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INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS/PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Bryce Brady gave an invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.  2.OPEN SESSION -
Daria Evans made a comment regarding public infrastructure and road congestion in Vineyard and suggested improving infrastructure before moving forward with other projects.
Karen Cornelius made a comment regarding parking and asked how it will be guaranteed that parking is available to those who are already here. She stated it is a quality-of-life issue. She also made a comment regarding community development and the lack of a grocery store and other daily businesses. She also asked a question if the state regulated the proportion of single family residences versus high density housing in communities.
In response to Karen Cornelius’ comment, Community Development Director Morgan Brim stated that the state requires a moderate income housing plan which can include higher densities. He mentioned other requirements that the state has. He also stated that the zoning has already been established. He also stated that Utah County is projected to grow very quickly. He also addressed several ways the City has addressed parking issues. 3.
MINUTES REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL3.1    January 18, 2023MOTION: Anthony Jenkins moved to approved the January 18, 2023 minutes. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gundmundson, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.   4.
BUSINESS ITEMS 4.1    PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Moderate Income Housing
Senior Planner Briam Perez presented six strategies and implementation plans to be adopted as the Moderate Income Housing Plan (MIH) as part of the general plan amendment. He explained the requirements of Housebill 462 and the benefits and consequences of not complying with the State mandate. He gave an overview of all six selected strategies.
Anthony Jenkins asked when more detailed plans will be made and questioned some of the vague wording in the proposed language.  Briam Perez explained that the general plan should be brief and serve as a guiding document. Anthony Jenkins also recommended defining high density.
Craig Bown clarified that the Planning Commission and City Council had previously heard all of the strategies except for Option O.
MOTION: Bryce called for a motion to open the public hearing Tay Gundmundson made motion to open the public hearing.Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gundmundson, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
Daria Evans asked what strategy G was. She stated that strategy H should not be adopted because senior residents need vehicles. She also stated that the City should only adopt the minimum number of required strategies. It was clarified that there was a typo in the packet.
Wendy Purrington made a comment that senior living areas have a need for parking due to visitors, residents, employees, deliveries, and other services.
Daria Evans stated that Vineyard should plan for higher density judiciously and carefully. She also made a comment regarding ADU’s.
Wendy Purrington made a comment about defining assisted living and memory living facilities.
There was a discussion concerning strategy H and reducing or increasing parking requirements. It was clarified that the language was broad in reference to senior living facilities.
Bryce Brady gave a statement about finding a balance between city enforcement and property rights.
Russell Evans gave an analogy about insulation. He stated the building, and developers, will take the short cut. He made a comment that parking requirements should plan for extra parking spaces.
MOTION: Bryce called for a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins made a motion to close the public hearing.Tay Gundmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gundmundson, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
Tay made a comment that the MIH plan has a good framework and addition to the general plan.
Anthony Jenkins explained that this is a recommendation for the City Council and not a binding decision.
Briam Perez stated the amendments to the ordinance to be included in the motion. They were to reinsert strategy O include strategy Q in the implementation plan.
MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to recommend approval of the Moderate Income Housing plan to the City Council with the amendments as stated in the record. Tay Gundmundson seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gundmundson, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.  .  4.2
PUBLIC HEARING – Development Agreement for The Forge Morgan Brim read a public comment that was received from Dale Theodro. They are concerned about the number of proposed residential units and the height of the hotel.
Community Development Director Morgan Brim presented changes to the Forge Development Agreement from the January 18, 2023 Planning Commission meeting.
Bryce Brady asked what the agreement from the RDA and parking structures was.
Antony Jenkins asked what the best way is to preserve view corridors. Morgan Brim answered that restricting height is the easiest requirement. Anthony Jenkins also stated he appreciated seeing the parking study.
Steve Borup and Brian Dilly with Dakota Pacific gave a presentation on the Development Agreement Updates. Steve Borup stated that they are having a view corridor analysis conducted.
Steve Borup discussed the results of a traffic study. Office space generates more trips than residential units. A discussion ensued.
Steve Borup provided a handout which tracked the requested changes to the development agreement. It can be found in Appendix A.
Steve Borup presented on providing affordable housing in the Forge.
He then stated that the site plan can only change ten percent from the master plan.
Steve Borup continued the presentation on more minor updates to the development.
Steve Borup and Dakota Pacific have requested that they are not responsible for overflow parking from the Yard subdivision and not responsible for providing parking in future phases if parking in initial phases was insufficient. Members of the Planning Commission did not agree with the developers request. A discussion ensued.
Steve Borup continued the presentation. There was a discussion about making the pedestrian road uncomfortable to drive on.
Bryce Brady requested several more modifications including adding an overall percentage of required office space, adding clarity to the specifications for the shared street, and for the parking study requirements to be stricter.  Bryce Brady opened up a public comment session.
Daria Evans asked a question about the hotel parking and what kind of improvements the developer will make to the roadways. Steve Borup answered her questions and stated the developer will pay impact fees which will go toward improvements. The hotel will be considered as part of the management plan.
Russel Evans made a comment regarding density. He advised Dakota Pacific to overpark the first phase before a parking study is done so they will not have to play catch up. He asked what a development agreement is. Morgan Brim stated that a develop agreement will bind the developer to standards and the Mayor will sign it.
Morgan Brim presented the modifications that the Planning Commission discussed. It included: a parking study will consider parking on the entire site regardless of infiltration; if a previous phase is shown to be under parked by the parking consultant, the additional spaces shall be incorporated into the next phase of the project; the shared street shall only allow parking for fifteen to thirty minutes, ADA parking, and loading; Mill Road and 650 N shall be added as major roads, at full build-out the project residential square footage shall not exceed sixty six percent of the entire project.
Bryce Brady stated that there are several issues that are out of the developer’s control. He wants to make wise choices that will benefit the City.
MOTION: Anthony made a motion to recommend the City Council agree to the development agreement with the modifications as stated by Morgan Brim. Tay Gundmundson seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gundmundson, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.5.
TRAINING SESSION5.1    Segments of the documentary, “The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces,” by William H Whyte will be viewed and discussed by the Planning Commission.Bryce Brady continued training session. 6.WORKSESSION6.1    There are no work sessions scheduled for this meeting. 7.
Cache Hancey gave an update on Vineyard getting a blue box from the post office.
Morgan Brim stated that the Planning Commission can attend a training and gave updates to minor projects around the City.    8.ADJOURNMENT
Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 8:37 pm.    CERTIFIED CORRECT ON:February 15, 2023   CERTIFIED BY:   /s/Rachel Stevens                           Rachel Stevens, Planning Tech
All right. Welcome, everybody. Today is February 1st, 2023. It is 6:02 PM and this is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. 00:01:20
I didn't ask anybody, so I will give an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. So we'll start with an invocation. 00:01:31
Check. 00:01:38
Dear Heavenly Father, we're thankful that we could be here today and please bless us as we make plans for the city that we will 00:01:39
feel inspired as to what is best and. 00:01:43
Make the right decisions. We're thankful for the city and those that volunteer their time and efforts and those that. 00:01:47
Are helping others in the city. We're thankful for our police and fire and. 00:01:55
All those other people. 00:02:01
And if I were a thankful father, we have and we say these things, the name of Jesus Christ. 00:02:02
Right, everybody rise for the president pledge. 00:02:07
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:02:14
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:02:20
Great. And you want to jump up here with us? 00:02:29
All right, we're moving into an open session right now. If you have any comments, please try to limit it to 3 minutes. State your 00:02:37
name and. 00:02:42
If it's something that's on the agenda, hold off. Open comment is just for things that aren't on the agenda currently. 00:02:47
So. 00:02:55
I. 00:03:00
Hey. 00:03:09
OK. 00:03:17
Thank you, Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. 00:03:18
I just like to make a comment about infrastructure. 00:03:21
We need. 00:03:26
Work on that before we move on to anything else. I'm experiencing a lot of congestion just this morning. 00:03:28
Going over the overpass Center St. to Mill Rd. To get to Center St. you know further. 00:03:35
Was a mess. 00:03:42
On 800 connector. 00:03:44
To Geneva. It's backed up all the way to Mill Rd. 00:03:46
And other times that's been. 00:03:50
Going the other way, coming W instead of going east. So I really think we need to work on improving our. 00:03:52
Infrastructure before we do anything more. Thank you. 00:04:01
Yeah. 00:04:09
Karen Cornelius I'm a resident as well. 00:04:15
I don't think I've ever been to a meeting here where parking wasn't addressed. I intend to continue to address that and really 00:04:18
ask. 00:04:22
Perfect. 00:04:27
How are you guaranteeing those of us who live here today? 00:04:29
That this problem will not continue with the new developments that are on the books. 00:04:34
It's a nightmare. These people that are having trouble are real people who have realized they're not just. 00:04:41
Members out there, these are real people. I have a friend who had to take a hand from job because she lost her job. 00:04:48
She doesn't get home until midnight. 00:04:55
Like front, like condos. She has to drive over to the cinema parking lot, call her son at midnight to come and pick her up to take 00:04:59
her home because there's literally nowhere left to park. 00:05:06
We have to take this seriously because it's a quality of life issue. 00:05:14
And I don't hear that being taken seriously when I hear we talk about 1.7 parking places or 2.1 parking places. This is real. This 00:05:19
is real. 00:05:25
And quality of life is everything people put. 00:05:31
Their life saving. 00:05:35
Into purchasing building living here. 00:05:37
And we need to treat them as real people. 00:05:41
My other question and concern is about community develop. 00:05:44
I I don't know how long this has been a city and incorporated city. 00:05:48
But I certainly don't understand why. 00:05:53
When we have this many people, we do not have local services. 00:05:56
We do not have a grocery store. We don't even have a convenience store. 00:06:01
We do not have a dry cleaner, we do not have a drugstore, and I know we have a compounding pharmacy that is plugged right down in 00:06:05
the middle of an entertainment district, which is not where it belongs. 00:06:11
All this over, there are restaurants. 00:06:18
Top golf and cinema. That's not where we want to. 00:06:22
Drug store and they really don't. 00:06:27
The. 00:06:30
Quick drugstore needs, so I think that that really needs to be addressed. Then my other question is I keep hearing about high 00:06:32
density. 00:06:36
Is there a formula or a percent? 00:06:41
That the state gives each incorporated city. 00:06:45
As to what their high density versus? 00:06:49
They're single family, the one Wings needs to. 00:06:52
Because I. 00:06:55
Are teetering over way, way too far on my density side. 00:06:57
Way too far and I'd like to know. 00:07:03
If there is anything that addresses that at all, I think that's very important. Again is quality of life. 00:07:06
And his quality of life. And every time I drive by the porch and think of 1500. 00:07:13
Units going in there, I just cringe. I'm new. 00:07:21
Not sure I would be here if I had known. 00:07:26
Because when you. 00:07:29
On. 00:07:32
About Vineyards plan, these are not the things I read. 00:07:33
And then when we go. 00:07:37
1/3 residential to 2/3 residential and now 1/3 business. 00:07:39
On that same development, that's a real concern for me. 00:07:45
So thank you. 00:07:49
There any other public comments? 00:07:56
All right. 00:07:59
Did you guys want to address that percentage of how many the state requires for the city or. Sure. Yeah and and just yeah, I'm 00:08:01
we're happy to to to address concerns and things like that. But we do need to be careful because there was an agendized. We can we 00:08:08
can provide basic responses, but we can't do it back and forth. I guess maybe it doesn't meet the open. Yeah, I'm not planning on 00:08:14
doing so. I can provide just some general statements. 00:08:21
As far as the the number of units, the state does require that that cities adopt A moderate income housing plan and we're going to 00:08:29
talk about about that tonight. 00:08:34
It does require that that cities allow for higher densities than what are typically allowed in traditional suburbia. And so there 00:08:39
there's a lot of strategies that that do push cities. So we are seeing from the municipal level that some of those those controls 00:08:47
that have been in their past are are being dissolved from a land use standpoint the the state, I believe it was like a 40,000 unit 00:08:55
shortage of the amount of units that are needed. 00:09:02
In the state and what is able to be delivered, you'll probably hear some of that. We've heard some of that. 00:09:11
In our last meetings as we talked about about density. 00:09:19
So there there are, there are some summer restrictions. I mean with our city right now we're pretty much. 00:09:23
I mean most of the development, I mean we do have like amendments like the floor just going through where they're asking to to to 00:09:29
be able to to change the the, the, the ratios. But for the most part the city is an entitled city in the terms of zoning and 00:09:37
design is is established and we do have those entitlements that they're in place so the city. 00:09:44
From a property rights standpoint, has to honor property rights that are given through through zoning. 00:09:51
There are things, too, with accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwelling units are requirements, so cities have to allow accessory 00:09:59
dwelling units and being right in the middle of an urbanized area or the fastest growing county. 00:10:06
In in. 00:10:14
In the state were projected to be, I think we're kind of jumped back and forth with a couple others, but we're adding over a 00:10:16
million people in the next 30 years in Utah County and we're going to surpass Salt Lake County in population. The in Salt Lake 00:10:23
County is growing. We're just going to go faster and I think that's that's 2050 and that's. 00:10:29
You know that that's reality of being a city in the middle of the urbanized footprint of Utah Valley. 00:10:36
The city has done a lot to try. 00:10:43
And and provide quality of life with amount of parks. There's not many cities that you're going to see that have the level of 00:10:45
amenities and parks that have been master planned into our city. Most neighborhoods have access to multi use trails. The trails 00:10:51
connect to the station, they connect to our parks, they also connect to the lake. 00:10:57
So those are things that have been that have been thought out. 00:11:04
Honestly, what was the other question as far? 00:11:10
That was that was the main one parking in a grocery store and stuff and we we can't I'm sorry from a legal standpoint we we we 00:11:15
can't do it do it back and forth as far as there be the. 00:11:21
Yeah, if you want to talk to Morgan after the meeting, you can you can give you. 00:11:28
Yeah, yeah. And the moderate income housing, we can talk about it. The state doesn't necessarily necessarily say like a percentage 00:11:38
of your zoning that has to that, that has to be. 00:11:43
High density, high density needs to be defined too. So a lot of people just say density and everything is density. One unit per 20 00:11:50
acres is the measurement of density. You know, 500 units per acre that you would have them like in downtown. 00:11:56
Like in Manhattan is is a level of density, so. 00:12:03
Everything has a level of density. It does require that like some of the state requirements for moderate income housing do require 00:12:06
attached housing and and they require cities to look at doing that, especially around where you have transit stations for the 00:12:13
transit stations that that's where you're going to find. 00:12:19
Multi family. 00:12:27
Higher density, you know like your your 14 plus units per acre. 00:12:29
That's going to do a lot better around transit and that that'll actually help the transit and the transit helps. That helps the 00:12:36
land use as well. 00:12:39
And so there's several strategies. The state requires us to have 5 strategies out of their. They have an inventory of strategies 00:12:44
that you can choose from. 00:12:48
And so we're discussing that tonight. We we currently meet the requirements, but we we have to have an implementation plan and for 00:12:54
transportation funding, we actually probably need to adopt another strategy and so Brian will talk about that as well. As far as 00:13:00
parking goes, the parking requirements have been increased there. There have been a lot of Facebook things going around that just 00:13:06
are not accurate. 00:13:12
You know if you look at developments that have been developed, you know after some of the developments on on Mill Rd. Brazilian 00:13:18
code was changed to to require more more parking per unit. 00:13:25
So let lakefront at residential is one that's that's always talked about and that's and I believe when we did our analysis they 00:13:31
had over 600. 00:13:35
Surplus from what the base minimum requirement was in the code. And so part of this too is you were dealing with just say a 00:13:40
university area where there's lots of students, there's lots of young professionals you have. 00:13:46
Silicon Slopes nearby the Orem Provo metro area is a really big employment area and so a lot of our residents work in those areas 00:13:54
and people come from out of state to live here. 00:13:58
And so part of the two is dealing with with landlords. We have investors who buy units and then try to pack in as many people as 00:14:04
they possibly can. The city is working actively with Hoas to identify those units and to do code enforcement and we've been 00:14:10
successful in many cases of doing that. We've also worked with multiple apartments to add more parking. The Alloy Concorde Fine 00:14:17
Edgewater currently is is adding about 100 parking spaces. We're looking at at redeveloping some of our corridors to to add 00:14:23
parking. 00:14:30
That that that can help as well. 00:14:37
So the city is doing quite, quite a bit, but I mean they're we're just in one of the highest growth areas in the country right now 00:14:38
with two universities really close by so. 00:14:43
And that's something to you with the Forbes that were required at the very front end that they have a parking management plan. 00:15:23
And if they don't provide enough parking, there's a parking study, and that parking requirement won't go up in their next phases. 00:15:30
And so it's and that's something that we built into the downtown and those are pretty important because that will actually require 00:15:37
a consultant to come out a parking professional who will study the area and see what kind of demand is on the system from those 00:15:42
units. And if they don't provide enough, then the parking requirements jump And so it's in the best interest of of the developers 00:15:48
to have. 00:15:53
To manage their parking and to have enforcement that that tells you know if if people are are parked without permits. 00:16:00
Anyway, I mean, we understand the problem and we're we're definitely working on it. Thanks, Morgan. All right, if there are no 00:16:08
more public comments, we will move into. 00:16:13
Minutes for review and. 00:16:18
I make a motion to approve the minutes from January 18th, 2023. I have a second second. All in favor, aye? 00:16:22
All right, Moving on to the business item 4.1, General amendment, General Plan Amendment, Moderate income housing. 00:16:31
Yeah, this is. 00:16:38
Whoops, there we go. 00:17:51
OK. Good evening, Planning Commission. Good to be with you guys. I'm Brian Amaya. 00:17:56
I. 00:18:02
I'm a senior planner here with Vineyard City and the Community Development Department. 00:18:03
Morgan gave a great introduction to what what this ordinance is looking to do. 00:18:08
So. 00:18:14
This one is just talking about the moderate Income housing plan that we're trying to push through. 00:18:15
It's a requirement from House Bill 462, which requires municipalities to add or update their minor income housing plans by 00:18:21
October, the first of last year. 00:18:28
So we did meet that requirement to submit what? 00:18:35
Going to be our modern housing plan. We have received communication from them since that ordinance that we submitted that we did 00:18:39
need to make some corrections in terms of implementation, measurements, benchmarks and timelines, which I will get to in a minute. 00:18:47
So this update requires that the incorporation requires the incorporation of pre selected strategies from Utah State code 00:18:57
10-9A-403 with including implementation. 00:19:03
This code outlines 24 potential strategies for cities and towns to choose them that they can select as part of their Modern Income 00:19:12
Housing plan. 00:19:17
They're lettered A through Z basically, and depending on what class of city you are, you either have to. 00:19:22
There's a number of strategies that you have to implement. 00:19:32
And because Vineyard is a city that has a fixed guide World Guideway rail station, so for Honor Station, we're required to 00:19:36
implement 5 strategies. 00:19:42
If we implement 2 more strategies, we basically can add we can qualify for priority consideration of TIFF, TIFF and COVID-19 local 00:19:50
instance matching grant program. 00:19:58
Umm. 00:20:07
And if we do not meet the minimum of implementing at least five of the required strategies from that state code. 00:20:09
We basically don't qualify for for that for that funding. So TIFF is transportation Investment Fund funding that comes from the 00:20:15
state. It's it's for capital improvement projects having to do with roads. 00:20:23
T TIF stands for Transit Transportation Investment Funds, also coming from the state for capital investment projects having to do 00:20:32
with public transit. 00:20:36
And then COVID-19 local assistance matching program is funding. 00:20:41
That comes from the federal government, the American Rescue Plan Act and it's funding for eligible projects. 00:20:48
Or services that address the economic impact of the COVID-19 emergency. 00:20:57
Projects that qualify include investments in water and sewer. 00:21:03
Projects that address housing and security, a lack of affordable housing or homelessness. And there's a bunch of other projects 00:21:10
that could also qualify for that kind of funding. So in a past meeting, people wanted to know what those funds were about, what 00:21:16
were missing out on or qualifying for. So that provides a little bit of an explanation. 00:21:22
To give you a little background on the evolution of this ordinance and where we've been and how we've arrived at this point. 00:21:29
On August the 3rd, 2022, so last year you, the Planning Commission, had a work session. 00:21:38
With the city staff and with the public, where we introduced the 24, what we introduced. 00:21:47
House Bill 462 The requirements. 00:21:55
And we laid out all the strategies that we can choose from. 00:21:57
The in the Planning Commission meeting that followed right after on the 17th of August. 00:22:02
We had another work session where we began to narrow down the strategies that we felt were most appropriate. 00:22:07
For Vineyard. 00:22:14
In the September 7th Planning Commission. 00:22:16
You held a public hearing. 00:22:21
And. 00:22:23
Decided to recommend for approval to the State Council the following strategies. 00:22:25
EFH. 00:22:33
OQ&V. 00:22:36
Later in my presentation, I'll layout. 00:22:39
The strategies that we're currently considering. 00:22:43
So that you can see them and have them before you. 00:22:48
On September the 14th, the City Council held a public hearing where they approved. 00:22:51
Oh, I'm sorry. Let me take a quick step back on that on that September 7th meeting where the Planning Commission held a public 00:22:59
hearing. 00:23:02
We removed. 00:23:07
Strategy I which had to do with single occupancy housing. 00:23:09
And there was a concern of our planning commissioners that that that that may. 00:23:14
Further affect our demographics for a more family friendly environment, especially within the downtown. 00:23:20
And so, umm. 00:23:25
That availability for single occupancy housing throughout the city was removed from the strategies. 00:23:27
And then on September 14th, the City Council did have that public hearing and strategies EFHLNOQ&V, but not I were officially 00:23:35
adopted as by by ordinance. 00:23:42
Um. 00:23:52
So we did meet the deadline. 00:23:52
For that October 1st, 2022 submission where we had to have a modern income housing plan submitted to the state. 00:23:56
Along with. 00:24:04
Implementation. 00:24:07
Tactics. So we have a format within the general plan that outlines. 00:24:08
A pretty much a rough estimate of costs and timelines for when we believe that strategies can get done. 00:24:14
And that's what we submitted to say based on our form. 00:24:22
But they did not fully meet the requirements of the Department of Workforce Workforce Services at the state. 00:24:26
Implementation was not detailed enough according to them, and they required more detailed, actionable items and specific 00:24:35
benchmarks and measures to support the implementation of our of our selected strategies. So this was communicated to me by a 00:24:41
person. Her name is Alyssa Gamble, she's one of the project managers at the Department of Workforce Services, and she relayed this 00:24:48
information to me on November the 18th. 00:24:54
She 20/22 she told me that Vineyard has. 00:25:01
90 days from October. 00:25:06
To amend our modern Income Housing Plan to have specific benchmarks, measures and timelines that the state requires. 00:25:09
And so we we went to work. And we we. 00:25:18
We amended A revised our minor income housing plan with more deep with more details. 00:25:22
Um. 00:25:28
So this is what we're bringing before you today, Ordinance 2023-04, which provides those those requirements for the Department of 00:25:30
Workforce Services. 00:25:36
In addition, this ordinance removes strategy N&O of the, yeah, I'll just pull those up so you can see them. 00:25:43
Excuse me, so strategy, N&O? 00:25:54
Strategy and is it has to do with providing mortgage assistance for employees of the city or for other public servants working 00:25:59
within the municipality? 00:26:04
And our conversations, our internal conversations with staff basically it's not something that, it's not that we do not want to 00:26:09
work on that as a strategy. It's just because of the time constraints that we're currently in to submit by that October 1st 00:26:16
deadline and then the 90 days shortly after. It just requires a little more thought and consideration and analysis of of budgets 00:26:23
and different things like that in order for us to make a really well planned and educated. 00:26:29
Strategy for what that's going to look like. So for lack of better words, it's kind of on the back burner, but we definitely 00:26:38
intend to to look further into that. 00:26:42
In the future. 00:26:47
And then? 00:26:48
Uh. 00:26:51
So that's strategy N strategy O. Sorry, I just I never showed you which one that is here on the board. 00:26:52
And increase the size of this a little bit. 00:27:01
Oh, here we go. Yeah, let's do that. Thank you very much. 00:27:18
So it says, implement a mortgage assistance program for employees of the municipality. 00:27:22
Employer that provides. 00:27:27
Contracted services services to the municipality or any other public employer that operates within the municipality. 00:27:29
And then strategy 6, which is also it's strategy 6 in our general plan, but. 00:27:36
Oh, within state code 10-98-403. 00:27:43
And and just to give you a quick rundown of that, it basically is a strategy for us to partner with different entities. 00:27:49
Local, regional or federal that promote the construction of moderate income housing and they also partner with other 00:27:56
organizations. 00:28:00
That one too, we. 00:28:05
We have to research who those organizations are. We don't know who's out there and so we need a little bit more time. 00:28:08
But our recommendation tonight, because we do want to qualify for that additional consideration for funding for the TIF funding 00:28:14
and the TIF funding and all that is to put this one, sorry, put this one back into our modern income housing plan. So this will 00:28:20
this would show up as green again. 00:28:27
In our OR I guess would be a condition of approval. 00:28:33
Correction in your motion. 00:28:37
And then? 00:28:40
Just having the strategy would suffice the requirements of the Department Workforce Services, because we've already detailed 00:28:41
measures and benchmarks for the other five that are outrightly required. 00:28:48
And so I think that by making that motion that'll get us to where we need to be to get that additional consideration. That's why I 00:28:54
can just add that's a pretty good one. So as you know, the downtown received the HTRZ debt designation, that's the housing, 00:29:00
transit and redevelopment. 00:29:06
That that designation and so they're required to have. 00:29:13
11.2%. 00:29:18
Of I think 10% was the state requirement and they said well we actually think we can get just a little bit more So they're they 00:29:20
propose 11.2, so that's what the state basically approved that was 11.2 and so they have to have the 80% AMI a number of those and 00:29:27
so. 00:29:34
Anyway, because of the requirement to have that anyway, that this might be an opportunity to partner with with an entity to to 00:29:42
maybe get the AMI even down further. 00:29:47
So that that that actually would be a good one because we're kind of doing it anyway with with the downtown, we got the 00:29:53
designation. So there has to be affordable housing and this could be you know kind of a win win if we could we could get a lower 00:29:58
AMI right next to the train station. 00:30:03
Cool. 00:30:10
Yeah. I guess I lost the Commission. Have you guys had the chance to review the amendments to the strategies that have already 00:30:11
been approved or is that something that you guys would like to run through right now? 00:30:17
And we can kind of see the changes if you could run through it just for the benefit of the of course, Yeah. So in goal two of our 00:30:24
code of the moderate. 00:30:29
Income Housing Plan within our our general plan. 00:30:37
The goal is here, as I said, encourage and promote affordable housing developments by incentivizing developers to build this type 00:30:40
of housing. 00:30:44
And so we added strategy three, reduce wave or eliminate impact fees related to moderate income housing. 00:30:49
And then the specifics of that, the implementation plan that the state was looking for is the city will establish a program to 00:30:55
reduce wave or eliminate impact fees. 00:31:01
Related to moderate income housing. 00:31:06
Draft plan will be presented to the City Council by the end of 2020. 00:31:09
And then the city will Commission a study which will include The analyze will include analyzing reductions of impact fees for 00:31:13
moderate income housing units by the end of 2020. 00:31:18
This was also a strategy that was incorporated develop and adopt A station area plan in accordance with Section 10-98-403, point 00:31:26
One of Utah State Code. 00:31:31
The city will choose a consultant by the end of the first quarter 2023. 00:31:37
So we're. 00:31:43
Around like March, March or April. So and just a kind of for the stationary plan mag is the one facilitating that process. We had 00:31:45
four consultants submit. We have the the committee working on that has ranked each of those consultants and we're hoping by next 00:31:52
month or you know by the end of this month even to to be able to go into to interviews and potentially have someone under under 00:31:58
contract to to start that work. 00:32:05
Thanks, Morgan. 00:32:12
So continuing the planning process for this project will initiate at the end of the second quarter of 2023, so around July or 00:32:15
August. The city will develop and adopt A station area plan by the end of 2024. 00:32:22
OK, let's see. So this next goal has to do with providing the framework for the successful integration of a mix of housing types 00:32:31
in the communities, various neighborhoods. So this comes from the general plan. 00:32:37
Strategy. 00:32:45
So this is one of the new strategies that we proposed back in that public hearing with City Council, so that the zone or rezone 00:32:47
for a higher density of or moderate income residential development in commercial or mixed-use zones. 00:32:55
Near major transit investment corridors, commercial centers or employment centers. So we're already doing a lot of that with the 00:33:03
downtown. 00:33:07
The study will work with UVU to ensure the establishment of a residential mixed-use zone to accommodate on campus living with 00:33:11
ground level commercial uses within the Vineyard South Campus by the end of 2026. 00:33:18
Starting in 2023, the city will meet biannually with the UVU Associate vice president of Facilities Planning to coordinate 00:33:24
planning efforts between the university and Vineyard City. 00:33:30
I just want to add a little note that that is already within you use master plan. That's something that they wish to accomplish. 00:33:38
They want to provide much student housing in their southern campus. 00:33:43
And we just want to be able to partner with them and make sure that that's carried out appropriately. 00:33:49
The Forge Special Purpose Zoning District, which we'll be discussing further tonight, will be rezoned to allow for higher 00:33:55
residential density. Currently, this district allows 1/3 of the square footage to be dedicated to residential use. By the end of 00:34:02
2025, the city will increase the residential square footage allowance to 1/2. 00:34:08
Strategy 5. Create or allow for and reduce regulations related to internal or detached. 00:34:17
Accessory Dwelling Units in residential zones. The city will amend the zoning code to allow for mobile housing units intended for 00:34:24
long term placement to be utilized as accessory drilling units such as tiny homes, modular homes and prefabricated homes by the 00:34:30
end of 2025. 00:34:36
These housing types must adhere to a permanent foundation. 00:34:42
Strategy 6. Amend land use regulations to eliminate or reduce parking requirements for residential development where a resident is 00:34:46
less likely to rely on the residents owned vehicles as owner vehicle. I think I missed that own vehicle. 00:34:53
Such as residential development near major transit investment corridors or senior living facilities. The city will Commission a 00:35:01
citywide parking study to analyze parking. 00:35:06
And provide recommendations for parking reductions to the City Council by the end of 2026. Carrying out the study will require 00:35:11
approval funding. 00:35:16
The Venue Redevelopment Agency, the RDA will provide funding for the construction of a parking structure to serve the multi family 00:35:21
units of the Vineyard Downtown District by the end of 2028. 00:35:26
And then study seven I was supposed to add. 00:35:32
Implementation and I I didn't somehow it didn't get into the ordinance, but I did want to show you the corrected version of that. 00:35:38
I'm gonna jump right to it on the next page. 00:35:44
So it does create a housing and transit reinvestment. 00:35:49
Pursuant to Title 63 N Chapter 3, Part 6, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act. 00:35:52
The. 00:35:59
Was the city was successful in receiving the HTRZ designation? 00:36:01
From the State of Vita moving forward, the City will set up an HDRZ board to oversee, manage and analyze the project to ensure 00:36:07
that 11% of the units are deed restricted to provide moderate income housing. This board shall be established by the end of 2023. 00:36:15
And then the only thing missing out of this ordinance is the strategy. Oh, that we're recommending to. 00:36:24
Reinsert back into the into the. 00:36:31
So those are the changes. 00:36:35
Morgan. 00:36:39
Happy to try to ask questions. 00:36:40
Did you guys have any questions? 00:36:43
Couple questions. Some of these are pretty high level and vague, so can you just clarify again? 00:36:47
Like when, when further details would be. 00:36:55
Adopted on these with with execution plans on which ones this is. 00:36:59
When it says things like rezone to allow for higher residential density, is that just higher than? 00:37:08
One unit higher equals higher density. I'd like just some clarity there or? 00:37:14
I would say like what what were you doing tonight is? I mean would really be, yeah, I'm just wondering if there was any specifics 00:37:20
in there where if we took action. 00:37:26
Someone would look at it and say no, that doesn't. 00:37:32
What you said you would do because there's some words in there that are. 00:37:35
Like there's not a lot of teeth to it, right? 00:37:40
Similar what you know, so I just want to make sure that if these are our strategies that we actually know. 00:37:44
If you guys feel comfortable. 00:37:51
Recommending a timeline or some sort of metric. 00:37:54
You're welcome to, You know, I mean, obviously that's probably not the answer you're looking for. 00:37:59
But. 00:38:04
Yeah, we we're open to ideas. It doesn't give you a lot. It doesn't say like you need to go like it needs to be by you know 40% 00:38:07
increase or anything like that it. 00:38:13
I mean it's kind of general in that sense, but then you submit a report, they analyze report and then they tell you. 00:38:19
Or if you if you met the requirement. 00:38:28
What what it was when we were talking about the accessory dwelling units and like a separate. 00:38:31
Obviously that wouldn't be applicable for every parcel, probably some of the larger parcels and so just defining that as well I 00:38:37
think is would be part of that and I don't know if this is the place to do that or if when it says city will amend the zoning code 00:38:43
that that's good enough. 00:38:48
Yeah, exactly. Because this is part of the general plan and so this. 00:38:54
It serves as a guiding point to where then we can add additional details and further ordinances in the municipal code and the 00:38:58
zoning code. 00:39:02
So those details can be talked about with you guys and with the public later on. Yeah, one way to look at this is you have to have 00:39:06
something in there that meets the, the requirements. So we went back and forth, back and forth with the state, would this, this, 00:39:12
this meet it now? Would this meet it now this okay, this meets it. 00:39:18
And so essentially what would happen is you would take those under under consideration. So some of these might not get get 00:39:24
adopted, but you do have to have an implementation plan that shows the city well considered some of these things like the one 00:39:32
tonight, the 4th, you know if that's if that gets passed by the City Council then that would be one that you could check off. So 00:39:39
what we did is we put kind of what, what, what a minimum allowances. So we said half. 00:39:47
The square footage, so that would increase it. If you do more than that then that's that, then that's even better for the state 00:39:54
that's that's a better influence. I mean that answers my question about where the where the details and nuances should live. The 00:40:00
other thing that I think has come up multiple times that. 00:40:05
Just to answer further answer, OK, I want to read something here that yeah go ahead. And so in my in a letter that we received 00:40:10
from Alyssa Campbell. 00:40:15
That project manager with the Department of Workforce Services, she did. 00:40:20
I feel like what you're saying is almost referring to like new actions moving forward, like when are we going to do this or that 00:40:26
if we've already commenced that project? 00:40:31
The strategy, the way that we word it can can address. 00:40:38
I'll just read it says that the strategy has been implemented, is complete, or is ongoing. 00:40:43
Measures and a specific timeline for program monitoring, review or continued implementation must be included. So. 00:40:48
We can then kind of focus our shift or shift shift our focus to monitoring and reviewing and then providing. 00:40:56
That feedback as as time goes on to the Department of Work for Services, so we don't necessarily need to say. 00:41:05
You know we need to create new projects, higher density and you know all that. We can just continue monitor what we already have. 00:41:11
That makes sense. I don't know. 00:41:18
Helps answer your question a little bit. 00:41:20
The other one was just a comment. 00:41:22
It comes up pretty frequently. Like the term high density I think it would. 00:41:24
That means something different to everybody, but I think it would be in our best interest to define, at least from what the city's 00:41:30
standpoint is like. What does the city? 00:41:34
Say is high density so that we're using the right terms. 00:41:38
Because every single development is coming to the city. Someone has complained about it being high density, even if it's third 00:41:41
acre lots. You know, if you were the farmer here originally, that's outside density to you, right? So every, every development 00:41:46
that comes in that term gets used. 00:41:50
It's kind of meaningless if we don't have a like a working definition of for exactly. So that's just more of a comment and that's 00:41:56
one too with our. So we are looking at hiring some planning services contract. So I'd be a consultant that could help us. So there 00:42:02
we have, I think we look at our products, we have 40 projects right now that the department's working on SO4 four people. 00:42:09
So somewhere we're just like giant projects over like, we have to be realistic, I mean. 00:42:17
And so the planning service contract is going to help us take on some of these. And the Planning Commission part of this too is 00:42:24
the General Planning Commission requested that we relook at the land use map and make sure that the land use map is accurate, that 00:42:29
we define the land use categories. 00:42:35
So something like that we want to do it. 00:42:40
In a in a very well organized way and how to have some good basis for for decision making. And so we're going to have a consultant 00:42:43
help us analyze that now. So that'll be one of the projects that the planning services contract will will cover. 00:42:50
So yeah, we plan to start on that this this next year. I also wanted to state to the Commission. 00:42:57
So Alyssa, she gave me kind of a timeline for how. 00:43:04
Doing in order to be able to meet a requirement, so the. 00:43:10
2022 deadline already. 00:43:14
Then you'd have 90 days has 90 days in order to get this on income, income, moderate Income Housing plan approved. That deadline 00:43:16
is February the 16th. 00:43:21
So if we wanted to meet that deadline, we'd basically have to make it a recommendation for approval tonight and the City Council 00:43:26
would have to then approve. 00:43:31
On the 8th next week, but that being said. 00:43:36
She she is willing to work with within your city, I'll be in communication with her if there. 00:43:42
Something that you guys do not like about this ordinance or any additional time? 00:43:49
She then has an additional 90 days from February the 16th. 00:43:54
Keep moving forward, but with the requirement that we have to be like in communication with her on how things are doing. 00:44:00
Because that that one is definitely a hard, a hard deadline for her, and she recommended that we definitely don't. 00:44:09
Umm. 00:44:15
Almost even. Like, consider, you know, but she's like. 00:44:16
Try to stay on the deadlines that are already outlined so we do have a little bit of time if we need further. 00:44:19
Conversations with. 00:44:26
It's not that we are. 00:44:28
On a tight schedule. 00:44:29
I I don't know. I feel satisfied. 00:44:32
With the work that I've seen in the additions. 00:44:34
We're up here. Can I ask one question for you? The emotion? Oh yeah. 00:44:38
So everything like you talked about has been approved, which is great. Thank you for clarifying timelines. So the only one they 00:44:45
haven't seen is Oh right. 00:44:49
Because we took it out. Now we're gonna put it back in. So yeah, but still, I just want. 00:44:54
Not that it matters for anything, but I actually think it is very wise to keep it in there because it opens us up that additional 00:45:00
funding. 00:45:04
Because of the point of the public comment, like we can't do some of these projects on infrastructure unless we qualify, I mean 00:45:09
that just only helps, right, with additional funding sources, so absolutely. 00:45:14
The housing thing, I I remember like four years ago, like the state passed some stuff like you got to start getting a plan 00:45:19
together and there was no, yeah, there there was no, like, enforcement or anything like that. And the next year got a little 00:45:24
tighter. And then finally they're like, OK, no one's doing it. Now you have to do it or you're not getting funding. We're like, 00:45:28
OK. 00:45:33
So yeah, all cities. So we looked at a lot of different cities. All, all cities are going through this the same process, so. 00:45:39
Cool. Any other questions before we open it up for a public hearing? 00:45:49
Do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? I move to open it up to a public hearing. Do I have a second? 00:45:55
Second, all in favor? Aye, All right, public hearing. If you'd like to make a comment, come up to the board and you probably just 00:46:01
sit at the table if you want. 00:46:07
And we're just talking about the general plan amendment for the moderate income housing right now. So if you have a comment for 00:46:14
this. 00:46:17
I. 00:46:25
Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. 00:46:31
OK, I've been reading this ordinance that we're talking about adopting tonight. 00:46:35
And where? 00:46:41
Therefore, it must adopt a minimum of five strategies to include strategy B and either strategy GH or Q. 00:46:44
I could not find strategy. 00:46:52
On. 00:46:55
And I would like to know what that is before we decide whether to adopt it. 00:46:57
I don't think we need to adopt strategy. 00:47:02
Because seniors still need. 00:47:06
I don't think you should put seniors without a vehicle. 00:47:09
They need them. We need them. I need them. 00:47:14
We need vehicles and we need parking for vehicles. 00:47:17
If a medical supply. 00:47:21
Needs to come to deliver oxygen. That vehicle needs to park right where that resident lives. 00:47:23
Meals on Wheels, Same thing. 00:47:30
Ambulance services, fire. 00:47:32
We don't need to implement strategy. 00:47:37
OK. 00:47:41
We have strategy. 00:47:43
We have two already with that. 00:47:46
Let me find. 00:47:55
Yes, we already have that it that. 00:47:57
He mentioned that it was successful. 00:48:00
Getting that designation, so that's already there. 00:48:03
So we don't need to implement anything more. 00:48:06
They. 00:48:11
But I just like you or whatever it is. Yes, it looks like F is is actually G and so. So if if you pass a motion then it would be 00:48:15
to change the typo so F is G. 00:48:21
OK. What is it? OK. 00:48:29
Rezoning for higher density or moderate income residential development. 00:48:32
OK. That's the one with EU. 00:48:38
Yep. 00:48:43
OK. So that so that whole ordinance will have to be that part needs to be rewritten then? 00:48:44
To make it accurate. 00:48:50
OK. But I really don't think we need to include strategy. 00:48:53
Sure, you shoot yourselves. 00:49:02
Senior residents for good residents. 00:49:07
Thank you. 00:49:11
I might have more. 00:49:14
Taking tariffs down with me. Like you know, my name is Wendy Point and I am a vineyard resident. I just want to comment on 00:49:23
something she just said about H personal experience. 00:49:29
My mother was in a really nice assisted living for years. 00:49:36
It was it was wonderful and I had parking. 00:49:40
Most of the parking was taken up by #1 employee staff. You'd be amazed how many. 00:49:43
How much staff they have and they all drive their own cars, OK, when they come and they go. And then also you have deliveries as 00:49:50
you mentioned, but seniors have vehicles. I mean, some of them shouldn't be driving and hopefully that keys get taken away 00:49:56
eventually, but a lot of them drive. I mean they do drive and my mom drove safely until she was in her 80s and she handed us her 00:50:01
car keys, but. 00:50:07
The other thing is, remember they get a lot of visitors and as somebody who visited my mom frequently, especially at the end, it 00:50:14
was important that either my sister and I go see her every day. 00:50:20
And there would be times we could not find a parking spot, and there wasn't even an adjacent spot anywhere close. So. 00:50:27
You know, it was, it was frustrating. I mean, you literally have to drive around, drive around, hope that you could find something 00:50:35
out front temporarily and then move your car for a little bit longer and you've got to remember. 00:50:40
There's a lot of. 00:50:47
Residents have. 00:50:49
People have deliver. 00:50:51
And then there are visitors. And that's one thing that senior citizens need more than anything with, especially when they get 00:50:53
older or visitors and visitors come in cars. 00:50:58
Thank you. 00:51:04
Sorry again. I just want to mention one more thing. We have a population density 3300. 00:51:09
People per square. 00:51:15
And we need to. 00:51:18
Recognize that and that we need. 00:51:20
Plan. 00:51:24
Eventually higher density, but plan judiciously and. 00:51:26
That we don't have the problems that we're already experiencing. 00:51:35
You know, when is UDOT going to widen that road that you've talked about restriping? 00:51:40
That's a Band-Aid measure. 00:51:45
And the problems that we're having with Center St. Overpass and. 00:51:48
And you know, we don't have very many exit strategies. It's either Geneva Road or Center St. 00:51:53
Because for South isn't through yet. Because Holdaway Fields isn't being developed yet. 00:52:00
And so we're. 00:52:06
In a. 00:52:09
And then also I had one more question. Well, a comment about Adus. 00:52:11
Now, recently we've said that ad use can come into. 00:52:16
Existing homes. 00:52:20
And. 00:52:22
In new construction, is that correct? Am I correct in saying that if they meet certain requirements and so now we want to put more 00:52:24
ADUS in with these? 00:52:28
And do they not require private driveways and parking spaces for these ad use that would be coming in and if you have little tiny 00:52:33
homes? 00:52:38
They will need driveways and parking spaces too, correct? So that means more land area, lesser density. 00:52:42
OK. OK. Thank you. Thank you. And to kind of address the ADUS, we still have requirements. This is just making it so say a person 00:52:51
wanted an Adu and they didn't want to rent out their basement then they could have. 00:52:59
Small, detached, something in their backyard. It's just giving people options, but they still need to meet requirements for our 00:53:07
city. 00:53:11
That's lot size and they have to have a certain amount of parking spaces and currently with our city they need to also have a 00:53:16
business license if I'm right. 00:53:20
Clarify something too senior living facilities. 00:53:25
That that's an actual like defined term I think by the state and it's it doesn't mean age restricted like 55 plus community, it 00:53:28
means that I could. 00:53:32
Like like a facility where you know you yeah memory care that that kind of stuff typically were seniors that are living there 00:53:37
don't don't have a car and so that's that So that's what it it's referring to that's the state definition that's plugged in 00:53:44
doesn't mean that we we have to we have to actually do that because. 00:53:52
Because it it provides an an or but we have to have that the full state strategy so that that doesn't mean like so if it age, so 00:53:59
like in. 00:54:02
The the whole way. 00:54:07
Fields, they changed names, sorry all the way. Fields development, they have an age restricted development that's coming in that's 00:54:09
not a senior living facility there that that's actually like a defined term. 00:54:14
So just just to clarify, so like Leisure Village wouldn't wouldn't fall under a senior living facility? 00:54:21
Living I think needs to be defined because yes. 00:54:29
Usually the memory care facilities are attached to things called independence and I apologize just because. 00:54:34
If you want to give your public comment then we can catch you. 00:54:42
I apologize. I just want to, there's some clarification. I live in a 55 plus unit, yeah. And most of us are mobile and you know 00:54:45
whatever. 00:54:49
But the one I was talking about, like my mother, it was A and most of them are like that. They're assisted living, independent 00:54:54
living and memory all in the same unit. And you do have people that are independent. 00:55:00
That drive quite a few. 00:55:07
I just want to say that the requirement from the state unfortunately is to adopt these word for word so, but we can further define 00:55:11
it in our own definition section. 00:55:17
If we don't put something in there it says like we will reduce parking requirements for facilities when we it's not something you 00:55:24
have to you have to do. But that's why we're going to analyze it city wide on on H here is even though the strategy itself seems. 00:55:32
Somewhat extreme that the strategies that we're proposing. 00:55:41
Commissioned a study to see if it's even feasible to reduce parking, and if it's not, then you don't do it. But you commissioned 00:55:46
the study and then the other one is actually funding more parking. 00:55:51
To serve those multi family units to ensure that there's not an issue. So yeah, I I see how strategy 8 sounds like pretty. 00:55:58
Aggressive. But the the strategies that the city is proposing starts out with, Is this even it's a feasibility study basically 00:56:05
right? Am I am I correct in that frame? 00:56:10
Pardon me if I have a loan trust though. 00:56:16
Yeah, and also something. 00:56:20
When the city requires parking for space, requires minimum parking and stuff like that. 00:56:24
It's kind of interesting because. 00:56:31
If we didn't require parking, let's say, and they decided to build no parking stalls, would you? 00:56:33
And you had a car. 00:56:39
Want to be in that senior living facility? Like, no, you just wouldn't. You wouldn't go there, you wouldn't be in the senior 00:56:42
living facility or it's kind of the same with. 00:56:47
Apartments and stuff too. Or businesses where if we require a minimum. 00:56:51
And. 00:56:56
Say Topgolf had 10 parking cells there. Would people want to go to the top Golf if they had nowhere to park? 00:56:58
And with the house, should we require anybody to build the house? Just a single family home? Should we require them to have three 00:57:05
parking spots or 4 parking stalls? Because they have they might eventually someday sell the house to somebody that has four cars. 00:57:11
Should we require them each house to have a certain amount of parking? Sell suits? 00:57:17
It's kind of trying to find that line of. 00:57:24
Where do we try to give people freedom? And that freedom, kind of. 00:57:27
To developers too, that. 00:57:33
As far as parking, if you're going to rent a house and it has no parking stall, but you have a car. 00:57:36
Like you have to consider like should I live in this place and get rid of my car instead of purchasing the place and being like 00:57:42
well the city should have required them to give me a parking spot. 00:57:47
And. 00:57:53
If you're buying a house, you would always consider that You would think I'm buying this house. It has a garage with two spots. I 00:57:55
can park my two cars, but if it only has one spot, you just wouldn't buy the house because it's like I need to. 00:58:01
So it's kind of hard to. 00:58:08
To make specific requirements like that on certain facilities, businesses, if they don't have enough parking, they should lose 00:58:11
business. 00:58:14
And high density or multifamily units? If they don't have enough parking, they should have a hard time selling homes. 00:58:20
And really, it needs to come. We need to figure out a better way as a city. 00:58:29
To make sure the develop. 00:58:33
And people are knowing what they're buying before they're buying it because a lot of times people purchase homes or rent. 00:58:36
Units thinking like, oh, I'll be fine, I'll park on the street and then for some reason the city needs to take away street parking 00:58:43
to widen the road or something. And then they're like, oh, they're taking my parking spot away from me. 00:58:49
Even though that technically was never their parking spot, and so it's hard for the city to. 00:58:54
That's why having. 00:58:59
When a. 00:59:02
Has good parking plans and implements it well. It's easy to not complain about parking because you don't have an option. 00:59:04
You have two spots and there are no other. 00:59:11
Whereas if it's lean and it's lacks and it's like, let's just add as many as we can or let's allow the city to let people park 00:59:16
wherever, that's when you start to run into issues because. 00:59:21
Things change. Parking goes away, more people have cars and so. 00:59:28
Finding something is is difficult. 00:59:34
And. 00:59:38
It's it's a requirement. Even if the city lowers the requirement and says you only have to do 1 stall, a good business or a good 00:59:40
developer will know, you know, my customers need this. So I'm going to put in this even though the minimum's one, I'm going to put 00:59:45
in four because I want people to come here that have vehicles or I want people to know that they'll have a parking spot guaranteed 00:59:51
and so. 00:59:57
Minimums. 01:00:04
I think they are. 01:00:07
But I think more important is the way that it's handled when something is built and when people are. 01:00:09
Buying units. They should know what? 01:00:15
Are there any other public comments for the moderate income housing? 01:00:21
Russell Adams, resident and yeah, I'm getting an analogy. 01:00:34
Our house requires, I believe it's R49 installation in the attic. Guess what we got? 01:00:40
We've got. 01:00:46
Hmm. 01:00:48
And I prefer that with the builder, and that's because there's some regulation that they can run around the R49 by considering the 01:00:48
windows, the walls and even the cement floor. 01:00:54
Heat rises. 01:01:00
What what does the cement floor to do to to help the insulated. Meanwhile we've got high high gas bill. 01:01:01
And they've got two things that are in the villas and in the new phase they're putting in the R49 up top, they're not doing the R 01:01:09
48. 01:01:13
But I guess my my my my program in that analogy is that let. 01:01:18
What we need, I said last time in City Council meeting. Excess is probably going to be adequate. 01:01:25
And I believe that because the. 01:01:30
Because of the high density units here have a history of not having enough. 01:01:33
Lakefront preserves. I've seen people come to the village clubhouse, park there multiple times and walk across the street to the 01:01:39
preserves. 01:01:43
And I'm just the witness of that walks. They've been parking on the 8th NI hear they're parking at the front runner station 01:01:47
parking too. Went there last Sunday and they had lot was half full. 01:01:54
In the front runner doesn't run on Sunday. I know some are using the airport, I understand that, but I guess my my comment is to 01:02:00
do it right and build an extra just like engineers. 01:02:07
With safety requirements, they go in extra to make sure that it doesn't fail. 01:02:14
If we build in the next trail, it'll be adequate and I guess. 01:02:20
That's my comment. Thank you. 01:02:25
Any other public comments? 01:02:31
All right. Do you have a motion to close the public? 01:02:34
Close the public hearing. Do I have a second, second, all in favor, aye? 01:02:39
All right. Any comments? 01:02:44
I'll just reiterate. 01:02:49
Let. 01:02:51
It's a good framework to add to our general plan. 01:02:53
I don't know. I like what you got it. I like the fleshing out of each strategy. 01:02:57
I. 01:03:05
I think it creates a nice structure for us to work off of as we move forward. 01:03:06
And hopefully it satisfies. 01:03:12
Because we would really like that funding. 01:03:14
That's a science. Thanks. So I just wanted to clarify then so. 01:03:18
Strategy F is. 01:03:24
G. 01:03:26
Can you verify that, Brian? 01:03:29
And then, as was pointed out, some of these strategies. 01:03:34
Are being included, but have already been. 01:03:38
Worked on or are being addressed. So basically we're saying. 01:03:41
We're going to do this and actually we have done this. 01:03:45
Which is why they're, we're including those is because they're already part of our regular business. 01:03:49
Yeah, that was just my clarity is if we move forward with this. 01:03:56
Anthony, we have. I have him on the board. 01:04:01
So F OK F is F is G. 01:04:05
No. So she she was in her ordinance. The ordinance is mislabeled. That's one of the things that was to be considered was strategy 01:04:11
G, So I wanted to make sure. 01:04:16
OK, And we didn't put it in here, but she was curious what we were leaving off because she was not detailed. Am I capturing that 01:04:21
accurately? That's right. That's right. 01:04:27
Do we want to look? Yeah, if you pull that back up. 01:04:32
So amend. 01:04:39
G is a manned land use regulations to allow for higher density or new moderate income residential development in commercial or 01:04:40
mixed-use zones near major transit investment corridors. Now jump back to the ordinance and just make sure that's the same one. 01:04:47
Yeah, geez, not not in the new strategies at all. So I'm no. And the reason why it's not is because this. 01:05:01
Strategy Strategy four in the general. 01:05:09
Already talked about high density. 01:05:13
So why not? Yeah, G is not, G is not yeah. 01:05:16
OK. 01:05:21
Yeah, sorry. I remember our thinking for that, so. 01:05:22
And then also, I think it's always helpful in public hearings that everyone understands what action is actually being taken. 01:05:28
The Planning Commission, and this would be true for the next agenda item. These are simply recommendations to the City Council, 01:05:35
who would be making the final decision on to agree with disagree scrap recommendations. They're not binding. 01:05:43
All right. Any other comments? 01:05:54
If not, do I have a? 01:05:56
I'll make a motion to. 01:06:00
I guess recommend these. 01:06:03
Strategies to the City Council for General Plan amendment. 01:06:05
Jimmy Morgan, I'm sorry, do we need to state. 01:06:11
The ones. 01:06:16
Adding back in Strategy O and then cleaning up Strategy 7 at the bottom that I showed, yeah Strategy 7. Brian, if you want to 01:06:18
state that what what the amendments are then they can say as the amendments are to reinsert Strategy O from state code Utah State 01:06:26
code 10-98-403, the one that talks about partnering with different entities. 01:06:34
That support the construction of modern income housing. 01:06:43
And then the addition of the implementation plan that I left out on accident for strategy 7. 01:06:47
Which is here in my corrected. 01:06:55
Of the ordinance. That's not correct. 01:06:59
Must have. 01:07:03
Uh. 01:07:06
OK but it it outlines I'll, I'll show you the. 01:07:07
Implementation. 01:07:13
Oh, it won't be on here. 01:07:16
Or maybe it is. I'm sorry. 01:07:19
It is. It's this one Strategy Q which is also Strategy 7, the city. Well, here it is. 01:07:21
I'll read it just so that the city was successful in receiving HRZ designation from the State of Utah. Moving forward, the city 01:07:33
will set up an HTRZ board to oversee, manage and analyze the project to ensure that 11% of the units are deed restricted to 01:07:39
provide modern income housing. This board shall be established by the end of 2023. 01:07:44
That's what we're adding back into Strategy 7. 01:07:50
OK, just make your motion say as stated. OK, I make a motion to recommend. 01:07:56
General Plan amendments for moderate income housing as stated by city staff to the. 01:08:02
City Council. 01:08:08
Do I have a second? 01:08:10
I'll second for approval. All right. And this is a roll call, Craig Anthony. 01:08:12
I Bryce, I take Braden. All right, and that passes. Moving on to 4.2 public hearing for the development agreement for the. 01:08:18
OK. I'm gonna come up in just one second and then we'll turn the time over to Steve. 01:08:31
I wanted to read in the record. We did receive a public comment. The public hearing has been closed. 01:08:39
Want to make sure that the comment. 01:08:49
Is only shred at the. 01:08:52
This is from Dale Deidre, so hopefully I got that right because I cannot be there for the meeting tomorrow night for the Forge. So 01:08:55
I'm letting you know that I'm very concerned about two issues. One, the number of residential units proposed. 01:09:03
And the associated traffic and 2nd the height of the. 01:09:10
Of up to 10 feet. 01:09:14
I think that there's a 10 feet in the car, but I we believe it's meant. 01:09:17
There you go. 01:09:25
Thanks. 01:09:26
Play. 01:09:47
Otherwise not going. 01:10:33
And they flip screens. 01:10:36
I hit in a dozen double screens. All right, well, I hope you can guys sit there. I can do other than we'll zoom. 01:10:39
All right. So Planning Commission, you've you've had work sessions on this. We have the public hearing. Public hearing was 01:10:46
officially closed, City Council last minute. 01:10:51
How the public hearing and and analyze the project with the applicant. What I wanted to do is run through some of these amendments 01:10:56
that have been submitted to address kind of the comments that came from the Planning Commission and also from the City Council. 01:11:03
And so this will kind of help kind of run through some and all these items were were were kind of discussed at the both meetings. 01:11:11
So the the first one area, so these are the changes that have been redlined throughout the agreement. Air meeting income is 01:11:20
defined, that's the Provo. 01:11:23
Or AMITA Metropolitan Statistical Area I. Median income as determined annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 01:11:27
It's clarified that only structured parking may be reimbursable with. Rea will not reimburse surface parking. Site plans are 01:11:35
clarified as a development application. 01:11:41
Definition of unit is clarified to only mean residential units. Open space implementation is clarified for those projects 01:11:47
surrounding the media project area allowing for bonding of 110% of project cost. So for instance if a project is developed in like 01:11:54
Block A, then the landscaping and amenities surrounding that that project would need to be implemented with that project. But for 01:12:01
some reason if. 01:12:08
It's. 01:12:15
Plan to develop right adjacent to that project. 01:12:16
And improving the open space between the two projects. 01:12:20
Will mean basically tearing out improvements that were freshly made. Then it will allow for the bonding. So when that project, 01:12:23
that second project's done, then either the city can come back in and develop the open space or or the developer would then 01:12:29
develop that open space. 01:12:34
Open space credit will be provided for those areas owned by the developer and they include the area along Geneva within orange 01:12:41
boundary will not include right of way. So the reason why we say that is because if as you know in Geneva Rd. there is about 40 01:12:46
feet that is owned by the developer but essentially it's it's in vendors. The boundary line was supposed to be in the center of 01:12:52
the street. 01:12:58
And so we do want to see that 40 feet landscaped and pulled into the trail system. It's going to benefit the city a lot and so. 01:13:04
You know with them expanding those resources to do that and we felt like they should be able to get the credit for it so. 01:13:13
We wanted to make sure that that area was. 01:13:20
Well, it was improved. 01:13:24
Geneva Trail Park will be located on Block H with improvements prior to 750 residential units, certificate of occupancy. So that 01:13:26
kind of and there's a there's a couple. 01:13:31
Different mechanisms that would kind of trigger the dedication on park to us, but that we felt that was the most important one 01:13:38
that you know when half the residential units go in that way we can have a public park that that comes online. As you know with 01:13:44
past developments having amenities come online towards the end have not has not been very popular with with residents. So we want 01:13:50
to make sure we get those at least halfway through. 01:13:56
So they agree to work in good faith with U dot, UTA and the city to connect from our station with a walkway to bring transit 01:14:03
options to the site. So that has been it with ETA and UTA is definitely considering you know, adding more transit options. So we 01:14:11
do have a bus on the road and potentially getting a bus from the station to the the project would be really great. 01:14:19
As for my facilities will not count for his overstation less design in a way that maintains the quality of the amenity. So that's 01:14:27
something that would be determined by the community development directors myself, but we would also bring that through the site 01:14:33
planning process and we Planning Commission would be able to to to consider it as well. What we don't want is, is deep detention 01:14:39
ponds trying to be counted towards as parks, I mean. 01:14:45
Yeah, they might make good amenities, but when they fill up, you got a week or so that you got to let them dry out. So we just, we 01:14:52
want to make sure it's an actual usable space. 01:14:56
One parking stall per bedroom, not to exceed 2.25 stalls per unit. So if it's a two-bedroom, it would require 2 stalls. If it's a 01:15:02
3 bedroom, it would require 2.25. 01:15:07
This is actually an increase over the 1.5 spaces per unit that's in the code now. So this does up and what what this does is it 01:15:12
provides a higher baseline for the first phase. So the first phase that'll come out, I believe the applicant has talked about 300 01:15:20
units. So when the 300 units come out, they would be required to do the one per bedroom not to exceed the 2.25 space installs per 01:15:28
unit. We would then do a parking study and the parking study would analyze the actual on site conditions. 01:15:35
And if more parking is required than future phases would be required to have that up. 01:15:43
So it's in their best interest to manage it at a very high level. It's still a minimum of 1.5 spaces per unit. 01:15:51
In the in the code it is, but this development agreement requires the one stall per per bedroom, so for any single single. 01:15:57
Or studio apartments or one bedrooms, They would just be one stone instead of 1.5. If you want that as condition, that's something 01:16:07
we can talk with with the applicant. If you wanted that as a baseline how, how, how it's written in the development agreement, A 01:16:11
one bedroom would require one stall. 01:16:15
Design criteria is added for buildings along major roads and so staff believes that we need to include Mill Road and 650 N as 01:16:22
major roads and collector roads. Essentially what this means is that we have entrances and architectural features and elements 01:16:29
that help connect the the project outward and not just internally. Internally it's got a great plan. We want to make sure that we 01:16:37
have the entrances and you know windows and get architecture. The code does require a lot of that. We wanted that to be stated. 01:16:44
Within a development agreement as well. 01:16:52
So blocks A&E, those are the two that run adjacent to Mill Rd. will have a height limit of five stories or 75 feet, but you need 01:17:01
to clarify is that whichever is greater or whichever is. 01:17:07
And so that's something, you know, for us to talk about. 01:17:13
You know, we would want that to go or in the development agreement. 01:17:18
Design standards are provided for the shared commercial St. Retail Plaza and E Gateway Linear Park, West Gateway Lanier Park 01:17:21
Internal Alley and the Geneva. 01:17:27
And these are the prevalence motions. The 1st is to approve as present and approve modification. Second one, third one is. 01:17:35
To deny, if you do that, provide some reasons that would be sent to the City Council and for continuation. If you do that, please 01:17:44
provide some direction so we can address those in the next video. 01:17:51
That's everything. 01:17:58
So thanks. 01:18:00
Do you guys have the information on the agreement they have with the RDA as far as? 01:18:04
Reimbursement for the parking structures, at what percentage does that reimbursed or yeah, I I haven't worked on that as much. I 01:18:10
think it's 75% of the increment, but I'd like to expect Steve could probably answer that better. 01:18:17
So that kind of falls outside of what I do. 01:18:25
I was just curious. 01:18:28
One thing I didn't see in there that I know we discussed in the last meetings and it was. 01:18:35
Maybe alluded to in that public comment that you read in. 01:18:40
You know, building. 01:18:44
In and of itself isn't necessarily an issue, but if it's blocking views, I think like the natural beauty, whether it's the lake or 01:18:46
the mountain. 01:18:50
What's the best? 01:18:55
That staff would recommend to ensure that. 01:18:57
Sight lines are preserved obviously like any type of building from some vantage point is going to block something. But you know 01:19:00
maybe it's you know measuring it from the West side of the tracks in the neighborhood if they if anything. Yeah. I mean the 01:19:07
easiest way is this is to cap the height that's that that that's what we did. We're fairly confident that that will at least help 01:19:14
preserve kind of the foothills of the mountains up I Steve may have provided exhibit did you. 01:19:21
I think you said you're done so far. 01:19:30
So but yeah, height is in zoning. That's always your easiest you could require. 01:19:36
View corridor that diagrams and territory site plans what the requirement that it not not block the mountains. 01:19:46
Those are kind of hard. I think just the the height is a very clear and objective wave down and that's kind of what Utah coast 01:19:54
says is beacon size the objective and. 01:19:59
That's the easiest way. 01:20:04
Yeah, my only other comment was I was happy to see. 01:20:06
The parking study, parking plan language in there because you know, within this room. 01:20:10
There's lots of variation and what people think is appropriate for density and that's you know, there's there isn't a right or 01:20:15
wrong but I think what? 01:20:19
We can all agree on is no one wants to plan for failure or plan for problems, right? And so I think. 01:20:23
I was pleased to see that language and I actually think it should be a part of basically everything we do moving forward where 01:20:30
build a little bit, stop, evaluate. 01:20:34
Is this working? Is it not? And then move forward based on that? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. We started out with downtown. We wanted 01:20:38
to carry that forward with the Forge and really any other developments. 01:20:43
So. 01:20:48
And then when you guys come up, if you could talk about the traffic study that you had done, the flow of inward and outward 01:20:51
traffic that we talked about that would be. 01:20:55
That's. 01:21:01
Play. 01:21:14
Hello again. 01:21:51
Nice to be here in front of you. 01:21:54
I think everybody knows me. I'm Steve Borup. I'm the Director of Development with Dakota Pacific, and this is Brian Dillio. Let 01:21:57
him introduce himself. 01:22:01
Hello everyone. Thank you for your your time and consideration. My name is Brian Dilley, Managing Director at Dakota Pacific Real 01:22:06
Estate. 01:22:10
Jeff had done engagements elsewhere. 01:22:16
Just to address the two comments that came up before we get into the presentation, the view corridors, we do have a study going on 01:22:21
to confirm the five stories won't block any views. And what we did is we stood kind of halfway into the UVU land. You notice that 01:22:27
that kind of dirt, asphalt, Rd. we kind of stood in that area and took some pictures and then they're tying that to the model. We 01:22:34
should have that hopefully in the next few days. That'll just confirm. 01:22:41
Those mountains we did rough calculation just kind of based on the basic geometry. The mountains this tall and you know 7 1/2 01:22:47
miles away and what will it look like if you know a few 100 feet away you have a five story building it looked like just from the 01:22:53
rest study you know you're not blocking any more than. 01:22:58
Or 2/3 or more of that mountain would be visible to five story there, but but again we'll have a confirmation on that but that was 01:23:05
the preliminary so. 01:23:08
Generally still like those views from about halfway into that field should be not impacted and of course if you go further into 01:23:14
the residence even further to the West that that impact would be reduced even more so. 01:23:20
In regards to the traffic study I did, I do have a slide, so just in way of background it was brought up that. 01:23:27
How is it the traffic so that the basic findings of? 01:23:34
Of the. 01:23:39
And I can zoom in if we need to on some of those tables, but the basic finding was that. 01:23:42
1.1 million square feet of. 01:23:47
Is more impactful to the intersections and the level of service of those intersections than what we're proposing by reducing the 01:23:51
office and bringing in up to 1500 residential. 01:23:55
Units, and I think the question that Commissioner Brady asked. 01:24:00
How does that work? Because office would be leaving while residents are coming in and therefore the flow of traffic. 01:24:05
Should be improved and this is the statement from our traffic engineers that overall as expected, the office had a worse level, 01:24:13
especially during the evening peak hour. This is primarily due to the increased number of vehicles trying to exit the site while 01:24:17
the traffic volumes on the mainland are still very high. 01:24:22
And so that was from Hales Engineering. 01:24:27
They gave some basic trip information, but the basic premise was now all these people are trying to leave Vineyard and you've got 01:24:30
to provide green lights for them to leave Vineyard and therefore the people coming into Vineyard no longer have as much green 01:24:37
light time, right? So the programming of that, of that stop light creates A detriment to the overall intersection. 01:24:43
And so there was, you know this statement kind of summarizes that it was, it was still a negative impact and we had to run that 01:24:50
that that study. And so there was an e-mail as well and I think that got forwarded on that kind of had all that detail in it and 01:24:56
we can certainly share more of of those findings but. 01:25:02
We did have Commission, a specific study for it and Commissioner Braider and it came back the same. 01:25:08
OK. 01:25:13
Alright. And did you have the, do you have a slide like this for the project like as you've presented it? 01:25:14
Umm. 01:25:24
Yeah, so this was this is the level of service of each intersection. 01:25:27
That full build out future 2050 with with with a background. 01:25:32
In it, right. So all the other growth around us as well. 01:25:37
The capital letters are signaled intersections and the the lowercase are not signaled intersections. 01:25:41
You have a slide for what that would be. I mean, some of those roads aren't there 650 N isn't there? 01:25:50
I think they're all here. 650 N Mill Road, 650 Geneva. I mean it it doesn't connect to Geneva currently, is what I'm saying. 01:25:57
Like these are 2050 I assume that assumes that the rails gone that center St. has two lanes. It does assume the Interstate. Yeah 01:26:06
that's connector also has two lanes. So do you have a study that shows? 01:26:12
Our current conditions without the rail spur removed, so the background. 01:26:18
Today is the current condition. 01:26:22
So first. 01:26:26
Yeah. And let me just go because we ran a 1200 units in scenario 1500 units, the level of service didn't change. 01:26:27
Uh uh. 01:26:35
There was no impact to the intersections between those two in terms of level of service, that pretty much resulted in the same. 01:26:36
Existing. 01:26:43
Right. And this was kind of if we implement phase one and this was when the whole thing was built out and so. 01:26:46
Built out and a whole bunch of time has gone by and it's 2050. So that's the basic criteria that the the ITE standards I think 01:26:55
required. 01:26:59
To put it into those 3 buckets. 01:27:04
So this. 01:27:14
Kind of looks to me like the problem areas that were called out earlier. 01:27:16
Mill Rd. Center St. Geneva Rd. 01:27:20
Yeah. Then you're connected. Geneva Rd. 01:27:23
Yep. It's it's it's Center St. in Geneva. Not expected to be good in the future. It's basically right. It's, it's Center St. 01:27:26
Geneva. It's vineyard connector Geneva. They're tough intersections. They're challenging again. 01:27:34
Background includes the downtown and everything that's going on there. All that's happening as far as connecting that road up 01:27:43
through the north, all of that is kind of included into the background mitigated. 01:27:47
But a lot of dual left turn lanes is are some of those mitigations? 01:27:54
At those at those key intersections. 01:28:00
In order to achieve the mitigations. 01:28:03
Steve, do you, I don't know if you saw this, did you model it at 1500 units? 01:28:06
Yeah, that's what this was here. So this is, yeah, that's the same one. You can see the level of service at the intersection is 01:28:10
really the same at 2050, but. 01:28:15
These are peak hours. 01:28:22
Yeah, evening and AM PM. 01:28:25
But as I stated before, I really feel the key issue in terms of what we're approving here is a change of use, right? Not a use. 01:28:30
And the change of use is incrementally beneficial. 01:28:37
Any which way that the health engineering has run it and. 01:28:41
That's that's what's I think relevant to the decision of can we change the use. 01:28:45
You explain again the difference between the background column and the background of the gated. 01:28:51
I can. I can pull up the study, the background mitigated. Just assume certain mitigations. 01:28:56
Yeah. But I mean, if we're going from F to A, that sounds like a an interesting mitigation. Yeah, that's one in the works for. 01:29:03
Yeah, Mill Rd. Center, St. Geneva. 01:29:14
That is. 01:29:18
Yeah, that that is adding. 01:29:21
Yeah, OK. 01:29:26
Yeah. So for the North and Mill Rd. that's on the basis that. 01:29:29
Intersection there with real development to allow for the pedestrian crossing east to West. 01:29:35
Yeah, I agree that would make a huge difference. 5 lane cross section. 01:29:42
And Signal was the big one that they listed as the mitigation there. 01:29:48
And what about for the 800 N and Geneva road and center St. Union Rd. Because those those are going from F to D. 01:29:53
Just heading in the right direction. 01:30:00
On which ones? 01:30:04
Yeah, this one has to be this one vineyard connector. 01:30:06
And 8th. 01:30:10
Widen Vineyard connector to five lane. Cross section through Geneva Rd. intersection. Allow for two through lane each direction. 01:30:14
So yeah, U dot project, right turn lane on the northbound approach and then you're connected to Geneva. So there's also a right 01:30:21
turn line that's that would be the excuse me for the honesty that would be EU dot project about the restriping that they have 01:30:27
currently on the books to do this next construction season. So they understand that the background mitigated are those projects 01:30:33
that are already in process announced in the works and. 01:30:39
Yeah, and also Center Street with the removal. 01:30:47
Just setting up everything was last week talking to Orange city engineer at Sam Kelly. They planned, and I mean it's not official 01:30:51
until it's approved by the city of ARM but they plan on doing the widening between. 01:30:57
Geneva. 01:31:04
From Geneva to I-15. 01:31:06
To allow for the traffic, we actually had a conversation with you guys about that as well today. I think they said it would be two 01:31:09
through lanes, so the pinch point moves. 01:31:15
And also the additional background to this conversation. So the City of India is actually a process of reviewing several proposals 01:31:22
for for an update to Translation Master plan. 01:31:29
City. 01:31:37
On this, I guess citywide where it's going to be looking at focusing on key areas of key areas and concerns of the city, but also 01:31:40
going through there and. 01:31:46
Making, making projections for the future growth areas as well. So some of the items that were brought on this kind of. 01:31:53
Hells, Hells Engineering has done quite a bit of work. So projecting quite a bit of improvements as well that are not to be 01:32:01
needed. For example with the traffic channels that redress with the traffic signalizations with with timing. I know UDOT 01:32:08
particularly has studies going on in terms of adjusting timing. It's a it's a process, it's not just doing doing it at one light, 01:32:15
it's doing it along a corridor to ensure that one light doesn't affect the whole corridor as well. 01:32:23
So those are those are those are items and then Vineyard City plans on avoiding. 01:32:30
The transportation Master plan and next next few weeks and going through the process and going through the process and as well as 01:32:39
during the engineering and final finalization of the Forge. 01:32:45
The part of the development agreement has that they will be providing a. 01:32:53
Utility studies to include. 01:32:58
Transportation impact studies. So any kind of adjustments that are done on file adjustments are done based on the engineering 01:33:02
designs they will be having to assess. 01:33:06
The impact to the transportation network specifically, obviously they have not done the deep dive on that since the designs are 01:33:12
not being finalized yet. 01:33:16
So just to put out the consideration and those utility studies will be reviewed by the city, the city engineer and recommendations 01:33:21
on ensuring that the level of service has not increased will be done at that time. 01:33:28
And I'll just go back to the. 01:33:38
What? 01:33:41
Office Heavy 489 More TR. 01:33:43
Entering. 01:33:46
And 375 more leaving in the evening peak hour versus those two, that's what drove it, right. It's just more trips office, I think 01:33:48
we talked about it last time, there are more cars per square foot of office than there are in residential dwelling units and so 01:33:53
that creates more trips. 01:33:59
And that's what that's what drove again to need to be able to push more more out with with more green light time. 01:34:05
I. 01:34:17
I printed off with all the. 01:34:20
The changes that have kind of been coming in on the request I just printed off a tracking sheet. 01:34:23
And I'm going to address certain ones of these and I've highlighted those on this, but is it OK if I just pass these out real 01:34:29
quick so everybody can kind of see the full list and refer to it if you need? 01:34:33
So this is just a log of everything that we have discussed at one point or another with the city. 01:34:44
Steve, can you want to Rachel for our records? 01:34:51
Also I guess quick question about the traffic also. 01:35:08
It's considering the 1500 units. Is it also considering commercial and office space? Yeah, it's still the 600,000. 01:35:13
5 to 600,000 square feet of of commercial as well. 01:35:22
So just look over what I've just handed out. I've highlighted in blue those items that I'm going to address tonight with a slide 01:35:30
and go a little bit more depth in into that. I thought either needed some clarification or some discussion. 01:35:36
Happy to discuss any others that anybody else has on the list. 01:35:44
But these are the ones that will be going into SO. 01:35:47
If anything else comes up, you can just call it out by row number there and we will address it. 01:35:51
Umm. 01:35:59
Number one on the list was affordable housing. 01:36:01
And we've had other slides and committed to up to 25 developer contributed units for the 1st 1300 residential units. So I guess 01:36:04
there's some change to this language versus what it has been. I'm just trying to clarify. 01:36:09
That we're going to deliver one for 52 market units. So we'll phase them in as we deliver units, if that makes sense. 01:36:15
And we've already committed to the 20. 01:36:23
Is there a city manager asked. What about if we go from 1300 to 1500, how does that work? And so we've committed here to do it an 01:36:27
additional 4 units. 01:36:31
Assuming that 1500 units are approved and those would be added when units 1301 to 1500. 01:36:36
Are added at a rate of 1 per 50 market rate units and then we've talked about deed restricting those for 25 to 30 years. And so 01:36:43
the development agreement had I think some placeholders of the draft that you reviewed. 01:36:49
And so this is some clarifying language of what we're proposing. I believe in the, in the development agreement it says 60 or 60 01:36:55
markets, we might end it. It does. We reduce that just to make sure it was. 01:37:00
Consistent because we're now breaking out between the 1 to 13101 to 15. I just want to make sure those rates are consistent 01:37:06
because that is 1500. 01:37:10
Does that make sense? Yep. 01:37:15
And then in addition, we've been talking with. 01:37:18
The city just about additional RDA funded and you know we presented a slide that shows that we could potentially add additional 01:37:21
and so we are will commit to work with the city on additional RDA funded. 01:37:28
Those units and how many of those will be determined based on the available funding obviously with the RDA each year and at the 01:37:35
end of the end of the year, there'll be an application made assuming that we met the qualifications for affordable housing and 01:37:39
that can be reimbursed. 01:37:43
And so that'll be added as well. So anywhere there's an. 01:37:49
By any of these sentences, this is something that's slightly different or modified versus the language of the development 01:37:52
agreement that you. 01:37:55
Were provided on Tuesday, Tuesday. So these are just some clar. 01:37:58
Clarifying language that we've come up with in the last few days after talking with staff. 01:38:02
In there, there's also the option for the city to come back and say if we agree to a place where there's surface parking, what 01:38:08
does that do? We take the same economic concession that we've given and we turn that back into additional affordable housing if we 01:38:12
find an area with surface. 01:38:17
And the same is true with option #2 if you come back and say, well, like 70% is the right number. 01:38:22
You tell us that within the first year of the development agreement being signed so we can react to it in time. 01:38:27
Then. 01:38:33
Then again, we take the same economic benefit and we contribute that to additional affordable units. Is that all? 01:38:35
Does it all make sense on what we're proposing? 01:38:41
Any questions or comments on affordable? 01:38:45
One of the requests was for what can change in the master plan and what can't. And so in exhibit E we provided in paragraph 2A 01:38:51
statement that basically says. 01:38:56
These are the areas that we're providing, right. This table over here is in the development agreement and says this is the acreage 01:39:01
for each area when we come and we submit a site plan that shows the adjacent. 01:39:06
Open space areas that have to be developed concurrently, we can plus or minus that 10% without having to go back for City Council 01:39:13
approval on. 01:39:17
However, the total acreage still needs to meet the 5.9 private open space acreage. 01:39:21
And then of course we have the Geneva Trail park which we are donating. There will be a public park to get to the 6.9 or 7 acres 01:39:28
that we've been talking about before, so. 01:39:32
We'll we'll bring a site plan. 01:39:37
The size and the shape might slightly be different, right? The East Gateway park might be different because that building shape 01:39:39
might be different, but the basic acreage is ±10%. 01:39:44
And then when we're all said and done, it needs to equal to 5.9 for private open space. 01:39:48
Any questions or concerns? So when you do that, would you just remember to clarify that with us just we don't forget or do you 01:39:55
need to, I guess does that make sense as far as each site plan? Yeah or is that too much effort? I guess you know what I'm saying, 01:40:01
it's an accountability with each site plan and I'm sure that I'm sure that Morgan is going to be. 01:40:07
I just figured it would be. I just didn't know. And we we could too. I mean, as a Planning Commission, you should say. 01:40:15
You know where where we at? You know get the site plan 3 and yeah, you know. 01:40:21
I don't. I haven't been through a site plan to venture, but often times it's here's all the requirements. Here's how. 01:40:27
The applicant met them, right. They'll usually go to zoning, which is correct. Basically the zoning and we would we would 01:40:32
reconcile it in there. 01:40:36
Are usually really hard for me to get over detail in there, so I guess that's true. So thank you. 01:40:40
OK. I'll, I'll move on. 01:40:47
Question. So comment #18 there. When is open space that we were committing to providing going to be? 01:40:51
Constructed and so. 01:40:58
In paragraph 2.3 of the development agreement, we say basically it has to be improved no later than the development of immediately 01:41:01
adjacent parcel structures or parcels. So I'm going to go through a couple examples just so it's clear Morgan brought this up 01:41:05
earlier. 01:41:10
But if we were to come in and say we want to develop this hotel, all this dashed area around that hotel would have to be 01:41:15
delivered. In this case, the parking would also have to be delivered. And so basically the extent of all. 01:41:20
The alleyway would need to be delivered with that hotel Hotel development. 01:41:26
As Morgan said, if we were to then come back and say, well actually we're going to start to, you know, breaking ground on this in 01:41:32
six months. 01:41:35
It may not make. 01:41:38
To deliver the entire. 01:41:39
Of this alley trail, and therefore we could bond. 01:41:41
For this, do the construction and bring it all. 01:41:45
In one part, the other thing that we're. 01:41:48
Is that there'll be some kind of continuity for pedestrians within a block. 01:41:52
You know, in this case the parking and the structures will be separate. But if for some reason we were only to develop this 01:41:58
building and therefore had to approve improve this, there's also a requirement for us to provide at least temporary means to have 01:42:02
continuity for pedestrians through a block. 01:42:06
And I'll show that again in another example. 01:42:10
And then the last thing that we added there that is an asterisk after that is just that Central Plaza, any building built next to 01:42:13
that we're going to dividing that in half meaning. 01:42:17
If there's a building on half of it, we have to develop half of it, not necessarily the entirety of it. So right. It's already 01:42:21
kind of got some symmetry to it, which I'll show you in the next example. 01:42:26
Here's another example. If we were to build on this corner, this is vineyard connector. This is Geneva trail, you know here at 01:42:32
this E Gateway park, then gets developed as well as the shared St. next to it. 01:42:37
If we were to build this office building, you don't want to deal with the parking within it. Really, the the parking will be here 01:42:43
and it'll be built together. We would develop everything that's adjacent and half of the Central Park when this one's built. 01:42:48
Obviously, when this building's built or this building's built in, the other half of the Central Park would be built. 01:42:54
And then we would again be required to provide some continuity because this is within a block to provide pedestrian access in the 01:43:01
example on the left would so the open space corridor. 01:43:06
Kind of the alley that is to the West, what what would happen there with that? Yeah, I should have highlighted this as well, 01:43:14
right. Because technically this is open space, we've called it amenity open space, but that road only obviously be developed to 01:43:19
get the parking into it and then for that area around it would also be adjacent. 01:43:25
Any questions or clarity needed? 01:43:37
What we proposed for the phasing? 01:43:40
Great parking. 01:43:46
You know, we've talked about this. 01:43:50
I think we've mentioned. 01:43:52
That we. 01:43:54
Having visited four or five or six public meetings now, I think parking takes up half of them and the discussion time, we 01:43:55
understand it's a big deal. We just. 01:44:00
To address. 01:44:06
Some sensitivities. 01:44:07
I'm not quite sure we have the right language for you. 01:44:10
You know. 01:44:14
Concern was, are we responsible to provide parking for the theater, right? 01:44:15
If we go to a parking study in the theaters parked all over our parking spots, is that become our problem financially and 01:44:21
economically And so we just need some kind of a statement in there to say. 01:44:25
We're not responsible for infiltration and we can measure that. Typically Hales would do a study when that theater's not at full 01:44:31
capacity and therefore right if it fails with the with the parking engineer. 01:44:36
So that doesn't become an issue, but sorry, comment. 01:44:42
You know if people are parked. 01:44:48
That's parking that's not there for the residents, so I would say. 01:44:50
Yes, it would be your problem to ensure that infiltration doesn't take place on. 01:44:55
Parking spots, I mean, because that's reality and that's what the parking studies would do. So if if we're. 01:45:00
If you eliminate what's reality in a parking study. 01:45:08
Then it's not gonna. 01:45:12
What's the plan for in reality is that's my gut feel. 01:45:15
Yes, I get what you're saying. Like if someone was parking in my driveway and you came by and said, hey. 01:45:19
Yeah, you've got three cars. Like no, I don't. That's somebody else's. They shouldn't be there. But like I would put that on me to 01:45:24
be like, yeah, they don't belong here. They like I need to get rid of it as far as parking management to ensure that parking with 01:45:28
agreed. 01:45:33
So I hesitate to we and and and this is, you know, we. 01:45:38
You shouldn't be financially liable to be, you know, an extra parking lot for a different business that's not related to yours. I 01:46:15
I get that, but I also want to acknowledge that. 01:46:21
If fifty of your spots are used up by infiltrators. 01:46:27
That's fifty spots that Aren. 01:46:30
For the residents there, like that's reality, right? So I think. 01:46:33
That's that would be what I would consider a parking problem there would need to be addressed before we move forward. 01:46:38
That's all I'm saying. I'm on the same page, addressed with. 01:46:45
Ensuring that the infiltration isn't occurring, not necessarily addressed, however. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, it depends. I mean if 01:46:49
you're so if you're going parking structures, I mean that that's going to be a lot easier for you for you to to manage those. 01:46:56
On on the streets you're going to get some during your normal operation, but if if someone is there at 1:00 AM, you know, I mean 01:47:02
that that's where the enforcement mechanism. So if you start off with enforcement and permits, you know let's say at night you, 01:47:07
you let residents there park at night, but they have to be gone you know at 6:00 AM or or whatever so the retail spaces can open 01:47:12
back up. 01:47:17
Umm. 01:47:23
I I don't think we want to Ding you for having a mixed-use site where you know where there's some flexibility people can park once 01:47:24
but. 01:47:29
You know we we do need to ensure that the like the management is done at a higher level and so that that that's why I'm kind of 01:47:34
cautious about saying we take that fully off because I don't want to take the kind of responsibility of managing the system out of 01:47:38
the equation. 01:47:43
Agreed. The only way this works for us is if we manage it right because you put it, you put the if it's not managed well, now all 01:47:51
of a sudden our project and land isn't viable anymore because we have to provide more parking than we can economically absorb, 01:47:57
right? And so. 01:48:02
That becomes the challenge. I'll just. 01:48:08
We have customers on our side and they need certainty, right. Those customers are called investors and it's really hard to be able 01:48:12
to. 01:48:16
Investor, you're now responsible to pay for the theaters parking and so that's all I'm trying to say here is. 01:48:21
Somehow we need to account for that and understand it and work together to find a solution and just instead of just saying. 01:48:27
Developer people are parking there when they shouldn't. You're doing everything you can to enforce. 01:48:33
You know, and maybe it's that's outside of our ability to enforce there's there's got to be some kind of disclaimer to be able to 01:48:38
understand that and have a discussion instead of just assuming carte Blanc. It's our, it's our problem because people are 01:48:43
overflowing into our. Yeah. And I don't want to be like cold hearted about it, but it sounds like you've got a whole lot of 01:48:48
motivation to do it right then. That's right. So and I think that's kind of what we're going for here which which is the which is 01:48:52
the incentive you guys are trying to create. 01:48:57
And then the other thing I think we have to address in that language. 01:49:06
You know. 01:49:09
We are planning to develop an own long term multifamily housing commercial. 01:49:11
But there is a provision right to to sell land and there is a right for a landowner to sell. And so just so that this agreement is 01:49:17
watertight. And if that were to happen now, how does this work right, We do a parking study. 01:49:23
Landlord A is not managing their parking very well. Landlord B is now impacted by that. Just how does that work and how does that 01:49:29
get mediated? 01:49:33
And all I'm saying is, maybe it's not. 01:49:36
We just take the results of the parking study, maybe it's about management and having a discussion and being able to account for 01:49:40
some of those kind of things as well. So that landlord, you know Developer B is going to put up in the building isn't necessarily. 01:49:46
Negatively impacted by poor management. Again it's, it's, it's, it's how do we manage poor management. And I will say one thing 01:49:52
that we're going to have here that I don't know you have anywhere else is, is this parking management plan is going to be recorded 01:49:56
covenant. 01:49:59
So we're going to bring to you like this is a parking permit is going to work. This is how monitoring is going to work and now 01:50:04
there is a recorded covenant which. 01:50:08
You know, if Legal was here, they could talk about the city's ability to enforce a recorded covenant. 01:50:12
That I don't know that you have anywhere else in terms of enforcement. I think, I think it'll give you more leverage, but again 01:50:17
probably outside of my, my purview to say, but maybe Morgan or somebody else knows more about that but. 01:50:23
So we'll have to talk to Jamie about it. Typically you know I'm not definitely not an expert on covenants, but we've we've always 01:50:29
been given the direction that the city doesn't enforce. 01:50:34
Covenants, but if they're if, if the management plan is something that gets approved by the city. 01:50:40
Then we could, we can and we can enforce city plans and things that have been approved by the city. 01:50:46
So we'd have to, we have to look at the, the covenant issue and maybe the covenants provide the city that ability to do some 01:50:54
enforcement. But I think our our thinking was that it would be enforced privately, you know like they they would they would 01:51:00
contract with a towing company. Yeah, no, the initial management of those are understanding if we're not, if we're not managing 01:51:06
what we promised to manage. I think I think that gives you guys an additional layer of teeth. 01:51:11
So kind of the same feelings as Anthony on this one, too. 01:51:19
We've had other developments and made promises and. 01:51:22
The only teeth, really, that the city can have is. 01:51:27
By a say say the first development is not managed well and they needed 500 more parking spots. 01:51:31
Well, we can just look at the new one and be like, well, they needed 500 more, so you need 500 more. But we're just stuck with the 01:51:39
crap parking that's on the first one, like it needs to be mitigated in the second one. So if the parking study says that they're 01:51:46
failing or they need more units for that, I think that they need to be covered in the next phase of development. 01:51:53
You mean building #2 would actually cover the the issue the building #1? 01:52:01
Yeah, that's. 01:52:08
I mean if you can't have, if you don't feel confident enough in your management, then I don't feel confident in it happening. Like 01:52:10
it's not that we don't feel confident in the management. I don't think that's, I don't think that's the concern. Then why are you 01:52:15
concerned? It's just it's again think of the sequence of ownership, it may not even be our management. 01:52:20
I mean the value, the value of the property is going to be less if it's not managed correctly. So agreed, so which? 01:52:27
Which is our concern because if we were to sell a building. 01:52:34
And again, I'm not saying that we're we're going. 01:52:37
Our desire is to hold, but we have the same concern now that you do is if that isn't managed well, now we're. 01:52:41
We're detriment like we have to make up what they what they're not managing well. So it's either we get screwed or you get screwed 01:52:48
like it's a tough it's a tough issue isn't it. Yeah. So but we're not in charge of the management you are So that's where I kind 01:52:53
of we are if we own the building I but I mean don't you own the land, Steve won't there be like a master association that and then 01:52:59
that association could could enforce the CCNRS. I mean I I I think so even if I mean you look at a homeowners association you 01:53:05
might have. 01:53:11
You know, 100 different owners, but they're, you know, there, there is an enforcement mechanism that can enforce it. Everyone, 01:53:17
yeah. 01:53:20
So I think that's kind of what we're talking about. If if there's at least like 1 consistent management arm that can cover the 01:53:24
entire development, I think that's satisfying. 01:53:28
So how how do we have teeth? Like if the first phase of the development comes in and they need 500? This is a drastic example, 01:53:33
right? They need 500 extra stalls and it's like well. 01:53:38
Dang it. Like we'll fix the next one, but that one's still a big problem. Like. 01:53:45
I don't understand how that that would be fine with us. Yeah, I see your point that that's something that Ezra and I have have 01:53:50
talked about. 01:53:55
Yeah, I mean you have to be that put in the development agreement if if you wanted them to make up for for those, those parking 01:54:01
spaces and obviously you're hearing for Steve that they're, you know they're they're opposed to doing that and I understand 01:54:06
because that provides. 01:54:10
A lot of unknowns, you know that's and the unknowns are tough for developers that could millions of dollars into these projects 01:54:16
and so it it's hard to have an unknown like that but yeah. 01:54:22
I definitely see why you're concerned about it and wanting to ensure that. 01:54:28
That the lack of parking in the first phase is made-up in the second phase. And so then ultimately I think that that would put 01:54:34
even a stronger motivation to the developer to to manage the parking really well, yeah. 01:54:40
And I I think that's the general theme is like from the get go, we just want. 01:54:47
You know, and no, no, no, I see them. He's on top of it. So I think that that's what they're gonna that's that's what they're 01:54:51
gonna strive for. But you you want some protection in the development agreement. 01:54:56
I mean, just even the idea and a rap building to think that. 01:55:07
Now people are going to be parking in a different building in a residential. I mean the functionality of that is I think 01:55:11
challenging. You have two different owners. That's now very challenging. 01:55:16
I just don't know how water tight that is. I understand why you want it. I think it makes if I'm in your chair, I want the same 01:55:21
thing. 01:55:24
But given the constraints, I don't see how that's feasible from our side. 01:55:28
I honestly, I I. 01:55:37
For me personally, I don't know about the other commissioners. I I couldn't depend on that. 01:55:39
We just with all the other developments and the problems we've been having and promises that have been made, I'd hate to be. 01:55:46
Yeah, do it. And if your management isn't good like, Oh well. 01:55:53
Like I can't. 01:55:57
That's for me personally, I. 01:55:59
I think the frame that's difficult for people. 01:56:02
We're going to. 01:56:08
I don't know what it'll be. 01:56:10
Because the parking ratio per square foot is so much higher for office. 01:56:13
As we attract commercial users. 01:56:17
Extra We're going to talk about excess parking. 01:56:23
With a mixed-use development, you are building an excess evening parking. If there's going to be a parking constraint, it's going 01:56:27
to be in the daytime when commercial and there's a certain portion of the residential units through. 01:56:32
So it really shouldn't be an issue, so there shouldn't be a problem. 01:56:37
I It's reassuring hearing that. 01:56:40
But then you also seem concerned about what the parking study will show. If I might the the concern is like he's been mentioning 01:56:44
on the office perspective. 01:56:49
Say for example we develop an office. 01:56:54
You know the there's parking minimums in the code to be able to provide, you know, in theory, sufficient stalls for those office 01:56:58
buildings. 01:57:02
Say that somebody you know wants to do a build a suit. It's a company that wants to own the building so that that business card, 01:57:06
you know they they buy the property. 01:57:11
They have the building so that they go out of business and a call center, you know, ends up going in there. All of a sudden their 01:57:15
parking requirement is no longer three per thousand, it's like 10 per thousand. 01:57:21
And we can have the liability of having to come back. 01:57:27
And. 01:57:31
Provide parking for building that we don't even know anymore. So who provides it? 01:57:32
That's what, that's the issue We're coming to like we can't possibly. It's a management enforcement issue. Yeah, Yeah. Which is 01:57:38
out of our hands, which, which, I mean this kind of goes back to the same thing. 01:57:43
Maybe we're spinning our wheels too much here, but. 01:57:51
Would a tenant come in if they needed? 01:57:54
Spots per 1000 and there was only three. My my assumption is if someone was going to drop that cash on moving a company here. 01:57:57
They probably say, oh, it doesn't meet our needs. Yeah, I mean that's how I would. We've seen from a financing standpoint that 01:58:05
like. 01:58:09
You know parking is important too from from from the, you know, the lenders. And so you know if a company wants to come in and do 01:58:14
have, they have a requirement of 10 per thousand and they're trying to get. 01:58:19
Lending so they can do the TI and a lot. They may have a hard time and I'm happy to go on the record saying like I'm actually not 01:58:25
one that's opposed to the amount of proposed density maybe in the minority. 01:58:32
As long. 01:58:39
These things are mitigated, right? So like I I don't have a problem with 1500 units if. 01:58:41
These things are mitigated and. 01:58:47
What? 01:58:49
What I'm likely to recommend? 01:58:51
Not getting rid of like the infiltration of future projects only a lot of that, because I feel like that would. 01:58:53
That would allow for. 01:58:59
Basically we're planning for success. I get that it causes some. 01:59:00
Issues or maybe not issues, but. 01:59:04
Extra challenges for you as a developer to figure out, but. 01:59:09
The alternative is, you know, current zoning can also move forward with, but that also proposes its own challenges. So I don't 01:59:15
know, I don't, I don't necessarily need to go any further on that. I think. I think I've been pretty clear on that one. 01:59:21
Eliminates the ability to trans. 01:59:28
Which, for a developer, is the nuclear problem. 01:59:31
We just can't sign up for something that won't allow us to transact and so. 01:59:36
Right. We have land we can't transact on right now and it's not very fun. So and and obviously the Planning Commission is 01:59:41
providing the recommendation of the City Council. So what I recommend doing I think you guys have been considerate of of kind of 01:59:47
what the land owners issues are they have been considered the city. There's some things that you may not agree on 100%. What I'd 01:59:53
recommend doing if you if you do want something as part of the recommendation you put you put it in your motion and then that's 01:59:58
something that. 02:00:04
Could be a discussion with the City Council ultimately when they when they make the approval. 02:00:11
So like, I'm not saying you guys don't necessarily need to come to an agreement, You can say this is what our desire is, Planning 02:00:15
Commission, the City Council can consider it. 02:00:19
Yeah. 02:00:24
It's an uncomfortable stance because we understand. I really do understand. 02:00:25
But I also understand. 02:00:29
The issue that we could experience on our sites. 02:00:32
For sale units to Mr. Breyer, thank you. Were at the City Council meeting and you heard some of the discussion there and I sent a 02:00:38
follow up e-mail. We're not opposed to this. We again just see some headwinds on it that we're not quite sure how to get over that 02:00:44
hurdle yet and therefore committing to the development agreement is challenging. 02:00:50
Again, I think the goal was good and I think the idea is is. 02:00:57
Changing the market dynamics obviously for sale product isn't doing fantastic right now. 02:01:02
When, when that'll end, I don't know for sure. 02:01:07
Interest rates will affect that, obviously the building scale driven by the underlying zoning requirements. 02:01:11
You know you can't build a parking structure for a small little development and make it financially work. It needs scale and mass 02:01:17
and therefore you would be required to do for sale units in scale and mass and and that just creates again a certain amount of 02:01:22
risk. 02:01:26
We're not sure. 02:01:32
How the market would react to and therefore it would take a lot more study and a lot more understanding. 02:01:34
And then the last thing that the parking structures again you're going to add 50 sixty $70,000 a unit just because of the the the 02:01:39
cost of structured parking versus say a condo a townhome that you don't have a garage in a in a. 02:01:44
If if if we're competing with $375,000 condos in town homes and now we're just having to be 454 sixty, we're not sure the market 02:01:51
will pay for that premium just to be to be there and so. 02:01:57
Just there have to be stud. 02:02:04
In thinking about the site plan, if there's a pocket where we can fit some three story townhomes with some tech under garages, 02:02:06
right, I think that's a great idea and we love it. I'm just not quite sure how to fit that into the plan yet. And I think as we 02:02:10
develop the site plans. 02:02:14
Some opportunities like that make me show themselves and we could definitely address it so. 02:02:18
So that was that's the response in for sale any discussion wanted there. 02:02:25
There was a request on comment #24 of the sheet there to How do we ensure that pedestrian priority on the central shared St. 02:02:32
And. 02:02:41
In. 02:02:43
Of the development agreement we talk about design guidelines and this is just a snippet for the central shared St. 02:02:45
And you can just see we've highlighted several things that talk about that, but this is the big one, emphasized pedestrian micro 02:02:54
mobility flow. So the idea is we'll bring a site plan. 02:02:58
We're gonna detail design what that shirt St. looks like. 02:03:03
And again kind of getting back to that site plan criteria, the criteria then go back to this development agreement and say. 02:03:07
Developer, you had to prioritize and emphasize micro mobility, flow, vehicle, pedestrian, and delineate these various pieces on 02:03:13
the street somehow so that everybody can participate together. 02:03:18
And that'll be the opportunity for. 02:03:24
You know to actually evaluate that design and ensure that it works, but we put the requirement. 02:03:26
To. 02:03:30
To hold that as a. 02:03:32
Does that address the concern? 02:03:36
What kind of parking are you thinking on on? 02:03:39
In this area like I don't think it would, it would be like 15 minute loading zone, right? 02:03:43
Potentially depending on if. 02:03:50
Typically in our multi family developments there's like an overhead door that can be pulled up to a freight elevator. So people 02:03:53
are are are moving. There could be something like that, like it's a little area where a moving truck could come. 02:03:58
Access an overhead door if there was one, and get to the freight elevator. 02:04:04
Well, we talked about FedEx delivery. We talked about UPS deliveries. I think opportunities like that could be on here, but they 02:04:08
would be shorter duration parking situations maybe there'd be, you know, we talked about retail. 02:04:13
Maybe even some dining along that central Plaza, right? So you could have some handicapped stalls parked here, but potentially. 02:04:19
Can we clear it? Can we clarify that in this? 02:04:27
To make it so that there's it would be short term parking and handicapped parking. 02:04:31
OK, just so that. 02:04:36
No room for other. Yeah. Loading short term parking or handicapped, Yeah, that would be great. I don't personally have any 02:04:38
concerns with that. 02:04:42
Yeah. 02:04:45
Yeah, it's meant to be open and free flowing. Not a whole bunch of yeah, yeah, we definitely want it to be super awkward to drive 02:04:46
on it, yeah. 02:04:50
Entrances along Major Rd. So this was a request that came up to say. 02:04:57
We don't want to see backs of buildings basically on major roads and I saw today. 02:05:04
The request is to add. 02:05:09
More major roads to 650 and Mill Rd. So we'll take that back internally. 02:05:10
We basically agreed. 02:05:16
That will put at least 40% of the ground floor units that are facing a major Rd. on a residential building to have an entry. 02:05:17
Right, that has some kind of architectural interest in a walkway to connect. 02:05:24
And then the commercial buildings, the primary or secondary entry that faces are within 30 feet of a facade. So the idea there 02:05:28
again is if if there are trails or sidewalks. 02:05:33
You know if the Geneva trail turns and young vineyard connector that you can access that and. 02:05:38
Your insight of. 02:05:45
And be able to access the Main Street there. 02:05:48
And again, those would be for buildings that kind of have a substantial presence. I put 150 feet facing a major Rd. 02:05:53
And you said that little exhibit might be ready for the City Council meeting next week that you made as far as the sidelines. 02:06:02
I'm yeah, OK. Yep, Yep. I will follow up on that and. 02:06:08
Make sure we have it. We hope to have it today, but it wasn't quite ready. 02:06:12
And so those are the ones in blue that I highlighted and I have addressed that I thought needed some time. Does anybody have 02:06:18
anything else you'd like to bring up? 02:06:22
I just I'm trying to for the the clarification on the A&E. 02:06:33
Five stories or 75 feet, whichever is greater, whichever is. 02:06:41
Oh yeah, just just the clarity on that one. 02:06:47
A typical five story building that you'd be proposing. What? What would? 02:06:52
I'd be. I believe the zoning requires this to have a 14 or 15 foot ground floor and so and you know 12 to 14 feet above that if it 02:06:56
was a commercial building or whatever. Sometimes we do 15 feet clear. 02:07:02
So yeah, 5 * 1575. 02:07:09
I don't think we're gonna be over 75 feet on the five story build. 02:07:13
So that kind of synonymous here, but you're saying just for clarity's sake, yeah, whichever's greater. 02:07:18
And then a couple of. 02:07:30
Questions I had as far as percentage of commercial to residential. 02:07:32
Have you guys considered a percentage, adding a percentage making that? 02:07:38
So right now, it's 50% of the ground floor, but I'm talking like an overall percentage of both. Have you guys considered that? 02:07:44
Have you thought about that? I know it's been brought up with us and with the City Council and #32 on this, there was a request 02:07:50
for 50%. 02:07:55
Yeah. Residency does not be more than 50% and we just like. 02:08:06
We're kind of at 33 right now. 02:08:11
To invest what we're investing for, you know, 17%. 02:08:13
That's not viable. 02:08:17
Would you be? 02:08:21
To put 33 as a minimum. 02:08:23
33% commercial minimum like put that in the in the development. 02:08:25
Are you are you looking for like a number? Like yeah, I would like, I would like to see a number so that. 02:08:30
I I mean so for instance, no more than 66% of the. 02:08:35
Total square footage of the development could be residential, correct? 02:08:40
Once fully built out or yeah, one fully built out and then the next thing I was going to add was I know it was somewhere I'm 02:08:46
trying, I was trying to find it again, that there has to be a certain amount of commercial built out at certain phases. 02:08:52
And. 02:09:31
Did you, did you find that this is the slide that was before there's been one change and so we said 50%. 02:09:34
During development, it can't be less than 20% on the ground floor. And then we originally asked for initial phase of three acres 02:09:41
of 300 units without commercial. It's since negotiated and I think it's a #30 square feet per year. 02:09:49
Development that's 9000 square feet of commercial that would have to be delivered along with that initial phase, so. 02:09:58
So that's the idea. And then again those dashed lines that are required commercial ground floor, so on both sides of the street 02:10:04
there. 02:10:08
So yeah, that looked that looks good and the 50% ground level looks good. I just like to also have a percent as the overall. 02:10:13
Yeah, I don't know what I'm to make that call here, but. 02:10:27
If we can make it as a as a comment that needs to be addressed in your recommendation or however the right way to deal with that 02:10:31
is, yeah, I mean if they put it in their recommendation then then that's something that we can just consider with the the City 02:10:38
Council. So I mean obviously it it provides that that ability for you to, you know fine tune it with the City Council. 02:10:44
OK. 02:10:54
Did you guys have any? 02:11:03
Additional questions. 02:11:05
How? 02:11:10
I don't have anything substantive other than I appreciate the effort that you've made to put it into a table that talks about how 02:11:12
except you're being considered still. So I guess with. 02:11:17
The City Council stuff moving forward, I guess the idea would be to add additional clarification. 02:11:24
Does that make sense? Yeah, the ones I'm I'm thinking of would be. 02:11:30
Yeah, clarity on that shared St. the loading short term handicap. 02:11:37
I've got, I've got the conditions right now more than 66%. 02:11:44
Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't mind seeing that. And then the other one I was thinking of is with the parking personally, I would be 02:11:49
comfortable making recommendation to. 02:11:53
Go the stricter route on that and then see where details are ironed out. But. 02:11:58
Those are the key ones. And then start Morgan. 02:12:04
So everyone's gonna allow for public comment since I told everybody. 02:12:08
They couldn't see anything on the agenda. 02:12:13
If alright, sorry, not yes. 02:12:17
So if anybody has any. 02:12:19
Comments. It's not going to. 02:12:23
We're not opening up a public hearing again, just real quick. If you have any comments, please limit them. 02:12:27
To two minutes. 02:12:34
Yeah, if any of you guys have any comments come? 02:12:38
Oh, sorry. 02:12:51
Daria Evans, the new resident. 02:12:57
I just have a question about the hotel par. 02:12:59
Is that going to be shared with the, with the residential? 02:13:04
Or is it going to be its own entity in it of itself? And how are you going to regulate that parking so you don't get infiltrators? 02:13:08
For that parking at the. 02:13:17
And. 02:13:20
What kind of improvements will the developer make? 02:13:22
For roadways. 02:13:26
Deal with. 02:13:31
Traffic. Those are my questions. 02:13:34
So as far as the public streets at 800 N Mill Road and that was the develop. 02:13:37
Their hands are tied with that. That's just on the city, that if there are improvements that need to be made, the city needs to 02:13:45
make those improvements. 02:13:48
We did do a reimbursement in the project first started on the the 650 N to that another project that they they upfront it in the 02:13:53
city did reimbursement afterwards. 02:13:58
And then as far as hotel parking, I guess I could let you guys answer this, but it depends on the hotel and how they decide to 02:14:06
manage their parking. 02:14:09
I would. 02:14:13
If I may just on the the intersections, we will pay substantial impact fees which will ultimately be used for traffic upgrades, 02:14:16
and that's one of the ways that you'll the city will have funds to be able to upgrade intersections. 02:14:22
Yeah, hotel parking, I'll just emphasize again, that's a conceptual layout. Yeah, if the hotel goes there and that's where the 02:14:29
parking went. 02:14:32
It would be part of the parking management plan. That Block is considered all commercial right now. And so again commercial and 02:14:36
hotels work kind of like residential hotels, heavy use at night, an office building or other commercial uses are often heavy 02:14:43
during the day. And so they'll just work together and then there should be plenty of access parking there, we have said I think. 02:14:49
If there's capacity and there's events or there's overflow, you know we'll work to be able to replace that garage there. 02:14:56
Potentially along that theater to help with the city's issues, despite what I said before, we don't want to be responsible for it, 02:15:03
but we do want to be a part of a solution. So yeah, great. Thank you. 02:15:08
Any other? 02:15:15
Russell Evans, Vineyard residents. 02:15:23
I just counted up. 02:15:27
Condos in the preserve. 02:15:30
And there's 40 buildings, 10 units per building. That's four. 02:15:33
And things massive. So this that just gives you an idea of what they're asking for 1500. It's a little under, a little under 4 02:15:36
preserves for the condo portion of the town hall portion. 02:15:41
So just that's a lot. Got something for Dakota Pacific to consider with parking. I like the back and forth on this parking. I 02:15:47
really did show some real consideration. 02:15:52
On it and challenges, but I like the idea of reevaluating it after the first part or whatever seeing. 02:15:59
Consider for the. 02:16:08
Over. 02:16:10
Then your problem is solved that you brought up Anthony that. 02:16:12
What happened? Or once I'm not sure. Your name leader here. 02:16:18
You know where? 02:16:23
Well, you've got 500. You know, Worst case scenario you need 500 bucks. 02:16:25
Build something in to. 02:16:30
And then on the reevaluation go down if you, if you. 02:16:33
But of course I I believe you'll probably stay there. I I've been saying that just on that what we've seen here in. 02:16:37
But I know it's a little more running up. 02:16:43
But it could solve some problems downloading. 02:16:45
And it could go down if the study the revolution show that this something considered. 02:16:49
And those. 02:16:55
My comment, one other question, we're talking about the development agreement. What's the legal ramifications of this? Is that a 02:16:58
contract? 02:17:01
Is it just a handshake? Is it? I mean, I'm just, I don't understand what what the agreement. Yeah. So yes, all of this is laid out 02:17:06
in the agreement. So if you go to the staff report, you'll see that agreement attached. And then what happens is Planning 02:17:12
Commission makes a recommendation, goes to the City Council. If they approve it, then it ultimately gives the mayor the the 02:17:18
authority to to sign the agreement. 02:17:24
Any other comments? 02:18:08
All right. We'll keep moving forward then. Were there any other comments from the Commission? 02:18:09
Cool. 02:18:19
And I guess real quick question for you, Morgan, before you get into all of the all of those, do you feel like as far as the open 02:19:03
space that they're considering the Paseo and the shared St. and stuff, do you feel like there's enough language in this? 02:19:11
Doesn't seem like parks based. 02:19:23
Oh yeah, yeah. I think they did an excellent job and they they went through, if you look at the agreement and this is their their 02:19:26
proposal, they they added a lot of really specific language. They pulled some things that because they knew we already went to the 02:19:32
downtown, they pulled some some of those requirements that that we already kind of came to consensus on the downtown, so. 02:19:39
I'm saying, I'm saying with. 02:20:42
Shared. 02:20:44
Shall only allow parking for short term users. ADA, parking and loading. They get that right. The three categories you guys have 02:20:47
mentioned? Yeah. Do you think we should define short term? 02:20:51
And you could, you could say 15 minutes or less or I don't know if you had a suggestion, Steve, on.