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Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Sifuentes gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.     2.      Work Session No items were submitted.     3.      Public Comments
Mayor Fullmer called for public comment.
Matti Bybee with Hazel Avenue Boutique mentioned that she would like to start doing farmers markets and partner with Vineyard to put on some amazing events for the community.
Jordan Christensen, living in The Preserve subdivision, expressed concerns with parking at The Yard development, pedestrian crossings and bicycle safety.
Mayor Fullmer called for additional comments. Hearing none, she closed the public comment session.     4.      Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS
Mayor Fullmer thanked Fire Chief Mark Sanderson and Assistant Fire Chief Saun Hirst with the Orem Fire Department for being there tonight. Chief Sanderson stated that he wanted the residents to recognize the efforts made by the fire department and the city in making the right decision for the location of a fire station in Vineyard.
Councilmember Rasmussen reported on the success of the community gardens and asked people not to take produce from them if they were not theirs. She mentioned that there was a community stand for sharing produce.
Councilmember Sifuentes reported that there was a library drop box for residents to return library books. She mentioned that there would be a concert and drone show on September 11th. Mayor Fullmer noted that there would also be speakers in observance of Constitution Month. Councilmember Sifuentes reported that fall soccer would be starting soon. She also reported on the Alpine School District’s board meeting regarding a proposed tax increase.
Councilmember Welsh reported that the Youth Council would host a “Drive-in” movie and a recruitment night for youth ages 12 to 18 on August 14. She mentioned they would formalize the Youth Council to provide mentorship and leadership training for future leaders through civic engagement. Mayor Fullmer reviewed some opportunities the Youth Council could take advantage of.     5.      STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS 5.1
City Manager Ezra Nair reported that the city had signed a contract for a sail shade study and design with installation scheduled for next year. He said that there would be nightly road closures for construction on Main Street and Vineyard Connector (800 North), that Timpanogos Special Service District (TSSD) would be reorganizing into an independent organization, and that speed limit changes would take effect next Tuesday. There was a discussion about the timing of the speed limit changes.   5.2
City Recorder Pamela Spencer reported that the candidate filing period had started and would run until Tuesday. She also noted that there would be a candidate orientation on August 17. 5.3
Economic Development Director Morgan Brim reported that the Planning Commission had reviewed the Zoning Text amendment for hotel parking in the RMU Building District. A discussion ensued.     6.      CONSENT ITEMS 6.1  Approval of the July 26, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes 6.2         Approval of a Bid Award for an Economic Development Consultant (Resolution 2023-38) 6.3  Approval of a Staffing Plan Adjustment - Public Works Tech 6.4  Approval of a Special Event Permit Fee Waiver for a vendor show hosted by MattisynBybee
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion. Councilmember Rasmussen requested that 6.4 be removed for discussion.
Councilmember Rasmussen stated that she wanted to see a farmers’ market and requested that they waive all the fees. A discussion ensued.
6.4 Approval of a Special Event Permit Fee Waiver for a vendor show hosted by MattisynBybee
Ms. Bybee explained how the event would run and that she would like to see more farmers’ market events. There was a discussion about the cost for the event and the rental fees.
Mayor Fullmer called for additional comments or a motion.
Motion: Councilmember rasmussen moved to approve item 6.4 with FULL fee waiver. Councilmember FlakeSECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.     7.      Appointments 7.1  With the advice and consent of the City Council, Mayor Fullmer will appoint Bradley Fagg to the Vineyard Art, Recreation and Parks, Cultural, and Heritage (ARCH) Commission.
Mayor Fullmer reviewed the appointment and then called for a motion.
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER SIFUENTES MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT AS PRESENTED. COUNCILMEMBER RASMUSSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.     8.   Presentations/recognitions/awards/PROCLAMATIONS 8.1  Update on Water and Sewer Bond Issuance David Robertson with Lewis Robertson and Burningham (LRB) will present an update on the water and sewer bonds.
Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to David Robinson with Lewis Robertson and Burningham (LRB).
Mr. Roberson reviewed the bond process and explained that they would close on the bonds next week. 9.      BUSINESS ITEMS 9.1
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing
PUBLIC HEARING – Consolidated Fee Schedule (Resolution 2023-37) Admin Intern Bradley Day will present recommended amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Mr. Day reviewed the recommended Consolidation Fee Schedule amendments. There was a discussion about the rental fees for pavilions and fields and having a written policy that would prevent ambiguity regarding refunding. For instance, notice would be required 48 hours before the day of reservation to receive a full refund.
Mayor Fullmer called for public comment. Hearing none, she called for a motion to close the public hearing.
Mayor Fullmer called for comments from the council.
Councilmembers Rasmussen and Welsh requested that they add clarifying language for rental fees.
Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to Planner Cache Hancey.
Mr. Hancey reviewed the planning services contract task order for the Parking Master Plan.
There was a discussion about the Parking Master Plan process.
Resident Eileen Erickson, living in the Sleepy Ridge subdivision, asked about the community open house. Mr. Hancey reviewed the public process.
There was a discussion about the code amendment.
There was a discussion about the two options and the timelines.
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE MOVED TO TAKE THE $96,460 FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 BUDGET AND THE $71,000 FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET AND START THE STUDY (OPTION 1) AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO INITIATE THE TASK ORDER. COUNCILMEMBER WELSH SECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.   9.3  DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Zoning Text Amendment (Ordinance 2023-26) (This item was postponed from the June 26, 2023 City Council meeting.) Planner Cache Hancey will present a proposed Zoning Code amendment to the VZC Section 15.38.030 Parking Requirements to modify the off-street parking requirements for hotels or motels. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance. (A public hearing was held on the item during the June 26, 2023 City Council meeting.)
Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to Planner Cache Hancey.
Mr. Hancey reviewed the Zoning Code changes made to the amended ordinance since the last meeting.
Mr. Blakesley recommended wording changes to the text amendment. A discussion ensued about the wording: “A parking reduction of not greater than 5% may be approved by the Community Development Director upon receiving a parking study, completed by a qualified professional with demonstrated experience in conducting parking studies (a “parking expert”) that, in the opinion of the Community Development Director, demonstrates a parking reduction is justified. A parking reduction of greater than 5% may be approved by the Planning Commission on the same basis.” The discussion continued.
Karla Mata with X Development expressed her concerns about limiting it to five (5) percent. Mayor Fullmer recommended changing the number to 10% for city-wide hotel parking, excluding downtown. The discussion continued.
Mayor Fullmer called for additional comments or a motion.
Councilmember Sifuentes liked the recommended changes.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion:Councilmember FLake moved to adjourn the meetin at 7:33 PM. Councilmember Rasmussen SECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.     MINUTES APPROVED ON:    August 30, 2023                                                                        CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   /s/Pamela Spencer Pamela Spencer, CIty Recorder
We're good. 00:00:02
Alright. 00:00:04
All right, today is August 9th, Wednesday 2023. The time is 6:00 and I'm going to call our City Council meeting to session. 00:00:05
I will go ahead and start with an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance by Marty sequences. 00:00:15
Are. They're kind of my father. We are so very grateful for this wonderful day this. 00:00:26
Beautiful summer day and we're grateful for. 00:00:30
This. 00:00:35
City Council and the staff that worked so hard to support. 00:00:36
We're grateful for the City of Vineyard and all of our residents and all those. 00:00:40
Who? 00:00:44
Worked so hard to create the wonderful sense of community. 00:00:45
Please brothers in need, help us know how to serve them and how to best represent them. 00:00:49
We're so very grateful for the. 00:00:55
Wonderful weather we've been having in the moisture that we have been receiving and. 00:00:58
With these things in Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:02
All right. 00:01:04
Stands one nation under God, indivisible. 00:01:13
No. 00:01:18
Alright, we'll go ahead and move into our public comments. 00:01:26
This is a time for anyone in the audience that wants to come and address things that are not. 00:01:29
Currently on the agenda and you'll come up to this microphone. You'll state your name where you live and then address this. 00:01:35
Address us with your comments. So come on up. 00:01:40
So my name is Maddie. I live in Vineyard. I'm actually on the agenda, but I'm on the consent agenda. So I just wanted to like 00:01:51
introduce myself. If you have any questions and like wanted to discuss my event, I'm going to be throwing this like a bizarre here 00:01:56
in Vineyard. 00:02:01
Um and I would love to start doing farmers markets here. I feel like I can bring a lot to Vineyard and the community, so I think 00:02:06
my goal would be to partner. 00:02:11
Within your city and through some amazing events for the community so. 00:02:17
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for being here. 00:02:22
Alright, anyone else? 00:02:25
Come on up. 00:02:28
Hi, my name is Jordan Christensen. I wanted to follow up on a comment that I made last time about parking at the yard. 00:02:33
Development, I think is right around the movie theater. So I've actually been using that route on my bike. 00:02:39
Probably a dozen times in the last couple weeks. Um. 00:02:46
And I can personally attest that it's. 00:02:51
Uh, I guess two things. One is that from my house to get to that development, like 95% of the road is. 00:02:53
Dedicated bike lane mixed-use trail, which is incredible and it's like I don't think that many other cities. 00:03:01
In the state or or really even in the region can say. 00:03:07
That we have as as good bike infrastructure as we do, which is awesome. 00:03:11
The the one crossing from. 00:03:16
I'm on 400 N Crossing Mill Rd. I think is really the. 00:03:20
The worst situation there and I understand that our. 00:03:24
Our plans and our structures aren't complete, but I wanted to get some other feedback from people who live closer to there. So I 00:03:28
stopped and I talked to two people who both said they lived at the North Point Apartments. I actually waited to cross the road 00:03:35
with one of them there. He said that he works somewhere in that development. 00:03:41
And just watch every day and. 00:03:48
Confirmed that it is a pretty miserable experience trying to cross the road there. He also said that he's. 00:03:50
He's attempted to. 00:03:58
Like walk down to the stop light at Center St. and then we're back up. 00:03:59
But it's like a 15 minute walk versus like potentially 5 minute walk that way. So we just always wait until he can cross the road 00:04:04
there. 00:04:07
The other person said she had recently moved into Vineyard because. 00:04:11
A month or so ago, and she. 00:04:16
She said she went to see a movie with her friends and walked there and described the experience as a mistake of having to. 00:04:18
Cross the road. 00:04:26
Both times going back and forth there, and since she's. 00:04:27
She's not gone too many times since then to that area, but every time she has since she's driven there and just parked her car 00:04:31
there, which I guess just. 00:04:36
I want to reinforce my point. If we have to provide parking for people who live a 5 minute walk away from somewhere, I don't think 00:04:41
there's really any. 00:04:45
Financially feasible way that we can ever build enough parking to accommodate. 00:04:49
Everybody else I I do want to couple with this with saying I talked to my coworker who lives in Payson. 00:04:54
Who also really likes coming to Vineyard because? 00:05:01
They just like the businesses that we're building here. 00:05:05
And obviously he's not going to walk from Payson or ride his bike or take whatever means with transit exists for connecting us to 00:05:08
Payson. 00:05:12
So we do need parking there. We just. 00:05:17
Probably need a better way to get people 5 minutes across the road. 00:05:19
Thank you. 00:05:23
Thank you. 00:05:25
Alright, Any other comments? 00:05:29
Alright then, I'm going to go ahead and close the public comments section. 00:05:35
I just want to start out our mayor and council members reports by thanking Chief Sanderson and Sean Hurst, our firefighters, for 00:05:39
coming out and joining us today. We have been working and developing where we want to put our fire station and really getting to 00:05:45
know their team and the things that they want. 00:05:51
And that will make us the most successful for our space and vineyard. And so I'm just going to have you guys come up. 00:05:58
And just introduce yourself to the public. That's here and then. 00:06:03
And councillor, if you have any questions for them while they're here. 00:06:07
Thank you, Mayor, Council. My name is Mark Sanderson. 00:06:10
The Fire Chief for City One. 00:06:13
Which services linen and beer? 00:06:15
Thank you for that introduction of Sean Hurst. I'm an Assistant Chief with Orange Fire Department. 00:06:20
Great. Happy to answer any questions. Yeah. I don't know if you want to talk about your experience, how it's been going, if 00:06:26
there's anything you want to report back to us or OK, I really want to the Citizens. 00:06:31
A vineyard recognize that? 00:06:36
The. 00:06:39
The efforts made between both our organization and your Mayor and Council and executive staff is. 00:06:40
It's going to play out to. 00:06:45
Make the services that we'll be able to provide to your community. 00:06:47
Exceptional. 00:06:51
I mean taking their time to make the right decision for the right location. 00:06:52
The right structure. 00:06:56
Looking 50 years into the future, that's the whole goal, rather than just rapidly building a station. 00:06:58
In the wrong place just to get us out here and to save a minute or two minutes, which is super valuable in a lot of circumstances. 00:07:04
But a 50 year decision? 00:07:12
That costs a lot of money to the taxpayers IS. 00:07:14
And it's worth taking our time to do it right. 00:07:17
Because it's not going to cost us that much time. So I've appreciated that the organization that. 00:07:20
Is helping us design come up with a plan. 00:07:24
And. 00:07:28
It's it's really good for our teams working together. Thank you so much. It's been so great working with you guys and the 00:07:29
collaboration that's come together. Council, did you have any questions for them today? 00:07:35
Today, no. Well, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. 00:07:41
And. 00:07:45
They're like just we're just gonna excuse ourselves. That's right. Knows if at anytime through this process through as we'll reach 00:07:46
out and we'll be very responsive. 00:07:50
Awesome. Thank you so much. 00:07:54
All right. We'll go ahead and start with mayor and council member reports. And we'll start type. 00:07:57
Nothing. 00:08:01
OK. 00:08:02
Amber, Our community gardens are flourishing, so make sure you. 00:08:03
Don't steal produce, but if they're your boxes, take some and check the community sand over at Gavin Park. People put fresh 00:08:08
produce in there that they don't need, so feel free to take it or share your own. 00:08:13
Excellent. 00:08:20
Marty. 00:08:22
Yeah, I have a few things. 00:08:23
One exciting thing that some of you may not have noticed when you're walking in as we now have a library Dropbox installed. 00:08:26
And a special thank you to public works especially. 00:08:33
Just Chris Thomas I'm used to. 00:08:36
Can you sort of touch screen just start on it? 00:08:39
Umm. 00:08:42
And we're also grateful for Spanish Port for donating their old Dropbox for our libraries. Awesome. And then. 00:08:43
The. 00:08:52
Drone show has been rescheduled. If some of you haven't heard, it will now be on September 11th. Celebrating Patriot Day. We'll 00:08:53
have a concert and music, so that'll be at 7:30. 00:08:59
And then after that, yeah, additionally, we will have a speakers joining us to commemorate that day and to talk about it's also 00:09:06
Constitution Month, so we're going to have. 00:09:12
The Sheriff Khan and Chief Sanderson will be there. We'll hear from our Lieutenant, and then we will have a flag ceremony. So I 00:09:18
hope you come out and bring your families and join us. It's going to be really. 00:09:23
Great event. 00:09:29
Thank you. 00:09:31
And also soccer season is starting, so there's still some spots open up. 00:09:32
So if you want to in certain divisions, I'm not sure which ones that that's something you can look into and then. 00:09:37
Last night I attended the Alpine School District Board meeting. 00:09:43
It was a very long public comment session where a lot of concerns from. 00:09:48
Families with fixed incomes and our senior community. 00:09:54
And expressed a lot of concerns. 00:09:58
And it was, it was very hard on that school board. I think they are put in a really hard position. 00:10:01
And they. 00:10:07
They decided in the end to do a lower tax rate than what was proposed on the notices that we all received. 00:10:08
I think it was still hard on the. 00:10:16
Crowd that they didn't seem happy with the results, but I think comparative to other school districts within our county, it's 00:10:18
actually a pretty low tax rate so. 00:10:23
We'll go from there. We're hoping that state legislation will help us in the future so that it will be less of a burden on the 00:10:30
community and the state can find other ways to provide that tax income that the schools need. 00:10:36
That's great. Did you have anything on that with anybody reporting to you? Were you guys able to connect on that? 00:10:41
Awesome. Thank you. 00:10:47
There is going to be a drive-in movie for our youth in the community on sponsored by the Vineyard Youth Council on August 14th. 00:10:52
That is a Monday night, it's a few days before school starts so it's the last hurrah for our youth and would encourage all youth 00:11:00
ages 12 to 18 to come and it's a really good opportunity for youth who haven't been involved with youth council and are 00:11:04
interested. 00:11:09
To come see the types of events they put on and they can. 00:11:14
Even find out more at the event and talk to these counts that we have there and come at 8:30 there'll be some free food and for 00:11:18
our youth and. 00:11:24
Screening to start at 9 and they're going to be showing Napoleon Dynamite. 00:11:29
That's awesome. 00:11:33
I know this is kind of putting me on the spot, but I think that you should tell the council kind of the direction that you're 00:11:35
moving the youth council forward. I think it's a really cool thing for the community. 00:11:39
Yeah. So this year we're going to. 00:11:44
Start moving towards far more formalizing the. 00:11:47
The youth council and giving them more leadership opportunities than they have had in the past, it's going to become more like a. 00:11:50
Our format. 00:11:56
That you have seen like with our commissions and we'll reflect similar to what we actually do on our council where they will 00:11:58
notice their meetings, they will be recorded, they will sit up here and engage with each other and there'll be times during the 00:12:03
year when they hopefully will be able to shadow some of our. 00:12:08
City employees and as they vote for the. 00:12:14
Youth council, mayor and the youth council city manager. 00:12:17
Et cetera. There's about 8 different executive positions that they can apply for. 00:12:21
And they vote in and choose all that themselves. Anyway, we're excited to make this a. 00:12:26
A really good leadership opportunity for you so that when they. 00:12:32
And it's it's really going to set them apart as they go to college and they start moving through and really providing that civic 00:13:07
engagement. 00:13:10
That is in some ways being lost. And so we really want to promote that and really excited about the direction that you're taking 00:13:14
that. I'm going to go ahead and turn the time over to Ezra next. 00:13:19
Uh, yes, Marian Council, thank you. We have a few updates. 00:13:26
We've signed our contract for a shade cell study at Penny Springs and Grove Park, so we'll have those up by next summer. 00:13:30
But we're gonna take a study to just evaluate. 00:13:37
We're the best locations are where the best shading will be based on our climate and location and also make sure that we have. 00:13:40
Structures that are in place that will stay on the high winds that we get out here as well, so we're just being. 00:13:47
Careful and thoughtful about that, but that will move forward our contractor on board there. 00:13:52
We'll have some nightly Rd. closures, those ones that were delayed back a few weeks ago, I mentioned them on Main Street and 800 N 00:13:58
those will likely start in two weeks. Timeline is still a little bit big, but we will post on social media and we'll have the 00:14:04
street signs up on the roads or U dot will bring those out once once that work is ready to move forward. So that's upcoming, just 00:14:09
continue to watch out for construction opportunities around there. 00:14:15
And then our Timpanogo Special Service District, they are our store providers for most of the city. 00:14:21
They'll be reorganizing into a. 00:14:28
Service district right now their powers are given to them by the county and so they'll they'll be reorganized into an independent 00:14:30
service district. Currently we don't actually have a seat on it. We have A at large county appointed seat that our environmental 00:14:37
services manager sits in his chair of that board. But now we'll have an official seat with the reorganization. So this will be a 00:14:44
huge benefit for all the participating agencies and help with. 00:14:50
Their their processes as they're bonding and looking for continued growth out there. 00:14:58
And then lastly, on Vineyard Rd. and Vineyard Loop Rd. those speed limits will be reduced to 25 mph, so watch out for those street 00:15:04
signs and then on Center St. 00:15:08
And that will be a consistent 30 miles an hour. Right now it's 35 after you get off the bridge. 00:15:13
We'll just have it consistent at 30 miles an hour. 00:15:17
On the main road and going over the bridge, so those changes will happen next Tuesday, so. 00:15:20
Continue to obey the speed limit. Thank you. 00:15:25
Do we have? 00:15:27
Do we have a plan? 00:15:29
To like put up big signs or. 00:15:32
Anything so people it's more noticeable because I think it'll be a hard adjustment for a lot of the residents. 00:15:36
Yeah. 00:15:42
Speak to that. Sure. We we had a meeting this morning about it and we talked about wanting to get it done before school starts 00:15:44
next week, especially on the road and 600 N what we talked about was. 00:15:49
A couple of story landed on some of the. 00:15:54
Like EU dot. 00:15:57
Trapped Like signs of really message boards. 00:15:58
So for those in kilo locations that would be aware and then obviously with the speed limits my guys will be the ones enforcing 00:16:01
that self-directed and make sure that they are doing more educating in the beginning than sighting so. 00:16:06
Just to clarify, we're dropping, we're changing the speed limits on Tuesday. 00:16:13
Of next week, Yeah, that's when the new signs will be put in. 00:16:17
OK. 00:16:22
Umm. 00:16:24
That is the first day of school for some, so that's an interesting choice. 00:16:25
And we can talk to Chris, see when you have it on Monday. We'll see what we can do. 00:16:29
OK. 00:16:32
Umm. 00:16:33
OK. 00:16:35
Freedom. 00:16:36
Yeah, freedom starts on on Tuesday, on Tuesday. So I'm just wondering if. 00:16:37
That's amazing. A traffic pattern and all of that at the same time is gonna feel make them more aware. 00:16:41
It might. 00:16:48
Being on the lookout, since we're talking about that. 00:16:50
I think it would be appropriate for us to get ahead of reminding people that they have to stop. 00:16:53
For buses. 00:16:59
It's something that for some reason it's it doesn't happen all year long and it needs to be reminded. So we could get our social 00:17:00
media post people to get that out there before school starts to remind people maybe we can share it on community sites, something 00:17:07
like that, just to prevent people blowing past them. Well, I guess we are reducing the speeds. 00:17:13
Right. We're gonna have big science to say the speed is lowering. 00:17:21
So maybe it is a good way to do it, because they should all be slowing down for all of that anyway. 00:17:25
And that that was our thing this morning when we discussed it was with school strikes. Thought about doing it a couple of weeks, 00:17:29
but. 00:17:32
That might be helpful too, just in coordination. 00:18:05
And that seems to be one of the biggest complaints that comes by, and it actually is scary for our. 00:18:07
Ohh people who help with our crossing. 00:18:13
So OK, I'll work with our our school resource deputy and have him work with the person that you're the best. Thank you. 00:18:15
And Ken, did you want to say anything about the elections? 00:18:22
OK. 00:18:26
Sorry you have to stand here. 00:18:29
I'm. I'm sharing my desk. 00:18:31
Umm. 00:18:34
We have the candidate filing period going on right now, started yesterday and it runs through next Tuesday. 00:18:35
And we would love to have you come in and file the candidate. We will have an orientation on the 17th. 00:18:41
At 6:00 PM with those candidates and city staff. 00:18:47
To go over some things. So we're pretty excited about. 00:18:50
What's going on with the election? One of my favorite things to do. Thank you. You've been working really hard. We appreciate it. 00:18:54
Awesome. OK. Umm. Planning Commission. 00:19:01
Are you here? 00:19:04
Morgan, you're here. 00:19:07
OK. 00:19:10
During the Planning Commission, we reviewed. 00:19:11
It was the hotel parking. 00:19:14
And over the course of the other one. 00:19:18
Ohh the height the the the building height. OK so that that that was the big one. 00:19:21
The building height in the R&U district. There was a request from the developer to increase that from 60 to 70 feet. 00:19:26
The Planning Commission recommended approval of it. 00:19:34
But having it restricted to those two pie shaped lots, so we caught those out in the plat. 00:19:39
Those are the lots across from the development services building behind Happy Dragon and Dairy Queen. 00:19:45
And they restricted it to non residential buildings and so if there is a any building with residential in the future you would 00:19:53
still be limited to the 60 foot height. 00:20:00
Was any feedback from the public's kind of met or taken care of during that time? Did it seem like a? 00:20:07
A good meeting or were there comments that stuck out to you from the public? Yeah, they kind of found a I guess an in between in 00:20:14
between was limited in the district so that it wouldn't be like the full on new district and also not allowing residential to be 00:20:21
built up to. 00:20:27
Up to 70 feet. Keeping that at 60 feet. 00:20:34
And so that and they provided a A view study. 00:20:37
That that showed from. 00:20:40
Basically the surrounding properties that the impact would be fairly minimal. It was more from the north side where the townhomes 00:20:42
are that that they found from a residential standpoint where you have kind of the the the larger impact. 00:20:48
Just for clarification for our listeners, even though you're there. 00:20:55
Where they're recommending. 00:20:59
To to restrict that from. 00:21:02
The possibility of housing. 00:21:05
They currently cannot. 00:21:06
Right. Yeah. Under the zoning right now, it's capped the number of residential, yeah. 00:21:08
So we kept housing at 60. So does that mean that? 00:21:15
What does that mean exactly? No housing can be there. 00:21:19
So if if like I I guess the concern was in the future if if the applicant were to request housing there and go through an 00:21:23
amendment, then it would be done then. 00:21:28
And if that were some reason approved, then they that housing would only be able to go up to 63. 00:21:33
OK. 00:21:39
OK. 00:21:41
Uh, that's it. That's great. Thank you so much. 00:21:42
All right. We'll go ahead and move on to our consent items. Does anybody have anything they want to discuss or do you want to give 00:21:44
me an approval? I would like to pull 6.4 to discuss waiving fees. 00:21:49
Do you want to approve? So I've moved to approve consent item 6.16.2 and 6.3. 00:21:55
Of course, my amber. Can I get a second? 00:22:03
2nd. 00:22:06
Second, by test all in favor, aye, aye? 00:22:07
OK. And let's go ahead and discuss 6.4. 00:22:12
Well. 00:22:21
A farmers market is something we've been longing for for a very long time. 00:22:22
So I would like to see us make the barrier to entry. 00:22:26
As low as possible. 00:22:31
OK. Are you requesting that we waive the fees of the 20% recommended or all waiving fees or what is your recommended willing to 00:22:32
do? 00:22:36
The full waiver personal. 00:22:40
OK. Are there any comments on this? I feel like this is something that we want as well. I appreciate you coming and talking to us. 00:22:43
I've been reviewing your application as you've gone through this process and I feel like. 00:22:50
And. 00:22:55
I don't think that. 00:22:56
I think it's going to be more of a benefit to the community and. 00:22:59
Then. 00:23:03
Than a lot of other opportunities and with your goals to create a farmers market, I think that is something that we are looking 00:23:04
for bringing into the community, so I would support. 00:23:08
And I just I guess it sounds like the beginning of a collaborative relationship as well, which is very. 00:23:14
Excited to have someone come in? Wanna move forward? 00:23:20
Marty, you've also been sitting in on meetings. Do you have anything to say? 00:23:23
For sure. 00:23:27
I have. I've had a lot of thoughts as as we've gone over this and I'm really excited for this event. 00:23:36
And. 00:23:41
I do know that. 00:23:42
I really want to support this and I'm I'm excited to waive these, but I also wanna talk about your your fee for your booth 00:23:45
rentals. I'd be really curious, do you mind sharing what your cost is or? 00:23:51
Yeah, that appropriate to ask? 00:23:58
I don't know if it is. 00:24:00
Because it could be. 00:24:02
Yeah. 00:24:05
My name is Maddie. 00:24:06
Do you want me to answer So most of the vendors have just signed up for about like the $65 one. So that's mostly it. The reason 00:24:08
why I do it is because I feel like since COVID. 00:24:14
And there's like no one interacts anymore and so I feel like then you're doesn't. 00:24:21
I've grown up here, so I've never seen a farmers market here and so I've thrown events for the last five years and I love 00:24:26
vineyards and I feel like I could bring a lot to it, so that's kind of my goal. 00:24:32
I think 65 is really competitive. So thank you for letting us know that. 00:24:38
How many vendors are you hoping to have? So right now I have 135 and I got that in two weeks. 00:24:42
So um, I would like to do this like I want to do another one in the fall before the weather gets bad and I'm hoping to have at 00:24:50
least like 300 if not more. My goal would be to have like a Swiss days. I love Swiss days and I go every year, me and my sisters 00:24:57
go, so I would want to do something similar to that. I just feel like under the time I didn't have enough. I still think 130 is a 00:25:05
good amount and I also have 10 food trucks that are coming that are lined up. 00:25:12
Bounce houses, music. 00:25:21
I love throwing all of these and I feel like it's a great way to like. 00:25:23
Get the community together. So that's really amazing because it's actually hard to create a portfolio of all of those companies 00:25:26
that are willing to come that short notice. So yeah, that's amazing. 00:25:32
Thank you. Thank you for sharing that that answered my questions. Thank you. 00:25:38
OK. Well, any other comments or? 00:25:43
Do you want a motion or do you wanna discuss? 00:25:47
I move to approve consent item 6.4 with the full waiver. 00:25:54
2nd. 00:26:00
OK. All in favor. 00:26:01
Aye, aye. 00:26:02
Aye. 00:26:05
Hi. 00:26:06
Hey, we'll go into our. Thank you for coming. 00:26:07
And we'll go on to an appointment. 00:26:12
We are getting our Arts Commission moving and right now we have somebody who. 00:26:16
We just appointed. 00:26:23
His name is Bradley *** and we are going to go ahead and plan to the Commission tonight. He's not here, so we will swarm in at a 00:26:25
different time if everybody. 00:26:29
If anybody would like to make a motion and just approve that, that would be. 00:26:35
Great. 00:26:38
I'd love to make a motion to approve. 00:26:39
The. 00:26:43
Appointment as presented. Perfect. Can I get a second? Second, First by Marty, second by Amber? All in favor, Aye. 00:26:45
Alright, we'll move into our presentation. We have an update on the water and sewer bond issuance and David is here to share where 00:26:52
we are at on that. We're so happy to have you. Thank you for coming. 00:26:58
You're welcome. It's a fun evening to be here. So we went through the bond pricing and it's fun to report on a successful bond 00:27:04
pricing. 00:27:08
We have a small presentation that we can run through and how much of the numbers we can borrow you for live numbers or just kind 00:27:13
of skip to the highlights. 00:27:16
But if you go to the type. 00:27:20
If you go to the first page. 00:27:22
Yeah, the highlights are good. 00:27:26
We saw the bonds on July 25th, so we celebrated the Pioneer Day with the pre call and until the bond the 25th. 00:27:28
And that was actually strategic because the Federal Open Market Committee met on the 26th. 00:27:35
So we actually were aggressive. 00:27:40
And worked to price the bonds before that meeting just because there's an influence on the market and the overall the true 00:27:43
interest cost on the bonds. We sold 30 year bonds for the city. 00:27:48
At 4.181%, so we're thrilled to get that locked in. We do have a call date so we can be able to restructure those bonds in the 00:27:53
future and to bring that back. 00:27:58
I think some of the highlights I wanted to really focus on to really get us to that point where it's just it was really a nice 00:28:03
team effort. It took a a couple of extra months than we had originally planned, but everyone brought some unique value to the 00:28:09
team. I appreciate the mayor coming, meeting with the rating agencies helping that. 00:28:15
Ezra and David were fantastic, representing this, the city and really getting the numbers and pulling all that together and they 00:28:21
both did a fantastic job. Ezra even went and beat up well not to beat up and it helped negotiate. 00:28:28
Uh, one of the. 00:28:34
One of the contracts for the city to get some clarity on that side. So it was great on that side. Gilmore and Bill helped with 00:28:37
that contract to get some clarity on this, on structuring the bonds not only on these but future. 00:28:43
Stifel did a nice job on holding the ground, on pricing the bonds, which saved the the city a lot of money. 00:28:51
Lewis Young not only helping you get the rating but then helping getting the value of the, the of the insurance which is of was 00:28:57
kind of unique but because we're in a unique market and then Jamie this appreciated all his inputs and really helped us on the 00:29:03
legal side of things. So it really was a team effort, just thrilled to how to all come together as my dad said. 00:29:10
It's better to be lucky than good, but good usually promulgates luck and being the team, being prepared by pricing the bonds, 00:29:18
aggressive on the compressing the timeline and getting those bonds priced in quickly. The market has actually sold off since we 00:29:24
priced those bonds and so we looked at some analysis over the last two weeks. 00:29:30
It's not a huge numbers but all kind of adds up but by pricing the bonds on that day instead of waiting kind of being lacked. The 00:29:37
bond payment is about 20 thousand $25,000 less per year by being on that aggressive side. So like you said it kind of all adds up 00:29:44
and just thrilled to have a great solution and resolution. We do close I'm assuming that are being signed tonight. 00:29:50
And no, they're not being signed tonight, OK. They're being signed at some points and then we are targeting closing next week. So 00:29:57
we're all targeted for that, so. 00:30:01
They're smiling. We're gonna sign bond documents. 00:30:06
We just had a delay tonight because of presidential traffic up north, so we'll find them very soon. 00:30:10
OK. So yes, with all of that, this will all come to a close on the 16th. 00:30:16
And you'll have lots of money to start building lots of fun projects. 00:30:21
That's great. Well, we appreciate everything, you guys. 00:30:24
Put together your package and I'll just tell the council, the package that they put together for us to review and to go talk about 00:30:27
and the stuff that are stacked to fill in the gaps made those presentations go so well. You guys are phenomenal to work with and 00:30:33
incredible at your job. And just the introductions and everybody we met, you could see the relationship was there and it was, it 00:30:39
was great. So thank you for serving our city so well. Thank you very much. I really much appreciate that hard work. To that end, I 00:30:45
did. 00:30:51
E-mail David and Ezra this little presentation if you do want to read some fantastic material ties. 00:30:57
They can forward it to you. 00:31:05
The there's a bunch of this data and stuff on the bond pricing. So that's kind of it is what it is. 00:31:07
But to the mayor's point, there's two reports that came out from the rating agencies at the very end, from S&P and Fitch. 00:31:12
So if you did want to read that, um. 00:31:18
That. 00:31:21
One of the things we really appreciated the mayor and Ezra and David taking the time to go meet the rating agencies in person. 00:31:22
This gives some good information not to tell you how to run your city, but influential information about setting rates and what 00:31:28
are some of the important parts. Because having good ratings does have a direct impact on your borrowing costs. 00:31:34
And so The thing is, it's helpful just to be aware of it. So if you wanted to glance through those. 00:31:40
And there's some highlights, so you can read those reports just to on 3rd party views of the city. But besides that, thank you for 00:31:46
the opportunity. It was a pleasure. We're closed next week. I'm hoping we get the document signed and we'll bring out your post. 00:31:51
Awesome. Thank you. Any question? 00:31:57
Alright, alright. Thank you. Thank you so much. 00:32:00
OK, we'll go ahead and move into our public hearing. I'm going to have a council make a motion to go into a public hearing for the 00:32:04
consolidated fee schedule of resolution 202337 and then we will open it up to discussion with our admin intern Bradley Day and 00:32:09
then. 00:32:14
We will close it after you all have the chance to discuss, and then the Council will discuss and we will. 00:32:20
Make a motion, we go into a public thank you type second, second by Amber. All in favor. Aye. Aye. 00:32:25
Alright. 00:32:31
Good evening Mayor, Evening council. 00:32:34
As I get this pulled up as you all know. 00:32:37
What we offer in the services that we give as a city, there are associated fees with some of those services and so. 00:32:40
As. 00:32:50
We provide those services, we want to be sure that. 00:32:51
We update them from time to time. 00:32:55
With that, the consolidated fee schedule where you can find all of these services. 00:32:58
We have some changes that we will be providing and we offer them to you for approval or amendments as you choose. 00:33:03
I'll go through each of these. They're scattered throughout the actual consolidated fee schedule. 00:33:10
And we just list the challenges or the changes here for you at this time. 00:33:14
From the administrative fees, we have return checks. That's just simply that the bank with which we work has changed their fees 00:33:19
for return checks, so we've upped that from $10 to $14.00 following them. 00:33:24
For a candidate late financial disclosures that comes with the elections and our recorders office has added this item which was 00:33:31
previously not listed. 00:33:36
For engine brake restrictions this comes from our Police Department and with that modification there was not a fee beforehand. 00:33:42
There is now a $75.00 fee. 00:33:47
To facility rental fees from our Parks and Recreation Department pavilion. Rental cancellation used to be $5. It is now moved at 00:33:53
the discretion of the city staff to the up to 100% of the reservation cost. 00:33:59
And that takes into account, should there be a cancellation on the day of or even after the day of, if the staff have already put 00:34:06
in the work, then it is up to their discretion how much work they've put in, how much could be returned. So you tell me what kind 00:34:11
of work is. 00:34:16
Put into a fee, I mean a reservation. 00:34:22
For reserving the pavilion, I don't have the specifics that would have to go to Brian directly, but they like put out garbage cans 00:34:26
or a lot of times we have that's that's pretty common request for. 00:34:31
Cleaning the facility before or after. I believe they also tape off the. 00:34:36
To the area so nobody else can use it? Yep. 00:34:42
For a period of like an extensive period of time, so that what's the reservation cost? 00:34:44
That's dependent on how long they'll be using the facility or they put it in. 00:34:49
So I believe to rent one of the pavilions, I think for a day it was $75. 00:34:55
And I think some of the some of my concerns why I I I would support this is. 00:35:02
We are getting so many rentals, rental requests and the schedule spelling, that's it. It's nice if someone's going to reserve it 00:35:07
and hold that spot. 00:35:12
If they wait till the very last day, it's kind of unfair to the rest of the community that might want to reserve as well and I do 00:35:17
think there are some. We are paying for Anna's time when she goes through and. 00:35:23
Does figure out what is necessary for each reservation. 00:35:29
But. 00:35:33
I mean if you don't feel comfortable with 100%, we could talk about. 00:35:33
Different numbers I think the cap would make. An additional question would be is how? 00:35:38
How soon can you cancel your reservation before you this fee is? 00:35:43
It happens. 00:35:48
24 hours. That's the discretion of the staff, the city staff. 00:35:49
So what what we would writing? 00:35:54
Yeah. And and we we could write that out. We could say. 00:35:56
Wait, what? What we usually have is. 00:35:59
There's people who have extenuating circumstances that if they need to cancel an hour before we want to give them their feedback 00:36:01
and so we don't have like a hard deadline of if you cancel within 24 hours then. 00:36:07
You definitely don't get the feedback, so this gives the staff discretion to say OK, is this really? 00:36:12
Like, is this a circumstance where somebody could have avoided it? 00:36:17
Is somebody just refusing to get back to us and now they're trying to request a refund? 00:36:20
A week later, after we already taken care of everything, it just provides that flexibility, but we're happy to. 00:36:24
You could could you put in something that says there is a policy with like a 24 or 48 hour cancellation and then the city? 00:36:31
Staff reserves the right to do a waiver, Yeah. So if we make this our fee schedule, then we can on the fee, like on the facility 00:36:39
rental application, we can just write the policy out. I don't like the ambiguity that lies in 100% of the reservation cost if the 00:36:45
cost is up to 75. 00:36:51
Dollars per hour? Is that what you just said? OK. Ohh for a day? Ohh. OK. 00:36:58
Does he have something to add? 00:37:04
No, just just the comment that. 00:37:06
You're restricted that if it's not in your fee schedule, you can't charge it, but you can always go less, you can always go there. 00:37:08
Umm. 00:37:16
I just feel like. 00:37:17
Putting up tape. 00:37:18
Putting out a couple of garbage cans. 00:37:21
And. 00:37:23
Cleaning a pavilion that we are supposed to be cleaning anyway. 00:37:24
Additionally, it's it's like the opportunity cost. Somebody else can't do this. They're shut down an area that is for public use 00:37:28
for several hours that other people. 00:37:32
Could have been using. 00:37:37
You're saying if they don't cancel at all and we just keep it going? 00:37:39
They're using or not. It's saying you're empty. OK. 00:37:43
And you don't want to cap it. You feel like $75 a day. I don't know. I'm saying I I I'm hearing. 00:37:46
Ohh yeah no I I I think I understood that. I just didn't know if $75 was. Just. To further clarify, the fee is $40.00 for a small 00:37:52
pavilion for residents and $80.00 for non residents and then a large pavilion. It's 75 residents and 1:50 for non resident. 00:37:59
This event space. 00:38:08
Somewhere else in a professional setting and you didn't show up, you would still be charged. And I think that's reasonable if 00:38:10
there's a policy attached that says you have to cancel at some point. If there's no policy attached to it and it's just. 00:38:16
And there's no like time. 00:38:22
Sensitivity towards that, I I feel OK with that. 00:38:24
I I would feel more comfortable doing the full amount if there was some, if we did have like a 48 or 24 hour something that was 00:38:29
clear language to make. 00:38:34
Help people understand like you need to follow up on this well, and I do think that I do. I do like the Anna has some flexibility 00:38:39
here because some of the reservations she does work back and forth and spends quite a bit of time communicating with residents or 00:38:45
with. 00:38:50
And just people looking around. 00:38:56
Renting a facility and so. 00:38:59
I feel like she would be able to judge with how much time she spent, if it's something where she feels that thing. 00:39:01
Don't. 00:39:07
Deserve the cancel or the refund. 00:39:08
But I do agree with you, Mayor, that having something just making sure it's very clear when people sign up. 00:39:11
I signed up and I. 00:39:18
I had no idea what our policy was and that might have just been me hurrying and doing it because my aunt was requested. Also, I do 00:39:20
have a question if. 00:39:24
How do they cancel? Is it automated or do they need to call and cancel the reservation? 00:39:30
If they send us an e-mail, we take that as a cancellation. So, but if somebody called on a Sunday and you weren't there or you 00:39:36
didn't see it and then they cancelled on the Sunday, we should put that into account. That the policy, yeah, we can put that in 00:39:42
the policy if if people have made an attempt to contact us, usually we don't charge the fee. 00:39:47
OK. 00:39:53
OK. Sorry, continue. Thank you. 00:39:54
Others related to facility costs. 00:39:58
For some items that we can rent out to individuals, including goal sets and. 00:40:00
Corner flags. These are both $10.00 for residents and $20.00 for non residents on an hourly rate. 00:40:06
And the next portion goes into Soccer field Rentals. 00:40:15
For fields in Gammon Park, they differ from those in other parks, and they differ between weekends and weekdays. 00:40:18
If you can see them as is listed on the screen, they all come with a $300.00 deposit. 00:40:26
And then there is an hourly cost that's proposed. 00:40:31
Different from what I will mention currently exists in the consolidated schedule, there's a four hour cost. 00:40:35
What we've realized is that those four hours aren't necessary for a lot of people where they prefer just one or two hours. 00:40:41
And for that reason we're including these and there's gonna also tap on to if somebody needed say five hours and instead of paying 00:40:47
for two, four hour spots. 00:40:50
Pay for five hours instead. 00:40:54
So this goes up in pricing? 00:40:57
$20 through weekdays at Gammon Park. Weekends $30. 00:40:59
At other parks, weeked. 00:41:05
Weekdays $40 and weekend $60.00 and it double s for non residents and during holidays. 00:41:07
With that mentioning the fiscal impact as was briefly mentioned as we discussed just during that one portion with the Pavilion 00:41:16
Rental, but these fees will go towards the maintenance of our supplies that we have or towards the staffing that we put towards. 00:41:23
Put towards these consolidated fee proposals. 00:41:30
And the recommendation on behalf of the finance department that's that we make is to accept these changes as they are presented. 00:41:35
But that being said, the sample motions we have for you, you can choose to adopt or to deny, or if there are changes that you'd 00:41:42
like to consider. 00:41:46
While improving, thank you so much. 00:41:50
Other questions from the public. 00:41:52
Our thoughts? 00:41:54
Insights. 00:41:55
You're here, so if you care, say it. 00:41:57
Yeah. 00:42:00
Alright. 00:42:03
With that, I just need a motion to go out of a public meeting. A public hearing, I mean, so moved by the highest second by 00:42:05
Christie. All in favor, Aye, alright, Council. Questions. Concerns. Thoughts. 00:42:10
As long as we put the clarity about. 00:42:17
The timing in the 24 to 48 hours, I feel pretty good about it adding the policy. 00:42:21
Yeah, I don't. I actually don't have a preference on whatever, as long as there's language in there so it's clear to residents, 00:42:29
unless if someone else doesn't have anything to say, I can make a motion. 00:42:33
I'll second that motion I OK, but. 00:42:38
You. 00:42:41
Or my guy. 00:42:42
I moved to. I moved to adopt Background solution 2023-37, the amended cost. 00:42:44
Consolidated fee schedule as presented with the change with the changes mentioned previously the past. 00:42:50
Alright, first by Chrissy to adopt it, let's change the policy and a second by Tice. 00:42:57
This doesn't need to be a roll call. 00:43:03
I don't think so. 00:43:07
I see Pam waving her hand, and I'll say this and Pam can tell me whether it's what she's thinking. 00:43:09
I I just want to state the conditions. 00:43:14
Mentioned previously that I think it is thank you that the city manager or his designee. 00:43:17
Establish a policy for determining when to reduce fees and what to charge. That's perfect. Thank you. 00:43:24
Is that what you meant, Christy? That's what I meant. Great. Is that what you second time glad, James. Excellent. I'm going to do 00:43:31
this by roll call just for franchise. Amber. Hi. Yay. Marty. 00:43:36
Yeah, Christy, hi. Awesome. OK, we'll go ahead and move on to thank you, Bradley. We'll move on to our discussion and action. 00:43:42
Purchase approval for a parking master plan, task order and cash fantasy will come. 00:43:49
And present the two recommendations. 00:43:55
Good evening, Mayor and City Council. This should put in just a second. We do have this as a parking master plan task order. 00:44:03
Umm. 00:44:11
We are taking this to City Council, so a little background. We have our planning services contract. 00:44:14
UM, where the Planning Department has contracted with. 00:44:18
Um like 4 planning firms throughout the state to help us out in in special projects where we need a little bit more expertise. 00:44:21
And so this is one topic that was brought up and has been budgeted for now to complete a parking master plan. So. 00:44:28
This will. 00:44:38
Go to next. There we go. 00:44:39
So, yeah, this is just that background. We contracted with Ave. Consultants. They're one of the firms on our planning services 00:44:41
contract. 00:44:44
And these are the different things that they're going to provide for us. They're going to look at our current parking situation 00:44:48
throughout residential, retail, office, wherever in the city. They're going to analyze that and let us know what we can do to help 00:44:53
fix those areas where it may be over parked or under parked. 00:44:58
Um, they're going to give us future predictions for parking demand in different areas of the city. 00:45:04
They're going to help us in our neighborhood parking permit program. 00:45:10
They're going to help us with visitor parking so that like the, the. 00:45:13
Vineyard Beach or wherever we we want some visitor parking built in. They're gonna help us out with that. 00:45:17
Um, they're going to help give us advice on parking services vendors. So in the downtown, we want to look at new metered parking 00:45:22
or something like that. 00:45:26
They'd be able to help us out with that. 00:45:30
And then the last would be they're going to give us, they're going to examine our parking ordinance and they're going to give us 00:45:31
some recommendations on any changes there. 00:45:35
So these are just the services. This is kind of their product outline of what they're going to do. 00:45:40
Um, they're going to work with city staff to establish a team to to look into this. They're going to gather data. 00:45:44
They're gonna look at our existing conditions, the future conditions. 00:45:49
Give us the recommendations. 00:45:53
Um, they're gonna go through a public process? 00:45:55
Where they'll involve all members of the public to understand what their biggest concerns with parking are. 00:45:58
Umm and and how this can help them? 00:46:03
And then the last would be they'll provide us with this parking master plan. 00:46:05
Because right now we have patterns that are HOA's are taking and kind of modeling after. Are we going to be incorporating the 00:46:10
study into how those HOA's are utilizing their CC and R's or running those programs or? 00:46:16
Do you think that will so I'll I'll kind of get into that with my the the reason we're we went. 00:46:23
Through the. 00:46:28
As a business side rather than consent is because we do have two options. 00:46:29
Because of the cost of it, we did take out the stakeholder interviews that the firm was going to conduct. 00:46:33
And so that's an option. 00:46:40
Going forward, that we could do as a city staff, as do stakeholder interviews where the city staff would work with HOA's to talk 00:46:42
to them about what we're doing. 00:46:46
Areas that they could see us improving and and also giving them our suggestions on the parking permit program. 00:46:51
Umm. 00:46:57
So with that, here's the two different options. I do have a question about that. Yeah, sure, so. 00:47:00
We have been meeting with our HOA's, we have been discussing with them, we have been talking to them and even helping them 00:47:04
implement programs and walking them through their codes and helping them to understand it better and I feel like we're coming to 00:47:09
good results on a lot of them. 00:47:13
Do you think it is? 00:47:19
Would be an initial another step forward in seeing how they operate or? 00:47:21
Doing something to have a third party because sometimes there's conflict that comes in between it and becomes political where it 00:47:27
doesn't need to be. 00:47:31
Organizer What is your feedback on this? Or these are the programs that would go out or counsel. This is where there should have 00:48:05
been more parking or there's not enough parking or whatever it is because. 00:48:10
Right now as they start implementing their plans, we're finding there is enough parking that they're not enforcing certain things. 00:48:15
Sure, I think as we're really looking at on how to. 00:48:20
Tackle the downtown or tackle some of the problems that we're facing with an overall community plan. 00:48:25
And that would be helpful, especially since Waters Edge is an HOA within different portions of it. And so we're going to have to 00:48:31
be communicating inside of that discussion. 00:48:37
I mean, if we were just focusing this on public streets, you know, 90% of the problems that I think we face sometimes on the 00:48:43
Council would dissipate. 00:48:48
You know, sure. So. So if I'm hearing correctly, it sounds like. 00:48:53
In this scenario. 00:48:57
We absolutely do want to invest in reaching out to stakeholders and going to I think so, OK, OK otherwise. 00:48:59
And cash, correct. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the overall study is going to look at like. 00:49:07
They the Overwatch citywide parking correct public and private and so that that that will be a piece of it and what what we can do 00:49:14
is. 00:49:18
We'll have that initial meeting where we make sure we're on the same page and that can be one of those basically sub tasks that we 00:49:22
make sure that they look at the existing parking programs that are implemented within the Hoas and then how effective they are. So 00:49:28
if we wanted to avoid the additional cost, are we thinking about having a steering committee that involves some of these people 00:49:34
because I think without that understanding or buying this is a difficult process. 00:49:40
You know. 00:49:47
And you know what I mean? And and the hope is that it doesn't turn into like a political type thing. Yeah, it's just data. We're 00:50:19
looking at data. Yeah, I would love that. And I don't know if they're providing this, but. 00:50:24
Any tools or resources that we could have on the City Council side as we go to implement policy or procedures? 00:50:30
That. 00:50:36
We don't necessarily. 00:50:37
We have limitations on after we've implemented them to make sure that we're doing them appropriately, I think. 00:50:39
Would be helpful. As we view parking, do you know what I'm saying because we make development agreements or we make these 00:50:45
arrangements and then they kind of. 00:50:50
Falls out of our hands in some ways. So I don't know if we'll be touching on that, but that could be interesting. Yeah, we we can 00:50:55
definitely include that in in the parking master plan. 00:50:58
Doesn't make some tweaks. 00:51:33
And implement new policies or strategies. And so, yeah, would be $96,460 for the first year and then the second year would be 00:51:35
71,000. 00:51:39
And then option two, it would be all done in one phase in this year? 00:51:45
And the. 00:51:49
Total is that $119,900 with that optional $20,260 which would be. 00:51:50
And. 00:51:57
The stakeholder interviews as well as an additional community open house, so they are already planning on doing one. They also 00:51:58
have a dedicated website as well as a survey. 00:52:02
That they'll do, but this will provide an extra opportunity for the public to participate. 00:52:06
However, with this being over that $100,000 budget. 00:52:11
Um, it The budget will need to be increased from 100 to that. 00:52:15
119 or 139 number at a budget adjustment meeting later on. 00:52:20
So. 00:52:25
Help me out you guys. 00:52:27
So they're already going to do community open houses. 00:52:29
And they're already going to do stakeholder interviews, but we could pay $20,000 more for more of this. So they won't do any 00:52:33
stakeholder interviews with option two. So option 2. 00:52:38
We went to them and said hey look we need this or they they were just we've kind of said we want to kind of minimize the cost of 00:52:42
this, what can you do to bring it down? And the stakeholder interviews was a big portion of that. And so they just took that out 00:52:47
and I said that's something that the city staff could look into doing. But if you're interested in having kind of a third party 00:52:51
run it. 00:52:56
So it's, you know, not necessarily a political thing. Then we want to include that. So the option two would not include any 00:53:01
stakeholder interviews unless you included that optional $20,000 and then we have two open houses with option 2 correct, to 00:53:06
increase costs. 00:53:12
But we will have one at. 00:53:18
One open house at 119,000. 00:53:19
And. 00:53:23
Clarify again stakeholders will be HOA boards that you say, yeah I'd be HOA would be developers who are you know working on 00:53:24
whether it's the the downtown area, whether it's the forge or the yard. We'd want to just work with all of them to help them get a 00:53:31
better idea of what their parking utilization is in areas that are are maybe lacking in in ways that they could maybe improve the 00:53:38
the parking situations and their properties. Would it be our multimodal transit people or businesses or U yeah we. 00:53:46
Reviewed 'cause it would be interesting to see the student, in fact, I think probably top golf, and yeah, we want to bring in like 00:53:53
the larger employee, they said. I think they do up to 20 stakeholder interviews. 00:53:58
So it would be individual interviews with these. 00:54:05
You know, whatever. 00:54:08
Groups of people that we we decided this as a group. 00:54:09
And dividing it into the two years. 00:54:13
And adds A substantial increase in the cost, right? Yeah, Yeah. 00:54:16
For what? So they're just doing quite a bit more data analysis. They're taking more time. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they'll do a lot 00:54:20
more on data collection as well with breaking it over the two years. And like I said, they'd be kind of examining the effects of 00:54:26
their recommendations and then providing us with, you know, essentially second recommendations on, you know, maybe this policy 00:54:31
isn't working out as we thought it should. Let's maybe tweak it to. 00:54:37
Do this whatever may be. 00:54:43
Also that's included that they actually examine their process and then make another recommendation, but only with two years, 00:54:45
correct, that's that's if they break it over the two, break it into the two years. So we've been solving a lot of the concerns 00:54:52
that have been coming up. I would say that we've got a few communities maybe two or three that we are. 00:54:58
Kind of working with one of the HOA's we are. 00:55:05
I feel like. 00:55:09
We had one solution that they patterned off of something that we offered them and they just opened up a ton of spaces after that. 00:55:10
Um. 00:55:18
So that's that's an interesting point and then another one, I think it could really help inside the waters edge area where it's a 00:55:19
little bit less. 00:55:23
And. 00:55:27
There there's more of a larger conversation that I think has to happen there. I think it would be interesting around our 00:55:29
businesses. 00:55:32
But. 00:55:37
Then we also have a study that's coming in downtown as they build where they're going to be examining their own. So do you think 00:55:39
we need the two years of of data with the second recommendation or? 00:55:44
At what point do we kind of move on from where we've already started work and then utilize the new person that's coming in? 00:55:49
And. 00:55:57
Yeah, No, that's that's a really great question. I mean the kind of the how we look at this was doing a citywide cause even in 00:55:58
downtown those are things that are gonna affect other other neighborhoods. And we've had like the, you know the parking that we 00:56:04
installed 300 W to try to separate the, the tourism, the lake people from that are visiting the lake from parking within single 00:56:10
family neighborhoods like a prior before we hit that next mark of population. OK. And so I think it's good for the city to drive 00:56:16
the overall process. 00:56:22
As opposed to to to the developer. It's good for the developer to know internally what what their parking is. But I think if we 00:56:28
rely too much on on the development developers, you know they do a good job, but it's it's going to be. 00:56:34
You know, I I feel like it's gonna be biased kind of kind of in in their favor but if you have. 00:56:41
A city consultant that's neutral. They they can examine it and and and just, you know they're they're not. 00:56:46
Their their goal is to actually examine and get the real data and then proposed solutions to solve that. 00:56:52
For a citywide, and with the downtown too, you also have the lakefront, so there's a ton of tourism. 00:56:57
Especially as we improve the length that we're expected to to come to the city. It's such a regionally. 00:57:03
And so understanding how we deal with you know even more visitors to to the lake so that they don't impact the residential 00:57:09
neighborhood the, the party that I was talking about was the third party study. So it wouldn't be any reliance on the developers, 00:57:14
but it seems like what we're doing. 00:57:19
Is we're starting our own study going in two years and then? 00:57:25
We would jump ahead. 00:57:30
Of that third party that would come into the downtown because we already have somebody scheduled when we get to a certain number 00:57:32
of population to reexamine and do the third party study, right, right. The other thing is over these two years, I don't think in 00:57:37
Morgan, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think that the downtown will hit the residential cap they want. So we'll jump ahead. So 00:57:43
yeah, we'd be ahead. But I mean, that being said, they wouldn't be able to really measure anything in the downtown with this. 00:57:49
I, I, I now, I know you're talking about like in the parking code has been requirement. Yeah yeah you're absolutely right. 00:57:56
And that's. 00:58:03
They, I guess they would look more like myopically at that specific development. What is that development generating for a parking 00:58:04
demand And that would help set kind of future parking within the downtown that'll be adjusted. But we could also have, I mean the, 00:58:12
this consultant will look at the downtown at a much larger scale, whereas that parking study is going to analyze like the 00:58:19
downtown. Yeah. And I like how this because I don't know how you felt. I like how this will integrate. 00:58:27
What traffic is coming from the east side and how our business parcels along the east S mill S are going to affect that, 00:58:35
especially if we are working with UU stakeholder and we are looking at their property because they might actually come in and tell 00:58:42
us what's going in on their master plan, whether it's housing or development or you know master, you know programs. So that we can 00:58:50
actually have projections on that traffic that's coming in. So I like that aspect of it, especially if they start. 00:58:57
Building and we can review our negotiations with them early that's going to be a big deal because we have little say as what they 00:59:05
build on their property but the surrounding areas of health how we. 00:59:10
Work with them, that would be helpful so. 00:59:15
Absolutely. 00:59:18
Great. So I just have two different proposed motions if there's no other questions. 00:59:19
Question. 00:59:25
I mean, come up to the microphone and speak your name. 00:59:26
I'm on the phone. 00:59:33
I'm from. 00:59:35
In your Sleepy Ridge area. 00:59:37
Eileen Erickson I just wondered what is What is this? 00:59:39
Community Open House. 00:59:44
You're talking about parking? 00:59:46
What? 00:59:48
What kind of an open house is that? Yeah. Like what kind of public participation goes into it? Do you wanna explain, explain the 00:59:49
public process? Yes. So that's a great question. This is one reason that we we really like the Ave. consultants is because they 00:59:54
have. 00:59:58
Demonstrated such a great public open house process. 01:00:02
They really want to hear from the public on what areas they think are are were really struggling in. 01:00:07
And on top of that, they want to help. 01:00:12
The Red Vineyard residents be able to come up with solutions. 01:00:15
Um, so like one example is they they actually use Lego blocks for people to design streets and parking. 01:00:18
To help people, kind of get a visual of, you know, how much space parking and roads take up. 01:00:25
Umm and and help people get a better realization of that. I don't know if you need anything else from that. I'll go ahead and we 01:00:30
and. 01:00:34
I don't know what they're dealing with, like, well, what are the overall issues? What are the conflicts with parking that they're 01:01:10
having? And then if they see, you know, like this neighborhood has. 01:01:14
Like. 01:01:19
30% of people from there are saying there's severe parking issues. Then they'll actually study and and and analyze that and they 01:01:20
they use like like drones that can count parking. They have some some really great tech that that they utilized to help them 01:01:25
understand at a very like fine level how like where the parking constraints are. Morgan, let's just quickly have they talked 01:01:30
about. 01:01:35
Because it's different for every consultant how they run their public process. 01:01:41
And in the past we've done things like Geo targeted a neighborhood and invited them on different nights, the megaplex to review 01:01:45
the plan or we've sent out things like surveys or we. 01:01:50
Yeah, we've posted three or four meetings where you come to a school in each community, walk through and they put stickers and 01:01:56
make comments. And there's a public period process time where you can really engage and we put out post or hang Flyers. Do we know 01:02:01
what process they're going through or have they? Not really. 01:02:06
Delineated that to us yet I I I don't believe that we've like, I mean what we'll do is we'll have an initial meeting. 01:02:11
And we'll develop a sub Kitty and a committee that will work on the plan with the consultant or we would call that like a a 01:02:19
working group. 01:02:22
And in that that that's all they'll provide us like a lot of their ideas that they've done in other cities, like open house 01:02:27
formats. And then that's where we could iron out exactly how like the format of the open house in the package, did they offer 01:02:33
things like 2 meetings and one outreach thing or did they not offer that it's just public outreach in general? 01:02:40
So that wasn't an option too. That was one of the optional costs they would do that additional open house. 01:02:46
Say would do the the two separate, yeah, but they they. 01:02:52
Didn't get to the, you know, neighborhood level of of going to each neighborhood to figure something like that out. But once again 01:02:55
it is something like we we could do that as staff, you know, with data that we collect from them. 01:03:00
And then? 01:03:05
You know as as we go to you know, areas or neighborhoods, we can then give it to the consultants for them to to look into. 01:03:06
OK, Eileen, does that answer your question in response? You'll have to come here if you want to say more. 01:03:14
It answers it OK. 01:03:19
Or if you have any thoughts on it or ideas, feel free to. 01:03:22
Tell us as well, OK Council, do you have any specific ideas about what you want to see here, or who you want to go with? 01:03:25
I think I prefer the two year option. I think that's going to get a lot of. 01:03:35
Nitty gritty work done and allow our staff to operate on a little bit of a higher level and make some good progress. 01:03:40
OK. And is that the option that meets with our key stakeholders or was that option too? 01:03:48
And add that as well. Yeah, let me let me check into the. 01:03:54
Their proposed budget for the. 01:03:59
Second phase to make sure they include the stakeholder interviews in that. 01:04:02
What are you saying? I believe that that's option one. That was the that was the motion on the left, correct cash. So both of them 01:04:06
had stakeholder interviews. 01:04:10
Listed in the proposed budget, but one of them I believe they they kind of took it out and said this is optional. 01:04:15
I'm just checking in the. 01:04:20
And if if the two phase plan has the stakeholder interview built into that price? 01:04:22
And when you say phase two, is that the second, sorry, two phase? 01:04:28
I'd have to pull it up. They they do have it broken up into the two different phases, what they would do like in phase one and in 01:04:32
phase two. 01:04:35
If this will open up. 01:04:41
There we go. 01:04:44
Sorry. 01:04:59
Amber, just to clarify, you were in favor of option one, right? 01:05:03
The two year, yes, if that's the two year where we're coming back OK in the. 01:05:07
First phase of the two. 01:05:14
Phase plan. 01:05:16
They would do up to 8 stakeholder interviews. 01:05:17
Included in the cost that included in that $96,000 cost and that cash, that was option one. Yeah, option one. I should have 01:05:22
flipped it, yeah. 01:05:27
Yeah, Option one is, I think that's two phase plan. 01:05:32
And you said there will only be 8 up to 8 up to 8 stakeholder interviews and and we could work with them to see if we'd be 01:05:36
willing, if they'd be willing to help maybe like. 01:05:41
Bundle some HOA groups together as, as one. That way we could do, you know UTA. Yeah. We could do the coalescing meeting. Yeah. 01:05:45
And that would be one. Yeah. Or the universities and. 01:05:51
Coordination with each other, like we did with Susaki. 01:05:57
We we probably could do as well like. 01:06:00
Maybe maybe you have the consultant, maybe we could talk about mechanics of this later, but the consultant could take on like the 01:06:04
I guess the really like high level ones that with the with the really big stakeholders and maybe the large communities. And then 01:06:10
if there's other small ones after staff goes through the process then you know we with them because what we'll be a part of those 01:06:16
as well. Then we could do like staff stakeholder interviews as well maybe some on some of those smaller as well as things that 01:06:22
we've done before where. 01:06:28
You do a big. 01:06:34
Meeting with our. 01:06:35
Person and then we do the smaller meetings with the communities as staff and then feed that information back to them and and just 01:06:37
to clarify so the the two phase two year approach. 01:06:42
Each year or each phase, they would include eight stakeholder interviews and a community open house, so it would have two open 01:06:47
houses in that first. 01:06:51
In that first option. 01:06:56
16. 01:06:58
That's 16 altogether per year. 01:06:59
One per phase it they they broke it down just this way. We don't have to go through the budget amendment process. It's the phase 01:07:01
one is under that $96,000 so they'll complete. 01:07:05
8 Stakeholder interviews before next budget cycle but budget year. 01:07:10
And then once you know we get the go ahead for budget for next year, then they can begin phase two which they could then do a more 01:07:14
stakeholder. 01:07:18
Meetings and another community open house and then prepare the. 01:07:22
The final report to the City Council, OK. 01:07:26
Any questions? 01:07:29
I'm I'm actually kind of leaning towards option 2. 01:07:31
Just because I feel like we're. 01:07:36
I feel like it's. I don't feel like there's gonna be a lot of change. 01:07:40
In two years. 01:07:43
And I feel like we're just throwing it out. 01:07:45
Umm. 01:07:48
And and and I'm fine approving the additional. 01:07:49
Um, option to go with it? 01:07:52
But. 01:07:55
I mean, I'd like to hear what the rest of the council thinks. Thanks buddy. 01:07:56
Well, I would. 01:08:04
I would personally go for option one. 01:08:06
As we've discussed. 01:08:09
For the reasons as noted. 01:08:11
Christy, do you have anything to add? 01:08:16
I'm I'm worried that. 01:08:24
We need this sooner than two years. 01:08:28
I don't know if I want to wait two years to have. 01:08:31
This input and data when we're having so many questions now. 01:08:34
And so. 01:08:39
So this might help. This is the this is the phase two timeline. 01:08:42
To show you would that be December of next year is when phase two would be finished. 01:08:46
So it wouldn't be quite two years. 01:08:51
And we're talking about two fiscal cycles, correct? Yeah, like I said, they just broke it up essentially so we could do this over 01:08:54
the two physical cycles, but. 01:08:57
Phase two would be back. 01:09:03
What's that? 01:09:06
Correct. Yeah. We, you know once we once as I was able to to sign this task order, we'd begin hopefully September. 01:09:08
That's a 17 month process. Two, yeah, two fiscal, yeah. So from a time time period is 17 months. 01:09:17
Why would he? 01:09:24
And then the. 01:09:26
Option two, we would have, it's like an 8 month process that right, Correct, yeah. 01:09:28
Why don't we start? 01:09:35
I sorry this is a little confusing for me. 01:09:36
I just. 01:09:40
So doing phase one is over 2 fiscal. 01:09:42
Period years. But it's only an 8 month phase. Phase one would be pretty much from September until it looks like April of next year 01:09:46
that would. 01:09:50
A lot with the $100,000 that's been allotted to this. 01:09:54
And then beginning in July of next year, that's when we could get new funding to begin the phase two, they'd start that and that 01:09:58
would give them time. 01:10:02
To analyze those like three or four months, looking back at any programs that we've implemented for them to look back and say, you 01:10:06
know, this isn't quite working out, what's maybe make some adjustments here, hold some more community programs, you know, kind of 01:10:10
ask the public if. 01:10:15
Have you seen an improvement in parking? So to kind of maybe this addresses some of the issues. 01:10:20
It's not like we're waiting this 17 months. 01:10:26
And then and then and then we start to get answers like we're we're they're gonna be studying that working with staff. So we're 01:10:29
we're gonna be very busy with them the entire time and what we'll be getting information from them the entire time. So if we have 01:10:35
like a priority area that we want to address first, we can talk about priorities too. There's something that that wants to be kind 01:10:40
of knocked out first. 01:10:45
Do you have a timeline for the option table? 01:10:53
They they did not provide us with one. I think they did say of the eight months though. 01:10:55
Starting in September. 01:11:00
Until they deliver the final master plan to the City Council to adopt. 01:11:01
And we said option 2 does not have this thing called our meetings. 01:11:24
It does. 01:11:28
Welcome to has to happen. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, Option two would have to have them added. How much is that? 01:11:29
It would be 20,000 dollars 260. 01:11:36
And that's for 20. That's, yeah, 20 stakeholder interviews and an additional community open house. So what is staff officially 01:11:40
recommending? 01:11:43
I I think from the community development department we're we're OK with either option. We we like kind of the, you know, we get a 01:11:48
lot more data that we can analyze with option one, but we also like that option two might be a little bit quicker and we can get 01:11:54
something maybe implemented a little sooner. I would say we probably lean towards option one though. 01:12:00
We think it provide us a lot better information. Parking is such a hot topic and being able to have a consultant run the 01:12:07
stakeholder interviews, it's going to pull staff and kind of the council out of the political end of it. And I think it's going to 01:12:14
give us a lot better, more neutral information from the experts. And so that's kind of why I lean towards option one. 01:12:22
But also. 01:12:31
It you know us going through that those processes with the stakeholder interviews like staff could take on like some of those 01:12:32
smaller ones if there's other people that that you you'd want to have involved with the stakeholder. So for me, I think the cost 01:12:38
difference is minimal. 01:12:43
Because I want to stakeholder interviews. 01:12:49
I think that's imperative because that's where it really counts. 01:12:52
I like that we're jumping ahead. 01:12:56
Of the. 01:12:58
Downtown parking issue. 01:12:59
I like the engagement of the third party. I think that's been an issue. 01:13:02
And I like the ability to drive it forward. I like the recommendation of review to analyze it again and bring that data forward. 01:13:06
So. 01:13:15
I think that. 01:13:16
I am going to go ahead for the option one as well. 01:13:18
So I guess at this point, unless you guys have other comments, I'm going to call for a motion. 01:13:22
I I would just add. 01:13:27
Data is the key to the answer to this question. 01:13:29
And without the ability to. 01:13:33
Receive the data. 01:13:36
Sift it. 01:13:37
Apply it and then review it. I think you run the risk of missing the target again. 01:13:39
So that's for me, the clincher on option one. 01:13:45
So I would propose a motion. If we're ready, we're ready. 01:13:49
That we. 01:13:54
Take the 96,460 from the FY23 budget and 71,000 from FY24 budget. 01:13:55
And. 01:14:03
Start the study. 01:14:04
2nd So I think what we want and motion to authorize those right to. 01:14:06
Enter it into this task order and design this task order to initiate the task. 01:14:10
That's great. 01:14:16
We have a first in favor of option, one by ties, a second from Christy all in favor. 01:14:17
Aye. 01:14:23
All right. Thank you, Cash. We'll go ahead and move on to 9.3 discussion and Action Zoning Text amendment Ordinance 2023-26. 01:14:24
It's me again talking about parking. 01:14:33
Maybe I should start a consulting firm you know. 01:14:38
So we had a really robust conversation last time. So you're just going to skip through this and tell us the highlights of what we 01:14:42
changed? Absolutely. So this is just a refresher. 01:14:46
Zoning text amendment not modifying the the parking regulation off street parking for hotels and motel use in city. After the 01:14:51
conversation that we had two weeks ago, we went in and we made an edit to the code. We actually kept the parking requirements the 01:14:56
same. But then we did add a clause saying that a parking reduction shall be approved by the. 01:15:02
Community Development Director upon receiving a parking study completed by a qualified professional with demonstrated experience 01:15:08
in conducting parking studies AKA parking expert that demonstrates a parking reduction is justified. So this was a lot of language 01:15:15
that we took from the downtown code where we have them wanting to do after the certain number of certificates, certificates of 01:15:22
occupancy of parking space required. So this is essentially that same code just for hotel motel. 01:15:28
Use. 01:15:36
So another quick question, does this allow that to be waived by the? 01:15:42
Community Development Director as well. 01:15:47
Allow what to be waived. 01:15:49
So say yeah, requirement. So a parking study comes in and it shows. 01:15:51
They need the parking. 01:15:57
But this is saying that it can be reviewed by the community development director and then it could be potentially waived despite 01:15:58
the study no. So the study would give essentially this site its parking requirements of hotel came in and said you know it needs 2 01:16:04
parking stalls per bed per room. 01:16:09
Then that would become the parking requirement for this this specific use and recommend recommended more parking, correct. Yeah, 01:16:15
that's it. So Jamie, do you feel like the wording in this actually holds the community development? Morgan, you're awesome. I know 01:16:22
you're going to do this, but you will not always be here, so I'm just looking at the code for long term. 01:16:28
FYI, it's just for every deduction. 01:16:36
And so true, so so the code is the baseline. So if they wanted to come in follow code then I don't do anything. 01:16:39
That they came and they go, you know what, I like it when that's that's what the options are. They're requesting the reduction for 01:16:47
the 10 visitor stalls they would apply for, they would have a study. 01:16:51
Could conduct it and then it would be something I would analyze. 01:16:56
Um, and if you know and then I I would be like the the person in this position, the drafter would have the authority to to to make 01:17:00
or or you know, approve it. It proves to me the way that it's written, it kind of allows for the. 01:17:07
Study to come in. 01:17:15
It doesn't clarify that it has to meet some type of. 01:17:17
Number in order for the community development to then approve it or the study occurs and then the community development director 01:17:21
can. 01:17:25
You know. 01:17:29
Make the. 01:17:30
Decision after analyzing it to be the reduction or not. 01:17:32
You could, if you wanted to, you could put a a limit on how much the community development director can reduce the parking by then 01:17:36
maybe that that gets to kind of the that concern instead of saying. 01:17:42
Yeah. That community development director is like OHH, 75% reduction. Sure. Well, you could limit it to like not not more than 15% 01:17:48
or 10%. You could have an actual number in there. Yeah. And that might even be more granular than I'm thinking, I I'm just saying 01:17:54
as we see according to the studies. 01:18:00
Outcome That's the direction that the community development director would. 01:18:06
No. 01:18:11
You know, because I've been serving the city for 12 years and sometimes when you put a code in like this, then the person who gets 01:18:11
to review it. 01:18:15
Because we all have different thoughts on things, it doesn't matter what the study says if the review. 01:18:20
Permission falls to a certain person, the responsibility of. 01:18:26
Reviewing it and making a determination is then sometimes liberal in how the person makes that determination. 01:18:30
So. 01:18:38
And to clarify, the change would apply to the GRMU and the this this would be citywide it would be, yeah, OK. 01:18:39
Except for in areas like the downtown where they have their own specific parking standards. For this type of use, I I like the 01:18:49
idea of limiting it to like 10 and 15% of a decrease because I don't know. I agree. I think billing is important. I just don't 01:18:55
want to pick very percentages. 01:19:01
I as I read this. 01:19:10
The planning director or the community development director would make the approval. 01:19:13
Where it uses the word shall, I think if they're presented with the study that supports A reduced amount. 01:19:18
To. 01:19:25
It wouldn't be discretionary, it would be mandatory. 01:19:26
So we could change talk to May, yeah. 01:19:29
Well. 01:19:32
Food. 01:19:34
By the Community Development Director upon receiving the parking study. 01:19:35
Completed. Yeah, shell is a big word here. So. 01:19:40
But what if it wasn't in that? What if it turned into a May? 01:19:45
And then? 01:19:49
The the study isn't something that we would feel comfortable with because it didn't meet any requirements. But then the community 01:19:50
development was directed, yeah, I would take a waiver. Yeah, I would change the shell to a May. 01:19:55
And. 01:20:02
Then. 01:20:03
Ohh, cash. Can you leave that up? 01:20:04
Ohh yeah. Sorry. 01:20:06
Change the shell to a may. 01:20:13
And then in the second to last line in the green text. 01:20:15
Have it read. 01:20:19
That comma. 01:20:20
In the opinion of the community Development Director Comma demonstrates a parking reduction is justified. 01:20:25
And the reason I suggest adding that in is. 01:20:32
Parking experts come of all stripes and varieties. 01:20:38
And. 01:20:42
Someone can be qualified as an expert, but they may have. 01:20:43
Different outlooks are different. Policies are different priorities than what the city does. 01:20:47
I think you want your community development director to be able to provide input on what they're studying. 01:20:52
And then to verify that they in fact. 01:20:57
Did that. 01:21:01
In our previous item, you know your debate was really good and healthy about. 01:21:02
Why you want a parking study? I think This is why you want that kind of information. Because. 01:21:07
The. 01:21:13
Communities and Vineyard and the. 01:21:14
Environment and vineyard as it relates to transportation is going to be different than any other city in in Utah. 01:21:16
And so you're gonna have to create your own baseline. 01:21:22
And that study will be great on creating your own baseline and being that a foundation for doing this kind of work. 01:21:25
But I do think you want the community development director to have the ability to exert his or her. 01:21:31
Professional judgment. 01:21:37
So when those come through, I like what you're saying. It's a little bit in support of my concern in the opposite way because. 01:21:39
I feel the same way sometimes we have people come in and we do, they do reviews and we need this track to have the discretion. 01:21:48
On the other side. 01:21:55
And do we just? 01:21:57
If we see those redactions and the reason why I say this is because once you take things away from the table. 01:21:59
Sometimes you don't notice them until they start being implemented. 01:22:04
And so. 01:22:08
And. 01:22:10
It is your worry that it is not communicated back to the Council or that the Council doesn't have an opportunity to ratify. Well, 01:22:11
I think the ratification is not a problem if it's going in the order of seeing a study and then making a plan that is reasonable. 01:22:18
But at some at some point, I've just served here for a long time and sometimes these. 01:22:25
Permissions that we move off the table and lose ratification opportunities for. They become a problem that then. 01:22:31
The council carries heavy, heavy burden. Sure. You get the phone calls. Yeah. And that's really what it is, is that I just want to 01:22:38
make sure there's some kind of. 01:22:42
And reasonable, something reasonable that is being held because I've, I've had it where the Council is moving in a visionary 01:22:47
direction towards something. 01:22:51
There was a permission granted, and the opinion of the person carried it in a different manner, but it didn't actually come back 01:22:56
to the table until it was uncovered to be like Ohh, we've moved in this direction. For a long time it was probably an act of good 01:23:02
faith. The person didn't know they were making things against the judgment of the council and the way we were moving forward. But 01:23:09
now the heavy burden is placed on her shoulders. And while we didn't do that, what we can be held accountable. 01:23:15
For as. 01:23:22
Representatives of the people is that we gave that power away and got rid of our ratification power. And so I've always wanted to 01:23:24
be thoughtful before I do that, You know, Yeah, I mean, you could actually elevate because that's go through a site plan process 01:23:29
anyway. OK. Through the Planning Commission and you know, sort of community development director, it could be the Planning 01:23:34
Commission. 01:23:39
You know so. 01:23:45
I mean that there's different like you know, could we, No, could we also? 01:23:46
I don't. 01:23:51
Just hear me out. Require them to go with a certain group that we sell as appropriate or a certain hire a certain company to 01:23:52
study. 01:23:56
I mean, I know we it might be a little overkill, but that community changes more often than. 01:24:02
Your city code What? So I wouldn't. 01:24:08
Suggest that as a code amendment and and then I think. 01:24:11
The moment you put a name in, you're over a barrel. 01:24:15
On cost. 01:24:17
Or or in this case, the developer would be over a barrel on cost because they're forced to go with that. 01:24:19
Individual. 01:24:25
The. 01:24:26
Recommendation. Let me recommend something and then I'm again, I'm throwing it out as your option. And then. 01:24:28
Massage or change it if you need. 01:24:34
What I'd recommend is. 01:24:37
A parking reduction of not greater than 5% may be approved by the community. 01:24:39
Development director. 01:24:44
And have that be the language up front and then add a sentence at the end. 01:24:45
That would say. 01:24:50
A reduction of greater than 5%. 01:24:51
May be approved by planning and then have it be either Planning Commission or City Council, depending on where your level is. What 01:24:53
do you think about that, that 5%? I'm just offering a number, but you know, move it up and down with whatever you're comfortable 01:24:57
with. 01:25:02
Yeah, I I think the 5% of Community Development Director and then I would say the Planning Commission would probably be good 01:25:07
because they approved the site planning away. OK. And with some of these you may this is an applicant initiated 1 and so I don't 01:25:12
know if Carla if you have anything that you would like to. 01:25:18
You know in any comments and kind of a direction of what's going, you might want to get some feedback more, but I I would be what 01:25:24
is the reduction percentage right now that we're looking at? 01:25:28
Food. 01:25:34
Have you, have you have you analyzed that for that? What do you mean that part? 01:25:35
Present parking. 01:25:39
The 10, I mean it depends. So like the hotel that that they have looked into, I think it's 125 rooms. 01:25:42
And so, yeah, you're right above that 5%. 01:25:49
Would be tense because they all they want to do strike those tense stalls, the 10 guest stalls, which would be. 01:25:52
7%. 01:25:57
I feel really comfortable with 5%. I think that's reasonable and I like the idea that if you had an elevator, it goes to a public 01:26:00
body. 01:26:04
Because the people have the ability to come and talk about it, if we see that the Planning Commission is doing something because 01:26:08
it came to the public, we can call them to our. 01:26:13
Yes. 01:26:19
OK. I feel comfortable with that. So if there's comfort with that and a willingness to make a motion, I'll read it. 01:26:20
I have some notes, I can read it so it's into the record and Pam knows what to make us the change on the ordinance. 01:26:26
So it would be to approve the. 01:26:33
The ordinance has presented with the following revisions. 01:26:36
That its state a parking reduction of not greater than 5% may be approved by the Community Development Director upon. 01:26:40
And then all of the language and grain on the board would remain the same. 01:26:47
Until you get to the sentence of that demonstration, it would be that comma. In the opinion of the community development director, 01:26:51
comma demonstrates. 01:26:55
And then you would add. Once you would add. 01:26:59
Another section after that that would say. 01:27:02
A parking reduction of greater than 5% may be approved by the Planning Commission. 01:27:05
On the same basis. 01:27:09
Do you believe that Carla did happen with the applicant? Had something to say? Ohh, please come up Kara. 01:27:11
Sorry, my math was like 8.4%. Yeah, Carlo Monta with excellent. I did have a question about the percentage. So the overall even 01:27:19
though it's 125 keys. 01:27:25
The parking requirement, the zone is actually another 10 more, so that's 135, right. So 5% is gonna be like I realize this is an 01:27:31
overall code and it's not just about us, I get that. But I am concerned that 5% is a little bit limited and and asking you to 01:27:38
consider making that a little bit what is the percentage on this current project so. 01:27:44
Depending on how you look at it be 8.2%, yeah. Yeah. So that I was gonna, I was pointing out that that's that's where I was asking 01:27:51
about the percentage. Because this is such a small number that I don't care if it's 10%. If we're having a randomly, if, if it's a 01:27:59
very small allotment, if you're talking about 5 to 10 stalls in an overall discussion. 01:28:06
And that's a 10% number. Then I'm OK with it being 10% and then going to the Planning Commission after that after 10, that's what 01:28:14
we if it was 1%, I would be very happy with the 5% going to the Community Development director and then going to the Planning 01:28:19
Commission after that. 01:28:25
Yeah. 01:28:31
No, I would say that if the ratio was at 1%, I would go to a 5%, but the ratio here is at an 8. So I'm OK being at a 10% and then 01:28:33
allowing everything else to go to the Planning Commission just because at a small number I want it to go to the, you know, it's OK 01:28:39
to go to the staff and then I want it to come to the public. 01:28:45
At that point when you're talking about 5 or 10 stalls. 01:28:52
OK. That's reasonable when you're talking about. 01:28:55
Something greater. 01:28:59
To greater magnitude if you're looking at ratio to ratio. 01:29:00
You know, then it should go to a public body. 01:29:04
You guys think your decision, but I think that's fine because otherwise you have to return this, right or they approved it, I 01:29:09
don't know, I think it will at 10%. 01:29:12
Do you guys feel like if we add this that every developer that comes in is now going to start doing this process and this is going 01:29:28
to create this whole extra layer of just for hotels? Yeah. 01:29:33
Well, you guys have to go through every single time. 01:29:39
That ton of hotels, but but realistically we're probably like 3 or 4 full build out. You know maybe we get a couple more downtown 01:29:44
but. 01:29:48
Yeah. Did we isolate this to the Gru or is this for everyone citywide except for like the downtown where? 01:29:54
We were talking about doing the. 01:30:01
But not the downtown, because they have their own. 01:30:04
I recommend keeping development citywide outside of downtown, OK? 01:30:07
So really would just be. 01:30:12
Well, and it's just a reduction. Yeah, It's on the east side. So it really wouldn't affect, no. And even if we had like 4 hotels, 01:30:13
I don't think this was a big deal. And honestly, for me, any hotel, I feel like they could regulate it because they're going to be 01:30:18
enforcing their things I just always like. 01:30:22
Something's coming. I would like to have it come to the public body at some point. If it's a great number, so OK. 01:30:27
Everybody so comfortable with that or do you have any questions or thoughts? 01:30:34
If not, I need a motion. 01:30:38
I'll just say I like this. 01:30:48
Better than just changing the code and cutting out the 10 spots, because I like that we're seeing. 01:30:51
If you think, if you really think that your business. 01:30:56
Doesn't your hotel doesn't need those extra extra 10 spots, then prove it. 01:31:01
Give us proof absolutely and go through those extra steps. 01:31:06
I think I felt comfortable with it. 01:31:14
That motion. 01:31:17
You've got this. You're alright someone. 01:31:21
Get to the microphone, make a motion there. Thanks. 01:31:24
Let me modify it a little bit. 01:31:28
I move We Approve Ordinance 2023-26 Modifying off street Parking Requirements for Hotels motels. 01:31:31
It's understood you've been mixed-use regional mixed-use. 01:31:39
Special Purpose Zoning District language. 01:31:42
As proposed by legal counsel in the last iteration. 01:31:46
2 and 10%. 01:31:51
I will second it so. 01:31:53
At first by its highest. 01:31:56
With the stipulation that it'll be 10% approval by our Community Development Director and anything about that the Planning 01:31:58
Commission, a second by Marty. 01:32:02
And also just prepare right, it's citywide, not in the city. You right off the army and the army. It's a citywide. 01:32:07
OK, would you like to change it to everywhere? 01:32:13
That will basically be dead. 01:32:16
Well, like East Geneva wouldn't be included in this, OK, citywide, OK, citywide. 01:32:18
Second. OK, great. 01:32:25
With Jamie's wording that I just clarified. 01:32:29
Alright, and the changes that happened in the? 01:32:32
With the May And what else was there? Yeah, you read it. 01:32:36
It is noted. 01:32:40
OK. 01:32:41
No confusion. Everybody felt like they understood that. Then I'm going to do this by real politicize. Amber. Hi. Yay, Marty. 01:32:42
Chrissy. OK, I need a motion to adjourn, so move second. All in favor? Aye. 01:32:49
Alright. 01:32:56
Never seen. 01:32:59
No. 01:33:01
Hey. 01:33:08
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We're good. 00:00:02
Alright. 00:00:04
All right, today is August 9th, Wednesday 2023. The time is 6:00 and I'm going to call our City Council meeting to session. 00:00:05
I will go ahead and start with an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance by Marty sequences. 00:00:15
Are. They're kind of my father. We are so very grateful for this wonderful day this. 00:00:26
Beautiful summer day and we're grateful for. 00:00:30
This. 00:00:35
City Council and the staff that worked so hard to support. 00:00:36
We're grateful for the City of Vineyard and all of our residents and all those. 00:00:40
Who? 00:00:44
Worked so hard to create the wonderful sense of community. 00:00:45
Please brothers in need, help us know how to serve them and how to best represent them. 00:00:49
We're so very grateful for the. 00:00:55
Wonderful weather we've been having in the moisture that we have been receiving and. 00:00:58
With these things in Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:02
All right. 00:01:04
Stands one nation under God, indivisible. 00:01:13
No. 00:01:18
Alright, we'll go ahead and move into our public comments. 00:01:26
This is a time for anyone in the audience that wants to come and address things that are not. 00:01:29
Currently on the agenda and you'll come up to this microphone. You'll state your name where you live and then address this. 00:01:35
Address us with your comments. So come on up. 00:01:40
So my name is Maddie. I live in Vineyard. I'm actually on the agenda, but I'm on the consent agenda. So I just wanted to like 00:01:51
introduce myself. If you have any questions and like wanted to discuss my event, I'm going to be throwing this like a bizarre here 00:01:56
in Vineyard. 00:02:01
Um and I would love to start doing farmers markets here. I feel like I can bring a lot to Vineyard and the community, so I think 00:02:06
my goal would be to partner. 00:02:11
Within your city and through some amazing events for the community so. 00:02:17
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for being here. 00:02:22
Alright, anyone else? 00:02:25
Come on up. 00:02:28
Hi, my name is Jordan Christensen. I wanted to follow up on a comment that I made last time about parking at the yard. 00:02:33
Development, I think is right around the movie theater. So I've actually been using that route on my bike. 00:02:39
Probably a dozen times in the last couple weeks. Um. 00:02:46
And I can personally attest that it's. 00:02:51
Uh, I guess two things. One is that from my house to get to that development, like 95% of the road is. 00:02:53
Dedicated bike lane mixed-use trail, which is incredible and it's like I don't think that many other cities. 00:03:01
In the state or or really even in the region can say. 00:03:07
That we have as as good bike infrastructure as we do, which is awesome. 00:03:11
The the one crossing from. 00:03:16
I'm on 400 N Crossing Mill Rd. I think is really the. 00:03:20
The worst situation there and I understand that our. 00:03:24
Our plans and our structures aren't complete, but I wanted to get some other feedback from people who live closer to there. So I 00:03:28
stopped and I talked to two people who both said they lived at the North Point Apartments. I actually waited to cross the road 00:03:35
with one of them there. He said that he works somewhere in that development. 00:03:41
And just watch every day and. 00:03:48
Confirmed that it is a pretty miserable experience trying to cross the road there. He also said that he's. 00:03:50
He's attempted to. 00:03:58
Like walk down to the stop light at Center St. and then we're back up. 00:03:59
But it's like a 15 minute walk versus like potentially 5 minute walk that way. So we just always wait until he can cross the road 00:04:04
there. 00:04:07
The other person said she had recently moved into Vineyard because. 00:04:11
A month or so ago, and she. 00:04:16
She said she went to see a movie with her friends and walked there and described the experience as a mistake of having to. 00:04:18
Cross the road. 00:04:26
Both times going back and forth there, and since she's. 00:04:27
She's not gone too many times since then to that area, but every time she has since she's driven there and just parked her car 00:04:31
there, which I guess just. 00:04:36
I want to reinforce my point. If we have to provide parking for people who live a 5 minute walk away from somewhere, I don't think 00:04:41
there's really any. 00:04:45
Financially feasible way that we can ever build enough parking to accommodate. 00:04:49
Everybody else I I do want to couple with this with saying I talked to my coworker who lives in Payson. 00:04:54
Who also really likes coming to Vineyard because? 00:05:01
They just like the businesses that we're building here. 00:05:05
And obviously he's not going to walk from Payson or ride his bike or take whatever means with transit exists for connecting us to 00:05:08
Payson. 00:05:12
So we do need parking there. We just. 00:05:17
Probably need a better way to get people 5 minutes across the road. 00:05:19
Thank you. 00:05:23
Thank you. 00:05:25
Alright, Any other comments? 00:05:29
Alright then, I'm going to go ahead and close the public comments section. 00:05:35
I just want to start out our mayor and council members reports by thanking Chief Sanderson and Sean Hurst, our firefighters, for 00:05:39
coming out and joining us today. We have been working and developing where we want to put our fire station and really getting to 00:05:45
know their team and the things that they want. 00:05:51
And that will make us the most successful for our space and vineyard. And so I'm just going to have you guys come up. 00:05:58
And just introduce yourself to the public. That's here and then. 00:06:03
And councillor, if you have any questions for them while they're here. 00:06:07
Thank you, Mayor, Council. My name is Mark Sanderson. 00:06:10
The Fire Chief for City One. 00:06:13
Which services linen and beer? 00:06:15
Thank you for that introduction of Sean Hurst. I'm an Assistant Chief with Orange Fire Department. 00:06:20
Great. Happy to answer any questions. Yeah. I don't know if you want to talk about your experience, how it's been going, if 00:06:26
there's anything you want to report back to us or OK, I really want to the Citizens. 00:06:31
A vineyard recognize that? 00:06:36
The. 00:06:39
The efforts made between both our organization and your Mayor and Council and executive staff is. 00:06:40
It's going to play out to. 00:06:45
Make the services that we'll be able to provide to your community. 00:06:47
Exceptional. 00:06:51
I mean taking their time to make the right decision for the right location. 00:06:52
The right structure. 00:06:56
Looking 50 years into the future, that's the whole goal, rather than just rapidly building a station. 00:06:58
In the wrong place just to get us out here and to save a minute or two minutes, which is super valuable in a lot of circumstances. 00:07:04
But a 50 year decision? 00:07:12
That costs a lot of money to the taxpayers IS. 00:07:14
And it's worth taking our time to do it right. 00:07:17
Because it's not going to cost us that much time. So I've appreciated that the organization that. 00:07:20
Is helping us design come up with a plan. 00:07:24
And. 00:07:28
It's it's really good for our teams working together. Thank you so much. It's been so great working with you guys and the 00:07:29
collaboration that's come together. Council, did you have any questions for them today? 00:07:35
Today, no. Well, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. 00:07:41
And. 00:07:45
They're like just we're just gonna excuse ourselves. That's right. Knows if at anytime through this process through as we'll reach 00:07:46
out and we'll be very responsive. 00:07:50
Awesome. Thank you so much. 00:07:54
All right. We'll go ahead and start with mayor and council member reports. And we'll start type. 00:07:57
Nothing. 00:08:01
OK. 00:08:02
Amber, Our community gardens are flourishing, so make sure you. 00:08:03
Don't steal produce, but if they're your boxes, take some and check the community sand over at Gavin Park. People put fresh 00:08:08
produce in there that they don't need, so feel free to take it or share your own. 00:08:13
Excellent. 00:08:20
Marty. 00:08:22
Yeah, I have a few things. 00:08:23
One exciting thing that some of you may not have noticed when you're walking in as we now have a library Dropbox installed. 00:08:26
And a special thank you to public works especially. 00:08:33
Just Chris Thomas I'm used to. 00:08:36
Can you sort of touch screen just start on it? 00:08:39
Umm. 00:08:42
And we're also grateful for Spanish Port for donating their old Dropbox for our libraries. Awesome. And then. 00:08:43
The. 00:08:52
Drone show has been rescheduled. If some of you haven't heard, it will now be on September 11th. Celebrating Patriot Day. We'll 00:08:53
have a concert and music, so that'll be at 7:30. 00:08:59
And then after that, yeah, additionally, we will have a speakers joining us to commemorate that day and to talk about it's also 00:09:06
Constitution Month, so we're going to have. 00:09:12
The Sheriff Khan and Chief Sanderson will be there. We'll hear from our Lieutenant, and then we will have a flag ceremony. So I 00:09:18
hope you come out and bring your families and join us. It's going to be really. 00:09:23
Great event. 00:09:29
Thank you. 00:09:31
And also soccer season is starting, so there's still some spots open up. 00:09:32
So if you want to in certain divisions, I'm not sure which ones that that's something you can look into and then. 00:09:37
Last night I attended the Alpine School District Board meeting. 00:09:43
It was a very long public comment session where a lot of concerns from. 00:09:48
Families with fixed incomes and our senior community. 00:09:54
And expressed a lot of concerns. 00:09:58
And it was, it was very hard on that school board. I think they are put in a really hard position. 00:10:01
And they. 00:10:07
They decided in the end to do a lower tax rate than what was proposed on the notices that we all received. 00:10:08
I think it was still hard on the. 00:10:16
Crowd that they didn't seem happy with the results, but I think comparative to other school districts within our county, it's 00:10:18
actually a pretty low tax rate so. 00:10:23
We'll go from there. We're hoping that state legislation will help us in the future so that it will be less of a burden on the 00:10:30
community and the state can find other ways to provide that tax income that the schools need. 00:10:36
That's great. Did you have anything on that with anybody reporting to you? Were you guys able to connect on that? 00:10:41
Awesome. Thank you. 00:10:47
There is going to be a drive-in movie for our youth in the community on sponsored by the Vineyard Youth Council on August 14th. 00:10:52
That is a Monday night, it's a few days before school starts so it's the last hurrah for our youth and would encourage all youth 00:11:00
ages 12 to 18 to come and it's a really good opportunity for youth who haven't been involved with youth council and are 00:11:04
interested. 00:11:09
To come see the types of events they put on and they can. 00:11:14
Even find out more at the event and talk to these counts that we have there and come at 8:30 there'll be some free food and for 00:11:18
our youth and. 00:11:24
Screening to start at 9 and they're going to be showing Napoleon Dynamite. 00:11:29
That's awesome. 00:11:33
I know this is kind of putting me on the spot, but I think that you should tell the council kind of the direction that you're 00:11:35
moving the youth council forward. I think it's a really cool thing for the community. 00:11:39
Yeah. So this year we're going to. 00:11:44
Start moving towards far more formalizing the. 00:11:47
The youth council and giving them more leadership opportunities than they have had in the past, it's going to become more like a. 00:11:50
Our format. 00:11:56
That you have seen like with our commissions and we'll reflect similar to what we actually do on our council where they will 00:11:58
notice their meetings, they will be recorded, they will sit up here and engage with each other and there'll be times during the 00:12:03
year when they hopefully will be able to shadow some of our. 00:12:08
City employees and as they vote for the. 00:12:14
Youth council, mayor and the youth council city manager. 00:12:17
Et cetera. There's about 8 different executive positions that they can apply for. 00:12:21
And they vote in and choose all that themselves. Anyway, we're excited to make this a. 00:12:26
A really good leadership opportunity for you so that when they. 00:12:32
And it's it's really going to set them apart as they go to college and they start moving through and really providing that civic 00:13:07
engagement. 00:13:10
That is in some ways being lost. And so we really want to promote that and really excited about the direction that you're taking 00:13:14
that. I'm going to go ahead and turn the time over to Ezra next. 00:13:19
Uh, yes, Marian Council, thank you. We have a few updates. 00:13:26
We've signed our contract for a shade cell study at Penny Springs and Grove Park, so we'll have those up by next summer. 00:13:30
But we're gonna take a study to just evaluate. 00:13:37
We're the best locations are where the best shading will be based on our climate and location and also make sure that we have. 00:13:40
Structures that are in place that will stay on the high winds that we get out here as well, so we're just being. 00:13:47
Careful and thoughtful about that, but that will move forward our contractor on board there. 00:13:52
We'll have some nightly Rd. closures, those ones that were delayed back a few weeks ago, I mentioned them on Main Street and 800 N 00:13:58
those will likely start in two weeks. Timeline is still a little bit big, but we will post on social media and we'll have the 00:14:04
street signs up on the roads or U dot will bring those out once once that work is ready to move forward. So that's upcoming, just 00:14:09
continue to watch out for construction opportunities around there. 00:14:15
And then our Timpanogo Special Service District, they are our store providers for most of the city. 00:14:21
They'll be reorganizing into a. 00:14:28
Service district right now their powers are given to them by the county and so they'll they'll be reorganized into an independent 00:14:30
service district. Currently we don't actually have a seat on it. We have A at large county appointed seat that our environmental 00:14:37
services manager sits in his chair of that board. But now we'll have an official seat with the reorganization. So this will be a 00:14:44
huge benefit for all the participating agencies and help with. 00:14:50
Their their processes as they're bonding and looking for continued growth out there. 00:14:58
And then lastly, on Vineyard Rd. and Vineyard Loop Rd. those speed limits will be reduced to 25 mph, so watch out for those street 00:15:04
signs and then on Center St. 00:15:08
And that will be a consistent 30 miles an hour. Right now it's 35 after you get off the bridge. 00:15:13
We'll just have it consistent at 30 miles an hour. 00:15:17
On the main road and going over the bridge, so those changes will happen next Tuesday, so. 00:15:20
Continue to obey the speed limit. Thank you. 00:15:25
Do we have? 00:15:27
Do we have a plan? 00:15:29
To like put up big signs or. 00:15:32
Anything so people it's more noticeable because I think it'll be a hard adjustment for a lot of the residents. 00:15:36
Yeah. 00:15:42
Speak to that. Sure. We we had a meeting this morning about it and we talked about wanting to get it done before school starts 00:15:44
next week, especially on the road and 600 N what we talked about was. 00:15:49
A couple of story landed on some of the. 00:15:54
Like EU dot. 00:15:57
Trapped Like signs of really message boards. 00:15:58
So for those in kilo locations that would be aware and then obviously with the speed limits my guys will be the ones enforcing 00:16:01
that self-directed and make sure that they are doing more educating in the beginning than sighting so. 00:16:06
Just to clarify, we're dropping, we're changing the speed limits on Tuesday. 00:16:13
Of next week, Yeah, that's when the new signs will be put in. 00:16:17
OK. 00:16:22
Umm. 00:16:24
That is the first day of school for some, so that's an interesting choice. 00:16:25
And we can talk to Chris, see when you have it on Monday. We'll see what we can do. 00:16:29
OK. 00:16:32
Umm. 00:16:33
OK. 00:16:35
Freedom. 00:16:36
Yeah, freedom starts on on Tuesday, on Tuesday. So I'm just wondering if. 00:16:37
That's amazing. A traffic pattern and all of that at the same time is gonna feel make them more aware. 00:16:41
It might. 00:16:48
Being on the lookout, since we're talking about that. 00:16:50
I think it would be appropriate for us to get ahead of reminding people that they have to stop. 00:16:53
For buses. 00:16:59
It's something that for some reason it's it doesn't happen all year long and it needs to be reminded. So we could get our social 00:17:00
media post people to get that out there before school starts to remind people maybe we can share it on community sites, something 00:17:07
like that, just to prevent people blowing past them. Well, I guess we are reducing the speeds. 00:17:13
Right. We're gonna have big science to say the speed is lowering. 00:17:21
So maybe it is a good way to do it, because they should all be slowing down for all of that anyway. 00:17:25
And that that was our thing this morning when we discussed it was with school strikes. Thought about doing it a couple of weeks, 00:17:29
but. 00:17:32
That might be helpful too, just in coordination. 00:18:05
And that seems to be one of the biggest complaints that comes by, and it actually is scary for our. 00:18:07
Ohh people who help with our crossing. 00:18:13
So OK, I'll work with our our school resource deputy and have him work with the person that you're the best. Thank you. 00:18:15
And Ken, did you want to say anything about the elections? 00:18:22
OK. 00:18:26
Sorry you have to stand here. 00:18:29
I'm. I'm sharing my desk. 00:18:31
Umm. 00:18:34
We have the candidate filing period going on right now, started yesterday and it runs through next Tuesday. 00:18:35
And we would love to have you come in and file the candidate. We will have an orientation on the 17th. 00:18:41
At 6:00 PM with those candidates and city staff. 00:18:47
To go over some things. So we're pretty excited about. 00:18:50
What's going on with the election? One of my favorite things to do. Thank you. You've been working really hard. We appreciate it. 00:18:54
Awesome. OK. Umm. Planning Commission. 00:19:01
Are you here? 00:19:04
Morgan, you're here. 00:19:07
OK. 00:19:10
During the Planning Commission, we reviewed. 00:19:11
It was the hotel parking. 00:19:14
And over the course of the other one. 00:19:18
Ohh the height the the the building height. OK so that that that was the big one. 00:19:21
The building height in the R&U district. There was a request from the developer to increase that from 60 to 70 feet. 00:19:26
The Planning Commission recommended approval of it. 00:19:34
But having it restricted to those two pie shaped lots, so we caught those out in the plat. 00:19:39
Those are the lots across from the development services building behind Happy Dragon and Dairy Queen. 00:19:45
And they restricted it to non residential buildings and so if there is a any building with residential in the future you would 00:19:53
still be limited to the 60 foot height. 00:20:00
Was any feedback from the public's kind of met or taken care of during that time? Did it seem like a? 00:20:07
A good meeting or were there comments that stuck out to you from the public? Yeah, they kind of found a I guess an in between in 00:20:14
between was limited in the district so that it wouldn't be like the full on new district and also not allowing residential to be 00:20:21
built up to. 00:20:27
Up to 70 feet. Keeping that at 60 feet. 00:20:34
And so that and they provided a A view study. 00:20:37
That that showed from. 00:20:40
Basically the surrounding properties that the impact would be fairly minimal. It was more from the north side where the townhomes 00:20:42
are that that they found from a residential standpoint where you have kind of the the the larger impact. 00:20:48
Just for clarification for our listeners, even though you're there. 00:20:55
Where they're recommending. 00:20:59
To to restrict that from. 00:21:02
The possibility of housing. 00:21:05
They currently cannot. 00:21:06
Right. Yeah. Under the zoning right now, it's capped the number of residential, yeah. 00:21:08
So we kept housing at 60. So does that mean that? 00:21:15
What does that mean exactly? No housing can be there. 00:21:19
So if if like I I guess the concern was in the future if if the applicant were to request housing there and go through an 00:21:23
amendment, then it would be done then. 00:21:28
And if that were some reason approved, then they that housing would only be able to go up to 63. 00:21:33
OK. 00:21:39
OK. 00:21:41
Uh, that's it. That's great. Thank you so much. 00:21:42
All right. We'll go ahead and move on to our consent items. Does anybody have anything they want to discuss or do you want to give 00:21:44
me an approval? I would like to pull 6.4 to discuss waiving fees. 00:21:49
Do you want to approve? So I've moved to approve consent item 6.16.2 and 6.3. 00:21:55
Of course, my amber. Can I get a second? 00:22:03
2nd. 00:22:06
Second, by test all in favor, aye, aye? 00:22:07
OK. And let's go ahead and discuss 6.4. 00:22:12
Well. 00:22:21
A farmers market is something we've been longing for for a very long time. 00:22:22
So I would like to see us make the barrier to entry. 00:22:26
As low as possible. 00:22:31
OK. Are you requesting that we waive the fees of the 20% recommended or all waiving fees or what is your recommended willing to 00:22:32
do? 00:22:36
The full waiver personal. 00:22:40
OK. Are there any comments on this? I feel like this is something that we want as well. I appreciate you coming and talking to us. 00:22:43
I've been reviewing your application as you've gone through this process and I feel like. 00:22:50
And. 00:22:55
I don't think that. 00:22:56
I think it's going to be more of a benefit to the community and. 00:22:59
Then. 00:23:03
Than a lot of other opportunities and with your goals to create a farmers market, I think that is something that we are looking 00:23:04
for bringing into the community, so I would support. 00:23:08
And I just I guess it sounds like the beginning of a collaborative relationship as well, which is very. 00:23:14
Excited to have someone come in? Wanna move forward? 00:23:20
Marty, you've also been sitting in on meetings. Do you have anything to say? 00:23:23
For sure. 00:23:27
I have. I've had a lot of thoughts as as we've gone over this and I'm really excited for this event. 00:23:36
And. 00:23:41
I do know that. 00:23:42
I really want to support this and I'm I'm excited to waive these, but I also wanna talk about your your fee for your booth 00:23:45
rentals. I'd be really curious, do you mind sharing what your cost is or? 00:23:51
Yeah, that appropriate to ask? 00:23:58
I don't know if it is. 00:24:00
Because it could be. 00:24:02