or being severely injured. | 00:12:06 | |
And so, yeah, that's pretty much the idea that I got out of what the safe systems approach is. There's probably more discussion | 00:12:14 | |
that we could have. | 00:12:20 | |
Probably in the future about how we can best implement this here in Vineyard. | 00:12:28 | |
So on an intersection like that, what would the safe systems approach? | 00:12:33 | |
Good question that I don't have. | 00:12:45 | |
The perfect answer for. | 00:12:47 | |
Said safety is proactive and so maybe before an accident happens, like trying to help. | 00:12:49 | |
Mitigate some behaviors. | 00:12:58 | |
Basically like three ways that you slow down. | 00:13:04 | |
Deflection which? | 00:13:11 | |
So. | 00:13:26 | |
So like if you have a lot of people crossing. | 00:13:34 | |
Unease, which is actually. | 00:14:01 | |
No, I think it's good. I think on here like the first one is, is saying, you know, we want to prevent crashes, which is fine, but | 00:14:09 | |
then in the new system is saying, you know, prevent deaths and serious injuries and and maybe we're okay with minor, more minor | 00:14:16 | |
crashes. I don't know if that's necessarily inherent to what we're saying here, but. | 00:14:23 | |
But I think in that case is like a Fender Bender is definitely better than. | 00:14:31 | |
You know, a kid getting killed. | 00:14:36 | |
That's what they've found in places where they like achieve 0 fatalities. It's, it's not that you get rid of accidents, you | 00:14:39 | |
minimize it. Yeah, well, one of the things and we'll kind of talk about it. | 00:14:45 | |
To active transportation. | 00:14:55 | |
When we talk about a name change, potentially it could also be almost a scope change. One, one of the things that I think is a | 00:14:58 | |
really easy way to think about these things is, yeah, how would a child get to an amenity, right? So you live in the preserves. | 00:15:05 | |
There's the Springs Community Park right across the street there. What would be the recommended route based on our infrastructure | 00:15:12 | |
on how to get there? Honestly, like, as it is, it's probably like walk all the way out to busy Main Street cross. | 00:15:19 | |
Where a designated crossing and then come back over not realistic. There's also freedom prep right here and a nice beautiful trail | 00:15:27 | |
that goes right, right to it like, but how do you get to that trail? You've got to cross an unmarked, fairly dangerous street, | 00:15:33 | |
right? And so I think that's for me is a good way to think about these things is like what would make you comfortable sending your | 00:15:39 | |
child, your grandchild, your niece, your nephew, whoever it is. | 00:15:45 | |
To that amenity without feeling like, you know what, let's just hop in the car and get there. | 00:15:52 | |
And I know we can't be 100% all the time everywhere, but I think just starting with schools and parks. | 00:15:56 | |
Very obvious places that kids want to go to and don't have to be chauffeured by adults all the time. I think that's a good place | 00:16:05 | |
to look at. And like you've identified 1 here and there's probably other places too. And I know the city's done actually a pretty | 00:16:11 | |
good job of being responsive when we've pointed out those areas like, you know, Gammon Park and we put some things in there, but | 00:16:17 | |
if there's instances where we're not going to respond or we don't plan to do anything. | 00:16:23 | |
Then I think it's on us to make it very clear of like what is the safe route? | 00:16:30 | |
To get there or what is the desired route for cars versus people and? | 00:16:34 | |
Because yeah, it's being intentional about it, right? Instead of like someone gets hurt and then you're like, oh, maybe we should | 00:16:40 | |
do something about this. So like proactively thinking through like where, where are the problem areas? And I think there's. | 00:16:45 | |
Plenty of people who would be willing to voice their opinions on where they think the hot spots are, and we've done some surveys | 00:16:52 | |
like that in the past, but I think that's always a good exercise. | 00:16:56 | |
That's all I had. Any other comments or? | 00:17:06 | |
Comments from the audience. | 00:17:11 | |
I apologize for walking on and tailing on this on your on your discussion. So I probably didn't grasp everything that was said on | 00:17:26 | |
that in regards to the traffic calming with the arc with the threes in terms of that. I mean, typically on the traffic calming | 00:17:33 | |
portion of it, it's kind of built and meant that more of his, I mean more as a reactive measure. I know there's also proactive, | 00:17:40 | |
but I mean don't do traffic, I mean. | 00:17:46 | |
To put a request for traffic calming before something before roads built. | 00:17:53 | |
Almost got her intuitive, but that's typically when having obviously working with the planning and the engineering and so forth in | 00:17:59 | |
order to get those things put into place, like for example the roundabout holdaway field, so. | 00:18:06 | |
Development down South we're installing is having installed pedestrian like the rectangular flashing beacons on that as a kind of | 00:18:14 | |
like something that we haven't done something that's not really typically done here in Utah, but putting it in there while we're | 00:18:21 | |
building a lot while the road is being built in order to say, hey, let's take a look at this. The threes again, I'm totally for | 00:18:29 | |
you know, if funds are unlimited, just go ahead and engineer engine. | 00:18:36 | |
About the 3S, the way this mount is education, then enforcement and then engineering in terms of like just like the shortest. | 00:18:43 | |
The lowest hanging branch on that thing, Education is easy to implement. Education or enforcement. | 00:18:58 | |
You know, that takes time, but again, it's easier and then engineering typically takes a longer it's a lot easier, longer path | 00:19:05 | |
when it comes to traffic calming. There's you know that those don't have to do like consecutively you can do we can work things | 00:19:10 | |
concurrently like okay. | 00:19:16 | |
To, in order for an engineering for a new project to be put in place, it's probably like, you know, I don't think we can get a | 00:19:22 | |
project in place any earlier than six months. But do the education enforcement in the front on the front hand because like, for | 00:19:28 | |
example, the chart that you showed and I, I, I wholeheartedly agree that those speeds are accurate. You know, I drive on Main | 00:19:34 | |
Street myself, you know, coming to work and leaving work and such, you know, the main streets 35 miles an hour. And I typically | 00:19:40 | |
have people who are. | 00:19:45 | |
Even though I don't drive a city vehicle and so I you know, no one would actually whatever knows to say staff person who's | 00:19:52 | |
breaking the speed limit. I don't break the speed limit because I was also grew up in the mindset that one mile over the speed | 00:19:57 | |
limit is speeding. | 00:20:02 | |
And that's against the law. | 00:20:07 | |
So don't you don't even, you know, you don't go over the over the speed limit period. I also grew up with everyone where seatbelts | 00:20:09 | |
and even if you're in the back seat, if you're not wearing seatbelts, that's you're not being safe period. But that's just a | 00:20:15 | |
mentality thing kind of growing up on that one. But yeah, like for example, yeah. | 00:20:22 | |
I know we I know we've done things to encourage driving slower, like on Vineyard, the Vineyard loop roads right there being a 25 | 00:20:29 | |
miles an hour and seeing people go on grossly above that is heartbreaking because it's like this is, you know, we're trying to do | 00:20:36 | |
things to protect, protect people. But obviously. | 00:20:43 | |
So that's just to kind of talk about the three ES. It's like, you know, typically sometimes like there's speeders, it's usually | 00:20:52 | |
very limited. | 00:20:56 | |
Who's actually doing it typically? | 00:21:00 | |
And then being able to address that and of course enforcement, you know, I also come from a place where school zones are, excuse | 00:21:02 | |
me, school seasons start up and anyone that's driving literally a mile or two over the speed limit during, during the first weeks | 00:21:09 | |
of school gets pulled over. And then they just don't, they might not even get a ticket. They just get pulled over and just sit | 00:21:16 | |
there for 5/10/15 minutes until the until the police decide to let them go with a warning. | 00:21:22 | |
Just to kind of show like, Hey, you're not, you know, this is not the place of speed at all. And I know and we've we've been | 00:21:30 | |
working on. | 00:21:33 | |
There's ways to improve that while still buying to Utah State laws in terms of school zones. And then of course, I don't know if | 00:21:37 | |
it was mentioned earlier and if it was, I apologize for repeating it, but we have got funding for this year for. | 00:21:44 | |
5 or 6 excuse me crossings pedestrian enhancement crossings along Main Street and Vineyard loop row to include the. | 00:21:52 | |
To include the location that was pointed out by the reserves to make it, to make it safer want the actual improvements are we only | 00:22:02 | |
know until after we go through that process with the designer and such, but we got funds for supposedly design and construction, | 00:22:09 | |
complete construction depending on again depending on the level it's about. | 00:22:17 | |
$350,000 which should be a good chunk. | 00:22:25 | |
To do so, I mean again. | 00:22:29 | |
And unfortunately I'll say like this sometimes like roundabouts you when used properly does help slow, slow traffic and allow | 00:22:33 | |
traffic to continuously go through. But I've seen roundabouts here in Vineyard particularly that our 25 miles an hour, 20 miles an | 00:22:41 | |
hour, but people drive like 4045 miles an hour through it. I'm surprised that they owned hit the curb and go flying as well. So. | 00:22:49 | |
That to me, unfortunately. | 00:22:58 | |
A flashing beacon, like a flashing light to say that pedestrians in the road unfortunately may or may not stop that car or make | 00:23:01 | |
that car slow down. I mean, it's always comes down to the mentality behind the wheel on that. So just to, I mean, exactly. So | 00:23:08 | |
yeah, unfortunately so. And there's, there's a lot of, there are a lot of stuff that we try to do to be proactive and of course | 00:23:14 | |
always encourage that. | 00:23:21 | |
And moving towards like a. | 00:23:28 | |
And I guess this is kind of a mix of, you know, staff and personal take on things. So I don't know, forgive me on on intermixing. | 00:23:33 | |
I typically don't. But yeah, moving towards a kind of more active transportation planning thing always would be beneficial because | 00:23:39 | |
we can take that kind of feedback. They they always say like an engineering school, Where do you build a sidewalk? You build a | 00:23:44 | |
sidewalk where people walk. You know, you don't build a sidewalk where it makes sense. I don't mean, well, engineering wise makes | 00:23:50 | |
sense. So, you know, so being. | 00:23:56 | |
To incorporate. | 00:24:03 | |
Safer pedestrians. Safer. | 00:24:06 | |
Micro mobility, safer cars, areas for that across the board with that type of feedback would obviously be one scenario for | 00:24:09 | |
everyone in my that's my opinion. | 00:24:14 | |
I have to say no as a joke. That would be yeah, of course, like hopefully, and I think everyone benefits from this, like if we get | 00:24:20 | |
to a point where. | 00:24:26 | |
Like we're kind of going back in retrofitting safety into some of these and then just making sure that our standards where they | 00:24:33 | |
need to be so that we're not having, you know, like everything we build moving forward is it's just there, right? And we don't | 00:24:39 | |
build it unless it is. Yeah. And that's great. That's great. I mean, for sure, I said no, it's a joke when we were putting the RFP | 00:24:45 | |
together in order to get that. So it's coming off the ground. So it hasn't a designer isn't in place yet. | 00:24:52 | |
Exactly. And then we also got the deal to work on the dot for the trail enhancements to help improve the. | 00:25:00 | |
Center streets as well as Bio Vineyard. | 00:25:08 | |
Vineyard Elementary, excuse me, there we go by Vineyard Elementary to improve it above what we've done because like I said, | 00:25:13 | |
waiting for funds like that, that particular one we got. | 00:25:17 | |
About $800,000 from the federal government, which is great, but of course waiting for money is, you know, waiting for money to | 00:25:22 | |
drop from the sky. But so we get proactively did a couple of things in order to do that, to have our own pockets. So then that | 00:25:29 | |
money is going to go towards making it even better, fortunately enough. | 00:25:35 | |
On that so Oh yes so it's like I said, there's definitely a lot of stuff and I. | 00:25:42 | |
Yeah. And I said our personal take on things, especially in engineering and I know planning is, is like there's nothing that's | 00:25:49 | |
going to there's, there should be nothing that is that important enough to hit and kill somebody. | 00:25:56 | |
No, that's bottom line. So if you make things safer and I'd make things clear and not mislead like understandable and so forth, | 00:26:03 | |
then you know we, the way we want to say this, we did everything within our power to make it, to make it better. | 00:26:09 | |
Yeah, that's great. So I think, I think, I mean, honestly, this is just a presentation that I feel like I learned about a lot | 00:26:17 | |
about. I feel like the city is neither perfect nor absolutely terrible at any of this. And I think like getting funding for for | 00:26:23 | |
those crossings that I think is a. | 00:26:29 | |
Perfect example of like being proactive to safety and hadn't since we're we're. | 00:26:36 | |
The situation isn't pleasant to be there. I don't know that we've ever seen a fatality at anyone of these intersections. And and | 00:26:43 | |
so it's no, hey, we saw this result. And I think awareness is important too, though even just the findings that you showed of the | 00:26:49 | |
speeds, it might be interesting to just post those somehow, right. And the city is like, hey, just a reminder, is 25 here? That's | 00:26:55 | |
the education component. Here's what we're observing. And this is what's going on. Yeah. And I think that would be great. Do | 00:27:00 | |
great. | 00:27:06 | |
Yeah. And I think there's there's opportunities to do this at any places that I think are problem spots, right. And just kind of | 00:27:14 | |
call out. It's just objective. Here's what's happening, here's what it should be. | 00:27:20 | |
Yeah, yeah, there's a, there's a educate them that all. | 00:27:27 | |
Intersections are crosswalks, even if it's not painted there. But we also need to prioritize things. But it's the mentality and a | 00:27:30 | |
lot of this stuff when we have funds for the engineering. Yeah. And there's other options, other opportunities to make things. And | 00:27:36 | |
again, moving towards the after Transportation Committee Commission. | 00:27:41 | |
I'm not sure what that C means. Yes, but. | 00:27:48 | |
Exactly like I said, and obviously a different city, bigger city, different types of budgets and so forth. I mean my last city we | 00:27:52 | |
did walk audits mainly specifically to. | 00:27:59 | |
You know, we go, you just say OK on our maps, like OK, going from point A to point B to Point C to whatever. And then in a small, | 00:28:09 | |
like a small group, we just walk. You would walk it and make and make notes to say what's you know, what's the dangerous, | 00:28:15 | |
hazardous things. Even things are like tripping hazards for sidewalks, like other side, you know, the sidewalk, you know. | 00:28:21 | |
Trees are planted in the park strip too close and the roots have uplift to the sidewalk. So there's those type of things. And then | 00:28:28 | |
of course, like, are we able to make it or how's it crossing? And then to kind of pair the education with enforcement. Something | 00:28:35 | |
else that our city police did in that city was they, I kind of remember the exact name of the. | 00:28:42 | |
Of the operation they would call it but they would usually it usually was an older fellow that they some older people that they | 00:28:51 | |
would have that was just cross at crosswalk and clearly marked crosswalk with the proper signs and so forth and then they would | 00:28:58 | |
cross they would they would see an oncoming car they were purposes across cautiously and. | 00:29:06 | |
Sometimes that car doesn't stop and then waiting on the other side of the intersection or Bush, there's a police officer. | 00:29:15 | |
Who pulls over? That person writes on the ticket and they use that as a education plus enforcement action. | 00:29:21 | |
And so they would just do that. I'm of the opinion you could fund the entire city budget if you just find people for texting and | 00:29:27 | |
driving. | 00:29:30 | |
I'll make sure to stay off my phone before I'm driving home. I got the new I got the new story AI app on my phone on my phone so I | 00:29:35 | |
can actually tell. Sorry to text my wife about something and she'll take care of it all for me. | 00:29:40 | |
Right, that's all I've got. I appreciate it. Thanks Jordan for for all that. If there's nothing else, I'll move us along now. | 00:29:47 | |
We're going to there's no consent items, so we'll jump over into business items. 6.3 discussion and adoption of the meeting | 00:29:54 | |
schedule for 2025. So that's in everyone's packet. If you flip over, you'll see. | 00:30:01 | |
What's being proposed here? Anthony, did you want to walk us through this or anything in particular here? | 00:30:10 | |
Yeah, the blue dates are the regular quarterly meetings. | 00:30:32 | |
The green dates are placeholders for special sessions each month that we won't necessarily utilize, but we can if we need to, like | 00:30:35 | |
for bike month preparation, things like that. So. | 00:30:40 | |
So yeah, take a look at that again, the blue. | 00:30:48 | |
It's a February, May, August, and November is when we'll meet for sure. And then every other month, every month has the second | 00:30:51 | |
Tuesday still set aside for. | 00:30:55 | |
This Commission if needed. | 00:31:00 | |
Five months in Mesa will probably display. | 00:31:04 | |
Yeah, They've done a really good job over the last couple months of like planning ahead. And so the idea would be in February, | 00:31:09 | |
which would be our next meeting, we'd really get that going and then we'd be able to tell if we need to meet again in March or | 00:31:13 | |
April, so. | 00:31:17 | |
But yeah, probably more likely than not we'd have a another planning meeting in April. | 00:31:23 | |
Yeah, so. | 00:31:29 | |
Thank you very much, Anthony. You have gone through everything. | 00:31:31 | |
The green dates are placeholders. We want to avoid things like what happened today. We usually have our meetings at 5:30, but | 00:31:36 | |
today they had the room booked all the way till 5:30 and it wouldn't have been enough time to prepare. Martino was here, you saw | 00:31:42 | |
you saw how it was. It was very rough in here. So we had to push it to 6:00 to allow us to just prep the room and get it ready for | 00:31:49 | |
the meeting. | 00:31:55 | |
Now. | 00:32:03 | |
This calendar blocks this room from about 5:00 each day so that we have no meeting can go past 5:00. | 00:32:04 | |
On each of these days that have been put on the calendar so we always can maintain our 5:30 throughout the year. | 00:32:15 | |
The Council room as we speak right now has been reserved for the whole year for all these dates, so if we decide to have any | 00:32:23 | |
special sessions. | 00:32:28 | |
They're covered. We don't have to. You know, the last year I think we had one special session that had to happen in the conference | 00:32:33 | |
room because this room was, you know, booked and we couldn't use it, right. But we want to have to set up anytime we meet. | 00:32:40 | |
Hopefully as we go through next year, we're going to have a lot more turnout with the public and also. | 00:32:47 | |
We're going to be busier so as the years go. | 00:32:56 | |
It might be a thing where we have every month we meet once once we get to the. | 00:33:00 | |
Staff and commissioner updates, we'll be talking about some of the things that have gone on and that would make us need some of | 00:33:07 | |
these dates. | 00:33:10 | |
So we've taken this proactive. | 00:33:14 | |
A measure of trying to get our dates and schedule in place way ahead of time. | 00:33:18 | |
And you know you will be. | 00:33:24 | |
In this business item, be in a position to make an approval or literally adopt this or if you wanna make any changes. | 00:33:28 | |
You're welcome to do so. | 00:33:38 | |
So you've seen it. As presented, 5:30 PM is still the suggested start time. Any conversation around that? | 00:33:41 | |
That anyone wants to have. | 00:33:47 | |
Tuesdays 530 quarterly and then more as needed. | 00:33:56 | |
And. | 00:34:01 | |
Another thing is because we have this, you know, placeholder and everything and we're going to be posting this on the website. | 00:34:02 | |
Any time that we're not gonna have a meeting, I will put a notice up there so people know that there's a meeting or there's no | 00:34:09 | |
meeting happening. So regardless, there's gonna be a notice every month to let people know if it's gonna be something happening or | 00:34:15 | |
not, so. | 00:34:20 | |
Good to know. | 00:34:27 | |
All right. Well, with that then I'll need a motion on an approval for the meeting schedule or a motion to amend it. | 00:34:29 | |
I move to adopt the proposed schedule as presented. | 00:34:44 | |
OK, so motion by Jordan. Do I have a second? I second that motion. All right, Martina beat Chris to the second. Let the record | 00:34:47 | |
show. | 00:34:52 | |
All in favor, aye, OK. | 00:35:00 | |
Thank you for that. So that is the meeting schedule. We'll move on now to election of Chair and Vice Chair. So this is an | 00:35:03 | |
opportunity like we have each year. | 00:35:07 | |
To just nominate and elect someone to serve as chair and as vice chair. As you know, everyone serves an equal role on this as far | 00:35:11 | |
as voting goes. It's just a matter of kind of leading meetings. And then occasionally the City Council will ask the chair, the | 00:35:19 | |
vice chair, or really any of us that are available to provide updates in meetings. So Anthony, was there anything else you wanted | 00:35:26 | |
to share on that before we talk? No, that's it. You can decide to change or maintain them if you think you're doing a good job. | 00:35:33 | |
You guys are doing a. | 00:35:42 | |
Is there any desire, Martina, on your end to leave these non vineyard people out of it? | 00:35:44 | |
I'm good. You guys are fabulous. | 00:35:51 | |
I think Martina would be a great chair. | 00:35:53 | |
Would you want to, or would you be willing to? | 00:35:57 | |
I would be willing to not so much. I want to. I was like, we can vote her in and she'll do such a great job. Jordan, what's your | 00:36:00 | |
stance on? Are you willing to? | 00:36:06 | |
Continue as vice chair or complacent? | 00:36:13 | |
All right, a lot of neutral. | 00:36:17 | |
Opinions here. | 00:36:23 | |
Well, I'm happy to serve wherever as well, but I would nominate Martinez to be the chair of this Commission. I second that. | 00:36:25 | |
OK. | 00:36:36 | |
I accept that nomination. OK, so all in favor for Martina to be chair. | 00:36:36 | |
Aye. Any opposed to that? | 00:36:42 | |
OK, All right. And do we need to do roll call for that? Yes, you need to make a roll call. All right, So Martina? | 00:36:46 | |
What do I do? Yes or a no? Basically, yes. OK, Jordan. Yes. Yes, Chris. | 00:36:54 | |
OK, unanimous, unanimous chair selection And then for Vice Chair? | 00:37:01 | |
Do I have a motion on this one anyone would like to put forward? I think Jordans doing a great job. | 00:37:08 | |
You are doing a great job, great presentation. | 00:37:15 | |
Classic vice chair. | 00:37:19 | |
Is that a motion to put forward? | 00:37:23 | |
OK. I'll second that motion. So Chris, Chris nominated Jordan as Vice Chair. Anthony seconded that. We'll do a roll call here, | 00:37:26 | |
Martina. | 00:37:31 | |
Yes, aye. | 00:37:37 | |
Yes, Chris, yes. So again, unanimous. So for next year, what it looks like is we'll have Martinez serve as the chair and Jordan as | 00:37:39 | |
the vice chair. Obviously in these positions, anyone is willing to help out. You can even ask other people to leave meetings if | 00:37:45 | |
you need to or to represent you if you can't make it to anything. So don't feel like there's any real extra burden. You're just | 00:37:52 | |
more of a point person for Anthony and staff to start with. | 00:37:58 | |
I'll be calling yeah. Because like, every night. Every night. | 00:38:05 | |
Don't. Don't expect much to change. | 00:38:11 | |
All right, so that wraps up business item 6.4 and then 6.5, which is the last thing that we'll be touching on here before quick | 00:38:16 | |
reports is the name change ordinance. So this is where we've talked about going from the Bicycle Advisory Commission to the Active | 00:38:23 | |
Transportation Commission and broadening the scope and helping people feel a little more involved in what we've got going on | 00:38:30 | |
rather than just, you know, if someone likes the bike or not. Obviously that's still a massive and. | 00:38:38 | |
Component to this, but it could be. | 00:38:45 | |
The Safe Routes to school would be part of this or people using scooters. Who knows, maybe they'll even talk to us about all the | 00:38:48 | |
what is a golf cart? Does it belong in? Where does it belong? But yeah, all those types of conversations, it just broadens the | 00:38:55 | |
scope a little bit. Anthony, anything else you want to say on this? I know that you also attached the red line ordinance in there | 00:39:01 | |
as well, too. Yes, I have no comments. I just, I just wanted to find out if you. | 00:39:07 | |
Want to add anything to the ordinance because this will be going to the next planning. | 00:39:14 | |
City Council, which is tomorrow, has been scheduled to be on the agenda so. | 00:39:19 | |
If we have any changes, we. | 00:39:26 | |
Have up until the end of this meeting to get it done. | 00:39:28 | |
So the key changes are outlined in green, I think yes, the outlined in green. And the whole purpose of these changes is to | 00:39:33 | |
literally. | 00:39:39 | |
Make sure that the new name reflects in every document that we have BAC reference to, and also we want anything that speaks to | 00:39:47 | |
active transportation in the city to be referenced to us in. | 00:39:54 | |
In that respect, as the. | 00:40:03 | |
Active Transportation Commission. | 00:40:06 | |
Yes, the only change I see that's not just basically name changes is we also added, it looks like the may or may remove any | 00:40:10 | |
Commission member of three consecutive Commission meetings in the calendar year are missed, which is basically the entire year for | 00:40:15 | |
this Commission. And that's that's, you know, not to be punitive. I think it's just to make sure that we've got people who are | 00:40:21 | |
involved and want to be here. | 00:40:27 | |
And the only other thing that I saw is there's not a red line through the shell in the last sea right above. | 00:40:34 | |
The very last line of Section 2. | 00:40:42 | |
It just says shell and then in green may. So just make sure to cross the shell. | 00:40:45 | |
Oh yeah, great. That was the only other thing that I saw. But any, any comments on this or any additions or subtractions you'd | 00:40:53 | |
like to see in the ordinance? But. | 00:40:59 | |
Could be presented as early as tomorrow. | 00:41:05 | |
Do do we need to define active transportation anywhere or? | 00:41:07 | |
I think we've got. | 00:41:12 | |
Seeing yeah, B3 says to actively promote and participate in community events as they relate to promoting safety and education in | 00:41:16 | |
all forms of active. OK, that's a little We're using the same word to define it, right? So that's a good point. | 00:41:23 | |
Yeah, yeah, inserting a definition of. | 00:41:34 | |
Kind of defining the scope a little bit I think would help. | 00:41:37 | |
We do want to make a recommendation for language. I think there is a definition in the Act of transportation plan. | 00:41:41 | |
100% remember what it was. | 00:41:48 | |
The vineyard something something like human powered. | 00:41:50 | |
Transportation. | 00:41:56 | |
This kind of interrupt I would probably this is just my a comment I would say is I would just expand it from the active | 00:41:59 | |
transportation plan as well to include things with micro mobility as well. So if it's not just even powered, but. | 00:42:06 | |
I mean compensate. You can almost say alternatives to. | 00:42:14 | |
Like was it called passenger vehicle type things, something like that? I mean, possibly to help include buses, like you know, bus | 00:42:19 | |
bus stops and because I know we're going to be working on micro mobility plan to for golf carts or those are not human power that | 00:42:26 | |
goes. | 00:42:32 | |
Well, that's just my two cents on that. | 00:42:40 | |
Yeah, that's helpful. | 00:42:43 | |
I mean I would be and then to help to help segue into the. | 00:42:47 | |
Yeah. But this kind of helps segue into an involvement with vehicle air and intersections and so forth, just, you know, to promote | 00:42:54 | |
like active transportation, but also and where. | 00:43:00 | |
Vehicle or traffic and pedestrian pedestrian type or non vehicle or traffic may intersect so that I further so that provide some | 00:43:08 | |
kind of. | 00:43:13 | |
Something kind of neat to go towards like those types of intersections. So we could possibly say something along the lines and we | 00:43:19 | |
can workshop this, but. | 00:43:23 | |
Active transportation. | 00:43:29 | |
Includes, but not limited to. It's always good to put in there The Walking, biking. | 00:43:31 | |
Human powered mobility, micro mobility, and even public transportation. | 00:43:40 | |
Unless anyone wants to like specifically call out like roller skates or something. | 00:43:54 | |
Cover it. No, we don't do. | 00:43:58 | |
Could abandoned the city first reason. | 00:44:01 | |
But. | 00:44:05 | |
Any comments on that? Do you feel like that? | 00:44:12 | |
And that's where as far as where to put that, Anthony, I would say. | 00:44:15 | |
We've got a definition section. | 00:44:23 | |
B Definitions for purpose of this chapter. | 00:44:28 | |
I think we could add it in there like add a #3. | 00:44:33 | |
Active transportation will be defined as. | 00:44:36 | |
You know, modes of transportation that include but not limited to walking, biking, human powered mobility, micro mobility, and | 00:44:41 | |
public transportation. OK. | 00:44:45 | |
Does that work? | 00:44:49 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:44:51 | |
Good call out, Jordan. Any other? | 00:44:55 | |
Thoughts on this? | 00:44:57 | |
OK, if there's no other thoughts then I'll need a motion from someone to. | 00:45:08 | |
Propose that we make this recommendation to City Council. We won't be approving it. We'll we're recommending it to City Council | 00:45:12 | |
with the. | 00:45:16 | |
Updated adjustments. | 00:45:20 | |
Anyone willing to make a motion on this? | 00:45:30 | |
OK. That motion that I just mentioned. OK, All right. OK. Chris makes a motion to recommend this to City Council with the proposed | 00:45:34 | |
changes that we made. Do I have a second? Second Jordan with a second all in favor, Aye. | 00:45:42 | |
Looks like each of us is in favor of that. So, Anthony, anything else you need from us in order for this to be presented? Do you | 00:45:52 | |
need one of us at City Council tomorrow to present this or it will be great to have one of you at least? Yeah. What time does the | 00:45:58 | |
meetings at 5:00 tomorrow? I can probably communicate with you. I was planning on being there anyway so I can continue to plan on | 00:46:05 | |
be there. | 00:46:11 | |
Now I'll come at least for the beginning of it, but I don't, I don't know what. | 00:46:21 | |
At what point in the meeting that that will be brought up, but we'll make sure one of us, it's gonna be a consent item. So OK, if | 00:46:25 | |
they don't have any questions, we don't have to make a presentation. But if there are any questions, yeah, the main thing I would | 00:46:29 | |
want. | 00:46:33 | |
You know, rather than it just be like in the consent items, I would want to at least acknowledge, I don't know how many people | 00:46:38 | |
will be there, but this is an effort for this to apply to everyone, right? Because the Bike Advisory Commission can feel like it | 00:46:43 | |
only applies to cyclists. | 00:46:48 | |
But every single person in the city getting anywhere. | 00:46:53 | |
Starts and ends their journey with a walk or a roll or something you know something right and so everyone's invested in this | 00:46:57 | |
somehow like if you go to the park there's that little bit of the the last little bit how do you get there right even if you drove | 00:47:03 | |
there and so I just want everyone to feel like this applies to you if you've got kids that need to get to school safely this | 00:47:08 | |
applies to you if you. | 00:47:13 | |
Yeah, whatever it might be. And hopefully it broadens the scope and the involvement a little bit. | 00:47:19 | |
I think we can make it. We could let the mayor know ahead of time that we would want to have a word before. | 00:47:24 | |
The consent, yeah, probably nothing more than that. 30 seconds just to say here's the intent behind this. It's not just a game | 00:47:31 | |
change. It's also. | 00:47:35 | |
What we're focusing on is broaden a little bit and hopefully everyone knows that if they've got concerns around unsafe | 00:47:39 | |
intersections, if they've got concerns around. | 00:47:43 | |
Trails or whatever it might be that this is a Commission they can start with, and I think the council would probably appreciate | 00:47:48 | |
that too because they probably get hit up with a lot of these types of questions and if we can show people like this is a good | 00:47:52 | |
place to start. | 00:47:56 | |
That'll give them a path forward. | 00:48:03 | |
All right, that's it for the business items. Let's just go real quick and see if there's any reports from the commissioners. | 00:48:06 | |
Chris, do you have anything you need to share? | 00:48:11 | |
Or want to share? I do have a presentation on the ATP update, Active transportation plan update and weight finding | 00:48:16 | |
recommendations. You guys want it? | 00:48:21 | |
Can I plug in? Yeah, while he's getting set up? Jordan, did you have anything else that you want to share? That's all for me, | 00:48:28 | |
Martina. | 00:48:32 | |
OK. Yeah, I didn't have anything additional either anything from staff was yes, I, I have, I have a few things we did mention. | 00:48:38 | |
I think in our last meeting on possibly having a budget for. | 00:48:47 | |
The Commission, you know, to allow us do a couple of things, including going to conferences. We benefited from a conference that | 00:48:52 | |
Jordan went to, which I think is very, you know, good. So if we could have, you know, commissioners go to more of these, that | 00:48:58 | |
would be helpful in making better inputs to the city. | 00:49:04 | |
And I did have a discussion with the city manager concerning this budget and being able to raise money on our own in a way to | 00:49:11 | |
allow us do things like events and set up during city events, you know, set up booths during city events and other things. And he | 00:49:18 | |
did say that it's going to take. | 00:49:25 | |
I'm trying not to miscode him, but what he meant was we need to work towards that, meaning that we need to get the council updated | 00:49:34 | |
on a lot of things that we're doing, including this whole name change and the reason why we're changing the name and. | 00:49:43 | |
You know, set ourselves up in a way where we at least once a quarter or something presents to the council to know what's going on, | 00:49:53 | |
the projects we're working on, what we hope to do, and obviously as we make ourselves relevant in the eyes of council, we can. | 00:50:02 | |
It will make a better case when there's a budget adjustment or. | 00:50:13 | |
What we're doing, what we're going to do. So is this one of those things that I thought we need to start talking about? We did | 00:50:19 | |
mention this sometime back to be given some sort of presentation to council. | 00:50:24 | |
Or Planning Commission every now and then. | 00:50:31 | |
This coming year, we need to really get a schedule on probably the things that we want to talk about to the general public, those | 00:50:34 | |
that are not coming to our meetings, at least to have maybe 4 presentations that talks about the stuff that we're doing and also | 00:50:41 | |
if it's something that's going to be educated to the entire public. | 00:50:48 | |
You know, we will be making some impact. | 00:50:56 | |
So is this one of those things I wanted to draw attention to? Second thing was going to be what Chris is going to talk about. So | 00:51:00 | |
we had an internal kickoff meeting today. | 00:51:05 | |
For the. | 00:51:10 | |
Project you know that you all know to be the Mill Rd. project we've been talking about for a while now. | 00:51:13 | |
So that's he's going to give a lot more detail about it. | 00:51:19 | |
OK, so that's it. | 00:51:23 | |
Just real quick before that, if we can put this on a future meeting. | 00:51:25 | |
I had an organization reach out, actually Cash was with me doing like a beach cleanup, but they asked if there was an adopted | 00:51:29 | |
trail program. | 00:51:33 | |
Out there to help out and to clean up. And you know, not that our trails are dirty necessarily or like really bad, but like maybe | 00:52:08 | |
they also just, you know, notify us monthly about any issues that they see like a fence that's damaged or a pothole or, you know, | 00:52:14 | |
whatever it might be. But there are there is some interest in that. So it's not urgent, but we might want to put it on the next | 00:52:20 | |
meeting agenda. Just discuss what that would look like if we want to pass. | 00:52:26 | |
Like on an off the trail program and then the last thing. | 00:52:33 | |
That might go along with the budget is. | 00:52:37 | |
Might be good for us at the end of the year with. | 00:52:39 | |
Would you want to have the January meeting, which is January 14th, set up as a real meeting so I can stop putting an agenda | 00:53:13 | |
together for that or? | 00:53:18 | |
I think it could wait until the scheduled February 1. I don't think it needs to be like a special meeting for it. Can we work off | 00:53:24 | |
of Google doc and just. | 00:53:28 | |
Put things on. Yeah, I'll defer to staff on what constitutes collaboration if there's more than three of us on there and things | 00:53:35 | |
like that. But yeah, certainly you can always reach out to Anthony, like any one of us at any point, but yeah, we can figure out a | 00:53:41 | |
way to collaborate better, so. | 00:53:47 | |
I forgot I had one thing before we get started. Sorry I. | 00:53:55 | |
I met with Bronson Tatum. | 00:54:01 | |
Who is the person? Yeah, flagship person. | 00:54:04 | |
Over Utah City stuff. | 00:54:12 | |
And just talk about maybe ideas of how our Commission could help, especially with. | 00:54:16 | |
Their units coming available in the next like 6 to 8 months or whatever their timeline is of. | 00:54:21 | |
How we might collaborate parking and. | 00:54:31 | |
And. | 00:54:34 | |
How did we describe it? | 00:54:37 | |
Essentially provide a welcoming experience for people who might be interested in active transportation as there. | 00:54:40 | |
As more of a mobility option. | 00:54:47 | |
So yeah, we had a few good ideas and then he invited us to meet with him more frequently in the coming months as. | 00:54:53 | |
As they anticipate people moving into the neighborhood. | 00:55:02 | |
Where is he located? | 00:55:09 | |
He lives in Parkside neighborhood. He's my my new neighbor. | 00:55:12 | |
So yeah, he lives here in been your vested interest in. | 00:55:18 | |
All right. | 00:55:24 | |
Or did you have something? | 00:55:26 | |
Just a quick comment about the adopted trail thing. Just wanted for especially when you do schedule that. | 00:55:29 | |
It's something that public works wise, George Strait, for example, specifically has been trying to kind of push. I think it just | 00:55:36 | |
comes down to, you know, time and manpower to kind of set something up. But just there kind of notes for Anthony just to when we | 00:55:43 | |
do that, well, no, just of course coordinate with public works, but before that kind of building it up just to get Parks and Rec | 00:55:50 | |
as part of that conversation, I think. | 00:55:56 | |
If we do like a. | 00:56:04 | |
A group brainstorming, especially getting resonance residential groups involved in part of how to develop it. I think it'll be | 00:56:06 | |
just that much more successful on that. So really just Parks and Rec specific way. | 00:56:12 | |
I appreciate that public works and public involvement. I appreciate that. No, that's good. Thank you. | 00:56:18 | |
All right, for real this time. | 00:56:25 | |
So. | 00:56:28 | |
We have Jim Price on the online, so just be careful what I say, OK? I just wanted to update it. | 00:56:31 | |
So Ave. and Bike Utah and a couple other consultancies have partnered to do the active transportation update. | 00:56:40 | |
And wayfinding plan for Vineyard City, there's a lot of content in here, so I'm going to try to go kind of quick. Bike Utah, the | 00:56:50 | |
organization I represent, is over the wayfinding portion, so I can be more specific there. The active transportation plan update | 00:56:56 | |
is headed up by Ave. so I'm going to be kind of high level there. | 00:57:03 | |
Just to set expectations. | 00:57:10 | |
The purpose of the project is to update the 8 active transportation plan, also known as like an 80 plan. | 00:57:14 | |
Is to update the southeast area of Vineyard looking at. | 00:57:23 | |
Different facilities that should go in there. And then the wayfinding recommendations are around just kind of creating standards | 00:57:29 | |
and recommendations for wayfinding throughout the city. So identifying where people want to go and giving them signs to help them | 00:57:35 | |
find those places. So a lot of that is going to be catered towards visitors and people like that and kind of even creating kind of | 00:57:42 | |
an active transportation brand throughout your community. | 00:57:48 | |
So today we had an internal kickoff meeting with city staff where we talked through this presentation and the different aspects of | 00:57:58 | |
the project. | 00:58:03 | |
Umm Ave. Consultants has been going through kind of an existing conditions analysis and so they're looking at these different | 00:58:10 | |
components. So things like origin and destination data, where are people coming from, where are they going, safe routes to school, | 00:58:17 | |
existing and future AT facilities, crash data, things like that. | 00:58:24 | |
And this is some of the origin destination data looking at where do people want to go and where are they coming from. | 00:58:33 | |
Looking at zoning. | 00:58:42 | |
Anthony, can we get this added to the minutes that we approve next time so they can be publicly available? | 00:58:46 | |
You already have a copy of this too, OK. | 00:58:54 | |
Cool. Yeah. So just kind of looking at all these different things I talked about. | 00:58:58 | |
OK. And then Ave. is going to continue to do this kind of analysis and they're going to look at some other stuff like other at | 00:59:06 | |
plans that intersect with vineyards. | 00:59:12 | |
Looking at maybe potential demand for active transportation throughout the community. Looking at automobile. | 00:59:19 | |
Traffic, where is that happening? Where could it happen in the future and how do we plan around that? | 00:59:28 | |
OK. | 00:59:35 | |
So for the wayfinding portion. | 00:59:37 | |
We're currently we're reviewing federal and state standards, which are pretty like basic. They don't really have much. | 00:59:40 | |
And then taking those basic standards and how do we enhance those standards to be specific to Vineyard? And then we're also | 00:59:50 | |
looking at other like peer communities, so communities that are similar in size to Vineyard and looking at how they have done | 00:59:56 | |
wayfinding. So an interesting thing, nobody in Utah has really done an 80 plan citywide, like not even Salt Lake City. They've | 01:00:03 | |
only done it sort of on like a neighborhood. | 01:00:09 | |
Or area level or regional level. So like MAG has done some good work. | 01:00:17 | |
Doing regional work. | 01:00:22 | |
And then you have a lot of like neighborhood level stuff and campus level wayfinding, but nothing at a city level. So we're | 01:00:24 | |
breaking new ground here. And that's significant because the scale at which your wayfinding happens changes. | 01:00:30 | |
Depending on whether you're doing it regionally, locally, or like. | 01:00:38 | |
Hyper local, I guess, like a campus. So we're finding, I guess we're creating the template probably for the rest of the state as | 01:00:42 | |
we do this. | 01:00:47 | |
And we're going to be working with you guys specifically or us I guess, because I'm on the committee just to talk through what do | 01:00:52 | |
we want those signs to look like and I'll get more into. | 01:00:59 | |
What exactly I mean there? But what do we want that brand to look like? | 01:01:07 | |
So one of the things. | 01:01:13 | |
Is we have like a standard sign, which would be like AU dot sign, but do we want to enhance that sign or do we want to stick with | 01:01:15 | |
the the standard sign? And there's pros and cons to each. The standard sign is more replicable, whereas an enhanced sign may cost | 01:01:22 | |
a little more to do, but it is more unique to vineyard and is like a unique brand of vineyard, right as opposed to like these | 01:01:30 | |
green signs that you might see anywhere. The existing wayfinding signs that we do have there's. | 01:01:37 | |
A lot of them, but those would be considered enhanced signs because I think they've got finger branding on it. Yeah, we probably | 01:01:45 | |
would not necessarily. | 01:01:50 | |
Imitate that, if that makes sense. So eventually you'd probably want to replace those, yeah, with the whatever brand we settle on | 01:01:58 | |
and whatever best practice. But yeah, that, that probably would be considered an enhanced sign. | 01:02:05 | |
OK. So once we've got all those best practices down, which we're basically out of that area, then we're starting to look at. | 01:02:13 | |
That origin destination data, where do people come from where do they want to go one thing that came out of the meeting earlier | 01:02:24 | |
was really looking at amenities that are around biking. So if there's like a fix it station, let's make a sign for that fix it | 01:02:31 | |
station. Another big one was public transportation, making it clear that there's way of. | 01:02:38 | |
The different ways that you can get there safely and then also. | 01:02:46 | |
One thing that Anthony brought up that I thought was a good idea was potentially having some sort of digital signage that lets you | 01:02:51 | |
know how much longer you have till the train leaves. So that could be pretty cool. I mean, I would love to have that in Provo | 01:02:56 | |
actually, so. | 01:03:02 | |
I think that would be amazing. And then as we're breaking down the signage, there's kind of three levels. There's your major | 01:03:08 | |
destinations, regional kind of economic hubs. And then you'll have like level 2, which would be maybe recreational destinations. | 01:03:15 | |
Level 3 is your local destination. So like a school, like a elementary school. | 01:03:22 | |
And then we need to identify where those signs need to go and that's going to be relative to. | 01:03:30 | |
This framework called Decision Confirmation destination. So it's like you have multiple decisions. | 01:03:38 | |
And it shows you which ways you can go and then you get a confirmation sign and then you arrive at your destination. | 01:03:46 | |
And then we're going to eventually create 3 design or prototypes of these signs so people can interact with them and see them and. | 01:03:53 | |
Make sure they work and they're good. | 01:04:02 | |
And this is the example that I was talking about with decision confirmation destination. | 01:04:07 | |
OK, and here's your existing wayfinding signage. | 01:04:15 | |
OK. | 01:04:24 | |
And then we're actually going to update your active, your existing active transportation plan. We're not going to make a separate | 01:04:26 | |
document. We're just going to like plop it in there. So that'll make it easier for you guys. So you don't have to go to a whole | 01:04:32 | |
new document if you want to see what's going on. It's just in there. And then we'll also be updating the design standards for the | 01:04:38 | |
city in their design doc. So giving. | 01:04:44 | |
Like specifications of how to make the signs. | 01:04:51 | |
And then we're going to be doing a lot of public engagement around that. So like what I'm doing now, I'll just be giving you an | 01:04:55 | |
update. This is probably on the larger side of presentations, but each month I'll just kind of give you guys an update and let you | 01:05:02 | |
ask questions, give input. You'll be kind of the first set of public or community eyes on this project. | 01:05:10 | |
And right now we're working through a survey that we're going to put out. | 01:05:19 | |
Late this month or early next month? | 01:05:24 | |
And then in January, we're going to have an external partners meeting. So that's going to be a bunch of different stakeholders, U | 01:05:27 | |
dot, UTA, UVU, Arm, City, Union, Pacific developers, Builders, you name it. | 01:05:33 | |
They they're welcome. | 01:05:40 | |
And if there are, if you know anybody within your neighborhoods who are like. | 01:05:42 | |
Really committed to something like this. | 01:05:48 | |
Let us know and we can invite them as well. Why the emphasis on the Southeast area? | 01:05:54 | |
Because in the original active transportation plan. | 01:06:00 | |
That was sort of hazy in terms of what was going to happen there. So this is kind of completing a section of the 80 plan that | 01:06:05 | |
wasn't fully fleshed out. | 01:06:10 | |
And I'd like to add to that comment as well. There has been a lot of complaints as well about safety. | 01:06:18 | |
On that area and the survey that we had where we had commissioners ride the city, we had a lot of comments as well come up in that | 01:06:26 | |
area not being one of the safest places to to bike in the city. | 01:06:34 | |
So we thought it would be a viable project to complete the rest of the AT the rest of the city that the AT plan did not cover so. | 01:06:43 | |
Great. And then in around February, we'll do a focus group, so. | 01:06:56 | |
You guys are kind of like a focus group, but we'll do a more an additional focus group with more targeted. | 01:07:03 | |
Participants and we'll run them through some of the wayfinding design ideas and get their feedback. And then in March we'll have a | 01:07:10 | |
town hall meeting where people can come in and give their input on the wayfinding and the active transportation plan. And then in | 01:07:17 | |
April we'll we'll do a bike tour. | 01:07:23 | |
To right around and. | 01:07:30 | |
Experience. I just say feel free to if we have these Tuesdays already blocked off and he's already sending out notifications like. | 01:07:34 | |
And you need a place. We've already got this, you know, and it won't always work perfect for those Tuesdays. But if it does, like, | 01:07:43 | |
yeah, start here. Yeah. In March. Yeah. That's. I think that's the idea, right, Is we want it to be a combined meeting and get | 01:07:48 | |
people out here and introduce them to the BAC and. | 01:07:53 | |
And the project. | 01:07:59 | |
OK. Yeah. And so this is just kind of the overall schedule. | 01:08:03 | |
And next steps like immediate steps are to do the survey. | 01:08:07 | |
And get some input from the community. | 01:08:13 | |
Any questions or? | 01:08:17 | |
Things you'd like to see, this is probably in your external stakeholders thing, but I think the UTA. | 01:08:20 | |
Plan is still extend the UV X. | 01:08:29 | |
North through Vineyard, through the Mill Rd. I think would would like a station. | 01:08:34 | |
Location be part of this plan or would that just depend on UTA? | 01:08:43 | |
Can decide on a station location yet or. | 01:08:51 | |
Are you talking about like the active transportation part of the plan? Yeah. Would we have, I guess, would we delineate like | 01:08:54 | |
here's where your UTA is thinking of putting their UVX station and here's how we connect into that station or something like that? | 01:09:02 | |
I don't imagine well. | 01:09:11 | |
Maybe that's a better question for Anthony, but I don't imagine we would sort of plan out that component. But if, if Ave. is able | 01:09:14 | |
to identify where that station is going to be, then I. | 01:09:20 | |
It would make sense to create. | 01:09:26 | |
Paths into that station, yeah, OK, so just in like that external state corridors if UTA OK I see is forthcoming and says yeah this | 01:09:29 | |
is exactly where we're thinking of putting stations and whatever then. | 01:09:35 | |
That would be reflected in our planes. Yeah. OK, that's good input. Thank you. The other the other question. | 01:09:42 | |
That I got from Bronson, actually, when I was talking to him, I guess. | 01:09:49 | |
They're working with Green Bike to have bike share available around here. | 01:09:54 | |
And he asked for recommendations of where we should have bike share. | 01:10:02 | |
Stations specifically. | 01:10:08 | |
Along Mill Rd. wherever around there? | 01:10:10 | |
Is that? | 01:10:13 | |
Something that would be in the purview of this to have an opinion of whether we should have a bike share. Part of the way finding | 01:10:15 | |
portion is identifying amenities and where they should exist. So if you could, do you have my e-mail? | 01:10:23 | |
Chris said by Qatar. Or you can text me. Sure, But if you want to get me in touch with Bronson, I can chat with him about it. OK, | 01:10:31 | |
cool. Yeah, that would be really good. Thank you. | 01:10:36 | |
And I think. | 01:10:43 | |
I think he's also looking for recommendations for. | 01:10:45 | |
Like wherever in existing neighborhoods or parks or whatever that. | 01:10:48 | |
Doesn't it can be part of that or? | 01:10:54 | |
Maybe it's something that we at the Commission. | 01:10:57 | |
Awesome. | 01:11:00 | |
I think I will make a good business item. | 01:11:05 | |
As Bronson progresses in that project and you know would want to. | 01:11:08 | |
Probably have an input on. | 01:11:15 | |
Making a decision on where to put bike share stations. | 01:11:17 | |
In the city, you know, we would have it as a whole. You would invite him to make a presentation. | 01:11:22 | |
To the Commission and, you know, we'll probably have some proposals. | 01:11:28 | |
Or he could probably present where he thinks might work in the city and we can make some additions or take out pretty much discuss | 01:11:34 | |
everything pertaining to placement of bike share stations. So instead of having to, we will have, you know, discussions internally | 01:11:41 | |
with him, obviously. But we I think it would be a good idea involving the entire Commission where he comes in formally presents | 01:11:48 | |
and says, hey, we have these. | 01:11:55 | |
These things that we would like to do and we want your inputs on where you think would be helpful, placing these and then the | 01:12:03 | |
Black Commission, you know all the active transportation Commission then would be able to make a formal recommendation to council | 01:12:11 | |
to allow these things to work. So I think that would make a very good business item for one of the meeting days. | 01:12:19 | |
So just a thought. | 01:12:28 | |
Thank you. | 01:12:33 | |
Well, well, well, I'm still on the business item. | 01:12:35 | |
Discussion. I'd like to. | 01:12:40 | |
Remind you of something that we did discuss last time, which was. | 01:12:42 | |
Bringing in someone from the American. | 01:12:48 | |
League of Bicyclists. | 01:12:53 | |
To discuss with us, literally discuss our scorecard with us to begin with and ways to make it better so they're willing to do an | 01:12:56 | |
online. | 01:13:00 | |
Meeting Just join us in a meeting like this and discuss everything that was on our scorecard with us. Have asked them questions | 01:13:06 | |
and if we think it's worth it, we will. | 01:13:13 | |
Probably plan to have a workshop because they do organize workshops for cities. | 01:13:21 | |
Where you delve deeper into how to make things better. We talked about maybe combining with others, especially if there's a | 01:13:26 | |
costing. Yep. Yeah. | 01:13:30 | |
So maybe before we do a conference, we might want to talk about our scorecard. They don't. They don't share information, They just | 01:13:34 | |
award you what they think you deserve. | 01:13:39 | |
So it would be nice to know how they came about making us bronze. | 01:13:45 | |
And in the future, we know specifically what we're we're going to be working towards to make things better. | 01:13:49 | |
Anything. I think that would be. | 01:13:56 | |
Kind of a cool road map for this Commission to have. | 01:13:59 | |
Like those very clear things that we could work on? Yeah, if we do these five things, yes. | 01:14:03 | |
Is that something that you could schedule for us with them or something that? | 01:14:10 | |
Yeah, they want to. They want to just meet. They want to be on a meeting. If we want to make it public, they're willing to make a | 01:14:16 | |
presentation about. | 01:14:19 | |
You know our scorecard and what made us bronze and to work with you because they they work with cities on the real next steps. | 01:14:24 | |
That one would have to go through that conference kind of agenda because that's how they they mobilize some money as well for | 01:14:34 | |
their program so. | 01:14:38 | |
Yeah, we could have them. If I'm not mistaken, I think there's a couple other bronze level like I think. | 01:14:43 | |
And they want to know the same thing and. | 01:14:49 | |
Yeah. | 01:14:52 | |
So we can start with inviting them to a meeting. Yeah, they said all they need is 3 weeks in advance. So I will reach out to them | 01:14:57 | |
and share our schedule. You can give them our schedule and just tell them, hey, choose a date and we'll just get them on there. I | 01:15:04 | |
think they're on the East Coast too, so it'll be like 9:00 for them, which that's what they get for living out there, you know? | 01:15:11 | |
Yeah, they're in DC, they said. Yeah, we had a meeting with. | 01:15:20 | |
Shauna Meekin from. | 01:15:28 | |
Few weeks ago. | 01:15:32 | |
And it sounded like there's an appetite. | 01:15:35 | |
For MAG to sponsor the. | 01:15:37 | |
Whatever. More confidence by all means. Person kind of thing. | 01:15:42 | |
And include surrounding communities with that also so. | 01:15:48 | |
I don't know that it's a done deal, but no, that's the cool thing because London's on board with this and warm it like it's just | 01:15:53 | |
gonna make everything better, right? Yeah. Everyone goes in on it. | 01:15:57 | |
Nobody only goes to Vineyard without going. | 01:16:02 | |
Right. Yeah. | 01:16:06 | |
So do we need to like, do we need to start working on gathering everyone now? | 01:16:10 | |
They actually just started a Slack channel from that. Yeah, I'll send you the link to the Slack channel. So yeah, so trying to. | 01:16:16 | |
Had a mag meeting and invited. | 01:16:24 | |
A number of people from. | 01:16:27 | |
I guess both of us and then people from bike park Provo and. | 01:16:30 | |
Logan mess up. | 01:16:36 | |
And a number of other people from. | 01:16:42 | |
Lehigh and around. | 01:16:43 | |
So we did that a few weeks ago. | 01:16:47 | |
To kind of start that. | 01:16:50 | |
Collaborative aspect, but yeah, we have a slight channel that I haven't joined yet, but I will. | 01:16:51 | |
Yeah, yeah. So I think, I think this wraps up the year pretty nicely honestly. I think we've got a good. | 01:16:58 | |
At least agenda for the first half of next year that'll keep us busy with a bike month and big projects like this and then yeah, | 01:17:04 | |
getting a North Star, like what are we all working towards? And that'll help us decide where to best focus our limited time and | 01:17:09 | |
resources. So. | 01:17:14 | |
All right. Any other comments before we adjourn? | 01:17:20 | |
OK. | 01:17:24 | |
Meeting adjourned. Thank you. | 01:17:24 |
* you need to log in to manage your favorites
It is November 12th, 2024 at 6:09 PM and we will call this meeting to order. We'll go ahead and jump right in. There's no public | 00:00:00 | |
here, so we'll jump right into approval of minutes. Item 3.1 is approval of the 2023 Bicycle Advisory Commission meeting minutes | 00:00:07 | |
and those are attached in the packet. | 00:00:13 | |
Anyone have any comments or any updates or suggestions they need to make on that before we approve those? | 00:00:21 | |
Correct. Yep. Yeah. Just making sure that anything, any actions that we're taking or captured accurately, particularly things that | 00:00:31 | |
you said, you want to make sure that those are. So hopefully you had a chance to review those. And if someone did, I just need a | 00:00:36 | |
motion to approve those. | 00:00:42 | |
I motion to approve those minutes. | 00:00:51 | |
I got a first by Martina. Do I have a second? | 00:00:53 | |
Jordan will second that all in favor. | 00:00:58 | |
Aye, OK. | 00:01:01 | |
We'll move on to the work session Item 4.2, Safe systems approach by Commissioner Jordan Christensen. | 00:01:02 | |
So at the. | 00:01:18 | |
At the. | 00:01:23 | |
Conference that we went to in Provo. I went to a presentation. | 00:01:26 | |
From. | 00:01:32 | |
Oh Yep, sorry, is this better? | 00:01:35 | |
Yeah, great. Yeah. So at the. | 00:01:40 | |
Umm connected Community Summit that we went to. I went to a. | 00:01:43 | |
Presentation from. | 00:01:50 | |
Mike West, who works for Lehigh City and part of his presentation is about the safe system approach, which I had heard of but | 00:01:52 | |
didn't really know much about. | 00:01:58 | |
So I brought a little bit sure about that. | 00:02:05 | |
Let's see if this will work. | 00:02:10 | |
OK, there we go. | 00:02:17 | |
And then a couple things that I've been doing in Vineyard since this. I think I'm probably the least qualified person in the room | 00:02:20 | |
to be talking about this. | 00:02:25 | |
But this is just an overview of what the safe system approach is. There's. | 00:02:31 | |
Principles here. | 00:02:38 | |
That are listed here I think 1 of. | 00:02:43 | |
One of them that I've been thinking a lot about is just that safety is proactive. I think that our default as. | 00:02:48 | |
As a city at times has been to be reactive to. | 00:02:56 | |
Intersections and roadway design that isn't. | 00:03:03 | |
Fulfilling its purpose very well. | 00:03:08 | |
Umm. And so that. | 00:03:10 | |
Is the principles and then down here. | 00:03:16 | |
Are elements of. | 00:03:22 | |
Of this, and obviously the city isn't. | 00:03:26 | |
100%. | 00:03:29 | |
Responsible for all of these things, I think safe vehicle design is mostly going to be outside of the city's purview. | 00:03:32 | |
Umm, but we can. | 00:03:42 | |
Still have safe roads and safe speeds and safe road users. | 00:03:48 | |
Um, and so part of. | 00:03:53 | |
Part of the impetus of bringing this up is that I saw on the city's website that we have listed under the. | 00:03:56 | |
Traffic calming section on the website. | 00:04:05 | |
An article that talks about the three ES of. | 00:04:09 | |
Road safety. | 00:04:13 | |
Something to that effect and I think the safe system approaches is saying those things are important, but they tend to become | 00:04:16 | |
siloed and we tend to say. | 00:04:22 | |
You know if a crash happens then. | 00:04:29 | |
Umm, it's hard to point to all of the. | 00:04:32 | |
Elements that are responsible there and so we tend to blame individuals for acting poorly in in that system. | 00:04:39 | |
And I think this point here, the traditional approach is to say, you know, we need to improve human behavior, which is probably | 00:04:49 | |
true, but a better. | 00:04:54 | |
A better option here is to just design for human making mistakes and limitations and I think one example that is relevant here is | 00:05:00 | |
one of my first jobs was working in like data analytics for a warehouse and they were wanting to improve. | 00:05:09 | |
They're restocking and essentially inventory turnover rate that they could accomplish. | 00:05:18 | |
While also reducing. | 00:05:27 | |
What they called incidents, which was essentially anything. | 00:05:31 | |
With their inventory that. | 00:05:35 | |
Caused a safety problem for their employees or damaged goods or anything like that. | 00:05:39 | |
And, and part of this was, was acknowledging that, yeah, we needed to reduce and improve human behavior, but at a certain level, a | 00:05:45 | |
lot of the incidents that they were seeing. | 00:05:51 | |
People were acting in reasonable ways and the warehouse design just wasn't accommodating to people being human and and not being | 00:05:57 | |
able to perfectly execute their job at every moment in their shift. And so a lot of the improvement gains were from redesigning | 00:06:06 | |
the warehouse layout, redesigning operating procedures, redesigning kind of the shift scheduling even. | 00:06:15 | |
To say, yeah, people are acting reasonable and they're still. | 00:06:24 | |
Creating these incidents and so we need to change the environment in which they're working. | 00:06:29 | |
Umm. So all that said. | 00:06:34 | |
I. | 00:06:37 | |
Been looking at this intersection that is near where I live. So this is the Vineyard loop Rd. and preserve drive which becomes | 00:06:41 | |
malware drive. This down South of here is the 55 plus. | 00:06:49 | |
Villas community up here is townhouses and condos over here. | 00:06:57 | |
Freedom is is also South of here, so S is this intersection is the 55 plus and then on the other side of that neighborhood is. | 00:07:03 | |
I guess southeast of here is freedom. | 00:07:12 | |
So I borrowed bike Utah's speed gun, um. | 00:07:16 | |
And sat roughly around here cutting hidden by these trees. And justice observed how fast people were going. And here's a | 00:07:20 | |
histogram. | 00:07:25 | |
Kind of just showing speeds of cars mostly going through this intersection, kind of along this stretch of Rd. also. | 00:07:31 | |
And. | 00:07:41 | |
In case anybody didn't have contact. So last year we changed the speed of this road from 35 to 25. | 00:07:43 | |
Which I don't doubt that there is probably some behavior here that has changed because of that, you know, 12. | 00:07:51 | |
13% of people are going. | 00:08:01 | |
Under 25 or up to 25. | 00:08:03 | |
But kind of the majority of people here are going between 30 and 40 miles an hour in this intersection. And from what I understand | 00:08:07 | |
of Utah. | 00:08:12 | |
Law, just because we don't have crosshorks painted across this road doesn't mean that pedestrians wouldn't have the right of way | 00:08:17 | |
here. I think they still should have the right of way and people should yield to them when they're trying to cross. | 00:08:24 | |
That in reality, that. | 00:08:33 | |
That never happens. I think I've seen it twice. But in that situation, you know somebody has stopped, right? | 00:08:35 | |
Here for somebody trying to cross and the person behind them used the. | 00:08:43 | |
Use the median to go around them and continue through. So I think it'd probably be even worse if people did routinely stop here | 00:08:48 | |
for pedestrians. | 00:08:52 | |
Right. Unless really everybody's, unless everybody's doing it, and then it would be better. | 00:08:59 | |
Otherwise it'll be the sudden stop. | 00:09:04 | |
Right. So I think, I think kind of looking at this intersection and really similar intersections kind of all throughout Vineyard | 00:09:08 | |
Loop Rd. I think there's some. | 00:09:14 | |
If we stick with the three ES, the education, engineering, enforcement, there's probably some blame that we could assign to each | 00:09:21 | |
of those of saying, you know, this, maybe this stretch of Rd. isn't patrolled very heavily. And honestly, I haven't really seen | 00:09:29 | |
police out there. I'm sure that we can educate people more and I'm sure that there's some engineering that can happen here. | 00:09:37 | |
But I think that the safe systems approach is to say. | 00:09:46 | |
You know, we also share responsibility here. It's not a it's not a matter of finding which person to blame. It's it's saying | 00:09:51 | |
collectively I. | 00:09:56 | |
You know, kids are trying to cross this road to go to school. The, you know, part of the 55 plus community is is. | 00:10:01 | |
Is part of my church and frequently wants to cross this road here to visit people in my neighborhood. | 00:10:12 | |
People. People from just general observation seem to. | 00:10:20 | |
It seemed to anticipate that they should be able to walk across the road here, and people driving seemed to anticipate that they | 00:10:26 | |
shouldn't have to slow down and wait for people to cross the road here. | 00:10:31 | |
And so I think there's a couple things like first of all. | 00:10:37 | |
You know, one or 2% of people are going over 50 miles an hour on this stretch of Rd. which is pretty crazy to think about. And and | 00:10:42 | |
there's like some evidence of like pretty insane behavior. So this is that intersection where last year somebody was spinning | 00:10:49 | |
Donuts here just because the intersection is so wide and you it accommodates reckless behavior like that or this is. | 00:10:56 | |
Sure. Probably under 25. So, you know, valid point. This was near a similar intersection over by the South clubhouse earlier this | 00:11:05 | |
year. Somebody flipped over their car somehow doing that. | 00:11:12 | |
Pretty crazy. So I think it's easy to say, oh, well, if we just control for the very poor behavior, then we can fix all this. But | 00:11:21 | |
in reality, like most people are doing what they think is reasonable, which is going between 30 and 40 miles an hour. And even at | 00:11:28 | |
that speed, you know, somebody going 30 miles, 35 miles an hour here and failing to see my kid or, or whoever who's trying to | 00:11:35 | |
cross the road could, could pretty easily result in a severe injury or fatality. | 00:11:42 | |
And so. | 00:11:51 | |
Yeah, definitely. Let's talk about this extreme behavior and and figure that out. But. | 00:11:52 | |
But I think it's it's kind of the warehouse problem too, is like a lot of people are doing what they think is a reasonable thing | 00:12:00 | |
and yet they're still prone to, you know, potentially severely injuring somebody or, or being severely injured. | 00:12:06 | |
And so, yeah, that's pretty much the idea that I got out of what the safe systems approach is. There's probably more discussion | 00:12:14 | |
that we could have. | 00:12:20 | |
Probably in the future about how we can best implement this here in Vineyard. | 00:12:28 | |
So on an intersection like that, what would the safe systems approach? | 00:12:33 | |
Good question that I don't have. | 00:12:45 | |
The perfect answer for. | 00:12:47 | |
Said safety is proactive and so maybe before an accident happens, like trying to help. | 00:12:49 | |
Mitigate some behaviors. | 00:12:58 | |
Basically like three ways that you slow down. | 00:13:04 | |
Deflection which? | 00:13:11 | |
So. | 00:13:26 | |
So like if you have a lot of people crossing. | 00:13:34 | |
Unease, which is actually. | 00:14:01 | |
No, I think it's good. I think on here like the first one is, is saying, you know, we want to prevent crashes, which is fine, but | 00:14:09 | |
then in the new system is saying, you know, prevent deaths and serious injuries and and maybe we're okay with minor, more minor | 00:14:16 | |
crashes. I don't know if that's necessarily inherent to what we're saying here, but. | 00:14:23 | |
But I think in that case is like a Fender Bender is definitely better than. | 00:14:31 | |
You know, a kid getting killed. | 00:14:36 | |
That's what they've found in places where they like achieve 0 fatalities. It's, it's not that you get rid of accidents, you | 00:14:39 | |
minimize it. Yeah, well, one of the things and we'll kind of talk about it. | 00:14:45 | |
To active transportation. | 00:14:55 | |
When we talk about a name change, potentially it could also be almost a scope change. One, one of the things that I think is a | 00:14:58 | |
really easy way to think about these things is, yeah, how would a child get to an amenity, right? So you live in the preserves. | 00:15:05 | |
There's the Springs Community Park right across the street there. What would be the recommended route based on our infrastructure | 00:15:12 | |
on how to get there? Honestly, like, as it is, it's probably like walk all the way out to busy Main Street cross. | 00:15:19 | |
Where a designated crossing and then come back over not realistic. There's also freedom prep right here and a nice beautiful trail | 00:15:27 | |
that goes right, right to it like, but how do you get to that trail? You've got to cross an unmarked, fairly dangerous street, | 00:15:33 | |
right? And so I think that's for me is a good way to think about these things is like what would make you comfortable sending your | 00:15:39 | |
child, your grandchild, your niece, your nephew, whoever it is. | 00:15:45 | |
To that amenity without feeling like, you know what, let's just hop in the car and get there. | 00:15:52 | |
And I know we can't be 100% all the time everywhere, but I think just starting with schools and parks. | 00:15:56 | |
Very obvious places that kids want to go to and don't have to be chauffeured by adults all the time. I think that's a good place | 00:16:05 | |
to look at. And like you've identified 1 here and there's probably other places too. And I know the city's done actually a pretty | 00:16:11 | |
good job of being responsive when we've pointed out those areas like, you know, Gammon Park and we put some things in there, but | 00:16:17 | |
if there's instances where we're not going to respond or we don't plan to do anything. | 00:16:23 | |
Then I think it's on us to make it very clear of like what is the safe route? | 00:16:30 | |
To get there or what is the desired route for cars versus people and? | 00:16:34 | |
Because yeah, it's being intentional about it, right? Instead of like someone gets hurt and then you're like, oh, maybe we should | 00:16:40 | |
do something about this. So like proactively thinking through like where, where are the problem areas? And I think there's. | 00:16:45 | |
Plenty of people who would be willing to voice their opinions on where they think the hot spots are, and we've done some surveys | 00:16:52 | |
like that in the past, but I think that's always a good exercise. | 00:16:56 | |
That's all I had. Any other comments or? | 00:17:06 | |
Comments from the audience. | 00:17:11 | |
I apologize for walking on and tailing on this on your on your discussion. So I probably didn't grasp everything that was said on | 00:17:26 | |
that in regards to the traffic calming with the arc with the threes in terms of that. I mean, typically on the traffic calming | 00:17:33 | |
portion of it, it's kind of built and meant that more of his, I mean more as a reactive measure. I know there's also proactive, | 00:17:40 | |
but I mean don't do traffic, I mean. | 00:17:46 | |
To put a request for traffic calming before something before roads built. | 00:17:53 | |
Almost got her intuitive, but that's typically when having obviously working with the planning and the engineering and so forth in | 00:17:59 | |
order to get those things put into place, like for example the roundabout holdaway field, so. | 00:18:06 | |
Development down South we're installing is having installed pedestrian like the rectangular flashing beacons on that as a kind of | 00:18:14 | |
like something that we haven't done something that's not really typically done here in Utah, but putting it in there while we're | 00:18:21 | |
building a lot while the road is being built in order to say, hey, let's take a look at this. The threes again, I'm totally for | 00:18:29 | |
you know, if funds are unlimited, just go ahead and engineer engine. | 00:18:36 | |
About the 3S, the way this mount is education, then enforcement and then engineering in terms of like just like the shortest. | 00:18:43 | |
The lowest hanging branch on that thing, Education is easy to implement. Education or enforcement. | 00:18:58 | |
You know, that takes time, but again, it's easier and then engineering typically takes a longer it's a lot easier, longer path | 00:19:05 | |
when it comes to traffic calming. There's you know that those don't have to do like consecutively you can do we can work things | 00:19:10 | |
concurrently like okay. | 00:19:16 | |
To, in order for an engineering for a new project to be put in place, it's probably like, you know, I don't think we can get a | 00:19:22 | |
project in place any earlier than six months. But do the education enforcement in the front on the front hand because like, for | 00:19:28 | |
example, the chart that you showed and I, I, I wholeheartedly agree that those speeds are accurate. You know, I drive on Main | 00:19:34 | |
Street myself, you know, coming to work and leaving work and such, you know, the main streets 35 miles an hour. And I typically | 00:19:40 | |
have people who are. | 00:19:45 | |
Even though I don't drive a city vehicle and so I you know, no one would actually whatever knows to say staff person who's | 00:19:52 | |
breaking the speed limit. I don't break the speed limit because I was also grew up in the mindset that one mile over the speed | 00:19:57 | |
limit is speeding. | 00:20:02 | |
And that's against the law. | 00:20:07 | |
So don't you don't even, you know, you don't go over the over the speed limit period. I also grew up with everyone where seatbelts | 00:20:09 | |
and even if you're in the back seat, if you're not wearing seatbelts, that's you're not being safe period. But that's just a | 00:20:15 | |
mentality thing kind of growing up on that one. But yeah, like for example, yeah. | 00:20:22 | |
I know we I know we've done things to encourage driving slower, like on Vineyard, the Vineyard loop roads right there being a 25 | 00:20:29 | |
miles an hour and seeing people go on grossly above that is heartbreaking because it's like this is, you know, we're trying to do | 00:20:36 | |
things to protect, protect people. But obviously. | 00:20:43 | |
So that's just to kind of talk about the three ES. It's like, you know, typically sometimes like there's speeders, it's usually | 00:20:52 | |
very limited. | 00:20:56 | |
Who's actually doing it typically? | 00:21:00 | |
And then being able to address that and of course enforcement, you know, I also come from a place where school zones are, excuse | 00:21:02 | |
me, school seasons start up and anyone that's driving literally a mile or two over the speed limit during, during the first weeks | 00:21:09 | |
of school gets pulled over. And then they just don't, they might not even get a ticket. They just get pulled over and just sit | 00:21:16 | |
there for 5/10/15 minutes until the until the police decide to let them go with a warning. | 00:21:22 | |
Just to kind of show like, Hey, you're not, you know, this is not the place of speed at all. And I know and we've we've been | 00:21:30 | |
working on. | 00:21:33 | |
There's ways to improve that while still buying to Utah State laws in terms of school zones. And then of course, I don't know if | 00:21:37 | |
it was mentioned earlier and if it was, I apologize for repeating it, but we have got funding for this year for. | 00:21:44 | |
5 or 6 excuse me crossings pedestrian enhancement crossings along Main Street and Vineyard loop row to include the. | 00:21:52 | |
To include the location that was pointed out by the reserves to make it, to make it safer want the actual improvements are we only | 00:22:02 | |
know until after we go through that process with the designer and such, but we got funds for supposedly design and construction, | 00:22:09 | |
complete construction depending on again depending on the level it's about. | 00:22:17 | |
$350,000 which should be a good chunk. | 00:22:25 | |
To do so, I mean again. | 00:22:29 | |
And unfortunately I'll say like this sometimes like roundabouts you when used properly does help slow, slow traffic and allow | 00:22:33 | |
traffic to continuously go through. But I've seen roundabouts here in Vineyard particularly that our 25 miles an hour, 20 miles an | 00:22:41 | |
hour, but people drive like 4045 miles an hour through it. I'm surprised that they owned hit the curb and go flying as well. So. | 00:22:49 | |
That to me, unfortunately. | 00:22:58 | |
A flashing beacon, like a flashing light to say that pedestrians in the road unfortunately may or may not stop that car or make | 00:23:01 | |
that car slow down. I mean, it's always comes down to the mentality behind the wheel on that. So just to, I mean, exactly. So | 00:23:08 | |
yeah, unfortunately so. And there's, there's a lot of, there are a lot of stuff that we try to do to be proactive and of course | 00:23:14 | |
always encourage that. | 00:23:21 | |
And moving towards like a. | 00:23:28 | |
And I guess this is kind of a mix of, you know, staff and personal take on things. So I don't know, forgive me on on intermixing. | 00:23:33 | |
I typically don't. But yeah, moving towards a kind of more active transportation planning thing always would be beneficial because | 00:23:39 | |
we can take that kind of feedback. They they always say like an engineering school, Where do you build a sidewalk? You build a | 00:23:44 | |
sidewalk where people walk. You know, you don't build a sidewalk where it makes sense. I don't mean, well, engineering wise makes | 00:23:50 | |
sense. So, you know, so being. | 00:23:56 | |
To incorporate. | 00:24:03 | |
Safer pedestrians. Safer. | 00:24:06 | |
Micro mobility, safer cars, areas for that across the board with that type of feedback would obviously be one scenario for | 00:24:09 | |
everyone in my that's my opinion. | 00:24:14 | |
I have to say no as a joke. That would be yeah, of course, like hopefully, and I think everyone benefits from this, like if we get | 00:24:20 | |
to a point where. | 00:24:26 | |
Like we're kind of going back in retrofitting safety into some of these and then just making sure that our standards where they | 00:24:33 | |
need to be so that we're not having, you know, like everything we build moving forward is it's just there, right? And we don't | 00:24:39 | |
build it unless it is. Yeah. And that's great. That's great. I mean, for sure, I said no, it's a joke when we were putting the RFP | 00:24:45 | |
together in order to get that. So it's coming off the ground. So it hasn't a designer isn't in place yet. | 00:24:52 | |
Exactly. And then we also got the deal to work on the dot for the trail enhancements to help improve the. | 00:25:00 | |
Center streets as well as Bio Vineyard. | 00:25:08 | |
Vineyard Elementary, excuse me, there we go by Vineyard Elementary to improve it above what we've done because like I said, | 00:25:13 | |
waiting for funds like that, that particular one we got. | 00:25:17 | |
About $800,000 from the federal government, which is great, but of course waiting for money is, you know, waiting for money to | 00:25:22 | |
drop from the sky. But so we get proactively did a couple of things in order to do that, to have our own pockets. So then that | 00:25:29 | |
money is going to go towards making it even better, fortunately enough. | 00:25:35 | |
On that so Oh yes so it's like I said, there's definitely a lot of stuff and I. | 00:25:42 | |
Yeah. And I said our personal take on things, especially in engineering and I know planning is, is like there's nothing that's | 00:25:49 | |
going to there's, there should be nothing that is that important enough to hit and kill somebody. | 00:25:56 | |
No, that's bottom line. So if you make things safer and I'd make things clear and not mislead like understandable and so forth, | 00:26:03 | |
then you know we, the way we want to say this, we did everything within our power to make it, to make it better. | 00:26:09 | |
Yeah, that's great. So I think, I think, I mean, honestly, this is just a presentation that I feel like I learned about a lot | 00:26:17 | |
about. I feel like the city is neither perfect nor absolutely terrible at any of this. And I think like getting funding for for | 00:26:23 | |
those crossings that I think is a. | 00:26:29 | |
Perfect example of like being proactive to safety and hadn't since we're we're. | 00:26:36 | |
The situation isn't pleasant to be there. I don't know that we've ever seen a fatality at anyone of these intersections. And and | 00:26:43 | |
so it's no, hey, we saw this result. And I think awareness is important too, though even just the findings that you showed of the | 00:26:49 | |
speeds, it might be interesting to just post those somehow, right. And the city is like, hey, just a reminder, is 25 here? That's | 00:26:55 | |
the education component. Here's what we're observing. And this is what's going on. Yeah. And I think that would be great. Do | 00:27:00 | |
great. | 00:27:06 | |
Yeah. And I think there's there's opportunities to do this at any places that I think are problem spots, right. And just kind of | 00:27:14 | |
call out. It's just objective. Here's what's happening, here's what it should be. | 00:27:20 | |
Yeah, yeah, there's a, there's a educate them that all. | 00:27:27 | |
Intersections are crosswalks, even if it's not painted there. But we also need to prioritize things. But it's the mentality and a | 00:27:30 | |
lot of this stuff when we have funds for the engineering. Yeah. And there's other options, other opportunities to make things. And | 00:27:36 | |
again, moving towards the after Transportation Committee Commission. | 00:27:41 | |
I'm not sure what that C means. Yes, but. | 00:27:48 | |
Exactly like I said, and obviously a different city, bigger city, different types of budgets and so forth. I mean my last city we | 00:27:52 | |
did walk audits mainly specifically to. | 00:27:59 | |
You know, we go, you just say OK on our maps, like OK, going from point A to point B to Point C to whatever. And then in a small, | 00:28:09 | |
like a small group, we just walk. You would walk it and make and make notes to say what's you know, what's the dangerous, | 00:28:15 | |
hazardous things. Even things are like tripping hazards for sidewalks, like other side, you know, the sidewalk, you know. | 00:28:21 | |
Trees are planted in the park strip too close and the roots have uplift to the sidewalk. So there's those type of things. And then | 00:28:28 | |
of course, like, are we able to make it or how's it crossing? And then to kind of pair the education with enforcement. Something | 00:28:35 | |
else that our city police did in that city was they, I kind of remember the exact name of the. | 00:28:42 | |
Of the operation they would call it but they would usually it usually was an older fellow that they some older people that they | 00:28:51 | |
would have that was just cross at crosswalk and clearly marked crosswalk with the proper signs and so forth and then they would | 00:28:58 | |
cross they would they would see an oncoming car they were purposes across cautiously and. | 00:29:06 | |
Sometimes that car doesn't stop and then waiting on the other side of the intersection or Bush, there's a police officer. | 00:29:15 | |
Who pulls over? That person writes on the ticket and they use that as a education plus enforcement action. | 00:29:21 | |
And so they would just do that. I'm of the opinion you could fund the entire city budget if you just find people for texting and | 00:29:27 | |
driving. | 00:29:30 | |
I'll make sure to stay off my phone before I'm driving home. I got the new I got the new story AI app on my phone on my phone so I | 00:29:35 | |
can actually tell. Sorry to text my wife about something and she'll take care of it all for me. | 00:29:40 | |
Right, that's all I've got. I appreciate it. Thanks Jordan for for all that. If there's nothing else, I'll move us along now. | 00:29:47 | |
We're going to there's no consent items, so we'll jump over into business items. 6.3 discussion and adoption of the meeting | 00:29:54 | |
schedule for 2025. So that's in everyone's packet. If you flip over, you'll see. | 00:30:01 | |
What's being proposed here? Anthony, did you want to walk us through this or anything in particular here? | 00:30:10 | |
Yeah, the blue dates are the regular quarterly meetings. | 00:30:32 | |
The green dates are placeholders for special sessions each month that we won't necessarily utilize, but we can if we need to, like | 00:30:35 | |
for bike month preparation, things like that. So. | 00:30:40 | |
So yeah, take a look at that again, the blue. | 00:30:48 | |
It's a February, May, August, and November is when we'll meet for sure. And then every other month, every month has the second | 00:30:51 | |
Tuesday still set aside for. | 00:30:55 | |
This Commission if needed. | 00:31:00 | |
Five months in Mesa will probably display. | 00:31:04 | |
Yeah, They've done a really good job over the last couple months of like planning ahead. And so the idea would be in February, | 00:31:09 | |
which would be our next meeting, we'd really get that going and then we'd be able to tell if we need to meet again in March or | 00:31:13 | |
April, so. | 00:31:17 | |
But yeah, probably more likely than not we'd have a another planning meeting in April. | 00:31:23 | |
Yeah, so. | 00:31:29 | |
Thank you very much, Anthony. You have gone through everything. | 00:31:31 | |
The green dates are placeholders. We want to avoid things like what happened today. We usually have our meetings at 5:30, but | 00:31:36 | |
today they had the room booked all the way till 5:30 and it wouldn't have been enough time to prepare. Martino was here, you saw | 00:31:42 | |
you saw how it was. It was very rough in here. So we had to push it to 6:00 to allow us to just prep the room and get it ready for | 00:31:49 | |
the meeting. | 00:31:55 | |
Now. | 00:32:03 | |
This calendar blocks this room from about 5:00 each day so that we have no meeting can go past 5:00. | 00:32:04 | |
On each of these days that have been put on the calendar so we always can maintain our 5:30 throughout the year. | 00:32:15 | |
The Council room as we speak right now has been reserved for the whole year for all these dates, so if we decide to have any | 00:32:23 | |
special sessions. | 00:32:28 | |
They're covered. We don't have to. You know, the last year I think we had one special session that had to happen in the conference | 00:32:33 | |
room because this room was, you know, booked and we couldn't use it, right. But we want to have to set up anytime we meet. | 00:32:40 | |
Hopefully as we go through next year, we're going to have a lot more turnout with the public and also. | 00:32:47 | |
We're going to be busier so as the years go. | 00:32:56 | |
It might be a thing where we have every month we meet once once we get to the. | 00:33:00 | |
Staff and commissioner updates, we'll be talking about some of the things that have gone on and that would make us need some of | 00:33:07 | |
these dates. | 00:33:10 | |
So we've taken this proactive. | 00:33:14 | |
A measure of trying to get our dates and schedule in place way ahead of time. | 00:33:18 | |
And you know you will be. | 00:33:24 | |
In this business item, be in a position to make an approval or literally adopt this or if you wanna make any changes. | 00:33:28 | |
You're welcome to do so. | 00:33:38 | |
So you've seen it. As presented, 5:30 PM is still the suggested start time. Any conversation around that? | 00:33:41 | |
That anyone wants to have. | 00:33:47 | |
Tuesdays 530 quarterly and then more as needed. | 00:33:56 | |
And. | 00:34:01 | |
Another thing is because we have this, you know, placeholder and everything and we're going to be posting this on the website. | 00:34:02 | |
Any time that we're not gonna have a meeting, I will put a notice up there so people know that there's a meeting or there's no | 00:34:09 | |
meeting happening. So regardless, there's gonna be a notice every month to let people know if it's gonna be something happening or | 00:34:15 | |
not, so. | 00:34:20 | |
Good to know. | 00:34:27 | |
All right. Well, with that then I'll need a motion on an approval for the meeting schedule or a motion to amend it. | 00:34:29 | |
I move to adopt the proposed schedule as presented. | 00:34:44 | |
OK, so motion by Jordan. Do I have a second? I second that motion. All right, Martina beat Chris to the second. Let the record | 00:34:47 | |
show. | 00:34:52 | |
All in favor, aye, OK. | 00:35:00 | |
Thank you for that. So that is the meeting schedule. We'll move on now to election of Chair and Vice Chair. So this is an | 00:35:03 | |
opportunity like we have each year. | 00:35:07 | |
To just nominate and elect someone to serve as chair and as vice chair. As you know, everyone serves an equal role on this as far | 00:35:11 | |
as voting goes. It's just a matter of kind of leading meetings. And then occasionally the City Council will ask the chair, the | 00:35:19 | |
vice chair, or really any of us that are available to provide updates in meetings. So Anthony, was there anything else you wanted | 00:35:26 | |
to share on that before we talk? No, that's it. You can decide to change or maintain them if you think you're doing a good job. | 00:35:33 | |
You guys are doing a. | 00:35:42 | |
Is there any desire, Martina, on your end to leave these non vineyard people out of it? | 00:35:44 | |
I'm good. You guys are fabulous. | 00:35:51 | |
I think Martina would be a great chair. | 00:35:53 | |
Would you want to, or would you be willing to? | 00:35:57 | |
I would be willing to not so much. I want to. I was like, we can vote her in and she'll do such a great job. Jordan, what's your | 00:36:00 | |
stance on? Are you willing to? | 00:36:06 | |
Continue as vice chair or complacent? | 00:36:13 | |
All right, a lot of neutral. | 00:36:17 | |
Opinions here. | 00:36:23 | |
Well, I'm happy to serve wherever as well, but I would nominate Martinez to be the chair of this Commission. I second that. | 00:36:25 | |
OK. | 00:36:36 | |
I accept that nomination. OK, so all in favor for Martina to be chair. | 00:36:36 | |
Aye. Any opposed to that? | 00:36:42 | |
OK, All right. And do we need to do roll call for that? Yes, you need to make a roll call. All right, So Martina? | 00:36:46 | |
What do I do? Yes or a no? Basically, yes. OK, Jordan. Yes. Yes, Chris. | 00:36:54 | |
OK, unanimous, unanimous chair selection And then for Vice Chair? | 00:37:01 | |
Do I have a motion on this one anyone would like to put forward? I think Jordans doing a great job. | 00:37:08 | |
You are doing a great job, great presentation. | 00:37:15 | |
Classic vice chair. | 00:37:19 | |
Is that a motion to put forward? | 00:37:23 | |
OK. I'll second that motion. So Chris, Chris nominated Jordan as Vice Chair. Anthony seconded that. We'll do a roll call here, | 00:37:26 | |
Martina. | 00:37:31 | |
Yes, aye. | 00:37:37 | |
Yes, Chris, yes. So again, unanimous. So for next year, what it looks like is we'll have Martinez serve as the chair and Jordan as | 00:37:39 | |
the vice chair. Obviously in these positions, anyone is willing to help out. You can even ask other people to leave meetings if | 00:37:45 | |
you need to or to represent you if you can't make it to anything. So don't feel like there's any real extra burden. You're just | 00:37:52 | |
more of a point person for Anthony and staff to start with. | 00:37:58 | |
I'll be calling yeah. Because like, every night. Every night. | 00:38:05 | |
Don't. Don't expect much to change. | 00:38:11 | |
All right, so that wraps up business item 6.4 and then 6.5, which is the last thing that we'll be touching on here before quick | 00:38:16 | |
reports is the name change ordinance. So this is where we've talked about going from the Bicycle Advisory Commission to the Active | 00:38:23 | |
Transportation Commission and broadening the scope and helping people feel a little more involved in what we've got going on | 00:38:30 | |
rather than just, you know, if someone likes the bike or not. Obviously that's still a massive and. | 00:38:38 | |
Component to this, but it could be. | 00:38:45 | |
The Safe Routes to school would be part of this or people using scooters. Who knows, maybe they'll even talk to us about all the | 00:38:48 | |
what is a golf cart? Does it belong in? Where does it belong? But yeah, all those types of conversations, it just broadens the | 00:38:55 | |
scope a little bit. Anthony, anything else you want to say on this? I know that you also attached the red line ordinance in there | 00:39:01 | |
as well, too. Yes, I have no comments. I just, I just wanted to find out if you. | 00:39:07 | |
Want to add anything to the ordinance because this will be going to the next planning. | 00:39:14 | |
City Council, which is tomorrow, has been scheduled to be on the agenda so. | 00:39:19 | |
If we have any changes, we. | 00:39:26 | |
Have up until the end of this meeting to get it done. | 00:39:28 | |
So the key changes are outlined in green, I think yes, the outlined in green. And the whole purpose of these changes is to | 00:39:33 | |
literally. | 00:39:39 | |
Make sure that the new name reflects in every document that we have BAC reference to, and also we want anything that speaks to | 00:39:47 | |
active transportation in the city to be referenced to us in. | 00:39:54 | |
In that respect, as the. | 00:40:03 | |
Active Transportation Commission. | 00:40:06 | |
Yes, the only change I see that's not just basically name changes is we also added, it looks like the may or may remove any | 00:40:10 | |
Commission member of three consecutive Commission meetings in the calendar year are missed, which is basically the entire year for | 00:40:15 | |
this Commission. And that's that's, you know, not to be punitive. I think it's just to make sure that we've got people who are | 00:40:21 | |
involved and want to be here. | 00:40:27 | |
And the only other thing that I saw is there's not a red line through the shell in the last sea right above. | 00:40:34 | |
The very last line of Section 2. | 00:40:42 | |
It just says shell and then in green may. So just make sure to cross the shell. | 00:40:45 | |
Oh yeah, great. That was the only other thing that I saw. But any, any comments on this or any additions or subtractions you'd | 00:40:53 | |
like to see in the ordinance? But. | 00:40:59 | |
Could be presented as early as tomorrow. | 00:41:05 | |
Do do we need to define active transportation anywhere or? | 00:41:07 | |
I think we've got. | 00:41:12 | |
Seeing yeah, B3 says to actively promote and participate in community events as they relate to promoting safety and education in | 00:41:16 | |
all forms of active. OK, that's a little We're using the same word to define it, right? So that's a good point. | 00:41:23 | |
Yeah, yeah, inserting a definition of. | 00:41:34 | |
Kind of defining the scope a little bit I think would help. | 00:41:37 | |
We do want to make a recommendation for language. I think there is a definition in the Act of transportation plan. | 00:41:41 | |
100% remember what it was. | 00:41:48 | |
The vineyard something something like human powered. | 00:41:50 | |
Transportation. | 00:41:56 | |
This kind of interrupt I would probably this is just my a comment I would say is I would just expand it from the active | 00:41:59 | |
transportation plan as well to include things with micro mobility as well. So if it's not just even powered, but. | 00:42:06 | |
I mean compensate. You can almost say alternatives to. | 00:42:14 | |
Like was it called passenger vehicle type things, something like that? I mean, possibly to help include buses, like you know, bus | 00:42:19 | |
bus stops and because I know we're going to be working on micro mobility plan to for golf carts or those are not human power that | 00:42:26 | |
goes. | 00:42:32 | |
Well, that's just my two cents on that. | 00:42:40 | |
Yeah, that's helpful. | 00:42:43 | |
I mean I would be and then to help to help segue into the. | 00:42:47 | |
Yeah. But this kind of helps segue into an involvement with vehicle air and intersections and so forth, just, you know, to promote | 00:42:54 | |
like active transportation, but also and where. | 00:43:00 | |
Vehicle or traffic and pedestrian pedestrian type or non vehicle or traffic may intersect so that I further so that provide some | 00:43:08 | |
kind of. | 00:43:13 | |
Something kind of neat to go towards like those types of intersections. So we could possibly say something along the lines and we | 00:43:19 | |
can workshop this, but. | 00:43:23 | |
Active transportation. | 00:43:29 | |
Includes, but not limited to. It's always good to put in there The Walking, biking. | 00:43:31 | |
Human powered mobility, micro mobility, and even public transportation. | 00:43:40 | |
Unless anyone wants to like specifically call out like roller skates or something. | 00:43:54 | |
Cover it. No, we don't do. | 00:43:58 | |
Could abandoned the city first reason. | 00:44:01 | |
But. | 00:44:05 | |
Any comments on that? Do you feel like that? | 00:44:12 | |
And that's where as far as where to put that, Anthony, I would say. | 00:44:15 | |
We've got a definition section. | 00:44:23 | |
B Definitions for purpose of this chapter. | 00:44:28 | |
I think we could add it in there like add a #3. | 00:44:33 | |
Active transportation will be defined as. | 00:44:36 | |
You know, modes of transportation that include but not limited to walking, biking, human powered mobility, micro mobility, and | 00:44:41 | |
public transportation. OK. | 00:44:45 | |
Does that work? | 00:44:49 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:44:51 | |
Good call out, Jordan. Any other? | 00:44:55 | |
Thoughts on this? | 00:44:57 | |
OK, if there's no other thoughts then I'll need a motion from someone to. | 00:45:08 | |
Propose that we make this recommendation to City Council. We won't be approving it. We'll we're recommending it to City Council | 00:45:12 | |
with the. | 00:45:16 | |
Updated adjustments. | 00:45:20 | |
Anyone willing to make a motion on this? | 00:45:30 | |
OK. That motion that I just mentioned. OK, All right. OK. Chris makes a motion to recommend this to City Council with the proposed | 00:45:34 | |
changes that we made. Do I have a second? Second Jordan with a second all in favor, Aye. | 00:45:42 | |
Looks like each of us is in favor of that. So, Anthony, anything else you need from us in order for this to be presented? Do you | 00:45:52 | |
need one of us at City Council tomorrow to present this or it will be great to have one of you at least? Yeah. What time does the | 00:45:58 | |
meetings at 5:00 tomorrow? I can probably communicate with you. I was planning on being there anyway so I can continue to plan on | 00:46:05 | |
be there. | 00:46:11 | |
Now I'll come at least for the beginning of it, but I don't, I don't know what. | 00:46:21 | |
At what point in the meeting that that will be brought up, but we'll make sure one of us, it's gonna be a consent item. So OK, if | 00:46:25 | |
they don't have any questions, we don't have to make a presentation. But if there are any questions, yeah, the main thing I would | 00:46:29 | |
want. | 00:46:33 | |
You know, rather than it just be like in the consent items, I would want to at least acknowledge, I don't know how many people | 00:46:38 | |
will be there, but this is an effort for this to apply to everyone, right? Because the Bike Advisory Commission can feel like it | 00:46:43 | |
only applies to cyclists. | 00:46:48 | |
But every single person in the city getting anywhere. | 00:46:53 | |
Starts and ends their journey with a walk or a roll or something you know something right and so everyone's invested in this | 00:46:57 | |
somehow like if you go to the park there's that little bit of the the last little bit how do you get there right even if you drove | 00:47:03 | |
there and so I just want everyone to feel like this applies to you if you've got kids that need to get to school safely this | 00:47:08 | |
applies to you if you. | 00:47:13 | |
Yeah, whatever it might be. And hopefully it broadens the scope and the involvement a little bit. | 00:47:19 | |
I think we can make it. We could let the mayor know ahead of time that we would want to have a word before. | 00:47:24 | |
The consent, yeah, probably nothing more than that. 30 seconds just to say here's the intent behind this. It's not just a game | 00:47:31 | |
change. It's also. | 00:47:35 | |
What we're focusing on is broaden a little bit and hopefully everyone knows that if they've got concerns around unsafe | 00:47:39 | |
intersections, if they've got concerns around. | 00:47:43 | |
Trails or whatever it might be that this is a Commission they can start with, and I think the council would probably appreciate | 00:47:48 | |
that too because they probably get hit up with a lot of these types of questions and if we can show people like this is a good | 00:47:52 | |
place to start. | 00:47:56 | |
That'll give them a path forward. | 00:48:03 | |
All right, that's it for the business items. Let's just go real quick and see if there's any reports from the commissioners. | 00:48:06 | |
Chris, do you have anything you need to share? | 00:48:11 | |
Or want to share? I do have a presentation on the ATP update, Active transportation plan update and weight finding | 00:48:16 | |
recommendations. You guys want it? | 00:48:21 | |
Can I plug in? Yeah, while he's getting set up? Jordan, did you have anything else that you want to share? That's all for me, | 00:48:28 | |
Martina. | 00:48:32 | |
OK. Yeah, I didn't have anything additional either anything from staff was yes, I, I have, I have a few things we did mention. | 00:48:38 | |
I think in our last meeting on possibly having a budget for. | 00:48:47 | |
The Commission, you know, to allow us do a couple of things, including going to conferences. We benefited from a conference that | 00:48:52 | |
Jordan went to, which I think is very, you know, good. So if we could have, you know, commissioners go to more of these, that | 00:48:58 | |
would be helpful in making better inputs to the city. | 00:49:04 | |
And I did have a discussion with the city manager concerning this budget and being able to raise money on our own in a way to | 00:49:11 | |
allow us do things like events and set up during city events, you know, set up booths during city events and other things. And he | 00:49:18 | |
did say that it's going to take. | 00:49:25 | |
I'm trying not to miscode him, but what he meant was we need to work towards that, meaning that we need to get the council updated | 00:49:34 | |
on a lot of things that we're doing, including this whole name change and the reason why we're changing the name and. | 00:49:43 | |
You know, set ourselves up in a way where we at least once a quarter or something presents to the council to know what's going on, | 00:49:53 | |
the projects we're working on, what we hope to do, and obviously as we make ourselves relevant in the eyes of council, we can. | 00:50:02 | |
It will make a better case when there's a budget adjustment or. | 00:50:13 | |
What we're doing, what we're going to do. So is this one of those things that I thought we need to start talking about? We did | 00:50:19 | |
mention this sometime back to be given some sort of presentation to council. | 00:50:24 | |
Or Planning Commission every now and then. | 00:50:31 | |
This coming year, we need to really get a schedule on probably the things that we want to talk about to the general public, those | 00:50:34 | |
that are not coming to our meetings, at least to have maybe 4 presentations that talks about the stuff that we're doing and also | 00:50:41 | |
if it's something that's going to be educated to the entire public. | 00:50:48 | |
You know, we will be making some impact. | 00:50:56 | |
So is this one of those things I wanted to draw attention to? Second thing was going to be what Chris is going to talk about. So | 00:51:00 | |
we had an internal kickoff meeting today. | 00:51:05 | |
For the. | 00:51:10 | |
Project you know that you all know to be the Mill Rd. project we've been talking about for a while now. | 00:51:13 | |
So that's he's going to give a lot more detail about it. | 00:51:19 | |
OK, so that's it. | 00:51:23 | |
Just real quick before that, if we can put this on a future meeting. | 00:51:25 | |
I had an organization reach out, actually Cash was with me doing like a beach cleanup, but they asked if there was an adopted | 00:51:29 | |
trail program. | 00:51:33 | |
Out there to help out and to clean up. And you know, not that our trails are dirty necessarily or like really bad, but like maybe | 00:52:08 | |
they also just, you know, notify us monthly about any issues that they see like a fence that's damaged or a pothole or, you know, | 00:52:14 | |
whatever it might be. But there are there is some interest in that. So it's not urgent, but we might want to put it on the next | 00:52:20 | |
meeting agenda. Just discuss what that would look like if we want to pass. | 00:52:26 | |
Like on an off the trail program and then the last thing. | 00:52:33 | |
That might go along with the budget is. | 00:52:37 | |
Might be good for us at the end of the year with. | 00:52:39 | |
Would you want to have the January meeting, which is January 14th, set up as a real meeting so I can stop putting an agenda | 00:53:13 | |
together for that or? | 00:53:18 | |
I think it could wait until the scheduled February 1. I don't think it needs to be like a special meeting for it. Can we work off | 00:53:24 | |
of Google doc and just. | 00:53:28 | |
Put things on. Yeah, I'll defer to staff on what constitutes collaboration if there's more than three of us on there and things | 00:53:35 | |
like that. But yeah, certainly you can always reach out to Anthony, like any one of us at any point, but yeah, we can figure out a | 00:53:41 | |
way to collaborate better, so. | 00:53:47 | |
I forgot I had one thing before we get started. Sorry I. | 00:53:55 | |
I met with Bronson Tatum. | 00:54:01 | |
Who is the person? Yeah, flagship person. | 00:54:04 | |
Over Utah City stuff. | 00:54:12 | |
And just talk about maybe ideas of how our Commission could help, especially with. | 00:54:16 | |
Their units coming available in the next like 6 to 8 months or whatever their timeline is of. | 00:54:21 | |
How we might collaborate parking and. | 00:54:31 | |
And. | 00:54:34 | |
How did we describe it? | 00:54:37 | |
Essentially provide a welcoming experience for people who might be interested in active transportation as there. | 00:54:40 | |
As more of a mobility option. | 00:54:47 | |
So yeah, we had a few good ideas and then he invited us to meet with him more frequently in the coming months as. | 00:54:53 | |
As they anticipate people moving into the neighborhood. | 00:55:02 | |
Where is he located? | 00:55:09 | |
He lives in Parkside neighborhood. He's my my new neighbor. | 00:55:12 | |
So yeah, he lives here in been your vested interest in. | 00:55:18 | |
All right. | 00:55:24 | |
Or did you have something? | 00:55:26 | |
Just a quick comment about the adopted trail thing. Just wanted for especially when you do schedule that. | 00:55:29 | |
It's something that public works wise, George Strait, for example, specifically has been trying to kind of push. I think it just | 00:55:36 | |
comes down to, you know, time and manpower to kind of set something up. But just there kind of notes for Anthony just to when we | 00:55:43 | |
do that, well, no, just of course coordinate with public works, but before that kind of building it up just to get Parks and Rec | 00:55:50 | |
as part of that conversation, I think. | 00:55:56 | |
If we do like a. | 00:56:04 | |
A group brainstorming, especially getting resonance residential groups involved in part of how to develop it. I think it'll be | 00:56:06 | |
just that much more successful on that. So really just Parks and Rec specific way. | 00:56:12 | |
I appreciate that public works and public involvement. I appreciate that. No, that's good. Thank you. | 00:56:18 | |
All right, for real this time. | 00:56:25 | |
So. | 00:56:28 | |
We have Jim Price on the online, so just be careful what I say, OK? I just wanted to update it. | 00:56:31 | |
So Ave. and Bike Utah and a couple other consultancies have partnered to do the active transportation update. | 00:56:40 | |
And wayfinding plan for Vineyard City, there's a lot of content in here, so I'm going to try to go kind of quick. Bike Utah, the | 00:56:50 | |
organization I represent, is over the wayfinding portion, so I can be more specific there. The active transportation plan update | 00:56:56 | |
is headed up by Ave. so I'm going to be kind of high level there. | 00:57:03 | |
Just to set expectations. | 00:57:10 | |
The purpose of the project is to update the 8 active transportation plan, also known as like an 80 plan. | 00:57:14 | |
Is to update the southeast area of Vineyard looking at. | 00:57:23 | |
Different facilities that should go in there. And then the wayfinding recommendations are around just kind of creating standards | 00:57:29 | |
and recommendations for wayfinding throughout the city. So identifying where people want to go and giving them signs to help them | 00:57:35 | |
find those places. So a lot of that is going to be catered towards visitors and people like that and kind of even creating kind of | 00:57:42 | |
an active transportation brand throughout your community. | 00:57:48 | |
So today we had an internal kickoff meeting with city staff where we talked through this presentation and the different aspects of | 00:57:58 | |
the project. | 00:58:03 | |
Umm Ave. Consultants has been going through kind of an existing conditions analysis and so they're looking at these different | 00:58:10 | |
components. So things like origin and destination data, where are people coming from, where are they going, safe routes to school, | 00:58:17 | |
existing and future AT facilities, crash data, things like that. | 00:58:24 | |
And this is some of the origin destination data looking at where do people want to go and where are they coming from. | 00:58:33 | |
Looking at zoning. | 00:58:42 | |
Anthony, can we get this added to the minutes that we approve next time so they can be publicly available? | 00:58:46 | |
You already have a copy of this too, OK. | 00:58:54 | |
Cool. Yeah. So just kind of looking at all these different things I talked about. | 00:58:58 | |
OK. And then Ave. is going to continue to do this kind of analysis and they're going to look at some other stuff like other at | 00:59:06 | |
plans that intersect with vineyards. | 00:59:12 | |
Looking at maybe potential demand for active transportation throughout the community. Looking at automobile. | 00:59:19 | |
Traffic, where is that happening? Where could it happen in the future and how do we plan around that? | 00:59:28 | |
OK. | 00:59:35 | |
So for the wayfinding portion. | 00:59:37 | |
We're currently we're reviewing federal and state standards, which are pretty like basic. They don't really have much. | 00:59:40 | |
And then taking those basic standards and how do we enhance those standards to be specific to Vineyard? And then we're also | 00:59:50 | |
looking at other like peer communities, so communities that are similar in size to Vineyard and looking at how they have done | 00:59:56 | |
wayfinding. So an interesting thing, nobody in Utah has really done an 80 plan citywide, like not even Salt Lake City. They've | 01:00:03 | |
only done it sort of on like a neighborhood. | 01:00:09 | |
Or area level or regional level. So like MAG has done some good work. | 01:00:17 | |
Doing regional work. | 01:00:22 | |
And then you have a lot of like neighborhood level stuff and campus level wayfinding, but nothing at a city level. So we're | 01:00:24 | |
breaking new ground here. And that's significant because the scale at which your wayfinding happens changes. | 01:00:30 | |
Depending on whether you're doing it regionally, locally, or like. | 01:00:38 | |
Hyper local, I guess, like a campus. So we're finding, I guess we're creating the template probably for the rest of the state as | 01:00:42 | |
we do this. | 01:00:47 | |
And we're going to be working with you guys specifically or us I guess, because I'm on the committee just to talk through what do | 01:00:52 | |
we want those signs to look like and I'll get more into. | 01:00:59 | |
What exactly I mean there? But what do we want that brand to look like? | 01:01:07 | |
So one of the things. | 01:01:13 | |
Is we have like a standard sign, which would be like AU dot sign, but do we want to enhance that sign or do we want to stick with | 01:01:15 | |
the the standard sign? And there's pros and cons to each. The standard sign is more replicable, whereas an enhanced sign may cost | 01:01:22 | |
a little more to do, but it is more unique to vineyard and is like a unique brand of vineyard, right as opposed to like these | 01:01:30 | |
green signs that you might see anywhere. The existing wayfinding signs that we do have there's. | 01:01:37 | |
A lot of them, but those would be considered enhanced signs because I think they've got finger branding on it. Yeah, we probably | 01:01:45 | |
would not necessarily. | 01:01:50 | |
Imitate that, if that makes sense. So eventually you'd probably want to replace those, yeah, with the whatever brand we settle on | 01:01:58 | |
and whatever best practice. But yeah, that, that probably would be considered an enhanced sign. | 01:02:05 | |
OK. So once we've got all those best practices down, which we're basically out of that area, then we're starting to look at. | 01:02:13 | |
That origin destination data, where do people come from where do they want to go one thing that came out of the meeting earlier | 01:02:24 | |
was really looking at amenities that are around biking. So if there's like a fix it station, let's make a sign for that fix it | 01:02:31 | |
station. Another big one was public transportation, making it clear that there's way of. | 01:02:38 | |
The different ways that you can get there safely and then also. | 01:02:46 | |
One thing that Anthony brought up that I thought was a good idea was potentially having some sort of digital signage that lets you | 01:02:51 | |
know how much longer you have till the train leaves. So that could be pretty cool. I mean, I would love to have that in Provo | 01:02:56 | |
actually, so. | 01:03:02 | |
I think that would be amazing. And then as we're breaking down the signage, there's kind of three levels. There's your major | 01:03:08 | |
destinations, regional kind of economic hubs. And then you'll have like level 2, which would be maybe recreational destinations. | 01:03:15 | |
Level 3 is your local destination. So like a school, like a elementary school. | 01:03:22 | |
And then we need to identify where those signs need to go and that's going to be relative to. | 01:03:30 | |
This framework called Decision Confirmation destination. So it's like you have multiple decisions. | 01:03:38 | |
And it shows you which ways you can go and then you get a confirmation sign and then you arrive at your destination. | 01:03:46 | |
And then we're going to eventually create 3 design or prototypes of these signs so people can interact with them and see them and. | 01:03:53 | |
Make sure they work and they're good. | 01:04:02 | |
And this is the example that I was talking about with decision confirmation destination. | 01:04:07 | |
OK, and here's your existing wayfinding signage. | 01:04:15 | |
OK. | 01:04:24 | |
And then we're actually going to update your active, your existing active transportation plan. We're not going to make a separate | 01:04:26 | |
document. We're just going to like plop it in there. So that'll make it easier for you guys. So you don't have to go to a whole | 01:04:32 | |
new document if you want to see what's going on. It's just in there. And then we'll also be updating the design standards for the | 01:04:38 | |
city in their design doc. So giving. | 01:04:44 | |
Like specifications of how to make the signs. | 01:04:51 | |
And then we're going to be doing a lot of public engagement around that. So like what I'm doing now, I'll just be giving you an | 01:04:55 | |
update. This is probably on the larger side of presentations, but each month I'll just kind of give you guys an update and let you | 01:05:02 | |
ask questions, give input. You'll be kind of the first set of public or community eyes on this project. | 01:05:10 | |
And right now we're working through a survey that we're going to put out. | 01:05:19 | |
Late this month or early next month? | 01:05:24 | |
And then in January, we're going to have an external partners meeting. So that's going to be a bunch of different stakeholders, U | 01:05:27 | |
dot, UTA, UVU, Arm, City, Union, Pacific developers, Builders, you name it. | 01:05:33 | |
They they're welcome. | 01:05:40 | |
And if there are, if you know anybody within your neighborhoods who are like. | 01:05:42 | |
Really committed to something like this. | 01:05:48 | |
Let us know and we can invite them as well. Why the emphasis on the Southeast area? | 01:05:54 | |
Because in the original active transportation plan. | 01:06:00 | |
That was sort of hazy in terms of what was going to happen there. So this is kind of completing a section of the 80 plan that | 01:06:05 | |
wasn't fully fleshed out. | 01:06:10 | |
And I'd like to add to that comment as well. There has been a lot of complaints as well about safety. | 01:06:18 | |
On that area and the survey that we had where we had commissioners ride the city, we had a lot of comments as well come up in that | 01:06:26 | |
area not being one of the safest places to to bike in the city. | 01:06:34 | |
So we thought it would be a viable project to complete the rest of the AT the rest of the city that the AT plan did not cover so. | 01:06:43 | |
Great. And then in around February, we'll do a focus group, so. | 01:06:56 | |
You guys are kind of like a focus group, but we'll do a more an additional focus group with more targeted. | 01:07:03 | |
Participants and we'll run them through some of the wayfinding design ideas and get their feedback. And then in March we'll have a | 01:07:10 | |
town hall meeting where people can come in and give their input on the wayfinding and the active transportation plan. And then in | 01:07:17 | |
April we'll we'll do a bike tour. | 01:07:23 | |
To right around and. | 01:07:30 | |
Experience. I just say feel free to if we have these Tuesdays already blocked off and he's already sending out notifications like. | 01:07:34 | |
And you need a place. We've already got this, you know, and it won't always work perfect for those Tuesdays. But if it does, like, | 01:07:43 | |
yeah, start here. Yeah. In March. Yeah. That's. I think that's the idea, right, Is we want it to be a combined meeting and get | 01:07:48 | |
people out here and introduce them to the BAC and. | 01:07:53 | |
And the project. | 01:07:59 | |
OK. Yeah. And so this is just kind of the overall schedule. | 01:08:03 | |
And next steps like immediate steps are to do the survey. | 01:08:07 | |
And get some input from the community. | 01:08:13 | |
Any questions or? | 01:08:17 | |
Things you'd like to see, this is probably in your external stakeholders thing, but I think the UTA. | 01:08:20 | |
Plan is still extend the UV X. | 01:08:29 | |
North through Vineyard, through the Mill Rd. I think would would like a station. | 01:08:34 | |
Location be part of this plan or would that just depend on UTA? | 01:08:43 | |
Can decide on a station location yet or. | 01:08:51 | |
Are you talking about like the active transportation part of the plan? Yeah. Would we have, I guess, would we delineate like | 01:08:54 | |
here's where your UTA is thinking of putting their UVX station and here's how we connect into that station or something like that? | 01:09:02 | |
I don't imagine well. | 01:09:11 | |
Maybe that's a better question for Anthony, but I don't imagine we would sort of plan out that component. But if, if Ave. is able | 01:09:14 | |
to identify where that station is going to be, then I. | 01:09:20 | |
It would make sense to create. | 01:09:26 | |
Paths into that station, yeah, OK, so just in like that external state corridors if UTA OK I see is forthcoming and says yeah this | 01:09:29 | |
is exactly where we're thinking of putting stations and whatever then. | 01:09:35 | |
That would be reflected in our planes. Yeah. OK, that's good input. Thank you. The other the other question. | 01:09:42 | |
That I got from Bronson, actually, when I was talking to him, I guess. | 01:09:49 | |
They're working with Green Bike to have bike share available around here. | 01:09:54 | |
And he asked for recommendations of where we should have bike share. | 01:10:02 | |
Stations specifically. | 01:10:08 | |
Along Mill Rd. wherever around there? | 01:10:10 | |
Is that? | 01:10:13 | |
Something that would be in the purview of this to have an opinion of whether we should have a bike share. Part of the way finding | 01:10:15 | |
portion is identifying amenities and where they should exist. So if you could, do you have my e-mail? | 01:10:23 | |
Chris said by Qatar. Or you can text me. Sure, But if you want to get me in touch with Bronson, I can chat with him about it. OK, | 01:10:31 | |
cool. Yeah, that would be really good. Thank you. | 01:10:36 | |
And I think. | 01:10:43 | |
I think he's also looking for recommendations for. | 01:10:45 | |
Like wherever in existing neighborhoods or parks or whatever that. | 01:10:48 | |
Doesn't it can be part of that or? | 01:10:54 | |
Maybe it's something that we at the Commission. | 01:10:57 | |
Awesome. | 01:11:00 | |
I think I will make a good business item. | 01:11:05 | |
As Bronson progresses in that project and you know would want to. | 01:11:08 | |
Probably have an input on. | 01:11:15 | |
Making a decision on where to put bike share stations. | 01:11:17 | |
In the city, you know, we would have it as a whole. You would invite him to make a presentation. | 01:11:22 | |
To the Commission and, you know, we'll probably have some proposals. | 01:11:28 | |
Or he could probably present where he thinks might work in the city and we can make some additions or take out pretty much discuss | 01:11:34 | |
everything pertaining to placement of bike share stations. So instead of having to, we will have, you know, discussions internally | 01:11:41 | |
with him, obviously. But we I think it would be a good idea involving the entire Commission where he comes in formally presents | 01:11:48 | |
and says, hey, we have these. | 01:11:55 | |
These things that we would like to do and we want your inputs on where you think would be helpful, placing these and then the | 01:12:03 | |
Black Commission, you know all the active transportation Commission then would be able to make a formal recommendation to council | 01:12:11 | |
to allow these things to work. So I think that would make a very good business item for one of the meeting days. | 01:12:19 | |
So just a thought. | 01:12:28 | |
Thank you. | 01:12:33 | |
Well, well, well, I'm still on the business item. | 01:12:35 | |
Discussion. I'd like to. | 01:12:40 | |
Remind you of something that we did discuss last time, which was. | 01:12:42 | |
Bringing in someone from the American. | 01:12:48 | |
League of Bicyclists. | 01:12:53 | |
To discuss with us, literally discuss our scorecard with us to begin with and ways to make it better so they're willing to do an | 01:12:56 | |
online. | 01:13:00 | |
Meeting Just join us in a meeting like this and discuss everything that was on our scorecard with us. Have asked them questions | 01:13:06 | |
and if we think it's worth it, we will. | 01:13:13 | |
Probably plan to have a workshop because they do organize workshops for cities. | 01:13:21 | |
Where you delve deeper into how to make things better. We talked about maybe combining with others, especially if there's a | 01:13:26 | |
costing. Yep. Yeah. | 01:13:30 | |
So maybe before we do a conference, we might want to talk about our scorecard. They don't. They don't share information, They just | 01:13:34 | |
award you what they think you deserve. | 01:13:39 | |
So it would be nice to know how they came about making us bronze. | 01:13:45 | |
And in the future, we know specifically what we're we're going to be working towards to make things better. | 01:13:49 | |
Anything. I think that would be. | 01:13:56 | |
Kind of a cool road map for this Commission to have. | 01:13:59 | |
Like those very clear things that we could work on? Yeah, if we do these five things, yes. | 01:14:03 | |
Is that something that you could schedule for us with them or something that? | 01:14:10 | |
Yeah, they want to. They want to just meet. They want to be on a meeting. If we want to make it public, they're willing to make a | 01:14:16 | |
presentation about. | 01:14:19 | |
You know our scorecard and what made us bronze and to work with you because they they work with cities on the real next steps. | 01:14:24 | |
That one would have to go through that conference kind of agenda because that's how they they mobilize some money as well for | 01:14:34 | |
their program so. | 01:14:38 | |
Yeah, we could have them. If I'm not mistaken, I think there's a couple other bronze level like I think. | 01:14:43 | |
And they want to know the same thing and. | 01:14:49 | |
Yeah. | 01:14:52 | |
So we can start with inviting them to a meeting. Yeah, they said all they need is 3 weeks in advance. So I will reach out to them | 01:14:57 | |
and share our schedule. You can give them our schedule and just tell them, hey, choose a date and we'll just get them on there. I | 01:15:04 | |
think they're on the East Coast too, so it'll be like 9:00 for them, which that's what they get for living out there, you know? | 01:15:11 | |
Yeah, they're in DC, they said. Yeah, we had a meeting with. | 01:15:20 | |
Shauna Meekin from. | 01:15:28 | |
Few weeks ago. | 01:15:32 | |
And it sounded like there's an appetite. | 01:15:35 | |
For MAG to sponsor the. | 01:15:37 | |
Whatever. More confidence by all means. Person kind of thing. | 01:15:42 | |
And include surrounding communities with that also so. | 01:15:48 | |
I don't know that it's a done deal, but no, that's the cool thing because London's on board with this and warm it like it's just | 01:15:53 | |
gonna make everything better, right? Yeah. Everyone goes in on it. | 01:15:57 | |
Nobody only goes to Vineyard without going. | 01:16:02 | |
Right. Yeah. | 01:16:06 | |
So do we need to like, do we need to start working on gathering everyone now? | 01:16:10 | |
They actually just started a Slack channel from that. Yeah, I'll send you the link to the Slack channel. So yeah, so trying to. | 01:16:16 | |
Had a mag meeting and invited. | 01:16:24 | |
A number of people from. | 01:16:27 | |
I guess both of us and then people from bike park Provo and. | 01:16:30 | |
Logan mess up. | 01:16:36 | |
And a number of other people from. | 01:16:42 | |
Lehigh and around. | 01:16:43 | |
So we did that a few weeks ago. | 01:16:47 | |
To kind of start that. | 01:16:50 | |
Collaborative aspect, but yeah, we have a slight channel that I haven't joined yet, but I will. | 01:16:51 | |
Yeah, yeah. So I think, I think this wraps up the year pretty nicely honestly. I think we've got a good. | 01:16:58 | |
At least agenda for the first half of next year that'll keep us busy with a bike month and big projects like this and then yeah, | 01:17:04 | |
getting a North Star, like what are we all working towards? And that'll help us decide where to best focus our limited time and | 01:17:09 | |
resources. So. | 01:17:14 | |
All right. Any other comments before we adjourn? | 01:17:20 | |
OK. | 01:17:24 | |