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6:00 Can I have everybody take their seat please? 00:00:00
I'm going to, we're going to do something a little bit different tonight. We're gonna quickly open the City Council meeting at 00:00:05
6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 11th. And due to the mayor's absence, she had a meeting at the state tonight that she needed to 00:00:12
attend. And so I need to call for a motion to elect a mayor pro tempore. 00:00:18
I nominate Marty. 00:00:29
OK, I need a second. 00:00:31
Aye. OK, Jake. OK, roll call, Jake. Yes, Brett. Yes, Marty. 00:00:34
Sarah yes. OK, motion pass. I turn the time over to Councilmember Sifuentes as the Mayor pro Tempore and she will also chair the 00:00:42
RDA meeting. OK. And then I need to call this meeting to a close so that we can start the RDA meeting. 00:00:49
Recess it OK. 00:00:58
Recess. 00:01:00
Hey, it is December 11th, 2024 at 6:02 PM. I would like to open this Vineyard Redevelopment Agency Board meeting. Just a reminder 00:01:05
to silence all your cell phones. 00:01:11
Is this appropriate for us to do the prayer and allegiance now or do we wait till the City Council meeting? 00:01:18
You can do it now. OK, Councilmember Cameron. 00:01:27
OK. 00:01:36
Our dear Father in heaven, we come before Thee at the beginning of these meetings and ask Thy Spirit to be with us, that there 00:01:43
will be a feeling of peace and. 00:01:48
Collaboration and we'll be able to do the best of our ability to do what's best for the city and for the citizens. We ask you to 00:01:54
watch over the mayor in her absence. 00:01:58
To protect her and keep her safe, we express gratitude for all of the staff and the people in the city that work so hard. 00:02:03
To keep our city safe and beautiful and. 00:02:11
We're grateful for this season and time to reflect on the birth of our Savior. When we say these things humbly, in His name, even 00:02:15
Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. 00:02:19
All right, all right. 00:02:26
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:02:31
individual, with liberty and justice for all. 00:02:37
OK. Thank you so much. 00:02:47
Umm, all right, we have one consent item if I could get a motion. Oh, wait. 00:02:50
Yeah, if I could get a motion to approve the consent item. 00:02:59
All right, move to approve. 00:03:10
I make a motion to approve consent item. OK, first by Sarah. 00:03:12
Can I get a second? 00:03:19
2nd. 00:03:23
Second by Brett. All in favor. 00:03:24
Aye, aye, no. 00:03:28
Did did we want to discuss it? 00:03:31
I guess I should have asked if we wanted to discuss it before. Oh, it's OK, it can be go down. That's about that way. 00:03:37
OK, should have said 3.1 the minutes. 00:03:42
Yeah. 00:03:45
So you'll just, you'll just want to note for the record that the motion carried, it carried, OK. 00:03:47
All right. I guess we can move on to the business Item 4.1 public hearing. 00:03:56
We need a motion to go into public hearing. 00:04:01
I make a motion to go into public hearing. All right, a first by Jake. 00:04:05
Can I get a second? 00:04:11
2nd. 00:04:13
OK. 00:04:14
All right. Oh, and all in favor. 00:04:16
Aye. 00:04:20
Aye. OK. Now we'll go ahead and turn the time over to Josh Daniels. 00:04:22
Great. Thanks members of the Board for the RDA, Josh Daniels. Today's business item is pretty simple. At the end of fiscal year 00:04:28
24, we're able to determine what our total rollover amount would be. And so this is a mid year budget amendment to just recognize 00:04:35
the total unspent from last year and incorporate that into this year's budget. 00:04:43
It's let me pull up my. 00:04:52
You should have in your packet the actual budget schedule, the updated budget schedule for fiscal year 25, which is. 00:04:54
$37,288,248 both in revenue and matching allocation for expense. 00:05:03
OK. Do we have any comments or questions from the public? 00:05:21
OK. 00:05:31
Can I get a motion to move from the public hearing? 00:05:34
I move to close it. 00:05:40
I make a motion to move from the public hearing. 00:05:42
All right, first by Sarah. Can I get a second? 00:05:46
I second it. 00:05:50
Second by Jake. All in favor Aye aye. 00:05:51
Aye, OK. Council, do you already a board members, do you have any questions or comments? 00:05:57
If no questions or comments do I have a motion? I do. 00:06:08
You know, I wanted to sit down, Josh, with you with three or four different people a couple of months ago going over finances. 00:06:14
And then I requested that e-mail on Monday again. 00:06:22
And I don't feel comfortable moving finances until we have a financial conversation about everything with those individuals. 00:06:26
Yeah, I'd be happy to. 00:06:34
To set up that meeting OK. 00:06:35
Yeah, for that reason, I wouldn't be voting because I don't know anything about it. 00:06:38
Do Sarah Brett, do you have any questions or? Yeah, I have a. 00:06:44
A question and it's more on the view that's that we're looking at right now. And I and I mean I understand the concept of hey, we 00:06:49
have money that we didn't spend and we're moving and we're moving it over. 00:06:55
I think it would be really helpful if we could actually see the before and after in this view. 00:07:01
Because the way it's presented in the pack is. 00:07:07
Hey, we're going to move this amount and then there's a separate one that's the, that's the resolution. And then this and being 00:07:10
able to see it in this format I think would be really helpful. I don't know if that's possible or not. 00:07:16
But that that's the the one thing that I would ask so that I can. 00:07:22
We can see how the line items are actually changing. 00:07:27
Yeah, I could pull up the original budget schedule that was adopted for this year. 00:07:32
I was looking at the one that that was previously published. 00:07:43
And I couldn't tell where the dollars were moving. That's which is why I'm asking the question because I don't know if anything. 00:07:47
As the new guy, you know, play that card until I can't anymore. 00:07:53
It's going to, it's one of those where I don't know if there were other moments like this previously. So I'm I'm just asking about 00:07:59
this one. 00:08:04
Yeah. Your schedule typically, so fiscal years is you're probably aware run from July 1st to June 30th and so at the end of June. 00:08:10
The RDA adopted the fiscal year 25 budget, so I can pull up that schedule and this is amending that previously adopted budget. 00:08:21
Right. And that and that's the one that I was looking at and I couldn't tell where that dollar amount was moving from. 00:08:37
So maybe we could talk about what the additional revenues and expenses actually were just to break it down. 00:08:43
So this is the original adopted budget that's on the screen right now? 00:08:55
And so. 00:09:04
What you're looking at is the anticipated beginning fund balance to begin the year 2425, also known as fiscal year 25. 00:09:06
Was 9.9 million. 00:09:18
But when you complete the actual fiscal year and you actually are done with all of your transactions from the previous year. 00:09:20
Then of course you'll have the real amount, the actual amount so to speak. And the actual amount is then 14, just over 14,000,000. 00:09:29
So that's where the difference is. 00:09:35
OK. 00:09:42
We go back to the. 00:09:43
Last year's. 00:09:45
Yep, so. 00:09:47
So this is the previously adopted fiscal year 25 budget, which of course is always. 00:09:48
Speculative in the sense that you know you are budgeting for the future. 00:09:56
And then if you have your previous year adopted Budget 2324. 00:10:02
In the middle column. 00:10:08
So if you see, yeah, the part that was confusing me is the staff report says 34,208,591, increasing the 37 million, et cetera. 00:10:10
So sorry that discrepancy somewhere and I can't tell where it is. So it's it's from your previously adopted budget of 33. 00:10:24
I think it might be a typo to 37. 00:10:35
OK. So your motion is to adopt this budget right here as presented with 37 million in revenue, 37 million in expense, which is an 00:10:38
updated amount from the previously adopted budget of 33. 00:10:45
OK. 00:10:55
Thank you. 00:10:56
Questions. 00:10:59
All right. Does that do you have any other questions, Brett? Nope, that was it. 00:11:04
Sarah. 00:11:10
All right. I guess we'll just need a motion to approve if there's no other discussion. 00:11:12
Yes. 00:11:23
I move to adopt resolution U2 U 22. Sorry U. 00:11:26
2024 Dash 4 The RDA Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget amendment #1 as presented by staff. 00:11:31
All right, I have a first by Sarah. Can I get a second? 00:11:42
2nd. 00:11:45
All right, a second by Brett. Is this roll call all right, Jake? 00:11:47
Brett. 00:11:55
Aye, Sarah. Oh, sorry, me aye. 00:11:56
Aye, all right, It was approved. 00:12:01
OK, so do I need a motion or I can adjourn the RDA meeting? 00:12:05
Yeah, I'll just adjourn that meeting. Thank you so much, Josh, for your time. 00:12:11
And we'll just take a minute. 00:12:17
While Pam prepares for the City Council meeting. 00:12:19
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6:00 Can I have everybody take their seat please? 00:00:00
I'm going to, we're going to do something a little bit different tonight. We're gonna quickly open the City Council meeting at 00:00:05
6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 11th. And due to the mayor's absence, she had a meeting at the state tonight that she needed to 00:00:12
attend. And so I need to call for a motion to elect a mayor pro tempore. 00:00:18
I nominate Marty. 00:00:29
OK, I need a second. 00:00:31
Aye. OK, Jake. OK, roll call, Jake. Yes, Brett. Yes, Marty. 00:00:34
Sarah yes. OK, motion pass. I turn the time over to Councilmember Sifuentes as the Mayor pro Tempore and she will also chair the 00:00:42
RDA meeting. OK. And then I need to call this meeting to a close so that we can start the RDA meeting. 00:00:49
Recess it OK. 00:00:58
Recess. 00:01:00
Hey, it is December 11th, 2024 at 6:02 PM. I would like to open this Vineyard Redevelopment Agency Board meeting. Just a reminder 00:01:05
to silence all your cell phones. 00:01:11
Is this appropriate for us to do the prayer and allegiance now or do we wait till the City Council meeting? 00:01:18
You can do it now. OK, Councilmember Cameron. 00:01:27
OK. 00:01:36
Our dear Father in heaven, we come before Thee at the beginning of these meetings and ask Thy Spirit to be with us, that there 00:01:43
will be a feeling of peace and. 00:01:48
Collaboration and we'll be able to do the best of our ability to do what's best for the city and for the citizens. We ask you to 00:01:54
watch over the mayor in her absence. 00:01:58
To protect her and keep her safe, we express gratitude for all of the staff and the people in the city that work so hard. 00:02:03
To keep our city safe and beautiful and. 00:02:11
We're grateful for this season and time to reflect on the birth of our Savior. When we say these things humbly, in His name, even 00:02:15
Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. 00:02:19
All right, all right. 00:02:26
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:02:31
individual, with liberty and justice for all. 00:02:37
OK. Thank you so much. 00:02:47
Umm, all right, we have one consent item if I could get a motion. Oh, wait. 00:02:50
Yeah, if I could get a motion to approve the consent item. 00:02:59
All right, move to approve. 00:03:10
I make a motion to approve consent item. OK, first by Sarah. 00:03:12
Can I get a second? 00:03:19
2nd. 00:03:23
Second by Brett. All in favor. 00:03:24
Aye, aye, no. 00:03:28
Did did we want to discuss it? 00:03:31
I guess I should have asked if we wanted to discuss it before. Oh, it's OK, it can be go down. That's about that way. 00:03:37
OK, should have said 3.1 the minutes. 00:03:42
Yeah. 00:03:45
So you'll just, you'll just want to note for the record that the motion carried, it carried, OK. 00:03:47
All right. I guess we can move on to the business Item 4.1 public hearing. 00:03:56
We need a motion to go into public hearing. 00:04:01
I make a motion to go into public hearing. All right, a first by Jake. 00:04:05
Can I get a second? 00:04:11
2nd. 00:04:13
OK. 00:04:14
All right. Oh, and all in favor. 00:04:16
Aye. 00:04:20
Aye. OK. Now we'll go ahead and turn the time over to Josh Daniels. 00:04:22
Great. Thanks members of the Board for the RDA, Josh Daniels. Today's business item is pretty simple. At the end of fiscal year 00:04:28
24, we're able to determine what our total rollover amount would be. And so this is a mid year budget amendment to just recognize 00:04:35
the total unspent from last year and incorporate that into this year's budget. 00:04:43
It's let me pull up my. 00:04:52
You should have in your packet the actual budget schedule, the updated budget schedule for fiscal year 25, which is. 00:04:54
$37,288,248 both in revenue and matching allocation for expense. 00:05:03
OK. Do we have any comments or questions from the public? 00:05:21
OK. 00:05:31
Can I get a motion to move from the public hearing? 00:05:34
I move to close it. 00:05:40
I make a motion to move from the public hearing. 00:05:42
All right, first by Sarah. Can I get a second? 00:05:46
I second it. 00:05:50
Second by Jake. All in favor Aye aye. 00:05:51
Aye, OK. Council, do you already a board members, do you have any questions or comments? 00:05:57
If no questions or comments do I have a motion? I do. 00:06:08
You know, I wanted to sit down, Josh, with you with three or four different people a couple of months ago going over finances. 00:06:14
And then I requested that e-mail on Monday again. 00:06:22
And I don't feel comfortable moving finances until we have a financial conversation about everything with those individuals. 00:06:26
Yeah, I'd be happy to. 00:06:34
To set up that meeting OK. 00:06:35
Yeah, for that reason, I wouldn't be voting because I don't know anything about it. 00:06:38
Do Sarah Brett, do you have any questions or? Yeah, I have a. 00:06:44
A question and it's more on the view that's that we're looking at right now. And I and I mean I understand the concept of hey, we 00:06:49
have money that we didn't spend and we're moving and we're moving it over. 00:06:55
I think it would be really helpful if we could actually see the before and after in this view. 00:07:01
Because the way it's presented in the pack is. 00:07:07
Hey, we're going to move this amount and then there's a separate one that's the, that's the resolution. And then this and being 00:07:10
able to see it in this format I think would be really helpful. I don't know if that's possible or not. 00:07:16
But that that's the the one thing that I would ask so that I can. 00:07:22
We can see how the line items are actually changing. 00:07:27
Yeah, I could pull up the original budget schedule that was adopted for this year. 00:07:32
I was looking at the one that that was previously published. 00:07:43
And I couldn't tell where the dollars were moving. That's which is why I'm asking the question because I don't know if anything. 00:07:47
As the new guy, you know, play that card until I can't anymore. 00:07:53
It's going to, it's one of those where I don't know if there were other moments like this previously. So I'm I'm just asking about 00:07:59
this one. 00:08:04
Yeah. Your schedule typically, so fiscal years is you're probably aware run from July 1st to June 30th and so at the end of June. 00:08:10
The RDA adopted the fiscal year 25 budget, so I can pull up that schedule and this is amending that previously adopted budget. 00:08:21
Right. And that and that's the one that I was looking at and I couldn't tell where that dollar amount was moving from. 00:08:37
So maybe we could talk about what the additional revenues and expenses actually were just to break it down. 00:08:43
So this is the original adopted budget that's on the screen right now? 00:08:55
And so. 00:09:04
What you're looking at is the anticipated beginning fund balance to begin the year 2425, also known as fiscal year 25. 00:09:06
Was 9.9 million. 00:09:18
But when you complete the actual fiscal year and you actually are done with all of your transactions from the previous year. 00:09:20
Then of course you'll have the real amount, the actual amount so to speak. And the actual amount is then 14, just over 14,000,000. 00:09:29
So that's where the difference is. 00:09:35
OK. 00:09:42
We go back to the. 00:09:43
Last year's. 00:09:45
Yep, so. 00:09:47
So this is the previously adopted fiscal year 25 budget, which of course is always. 00:09:48
Speculative in the sense that you know you are budgeting for the future. 00:09:56
And then if you have your previous year adopted Budget 2324. 00:10:02
In the middle column. 00:10:08
So if you see, yeah, the part that was confusing me is the staff report says 34,208,591, increasing the 37 million, et cetera. 00:10:10
So sorry that discrepancy somewhere and I can't tell where it is. So it's it's from your previously adopted budget of 33. 00:10:24
I think it might be a typo to 37. 00:10:35
OK. So your motion is to adopt this budget right here as presented with 37 million in revenue, 37 million in expense, which is an 00:10:38
updated amount from the previously adopted budget of 33. 00:10:45
OK. 00:10:55
Thank you. 00:10:56
Questions. 00:10:59
All right. Does that do you have any other questions, Brett? Nope, that was it. 00:11:04
Sarah. 00:11:10
All right. I guess we'll just need a motion to approve if there's no other discussion. 00:11:12
Yes. 00:11:23
I move to adopt resolution U2 U 22. Sorry U. 00:11:26
2024 Dash 4 The RDA Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget amendment #1 as presented by staff. 00:11:31
All right, I have a first by Sarah. Can I get a second? 00:11:42
2nd. 00:11:45
All right, a second by Brett. Is this roll call all right, Jake? 00:11:47
Brett. 00:11:55
Aye, Sarah. Oh, sorry, me aye. 00:11:56
Aye, all right, It was approved. 00:12:01
OK, so do I need a motion or I can adjourn the RDA meeting? 00:12:05
Yeah, I'll just adjourn that meeting. Thank you so much, Josh, for your time. 00:12:11
And we'll just take a minute. 00:12:17
While Pam prepares for the City Council meeting. 00:12:19
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