Start Position
Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Sifuentes gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilmember Tyce Flake read a Veteran’s Day poem.     2.      Work Session No items were submitted.     3.      Public Comments
Resident Daria Evans, living in the Villas subdivision, said that she really enjoyed the Blizzard Race put on by the city. Ms. Evans stated she saw the Vineyard City Facebook Live and thought the sellers’ market looked promising. She asked about the connector road and if sound barriers would be put up before the work was done. Public Works Director Naseem Gandour responded that he was working with the Department of Transportation (UDOT) concerning the sound barriers. Ms. Evans expressed concerns about the repurposing city hall into a fire station and the safety regarding it. Ms. Evans also asked a question about smart cities SRT labs, and the projects they were working on. Ms. Evans also asked if she could comment on consent item 6.2 regarding the Vehicle Leasing Agreement and expressed concerns about prices of fleet vehicles. City Manager Ezra Nair responded that the city had researched the vehicles and responded to her concerns.
Resident Kim Cornelius, living in the Villas subdivision, thanked Councilmember Flake for his service in the military. Mr. Cornelius read an email sent from Councilmember Amber Rasmussen regarding the upcoming election. Mayor Fullmer responded that he would need to meet with Councilmember Rasmussen to discuss what the email said.
Resident Karen Cornelius, living in Villas subdivision, thanked Councilmember Flake for his service in the military. Ms. Cornelius asked for clarification regarding residents sharing their concerns about the hiring of Eric Ellis at the previous City Council meeting. Mayor Fullmer responded to her concerns. City Attorney Jayme Blakesley also responded to her concerns.   4.      Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS
Councilmember Rasmussen reported on kindness week and the Growth and Prosperity Summit. She said that this month the State Privacy Office would come and do a privacy health check at the city offices.
Councilmember Sifuentes gave an update on the holiday lighting tree ceremony on November 27, 2023, at Penny Springs Park.
Councilmember Welsh wanted to address some questions residents had on Comcast coming to the area. Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour gave an update on the project.
Mayor Fullmer thanked City Manager Ezra Nair for his service.     5.      STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS                                 5.1
City Manager Ezra Nair thanked everyone for serving as public employees and the residents who take the time to voice their concerns. He said he was grateful to have worked for the city.    5.2
Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady reported on a work session they held regarding The Homesteads Development.     6.      CONSENT ITEMS 6.1  Approval of the October 25, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes 6.2  Unified Fleet Services Vehicle Leasing Agreement (Resolution 2023-44) 6.3  Deed Acceptance for Penny Springs Park Parcel (Resolution 2023-45) 6.4  Approval of 2 ILAs with CUWCD (Resolution 2023-46) a)      Approval of CWP 1600 North Turnout Vault Funding Agreement b)      Approval of License Agreement for Pipeline 6.5   Approval and Acceptance of Tucker Row Open Space (Resolution 2023-47)
Mayor Fullmer asked the council if anyone wanted to discuss Consent Item number 6.2.
Mayor Fullmer opened the discussion for consent item 6.2. Councilmember Sifuentes wanted clarification on the pricing of the vehicles. Mr. Nair responded with information about the government program they were using, and a discussion ensued.
No appointment was made at this time.     8.   Presentations/recognitions/awards/PROCLAMATIONS 8.1  One Kind Act Presentation
Presentation was postponed.     9.      BUSINESS ITEMS 9.1  DISCUSSION AND ACTION –Adoption of the Vineyard City Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 Budget Amendment #1 (Resolution 2023-41) (A public hearing was held for this item on October 25, 2023.) Finance Director David Mortensen will present proposed amendments to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget. The mayor and city council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution. (This item was continued from the October 25, 2023, City Council Meeting.)
Finance Director David Mortensen presented the budget. Mayor Fullmer asked for clarification about the part time library position. Mr. Mortensen explained where the funds came from in the budget and a discussion ensued.
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER RASMUSSEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2023-41 APPROVING THE VINEYARD CITY FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE AS PRESENTED BY STAFF. COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE SECONDED THE MOTION. ROLL CALL WENT AS FOLLOWS: MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.2  PUBLIC HEARING – Homesteads Pod 1 Live/Work Development Agreement (Resolution 2023-) (This item is being postponed to the 12/13/2023 City Council Meeting). City Manager Ezra Nair will present the Homesteads Pod 1 Live/Work Development Agreement. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
CommunityDevelopment Director Morgan Brim stated that the Planning Commission sent out additional notice for the Public Hearing regarding business item 9.2.   9.3  DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Consolidated Fee Schedule Public Hearing (Resolution 2023-48) Finance Director, David Mortensen will present proposed amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Finance Director David Mortensen gave an overview of the amendments. Mr. Mortensen then turned the time over to Brandon Valley from the Orem Fire Department.
Mr. Valley spoke on the importance of the fire inspections and a discussion ensued.
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER SIFUENTES MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2023-48 APPROVING THE CONSOLIDATED FEE SCHEDULE AS PRESENTED BY STAFF AND THE OREM FIRE DEPARTMENT. COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.              9.3 DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Approval of the 2024 City Council Meeting   Schedule (Resolution 2023-49) Deputy Recorder, Heidi Jackman will present the annual calendar for discussion and approval. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Deputy Recorder, Heidi Jackman presented dates from the meeting schedule that the council may want to cancel.
All right. Today is November 8th. It's Wednesday, 2023. The time is 6:00 PM, and I'm going to call our City Council meeting into 00:00:21
session. We're going to start out with having an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance from our council members to point us, and 00:00:27
then we'll go from there. 00:00:33
Larger pain. Heavenly Father, we are so very grateful for this wonderful evening we have. 00:00:47
To be here together to. 00:00:51
For the city to help us come to good decisions that will help our city flourish and grow. 00:00:53
Please bless us to be in tune with thy spirit. 00:00:59
Know what is best and what is needed. 00:01:03
Please bless those in our city who are in need of help help. 00:01:06
Know who to turn to and help us be aware of them. Help us serve one another and be kind to those around us. We are so very 00:01:10
grateful for all the wonderful people who care so much about our community. Please bless them and. 00:01:17
Help one another work well together. 00:01:24
And we say these things the name Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:27
All right. 00:01:31
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:33
indivisible, with. 00:01:38
And then I'm going to turn just a minute over to Ty Spike to talk about veteran's day. 00:01:44
11 Today and 11th month, Lynn Tower. It was Armistice Day. 00:01:54
In 1954, the United States decided to change from the European emphasis of that. 00:01:59
Holiday which is observed today and all of. 00:02:06
With a 2 minute silence. 00:02:10
They changed it to Veterans Days to honor all those that have served. And of course, we have Memorial Day to honor those who 00:02:14
sacrificed their lives. 00:02:18
So because of an act of Congress making three day weekends, which we all love. 00:02:23
They changed veteran's day to either the Friday or Monday. 00:02:29
If it falls on Saturday, so this year the 11th falls on Saturday. 00:02:33
So veteran's day is observed on Friday. 00:02:38
I wore my war vest because I'm a better. 00:02:42
And I'm proud of those who I. 00:02:45
So on Friday I will call my sons who. 00:02:48
I will call my son-in-law. 00:02:53
I would call my father and father-in-law, but they apart they. 00:02:56
So I would urge you to honor your veterans and your families. 00:03:00
For their service. 00:03:05
Be it more time, peacetime or whatever they did, it didn't. 00:03:07
Thanks Sir. 00:03:11
Just a note in Utah. 00:03:13
Sadly, Utah County has the lowest number of veterans in the whole state. 00:03:16
We have 3% of our populations are. 00:03:22
And that's principally due, not because of the lackluster life. 00:03:25
Because the most of them are very young. 00:03:28
Have not had the opportunity to. 00:03:31
So we're 28th in the state for the number of veterans that. 00:03:34
I've attended in the last three months to contact the veterans of Art. 00:03:39
City It's in hard slaw to find veterans amongst all of our young folks. 00:03:43
But they're there, and I found a few. 00:03:49
It's also another holiday that we should know how you would notice, specifically if you have a member of the family that was in. 00:03:55
The 10th of November is the Marine Corps. 00:04:04
248 years they've been in existence. 00:04:09
And they have a big party. 00:04:12
On the 10th every year. 00:04:14
So if you have somebody in your family who was in the Marine Corps, you should wish him a happy birthday. 00:04:16
They don't understand exactly what you're. 00:04:22
Now, this quote that I'll give you is attributed to either Churchill. 00:04:26
One of our famous writers, Mr. Orwell, in the movie creators. 00:04:31
And it's true. 00:04:36
Quote People sleep peacefully. 00:04:38
In their beds this night. 00:04:41
Only because we have men and I would add, women. 00:04:43
We stand ready to do violence to those who would do us harm. 00:04:47
That's true. 00:04:52
This morning while you were sleeping. 00:04:55
36 Airways. 00:04:57
Bombed the. 00:04:58
Members of the Radical Muslim. 00:05:01
In Syria. 00:05:04
Who have attacked our troops in Syria 27 times in the last four days. 00:05:06
We have men and women at. 00:05:11
Throughout. 00:05:15
We have 25, excuse me, 25,000 servicemen station. 00:05:17
In Korea still? 00:05:21
Guarding the DMZ. 00:05:23
We have 2000 in Abu Dhabi. 00:05:26
You don't know where that is. 00:05:30
We have them all over the place. 00:05:33
And I stand in harm's way. 00:05:35
So think of. 00:05:40
As we approach this day to Mark. 00:05:43
How they are preserving your freedom. 00:05:47
So apply. 00:05:51
All those who served. 00:05:53
Let them know their. 00:05:55
Well, and why don't we stand and take a minute of silence for for our veterans? 00:05:58
All right. Thank you so much for those words and sharing that we'll move on to our public comments. This is a time to address the 00:07:10
council for things that are not currently on the agenda. If you have something that you would like to say, please come to the 00:07:16
microphone, state your name where you're from, and we will address those things with you. 00:07:21
Good evening. 00:07:38
Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. 00:07:39
I just like to comment on a few things. I really enjoyed the Blizzard race. My friend Carla and I were cheering on the run. 00:07:50
As I came by the Freedom Prep Academy last Saturday morning, that was looked like a lot of fun. 00:07:58
So it was good to see a bunch of runners out there, and I know there were some here in the audience that they were out there 00:08:04
running. 00:08:07
I saw the vineyard Live Today. 00:08:14
The Bella's market looks really promising. 00:08:17
And I think that it will be a good thing. I have a question about the connector. I know it's going to be finished on December 00:08:20
15th, but I'm wondering if they're going to put up sound walls. 00:08:26
Before the 15th for those residents that live along that. 00:08:32
To protect them from all the traffic noise that will be. 00:08:36
We've been working with DLT on the project. So currently the way that the project is being built is the way it is they did. The 00:08:43
DLT has done sound studies. 00:08:48
Along the what the projected path would be and they made a determination that Soundwells would not be required. However, that does 00:08:55
not mean that they would not readdress that this situation. If it becomes an issue during the during the further process with that 00:09:02
as it further builds out, you might come to that. Yeah, DLT would I want to speak specifically for them, but I'm sure that they'd 00:09:08
be open to the possibility of redoing the study but before they before they. 00:09:15
Started the construction during the design. 00:09:23
They call it an environmental impact analysis, meaning that it's more than just a birds and bees, but. 00:09:25
The sound as well, I apologize in terms of that. So yes, ma'am. So OK, thank you. Thank you. 00:09:32
Last week I expressed my concerns at Planning Commission about possibly repurposing this site for a fire station. It's nice that 00:09:41
Forum Fire Department happens to be here tonight. I do have a vested interest in this because we have two grandchildren that live 00:09:47
in the Cottonwood neighborhood. 00:09:53
And I am concerned further safety. You have a kindergartner who goes and catches the bus right there on the corner and eventually 00:10:00
the younger one will be attending school also and. 00:10:06
If this is repurposed into a fire station, I'm concerned when the call comes and it happens to be at the same time either buses 00:10:13
are. 00:10:17
Picking up or dropping off children. 00:10:22
That it could have some serious consequences. 00:10:25
And I could see could be very scary for children and for. 00:10:28
If sirens are blaring and engines are trying to come out. 00:10:32
It could be chaos and so I'm really very concerned about that. 00:10:37
And. 00:10:41
I have a question. 00:10:45
About Smart cities by the SRT Labs, they give a presentation last October 22. 00:10:47
And in may they have. 00:10:57
Worked with Rev Rd. to create 2 videos showcasing our relationship with Vineyard Utah and their exciting projects in progress 00:11:01
here. 00:11:06
So I'd like to know what those exciting projects are. They have two videos. 00:11:11
But I'm unable to access them. It says they're private videos and I'd like to know what. 00:11:15
It says city leaders from Vineyard are taking a deliberate approach to rolling out Tech Forward Smart Solutions. They reveal some 00:11:22
of the challenges and successes they have experienced on their journey as a smart city. 00:11:29
And how SRT labs have supported them along the way. 00:11:35
So I'm hoping that you'll be able to elaborate on SRT about these projects are going forward and when they will be implemented. 00:11:39
And also. 00:11:48
I would like to know if I can ask some questions about Council consent item 6.2. 00:11:51
The Fleet Service Vehicle Leasing agreement. 00:12:01
That's fine. OK, What is it? Did you want me to do that? OK, I. 00:12:05
I'm concerned about why are we getting kind of a higher interim on these vehicles. I happen to look up Ford and GMC. 00:12:12
And they want to at least the 2020 Three F-150. 00:12:22
The lower trim begins at 33835. Now these are. I know these are buying prices. 00:12:26
I could not find the least price because you have to submit information and for the F-150 Lariat which is a trim level that they 00:12:32
would like, it starts at 57480. 00:12:37
The 2023 explorer, the base trim starts at 36760 and the explorer St. which they des. 00:12:44
Is 50,000 and five dollars. 00:12:53
And the GMC Acadia. 00:12:56
They want the SLA trim, SLE trim, Excuse me, It begins at 36. Eight. 00:12:59
And then they want F-350XL. 00:13:06
Lariat the XL The bass trim is $45,015.00. 00:13:10
And the F-350 LAR. 00:13:16
Is 62,460. 00:13:19
I'm thinking that's quite a bit of difference. I don't know what the leasing options are, but I'm sure what those difference in 00:13:23
trim levels, the leasing payments would be quite. 00:13:28
Exorbitant. Also, this is our taxpayer money. 00:13:34
And I think it's excessive for what is needed. These are work vehicles. 00:13:39
They only have a 12,000 mile lease per year, so they can't be running around for personal use. 00:13:44
And I really don't see why we have to have these high trim levels. The next level up is the King Ranch. 00:13:53
From the 1:50. 00:14:00
I think that's. 00:14:03
A too much for our small community to be spending this kind of money on vehicles. 00:14:05
I'm happy to answer that question. 00:14:11
We've been studying out leasing versus owning vehicles and the overall cost, a huge part of our budget is maintenance on older 00:14:14
vehicles. And so as vehicles get older they they cost more to maintain this company. We actually have a special government 00:14:22
contract through them. So we get the vehicles for a lot cheaper than MSRP. We'll use them for three years and then we'll resell 00:14:29
them. And so actually when you do the analysis on each of the vehicles, if you get the the trims that are easy to resell. 00:14:36
You actually find yourself having a lot more money overtime. OK, so these 2020 S that you have now, are you going to? 00:14:44
Sell them back to the company? Or are you going to let them go for public sale? It depends on each vehicle, but it seems got the 00:14:52
list of all the vehicles that will sell back and at least most of our fleet and only own a few of our vehicles. 00:14:59
OK. 00:15:06
Are you going over your mileage limits per year? 00:15:08
We're keeping track of our mileage limits per year. We're. 00:15:12
I don't know what you mean by like reviewing them. It says 12,000 mile per year lease. 00:15:16
Oh yeah, no, we will be well under that, OK? And they're not being used at all for any personal use. 00:15:22
There'll be a few for for travels on. Some of our on call employees will have them just so they can respond to the calls, but now 00:15:28
there won't be any personal use for them. 00:15:34
Well. 00:15:40
I. 00:15:43
A lot of money you could have done a trim over, but OK. 00:15:44
And that's my comments. I appreciate answers to those questions about this. Yeah, just I think that after this you could probably 00:15:47
touch base with Ezra again and he can talk about how SRT Labs never had anything approved, but he'll give you more information 00:15:54
about that outside of this discussion. So thank you. OK. 00:16:01
Any other comments from the public? 00:16:08
I'm Kim Cornelius from the Village Community. First of all, Councilman Flake, thank you for your service. 00:16:15
I also. 00:16:22
Obviously my own father, who served in the Korean War and wore the Navy uniform proudly. 00:16:24
I just have some things that I need a little bit of point of clarity on. Let me just start with this little scenario. It's 00:16:31
hypothetical, it's not real. I want to make that point up front. 00:16:35
I was at Costco the other day. 00:16:40
That's not so hypothetical, that's regular. 00:16:41
And I saw Christy Welch, and she was. 00:16:44
Now, for all intents and purposes, what I said. 00:16:50
Probably true. 00:16:53
But the hidden issue there is that I conveniently omitted something. 00:16:56
She's probably every day of her life she's been sober. 00:17:01
And so. 00:17:05
In essence, I guess I potentially planted the seed of untruth in the midst of all of that. And I there's a reason I went with that 00:17:08
just to illustrate a point. 00:17:12
We were made aware of an e-mail sent by Councilman Rasmussen. 00:17:17
On City of Vineyard e-mail letterhead dated Friday, February 3rd, 2023 advanced to the Leisure Villas HOA, President in two 00:17:23
private community members. 00:17:28
Don't know why it didn't go to all of us, but it reads Dear Leisure Villas. My attention has been drawn to some concerning 00:17:34
questions about the integrity of the upcoming election on social media, some of which has been coming from residents in your 00:17:38
community. 00:17:42
I want to make sure we do not sit idly. 00:17:47
While such concerns are being expressed and immediately offered the opportunity to your community to speak with Pam Spencer, our 00:17:50
City Recorder, as well as Jamie Blakesley. Sorry if I mispronounced that, Mister Blakesley. 00:17:56
Our city attorney, It is my hope they can provide both reassurance, resources and contacts for explaining and supporting the 00:18:03
integrity of our voting methods, staff, volunteers and elections at every level. 00:18:09
And that they can guide us in the correct direction if. 00:18:16
To have any additional educational information offered informative materials to the community at large, Thank you for addressing 00:18:19
this with me and for working to support the integrity of our institutions. 00:18:24
Signed. 00:18:30
So I go back to my hypothetical. 00:18:32
We got a lot of nothing in that e-mail, number one, that didn't come to all of us, just three specified. 00:18:35
And so my question would be. 00:18:42
What are some of the concerning questions about the integrity of the upcoming election that were expressed by some community 00:18:44
members? 00:18:48
And if you could identify, I mean I'm quite active in the community. 00:18:54
If it's me, I'd like to know what they were. 00:18:58
Umm, anything that anybody can offer on that. I think since it was a letter from Amber to the HOA president and she's liaison over 00:19:01
that, you could meet with her after this and you guys could discuss that. I'm sorry to meet with you. 00:19:08
Amber OK, won't be able to do it tonight, but I can maybe make contact later then on that. 00:19:15
OK. I just want to make that public. Thank you. Thank you. 00:19:22
I too appreciated your remarks. That was very moving. Thank you and your service as well. 00:19:40
I just need some clarification. 00:19:47
And it has to do with the last Council. 00:19:50
When no less than nine people came to this podium very respectfully. 00:19:53
Shared concerns regarding the hiring. 00:19:59
Of Eric Ellis as our new City manager. 00:20:03
That night, that was obviously a concern that the community, because this room had more people than I've ever seen in it. 00:20:07
And the response was that you would take that into consideration. 00:20:14
Then that agenda item was. 00:20:20
Moved off and taken into closed session. 00:20:24
From all appearances. 00:20:27
Mr. Ellis also went into the closed session. Now he may not have, but from appearances that's what it appeared to be here. 00:20:29
Now taking another look. 00:20:37
Vineyard employees and staff have made comments on social media about how sad it is that more people don't attend meetings. 00:20:42
Well my what I'm trying to understand is. 00:20:51
When we attend meetings and we express a concern. 00:20:56
And you'll come back from a closed session and you give a standing ovation to the man who we ask you not to hire or at least 00:21:00
consider it. 00:21:04
You give him a standing ovation. It was a slap in the face. 00:21:09
To the citizens that had a concern, and you did not address a single concern that we had. 00:21:14
And I'm just trying to understand, is this the way we are to be expected to be treated when we come and share what's troubling us? 00:21:20
I think you're asking for three things. 00:21:34
The one you're wondering? 00:21:37
About the closed session and whether or not we did it lawfully. 00:21:40
Is that correct? I I just, I don't know. I'm telling you what appearances were. I'm not accusing you, though, but you're wondering 00:21:44
if we did it awfully OK. So you're wondering if we did it awfully number. 00:21:50
You feel like your concerns weren't addressed. And #3 you're wondering about why we clapped for him or welcomed him and what that 00:21:56
means as far as inviting people. I'm gonna I would say this. 00:22:01
We called for him because we're welcoming him into the city and it was in the standing ovation. We were just welcoming him and we 00:22:06
do that for the people that we hire to just say, hey, we welcome you. And there are a lot of hard things said that night. And I 00:22:11
understand, I think that there were generally some people that came up and had some concerns, but they didn't have all of the 00:22:15
information on. 00:22:19
That you could share that information. Let me let me finish. 00:22:24
That you present that information and you have questions and you wanted to make sure. 00:22:30
From what I understood that we wouldn't hire somebody who had done something who wasn't Integris and who's not going to, who had 00:22:35
done something illegal and wasn't going to serve the community properly. So hold on one second. So we made. 00:22:42
That we had talked about it, we had discussed it and we understood that the information that you brought forward was missing 00:22:49
information and that we did hear. 00:22:54
We listen very carefully, we knew the things that you were bringing forward and we felt from the the information that we were able 00:22:59
to receive that. 00:23:04
He wasn't actually in the light that he was being presented. 00:23:08
There was no reason for those concerns to be taken. 00:23:13
Umm, further than that because we addressed the concerns third. 00:23:17
I'll let Jamie speak to the lawful nature of how we dealt with that that evening. 00:23:22
Thank you, Mayor. I'd be happy to talk about that, so. 00:23:28
The Open and Public Meetings Act requires. 00:23:31
A public body like a City Council to take its actions openly. 00:23:35
Which the City Council did. It made its approval openly. 00:23:39
It voted openly on that approval. 00:23:43
There are certain topics that the Council is permitted. 00:23:47
For various public policy reasons, to go into a closed session to have those conversations. 00:23:50
One of them, and the one you'll see used most often by city council's, is. 00:23:56
A provision of 52 for 2:05 that allows for a closed session to talk about the character of the professional competence or the 00:24:01
physical or mental health of an individual. 00:24:07
And those are what we think of. 00:24:13
Personnel type decisions when you're laying the strengths and weaknesses of an individual or the performance of an individual on 00:24:16
the job. 00:24:20
And the Council can go into closed session for those purposes. 00:24:24
That was the purpose for which the Council went into the closed session. 00:24:29
To talk about the. 00:24:34
Competence in the character of an individual now, once the Council. 00:24:37
Goes into closed session. It's also a little bit limited because when you're in closed session, you have an obligation and a duty 00:24:42
under the law not to speak about the things that are discussed in closed session because they're intended to be. 00:24:49
Private and confidential conversations, but I assure you that was the reason why the Council went into closed session. It was a 00:24:56
lawful closed session. That was the only topic discussed in the closed session. 00:25:02
But was that individual in the closed session and is that allowable the Council is permitted to? 00:25:09
Interviews or those types of things in a closed session. 00:25:14
OK, well it appeared as though. 00:25:17
We were not. 00:25:21
And and I don't know that I'm trying to recall. I don't know that I heard anyone accuse him of anything other than having a cloud 00:25:23
over him. 00:25:28
Because of the things that had been coming out and the things that we were reading and the things that were being shared in the 00:25:34
media. 00:25:38
And I I. 00:25:42
If we were a community that you are concerned about hearing from and you are concerned and want us to be a part of it. 00:25:46
That perhaps you would have put it off. 00:25:54
And come back and share some of your reasons with us. And not just it felt like a slap in the face when you came back and 00:25:57
unanimously. 00:26:01
Accepted, this man stood up and. 00:26:06
And that was the end. There was no explanation and no directing to the people who had sat here all night after sharing with the 00:26:09
other concerns. 00:26:14
It felt like a decision that was baked before we ever got here. And I just say that because I feel like you need to know that. 00:26:19
Yeah. And I would say I didn't articulate it well that night. Then I will reiterate, it is here and now is that. 00:26:26
You were very well heard. 00:26:34
We heard you, we discussed it, we went in and. 00:26:38
Great discussion and came back and the response was. 00:26:41
You're as to the extent that we have. 00:26:46
All of the information that's before us, these are not concerns that. 00:26:51
Are there? There's no. What is it called? 00:26:57
There's no basis for a lot of them and he's going to serve the community well and we ask that you take the time to get to know him 00:27:04
so that you can see that what we hired him for. We hope that you will see that his quality of work is is incredible and it's 00:27:11
INTEGRIS and we hope that we see that. I also said there's always path forward if new information comes out that will continuously 00:27:18
have opportunities to discuss that. But if you would like to continue this discussion, I'm happy to meet with you. 00:27:25
I'm happy to have you meet with our staff and our attorney and anybody that you would like to have those questions mitigated or 00:27:32
remedied or answered in any way that you need to feel like. 00:27:37
You the questions or concerns that you are bringing to the table, you have a better understanding of as you walk out of this 00:27:44
meeting. And if you wait for me after this meeting, I'd be happy to talk to you. So thank you, Karen. OK, anybody else? If not, 00:27:48
I'm going to close the public comments. 00:27:53
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our mayor and council member reports tight. 00:27:59
We are celebrating time this week. We have had story time. We've had training for suicide prevention. 00:28:10
We're just trying to promote kindness, kind of acts, be nice to each other, share a little bit of love. 00:28:19
We're all trying to grab the shirt. The Growth and Prosperity summit was very interesting. 00:28:26
It was interesting to hear about all these different things coming together and making housing so unaffordable and difficult at 00:28:31
this time. But I feel like there's a clear path forward, and I'm excited about that. And this month we will be working with the 00:28:37
state privacy office. They'll be coming down to do a privacy health check so that we can improve our privacy policies and work on 00:28:43
cybersecurity to ensure your information is remaining safe. 00:28:49
Marty. 00:28:56
I'll just update that. 00:28:58
Residents, keep an eye out. You'll start to see our holiday lighting go up and we will be having our tree lighting ceremony on 00:29:01
November 27th at Penny Springs Park will have a children's choir from our one of our local elementary schools. 00:29:08
And if you have any questions about any of the lighting, please feel free to reach out and staff can. 00:29:15
Help answer your questions. 00:29:21
OK. And then. 00:29:24
Esther. 00:29:27
No. 00:29:29
I still have a report tonight. I actually wanted to use my time if it's okay. 00:29:31
I've had several residents reach out with questions about what's happening with Comcast coming to our area and while this isn't a 00:29:36
city project is something that's affecting our residents and Naseem was going to give us a little update on that project, if 00:29:41
that's OK, so that we. 00:29:46
Just help everybody understand what's happening. 00:29:51
Thank you. I'm gonna see you in the door for the worst record. So Comcast is working on installing fiber throughout many of the 00:29:56
communities. Excuse me, Comcast is a public utility company. A public utility company. 00:30:03
As defined as someone who provides power gas. 00:30:09
Or telecommunications. And this Interstate. So Comcast is coming through. 00:30:14
Placing condiments and fiber lines into many of the communities throughout the vineyards to provide additional telecommunications 00:30:21
provider to many of the residents who choose to utilize them as a service. Again choose to utilize them as a service. 00:30:28
Comcast is doing this is placing the work in the public utility easements. Public utility easements are an area on the backside of 00:30:36
the sidewalk, between the sidewalk and the property, that is. 00:30:41
Does designate for use of for public utility companies such as power, gas and telecommunications company? 00:30:49
They this is. 00:30:56
State state law. That's Alpine. It's Utah Code Tile 54. Horse Chapter Three, Section 27. Actually, anyone cares to read it 00:30:59
specifically. 00:31:04
Provides for the companies like that provide public services such as that to be able to utilize. 00:31:11
Those public utility easements through there, before a company like that, or any other company that does work in there, they're 00:31:17
required to provide notes to homeowners and before Comcast when they submit their permits. In essence, a permit for something like 00:31:23
this is just to ensure that. 00:31:29
Their that their work that they're doing is within Public Utilities methods as well as when they go outside of public utility 00:31:37
easement into public utility easement and into the public right of way in order to do like some what they call openings in the 00:31:43
asphalt and so forth. We provide them the guidance and so forth. 00:31:49
But yeah, there are notified that they like any other company to provide. 00:31:56
Notices to all the residences of the work that they're doing and of course provide the. 00:32:02
Proper signage on. 00:32:09
We specifically have several discussions with Comcast and their subcontractors. 00:32:12
Throughout the weeks and so forth that they're working on in regards to ensuring that they're abiding to the requirements but also 00:32:17
providing good customer service to our residents because of course we need to ensure that our residents are receiving the proper 00:32:23
care and. 00:32:28
We just reduce the inconveniences as much as possible. I had another phone call with their project manager today who's assured me 00:32:35
that all the calls that they've been receiving in regards to concerns and questions or even complaints have been have been 00:32:41
addressed within 24 hours on that. However, again, they can't address concerns that they're not being that's not being received to 00:32:48
them. 00:32:54
As much as as many cars as we've received for that, for questions. 00:33:01
It's always best that to be able to talk to Comcast directly, so. 00:33:06
If anyone does have questions on Comcast of the work that's being done, general questions. Concerns. For example, concerns of. 00:33:13
Putting in utilities in the public right of way doesn't mean that it may not go through somebody's garden that they may have 00:33:22
planted there. Of course the residents are entitled to utilize their property. 00:33:29
But in a Comcast at public utility company should be taken to proper care and in order to be able to do their work, but also 00:33:36
proper care for the rights of the residents as well. 00:33:41
So if anyone does have questions specifically for the Comcast that's going through their neighborhoods in regards to the work 00:33:47
being done or even just the services? 00:33:51
The number that they can reach out to is 801. 00:33:56
16969 and that's their project manager Trevor Combs. 00:34:01
On that So what was his name? Trevor. Travis. 00:34:07
Yes Sir, and I've spoken to traffic Chrome several times and. 00:34:11
He's assured me that. 00:34:17
He's been addressing the residences concerns and so forth, and of course any kind of conflicts that they may have with other 00:34:20
telecommunication companies like Fastel or any other ones out there that they're coordinating specifically with. And again, if any 00:34:26
resin does try to contact Comcast and they're not getting any answers or phone calls back or it's not being resolved within the 00:34:32
proper appropriate timeline. 00:34:38
Please reach out to Public Works. 00:34:45
Specifically myself or my engineer, and we will address that issue as well. 00:34:46
Thank you. 00:34:53
OK, that. 00:34:55
Are you going to announce something? Because I'll announce it first. 00:35:00
I was waiting for you to talk about parking and other things like that. So no, I don't. I don't have, OK. We had a great 00:35:06
opportunity to celebrate. 00:35:11
Ezra, this is going to be his last City Council meeting with us and we had a great opportunity to do that today with our staff and 00:35:17
it was very meaningful. And I'll let you say a few words, Ezra, but when you're done we want to thank you for your for your 00:35:23
service here. So and we'll all stand up and clap for you too. Anyway, Adam. 00:35:30
Yeah. I just want to say thank you to you all for serving. 00:35:39
Public service is not hard. 00:35:44
For elected officials, it's incredibly, incredibly difficult and so I appreciate it. Everything that you've done residents, I 00:35:47
appreciate all the residents, all those who take their time out to to voice their opinions and thoughts on on. 00:35:55
Issues that really have such a big effect and issues that are influenced by by your thoughts and decisions, I I appreciate each 00:36:03
one of you for taking the time to be involved in local politics. It's. 00:36:08
The most important level of politics in my opinion, It's the one where we actually get to do things and aren't just at the mercy 00:36:15
of people who like to spend all our money without any any consequence. So thank you all. 00:36:21
Appreciated this this city. I still live here, I love it here and I will continue to be involved in in many ways. 00:36:28
But. 00:36:36
This time that I've been able to spend with staff serving them and serving you all has been. 00:36:37
Sounded the best time of my life. So I really, really appreciate it. Through the ups and downs it's it's been an amazing privilege 00:36:45
and so thank you for your support and your help and and your thoughts along the way. And that's only the beginning, Ezra, because 00:36:49
we're going to keep working together at the county. 00:36:54
All right. 00:37:13
Planning Commission. 00:37:15
I'm going to address you guys from over here today. 00:37:17
We just had a work session for the Homesteads development, the live work units that they're wanting to do. It's really interesting 00:37:20
concept. We're going to have a public hearing next week for our Planning Commission meeting, but. 00:37:28
If you have any questions on that, I'm happy to answer anything. OK. Any questions for Bryce? 00:37:36
No, not at this time. OK, we're going to move on to our consent items. Was anyone wanting to discuss 6.2 Daria had a question 00:37:41
about it or were your questions answered and you want to make a motion? 00:37:46
Is there any other questions, Mayor? I'll be happy to move to approve. 00:37:56
Adopt Thank you the items as presented 6.1 through 6.5. 00:38:00
Can I just ask for clarification? Is that OK on that item? Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm let's take it off. 00:38:06
Take it off. 00:38:14
So we can do it properly. Would you mind making that motion without 6.2? 00:38:15
So we're going to, we're going to, we're going to talk about 6.2, yeah. And no motions required for that. Any member of the 00:38:20
council can just make the request. 00:38:24
So I'll approve Can I get a second, second, Second by Amber, any discussion? All in favor? Aye. All right, we'll 00:38:29
talk about 6.26. Point 2 is the Unified Fleet Services Vehicle Leasing Agreement Resolution 2023-44. And Marty, what is your 00:38:38
clarification? No, I think it's great that we're going to leasing the vehicles. It looks great. I just, I guess I'm just curious. 00:38:47
Just for more clarification on Guardians question, So with the pricing, you said that we get a really good government discount, is 00:38:58
that right? 00:39:01
That's correct. Yeah. So the supplier will purchase the vehicles with the government discounts since they're serving the 00:39:06
government. And then when we when we resell the vehicles or when they resell the vehicles, we'll get credit back based on the sale 00:39:11
value of those vehicles. And so that's what makes it super cost effective and we also get newer vehicles that have less 00:39:17
maintenance issues, I would just add. 00:39:22
That's through the government, so we're buying as a group. It's not just Vineyard, it's all of Utah. 00:39:27
And they buy the, they buy the nicer models because they have better resale value. How long have we been doing this now? It's been 00:39:34
quite some time. I had some other questions that I actually, when this first started. You want me to speak to that a little bit. I 00:39:39
think some of this predates Ezra and David being at the city. Yeah, it's a long time ago. It was, I think it was when I was on the 00:39:45
City Council. I can't even remember if this when I was married. 00:39:50
Interestingly enough, this was one of the first issues that Jake McCarthy asked me about when he came on board of the city. 00:39:56
Like Tice mentioned, there is a collective buying cooperatively as government entities within the state. There's a price that's 00:40:02
available. It's a set price. You select vehicles at the trim level off that package. 00:40:09
What the city had been doing previously was buying vehicles, keeping them for the full life of the vehicle and absorbing pretty 00:40:17
high maintenance costs as the vehicles were down. 00:40:22
And we learned as vehicle prices got higher and I think they're less now than maybe what they were. 00:40:27
A few years ago, but. 00:40:34
The city was pretty close to being able to. 00:40:36
Vehicles at or above the price they paid for them. 00:40:39
If they had been purchasing them at a higher trim level. 00:40:44
And then using them for three years and then selling them. 00:40:48
And it was that analysis that convinced Jake and I think it a little bit more rigorous analysis even has been done now that you 00:40:52
can save money over the life cycle of the vehicle by leasing vehicles, using them for three years and then at the end of the three 00:40:58
years through a vendor. 00:41:04
Reselling those. 00:41:10
And then getting your new vehicles. 00:41:12
So the purpose of the higher trim is not. 00:41:15
Getting a nicer vehicle for city employees to use. 00:41:19
The purpose of the higher trim is you're. 00:41:23
Achieve a higher resale value when you resell that video that vehicle. 00:41:26
That they maintain their value and when you resell it, when you do the math, the life cycle cost is significantly less. 00:41:32
Doing it that way. 00:41:39
I can appreciate the appearance. 00:41:41
Yeah, if you have city vehicles that you know have. 00:41:44
Leather, trim and those kinds of things. But the cost truly, as you look at those analysis is a little bit less. 00:41:48
I just give an example Daria for your int. 00:41:56
The Forest Service. 00:41:59
Buys their General Motors trucks at the basis basic. 00:42:01
Bone dry. 00:42:07
They sell them at the end of three years and they lose money. 00:42:10
Every time. 00:42:14
OK, I made a motion. 00:42:19
I feel comfortable I need to approve consent items 6.2. 00:42:22
OK. First by Marty, second, second by Amber. All in favor. Aye, great. We'll move on to Planning Commission appointments. I know 00:42:29
that you have been working with Nathan. 00:42:34
What is this? His name is Nathaniel, right? And. 00:42:41
Council, you've met Nathan still as well and have the opportunity to talk. Marty. I don't know. Have you? Do you know Nathan 00:42:45
Steele? But you've worked with Pilar Spiel. Pilar. What's Pilar question. He's wonderful. He went through. 00:42:53
Process for the Planning Commission interviews and he did really well and he's just been on a back burner while I've been 00:43:03
gathering all of the information and getting ready to make this appointment. But I wanted to go ahead and do that tonight if you 00:43:07
guys feel comfortable. But I wanted to make sure that you all have the opportunity to get to know him quick before I made this 00:43:12
appointment. 00:43:17
He's not here tonight, so if you want more time I can push this to the next one. 00:43:23
I haven't met him, but if you guys all recommend him. 00:43:28
No, no, it's fine I. 00:43:32
Yeah, let's do it. Let's, let's push this up until the next one. OK. But Nathan, maybe you can even come and say a few words next 00:43:36
time. So all right, our one, our one kind act presentation we've been going through this week, but we're going to actually have 00:43:43
them come at our next meeting. So we'll move on to our business items 9.1, discussion and action. This is the adoption of the 00:43:50
Vineyard City fiscal year 2023, Dash 2024, Budget Amendment #1, Resolution 2023, Dash 41. 00:43:57
A public hearing was held for this item. 00:44:05
At our last council meeting. So we're going to have a brief update from our finance director and then we'll go ahead with a 00:44:07
motion. 00:44:11
Thank you, Mayor. Really quickly before I start on this item, I did want to briefly mention just one thing, an update. Our annual 00:44:16
budget document has been completed and is available on the website for anyone that wants to do that. 00:44:22
There's also a smaller document that's called the Citizens Budget, which is very simplified. These have a lot of graphs and pretty 00:44:29
things to look at, so anyone that's interested in looking at that document, it includes more than just numbers. It also includes 00:44:35
department goals, performance measures, and a lot of great information about the city and strategic goals and the direction we're 00:44:41
headed. So please go and take a look. 00:44:47
And then on this item, we have a few updates from the materials that were presented 2 weeks ago. So I'll just go through those 00:44:54
updates and if there's any questions about what was talked about two weeks ago or about these updates, I'm happy to answer any 00:44:59
questions. 00:45:04
The first addition to the amendment is some additional funds in our communications department to help with staffing of our library 00:45:09
part time, a part-time position to help with our children's library. 00:45:16
Also. 00:45:24
$42,000 for consulting services within our non departmental Contract services account. 00:45:28
And then in our capital projects, this was briefly mentioned last time, but carrying over phones that had been approved in the 00:45:37
fiscal year 23 budget that weren't fully used. This is $100,000 for capital projects as dictated by the council. 00:45:44
Other than that, everything else is the same as what was presented 2 weeks ago. I'm happy to answer any questions about. 00:45:54
Any other? 00:46:01
Can you go back up for a second? 00:46:04
I think I missed the library part. 00:46:07
Yeah, so the library board has requested additional help for the library. Currently we have one part time position, the staff 00:46:10
library in the afternoons. This would bring on an additional part time person. The number of hours is to be determined, but the 00:46:17
budget request is for a third time, so about 13 hours per week and the total there you can see with wages and retirement is just 00:46:25
over 16,000, almost 16 1/2 thousand dollars. 00:46:32
OK. So would we just be putting this into communications or? 00:46:43
I had met with you earlier and I didn't know if you made those changes. 00:46:47
Yeah. This is separate. So, yeah, we could pay for it out of communications. That's the supervisory department for the library or 00:46:51
we do have a separate library account that we could put it there. Either one, they're both in the general fund, so it would. 00:46:57
And the reason why I say it is just we haven't made any of these decisions yet on how we kind of want to move forward with that. 00:47:06
And so moving it into the ability to talk about it, but not necessarily itemizing it, I think it's important. 00:47:12
So council, I mean you can always chime in, but that's an important. 00:47:19
Aspect of this discussion for. 00:47:24
Additionally, we talked about upping some of the contract funds. Did you say that those were updated? 00:47:26
And then we'll go over the other ones and the perfect. 00:47:35
Any questions on the library? 00:47:43
All right, itemization. 00:47:46
OK. I'd like to see that. Just kind of move, I mean. 00:47:51
We're right now you would like it in the library. 00:47:55
If that's how we're going to use it, then that makes the most sense to budget for it in the library division. But if you want 00:47:59
flexibility of how to use those phones, we can put it in communications and still pay them out of that budget. 00:48:05
However, was it through communications before? 00:48:12
No, it's just that's who they were reporting to, right? They were working with, yeah. And so I just wanted to keep it in there so 00:48:15
that the communications people could work that out when they figured out what they're doing with that position, so. 00:48:21
I'd like to see it go in there just so that we don't spend it out of that budget, so that it doesn't automatically go into the 00:48:27
library in case we want to see it go somewhere else. So council, if you feel OK with that, I'd like to see that up and change. 00:48:33
But I need you to decide. 00:48:47
I feel good about that clarity. 00:48:52
Do we need to mention the things from the last meeting? 00:48:54
Quickly, I would prefer it. Oh, I don't think so. You don't think so? OK, no, because we already had a public hearing. Oh, that 00:48:58
was a public hearing. OK. I feel good with the clarification, and I feel good. 00:49:03
OK, other council members, because we're going to need three people. 00:49:10
You feel good about it? OK, then I just need a motion that sounds great. 00:49:16
Without stipulation. 00:49:21
I move to adopt resolution 202341 with the addition of clarification on the library position. 00:49:25
Is that sufficient? 00:49:33
Communication, the allocations of the communications of the communications department, Yeah. And that's the way it's presented in 00:49:35
this document. 00:49:39
I must not have understood it. I thought you were saying it was outside of that. That's perfect. 00:49:45
I apologize, David, for asking. That was unnecessary. No problem. I moved to adopt Resolution 202341 approving the Vineyard City 00:49:51
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget amendment Amendment #1 as presented by staff. 00:49:58
First by. 00:50:07
Can I get a second? 00:50:09
And I'm going to do a roll call Tice. Amber. Alright. I Marty. Hi Christy. Hi. Great item 9.2 is a public hearing, but this item 00:50:14
has been postponed on the 12 to 12/13/2023 City Council meeting. Do we need to make a motion to postpone it? 00:50:22
Yes, you do. OK. So I will need a motion. I move to postpone the public hearing for the Homesteads Pod One live work development 00:50:31
agreement to the December 13th, 2023 City Council meeting. Thank you, Marty. Can I just ask instead of postponing, use the word 00:50:36
continue. 00:50:40
I mean, I move to continue it. Can I get a second, second all in favor, aye? 00:50:46
McMahon really quick to just let you know. We did, we did reread notice just so that it was clear to the public too. So it's gone. 00:50:53
It's gone back out. Perfect. Thank you so much for that clarification. We just need a little bit more time. 00:50:59
9.3 is the consolidated fee schedule Public Hearing resolution 2023-48. What we'll do is we'll go into a public hearing and then 00:51:08
we'll let our finance director kick us off with us and going to discussion. So I need a motion to go into a public hearing. Thank 00:51:15
you, Tice. Second, second by Amber. All in favor. Aye, we're now in a public hearing. Go ahead, David. Thank you, Mayor. So just a 00:51:23
minor change to the consolidated fee schedule, this time in the business licenses area. We're adding a fire inspection. 00:51:30
And the amount is equal to arm fires fee as dictated in the ARM city fee schedule. There's also another area in the fee schedule 00:51:38
that in building inspection fees that references the same section. And and basically we're just updating it to say to see this fee 00:51:47
here. We do have representatives from the Orem fire department here to give us some brief information about the fire inspections. 00:51:56
Excellent. Do you want to come on? State your name. 00:52:05
Brandon Valley Orange Fire Department Fire Prevention Division. 00:52:10
So First off, I'd just like to attest to the importance of this program. 00:52:14
I know for a surety that that businesses that my inspectors and I have gone into, we have found safety concerns that would have 00:52:20
resulted in fire and potential injury to the business owner, to their employees, or to the customers that they serve. 00:52:28
So First off, just a quick. 00:52:37
And background on this this program was. 00:52:40
Using a third party billing company and the schedule that was approved at that time. 00:52:44
As the the program progressed, we received multiple comments from business owners and concerns. 00:52:51
Just talking about the program and so a few of those. Just a list. 00:52:56
It's too expensive. How do you justify the fee you charge because of the third party billing company? They work great for medical 00:53:01
billing. In hindsight might not have been the best choice for the inspection billing, but they said it feels like a scam because 00:53:08
it's a third party company. They asked why isn't my own city billing us? And then my favorite one is why isn't this be included in 00:53:14
my business license renewal process? Because that's the most comfortable option for the business owner. 00:53:21
As far as the financials? 00:53:29
We were collecting on the the previous program, we were collecting maybe one in five. 00:53:32
It was a 20% or, yeah, 20% collection, right. We're only collecting one in five. 00:53:38
Now by moving to the business license renewal process and attaching that fee to that, we now collect. 00:53:44
A lot more than that. My guess would be somewhere around like 44.5 out of five. And so because of that we can lower the price and 00:53:51
pass that that savings on to the end customer and so just really quickly at the low end for impact based home businesses. 00:53:59
It's over 60% savings. For the average retail commercial customer, it's over 30%. 00:54:09
And so they've moved from anywhere from 150 to 300, four $100 for their the past program to now it's 4680. 00:54:17
For the home occupation businesses and 9360 for the commercial businesses that wage or I mean that price that that's been placed 00:54:26
on that the new fee schedule that we've attached it's based on the mid level fire inspectors benefited wage. 00:54:35
And so as market increases happen, it'll also increase with that market increase. So it won't, it won't have to be adjusted. 00:54:44
Yeah. 00:54:53
Don't know how to explain that, but yeah, that's amazing. Thank you. That's perfect. Hopefully that makes sense. 00:54:55
But anyways. 00:55:01
It's offered, I mean it's allowed us to to solve so many of the problems that the OR the concerns that the business owners have 00:55:03
been given and I guess just open it up to questions. So thank you for streamlining that and making it so efficient. 00:55:11
We really appreciate that and obviously for the safety and protection, but also for welcoming our businesses and allowing that to 00:55:20
flourish too. That's pretty incredible. We appreciate that. Any any questions from the council? 00:55:25
Do you guys want to see them? They're really neat. I have one Nice to have. We can add it into the drop box as well. Come on up in 00:56:01
the past month. Yeah. Thank you. 00:56:05
Well, with that, if there are no other questions on that, David, is that the only thing on our schedule that you wanted to? Yes, 00:56:10
we're going to have more in the next meeting in December. There will be some more changes, but for now this is. 00:56:17
OK. Any questions from the public? 00:56:24
OK, then I'm going to take motion to guard up a public hearing. Second tie second by Marty. All in favor? Aye. I need a motion or 00:56:29
some discussion. 00:56:33
I'm happy to make a motion if everyone else is comfortable with. 00:56:38
All right, thanks, Maddie. Though, I move to adopt Resolution 2023-48, approving the consolidated fee schedule as presented by 00:56:41
staff and Oren Prairie, Can I get a? 00:56:46
Second by Tice and I'll do a roll call Tice. 00:56:53
Christy, All right, that brings us to 9.4 discussion action approval of the 2024 City Council meeting schedule. Normally this 00:56:59
would be on our consent, but we have a question about postponing a few dates. Did you want to describe the dates to us? 00:57:06
Valentine's Day. 00:57:15
And Pioneer Day. 00:57:17
OK, so Valentine's Day and Pioneer Day, do you guys going to go ahead and just cancel those meetings up front or see how you feel 00:57:20
when we get there? I like my marriage, so I would say cancel Valentine's Day. OK, Valentine's Day is gone. I like my children. So 00:57:25
that's all 24. 00:57:31
We have our schedule. I don't care about my family, but that's a lie. That's a lie. I'm just gonna. I love them all. We can be 00:57:37
together on the holidays. 00:57:41
All right, great. I'm gonna need a motion. 00:57:49
I moved to adopt resolution 2023 DASH 492024, City Council meeting schedule with the noted changes of removing counseling. Our 00:57:52
meetings on February 14th and July 24th. 00:57:59
OK, first by. 00:58:06
Second. Second by Amber, and I'll do a roll call, Tice. Amber. Aye, aye. Marty. Yay, Kristy. All right, that brings us to the end 00:58:08
of this meeting. I need a motion to adjourn. 00:58:13
Second, first by tie, second by Marty on favor. Our Rd. meeting will start in a few minutes. 00:58:20
Smart. 00:58:30
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All right. Today is November 8th. It's Wednesday, 2023. The time is 6:00 PM, and I'm going to call our City Council meeting into 00:00:21
session. We're going to start out with having an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance from our council members to point us, and 00:00:27
then we'll go from there. 00:00:33
Larger pain. Heavenly Father, we are so very grateful for this wonderful evening we have. 00:00:47
To be here together to. 00:00:51
For the city to help us come to good decisions that will help our city flourish and grow. 00:00:53
Please bless us to be in tune with thy spirit. 00:00:59
Know what is best and what is needed. 00:01:03
Please bless those in our city who are in need of help help. 00:01:06
Know who to turn to and help us be aware of them. Help us serve one another and be kind to those around us. We are so very 00:01:10
grateful for all the wonderful people who care so much about our community. Please bless them and. 00:01:17
Help one another work well together. 00:01:24
And we say these things the name Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:27
All right. 00:01:31
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:33
indivisible, with. 00:01:38
And then I'm going to turn just a minute over to Ty Spike to talk about veteran's day. 00:01:44
11 Today and 11th month, Lynn Tower. It was Armistice Day. 00:01:54
In 1954, the United States decided to change from the European emphasis of that. 00:01:59
Holiday which is observed today and all of. 00:02:06
With a 2 minute silence. 00:02:10
They changed it to Veterans Days to honor all those that have served. And of course, we have Memorial Day to honor those who 00:02:14
sacrificed their lives. 00:02:18
So because of an act of Congress making three day weekends, which we all love. 00:02:23
They changed veteran's day to either the Friday or Monday. 00:02:29
If it falls on Saturday, so this year the 11th falls on Saturday. 00:02:33
So veteran's day is observed on Friday. 00:02:38
I wore my war vest because I'm a better. 00:02:42
And I'm proud of those who I. 00:02:45
So on Friday I will call my sons who. 00:02:48
I will call my son-in-law. 00:02:53
I would call my father and father-in-law, but they apart they. 00:02:56
So I would urge you to honor your veterans and your families. 00:03:00
For their service. 00:03:05
Be it more time, peacetime or whatever they did, it didn't. 00:03:07
Thanks Sir. 00:03:11
Just a note in Utah. 00:03:13
Sadly, Utah County has the lowest number of veterans in the whole state. 00:03:16
We have 3% of our populations are. 00:03:22
And that's principally due, not because of the lackluster life. 00:03:25
Because the most of them are very young. 00:03:28
Have not had the opportunity to. 00:03:31
So we're 28th in the state for the number of veterans that. 00:03:34
I've attended in the last three months to contact the veterans of Art. 00:03:39
City It's in hard slaw to find veterans amongst all of our young folks. 00:03:43
But they're there, and I found a few. 00:03:49
It's also another holiday that we should know how you would notice, specifically if you have a member of the family that was in. 00:03:55
The 10th of November is the Marine Corps. 00:04:04
248 years they've been in existence. 00:04:09
And they have a big party. 00:04:12
On the 10th every year. 00:04:14
So if you have somebody in your family who was in the Marine Corps, you should wish him a happy birthday. 00:04:16
They don't understand exactly what you're. 00:04:22
Now, this quote that I'll give you is attributed to either Churchill. 00:04:26
One of our famous writers, Mr. Orwell, in the movie creators. 00:04:31
And it's true. 00:04:36
Quote People sleep peacefully. 00:04:38
In their beds this night. 00:04:41
Only because we have men and I would add, women. 00:04:43
We stand ready to do violence to those who would do us harm. 00:04:47
That's true. 00:04:52
This morning while you were sleeping. 00:04:55
36 Airways. 00:04:57
Bombed the. 00:04:58
Members of the Radical Muslim. 00:05:01
In Syria. 00:05:04
Who have attacked our troops in Syria 27 times in the last four days. 00:05:06
We have men and women at. 00:05:11
Throughout. 00:05:15
We have 25, excuse me, 25,000 servicemen station. 00:05:17
In Korea still? 00:05:21
Guarding the DMZ. 00:05:23
We have 2000 in Abu Dhabi. 00:05:26
You don't know where that is. 00:05:30
We have them all over the place. 00:05:33
And I stand in harm's way. 00:05:35
So think of. 00:05:40
As we approach this day to Mark. 00:05:43
How they are preserving your freedom. 00:05:47
So apply. 00:05:51
All those who served. 00:05:53
Let them know their. 00:05:55
Well, and why don't we stand and take a minute of silence for for our veterans? 00:05:58
All right. Thank you so much for those words and sharing that we'll move on to our public comments. This is a time to address the 00:07:10
council for things that are not currently on the agenda. If you have something that you would like to say, please come to the 00:07:16
microphone, state your name where you're from, and we will address those things with you. 00:07:21
Good evening. 00:07:38
Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. 00:07:39
I just like to comment on a few things. I really enjoyed the Blizzard race. My friend Carla and I were cheering on the run. 00:07:50
As I came by the Freedom Prep Academy last Saturday morning, that was looked like a lot of fun. 00:07:58
So it was good to see a bunch of runners out there, and I know there were some here in the audience that they were out there 00:08:04
running. 00:08:07
I saw the vineyard Live Today. 00:08:14
The Bella's market looks really promising. 00:08:17
And I think that it will be a good thing. I have a question about the connector. I know it's going to be finished on December 00:08:20
15th, but I'm wondering if they're going to put up sound walls. 00:08:26
Before the 15th for those residents that live along that. 00:08:32
To protect them from all the traffic noise that will be. 00:08:36
We've been working with DLT on the project. So currently the way that the project is being built is the way it is they did. The 00:08:43
DLT has done sound studies. 00:08:48
Along the what the projected path would be and they made a determination that Soundwells would not be required. However, that does 00:08:55
not mean that they would not readdress that this situation. If it becomes an issue during the during the further process with that 00:09:02
as it further builds out, you might come to that. Yeah, DLT would I want to speak specifically for them, but I'm sure that they'd 00:09:08
be open to the possibility of redoing the study but before they before they. 00:09:15
Started the construction during the design. 00:09:23
They call it an environmental impact analysis, meaning that it's more than just a birds and bees, but. 00:09:25
The sound as well, I apologize in terms of that. So yes, ma'am. So OK, thank you. Thank you. 00:09:32
Last week I expressed my concerns at Planning Commission about possibly repurposing this site for a fire station. It's nice that 00:09:41
Forum Fire Department happens to be here tonight. I do have a vested interest in this because we have two grandchildren that live 00:09:47
in the Cottonwood neighborhood. 00:09:53
And I am concerned further safety. You have a kindergartner who goes and catches the bus right there on the corner and eventually 00:10:00
the younger one will be attending school also and. 00:10:06
If this is repurposed into a fire station, I'm concerned when the call comes and it happens to be at the same time either buses 00:10:13
are. 00:10:17
Picking up or dropping off children. 00:10:22
That it could have some serious consequences. 00:10:25
And I could see could be very scary for children and for. 00:10:28
If sirens are blaring and engines are trying to come out. 00:10:32
It could be chaos and so I'm really very concerned about that. 00:10:37
And. 00:10:41
I have a question. 00:10:45
About Smart cities by the SRT Labs, they give a presentation last October 22. 00:10:47
And in may they have. 00:10:57
Worked with Rev Rd. to create 2 videos showcasing our relationship with Vineyard Utah and their exciting projects in progress 00:11:01
here. 00:11:06
So I'd like to know what those exciting projects are. They have two videos. 00:11:11
But I'm unable to access them. It says they're private videos and I'd like to know what. 00:11:15
It says city leaders from Vineyard are taking a deliberate approach to rolling out Tech Forward Smart Solutions. They reveal some 00:11:22
of the challenges and successes they have experienced on their journey as a smart city. 00:11:29
And how SRT labs have supported them along the way. 00:11:35
So I'm hoping that you'll be able to elaborate on SRT about these projects are going forward and when they will be implemented. 00:11:39
And also. 00:11:48
I would like to know if I can ask some questions about Council consent item 6.2. 00:11:51
The Fleet Service Vehicle Leasing agreement. 00:12:01
That's fine. OK, What is it? Did you want me to do that? OK, I. 00:12:05
I'm concerned about why are we getting kind of a higher interim on these vehicles. I happen to look up Ford and GMC. 00:12:12
And they want to at least the 2020 Three F-150. 00:12:22
The lower trim begins at 33835. Now these are. I know these are buying prices. 00:12:26
I could not find the least price because you have to submit information and for the F-150 Lariat which is a trim level that they 00:12:32
would like, it starts at 57480. 00:12:37
The 2023 explorer, the base trim starts at 36760 and the explorer St. which they des. 00:12:44
Is 50,000 and five dollars. 00:12:53
And the GMC Acadia. 00:12:56
They want the SLA trim, SLE trim, Excuse me, It begins at 36. Eight. 00:12:59
And then they want F-350XL. 00:13:06
Lariat the XL The bass trim is $45,015.00. 00:13:10
And the F-350 LAR. 00:13:16
Is 62,460. 00:13:19
I'm thinking that's quite a bit of difference. I don't know what the leasing options are, but I'm sure what those difference in 00:13:23
trim levels, the leasing payments would be quite. 00:13:28
Exorbitant. Also, this is our taxpayer money. 00:13:34
And I think it's excessive for what is needed. These are work vehicles. 00:13:39
They only have a 12,000 mile lease per year, so they can't be running around for personal use. 00:13:44
And I really don't see why we have to have these high trim levels. The next level up is the King Ranch. 00:13:53
From the 1:50. 00:14:00
I think that's. 00:14:03
A too much for our small community to be spending this kind of money on vehicles. 00:14:05
I'm happy to answer that question. 00:14:11
We've been studying out leasing versus owning vehicles and the overall cost, a huge part of our budget is maintenance on older 00:14:14
vehicles. And so as vehicles get older they they cost more to maintain this company. We actually have a special government 00:14:22
contract through them. So we get the vehicles for a lot cheaper than MSRP. We'll use them for three years and then we'll resell 00:14:29
them. And so actually when you do the analysis on each of the vehicles, if you get the the trims that are easy to resell. 00:14:36
You actually find yourself having a lot more money overtime. OK, so these 2020 S that you have now, are you going to? 00:14:44
Sell them back to the company? Or are you going to let them go for public sale? It depends on each vehicle, but it seems got the 00:14:52
list of all the vehicles that will sell back and at least most of our fleet and only own a few of our vehicles. 00:14:59
OK. 00:15:06
Are you going over your mileage limits per year? 00:15:08
We're keeping track of our mileage limits per year. We're. 00:15:12
I don't know what you mean by like reviewing them. It says 12,000 mile per year lease. 00:15:16
Oh yeah, no, we will be well under that, OK? And they're not being used at all for any personal use. 00:15:22
There'll be a few for for travels on. Some of our on call employees will have them just so they can respond to the calls, but now 00:15:28
there won't be any personal use for them. 00:15:34
Well. 00:15:40
I. 00:15:43
A lot of money you could have done a trim over, but OK. 00:15:44
And that's my comments. I appreciate answers to those questions about this. Yeah, just I think that after this you could probably 00:15:47
touch base with Ezra again and he can talk about how SRT Labs never had anything approved, but he'll give you more information 00:15:54
about that outside of this discussion. So thank you. OK. 00:16:01
Any other comments from the public? 00:16:08
I'm Kim Cornelius from the Village Community. First of all, Councilman Flake, thank you for your service. 00:16:15
I also. 00:16:22
Obviously my own father, who served in the Korean War and wore the Navy uniform proudly. 00:16:24
I just have some things that I need a little bit of point of clarity on. Let me just start with this little scenario. It's 00:16:31
hypothetical, it's not real. I want to make that point up front. 00:16:35
I was at Costco the other day. 00:16:40
That's not so hypothetical, that's regular. 00:16:41
And I saw Christy Welch, and she was. 00:16:44
Now, for all intents and purposes, what I said. 00:16:50
Probably true. 00:16:53
But the hidden issue there is that I conveniently omitted something. 00:16:56
She's probably every day of her life she's been sober. 00:17:01
And so. 00:17:05
In essence, I guess I potentially planted the seed of untruth in the midst of all of that. And I there's a reason I went with that 00:17:08
just to illustrate a point. 00:17:12
We were made aware of an e-mail sent by Councilman Rasmussen. 00:17:17
On City of Vineyard e-mail letterhead dated Friday, February 3rd, 2023 advanced to the Leisure Villas HOA, President in two 00:17:23
private community members. 00:17:28
Don't know why it didn't go to all of us, but it reads Dear Leisure Villas. My attention has been drawn to some concerning 00:17:34
questions about the integrity of the upcoming election on social media, some of which has been coming from residents in your 00:17:38
community. 00:17:42
I want to make sure we do not sit idly. 00:17:47
While such concerns are being expressed and immediately offered the opportunity to your community to speak with Pam Spencer, our 00:17:50
City Recorder, as well as Jamie Blakesley. Sorry if I mispronounced that, Mister Blakesley. 00:17:56
Our city attorney, It is my hope they can provide both reassurance, resources and contacts for explaining and supporting the 00:18:03
integrity of our voting methods, staff, volunteers and elections at every level. 00:18:09
And that they can guide us in the correct direction if. 00:18:16
To have any additional educational information offered informative materials to the community at large, Thank you for addressing 00:18:19
this with me and for working to support the integrity of our institutions. 00:18:24
Signed. 00:18:30
So I go back to my hypothetical. 00:18:32
We got a lot of nothing in that e-mail, number one, that didn't come to all of us, just three specified. 00:18:35
And so my question would be. 00:18:42
What are some of the concerning questions about the integrity of the upcoming election that were expressed by some community 00:18:44
members? 00:18:48
And if you could identify, I mean I'm quite active in the community. 00:18:54
If it's me, I'd like to know what they were. 00:18:58
Umm, anything that anybody can offer on that. I think since it was a letter from Amber to the HOA president and she's liaison over 00:19:01
that, you could meet with her after this and you guys could discuss that. I'm sorry to meet with you. 00:19:08
Amber OK, won't be able to do it tonight, but I can maybe make contact later then on that. 00:19:15
OK. I just want to make that public. Thank you. Thank you. 00:19:22
I too appreciated your remarks. That was very moving. Thank you and your service as well. 00:19:40
I just need some clarification. 00:19:47
And it has to do with the last Council. 00:19:50
When no less than nine people came to this podium very respectfully. 00:19:53
Shared concerns regarding the hiring. 00:19:59
Of Eric Ellis as our new City manager. 00:20:03
That night, that was obviously a concern that the community, because this room had more people than I've ever seen in it. 00:20:07
And the response was that you would take that into consideration. 00:20:14
Then that agenda item was. 00:20:20
Moved off and taken into closed session. 00:20:24
From all appearances. 00:20:27
Mr. Ellis also went into the closed session. Now he may not have, but from appearances that's what it appeared to be here. 00:20:29
Now taking another look. 00:20:37
Vineyard employees and staff have made comments on social media about how sad it is that more people don't attend meetings. 00:20:42
Well my what I'm trying to understand is. 00:20:51
When we attend meetings and we express a concern. 00:20:56
And you'll come back from a closed session and you give a standing ovation to the man who we ask you not to hire or at least 00:21:00
consider it. 00:21:04
You give him a standing ovation. It was a slap in the face. 00:21:09
To the citizens that had a concern, and you did not address a single concern that we had. 00:21:14
And I'm just trying to understand, is this the way we are to be expected to be treated when we come and share what's troubling us? 00:21:20
I think you're asking for three things. 00:21:34
The one you're wondering? 00:21:37
About the closed session and whether or not we did it lawfully. 00:21:40
Is that correct? I I just, I don't know. I'm telling you what appearances were. I'm not accusing you, though, but you're wondering 00:21:44
if we did it awfully OK. So you're wondering if we did it awfully number. 00:21:50
You feel like your concerns weren't addressed. And #3 you're wondering about why we clapped for him or welcomed him and what that 00:21:56
means as far as inviting people. I'm gonna I would say this. 00:22:01
We called for him because we're welcoming him into the city and it was in the standing ovation. We were just welcoming him and we 00:22:06
do that for the people that we hire to just say, hey, we welcome you. And there are a lot of hard things said that night. And I 00:22:11
understand, I think that there were generally some people that came up and had some concerns, but they didn't have all of the 00:22:15
information on. 00:22:19
That you could share that information. Let me let me finish. 00:22:24
That you present that information and you have questions and you wanted to make sure. 00:22:30
From what I understood that we wouldn't hire somebody who had done something who wasn't Integris and who's not going to, who had 00:22:35
done something illegal and wasn't going to serve the community properly. So hold on one second. So we made. 00:22:42
That we had talked about it, we had discussed it and we understood that the information that you brought forward was missing 00:22:49
information and that we did hear. 00:22:54
We listen very carefully, we knew the things that you were bringing forward and we felt from the the information that we were able 00:22:59
to receive that. 00:23:04
He wasn't actually in the light that he was being presented. 00:23:08
There was no reason for those concerns to be taken. 00:23:13
Umm, further than that because we addressed the concerns third. 00:23:17
I'll let Jamie speak to the lawful nature of how we dealt with that that evening. 00:23:22
Thank you, Mayor. I'd be happy to talk about that, so. 00:23:28
The Open and Public Meetings Act requires. 00:23:31
A public body like a City Council to take its actions openly. 00:23:35
Which the City Council did. It made its approval openly. 00:23:39
It voted openly on that approval. 00:23:43
There are certain topics that the Council is permitted. 00:23:47
For various public policy reasons, to go into a closed session to have those conversations. 00:23:50
One of them, and the one you'll see used most often by city council's, is. 00:23:56
A provision of 52 for 2:05 that allows for a closed session to talk about the character of the professional competence or the 00:24:01
physical or mental health of an individual. 00:24:07
And those are what we think of. 00:24:13
Personnel type decisions when you're laying the strengths and weaknesses of an individual or the performance of an individual on 00:24:16
the job. 00:24:20
And the Council can go into closed session for those purposes. 00:24:24
That was the purpose for which the Council went into the closed session. 00:24:29
To talk about the. 00:24:34
Competence in the character of an individual now, once the Council. 00:24:37
Goes into closed session. It's also a little bit limited because when you're in closed session, you have an obligation and a duty 00:24:42
under the law not to speak about the things that are discussed in closed session because they're intended to be. 00:24:49
Private and confidential conversations, but I assure you that was the reason why the Council went into closed session. It was a 00:24:56
lawful closed session. That was the only topic discussed in the closed session. 00:25:02
But was that individual in the closed session and is that allowable the Council is permitted to? 00:25:09
Interviews or those types of things in a closed session. 00:25:14
OK, well it appeared as though. 00:25:17
We were not. 00:25:21
And and I don't know that I'm trying to recall. I don't know that I heard anyone accuse him of anything other than having a cloud 00:25:23
over him. 00:25:28
Because of the things that had been coming out and the things that we were reading and the things that were being shared in the 00:25:34
media. 00:25:38
And I I. 00:25:42
If we were a community that you are concerned about hearing from and you are concerned and want us to be a part of it. 00:25:46
That perhaps you would have put it off. 00:25:54
And come back and share some of your reasons with us. And not just it felt like a slap in the face when you came back and 00:25:57
unanimously. 00:26:01
Accepted, this man stood up and. 00:26:06
And that was the end. There was no explanation and no directing to the people who had sat here all night after sharing with the 00:26:09
other concerns. 00:26:14
It felt like a decision that was baked before we ever got here. And I just say that because I feel like you need to know that. 00:26:19
Yeah. And I would say I didn't articulate it well that night. Then I will reiterate, it is here and now is that. 00:26:26
You were very well heard. 00:26:34
We heard you, we discussed it, we went in and. 00:26:38
Great discussion and came back and the response was. 00:26:41
You're as to the extent that we have. 00:26:46
All of the information that's before us, these are not concerns that. 00:26:51
Are there? There's no. What is it called? 00:26:57
There's no basis for a lot of them and he's going to serve the community well and we ask that you take the time to get to know him 00:27:04
so that you can see that what we hired him for. We hope that you will see that his quality of work is is incredible and it's 00:27:11
INTEGRIS and we hope that we see that. I also said there's always path forward if new information comes out that will continuously 00:27:18
have opportunities to discuss that. But if you would like to continue this discussion, I'm happy to meet with you. 00:27:25
I'm happy to have you meet with our staff and our attorney and anybody that you would like to have those questions mitigated or 00:27:32
remedied or answered in any way that you need to feel like. 00:27:37
You the questions or concerns that you are bringing to the table, you have a better understanding of as you walk out of this 00:27:44
meeting. And if you wait for me after this meeting, I'd be happy to talk to you. So thank you, Karen. OK, anybody else? If not, 00:27:48
I'm going to close the public comments. 00:27:53
All right, we'll go ahead and move on to our mayor and council member reports tight. 00:27:59
We are celebrating time this week. We have had story time. We've had training for suicide prevention. 00:28:10
We're just trying to promote kindness, kind of acts, be nice to each other, share a little bit of love. 00:28:19
We're all trying to grab the shirt. The Growth and Prosperity summit was very interesting. 00:28:26
It was interesting to hear about all these different things coming together and making housing so unaffordable and difficult at 00:28:31
this time. But I feel like there's a clear path forward, and I'm excited about that. And this month we will be working with the 00:28:37
state privacy office. They'll be coming down to do a privacy health check so that we can improve our privacy policies and work on 00:28:43
cybersecurity to ensure your information is remaining safe. 00:28:49
Marty. 00:28:56
I'll just update that. 00:28:58
Residents, keep an eye out. You'll start to see our holiday lighting go up and we will be having our tree lighting ceremony on 00:29:01
November 27th at Penny Springs Park will have a children's choir from our one of our local elementary schools. 00:29:08
And if you have any questions about any of the lighting, please feel free to reach out and staff can. 00:29:15
Help answer your questions. 00:29:21
OK. And then. 00:29:24
Esther. 00:29:27
No. 00:29:29
I still have a report tonight. I actually wanted to use my time if it's okay. 00:29:31
I've had several residents reach out with questions about what's happening with Comcast coming to our area and while this isn't a 00:29:36
city project is something that's affecting our residents and Naseem was going to give us a little update on that project, if 00:29:41
that's OK, so that we. 00:29:46
Just help everybody understand what's happening. 00:29:51
Thank you. I'm gonna see you in the door for the worst record. So Comcast is working on installing fiber throughout many of the 00:29:56
communities. Excuse me, Comcast is a public utility company. A public utility company. 00:30:03
As defined as someone who provides power gas. 00:30:09
Or telecommunications. And this Interstate. So Comcast is coming through. 00:30:14
Placing condiments and fiber lines into many of the communities throughout the vineyards to provide additional telecommunications 00:30:21
provider to many of the residents who choose to utilize them as a service. Again choose to utilize them as a service. 00:30:28
Comcast is doing this is placing the work in the public utility easements. Public utility easements are an area on the backside of 00:30:36
the sidewalk, between the sidewalk and the property, that is. 00:30:41
Does designate for use of for public utility companies such as power, gas and telecommunications company? 00:30:49
They this is. 00:30:56
State state law. That's Alpine. It's Utah Code Tile 54. Horse Chapter Three, Section 27. Actually, anyone cares to read it 00:30:59
specifically. 00:31:04
Provides for the companies like that provide public services such as that to be able to utilize. 00:31:11
Those public utility easements through there, before a company like that, or any other company that does work in there, they're 00:31:17
required to provide notes to homeowners and before Comcast when they submit their permits. In essence, a permit for something like 00:31:23
this is just to ensure that. 00:31:29
Their that their work that they're doing is within Public Utilities methods as well as when they go outside of public utility 00:31:37
easement into public utility easement and into the public right of way in order to do like some what they call openings in the 00:31:43
asphalt and so forth. We provide them the guidance and so forth. 00:31:49
But yeah, there are notified that they like any other company to provide. 00:31:56
Notices to all the residences of the work that they're doing and of course provide the. 00:32:02
Proper signage on. 00:32:09
We specifically have several discussions with Comcast and their subcontractors. 00:32:12
Throughout the weeks and so forth that they're working on in regards to ensuring that they're abiding to the requirements but also 00:32:17
providing good customer service to our residents because of course we need to ensure that our residents are receiving the proper 00:32:23
care and. 00:32:28
We just reduce the inconveniences as much as possible. I had another phone call with their project manager today who's assured me 00:32:35
that all the calls that they've been receiving in regards to concerns and questions or even complaints have been have been 00:32:41
addressed within 24 hours on that. However, again, they can't address concerns that they're not being that's not being received to 00:32:48
them. 00:32:54
As much as as many cars as we've received for that, for questions. 00:33:01
It's always best that to be able to talk to Comcast directly, so. 00:33:06
If anyone does have questions on Comcast of the work that's being done, general questions. Concerns. For example, concerns of. 00:33:13
Putting in utilities in the public right of way doesn't mean that it may not go through somebody's garden that they may have 00:33:22
planted there. Of course the residents are entitled to utilize their property. 00:33:29
But in a Comcast at public utility company should be taken to proper care and in order to be able to do their work, but also 00:33:36
proper care for the rights of the residents as well. 00:33:41
So if anyone does have questions specifically for the Comcast that's going through their neighborhoods in regards to the work 00:33:47
being done or even just the services? 00:33:51
The number that they can reach out to is 801. 00:33:56
16969 and that's their project manager Trevor Combs. 00:34:01
On that So what was his name? Trevor. Travis. 00:34:07
Yes Sir, and I've spoken to traffic Chrome several times and. 00:34:11
He's assured me that. 00:34:17
He's been addressing the residences concerns and so forth, and of course any kind of conflicts that they may have with other 00:34:20
telecommunication companies like Fastel or any other ones out there that they're coordinating specifically with. And again, if any 00:34:26
resin does try to contact Comcast and they're not getting any answers or phone calls back or it's not being resolved within the 00:34:32
proper appropriate timeline. 00:34:38
Please reach out to Public Works. 00:34:45
Specifically myself or my engineer, and we will address that issue as well. 00:34:46
Thank you. 00:34:53
OK, that. 00:34:55
Are you going to announce something? Because I'll announce it first. 00:35:00
I was waiting for you to talk about parking and other things like that. So no, I don't. I don't have, OK. We had a great 00:35:06
opportunity to celebrate. 00:35:11
Ezra, this is going to be his last City Council meeting with us and we had a great opportunity to do that today with our staff and 00:35:17
it was very meaningful. And I'll let you say a few words, Ezra, but when you're done we want to thank you for your for your 00:35:23
service here. So and we'll all stand up and clap for you too. Anyway, Adam. 00:35:30
Yeah. I just want to say thank you to you all for serving. 00:35:39
Public service is not hard. 00:35:44
For elected officials, it's incredibly, incredibly difficult and so I appreciate it. Everything that you've done residents, I 00:35:47
appreciate all the residents, all those who take their time out to to voice their opinions and thoughts on on. 00:35:55
Issues that really have such a big effect and issues that are influenced by by your thoughts and decisions, I I appreciate each 00:36:03
one of you for taking the time to be involved in local politics. It's. 00:36:08
The most important level of politics in my opinion, It's the one where we actually get to do things and aren't just at the mercy 00:36:15
of people who like to spend all our money without any any consequence. So thank you all. 00:36:21
Appreciated this this city. I still live here, I love it here and I will continue to be involved in in many ways. 00:36:28
But. 00:36:36
This time that I've been able to spend with staff serving them and serving you all has been. 00:36:37
Sounded the best time of my life. So I really, really appreciate it. Through the ups and downs it's it's been an amazing privilege 00:36:45
and so thank you for your support and your help and and your thoughts along the way. And that's only the beginning, Ezra, because 00:36:49
we're going to keep working together at the county. 00:36:54
All right. 00:37:13
Planning Commission. 00:37:15
I'm going to address you guys from over here today. 00:37:17
We just had a work session for the Homesteads development, the live work units that they're wanting to do. It's really interesting 00:37:20
concept. We're going to have a public hearing next week for our Planning Commission meeting, but. 00:37:28
If you have any questions on that, I'm happy to answer anything. OK. Any questions for Bryce? 00:37:36
No, not at this time. OK, we're going to move on to our consent items. Was anyone wanting to discuss 6.2 Daria had a question 00:37:41
about it or were your questions answered and you want to make a motion? 00:37:46
Is there any other questions, Mayor? I'll be happy to move to approve. 00:37:56
Adopt Thank you the items as presented 6.1 through 6.5. 00:38:00
Can I just ask for clarification? Is that OK on that item? Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm let's take it off. 00:38:06
Take it off. 00:38:14
So we can do it properly. Would you mind making that motion without 6.2? 00:38:15
So we're going to, we're going to, we're going to talk about 6.2, yeah. And no motions required for that. Any member of the 00:38:20
council can just make the request. 00:38:24
So I'll approve Can I get a second, second, Second by Amber, any discussion? All in favor? Aye. All right, we'll 00:38:29
talk about 6.26. Point 2 is the Unified Fleet Services Vehicle Leasing Agreement Resolution 2023-44. And Marty, what is your 00:38:38
clarification? No, I think it's great that we're going to leasing the vehicles. It looks great. I just, I guess I'm just curious. 00:38:47
Just for more clarification on Guardians question, So with the pricing, you said that we get a really good government discount, is 00:38:58
that right? 00:39:01
That's correct. Yeah. So the supplier will purchase the vehicles with the government discounts since they're serving the 00:39:06
government. And then when we when we resell the vehicles or when they resell the vehicles, we'll get credit back based on the sale 00:39:11
value of those vehicles. And so that's what makes it super cost effective and we also get newer vehicles that have less 00:39:17
maintenance issues, I would just add. 00:39:22
That's through the government, so we're buying as a group. It's not just Vineyard, it's all of Utah. 00:39:27
And they buy the, they buy the nicer models because they have better resale value. How long have we been doing this now? It's been 00:39:34
quite some time. I had some other questions that I actually, when this first started. You want me to speak to that a little bit. I 00:39:39
think some of this predates Ezra and David being at the city. Yeah, it's a long time ago. It was, I think it was when I was on the 00:39:45
City Council. I can't even remember if this when I was married. 00:39:50
Interestingly enough, this was one of the first issues that Jake McCarthy asked me about when he came on board of the city. 00:39:56
Like Tice mentioned, there is a collective buying cooperatively as government entities within the state. There's a price that's 00:40:02
available. It's a set price. You select vehicles at the trim level off that package. 00:40:09
What the city had been doing previously was buying vehicles, keeping them for the full life of the vehicle and absorbing pretty 00:40:17
high maintenance costs as the vehicles were down. 00:40:22
And we learned as vehicle prices got higher and I think they're less now than maybe what they were. 00:40:27
A few years ago, but. 00:40:34
The city was pretty close to being able to. 00:40:36
Vehicles at or above the price they paid for them. 00:40:39
If they had been purchasing them at a higher trim level. 00:40:44
And then using them for three years and then selling them. 00:40:48
And it was that analysis that convinced Jake and I think it a little bit more rigorous analysis even has been done now that you 00:40:52
can save money over the life cycle of the vehicle by leasing vehicles, using them for three years and then at the end of the three 00:40:58
years through a vendor. 00:41:04
Reselling those. 00:41:10
And then getting your new vehicles. 00:41:12
So the purpose of the higher trim is not. 00:41:15
Getting a nicer vehicle for city employees to use. 00:41:19
The purpose of the higher trim is you're. 00:41:23
Achieve a higher resale value when you resell that video that vehicle. 00:41:26
That they maintain their value and when you resell it, when you do the math, the life cycle cost is significantly less. 00:41:32
Doing it that way. 00:41:39
I can appreciate the appearance. 00:41:41
Yeah, if you have city vehicles that you know have. 00:41:44
Leather, trim and those kinds of things. But the cost truly, as you look at those analysis is a little bit less. 00:41:48
I just give an example Daria for your int. 00:41:56
The Forest Service. 00:41:59
Buys their General Motors trucks at the basis basic. 00:42:01
Bone dry. 00:42:07
They sell them at the end of three years and they lose money. 00:42:10
Every time. 00:42:14
OK, I made a motion. 00:42:19
I feel comfortable I need to approve consent items 6.2. 00:42:22
OK. First by Marty, second, second by Amber. All in favor. Aye, great. We'll move on to Planning Commission appointments. I know 00:42:29
that you have been working with Nathan. 00:42:34
What is this? His name is Nathaniel, right? And. 00:42:41
Council, you've met Nathan still as well and have the opportunity to talk. Marty. I don't know. Have you? Do you know Nathan 00:42:45
Steele? But you've worked with Pilar Spiel. Pilar. What's Pilar question. He's wonderful. He went through. 00:42:53
Process for the Planning Commission interviews and he did really well and he's just been on a back burner while I've been 00:43:03
gathering all of the information and getting ready to make this appointment. But I wanted to go ahead and do that tonight if you 00:43:07
guys feel comfortable. But I wanted to make sure that you all have the opportunity to get to know him quick before I made this 00:43:12
appointment. 00:43:17
He's not here tonight, so if you want more time I can push this to the next one. 00:43:23
I haven't met him, but if you guys all recommend him. 00:43:28
No, no, it's fine I. 00:43:32
Yeah, let's do it. Let's, let's push this up until the next one. OK. But Nathan, maybe you can even come and say a few words next 00:43:36
time. So all right, our one, our one kind act presentation we've been going through this week, but we're going to actually have 00:43:43
them come at our next meeting. So we'll move on to our business items 9.1, discussion and action. This is the adoption of the 00:43:50
Vineyard City fiscal year 2023, Dash 2024, Budget Amendment #1, Resolution 2023, Dash 41. 00:43:57
A public hearing was held for this item. 00:44:05
At our last council meeting. So we're going to have a brief update from our finance director and then we'll go ahead with a 00:44:07
motion. 00:44:11
Thank you, Mayor. Really quickly before I start on this item, I did want to briefly mention just one thing, an update. Our annual 00:44:16
budget document has been completed and is available on the website for anyone that wants to do that. 00:44:22
There's also a smaller document that's called the Citizens Budget, which is very simplified. These have a lot of graphs and pretty 00:44:29
things to look at, so anyone that's interested in looking at that document, it includes more than just numbers. It also includes 00:44:35
department goals, performance measures, and a lot of great information about the city and strategic goals and the direction we're 00:44:41
headed. So please go and take a look. 00:44:47
And then on this item, we have a few updates from the materials that were presented 2 weeks ago. So I'll just go through those 00:44:54
updates and if there's any questions about what was talked about two weeks ago or about these updates, I'm happy to answer any 00:44:59
questions. 00:45:04
The first addition to the amendment is some additional funds in our communications department to help with staffing of our library 00:45:09
part time, a part-time position to help with our children's library. 00:45:16
Also. 00:45:24
$42,000 for consulting services within our non departmental Contract services account. 00:45:28
And then in our capital projects, this was briefly mentioned last time, but carrying over phones that had been approved in the 00:45:37
fiscal year 23 budget that weren't fully used. This is $100,000 for capital projects as dictated by the council. 00:45:44
Other than that, everything else is the same as what was presented 2 weeks ago. I'm happy to answer any questions about. 00:45:54
Any other? 00:46:01
Can you go back up for a second? 00:46:04
I think I missed the library part. 00:46:07
Yeah, so the library board has requested additional help for the library. Currently we have one part time position, the staff 00:46:10
library in the afternoons. This would bring on an additional part time person. The number of hours is to be determined, but the 00:46:17
budget request is for a third time, so about 13 hours per week and the total there you can see with wages and retirement is just 00:46:25
over 16,000, almost 16 1/2 thousand dollars. 00:46:32
OK. So would we just be putting this into communications or? 00:46:43
I had met with you earlier and I didn't know if you made those changes. 00:46:47
Yeah. This is separate. So, yeah, we could pay for it out of communications. That's the supervisory department for the library or 00:46:51
we do have a separate library account that we could put it there. Either one, they're both in the general fund, so it would. 00:46:57
And the reason why I say it is just we haven't made any of these decisions yet on how we kind of want to move forward with that. 00:47:06
And so moving it into the ability to talk about it, but not necessarily itemizing it, I think it's important. 00:47:12
So council, I mean you can always chime in, but that's an important. 00:47:19
Aspect of this discussion for. 00:47:24
Additionally, we talked about upping some of the contract funds. Did you say that those were updated? 00:47:26
And then we'll go over the other ones and the perfect. 00:47:35
Any questions on the library? 00:47:43
All right, itemization. 00:47:46
OK. I'd like to see that. Just kind of move, I mean. 00:47:51
We're right now you would like it in the library. 00:47:55
If that's how we're going to use it, then that makes the most sense to budget for it in the library division. But if you want 00:47:59
flexibility of how to use those phones, we can put it in communications and still pay them out of that budget. 00:48:05
However, was it through communications before? 00:48:12
No, it's just that's who they were reporting to, right? They were working with, yeah. And so I just wanted to keep it in there so 00:48:15
that the communications people could work that out when they figured out what they're doing with that position, so. 00:48:21
I'd like to see it go in there just so that we don't spend it out of that budget, so that it doesn't automatically go into the 00:48:27
library in case we want to see it go somewhere else. So council, if you feel OK with that, I'd like to see that up and change. 00:48:33
But I need you to decide. 00:48:47
I feel good about that clarity. 00:48:52
Do we need to mention the things from the last meeting? 00:48:54
Quickly, I would prefer it. Oh, I don't think so. You don't think so? OK, no, because we already had a public hearing. Oh, that 00:48:58
was a public hearing. OK. I feel good with the clarification, and I feel good. 00:49:03
OK, other council members, because we're going to need three people. 00:49:10
You feel good about it? OK, then I just need a motion that sounds great. 00:49:16
Without stipulation. 00:49:21
I move to adopt resolution 202341 with the addition of clarification on the library position. 00:49:25
Is that sufficient? 00:49:33
Communication, the allocations of the communications of the communications department, Yeah. And that's the way it's presented in 00:49:35
this document. 00:49:39
I must not have understood it. I thought you were saying it was outside of that. That's perfect. 00:49:45
I apologize, David, for asking. That was unnecessary. No problem. I moved to adopt Resolution 202341 approving the Vineyard City 00:49:51
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget amendment Amendment #1 as presented by staff. 00:49:58
First by. 00:50:07
Can I get a second? 00:50:09
And I'm going to do a roll call Tice. Amber. Alright. I Marty. Hi Christy. Hi. Great item 9.2 is a public hearing, but this item 00:50:14
has been postponed on the 12 to 12/13/2023 City Council meeting. Do we need to make a motion to postpone it? 00:50:22
Yes, you do. OK. So I will need a motion. I move to postpone the public hearing for the Homesteads Pod One live work development 00:50:31
agreement to the December 13th, 2023 City Council meeting. Thank you, Marty. Can I just ask instead of postponing, use the word 00:50:36
continue. 00:50:40
I mean, I move to continue it. Can I get a second, second all in favor, aye? 00:50:46
McMahon really quick to just let you know. We did, we did reread notice just so that it was clear to the public too. So it's gone. 00:50:53
It's gone back out. Perfect. Thank you so much for that clarification. We just need a little bit more time. 00:50:59
9.3 is the consolidated fee schedule Public Hearing resolution 2023-48. What we'll do is we'll go into a public hearing and then 00:51:08
we'll let our finance director kick us off with us and going to discussion. So I need a motion to go into a public hearing. Thank 00:51:15
you, Tice. Second, second by Amber. All in favor. Aye, we're now in a public hearing. Go ahead, David. Thank you, Mayor. So just a 00:51:23
minor change to the consolidated fee schedule, this time in the business licenses area. We're adding a fire inspection. 00:51:30
And the amount is equal to arm fires fee as dictated in the ARM city fee schedule. There's also another area in the fee schedule 00:51:38
that in building inspection fees that references the same section. And and basically we're just updating it to say to see this fee 00:51:47
here. We do have representatives from the Orem fire department here to give us some brief information about the fire inspections. 00:51:56
Excellent. Do you want to come on? State your name. 00:52:05
Brandon Valley Orange Fire Department Fire Prevention Division. 00:52:10
So First off, I'd just like to attest to the importance of this program. 00:52:14
I know for a surety that that businesses that my inspectors and I have gone into, we have found safety concerns that would have 00:52:20
resulted in fire and potential injury to the business owner, to their employees, or to the customers that they serve. 00:52:28
So First off, just a quick. 00:52:37
And background on this this program was. 00:52:40
Using a third party billing company and the schedule that was approved at that time. 00:52:44
As the the program progressed, we received multiple comments from business owners and concerns. 00:52:51
Just talking about the program and so a few of those. Just a list. 00:52:56
It's too expensive. How do you justify the fee you charge because of the third party billing company? They work great for medical 00:53:01
billing. In hindsight might not have been the best choice for the inspection billing, but they said it feels like a scam because 00:53:08
it's a third party company. They asked why isn't my own city billing us? And then my favorite one is why isn't this be included in 00:53:14
my business license renewal process? Because that's the most comfortable option for the business owner. 00:53:21
As far as the financials? 00:53:29
We were collecting on the the previous program, we were collecting maybe one in five. 00:53:32
It was a 20% or, yeah, 20% collection, right. We're only collecting one in five. 00:53:38
Now by moving to the business license renewal process and attaching that fee to that, we now collect. 00:53:44
A lot more than that. My guess would be somewhere around like 44.5 out of five. And so because of that we can lower the price and 00:53:51
pass that that savings on to the end customer and so just really quickly at the low end for impact based home businesses. 00:53:59
It's over 60% savings. For the average retail commercial customer, it's over 30%. 00:54:09
And so they've moved from anywhere from 150 to 300, four $100 for their the past program to now it's 4680. 00:54:17
For the home occupation businesses and 9360 for the commercial businesses that wage or I mean that price that that's been placed 00:54:26
on that the new fee schedule that we've attached it's based on the mid level fire inspectors benefited wage. 00:54:35
And so as market increases happen, it'll also increase with that market increase. So it won't, it won't have to be adjusted. 00:54:44
Yeah. 00:54:53
Don't know how to explain that, but yeah, that's amazing. Thank you. That's perfect. Hopefully that makes sense. 00:54:55
But anyways. 00:55:01
It's offered, I mean it's allowed us to to solve so many of the problems that the OR the concerns that the business owners have 00:55:03
been given and I guess just open it up to questions. So thank you for streamlining that and making it so efficient. 00:55:11
We really appreciate that and obviously for the safety and protection, but also for welcoming our businesses and allowing that to 00:55:20
flourish too. That's pretty incredible. We appreciate that. Any any questions from the council? 00:55:25
Do you guys want to see them? They're really neat. I have one Nice to have. We can add it into the drop box as well. Come on up in 00:56:01
the past month. Yeah. Thank you. 00:56:05
Well, with that, if there are no other questions on that, David, is that the only thing on our schedule that you wanted to? Yes, 00:56:10
we're going to have more in the next meeting in December. There will be some more changes, but for now this is. 00:56:17
OK. Any questions from the public? 00:56:24
OK, then I'm going to take motion to guard up a public hearing. Second tie second by Marty. All in favor? Aye. I need a motion or 00:56:29
some discussion. 00:56:33
I'm happy to make a motion if everyone else is comfortable with. 00:56:38
All right, thanks, Maddie. Though, I move to adopt Resolution 2023-48, approving the consolidated fee schedule as presented by 00:56:41
staff and Oren Prairie, Can I get a? 00:56:46
Second by Tice and I'll do a roll call Tice. 00:56:53
Christy, All right, that brings us to 9.4 discussion action approval of the 2024 City Council meeting schedule. Normally this 00:56:59
would be on our consent, but we have a question about postponing a few dates. Did you want to describe the dates to us? 00:57:06
Valentine's Day. 00:57:15
And Pioneer Day. 00:57:17
OK, so Valentine's Day and Pioneer Day, do you guys going to go ahead and just cancel those meetings up front or see how you feel 00:57:20
when we get there? I like my marriage, so I would say cancel Valentine's Day. OK, Valentine's Day is gone. I like my children. So 00:57:25
that's all 24. 00:57:31
We have our schedule. I don't care about my family, but that's a lie. That's a lie. I'm just gonna. I love them all. We can be 00:57:37
together on the holidays. 00:57:41
All right, great. I'm gonna need a motion. 00:57:49
I moved to adopt resolution 2023 DASH 492024, City Council meeting schedule with the noted changes of removing counseling. Our 00:57:52
meetings on February 14th and July 24th. 00:57:59
OK, first by. 00:58:06
Second. Second by Amber, and I'll do a roll call, Tice. Amber. Aye, aye. Marty. Yay, Kristy. All right, that brings us to the end 00:58:08
of this meeting. I need a motion to adjourn. 00:58:13
Second, first by tie, second by Marty on favor. Our Rd. meeting will start in a few minutes. 00:58:20
Smart. 00:58:30
scroll up