Start Position
Mayor Julie Fullmer called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. Councilmember Cristy Welsh gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.     2.      Work Session No items were submitted.     3.      Public Comments Mayor Fullmer called for public comments.
Daria Evans, living in The Villas subdivision thanked Public Works for the benches at the trail. She was glad to see the Tabitha Way clothing bin and the bike racks. Ms. Evans expressed concerns about the city building being repurposed as a fire station, and that the school bus stop in front of the building could become dangerous, especially when fall comes. Ms. Evans read a letter dated 9/20/2023 addressed to the Mayor and City Council.
Russell Evans, living in The Villas subdivision stated that he had found that not many people were happy about the proposed Utah City plan. Mayor Julie Fullmer felt that there was confusion about the downtown development. She suggested that if residents would like to know what was happening in the city, they should attend Planning Commission and City Council meetings. She reviewed some of the plans the city was currently working on.
Allison Felshaw, living in The Preserves, asked if the city had made any progress in changing the traffic pattern at Vineyard Loop Road and Main Street, such as adding a roundabout. Public Works Director, Naseem Ghandour responded that they were looking into preliminary plans regarding a roundabout and explained different options that would help with traffic flow and what needed to be done to make a determination.
Bronson Tatton, with Flagborough wanted to address some items that resident Ms. Evans had brought up with Utah City. He wanted to make it clear that Utah City was in Vineyard City and that there were no plans to create their own city. He said they had made corrections to items on their website. He stated that the developers loved Vineyard City and there was no intent to make Utah City its own city.
Mayor Fullmer closed the comment section.     4.      Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS
Councilmember Rasmussen reported that the Tabitha’s Way box was in the parking lot, and that almost 2,000 households in Vineyard had used their services.
Councilmember Sifuentes reported on Staff Appreciation Week and wanted to remind everyone to celebrate the staff.
Councilmember Welsh reported on the progress of the water tank mural project currently being done.   5.      STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS
City Manager, Ezra Nair reported that there would be a time lapse of the work being done on the mural. He thanked the staff and gave his appreciation.
Mayor Fullmer reported that the transit map was updated, and that the city was having good discussions with the state. She stated that the Union Pacific Railroad discussion was coming together very well.     6.      CONSENT ITEMS 6.1.   Approval of the August 30, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes 6.2.   Approval of the September 13, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes 6.3.   Approval of the Brightly Software Contract (Resolution 2023-40) 6.4.   Approval of a Final Utah City Plat Phase One 6.5.   Approval of a Final Utah City Plat Phase Two
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion. Councilmember Welsh asked to pull items 6.4 and 6.5 from the consent for discussion. Mayor Fullmer asked if the council could approve items 6.1 through 6.3 and then go into a discussion on.
Mayor Fullmer opened the discussion for items 6.4 and 6.5.
Councilmember Welsh asked if Mr. Tatton would talk about what the plats.
Mr. Tatton spoke about plats one and two. He also reviewed the location of the grocery store, and the design stages.
Mayor Fullmer called for public comments.
Ms. Evans asked about a PUE and differences on the plats. Mr. Tatton gave a brief explanation of the differences on the plats. A discussion ensued.
Allison Felshaw stated her concerns about the number of apartments going into Utah City. Mayor Fullmer explained that this development was last voted on before most of the current council was serving. A discussion about Utah City ensued.
Resident Karen Cornelius, living in The Villas subdivision, asked if there was a specific number of doors for residences in Utah City. Mayor Fullmer replied that there was not a cap. Ms. Cornelius asked how that would be determined. Mr. Brim replied that the city did not have a specific number of units. He said that infrastructure would determine the number of units. A discussion ensued.
Motion: COUNCILMEMBER CRISTY WELSH MOVED TO APPROVE CONSENT ITEMS, 6.4 AND 6.5. COUNCILMEMBER FLAKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.   7.      Appointments 7.1.   Youth Council Advisor With the advice and consent of the city council, Mayor Fullmer will appoint Marisa Vaiaoga as a Youth Council Advisor.   Mayor Fullmer reviewed the appointment and called for a motion.
Mayor Fullmer read the names of the newly elected Youth Council for appointment.
Mayor Fullmer reviewed the appointment of Kyle Reyes to the ARCH Commission.
Mayor Fullmer stated that Bradley Fagg was previously serving on the ARCH Commission but would be moving to Planning Commission.
Mayor Fullmer read the proclamation.     9.      BUSINESS ITEMS No items were submitted.     10.  CLOSED SESSION No closed session was held. 11.  ADJOURNMENT
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: councilmember flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 PM. councilmember welsh seconded the motion. MAYOR FULLMER, COUNCILMEMBERS FLAKE, RASMUSSEN, SIFUENTES, AND WELSH VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.     MINUTES APPROVED ON:    October 11, 2023                  CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   /s/Heidi Jackman heidi jackman, deputy Recorder
Yeah. 00:00:05
All right. 00:00:28
Play. 00:00:38
Are we ready? Yes. OK. All right. Today is September 27th, 2023. It's Wednesday and the time is 604. And I'm going to call our 00:00:42
Vineyard City Council in session. We will start with. 00:00:49
Inspirational thought, invocation and pledge by Councilmember Welsh. 00:00:57
Our dear Heavenly Father, we're grateful to be gathered here this evening as Council members, Mayor, staff and our good residents 00:01:09
of our city. 00:01:14
We're grateful. 00:01:19
Be able to discuss the issues that face us and pray that we will make wise decisions and be able to. 00:01:21
Study Soviet issues through the data and make the best choice we can when we have those before us. 00:01:31
We also are so grateful for our city staff. We've been celebrating them this week and are so grateful for all that they do to 00:01:38
serve. 00:01:42
The residents of our city and know that their jobs they care very deeply about them and. 00:01:47
It shows in their work and asked that that will bless them for their efforts who say these things. In the name of Jesus Christ, 00:01:53
Amen. 00:01:56
I'll go ahead and open this up to our public comments. If you have something that you would like to address the council with that 00:02:20
is not currently on the agenda, please come up to the podium. State your name where you're from and we would love to hear from 00:02:25
you. 00:02:29
You ready? OK. My name is Daria Evans. I'm a Red Vineyard resident. Resident. Excuse me. 00:02:56
I'd like to thank have the Mayor, the council and staff for this opportunity to speak tonight. 00:03:04
I'd like to thank Public Works or the Parks and Recreation, whoever is in charge of the new 2 new benches. 00:03:09
At the Center St. trail. 00:03:17
Replacing the one single one. That's very nice. I really like that. Thank you. 00:03:20
It's a good improvement. 00:03:25
Also, it's a nice addition that happens the way donation clothing bin and also the. 00:03:27
Bike racks that are coming. 00:03:34
I am concerned though about. 00:03:36
The city building possibly being repurposed as a fire station. 00:03:40
I believe that the road is too narrow with that median in front and the roundabout is not too far away north. 00:03:46
And there is a school bus stop right there at that northwest corner of the property. I believe it could be a very dangerous 00:03:53
situation if a call comes in at the same time that children are getting on or off the bus or crossing the. 00:04:00
And. 00:04:09
I would like to now. 00:04:11
A litter. 00:04:13
I would like to make a item of public record. This is addressed September 20th, 19/20/23 to our dear Mayor Julie Fulmer and 00:04:17
Vineyard City Council. 00:04:23
Dear Mayor and Vineyard City Council. 00:04:30
At the Vineyard City Council meeting held on September 13th, 2023. 00:04:33
Russ and I both expressed concern in the public comments portion of the meeting on how the developers of Utah City Flagship 00:04:38
Companies and Woodbury Corporation are misrepresenting the Utah City development. 00:04:45
This topic has been on our mind since. 00:04:52
And we would like to further elaborate on our concerns and also provide examples of other deceitful claims that developers are 00:04:56
making on their website. 00:05:01
One of the more egregious. 00:05:07
Examples if they often refer to themselves as Utah City, Utah when it should be Utah City Vineyard, Utah. We have seen 3 examples 00:05:10
of this. 00:05:16
The first was on their website, where they listed the address of the development as 800 N Main St. Utah City, Utah. 00:05:22
I emailed Nate Hutchinson and Pete Evans at Flagship. Mr. Hutchinson made the correction. The second example is the announcement 00:05:31
of the grocery store. Again, the location was listed as Utah City, Utah. 00:05:38
And not Vineyard Utah. The third example is on their website. 00:05:45
And I can give you that address later, for which a third time list the location as Utah City, Utah. 00:05:51
With regards to two letter misrepresentations, I again emailed Nate Hutchinson and Pete Evans and received no replies and the 00:05:58
corrections have not been made. 00:06:04
We also have concerns with how the developer is stating falsehoods on the Utah website, they claim. 00:06:10
The home of the largest university in the state, Utah Valley University, this is untruthful. Utah Valley University is located in. 00:06:20
Their address is 800 W University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058. Utah Valley University does own over 200 acres in Vineyard, but it is 00:06:30
for the most part undeveloped. None of the acreage falls within the boundaries of Utah City. 00:06:39
The developer has also made several airiness claims about how many minutes. 00:06:49
Utah City is from the Salt Lake Airport, 35 minutes, Provo Airport, 10 minutes, Sundance, 15 minutes, Park City Ski resorts less 00:06:53
than an hour and Brigham Young University, 12 minutes. 00:07:00
Even under ideal truck driving. 00:07:07
While these times cannot be achieved while obeying traffic laws and speed limits. 00:07:12
Once Utah City is complete with all of the development congestion and focus on walkability, it may take several minutes just to 00:07:18
get out of Utah City. 00:07:23
It is obvious that the developers have Mr. Chris excuse me, This represented several significant items to the public as detailed 00:07:29
above and haven't corrected them on the two occasions when notified. We have concerns that if the developer is misrepresenting 00:07:35
things to the public. 00:07:41
They are also misrepresenting things to the mayor, City Council, city staff and residents of Vineyard City. 00:07:48
It is readily apparent that the developers are a grant as icing themselves over the city of Vineyard. 00:07:55
We are concerned that as a Utah city development unfold. 00:08:02
It will be a case of the tail wagging the dog. 00:08:07
And the last City Council meeting, it was stated that the city offices may move to Utah City. 00:08:11
In our opinion, this would only further the perception and reality of the Vineyard City being subservient and behold them to the 00:08:17
developers of Utah City. 00:08:22
We believe the powers that be in Vineyard City should proceed cautiously with the unfolding of Utah City and be watchful for more 00:08:28
falsehoods being promulgated by the developer that makes Utah City something it is not. 00:08:35
When appropriate, city staff and elected officials need to stand up. 00:08:43
And deny any requests that are detrimental to the quality of life of current and future residents of Vineyard. 00:08:48
We appreciate your consideration in this important matter. Sincerely, Russell and Daria Evans. 00:08:56
And I also have one more question. Will we be able to comment on any consent items tonight? 00:09:02
Thank you very much for your time. 00:09:12
Most elevens of the. 00:09:26
We're talking to discontinue with Utah City a little bit. 00:09:29
Talking with someone recently about it and they made an observation that. 00:09:33
Made sense to me. That, in that opinion is. 00:09:39
They said that, the people that. 00:09:42
Like in the preserves, the people that aren't going to be around, they don't care about Utah City. 00:09:44
You know, it's not a big deal with them, but the long term people that plan to be here for a while, for the most part don't want 00:09:50
it, don't want what is being a. 00:09:54
Being proposed and planned. So I just wanted to pass that on. I mean it just hidden more high density housing, more and more 00:10:00
traffic just. 00:10:05
Less more parking issues. 00:10:10
A lot of what we've seen before, so I just wanted that was his observation. 00:10:13
And I've. 00:10:17
One person in the village who is excited about Utah City. 00:10:19
The only. 00:10:24
The others. 00:10:27
Just aren't aren't excited about it and her son lives in Vineyard his with his wife and they're not for it either. They're not 00:10:28
excited about what's what's coming. So I just wanted. 00:10:33
To pass that on. So thank you very much. 00:10:38
I'm going to make a comment. 00:10:40
I think that that's OK You can go outside and sit down, Rose. I think that. 00:10:44
There is some confusion that a recent naming of the downtown. 00:10:50
There are many developments that are named and this has been they've been coming up with a name for the development, but this 00:10:56
development was passed a long time ago. 00:11:00
So it's not being proposed. New things aren't being deter. 00:11:05
This was built on from a long time ago. Early conceptions of this. 00:11:09
More, I guess more robust ones were put out in 2009 and then in 2015. And the last time this was voted on was in 2018 or 2019. 00:11:15
So this is something that the citizens took part in. They came to the planning groups and they worked on the project together. And 00:11:27
I I think that it's difficult when a name comes to it or pictures start coming out where people are conceptualizing something 00:11:34
about what it's going to look like, but we don't actually know what it's going to look like, what we do know. 00:11:42
Is that Huntsman Cancer Institute is going to be there because we put them on? 00:11:49
And we do know there's going to be a grocery store that's going to be there, but it's going to be driven by the market and the 00:11:54
industry that comes into the area. And so the images that are being put out by developers to attract businesses isn't something 00:12:00
that you can hold on to. And This is why I keep saying. 00:12:05
If you want to know what's coming, come to our Planning Commission, come to the City Council. That's what you're going to find as 00:12:12
a reality of what's happening and the plans that all of the citizens that have lived here a long time. I've lived here for almost 00:12:16
13 years. 00:12:21
Have been part of it and developing it and building it together and so I think, I think we can hold on to that as we. 00:12:26
As we look to the future and when we talk about congestion, we're simultaneously planning really good transportation networks 00:12:35
where we're creating crossroads that we're projecting out and working with engineers and UDOT and all of these people to make sure 00:12:42
that the traffic that we have today as we've been growing so rapidly isn't something we have to face in the future. 00:12:49
Think one of the hardships when you grow so fast as a community and the majority of your streets are owned by the Department of 00:12:56
Transportation of the state is that you don't get to have the access that you naturally would. And they're not typically planning 00:13:02
for 10,000% growth in a city. And so we've had to tell that story and share it. But I think we're there and the state is really 00:13:09
understanding that they need to build those roads. We just made a connection on 1600 N and we're connecting the Vineyard Connector 00:13:15
from 800 N. 00:13:21
To 1600 N. 00:13:28
And we're in discussions with getting a cross section on 1200 N and we are working on a new railroad agreement that's going to 00:13:29
open up some other cross sections that were shut down and just a couple of years ago. 00:13:35
We were able to get our air rights back, going to the Supreme Court and getting those air rights and working with Union Pacific 00:13:41
Railroad and get the Center St. overpasses. So it's coming and we're developing and that's something that we can look forward to 00:13:47
as the people of this community and something that we can work together on. Thank you. All right. Any more comments from the 00:13:52
public? Yes, please come and state your name and where you're from. 00:13:58
Good evening. My name is Allison Feldshire. I'm from the Preserves. Excuse me. I was here about a month ago when you guys laid out 00:14:05
the Transportation Master plan. I was really pleased to see all the plans and LA. 00:14:12
I think more immediate and then longer term and then even longer term. And I noticed the top ones, a lot of the immediate ones 00:14:20
were U dot responsibilities and the one that was vineyard responsibility was the Vineyard, Loop Rd. and Main Main Street. So I was 00:14:27
just curious, I know I mentioned this last time when I was here about looking into a roundabout or some something to help with 00:14:34
flow of traffic and I'm just curious what further investigation or information might be on what's been done in the last month. 00:14:41
Yes. 00:14:52
Hey Mr. How the Works Director. 00:14:57
In regards to that up the ground section when we have to identify the transportation master plan in order to get funds stores 00:15:00
we've looked into. 00:15:04
Preliminary plans of what? 00:15:10
Alternative Rd. would be like for example a roundabout to get a. 00:15:13
Perspective of the cost and the scope of work to be done. The low end of a roundabout in that particular intersection would be 00:15:18
about 1.5 million to about $2,000,000. That's not to include any kind of underground utilities that mainly would have it may have 00:15:23
to be moved and next step towards that would be having to. 00:15:29
Going towards hiring consultant engineering company to actually. 00:15:36
Develop some plans and some preliminary plans and scope of work actually say, OK, this is what we have and now we can actually put 00:15:41
price towards that and that's really what helps us make a determination of. 00:15:46
Financial feasibility as well, like obviously having to pay for it. 00:15:53
So we did look into the roundabout option to see wanted do we have a space for it and how how it work, how it affects traffic as 00:15:56
well as the cost associated with that. The consultant that that's working on a transportation match plan is including that as part 00:16:03
of their calculations in terms of how that will affect traffic because that's an important part of it. We wouldn't want to invest 00:16:11
money if the traffic flow gets worse and as well we've gone out got prices. 00:16:18
For constructing pedestrian crossing along the South side, which we'll be able to do earlier earlier on. 00:16:26
We did. There was some brief discussion about the traffic signal at that particular point. Guidelines state that traffic signals 00:16:35
should be spaced out approximately a mile apart, otherwise it causes traffic, brief traffic frustration and actually makes 00:16:41
situations worse on that. So that's the area that we would like to stay away from. 00:16:47
So ultimately what we'll do is we're having the Transportation Master Plan to solve them when they get to a far enough level. 00:16:55
Of the transportation Master plan to say if you have some calculations to say that this is where we're going to start solidifying, 00:17:03
we'll be able to see if we have funding. 00:17:08
This fiscal year to go out and do designs for whatever routes that we have is probably in best entrance for the public that will 00:17:14
provide safety for a pedestrian, safety for cars driving as well as not causing traffic. 00:17:21
Frustration. Traffic congestion as well on. 00:17:30
The short answer is we've looked at. We've got some options. 00:17:34
The longer answer is that we want to make sure that we put our reduction in road to make sure the option that we go with to 00:17:38
address the view player frustration. 00:17:42
Is going to be addressed properly, but the pedestrian frustration crossing safely of course, was going to be done rapidly faster. 00:17:47
OK, great. Thank you. Thanks. 00:17:55
Play. 00:18:03
Hi, Mayor and Council. 00:18:04
Oh, this one. Oh, with the green light. 00:18:06
Bronson Tatton with Flagborough. 00:18:08
With the developer of Utah City, I just, I don't want to turn this into a question answer period, But I did want. 00:18:13
Get up really quick and just address some of the things that Daria talked about. 00:18:19
And I also, I want to be very clear, Utah City is in Vineyard City, It's Utah City is the name. 00:18:24
Of our project, but it's not a city of itself and the intent or there are no plans to create our own. 00:18:32
City with its own zip code. 00:18:40
We are, we are. We love being in Vineyard City and that's that's our plan to stay in Vineyard City. 00:18:43
And and Daria was right, we did have some typos that that said Utah City, Utah, we actually mentioned we did correct those. If 00:18:48
there's still some though that we've missed, we'd love to know where those are at. 00:18:54
And we can get those corrected as well. 00:19:02
The the overall boundary of Utah city is from Geneva Road to Utah Lake and 1600 N to 800 N And so that property of UVU does sit 00:19:05
within Utah. 00:19:10
And so. 00:19:17
You know, I I do understand. 00:19:18
Its addresses in Orem, and you know we don't, we definitely don't want to misrepresent anything. 00:19:21
And so if we can be clear on that. 00:19:29
We'd love to articulate that better. And then as far as the travel times go, we did, we did map all those travel times to the 00:19:31
different destinations and I'm not sure of the locations that were used. 00:19:36
Within the project site but. 00:19:42
We can definitely look at those travel times and see if any of them are inaccurate, but at the time. 00:19:45
That we map those, those were those were the accurate times. 00:19:53
But just wanted to be very clear that. 00:19:58
We love Vineyard City. We love being in Vineyard City, and the intent is not to to be. 00:20:00
Our own city in and of itself, we we will be in Vineyard City and we're happy to be in Vineyard City. 00:20:07
Umm. 00:20:14
And maybe I'll have a chance to talk in a little bit with the final plots, but thanks for your time. Thank you. 00:20:16
OK. Any other comments? 00:20:23
All right, if they're not another no other comments, I'm going to close the public comment section and move on to mayor and 00:20:26
council member, reports Tice. 00:20:31
Amber, just to mention once again what Daria brought up the table with his way box. Out there they collect used clothing, which 00:20:38
they sell and then used to. 00:20:41
Provide food to the community. Almost 2000 households in Vineyard have used their services, so I'm excited that we have this 00:20:45
opportunity to get back and build a better community with them. Thank you, Marty. 00:20:52
Just as Christy mentioned, Staff Appreciation Week, so I know our stuff works really hard and we appreciate them so much. 00:21:01
So just reminding everyone to celebrate them. 00:21:07
As you walk by, say thank you anytime you feel the need. 00:21:11
OK, Christy. 00:21:15
I just wanted to let our public know that that mural project you've seen go through Council and Arts Commission the last few 00:21:18
months is being done currently. So if you have time, unfortunately the Lake Rd. that goes up there really easily is shut down 00:21:24
right now for construction. So the best way to get to it is by one of our beautiful trails to take a bike or walk up there. Then 00:21:30
you can drive around a long way. If you want to go to 1600 N but go check it out. It's really fun watching the painting get done 00:21:37
up there and it looks amazing. 00:21:43
While you're doing that, I was going to have the staff stand so we could platform. So why don't you guys all stand, including 00:22:23
yourself, Jamie? 00:22:26
You guys are amazing. We really appreciate it and our residents do too. 00:22:40
And we appreciate you guys as well, residents and the council. We appreciate y'all very much. 00:22:45
But nothing else for me. OK, great. 00:22:52
We had a really good transportation discussion. So we'll see those things coming through. Missing great update on what happened on 00:22:55
6600 N. 00:22:59
I wanted to let you guys know that the transportation, the transit map has been updated. So you guys should go take a look at 00:23:03
that. We've been having really good discussions at the state and. 00:23:09
Anyway, we'll have an opportunity to talk about that and also about our Union Pacific Railroad discussion that's looking like it's 00:23:17
coming together really well over the next couple of months. And if we need you to, we may have you come up and speak at one of the 00:23:23
interim session meetings. So be prepared for that. So that's good. 00:23:29
We'll go ahead and move into our consent items. Christy, you had. 00:23:37
Consent item you wanted to take off? Oh, let's see. My computer just shut down. 00:23:41
Yeah, it just sounds like that there would like to be a little bit of discussion about the plots we're talking about tonight. So I 00:23:48
would just move if the council wants to pull item 6.4 and five off. 00:23:53
OK, 6.4 and 6.5. Can we approve 123 first and then go right into discussion? 00:23:59
No. 00:24:06
Pop. 00:24:09
OK, so let's get a motion to approve 123. OK. So then I can make a motion to approve the consent items 6.16.2 and 6.3. OK. First 00:24:10
by Christy, second by Tice. Any discussion all in favor? Aye. All right, That brings us right into discussion of 6.4 approval of a 00:24:18
final Utah City plot, phase one. 00:24:26
So should I talk about it? 00:24:41
OK, great. So let me. 00:24:44
Not sure why our agenda this. 00:24:50
As a PDF. 00:24:53
I believe 6.4 we're discussing the plot in the downtown. It's like it's a lot 1. 00:24:55
And umm. 00:25:02
Really. 00:25:04
I know that some of our residents have some questions. 00:25:06
Mostly. 00:25:09
I feel like we do. Plots are fairly routine and so that's why they get put on consent items. 00:25:11
But it's a really good opportunity. 00:25:18
A lot of people coming to an awareness of our downtown, maybe for the first time, which is always interesting to me because I feel 00:25:21
like it's all we've talked about since. 00:25:25
I was first arrested here in 2014, but this is a good chance for us to have that discussion, so. 00:25:30
What I would love is to have probably have Bronson come up and maybe just discuss what's happening in these plots, but even more. 00:25:39
Maybe just share with. 00:25:48
Where this is in the project, what this plot is about. I know that it sits in the promenade, but maybe people don't have never 00:25:49
heard the word promenade Before you do that, could I put this on pause? I need to do the motion for the consent items again 00:25:56
because we need to do it by roll call. 00:26:02
So who was the first Christie? Christie was the first to approve Tice. 00:26:09
Was the 2nd to approve he. 00:26:15
Amber. Aye. Yay. Marty. Yay, Christy. All right, now, Bronson, you can. 00:26:18
Start discussing wherever you want. I was like, where are you? 00:26:27
There we go. 00:26:31
That's a 6.4. I was just telling Morgan maybe we could pull up, unless you have it in like a staff report, but maybe just the 00:26:32
zoning code and we can look at the district map. 00:26:36
And I can point to where these plots are located. 00:26:42
So plat number one that is Main Street coming from. 00:26:50
You know main the existing Main St. as it comes into 800 N vineyard connector. 00:26:57
Plat One is the extension of Main Street up to. 00:27:03
An open space parcel that we. 00:27:06
Lovingly call the square about. That's the first piece of open space that's getting plotted. 00:27:09
Yeah, so the square about works kind of like a roundabout, but it's. 00:27:16
It's not round, it's. It's actually more rectangular, but we call it the square about. 00:27:20
It's a It's like a public square. That's how we plan. 00:27:25
On designing. 00:27:29
Morgan, maybe you? 00:27:31
Yep. So Main Street goes N it goes to this square about, and then it also goes. 00:27:33
Down a street that we call it Utah City Promenade that goes to the train station. 00:27:41
And then it loops around back to the South. 00:27:47
Back back to Main Street and that's currently where the UTA. 00:27:51
Temporary parking lot is and the platform is well, you can see the train station in red over there on the right. So that's that's 00:27:55
Plat #1 main. 00:28:00
Up to the square about and then it comes back around and loops into Main Street. So this is the area we already have traffic on. 00:28:05
Yep. So those roads, all the infrastructure. 00:28:13
Those. 00:28:17
Constructed and. 00:28:18
The roads are open except for the Utah City promenade that that is. The plan for that is that's going to be like our. 00:28:20
Our retail St. will have restaurants along that street and. 00:28:27
That's going to be a really special St. and so we held that connection off so we could make sure that we get the design. 00:28:33
Umm. 00:28:41
The office of James Burnett is our landscape architect that is currently designing that section of Rd. 00:28:42
But we wanted to complete this this loop in the plat to create that lot #1 we we actually don't have. 00:28:48
Any construction drawings for anything going in Lot 1, which is? 00:28:57
The one big parcel that's just right in the middle of the road. 00:29:01
We are working on some schematic designs there, but we've actually put those on hold. 00:29:06
And are focusing on the grocery store block, which is block number four, which is created by plot #2. 00:29:11
If you want to jump back to this, then Plateau is essentially that West side of of Main Street, I'll jump to that. That's right. 00:29:18
So there's a couple of roads that that kind of complete the loop. 00:29:24
Yeah, you can see the square back here. Square about right here, some reference section. 00:29:31
Yep, so. 00:29:37
The West. 00:29:44
The other. 00:29:48
I'm like, am I telling, am I giving you the right directions? Yep, right there where the arrow is, that's where the grocery store 00:29:52
is. We are at a schematic design level on the the grocery store. 00:29:58
So. 00:30:05
These words may be a little firm, but we go through schematic design. It's kind of conceptual. We're looking at block layouts and 00:30:07
massings in the block. 00:30:10
And then once we're we like where we're at, then we move it into design development. 00:30:14
And then design development goes to construction drawings. 00:30:21
We will usually bring in the plans at the design development stage. 00:30:27
And so we're hoping to bring that in as soon as possible, as soon as our architects can get to that stage, we'll bring in the 00:30:32
grocery store for a site plan approval and then. 00:30:36
Planning Commission, Correct. Yep, I go to the Planning Commission. 00:30:41
But we could also bring it to council if council wants to see it in a work session or something, we'd be happy to do that. 00:30:45
And then? Then we'll move into construction drawings and. 00:30:51
The end. 00:30:56
What we're doing construction drawings for is obviously to build it, but then those plans are what goes into the building 00:30:58
department for building permit. 00:31:01
So those are kind of the stages. Final plot can kind of fall in any of those design stages, but because blocks five and six are 00:31:05
under construction, we now need to create those legal lots. 00:31:11
For a lot of different reasons, but this plan is coming forward mostly because of block five and six that are under construction. 00:31:19
Have a lot of information any? 00:31:28
No, I had got sprayed. That was helpful for me to understand a little bit more what's going on over there. 00:31:31
Darius, did you have a question? Do you want to come to the microphone? 00:31:38
Thank you. We just need to get you on record. OK. Thank you. 00:31:42
What is a? 00:31:48
Of Plat One. It says Main Street is a private road and a pu E and then a flat two. It doesn't say anything, so I'd like to know 00:31:51
what the difference is. Thank you. 00:31:55
Yes, PUE stands for Public Utility Easement. So that just means that utilities can run through that area. 00:32:00
So that's kind of how we. 00:32:08
Make sure that any utilities that are going in ahead of any buildings, we reserve that area for utilities to be there so that if 00:32:11
we were to bring a building in, we couldn't say. 00:32:17
Hey Rocky Mountain Power, you need to move all your facilities because we want that land to build in and so we and it wouldn't 00:32:22
show it on the second plot because the second plot is is for the the area West and so Main Street is part of the the first 00:32:29
Platinum Phase one and so yeah it it shows up in Plat 2 but it's getting platted. 00:32:36
Around it. 00:32:45
Utilities are in it. Then it becomes a public look. It's not private anymore. The. Yeah, yeah. 00:32:48
Right. Right now it's planned to be private, but we're in discussions with the city. 00:32:55
On what these roads Are they going to be public? Are they going to be private? So the easier path forward was to make them 00:33:00
private. 00:33:04
While we workout, if they're going to be public or private in regardless of being public or private, they would still be 00:33:08
accessible by the public. 00:33:12
Yep. 00:33:16
OK. That was great. 00:33:21
Part of the reason why I want to pull this up to give again if residents have any questions about the downtown, this is a really 00:33:24
good opportunity just to we don't have a lot on the identity tonight. So last call if you just are curious, you want to ask 00:33:28
something? 00:33:32
I'm just mostly curious about apartments. I worry about I I heard I think apartments were maybe not in these plots but in in the 00:33:38
area. And I think, you know, there's a lot of great options and great things. I think that like Huntsman, I think that's a really 00:33:46
great investment and like awesome investments to bring the city's value up. I feel like apartments may not be on that list of 00:33:53
things that would increase value in this city. So I do worry about that. So if that's an option to be looked at, maybe we could. 00:34:01
I just wanted to throw that out. 00:34:09
I would say that, like I said, this was last voted on before. 00:34:12
A majority of the people sitting here were. 00:34:17
After the two of us, but the business is to make it viable. The housing is part of the plan and it's multi. It's, it's an excuse. 00:34:22
Did you want to talk about the mixed-use and how it provides value to the area? 00:34:30
2009 And then there there was some amendments, but basically the entitlements were provided a long, long time ago. Prior to this 00:34:39
counselor or anything else, most staff except Sullivan was probably here. 00:34:46
He knows. He knows where all the skeletons are located, and so they and so the. 00:34:56
The zoning ordinance was written is that it provides a kind of a lot of variety of different different house housing types and so 00:35:03
it allows single family. You're probably not going to see a lot of that, but I, the developer did. 00:35:11
Amend the code in 2019 to add single family back in so that they could do single family. 00:35:20
It allows for live work units where you could have like a shop on the ground floor and and live above it. It allows for condos for 00:35:28
just like your traditional flats. They're also doing some pretty unique housing types, something that's called. 00:35:34
A stacked. 00:35:43
Row house and so it's essentially 2 townhomes that that that are on top of each other. So within within the unit you would have 00:35:45
stairs, it would be like a two floor unit. 00:35:49
So, so it gives you kind of like a larger counterfeit. 00:35:55
And you know apartments and then like large condos. So I think there there there will be you know a lot of multi family, but it 00:36:00
provides a really large range of multifamily and it's not just, it's not like an apartment like you would see with the alloys or 00:36:06
something like that. So there's design standards there's. 00:36:13
What they call form based code that helps dictate kind of like have the orientation of the buildings, the number of of of windows 00:36:22
and that and that kind of stuff. And I just point out too. 00:36:27
Helped us land husband Cancer Institute it's first of all like the open space and network throughout the the plan they they really 00:36:33
loved the connections to to the lake and also like the promenade and just all the the park spaces that are in there that was 00:36:38
really important to them. The other thing too is. 00:36:44
The just a variety of houses then that was really important because they have everything from your student like interns all the 00:36:50
way up to you know, your your doctors who have who've been working in the field for, you know, 30 years. And so they it to them it 00:36:57
was really important to have a really large range of housing types so that they could serve their full, you know. 00:37:04
An employee base and customer, basically a lot of their, a lot of their patients are there long term and they're the families, you 00:37:12
know, a lot of times common they they have long stays. 00:37:16
Thank you for your question. Thanks for that morning. OK. 00:37:23
Doesn't look like we have any other comments on 6.4 if you want to go ahead and approve. 00:37:28
46 point. 00:37:32
Come on up, Karen. 00:37:39
Karen Cornelius, I'm. 00:37:49
I'm just curious, do we have a number for the number of doors that we will have for? 00:37:51
Residences in Utah City. 00:37:58
We. 00:38:01
OK, how will that be determined and what input will this city have with determining that? 00:38:03
The residents of the city. 00:38:09
So just like like we talked about back in the 2008 and then the 2015 the zoning code was put in place that that provided the 00:38:13
entitlements. And so we don't we don't necessarily have the ability to control the number of units but we do approve utilities and 00:38:20
so they they have to have the the, the road network that that can meet just your your standard requirements the City Council has 00:38:28
like requirements for for sewer, for water capacity, for storm water. 00:38:35
So there's there's a lot of elements from you have from that end so that we can't approve more units in water. Our system is gonna 00:38:43
stop. Once again, it's up to the developer. Then it's out of the hands of the residents and the taxpayers. It's up to the 00:38:49
developer how many doors will exist. 00:38:54
OK, well that I'm I'm missing something. I understand that it's based on. 00:39:01
The utility cap. 00:39:06
But I also. 00:39:09
We're going to get way out of control with numbers and that's my concern. And so I want to know how that number will be 00:39:11
determined. 00:39:15
Price, did you have a comment? 00:39:20
It is a number that fluctuates by the availability of. 00:39:24
Power. 00:39:29
Water and sewer. 00:39:30
Once we reach the limit of our sewer capacity, there's no more doors. 00:39:32
So what is the sewer capacity that we are trying to establish? I guess that's my question. It depends upon the sewer district. 00:39:37
We don't. 00:39:45
So they'll tell us. So in other words, Vineyard has lost control of Vineyard. That's what it sounds to me as. 00:39:48
As a President development. 00:39:56
There are multiple indices that control development. Just development. 00:39:59
One of them is our code that we. 00:40:05
That's in place, as he's not. 00:40:09
And it sets. 00:40:11
OK. The other is the capacity of sewer. 00:40:13
You know, there's availability of water, which we buy or we don't have, so we control that. 00:40:16
OK, Rose. 00:40:23
The availability of Rd. space for people to travel. 00:40:26
We control. 00:40:30
OK, so we have some controls. Developers have some controls. This is a property right? State. 00:40:31
When they bought that property, they have certain guaranteed rights of development. 00:40:38
The Legislature makes those rules, not. 00:40:44
OK, so this is a complex answer. It's not as simple. 00:40:48
As the developer can do what they want. No, they can't. Well, they've seen the developer in the state and the utilities. They can 00:40:53
do what they want and Vineyard residents then we're just kind of. 00:40:58
Observers I would, I would can I add to that I would say this. 00:41:04
If you want to frame the question or the statement that you don't have any control right now as to what is going to be developed 00:41:09
there, yes, you are right. 00:41:14
That has been decided. 00:41:19
But. 00:41:20
If you want to ask if the residents had control over what they wanted there. 00:41:21
Yes, they did. And they chose the constraints. They made the ordinances, they designed the area and they chose that control. They 00:41:27
put in the standards. And just like any other area in the city, they said Okay, the developer has to be able to build within this 00:41:33
boundary. 00:41:39
Have we given this over to the developers to just run our city as if we gave up all of our rights? No, The people took control. 00:42:18
They planned it out, they designed it and now we are here and do we have opportunities? 00:42:25
Sure. We have opportunities to say, hey, it looks like you're coming in and out of those constraints. This is where we need you to 00:42:30
go get water. This is where we're going to come in and say you need to buy this much water. In order to facilitate this, we're 00:42:36
going to say actually we we have standards for the roads. We want this condition to happen. Here are some design standards. We'll 00:42:41
have some opportunities and Planning Commission to go over our site plans. 00:42:47
And we'll have opportunities with our parking. This is another thing, another standard and constraint that we put out. We do not 00:42:52
want them to build to a certain capacity if they cannot park the people and move the people. Something that we found in 2015 and 00:42:59
in 2017 and 2018 was that we said, OK, there were places that were put in that they thought could fill the capacity. But now we 00:43:06
know the growth in a different way. All this new data is poured in. So we're saying. 00:43:13
We're going to set a new standard, which is we're not going to just entitle you to parking. 00:43:20
And establish parking so that you can move the people through the city. 00:43:56
And we will not let it go and in 2019 when we went through this, we said we are going to invest the significant of money to 00:43:59
parking structures. 00:44:03
And so we're saying not only do we want to alleviate those constraints and say we want crossroads where people can come in and 00:44:38
buy, because we want to be able to say not only did we take the land and restore it. 00:44:43
But now we want to diversify that tax base so we can make it a better place in a viable city, and those are the constraints, but 00:44:50
we took hold. 00:44:53
We did it thoughtfully and we continue to be thoughtful. So those are the things that we have power over today. Tyson, sorry, I 00:44:57
don't know if you want to add anymore. 00:45:02
There was a developer that was not allowed to proceed because it didn't meet those codes after three months of trying to. 00:45:07
Shoehorn that into here, Well, I would just like to share the new resident of two years. 00:45:15
We came here with the knowledge and understanding and that was our knowledge and our understanding and perhaps not what has been 00:45:22
here, that this would be a community of 24,000 people. 00:45:28
And that was very enticing to us. And especially when you look at the fact that there's only about four square miles of 00:45:34
inhabitable space here, that's still a lot of people. 00:45:39
And now to. 00:45:45
That we have no idea how many doors we're going to have. We have no idea how many more people were going to add to this. 00:45:47
Really is frightening to me and I don't. 00:45:53
I mean, we were sold the idea. 00:45:56
Downtown was going to be a beautiful promenade, a place to gather and. 00:46:00
And then when I saw the renderings and particularly the video. 00:46:04
Of these high rise buildings with cars that look microscopic based on the size of the buildings. 00:46:08
That's terrifying to me because that's. 00:46:14
What I bought and so I hope you can understand why the resistance exists because. 00:46:18
This is not where we thought we were going. So I thank you for your time. I want to say I totally hear you and I understand that. 00:46:25
And I want you to know that the one thing that we do put a lot of emphasis and time into is saying that we do want open space. We 00:46:31
do want gathering places, We do want it to be safe. We are focused on safety. We're focused on movability, mobility, moving people 00:46:37
in their cars, moving people right now. 00:46:44
That's right, because because we've got two exits like I was doing at the beginning of this meeting. 00:46:50
Where we have to deal with state infrastructure and we are making and we are moving tracks lines and we are making massive 00:46:55
headway. It may not feel that way but it's Supreme Court battles it's up us up at the federal level it's up getting tax exempt 00:47:02
statuses removed from the railroad. It's it's a conversation that for a little city you wouldn't imagine it but our local roads 00:47:08
we've got them. We're moving them. We're putting them in. 00:47:14
And we're connecting them into state infrastructure. So I get where you're coming from, handle what we have now. But when you add 00:47:21
another $20,000, what are we going to have? Karen and I, I hear you. And that's why I'm saying you're going to love seeing the 00:47:26
transportation plan. You're going to see the amount of people that come and that are able to live here and move here and the 00:47:32
constraints that ties the same. 00:47:37
I can. 00:48:20
That's why I'm saying focus on what's coming in and what's happening, but I can tell you from a resident that's been here for 13 00:48:21
years. 00:48:24
In 1989, this was a. 00:48:28
And you would be living next to a large scale mill and the 2nd that that steel mill went away. 00:48:31
This was never going to be a study with 24,000 residents and that is why. 00:48:37
Original families knew they had to change, knew they had to start making different plans, Created a transit district, created 00:48:44
these different hubs and family members of your family members all the way until 2019, created what is here today because it was 00:48:51
what was going to allow us to restore the land and create the city. And so no matter what story came or went, this is what had to 00:48:59
happen in order for Vineyard to be the city that it is today and to and to restore the area. And that's why I was saying. 00:49:06
The Great. 00:49:14
Is. 00:49:15
You may be new and we're going to make it as quality of life as humanly possible while we're here, but the great news is that the 00:49:17
people who have been here have been involved. 00:49:21
And it's going to be hard. And we're going to have to all, like, buckle down. 00:49:56
We have the funding. We have the capacity. We have people building it. And so that's the excitement of it. They're they're growing 00:50:00
pains. One last question and I will end and you don't even have to answer it, but it will seem to me like if it was never going to 00:50:06
be 24,000 people, why weren't these roads and these, these entrances and exits to Vineyard thought about beforehand and not after 00:50:12
the fact? Why were they not built to, to accommodate that in the beginning? Yeah. And that is a great question and I'll tell you 00:50:18
the two things. 00:50:23
It is state infrastructure that did not anticipate the growth and the second thing and probably the more important is we are at 00:50:29
these. 00:50:34
Crossroads of Rail and even though the people that came before me and I served with these family members, I served with Mayor 00:50:39
Farnworth. 00:50:43
They tried to fight the railroad and opened up those crossings. They went to the Supreme Court to try to get their air rights and 00:50:48
it wasn't until a new council came and was able to take the tax exempt status away from the railroad that we actually got to land 00:50:55
the Centre St. overpass we were building off site. 00:51:02
Waiting for their tax exempt status to be taken. 00:51:08
Signed the paperwork and were able to move that bridge on site. So even if they wanted to plan it at the time they were not 00:51:11
allowed to do it. And so now today we're saying we have a new ability to make negotiations. We're going to open them all and we 00:51:18
are all of those cross sections we that's what we're doing. That's why we reopened the Union Pacific Railroad contract and we're 00:51:25
opening them and we're coming up with ways to make sure that this is the most. 00:51:32
Umm easily. 00:51:39
Moved you can move people through our cars faster than any other community. We're going to, we're going to do the best that we can 00:51:41
and that's that's the story. OK one last question, one last statement that I take I mean. 00:51:48
You said they didn't anticipate. 00:51:55
That. 00:51:58
Kind of bites after you said it was never anticipated be 24,000 and now I said UDOT didn't anticipate the growth and there's 00:52:01
nothing we can do about it. 00:52:06
You don't refuse to make it four leg. 00:52:13
We asked for it. 00:52:16
They said you'll never have that traffic. 00:52:18
I can't make those choices. It belongs to the state. I can't make Union Pacific give us the right away. And I think maybe we need 00:52:21
to go with what the state anticipated with the smaller city. Thanks. 00:52:27
Well, I don't think that's what they anticipated. I think they thought they were going to build these roads for this. 00:52:34
In 12 years from now. 00:52:40
That's another discussion for another day. It's something that I think everybody in the city should understand that the state is 00:52:43
growing at a rate that none of us anticipated. 00:52:47
That is why they are telling the story throughout the entire state. That is why they're changing all the laws and the codes and 00:52:52
talking about affordable housing. And if you want to get involved in this conversation, while it's a good conversation to be in 00:52:58
for infrastructure and road networks here, this is a conversation that you need to go have at the state with your state leaders 00:53:05
and you need to be having with your dot and the people that are conducting those data points, all right. 00:53:11
I think we're still on 6.4. 00:53:18
And if that's the case, I need a motion. 00:53:21
Did we talk about both of them? We did talk about both of them. I didn't. I don't know if we opened it up officially, but we did 00:53:26
talk about both of them. OK? For the audience, if you didn't know, we talked about 6.5. We did talk about 6.5. Can we make a 00:53:32
motion about those at the same time? And do we refer to them as consent items? 00:53:37
Or items. OK, so I moved to approve items 6.4 and 6.5. Do I need a roll call? 00:53:44
OK, First by Christie, second by Tice. All in favor? Aye. Any opposed? All right. 00:53:53
We will go ahead and do some appointments. 00:53:58
We have a new Youth Council advisor. Her name is Marissa. 00:54:01
Sorry, Marissa, I. 00:54:06
She was very happy to serve. She's looking forward to working with the youth and we are so happy to have her. At some point in the 00:54:10
future we will go ahead and appoint her. I mean, we will swear her in, but I need a motion to approve her in the same position. 00:54:17
I move. 00:54:24
Marissa as Youth Council advisor, Versailles, Amber Second by Christie, All in favor. 00:54:26
And I need a motion to approve. 00:55:05
So moved. Thank you Christy 2nd, 2nd. 00:55:07
Mart. 00:55:10
All in favor? Aye. All right. Arts Commission. We have been having so much excitement with the Arts Commission. As you heard, we 00:55:11
are in the middle of painting the largest mural in Utah. It's got Vineyard right on it on 1600. Hopefully you'll have a chance to 00:55:18
go see it. If not, like Ezra said, we have a, what is it called, a time time lapse of it. We have another person that we will be 00:55:24
appointing to. I think it's an alternate position. And that's Kyle Reyes and he's very excited to serve. I just need a motion to 00:55:30
approve. 00:55:36
I did speak to kind of very excited. 00:55:47
OK, second. OK, First by Chrissy, second by Marty. All in favor, Aye. Excellent. 00:55:51
Umm, Planning Commission appointment. Bradley *** was actually serving on our Arts Commission. He is now moving to our Planning 00:55:57
Commission. That's exciting. He's been really involved in helping the the city, so I just need a motion to approve that as well. 00:56:04
So moved. All right, first by Andrew, second by Tice. All in favor, Aye. All right. 00:56:13
We are going to have going. We will go ahead and read the Source Water Protection Week proclamation. 00:56:20
Let's see if I can find it. 00:56:29
Play. 00:56:32
Go. 00:56:36
Whereas the health and prosperity and quality of life of Vineyard City, Utah citizens and community depends on a reliable supply 00:56:43
of safe, high quality drinking water sourced from the aquifers within Vineyard Cities, snow packs of Wasatch and Ohio into the 00:56:49
mountain range. Whereas protecting our drinking water is essential to preserve our own health and economy and that of future 00:56:56
generations, whereas we strive to build opportunities and work together to ensure clean safe. 00:57:02
Insert insert clean, safe source water for all. Whereas Vineyard City residents are encouraged to recognize this precedence 00:57:09
precious precious resource and help conserve the watersides that are the lifeblood of Utah Lake and our water supply protect. 00:57:16
Protect our shared water resource from police and practice water conservation. Become involved in local water issues and plan to 00:57:25
protect water for future community health and economic fatality. Whereas Vineyard City is immensely grateful for the unwavering 00:57:31
dedication and tireless, tireless efforts of the Vineyard City Public Works Utility staff who work around the clock 24 hours a 00:57:37
day, seven days a week to ensure the delivery of clean water to Vineyard City residents. 00:57:44
Now, therefore, as the Mayor of Vineyard. 00:57:51
I do hear hereby proclaim the dates from September 24th to the 30th, 2023 as Source Water Protection Week and Vineyard City, Utah, 00:57:53
emphasizing our interconnectedness with Utah Lake, recognizing the invaluable support of the Utah Department of Water Quality and 00:58:01
the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and expressing our profound gratitude to the Vineyard City Public Works Utility staff 00:58:08
whose dedication ensures the continuous provision of clean water to Vineyard City residents. 00:58:16
Urge all Vineyard residents to join in supporting this observation and this is dated today. 00:58:24
Go ahead and. 00:58:30
All right. And I believe that brings us to the close of our meeting. 00:58:33
So I will ask for a motion to adjourn 1. 00:58:37
All in favor. 00:58:43
Felt like you guys were hesitating like you wanted to say. 00:58:45
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Yeah. 00:00:05
All right. 00:00:28
Play. 00:00:38
Are we ready? Yes. OK. All right. Today is September 27th, 2023. It's Wednesday and the time is 604. And I'm going to call our 00:00:42
Vineyard City Council in session. We will start with. 00:00:49
Inspirational thought, invocation and pledge by Councilmember Welsh. 00:00:57
Our dear Heavenly Father, we're grateful to be gathered here this evening as Council members, Mayor, staff and our good residents 00:01:09
of our city. 00:01:14
We're grateful. 00:01:19
Be able to discuss the issues that face us and pray that we will make wise decisions and be able to. 00:01:21
Study Soviet issues through the data and make the best choice we can when we have those before us. 00:01:31
We also are so grateful for our city staff. We've been celebrating them this week and are so grateful for all that they do to 00:01:38
serve. 00:01:42
The residents of our city and know that their jobs they care very deeply about them and. 00:01:47
It shows in their work and asked that that will bless them for their efforts who say these things. In the name of Jesus Christ, 00:01:53
Amen. 00:01:56
I'll go ahead and open this up to our public comments. If you have something that you would like to address the council with that 00:02:20
is not currently on the agenda, please come up to the podium. State your name where you're from and we would love to hear from 00:02:25
you. 00:02:29
You ready? OK. My name is Daria Evans. I'm a Red Vineyard resident. Resident. Excuse me. 00:02:56
I'd like to thank have the Mayor, the council and staff for this opportunity to speak tonight. 00:03:04
I'd like to thank Public Works or the Parks and Recreation, whoever is in charge of the new 2 new benches. 00:03:09
At the Center St. trail. 00:03:17
Replacing the one single one. That's very nice. I really like that. Thank you. 00:03:20
It's a good improvement. 00:03:25
Also, it's a nice addition that happens the way donation clothing bin and also the. 00:03:27
Bike racks that are coming. 00:03:34
I am concerned though about. 00:03:36
The city building possibly being repurposed as a fire station. 00:03:40
I believe that the road is too narrow with that median in front and the roundabout is not too far away north. 00:03:46
And there is a school bus stop right there at that northwest corner of the property. I believe it could be a very dangerous 00:03:53
situation if a call comes in at the same time that children are getting on or off the bus or crossing the. 00:04:00
And. 00:04:09
I would like to now. 00:04:11
A litter. 00:04:13
I would like to make a item of public record. This is addressed September 20th, 19/20/23 to our dear Mayor Julie Fulmer and 00:04:17
Vineyard City Council. 00:04:23
Dear Mayor and Vineyard City Council. 00:04:30
At the Vineyard City Council meeting held on September 13th, 2023. 00:04:33
Russ and I both expressed concern in the public comments portion of the meeting on how the developers of Utah City Flagship 00:04:38
Companies and Woodbury Corporation are misrepresenting the Utah City development. 00:04:45
This topic has been on our mind since. 00:04:52
And we would like to further elaborate on our concerns and also provide examples of other deceitful claims that developers are 00:04:56
making on their website. 00:05:01
One of the more egregious. 00:05:07
Examples if they often refer to themselves as Utah City, Utah when it should be Utah City Vineyard, Utah. We have seen 3 examples 00:05:10
of this. 00:05:16
The first was on their website, where they listed the address of the development as 800 N Main St. Utah City, Utah. 00:05:22
I emailed Nate Hutchinson and Pete Evans at Flagship. Mr. Hutchinson made the correction. The second example is the announcement 00:05:31
of the grocery store. Again, the location was listed as Utah City, Utah. 00:05:38
And not Vineyard Utah. The third example is on their website. 00:05:45
And I can give you that address later, for which a third time list the location as Utah City, Utah. 00:05:51
With regards to two letter misrepresentations, I again emailed Nate Hutchinson and Pete Evans and received no replies and the 00:05:58
corrections have not been made. 00:06:04
We also have concerns with how the developer is stating falsehoods on the Utah website, they claim. 00:06:10
The home of the largest university in the state, Utah Valley University, this is untruthful. Utah Valley University is located in. 00:06:20
Their address is 800 W University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058. Utah Valley University does own over 200 acres in Vineyard, but it is 00:06:30
for the most part undeveloped. None of the acreage falls within the boundaries of Utah City. 00:06:39
The developer has also made several airiness claims about how many minutes. 00:06:49
Utah City is from the Salt Lake Airport, 35 minutes, Provo Airport, 10 minutes, Sundance, 15 minutes, Park City Ski resorts less 00:06:53
than an hour and Brigham Young University, 12 minutes. 00:07:00
Even under ideal truck driving. 00:07:07
While these times cannot be achieved while obeying traffic laws and speed limits. 00:07:12
Once Utah City is complete with all of the development congestion and focus on walkability, it may take several minutes just to 00:07:18
get out of Utah City. 00:07:23
It is obvious that the developers have Mr. Chris excuse me, This represented several significant items to the public as detailed 00:07:29
above and haven't corrected them on the two occasions when notified. We have concerns that if the developer is misrepresenting 00:07:35
things to the public. 00:07:41
They are also misrepresenting things to the mayor, City Council, city staff and residents of Vineyard City. 00:07:48
It is readily apparent that the developers are a grant as icing themselves over the city of Vineyard. 00:07:55
We are concerned that as a Utah city development unfold. 00:08:02
It will be a case of the tail wagging the dog. 00:08:07
And the last City Council meeting, it was stated that the city offices may move to Utah City. 00:08:11
In our opinion, this would only further the perception and reality of the Vineyard City being subservient and behold them to the 00:08:17
developers of Utah City. 00:08:22
We believe the powers that be in Vineyard City should proceed cautiously with the unfolding of Utah City and be watchful for more 00:08:28
falsehoods being promulgated by the developer that makes Utah City something it is not. 00:08:35
When appropriate, city staff and elected officials need to stand up. 00:08:43
And deny any requests that are detrimental to the quality of life of current and future residents of Vineyard. 00:08:48
We appreciate your consideration in this important matter. Sincerely, Russell and Daria Evans. 00:08:56
And I also have one more question. Will we be able to comment on any consent items tonight? 00:09:02
Thank you very much for your time. 00:09:12
Most elevens of the. 00:09:26
We're talking to discontinue with Utah City a little bit. 00:09:29
Talking with someone recently about it and they made an observation that. 00:09:33
Made sense to me. That, in that opinion is. 00:09:39
They said that, the people that. 00:09:42
Like in the preserves, the people that aren't going to be around, they don't care about Utah City. 00:09:44
You know, it's not a big deal with them, but the long term people that plan to be here for a while, for the most part don't want 00:09:50
it, don't want what is being a. 00:09:54
Being proposed and planned. So I just wanted to pass that on. I mean it just hidden more high density housing, more and more 00:10:00
traffic just. 00:10:05
Less more parking issues. 00:10:10
A lot of what we've seen before, so I just wanted that was his observation. 00:10:13
And I've. 00:10:17
One person in the village who is excited about Utah City. 00:10:19
The only. 00:10:24
The others. 00:10:27
Just aren't aren't excited about it and her son lives in Vineyard his with his wife and they're not for it either. They're not 00:10:28
excited about what's what's coming. So I just wanted. 00:10:33
To pass that on. So thank you very much. 00:10:38
I'm going to make a comment. 00:10:40
I think that that's OK You can go outside and sit down, Rose. I think that. 00:10:44
There is some confusion that a recent naming of the downtown. 00:10:50
There are many developments that are named and this has been they've been coming up with a name for the development, but this 00:10:56
development was passed a long time ago. 00:11:00
So it's not being proposed. New things aren't being deter. 00:11:05
This was built on from a long time ago. Early conceptions of this. 00:11:09
More, I guess more robust ones were put out in 2009 and then in 2015. And the last time this was voted on was in 2018 or 2019. 00:11:15
So this is something that the citizens took part in. They came to the planning groups and they worked on the project together. And 00:11:27
I I think that it's difficult when a name comes to it or pictures start coming out where people are conceptualizing something 00:11:34
about what it's going to look like, but we don't actually know what it's going to look like, what we do know. 00:11:42
Is that Huntsman Cancer Institute is going to be there because we put them on? 00:11:49
And we do know there's going to be a grocery store that's going to be there, but it's going to be driven by the market and the 00:11:54
industry that comes into the area. And so the images that are being put out by developers to attract businesses isn't something 00:12:00
that you can hold on to. And This is why I keep saying. 00:12:05
If you want to know what's coming, come to our Planning Commission, come to the City Council. That's what you're going to find as 00:12:12
a reality of what's happening and the plans that all of the citizens that have lived here a long time. I've lived here for almost 00:12:16
13 years. 00:12:21
Have been part of it and developing it and building it together and so I think, I think we can hold on to that as we. 00:12:26
As we look to the future and when we talk about congestion, we're simultaneously planning really good transportation networks 00:12:35
where we're creating crossroads that we're projecting out and working with engineers and UDOT and all of these people to make sure 00:12:42
that the traffic that we have today as we've been growing so rapidly isn't something we have to face in the future. 00:12:49
Think one of the hardships when you grow so fast as a community and the majority of your streets are owned by the Department of 00:12:56
Transportation of the state is that you don't get to have the access that you naturally would. And they're not typically planning 00:13:02
for 10,000% growth in a city. And so we've had to tell that story and share it. But I think we're there and the state is really 00:13:09
understanding that they need to build those roads. We just made a connection on 1600 N and we're connecting the Vineyard Connector 00:13:15
from 800 N. 00:13:21
To 1600 N. 00:13:28
And we're in discussions with getting a cross section on 1200 N and we are working on a new railroad agreement that's going to 00:13:29
open up some other cross sections that were shut down and just a couple of years ago. 00:13:35
We were able to get our air rights back, going to the Supreme Court and getting those air rights and working with Union Pacific 00:13:41
Railroad and get the Center St. overpasses. So it's coming and we're developing and that's something that we can look forward to 00:13:47
as the people of this community and something that we can work together on. Thank you. All right. Any more comments from the 00:13:52
public? Yes, please come and state your name and where you're from. 00:13:58
Good evening. My name is Allison Feldshire. I'm from the Preserves. Excuse me. I was here about a month ago when you guys laid out 00:14:05
the Transportation Master plan. I was really pleased to see all the plans and LA. 00:14:12
I think more immediate and then longer term and then even longer term. And I noticed the top ones, a lot of the immediate ones 00:14:20
were U dot responsibilities and the one that was vineyard responsibility was the Vineyard, Loop Rd. and Main Main Street. So I was 00:14:27
just curious, I know I mentioned this last time when I was here about looking into a roundabout or some something to help with 00:14:34
flow of traffic and I'm just curious what further investigation or information might be on what's been done in the last month. 00:14:41
Yes. 00:14:52
Hey Mr. How the Works Director. 00:14:57
In regards to that up the ground section when we have to identify the transportation master plan in order to get funds stores 00:15:00
we've looked into. 00:15:04
Preliminary plans of what? 00:15:10
Alternative Rd. would be like for example a roundabout to get a. 00:15:13
Perspective of the cost and the scope of work to be done. The low end of a roundabout in that particular intersection would be 00:15:18
about 1.5 million to about $2,000,000. That's not to include any kind of underground utilities that mainly would have it may have 00:15:23
to be moved and next step towards that would be having to. 00:15:29
Going towards hiring consultant engineering company to actually. 00:15:36
Develop some plans and some preliminary plans and scope of work actually say, OK, this is what we have and now we can actually put 00:15:41
price towards that and that's really what helps us make a determination of. 00:15:46
Financial feasibility as well, like obviously having to pay for it. 00:15:53
So we did look into the roundabout option to see wanted do we have a space for it and how how it work, how it affects traffic as 00:15:56
well as the cost associated with that. The consultant that that's working on a transportation match plan is including that as part 00:16:03
of their calculations in terms of how that will affect traffic because that's an important part of it. We wouldn't want to invest 00:16:11
money if the traffic flow gets worse and as well we've gone out got prices. 00:16:18
For constructing pedestrian crossing along the South side, which we'll be able to do earlier earlier on. 00:16:26
We did. There was some brief discussion about the traffic signal at that particular point. Guidelines state that traffic signals 00:16:35
should be spaced out approximately a mile apart, otherwise it causes traffic, brief traffic frustration and actually makes 00:16:41
situations worse on that. So that's the area that we would like to stay away from. 00:16:47
So ultimately what we'll do is we're having the Transportation Master Plan to solve them when they get to a far enough level. 00:16:55
Of the transportation Master plan to say if you have some calculations to say that this is where we're going to start solidifying, 00:17:03
we'll be able to see if we have funding. 00:17:08
This fiscal year to go out and do designs for whatever routes that we have is probably in best entrance for the public that will 00:17:14
provide safety for a pedestrian, safety for cars driving as well as not causing traffic. 00:17:21
Frustration. Traffic congestion as well on. 00:17:30
The short answer is we've looked at. We've got some options. 00:17:34
The longer answer is that we want to make sure that we put our reduction in road to make sure the option that we go with to 00:17:38
address the view player frustration. 00:17:42
Is going to be addressed properly, but the pedestrian frustration crossing safely of course, was going to be done rapidly faster. 00:17:47
OK, great. Thank you. Thanks. 00:17:55
Play. 00:18:03
Hi, Mayor and Council. 00:18:04
Oh, this one. Oh, with the green light. 00:18:06
Bronson Tatton with Flagborough. 00:18:08
With the developer of Utah City, I just, I don't want to turn this into a question answer period, But I did want. 00:18:13
Get up really quick and just address some of the things that Daria talked about. 00:18:19
And I also, I want to be very clear, Utah City is in Vineyard City, It's Utah City is the name. 00:18:24
Of our project, but it's not a city of itself and the intent or there are no plans to create our own. 00:18:32
City with its own zip code. 00:18:40
We are, we are. We love being in Vineyard City and that's that's our plan to stay in Vineyard City. 00:18:43
And and Daria was right, we did have some typos that that said Utah City, Utah, we actually mentioned we did correct those. If 00:18:48
there's still some though that we've missed, we'd love to know where those are at. 00:18:54
And we can get those corrected as well. 00:19:02
The the overall boundary of Utah city is from Geneva Road to Utah Lake and 1600 N to 800 N And so that property of UVU does sit 00:19:05
within Utah. 00:19:10
And so. 00:19:17
You know, I I do understand. 00:19:18
Its addresses in Orem, and you know we don't, we definitely don't want to misrepresent anything. 00:19:21
And so if we can be clear on that. 00:19:29
We'd love to articulate that better. And then as far as the travel times go, we did, we did map all those travel times to the 00:19:31
different destinations and I'm not sure of the locations that were used. 00:19:36
Within the project site but. 00:19:42
We can definitely look at those travel times and see if any of them are inaccurate, but at the time. 00:19:45
That we map those, those were those were the accurate times. 00:19:53
But just wanted to be very clear that. 00:19:58
We love Vineyard City. We love being in Vineyard City, and the intent is not to to be. 00:20:00
Our own city in and of itself, we we will be in Vineyard City and we're happy to be in Vineyard City. 00:20:07
Umm. 00:20:14
And maybe I'll have a chance to talk in a little bit with the final plots, but thanks for your time. Thank you. 00:20:16
OK. Any other comments? 00:20:23
All right, if they're not another no other comments, I'm going to close the public comment section and move on to mayor and 00:20:26
council member, reports Tice. 00:20:31
Amber, just to mention once again what Daria brought up the table with his way box. Out there they collect used clothing, which 00:20:38
they sell and then used to. 00:20:41
Provide food to the community. Almost 2000 households in Vineyard have used their services, so I'm excited that we have this 00:20:45
opportunity to get back and build a better community with them. Thank you, Marty. 00:20:52
Just as Christy mentioned, Staff Appreciation Week, so I know our stuff works really hard and we appreciate them so much. 00:21:01
So just reminding everyone to celebrate them. 00:21:07
As you walk by, say thank you anytime you feel the need. 00:21:11
OK, Christy. 00:21:15
I just wanted to let our public know that that mural project you've seen go through Council and Arts Commission the last few 00:21:18
months is being done currently. So if you have time, unfortunately the Lake Rd. that goes up there really easily is shut down 00:21:24
right now for construction. So the best way to get to it is by one of our beautiful trails to take a bike or walk up there. Then 00:21:30
you can drive around a long way. If you want to go to 1600 N but go check it out. It's really fun watching the painting get done 00:21:37
up there and it looks amazing. 00:21:43
While you're doing that, I was going to have the staff stand so we could platform. So why don't you guys all stand, including 00:22:23
yourself, Jamie? 00:22:26
You guys are amazing. We really appreciate it and our residents do too. 00:22:40
And we appreciate you guys as well, residents and the council. We appreciate y'all very much. 00:22:45
But nothing else for me. OK, great. 00:22:52
We had a really good transportation discussion. So we'll see those things coming through. Missing great update on what happened on 00:22:55
6600 N. 00:22:59
I wanted to let you guys know that the transportation, the transit map has been updated. So you guys should go take a look at 00:23:03
that. We've been having really good discussions at the state and. 00:23:09
Anyway, we'll have an opportunity to talk about that and also about our Union Pacific Railroad discussion that's looking like it's 00:23:17
coming together really well over the next couple of months. And if we need you to, we may have you come up and speak at one of the 00:23:23
interim session meetings. So be prepared for that. So that's good. 00:23:29
We'll go ahead and move into our consent items. Christy, you had. 00:23:37
Consent item you wanted to take off? Oh, let's see. My computer just shut down. 00:23:41
Yeah, it just sounds like that there would like to be a little bit of discussion about the plots we're talking about tonight. So I 00:23:48
would just move if the council wants to pull item 6.4 and five off. 00:23:53
OK, 6.4 and 6.5. Can we approve 123 first and then go right into discussion? 00:23:59
No. 00:24:06
Pop. 00:24:09
OK, so let's get a motion to approve 123. OK. So then I can make a motion to approve the consent items 6.16.2 and 6.3. OK. First 00:24:10
by Christy, second by Tice. Any discussion all in favor? Aye. All right, That brings us right into discussion of 6.4 approval of a 00:24:18
final Utah City plot, phase one. 00:24:26
So should I talk about it? 00:24:41
OK, great. So let me. 00:24:44
Not sure why our agenda this. 00:24:50
As a PDF. 00:24:53
I believe 6.4 we're discussing the plot in the downtown. It's like it's a lot 1. 00:24:55
And umm. 00:25:02
Really. 00:25:04
I know that some of our residents have some questions. 00:25:06
Mostly. 00:25:09
I feel like we do. Plots are fairly routine and so that's why they get put on consent items. 00:25:11
But it's a really good opportunity. 00:25:18
A lot of people coming to an awareness of our downtown, maybe for the first time, which is always interesting to me because I feel 00:25:21
like it's all we've talked about since. 00:25:25
I was first arrested here in 2014, but this is a good chance for us to have that discussion, so. 00:25:30
What I would love is to have probably have Bronson come up and maybe just discuss what's happening in these plots, but even more. 00:25:39
Maybe just share with. 00:25:48
Where this is in the project, what this plot is about. I know that it sits in the promenade, but maybe people don't have never 00:25:49
heard the word promenade Before you do that, could I put this on pause? I need to do the motion for the consent items again 00:25:56
because we need to do it by roll call. 00:26:02
So who was the first Christie? Christie was the first to approve Tice. 00:26:09
Was the 2nd to approve he. 00:26:15
Amber. Aye. Yay. Marty. Yay, Christy. All right, now, Bronson, you can. 00:26:18
Start discussing wherever you want. I was like, where are you? 00:26:27
There we go. 00:26:31
That's a 6.4. I was just telling Morgan maybe we could pull up, unless you have it in like a staff report, but maybe just the 00:26:32
zoning code and we can look at the district map. 00:26:36
And I can point to where these plots are located. 00:26:42
So plat number one that is Main Street coming from. 00:26:50
You know main the existing Main St. as it comes into 800 N vineyard connector. 00:26:57
Plat One is the extension of Main Street up to. 00:27:03
An open space parcel that we. 00:27:06
Lovingly call the square about. That's the first piece of open space that's getting plotted. 00:27:09
Yeah, so the square about works kind of like a roundabout, but it's. 00:27:16
It's not round, it's. It's actually more rectangular, but we call it the square about. 00:27:20
It's a It's like a public square. That's how we plan. 00:27:25
On designing. 00:27:29
Morgan, maybe you? 00:27:31
Yep. So Main Street goes N it goes to this square about, and then it also goes. 00:27:33
Down a street that we call it Utah City Promenade that goes to the train station. 00:27:41
And then it loops around back to the South. 00:27:47
Back back to Main Street and that's currently where the UTA. 00:27:51
Temporary parking lot is and the platform is well, you can see the train station in red over there on the right. So that's that's 00:27:55
Plat #1 main. 00:28:00
Up to the square about and then it comes back around and loops into Main Street. So this is the area we already have traffic on. 00:28:05
Yep. So those roads, all the infrastructure. 00:28:13
Those. 00:28:17
Constructed and. 00:28:18
The roads are open except for the Utah City promenade that that is. The plan for that is that's going to be like our. 00:28:20
Our retail St. will have restaurants along that street and. 00:28:27
That's going to be a really special St. and so we held that connection off so we could make sure that we get the design. 00:28:33
Umm. 00:28:41
The office of James Burnett is our landscape architect that is currently designing that section of Rd. 00:28:42
But we wanted to complete this this loop in the plat to create that lot #1 we we actually don't have. 00:28:48
Any construction drawings for anything going in Lot 1, which is? 00:28:57
The one big parcel that's just right in the middle of the road. 00:29:01
We are working on some schematic designs there, but we've actually put those on hold. 00:29:06
And are focusing on the grocery store block, which is block number four, which is created by plot #2. 00:29:11
If you want to jump back to this, then Plateau is essentially that West side of of Main Street, I'll jump to that. That's right. 00:29:18
So there's a couple of roads that that kind of complete the loop. 00:29:24
Yeah, you can see the square back here. Square about right here, some reference section. 00:29:31
Yep, so. 00:29:37
The West. 00:29:44
The other. 00:29:48
I'm like, am I telling, am I giving you the right directions? Yep, right there where the arrow is, that's where the grocery store 00:29:52
is. We are at a schematic design level on the the grocery store. 00:29:58
So. 00:30:05
These words may be a little firm, but we go through schematic design. It's kind of conceptual. We're looking at block layouts and 00:30:07
massings in the block. 00:30:10
And then once we're we like where we're at, then we move it into design development. 00:30:14
And then design development goes to construction drawings. 00:30:21
We will usually bring in the plans at the design development stage. 00:30:27
And so we're hoping to bring that in as soon as possible, as soon as our architects can get to that stage, we'll bring in the 00:30:32
grocery store for a site plan approval and then. 00:30:36
Planning Commission, Correct. Yep, I go to the Planning Commission. 00:30:41
But we could also bring it to council if council wants to see it in a work session or something, we'd be happy to do that. 00:30:45
And then? Then we'll move into construction drawings and. 00:30:51
The end. 00:30:56
What we're doing construction drawings for is obviously to build it, but then those plans are what goes into the building 00:30:58
department for building permit. 00:31:01
So those are kind of the stages. Final plot can kind of fall in any of those design stages, but because blocks five and six are 00:31:05
under construction, we now need to create those legal lots. 00:31:11
For a lot of different reasons, but this plan is coming forward mostly because of block five and six that are under construction. 00:31:19
Have a lot of information any? 00:31:28
No, I had got sprayed. That was helpful for me to understand a little bit more what's going on over there. 00:31:31
Darius, did you have a question? Do you want to come to the microphone? 00:31:38
Thank you. We just need to get you on record. OK. Thank you. 00:31:42
What is a? 00:31:48
Of Plat One. It says Main Street is a private road and a pu E and then a flat two. It doesn't say anything, so I'd like to know 00:31:51
what the difference is. Thank you. 00:31:55
Yes, PUE stands for Public Utility Easement. So that just means that utilities can run through that area. 00:32:00
So that's kind of how we. 00:32:08
Make sure that any utilities that are going in ahead of any buildings, we reserve that area for utilities to be there so that if 00:32:11
we were to bring a building in, we couldn't say. 00:32:17
Hey Rocky Mountain Power, you need to move all your facilities because we want that land to build in and so we and it wouldn't 00:32:22
show it on the second plot because the second plot is is for the the area West and so Main Street is part of the the first 00:32:29
Platinum Phase one and so yeah it it shows up in Plat 2 but it's getting platted. 00:32:36
Around it. 00:32:45
Utilities are in it. Then it becomes a public look. It's not private anymore. The. Yeah, yeah. 00:32:48
Right. Right now it's planned to be private, but we're in discussions with the city. 00:32:55
On what these roads Are they going to be public? Are they going to be private? So the easier path forward was to make them 00:33:00
private. 00:33:04
While we workout, if they're going to be public or private in regardless of being public or private, they would still be 00:33:08
accessible by the public. 00:33:12
Yep. 00:33:16
OK. That was great. 00:33:21
Part of the reason why I want to pull this up to give again if residents have any questions about the downtown, this is a really 00:33:24
good opportunity just to we don't have a lot on the identity tonight. So last call if you just are curious, you want to ask 00:33:28
something? 00:33:32
I'm just mostly curious about apartments. I worry about I I heard I think apartments were maybe not in these plots but in in the 00:33:38
area. And I think, you know, there's a lot of great options and great things. I think that like Huntsman, I think that's a really 00:33:46
great investment and like awesome investments to bring the city's value up. I feel like apartments may not be on that list of 00:33:53
things that would increase value in this city. So I do worry about that. So if that's an option to be looked at, maybe we could. 00:34:01
I just wanted to throw that out. 00:34:09
I would say that, like I said, this was last voted on before. 00:34:12
A majority of the people sitting here were. 00:34:17
After the two of us, but the business is to make it viable. The housing is part of the plan and it's multi. It's, it's an excuse. 00:34:22
Did you want to talk about the mixed-use and how it provides value to the area? 00:34:30
2009 And then there there was some amendments, but basically the entitlements were provided a long, long time ago. Prior to this 00:34:39
counselor or anything else, most staff except Sullivan was probably here. 00:34:46
He knows. He knows where all the skeletons are located, and so they and so the. 00:34:56
The zoning ordinance was written is that it provides a kind of a lot of variety of different different house housing types and so 00:35:03
it allows single family. You're probably not going to see a lot of that, but I, the developer did. 00:35:11
Amend the code in 2019 to add single family back in so that they could do single family. 00:35:20
It allows for live work units where you could have like a shop on the ground floor and and live above it. It allows for condos for 00:35:28
just like your traditional flats. They're also doing some pretty unique housing types, something that's called. 00:35:34
A stacked. 00:35:43
Row house and so it's essentially 2 townhomes that that that are on top of each other. So within within the unit you would have 00:35:45
stairs, it would be like a two floor unit. 00:35:49
So, so it gives you kind of like a larger counterfeit. 00:35:55
And you know apartments and then like large condos. So I think there there there will be you know a lot of multi family, but it 00:36:00
provides a really large range of multifamily and it's not just, it's not like an apartment like you would see with the alloys or 00:36:06
something like that. So there's design standards there's. 00:36:13
What they call form based code that helps dictate kind of like have the orientation of the buildings, the number of of of windows 00:36:22
and that and that kind of stuff. And I just point out too. 00:36:27
Helped us land husband Cancer Institute it's first of all like the open space and network throughout the the plan they they really 00:36:33
loved the connections to to the lake and also like the promenade and just all the the park spaces that are in there that was 00:36:38
really important to them. The other thing too is. 00:36:44
The just a variety of houses then that was really important because they have everything from your student like interns all the 00:36:50
way up to you know, your your doctors who have who've been working in the field for, you know, 30 years. And so they it to them it 00:36:57
was really important to have a really large range of housing types so that they could serve their full, you know. 00:37:04
An employee base and customer, basically a lot of their, a lot of their patients are there long term and they're the families, you 00:37:12
know, a lot of times common they they have long stays. 00:37:16
Thank you for your question. Thanks for that morning. OK. 00:37:23
Doesn't look like we have any other comments on 6.4 if you want to go ahead and approve. 00:37:28
46 point. 00:37:32
Come on up, Karen. 00:37:39
Karen Cornelius, I'm. 00:37:49
I'm just curious, do we have a number for the number of doors that we will have for? 00:37:51
Residences in Utah City. 00:37:58
We. 00:38:01
OK, how will that be determined and what input will this city have with determining that? 00:38:03
The residents of the city. 00:38:09
So just like like we talked about back in the 2008 and then the 2015 the zoning code was put in place that that provided the 00:38:13
entitlements. And so we don't we don't necessarily have the ability to control the number of units but we do approve utilities and 00:38:20
so they they have to have the the, the road network that that can meet just your your standard requirements the City Council has 00:38:28
like requirements for for sewer, for water capacity, for storm water. 00:38:35
So there's there's a lot of elements from you have from that end so that we can't approve more units in water. Our system is gonna 00:38:43
stop. Once again, it's up to the developer. Then it's out of the hands of the residents and the taxpayers. It's up to the 00:38:49
developer how many doors will exist. 00:38:54
OK, well that I'm I'm missing something. I understand that it's based on. 00:39:01
The utility cap. 00:39:06
But I also. 00:39:09
We're going to get way out of control with numbers and that's my concern. And so I want to know how that number will be 00:39:11
determined. 00:39:15
Price, did you have a comment? 00:39:20
It is a number that fluctuates by the availability of. 00:39:24
Power. 00:39:29
Water and sewer. 00:39:30
Once we reach the limit of our sewer capacity, there's no more doors. 00:39:32
So what is the sewer capacity that we are trying to establish? I guess that's my question. It depends upon the sewer district. 00:39:37
We don't. 00:39:45
So they'll tell us. So in other words, Vineyard has lost control of Vineyard. That's what it sounds to me as. 00:39:48
As a President development. 00:39:56
There are multiple indices that control development. Just development. 00:39:59
One of them is our code that we. 00:40:05
That's in place, as he's not. 00:40:09
And it sets. 00:40:11
OK. The other is the capacity of sewer. 00:40:13
You know, there's availability of water, which we buy or we don't have, so we control that. 00:40:16
OK, Rose. 00:40:23
The availability of Rd. space for people to travel. 00:40:26
We control. 00:40:30
OK, so we have some controls. Developers have some controls. This is a property right? State. 00:40:31
When they bought that property, they have certain guaranteed rights of development. 00:40:38
The Legislature makes those rules, not. 00:40:44
OK, so this is a complex answer. It's not as simple. 00:40:48
As the developer can do what they want. No, they can't. Well, they've seen the developer in the state and the utilities. They can 00:40:53
do what they want and Vineyard residents then we're just kind of. 00:40:58
Observers I would, I would can I add to that I would say this. 00:41:04
If you want to frame the question or the statement that you don't have any control right now as to what is going to be developed 00:41:09
there, yes, you are right. 00:41:14
That has been decided. 00:41:19
But. 00:41:20
If you want to ask if the residents had control over what they wanted there. 00:41:21
Yes, they did. And they chose the constraints. They made the ordinances, they designed the area and they chose that control. They 00:41:27
put in the standards. And just like any other area in the city, they said Okay, the developer has to be able to build within this 00:41:33
boundary. 00:41:39
Have we given this over to the developers to just run our city as if we gave up all of our rights? No, The people took control. 00:42:18
They planned it out, they designed it and now we are here and do we have opportunities? 00:42:25
Sure. We have opportunities to say, hey, it looks like you're coming in and out of those constraints. This is where we need you to 00:42:30
go get water. This is where we're going to come in and say you need to buy this much water. In order to facilitate this, we're 00:42:36
going to say actually we we have standards for the roads. We want this condition to happen. Here are some design standards. We'll 00:42:41
have some opportunities and Planning Commission to go over our site plans. 00:42:47
And we'll have opportunities with our parking. This is another thing, another standard and constraint that we put out. We do not 00:42:52
want them to build to a certain capacity if they cannot park the people and move the people. Something that we found in 2015 and 00:42:59
in 2017 and 2018 was that we said, OK, there were places that were put in that they thought could fill the capacity. But now we 00:43:06
know the growth in a different way. All this new data is poured in. So we're saying. 00:43:13
We're going to set a new standard, which is we're not going to just entitle you to parking. 00:43:20
And establish parking so that you can move the people through the city. 00:43:56
And we will not let it go and in 2019 when we went through this, we said we are going to invest the significant of money to 00:43:59
parking structures. 00:44:03
And so we're saying not only do we want to alleviate those constraints and say we want crossroads where people can come in and 00:44:38
buy, because we want to be able to say not only did we take the land and restore it. 00:44:43
But now we want to diversify that tax base so we can make it a better place in a viable city, and those are the constraints, but 00:44:50
we took hold. 00:44:53
We did it thoughtfully and we continue to be thoughtful. So those are the things that we have power over today. Tyson, sorry, I 00:44:57
don't know if you want to add anymore. 00:45:02
There was a developer that was not allowed to proceed because it didn't meet those codes after three months of trying to. 00:45:07
Shoehorn that into here, Well, I would just like to share the new resident of two years. 00:45:15
We came here with the knowledge and understanding and that was our knowledge and our understanding and perhaps not what has been 00:45:22
here, that this would be a community of 24,000 people. 00:45:28
And that was very enticing to us. And especially when you look at the fact that there's only about four square miles of 00:45:34
inhabitable space here, that's still a lot of people. 00:45:39
And now to. 00:45:45
That we have no idea how many doors we're going to have. We have no idea how many more people were going to add to this. 00:45:47
Really is frightening to me and I don't. 00:45:53
I mean, we were sold the idea. 00:45:56
Downtown was going to be a beautiful promenade, a place to gather and. 00:46:00
And then when I saw the renderings and particularly the video. 00:46:04
Of these high rise buildings with cars that look microscopic based on the size of the buildings. 00:46:08
That's terrifying to me because that's. 00:46:14
What I bought and so I hope you can understand why the resistance exists because. 00:46:18
This is not where we thought we were going. So I thank you for your time. I want to say I totally hear you and I understand that. 00:46:25
And I want you to know that the one thing that we do put a lot of emphasis and time into is saying that we do want open space. We 00:46:31
do want gathering places, We do want it to be safe. We are focused on safety. We're focused on movability, mobility, moving people 00:46:37
in their cars, moving people right now. 00:46:44
That's right, because because we've got two exits like I was doing at the beginning of this meeting. 00:46:50
Where we have to deal with state infrastructure and we are making and we are moving tracks lines and we are making massive 00:46:55
headway. It may not feel that way but it's Supreme Court battles it's up us up at the federal level it's up getting tax exempt 00:47:02
statuses removed from the railroad. It's it's a conversation that for a little city you wouldn't imagine it but our local roads 00:47:08
we've got them. We're moving them. We're putting them in. 00:47:14
And we're connecting them into state infrastructure. So I get where you're coming from, handle what we have now. But when you add 00:47:21
another $20,000, what are we going to have? Karen and I, I hear you. And that's why I'm saying you're going to love seeing the 00:47:26
transportation plan. You're going to see the amount of people that come and that are able to live here and move here and the 00:47:32
constraints that ties the same. 00:47:37
I can. 00:48:20
That's why I'm saying focus on what's coming in and what's happening, but I can tell you from a resident that's been here for 13 00:48:21
years. 00:48:24
In 1989, this was a. 00:48:28
And you would be living next to a large scale mill and the 2nd that that steel mill went away. 00:48:31
This was never going to be a study with 24,000 residents and that is why. 00:48:37
Original families knew they had to change, knew they had to start making different plans, Created a transit district, created 00:48:44
these different hubs and family members of your family members all the way until 2019, created what is here today because it was 00:48:51
what was going to allow us to restore the land and create the city. And so no matter what story came or went, this is what had to 00:48:59
happen in order for Vineyard to be the city that it is today and to and to restore the area. And that's why I was saying. 00:49:06
The Great. 00:49:14
Is. 00:49:15
You may be new and we're going to make it as quality of life as humanly possible while we're here, but the great news is that the 00:49:17
people who have been here have been involved. 00:49:21
And it's going to be hard. And we're going to have to all, like, buckle down. 00:49:56
We have the funding. We have the capacity. We have people building it. And so that's the excitement of it. They're they're growing 00:50:00
pains. One last question and I will end and you don't even have to answer it, but it will seem to me like if it was never going to 00:50:06
be 24,000 people, why weren't these roads and these, these entrances and exits to Vineyard thought about beforehand and not after 00:50:12
the fact? Why were they not built to, to accommodate that in the beginning? Yeah. And that is a great question and I'll tell you 00:50:18
the two things. 00:50:23
It is state infrastructure that did not anticipate the growth and the second thing and probably the more important is we are at 00:50:29
these. 00:50:34
Crossroads of Rail and even though the people that came before me and I served with these family members, I served with Mayor 00:50:39
Farnworth. 00:50:43
They tried to fight the railroad and opened up those crossings. They went to the Supreme Court to try to get their air rights and 00:50:48
it wasn't until a new council came and was able to take the tax exempt status away from the railroad that we actually got to land 00:50:55
the Centre St. overpass we were building off site. 00:51:02
Waiting for their tax exempt status to be taken. 00:51:08
Signed the paperwork and were able to move that bridge on site. So even if they wanted to plan it at the time they were not 00:51:11
allowed to do it. And so now today we're saying we have a new ability to make negotiations. We're going to open them all and we 00:51:18
are all of those cross sections we that's what we're doing. That's why we reopened the Union Pacific Railroad contract and we're 00:51:25
opening them and we're coming up with ways to make sure that this is the most. 00:51:32
Umm easily. 00:51:39
Moved you can move people through our cars faster than any other community. We're going to, we're going to do the best that we can 00:51:41
and that's that's the story. OK one last question, one last statement that I take I mean. 00:51:48
You said they didn't anticipate. 00:51:55
That. 00:51:58
Kind of bites after you said it was never anticipated be 24,000 and now I said UDOT didn't anticipate the growth and there's 00:52:01
nothing we can do about it. 00:52:06
You don't refuse to make it four leg. 00:52:13
We asked for it. 00:52:16
They said you'll never have that traffic. 00:52:18
I can't make those choices. It belongs to the state. I can't make Union Pacific give us the right away. And I think maybe we need 00:52:21
to go with what the state anticipated with the smaller city. Thanks. 00:52:27
Well, I don't think that's what they anticipated. I think they thought they were going to build these roads for this. 00:52:34
In 12 years from now. 00:52:40
That's another discussion for another day. It's something that I think everybody in the city should understand that the state is 00:52:43
growing at a rate that none of us anticipated. 00:52:47
That is why they are telling the story throughout the entire state. That is why they're changing all the laws and the codes and 00:52:52
talking about affordable housing. And if you want to get involved in this conversation, while it's a good conversation to be in 00:52:58
for infrastructure and road networks here, this is a conversation that you need to go have at the state with your state leaders 00:53:05
and you need to be having with your dot and the people that are conducting those data points, all right. 00:53:11
I think we're still on 6.4. 00:53:18
And if that's the case, I need a motion. 00:53:21
Did we talk about both of them? We did talk about both of them. I didn't. I don't know if we opened it up officially, but we did 00:53:26
talk about both of them. OK? For the audience, if you didn't know, we talked about 6.5. We did talk about 6.5. Can we make a 00:53:32
motion about those at the same time? And do we refer to them as consent items? 00:53:37
Or items. OK, so I moved to approve items 6.4 and 6.5. Do I need a roll call? 00:53:44
OK, First by Christie, second by Tice. All in favor? Aye. Any opposed? All right. 00:53:53
We will go ahead and do some appointments. 00:53:58
We have a new Youth Council advisor. Her name is Marissa. 00:54:01
Sorry, Marissa, I. 00:54:06
She was very happy to serve. She's looking forward to working with the youth and we are so happy to have her. At some point in the 00:54:10
future we will go ahead and appoint her. I mean, we will swear her in, but I need a motion to approve her in the same position. 00:54:17
I move. 00:54:24
Marissa as Youth Council advisor, Versailles, Amber Second by Christie, All in favor. 00:54:26
And I need a motion to approve. 00:55:05
So moved. Thank you Christy 2nd, 2nd. 00:55:07
Mart. 00:55:10
All in favor? Aye. All right. Arts Commission. We have been having so much excitement with the Arts Commission. As you heard, we 00:55:11
are in the middle of painting the largest mural in Utah. It's got Vineyard right on it on 1600. Hopefully you'll have a chance to 00:55:18
go see it. If not, like Ezra said, we have a, what is it called, a time time lapse of it. We have another person that we will be 00:55:24
appointing to. I think it's an alternate position. And that's Kyle Reyes and he's very excited to serve. I just need a motion to 00:55:30
approve. 00:55:36
I did speak to kind of very excited. 00:55:47
OK, second. OK, First by Chrissy, second by Marty. All in favor, Aye. Excellent. 00:55:51
Umm, Planning Commission appointment. Bradley *** was actually serving on our Arts Commission. He is now moving to our Planning 00:55:57
Commission. That's exciting. He's been really involved in helping the the city, so I just need a motion to approve that as well. 00:56:04
So moved. All right, first by Andrew, second by Tice. All in favor, Aye. All right. 00:56:13
We are going to have going. We will go ahead and read the Source Water Protection Week proclamation. 00:56:20
Let's see if I can find it. 00:56:29
Play. 00:56:32
Go. 00:56:36
Whereas the health and prosperity and quality of life of Vineyard City, Utah citizens and community depends on a reliable supply 00:56:43
of safe, high quality drinking water sourced from the aquifers within Vineyard Cities, snow packs of Wasatch and Ohio into the 00:56:49
mountain range. Whereas protecting our drinking water is essential to preserve our own health and economy and that of future 00:56:56
generations, whereas we strive to build opportunities and work together to ensure clean safe. 00:57:02
Insert insert clean, safe source water for all. Whereas Vineyard City residents are encouraged to recognize this precedence 00:57:09
precious precious resource and help conserve the watersides that are the lifeblood of Utah Lake and our water supply protect. 00:57:16
Protect our shared water resource from police and practice water conservation. Become involved in local water issues and plan to 00:57:25
protect water for future community health and economic fatality. Whereas Vineyard City is immensely grateful for the unwavering 00:57:31
dedication and tireless, tireless efforts of the Vineyard City Public Works Utility staff who work around the clock 24 hours a 00:57:37
day, seven days a week to ensure the delivery of clean water to Vineyard City residents. 00:57:44
Now, therefore, as the Mayor of Vineyard. 00:57:51
I do hear hereby proclaim the dates from September 24th to the 30th, 2023 as Source Water Protection Week and Vineyard City, Utah, 00:57:53
emphasizing our interconnectedness with Utah Lake, recognizing the invaluable support of the Utah Department of Water Quality and 00:58:01
the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and expressing our profound gratitude to the Vineyard City Public Works Utility staff 00:58:08
whose dedication ensures the continuous provision of clean water to Vineyard City residents. 00:58:16
Urge all Vineyard residents to join in supporting this observation and this is dated today. 00:58:24
Go ahead and. 00:58:30
All right. And I believe that brings us to the close of our meeting. 00:58:33
So I will ask for a motion to adjourn 1. 00:58:37
All in favor. 00:58:43
Felt like you guys were hesitating like you wanted to say. 00:58:45
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