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INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS/PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Anthony Jenkins led the pledge and gave an invocation. 2.
OPEN SESSION – There were no public comments. 3.MINUTES REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL3.1
March 1, 2023MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to approve the minutes from March 1, 2023. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously. 4.BUSINESS ITEMS 4.1
PUBLIC HEARING – Central Corridor Master Plan Briam Amaya Perez presented a master plan which specifies the city’s intended use and programming for the approximately 80-acre open space area in the center of the city commonly known as the Corridor.  Those uses include but are not limited to public open space, recreation, transportation options, economic development, and open space preservation. Additionally, this plan provides details for the proposed programming and future implementation.
Craig Bown asked what the viewing structure in the wetlands was. Briam Perez answered it is a board walk-out for viewing the wetlands.
Gammon Park highlights include a multiuse field, an all-together playground, pedestrians’ enhancements, and community center. Concerns from residents were addressed by providing a parking lot along Center Street, adding additional buffering and trees, and stating that existing healthy trees will be kept and unhealthy trees will be removed.
Highlights of the Fish Hook area include a skate park, playground, pump track, pickleball courts, slacklining, a parking lot expansion, and additional shading.
Additional changes throughout the Corridor Plan include additional shading, seating, and picnic areas.
Briam Perez showed images which will inspire the park plans.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously. The following individuals came forward during the public hearing.
Nathan Newell expressed his appreciation for the City listening to residents. He asked what the intentions are for the recreation fields and if they will be rented out. He asked if each property owner will be consulted for landscaping and trees along Gammon Park.
Travis Irwin asked about lighting at Gammon Park. He also expressed excitement for the all abilities park.
Dave Robbins expressed thanks for all the work that has gone into the plan and that many of his concerns have been addressed. He is still concerned about the street parking along Center Street and reducing the speed limit.
Nathan Newell stated that he wants to have enough parking for all the amenities playground at Gammon Park.
Tim Blackburn handed out a copy of his proposed changes to the Planning Commission. See them attached in Appendix A. He expressed his appreciation for including the heritage and history of Vineyard in the corridor plan and would like to see more of that language written down.
Bryce asked staff for answers to questions asked by the public. Morgan Brim and Briam Perez answered the questions. The fields will be used by Vineyard Parks and Recreation department to fulfill their programs. The baseball field is approximately 80-90 feet away from the houses. The public works department will discuss with each resident whether they would like trees along their backyard. The baseball field will be used by small children. There will be no big lights. There may be lighting in the parking area, however, they will be down lit and no taller than 20 feet in height, and turned off at an appropriate time. Staff will work with a traffic consultant for designing street parking.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to open the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to forward a positive recommendation of the Central Corridor Plan as presented by staff and with the recommended amendments found in Appendix A to the City Council.  Craig Bown seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.   4.2
PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment - Domestic Livestock and Fowl CacheHancey presented an ordinance which would provide greater allowance for domestic fowl in lots less than 1 acre and would permit a certain number of chickens based on lot size.
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to open the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.   There were no public comments.
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to close the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council. Craig Bown seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.    4.3
PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Facilities and Services Briam Amaya Perez presented a General Plan amendment to the Public Facilities and Services elements of the General Plan. This will update the goals and strategies of managing public facilities and services throughout the City.
Craig Bown asked where the budget has been increased from $100,000 to $300,000. Naseem Ghandour answered that most of the funding comes from the gas tax and some money come from storm water fees. Most of the money gets handed down to cities from the State.
The presentation continued.
The presentation continued.  There was a discussion on how plans are implanted and how the public can provide input.
Craig asked if a timeline is attached to each goal. Briam Perez answered that a timeline can be found in the implementation plan.
MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.   5.WORKSESSION5.1
Sign Code Zoning Text AmendmentCache Hancey presented proposed changes to the Sign Code regarding wall art and murals. 6.
COMMISSION MEMBERS’ REPORTS AND EX PARTE DISCUSSIONDISCLOSUREAnthony Jenkins reported that he will be attending Move Summit. Naseem Ghandour gave an update on Public Works events. Morgan Brim gave an update and Community Development events.  8.ADJOURNMENT Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.   Certified correct ON:  April 19, 2023   CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   /s/ Rachel Stevens                           Rachel Stevens, Planner                                                                             Appendix A
TRAINING SESSION6.1    There are no training sessions scheduled. 7.
All right. Welcome, everybody. It is March 15th, 2023. And this is the Vineyard Planning Commission. We'll have an invocation and 00:00:00
Pledge of Allegiance by Anthony Jacob. We'll do that pledge first. All right. 00:00:05
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:14
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:20
Our Father in Heaven, we're thankful for this opportunity to gather and to meet as citizens of this city and with staff as well. 00:00:34
And we pray that we. 00:00:41
That make well informed decisions and then we can have good conversation around what's going to be best for the residents of this 00:00:43
town now and in the future and say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:00:48
All right. 00:00:55
Session this is dedicated for public comment Public comment. Just make sure it's not something that. 00:00:58
There will be an opportunity to speak about the discussion. 00:01:06
3.1. 00:01:18
That's for review and. 00:01:22
Yeah, I had a chance to review those, so I make a motion to approve the minutes from March 1st. 00:01:26
Second all in favor, aye? 00:01:31
All right, moving on to business item 4.1 in the Central Corridor Master plan. 00:01:35
Yeah, Good evening, Planning Commission. I'm Brian Amaya Perez, senior planner. We're reviewing once again Ordinance 2023-16, the 00:01:43
Central Corridor Master Plan. 00:01:49
Last time we were here in Planning Commission, we showed you guys the plan. 00:01:57
The community got to see the plan and provide feedback, so we wanted to jump right into it and review. 00:02:02
The major comments that were presented and discuss them and also show. 00:02:09
Show you guys and show the community how we've tried to adjust the comments. 00:02:15
OK, so the first comment. 00:02:20
That we received was to preserve the serene nature of Gammon. 00:02:24
Also reduce traffic impacts onto Holdaway Rd. 00:02:28
Provide a central location for parking lots. 00:02:33
For a parking lot to serve all. 00:02:36
To retain a baseball field. 00:02:40
To preserve view protection zone along property lines to incorporate heritage and for that I added a note to see the master plan 00:02:43
document that is in the staff report. 00:02:49
Master Plan document talks more in detail about all the different elements in the plan. What we're looking at today is this the 00:02:56
the Master site plan. It's an overview of the location of different amenities and. 00:03:02
The different services Slide Hill should be redesigned for privacy, for the preservation of privacy. 00:03:09
So this is the, the top portion, the Vineyard Park, sorry, the Vineyard Grove Park section of the master plan and then the the 00:03:18
central Corridor section. So just to highlight, I have black sex and then red text, red text kind of addresses the concerns that 00:03:25
that we just talked about. So parking again we're adding 150 spaces of additional parking in a formalized park set parking setting 00:03:32
next to the existing parking. 00:03:39
There will be a dog park for small and large dogs, 12 new pickleball courts that will replace the existing tennis courts. Tennis. 00:03:47
Tennis is going to be moved down to to Gammon Park and Robins, the old Robbins Farm property. 00:03:54
Walking trails throughout the wetlands and wetland preservation throughout that was something very important to the residents. 00:04:01
Just reiterate that preservation of view sheds along property lines. There's a 40 foot buffer, at least a 40 foot buffer along the 00:04:09
property lines by Parkside and the Gardens neighborhood. We've added a note that says View Protection Zone. No tree shall be 00:04:16
planted within 40 feet of adjacent property lines. 00:04:23
Slide Hill will be regraded and redesigned at a future point in time, so that it is our intention to make that hill. 00:04:31
Look different, feel different, act different. So it does. 00:04:41
Provide privacy. Enhance privacy for the residents. In the meantime, we did add a few more trees. I'll put my cursor on the 00:04:44
southern end of the parking lot of the existing parking lot to further shield headlights. 00:04:51
Especially in the nighttime hours onto the residents properties over here, so that's just a little more. 00:04:59
An enhancement for for people's. 00:05:06
Comfort, I guess, Brian, what is the viewing structure in the top right? 00:05:09
Yeah, I'm assuming it's like a pavilion or something, but what is, Yeah, it's just a, it's just a platform that goes out into the 00:05:13
wetlands where you can kind of just observe the wetlands and and get a feel of the of the more natural space. 00:05:19
It's not. It's not a tower. It's not a tower. No, no, no, sorry. Just just wasn't looking for a tower. Just a boardwalk type. 00:05:26
Area. 00:05:35
OK, so on the left are some of the major things to highlight in this section. A heritage themed community and Cultural Center. 00:05:37
That's this red building here. Heritage themed community garden as as you might note. 00:05:42
This plan does look different than the one from before. After this slide I'll do a side by side comparison so that way you guys 00:05:50
can see how exactly it has changed. But for now this is the most recent version that I want to explain. 00:05:56
So again #2A heritage themed community garden. 00:06:04
Here in this section and all abilities playground. 00:06:08
Two tennis. 00:06:11
A dirt pump track here on the Northside of Center St. Additional REC fields. 00:06:13
And this, this baseball field, these are just the lines to show that it could be used for baseball, but it could also be used for 00:06:19
flag football, soccer or just open rec space. So this is not a permanent, you know, high, highly expensive baseball field that 00:06:27
we're doing. This is just an area, but it will have a backstop. I should, I should say. Yeah. Thank you, Morgan. 00:06:34
And then Center St. pedestrian facility enhancements. So with with so many attractions on the South side of Center St. we want to 00:06:43
provide safe crossings from the neighborhoods to the north into this part of. 00:06:50
Of the community. 00:06:57
OK. So now on the right side, I'd like to talk about how this plan addresses some of the concerns. So there was a concern that I 00:06:59
mentioned about parking a parking lot, potential parking lot creating traffic spillover onto Holdaway Rd. We had to, we wanted it, 00:07:07
we needed to put a parking lot in here to address you know providing parking for these uses and so we. 00:07:15
We took all the comments into consideration and found that this location is a location that works. 00:07:23
To provide parking for for the different uses. But in doing that we had to relocate this central open space. 00:07:28
We had to relocate the heritage themed community garden. Community garden used to be where this open space is. The open space used 00:07:37
to be a little more to the left and so now those those two kind of have flip-flopped. 00:07:43
We've relocated the baseball fields. The baseball will still be a part of this area as was requested, but it will be in the 00:07:51
southwest portion of the multi use rec field. 00:07:57
We relocated the Parks and Rec maintenance shed, so the maintenance shed used to be tucked away here in this corner. 00:08:05
But for greater convenience for our parks and Rec department, they wanted to be more centrally located and so we put it there and 00:08:13
and and that that building will be designed also in a heritage. 00:08:18
Agricultural style theme. 00:08:25
To be consistent with what what the feel of this area we want it to be. 00:08:28
There is additional buffering along these trails and so so to add a note about that. 00:08:34
In the northern part of the plan, here in the corridor section, we removed all the trees. Remember the note that says there's no 00:08:43
trees to be planted within 40 feet of adjacent properties? 00:08:47
Because. 00:08:54
Because this is different than wetlands. There are no wetlands here. This will be recreational news. And so we we did provide the 00:08:55
buffering on the trails, but we also kept the. 00:09:00
Trees are not to be planted. 00:09:05
To exceed a height of 10 feet, the trees. 00:09:08
You know, if you're someone living next to that rec area, you might want to have some trees to to dampen the noise from you know, 00:09:12
sports going on and and yelling and cheering and things like that. And so we we thought that trees might still be a good addition, 00:09:17
but we are willing to work with the residents. You know, if if there's a particular resident that does not want trees along the 00:09:23
property, we can we can definitely work work that out with public works and they can make sure that no trees are planted around 00:09:28
along that property line. 00:09:33
Yeah, sure. 00:09:39
Toss it saves us money. So it's like it's a really not really a lot of consequences in the city. So we we can do it, you know as a 00:10:15
as requested. 00:10:20
Thanks, Morgan. Yeah, that perfect. So yeah, so you'll see those those things added in site plan approval process, the new parking 00:10:27
lot that is entering and exiting out onto Center St. and not onto Holdaway Rd. These are an additional 54 spaces so. 00:10:38
That. 00:10:50
Was our attempt to reduce the traffic impacts on Eldoret. 00:10:51
Oh, we had a trail in the previous plan that went around the the backside of these properties, so we've diverted that. So we've 00:10:59
eliminated that trail. We added a trail connection into the Central Vineyard Arboretum section. 00:11:06
And then so it connects in that way and then exits onto here near the Community and Cultural Center. 00:11:13
There's also a trail. I think this was also a part of the previous plan, so this hasn't changed. There's a trail that exits. 00:11:22
Onto Holdaway. 00:11:28
Just provide that added accessibility and connectivity. 00:11:30
And then of course we wanted to keep the feel, the traditional feel of Gammon Park. So we're going to work with Public Works to 00:11:35
identify which trees in there are healthy, that we can preserve, that we can keep and hopefully they're there for for years to 00:11:43
come. But then the trees that aren't healthy and are posing a health risk to the residents and to visitors will will be removed. 00:11:50
So here's the the previous plan from last Planning Commission. I wanted to show you guys that side by side. So I'll just kind of 00:12:00
do a little flip. 00:12:04
Back and forth from the new plan to the old plan. 00:12:08
I'll give you a second to look at. 00:12:11
That's the new plan. 00:12:15
We'll do this a couple times. 00:12:19
OK, I'm going to keep going. 00:12:28
Unless you guys want to look at this for another. 00:12:30
OK, OK, and here's the Fishhook Slash City Hall area, So in the top portion we have the Vineyard Arboretum. This might also be an 00:12:33
appropriate location for a possible vineyard or orchard or flower garden. As we've talked about in the previous meeting. We got 00:12:40
the skate park here by City Hall where there can be lots of supervision, especially with the Sheriff's Office being in the City 00:12:47
Hall building. The pump track that goes around the skate park we also have. 00:12:55
4 new additional pickleball courts. 00:13:03
This silver section here is slack lining and hammocking. We have 32 new parking spaces as the parking expansion to serve these 00:13:06
new. 00:13:11
We also there was requests in the last meeting for additional shading. So additional shading has been provided in different areas 00:13:18
throughout the throughout the plan, not just here at City Hall, but over here in the in this area where there's a potential a 00:13:24
potential new playground also in. 00:13:29
In the Gammon Park area, we added a few more shade cells here and in the Vineyard Grove area as well. If I go back to you so 00:13:36
you'll see more. 00:13:41
Shade sales and shading throughout we added. You probably can't see them very well at this height, but we did add places for 00:13:47
seating around. 00:13:51
Around the trails and around the parks we had a picnic areas. I know Tim Blackburn or love that and. 00:13:57
And. 00:14:06
So, yeah, those are those are how we that's how we addressed the changes that were requested. 00:14:08
City Council to hear the next steps if there is a recommendation for approval tonight from the Planning Commission and this will 00:14:16
go to City Council not this next City Council meeting next week but the one afterwards. They're just the agenda is is swamped 00:14:22
right now so we we can fit it into that agenda. So if you would like to to come to that meeting it will be on the 26th at 6:00 PM 00:14:29
here in City Hall. 00:14:35
And then in the future, one City Council has approved this. 00:14:43
Individual areas of the site of the plan, I should say, will be approved. 00:14:47
You know through a site plan process. So just because it this is a city initiated thing doesn't mean that we can just go ahead and 00:14:54
build it. We also have to follow our own process and provide site plan approvals from the Planning Commission and so different 00:15:00
sections of the plan City Hall. 00:15:05
Gammon Park, the dirt pump track, the the changes that we're proposing to Vineyard Grove Park, all that has to come here through 00:15:11
Planning Commission where there will be another chance for vineyard residents to to provide feedback and provide their comments 00:15:16
and input. 00:15:21
And then here are some precedent images. 00:15:27
This is the Community and Cultural Center. 00:15:31
And this is some of the parks and some shade sales. 00:15:36
And this is the community gardens and some of the trails in the trailheads. 00:15:43
So that's all I got. Awesome. Thank you so much, Brian. Welcome. 00:15:49
And you guys have any questions, comments? 00:15:53
I think it looks great. I think you guys addressed the concerns really well. 00:15:56
Umm, chair buddy, So you're welcome to also open it. 00:16:02
Thanks, Thanks. If there aren't any more comments from us, do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? I move to open public 00:16:07
hearing. Do I have a second? 00:16:11
Second, all in favor, aye, all right, If anybody has any comments that they would like to make? 00:16:15
Specifically about the Central Quartermaster plan announced your opportunity. 00:16:23
Also, if you have questions or something, I'll write your questions down and at the end we'll kind of go through all the 00:16:28
questions. 00:16:31
Last time spoke with the. 00:16:40
Can I interrupt you? Thank you. Please state your name and and where you live, what neighborhood you live in. 00:16:43
Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. You don't have to provide an address. 00:16:52
Just a couple. 00:16:58
Questions, but I want to start off with again telling you guys that we appreciate. 00:17:01
Your your minds and your understanding what we're experiencing over there. 00:17:07
First and foremost, I guess the question is what is the city's intention with the? 00:17:18
Soccer slash baseball field area is. 00:17:23
The intentions to rent those out for girls, So what age groups? 00:17:26
The. 00:17:32
Oh, yeah. We'll get all the questions. Yeah. I'll grab all your questions. All right. OK. My apologies. 00:17:34
We're just going to take that into consideration. 00:18:12
And then also with reading out the fields, I don't know how in depth that's going to be or how often, but you got to remember that 00:18:15
if we're going to be rentals out that that's just taken away from the free time for the city that. 00:18:21
You know, there was just this baseball field here and they had maybe, I think they even a soccer field one up towards the center. 00:18:30
The builder rented out quite often. It takes up a lot of space for the business just to come and enjoy themselves in a while. 00:18:37
Before that, I do know that the residents. 00:18:45
To enjoy parks that are open down there like Los Angeles Building warranty South Central. 00:18:50
People come to officer. 00:18:56
A good joy. And it's not. They're not sometimes not interfered with. 00:18:58
Anything. 00:19:08
If she's planning on that next to the houses. 00:19:10
That you guys can answer looking more. Would that be residential? 00:19:14
As you landscaping that you know some will enjoy for privacy that we're going to be you know bringing a lot of residents into this 00:19:17
area and we'll be able to see more windows and things like that so easily and. 00:19:24
Whether they're going to enjoy the Tuesdays of their house and I just hope that will be residents. 00:19:32
Also supporting the design for you guys. 00:19:38
And then last comment. 00:19:43
There was a possibility, I don't know, for the gardening section. 00:19:45
For more low key quiet sections. 00:19:51
Is there a way that we can bring those closer to the residence fence lines that were pushed in here? We don't build in the 00:19:54
congregation of everybody coming into. 00:19:59
City, sorry, City Park. I know we discussed also on silver holes, having that roadway there, trying to govern that and people 00:20:05
parking. 00:20:09
Once again. 00:20:14
Including baseball and have their stand there and that kind of stuff. I think that they're going to find out real quick that back 00:20:21
approach and use that quite heavily. So again, as I know from before, it's going to be paid to govern that the people have 00:20:26
department. 00:20:30
I'll say that again, I just appreciate the time and you guys. 00:20:36
Awesome. Thank you so much, Nathan. 00:20:41
Yeah, thanks, Nathan. Chair. Brady, would you like me to try to address, we'll have all the comments 1st and then go all 00:20:43
everyone's comments and we'll talk about them. OK. Gotcha. 00:20:48
Thank you. Yeah, and I've written them all down too, so. 00:20:53
Hey, Travis Irwin also back up. 00:20:58
I know previously we talked about flights, So for us like you're kind of big thing at the end of parking, not wanting like big 00:21:02
stadium lights that affect neighborhoods on all sides. 00:21:07
Also reiterate, thank you guys so much. It's been a pleasure to attend some of these and and. 00:21:13
Feedback and hearing this about feedback. 00:21:19
And then whatever feedback was the all ability part, super excited about that, supporting all of vineyards, residents of their 00:21:22
abilities. 00:21:26
Thank you. 00:21:32
Hey. 00:21:45
Have some. 00:21:55
Is the light, Is the light on on? 00:21:58
There's a little fun. They don't have a light on it anymore. It's just it works. 00:22:01
Expecting this big booming, but anyway. 00:22:08
Like I said, express thanks for everything. 00:22:13
That you've done, and as a family, we appreciate you again. 00:22:16
Putting my mother's wishes into effect and making this public use, That's what she. 00:22:21
What I wanted to do, so we appreciate that. 00:22:26
A lot of the concerns that I had have been addressed and I appreciate that also. Like I said, I don't think. 00:22:29
You're going to have the perfect plan. Everybody's going to have something there that they like and something they don't like. But 00:22:37
I think a lot of the concerns that were expressed last time. 00:22:41
Have been addressed. 00:22:47
I personally like this plan a lot better than when we first started, so thank you very much. Still, the one concern I do have is. 00:22:49
The parking along Center St. 00:22:58
I know they were talked about reducing the speeds, but that's one of the main thoroughfares going through the town. 00:23:01
And living on Hold Way Rd. where speed limbs supposed to be 20 miles an hour and the average speed goes between 35 and 40. 00:23:08
I think you're gonna have a tough time reducing speeds on that road to make. 00:23:14
It's safe to have those parking right on the street. So that's that's concern I've always had. 00:23:18
And how to handle that? But anyway for the most part just thank you very much and. 00:23:23
Appreciate all the work that you've done. Thank you, Dave. 00:23:29
Any other comments? 00:23:38
Yeah, yeah. 00:23:40
I don't think I am. 00:23:42
Again, just talking about the parking lot, I know that we took the parking lot off the Gamma Rd. entering the next thing up again 00:23:44
and we're sorry all the way, Rd. 00:23:49
And stuck up more in the center, but I just want to make sure. 00:23:56
The amount of amenities we're putting in this area. 00:23:59
The parking is going to be sufficient for all of that. I think that even with the, I think you said 52 or 54 added parking spaces. 00:24:04
With what's out on Center Street at the diagonal parking, not quite sure if that's going to be enough, so I'm just hoping that. 00:24:13
That there's enough thought into that to where we can bring. 00:24:21
All the vehicles off Center St. into the park area and to where that something flood to the residential streets on the outside. So 00:24:25
basically just that center parking lot being sufficient for what we're attracting this couple. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. 00:24:31
Any other comments? 00:24:44
Tim Blackburn and Sleepy Ridge. I have copies that I could give each of you of some of my comments that would. 00:24:50
Provide more detail. Thank you. 00:24:58
Because a couple of my comments are pretty detailed and this will just help go through that. 00:25:04
First of all, like others who said, I'm very pleased with the way the staff has listened to. 00:25:10
The residents concerns and the way the Planning Commission has supported those. 00:25:17
Especially the senior planner planner, Brian. And to the director of Economic Development, Morgan. I know in cash. I don't want to 00:25:23
leave you out. 00:25:28
But thank you for listening. 00:25:34
A couple of just basic things, and these are very specific to the master plan on 1.3 in the bullet. 00:25:36
I really like the fact that it says highlight and celebrate the city's rich and diverse heritage. 00:25:47
That's a comment that we hadn't seen and I really compliment the writers of that plan to incorporate that. And secondly in 1.7. 00:25:55
They've added a complete section, I think 3 paragraphs, dealing with heritage preservation. 00:26:03
And so I really commend you and the city staff for doing that because that highlights the things that are important to us relative 00:26:10
to preserving the history of Vineyard. Now specifically just looking at what I've given you as a copy, I won't go through all of 00:26:16
these because of time. I have a minute and 22 seconds left. 00:26:22
But if you could just get the flare of what I'm trying to say and I'll give a copy to the staff as well, We're recommending not 00:26:29
major changes to some of the wording, but some very what we feel is important changes to under score the idea of preserving 00:26:36
heritage. For instance, in paragraph on page 14, second paragraph, it currently says the Vineyard CCMP provides guidance for 00:26:44
future development, etcetera, etcetera. 00:26:51
We're recommending that it would also say, and creating additional recreational and historical and cultural facilities. You'll see 00:26:58
all those changes that we're recommending in italics. 00:27:05
So I won't go through all of these. 00:27:12
But hopefully that could become part of the record and I'll give a copy to Morgan and Brian as well. But again. 00:27:15
Our compliments from the perspective of historical preservation. 00:27:21
To what we feel is going to be done. We know this is years out in the future, but as far as long as it's written down, hopefully 00:27:26
that will provide some firm direction for the future. So thank you very much. Thank you so much, Tim. 00:27:35
And we have a copy of this so we can have in the minutes. 00:27:45
Oh yeah, Rachel, Rachel's keeping a copy. 00:27:49
Yes, please. 00:27:52
Or I can give her a copy of this as well. 00:27:54
Any other public comments? 00:27:58
All right. So I guess going with these questions then the intentions with the soccer and baseball field, do we have an idea? Is 00:28:02
the wreck? Yeah, yeah, sure. I can definitely talk about that. So renting, there has not been a conversation about renting them 00:28:09
out. It's been more of like being able to satisfy vineyards own needs for recreation, like Vineyard Grove Park is constantly over 00:28:15
packed for our rec programs. 00:28:22
And we also use. 00:28:29
What's that field in Ormond that we share with Orem? Lakeside, Lakeside Park, yes, thank you. So we use some of that as well in 00:28:32
Orem, but we need, we need more additional rec space. So this is from what I understand it says for us, for the, for the 00:28:37
residents. 00:28:41
With regards to the baseball field. 00:28:48
That is probably anywhere from 80 to 90 feet away from property lines. 00:28:51
You know and and there there are the trees. There will be the trees. 00:28:58
And that will be from a resident to resident conversation with with public works to see if they do want those trees in there or 00:29:01
not. 00:29:04
Faces that are just on the grass, so. 00:29:45
Exactly, yeah. So that answers that question. 00:29:49
Then the. 00:29:54
Quiet places closer to residence. Was there a thought on? 00:29:56
Why the places are where they are? Kind of just your thoughts. 00:30:00
So it's 90 feet from, is it 90 feet from the baseball field area to the property lines? 00:30:06
Yeah, yeah. So from the from the backstop, it's probably around that that distance because the the trail is about 40 feet. So 00:30:14
there's a 40 foot buffer from the property lines and then it looks like there's an equal space between the trail to the baseball. 00:30:21
So that's at least 7080 feet there. And from what I understand, there aren't even any plans to put in any kind of like stadium 00:30:28
kind of seating at all. No. So it'll be real similar to what they have going on at Gammon Park currently. 00:30:35
Just real basic. And then also as far as some of the other areas like the Arboretum and the water feature and stuff. 00:30:44
Those are just real awkward places to put soccer fields and stuff. So and then as as well as the garden, like we're trying to get 00:30:52
it closer to parking because many of the residents that use the garden spaces are older residents, so just trying to fit 00:30:56
everything. 00:31:01
Where it's close to parking and works for everybody, it's hard to juggle it all. 00:31:06
We've gone through a lot of the iterations of this plan on what would be best. 00:31:13
But. 00:31:19
Yeah, like Dave Robin said, there's no perfect plan for everybody, but we're trying to make it as. 00:31:20
As good for everybody as we possibly can. 00:31:29
And then go into Travis comments on lights are are there any plans on doing big? 00:31:33
Light the no, no, probably. I mean we may have lights in the parking area, but we haven't had any discussions further about big 00:31:39
lights anywhere on the plan actually. And if we do have lights, we could always have them turn off an appropriate time. We can 00:31:47
have them be down, lit, hooded, no higher than 20 feet tall, which is what the zoning ordinance. 00:31:55
Allows, but we haven't had any major conversations about lighting. 00:32:03
And then as far as parking in the center, so we have that open space area just South of the parking. 00:32:09
Could that possibly be expanded? Yeah. So that's why we did it. And we're also in the process of working with the school to do 00:32:18
some sort of you know potential maintenance agreement that we would share in the cost of maintenance that they allowed us to to 00:32:24
utilize their their parking like officially. And I think you have another 100 plus stalls right there. 00:32:30
And then to kind of talk about the street parking. 00:32:37
That was also in response to trying to provide some priority parking along the field so that you know folks could get kind of 00:32:40
closer to the field to help kind of reduce the the desire of wanting to go into the neighborhood. 00:32:47
And then the other thing too is that scenario as you see like the crosswalks we're actually going to look at at this section, this 00:32:55
was coming from the plan. We received a lot of comments about the the amount of people like that that walk already and wanting 00:33:03
like a safer, safer crossings and making this part of Center St. slower. And so we may look at doing like bulb outs and there is a 00:33:11
lot of room obviously being on a park that you could push the parking in even a little bit further to provide more. 00:33:19
Room for folks to negotiate kind of backing out. But yeah, this is something where we would work with the traffic consultant and 00:33:27
that we would have an engineer who's done a bunch of these. We've looked at a lot of examples of parks that do have street parking 00:33:34
and some parks are served almost 100% by street parking because they're trying to preserve the parks for like open space stuff. So 00:33:42
that's kind of our desires. If we can put some on the street that allows us to maintain the field because even that little field. 00:33:49
The Parks Department really still won't wants that all those little fields it provides. 00:33:57
Different areas that they can program, but yeah, that that would be an expansionary if we needed. And then there was also a desire 00:34:01
from the council for us to look at when the Community Center comes in. 00:34:07
Doing a plate of basically subterranean parking that that would go on underneath the facility. 00:34:14
Whether or not it happens, I mean that that's something that that we would look at, but yeah. 00:34:20
We've also talked to the Parks Department about programming of the fields. One of the biggest issues with parking, especially for 00:34:26
like the soccer events, is overlap, where you get a lot of, you know, families showing up as well, families haven't left yet. 00:34:33
And so on the park tomorrow it said that they've committed to providing enough kind of time between games, so the 1520 minutes so 00:34:41
that people can can kind of flush out and that you're not you're not overlapping that that that traffic and and and and this is 00:34:49
more kind of an expansion area for for their their program. I think gammon or growth is still going to be kind of more the 00:34:56
priority spot. So you'd probably see the heavier use there and and you still have you know. 00:35:04
Used here, but it wouldn't be as heavy as as Crow Park so. 00:35:12
This, this, all abilities playground. 00:35:17
If we built it exactly to the size, would probably be the biggest in Utah County. So it currently is approximately 28,000 square 00:35:21
feet. The one in Orem, the what's it called. 00:35:27
There are all abilities per guy. I forget what they call it is 18,000 square feet. So we could definitely shrink this one a little 00:35:35
bit. If scale it back, add a little bit more parking. So there there's all kinds of things that we can do to accommodate more 00:35:40
parking. Cool. OK, cool. 00:35:45
Does that answer everybody's questions or? 00:35:52
I'm just wondering. Sorry you got to come. 00:35:56
Sorry Dave, you got to come to the mic if you're gonna. 00:35:58
This is how it used to be back when I was on it. Planning permission. You guys are way too formal. No, I just went that. Have you 00:36:02
looked at the Spanish Fork? All Abilities park and I haven't been there myself. No, Sorry, I was going to say. 00:36:10
Yeah, I was going to say. 00:36:20
Yeah. 00:36:25
Know about that one. And I'm saying there's a lot of good features in. 00:36:26
And I think it's quite, it's huge. So anyway, that's the resource for you to look at. Yeah, great. Thank you, Dave. 00:36:30
And as we as we go through and breakdown into each of these plans, we will. 00:36:38
Have more details on the exact size of everything, the parking for everything. This is just a basic overlay of This is what we're 00:36:43
hoping will come in and the details will. 00:36:49
We'll flush the details out when it comes to that. 00:36:55
OK, there were a couple of e-mail comments. Should I read those? 00:36:59
Brian covered those in his business presentation. He highlighted those and that that, yeah, that that dealt with the the view 00:37:06
corridors, the hill, slide hill, you know a few of those things. Great. OK. Any other comments from? 00:37:15
Commissioner, no. 00:37:25
No. OK, cool. If not, then do I have a motion to close the public hearing? 00:37:27
Do I have a second? Second. All in favor? Aye. All right. Do I have a motion? 00:37:37
Oh, oh. 00:37:46
I want to find a. 00:37:50
And chair if you're you do have the request from a member of the public to add in some of the language that's not necessarily 00:37:56
something you have to get get in tonight. If you recommend approval that could go to the City Council and that would provide staff 00:38:02
the time to to to draft up something for for the the City Council to look up but your motion could say. 00:38:09
Basically that that that a draft version will be provided with with this language for the City Council to consider. That that way 00:38:16
you don't have to go through and wordsmith the plan tonight. 00:38:22
Cool, all right. 00:38:29
I moved to. 00:38:31
Ordinance 2023-16 as presented by staff with the. 00:38:33
Draft of recommended enhancements. 00:38:39
To the Vineyard Central Corridor Master plan. 00:38:44
That, like staff, will provide City Council. 00:38:49
Do I have a second? 00:38:54
Second, this will be a roll call. Craig A. 00:38:55
Anthony, hi Bryce. I take. Hey, all right passes. 00:38:59
Moving on to item 4.2, public hearing for the zoning text amendment of domestic livestock and foul and this will be cash handling 00:39:03
this. Thank you guys so much for the comments you made on this. The public comments really helped draft this whole plan and make 00:39:09
it what it was. So thank you guys. 00:39:14
Sorry, it's just loading here. 00:39:23
Shouldn't take that long. 00:39:44
OK. Oh, there we go. Sorry, I'm going to excuse myself now. 00:39:51
She's dealing with that. 00:39:58
Sorry, good luck with chickens. 00:40:02
Domestic, foul, domestic and ducks and turkeys. 00:40:06
None of those not Roosters. 00:40:12
OK. Do you want me to get started? Yeah. OK. I mean, we can make this really quick. We met about a month ago, did a work session 00:40:17
on this, just talked about how we created this tiered system to allow smaller lots, more than one acre to have chickens. And it 00:40:25
depends on the lot size, the number of chickens I'd be able to have. So I'm. I'm happy to entertain any questions. We do have to 00:40:32
go through, like the public hearing. But then, yeah, we'd be looking forward to a recommendation to the City Council. 00:40:39
Cool. 00:40:47
So nothing has changed since. Yeah, nothing has changed. Nothing has been changed. Do you guys have any other questions or? 00:40:50
Anthony, if you wouldn't mind, I'm sure I make a motion to open a public hearing. 00:40:58
Second, all in favor, aye, all right, now is the time to make any comments about the domestic livestock and sales. Are there any 00:41:03
public comments? 00:41:07
Seeing as there are none, do I have a motion to close the public hearing? Make a motion to close the public hearing second. All in 00:41:12
favor. 00:41:15
All right. Do I have a motion on this? 00:41:20
Yeah, I can make a motion. 00:41:25
I moved to make a recommendation of Ordinance 2023-15. 00:41:28
For domestic livestock and foul to the City Council, have a second second. This will be a roll call. Craig Anthony Bryce I. 00:41:35
All right, that passes. Moving on to 4.3 General Plan amendment for the public facilities and services. This is Brian. 00:41:45
OK guys. Brian Maya, Senior Planner. 00:41:55
This next one is going to be. 00:41:58
A little long and arduous because it has to do with engineering. 00:42:00
I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, it was. It was a delight working with our engineering department on this general Plan 00:42:06
amendment. So this is a ordinance, 2023-14 DMM IT to Public Facilities and Services. 00:42:13
So here's a summary of what we. 00:42:22
This ordinance talks about ordinance 2020. Was that I should say 2023? Sorry 20/23/14 presents numerous updates to the entire 00:42:26
content of the element. 00:42:30
Not just the goals and strategies. So we, the public works director and the planning department in and made lots of changes. 00:42:35
The so our goal as the community development department is to update at least two entire elements per year. And so a lot of work 00:42:44
had been going into place starting from last year on this public facilities. We also did a lot of work on heritage and cultural 00:42:50
resources. You'll probably see that pretty soon. 00:42:56
We have still been working pretty closely with with Tim Blackburn. Well we had been now he's no longer in the on the committee, 00:43:03
but we are getting to the point we're ready to present that. 00:43:08
We've obviously been doing a lot of work on parks, open space, trails and lakefront. 00:43:14
Element and moderate income housing as you guys saw late in into last year. 00:43:19
So this is Section 8, point 4.010 overview. So these are the changes to that section. So there's an update to new Department and 00:43:27
Services locations. Talks about City Hall and how the Public Works department and all the city departments are are spread out 00:43:34
between City Hall and and development services. It also talks about the new Public Works facility in the northern part of 00:43:41
Vineyard. There's. 00:43:48
An update to the summary in general to how the Public Works department is organized in their responsibilities. 00:43:55
And there's updates to the different divisions that now make up the Public Works Department. So continuing this is the streets 00:44:01
division section. So we some responsibilities were added. We removed a note about $3.50 per month being charged to residents for 00:44:07
the maintenance of vineyard streets. 00:44:13
There currently is no charge. 00:44:20
To there is no maintenance fee, so that was. 00:44:23
And we also increase the amount that the year invests, the, sorry the city invests in the street network from $100,000 per year to 00:44:27
$300,000 per year. 00:44:32
I have a question randomly. 00:44:37
So on the utility bill that we get from the city, there is a line item that says transportation. 00:44:39
I'm just curious, so how is it funded? Like when you increase the budget from 100 to 300,000, where does that, Is that just 00:44:46
general stuff that you guys get or I'm just curious generally to know how it's funded. Yeah, we're going to let Nasim, our 00:44:53
partners director and it doesn't have to be in great detail, I just just generally just curious about how that works. 00:44:59
Yes. 00:45:27
Works director actually that's a great question, so I'm up here right now to. 00:45:31
Solicit some donations to pay for our funds. If so, I'm glad that you're volunteering. 00:45:38
OK. So again when it comes to, excuse me, when it comes to history, there's different ways on funding on on streets, the primary 00:45:44
way is gas tax is your most common way of doing it. So when you get gas taxes, taxes are collected. 00:45:51
From. 00:45:59
Excuse me, Taxes are collected from the gas. It's a kind of a usage charge. I mean there's different ways on the constructs of 00:46:00
that for especially with the with the rise of more electric vehicles and the roads States and many states, not just Utah but many 00:46:06
states are discussing about. 00:46:12
The taxes off the registration and or excuse me, a usage tax from the registration like I know thing to help capture the use of 00:46:18
electric vehicles utilizing the public roads. There's also Monica does come from car registrations as well, but the state 00:46:24
collects. 00:46:29
And there are some There is a subsea ***** you see that not too far north from here. That does charge a transportation use fee. 00:46:36
I'm not sure exactly the wording on that, but that's a that's a feud with residents pay in order to maintain the roads up there. 00:46:44
As well, so and then of course. 00:46:54
Some some funds come from collections of storm water, stormwater fees to pay help, pay for the utilities, and so forth. So there's 00:46:58
multiple constructs about how to pay for the maintenance of roads. On that, there's. 00:47:03
I mean we can have a discussion offline to to really go into well that makes sense I generally I guess. 00:47:09
Through the state and then handed down into the cities. 00:47:16
There was this. I can't remember if it was House bill or Senate bill that discussed, but no, Yeah, that makes sense. 00:47:20
Yeah, that's typically the way it is and it comes out and then they're used to that fund. So where it comes down to prioritization 00:47:26
of the on how to. 00:47:32
And how the roadway preservations are done as well so? 00:47:38
Thank you. 00:47:43
I'll just, I'll keep going. 00:47:46
OK, so the engineering department, engineering department, now it's known as the engineering division. 00:47:49
So this. 00:47:56
Outlines the responsibilities, provides details regarding the reduction and prevention of storm water pollution, the requirements 00:47:58
for storm water pollution prevention plans for projects of one acre or larger. The Engineering Division also manages construction, 00:48:03
inspections and the and the development of the cities infrastructure. The Engineering Division is also in charge of all capital 00:48:08
capital improvement projects. 00:48:13
The Operations Division section has been replaced with free and facilities. 00:48:19
We've removed the Storm Water Division section. Storm water is now addressed in the Engineering Division. We've added the 00:48:26
Environmental Utilities Division section, which speaks to where Vineyard obtains its drinking water, provides a summary of the 00:48:32
cities wastewater system, and speaks to how the city treats its wastewater. It also speaks to the responsibility for private 00:48:38
developers to secure water rights for their projects. 00:48:43
Still in the Division section, we have removed the Water Resources Division. We've also removed the Wastewater Collection section. 00:48:52
The Environmental Utilities Division section now provides for the sorry, the details are in there about how we the collection of 00:48:58
all wastewater. 00:49:04
And an update to the schools section. There are now four schools in Vineyard and we've added details regarding Trailside 00:49:12
Elementary. 00:49:16
There's also been an update to the Facilities and Services for the Future section, and we've added some information on the 00:49:22
Vineyard Children's Library. 00:49:26
So now this is the Keys, Key Opportunities and Challenges section. In 8.04020 we added an introduction to Key Opportunities and 00:49:30
Challenges section. Feel free to stop me anywhere you'd like and we can talk more in detail. 00:49:37
This section 8.08010 So these are now the Goals and Strategies section. So those have been edited and arranged a little 00:49:46
differently. 00:49:51
So the first goal is develop infrastructure master plans. This goal now is replacing goals for the maintenance of public 00:49:56
facilities. 00:49:59
But we didn't eliminate those goals. We moved them to go. 00:50:03
We changed goal one in this section to develop a 20 year infrastructure to develop 20 year infrastructure master plans. 00:50:07
Goal two is to develop a 20 year storm water and land drain master. 00:50:14
Goal three is to develop a 20 year Power, Telecommunications and Gas Master plan. Goal 4 is to develop a 20 year Transportation 00:50:19
Master Plan. 00:50:23
8.08.020 Goal Two Develop a public facilities plan. 00:50:31
This plan or Sorry this goal is replacing Goals for Recycling recycling program in the city, but it was moved to Goal 6. So Goal 6 00:50:36
addresses recycling. 00:50:41
So in this section we plan for a fire station, for a new City Hall location, and for the layout of the public works yard or 00:50:47
facilities area. 00:50:51
Goal Three is to develop a conservation program, which is replacing goals for stormwater management. With the new conservation 00:50:57
program, stormwater management plans were moved to Goal 5. 00:51:02
This section has plans for protecting our natural resources in the city and plans for improving air and water quality, plans for 00:51:08
focusing on renewable energy sources and plans for protecting environmentally sensitive areas. 00:51:14
A new strategy has been added that focuses on reducing waste and consumption. 00:51:20
Section 8.08 point 040 Go for, provide and maintain municipal facilities and services that adequately serve the needs of any 00:51:26
residents and businesses in a cost effective manner. This is expanding the already existing goals in this section for the 00:51:31
maintenance and the distribution of Public Utilities. 00:51:37
It provides plans for adequate locations of new facilities and services, plans for regular evaluation of municipal facilities and 00:51:43
services, plans to ensure that new development includes appropriate utilities, and plans to ensure that the burden of providing 00:51:49
utilities to new development falls upon the developer and not the city. 00:51:55
Section 8.08 Point 050 Go 5 Develop and maintain a stormwater management program that accommodates through the city's rapid 00:52:03
growth, protects water quality and establishes A vibrant ecosystem. 00:52:08
Providing for goals for enhanced stormwater management. 00:52:14
Goals regarding the Community Partnerships have been moved to Goal 7. 00:52:18
So this presents a storm water management plan that has to be updated annually, plans to increase efficiency of citywide drainage 00:52:22
systems and plans to develop illicit discharge detection and elimination program. Sorry. 00:52:29
Section 8.08 Point 06/06 Develop and maintain a trash and recycling program that encourages sustainability and limits contribution 00:52:38
to landfills. Providing goals for trash and recycling. 00:52:43
This section plans to encourage commercial entities to recycle. It also provides plans to create a citywide program to encourage 00:52:51
recycling and reuse. 00:52:55
And plans to enforce best practices for the storage and disposal of hazardous materials. 00:52:59
Hey, Brian. 00:53:06
What beyond just these bullet points would actually be in the general plan or would the plans take place outside of that. So these 00:53:08
are the guiding plans and I believe that we have other additional plans that the public Works Director can speak to that delve 00:53:14
deeper into these things. But having them in the general plan establishes that they are important to us and some of them they do 00:53:20
provide a little more detail, but we have these serve as overarching goals and strategies that then are further implemented 00:53:25
through additional plans. 00:53:31
Similar to just how we did the Central Corridor master plan, so like the the general plan had some like just kind of general 00:53:39
language about about parks and stuff like that. And then we do a master plan that provides like the details of kind of gives us 00:53:46
like that the guideline of how to move forward. So we do something similar to that for these and I would say that. 00:53:53
We've done a pretty good job in the past of engaging the public on a lot of our plans. 00:54:01
And just looking through some of these, I know. 00:54:06
A lot of expertise and passion just amongst the residents for some of these different things, like whether it's. 00:54:09
Infrastructure plans or the fire station or water conservation, You know, whatever it might be, there's probably opportunities to 00:54:16
engage the public. 00:54:19
And tap into some of. 00:54:23
The resources here. 00:54:25
Yes. 00:54:27
Yeah. Another good example is all the different things that we just did with water. We did the water efficiency standards and we 00:54:31
did the conservation, the water conservation program. And so yeah, there's there will be further opportunities for people to learn 00:54:37
and participate and engage and add to all those different plans and how these strategies are carried out. 00:54:43
So we'll keep doing our best to notice all those plans and things as they come up. 00:54:49
So here's another new section. We're almost done. There's a new section 8.08.070, Goal 7. Develop and maintain strategic 00:54:57
partnerships with outside entities that will improve the provision of public services and meet the needs of vineyards growing 00:55:02
population. 00:55:06
So develop and maintain strategic partnerships with outside entities that will improve the provision of public services and meet 00:55:12
the needs of growing population. 00:55:16
This is the last new goal New Section 8.08.080 Goal 8 Ensure and protect the quality and long term supply of water resources, 00:55:22
groundwater and surface water supplies. 00:55:27
Plans to ensure that new developments have sufficient water and plans to reduce surface water pollution. 00:55:34
City staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2023-14 General Plan Amendments to Public Facilities and Services element as presented 00:55:42
by City staff and in the Staff report. 00:55:47
Our proposed motion is to adopt. 00:55:53
Sorry, recommended option I should say to the City Council and I just want to thank the public works Director for all the all the 00:55:56
work that he put into this and spent a lot of time looking at plans and making appropriate recommendations so. 00:56:03
Thank you, Brian and Morgan. So you might have mentioned this, but so generally speaking just. 00:56:11
Recap when we identify this as our. 00:56:17
Then is there necessarily timelines in place where they say OK by within the next three years we want to implement Goal 5 or 00:56:21
whatever and and then does that get? 00:56:26
How often does it get relooked at type of thing from the city? Does that make sense? Yeah. So we have an implementation section in 00:56:32
the general plan. 00:56:35
Our next step with this would be to then update the implementation plan because it lays out all the different strategies that we 00:56:39
just that we are proposing to recommending to amend. So that comes after this. But yeah, in the in the general plan all the way in 00:56:46
the in the back section, it'll layout strategies, kind of show a recommended timeline, a rough timeline with some rough. 00:56:53
Budget requirements at that specific strategy would require. OK, sorry, an amendment to that would be the next step. OK, well, 00:57:01
thank you and I would echo. 00:57:07
You guys do a lot of work, so thank you for looking out best you can, I guess for city residents, yeah, for sure. And our previous 00:57:13
public works leaders as well. And people are served in the department. They've all done a great job before as well, so I want to 00:57:18
thank them too. 00:57:23
Any other comments? It's not. Let's open it up for a public hearing. 00:57:29
Do I need a motion? Yeah, make a motion to open. 00:57:35
A public hearing on. 00:57:39
This go ahead, all in favor? Aye. All right. If you have any comments? 00:57:41
All right, this thing is, there are none. Do I have a motion to close the public hearing? Motion to close the public hearing. 00:57:48
I'll second that all in favor. 00:57:54
All right, start the motion for this. 00:57:56
I'll make a motion to move. 00:57:59
Recommend Ord. 00:58:03
20/23/14 is presented by staff to the City Council. Do I have a second second that this will be a roll call? Craig aye. Anthony 00:58:05
Bryce I. 00:58:10
All right, that passes. Moving on to 6.1 or sorry, 5.1. Sign code, zoning, text amendments, cash. 00:58:15
All right, there we go. Yeah, so this is just a work session. A few weeks ago I brought the new sign code for you guys review, and 00:58:24
it included a section about wall art and building murals that I could do to ignore. So we're still drafting language for that. So 00:58:30
we finally have that here. 00:58:35
And there's just four sections here on on what people can do if they propose. 00:58:42
A mural or wall art, and I'll just review those points. The first one is that all wall art murals or parking structure screening 00:58:47
shall not exceed 30% of a building or structure facade. 00:58:53
The City Council may approve a higher area dedicated towards wall art and murals if the allowable square footage is reallocated 00:58:59
from other facades of the same building. That's similar to our former, I think sign code and our wall signs. 00:59:06
All right. And that if they want a larger shine or a larger mural, they just have to take it from other sides of the building. 00:59:15
So that way a lot of murals do take up, you know, a whole side of a building. But if they, you know, apply to do that, I'd have to 00:59:23
go through the City Council. But that way they wouldn't put any other wall, wall art or murals on the other facades. 00:59:29
Is there a reason this goes? This would go to the City Council instead of just to the Planning Commission like it does with the 00:59:36
normal sign stuff. 00:59:40
Yeah. Yeah, we could. And yeah, and also with the creation of the, I don't know if the the ARCH Commission would be able to give 00:59:44
that kind of approval or not. 00:59:48
Land use. 00:59:53
The zoning code OK. 00:59:55
OK. So, yeah, yeah, we could, we could make that change. 00:59:58
Then absolutely, yeah. OK. 01:00:02
OK. 01:00:07
So the the third is wall art or murals located within public right of way or in a public facility shall be reviewed by the Arch 01:00:09
Commission for recommendation of the City Council, The City Council's authorized to approve all public art and murals within the 01:00:15
city. And then the last is all lettering loads or symbols for advertising purposes shall meet the wall sign standards. So if if 01:00:22
they if a company does have like a logo or something inside the mural, it would still have to fit within. 01:00:28
The the wall sign code. So they couldn't, you know, make this giant mural and claim it Giant mural of their business and claim 01:00:36
it's a mural, not a. 01:00:40
If it was a mural of, say, a mascot for something, it's not necessarily their logo. How would how would stuff like that like be 01:00:47
handled? 01:00:52
That's a good question. I don't know if Morgan wants to take a stab at that. 01:00:59
Yeah, no problem. Yeah. It's one of those things where you have to be really careful because there's the 1st Amendment a ton of 01:01:05
way obviously. And so you you want to make sure your ordinance isn't restricting people's freedom of speech and freedom to to to 01:01:11
to display and assign, to advertise. So what we would do in that case? 01:01:17
Is most likely sent it to the attorney. So if we and that's typically what we do when when someone pushes back really hard if we 01:01:23
say well you know that's AI don't want to pick on a company but if there's like a certain like restaurant that has you know they 01:01:30
and they they paint their their logo into the into the mural if it's you know most likely if it's identifiable as as a logo that 01:01:37
that they use. 01:01:43
And you know and if it's if it's like the items that that they're selling. 01:01:52
We probably would make an interpretation that that's part of the wall sign. 01:01:55
That area of the mural and then if they if they then push back like in in most cases if if someone says well no we actually do 01:02:00
meet the the code then we would send it to our our our legal counselor for for their legal interpretation And so so we're we're 01:02:08
kind of covered in that sense and then typically we just do what the attorney says it's like well they're right you know then we 01:02:15
do that but that that's typically what we do is we would just look at like a logo and if it's something that they use. 01:02:22
On a regular basis, and if it clearly advertises their business, then most likely that portion would be a wall sign. 01:02:30
Cool. Do you guys have anything you want to add or? 01:02:39
No, I think I just want to add that I think it's good to make. 01:02:46
Room for this most any vibrant. 01:02:49
Downtown area has some of this and it can be. 01:02:53
The selling point interesting thing is that even looking on the Utah. 01:02:57
Visitors Bureau. They have like a whole mural guide, right? 01:03:02
And the business, it talks about how the business is next to. 01:03:07
Tend to do really well people. 01:03:11
Come just to see it and then grab lunch or something like that. So I think it's good that we're making room for this and then also 01:03:13
having you know some control around it but also like not saying no to it. Yeah. And then we will be, I I don't know if you've been 01:03:19
told about this or not but with the water tower on one side of it, we we were planning on doing this giant mural. And so this code 01:03:24
would allow us to actually do that and that's why we're we're pushing this right now to get that done so we can start going forbid 01:03:30
for for artists. 01:03:36
But yeah, if you have any other questions or anything like that. 01:03:42
And the way this is written would essentially allow the entire side of that water tower. 01:03:45
The Arts Commission being a public facility and then. 01:03:52
Square footage. 01:04:00
Cool. Great. 01:04:02
Yeah, no, I think it looks good. 01:04:03
OK, so next steps for this we will, I'll I'll throw this back into the the complete code. The other changes I made getting rid of 01:04:08
the the science standard waiver and we will most likely bring that up for a recommendation in two weeks I believe. 01:04:16
Sounds good. Thank you, Kash. 01:04:25
All right, moving on to Commission member reports and expert a discussion and disclosure. 01:04:28
And if anything. 01:04:34
One thing so Cash and Mitchell helped me sign up for It's called the Move Utah Summit. So it's like active transportation. 01:04:37
I believe. 01:04:46
May 24th or something like that. May 20th. 01:04:47
So I'll report back on that. Cool. But yeah, just to echo that, staff supportive if you find any events that you think pertain to 01:04:50
the job that you're interested in. 01:04:55
So I'll help you out with it. 01:04:59
Awesome. Anything from? 01:05:01
Oh yeah, on April 13th we will be doing a Mill Rd. Like the future of Mill Rd. Town Hall. It's going to be at the Edgewater. 01:05:08
Their, their clubhouse. I believe it's at 6:00 PM Everybody's invited. We're really focusing on kind of the the developments and 01:05:18
businesses surrounding Mill Rd. to get their input, but but the whole city's invited. We want to know just any safety issues or 01:05:24
anything like that, any pedestrian improvements you'd like to see along that street. 01:05:31
So yeah, we'll we'll have a good time there and then it looks like Naseem. 01:05:38
Come on, come on, let's figure out. Almost. 01:05:46
So some information for Public Works on April. 01:06:09
18th we're having Facebook live event is specifically about the transportation Master plan that's being that we're going through 01:06:14
right now. 01:06:18
We'll have some awesome. 01:06:23
People presenting on there, they will be obviously the awesomeness does come from engineers that it will be on there, but we'll 01:06:26
have a presentation from State Council and Representation Planning Commission, so I'd like to. 01:06:33
Thank Anthony for volunteering his time to be on that Facebook Live and I hope everyone signs on and asks those great questions 01:06:39
that the public will be able to to ask. That's a Facebook Live event on April 18th about the Transportation Master Plan and then 01:06:47
on April 25th we're going to be doing the public open house for the Transportation Master Plan. 01:06:54
Where the consultants? 01:07:03
Who are working with it along with city staff will be. 01:07:05
And. 01:07:10
I believe. 01:07:11
Freedom Prep? Yeah. Freedom Prep elementary school auditorium. And it's going to be combined with impact vineyards. 01:07:12
Event as well. So the tenants there should be twice as big, probably not because of the transportation master plan but probably 01:07:23
because of the impact Vineyard portion of it. But it's a great opportunity for the public to come out and learn more about that, 01:07:29
excuse me, the transportation Master plan and provide comments and inputs so we can capture that and. 01:07:35
Utilize that, that's like that's a great example of how the general plan is providing that guiding light. 01:07:42
For that Transportation Master Plan as well. 01:07:47
Yeah, sorry. So those are those are those are two events that for in terms of the from the works and. 01:07:53
In terms of. 01:08:02
Vineyard Connector is moving forward. The big part about Vineyard Connector is a DLT project. We're obviously looking forward to 01:08:03
opening up in August, excuse me, October, October 2023. And then we're also moving forward. That's a conversation that we had some 01:08:10
time ago and it's moving forward as well as the Promenade Overpass. 01:08:17
As well as going to be is moving forward the designs, the designs are aligned to the the principles that the Planning Commission 01:08:25
and City Council have provided. And I think everyone will be very pleased when when we get well, when we get past the structure 01:08:33
portion of it with dot and start working more on the aesthetic portion of it with with downtown developer. 01:08:40
Can I ask a question about the aesthetic question So is. 01:08:49
An opportunity for the the arch committee or whatever that they would work with. I mean because I know you not only allows a 01:08:55
certain amount of aesthetics but definitely considers. 01:09:00
Umm, input from the city? Yeah. So right now the big portion of it that we're working with DLT about. 01:09:05
Is making sure that we capture the. 01:09:12
Kind of outlining the confines of the weights that could be placed on the bridge like you know planners and other types of like 01:09:16
are we is it going to be. 01:09:21
Raised sidewalks or sidewalks at the same level of roads, for example, how the drainage is working and such that's that's really 01:09:28
what the big that's kind of like the information we're trying to get through with DLT. So that'll kind of outline the constraints. 01:09:36
And there I could about bounce. I'll save the boundaries and also the types of connections that the dot will allow on the 01:09:44
structure. From there, working with the planning department and so forth will be able to incorporate. 01:09:51
Other other aspects to that, but thanks. Yeah, I'd say push you down, that's all I'm saying. I mean they have certain committee 01:09:59
and stuff as well but. 01:10:04
I wouldn't be shy away if I was the city to just ask for what you think you want, because it's like a pretty prominent feature, 01:10:11
right? So to. 01:10:15
Push the batteries a little bit. Oh yeah. No, definitely have been a great partner to work with in terms of that and they haven't. 01:10:20
When we've talked to them about certain aspects, they've come back to us with, you know, maybe not this, but how about that, for 01:10:27
example? So they haven't just. 01:10:34
So they've been great parking to work with and the developer Flyborough has hired a very prominent architect company, OJB, I 01:10:41
believe that's their name. 01:10:47
To workout some of the kind of like some of the looks and so forth and you know, coming from an engineer, when they say that's 01:10:53
that looks very good, that's a very good compliment. That's good. 01:10:59
If the bridge doesn't fall down and it's Gray, I'm happy. 01:11:07
Yeah, and it looks good. That's always a bonus. Exactly. 01:11:11
And the the Bicycle Advisory Commission did recommend approval and that's something to that we can bring you in our next meeting 01:11:15
because I think the design is now at least the design piece, not the weights, but is pretty pretty close to being done. 01:11:22
And so we can cash and help me remember to put that on the next, on the next day. So we think you'll like that design. We can even 01:11:29
send it over to you fairly soon, so you can let it. 01:11:34
OK. 01:11:40
Yeah, I've got. I've got it if. 01:11:43
Let's talk after about it, maybe a one that's a little bit more comprehensive. Thanks. Cool. Thanks. And just real quick fashion, 01:11:46
the update from Postal Service. 01:11:50
I knew you'd asked me about that. I thought about it actually yesterday. I don't go to the post office anywhere near as much as I 01:11:58
used to, but I will put it in my calendar to go there before our next Planning Commission and get you a solid update. 01:12:05
It might be a no, but it'll be an update. 01:12:14
Thank you. Cool everything. I have one more thing. 01:12:17
For the impact fair on April 25th, Catherine would like the Planning Commission to have a booth or something on that. 01:12:22
If you guys can figure that out amongst yourselves or we can help you. 01:12:32
If there's someone who wants to volunteer to kind of work with staff, we we can help you put put the booth together. Maybe maybe 01:12:38
it's just like a planning department slash Commission booth or something that we can highlight projects is this thing that we do, 01:12:43
but you just just let us know. 01:12:48
OK. Do you guys have any questions about any of the flooding that might be happening soon or any of our preparation for that? 01:12:55
But there is a Facebook post that I've seen about a lot of what you can do, what options there are what? 01:13:07
All right. So, yeah, Cool, cool. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, guys. All right, If that is everything, then meeting adjourned. 01:13:17
He didn't get. 01:13:28
Yeah. 01:13:31
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All right. Welcome, everybody. It is March 15th, 2023. And this is the Vineyard Planning Commission. We'll have an invocation and 00:00:00
Pledge of Allegiance by Anthony Jacob. We'll do that pledge first. All right. 00:00:05
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:14
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:20
Our Father in Heaven, we're thankful for this opportunity to gather and to meet as citizens of this city and with staff as well. 00:00:34
And we pray that we. 00:00:41
That make well informed decisions and then we can have good conversation around what's going to be best for the residents of this 00:00:43
town now and in the future and say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:00:48
All right. 00:00:55
Session this is dedicated for public comment Public comment. Just make sure it's not something that. 00:00:58
There will be an opportunity to speak about the discussion. 00:01:06
3.1. 00:01:18
That's for review and. 00:01:22
Yeah, I had a chance to review those, so I make a motion to approve the minutes from March 1st. 00:01:26
Second all in favor, aye? 00:01:31
All right, moving on to business item 4.1 in the Central Corridor Master plan. 00:01:35
Yeah, Good evening, Planning Commission. I'm Brian Amaya Perez, senior planner. We're reviewing once again Ordinance 2023-16, the 00:01:43
Central Corridor Master Plan. 00:01:49
Last time we were here in Planning Commission, we showed you guys the plan. 00:01:57
The community got to see the plan and provide feedback, so we wanted to jump right into it and review. 00:02:02
The major comments that were presented and discuss them and also show. 00:02:09
Show you guys and show the community how we've tried to adjust the comments. 00:02:15
OK, so the first comment. 00:02:20
That we received was to preserve the serene nature of Gammon. 00:02:24
Also reduce traffic impacts onto Holdaway Rd. 00:02:28
Provide a central location for parking lots. 00:02:33
For a parking lot to serve all. 00:02:36
To retain a baseball field. 00:02:40
To preserve view protection zone along property lines to incorporate heritage and for that I added a note to see the master plan 00:02:43
document that is in the staff report. 00:02:49
Master Plan document talks more in detail about all the different elements in the plan. What we're looking at today is this the 00:02:56
the Master site plan. It's an overview of the location of different amenities and. 00:03:02
The different services Slide Hill should be redesigned for privacy, for the preservation of privacy. 00:03:09
So this is the, the top portion, the Vineyard Park, sorry, the Vineyard Grove Park section of the master plan and then the the 00:03:18
central Corridor section. So just to highlight, I have black sex and then red text, red text kind of addresses the concerns that 00:03:25
that we just talked about. So parking again we're adding 150 spaces of additional parking in a formalized park set parking setting 00:03:32
next to the existing parking. 00:03:39
There will be a dog park for small and large dogs, 12 new pickleball courts that will replace the existing tennis courts. Tennis. 00:03:47
Tennis is going to be moved down to to Gammon Park and Robins, the old Robbins Farm property. 00:03:54
Walking trails throughout the wetlands and wetland preservation throughout that was something very important to the residents. 00:04:01
Just reiterate that preservation of view sheds along property lines. There's a 40 foot buffer, at least a 40 foot buffer along the 00:04:09
property lines by Parkside and the Gardens neighborhood. We've added a note that says View Protection Zone. No tree shall be 00:04:16
planted within 40 feet of adjacent property lines. 00:04:23
Slide Hill will be regraded and redesigned at a future point in time, so that it is our intention to make that hill. 00:04:31
Look different, feel different, act different. So it does. 00:04:41
Provide privacy. Enhance privacy for the residents. In the meantime, we did add a few more trees. I'll put my cursor on the 00:04:44
southern end of the parking lot of the existing parking lot to further shield headlights. 00:04:51
Especially in the nighttime hours onto the residents properties over here, so that's just a little more. 00:04:59
An enhancement for for people's. 00:05:06
Comfort, I guess, Brian, what is the viewing structure in the top right? 00:05:09
Yeah, I'm assuming it's like a pavilion or something, but what is, Yeah, it's just a, it's just a platform that goes out into the 00:05:13
wetlands where you can kind of just observe the wetlands and and get a feel of the of the more natural space. 00:05:19
It's not. It's not a tower. It's not a tower. No, no, no, sorry. Just just wasn't looking for a tower. Just a boardwalk type. 00:05:26
Area. 00:05:35
OK, so on the left are some of the major things to highlight in this section. A heritage themed community and Cultural Center. 00:05:37
That's this red building here. Heritage themed community garden as as you might note. 00:05:42
This plan does look different than the one from before. After this slide I'll do a side by side comparison so that way you guys 00:05:50
can see how exactly it has changed. But for now this is the most recent version that I want to explain. 00:05:56
So again #2A heritage themed community garden. 00:06:04
Here in this section and all abilities playground. 00:06:08
Two tennis. 00:06:11
A dirt pump track here on the Northside of Center St. Additional REC fields. 00:06:13
And this, this baseball field, these are just the lines to show that it could be used for baseball, but it could also be used for 00:06:19
flag football, soccer or just open rec space. So this is not a permanent, you know, high, highly expensive baseball field that 00:06:27
we're doing. This is just an area, but it will have a backstop. I should, I should say. Yeah. Thank you, Morgan. 00:06:34
And then Center St. pedestrian facility enhancements. So with with so many attractions on the South side of Center St. we want to 00:06:43
provide safe crossings from the neighborhoods to the north into this part of. 00:06:50
Of the community. 00:06:57
OK. So now on the right side, I'd like to talk about how this plan addresses some of the concerns. So there was a concern that I 00:06:59
mentioned about parking a parking lot, potential parking lot creating traffic spillover onto Holdaway Rd. We had to, we wanted it, 00:07:07
we needed to put a parking lot in here to address you know providing parking for these uses and so we. 00:07:15
We took all the comments into consideration and found that this location is a location that works. 00:07:23
To provide parking for for the different uses. But in doing that we had to relocate this central open space. 00:07:28
We had to relocate the heritage themed community garden. Community garden used to be where this open space is. The open space used 00:07:37
to be a little more to the left and so now those those two kind of have flip-flopped. 00:07:43
We've relocated the baseball fields. The baseball will still be a part of this area as was requested, but it will be in the 00:07:51
southwest portion of the multi use rec field. 00:07:57
We relocated the Parks and Rec maintenance shed, so the maintenance shed used to be tucked away here in this corner. 00:08:05
But for greater convenience for our parks and Rec department, they wanted to be more centrally located and so we put it there and 00:08:13
and and that that building will be designed also in a heritage. 00:08:18
Agricultural style theme. 00:08:25
To be consistent with what what the feel of this area we want it to be. 00:08:28
There is additional buffering along these trails and so so to add a note about that. 00:08:34
In the northern part of the plan, here in the corridor section, we removed all the trees. Remember the note that says there's no 00:08:43
trees to be planted within 40 feet of adjacent properties? 00:08:47
Because. 00:08:54
Because this is different than wetlands. There are no wetlands here. This will be recreational news. And so we we did provide the 00:08:55
buffering on the trails, but we also kept the. 00:09:00
Trees are not to be planted. 00:09:05
To exceed a height of 10 feet, the trees. 00:09:08
You know, if you're someone living next to that rec area, you might want to have some trees to to dampen the noise from you know, 00:09:12
sports going on and and yelling and cheering and things like that. And so we we thought that trees might still be a good addition, 00:09:17
but we are willing to work with the residents. You know, if if there's a particular resident that does not want trees along the 00:09:23
property, we can we can definitely work work that out with public works and they can make sure that no trees are planted around 00:09:28
along that property line. 00:09:33
Yeah, sure. 00:09:39
Toss it saves us money. So it's like it's a really not really a lot of consequences in the city. So we we can do it, you know as a 00:10:15
as requested. 00:10:20
Thanks, Morgan. Yeah, that perfect. So yeah, so you'll see those those things added in site plan approval process, the new parking 00:10:27
lot that is entering and exiting out onto Center St. and not onto Holdaway Rd. These are an additional 54 spaces so. 00:10:38
That. 00:10:50
Was our attempt to reduce the traffic impacts on Eldoret. 00:10:51
Oh, we had a trail in the previous plan that went around the the backside of these properties, so we've diverted that. So we've 00:10:59
eliminated that trail. We added a trail connection into the Central Vineyard Arboretum section. 00:11:06
And then so it connects in that way and then exits onto here near the Community and Cultural Center. 00:11:13
There's also a trail. I think this was also a part of the previous plan, so this hasn't changed. There's a trail that exits. 00:11:22
Onto Holdaway. 00:11:28
Just provide that added accessibility and connectivity. 00:11:30
And then of course we wanted to keep the feel, the traditional feel of Gammon Park. So we're going to work with Public Works to 00:11:35
identify which trees in there are healthy, that we can preserve, that we can keep and hopefully they're there for for years to 00:11:43
come. But then the trees that aren't healthy and are posing a health risk to the residents and to visitors will will be removed. 00:11:50
So here's the the previous plan from last Planning Commission. I wanted to show you guys that side by side. So I'll just kind of 00:12:00
do a little flip. 00:12:04
Back and forth from the new plan to the old plan. 00:12:08
I'll give you a second to look at. 00:12:11
That's the new plan. 00:12:15
We'll do this a couple times. 00:12:19
OK, I'm going to keep going. 00:12:28
Unless you guys want to look at this for another. 00:12:30
OK, OK, and here's the Fishhook Slash City Hall area, So in the top portion we have the Vineyard Arboretum. This might also be an 00:12:33
appropriate location for a possible vineyard or orchard or flower garden. As we've talked about in the previous meeting. We got 00:12:40
the skate park here by City Hall where there can be lots of supervision, especially with the Sheriff's Office being in the City 00:12:47
Hall building. The pump track that goes around the skate park we also have. 00:12:55
4 new additional pickleball courts. 00:13:03
This silver section here is slack lining and hammocking. We have 32 new parking spaces as the parking expansion to serve these 00:13:06
new. 00:13:11
We also there was requests in the last meeting for additional shading. So additional shading has been provided in different areas 00:13:18
throughout the throughout the plan, not just here at City Hall, but over here in the in this area where there's a potential a 00:13:24
potential new playground also in. 00:13:29
In the Gammon Park area, we added a few more shade cells here and in the Vineyard Grove area as well. If I go back to you so 00:13:36
you'll see more. 00:13:41
Shade sales and shading throughout we added. You probably can't see them very well at this height, but we did add places for 00:13:47
seating around. 00:13:51
Around the trails and around the parks we had a picnic areas. I know Tim Blackburn or love that and. 00:13:57
And. 00:14:06
So, yeah, those are those are how we that's how we addressed the changes that were requested. 00:14:08
City Council to hear the next steps if there is a recommendation for approval tonight from the Planning Commission and this will 00:14:16
go to City Council not this next City Council meeting next week but the one afterwards. They're just the agenda is is swamped 00:14:22
right now so we we can fit it into that agenda. So if you would like to to come to that meeting it will be on the 26th at 6:00 PM 00:14:29
here in City Hall. 00:14:35
And then in the future, one City Council has approved this. 00:14:43
Individual areas of the site of the plan, I should say, will be approved. 00:14:47
You know through a site plan process. So just because it this is a city initiated thing doesn't mean that we can just go ahead and 00:14:54
build it. We also have to follow our own process and provide site plan approvals from the Planning Commission and so different 00:15:00
sections of the plan City Hall. 00:15:05
Gammon Park, the dirt pump track, the the changes that we're proposing to Vineyard Grove Park, all that has to come here through 00:15:11
Planning Commission where there will be another chance for vineyard residents to to provide feedback and provide their comments 00:15:16
and input. 00:15:21
And then here are some precedent images. 00:15:27
This is the Community and Cultural Center. 00:15:31
And this is some of the parks and some shade sales. 00:15:36
And this is the community gardens and some of the trails in the trailheads. 00:15:43
So that's all I got. Awesome. Thank you so much, Brian. Welcome. 00:15:49
And you guys have any questions, comments? 00:15:53
I think it looks great. I think you guys addressed the concerns really well. 00:15:56
Umm, chair buddy, So you're welcome to also open it. 00:16:02
Thanks, Thanks. If there aren't any more comments from us, do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? I move to open public 00:16:07
hearing. Do I have a second? 00:16:11
Second, all in favor, aye, all right, If anybody has any comments that they would like to make? 00:16:15
Specifically about the Central Quartermaster plan announced your opportunity. 00:16:23
Also, if you have questions or something, I'll write your questions down and at the end we'll kind of go through all the 00:16:28
questions. 00:16:31
Last time spoke with the. 00:16:40
Can I interrupt you? Thank you. Please state your name and and where you live, what neighborhood you live in. 00:16:43
Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. You don't have to provide an address. 00:16:52
Just a couple. 00:16:58
Questions, but I want to start off with again telling you guys that we appreciate. 00:17:01
Your your minds and your understanding what we're experiencing over there. 00:17:07
First and foremost, I guess the question is what is the city's intention with the? 00:17:18
Soccer slash baseball field area is. 00:17:23
The intentions to rent those out for girls, So what age groups? 00:17:26
The. 00:17:32
Oh, yeah. We'll get all the questions. Yeah. I'll grab all your questions. All right. OK. My apologies. 00:17:34
We're just going to take that into consideration. 00:18:12
And then also with reading out the fields, I don't know how in depth that's going to be or how often, but you got to remember that 00:18:15
if we're going to be rentals out that that's just taken away from the free time for the city that. 00:18:21
You know, there was just this baseball field here and they had maybe, I think they even a soccer field one up towards the center. 00:18:30
The builder rented out quite often. It takes up a lot of space for the business just to come and enjoy themselves in a while. 00:18:37
Before that, I do know that the residents. 00:18:45
To enjoy parks that are open down there like Los Angeles Building warranty South Central. 00:18:50
People come to officer. 00:18:56
A good joy. And it's not. They're not sometimes not interfered with. 00:18:58
Anything. 00:19:08
If she's planning on that next to the houses. 00:19:10
That you guys can answer looking more. Would that be residential? 00:19:14
As you landscaping that you know some will enjoy for privacy that we're going to be you know bringing a lot of residents into this 00:19:17
area and we'll be able to see more windows and things like that so easily and. 00:19:24
Whether they're going to enjoy the Tuesdays of their house and I just hope that will be residents. 00:19:32
Also supporting the design for you guys. 00:19:38
And then last comment. 00:19:43
There was a possibility, I don't know, for the gardening section. 00:19:45
For more low key quiet sections. 00:19:51
Is there a way that we can bring those closer to the residence fence lines that were pushed in here? We don't build in the 00:19:54
congregation of everybody coming into. 00:19:59
City, sorry, City Park. I know we discussed also on silver holes, having that roadway there, trying to govern that and people 00:20:05
parking. 00:20:09
Once again. 00:20:14
Including baseball and have their stand there and that kind of stuff. I think that they're going to find out real quick that back 00:20:21
approach and use that quite heavily. So again, as I know from before, it's going to be paid to govern that the people have 00:20:26
department. 00:20:30
I'll say that again, I just appreciate the time and you guys. 00:20:36
Awesome. Thank you so much, Nathan. 00:20:41
Yeah, thanks, Nathan. Chair. Brady, would you like me to try to address, we'll have all the comments 1st and then go all 00:20:43
everyone's comments and we'll talk about them. OK. Gotcha. 00:20:48
Thank you. Yeah, and I've written them all down too, so. 00:20:53
Hey, Travis Irwin also back up. 00:20:58
I know previously we talked about flights, So for us like you're kind of big thing at the end of parking, not wanting like big 00:21:02
stadium lights that affect neighborhoods on all sides. 00:21:07
Also reiterate, thank you guys so much. It's been a pleasure to attend some of these and and. 00:21:13
Feedback and hearing this about feedback. 00:21:19
And then whatever feedback was the all ability part, super excited about that, supporting all of vineyards, residents of their 00:21:22
abilities. 00:21:26
Thank you. 00:21:32
Hey. 00:21:45
Have some. 00:21:55
Is the light, Is the light on on? 00:21:58
There's a little fun. They don't have a light on it anymore. It's just it works. 00:22:01
Expecting this big booming, but anyway. 00:22:08
Like I said, express thanks for everything. 00:22:13
That you've done, and as a family, we appreciate you again. 00:22:16
Putting my mother's wishes into effect and making this public use, That's what she. 00:22:21
What I wanted to do, so we appreciate that. 00:22:26
A lot of the concerns that I had have been addressed and I appreciate that also. Like I said, I don't think. 00:22:29
You're going to have the perfect plan. Everybody's going to have something there that they like and something they don't like. But 00:22:37
I think a lot of the concerns that were expressed last time. 00:22:41
Have been addressed. 00:22:47
I personally like this plan a lot better than when we first started, so thank you very much. Still, the one concern I do have is. 00:22:49
The parking along Center St. 00:22:58
I know they were talked about reducing the speeds, but that's one of the main thoroughfares going through the town. 00:23:01
And living on Hold Way Rd. where speed limbs supposed to be 20 miles an hour and the average speed goes between 35 and 40. 00:23:08
I think you're gonna have a tough time reducing speeds on that road to make. 00:23:14
It's safe to have those parking right on the street. So that's that's concern I've always had. 00:23:18
And how to handle that? But anyway for the most part just thank you very much and. 00:23:23
Appreciate all the work that you've done. Thank you, Dave. 00:23:29
Any other comments? 00:23:38
Yeah, yeah. 00:23:40
I don't think I am. 00:23:42
Again, just talking about the parking lot, I know that we took the parking lot off the Gamma Rd. entering the next thing up again 00:23:44
and we're sorry all the way, Rd. 00:23:49
And stuck up more in the center, but I just want to make sure. 00:23:56
The amount of amenities we're putting in this area. 00:23:59
The parking is going to be sufficient for all of that. I think that even with the, I think you said 52 or 54 added parking spaces. 00:24:04
With what's out on Center Street at the diagonal parking, not quite sure if that's going to be enough, so I'm just hoping that. 00:24:13
That there's enough thought into that to where we can bring. 00:24:21
All the vehicles off Center St. into the park area and to where that something flood to the residential streets on the outside. So 00:24:25
basically just that center parking lot being sufficient for what we're attracting this couple. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. 00:24:31
Any other comments? 00:24:44
Tim Blackburn and Sleepy Ridge. I have copies that I could give each of you of some of my comments that would. 00:24:50
Provide more detail. Thank you. 00:24:58
Because a couple of my comments are pretty detailed and this will just help go through that. 00:25:04
First of all, like others who said, I'm very pleased with the way the staff has listened to. 00:25:10
The residents concerns and the way the Planning Commission has supported those. 00:25:17
Especially the senior planner planner, Brian. And to the director of Economic Development, Morgan. I know in cash. I don't want to 00:25:23
leave you out. 00:25:28
But thank you for listening. 00:25:34
A couple of just basic things, and these are very specific to the master plan on 1.3 in the bullet. 00:25:36
I really like the fact that it says highlight and celebrate the city's rich and diverse heritage. 00:25:47
That's a comment that we hadn't seen and I really compliment the writers of that plan to incorporate that. And secondly in 1.7. 00:25:55
They've added a complete section, I think 3 paragraphs, dealing with heritage preservation. 00:26:03
And so I really commend you and the city staff for doing that because that highlights the things that are important to us relative 00:26:10
to preserving the history of Vineyard. Now specifically just looking at what I've given you as a copy, I won't go through all of 00:26:16
these because of time. I have a minute and 22 seconds left. 00:26:22
But if you could just get the flare of what I'm trying to say and I'll give a copy to the staff as well, We're recommending not 00:26:29
major changes to some of the wording, but some very what we feel is important changes to under score the idea of preserving 00:26:36
heritage. For instance, in paragraph on page 14, second paragraph, it currently says the Vineyard CCMP provides guidance for 00:26:44
future development, etcetera, etcetera. 00:26:51
We're recommending that it would also say, and creating additional recreational and historical and cultural facilities. You'll see 00:26:58
all those changes that we're recommending in italics. 00:27:05
So I won't go through all of these. 00:27:12
But hopefully that could become part of the record and I'll give a copy to Morgan and Brian as well. But again. 00:27:15
Our compliments from the perspective of historical preservation. 00:27:21
To what we feel is going to be done. We know this is years out in the future, but as far as long as it's written down, hopefully 00:27:26
that will provide some firm direction for the future. So thank you very much. Thank you so much, Tim. 00:27:35
And we have a copy of this so we can have in the minutes. 00:27:45
Oh yeah, Rachel, Rachel's keeping a copy. 00:27:49
Yes, please. 00:27:52
Or I can give her a copy of this as well. 00:27:54
Any other public comments? 00:27:58
All right. So I guess going with these questions then the intentions with the soccer and baseball field, do we have an idea? Is 00:28:02
the wreck? Yeah, yeah, sure. I can definitely talk about that. So renting, there has not been a conversation about renting them 00:28:09
out. It's been more of like being able to satisfy vineyards own needs for recreation, like Vineyard Grove Park is constantly over 00:28:15
packed for our rec programs. 00:28:22
And we also use. 00:28:29
What's that field in Ormond that we share with Orem? Lakeside, Lakeside Park, yes, thank you. So we use some of that as well in 00:28:32
Orem, but we need, we need more additional rec space. So this is from what I understand it says for us, for the, for the 00:28:37
residents. 00:28:41
With regards to the baseball field. 00:28:48
That is probably anywhere from 80 to 90 feet away from property lines. 00:28:51
You know and and there there are the trees. There will be the trees. 00:28:58
And that will be from a resident to resident conversation with with public works to see if they do want those trees in there or 00:29:01
not. 00:29:04
Faces that are just on the grass, so. 00:29:45
Exactly, yeah. So that answers that question. 00:29:49
Then the. 00:29:54
Quiet places closer to residence. Was there a thought on? 00:29:56
Why the places are where they are? Kind of just your thoughts. 00:30:00
So it's 90 feet from, is it 90 feet from the baseball field area to the property lines? 00:30:06
Yeah, yeah. So from the from the backstop, it's probably around that that distance because the the trail is about 40 feet. So 00:30:14
there's a 40 foot buffer from the property lines and then it looks like there's an equal space between the trail to the baseball. 00:30:21
So that's at least 7080 feet there. And from what I understand, there aren't even any plans to put in any kind of like stadium 00:30:28
kind of seating at all. No. So it'll be real similar to what they have going on at Gammon Park currently. 00:30:35
Just real basic. And then also as far as some of the other areas like the Arboretum and the water feature and stuff. 00:30:44
Those are just real awkward places to put soccer fields and stuff. So and then as as well as the garden, like we're trying to get 00:30:52
it closer to parking because many of the residents that use the garden spaces are older residents, so just trying to fit 00:30:56
everything. 00:31:01
Where it's close to parking and works for everybody, it's hard to juggle it all. 00:31:06
We've gone through a lot of the iterations of this plan on what would be best. 00:31:13
But. 00:31:19
Yeah, like Dave Robin said, there's no perfect plan for everybody, but we're trying to make it as. 00:31:20
As good for everybody as we possibly can. 00:31:29
And then go into Travis comments on lights are are there any plans on doing big? 00:31:33
Light the no, no, probably. I mean we may have lights in the parking area, but we haven't had any discussions further about big 00:31:39
lights anywhere on the plan actually. And if we do have lights, we could always have them turn off an appropriate time. We can 00:31:47
have them be down, lit, hooded, no higher than 20 feet tall, which is what the zoning ordinance. 00:31:55
Allows, but we haven't had any major conversations about lighting. 00:32:03
And then as far as parking in the center, so we have that open space area just South of the parking. 00:32:09
Could that possibly be expanded? Yeah. So that's why we did it. And we're also in the process of working with the school to do 00:32:18
some sort of you know potential maintenance agreement that we would share in the cost of maintenance that they allowed us to to 00:32:24
utilize their their parking like officially. And I think you have another 100 plus stalls right there. 00:32:30
And then to kind of talk about the street parking. 00:32:37
That was also in response to trying to provide some priority parking along the field so that you know folks could get kind of 00:32:40
closer to the field to help kind of reduce the the desire of wanting to go into the neighborhood. 00:32:47
And then the other thing too is that scenario as you see like the crosswalks we're actually going to look at at this section, this 00:32:55
was coming from the plan. We received a lot of comments about the the amount of people like that that walk already and wanting 00:33:03
like a safer, safer crossings and making this part of Center St. slower. And so we may look at doing like bulb outs and there is a 00:33:11
lot of room obviously being on a park that you could push the parking in even a little bit further to provide more. 00:33:19
Room for folks to negotiate kind of backing out. But yeah, this is something where we would work with the traffic consultant and 00:33:27
that we would have an engineer who's done a bunch of these. We've looked at a lot of examples of parks that do have street parking 00:33:34
and some parks are served almost 100% by street parking because they're trying to preserve the parks for like open space stuff. So 00:33:42
that's kind of our desires. If we can put some on the street that allows us to maintain the field because even that little field. 00:33:49
The Parks Department really still won't wants that all those little fields it provides. 00:33:57
Different areas that they can program, but yeah, that that would be an expansionary if we needed. And then there was also a desire 00:34:01
from the council for us to look at when the Community Center comes in. 00:34:07
Doing a plate of basically subterranean parking that that would go on underneath the facility. 00:34:14
Whether or not it happens, I mean that that's something that that we would look at, but yeah. 00:34:20
We've also talked to the Parks Department about programming of the fields. One of the biggest issues with parking, especially for 00:34:26
like the soccer events, is overlap, where you get a lot of, you know, families showing up as well, families haven't left yet. 00:34:33
And so on the park tomorrow it said that they've committed to providing enough kind of time between games, so the 1520 minutes so 00:34:41
that people can can kind of flush out and that you're not you're not overlapping that that that traffic and and and and this is 00:34:49
more kind of an expansion area for for their their program. I think gammon or growth is still going to be kind of more the 00:34:56
priority spot. So you'd probably see the heavier use there and and you still have you know. 00:35:04
Used here, but it wouldn't be as heavy as as Crow Park so. 00:35:12
This, this, all abilities playground. 00:35:17
If we built it exactly to the size, would probably be the biggest in Utah County. So it currently is approximately 28,000 square 00:35:21
feet. The one in Orem, the what's it called. 00:35:27
There are all abilities per guy. I forget what they call it is 18,000 square feet. So we could definitely shrink this one a little 00:35:35
bit. If scale it back, add a little bit more parking. So there there's all kinds of things that we can do to accommodate more 00:35:40
parking. Cool. OK, cool. 00:35:45
Does that answer everybody's questions or? 00:35:52
I'm just wondering. Sorry you got to come. 00:35:56
Sorry Dave, you got to come to the mic if you're gonna. 00:35:58
This is how it used to be back when I was on it. Planning permission. You guys are way too formal. No, I just went that. Have you 00:36:02
looked at the Spanish Fork? All Abilities park and I haven't been there myself. No, Sorry, I was going to say. 00:36:10
Yeah, I was going to say. 00:36:20
Yeah. 00:36:25
Know about that one. And I'm saying there's a lot of good features in. 00:36:26
And I think it's quite, it's huge. So anyway, that's the resource for you to look at. Yeah, great. Thank you, Dave. 00:36:30
And as we as we go through and breakdown into each of these plans, we will. 00:36:38
Have more details on the exact size of everything, the parking for everything. This is just a basic overlay of This is what we're 00:36:43
hoping will come in and the details will. 00:36:49
We'll flush the details out when it comes to that. 00:36:55
OK, there were a couple of e-mail comments. Should I read those? 00:36:59
Brian covered those in his business presentation. He highlighted those and that that, yeah, that that dealt with the the view 00:37:06
corridors, the hill, slide hill, you know a few of those things. Great. OK. Any other comments from? 00:37:15
Commissioner, no. 00:37:25
No. OK, cool. If not, then do I have a motion to close the public hearing? 00:37:27
Do I have a second? Second. All in favor? Aye. All right. Do I have a motion? 00:37:37
Oh, oh. 00:37:46
I want to find a. 00:37:50
And chair if you're you do have the request from a member of the public to add in some of the language that's not necessarily 00:37:56
something you have to get get in tonight. If you recommend approval that could go to the City Council and that would provide staff 00:38:02
the time to to to draft up something for for the the City Council to look up but your motion could say. 00:38:09
Basically that that that a draft version will be provided with with this language for the City Council to consider. That that way 00:38:16
you don't have to go through and wordsmith the plan tonight. 00:38:22
Cool, all right. 00:38:29
I moved to. 00:38:31
Ordinance 2023-16 as presented by staff with the. 00:38:33
Draft of recommended enhancements. 00:38:39
To the Vineyard Central Corridor Master plan. 00:38:44
That, like staff, will provide City Council. 00:38:49
Do I have a second? 00:38:54
Second, this will be a roll call. Craig A. 00:38:55
Anthony, hi Bryce. I take. Hey, all right passes. 00:38:59
Moving on to item 4.2, public hearing for the zoning text amendment of domestic livestock and foul and this will be cash handling 00:39:03
this. Thank you guys so much for the comments you made on this. The public comments really helped draft this whole plan and make 00:39:09
it what it was. So thank you guys. 00:39:14
Sorry, it's just loading here. 00:39:23
Shouldn't take that long. 00:39:44
OK. Oh, there we go. Sorry, I'm going to excuse myself now. 00:39:51
She's dealing with that. 00:39:58
Sorry, good luck with chickens. 00:40:02
Domestic, foul, domestic and ducks and turkeys. 00:40:06
None of those not Roosters. 00:40:12
OK. Do you want me to get started? Yeah. OK. I mean, we can make this really quick. We met about a month ago, did a work session 00:40:17
on this, just talked about how we created this tiered system to allow smaller lots, more than one acre to have chickens. And it 00:40:25
depends on the lot size, the number of chickens I'd be able to have. So I'm. I'm happy to entertain any questions. We do have to 00:40:32
go through, like the public hearing. But then, yeah, we'd be looking forward to a recommendation to the City Council. 00:40:39
Cool. 00:40:47
So nothing has changed since. Yeah, nothing has changed. Nothing has been changed. Do you guys have any other questions or? 00:40:50
Anthony, if you wouldn't mind, I'm sure I make a motion to open a public hearing. 00:40:58
Second, all in favor, aye, all right, now is the time to make any comments about the domestic livestock and sales. Are there any 00:41:03
public comments? 00:41:07
Seeing as there are none, do I have a motion to close the public hearing? Make a motion to close the public hearing second. All in 00:41:12
favor. 00:41:15
All right. Do I have a motion on this? 00:41:20
Yeah, I can make a motion. 00:41:25
I moved to make a recommendation of Ordinance 2023-15. 00:41:28
For domestic livestock and foul to the City Council, have a second second. This will be a roll call. Craig Anthony Bryce I. 00:41:35
All right, that passes. Moving on to 4.3 General Plan amendment for the public facilities and services. This is Brian. 00:41:45
OK guys. Brian Maya, Senior Planner. 00:41:55
This next one is going to be. 00:41:58
A little long and arduous because it has to do with engineering. 00:42:00
I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, it was. It was a delight working with our engineering department on this general Plan 00:42:06
amendment. So this is a ordinance, 2023-14 DMM IT to Public Facilities and Services. 00:42:13
So here's a summary of what we. 00:42:22
This ordinance talks about ordinance 2020. Was that I should say 2023? Sorry 20/23/14 presents numerous updates to the entire 00:42:26
content of the element. 00:42:30
Not just the goals and strategies. So we, the public works director and the planning department in and made lots of changes. 00:42:35
The so our goal as the community development department is to update at least two entire elements per year. And so a lot of work 00:42:44
had been going into place starting from last year on this public facilities. We also did a lot of work on heritage and cultural 00:42:50
resources. You'll probably see that pretty soon. 00:42:56
We have still been working pretty closely with with Tim Blackburn. Well we had been now he's no longer in the on the committee, 00:43:03
but we are getting to the point we're ready to present that. 00:43:08
We've obviously been doing a lot of work on parks, open space, trails and lakefront. 00:43:14
Element and moderate income housing as you guys saw late in into last year. 00:43:19
So this is Section 8, point 4.010 overview. So these are the changes to that section. So there's an update to new Department and 00:43:27
Services locations. Talks about City Hall and how the Public Works department and all the city departments are are spread out 00:43:34
between City Hall and and development services. It also talks about the new Public Works facility in the northern part of 00:43:41
Vineyard. There's. 00:43:48
An update to the summary in general to how the Public Works department is organized in their responsibilities. 00:43:55
And there's updates to the different divisions that now make up the Public Works Department. So continuing this is the streets 00:44:01
division section. So we some responsibilities were added. We removed a note about $3.50 per month being charged to residents for 00:44:07
the maintenance of vineyard streets. 00:44:13
There currently is no charge. 00:44:20
To there is no maintenance fee, so that was. 00:44:23
And we also increase the amount that the year invests, the, sorry the city invests in the street network from $100,000 per year to 00:44:27
$300,000 per year. 00:44:32
I have a question randomly. 00:44:37
So on the utility bill that we get from the city, there is a line item that says transportation. 00:44:39
I'm just curious, so how is it funded? Like when you increase the budget from 100 to 300,000, where does that, Is that just 00:44:46
general stuff that you guys get or I'm just curious generally to know how it's funded. Yeah, we're going to let Nasim, our 00:44:53
partners director and it doesn't have to be in great detail, I just just generally just curious about how that works. 00:44:59
Yes. 00:45:27
Works director actually that's a great question, so I'm up here right now to. 00:45:31
Solicit some donations to pay for our funds. If so, I'm glad that you're volunteering. 00:45:38
OK. So again when it comes to, excuse me, when it comes to history, there's different ways on funding on on streets, the primary 00:45:44
way is gas tax is your most common way of doing it. So when you get gas taxes, taxes are collected. 00:45:51
From. 00:45:59
Excuse me, Taxes are collected from the gas. It's a kind of a usage charge. I mean there's different ways on the constructs of 00:46:00
that for especially with the with the rise of more electric vehicles and the roads States and many states, not just Utah but many 00:46:06
states are discussing about. 00:46:12
The taxes off the registration and or excuse me, a usage tax from the registration like I know thing to help capture the use of 00:46:18
electric vehicles utilizing the public roads. There's also Monica does come from car registrations as well, but the state 00:46:24
collects. 00:46:29
And there are some There is a subsea ***** you see that not too far north from here. That does charge a transportation use fee. 00:46:36
I'm not sure exactly the wording on that, but that's a that's a feud with residents pay in order to maintain the roads up there. 00:46:44
As well, so and then of course. 00:46:54
Some some funds come from collections of storm water, stormwater fees to pay help, pay for the utilities, and so forth. So there's 00:46:58
multiple constructs about how to pay for the maintenance of roads. On that, there's. 00:47:03
I mean we can have a discussion offline to to really go into well that makes sense I generally I guess. 00:47:09
Through the state and then handed down into the cities. 00:47:16
There was this. I can't remember if it was House bill or Senate bill that discussed, but no, Yeah, that makes sense. 00:47:20
Yeah, that's typically the way it is and it comes out and then they're used to that fund. So where it comes down to prioritization 00:47:26
of the on how to. 00:47:32
And how the roadway preservations are done as well so? 00:47:38
Thank you. 00:47:43
I'll just, I'll keep going. 00:47:46
OK, so the engineering department, engineering department, now it's known as the engineering division. 00:47:49
So this. 00:47:56
Outlines the responsibilities, provides details regarding the reduction and prevention of storm water pollution, the requirements 00:47:58
for storm water pollution prevention plans for projects of one acre or larger. The Engineering Division also manages construction, 00:48:03
inspections and the and the development of the cities infrastructure. The Engineering Division is also in charge of all capital 00:48:08
capital improvement projects. 00:48:13
The Operations Division section has been replaced with free and facilities. 00:48:19
We've removed the Storm Water Division section. Storm water is now addressed in the Engineering Division. We've added the 00:48:26
Environmental Utilities Division section, which speaks to where Vineyard obtains its drinking water, provides a summary of the 00:48:32
cities wastewater system, and speaks to how the city treats its wastewater. It also speaks to the responsibility for private 00:48:38
developers to secure water rights for their projects. 00:48:43
Still in the Division section, we have removed the Water Resources Division. We've also removed the Wastewater Collection section. 00:48:52
The Environmental Utilities Division section now provides for the sorry, the details are in there about how we the collection of 00:48:58
all wastewater. 00:49:04
And an update to the schools section. There are now four schools in Vineyard and we've added details regarding Trailside 00:49:12
Elementary. 00:49:16
There's also been an update to the Facilities and Services for the Future section, and we've added some information on the 00:49:22
Vineyard Children's Library. 00:49:26
So now this is the Keys, Key Opportunities and Challenges section. In 8.04020 we added an introduction to Key Opportunities and 00:49:30
Challenges section. Feel free to stop me anywhere you'd like and we can talk more in detail. 00:49:37
This section 8.08010 So these are now the Goals and Strategies section. So those have been edited and arranged a little 00:49:46
differently. 00:49:51
So the first goal is develop infrastructure master plans. This goal now is replacing goals for the maintenance of public 00:49:56
facilities. 00:49:59
But we didn't eliminate those goals. We moved them to go. 00:50:03
We changed goal one in this section to develop a 20 year infrastructure to develop 20 year infrastructure master plans. 00:50:07
Goal two is to develop a 20 year storm water and land drain master. 00:50:14
Goal three is to develop a 20 year Power, Telecommunications and Gas Master plan. Goal 4 is to develop a 20 year Transportation 00:50:19
Master Plan. 00:50:23
8.08.020 Goal Two Develop a public facilities plan. 00:50:31
This plan or Sorry this goal is replacing Goals for Recycling recycling program in the city, but it was moved to Goal 6. So Goal 6 00:50:36
addresses recycling. 00:50:41
So in this section we plan for a fire station, for a new City Hall location, and for the layout of the public works yard or 00:50:47
facilities area. 00:50:51
Goal Three is to develop a conservation program, which is replacing goals for stormwater management. With the new conservation 00:50:57
program, stormwater management plans were moved to Goal 5. 00:51:02
This section has plans for protecting our natural resources in the city and plans for improving air and water quality, plans for 00:51:08
focusing on renewable energy sources and plans for protecting environmentally sensitive areas. 00:51:14
A new strategy has been added that focuses on reducing waste and consumption. 00:51:20
Section 8.08 point 040 Go for, provide and maintain municipal facilities and services that adequately serve the needs of any 00:51:26
residents and businesses in a cost effective manner. This is expanding the already existing goals in this section for the 00:51:31
maintenance and the distribution of Public Utilities. 00:51:37
It provides plans for adequate locations of new facilities and services, plans for regular evaluation of municipal facilities and 00:51:43
services, plans to ensure that new development includes appropriate utilities, and plans to ensure that the burden of providing 00:51:49
utilities to new development falls upon the developer and not the city. 00:51:55
Section 8.08 Point 050 Go 5 Develop and maintain a stormwater management program that accommodates through the city's rapid 00:52:03
growth, protects water quality and establishes A vibrant ecosystem. 00:52:08
Providing for goals for enhanced stormwater management. 00:52:14
Goals regarding the Community Partnerships have been moved to Goal 7. 00:52:18
So this presents a storm water management plan that has to be updated annually, plans to increase efficiency of citywide drainage 00:52:22
systems and plans to develop illicit discharge detection and elimination program. Sorry. 00:52:29
Section 8.08 Point 06/06 Develop and maintain a trash and recycling program that encourages sustainability and limits contribution 00:52:38
to landfills. Providing goals for trash and recycling. 00:52:43
This section plans to encourage commercial entities to recycle. It also provides plans to create a citywide program to encourage 00:52:51
recycling and reuse. 00:52:55
And plans to enforce best practices for the storage and disposal of hazardous materials. 00:52:59
Hey, Brian. 00:53:06
What beyond just these bullet points would actually be in the general plan or would the plans take place outside of that. So these 00:53:08
are the guiding plans and I believe that we have other additional plans that the public Works Director can speak to that delve 00:53:14
deeper into these things. But having them in the general plan establishes that they are important to us and some of them they do 00:53:20
provide a little more detail, but we have these serve as overarching goals and strategies that then are further implemented 00:53:25
through additional plans. 00:53:31
Similar to just how we did the Central Corridor master plan, so like the the general plan had some like just kind of general 00:53:39
language about about parks and stuff like that. And then we do a master plan that provides like the details of kind of gives us 00:53:46
like that the guideline of how to move forward. So we do something similar to that for these and I would say that. 00:53:53
We've done a pretty good job in the past of engaging the public on a lot of our plans. 00:54:01
And just looking through some of these, I know. 00:54:06
A lot of expertise and passion just amongst the residents for some of these different things, like whether it's. 00:54:09
Infrastructure plans or the fire station or water conservation, You know, whatever it might be, there's probably opportunities to 00:54:16
engage the public. 00:54:19
And tap into some of. 00:54:23
The resources here. 00:54:25
Yes. 00:54:27
Yeah. Another good example is all the different things that we just did with water. We did the water efficiency standards and we 00:54:31
did the conservation, the water conservation program. And so yeah, there's there will be further opportunities for people to learn 00:54:37
and participate and engage and add to all those different plans and how these strategies are carried out. 00:54:43
So we'll keep doing our best to notice all those plans and things as they come up. 00:54:49
So here's another new section. We're almost done. There's a new section 8.08.070, Goal 7. Develop and maintain strategic 00:54:57
partnerships with outside entities that will improve the provision of public services and meet the needs of vineyards growing 00:55:02
population. 00:55:06
So develop and maintain strategic partnerships with outside entities that will improve the provision of public services and meet 00:55:12
the needs of growing population. 00:55:16
This is the last new goal New Section 8.08.080 Goal 8 Ensure and protect the quality and long term supply of water resources, 00:55:22
groundwater and surface water supplies. 00:55:27
Plans to ensure that new developments have sufficient water and plans to reduce surface water pollution. 00:55:34
City staff recommends approval of Ordinance 2023-14 General Plan Amendments to Public Facilities and Services element as presented 00:55:42
by City staff and in the Staff report. 00:55:47
Our proposed motion is to adopt. 00:55:53
Sorry, recommended option I should say to the City Council and I just want to thank the public works Director for all the all the 00:55:56
work that he put into this and spent a lot of time looking at plans and making appropriate recommendations so. 00:56:03
Thank you, Brian and Morgan. So you might have mentioned this, but so generally speaking just. 00:56:11
Recap when we identify this as our. 00:56:17
Then is there necessarily timelines in place where they say OK by within the next three years we want to implement Goal 5 or 00:56:21
whatever and and then does that get? 00:56:26
How often does it get relooked at type of thing from the city? Does that make sense? Yeah. So we have an implementation section in 00:56:32
the general plan. 00:56:35
Our next step with this would be to then update the implementation plan because it lays out all the different strategies that we 00:56:39
just that we are proposing to recommending to amend. So that comes after this. But yeah, in the in the general plan all the way in 00:56:46
the in the back section, it'll layout strategies, kind of show a recommended timeline, a rough timeline with some rough. 00:56:53
Budget requirements at that specific strategy would require. OK, sorry, an amendment to that would be the next step. OK, well, 00:57:01
thank you and I would echo. 00:57:07
You guys do a lot of work, so thank you for looking out best you can, I guess for city residents, yeah, for sure. And our previous 00:57:13
public works leaders as well. And people are served in the department. They've all done a great job before as well, so I want to 00:57:18
thank them too. 00:57:23
Any other comments? It's not. Let's open it up for a public hearing. 00:57:29
Do I need a motion? Yeah, make a motion to open. 00:57:35
A public hearing on. 00:57:39
This go ahead, all in favor? Aye. All right. If you have any comments? 00:57:41
All right, this thing is, there are none. Do I have a motion to close the public hearing? Motion to close the public hearing. 00:57:48
I'll second that all in favor. 00:57:54
All right, start the motion for this. 00:57:56
I'll make a motion to move. 00:57:59
Recommend Ord. 00:58:03
20/23/14 is presented by staff to the City Council. Do I have a second second that this will be a roll call? Craig aye. Anthony 00:58:05
Bryce I. 00:58:10
All right, that passes. Moving on to 6.1 or sorry, 5.1. Sign code, zoning, text amendments, cash. 00:58:15
All right, there we go. Yeah, so this is just a work session. A few weeks ago I brought the new sign code for you guys review, and 00:58:24
it included a section about wall art and building murals that I could do to ignore. So we're still drafting language for that. So 00:58:30
we finally have that here. 00:58:35
And there's just four sections here on on what people can do if they propose. 00:58:42
A mural or wall art, and I'll just review those points. The first one is that all wall art murals or parking structure screening 00:58:47
shall not exceed 30% of a building or structure facade. 00:58:53
The City Council may approve a higher area dedicated towards wall art and murals if the allowable square footage is reallocated 00:58:59
from other facades of the same building. That's similar to our former, I think sign code and our wall signs. 00:59:06
All right. And that if they want a larger shine or a larger mural, they just have to take it from other sides of the building. 00:59:15
So that way a lot of murals do take up, you know, a whole side of a building. But if they, you know, apply to do that, I'd have to 00:59:23
go through the City Council. But that way they wouldn't put any other wall, wall art or murals on the other facades. 00:59:29
Is there a reason this goes? This would go to the City Council instead of just to the Planning Commission like it does with the 00:59:36
normal sign stuff. 00:59:40
Yeah. Yeah, we could. And yeah, and also with the creation of the, I don't know if the the ARCH Commission would be able to give 00:59:44
that kind of approval or not. 00:59:48
Land use. 00:59:53
The zoning code OK. 00:59:55
OK. So, yeah, yeah, we could, we could make that change. 00:59:58
Then absolutely, yeah. OK. 01:00:02
OK. 01:00:07
So the the third is wall art or murals located within public right of way or in a public facility shall be reviewed by the Arch 01:00:09
Commission for recommendation of the City Council, The City Council's authorized to approve all public art and murals within the 01:00:15
city. And then the last is all lettering loads or symbols for advertising purposes shall meet the wall sign standards. So if if 01:00:22
they if a company does have like a logo or something inside the mural, it would still have to fit within. 01:00:28
The the wall sign code. So they couldn't, you know, make this giant mural and claim it Giant mural of their business and claim 01:00:36
it's a mural, not a. 01:00:40
If it was a mural of, say, a mascot for something, it's not necessarily their logo. How would how would stuff like that like be 01:00:47
handled? 01:00:52
That's a good question. I don't know if Morgan wants to take a stab at that. 01:00:59
Yeah, no problem. Yeah. It's one of those things where you have to be really careful because there's the 1st Amendment a ton of 01:01:05
way obviously. And so you you want to make sure your ordinance isn't restricting people's freedom of speech and freedom to to to 01:01:11
to display and assign, to advertise. So what we would do in that case? 01:01:17
Is most likely sent it to the attorney. So if we and that's typically what we do when when someone pushes back really hard if we 01:01:23
say well you know that's AI don't want to pick on a company but if there's like a certain like restaurant that has you know they 01:01:30
and they they paint their their logo into the into the mural if it's you know most likely if it's identifiable as as a logo that 01:01:37
that they use. 01:01:43
And you know and if it's if it's like the items that that they're selling. 01:01:52
We probably would make an interpretation that that's part of the wall sign. 01:01:55
That area of the mural and then if they if they then push back like in in most cases if if someone says well no we actually do 01:02:00
meet the the code then we would send it to our our our legal counselor for for their legal interpretation And so so we're we're 01:02:08
kind of covered in that sense and then typically we just do what the attorney says it's like well they're right you know then we 01:02:15
do that but that that's typically what we do is we would just look at like a logo and if it's something that they use. 01:02:22
On a regular basis, and if it clearly advertises their business, then most likely that portion would be a wall sign. 01:02:30
Cool. Do you guys have anything you want to add or? 01:02:39
No, I think I just want to add that I think it's good to make. 01:02:46
Room for this most any vibrant. 01:02:49
Downtown area has some of this and it can be. 01:02:53
The selling point interesting thing is that even looking on the Utah. 01:02:57
Visitors Bureau. They have like a whole mural guide, right? 01:03:02
And the business, it talks about how the business is next to. 01:03:07
Tend to do really well people. 01:03:11
Come just to see it and then grab lunch or something like that. So I think it's good that we're making room for this and then also 01:03:13
having you know some control around it but also like not saying no to it. Yeah. And then we will be, I I don't know if you've been 01:03:19
told about this or not but with the water tower on one side of it, we we were planning on doing this giant mural. And so this code 01:03:24
would allow us to actually do that and that's why we're we're pushing this right now to get that done so we can start going forbid 01:03:30
for for artists. 01:03:36
But yeah, if you have any other questions or anything like that. 01:03:42
And the way this is written would essentially allow the entire side of that water tower. 01:03:45
The Arts Commission being a public facility and then. 01:03:52
Square footage. 01:04:00
Cool. Great. 01:04:02
Yeah, no, I think it looks good. 01:04:03
OK, so next steps for this we will, I'll I'll throw this back into the the complete code. The other changes I made getting rid of 01:04:08
the the science standard waiver and we will most likely bring that up for a recommendation in two weeks I believe. 01:04:16
Sounds good. Thank you, Kash. 01:04:25
All right, moving on to Commission member reports and expert a discussion and disclosure. 01:04:28
And if anything. 01:04:34
One thing so Cash and Mitchell helped me sign up for It's called the Move Utah Summit. So it's like active transportation. 01:04:37
I believe. 01:04:46
May 24th or something like that. May 20th. 01:04:47
So I'll report back on that. Cool. But yeah, just to echo that, staff supportive if you find any events that you think pertain to 01:04:50
the job that you're interested in. 01:04:55
So I'll help you out with it. 01:04:59
Awesome. Anything from? 01:05:01
Oh yeah, on April 13th we will be doing a Mill Rd. Like the future of Mill Rd. Town Hall. It's going to be at the Edgewater. 01:05:08
Their, their clubhouse. I believe it's at 6:00 PM Everybody's invited. We're really focusing on kind of the the developments and 01:05:18
businesses surrounding Mill Rd. to get their input, but but the whole city's invited. We want to know just any safety issues or 01:05:24
anything like that, any pedestrian improvements you'd like to see along that street. 01:05:31
So yeah, we'll we'll have a good time there and then it looks like Naseem. 01:05:38
Come on, come on, let's figure out. Almost. 01:05:46
So some information for Public Works on April. 01:06:09
18th we're having Facebook live event is specifically about the transportation Master plan that's being that we're going through 01:06:14
right now. 01:06:18
We'll have some awesome. 01:06:23
People presenting on there, they will be obviously the awesomeness does come from engineers that it will be on there, but we'll 01:06:26
have a presentation from State Council and Representation Planning Commission, so I'd like to. 01:06:33
Thank Anthony for volunteering his time to be on that Facebook Live and I hope everyone signs on and asks those great questions 01:06:39
that the public will be able to to ask. That's a Facebook Live event on April 18th about the Transportation Master Plan and then 01:06:47
on April 25th we're going to be doing the public open house for the Transportation Master Plan. 01:06:54
Where the consultants? 01:07:03
Who are working with it along with city staff will be. 01:07:05
And. 01:07:10
I believe. 01:07:11
Freedom Prep? Yeah. Freedom Prep elementary school auditorium. And it's going to be combined with impact vineyards. 01:07:12
Event as well. So the tenants there should be twice as big, probably not because of the transportation master plan but probably 01:07:23
because of the impact Vineyard portion of it. But it's a great opportunity for the public to come out and learn more about that, 01:07:29
excuse me, the transportation Master plan and provide comments and inputs so we can capture that and. 01:07:35
Utilize that, that's like that's a great example of how the general plan is providing that guiding light. 01:07:42
For that Transportation Master Plan as well. 01:07:47
Yeah, sorry. So those are those are those are two events that for in terms of the from the works and. 01:07:53
In terms of. 01:08:02
Vineyard Connector is moving forward. The big part about Vineyard Connector is a DLT project. We're obviously looking forward to 01:08:03
opening up in August, excuse me, October, October 2023. And then we're also moving forward. That's a conversation that we had some 01:08:10
time ago and it's moving forward as well as the Promenade Overpass. 01:08:17
As well as going to be is moving forward the designs, the designs are aligned to the the principles that the Planning Commission 01:08:25
and City Council have provided. And I think everyone will be very pleased when when we get well, when we get past the structure 01:08:33
portion of it with dot and start working more on the aesthetic portion of it with with downtown developer. 01:08:40
Can I ask a question about the aesthetic question So is. 01:08:49
An opportunity for the the arch committee or whatever that they would work with. I mean because I know you not only allows a 01:08:55
certain amount of aesthetics but definitely considers. 01:09:00
Umm, input from the city? Yeah. So right now the big portion of it that we're working with DLT about. 01:09:05
Is making sure that we capture the. 01:09:12
Kind of outlining the confines of the weights that could be placed on the bridge like you know planners and other types of like 01:09:16
are we is it going to be. 01:09:21
Raised sidewalks or sidewalks at the same level of roads, for example, how the drainage is working and such that's that's really 01:09:28
what the big that's kind of like the information we're trying to get through with DLT. So that'll kind of outline the constraints. 01:09:36
And there I could about bounce. I'll save the boundaries and also the types of connections that the dot will allow on the 01:09:44
structure. From there, working with the planning department and so forth will be able to incorporate. 01:09:51
Other other aspects to that, but thanks. Yeah, I'd say push you down, that's all I'm saying. I mean they have certain committee 01:09:59
and stuff as well but. 01:10:04
I wouldn't be shy away if I was the city to just ask for what you think you want, because it's like a pretty prominent feature, 01:10:11
right? So to. 01:10:15
Push the batteries a little bit. Oh yeah. No, definitely have been a great partner to work with in terms of that and they haven't. 01:10:20
When we've talked to them about certain aspects, they've come back to us with, you know, maybe not this, but how about that, for 01:10:27
example? So they haven't just. 01:10:34
So they've been great parking to work with and the developer Flyborough has hired a very prominent architect company, OJB, I 01:10:41
believe that's their name. 01:10:47
To workout some of the kind of like some of the looks and so forth and you know, coming from an engineer, when they say that's 01:10:53
that looks very good, that's a very good compliment. That's good. 01:10:59
If the bridge doesn't fall down and it's Gray, I'm happy. 01:11:07
Yeah, and it looks good. That's always a bonus. Exactly. 01:11:11
And the the Bicycle Advisory Commission did recommend approval and that's something to that we can bring you in our next meeting 01:11:15
because I think the design is now at least the design piece, not the weights, but is pretty pretty close to being done. 01:11:22
And so we can cash and help me remember to put that on the next, on the next day. So we think you'll like that design. We can even 01:11:29
send it over to you fairly soon, so you can let it. 01:11:34
OK. 01:11:40
Yeah, I've got. I've got it if. 01:11:43
Let's talk after about it, maybe a one that's a little bit more comprehensive. Thanks. Cool. Thanks. And just real quick fashion, 01:11:46
the update from Postal Service. 01:11:50
I knew you'd asked me about that. I thought about it actually yesterday. I don't go to the post office anywhere near as much as I 01:11:58
used to, but I will put it in my calendar to go there before our next Planning Commission and get you a solid update. 01:12:05
It might be a no, but it'll be an update. 01:12:14
Thank you. Cool everything. I have one more thing. 01:12:17
For the impact fair on April 25th, Catherine would like the Planning Commission to have a booth or something on that. 01:12:22
If you guys can figure that out amongst yourselves or we can help you. 01:12:32
If there's someone who wants to volunteer to kind of work with staff, we we can help you put put the booth together. Maybe maybe 01:12:38
it's just like a planning department slash Commission booth or something that we can highlight projects is this thing that we do, 01:12:43
but you just just let us know. 01:12:48
OK. Do you guys have any questions about any of the flooding that might be happening soon or any of our preparation for that? 01:12:55
But there is a Facebook post that I've seen about a lot of what you can do, what options there are what? 01:13:07
All right. So, yeah, Cool, cool. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, guys. All right, If that is everything, then meeting adjourned. 01:13:17
He didn't get. 01:13:28
Yeah. 01:13:31
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