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Welcome. Good morning. This is the Development Review Committee. December 1924 is 9. 00:00:38
02 AM. 00:00:46
And we were calling, calling the DRC in session. So to begin it off, I'll just do a quick roll call. We'll start off to my left 00:00:49
with a Miss Madison. 00:00:55
This is Madison Reed, the planning technician. 00:01:03
Eric Ellis, City Manager, Morgan Brand, Community Development director. I'm assuming the Republic of the worst director, City 00:01:06
engineer. 00:01:09
Chris Johnson, building official. 00:01:12
Brandon Valley Orem Fire Department. 00:01:14
Brian Vaudrey, parks and rec director. 00:01:16
Anthony Fletcher, a planner. I appreciate everyone coming today. So as we wrap up 2024, we're going to be gearing up for 2025 with 00:01:19
a, I guess with a bang and what that bang is said to be seen so far. But that being said, we do have some items on our agenda. The 00:01:27
first item. 00:01:35
The first set of items, excuse me, is consent items 00:01:43
Approval of DRC minutes June 20th, 20, June 20th, July the 11th, July 25th respectively. 00:01:48
So I'll start off. Does anyone have any questions, comments about those minutes? 00:02:00
There's no comments or questions. Do I have a motion to approve? Motion to approve the consent agenda first? Is there a second, 00:02:08
Sir? 00:02:11
Second, I got a second. So now all in favor of approving the motions. 00:02:16
Hi, sweet. So we've. 00:02:22
Approve the minutes on the consent agenda. So we're going into our next item. The next item is business items, so 3.21 DRC bylaws, 00:02:26
discussion and approval. That being said, I believe it's Mr. Anthony Fletcher who's going to be taking the lead. 00:02:34
Go ahead, Sir. 00:02:45
Thank you very much here. 00:02:47
So in leading this discussion, I would want to ask a very quick question. Did you all have the chance to review the bylaws before 00:02:48
the meeting? 00:02:54
Or have you had the chance to ever review? Could you define before the meeting? 00:03:01
Pardon to define before the meeting is in, as we're talking right now. 00:03:05
So I think it would be a good idea, good if everyone's in agreement, if you just gave a quick summary of the bylaws for everyone's 00:03:09
everyone, everyone situational awareness and of course anyone who anyone in the public who may be listening to this currently or 00:03:14
in the future. Okay, thank you. 00:03:19
All right, so. 00:03:25
Chair, this is a draft bylaw that will, umm, eventually help keep us all in line during this meeting. And what I mean in line is. 00:03:27
To umm, uh. 00:03:39
Regulate the UMM. 00:03:41
Regulate and formalized the structure of DRC, its makeup, how we operate, what is required of us in terms of reviews and 00:03:44
approvals, as well as the powers that. 00:03:51
The DRC has. 00:03:59
As an institution or an establishment, so. 00:04:02
Instead of having to go through every single section of the. 00:04:07
Of the drafted. 00:04:12
Bylaws. 00:04:17
I would want to share my screen right now. 00:04:19
Yes, so I'd want to. 00:04:49
Go through the various sections briefly. We talk about the purpose being that the DRC will serve the purpose of a land use 00:04:53
authority for all final subdivision applications and technical review authority as well for all proposed developments and 00:05:01
development applications, including site plans for. 00:05:09
Compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, standards within the City of Vineyards. 00:05:18
This is the reason why. 00:05:25
Before every. 00:05:27
Proposed plan or site plan goes to Planning Commission. It comes here. We have you, you know, discuss issues on it, whether we are 00:05:30
all fine with it though you're not the approval body. 00:05:36
You make it safe to. 00:05:43
Us as planners that it's OK to go to Planning Commission for final approval. We bring in all the final plots. 00:05:46
Here and you are the final authority over that. So we want to make sure that things like that is all captured here and being the 00:05:55
final authority, you also have the authority to extend. 00:06:01
Application permits that have been expired for the final plat as well and it's all in the purpose. 00:06:09
The duties and authority. 00:06:18
Have been outlined here. 00:06:21
The membership. 00:06:24
Shall consist of seven. 00:06:26
Which um. 00:06:28
I have a list I have listed here. 00:06:30
I'll keep losing connection. 00:06:44
Which have been listed. 00:06:48
On here we have the Chair of the Planning Commission or their designee. 00:06:52
The city manager. 00:06:58
The fire Marshall or designee? The head. 00:07:02
Or designee of the building department. 00:07:06
Engineering department, Community development and parks and Recs. 00:07:09
Department as well. 00:07:15
So for the DRC leadership? 00:07:17
We have this document having the chair who will be elected every. 00:07:20
For every year a chair has to be elected. 00:07:28
To lead the affairs and facilitate meetings of the committee. 00:07:32
And that will be the same for a vice chair to assist the chair in its functions and. 00:07:40
Umm, operations. 00:07:48
I also have a section here that talks about the chair pro temp so. 00:07:54
I I got to know recently that it's pro tempore because it's Latin, so that would be updated as well. 00:08:01
In the absence of the chair and vice chair. 00:08:12
The chair can appoint some member on the committee to act as a chair while they're both away. 00:08:15
I have a section here as well. 00:08:27
For secretary. 00:08:30
And in here I said that the community development. 00:08:34
Director or. 00:08:38
May appoint a secretary. 00:08:41
Which is literally what Madison is doing right now, taking notes and umm. 00:08:45
Making sure that everything is organized before meetings. 00:08:52
We can decide to change that if the Chair of this committee wants to do any change to that right now. 00:08:56
This was written before we had medicine, so. 00:09:05
It could be changed. 00:09:08
We have our meetings set. 00:09:11
We have our regular meetings, special meetings, and a quorum because our membership is going to be 7 members. A quorum here is 4. 00:09:14
To have a meeting happen. 00:09:26
Decisions when it comes to voting shall be made by a majority of the vote of members present at a properly held meeting. 00:09:31
With the caveat that no action shall be approved with fewer than four votes. 00:09:41
Are included that the proxy voting is not permitted. 00:09:50
So if anyone is not able to make it in person. 00:09:55
Their votes may not count. They could still participate, but they cannot vote. Is that state code? 00:09:59
Um, I if if, if it's not, I'd recommend that we allow for remote meetings. Yeah, I don't wanna constrain us if. 00:10:05
If we're having an issue getting four and someone can call in. 00:10:13
OK. 00:10:18
Was it? Was it 3 last year and we changed it to four? 00:10:21
Has always been forward, yeah. 00:10:24
Because of the number. 00:10:28
Correction made. Thank you. 00:10:35
There's a section here that talks about amendments of the bylaws. 00:10:42
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote as well of the DRC members present at a meeting. 00:10:47
Provided that proper notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the DRC members at least 72 hours prior to a meeting that 00:10:55
will require that voting for amending anything on the bylaws. 00:11:03
If there are no changes, we will approve this at the end of the discussion and then the bylaws will take effect immediately. I 00:11:13
mean we will make that date here based on the approval to make the bylaws take effect by the 1st of January next year. So we start 00:11:21
the new year with a new leaf and hopefully. 00:11:30
Just follow through as it should. 00:11:40
Thank you. 00:11:44
I appreciate the. 00:11:48
A good summary on this. 00:11:51
So I can start off with that I do have some. 00:11:55
Comments about the bylaws and. 00:11:58
Most of them are not I was saying none. I would feel that none of them substantial comments that would change the the context of 00:12:03
what the bylaws is to represent so. 00:12:08
Now I can go and down the page on that and then after, of course, I'll open it up to anyone else who would like to interject. And 00:12:14
of course, any items that I kind of talk about is meant to be a kind of a open discussion for any of the other members on there. 00:12:23
So please feel free to interject. How interject? So the first one I have is. 00:12:32
The on Section 2 duties. 00:12:41
Subsection 2 and when it says engage in technical plan reviews and revise on all plans submitted to proposed development within 00:12:44
the Vineyard, I would like to kind of clarify the word technical. 00:12:51
So because there is another technique, there is a technical plans review process. 00:12:59
That's done outside the DRC. So the technical review, the technical review. 00:13:03
Process which is the more in depth. 00:13:10
Engineering plans reviews such as you know, looking at the size of a looking a size of a meter. 00:13:14
Or you know, or like the height of concrete curves along the roadside. I just want to make sure that we kind of clarify that the 00:13:24
intent of the DRC is not to do that type of level of technical review, but more maybe a different type of review. 00:13:33
I guess leave that open to the discussion for the members. I'm not sure what other words we would want to use as technical. 00:13:44
We could probably. 00:13:51
Either take the technical out or just make it a preliminary technical review where you're just having a quick look at the plan to 00:13:53
make sure it has some basics in there. And as we have done in the past, anytime we bring plans or site plans to DRC, what I've 00:14:01
seen happen is we have solid comments either from building or engineering reminding us to remind. 00:14:10
The applicants that this is what lies ahead of you. You need to make sure these things are in place. 00:14:19
Before you get to the real technical review, so. 00:14:26
I I suggest we either take out the technical or just include preliminary technical review. Yeah, OK. So some feedback up here is 00:14:29
probably just be easier to remove the word technical so we all put ourselves into. 00:14:36
Ourselves into a position where an applicant may misconstrue that as something else? Sure. 00:14:43
So everyone good. OK, so the other item I have. 00:14:50
I'm sorry, yeah, my eyes have to adjust. So Section 2 do these. 00:14:55
#5 Subsection 5. Submit a quarterly report to the City Council summarizing. 00:15:00
It says activities, accomplishments and challenges of the DRC. 00:15:06
I would like to think that we, US members on the RC work, collaborate well together. We never face any challenges. 00:15:09
Of course that's, you know, that's always our hope. But maybe change that to say. 00:15:17
Submit a quarterly report to the City Council summarizing the summarizing activities of the DRC meetings to include. 00:15:24
To include. 00:15:34
Points such as approvals, comments, accomplishments and and challenges. So this way we're not every single when we submit 00:15:38
quarterly report, if we don't submit a challenge, it's mainly because we don't, you know, we work well together and we don't have 00:15:44
any. 00:15:50
So as an example. 00:15:57
Cool article for membership. 00:16:04
Section 1. 00:16:09
Composition the last. 00:16:11
The last sentence. 00:16:14
I would put down the census since it was discussed about the seven, about seven members serving on the land use. 00:16:17
Alright, so I would I would I asked for it to be revised. 00:16:32
I have to say that the. 00:16:40
The membership of. 00:16:42
The composition of the membership. There we go. 00:16:46
Is based. 00:16:53
Or will be based on expertise or. 00:16:56
Excuse me is based on expertise. 00:17:00
So we're moving towards ethical. 00:17:03
Or experience and development. 00:17:06
Aligned with Wienerit's general plan. 00:17:11
So again, we're moving the word technical. 00:17:17
And then changing expertise, excuse me, changing the word or in between expertise experience to. 00:17:22
Change the word and. 00:17:29
Between expertise and experience to the word or. 00:17:31
Changing and the last. 00:17:34
Words after the word development to say aligned with vineyards general plan. 00:17:40
So. 00:17:47
And well, I'll give you my these notes too. 00:17:50
The subsequent words. 00:17:55
Yes. 00:17:57
As subsequent words you mean. 00:18:01
And safe and sound community building. 00:18:03
I was I was going to have those replaced. 00:18:07
So I'll read it the way, yeah, I'll read the way that it was written. I have written out. 00:18:12
OK. 00:18:19
So the composition of the membership is based on expertise or experience and development aligned with Vineyards General plan. 00:18:20
And just for the record, that's the last sentence of that paragraph. 00:18:38
Thanks. Thank you. 00:18:44
Thank you. 00:18:46
I don't have too many more so. 00:18:49
Arco 5. 00:18:54
On meetings, this is more of a question than. 00:18:56
In the change it says the first paragraph. 00:19:01
On the third line. 00:19:05
That says meetings may be recorded and made available on the. 00:19:09
On the Vineyard City website, the word May is there. Is there a requirement for public records for these meetings? So. 00:19:15
So I. 00:19:25
I checked with Pam and she did say that we can record audio, which is a requirement, but it's not, it's not requirement. It's not, 00:19:27
it's not a big requirement for we just do it, but it's not a requirement. Okay, that's not, that's fine. I just wanted to make 00:19:33
sure. I think she had mentioned that some of the others if they're not making a decision. 00:19:40
Then they don't record them. So if they're just having like a work session on something, then they're not recorded meetings. OK, 00:19:47
sweet, I appreciate that. Section 4 under voting. I guess for clarification, do we want to put on the 1st sentence? The decision 00:19:54
shall be made by majority vote of the members. Do we want to insert or designee or do we feel that we since we defined a member 00:20:01
can be a designee if if we defined. 00:20:08
Members, then I don't think that we need to clarify it again. 00:20:16
And if I cannot jump in for a second on this. 00:20:20
Section 3. 00:20:23
Describes what a quorum is. 00:20:25
And so the subsequent Section 4 and section and Article 6. 00:20:27
Can probably skip that description, so the second line in Section 4. 00:20:32
From width all the way to votes. Probably can just be deleted, otherwise it kind of adds confusion. 00:20:38
Because it really just needs to be a majority. 00:20:46
If I understand that, and likewise Article 6, these bylaws may be amended by a majority vote. Just get rid of the IE 4 votes. 00:20:48
Because again, it could be technically voted with three if there's just 4 here. 00:20:58
So if we just delete that, then we just stick with. 00:21:05
A majority of the quorum. 00:21:07
Is that is that how is that with the state code? That's what we have described above. So quorum is for at least four members of 00:21:09
the DRC members equates to a quorum and so a majority of four is 3. Do we need to clarify for something to be approved like in 00:21:16
Planning Commission you have to have. 00:21:23
The majority have to approve it, so if you have three in attendance then you have to have three vote in favor of an item. If 3. 00:21:30
Affirmative votes. 00:21:40
And so even if you just have 4, everyone has to vote in favor. 00:21:46
No. 00:21:49
The majority is just representative of those present and as long as you have a quorum presence so that. 00:21:51
If a quorum is 4, you need a minimum of three votes to approve something. If the quorum is five, you need to still need a majority 00:21:59
is 3. 00:22:03
So it's whatever. We're not going to run into an issue. It's the number of people that are present that do represent the quorum 00:22:10
now it's the majority of that. Yeah, OK. 00:22:15
And that's where the descriptions kind of get confusing. 00:22:21
Yeah. And that's the actually thanks Eric, because that that addressed my other comments as well. So sweet. I appreciate that. 00:22:26
Ask a quick question. 00:22:33
Is there a spot where it talks about if it's two and two? 00:22:36
OK. That's not the majority, is it? 00:22:41
It would be denied. 00:22:46
We could clarify that. You think that would help? 00:22:49
The individual really would just be. 00:22:53
It would be an unfortunate scenario because we don't. The only reason that's going to happen is because we don't have. 00:22:57
The full group here. 00:23:04
And so in that situation. 00:23:05
We've opened the door by by allowing for an electronic vote so we could call someone. 00:23:09
Or we could have them come back to the next meeting when the full group is here and they won't have that opportunity to split the 00:23:15
vote. 00:23:19
That's a good point because we did have that happen at Planning Commission months. 00:23:24
Yeah, several years ago we only have 4 show up and as a 2:00 to 2:00. 00:23:27
So would you want to have a note in here? 00:23:32
But you could. Or you could table it. It could come back. 00:23:37
Would you want this to be in the bylaws or would just it's implied? 00:23:42
Yeah, it's implied. So I. 00:23:47
Thank you. We're good. 00:23:50
Does anyone else have any comments or they would like to? 00:23:53
By the bylaws. 00:23:58
Sweet. So, um. 00:24:00
Thing without we can make A and there's no other comments. Questions. Anthony, I have a quick comment here about the secretary. Do 00:24:03
we still want to maintain it as it is or change it because this was written before we had a plan in tech? 00:24:11
So in here we did say that the title. Are you worried about the title? Sex Secretary? Yeah. Or what function? What's the. 00:24:19
Industry standard that other cities use secretary if other cities are I mean that's just like the the name of the position in the 00:24:33
DRC and I'm OK with the way it's written like you know, may or may not be ADRC member. 00:24:41
I don't want to force it to be like the planning tech, but that's just whoever it could be me, whoever sits in that position Is is 00:24:52
the secretary of fruit for that meeting. Yeah, that's how it is in other cities. I just thought, I'm sorry. So do you want to have 00:24:58
it where it may be like, for example. 00:25:04
Now Madison does, she does an awesome job and she gets permitted to, you know. 00:25:11
The assistance engineer or maybe say engineer and then where each meeting we may choose to vote on a new secretary to maybe take 00:25:18
minutes so it doesn't fall on one particular person all the time we could So right now it's. 00:25:25
Let me find that spot again. It's Section 4 and second page, third page, page three. Yes, Sir. Top page three. Yeah, yeah. Because 00:25:34
I mean, that would also cuz again, we may choose to. I mean, fortunately you could add the flexibility in there. 00:25:41
Yeah. I mean it provides that or DRC may appoint a secretary may. 00:25:52
Or may not be a DRC member. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of all the meetings and managing 00:25:57
official correspondence. So I mean, typically the default is that it would be the whoever is in the planning tech position. 00:26:05
But it doesn't mean it need to be. So if that position is vacant, then either the community development director could appoint 00:26:13
someone else, it would be from the community development department, or the DRC could do a one off. So I think it provides enough 00:26:20
flexibility. I just want to make sure. Thanks, that's good. 00:26:27
That's right. Or anyone else. Anthony, do you have any other comments? 00:26:35
No, please. OK. So that being said that there's no other questions on there. 00:26:40
No, so I guess seeking a motion to approve the DRC bylaws as it was presented. And again, Morgan said that he felt that we should 00:26:44
probably go through the changes one more time. Well, I, I think we, we, we, we clarified pretty good and we haven't written down 00:26:53
to So I have it all here. Am I going to make a motion? OK, I'm good with it. OK, yeah. Motion to approve the DRC bylaws with the. 00:27:02
Amendments as noted in the record. 00:27:12
Do we have a second? 00:27:14
Second sweet is this a? 00:27:17
This is a. 00:27:22
Go where? Each one we have to go separately or you'd have to vote each one. And I'd also want you to state on the day it takes 00:27:23
effect because that's the last thing we wanted to take effect. Okay, with that being said. 00:27:30
Can we just remotion with that for the date to take effect and to do new motion with the effective date? So just it would be an 00:27:38
amendment to my motion that the effective date would be today? 00:27:45
That works. 00:27:54
Good. I like that too. All right, so do I have a second to the amendment? 00:27:55
I 2nd Amendment. 00:28:01
Second Amendment, Well, it would be Chris would. 00:28:03
Yeah. So he would accept it since he was the original second. Appreciate that. Thank you very much, Morgan. OK, so with that, this 00:28:08
is a roll call vote. So let's go left to right. So Eric, Sir with you. Hi. 00:28:14
I myself, Nassim I. 00:28:21
Aye. 00:28:24
Aye, aye. 00:28:25
Thank you. 00:28:29
Good job. If if that was in fact A roll call vote, we should probably state. 00:28:31
Either you should state names and then they say I or we state our names. Don't say I. All right, so you did the first 3. So you 00:28:37
probably want to call out Chris. All right, So, Chris. So we got the first 3. So Chris, your vote. All right, Brandon, Sir. Hi. 00:28:43
And then Brian. Aye. All right. Sweet. OK, so that's official. 00:28:50
All right, so that passes. So appreciate your help Anthony on that one. So the next item is 3.22 thousand 25 calendar. So will you 00:28:58
be leaving that discussion too? 00:29:04
Yeah, so. 00:29:16
As as regularly scheduled or as we've had, a whole of 2024 is going to be the same format for the whole of 2025, where we have the 00:29:18
1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month we'll have a DRC and we will be able to also schedule special sessions if. 00:29:27
There's a need to, based on the request of the Commission, I mean the chair or vice chair or the membership. 00:29:39
So we will. 00:29:47
Be sending out the. 00:29:50
The full calendar, which is you know, going to have all the exact dates to the rest of the members and it will be published as 00:29:53
well. 00:29:57
So that's all we have for the. 00:30:02
For the calendar. 00:30:06
Of 2025. 00:30:08
In the 1st and 3rd, just as it was the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and at the same time 9 AM, 9:00 AM. Special sessions 00:30:14
when needed and special sessions when needed. Okay, so is there any comments from that from the members there, Brian? Do you have 00:30:20
a comments Brian then? 00:30:26
I have no comments. Anyone. 00:30:34
All right, so we're all good without us. We'll do a motion to approve the 2025 calendar on this, a motion to approve the 20. 00:30:37
I motion to approve the 2025 calendar. All right, Do I have a second? Second. All right, so roll call vote again. I'll start with 00:30:52
Brian this time around. So Brian. Hi, Brandon. Hi, Chris, Nassim. Aye, Morgan hi and Eric hi. Sweet. So that passes. 00:31:00
And then the last one is going to be my favorites. It's going to be item 3.3, election chair and vice chair for 2025. 00:31:09
So I think again, we've had good set, good go with the 2024, especially with the DRC, haven't taken on a different role. 00:31:17
And. 00:31:28
Excuse me, haven't taken on a different role in line to state standards and of course had a very, I think it's provided a great 00:31:30
opportunity to have that have that communication with applicants as well as the public as well. And definitely enjoyed the enjoyed 00:31:36
this. 00:31:43
So with that. 00:31:50
I'll let Anthony kind of take that, but if you want to, you know, set the stage before we go to building. 00:31:54
It's an election year. 00:32:05
And we're excited about elections. So just as we did have stated in our approved bylaws, which takes effect from now. 00:32:07
We are required to have a new chair and vice chair elected. 00:32:18
By the end of this year to serve for the year 2025. 00:32:24
And at this moment, you have the chance to give your chair a second goal. 00:32:28
And vice chair, second goal, or take them out of office and have another one. 00:32:35
For 2025. So at this moment, I will turn it over to the chair to be able to allow for some nominations and you are as well free to 00:32:43
nominate yourself at this moment if you still feel like you want to continue the good work you've done. We appreciate it. You can. 00:32:53
So at the moment we'll just allow everyone to make a nomination. 00:33:05
And from that point, we would make a vote and the majority would take it. 00:33:10
All right, so I'll start off with the, you know, do I do my do I do on my speech right now to, you know, for my to make to get 00:33:18
everyone to want to, you know. 00:33:22
It's only gonna be take about 1520 minutes. No problem. I prepare some slides for the two so. 00:33:28
Definitely, I appreciate the kind words that you said about, you know, my good work this year, so I do appreciate that. 00:33:35
So all that. So I think with yeah, definitely on 2025 and I know with two consecutive terms that that, that, that sounds very 00:33:42
tempting on that. And you know that I think that's kind of where I think stopped. I think with that being said, we're gonna put up 00:33:49
for nominations on this. I think, and I'm not gonna be bashful to make the first nomination on on this because I do think that 00:33:57
the, you know, a lot of good work has been done and I think that that good work should should continue into 2025. 00:34:04
So I will nominate the Brian Baudry. 00:34:12
As a chair. 00:34:14
And then who is? 00:34:17
And I agree with the nomination. I think Brian is phenomenal, does a good job. I've seen him. He took the parks and rec department 00:34:20
from One man Show. 00:34:24
To you are the show now for the city. 00:34:29
Are we missing someone on the on the DRC today? 00:34:35
Who are missing? We're missing the Planning Commission chair or designee. 00:34:39
OK, maybe we don't make that. I mean nothing to say we're for missing someone. If it was like Pam, it was like Pam. 00:34:44
All right. So Vice Chair, I would nominate Chris Johnson. 00:34:52
I think Chris is phenomenal. I've seen him do so much. He's a great leader and I think he could step in if Brian Brian was out. 00:34:58
Yeah, I look up to business team. I look up to Chris Johnson definitely for that's a good advice. Sure. So that's a good one. And 00:35:06
so Eric, do you have any nominations there that you would like to present? No, I would actually just like to present a second. 00:35:12
On both of those nominations for chair and Vice chair, OK, so we got this first one is just for chair. OK, so the first one is 00:35:19
this chair. So OK, So sorry Chris, we won't speak highly of you until. 00:35:26
A few more minutes. 00:35:33
So I'll speak highly of Chris, I think. I think wearing a hat, consider that a crown. Yeah, you don't have to separate. So we're 00:35:35
going to roll this into one motion. 00:35:39
All right. Thank you. 00:35:44
So I heard Brian Bald. 00:35:46
Doing a second nomination for Vice Chair, is that correct for Chair and chair? 00:35:49
So go ahead, I will do whatever. So I think I heard that as Brian is accepting a nomination for chair. 00:35:56
And supporting the nomination for Vice Chair for Chris. 00:36:04
All right, You're welcome. 00:36:10
Yes. All right, Brandon. 00:36:12
Do you have any? 00:36:15
I support the decision for the chair and Vice chair. All right. And Chris, do you have any? 00:36:17
Yeah, I would. I would nominate Brian for a chair and Morgan for Vice Chair. OK, so we have, I do have a competition for Vice 00:36:23
Chair. 00:36:27
So with that being said, let's take it so since we have a majority for Vice Chair for Chris, so we have. 00:36:32
So we have 5 nominations. 00:36:42
6 nominations for Brian Baldry for Chair, and then five nominations for Chris Johnson for Vice Chair and one nomination for Morgan 00:36:45
for Vice Chair. I think we'll see if someone wants to go ahead and take a motion, make a motion for. 00:36:52
Or is do we want to have speeches? 00:37:01
Chair speeches are allowed. Speeches are allowed. So Brian, do you have a speech that you would like to give or I have no speech? 00:37:05
All right. And Chris Johnson, do you have a speech that you like to give? 00:37:10
Just that it's not just me, it's all good, so. 00:37:16
Yeah, I appreciate that. So I think that that's good. That's good words of wisdom for a potential vice chair. So it is a team 00:37:22
effort out here. So I'll take it. I'll take a motion for chair and vice chair if someone would like to present the motion. 00:37:29
Yeah, motion to appoint Brian Baudry as Chair of the DRC and Chris Johnson as Vice Chair of the DRC 2025 for the calendar year 00:37:37
2025. 00:37:44
So I got first, I got motion for Brian Vaudrey as chair and Chris Johnson is vice chair for the 2025 calendar year. Do I have a 00:37:51
second? I'll second that. All right, I got a second motion by Mr. Eric Ellis. So that being said, let's do roll call. Let's go 00:37:59
roll call. Mr. Eric, Sir Aye and Morgan, Sir aye. And Chris and Brandon and. 00:38:07
Last but not least, Mr. Potential Future 2025 chair Brian. 00:38:16
Unanimous vote for this, so we appreciate everyone's work. 00:38:23
So. 00:38:26
All right. Well, that being said, we've completed our business items. Is there any work sessions? 00:38:28
All right, we don't have any work sessions and we'll just and unless anyone here has staff commissioner committee reports. 00:38:34
I don't believe so. All right. That being said, let's get moved towards adjournment. So I adjourn this meeting as my final action 00:38:42
as Chair of the DRC to the year 2024. 00:38:48
Thank you. 00:38:57
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Welcome. Good morning. This is the Development Review Committee. December 1924 is 9. 00:00:38
02 AM. 00:00:46
And we were calling, calling the DRC in session. So to begin it off, I'll just do a quick roll call. We'll start off to my left 00:00:49
with a Miss Madison. 00:00:55
This is Madison Reed, the planning technician. 00:01:03
Eric Ellis, City Manager, Morgan Brand, Community Development director. I'm assuming the Republic of the worst director, City 00:01:06
engineer. 00:01:09
Chris Johnson, building official. 00:01:12
Brandon Valley Orem Fire Department. 00:01:14
Brian Vaudrey, parks and rec director. 00:01:16
Anthony Fletcher, a planner. I appreciate everyone coming today. So as we wrap up 2024, we're going to be gearing up for 2025 with 00:01:19
a, I guess with a bang and what that bang is said to be seen so far. But that being said, we do have some items on our agenda. The 00:01:27
first item. 00:01:35
The first set of items, excuse me, is consent items 00:01:43
Approval of DRC minutes June 20th, 20, June 20th, July the 11th, July 25th respectively. 00:01:48
So I'll start off. Does anyone have any questions, comments about those minutes? 00:02:00
There's no comments or questions. Do I have a motion to approve? Motion to approve the consent agenda first? Is there a second, 00:02:08
Sir? 00:02:11
Second, I got a second. So now all in favor of approving the motions. 00:02:16
Hi, sweet. So we've. 00:02:22
Approve the minutes on the consent agenda. So we're going into our next item. The next item is business items, so 3.21 DRC bylaws, 00:02:26
discussion and approval. That being said, I believe it's Mr. Anthony Fletcher who's going to be taking the lead. 00:02:34
Go ahead, Sir. 00:02:45
Thank you very much here. 00:02:47
So in leading this discussion, I would want to ask a very quick question. Did you all have the chance to review the bylaws before 00:02:48
the meeting? 00:02:54
Or have you had the chance to ever review? Could you define before the meeting? 00:03:01
Pardon to define before the meeting is in, as we're talking right now. 00:03:05
So I think it would be a good idea, good if everyone's in agreement, if you just gave a quick summary of the bylaws for everyone's 00:03:09
everyone, everyone situational awareness and of course anyone who anyone in the public who may be listening to this currently or 00:03:14
in the future. Okay, thank you. 00:03:19
All right, so. 00:03:25
Chair, this is a draft bylaw that will, umm, eventually help keep us all in line during this meeting. And what I mean in line is. 00:03:27
To umm, uh. 00:03:39
Regulate the UMM. 00:03:41
Regulate and formalized the structure of DRC, its makeup, how we operate, what is required of us in terms of reviews and 00:03:44
approvals, as well as the powers that. 00:03:51
The DRC has. 00:03:59
As an institution or an establishment, so. 00:04:02
Instead of having to go through every single section of the. 00:04:07
Of the drafted. 00:04:12
Bylaws. 00:04:17
I would want to share my screen right now. 00:04:19
Yes, so I'd want to. 00:04:49
Go through the various sections briefly. We talk about the purpose being that the DRC will serve the purpose of a land use 00:04:53
authority for all final subdivision applications and technical review authority as well for all proposed developments and 00:05:01
development applications, including site plans for. 00:05:09
Compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, standards within the City of Vineyards. 00:05:18
This is the reason why. 00:05:25
Before every. 00:05:27
Proposed plan or site plan goes to Planning Commission. It comes here. We have you, you know, discuss issues on it, whether we are 00:05:30
all fine with it though you're not the approval body. 00:05:36
You make it safe to. 00:05:43
Us as planners that it's OK to go to Planning Commission for final approval. We bring in all the final plots. 00:05:46
Here and you are the final authority over that. So we want to make sure that things like that is all captured here and being the 00:05:55
final authority, you also have the authority to extend. 00:06:01
Application permits that have been expired for the final plat as well and it's all in the purpose. 00:06:09
The duties and authority. 00:06:18
Have been outlined here. 00:06:21
The membership. 00:06:24
Shall consist of seven. 00:06:26
Which um. 00:06:28
I have a list I have listed here. 00:06:30
I'll keep losing connection. 00:06:44
Which have been listed. 00:06:48
On here we have the Chair of the Planning Commission or their designee. 00:06:52
The city manager. 00:06:58
The fire Marshall or designee? The head. 00:07:02
Or designee of the building department. 00:07:06
Engineering department, Community development and parks and Recs. 00:07:09
Department as well. 00:07:15
So for the DRC leadership? 00:07:17
We have this document having the chair who will be elected every. 00:07:20
For every year a chair has to be elected. 00:07:28
To lead the affairs and facilitate meetings of the committee. 00:07:32
And that will be the same for a vice chair to assist the chair in its functions and. 00:07:40
Umm, operations. 00:07:48
I also have a section here that talks about the chair pro temp so. 00:07:54
I I got to know recently that it's pro tempore because it's Latin, so that would be updated as well. 00:08:01
In the absence of the chair and vice chair. 00:08:12
The chair can appoint some member on the committee to act as a chair while they're both away. 00:08:15
I have a section here as well. 00:08:27
For secretary. 00:08:30
And in here I said that the community development. 00:08:34
Director or. 00:08:38
May appoint a secretary. 00:08:41
Which is literally what Madison is doing right now, taking notes and umm. 00:08:45
Making sure that everything is organized before meetings. 00:08:52
We can decide to change that if the Chair of this committee wants to do any change to that right now. 00:08:56
This was written before we had medicine, so. 00:09:05
It could be changed. 00:09:08
We have our meetings set. 00:09:11
We have our regular meetings, special meetings, and a quorum because our membership is going to be 7 members. A quorum here is 4. 00:09:14
To have a meeting happen. 00:09:26
Decisions when it comes to voting shall be made by a majority of the vote of members present at a properly held meeting. 00:09:31
With the caveat that no action shall be approved with fewer than four votes. 00:09:41
Are included that the proxy voting is not permitted. 00:09:50
So if anyone is not able to make it in person. 00:09:55
Their votes may not count. They could still participate, but they cannot vote. Is that state code? 00:09:59
Um, I if if, if it's not, I'd recommend that we allow for remote meetings. Yeah, I don't wanna constrain us if. 00:10:05
If we're having an issue getting four and someone can call in. 00:10:13
OK. 00:10:18
Was it? Was it 3 last year and we changed it to four? 00:10:21
Has always been forward, yeah. 00:10:24
Because of the number. 00:10:28
Correction made. Thank you. 00:10:35
There's a section here that talks about amendments of the bylaws. 00:10:42
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote as well of the DRC members present at a meeting. 00:10:47
Provided that proper notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the DRC members at least 72 hours prior to a meeting that 00:10:55
will require that voting for amending anything on the bylaws. 00:11:03
If there are no changes, we will approve this at the end of the discussion and then the bylaws will take effect immediately. I 00:11:13
mean we will make that date here based on the approval to make the bylaws take effect by the 1st of January next year. So we start 00:11:21
the new year with a new leaf and hopefully. 00:11:30
Just follow through as it should. 00:11:40
Thank you. 00:11:44
I appreciate the. 00:11:48
A good summary on this. 00:11:51
So I can start off with that I do have some. 00:11:55
Comments about the bylaws and. 00:11:58
Most of them are not I was saying none. I would feel that none of them substantial comments that would change the the context of 00:12:03
what the bylaws is to represent so. 00:12:08
Now I can go and down the page on that and then after, of course, I'll open it up to anyone else who would like to interject. And 00:12:14
of course, any items that I kind of talk about is meant to be a kind of a open discussion for any of the other members on there. 00:12:23
So please feel free to interject. How interject? So the first one I have is. 00:12:32
The on Section 2 duties. 00:12:41
Subsection 2 and when it says engage in technical plan reviews and revise on all plans submitted to proposed development within 00:12:44
the Vineyard, I would like to kind of clarify the word technical. 00:12:51
So because there is another technique, there is a technical plans review process. 00:12:59
That's done outside the DRC. So the technical review, the technical review. 00:13:03
Process which is the more in depth. 00:13:10
Engineering plans reviews such as you know, looking at the size of a looking a size of a meter. 00:13:14
Or you know, or like the height of concrete curves along the roadside. I just want to make sure that we kind of clarify that the 00:13:24
intent of the DRC is not to do that type of level of technical review, but more maybe a different type of review. 00:13:33
I guess leave that open to the discussion for the members. I'm not sure what other words we would want to use as technical. 00:13:44
We could probably. 00:13:51
Either take the technical out or just make it a preliminary technical review where you're just having a quick look at the plan to 00:13:53
make sure it has some basics in there. And as we have done in the past, anytime we bring plans or site plans to DRC, what I've 00:14:01
seen happen is we have solid comments either from building or engineering reminding us to remind. 00:14:10
The applicants that this is what lies ahead of you. You need to make sure these things are in place. 00:14:19
Before you get to the real technical review, so. 00:14:26
I I suggest we either take out the technical or just include preliminary technical review. Yeah, OK. So some feedback up here is 00:14:29
probably just be easier to remove the word technical so we all put ourselves into. 00:14:36
Ourselves into a position where an applicant may misconstrue that as something else? Sure. 00:14:43
So everyone good. OK, so the other item I have. 00:14:50
I'm sorry, yeah, my eyes have to adjust. So Section 2 do these. 00:14:55
#5 Subsection 5. Submit a quarterly report to the City Council summarizing. 00:15:00
It says activities, accomplishments and challenges of the DRC. 00:15:06
I would like to think that we, US members on the RC work, collaborate well together. We never face any challenges. 00:15:09
Of course that's, you know, that's always our hope. But maybe change that to say. 00:15:17
Submit a quarterly report to the City Council summarizing the summarizing activities of the DRC meetings to include. 00:15:24
To include. 00:15:34
Points such as approvals, comments, accomplishments and and challenges. So this way we're not every single when we submit 00:15:38
quarterly report, if we don't submit a challenge, it's mainly because we don't, you know, we work well together and we don't have 00:15:44
any. 00:15:50
So as an example. 00:15:57
Cool article for membership. 00:16:04
Section 1. 00:16:09
Composition the last. 00:16:11
The last sentence. 00:16:14
I would put down the census since it was discussed about the seven, about seven members serving on the land use. 00:16:17
Alright, so I would I would I asked for it to be revised. 00:16:32
I have to say that the. 00:16:40
The membership of. 00:16:42
The composition of the membership. There we go. 00:16:46
Is based. 00:16:53
Or will be based on expertise or. 00:16:56
Excuse me is based on expertise. 00:17:00
So we're moving towards ethical. 00:17:03
Or experience and development. 00:17:06
Aligned with Wienerit's general plan. 00:17:11
So again, we're moving the word technical. 00:17:17
And then changing expertise, excuse me, changing the word or in between expertise experience to. 00:17:22
Change the word and. 00:17:29
Between expertise and experience to the word or. 00:17:31
Changing and the last. 00:17:34
Words after the word development to say aligned with vineyards general plan. 00:17:40
So. 00:17:47
And well, I'll give you my these notes too. 00:17:50
The subsequent words. 00:17:55
Yes. 00:17:57
As subsequent words you mean. 00:18:01
And safe and sound community building. 00:18:03
I was I was going to have those replaced. 00:18:07
So I'll read it the way, yeah, I'll read the way that it was written. I have written out. 00:18:12
OK. 00:18:19
So the composition of the membership is based on expertise or experience and development aligned with Vineyards General plan. 00:18:20
And just for the record, that's the last sentence of that paragraph. 00:18:38
Thanks. Thank you. 00:18:44
Thank you. 00:18:46
I don't have too many more so. 00:18:49
Arco 5. 00:18:54
On meetings, this is more of a question than. 00:18:56
In the change it says the first paragraph. 00:19:01
On the third line. 00:19:05
That says meetings may be recorded and made available on the. 00:19:09
On the Vineyard City website, the word May is there. Is there a requirement for public records for these meetings? So. 00:19:15
So I. 00:19:25
I checked with Pam and she did say that we can record audio, which is a requirement, but it's not, it's not requirement. It's not, 00:19:27
it's not a big requirement for we just do it, but it's not a requirement. Okay, that's not, that's fine. I just wanted to make 00:19:33
sure. I think she had mentioned that some of the others if they're not making a decision. 00:19:40
Then they don't record them. So if they're just having like a work session on something, then they're not recorded meetings. OK, 00:19:47
sweet, I appreciate that. Section 4 under voting. I guess for clarification, do we want to put on the 1st sentence? The decision 00:19:54
shall be made by majority vote of the members. Do we want to insert or designee or do we feel that we since we defined a member 00:20:01
can be a designee if if we defined. 00:20:08
Members, then I don't think that we need to clarify it again. 00:20:16
And if I cannot jump in for a second on this. 00:20:20
Section 3. 00:20:23
Describes what a quorum is. 00:20:25
And so the subsequent Section 4 and section and Article 6. 00:20:27
Can probably skip that description, so the second line in Section 4. 00:20:32
From width all the way to votes. Probably can just be deleted, otherwise it kind of adds confusion. 00:20:38
Because it really just needs to be a majority. 00:20:46
If I understand that, and likewise Article 6, these bylaws may be amended by a majority vote. Just get rid of the IE 4 votes. 00:20:48
Because again, it could be technically voted with three if there's just 4 here. 00:20:58
So if we just delete that, then we just stick with. 00:21:05
A majority of the quorum. 00:21:07
Is that is that how is that with the state code? That's what we have described above. So quorum is for at least four members of 00:21:09
the DRC members equates to a quorum and so a majority of four is 3. Do we need to clarify for something to be approved like in 00:21:16
Planning Commission you have to have. 00:21:23
The majority have to approve it, so if you have three in attendance then you have to have three vote in favor of an item. If 3. 00:21:30
Affirmative votes. 00:21:40
And so even if you just have 4, everyone has to vote in favor. 00:21:46
No. 00:21:49
The majority is just representative of those present and as long as you have a quorum presence so that. 00:21:51
If a quorum is 4, you need a minimum of three votes to approve something. If the quorum is five, you need to still need a majority 00:21:59
is 3. 00:22:03
So it's whatever. We're not going to run into an issue. It's the number of people that are present that do represent the quorum 00:22:10
now it's the majority of that. Yeah, OK. 00:22:15
And that's where the descriptions kind of get confusing. 00:22:21
Yeah. And that's the actually thanks Eric, because that that addressed my other comments as well. So sweet. I appreciate that. 00:22:26
Ask a quick question. 00:22:33
Is there a spot where it talks about if it's two and two? 00:22:36
OK. That's not the majority, is it? 00:22:41
It would be denied. 00:22:46
We could clarify that. You think that would help? 00:22:49
The individual really would just be. 00:22:53
It would be an unfortunate scenario because we don't. The only reason that's going to happen is because we don't have. 00:22:57
The full group here. 00:23:04
And so in that situation. 00:23:05
We've opened the door by by allowing for an electronic vote so we could call someone. 00:23:09
Or we could have them come back to the next meeting when the full group is here and they won't have that opportunity to split the 00:23:15
vote. 00:23:19
That's a good point because we did have that happen at Planning Commission months. 00:23:24
Yeah, several years ago we only have 4 show up and as a 2:00 to 2:00. 00:23:27
So would you want to have a note in here? 00:23:32
But you could. Or you could table it. It could come back. 00:23:37
Would you want this to be in the bylaws or would just it's implied? 00:23:42
Yeah, it's implied. So I. 00:23:47
Thank you. We're good. 00:23:50
Does anyone else have any comments or they would like to? 00:23:53
By the bylaws. 00:23:58
Sweet. So, um. 00:24:00
Thing without we can make A and there's no other comments. Questions. Anthony, I have a quick comment here about the secretary. Do 00:24:03
we still want to maintain it as it is or change it because this was written before we had a plan in tech? 00:24:11
So in here we did say that the title. Are you worried about the title? Sex Secretary? Yeah. Or what function? What's the. 00:24:19
Industry standard that other cities use secretary if other cities are I mean that's just like the the name of the position in the 00:24:33
DRC and I'm OK with the way it's written like you know, may or may not be ADRC member. 00:24:41
I don't want to force it to be like the planning tech, but that's just whoever it could be me, whoever sits in that position Is is 00:24:52
the secretary of fruit for that meeting. Yeah, that's how it is in other cities. I just thought, I'm sorry. So do you want to have 00:24:58
it where it may be like, for example. 00:25:04
Now Madison does, she does an awesome job and she gets permitted to, you know. 00:25:11
The assistance engineer or maybe say engineer and then where each meeting we may choose to vote on a new secretary to maybe take 00:25:18
minutes so it doesn't fall on one particular person all the time we could So right now it's. 00:25:25
Let me find that spot again. It's Section 4 and second page, third page, page three. Yes, Sir. Top page three. Yeah, yeah. Because 00:25:34
I mean, that would also cuz again, we may choose to. I mean, fortunately you could add the flexibility in there. 00:25:41
Yeah. I mean it provides that or DRC may appoint a secretary may. 00:25:52
Or may not be a DRC member. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of all the meetings and managing 00:25:57
official correspondence. So I mean, typically the default is that it would be the whoever is in the planning tech position. 00:26:05
But it doesn't mean it need to be. So if that position is vacant, then either the community development director could appoint 00:26:13
someone else, it would be from the community development department, or the DRC could do a one off. So I think it provides enough 00:26:20
flexibility. I just want to make sure. Thanks, that's good. 00:26:27
That's right. Or anyone else. Anthony, do you have any other comments? 00:26:35
No, please. OK. So that being said that there's no other questions on there. 00:26:40
No, so I guess seeking a motion to approve the DRC bylaws as it was presented. And again, Morgan said that he felt that we should 00:26:44
probably go through the changes one more time. Well, I, I think we, we, we, we clarified pretty good and we haven't written down 00:26:53
to So I have it all here. Am I going to make a motion? OK, I'm good with it. OK, yeah. Motion to approve the DRC bylaws with the. 00:27:02
Amendments as noted in the record. 00:27:12
Do we have a second? 00:27:14
Second sweet is this a? 00:27:17
This is a. 00:27:22
Go where? Each one we have to go separately or you'd have to vote each one. And I'd also want you to state on the day it takes 00:27:23
effect because that's the last thing we wanted to take effect. Okay, with that being said. 00:27:30
Can we just remotion with that for the date to take effect and to do new motion with the effective date? So just it would be an 00:27:38
amendment to my motion that the effective date would be today? 00:27:45
That works. 00:27:54
Good. I like that too. All right, so do I have a second to the amendment? 00:27:55
I 2nd Amendment. 00:28:01
Second Amendment, Well, it would be Chris would. 00:28:03
Yeah. So he would accept it since he was the original second. Appreciate that. Thank you very much, Morgan. OK, so with that, this 00:28:08
is a roll call vote. So let's go left to right. So Eric, Sir with you. Hi. 00:28:14
I myself, Nassim I. 00:28:21
Aye. 00:28:24
Aye, aye. 00:28:25
Thank you. 00:28:29
Good job. If if that was in fact A roll call vote, we should probably state. 00:28:31
Either you should state names and then they say I or we state our names. Don't say I. All right, so you did the first 3. So you 00:28:37
probably want to call out Chris. All right, So, Chris. So we got the first 3. So Chris, your vote. All right, Brandon, Sir. Hi. 00:28:43
And then Brian. Aye. All right. Sweet. OK, so that's official. 00:28:50
All right, so that passes. So appreciate your help Anthony on that one. So the next item is 3.22 thousand 25 calendar. So will you 00:28:58
be leaving that discussion too? 00:29:04
Yeah, so. 00:29:16
As as regularly scheduled or as we've had, a whole of 2024 is going to be the same format for the whole of 2025, where we have the 00:29:18
1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month we'll have a DRC and we will be able to also schedule special sessions if. 00:29:27
There's a need to, based on the request of the Commission, I mean the chair or vice chair or the membership. 00:29:39
So we will. 00:29:47
Be sending out the. 00:29:50
The full calendar, which is you know, going to have all the exact dates to the rest of the members and it will be published as 00:29:53
well. 00:29:57
So that's all we have for the. 00:30:02
For the calendar. 00:30:06
Of 2025. 00:30:08
In the 1st and 3rd, just as it was the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and at the same time 9 AM, 9:00 AM. Special sessions 00:30:14
when needed and special sessions when needed. Okay, so is there any comments from that from the members there, Brian? Do you have 00:30:20
a comments Brian then? 00:30:26
I have no comments. Anyone. 00:30:34
All right, so we're all good without us. We'll do a motion to approve the 2025 calendar on this, a motion to approve the 20. 00:30:37
I motion to approve the 2025 calendar. All right, Do I have a second? Second. All right, so roll call vote again. I'll start with 00:30:52
Brian this time around. So Brian. Hi, Brandon. Hi, Chris, Nassim. Aye, Morgan hi and Eric hi. Sweet. So that passes. 00:31:00
And then the last one is going to be my favorites. It's going to be item 3.3, election chair and vice chair for 2025. 00:31:09
So I think again, we've had good set, good go with the 2024, especially with the DRC, haven't taken on a different role. 00:31:17
And. 00:31:28
Excuse me, haven't taken on a different role in line to state standards and of course had a very, I think it's provided a great 00:31:30
opportunity to have that have that communication with applicants as well as the public as well. And definitely enjoyed the enjoyed 00:31:36
this. 00:31:43
So with that. 00:31:50
I'll let Anthony kind of take that, but if you want to, you know, set the stage before we go to building. 00:31:54
It's an election year. 00:32:05
And we're excited about elections. So just as we did have stated in our approved bylaws, which takes effect from now. 00:32:07
We are required to have a new chair and vice chair elected. 00:32:18
By the end of this year to serve for the year 2025. 00:32:24
And at this moment, you have the chance to give your chair a second goal. 00:32:28
And vice chair, second goal, or take them out of office and have another one. 00:32:35
For 2025. So at this moment, I will turn it over to the chair to be able to allow for some nominations and you are as well free to 00:32:43
nominate yourself at this moment if you still feel like you want to continue the good work you've done. We appreciate it. You can. 00:32:53
So at the moment we'll just allow everyone to make a nomination. 00:33:05
And from that point, we would make a vote and the majority would take it. 00:33:10
All right, so I'll start off with the, you know, do I do my do I do on my speech right now to, you know, for my to make to get 00:33:18
everyone to want to, you know. 00:33:22
It's only gonna be take about 1520 minutes. No problem. I prepare some slides for the two so. 00:33:28
Definitely, I appreciate the kind words that you said about, you know, my good work this year, so I do appreciate that. 00:33:35
So all that. So I think with yeah, definitely on 2025 and I know with two consecutive terms that that, that, that sounds very 00:33:42
tempting on that. And you know that I think that's kind of where I think stopped. I think with that being said, we're gonna put up 00:33:49
for nominations on this. I think, and I'm not gonna be bashful to make the first nomination on on this because I do think that 00:33:57
the, you know, a lot of good work has been done and I think that that good work should should continue into 2025. 00:34:04
So I will nominate the Brian Baudry. 00:34:12
As a chair. 00:34:14
And then who is? 00:34:17
And I agree with the nomination. I think Brian is phenomenal, does a good job. I've seen him. He took the parks and rec department 00:34:20
from One man Show. 00:34:24
To you are the show now for the city. 00:34:29
Are we missing someone on the on the DRC today? 00:34:35
Who are missing? We're missing the Planning Commission chair or designee. 00:34:39
OK, maybe we don't make that. I mean nothing to say we're for missing someone. If it was like Pam, it was like Pam. 00:34:44
All right. So Vice Chair, I would nominate Chris Johnson. 00:34:52
I think Chris is phenomenal. I've seen him do so much. He's a great leader and I think he could step in if Brian Brian was out. 00:34:58
Yeah, I look up to business team. I look up to Chris Johnson definitely for that's a good advice. Sure. So that's a good one. And 00:35:06
so Eric, do you have any nominations there that you would like to present? No, I would actually just like to present a second. 00:35:12
On both of those nominations for chair and Vice chair, OK, so we got this first one is just for chair. OK, so the first one is 00:35:19
this chair. So OK, So sorry Chris, we won't speak highly of you until. 00:35:26
A few more minutes. 00:35:33
So I'll speak highly of Chris, I think. I think wearing a hat, consider that a crown. Yeah, you don't have to separate. So we're 00:35:35
going to roll this into one motion. 00:35:39
All right. Thank you. 00:35:44
So I heard Brian Bald. 00:35:46
Doing a second nomination for Vice Chair, is that correct for Chair and chair? 00:35:49
So go ahead, I will do whatever. So I think I heard that as Brian is accepting a nomination for chair. 00:35:56
And supporting the nomination for Vice Chair for Chris. 00:36:04
All right, You're welcome. 00:36:10
Yes. All right, Brandon. 00:36:12
Do you have any? 00:36:15
I support the decision for the chair and Vice chair. All right. And Chris, do you have any? 00:36:17
Yeah, I would. I would nominate Brian for a chair and Morgan for Vice Chair. OK, so we have, I do have a competition for Vice 00:36:23
Chair. 00:36:27
So with that being said, let's take it so since we have a majority for Vice Chair for Chris, so we have. 00:36:32
So we have 5 nominations. 00:36:42
6 nominations for Brian Baldry for Chair, and then five nominations for Chris Johnson for Vice Chair and one nomination for Morgan 00:36:45
for Vice Chair. I think we'll see if someone wants to go ahead and take a motion, make a motion for. 00:36:52
Or is do we want to have speeches? 00:37:01
Chair speeches are allowed. Speeches are allowed. So Brian, do you have a speech that you would like to give or I have no speech? 00:37:05
All right. And Chris Johnson, do you have a speech that you like to give? 00:37:10
Just that it's not just me, it's all good, so. 00:37:16
Yeah, I appreciate that. So I think that that's good. That's good words of wisdom for a potential vice chair. So it is a team 00:37:22
effort out here. So I'll take it. I'll take a motion for chair and vice chair if someone would like to present the motion. 00:37:29
Yeah, motion to appoint Brian Baudry as Chair of the DRC and Chris Johnson as Vice Chair of the DRC 2025 for the calendar year 00:37:37
2025. 00:37:44
So I got first, I got motion for Brian Vaudrey as chair and Chris Johnson is vice chair for the 2025 calendar year. Do I have a 00:37:51
second? I'll second that. All right, I got a second motion by Mr. Eric Ellis. So that being said, let's do roll call. Let's go 00:37:59
roll call. Mr. Eric, Sir Aye and Morgan, Sir aye. And Chris and Brandon and. 00:38:07
Last but not least, Mr. Potential Future 2025 chair Brian. 00:38:16
Unanimous vote for this, so we appreciate everyone's work. 00:38:23
So. 00:38:26
All right. Well, that being said, we've completed our business items. Is there any work sessions? 00:38:28
All right, we don't have any work sessions and we'll just and unless anyone here has staff commissioner committee reports. 00:38:34
I don't believe so. All right. That being said, let's get moved towards adjournment. So I adjourn this meeting as my final action 00:38:42
as Chair of the DRC to the year 2024. 00:38:48
Thank you. 00:38:57
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