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CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT/Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Earnest gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.     work session     2.     No items were submitted.     Regular session     3.
Public Comments Mayor Fullmer called for public comments.
Resident David Lauret thanked the city for posting the information about the upcoming road closures on social media. He asked the city to add the postings to all of the neighborhood’s social media sites. There was a discussion about posting to other sites.   Mayor Fullmer called for additional comments. Hearing none, she closed the public session.     4.     Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS No reports were given.     5.     STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS 5.1
City Manager Jacob McHargue reported that staff was working on the water conservation issue and an employee education reimbursement plan which were both discussed at the last council meeting. He noted that the Request for Proposal (RFP) was out for the towing companies for parking enforcement in the Providence subdivision. He said that he would send out a notification to the neighborhood about how the program would work.   5.2
Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady reported that the Bout Time Pub & Grub sports bar had submitted their site plan. Chair Brady explained that they had postponed the pole heights ordinance to make sure the heights were correct. There was a discussion about the sports bar.   5.3
Utah County Sheriff’s Office – Sergeant Holden Rockwell presented the 2nd Quarter Report. He mentioned that the number of CAD calls had gone down, but the case numbers had gone up. He reviewed the changes. There was a discussion about the report.   5.4
City Recorder Pamela Spencer reported that the candidate filing period would be August 10-17, during regular business hours of 8:00 to 5:00 PM, except for Friday, August 13.     6.     CONSENT ITEMS 6.1  Approval of the July 14, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes 6.2  Approval of Bonded Matrix Overlay 6.3  Approval of Vehicle Purchase 6.4  Approval of a Special Event Permit for Liberty Defenders   Mayor Fullmer called for a motion.
PRESENTATION – Wellbeing Survey Courtney Flint with the Utah State University (USU) Extension will present the results of the Utah Wellbeing Survey.
Courtney Flint with USU Extension introduced herself. She then presented the results of the Utah Wellbeing Survey that had been conducted in February. She said that 379 Vineyard residents had completed the survey. She said that personal and community wellbeing rated high in Vineyard. She also mentioned that most residents felt that there was a low impact from COVID-19, except for social connections, cultural opportunities, and mental health. She noted that there was a new grant which would allow them to look at resources for wellbeing in cities. The biggest concerns were air quality, roads and transportation, public safety, and shopping opportunities. Written comments expressed concerns about high-density housing, parking, grocery store, road, traffic and speeding, restaurants, and shopping. She said that she would be working with staff on when they would send out the next survey.   8.2  Presentation – Road Preservation Aaron Eppley with Holbrook Asphalt Company will give a brief explanation of how road preservation works.
Public Hearing – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.32.230 and 15.38.030 Ordinance 2021-06 (This agenda item is being postponed to the next City Council Meeting on August 11, 2021.) Staff is recommending amendments of ZTA 15.32.230 wall and fence heights and ZTA 15.38.030 lighting poll heights to match section 15.36.030. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this amendment by ordinance.   9.2
Public Hearing – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.34.160 & 15.12.060 Ordinance 2021-07 (This agenda item is being postponed to the next City Council Meeting on August 11, 2021.) Staff is recommending amendments to VZC 15.34.160 & VZC 15.12.060 modifying setbacks and location requirements for swimming pools.   9.3
Discussion and action – Amend the Municipal Code Section 10.02.020 C(1) Ordinance 2021-05 City Engineer Naseem Ghandour will present an amendment to the Municipal Code Section 10.02.020 C(1)Streets; Traffic Control, adding the appendix. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance.
City Engineer Naseem Ghandour explained that the appendix for the speed tables in Section 10.02.020 had been omitted and that they needed to add it by ordinance. There were no changes to the actual code.
Motion:Councilmember Earnest moved to adopt Ordinance with Table 1 exhibit establishing lawful speed along City of Vineyard streets, Ordinance 2021-05. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, and Councilmembers Earnest and Flake voted aye. Councilmembers Judd and Welsh were absent. The motion carried with two absent.   9.4
Discusion and action – Reduced Speed School Zone City Engineer Naseem Ghandour and Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson will present a proposal for a school zone near Trailside Elementary. The mayor and City Council will take appropriate action.
Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson reviewed where the new school zone would be located. There was a discussion about where a second crossing could be located.
Motion:Councilmember Earnest moved to approve the Trailside Elementary Reduced Speed School Zone and budget for purchase and install the warranted traffic control devices along with a secondary warrant study with the potentiality for another crosswalk at 460 North.Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, and Councilmembers Earnest and Flake voted aye. Councilmembers Judd and Welsh were absent. The motion carried with two absent.     10    CLOSED SESSION No closed session was held.     11
ADJOURNMENT   Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion:Councilmember Flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 PM. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, and Councilmembers Earnest and Flake voted aye. Councilmembers Judd and Welsh were absent. The motion carried with two absent.     MINUTES APPROVED ON:  August 11, 2021   CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   /s/Pamela Spencer Pamela spencer, city recorder
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