Start Position
Chris Bramwell gave an inspirational thought and led the pledge of allegiance and gave an invocation.  2.
OPEN SESSION – There were no public comments. 3.
MINUTES REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL3.1    February 1, 2023MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to approve the February 1, 2023 meeting minutes. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. 4.                    BUSINESS ITEMS 4.1
Conditional Use Permit – Vineyard Auto Senior Planner Briam Perez presented the application submitted by Vineyard Auto for a conditional use permit and site plan to allow for Vehicle and Equipment Sale and Rental New or Used (Light) on the property. The proposed conditions of approval included all work must be complete behind closed door, light poles shall be less than 20’ in height, site shall meet screening requirements, site shall meet bicycle requirements, no vehicle may be displayed in landscaping, and applicant must observe all ADA requirements.
Anthony Jenkins asked what the surrounding uses are and confirmed the zoning. Briam Perez showed the Vineyard zoning map. The zone to the west is regional agriculture and the zones to the north, east and south are in Orem.
Anthony Jenkins asked the applicant about the relationship between the property and Reality Auto. Kyle Spencer, the engineer, stated that they are working on improving and beautifying the site and the property owner can better answer Anthony Jenkins’ question. Morgan Brim stated that staff have been working with the property owner to come into compliance and obtain a conditional use permit.
Bryce Brady asked if there would be any fencing or walls. Kyle spencer said there are none planned. He said that work will be done behind closed doors to keep the noise under control.
MOTION: Bryce called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins restated the conditions. Anthony Jenkins moved to approve the site plan and conditional use permit. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
The property owner, Pedro, made a public comment and thanked the city staff for working with him. 4.2
PUBLIC HEARING – Water Efficiency Standards
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to continue this item to March 1, 2023. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. 4.3
PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment Senior Planner Briam Perez presented an application submitted by X- Development. This text amendment would modify Section 7.08 Development Standards to allow for parking in the setback area on lots with no building. It would also modify Section 7.12 District Use Table to allow for off-site residential parking lots.
Bryce Brady asked how much landscaping the site requires now. It requires a 10-foot buffer.
The applicant, Jason Bowl, presented the text amendment. The parking area would be connected to Edgewater development.
There was a discussion about how the parking lot will be accessed.
Craig Bown asked how the stormwater will be maintained. The applicant stated that this would be addressed during the site plan approval stage.
Chris Bramwell asked Jason Bowl how Edgewater came to an agreement with X-Development to build extra parking. Eric Towner with X-development stated that the Edgewater Homeowners Association approached them. Residents of Edgewater have been parking on X-developments property and this was a solution to the problem.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. Russell Evans asked how many parking spaces are being proposed. Eric Towner said they had estimated 145 to 165 parking stalls.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to close the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. Morgan Brim stated that staff is concerned about two walls surrounding a narrow space and creating a dangerous situation. He recommended adding a modification to the recommendation the Commission would make to City Council.
Anthony Jenkins asked about egress from the parking lot. Jason Bowl answered that it will be further studied in the design phase.
MOTION: Craig Bown moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council with the modification stated by staff. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. 4.4
PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Text Amendment Senior Planner Briam Perez presented an application submitted by Hughes General Contractors. This text amendment would modify Section 15.12.050 District Use Table to allow clinical support housing to be eighty percent (80%) of the net square footage of a single building or development in the neighbor zoning commercial district. Clinical support housing is for those who experience development challenges and are generally teenagers and young adults.
Gary Tyler, representing the applicant, came to the podium. Bryce Brady asked why they are proposing the changes. Gary Tyler answered that the owner is not a developer with commercial connections. The current standard made the project impractical, and it was not financially feasible. He stated that the bottom floor will look like a commercial building and the proposed changes meet the intent of the ordinance.
Chris Bramwell asked if residents of the new building will share facilities with, such as a gym, with the existing building.
Bryce Brady asked if residents would work in the commercial areas on the first floor. Gary Tyler stated it is not intended for residents to have jobs on the first floor.
Craig Bown stated that project will serve a very specific population. He asked if 80% clinical support housing was enough to make the project feasible. Gary Tyler said that is it enough.
Briam Perez shared the proposed site plan.
Anthony Jenkins asked if the property were to switch owners would clinically support housing still be required. Morgan Brim said that it would have to be clinical support housing. Anthony Jenkins also asked about the placement of the building on the property and if it were possible to bring it closer to the street. Gary Tyler said there isn’t enough room because of property lines. Morgan Brim said they might be able to work out with something with Orem. Gary Tyler stated that the building would have to be redesigned due to fire access, grade difference, and property lines if it were to be repositioned on the property.
There was a discussion about this property being an entrance to Vineyard.
Bryce Brady asked question if the residents will own vehicles. They will not.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Daria Evan asked how many residents the project will house and for clarification on how supervised the residents will be.
Russell Evans stated he supports this project.
Gary Tyler stated there will be 32 bedrooms split among 4 units. He stated residents are supervised but residents can walk out of the building. He stated that 1 unit will be under lockdown.
MOTION: Chris Bramwell moved to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Bryce Brady called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins asked if staff had any concerns about the proposal. Briam Perez stated no. Anthony Jenkins then moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously 4.5
PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Utilities and Services
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins moved to continue this item to March 1, 2023. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously. 4.6
PUBLIC HEARING - Water Use and Preservation Emily Kofoed and Briam Perez presented a new Water Use and Preservation element of the General Plan. The element plans for developing, delivering, and efficiently using our limited water resources. It was also stated the City needs to take planning actions in order to obtain more water rights.
Emily Kofoed presented four goals.
Chris Bramwell asked if developers are required to acquire water rights. Naseem Ghandour answered that Central Utah Water Conservancy District owns most of the water and Vineyard is seeking to buy rights from them. Developers are not required to purchase water rights.
Anthony Jenkins asked what data Vineyard had about water consumption. Briam stated that this element is a start and will be amended with more information and data in the future.  is a start and will be filled in with data later.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Daria Evans stated that it seems impossible to get enough water for all the residents. She stated that to accomplish the goals outlined Vineyard should have less people.  Emily Kofoed stated that several master plans are in progress to account for Vineyard’s growth.
Russel Evans stated he concurs with Daria Evans. He is concerned about future density and water usage.
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins moved to close the public hearing. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Anthony Jenkins asked if we have data about water usage by each neighborhood Sullivan Love answered we do not have that data, but larger lots typically use more water and multifamily homes typically use the least water.   MOTION: Bryce Brady called for a motion. Chris Bramwell moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.5.                    TRAINING SESSION5.1    Segments of the documentary, “The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces,” by William H Whyte will be viewed and discussed by the Planning Commission.This item was continued by Bryce Brady. 6.                    WORKSESSION6.1    There are no work sessions scheduled for this meeting. 7.
COMMISSION MEMBERS’ REPORTS AND EX PARTE DISCUSSIONDISCLOSUREAnthony Jenkins stated that data should be made public. He asked how many parking spaces exist in Vineyard. Morgan Brim stated that there will be a parking study done this year. 8.
ADJOURNMENT Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm.       Certified correct on: March 1, 2023.   Certified by: _/s/Rachel Stevens _____________       Rachel Stevens, Planning Technician
All right. Welcome, everybody. This is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 and it is 00:00:11
6:00 PM. 00:00:15
We will have an inspirational thought Pledge of Allegiance and invocation by Chris. 00:00:20
So people can plan and get benefit show use out of their property in a way that still meets the public need for health and safety 00:00:59
and other public benefit. With that said, we'll say the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:01:05
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:15
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:21
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful that we can gather here tonight as the Vineyard community and meet together as a 00:01:35
Planning Commission. Please bless us as we fulfill our duties and our service tonight that we can be mindful of the the purpose 00:01:42
that we are here to serve, that we can be mindful of the community that we serve and the rights that the residents of this 00:01:49
community have. We're thankful for the opportunity we have to live in this country and many freedoms that. 00:01:56
That we have as its citizens we say these things now. Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:02:03
Thank you so much. All right, we'll move into an open session. This is a time for public comments, for things that are not 00:02:08
currently on the agenda. So if you have. 00:02:13
Public comments come to the stand, state your name and try to keep it under 3 minutes. 00:02:17
All right. Doesn't look like there are any public comments. So we'll move on to the minutes for review and approval. 00:02:27
There's a motion on that. 00:02:35
Yeah, I had a chance to read over those for February 1st, so I make a motion to accept the minutes from February 1st 2023 for 00:02:37
approval. Sanctuary. Do I have a second? 00:02:42
A second. Thanks today. All in favor. Aye. All right. Moving into business items, conditional use permit for Vineyard Auto. 00:02:47
Good evening, Planning Commission. I'm Brian Amaya Perez, Senior Planner here with Community Development Department. Just here to 00:03:05
introduce the Vineyard Auto site plan and Conditional use permit application. So the address for this parcel, 720 S Geneva Rd. The 00:03:13
size is 1.36 acres and it's in the Regional Commercial Zoning District. The applicant is Kai Mitchell and Kyler Spencer. Kai is 00:03:21
with Northern Engineering and Kyler Spencer also with Northern Engineering, correct? 00:03:28
OK, good. The applicant is requesting approval of site planning conditional use permit for vehicle and equipment sale or rental, 00:03:38
new or used light facility. So within the zoning district, this type of use can only be approved through a conditional use permit. 00:03:44
So that's why we're running those two applications concurrently. The zoning district was intended to provide for various types of 00:03:50
commercial uses and activities. 00:03:56
This facility will provide for the sale, lease or rental of new and used. 00:04:02
Vehicles including automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles or boats. 00:04:09
The cleaning and routine maintenance of motor vehicles is. 00:04:14
And allowed use as an access. 00:04:17
And the owner who is here, Pedro Express, he intends to sell used vehicles on the lot and perform that routine maintenance that 00:04:21
was described. 00:04:25
A stated site measures 1.36 acres. There are currently two buildings that exist on the site. Each of those is intended to be 00:04:30
repurposed. 00:04:34
The primary building, currently a little house. 00:04:38
Yeah. So the house is right here. Thank you. Cash, actually, I'm going to pull up the site plan. Just got to move down to the site 00:04:43
plan that's on. 00:04:47
Staff report. 00:04:51
Give us a little better image here. 00:04:55
Yeah. 00:05:08
OK, so in this image the never Rd. is off to is on the Northside of on the top side of the page, but actually N, the cardinal 00:05:12
direction N is on the left side of the page, so left is north. 00:05:19
Up is east to the right of South and the bottom page of the pages West. 00:05:26
So the existing building to remain here this this night here is a small is a small house. It measures under 1000 square feet, 984 00:05:33
square feet. 00:05:38
And there's a secondary building right here that also says existing building to remain. 00:05:43
That one measures 2380 square feet this secondary. So the first building the house is going to be used as the commercial office 00:05:49
location where they'll be making the the sale and transactions for the vehicles and then the secondary building is where they'll 00:05:57
be doing the work that needs to be performed. And and all that work is not intended to be like heavy usage. It's very routine 00:06:04
day-to-day kind of maintenance that needs to be done on on vehicles. 00:06:11
All. 00:06:20
That is performed in this shop must be done behind closed Bay doors. That's a condition of approval that that we're attaching to 00:06:21
the to the plan. 00:06:26
The applicant should speak about, and he prevented, any additional preventative measures that would be used to mitigate the impact 00:06:32
of noise on adjacent parcels. The the applicant will work with the building department to make sure these buildings meet the 00:06:37
requirements of the International Building Code regarding their new uses. 00:06:42
This will be addressed when the applicant submits for building permits. I would like to say though, that the applicant has already 00:06:47
had a lot of preliminary conversations with the building department. 00:06:52
So they've been doing a lot of their due diligence to understand what needs to happen in the next steps in preparation for 00:06:58
transforming that use to a commercial from residential to a commercial use. 00:07:02
The applicant has met our requirements in the zoning code for open space for interior parking, parking, Lance parking lot, 00:07:09
landscaping, site lighting. There is one one element that is not quite in line They their their plans are still showing. I should 00:07:16
say the the specifics of the light poles show 22 feet tall light poles and our zoning code only lasts for 20 foot foot high light 00:07:24
poles. That's another conditional approval that we need to attach to that. 00:07:31
But they meet our requirements for parking at a parking and for bicycle parking. 00:07:40
The applicant worked closely with the Orem Fire Marshall to make sure that they that there were proper ingress and egress points, 00:07:46
that they were wide enough points and as well as all the proper interior turnarounds for emergency vehicles. 00:07:52
The applicant also has been in collaboration with you dot to make sure that they met the requirements and if the applicant later 00:07:58
would speak more to that. 00:08:02
It's necessary. We could definitely would like to hear that the Afghan has met the requirements for detention basins. There's a 00:08:08
detention basin here on the West side of the site. 00:08:12
And we have requirements that have to do with slope ratios, clearances at the top of the detention basin and how wide the the 00:08:17
floor of the detention basin has to be and they have met those requirements. 00:08:23
All plants in their schedule are water wise and got resistant. There are no invasive species listed or any species that are 00:08:29
prohibited in the Vintage Tree Landscape Manual and most of the site landscaping and parking lot. Landscaping is comprised of 00:08:35
decorative crushed rock with dispersed Evergreen and deciduous shrubs and grasses. 00:08:41
Community development staff does recommend approval of the site plan and conditioning this permit as presented with the following 00:08:48
conditions of approval and I'm going to skip back to the conditions here. 00:08:54
And then after I listed conditions, the applicant is here to answer any questions that the Commission might have. 00:09:02
So we have listed the acting paisani, the two. The first two are very standard paying fees, making sure that they're binding boils 00:09:10
their local laws. 00:09:14
Umm. 00:09:18
All work performed in the rear shop building must be done behind closed Bay doors. The light poles cannot exceed 20 feet in 00:09:19
height. It shall be the joint and separate responsibility of the owner and release of the principal use, uses, or building to 00:09:24
maintain in a need. 00:09:29
An adequate manner, the parking space, access ways, striping, landscaping and required fences or screening. 00:09:34
Off street parking spaces shall not be utilized for open storage, sale or rental of goods or storage of inoperable vehicles. 00:09:42
Except when permitted, the applicant shall meet all bicycle parking requirements. 00:09:48
We always kind of tend to throw that one in because there are there's quite a list of bicycle parking requirements and they've 00:09:55
met, they've met all of them. We just just the furthest solidify that that needs to be met. No part of any landscape area shall be 00:10:01
used for any other use such as parking signs or display. In a previous version of the landscaping plan, there was a a display area 00:10:07
for two vehicles within the landscaping along the street frontage. 00:10:13
And and we asked the applicant to remove that so so just to be clear there is the landscaping is just to be intended for landscape 00:10:20
use not for display vehicles. 00:10:25
And then so just to finish Reading 8 except for required on site retention areas or when such use is shown on the approved final 00:10:32
landscape. 00:10:36
And then finally, the applicant must observe All American with Disabilities Act ADA requirements. 00:10:40
And then there are the proposed motions motion, proposed motion, so. 00:10:47
Planning Commission, if you guys need any further clarification, myself and the representative for the applicant are here to 00:10:53
answer any questions. And Brian if you could, why don't you roll to like the the landscape plan, so the publicans say yes. So any 00:10:59
of the associated plans you can just go through those. Gotcha. Thank you, Maureen. 00:11:05
Just real quick, is this zoned as regional commercial or is this zoned as business park? It's zoned as regional commercial, yeah. 00:11:13
Let's see. 00:11:25
Oh, there we go. 00:11:26
OK. So this is the landscape plan that is being presented. 00:11:28
Do this. 00:11:33
Oops, that's not going to. I'm one page down. My apologies. 00:11:39
Here we go. 00:11:52
OK if. 00:11:55
If you guys have questions for Kyle Spencer, he's here to answer any questions. 00:11:57
I've got a couple of questions. One's more for staff and just understanding kind of loan prices, just all the adjacent properties, 00:12:03
if you just walk us through what's there, that might help. 00:12:07
With the use and then I've got some questions. 00:12:13
In regards to what's already there with reality auto, so I'll, I'll take that second one. Yeah, after. Sorry real quick. Just to 00:12:16
add to that, just looking at the map and our zoning map for the city, is the zoning map for that's on the Vineyard website 00:12:22
accurate? You're probably looking at the interactive base map. 00:12:29
I'm looking. 00:12:36
Yeah, I'll pull up. I'll pull up our zoning map. 00:12:41
What's the date? 00:12:46
March 2017. 00:12:47
Yeah. 00:12:51
Sorry. 00:12:56
Yeah, so this, this is our zoning. 00:13:04
In this area here reflects the regional commercial designation. 00:13:07
Yeah, the date is OK. 00:13:15
The one I was looking at, I guess it's a little blurred, but I believe this is from March 2022 and we have Agis Consultant on 00:13:18
board now and so we should be able to keep our maps consistent. 00:13:25
Yeah, you're like at the public based map, it's it shows BP. Yeah, this is one. I remember 2016 went from RC to BP and then a 00:13:32
couple years later from BP to RC. It's kind of back and forth. 00:13:38
Yeah, sorry about that chair. 00:13:45
So to the North and South of it. 00:13:50
Not it's not even Vineyard. And then to the West of it is zoned. 00:13:53
I believe RE five that's a residential agriculture minimum 5 acre lot size. That's right. 00:13:59
And it's regional commercial this out and then and then you have the warm substation. 00:14:07
Right there. 00:14:12
Alright, that helps. Then yeah, for the applicant, I do have a question. 00:14:15
I know Google Maps is certainly not the source of all truth, but. 00:14:19
There appears to already be an operation underway there, Reality Auto that's been operating for several months with photos of the 00:14:24
dealership underway there. Can you explain? 00:14:28
The relationship between Vineyard Auto and Reality Auto and all. 00:14:33
Is there a green light? 00:14:39
There we go, there we go. Maybe the the property owner might be able to answer your question as far as the current occupant that 00:14:42
that's that's actually running a business off of off of the parcel. But as far as the site improvement drawings. 00:14:49
And plans that we got here to where we're at today and I could probably answer those a little better but but just just to add to 00:14:57
that maybe didn't really have a question with with this but I know working with the staff it's been great working with them and 00:15:01
and. 00:15:06
Bit of understanding as far as. 00:15:11
Proposing a you know a used car dealership on this vacant property and and they come in and to maximize the what we're calling the 00:15:14
the showroom floor basically to to park that that car there. 00:15:21
And but with that, staff also wanted to emphasize, hey, this is the actual first. 00:15:28
Property within Vineyard where the you know the. 00:15:35
Cars driving up and down in either Rd. This is where they you know they want to drive through here and not see A. 00:15:40
Less than stellar landscape plan and and a site plan here to where you know it'll. 00:15:50
Maintained and and up you know basically up kept to the city standards and and I appreciate that because honestly when when they 00:15:57
come in the site plan I didn't think that this is going to be the you know the basically the front door to to vineyard for. 00:16:03
For that that, that exposure. So you know we worked with PKJ the landscape. 00:16:11
At first, we didn't have a landscape architect, and engineers are not the best landscape architect designers. 00:16:18
But but I'm grateful for that. Because if you can see this plan and I'm great glad this is the this is what I hope that you see, 00:16:24
rather than our bland, boring engineering drawings. 00:16:29
But because this, I'm hoping that this is what will really accent the property and parcel and still also complement what they're 00:16:35
proposing. The use for is is for the you know, they get the used car. 00:16:43
You underst. 00:16:51
And Anthony we can share a little bit about you know I mean obviously you see that there's there's cars on site there there there 00:16:52
was some some confusion kind of on on on the process. We've been working with Pedro the property owner and the the the, the 00:16:59
tenants of the property and so we we informed them when the vehicles were moved over from another. 00:17:05
Car sales property in Orem took to this proper. 00:17:13
That a conditional use permit in a site plan were required And so we have worked with them, we had them takedown signage, we made 00:17:16
them go go through this process. So they were required to actively go through this process and to receive a business license. So 00:17:22
yeah, there's definitely been some, some kind of some work and some education from the city and applicant, but they've they've 00:17:28
been willing to to to compliance. We're hoping that after tonight we're in compliance or once the business license is issued. So 00:17:34
that would be the next step. 00:17:39
Any other questions? 00:17:48
I think it looks great. I love your landscape plan. 00:17:53
I think it's a great spot for a car dealership, personally. 00:17:56
Um. 00:17:59
Do you have any plans for putting in any kind of fencing or? 00:18:01
Walls or anything at the moment, None though. No. 00:18:06
I know working with the staff there's a concern with, you know, the the nuisance noise mainly from the shop area in the back and I 00:18:11
I believe you know that that's been operating at the shop in the past. 00:18:17
They'll continue to use that but also comply with the requirements of closing the the Bay doors. It's not a problem in the winter 00:18:24
we want them closed to keep the cold out and warm in. But in the summer months I could see where you know that that the plan there 00:18:31
is to also keep the doors shut during the operation and and repair and. 00:18:38
Maintenance of the vehicles and it's my understanding also that. 00:18:45
Air compressors and everything that. 00:18:50
Really irritate. The neighbors are also inside the building as well, so I think we're in, we're in good standings. Awesome. And 00:18:53
just kind of note too, there's no existing residential. 00:18:58
Uses so you do have the RA five that allows for the one for five acres, but so if you could have potentially put. 00:19:05
Someone were to build there, they would know that this is already there. Yeah. Unfortunately the Bay doors faced the east side 00:19:12
towards Geneva, so noise would be projecting in the opposite direction. 00:19:18
Harmon. 00:19:24
For a resident, don't tell him that. 00:19:26
Cool. Do I have a motion? 00:19:29
Just really quickly as a connection against I believe it's for public hearing and so. 00:19:34
No, it doesn't say. 00:19:39
Oh, that's really? 00:19:42
Never mind. 00:19:45
Cool, Yeah. Do you have the condition? Does somebody have? 00:19:49
Yes, you want to. 00:19:56
Before I I want to read off to some of the staff conditions just for everyone's awareness here. There's nine of them. One is the 00:20:00
applicant pays any outstanding fees and makes any red line corrections. The applicant is subject to all federal, state and local 00:20:05
laws. All work performed in the rear shop building must be done behind closed Bay doors. Light poles cannot exceed 20 feet in 00:20:10
height. 00:20:15
It shall be the joint and separate responsibility of owner and or lessee of the principal use, uses, or building, to maintain in a 00:20:20
neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways, striping, landscaping, and required fences for screening. 00:20:27
Off street parking spaces shall not be utilized for open storage, sale or rental of goods. 00:20:35
For storage of inappropriate or inoperable vehicles, except when permitted, the Applicant summit all bicycle parking requirements. 00:20:40
No part of any landscape area shall be. 00:20:46
For any other use, such as parking signs or display, except for required on site retention areas or when such use is shown on the 00:20:51
approved final Landscape plan and then the final one is, the applicant must observe all American with Disabilities Act ADA 00:20:56
requirements. 00:21:01
So having read those, I'll move to approve the site plan and conditional use permit for the Vineyard Auto as presented with the 00:21:07
conditions stated. 00:21:12
Second, second. All in favor, aye, aye. 00:21:16
All right. Thank you, guys. 00:21:20
Decided to see everything when it's done. So Pedro, just as next steps. 00:21:23
You know, just contact Brian and then what we can start on the business license and I know you've done a little bit on that, but 00:21:29
we need to grab that up and you should be good to go. 00:21:33
Just like, you know, Pedro. Sorry, you got you. Pardon me. Yeah, sorry. Thank you. 00:21:39
Just wanted to take. 00:21:49
This opportunity to sincerely thank you the city who has been amazing to work with, being very patient and also willing and and 00:21:52
educating. 00:21:57
About this process and of course, you know, I've been working with a professional, so I thank you. Just wanted to say thank you so 00:22:03
much. Yeah, great. Thanks. We'll try our very best. 00:22:08
To make sure that our entrance to Vineyard looks amazing. So thank you again for tuning. We're excited for it. Thank you. Thanks. 00:22:13
All right, item 4.2, the water efficiency standards is going to be continued. Do I need to make a motion to continue that? 00:22:22
So I have some someone like I'll move to continue item 4.2. 00:22:30
March 1st. 00:22:37
4.2 Water Efficiency Standards to our March 1st, 2023 meeting. 00:22:40
Second all in favor, aye? 00:22:50
All right, moving on to 4.3. A public hearing for zoning text amendment. This will be Brian again. OK, yeah. Brian, Team Planner, 00:22:53
This is the Geneva Rd. mixed-use Zoning text amendment. This is submitted as Ordinance 2023-10. 00:23:01
The applicant, Jason Bull, with Snell and Wilmer representing X Development or 50 Mil LLC there. 00:23:09
Essentially the same company. 00:23:16
So the applicant Jason, is proposing to amend the Geneva Rd. mixed-use Special Purpose Zoning District to allow for off-site 00:23:19
residential parking as of permitted use. Currently that is not a permitted. 00:23:26
So the proposals to make that insert that into the use table and make it something that is allowed within that district. This 00:23:33
ordinance modifies. The language pertains to the requirements for landscape buffers and landscaping within set back areas. 00:23:41
X Development has been in talks with the city and the Edgewater Apartments on a proposal that would create. 00:23:48
Additional parking for the apartment complex within the property located within the GRMU District and owned by X Development. 00:23:54
In order for the proposal to work to get that parking. 00:24:03
In there and functioning, the use of off site residential parking needs to be added to the permitted use table. Additionally, the 00:24:07
landscaping requirements between the residential zoned property and the proposed parking area need to be modified. The applicant's 00:24:12
proposal is to add a single add a single use in the permit use table and modify landscape screening standards to fit this unique 00:24:17
circumstances. 00:24:23
In regards to setbacks, here's the language that is being proposed. So the language that is currently in existence is landscaping. 00:24:29
So this is in the setbacks section of the code. 00:24:35
Under. 00:24:43
A and bullet point. 00:24:45
So it currently reads. Landscaping, parking and drive areas are permitted in the rear set back area. 00:24:48
What the applicant wants to do is add some further language that says. 00:24:56
Landscaping, parking and drive areas are permitted in the rear set back area on lots with a building. 00:25:00
On lots with no buildings, so this. 00:25:08
Creating this new parking area will create a new lot that will not have any buildings. So on lots with no buildings, Landscaping, 00:25:11
parking and drive areas are permitted in all set back areas. 00:25:17
And then in Section 12 of landscaping, it says no landscape buffer is required between a lot that contains off-site residential 00:25:24
parking and and contiguous residential development or residential zoning district. So they're trying to remove the requirement to 00:25:31
have a landscape buffer between Edgewater townhomes and the new parking. 00:25:38
Parcel So they won't have that landscaping there, but the landscaping will be moved to the east side of that of that new parking 00:25:46
area and be a minimum of four feet. 00:25:52
So I'll just read what the bullet point says so you get the exact language. So it says 4 feet of landscape buffer shall be 00:25:58
provided between off site residential parking and other uses. 00:26:03
The landscaping can be provided on either lot as long as the total buffer is 4 feet. 00:26:08
So the applicant, Jason Bold, he's here to further explain if you guys have any questions. But staff recommendation is to approve 00:26:16
the zoning text amendment as it's being presented and we have a potential motion for you guys. Did you have a presentation? So I'm 00:26:21
sure Jason wants to come up and further explain the proposal. 00:26:27
Good question for you. With the current setbacks and landscaping, how much landscaping do they have? Would they have to have 00:26:33
along? 00:26:37
That back. 00:26:42
10. 00:26:46
OK. 00:26:47
Thank you for the opportunity for being here this evening. May remember I was here a few months ago talking about the Gru having 00:26:51
on at that time that this was a possibility I think would have included. However, we're excited about this potential, about this 00:26:56
possibility and the conversations. 00:27:02
That have been happening happening with the property owner Edgewater and the city to help resolve what is I think a pretty 00:27:08
noticeable parking parking problem. So. 00:27:14
Right. If you want to go into the next one, so this is the area that where the GRMU district was was adopted, it is. So the 00:27:22
property that we're talking about that where this parking lot would be is actually in a different zoning district and would be on 00:27:29
a separate lot from the Edgewater development. And so that's why we are here is to modify the specific code language for this 00:27:35
specific zone. 00:27:42
In this specific area, which is that that red area, I'll go to the next one. So this is a layout that shows. 00:27:49
What it is we're talking about? 00:27:59
In essence, the parking area would be connected to to Edgewater and would be provided for for that development. 00:28:01
What would be on? 00:28:10
East side of the Edgewater development, the West side of the the Gru zone and those lots along Geneva Rd. 00:28:12
So there's as Brian outlined, there's 33 modifications that we're looking to include the first one. 00:28:23
Is so that in between the parking area being provided for Edgewater and the parking lot there isn't a landscape buffer required as 00:28:31
was just asked. Otherwise it's a 10 foot buffer that would push that parking area further out and then the the landscaping can be 00:28:38
utilized on what would be the east side of the parking area. 00:28:45
And is and four feet of of landscaping would be required to buffer that parking area from the development to the east, so from the 00:28:54
the actual residential structures and you have the. 00:28:59
The existing rear of the lots. Then you'd have the parking area and then the landscape buffer between the commercial potential 00:29:06
commercial development. 00:29:10
The second modification is clarifying that on lots without a building. So in essence this lot that's going to be created. 00:29:16
Parking areas and drive areas and landscaping are all permitted within all of the setbacks. 00:29:27
On this lot so that it can accommodate the parking and drive areas. 00:29:34
And then probably the the most important. 00:29:41
Is adding the off site residential parking, which is defined as an area that provides parking to an existing approved residential 00:29:43
project. 00:29:48
But it's located on a separate. 00:29:53
And so adding this to as a permitted use in the table for the grmu district. 00:29:55
And that is all I have. Maybe if we go back to the site plan, if there's questions that might be. 00:30:02
Applicable slide to look at. Do you guys see yourself using? 00:30:09
Any other parking for anything else? Or is this the only parking? 00:30:14
Like lot that you're planning on using for parking. 00:30:18
So this is, this is not for the commercial development, this is for Edgewater, yeah. 00:30:21
I'm just wondering because it's for the whole thing, I mean you could essentially make any lot of parking. Just wondering if you 00:30:26
guys have any plans to do that? 00:30:30
The building that you guys are planning on building or anything like that. So as those lots develop along Geneva Rd. they. 00:30:35
Requires parking for those lots, and so there would be parking on those lots. 00:30:43
This wouldn't be utilized for for those uses, OK? 00:30:49
That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. 00:30:53
Can you help me understand how residents would access that? There's a wall there currently, correct? And so with that, so there's 00:30:57
a drive about halfway through the parking lot, there's a drive that goes east, West. 00:31:03
And so it would be accessed through there. 00:31:09
And defensive just be removed in that one spot and the other part of the fence would remain correct. 00:31:11
Would there be any access to the east? 00:31:17
There is no planned access to these, OK? 00:31:20
OK. How do you guys intend to deal with like storm water runoff and stuff created because this will be paved eventually I guess, 00:31:25
right. So yeah, I mean all the storm water maintenance, I mean storm waters, it has to be maintained, it has to be captured. I 00:31:32
guess my question, would it be part of the edge, would it tie into the Edgewater stuff or would it? 00:31:39
And maybe you don't know yet because it hasn't. This isn't the site plan I guess yet, but I just I guess take that in 00:31:47
consideration. I guess that doesn't, you know every every other lot will have its own. 00:31:53
So just keep it in mind, I guess. Understandable. 00:32:00
Any other questions? Yeah. So I mean, we have multiple private communities here that have parking issues. So how did Edgewater and 00:32:06
and your company team up to find the solution for Edgewater? 00:32:11
If we could learn from what you did. 00:32:17
Steve Hutchings, Ex development, Yeah, Edgewater reached out. 00:32:24
A lot of their residents are currently parking on our property and so we've had all kind of a long going and and driving through 00:32:29
it and it's like a a road, but it shouldn't be. 00:32:36
So yeah, just at the end of 400 N they've. 00:32:44
There's about 200 cars that park there. 00:32:48
There's. 00:32:52
Crime and different things over there as well. 00:32:55
You know, definitely want to solve the problem. 00:32:59
If we can. 00:33:02
Thank you. Thanks. 00:33:03
Any other questions? 00:33:08
You have a motion to open up a public hearing. 00:33:12
I move to open up a public hearing. I have a second I. 00:33:15
All in favor, aye. 00:33:19
Alright, if you guys if there's any public comments, you can come and state your name and. 00:33:21
Can try to consolidate your thoughts. 00:33:26
Russ Levins, a resident Just curious how many parking spaces you're planning on. 00:33:32
We don't have Eric with X development, Eric Toner Fix Development, don't have a full engineering completed on this site yet. This 00:33:46
is the first step that we need to move forward with, but we estimate there will be over about 100 / 145 stalls is is approximate. 00:33:53
Potentially as high as 165. 00:34:01
Thank you. I'm all for additional. 00:34:06
Any other comments from the? 00:34:13
If not, drive the motion to close the public hearing. 00:34:16
Edgewater. 00:34:53
And then the potential for another wall existing between this parking lot and the north. 00:34:53
You would you would create kind of a potentially a dangerous situation where there wouldn't be a lot of visibility. 00:35:00
And so you don't necessarily need to propose language, but if you do recommend approval, part of the recommendation would be that 00:35:07
staff work with them on code. You know, they could have some separation, but maybe it's a transparent fence, something that that 00:35:13
doesn't create kind of a like a tight closed off alley, you know, I know our police would would be really concerned about that. OK 00:35:20
Yeah, I mean I I would be as a resident. 00:35:26
I have concerns about snow removal, so as we move forward that would be that'd be something to think about. 00:35:34
That's great. Does this take away from any of the open space that is already part of water's edge? I'm just pulling up. 00:35:41
Yes, this project, yes, there, there's grass there. That's where they punched through. They they were over quite a bit. We 00:35:51
analyzed in the past and so and there's no. 00:35:57
Playground or No, no, not like that. That would be removed. Yeah, there's a couple parking spaces and then like the strip 00:36:03
landscaping. 00:36:07
But they they do have excess overall open space, so they'd be fine. 00:36:12
And the part of the side plans here, what we would do is require a calculation on both sides and whenever you amend the project we 00:36:19
we do recalculate open space. 00:36:24
But I mean that would be easy. We have, we have the numbers from the current plan, we would just take out you know whatever that 00:36:31
100 square feet is and then also just verifying. 00:36:35
This is just for the GRMU zone, which is a small area limited area in the city. 00:36:39
I wouldn't. This would not open this up as a possibility. 00:36:45
The rest of the city, unless they went through another zoning text amendment, correct? 00:36:48
Are we gonna see this again if it comes back? 00:36:52
So I I guess most of my questions that will be for the site plan. 00:36:58
But that's good to know. I mean hearing about the the snow plow and stuff. 00:37:04
Those are things that it's good for applicant to hear if you have concerns. 00:37:10
And again, just the only in and out would be through the. 00:37:16
Existing housing development they wouldn't exit out onto. 00:37:21
Jason I don't. I don't know if they're proposing A pedestrian connection, but that may be the only one. 00:37:26
Again we're we're not, it hasn't been engineered, hasn't been designed. 00:37:34
Where we're at in the talks is what you see there, which is parking all along. 00:37:38
Got. 00:37:44
OK. 00:37:45
All right there. 00:37:48
Make a motion. 00:37:51
I'm going to approve. 00:37:53
2023-10 as presented by city staff, with the condition to work with staff on required separation. 00:37:55
I have a second. 00:38:04
And this is roll call. So Chris, hi Anthony. 00:38:06
Aye, aye. Aye. Aye. Greg. Hi. All right, Pass. 00:38:11
Thank you. Thank you guys. Thanks. 00:38:16
Moving to 4.4 Public hearing for another zoning text amendment. This is Brian again. 00:38:18
Sorry, just one second guys. Just got to make sure I get a USB drive back to its owner. 00:38:27
Play. 00:38:34
I. 00:38:48
OK, Thanks, Commissioner. I'm just pulling up the next staff report. 00:39:06
Hey, this next application is the Telos. 00:39:20
Two Academy. It's pertaining to the second campus building that TLS would like to construct. Not too far actually, from that car 00:39:25
dealership, just to the north of that. So this is ordinance 2023 Dash 11. The applicant, Gary Tyler with Seals Academy is here to 00:39:32
answer further questions. 00:39:39
So Gary with Tilo System is proposing an amendment to Vineyard to the Vineyard zoning code section 15 point 12.050, the District 00:39:46
use table. 00:39:51
To increase clinical support housing use in a single building or development within the neighborhood commercial zoning district to 00:39:57
no more than 80% of the net square footage. So this project resides in that neighborhood commercial zoning district. 00:40:05
It's the only location in Vineyard that has that zoning category. 00:40:13
Kilos Academy intends to construct a three story building with residents living on the second and third floor, while maintaining 00:40:19
the first floor for business and commercial operations. 00:40:24
Mr. Tyler stated that for the project to be feasible, they need this amendment to the zoning code. Telos feels that this amendment 00:40:29
still allows them to meet the intent of the neighborhood commercial zoning district by providing a mixed a mixed-use transition 00:40:34
between major roadway and high impact uses. 00:40:39
The two residential neighborhoods, the main level of this building will have a storefront feel with offices and conference rooms. 00:40:44
So I'm just going to pull up the ordinance so you guys can see the changes. 00:40:50
Umm. 00:40:56
It's a change to the subscript in the in the use table, so. 00:40:57
OK, let me look to where it you can see. 00:41:03
So clinical support housing has a subscript for neighborhood commercial. 00:41:07
That. 00:41:12
Yeah, clinical support housing right here. So this is the zoning district. This is the use clinical support housing. 00:41:16
And. 00:41:24
They further provide some some lighting on what clinical support housing is. 00:41:25
It's for the type of housing that Tiles provides, It's for. 00:41:28
Uh. 00:41:34
People that have had experience or that are having difficulty with like learning disabilities and things like that, they're 00:41:36
teenagers mostly right and young adults. And so they they help those those people with the with the different needs that they need 00:41:43
so that they can receive a proper education and and receive those social skills and life experiences to to contribute to society. 00:41:51
And so that subscript will take us to the bottom of the table where the number that is being changed here is as follows. Clinical 00:41:59
support housing use shall not exceed, so it used to. It currently reads 50% of the net square footage of a single building or 00:42:06
development. 00:42:12
The reason for that was that the city was trying to increase the amount of commercial activity and limit the amount of residential 00:42:20
activity, but the applicant is proposing to change that amount to 80% of the net square footage of the of a single building or 00:42:25
development within that. 00:42:31
And so that's that's what we're talking about and see if that is an appropriate change that is uncode into that zoning. 00:42:36
So Gary, if you if the if the Commission has any questions, Gary is here to answer them. 00:42:43
I guess my question would be what? Why the change? 00:42:53
Thank you, Gary. Tyler, I'm with Hughes General Contractors representing KILOS. We will be the general contractor to construct 00:42:59
this building if you allow this change. If not, it will sit vacant. But the the reason I don't know how many of you were here 00:43:09
before I was involved, Hughes was involved. This zone was created for this property and the owner there was extensive. 00:43:18
Back and forth they have them to go through to make this zone so that this little sliver of property that borders forum. 00:43:28
And would. 00:43:39
Be able to be developed. So there were multiple things in that zone that were written specifically so that we could build on that 00:43:40
small sliver of property. Well as we got into it, we realized started reading the fine print and to the owners this may they no 00:43:48
one understood how we ended up with 50%. 00:43:57
Of commercial versus housing. The problem is is that they are not a developer. They do not. 00:44:05
Lease space out. 00:44:16
Commercial entities and So what they. 00:44:19
Would like to do is be able to have the second third floor for permanent housing residents that come and go, but you know at least 00:44:23
out with bedrooms and kitchens and everything and then the bottom area will be for their facility. 00:44:30
Their corporate operations and conference rooms and. 00:44:39
And so the 50% made it so that we did not have. 00:44:44
Impractical to build the building. 00:44:50
Being a $12 million building, you know they needed it to pencil. 00:44:53
In a sense. And they needed those, the amount of rooms to help pay for that building. 00:44:59
So that's kind of that's why we are coming back in. 00:45:05
To amend this, 50% Which? 00:45:09
Again was the before I was involved, but the owner who was was like now that was he. They didn't understand that was to say that 00:45:13
that that was being put in. So now we're trying to remedy that, keep it still. So what we have done is we have taken, taken the 00:45:19
full bottom floor. 00:45:26
I I get the idea of having kind of a mixed-use is what the idea of the code is. So we've taken that whole bottom floor of the 00:45:33
footprint and we're going to have storefront, we'll have entries onto the main onto the road. So it looks. 00:45:41
Like a commercial building with a multi use fun. 00:45:49
So we think that that will suffice with meeting the intent of what was meant, OK. 00:45:54
Well, this building, the residents here use facilities located in the adjacent. 00:46:03
They will. So the existing building has a gym, has weight room so there will be back and forth. 00:46:09
This new facility will be for young women. 00:46:18
The existing facility right now is for young men, so now they and they've never been able or have wanted to try to intermingle 00:46:22
those two in the same building. So this will allow them to help serve the the female population. 00:46:30
OK. So there were a couple of us that were here around the time when you guys when this was I guess, I guess made. 00:46:39
And. 00:46:47
I don't remember the specific details, but I remember talking about like, oh, there'd be like a. 00:46:48
Cafe that you could walk to or like something. And I think that the intent was, or the thoughts and correct me if I'm wrong, was 00:46:53
that residents could work in places like that. 00:46:59
So I don't know if that's changed or it has OK as they look at it, their business. 00:47:07
More like a they said they they are not in the business of leasing property out to. 00:47:13
A coffee shop. And the other problem is anything they because they thought about at one point putting a separate building up front 00:47:21
off of Geneva. The problem here is parking as well. 00:47:27
There really is not going to be enough parking as is and we're going to have to come up with a shared agreement between the two 00:47:35
parcels for parking. 00:47:39
So parking for another. 00:47:44
Again is difficult. 00:47:50
And. 00:47:53
Yeah, they really don't want to see themselves. 00:47:56
Doing that anymore, they just. 00:48:00
And where's Where's the post? The new building to the north so see where the existing trailers. 00:48:03
On that right there, that's about where the building will sit. 00:48:10
So what would be on I guess in the corner, on that northeast corner, on the northwest corner, sorry, I mean so. 00:48:15
The property goes all the way to Geneva, doesn't it? Correct. Yeah. So what would be parking? That would be parking. 00:48:23
No. 00:48:29
So, and if you remember, there's quite a grade difference between the existing building. 00:48:33
Heading down to that existing property that we're talking about. So there's quite a bit of buffer there to make up that grade. 00:48:39
So that takes a little property and makes it even smaller, so you can. 00:48:46
We've submitted some site plans, so it really is. We've crammed in as many parking stalls as we can to maximize to meet the 00:48:53
parking requirements. 00:48:58
For. 00:49:04
So. 00:49:05
Code exists like you said, just for this parcel essentially, right? It was written for this. 00:49:07
So for this parcel, So understanding a little bit about what they do, I mean it's. 00:49:12
Service based thing basically, right. I mean they still make money and they lease it out these people, but it's a no, it's not it. 00:49:18
So they are super. 00:49:26
They. 00:49:28
Pod. 00:49:29
8 individuals, yeah, but I mean more. It's not like. 00:49:31
Student housing is what I'm saying, like there's a very specific need that this group serves, right? They are a federally. 00:49:35
Recognized company that provides mental health, right? So I guess my my point where I'm trying to get at is. 00:49:42
Is this enough? Like is 80% enough? Like, I know that that goes against what we always try to do, but like this is very specific, 00:49:49
so it's 80% enough. 00:49:54
Does that make sense? My question it is I mean. 00:50:00
Because there's I'm I'm saying like why make you have more commercial if it's really? 00:50:04
Serving a very specific need, You know what I mean? 00:50:08
I appreciate that. Yeah, you're absolutely right. We feel that we can meet the 80% without having any hardship to the owner. So we 00:50:11
kept it. 00:50:16
High or low, however you want to eat. 00:50:22
Get it as much as possible in case that someone else or another property in the city. 00:50:25
Decides to be zoned us. 00:50:31
Pardon me, Gary, I have some of the documents that you have most recently sent me. Would you like us to show those? 00:50:34
I mean again, it's site plan. I'm more than happy to show you what we had in mind if that would help. 00:50:40
I don't want to extend them. Yeah, more just be curiosity than necessary. Well, there you go. That was quick one. One question I 00:50:48
have for staff primarily. 00:50:52
You know, if these housing units go in. 00:50:59
And it changed, it changed ownership. In the future that would still need to remain clinical housing, correct? Like it wouldn't 00:51:02
turn into an apartment complex or whatever it might be. It would need to be clinical housing. Yeah, if you remember when this went 00:51:07
forward before I think like the initial. 00:51:13
Then the initial proposal was for just like kind of how they're proposing now is a much bigger Billy. I think it was like 4 00:51:20
stories, but there were some offices for the, you know, the like the clinicians. 00:51:26
Then there was mainly residential. There's concern from the City Council at that time. 00:51:33
And they wanted to make sure that the any housing was connected to like the the services on site. 00:51:39
And so, so that's kind of how we wrote the clinical support housing definition that was a new definition. 00:51:47
But yeah, there was definitely concern about allowing. 00:51:54
Like a lot of residential, but I think they're OK if it was the clinical support out there, yeah. 00:51:57
And then the only other comment is I understand it looks like you can't bring the building up to. 00:52:04
Intersection area there that I mean that's typically what. 00:52:10
Look for rather than. I mean that's just, that's just like a sea of asphalt, right When you got Geneva Rd. that's already pretty 00:52:13
wide. 00:52:16
And the street and then just a big parking lot, but sounds like the. 00:52:20
We don't have enough room to put a building up there, OK? 00:52:25
More if. 00:52:29
You know the two lots we maybe could, but where the property lines are not only other property lines, there the city boundary. So 00:52:34
if you're willing to let us move city boundaries. 00:52:39
Or annexation annex into Orem. 00:52:45
We've talked, we talked with Orem and that this is on that we can work on during during the site plan. Definitely our preference 00:52:49
is to have it on the corner. When we met with ARM initially a couple years ago on it, the proposal had it on the corner and they 00:52:55
said that they would be fine with the jurisdictional boundary crossing the building. 00:53:00
And so, but they would have to go through a development review committee with. 00:53:07
With One City, so we can when they get the site plan we can further that conversation, but that definitely is our preference to 00:53:12
have it on the corner as opposed to like. 00:53:17
Buried down, yeah. 00:53:22
Yeah. This is one of what, 5 entrances into the city. So when we initially talked about this and we're talking about. 00:53:24
Being commercial here it was the big thing was that this is an entrance into the city and that we wanted to look nice. Do you have 00:53:33
any of those renderings that I did I ever send you renderings? So as you can see the existing building I think is looks great and 00:53:40
very pleasing. The other, the new building will be just as complimentary and it will be a definitely a very attractive entrance to 00:53:47
the city. 00:53:54
I'll pull those up really quick, Gary. Yeah. And that's why we would want it pushed up to the street. We we we actually tried to 00:54:03
lay that out, but. 00:54:07
It just didn't work for us on the site plan. 00:54:13
OK. That sounds like we might be able to. Oh, there you go. There's a few if we can. 00:54:20
And there's even some rendering showing both buildings. 00:54:26
And how they both kind of lay. 00:54:29
So there's the existing one and there's come from Geneva Rd. looking back at that other building. 00:54:36
And there's coming down South, it's going to be very prominent still so. 00:54:44
Assuming Orem was able to work with you guys and. 00:54:49
Well, let's just say that there wasn't a city boundary line. You do think you could get that building forward? 00:54:53
That building. 00:54:59
It would have to be completely redesigned and it would be less. It would be more awkward. We've tried to. 00:55:01
Because of the great difference between. 00:55:09
You don't have well, one of the other reasons is fire access. You need fire lanes around those buildings. So if we were to try to 00:55:14
put that there and that's when the original was built or the the. 00:55:20
The one that we put in that corner. 00:55:26
That never met fire requirements for the fire trucks. Yeah. So that was as we started looking at that, we're like, well, we don't 00:55:28
need fire access. 00:55:33
So that's why we one of the reasons why we moved it back so that you could have fire access because on the backside of this 00:55:37
building on the West side we are going to have to build a lane for a fire truck to pull in. And so that he will they will have 00:55:45
access to three sides of the building fire truck we would not be able to. 00:55:52
With what was moved up front, OK, so again, a lot of moving parts, a lot of things that. 00:56:02
To us to. 00:56:09
This layout at that point, if that makes sense, yeah, that makes sense. And then the other question I had was as far as the 00:56:10
residents. 00:56:14
Umm. 00:56:19
Will. 00:56:20
Owned vehicles, Will they be driving? Will they be? No, they do not own vehicles at all, just the staff. 00:56:21
You want to consider putting a Welcome to Vineyard on the Telus sign. 00:56:29
Gateway's fine. Yeah. We on top of that we could do a marquee or something. 00:56:36
OK. 00:56:42
All right. Do you guys have any more questions for him before we open it up for a public hearing? 00:56:45
All right. Thank you. Thank you. All right, Drive the motion to open it up into a public hearing. I move to open this up to public 00:56:50
hearing. 00:56:54
Second all in favor, aye? 00:56:58
All right. I'm going to write down questions. If you have questions, I'll write them down just so that. 00:57:01
Daria Evans resident. 00:57:09
I just have a couple of questions. 00:57:12
I like the. 00:57:15
But I'm just curious how many residents they're planning on having and if it's going to be a lockdown situation because. 00:57:16
It says in. 00:57:23
That. 00:57:25
There they have mental impairments which require a constant supervision and support from residential and nursing staff. 00:57:27
So I'm just curious about that. Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you. 00:57:34
Any other public comments? 00:57:40
Russell Evans resident As my understanding then purpose I support this. 00:57:45
Anything else from? 00:57:53
All right. So yeah, how many residents are you expecting and will it be a lockdown situation? Is this going to be where they live? 00:57:57
Is this going to be? 00:58:01
Like, will they be allowed to leave kind of thing? 00:58:06
Yes, so this. 00:58:08
Residents, they will. There will be. 00:58:13
30. 00:58:16
Bedrooms they are in. 00:58:18
8 bedrooms and each of them they act like a family. 00:58:20
So. And they have their own kitchenette. 00:58:24
They. 00:58:27
We say mentally they're they're obviously troubled. 00:58:28
But they're 100% supervised. It is not a lockdown facility. They are able to. 00:58:33
They're not leaving campus, but there's not they can. They can walk out. It's not locked out now a portion of. 00:58:40
There's four pods. One pod will be for those that maybe are suicidal. 00:58:48
That portion will be a lockdown portion, so those that are extremely serious, those that may cause harm to themselves or others. 00:58:55
There is that small little portion that. 00:59:06
If that makes sense. 00:59:12
Good question though. Thank you. And just to add this, these type of facilities are are so needed in our society. 00:59:14
They really are doing a great service. 00:59:25
Helping those. 00:59:30
Youth, young adults, that failure to launch to, you know. 00:59:32
Not necessarily substance abuse, but just. 00:59:37
Problems in school, they come here, that's why they have the telos you university, which they team up with. 00:59:41
Different all the school districts to be able to offer. 00:59:50
And we help them graduate from high school. So, but thank you. Thank you. 00:59:54
All right. Do I have a motion to close the public? 01:00:01
Motion to close the public hearing second All in favor, aye? 01:00:04
All right. Any other questions? 01:00:10
Anything else from staff? 01:00:13
Do I have a motion I I did see in the staff report under the staff recommendation said no recommendation from staff and then 01:00:15
potential motions could. 01:00:19
Elaborate there in the. 01:00:24
Yeah, usually. 01:00:26
More about more of a recommendation from staff on that, and if there's concerns I'd like to hear them. 01:00:28
Um. 01:00:33
I personally felt that. 01:00:34
You guys would probably be best to make a decision when it comes to additional housing. So that's why I didn't recommend. Got it. 01:00:36
OK, thanks. Just want to clarify. 01:00:39
There's no additional questions. I'll move to recommend approval of Ordinance 2023-11 as presented by city staff. Do I have a 01:00:46
second? 01:00:50
Second, this is also roll call, Chris, I Anthony, hi I say Craig, alright passes. 01:00:55
Moving to. 01:01:04
Your next step would be next week with the City Council. 01:01:08
Awesome. Thank you. 01:01:12
All right, 4.5 the public hearing for general plan amendment for Public Utilities and services is going to be continued to have a 01:01:15
motion to continue that. 01:01:19
Just give me the paper, I'll beat you to it. I motion to continue item 4.5 to our meeting on March 1st. 01:01:25
Second, second, all in favor, aye, all right, moving to 4.6, the public hearing for water use and preservation. And Brian is Brian 01:01:34
again, actually Emily COVID with our engineering. What do we call it now, engineering. 01:01:41
Division will lead the conversation on this, so I'm here for support. 01:01:51
Yep. 01:01:58
Oh. 01:02:01
You had it right at the bottom. 01:02:28
Right, right, right. Yeah, that one. 01:02:32
I clicked that. 01:02:34
All right. I Emily covered staff engineering. I'm talking about water use and preservation element that we're wanting to add to 01:02:40
the general plan. 01:02:43
So this past month, the city sent a letter of request to the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, or CWCD, for 3504 acre feet 01:02:51
of water to be used in the next five years to meet future demands. 01:03:00
And in return to WCD has asked that the city. 01:03:09
Do a few things to qualify for this water request. And so some of those things include the water use and preservation element to 01:03:16
be added to our general plan, according to Senate Bill 110, which outlines them. 01:03:23
How that should be written and what should be contained in that document? 01:03:31
And then also to have a water conservation plan adopted by the city and then approved by the Utah Division of Water Resources. So 01:03:36
we have already completed our final draft and sent that to the state and the state has approved that and that is just awaiting 01:03:44
adoption by the City Council and that's on the agenda for February 22nd. So that's moving right along and then. 01:03:52
They also have asked that we adopt water efficiency standards that pertain to our landscaping zoning code. 01:04:01
And that is on the agenda for Planning Commission for March 1st. 01:04:10
So in the water use and preservation element, we pulled these four goals straight from the Senate bill and I'll just quickly read 01:04:17
through these goals and feel free to ask me questions afterwards. So goal one is to reduce water demand per capita consumption for 01:04:24
existing development. Goal two is to reduce water demand per capita consumption for future development. Goal three is to improve 01:04:32
the effect of permitted development or patterns of development on water demand and water infrastructure. 01:04:40
And goal for is to modify the Municipality's operations to eliminate practices or. 01:04:48
That wastewater. 01:04:53
Any any questions? 01:04:57
I have a question on water. So we've requested additional water from the water district. Do we require developers when they 01:05:00
develop to submit water rights? And no. Like in Linden they have requirements. 01:05:06
To send that acre fee and developers buy water rights and submit them to the city. So how do we? 01:05:12
Acquire those rights, Are we just getting them from the Conservancy district? 01:05:17
Missing indoor assistant to the staff engineer Emily. 01:05:25
Now so in regards to regards to a question about requiring developers to submit to your turnover bar rights, the city does not 01:05:28
have any specific language in the ordinances, codes or standards that. 01:05:36
We do. 01:05:45
We could go after us developers or excuse me like developments regards to the wire rights to ensure that the city would have first 01:05:46
rider refusal especially when we're negotiating development agreements that is something that we've been emphasizing and then but. 01:05:53
And it's all in here. Can correct me if I'm wrong. Hopefully not. But the Vineyard City the majority of the water has more arrests 01:06:01
have been sold off from Vineyard City the the biggest purchaser is Central Utah Water District from home. We're trying to purchase 01:06:07
more rights from this is these things happen. 01:06:14
He. 01:06:22
That this area, most of this happened during the closing. She needs steel mill. 01:06:24
But in terms of forcing the developers to turn over the wire right now? 01:06:28
OK. 01:06:34
Was that right? 01:06:36
One question I have is a lot of these talk about reducing water demand per capita. 01:06:41
Tough to reduce if you don't know baselines like, do we already have? 01:06:47
Data I think would be very interesting. 01:06:51
Like even back to maybe like 2010 or something before a lot of the development happened. 01:06:54
To. 01:06:58
What the consumption was, it might be interesting for folks to see about, like there's probably a lot of water used when it was 01:07:00
agricultural versus a small population. 01:07:04
And then also what happens? 01:07:08
Developments come in, you know, is it, is it helping reduce the water demand per capita, Is it hurting that? I just think it'd be 01:07:12
interesting to see the trends. 01:07:16
And then we'd be able. 01:07:20
See if we're actually reducing per capita. Yeah, we do have water usage data and that can be found in the Water conservation plan. 01:07:22
That were that will hopefully be adopted on February 22nd, OK. And I guess you just match that up with the population for any 01:07:31
given year to figure it out? 01:07:35
Yeah, if you want to say also that George Tram is working on understanding what our water usage is on public property and so he's 01:07:41
going to be commencing a process for parcel by parcel getting data and understanding how these changes are are going to be 01:07:47
affecting our water usage. 01:07:53
And then another thing is that the water use and preservation element is not due till 2025, the end of 2025 but with this. 01:08:00
Umm. 01:08:10
This kind of took us by surprise with the CWCD. 01:08:10
With the requirement to have a lot of use and preservation element already in the code in order to get those water rights, we 01:08:15
decided the best thing to do is to focus on the goals and and get those in there with some basic strategies and then as we 01:08:20
continue to. 01:08:24
Develop and advance our water strategies. Then we begin to fill in with data and with proper analytics and things like that. So 01:08:30
right now it's kind of a red start because it was a good starting place. Yeah. And Vineyard is already one of the lowest water 01:08:37
uses users in the state, if not the lowest. So we're already doing pretty good and we also are have a water master plan in the 01:08:43
works right now, so. 01:08:50
The only other comment I was going to make is. 01:08:58
I know we always want open. 01:09:01
And this is one of the big things where like if it's not usable open space. 01:09:03
It's kind of to require. 01:09:07
A patch of grass back behind a dumpster and someone calls it open space, right like. 01:09:10
And so that is, I want to make sure that we're not. 01:09:15
Requiring things that go against these goals and that's one of the main things that we're changing with the landscaping code to 01:09:18
adopt the water efficiency standards, which should we will be presenting to you in this next Planning Commission. 01:09:25
Cool, cool. Yeah, Those are the things I'd like to see for sure, because. 01:09:34
Yeah, I think we'll get to work on the strategies a lot more, which is where we get into the nitty gritty. But I think that this 01:09:38
is a great baseline for sure. Great. Yeah, this will help us to get those water rates under way. Cool. So you said we were in one 01:09:43
of the lowest. What is the actual lowest? 01:09:48
I think we are the most, apparently. So it was like per capita. Per capita, we were liked by a lot lower. 01:09:54
We can't win at all. We'll win this. We're still working on parking. Yeah. 01:10:04
Any other questions? 01:10:12
Do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? 01:10:15
I moved to open up a public hearing. 01:10:17
All in favor, aye. 01:10:20
Right. Do you have any questions? Come, I will write down your questions. 01:10:22
Any public comments? 01:10:27
Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. 01:10:38
On the agenda tonight, this drought table here. 01:10:44
It. 01:10:49
That vineyards population is 23,000 residents in a six square mile. 01:10:51
That's approximately. 01:10:55
Residents per square mile, and it says it's going to expect it to grow by additional 72,000 people. 01:10:59
That would be 95,000 residents and six square miles. That's 15,000 plus. 01:11:07
Residents per square. 01:11:13
I don't know how you're going to get enough water for all these residents. We already have one water tank. We're going to need 01:11:16
more. 01:11:20
Obviously. 01:11:24
The only way I could see it is just not having. 01:11:27
Reducing water demand and capital consumption. 01:11:30
By red. 01:11:36
The number of people that live here. 01:11:37
I'm sorry, it's just I just don't see how. 01:11:41
It can. 01:11:45
I mean it's great that we are low water usage. I mean we have low flow toilets, we have low water, you know, water things. 01:11:46
And it just, it just doesn't make sense if we want to keep the open space, the trails and you know, the parks and all this. 01:11:55
I just don't see how it's going to work. 01:12:04
And. 01:12:07
Also, my thoughts appreciate what you're trying to do. I know you want to make this a vibrant community, but. 01:12:10
That's. 01:12:18
We're going to get packed in like Sard. 01:12:20
And there's not going to be enough infrastructure. There's not gonna be enough Rd. 01:12:23
I mean, that connector is going to take forever. You know, it's going to take a long time to get built and by the time it gets 01:12:28
built out, it's going to be expanding because we're going to have possibly 72,000 more residents. 01:12:34
OK. Thank you very much. Thanks, Daria. Any other the whole as far as population intensity like? 01:12:41
That's a whole other discussion for sure, yeah, because we started out, you know, Geneva Rising, was that 26,000 residents? OK, we 01:12:48
can handle that. Then they say 40, then they see 50. Now we're now additional 72,000. 01:12:54
It just keeps changing, changing. Umm I'm only Co fed staff engineer. So right now we are working on a drinking water master plan, 01:13:01
a wastewater master plan and a transportation master plan. And they are focused on looking at the projections and what future 01:13:08
demands that we will be having and what infrastructure we will need to put in place and putting aside the funds to put that 01:13:15
infrastructure in place. So that is on our minds as well. 01:13:22
Russell Evans, the resident, I concur with what Daria? 01:13:35
And also I noticed that 72,000 is supposed to be in the downtown area, you know, kind of density that is in one that small area. 01:13:40
A little bit of the Hogaway farms, those are single unit. 01:13:47
And. 01:13:51
Doesn't make sense to me either. Maybe that's another topic. No day, I'm not sure. But it is in the water. 01:13:54
It is in today's 84 pages of notes or whatever. 01:14:00
And also just, you know, that's great that we're the lowest per capita, but we can do better. 01:14:05
I see waste all the time. 01:14:11
And just the park strips. It seems like the forge has park strips. 01:14:14
In it. 01:14:18
You know, you know stuff. Going forward, get rid of those park strips. 01:14:20
They just let us though, you know that we had at home in West Jordan. 01:14:24
And we never had a part strip. First it was lava rock, then it was cement. 01:14:28
And can we just know that all you do is water in the street, the sidewalk, and but we can. 01:14:33
Because water is just gonna be. 01:14:41
Really precious resource here in Utah. 01:14:45
And so much of it gets subsidized, too. We don't pay for what we really cost. 01:14:47
And that, I think leads to waste also. 01:14:52
Is because we're not paying the true cost of the water as consumers. It's being subsidized the those are my comments. Thank you. 01:14:55
Thanks, Russell. 01:15:01
Any other public comments? 01:15:05
Do I have a motion to close the? 01:15:08
I'll move to close the public hearing drive. 01:15:11
Second all in favor, aye? 01:15:14
I do have a question for you, Sullivan. Do we break down the water usage per capita by a neighborhood? Because I think it'd be 01:15:16
interesting, like my assumption would be the water usage per capita in the Shores neighborhood would be orders of magnitude higher 01:15:24
than in an apartment complex where they're not having yards. Do we have information on things like that? I think it. 01:15:32
And then the reason I'm asking is I think it would help better inform when we. 01:15:41
Newer developments coming in, whether it's single family homes or other things. 01:15:44
Have at least an understanding of how that would impact the per capita water usage. 01:15:48
We don't currently have that broken down, but that are those are things that we're working on and we'll be putting together. But 01:15:53
you're correct, the larger the the building lot, the more typically more water they use because they have larger landscape. 01:16:00
And so you know, so if they have a large lot but it's all wise water use and their water is not going to be quite as much but the. 01:16:08
The residences that use the least amount of water are your residences that typically multi family homes because. 01:16:17
They're they're sharing, you know, buildings for living space so there's less landscaping footprint. 01:16:24
Does that answer your question? It does, yeah. And just with that concern, I want to make sure that data drives our decisions, 01:16:31
right. And when when developments come in, I think that that would actually be an interesting thing to see. 01:16:36
If a building is coming in and it has 400 units, like what what do we expect? 01:16:43
Water demand to be It might be interesting to have some of. 01:16:48
Estimates moving forward, if we want to be serious about this, I think that's something we probably can have the developers 01:16:51
provide as well as a study water study and we talked about that for for wastewater and stuff is they provide. 01:16:58
You know their flow studies to see what kind of discharge they're going to have. Also the flow studies for water, for their needs, 01:17:04
for the buildings and stuff and and. 01:17:08
You know, I grew up in an era where water wasn't quite as big of an issue, and especially a state where water was an issue in in 01:17:14
Louisiana. But, you know, we've been kind of spoiled living. 01:17:19
All of these years with being able to have lawns and everything's like that, but we have to kind of change the way we think. 01:17:26
And and because there is a limited amount of water, we have to use our resources much more wisely. And the fortunate thing about 01:17:32
Vineyard is because we're all brand new development, you have low flow toilets, you have a little flow of shower heads. So we're 01:17:39
that's that's what put us into the lowest per capita of water use is because of the new construction. 01:17:46
But as you say, there's certainly things that we can do to to better use water and that's where you know, George Schramm is 01:17:54
looking at, you know. 01:17:58
Converting unprogrammed turf areas. 01:18:04
To more wise water uses and you know we're looking at our parks designs and stuff to to allow better water use. You know along 300 01:18:07
W there we used to just grasp all the detention basins. So we're we're changing our methods of development to better use our 01:18:14
resources more wisely and we we certainly will put those reports together and be able to compare subdivisions. Thank you. Yeah and 01:18:21
to add on to that as we get into the strategies and stuff I. 01:18:28
We have a lot of parks up here in Vineyard and we don't want to just put cement over everything. We don't want just asphalt and 01:18:36
cement. We still want it to be beautiful, we still want plants, we still want landscaping, but there are waterways. 01:18:42
Ways to do that that are water wise and so as we get into the strategies, as we get into the nitty gritty about adding this to the 01:18:49
general plan. 01:18:53
We'll have more specific language as to what that is. We'll have more specific language as to what developers need to put in for 01:18:58
their park strips. 01:19:01
That isn't grass. That's water wise, but still looks beautiful. And so and to your point that's, you know, we we don't want to 01:19:05
just. 01:19:09
Big large areas of gravel because that creates heat and so we have to put a canopy of some type whether it be native grasses or 01:19:15
trees that use less water to to lessen that heat island effect is what they call it, you know. So that that helps the whole 01:19:20
overall goal too. 01:19:26
Cool. 01:19:32
All right. Do I have a motion on this? 01:19:34
I move to approve Ordinance 202309 as presented by city staff. Is there a second? 01:19:37
2nd and this is roll call, Chris. Hi Anthony. 01:19:43
Aye, aye, Craig. All right, all right. That passes. 01:19:47
Chair on the training item. 01:19:53
Yeah. On the training item we we're we're always going to kind of put some training on there and you can have a lot to do with it 01:19:58
if you want or you can push it to the next meeting. On this one since we've gone through several items we're. 01:20:04
You know, we can easily put that on our next owner. Find one where we only have one or two items. 01:20:10
Something I'm doing now or you want to push it off? I'm OK pushing it off, Yeah, yeah. It's just a it's a really interesting video 01:20:16
and I think it'll help. 01:20:21
It's one of those that will watch a piece of the Rachel's gone through a bunch of time, so. 01:20:27
She'll have some questions for us to discuss. She'll pause it and then we'll play a couple clips here and there. 01:20:33
But yeah, it's up to you. 01:20:39
Well, we have to get 4 hours and so we it's as long as throughout the year. 01:20:44
So yeah, so it's it's really up to. 01:20:50
You know the the Commission how long you want. 01:20:55
So if you if you don't want to do tonight, we do another night, you can do half an hour. In the next meeting, we can do another 01:20:58
half an hour. It's just up to you. What about you too? What do you guys? 01:21:02
So so the the YouTube video has actually been removed by the user. So. 01:21:09
And then it was up yesterday, but I just checked. It's not up. What's this purchase? We tried the training counts. 01:21:15
We will buy the. 01:21:27
Well, bye bye. It's, it's an old school. It's that's pretty good. Yeah. And also if you guys need training hours because you're 01:21:30
supposed to get 4 hours of training, there are lots of different. 01:21:35
Conventions and things for planners. 01:21:40
That could be pretty cool. So yeah, we're all funded up. So any training, just report it back to me. And keeping track of all 01:21:44
that, yeah, you can do your own. There's like online stuff, just let us know. 01:21:48
Cool, All right, since we're not doing the training session and there is not a work session. 01:21:55
We'll move to a Commission member reports and expertise, discussion and disclosure. 01:22:02
Anything. 01:22:08
Just one idea that popped into my head and one thing I want to share is. 01:22:10
I may be in the minority with this, but I love all the data that drives these to try to make data-driven decisions and I think. 01:22:14
It can't hurt to make that public, right? So, like these water reports per capita, that's pretty cool to see. 01:22:22
You know, there could be perception that every person that moves in is a drop. Less water for me or something like that, but like 01:22:28
letting them know that per capita might actually be. 01:22:32
Improving even with some higher density or especially because it's higher density that could that could help with some of the. 01:22:37
Different issues and opinions that go around, but in addition to that. 01:22:45
You know, I just was looking at the amount of parking that's going to go in also with that tailors development and. 01:22:50
I'll advocate for less parking in other situations, but I think it would be interesting to just know how many parking spaces exist 01:22:57
in the City of Vineyard. 01:23:01
First, per capita like that would be a fascinating metric to have like and also. 01:23:06
Because my house is a small little house and it has two garage spots and two off street parking, so that's four right there. 01:23:13
And if you counted that as well, I think people's minds would be blown at how much parking there is. And that's not even counting 01:23:20
street parking. That where you could fit. 01:23:24
Literally hundreds more just in my neighborhood now. I'm not advocating that, I'm just saying like it would be. 01:23:29
It would, yeah. It would be interesting to just be aware. 01:23:34
How much of this small 6 square mile city is devoted to parking? And it is AI. Don't I don't think there's any other single use 01:23:38
that that would be more prominent in this city. 01:23:44
Than car storage and I think it would be eye opening for a lot of yeah, thank you that's that's really good point. We can include 01:23:50
that in our our parking study and master plan. 01:23:55
So we. 01:24:00
Interviewed the so I think most you know we've going to do a planning services contract and the plan is to elect like three to 01:24:02
four different planning consultants that cover different specialties. 01:24:08
And data is neutral and people can kind of decide and make decisions based off of that. But it also be interesting to see. 01:24:57
We've probably got too much in areas that don't need it and too little in areas that do and like How do we remedy that so? 01:25:05
Absolutely. 01:25:11
Anything from. 01:25:14
No. 01:25:17
What was our update? Parking master plan? All right, I will say I will not be in attendance somewhere. First, I will be on the 01:25:18
plane. 01:25:22
OK. Thank you. 01:25:27
Cool. All right. If that is everything, then meeting adjourned. 01:25:29
Oh yeah. 01:25:41
Yeah, I told my wife that I'd be home around 8:30 or 9. 01:25:44
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All right. Welcome, everybody. This is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 and it is 00:00:11
6:00 PM. 00:00:15
We will have an inspirational thought Pledge of Allegiance and invocation by Chris. 00:00:20
So people can plan and get benefit show use out of their property in a way that still meets the public need for health and safety 00:00:59
and other public benefit. With that said, we'll say the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:01:05
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:15
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:21
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful that we can gather here tonight as the Vineyard community and meet together as a 00:01:35
Planning Commission. Please bless us as we fulfill our duties and our service tonight that we can be mindful of the the purpose 00:01:42
that we are here to serve, that we can be mindful of the community that we serve and the rights that the residents of this 00:01:49
community have. We're thankful for the opportunity we have to live in this country and many freedoms that. 00:01:56
That we have as its citizens we say these things now. Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:02:03
Thank you so much. All right, we'll move into an open session. This is a time for public comments, for things that are not 00:02:08
currently on the agenda. So if you have. 00:02:13
Public comments come to the stand, state your name and try to keep it under 3 minutes. 00:02:17
All right. Doesn't look like there are any public comments. So we'll move on to the minutes for review and approval. 00:02:27
There's a motion on that. 00:02:35
Yeah, I had a chance to read over those for February 1st, so I make a motion to accept the minutes from February 1st 2023 for 00:02:37
approval. Sanctuary. Do I have a second? 00:02:42
A second. Thanks today. All in favor. Aye. All right. Moving into business items, conditional use permit for Vineyard Auto. 00:02:47
Good evening, Planning Commission. I'm Brian Amaya Perez, Senior Planner here with Community Development Department. Just here to 00:03:05
introduce the Vineyard Auto site plan and Conditional use permit application. So the address for this parcel, 720 S Geneva Rd. The 00:03:13
size is 1.36 acres and it's in the Regional Commercial Zoning District. The applicant is Kai Mitchell and Kyler Spencer. Kai is 00:03:21
with Northern Engineering and Kyler Spencer also with Northern Engineering, correct? 00:03:28
OK, good. The applicant is requesting approval of site planning conditional use permit for vehicle and equipment sale or rental, 00:03:38
new or used light facility. So within the zoning district, this type of use can only be approved through a conditional use permit. 00:03:44
So that's why we're running those two applications concurrently. The zoning district was intended to provide for various types of 00:03:50
commercial uses and activities. 00:03:56
This facility will provide for the sale, lease or rental of new and used. 00:04:02
Vehicles including automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles or boats. 00:04:09
The cleaning and routine maintenance of motor vehicles is. 00:04:14
And allowed use as an access. 00:04:17
And the owner who is here, Pedro Express, he intends to sell used vehicles on the lot and perform that routine maintenance that 00:04:21
was described. 00:04:25
A stated site measures 1.36 acres. There are currently two buildings that exist on the site. Each of those is intended to be 00:04:30
repurposed. 00:04:34
The primary building, currently a little house. 00:04:38
Yeah. So the house is right here. Thank you. Cash, actually, I'm going to pull up the site plan. Just got to move down to the site 00:04:43
plan that's on. 00:04:47
Staff report. 00:04:51
Give us a little better image here. 00:04:55
Yeah. 00:05:08
OK, so in this image the never Rd. is off to is on the Northside of on the top side of the page, but actually N, the cardinal 00:05:12
direction N is on the left side of the page, so left is north. 00:05:19
Up is east to the right of South and the bottom page of the pages West. 00:05:26
So the existing building to remain here this this night here is a small is a small house. It measures under 1000 square feet, 984 00:05:33
square feet. 00:05:38
And there's a secondary building right here that also says existing building to remain. 00:05:43
That one measures 2380 square feet this secondary. So the first building the house is going to be used as the commercial office 00:05:49
location where they'll be making the the sale and transactions for the vehicles and then the secondary building is where they'll 00:05:57
be doing the work that needs to be performed. And and all that work is not intended to be like heavy usage. It's very routine 00:06:04
day-to-day kind of maintenance that needs to be done on on vehicles. 00:06:11
All. 00:06:20
That is performed in this shop must be done behind closed Bay doors. That's a condition of approval that that we're attaching to 00:06:21
the to the plan. 00:06:26
The applicant should speak about, and he prevented, any additional preventative measures that would be used to mitigate the impact 00:06:32
of noise on adjacent parcels. The the applicant will work with the building department to make sure these buildings meet the 00:06:37
requirements of the International Building Code regarding their new uses. 00:06:42
This will be addressed when the applicant submits for building permits. I would like to say though, that the applicant has already 00:06:47
had a lot of preliminary conversations with the building department. 00:06:52
So they've been doing a lot of their due diligence to understand what needs to happen in the next steps in preparation for 00:06:58
transforming that use to a commercial from residential to a commercial use. 00:07:02
The applicant has met our requirements in the zoning code for open space for interior parking, parking, Lance parking lot, 00:07:09
landscaping, site lighting. There is one one element that is not quite in line They their their plans are still showing. I should 00:07:16
say the the specifics of the light poles show 22 feet tall light poles and our zoning code only lasts for 20 foot foot high light 00:07:24
poles. That's another conditional approval that we need to attach to that. 00:07:31
But they meet our requirements for parking at a parking and for bicycle parking. 00:07:40
The applicant worked closely with the Orem Fire Marshall to make sure that they that there were proper ingress and egress points, 00:07:46
that they were wide enough points and as well as all the proper interior turnarounds for emergency vehicles. 00:07:52
The applicant also has been in collaboration with you dot to make sure that they met the requirements and if the applicant later 00:07:58
would speak more to that. 00:08:02
It's necessary. We could definitely would like to hear that the Afghan has met the requirements for detention basins. There's a 00:08:08
detention basin here on the West side of the site. 00:08:12
And we have requirements that have to do with slope ratios, clearances at the top of the detention basin and how wide the the 00:08:17
floor of the detention basin has to be and they have met those requirements. 00:08:23
All plants in their schedule are water wise and got resistant. There are no invasive species listed or any species that are 00:08:29
prohibited in the Vintage Tree Landscape Manual and most of the site landscaping and parking lot. Landscaping is comprised of 00:08:35
decorative crushed rock with dispersed Evergreen and deciduous shrubs and grasses. 00:08:41
Community development staff does recommend approval of the site plan and conditioning this permit as presented with the following 00:08:48
conditions of approval and I'm going to skip back to the conditions here. 00:08:54
And then after I listed conditions, the applicant is here to answer any questions that the Commission might have. 00:09:02
So we have listed the acting paisani, the two. The first two are very standard paying fees, making sure that they're binding boils 00:09:10
their local laws. 00:09:14
Umm. 00:09:18
All work performed in the rear shop building must be done behind closed Bay doors. The light poles cannot exceed 20 feet in 00:09:19
height. It shall be the joint and separate responsibility of the owner and release of the principal use, uses, or building to 00:09:24
maintain in a need. 00:09:29
An adequate manner, the parking space, access ways, striping, landscaping and required fences or screening. 00:09:34
Off street parking spaces shall not be utilized for open storage, sale or rental of goods or storage of inoperable vehicles. 00:09:42
Except when permitted, the applicant shall meet all bicycle parking requirements. 00:09:48
We always kind of tend to throw that one in because there are there's quite a list of bicycle parking requirements and they've 00:09:55
met, they've met all of them. We just just the furthest solidify that that needs to be met. No part of any landscape area shall be 00:10:01
used for any other use such as parking signs or display. In a previous version of the landscaping plan, there was a a display area 00:10:07
for two vehicles within the landscaping along the street frontage. 00:10:13
And and we asked the applicant to remove that so so just to be clear there is the landscaping is just to be intended for landscape 00:10:20
use not for display vehicles. 00:10:25
And then so just to finish Reading 8 except for required on site retention areas or when such use is shown on the approved final 00:10:32
landscape. 00:10:36
And then finally, the applicant must observe All American with Disabilities Act ADA requirements. 00:10:40
And then there are the proposed motions motion, proposed motion, so. 00:10:47
Planning Commission, if you guys need any further clarification, myself and the representative for the applicant are here to 00:10:53
answer any questions. And Brian if you could, why don't you roll to like the the landscape plan, so the publicans say yes. So any 00:10:59
of the associated plans you can just go through those. Gotcha. Thank you, Maureen. 00:11:05
Just real quick, is this zoned as regional commercial or is this zoned as business park? It's zoned as regional commercial, yeah. 00:11:13
Let's see. 00:11:25
Oh, there we go. 00:11:26
OK. So this is the landscape plan that is being presented. 00:11:28
Do this. 00:11:33
Oops, that's not going to. I'm one page down. My apologies. 00:11:39
Here we go. 00:11:52
OK if. 00:11:55
If you guys have questions for Kyle Spencer, he's here to answer any questions. 00:11:57
I've got a couple of questions. One's more for staff and just understanding kind of loan prices, just all the adjacent properties, 00:12:03
if you just walk us through what's there, that might help. 00:12:07
With the use and then I've got some questions. 00:12:13
In regards to what's already there with reality auto, so I'll, I'll take that second one. Yeah, after. Sorry real quick. Just to 00:12:16
add to that, just looking at the map and our zoning map for the city, is the zoning map for that's on the Vineyard website 00:12:22
accurate? You're probably looking at the interactive base map. 00:12:29
I'm looking. 00:12:36
Yeah, I'll pull up. I'll pull up our zoning map. 00:12:41
What's the date? 00:12:46
March 2017. 00:12:47
Yeah. 00:12:51
Sorry. 00:12:56
Yeah, so this, this is our zoning. 00:13:04
In this area here reflects the regional commercial designation. 00:13:07
Yeah, the date is OK. 00:13:15
The one I was looking at, I guess it's a little blurred, but I believe this is from March 2022 and we have Agis Consultant on 00:13:18
board now and so we should be able to keep our maps consistent. 00:13:25
Yeah, you're like at the public based map, it's it shows BP. Yeah, this is one. I remember 2016 went from RC to BP and then a 00:13:32
couple years later from BP to RC. It's kind of back and forth. 00:13:38
Yeah, sorry about that chair. 00:13:45
So to the North and South of it. 00:13:50
Not it's not even Vineyard. And then to the West of it is zoned. 00:13:53
I believe RE five that's a residential agriculture minimum 5 acre lot size. That's right. 00:13:59
And it's regional commercial this out and then and then you have the warm substation. 00:14:07
Right there. 00:14:12
Alright, that helps. Then yeah, for the applicant, I do have a question. 00:14:15
I know Google Maps is certainly not the source of all truth, but. 00:14:19
There appears to already be an operation underway there, Reality Auto that's been operating for several months with photos of the 00:14:24
dealership underway there. Can you explain? 00:14:28
The relationship between Vineyard Auto and Reality Auto and all. 00:14:33
Is there a green light? 00:14:39
There we go, there we go. Maybe the the property owner might be able to answer your question as far as the current occupant that 00:14:42
that's that's actually running a business off of off of the parcel. But as far as the site improvement drawings. 00:14:49
And plans that we got here to where we're at today and I could probably answer those a little better but but just just to add to 00:14:57
that maybe didn't really have a question with with this but I know working with the staff it's been great working with them and 00:15:01
and. 00:15:06
Bit of understanding as far as. 00:15:11
Proposing a you know a used car dealership on this vacant property and and they come in and to maximize the what we're calling the 00:15:14
the showroom floor basically to to park that that car there. 00:15:21
And but with that, staff also wanted to emphasize, hey, this is the actual first. 00:15:28
Property within Vineyard where the you know the. 00:15:35
Cars driving up and down in either Rd. This is where they you know they want to drive through here and not see A. 00:15:40
Less than stellar landscape plan and and a site plan here to where you know it'll. 00:15:50
Maintained and and up you know basically up kept to the city standards and and I appreciate that because honestly when when they 00:15:57
come in the site plan I didn't think that this is going to be the you know the basically the front door to to vineyard for. 00:16:03
For that that, that exposure. So you know we worked with PKJ the landscape. 00:16:11
At first, we didn't have a landscape architect, and engineers are not the best landscape architect designers. 00:16:18
But but I'm grateful for that. Because if you can see this plan and I'm great glad this is the this is what I hope that you see, 00:16:24
rather than our bland, boring engineering drawings. 00:16:29
But because this, I'm hoping that this is what will really accent the property and parcel and still also complement what they're 00:16:35
proposing. The use for is is for the you know, they get the used car. 00:16:43
You underst. 00:16:51
And Anthony we can share a little bit about you know I mean obviously you see that there's there's cars on site there there there 00:16:52
was some some confusion kind of on on on the process. We've been working with Pedro the property owner and the the the, the 00:16:59
tenants of the property and so we we informed them when the vehicles were moved over from another. 00:17:05
Car sales property in Orem took to this proper. 00:17:13
That a conditional use permit in a site plan were required And so we have worked with them, we had them takedown signage, we made 00:17:16
them go go through this process. So they were required to actively go through this process and to receive a business license. So 00:17:22
yeah, there's definitely been some, some kind of some work and some education from the city and applicant, but they've they've 00:17:28
been willing to to to compliance. We're hoping that after tonight we're in compliance or once the business license is issued. So 00:17:34
that would be the next step. 00:17:39
Any other questions? 00:17:48
I think it looks great. I love your landscape plan. 00:17:53
I think it's a great spot for a car dealership, personally. 00:17:56
Um. 00:17:59
Do you have any plans for putting in any kind of fencing or? 00:18:01
Walls or anything at the moment, None though. No. 00:18:06
I know working with the staff there's a concern with, you know, the the nuisance noise mainly from the shop area in the back and I 00:18:11
I believe you know that that's been operating at the shop in the past. 00:18:17
They'll continue to use that but also comply with the requirements of closing the the Bay doors. It's not a problem in the winter 00:18:24
we want them closed to keep the cold out and warm in. But in the summer months I could see where you know that that the plan there 00:18:31
is to also keep the doors shut during the operation and and repair and. 00:18:38
Maintenance of the vehicles and it's my understanding also that. 00:18:45
Air compressors and everything that. 00:18:50
Really irritate. The neighbors are also inside the building as well, so I think we're in, we're in good standings. Awesome. And 00:18:53
just kind of note too, there's no existing residential. 00:18:58
Uses so you do have the RA five that allows for the one for five acres, but so if you could have potentially put. 00:19:05
Someone were to build there, they would know that this is already there. Yeah. Unfortunately the Bay doors faced the east side 00:19:12
towards Geneva, so noise would be projecting in the opposite direction. 00:19:18
Harmon. 00:19:24
For a resident, don't tell him that. 00:19:26
Cool. Do I have a motion? 00:19:29
Just really quickly as a connection against I believe it's for public hearing and so. 00:19:34
No, it doesn't say. 00:19:39
Oh, that's really? 00:19:42
Never mind. 00:19:45
Cool, Yeah. Do you have the condition? Does somebody have? 00:19:49
Yes, you want to. 00:19:56
Before I I want to read off to some of the staff conditions just for everyone's awareness here. There's nine of them. One is the 00:20:00
applicant pays any outstanding fees and makes any red line corrections. The applicant is subject to all federal, state and local 00:20:05
laws. All work performed in the rear shop building must be done behind closed Bay doors. Light poles cannot exceed 20 feet in 00:20:10
height. 00:20:15
It shall be the joint and separate responsibility of owner and or lessee of the principal use, uses, or building, to maintain in a 00:20:20
neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways, striping, landscaping, and required fences for screening. 00:20:27
Off street parking spaces shall not be utilized for open storage, sale or rental of goods. 00:20:35
For storage of inappropriate or inoperable vehicles, except when permitted, the Applicant summit all bicycle parking requirements. 00:20:40
No part of any landscape area shall be. 00:20:46
For any other use, such as parking signs or display, except for required on site retention areas or when such use is shown on the 00:20:51
approved final Landscape plan and then the final one is, the applicant must observe all American with Disabilities Act ADA 00:20:56
requirements. 00:21:01
So having read those, I'll move to approve the site plan and conditional use permit for the Vineyard Auto as presented with the 00:21:07
conditions stated. 00:21:12
Second, second. All in favor, aye, aye. 00:21:16
All right. Thank you, guys. 00:21:20
Decided to see everything when it's done. So Pedro, just as next steps. 00:21:23
You know, just contact Brian and then what we can start on the business license and I know you've done a little bit on that, but 00:21:29
we need to grab that up and you should be good to go. 00:21:33
Just like, you know, Pedro. Sorry, you got you. Pardon me. Yeah, sorry. Thank you. 00:21:39
Just wanted to take. 00:21:49
This opportunity to sincerely thank you the city who has been amazing to work with, being very patient and also willing and and 00:21:52
educating. 00:21:57
About this process and of course, you know, I've been working with a professional, so I thank you. Just wanted to say thank you so 00:22:03
much. Yeah, great. Thanks. We'll try our very best. 00:22:08
To make sure that our entrance to Vineyard looks amazing. So thank you again for tuning. We're excited for it. Thank you. Thanks. 00:22:13
All right, item 4.2, the water efficiency standards is going to be continued. Do I need to make a motion to continue that? 00:22:22
So I have some someone like I'll move to continue item 4.2. 00:22:30
March 1st. 00:22:37
4.2 Water Efficiency Standards to our March 1st, 2023 meeting. 00:22:40
Second all in favor, aye? 00:22:50
All right, moving on to 4.3. A public hearing for zoning text amendment. This will be Brian again. OK, yeah. Brian, Team Planner, 00:22:53
This is the Geneva Rd. mixed-use Zoning text amendment. This is submitted as Ordinance 2023-10. 00:23:01
The applicant, Jason Bull, with Snell and Wilmer representing X Development or 50 Mil LLC there. 00:23:09
Essentially the same company. 00:23:16
So the applicant Jason, is proposing to amend the Geneva Rd. mixed-use Special Purpose Zoning District to allow for off-site 00:23:19
residential parking as of permitted use. Currently that is not a permitted. 00:23:26
So the proposals to make that insert that into the use table and make it something that is allowed within that district. This 00:23:33
ordinance modifies. The language pertains to the requirements for landscape buffers and landscaping within set back areas. 00:23:41
X Development has been in talks with the city and the Edgewater Apartments on a proposal that would create. 00:23:48
Additional parking for the apartment complex within the property located within the GRMU District and owned by X Development. 00:23:54
In order for the proposal to work to get that parking. 00:24:03
In there and functioning, the use of off site residential parking needs to be added to the permitted use table. Additionally, the 00:24:07
landscaping requirements between the residential zoned property and the proposed parking area need to be modified. The applicant's 00:24:12
proposal is to add a single add a single use in the permit use table and modify landscape screening standards to fit this unique 00:24:17
circumstances. 00:24:23
In regards to setbacks, here's the language that is being proposed. So the language that is currently in existence is landscaping. 00:24:29
So this is in the setbacks section of the code. 00:24:35
Under. 00:24:43
A and bullet point. 00:24:45
So it currently reads. Landscaping, parking and drive areas are permitted in the rear set back area. 00:24:48
What the applicant wants to do is add some further language that says. 00:24:56
Landscaping, parking and drive areas are permitted in the rear set back area on lots with a building. 00:25:00
On lots with no buildings, so this. 00:25:08
Creating this new parking area will create a new lot that will not have any buildings. So on lots with no buildings, Landscaping, 00:25:11
parking and drive areas are permitted in all set back areas. 00:25:17
And then in Section 12 of landscaping, it says no landscape buffer is required between a lot that contains off-site residential 00:25:24
parking and and contiguous residential development or residential zoning district. So they're trying to remove the requirement to 00:25:31
have a landscape buffer between Edgewater townhomes and the new parking. 00:25:38
Parcel So they won't have that landscaping there, but the landscaping will be moved to the east side of that of that new parking 00:25:46
area and be a minimum of four feet. 00:25:52
So I'll just read what the bullet point says so you get the exact language. So it says 4 feet of landscape buffer shall be 00:25:58
provided between off site residential parking and other uses. 00:26:03
The landscaping can be provided on either lot as long as the total buffer is 4 feet. 00:26:08
So the applicant, Jason Bold, he's here to further explain if you guys have any questions. But staff recommendation is to approve 00:26:16
the zoning text amendment as it's being presented and we have a potential motion for you guys. Did you have a presentation? So I'm 00:26:21
sure Jason wants to come up and further explain the proposal. 00:26:27
Good question for you. With the current setbacks and landscaping, how much landscaping do they have? Would they have to have 00:26:33
along? 00:26:37
That back. 00:26:42
10. 00:26:46
OK. 00:26:47
Thank you for the opportunity for being here this evening. May remember I was here a few months ago talking about the Gru having 00:26:51
on at that time that this was a possibility I think would have included. However, we're excited about this potential, about this 00:26:56
possibility and the conversations. 00:27:02
That have been happening happening with the property owner Edgewater and the city to help resolve what is I think a pretty 00:27:08
noticeable parking parking problem. So. 00:27:14
Right. If you want to go into the next one, so this is the area that where the GRMU district was was adopted, it is. So the 00:27:22
property that we're talking about that where this parking lot would be is actually in a different zoning district and would be on 00:27:29
a separate lot from the Edgewater development. And so that's why we are here is to modify the specific code language for this 00:27:35
specific zone. 00:27:42
In this specific area, which is that that red area, I'll go to the next one. So this is a layout that shows. 00:27:49
What it is we're talking about? 00:27:59
In essence, the parking area would be connected to to Edgewater and would be provided for for that development. 00:28:01
What would be on? 00:28:10
East side of the Edgewater development, the West side of the the Gru zone and those lots along Geneva Rd. 00:28:12
So there's as Brian outlined, there's 33 modifications that we're looking to include the first one. 00:28:23
Is so that in between the parking area being provided for Edgewater and the parking lot there isn't a landscape buffer required as 00:28:31
was just asked. Otherwise it's a 10 foot buffer that would push that parking area further out and then the the landscaping can be 00:28:38
utilized on what would be the east side of the parking area. 00:28:45
And is and four feet of of landscaping would be required to buffer that parking area from the development to the east, so from the 00:28:54
the actual residential structures and you have the. 00:28:59
The existing rear of the lots. Then you'd have the parking area and then the landscape buffer between the commercial potential 00:29:06
commercial development. 00:29:10
The second modification is clarifying that on lots without a building. So in essence this lot that's going to be created. 00:29:16
Parking areas and drive areas and landscaping are all permitted within all of the setbacks. 00:29:27
On this lot so that it can accommodate the parking and drive areas. 00:29:34
And then probably the the most important. 00:29:41
Is adding the off site residential parking, which is defined as an area that provides parking to an existing approved residential 00:29:43
project. 00:29:48
But it's located on a separate. 00:29:53
And so adding this to as a permitted use in the table for the grmu district. 00:29:55
And that is all I have. Maybe if we go back to the site plan, if there's questions that might be. 00:30:02
Applicable slide to look at. Do you guys see yourself using? 00:30:09
Any other parking for anything else? Or is this the only parking? 00:30:14
Like lot that you're planning on using for parking. 00:30:18
So this is, this is not for the commercial development, this is for Edgewater, yeah. 00:30:21
I'm just wondering because it's for the whole thing, I mean you could essentially make any lot of parking. Just wondering if you 00:30:26
guys have any plans to do that? 00:30:30
The building that you guys are planning on building or anything like that. So as those lots develop along Geneva Rd. they. 00:30:35
Requires parking for those lots, and so there would be parking on those lots. 00:30:43
This wouldn't be utilized for for those uses, OK? 00:30:49
That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. 00:30:53
Can you help me understand how residents would access that? There's a wall there currently, correct? And so with that, so there's 00:30:57
a drive about halfway through the parking lot, there's a drive that goes east, West. 00:31:03
And so it would be accessed through there. 00:31:09
And defensive just be removed in that one spot and the other part of the fence would remain correct. 00:31:11
Would there be any access to the east? 00:31:17
There is no planned access to these, OK? 00:31:20
OK. How do you guys intend to deal with like storm water runoff and stuff created because this will be paved eventually I guess, 00:31:25
right. So yeah, I mean all the storm water maintenance, I mean storm waters, it has to be maintained, it has to be captured. I 00:31:32
guess my question, would it be part of the edge, would it tie into the Edgewater stuff or would it? 00:31:39
And maybe you don't know yet because it hasn't. This isn't the site plan I guess yet, but I just I guess take that in 00:31:47
consideration. I guess that doesn't, you know every every other lot will have its own. 00:31:53
So just keep it in mind, I guess. Understandable. 00:32:00
Any other questions? Yeah. So I mean, we have multiple private communities here that have parking issues. So how did Edgewater and 00:32:06
and your company team up to find the solution for Edgewater? 00:32:11
If we could learn from what you did. 00:32:17
Steve Hutchings, Ex development, Yeah, Edgewater reached out. 00:32:24
A lot of their residents are currently parking on our property and so we've had all kind of a long going and and driving through 00:32:29
it and it's like a a road, but it shouldn't be. 00:32:36
So yeah, just at the end of 400 N they've. 00:32:44
There's about 200 cars that park there. 00:32:48
There's. 00:32:52
Crime and different things over there as well. 00:32:55
You know, definitely want to solve the problem. 00:32:59
If we can. 00:33:02
Thank you. Thanks. 00:33:03
Any other questions? 00:33:08
You have a motion to open up a public hearing. 00:33:12
I move to open up a public hearing. I have a second I. 00:33:15
All in favor, aye. 00:33:19
Alright, if you guys if there's any public comments, you can come and state your name and. 00:33:21
Can try to consolidate your thoughts. 00:33:26
Russ Levins, a resident Just curious how many parking spaces you're planning on. 00:33:32
We don't have Eric with X development, Eric Toner Fix Development, don't have a full engineering completed on this site yet. This 00:33:46
is the first step that we need to move forward with, but we estimate there will be over about 100 / 145 stalls is is approximate. 00:33:53
Potentially as high as 165. 00:34:01
Thank you. I'm all for additional. 00:34:06
Any other comments from the? 00:34:13
If not, drive the motion to close the public hearing. 00:34:16
Edgewater. 00:34:53
And then the potential for another wall existing between this parking lot and the north. 00:34:53
You would you would create kind of a potentially a dangerous situation where there wouldn't be a lot of visibility. 00:35:00
And so you don't necessarily need to propose language, but if you do recommend approval, part of the recommendation would be that 00:35:07
staff work with them on code. You know, they could have some separation, but maybe it's a transparent fence, something that that 00:35:13
doesn't create kind of a like a tight closed off alley, you know, I know our police would would be really concerned about that. OK 00:35:20
Yeah, I mean I I would be as a resident. 00:35:26
I have concerns about snow removal, so as we move forward that would be that'd be something to think about. 00:35:34
That's great. Does this take away from any of the open space that is already part of water's edge? I'm just pulling up. 00:35:41
Yes, this project, yes, there, there's grass there. That's where they punched through. They they were over quite a bit. We 00:35:51
analyzed in the past and so and there's no. 00:35:57
Playground or No, no, not like that. That would be removed. Yeah, there's a couple parking spaces and then like the strip 00:36:03
landscaping. 00:36:07
But they they do have excess overall open space, so they'd be fine. 00:36:12
And the part of the side plans here, what we would do is require a calculation on both sides and whenever you amend the project we 00:36:19
we do recalculate open space. 00:36:24
But I mean that would be easy. We have, we have the numbers from the current plan, we would just take out you know whatever that 00:36:31
100 square feet is and then also just verifying. 00:36:35
This is just for the GRMU zone, which is a small area limited area in the city. 00:36:39
I wouldn't. This would not open this up as a possibility. 00:36:45
The rest of the city, unless they went through another zoning text amendment, correct? 00:36:48
Are we gonna see this again if it comes back? 00:36:52
So I I guess most of my questions that will be for the site plan. 00:36:58
But that's good to know. I mean hearing about the the snow plow and stuff. 00:37:04
Those are things that it's good for applicant to hear if you have concerns. 00:37:10
And again, just the only in and out would be through the. 00:37:16
Existing housing development they wouldn't exit out onto. 00:37:21
Jason I don't. I don't know if they're proposing A pedestrian connection, but that may be the only one. 00:37:26
Again we're we're not, it hasn't been engineered, hasn't been designed. 00:37:34
Where we're at in the talks is what you see there, which is parking all along. 00:37:38
Got. 00:37:44
OK. 00:37:45
All right there. 00:37:48
Make a motion. 00:37:51
I'm going to approve. 00:37:53
2023-10 as presented by city staff, with the condition to work with staff on required separation. 00:37:55
I have a second. 00:38:04
And this is roll call. So Chris, hi Anthony. 00:38:06
Aye, aye. Aye. Aye. Greg. Hi. All right, Pass. 00:38:11
Thank you. Thank you guys. Thanks. 00:38:16
Moving to 4.4 Public hearing for another zoning text amendment. This is Brian again. 00:38:18
Sorry, just one second guys. Just got to make sure I get a USB drive back to its owner. 00:38:27
Play. 00:38:34
I. 00:38:48
OK, Thanks, Commissioner. I'm just pulling up the next staff report. 00:39:06
Hey, this next application is the Telos. 00:39:20
Two Academy. It's pertaining to the second campus building that TLS would like to construct. Not too far actually, from that car 00:39:25
dealership, just to the north of that. So this is ordinance 2023 Dash 11. The applicant, Gary Tyler with Seals Academy is here to 00:39:32
answer further questions. 00:39:39
So Gary with Tilo System is proposing an amendment to Vineyard to the Vineyard zoning code section 15 point 12.050, the District 00:39:46
use table. 00:39:51
To increase clinical support housing use in a single building or development within the neighborhood commercial zoning district to 00:39:57
no more than 80% of the net square footage. So this project resides in that neighborhood commercial zoning district. 00:40:05
It's the only location in Vineyard that has that zoning category. 00:40:13
Kilos Academy intends to construct a three story building with residents living on the second and third floor, while maintaining 00:40:19
the first floor for business and commercial operations. 00:40:24
Mr. Tyler stated that for the project to be feasible, they need this amendment to the zoning code. Telos feels that this amendment 00:40:29
still allows them to meet the intent of the neighborhood commercial zoning district by providing a mixed a mixed-use transition 00:40:34
between major roadway and high impact uses. 00:40:39
The two residential neighborhoods, the main level of this building will have a storefront feel with offices and conference rooms. 00:40:44
So I'm just going to pull up the ordinance so you guys can see the changes. 00:40:50
Umm. 00:40:56
It's a change to the subscript in the in the use table, so. 00:40:57
OK, let me look to where it you can see. 00:41:03
So clinical support housing has a subscript for neighborhood commercial. 00:41:07
That. 00:41:12
Yeah, clinical support housing right here. So this is the zoning district. This is the use clinical support housing. 00:41:16
And. 00:41:24
They further provide some some lighting on what clinical support housing is. 00:41:25
It's for the type of housing that Tiles provides, It's for. 00:41:28
Uh. 00:41:34
People that have had experience or that are having difficulty with like learning disabilities and things like that, they're 00:41:36
teenagers mostly right and young adults. And so they they help those those people with the with the different needs that they need 00:41:43
so that they can receive a proper education and and receive those social skills and life experiences to to contribute to society. 00:41:51
And so that subscript will take us to the bottom of the table where the number that is being changed here is as follows. Clinical 00:41:59
support housing use shall not exceed, so it used to. It currently reads 50% of the net square footage of a single building or 00:42:06
development. 00:42:12
The reason for that was that the city was trying to increase the amount of commercial activity and limit the amount of residential 00:42:20
activity, but the applicant is proposing to change that amount to 80% of the net square footage of the of a single building or 00:42:25
development within that. 00:42:31
And so that's that's what we're talking about and see if that is an appropriate change that is uncode into that zoning. 00:42:36
So Gary, if you if the if the Commission has any questions, Gary is here to answer them. 00:42:43
I guess my question would be what? Why the change? 00:42:53
Thank you, Gary. Tyler, I'm with Hughes General Contractors representing KILOS. We will be the general contractor to construct 00:42:59
this building if you allow this change. If not, it will sit vacant. But the the reason I don't know how many of you were here 00:43:09
before I was involved, Hughes was involved. This zone was created for this property and the owner there was extensive. 00:43:18
Back and forth they have them to go through to make this zone so that this little sliver of property that borders forum. 00:43:28
And would. 00:43:39
Be able to be developed. So there were multiple things in that zone that were written specifically so that we could build on that 00:43:40
small sliver of property. Well as we got into it, we realized started reading the fine print and to the owners this may they no 00:43:48
one understood how we ended up with 50%. 00:43:57
Of commercial versus housing. The problem is is that they are not a developer. They do not. 00:44:05
Lease space out. 00:44:16
Commercial entities and So what they. 00:44:19
Would like to do is be able to have the second third floor for permanent housing residents that come and go, but you know at least 00:44:23
out with bedrooms and kitchens and everything and then the bottom area will be for their facility. 00:44:30
Their corporate operations and conference rooms and. 00:44:39
And so the 50% made it so that we did not have. 00:44:44
Impractical to build the building. 00:44:50
Being a $12 million building, you know they needed it to pencil. 00:44:53
In a sense. And they needed those, the amount of rooms to help pay for that building. 00:44:59
So that's kind of that's why we are coming back in. 00:45:05
To amend this, 50% Which? 00:45:09
Again was the before I was involved, but the owner who was was like now that was he. They didn't understand that was to say that 00:45:13
that that was being put in. So now we're trying to remedy that, keep it still. So what we have done is we have taken, taken the 00:45:19
full bottom floor. 00:45:26
I I get the idea of having kind of a mixed-use is what the idea of the code is. So we've taken that whole bottom floor of the 00:45:33
footprint and we're going to have storefront, we'll have entries onto the main onto the road. So it looks. 00:45:41
Like a commercial building with a multi use fun. 00:45:49
So we think that that will suffice with meeting the intent of what was meant, OK. 00:45:54
Well, this building, the residents here use facilities located in the adjacent. 00:46:03
They will. So the existing building has a gym, has weight room so there will be back and forth. 00:46:09
This new facility will be for young women. 00:46:18
The existing facility right now is for young men, so now they and they've never been able or have wanted to try to intermingle 00:46:22
those two in the same building. So this will allow them to help serve the the female population. 00:46:30
OK. So there were a couple of us that were here around the time when you guys when this was I guess, I guess made. 00:46:39
And. 00:46:47
I don't remember the specific details, but I remember talking about like, oh, there'd be like a. 00:46:48
Cafe that you could walk to or like something. And I think that the intent was, or the thoughts and correct me if I'm wrong, was 00:46:53
that residents could work in places like that. 00:46:59
So I don't know if that's changed or it has OK as they look at it, their business. 00:47:07
More like a they said they they are not in the business of leasing property out to. 00:47:13
A coffee shop. And the other problem is anything they because they thought about at one point putting a separate building up front 00:47:21
off of Geneva. The problem here is parking as well. 00:47:27
There really is not going to be enough parking as is and we're going to have to come up with a shared agreement between the two 00:47:35
parcels for parking. 00:47:39
So parking for another. 00:47:44
Again is difficult. 00:47:50
And. 00:47:53
Yeah, they really don't want to see themselves. 00:47:56
Doing that anymore, they just. 00:48:00
And where's Where's the post? The new building to the north so see where the existing trailers. 00:48:03
On that right there, that's about where the building will sit. 00:48:10
So what would be on I guess in the corner, on that northeast corner, on the northwest corner, sorry, I mean so. 00:48:15
The property goes all the way to Geneva, doesn't it? Correct. Yeah. So what would be parking? That would be parking. 00:48:23
No. 00:48:29
So, and if you remember, there's quite a grade difference between the existing building. 00:48:33
Heading down to that existing property that we're talking about. So there's quite a bit of buffer there to make up that grade. 00:48:39
So that takes a little property and makes it even smaller, so you can. 00:48:46
We've submitted some site plans, so it really is. We've crammed in as many parking stalls as we can to maximize to meet the 00:48:53
parking requirements. 00:48:58
For. 00:49:04
So. 00:49:05
Code exists like you said, just for this parcel essentially, right? It was written for this. 00:49:07
So for this parcel, So understanding a little bit about what they do, I mean it's. 00:49:12
Service based thing basically, right. I mean they still make money and they lease it out these people, but it's a no, it's not it. 00:49:18
So they are super. 00:49:26
They. 00:49:28
Pod. 00:49:29
8 individuals, yeah, but I mean more. It's not like. 00:49:31
Student housing is what I'm saying, like there's a very specific need that this group serves, right? They are a federally. 00:49:35
Recognized company that provides mental health, right? So I guess my my point where I'm trying to get at is. 00:49:42
Is this enough? Like is 80% enough? Like, I know that that goes against what we always try to do, but like this is very specific, 00:49:49
so it's 80% enough. 00:49:54
Does that make sense? My question it is I mean. 00:50:00
Because there's I'm I'm saying like why make you have more commercial if it's really? 00:50:04
Serving a very specific need, You know what I mean? 00:50:08
I appreciate that. Yeah, you're absolutely right. We feel that we can meet the 80% without having any hardship to the owner. So we 00:50:11
kept it. 00:50:16
High or low, however you want to eat. 00:50:22
Get it as much as possible in case that someone else or another property in the city. 00:50:25
Decides to be zoned us. 00:50:31
Pardon me, Gary, I have some of the documents that you have most recently sent me. Would you like us to show those? 00:50:34
I mean again, it's site plan. I'm more than happy to show you what we had in mind if that would help. 00:50:40
I don't want to extend them. Yeah, more just be curiosity than necessary. Well, there you go. That was quick one. One question I 00:50:48
have for staff primarily. 00:50:52
You know, if these housing units go in. 00:50:59
And it changed, it changed ownership. In the future that would still need to remain clinical housing, correct? Like it wouldn't 00:51:02
turn into an apartment complex or whatever it might be. It would need to be clinical housing. Yeah, if you remember when this went 00:51:07
forward before I think like the initial. 00:51:13
Then the initial proposal was for just like kind of how they're proposing now is a much bigger Billy. I think it was like 4 00:51:20
stories, but there were some offices for the, you know, the like the clinicians. 00:51:26
Then there was mainly residential. There's concern from the City Council at that time. 00:51:33
And they wanted to make sure that the any housing was connected to like the the services on site. 00:51:39
And so, so that's kind of how we wrote the clinical support housing definition that was a new definition. 00:51:47
But yeah, there was definitely concern about allowing. 00:51:54
Like a lot of residential, but I think they're OK if it was the clinical support out there, yeah. 00:51:57
And then the only other comment is I understand it looks like you can't bring the building up to. 00:52:04
Intersection area there that I mean that's typically what. 00:52:10
Look for rather than. I mean that's just, that's just like a sea of asphalt, right When you got Geneva Rd. that's already pretty 00:52:13
wide. 00:52:16
And the street and then just a big parking lot, but sounds like the. 00:52:20
We don't have enough room to put a building up there, OK? 00:52:25
More if. 00:52:29
You know the two lots we maybe could, but where the property lines are not only other property lines, there the city boundary. So 00:52:34
if you're willing to let us move city boundaries. 00:52:39
Or annexation annex into Orem. 00:52:45
We've talked, we talked with Orem and that this is on that we can work on during during the site plan. Definitely our preference 00:52:49
is to have it on the corner. When we met with ARM initially a couple years ago on it, the proposal had it on the corner and they 00:52:55
said that they would be fine with the jurisdictional boundary crossing the building. 00:53:00
And so, but they would have to go through a development review committee with. 00:53:07
With One City, so we can when they get the site plan we can further that conversation, but that definitely is our preference to 00:53:12
have it on the corner as opposed to like. 00:53:17
Buried down, yeah. 00:53:22
Yeah. This is one of what, 5 entrances into the city. So when we initially talked about this and we're talking about. 00:53:24
Being commercial here it was the big thing was that this is an entrance into the city and that we wanted to look nice. Do you have 00:53:33
any of those renderings that I did I ever send you renderings? So as you can see the existing building I think is looks great and 00:53:40
very pleasing. The other, the new building will be just as complimentary and it will be a definitely a very attractive entrance to 00:53:47
the city. 00:53:54
I'll pull those up really quick, Gary. Yeah. And that's why we would want it pushed up to the street. We we we actually tried to 00:54:03
lay that out, but. 00:54:07
It just didn't work for us on the site plan. 00:54:13
OK. That sounds like we might be able to. Oh, there you go. There's a few if we can. 00:54:20
And there's even some rendering showing both buildings. 00:54:26
And how they both kind of lay. 00:54:29
So there's the existing one and there's come from Geneva Rd. looking back at that other building. 00:54:36
And there's coming down South, it's going to be very prominent still so. 00:54:44
Assuming Orem was able to work with you guys and. 00:54:49
Well, let's just say that there wasn't a city boundary line. You do think you could get that building forward? 00:54:53
That building. 00:54:59
It would have to be completely redesigned and it would be less. It would be more awkward. We've tried to. 00:55:01
Because of the great difference between. 00:55:09
You don't have well, one of the other reasons is fire access. You need fire lanes around those buildings. So if we were to try to 00:55:14
put that there and that's when the original was built or the the. 00:55:20
The one that we put in that corner. 00:55:26
That never met fire requirements for the fire trucks. Yeah. So that was as we started looking at that, we're like, well, we don't 00:55:28
need fire access. 00:55:33
So that's why we one of the reasons why we moved it back so that you could have fire access because on the backside of this 00:55:37
building on the West side we are going to have to build a lane for a fire truck to pull in. And so that he will they will have 00:55:45
access to three sides of the building fire truck we would not be able to. 00:55:52
With what was moved up front, OK, so again, a lot of moving parts, a lot of things that. 00:56:02
To us to. 00:56:09
This layout at that point, if that makes sense, yeah, that makes sense. And then the other question I had was as far as the 00:56:10
residents. 00:56:14
Umm. 00:56:19
Will. 00:56:20
Owned vehicles, Will they be driving? Will they be? No, they do not own vehicles at all, just the staff. 00:56:21
You want to consider putting a Welcome to Vineyard on the Telus sign. 00:56:29
Gateway's fine. Yeah. We on top of that we could do a marquee or something. 00:56:36
OK. 00:56:42
All right. Do you guys have any more questions for him before we open it up for a public hearing? 00:56:45
All right. Thank you. Thank you. All right, Drive the motion to open it up into a public hearing. I move to open this up to public 00:56:50
hearing. 00:56:54
Second all in favor, aye? 00:56:58
All right. I'm going to write down questions. If you have questions, I'll write them down just so that. 00:57:01
Daria Evans resident. 00:57:09
I just have a couple of questions. 00:57:12
I like the. 00:57:15