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Public Comments Mayor Fullmer called for public comments. Hearing none, she closed the public comment session. 4. Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS No reports were given. 5. STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS Mayor Fullmer welcomed the new finance director, David Mortensen. 5.1 | |
Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady – Chair Brady reported that the new vice chair was Jeff Knighton. He also reported on the proposed Zoning Text Amendment to the Subdivision Code which was on the agenda for this meeting. 5.2 | |
Code Enforcement – Planning Assistant Cache Hancey – Quarterly Report - Mr. Hancey said that there were 44 complaints reported through the website during the last quarter. He highlighted how they were using an effective and cost-efficient new code enforcement method using courtesy notices instead of sending notices by certified mail. 5.3 | |
Bicycle Commission Chair Burton Hohman – Quarterly Report - Mr. Hohman and City Planner Briam Amaya Perez presented their work on the active transportation plan, skate park design, and other projects. Mr. Hohman mentioned that Bicycle Commission members were riding around and documenting issues with trails. They had received a proposal for a bike boulevard on Holdaway Road. Chair Holman announced that he was moving to Colorado. Mayor Fullmer thanked Chair Holman for his service to the community. 5.4 | |
City Engineer Naseem Ghandour – Quarterly Report – Mr. Ghandour reported on the progress of Downtown Vineyard Phase 1. His department was also working on providing a better customer service presence with developers and residents by developing an online interface and updating the Master Plan. 6. | |
CONSENT ITEMS 6.1 Approval of the August 11, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes 6.2 Approval of Notice of Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed – Trailside Trail, Alpine School District 6.3 Approval of Conveyance of Special Warranty Deed – Shores Phase 3, Lot 56 6.4 Approval of Final Plat Amendment for The Shores Phase 1, Lot 46 Mayor Fullmer called for a motion. | |
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING. COUNCILMEMBER EARNEST SECONDED THE MOTION. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. There was a discussion about amending the motion to approve all of the consent items. | |
Amended motion:COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE MOVED TO amend his previous motion to approve the consent items. COUNCILMEMBER EARNEST SECONDED THE MOTION. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Appointments No names were submitted. 8. discussion/Presentations 8.1 Proclamation – United Way Everyday Strong The mayor will proclaim that the city of Vineyard is designated as and commits to be an Everyday Strong City. | |
Mayor Fullmer read the proclamation. Councilmember Judd asked about specifics on how the city could implement the program. Mayor Fullmer said staff had more information about the training and how council can support it. 9. BUSINESS ITEMS 9.1 | |
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER EARNEST MOVED TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:20 PM. COUNCILMEMBER JUDD SECONDED THE MOTION. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Amaya Perez explained that the change was to bring it in line with state code and that the people who needed to sign the plats were the city engineer, city planner, and the city manager reflecting the will of the legislative body. In discussing this with City Attorney Jayme Blakesley, he had indicated that the city attorney’s signature needed to be on the plats as well, requiring that to be added to the ordinance and the motion. There was a discussion about the signatures on the plats. | |
Public Hearing –Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for amendments to the Subdivision Code sections 14.060.020 and 14.08.030 (Ordinance 2021-11) City Planner Briam Amaya Perez is recommending amendments to the Vineyard Subdivision Code Sections 14.06.020 ‘Requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Applications’ and 14.08.030 ‘Requirements for Final Subdivision Applications’, to reflect the correct and appropriate required signatures for subdivision plats. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance. Due to technical difficulties, this item was discussed before 9.1. Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing. | |
Motion:Councilmember judd moved to close the public hearing at 6:23 pm. Councilmember welsh seconded the motion.Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. | |
Motion:Councilmember judd moved to recommend approval of the proposed subdivision code text amendment ordinance 2021-11 to include the city attorney as also a signer on the mylar subdivision plats. Councilmember welsh seconded the motion.Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 9.3 | |
Discussion and action – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.48 Signs Ordinance 2021-08 (This item was continued from the August 11, 2021 City Council meeting.) City Planner Briam Amaya Perez is recommending amendments to ZTA 15.48 to modify wall and monument sign standards. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance. Mr. Amaya Perez presented the proposed changes and showed examples of how the changes would affect how signs would look. He stated that these changes would give businesses a good range of sizes with their signs. After a discussion, staff and city council agreed that they wanted to add flexibility for businesses to request to reallocate the square footage of a sign from another elevation and that they would add that wording to the ordinance. Mayor Fullmer called for a motion. | |
Motion:Councilmember judd moved to CONTINUE THIS ITEM. COUNCILMEMBER EARNEST SECONDED THE MOTION. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 9.2 | |
Discussion and action –Discussion about American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funding and State COVID Local Assistance Matching Grant Program City Manager Jacob McHargue will lead a discussion about these funding programs and possible projects. Mayor Fullmer explained that the grant program offered 50 million dollars which would be divided between 29 counties. The city could request funds if they fit into the following categories: water and sewer, housing, broadband, public health impact, economic opportunities, and development. She presented projects from here in Vineyard which would fit under those categories. The deadline to request funding was September 14th. She asked the council for input on what would be the best approach. A discussion ensued about the different options and working with neighboring cities and other entities such as Timpanogos Special Services District (TSSD) and Utah Valley University (UVU) to possibly come up with joint proposals. Council decided to have staff work with other entities and to have a presentation at the next city council meeting. 9.4 | |
DISCUSSION – School Crossing Study and Update City Engineer Naseem Ghandour is recommending that a School Zone study be accomplished on all public schools within Vineyard City limits, to include Trailside Elementary, Vineyard Elementary, Freedom Prep Academy, and Franklin Discovery Academy. This study will determine requirements and recommendations such as reduced speed zones, school crossings, traffic control devices (e.g., stop signs, warning signs). This study is recommended due to the population growth of Vineyard from new residential developments and change of school boundaries. The estimated cost of the study would be $20,000. Mr. Ghandour presented his proposal to do a school crossing study due to concerns at the new Trailside Elementary School as well as the other schools. He saw the need to review the school zones at all of the schools because of the growth, changes, and things that may have been missed. A discussion ensued about specific concerns at the different schools in Vineyard. Mr. Ghandour emphasized that this study would be about all the school zones and the peak flows in the school zones. The discussion continued. Councilmember Welsh commented that a lot of people did not know how to use the High Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) system while they were driving. Mayor Fullmer indicated that staff and the Sheriff’s Office would be publishing more information about the HAWK system on social media and the newsletter to educate the public. Mayor Fullmer asked Mr. Ghandour about funding for the study. Mr. Ghandour replied that they would work with the finance department and also said that they could work with partners such as Utah State University which had a local transportation assistance program. Councilmember Judd felt that since safety was concerned, he wanted to make the funds available to make it work. The discussion continued. Council decided to that they wanted Mr. Ghandour to bring back a recommendation. 10. CLOSED SESSION No closed session was held. 11. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. | |
Motion:Councilmember Flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 pm. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion.Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES APPROVED ON: September 8, 2021 CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: Kelly Kloepfer Kelly kloepfer, Deputy recorder |
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