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CALL TO ORDER Bryce Brady called the meeting to order at01 pm.INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHTS/PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE led by and given by Anthony The Pledge of Allegiance was led and an invocation offered by Anthony Jenkins. | |
OPEN SESSION – The following individuals came forward to make a comment. Daria Evans made a comment concerning pedestrian and bicycle crossings.BUSINESS ITEMS1 | |
Public Hearing - Zoning Text Amendment –.12.060 – Dimensional Standards Table This item was continued from the July,23 Planning Commission meeting. Bird Homes, LLC has applied for a zoning text amendment to increase the maximum building height for properties located withing the Regional Mixed Use (RMU) Zone. The current code allows for a maximum height of feet, the change would increase maximum height to feet in the RMU. Cache Hancey presented an update on the zoning text amendment with a request to see view sheds. Matt Brown, NW Brown Engineering, presented and explained the view corridors. | |
There was a discussion concerning restricting the height increase to a certain area of the RMU. | |
There was a discussion concerning the northern setback, neighboring Edgewater townhomes. Matt Brown came forward and said the applicant wants higher floor to ceiling stories to provide space for mechanical equipment and provide a higher quality building. There was a discussion concerning privacy. | |
MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to recommend approval of the zoning text amendment with the following conditions: it shall be limited to non-residential uses and limited to Lotandand Plat B. Graden seconded the motion. Bryce allowed for a public comment and questions. Daria Evans came forward and asked a question. road. | |
ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins and Graden Ostler. Those voting nay: Tay Gundmundson. The motion passed with a vote ofto 2 | |
Site Plan Application – Lake Promenade Flagborough has applied for a site plan application in the Vineyard Downtown District. This site plan will provide.5 acres of open space near Vineyard Connector and Main Street. | |
Sam from OJB presented the site plan application. He gave an overview of the six blocks. Blockwill be the beginning of a destination. | |
Blockis called Market Square. | |
Blockis called Civic Square and has an art feature. | |
Block the Greenway, has a pavilion in center flanked by green spaces. | |
Block Civic Park, will be a large green space with playgrounds and sport courts. There was a discussion about maintenance and ownership. The park will be open to the public regardless of who maintains it. | |
There was a discussion about landscaping the Vineyard Connector right of way. There was a discussion concerning water-wise landscaping. | |
Blockis the largest with a stage and event area. The applicant presented the architecture review. There was a discussion concerning shade in the play areas. | |
Blockhas a performance pavilion designed to support small concerts. | |
There was a presentation on the material palette review. There was a discussion concerning the transitions between each block and the flow of pedestrian traffic. | |
The applicant gave a planting design review. | |
The applicant gave a lighting design review. | |
The applicant finished the presentation. | |
There was a discussion concerning the future pool area. The Planning Commission shared their thoughts about the Lake Promenade. | |
The following individuals came forward to make a public comment. Daria Evans asked several questions. | |
There was a discussion concerning an escape park. There was a discussion concerning the timeline of the construction of the promenade. MOTION: Tay Gundmundson made a motion to approve the site plan application with the following conditions: • The irrigation plans should include dedicated lines to the trees to ensure that watering trees is prioritized. • Trees shall have proper root system including zone and soil type, approved by the City Arborist • A proving period for trees and plants needs to be conducted with the City Arborist prior to planting. • All plantings shall have an establishment period ofyears before the obligation by the developer is met. If a planting fails, the establishment period resets. • All trees and plantings that delineate from the Vineyard Landscape Manual shall be approved by the City Engineer or his designee. • The irrigation plans should include dedicated lines to the trees to ensure that watering trees is prioritized. • Trees shall have proper root system including zone and soil type, approved by the City Arborist • A proving period for trees and plants needs to be conducted with the City Arborist prior to planting. • All plantings shall have an establishment period ofyears before the obligation by the developer is met. If a planting fails, the establishment period resets. • All trees and plantings that delineate from the Vineyard Landscape Manual shall be approved by the City Engineer or his designee. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. | |
COMMISSION MEMBERS’ REPORTS AND EX PARTE DISCUSSIONDISCLOSUREThe following individuals gave a report: Tay Gundmundson, Cache Hancey, and Rachel Stevens.ADJOURNMENT | |
Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at15. CERTIFIED CORRECT ON: August,23. CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Rachel Stevens, Planner |
I. | 00:00:00 | |
Think. | 00:00:05 | |
Yeah. | 00:00:46 | |
No, I don't. | 00:01:00 | |
Yeah. | 00:02:03 | |
Chair, we're ready. | 00:02:09 | |
I don't know. | 00:02:11 | |
Welcome, everybody. Today is August 2nd. It is. This is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is 6:01 PM and we will start | 00:02:24 | |
off with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Anthony Jenkins. We'll do that pledge first. Thank you. | 00:02:31 | |
I pleasantly of the United States of America. | 00:02:41 | |
For which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:02:47 | |
Our Father in Heaven, we're thankful for the opportunity to gather together as a Planning Commission and as staff and residents. | 00:02:59 | |
Tonight we pray for guidance to treat these topics with the importance that they deserve and that we can. | 00:03:07 | |
Be open and understanding and that we can make decisions that will help move the city forward. And we pray for these things. In | 00:03:16 | |
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. | 00:03:21 | |
Alright. Thank you, Anthony. | 00:03:25 | |
All right. We'll move right into an open session. This is a time for any public comments, for something that's not on the agenda. | 00:03:28 | |
So if you have any public comments, please come up, state your name, you have 3 minutes, and if you have any questions, I'll write | 00:03:32 | |
them down. And yeah, we'll go from there. | 00:03:37 | |
Good evening. Thank you. My name is Daria Evans. Is it on? | 00:03:46 | |
Can you hear me? | 00:03:53 | |
Yeah. OK. Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. Thank you. I just. | 00:03:54 | |
I was riding my bike this morning and I'm getting a little scared riding it on Main on Center Street. So I was riding on the | 00:04:01 | |
sidewalk in front of the the farm plot and you know how you go into the street to get to that crosswalk? I was there at the | 00:04:08 | |
crosswalk waiting to cross. A gentleman stopped his truck. I was turning my bike, getting in to go, and the left lane flew right | 00:04:16 | |
past me. | 00:04:23 | |
And there was another truck behind who stopped. So I am asking if we might be able to get some flashing lights there. And also | 00:04:31 | |
when the mid block comes at the Loop Rd. if we can get some flashing lights at that one it's getting. I'm riding on the sidewalks | 00:04:37 | |
now. | 00:04:43 | |
It's getting scary, but I love to ride my bike, so I just want to address that. And also, I'm curious, will there be a public | 00:04:50 | |
hearing for the Lake Promenade site that they're talking about tonight? | 00:04:57 | |
Like, I don't know. | 00:05:06 | |
Because I have some questions about those amenities. | 00:05:09 | |
Yeah. And when we talked about the site plan application for the Lake Promenade, I'll open it up if you have some questions. OK. | 00:05:14 | |
Thank you. Yeah, that's not an official public hearing, but the chair can open up for public comment. OK. Thank you very much. | 00:05:22 | |
Just as well, I just wanted to echo your same concerns on crossing anytime there's a multi lane Rd. in this case a four or five | 00:05:31 | |
lane Rd. I even tell my kids this like if someone stops and waves you on like it's still scary because you don't know if the other | 00:05:38 | |
lane is going to stop, right. So that is that is a challenge there for sure and I think anything we can do to make that safe as | 00:05:46 | |
soon as possible. I mean it it's a it's an improvement and but it can always be better. | 00:05:53 | |
Especially as school starts up. So yeah, I echo the same concern. The scenes got an update I assume on when that's. | 00:06:01 | |
So I'm assuming that there were other works director, excuse me. So the flashing lights, they're called RFPs for the Rectangular | 00:06:09 | |
Rapid Flashing Beacons. No different than the Hawks. The Hawks are the high intensity lights that go easy overhead. They've been | 00:06:15 | |
ordered with a company. | 00:06:20 | |
They'll also include we've discussed they'll also include integrated St. lighting as well, because it shows up not just not just a | 00:06:28 | |
plastic light, but illuminating the whole area. | 00:06:35 | |
Especially at night, drastically increases driver awareness and safety as well. So we've worked with the company and our | 00:06:42 | |
contractor to get those things ordered and have them installed. We expect to get all these things installed shortly before around. | 00:06:51 | |
This school time, in regards to, excuse me, in regards to Main Street and Vineyard Loop Rd. also 600 N right by Penny Springs | 00:07:02 | |
Park, we submitted those designs to a contractor in terms of constructing a. | 00:07:09 | |
Protected Protestant refuge very similar to what was on Sarah St. | 00:07:18 | |
Also to utilize the same type of principle as well. And then we're also providing that same design to another contractor for | 00:07:26 | |
pricing, so we can get that implemented. We don't testify that to be done before the school year, but and that's also our | 00:07:32 | |
transportation master plan consultant. | 00:07:38 | |
We're discussing with them in terms of. | 00:07:46 | |
Excuse me. Adding adding that type of feature to ensure that those things are being integrated into our transportation Master plan | 00:07:49 | |
as well. So any domino effects after those things are placed in are being considered. So we're not creating a unsafe situation for | 00:07:57 | |
cars and pedestrians together. Great. Thanks, Missy. | 00:08:04 | |
Any other public comments? | 00:08:14 | |
All right, seeing as there are none, we'll move right into the business items, into 3.1, the zoning text amendment for 15 point, | 00:08:16 | |
12.060, the dimensional standards table. | 00:08:21 | |
All right. So yeah, we'll just do a quick refresher. This was an item that was on Planning Commission two weeks ago. It was | 00:08:29 | |
continued with some requests to see some view sheds of this area and the applicant is here and they have provided that. So I have | 00:08:36 | |
that. Further on this, just as a quick refresher, this is the applicant initiated zoning text amendment to increase the building | 00:08:42 | |
height in the RMU from 60 to 70 feet. | 00:08:48 | |
There are currently the in yellow. Those are the only two undeveloped parcels in in this area. | 00:08:56 | |
And however, this would also apply for any future redevelopment. | 00:09:02 | |
So there's the zoning text change. | 00:09:07 | |
OK, so if the applicant if you want to go up and you can maybe explain some of these. | 00:09:11 | |
Images, yeah, to help everybody understand. So they, they went out with some balloons, some at 60 and some at 70 feet in the air | 00:09:17 | |
to kind of show you the difference. And so that's going to be on the next few slides. I have those images. If you wanna maybe | 00:09:25 | |
explain this one a little more in detail, that would be great. Matt Brown with MW Brown Engineering. Basically what I did was try | 00:09:32 | |
to give a representation of if somebody was standing at the sidewalk at these three locations. | 00:09:40 | |
Three is in front of the Planning building, the HOA building or the Homeowners Association Building to Center St. and then the | 00:09:48 | |
apartments. One is the apartments to the north. | 00:09:54 | |
I just made a simple analysis saying that everything was flat and in the diagrams you can sort of see the the angles. | 00:10:01 | |
One is that 60 feet, the other is at the sight line at 70 feet. Could you also point out on this map where you put those balloons, | 00:10:11 | |
so as I show those the middle building in the middle building? | 00:10:17 | |
So basically, you know, attempts about a little over 11,000 feet in elevation. We're at 45150 at this location. The first two | 00:10:26 | |
sections you'd have temp would have to be 13,000. The middle section that it'd have to be a 13th over 13,000 feet to even see it | 00:10:34 | |
over the top of the building at 60 feet. | 00:10:42 | |
So that's the only one is Section 3 that you can see if it was constructed at 70 feet, so. | 00:10:51 | |
The developer went took some pictures of some balloons, sort of showing, you know what what it would look like from the different | 00:11:05 | |
standpoint and. | 00:11:09 | |
You know, the top balloon, 70 top yellow and 60 top green is 70. And this looks like it's taken from the planning building there. | 00:11:14 | |
Yeah, it's in front of the planning building. | 00:11:21 | |
That's it. I think it's Center St. there. | 00:11:32 | |
I think the wind was blowing a little bit on that one. | 00:11:36 | |
So, so you know, as you can see I mean. | 00:11:40 | |
The There's not really much difference between 60 and 70 feet. | 00:11:44 | |
The view to the east depending on where you're at is going to be blocked. You know there will be corridors through the design but | 00:11:50 | |
you know as you as a further develops to the to the South, you know you'll have actually buildings closer to the street at that | 00:11:57 | |
location. This is just a video driving up up the Rd. Mill Rd. there sort of show that you know as you're driving and and the | 00:12:05 | |
different videos. | 00:12:12 | |
You know, you basically don't see the mountains just because of the structures that have already been. | 00:12:20 | |
Constructed in your zoning ordinance, you know, the idea is to to build this corridor down there that you know, gets the | 00:12:26 | |
businesses that as close to the street as possible. So it seems like you know the height restriction. | 00:12:33 | |
You know, it's a little bit contradictory to it because it's if you move the buildings closer, your view is even more. | 00:12:40 | |
Obscured. You know if you get on the other side of the tracks, you know the existing structures. Apartments are most likely even | 00:12:48 | |
in a. You won't even probably see the tops of these, the 70 foot building from over at the ball diamonds you know on this side of | 00:12:55 | |
the tracks because of the existing structures that are there. So. | 00:13:02 | |
Cool. Do you guys have any questions for him? | 00:13:10 | |
Thank you for providing. Yeah, thank you so much. | 00:13:14 | |
No questions for you. I do have questions for staff on some of the language. So cash you mentioned that. | 00:13:19 | |
As proposed, this would also apply to any redevelopment. However, it looks to me like there's that green text on the page about | 00:13:26 | |
additional standards and there's #8 that's added that says a building height not exceeding 70 feet measured from top of back curve | 00:13:32 | |
to the highest point of the building or structure may be permitted. This height allowance will be limited to lots one and two of | 00:13:39 | |
the Mill Rd. East subdivision flat B. So, and this is what I was kind of hoping for, where we could narrow the location so that it | 00:13:45 | |
wasn't just. | 00:13:52 | |
An entire rezone for the whole RMU? Can you help clarify? | 00:13:58 | |
What exactly is being proposed here? Because the way I'm reading this is that it would not necessarily go into effect for all | 00:14:05 | |
future redevelopment. Let me pull that up for real quick. | 00:14:09 | |
And then it would be isolated to just these. | 00:14:15 | |
That Plan B? Lots one and two. | 00:14:18 | |
And while he's pulling it up, that was my primary concern last time is. | 00:14:36 | |
It's just a public base map, Maybe we could highlight. | 00:15:17 | |
Yeah, I mean this right here shows it like. | 00:15:20 | |
MMM. | 00:15:25 | |
Is there a reason why we would want it on one and two instead of just one? | 00:15:29 | |
That that would be up to the the Planning Commission the the applicant has requested that that we not limit it to further on that | 00:15:34 | |
side, but that would be to to that property itself. | 00:15:41 | |
So there was some discussion about limiting it to limit limiting it to just commercial buildings, the height allowance. | 00:15:50 | |
And so that that's a conversation you to have, you know tonight if you, if you want to further restrict it right now it restricts | 00:15:58 | |
it to those two parcels if you click on those or you just kind of use your cursor to show that one and the one right below. And | 00:16:03 | |
for reference which one is lot 1 to the north, North lot? | 00:16:09 | |
I believe studying in political county map, yeah. | 00:16:15 | |
How far from the residential units are these buildings set back? | 00:16:29 | |
Because we're looking at multi story buildings, looking into people's houses and I take huge issue with this. Yeah, we we can pull | 00:16:35 | |
a dimension line. So the ones that I mean across the street, I mean you have a really healthy distance. So the Mill Rd. is, is | 00:16:42 | |
very wide and so there's quite a bit but if you're talking about two the edge homes, yeah then that that'll be a little closer. | 00:16:50 | |
You still do have some distance because you have a portion of the parking lot. | 00:16:57 | |
So there is just some buffer that's just kind of you know, built into into baking the cake, you know, having the, the parking lots | 00:17:05 | |
and the landscaping kind of kind of pushed back. But we we can pull some dimension lines for you. So you want to give me a minute, | 00:17:11 | |
I can do that piece. Yeah. And this gives you an idea of the building location. No site plan has been approved yet for this. And | 00:17:17 | |
so this is preliminary. This is what they would like to do in that Northern lot. So you do have. Yeah, I don't Morgan can put the | 00:17:23 | |
statistics here. | 00:17:29 | |
To show what they are proposing in the in a future site plan application. | 00:17:36 | |
About 80 feet is what they're saying would be the distance between the property line and that the building too. | 00:17:41 | |
So sorry, so you're saying 80 feet to the property line? | 00:17:57 | |
So the property line, OK. And I can give you the number from the property line to the existing channels about 25 feet. Yeah, those | 00:18:00 | |
are really tall buildings, incredibly close to front doors. I. | 00:18:06 | |
That's a huge problem for me. From what I'm measuring is 28 and it looks like there's a pop out that comes a little bit closer. | 00:18:13 | |
I'm on. | 00:18:17 | |
So 28 looks like an average. | 00:18:23 | |
And then you have 25 feet, so 2528 the the the building faces undulate back and forth. | 00:18:26 | |
So that would be, you know, over 100 feet. | 00:18:34 | |
We don't have to open up a public hearing. | 00:18:37 | |
You guys want to come up to the microphone? You can. | 00:18:50 | |
So just so that. | 00:18:56 | |
You know, you understand the basis of wanting to go higher. | 00:18:58 | |
We're we're wanting to have a higher floor to ceiling space in the SO. | 00:19:03 | |
Whether you're at 60 feet or 70 feet, the extra 10 feet up above is more for the mechanical and the roof structure and that up | 00:19:11 | |
there. So the window elevations are going to be within probably a few feet of each other, whether it's at 60 feet or 70 feet. So | 00:19:18 | |
and that those are those three, the two buildings there, those are the ends of the building. So you know most of the windows are | 00:19:26 | |
east, West and not looking towards the north, yeah. | 00:19:33 | |
And as far as like setbacks and stuff, it's already it's owned how it is like, so whether or not the buildings go in, that's not | 00:19:41 | |
in our control right now. So yeah. | 00:19:47 | |
So as far as as far as one and two, do you guys have more commercial space plan for lot 1, which is the southernmost lot or is | 00:19:56 | |
there a reason why you're wanting to do both, just open up your options or what's the thinking well to keep to keep our options | 00:20:03 | |
open, I mean they they may want to put more office buildings back there, but the plan is to put more of a commercial component | 00:20:10 | |
down there and something that. | 00:20:17 | |
Parkings, you know, would be the issue when we get down to that site and so you end up with a parking structure. | 00:20:25 | |
But there's a definite need, I think you need in the city, and I need it around here to get some good Class A office space, which | 00:20:32 | |
is what we're trying to bring in on this parcel. The extra floor space is what, you know, the bigger companies are looking for. | 00:20:38 | |
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, height, ceiling heights, not building heights. Yeah, I understand that for sure. OK. Did you guys | 00:20:45 | |
have any other questions for him? | 00:20:52 | |
Or for staff though. | 00:20:59 | |
Not like it really matters because the army zone is full with residential, but I think potentially limiting this to 70 feet | 00:21:03 | |
maximum for commercial buildings. | 00:21:09 | |
Can we change that wording? Is that? | 00:21:16 | |
Yeah. If that's a recommendation, then we would pour that to the City Council. And then so you could do that as part of your | 00:21:18 | |
motion and then they they they could debate it at the City Council. Yeah, OK. | 00:21:24 | |
If there are any questions, does anybody have a motion? | 00:21:31 | |
Anymore you said you had some concerns. | 00:21:35 | |
I see it all my concerns. I have no control over any of it. | 00:21:40 | |
Yeah, so. | 00:21:49 | |
You know from a Planning Commission side you're providing the recommendations City Council. So if if if you there are concerns you | 00:21:51 | |
can you can put those in your your your motion. | 00:21:56 | |
They're also welcome to to to to request you know more information if you'd like. So I mean it's it's it's up to you. But we do | 00:22:03 | |
need to as this is our second meeting we we need to kind of start taking steps forward. So if there's like a a view line that | 00:22:09 | |
you're concerned about from the North side, you can you you could request. | 00:22:16 | |
That they provide you know a view perspective from you know the the townhomes on the on the north. You know you could just request | 00:22:23 | |
that they you know that that that is a concern that they consider. | 00:22:29 | |
I mean, a lot of it's just they're they're gonna be windows in this office space, and there are people's private residences right | 00:22:38 | |
there that people they don't know will be able to look right into. And what if they want to have their windows open like that, but | 00:22:44 | |
then they risk their privacy being invaded so succinctly by a commercial building? | 00:22:50 | |
This is all I'm just generally upset by it. And then we want to make it bigger. Like I'm going to, I'm going to hear from a lot of | 00:22:58 | |
people about this and. | 00:23:03 | |
I. | 00:23:10 | |
Don't know what else I can say. | 00:23:12 | |
But I was honestly hoping that this is for the northernmost parcel because I would have been like, yeah, two thumbs up sounds | 00:23:15 | |
great. | 00:23:18 | |
Because it's away from residents, it's not. | 00:23:23 | |
Right where people are going to be walking and playing and ripping, yeah. | 00:23:27 | |
But here we are. | 00:23:32 | |
And you know, you brought up a good point too, where I think you acknowledge that how it's currently zoned. | 00:23:36 | |
Has did consider, but I I do I do understand your your your concerns. So it just brings back to a neighborhood they lived by an | 00:24:14 | |
American fork and it was unfortunately next to the hospital property and they felt this size of a building about 60 feet, 70 feet | 00:24:21 | |
from the property lines. But you that's all you can see. | 00:24:29 | |
You go in the neighborhood. That's all you can see. | 00:24:38 | |
And that was deeply upsetting to everybody. | 00:24:41 | |
Around the whole hospital complex but like. | 00:24:44 | |
There was not a whole lot of. | 00:24:49 | |
Things we could do about it, right? | 00:24:51 | |
The one thing I Polish abuse is is an office building. So nowadays we can. | 00:24:58 | |
5 Apologies Now you'll have to. You can even talk into this one if you want, but we don't. We don't get anything on the recording. | 00:25:04 | |
It's not. | 00:25:07 | |
I. | 00:25:12 | |
I was saying that being the proposed use that we're bringing in is an office building. So the hours of operation are are more in | 00:25:16 | |
line with the hours that the residents there are going to work, going to school during the holidays, weekends. You know there | 00:25:25 | |
won't be many people in these buildings. And so that's actually a benefit for the type of use that we're proposing there. | 00:25:34 | |
But then also this uses granted. | 00:25:44 | |
I mean when the zone was created, these are the things that the city wanted in this parcel and put in. So the city previously made | 00:25:48 | |
the decision to put these type of uses next to to the townhomes there. So if you go back far enough, we wanted businesses with | 00:25:56 | |
residents on top. But again, here we are and I can work for them. | 00:26:05 | |
Yeah, I know. | 00:26:16 | |
I am voice my displeasure, but I I know this is before my time and I can be angry about it. | 00:26:17 | |
No, that's fine. We we definitely respect your your opinion and however however you guys want to to to move forward. It is up to | 00:26:27 | |
you. I think what we're looking for tonight is if we can I mean you're you're able to to continue if you want to. I'd be very | 00:26:36 | |
specific if you want something to if you want like a diagram or something but you know we would recommend that you move it forward | 00:26:44 | |
to the City Council and you can have them you know consider specific aspects of the project if if you are what worried about it. | 00:26:52 | |
So it's it's up to you however you want to make a motion. Thanks every motion. | 00:27:00 | |
Yeah, I'm comfortable making a motion and I hope everyone feels comfortable voting for or against it. | 00:27:07 | |
Wherever they stand. So I moved to recommend approval of Ordinance 2023-26 with the following conditions that it's limited to just | 00:27:14 | |
commercial space, and only on lots one and two of Plat B, nowhere else in the RMU. | 00:27:23 | |
Do I have a second? | 00:27:33 | |
So we'll we'll need a second on the motion guys. | 00:27:39 | |
All right, great. Then So this is roll call, right? Yeah, you'll have to do a roll call. | 00:27:42 | |
Commercial handoff, yeah. So office would to clarify office countless commercial, right. So it's basically can I say non | 00:27:50 | |
residential, would that be right as a clarifier you feel comfortable with that? Yeah, I know that there are some people that | 00:27:57 | |
wanted to make public comment as well, but I know we closed the public hearing last time so, so technically we did close the | 00:28:04 | |
public hearing with the in the last meeting. | 00:28:11 | |
I'll allow some public comments for some questions and stuff if you want to make them brief. I assume, Daria, that you have some. | 00:28:19 | |
We now we do need AI, don't know if someone seconded. If we did have a second, do we need to? OK, you do have a second. Typically | 00:28:26 | |
that's done before, but if you want I'd make it pretty brief cuz you do wanna once you make a motion you wanna make a decision on | 00:28:32 | |
it, so. | 00:28:38 | |
You could have people coming. OK, if you can make it real quick. Thanks. | 00:28:46 | |
I just, oh, Daria Evans. | 00:28:52 | |
I just have one question about how you're going to enter those buildings from the road, what roads, where are the entrances going | 00:28:54 | |
to be? So, so with all that, that's going to be in the site plans when they come with site plans and we'll talk about all those | 00:29:00 | |
details. OK. Thank you very much. | 00:29:05 | |
OK. | 00:29:13 | |
So we have a motion, Anthony, with a motion Did you want, did you want to? | 00:29:14 | |
That amendment. Yeah, as proposed by staff. And we have a second by Graydon and this is roll call, Anthony. Hi, Bryce. I Tay. No | 00:29:20 | |
Graydon. All right. And that passes. Yes. That passes 3 to 1. So it'll go to City Council. OK, great. Thank you guys for bringing | 00:29:27 | |
the like site, site using stuff that was very helpful. I want the businesses. | 00:29:34 | |
I just gotta make a point to City Council here. Yeah, thanks. All right, moving to 3.2, the site plan application for Lake | 00:29:42 | |
Promenade. | 00:29:47 | |
Yeah. | 00:29:54 | |
On this next item, we have Rachel who will provide a presentation and then the applicant and representatives from OJB who are the | 00:30:13 | |
landscape architectural firm that designed the promenade will will be here to to provide kind of the more in depth analysis of it. | 00:30:19 | |
Thanks Great. | 00:30:25 | |
Just trying to get it pulled up. | 00:30:33 | |
And Bronson, if you have material and stuff you you you can get up there, maybe just let Rachel go through her presentation and | 00:30:44 | |
then you guys can connect in so. | 00:30:49 | |
Her cast Could we switch? | 00:30:58 | |
These. | 00:31:01 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:31:11 | |
That should work. | 00:31:24 | |
Cash, can you come look at this? | 00:31:48 | |
I don't know. It's not. This has to be solid. | 00:31:59 | |
So it's still just living? | 00:32:05 | |
Have you used this before in your laptop? Yeah, I have. | 00:32:08 | |
If you want his my laptop I can pull the stack for. | 00:32:12 | |
OK, I have a presentation. | 00:32:16 | |
Where's it saved under the reports? | 00:32:20 | |
Yeah, Commission folder. | 00:32:23 | |
There we go. OK, so this is an application from Agboro. | 00:33:30 | |
They're all here tonight. We have someone from Flagship Woodbury, and they have their landscape architect OG Bay here. This was | 00:33:36 | |
something that the Planning Commission looked at a couple years ago for initial feedback. | 00:33:43 | |
Yeah. | 00:33:53 | |
So they're here tonight. | 00:33:58 | |
We have several conditions of approval. You guys can read through these, but we can go through these more at the end after Bronson | 00:34:03 | |
completes his presentation. | 00:34:08 | |
So I'll just turn over the time to him to go over all the details or whoever is doing the presentation. Yeah. So here I'll I'll | 00:34:16 | |
just say something really quick that we were really happy to have OJB here. We were at City Council a couple weeks ago and the | 00:34:23 | |
mysterious voice from Zoom was Sam. So we have him here in person. We're excited to have them here with us and really excited | 00:34:29 | |
about the project and excited to to get things rolling, so. | 00:34:36 | |
Without further ado. | 00:34:44 | |
That's still loading. | 00:35:09 | |
Where was this minutes ago? | 00:35:19 | |
A couple hours ago. | 00:35:22 | |
Need anybody on the same heritage with JB? | 00:35:29 | |
So as Marshall mentioned, I'm going to take a few minutes. I'm just going to walk through from a high level kind of the current | 00:35:33 | |
design and as well as some of the elements within the park design and Promenade design, so. | 00:35:39 | |
So is Rachel highlighted? The problem itself is broken into six blocks. It's highlighted on the diagram above, starting with the | 00:35:48 | |
transportation and running east to West towards the lake in the lakefront. Each block is unique in character. | 00:35:55 | |
Intent to We'll go through some of the design behind each of those. | 00:36:03 | |
Here's the size of each one. | 00:36:11 | |
Block one on the east, it's called the Transit Plaza. Just under 2 acres 1.7, two in size. Market Square streetscape is just an | 00:36:13 | |
acre in length and size. Pacific Square Lot 3 just under an acre as well. The Greenway, a little bit larger. Block 4, just over 2 | 00:36:20 | |
1/2 acres. | 00:36:26 | |
Block 5 is the the largest of the Six Blocks Civic Park, just under 5 acres. | 00:36:34 | |
Inclusive sub elements, including a community pool which would be something each pack. | 00:36:43 | |
Block 6, The waterfront park just over 4 and a quarter acres adjacent to. | 00:36:49 | |
So what I want to do is just walk through each block, talk about the design tent, as well as kind of talk about some of the | 00:36:58 | |
programmatic elements. | 00:37:01 | |
So is there, this is the transit Plaza part, block 1 dividing kind of direct connection to the transportation itself that's | 00:37:05 | |
currently there. It will be a little bit more urbane in character with buildings on either side both North and South. Part of the | 00:37:14 | |
idea is to bring pedestrians through the space so you can see the flowing meandering pathway network carved out by planting | 00:37:22 | |
elements of the kiosks, potential water feature there, lawn areas and a plane of opportunities for CD and variety of uses. | 00:37:30 | |
We've highlighted certain locations that we think that would be viable for furniture layout. They're highlighted kind of the Navy | 00:37:39 | |
blue color. And then we've also kind of highlighted potential locations where we think waste receptacles management opportunities | 00:37:44 | |
for the spaces. | 00:37:49 | |
Sam, while we're on this block, can we talk a little bit? This was brought up in kind of previous meetings. | 00:37:55 | |
About when you get off the train station, you're walking W you have essentially like that building right there. So I mean I think | 00:38:00 | |
the concern was creating kind of that sense of of arrival whereas like just because it's kind of a weird offset you're, it's not | 00:38:06 | |
like you're arriving in the Plaza, you have to walk over to it. Yeah. Can you kind of explain maybe how you maintain kind of that | 00:38:12 | |
sense of arrival? | 00:38:18 | |
With that, I don't know just kind of how how that environment is as you first come off before you you reach out. | 00:38:25 | |
And if you could even with the cursor maybe on that previous one just show like sure where where are they getting off the train. I | 00:39:16 | |
know there's there's a South and a N exit of. So right now on the Instagram we're just showing the Northern, but coming off there | 00:39:21 | |
would be a platform and then there's a pedestrian pathway that kind of runs NS parallel and then you would basically come off and | 00:39:27 | |
you would walk N open to the space. | 00:39:33 | |
You mentioned kiosks. What type of kiosks did you have in mind? | 00:39:40 | |
And so we'll have a few more slides. Right now, it's a trellis, an overhead structure, movable seating underneath. And then | 00:39:44 | |
there's also potential for a future restaurant or a restaurant or food and beverage element, which is the highest #30 there, so. | 00:39:52 | |
So just out of curiosity, what are the plans for that building where you step off the station and have that building right there? | 00:40:00 | |
What what are? | 00:40:04 | |
Your hopes for I mean, yeah. | 00:40:08 | |
Into the mic more so. We haven't designed that building yet, but. | 00:40:13 | |
It'll be mixed-use. It'll be likely retail along the bottom, possibly residential or office above that. And so part of the idea of | 00:40:20 | |
this is we want this Plaza to engage those buildings. So that first story retail, what OJB showing here that #27 and then some of | 00:40:27 | |
these like darker shaded areas you're living mouse here. | 00:40:35 | |
These are areas where we we are looking to whatever these buildings end up being when they're designed. The idea is that they | 00:40:44 | |
would spill out into the Plaza and engage with the Plaza. But we also realize a large function of this Plaza is flow through | 00:40:51 | |
people going up to the station from from the downtown area coming up the promenade to the station coming out of the station into | 00:40:59 | |
the residences or office spaces. So we we're kind of. | 00:41:06 | |
And I love the idea that like where you can actually wait near the train, like right next to the entrance of the train. Is there a | 00:41:46 | |
reason why you guys decided to go this direction? No, I think that's still, that's still the idea like this. This corner building | 00:41:52 | |
here would have that opportunity almost like a. | 00:41:57 | |
You know, like a train station function of people either waiting at the in the lower level of this building, it just hasn't been | 00:42:04 | |
designed yet It'll it'll come later, but that's still the idea. The parking structure, the large parking structure is just South | 00:42:10 | |
of these kind of three buildings that you're seeing. I was talking to Morgan earlier. We've kind of looked at those. The edge of | 00:42:16 | |
that parking structure is like doing some kind of mural. So that would be like this real big. I've arrived at that Utah State a | 00:42:21 | |
year. | 00:42:27 | |
That, yeah, that that would be awesome. | 00:42:34 | |
Utah City Avengers So. | 00:42:38 | |
Yet an amenity like this that maybe even had a board inside that says you know northbound 5 minutes, southbound 20 minutes, like | 00:43:13 | |
you know I I think that dispute that helped create that that that those amenities especially if we want our residents to take | 00:43:20 | |
transit, you know providing kind of just that those extra level of amenities is going to make it a much more like quality | 00:43:26 | |
experience. And then I I guess another question I have right there is. | 00:43:33 | |
Is this a road? Then right here, that's the regional trail. That's the trail. OK, so there are no roads between. OK, cool. | 00:43:41 | |
Perfect. | 00:43:45 | |
So just to maybe clarify a couple things, my name is Jared Boss. I work with Sam with OJB. As we look at the greater context of | 00:43:50 | |
the area, I know we're looking at the Promenade right now and at the Transit Plaza, one of the things that we have talked about as | 00:43:58 | |
we've looked at the architecture and then as we think of the greater team, there are a couple of things that come to mind. One is | 00:44:05 | |
we do have the the north-south Path, so that will connect through the Greater Vineyard project. | 00:44:12 | |
We are at the North End of the train station here. As we've looked at the architecture for these areas, these lower areas are | 00:44:20 | |
anticipated as retail areas. We are also in the process of bringing on a branding, A branding and a wayfinding consultant as well. | 00:44:27 | |
So we've talked about ideas of how do we engage people when people are using some of these retail spaces or if they're sitting by | 00:44:34 | |
the fountain, how would we, how would we notify them and and. | 00:44:41 | |
The train will be here in 5 minutes or something like that, so that there is this procession, there is this pathway. So I think as | 00:44:50 | |
we continue to move forward with the architecture, an opportunity on the side of the garage as we see that north-south path begin | 00:44:57 | |
to develop, I think we'll start to see plantings, trees, some lighting elements and some of that way finding that takes you | 00:45:05 | |
through as a greater idea and we'll show this through the slides. | 00:45:12 | |
The the real idea and and this is not an uncommon term as we look in other cities is it's really kind of this court ashore or from | 00:45:20 | |
the transit rail connection to to the lakefront. So we're very interested in connecting pedestrians all the way down this | 00:45:27 | |
alignment and Bronson Anthony. | 00:45:34 | |
Is Anthony Fletcher. | 00:45:43 | |
I was gonna say are Anthony, but you're our Anthony as well. Employee Anthony Planner. Anthony, you're a planner too, so this is | 00:45:45 | |
gonna be hard. | 00:45:48 | |
But Anthony's working on a master wayfinding signage for the city. And so as you work on your wayfinding signage, if we could kind | 00:45:54 | |
of marry those two and so if maybe if you have a group that's working on pull, pull, Anthony in all those meetings, so great, | 00:46:01 | |
Thank you. I do also just something to point out that I like is having the garage space closer to the transit is a good thing? I | 00:46:07 | |
mean it's somebody I know somebody commented previously. | 00:46:14 | |
That they wished that for those that have a handicap or something that they were closer and it is a good thing that the parking | 00:46:21 | |
dodge is closer and you want you don't want the parking garage to be there and then nothing. So it doesn't make sense. | 00:46:27 | |
And like to that point that that structure we anticipate that UTA would have. | 00:46:34 | |
A lot of stalls in there and there would be ADA stalls in there. So essentially we are getting those accessible stalls as close as | 00:46:40 | |
possible to the station. Perfect. Cool. | 00:46:45 | |
Just going to go through a few renderings, then we'll go to block 2. | 00:46:56 | |
Some imagery of what the water feature could be. | 00:47:01 | |
Block 2, Market Square. So as you head east from the transit Plaza towards the lake, the idea here is it once again, it's kind of | 00:47:08 | |
a continuation of a flow as you're heading through the open space, very much kind of a retail oriented space with walkways, lots | 00:47:15 | |
of seating. Part of the idea is to kind of work with the tree layout and have some potentially some sort of overhead element that | 00:47:23 | |
kind of sets the tone and the character space pedestrianize the scale of it. | 00:47:30 | |
Once again, the idea is also to carry through kind of the paving materiality to start to kind of link these spaces together. So | 00:47:38 | |
here's a few views of ideas of what the space could feel like. | 00:47:43 | |
And then moving to Block 3 Civic Square. | 00:47:50 | |
So it's where the space starts to open up. Starting on the eastern side, there's this opportunity for kind of an art element or | 00:47:53 | |
some sort of kind of visual kind of terminus as you're coming in into the promenade area that is almost that moment, right? A | 00:47:58 | |
visual moment as you're coming through. And what the idea is, it would open up to green space in the center, pedestrian circuit | 00:48:03 | |
circulation around the perimeter. And as you head to the West, it opens up to another Plaza space that starts to kind of marry up | 00:48:09 | |
to the streetscape. | 00:48:14 | |
In this rectangle, that's already, that's what you see has already occurred, yeah? | 00:48:22 | |
So driving into the downtown, this is the first feature you hit. Yeah. So when you when you cross on Main Street, you cross 800 N | 00:48:31 | |
This is 2 blocks up from 800 N. | 00:48:36 | |
So be looking east. | 00:48:48 | |
And you'll you'll see too. In here we have this, this. | 00:48:53 | |
Artwork you see in here, it's just placeholder stuff. This is not actually what's commissioned to go in. These are just. | 00:48:56 | |
A representation of some kind of sculpture or artwork that would be going in there. | 00:49:04 | |
With shade trees spread throughout, maybe some low slungs, you know, Charlotte. Additional trail structures where you can sit | 00:50:14 | |
down, have a couple you know, pick a table, grab a drink, you know, eat something along those lines. | 00:50:19 | |
So it's the view looking West. | 00:50:28 | |
Once again, architecture, these elements are very much conceptual. We actually have a little bit more development information on | 00:50:31 | |
some of the trauses to share. You can get an idea of kind of some of these spaces and see the water features on the bottom of the | 00:50:36 | |
screen, you know, gravel, quartz with a kind of a variety of elements. You can see the lawn spaces. That is one question I want to | 00:50:40 | |
bring up about just the. | 00:50:45 | |
Conceptual idea of this with this being a site plan, I mean there's no shortage of details in the 200 pages that are in there, | 00:50:50 | |
but. | 00:50:53 | |
I'm not comfortable with the IT could look like this versus it will you know, since we're in the site plan phase. So can you take | 00:50:59 | |
me through some of that cuz making a recommendation or approving something and being like well, I hope it looks like this, you | 00:51:05 | |
know, that's I'm uncomfortable with that. Yeah. So I guess part of that the context of that is. | 00:51:11 | |
This is this exactly what you're seeing today? | 00:51:19 | |
Is what we're proposing to build these architectural elements. We'll have to bring in an architect to develop this restaurant area | 00:51:22 | |
here in the middle. | 00:51:26 | |
This this structure, I would imagine you're going to see some architectural components. | 00:51:33 | |
In some of the other blocks that we are, we're moving forward quicker to construction because we don't have buildings on either | 00:51:40 | |
side designed yet. We're we're holding off on construction on this block, but we do want to come through and get this. You know | 00:51:47 | |
this is a lot more detail than when I brought it through before and so you know as as we move forward. | 00:51:55 | |
Will continue to develop these out and so where Sam is saying it could be this, this is this is what? | 00:52:02 | |
We as a developer like committed to build today. | 00:52:10 | |
If we move it into construction, if we change anything, we'll bring it back in for a a site plan amendment. | 00:52:14 | |
So. | 00:52:22 | |
Yeah, I guess that that would be the clarification on it could be this, it could be that we're we're holding off on construction | 00:52:24 | |
drawings on this block and the other blocks that don't have buildings designed yet, but on Block 5. | 00:52:31 | |
And we probably would get into this later, but I'll just say it now we're we OJB has provided a early release set that we'll be | 00:52:39 | |
submitting into engineering as soon as we're through the site plan approval and we'll we'll start work as soon as we can. | 00:52:47 | |
Get through engineering. | 00:52:55 | |
Construction drawings get those approved, we'll bring in a contractor. So we are anticipating starting construction like later | 00:52:58 | |
this year on the next block from here. | 00:53:03 | |
So hopefully, hopefully that helps. Social media versus reality pictures, you know, like your advertised hamburger versus what | 00:53:08 | |
came in the bag. No, I don't want it to be a stark difference broth and I think you guys mentioned this before. The idea is though | 00:53:14 | |
that you will always have a sidewalk or a trail through the promenade, even the sections that aren't completed to provide a | 00:53:19 | |
connection. But I think that was the. | 00:53:25 | |
Yeah, that's discussed in the past, but I think we should probably try to do that even from that building other blocks at least | 00:53:31 | |
get a pathway through so that there's a, yeah, there's some cohesiveness. I don't know if they if they come in like two or three | 00:53:37 | |
years down the road, you're going to have this big gap, so. | 00:53:43 | |
I don't want to address that, but that's kind of like in the past and. | 00:53:50 | |
So maybe to clarify a little bit on this, so would we say it may look like this, we think the way the plan is laid out, this is | 00:53:56 | |
pretty close to the configuration and later on in the presentation as we've looked at the entire promenade for all six blocks. | 00:54:06 | |
And Bronson indicated that we are further along for Block 5 we're going to show in this presentation. | 00:54:18 | |
What the architecture will look like in terms of the pavilions, shade structures, restroom structure. We'll also be looking at | 00:54:25 | |
materiality, so hardscape materials, the development of some of the details for the project. So, so that initial design effort for | 00:54:33 | |
Block 5 definitely informs all of the other blocks. So that materiality will carry through all six blocks. Now when he says we're | 00:54:41 | |
not exactly sure on the architecture here. | 00:54:49 | |
We think it's going to be in the same family. It may shift a little bit, it may get a little bit bigger or a little bit smaller. | 00:54:57 | |
But we definitely think these are all of the, these are all of the areas laid out in the plants, if that helps. | 00:55:05 | |
Yep, it's. | 00:55:13 | |
We still have quite a few more slides. | 00:55:18 | |
And I guess what I was, yeah, noting is just the rendering to the plan view. We have kind of a more, you know, we have kind of a | 00:55:23 | |
lot more information on those Trellises that we're going to be sharing, so. | 00:55:27 | |
So we'll go through the news. | 00:55:32 | |
If you're looking east. | 00:55:38 | |
So getting to block 5 Pacific Park. | 00:55:42 | |
Really kind of programmatically it's, it's centered around kind of a larger event lawn. We have a really robust play area with a | 00:55:45 | |
restroom included as well as sport courts. In addition on the on the perimeter we have additional trellises for family seating, | 00:55:53 | |
picnic areas, a fire pit in addition to kind of a multi functional spaces on the southern half of the park edge throughout there. | 00:56:01 | |
So you looking to the east? | 00:56:12 | |
Really quick first for context on that. Sorry, go ahead. Let's go to that one again. This is blocks five and six in context. So | 00:56:16 | |
those are the actual architectural buildings that are under construction now. Colors might change though. Colors are those are the | 00:56:24 | |
right colors. I'm talking about these buildings, these buildings back here. This is Block 6 and block 5. | 00:56:33 | |
And which Rd. is that? Oops, sorry, go backwards. That's been your connector. Yeah, that's been your connector fully built out. | 00:56:48 | |
They're only building the Western 2 wings. | 00:56:53 | |
An aerial view of the play area, a variety of different play elements. So we have you're showing here play tower slides. | 00:57:04 | |
Scrambles the walkway. You can see the restroom in the center. It's kind of serving as the gateway in the portal into the play | 00:57:13 | |
area as well. | 00:57:17 | |
Let's be looking down South, Opportunities for kids to run up and down the hillside scrambles. Slides. | 00:57:25 | |
The view N looking S back towards the play area, you see the sport court on the right side really kind of anticipating kind of a | 00:57:36 | |
free flow of of use in the space. So you know, seeing elements spread and these grapple cords allowing, you know, use to to kind | 00:57:41 | |
of flow through space into the event wall on her back now. | 00:57:47 | |
That whether it's private or public, that's still being worked out. And I wish it had already been worked out. But there's just a | 00:58:24 | |
lot of back and forth and it's a lot more complex than what a public or private maintenance of it. There's no question that these | 00:58:31 | |
will be, they'll be open to the public, right. Right. Yeah. These are open to the public, yes. And then yeah, as far as | 00:58:37 | |
maintenance goes, still working that out on. | 00:58:43 | |
On what that will be? | 00:58:51 | |
So this is the, the overpass connecting blocks 5:00 and 6:00. This is the vineyard connectors below. Really the idea is on the | 00:59:00 | |
northern side is to really kind of carve out a very much pedestrian friendly area with kind of a wider, wider promenade. The | 00:59:06 | |
overall roadway width, you can see there's about 70 feet. And so there's a good section of this that provides seating, enhanced | 00:59:11 | |
paving. There's going to be overhead elements that serve as kind of a portal and kind of a visual element and a queue to highlight | 00:59:17 | |
the space and also kind of. | 00:59:22 | |
Allow folks to go through. | 00:59:28 | |
Quick question on SO this is showing pictures of the Vineyard connector fully built out. Do you have any idea when that would be | 00:59:32 | |
or are we just gonna have a row of weeds on the entire way. Yeah well and I think they're you guys are kind of addressing some of | 00:59:40 | |
that at least right initially by the promenade and so you can see some of the plantings as it slows down but yeah we would have to | 00:59:47 | |
work with with with U dot on that with all with all the right of ways they. | 00:59:55 | |
They do very minimal landscaping. And so anything above is is a is a thing the city has to take on. So yeah, but we are working | 01:00:03 | |
on, I don't know, actually have some problems. So yeah. | 01:00:11 | |
Yeah, we're currently working with U dot, the aesthetics committee specifically so. | 01:00:18 | |
Fibro and OJB and the city submitted package to recently and they're reviewing it and providing us comments and so we're waiting | 01:00:27 | |
for their official comments back. The expectation on the embankments on the side of the on each side is to be landscaped and you | 01:00:36 | |
know you know it does provide a fair standard minimum standard and however they're willing to work with the city in terms of. | 01:00:46 | |
Allow for those upgrades on there. And then of course the maintenance of such would just be an agreement between the DLT and | 01:00:55 | |
Veneer City. Cool. Yeah. I just hate to have this like beautiful park on both sides and beautiful landscaping and then just like | 01:01:01 | |
this strip of not maintained anything. | 01:01:07 | |
I'm sure you guys feel the same way. | 01:01:15 | |
Some of you here, you can get a good, good look. This is north looking South. So the idea is, you know, really kind of, you know, | 01:01:20 | |
kind of creating a very much pedestrian scale space that's safe, welcoming, very much a linkage between blocks five and six. And | 01:01:27 | |
as I noted before, you can kind of see in the renderings here some of the overhead elements, both kind of as a visual cue both for | 01:01:33 | |
motorists on the roadway as well as kind of something that's skilled for people to see visually as they're walking through. | 01:01:40 | |
I had a question. | 01:01:51 | |
I have a question about landscaping and how has it if at all, changed throughout the years as far as your planning and what? | 01:01:53 | |
You know, what are we doing as far as water conservation? | 01:02:06 | |
So just in general, just talking about how we're planting landscape plans. So you know, I think in general, right we're, we're | 01:02:12 | |
planning that this these parks would be irrigated, but part of kind of irrigation systems nowadays very much managed by | 01:02:18 | |
controllers in tune with kind of the weather conditions, you know high efficiency systems whether it's drip irrigation, limiting | 01:02:25 | |
spray irrigation where it's very, you know typically more more seen nowadays as race school, right. So I think that's, that's 1/2 | 01:02:31 | |
the other half is. | 01:02:37 | |
Really kind of focus on planting ballots that are really much adapted and you know, kind of native to this area and really kind of | 01:02:43 | |
you know over time they've, you know, developed the right to to thrive in this area. So I think kind of really being smart and | 01:02:49 | |
respectful, working within the bounds not only that the city has in terms of material selection, but also kind of being smart in | 01:02:54 | |
terms of how you lay those out, how you design those, how you coordinate those and and kind of being very cognizant of how that's | 01:03:00 | |
that's done. | 01:03:05 | |
Great. And at what point are these plans as far as landscaping locked in or are they subject to change maybe in a year or two you | 01:03:15 | |
consider oh, let's put rocks here versus? | 01:03:21 | |
You know, grass. | 01:03:28 | |
Black building permits on them on Xbox. | 01:04:02 | |
And last block Waterfront Park which is block 6 out of all the blocks, this has the largest event line as you can see to the | 01:04:13 | |
north. The idea is to have an event filling with the restroom here, both supportive of the park this park and block as well as | 01:04:19 | |
well as potentially the waterfront flanking the perimeter, we would have a dog park. In addition, you can see the vineyard | 01:04:25 | |
connector as it slopes down. | 01:04:31 | |
To the right here. In addition, we have kind of a variety of seating areas programmatically you can see in the bottom left hand | 01:04:38 | |
corner anticipating that there be volleyball courts or some sort of amenity that kind of starts to have that relationship with the | 01:04:44 | |
waterfront trails on there as well. This is where the lakefront townhomes are right now, correct? | 01:04:50 | |
Since since we have this plan up I think it it it helps to clarify you you asked about park trends I I would think I. | 01:04:58 | |
If we were doing a part 10/15/20 years ago, you would see most of this planted as long. | 01:05:06 | |
As lawn and trees. | 01:05:13 | |
So one of the things that we have done is of this six blocks along the promenade, this will have probably the largest pavilion. We | 01:05:15 | |
anticipate that being able to be programmed for large events where you can have movie on the lawn, maybe there's a performance | 01:05:22 | |
that's in that pavilion. So a lot of people we think could be, could gather in this lawn on all of the perimeter and the edges. So | 01:05:29 | |
where we have the street trees, we think that's native and adaptive planting that takes place at the base of that. So that's | 01:05:35 | |
probably a change. | 01:05:42 | |
Typically, we would have done a park strip that we would have mowed that we would have watered every day. And all of these kind of | 01:05:49 | |
perimeter edges where we are on the connector. We think that's a lot of native grasses highlighted with plantings. We've had a | 01:05:57 | |
couple of meetings with the city as well and we have kind of an initial package where we've mapped out what we think a lot of the | 01:06:04 | |
trees are. We've also looked at a planting pallet. We think we have a couple of work sessions with the city. | 01:06:12 | |
And that was some of our discussion points on getting to the right varieties and now we're really getting into details, but we | 01:06:19 | |
talk about the soils, what are the soils, what are trees that are planted right now in vineyard that have been successful and | 01:06:25 | |
trees that the cities having issues with. So those are all things that we want to avoid. So when when you say is is something | 01:06:31 | |
fixed, we don't think it's fixed yet. We want to, we want to have a robust discussion with the city and make sure we get those | 01:06:37 | |
those things right. | 01:06:43 | |
Absolutely. OK, so this is a rendering from the South. Looking to the north, I see the lake in the distance. On the bottom right | 01:06:59 | |
hand corner of the image you can see the dog park area. It's the intent behind it is to provide kind of two spaces, some for | 01:07:06 | |
larger dogs, some for smaller dogs It'll be. | 01:07:13 | |
Secured by a fence. | 01:07:20 | |
A gate system for unleashing as well. And then there would be a kind of variety of seating elements nearby as well. | 01:07:21 | |
There's another view. | 01:07:33 | |
Looking to the north? | 01:07:35 | |
See the dog park on the right side, the idea of volleyball or sand sand volleyball quotes on the left. | 01:07:38 | |
Rendering of the dog park. | 01:07:48 | |
As mentioned before, you know the idea that there be some amenities in there for the dogs to play with. You know, small berms, you | 01:07:51 | |
know, maybe tunnels, you know things for them to to run through. Plenty of seating for folks to sit on and watch as well. | 01:07:57 | |
So next thing we wanted to go through kind of talk about the architecture and talk about the character that we envision and and | 01:08:06 | |
where they're located throughout the six blocks. So starting from the east heading to the West, anticipating A trellis and a | 01:08:13 | |
pavilion in the transit Plaza highlighted there in magenta, the two kiosks that we were discussing earlier on Block 4, the | 01:08:21 | |
Trellises one, both on the eastern side and the western side, flanking kind of that, that central pavilion. | 01:08:28 | |
And then Block 5 that we discussed, there would be a family for four structures. There'd be a larger event pavilion, a restroom. | 01:08:36 | |
Smaller houses. | 01:08:42 | |
And then on Block 6, there would be the larger event pavilion that you could see on the north half. | 01:08:44 | |
So from an architectural character standpoint, we really kind of wanted to take cues from naturalistic elements would that you can | 01:08:52 | |
see through here very, very much sculpted in tune kind of with the Utah landscape and some of the elements that you know we've | 01:08:59 | |
been showing through the park. So really trying to kind of have the synergy between architecture and landscape. | 01:09:06 | |
So wanted to kind of walk through kind of design wise maybe what I'll do is I'm going to skip to the sections and the renderings | 01:09:15 | |
to give you an idea. So really the idea is that all these elements start as Jerick alluded to, really start to develop a character | 01:09:21 | |
throughout all the blocks, right, and start to set a kind of tone and feel for all the spaces. So really the ideas that we're | 01:09:27 | |
looking at is going to like wood, wood canopies, you know, variety of like coverings, whether they're solid or opaque, you know, | 01:09:33 | |
allowing shade, variety uses. | 01:09:39 | |
And very, very elegant, very simple columns you know, that you know don't take up a lot of space. Allow for a variety of seating | 01:09:45 | |
options and movement through the space as well. | 01:09:49 | |
And then starting to kind of speak to some of these other blocks, there's so many press see they they they're very much a variety | 01:09:57 | |
within the family in terms of sizes, function right intense. So for example in Block 4, the idea is that they would be very much, | 01:10:03 | |
you know within the family of that larger architectural element and center. So they'd be very much horizontal. | 01:10:10 | |
And even though they may be larger in size, but they're very much diminutive in the fact that they kind of elegantly fit within | 01:10:18 | |
the landscape. | 01:10:21 | |
I. | 01:10:29 | |
And similarly kind of on the block on the western half of Block 4, very much taking kind of similar architecture, character | 01:10:33 | |
starting to craft its layout to fit within the landscape space you can see. Starting to play with angles, play with the layout, | 01:10:39 | |
but once again playing with that overall character, very, kind of very wood, wood focused canopy on the top, you know, simple | 01:10:45 | |
columns, but once again just trying to repeat that character throughout. | 01:10:50 | |
Starting to get to Block 5, this is the event, the pavilion on the eastern half. You can kind of see how that the architecture | 01:11:10 | |
once again is the language repeats, but very much started to be crafted kind of fit within the context of the space. This one very | 01:11:17 | |
much is opening up to the lawn area with the intent that it's kind of supportive of any programmatic elements whether it's it's | 01:11:24 | |
larger events, smaller events with underneath the canopy, but very much kind of a tone setting but flexible space, right? | 01:11:30 | |
So we'll get there in a moment. | 01:12:17 | |
So I mentioned Block 5 has the restroom. So this is kind of a good idea of kind of the restroom layout very much a very elegant | 01:12:19 | |
structure, has kind of restroom supportive of both the play area but the park itself, storage space and then ample coverage over | 01:12:26 | |
the top to both kind of allow for picnics, parties, birthday parties, you know, connected. | 01:12:33 | |
Starting to step back a little bit talking about these these trolls, secondary trellises very much was intended to be kind of as a | 01:12:49 | |
family with the restrooms here. So it is kind of imagine families going to the playground area. You may want to come out, have | 01:12:55 | |
birthday parties or picnics or stay a little bit later in the evening. So these trolls are intended to be supportive of of kind of | 01:13:01 | |
the playground and family use, whether it's events you know they can stage and set up there as well. | 01:13:07 | |
A traditional approval should be that we have only some of those main areas that I'm shaded we we we're going back to Grove Park | 01:14:24 | |
at Penny Springs Park. So we have a lot of residents request shade structures. The city's putting up quite a big investment to | 01:14:30 | |
have those covered now and so. | 01:14:36 | |
Be pushed upon us by the residents. So yeah, and it could even even if it's, I don't want to say temporary, but like canvas shade | 01:15:15 | |
structure things just something that once the trees are grown in, I mean you could take it down and then would be fine. But yeah, | 01:15:23 | |
like a lot of our park space isn't utilized during the summer because there is no shade which is such a shame. So yeah, sing sing | 01:15:31 | |
more any any more say it is a benefit. | 01:15:38 | |
So I think, I think one, one of our goals for instance in this area here we've we've focused on water play. So in some of these | 01:15:46 | |
renderings we've made the trees a little bit transparent. I think in the playground as we've been talking with the team, we'd like | 01:15:53 | |
to use larger trees. So we see this as a little bit of an Oasis. | 01:16:00 | |
In the study of the architecture, so the restroom pavilion is about 50% of the size of this canopy. So that canopy extends out and | 01:16:09 | |
beyond so that there's seating, seating areas underneath here. We kind of call it like the the mothers or the family area, but | 01:16:17 | |
definitely understand the point. We're showing these little areas, these are little play cabins and then underneath the boardwalk, | 01:16:26 | |
we have other events that can happen that happen as well for play. So trying to balance those. | 01:16:35 | |
Just firm, wide. And as a practice, I like to use natural materials. So mulches. We like to, we're looking to avoid paints and all | 01:16:44 | |
of those types of things as well. Yeah. And and as far as the shade stretches from the trees, like, absolutely. It's just when | 01:16:52 | |
will they be big enough for that to actually be? It's the first like five years. That's brutal. Yeah, maybe you don't share the | 01:16:59 | |
entire thing, but like picking like what? One of those areas. | 01:17:06 | |
And and providing some some good like especially the sliding crime climate structure. My my kids won't even touch it if it's gonna | 01:17:14 | |
be too hot to touch so if it's just stated. | 01:17:20 | |
Isn't that I mean like an inventor drill park during peak hours though like splash area is always busy because you know cold water | 01:18:00 | |
but other than that there are times where the rest of like the playground is just kind of vacant when it hits those temperatures | 01:18:08 | |
and so anyway, well here's the thought real quick and I'm sure you guys will do your research and find out what cost beneficial, | 01:18:15 | |
but you know maybe consider importing or transporting mature trees. | 01:18:22 | |
And do it. They can be so that might. | 01:18:30 | |
Problem with maturities is they have a very low survival rate. They tend to die pretty quick. | 01:18:33 | |
Just because the fruit system gets real upset. | 01:18:40 | |
Yeah. | 01:18:44 | |
Here's a rendering. | 01:19:41 | |
So very much an idea would have covering, there may be an opportunity for as you can see in there skylights to allow for natural | 01:19:42 | |
light to come through, but really very much in scale in keeping to allow for kind of larger events potentially. And so you can see | 01:19:49 | |
in addition with the solid rooftop plenty of shade anticipated for kind of intermittent use for seating and dying as well. | 01:19:56 | |
So this is you looking directly at it from the 1 area. | 01:20:08 | |
So next topic I want to go through is kind of overarching material palette. So a lot of this can be on hard skate materials. | 01:20:15 | |
So very much in keeping what we just talked about with the architecture, naturalistic materials, very durable, very sturdy. So | 01:20:23 | |
concrete where appropriate, concrete unit paving, some of these other kind of secondary seating areas, gravel. | 01:20:30 | |
Very much kind of using local stone or kind of regionally sourced stone where appropriate, certain areas as well. | 01:20:39 | |
And then obviously kind of talking about the architectural material in more depth, So with sliding wood infill, maybe using glam | 01:20:47 | |
for the structures that support it on the hat, very kind of simplistic metal siding, standing seam roofs for the solid elements, | 01:20:53 | |
tile interiors, easy to maintain, clean, cleanly looking. | 01:20:59 | |
Kind of providing a variety of different textures to sit on, functional uses and as noted, kind of the gravel, seating areas and | 01:21:38 | |
once again kind of falling within that earthy, earthy tone, earthy palette. | 01:21:43 | |
So starting from from east to West, again, we're just going to walk through the spaces. So very much from from context and | 01:21:51 | |
character in the transit Plaza, very much kind of probably predominantly focus on concrete unit paving there. There's bands that | 01:21:58 | |
we talked about earlier. It's kind of those wayfinding elements supportive of the space kind of stimulus flowing through different | 01:22:04 | |
kind of colors and finishes kind of highlighting that you can see in the center water feature very much a stone element as well. | 01:22:11 | |
Real quick, I guess either either slide works, what's the plan to connect, connect them all. Like are you gonna have the road just | 01:22:19 | |
like bisect, like coming through it or are you gonna have the stone go through and you have to drive over the stone? Like what's | 01:22:25 | |
the plan there as far as? | 01:22:31 | |
It's kind of one of those tactile cues that they're in a different space. Is that going to be for all of the transitions or just | 01:23:14 | |
this first one just up here between the plus one and two, OK, what's the plan for between block actually between 3:00, between | 01:23:21 | |
4:00 and 5:00, between 4:00 and 5:00 also, but I'm I'm kind of concerned about between 2:00 and 3:00 specifically where it's a | 01:23:28 | |
square about square about how how that will transition as far as there's. | 01:23:35 | |
Right. This is a good one. So you can see all the ramp, the crosswalks and all the ramping that's happening in here. | 01:23:43 | |
So we need like the next step of this is to send through alpha to have Alta review this and and weigh in on this. | 01:23:49 | |
But those connections are all happening via RAMPS and crosswalks OK and then. | 01:24:00 | |
Because right here. | 01:24:07 | |
Is the Market Street. | 01:24:09 | |
So is there a plan to have like crossing here, some people becoming pretty much from everywhere on that street I would assume? | 01:24:13 | |
Or is it just they got to come up and over here to get in or Yep, they would follow those those crap crosswalk paths. Yeah, | 01:24:21 | |
similar 12 questions and we can wait till you've got a full one to like load. If you just take it through. Like if I was walking, | 01:24:26 | |
how would I go from the train station all the way down to the lake if I wanted to? Or biking, how would I go from the train state? | 01:24:32 | |
No. | 01:24:38 | |
Yeah, you're supposed to do that right now. | 01:24:44 | |
I don't get lots of slides and then probably no, it's all good. We're past halfway, I think. | 01:24:47 | |
People can flow from one side to the other. This is. | 01:25:37 | |
Essentially, pavers from building phase to building phase. | 01:25:41 | |
There will be some great in it but there won't be like a a drop curve lanes and then as we we transition the block, Block 3 as we | 01:25:44 | |
just discussed you know the the predominant points of crossing right will be the crosswalks. You know the the curb ramps that are | 01:25:52 | |
that are noted both coming from the from the north side down into block 3. And then there's crosswalks set between block 3 and | 01:26:00 | |
block 4 and this is where bike lane infrastructure would begin on these. | 01:26:08 | |
Streets if someone was comfortable. | 01:26:16 | |
The street in between block one and two, Sorry, so I'm like grab this. There is. There's a dedicated bike lane through this area | 01:26:20 | |
as well. | 01:26:24 | |
So you know, as that comes through the paper area, it'll probably. | 01:26:29 | |
This our standard throughout downtown is to do a painted bike lane, a green painted bike lane. But when we come through the | 01:26:36 | |
pavers, I'm not sure yet if we're going to use that green stripe or if it will be a different color paper through the bike lane, | 01:26:42 | |
but it'll be it'll be denoted through a a material change. | 01:26:48 | |
Yeah, and then? | 01:26:57 | |
And then they start to open up into lawn areas. And so that gives the opportunity to kind of meander and move through and kind of | 01:27:33 | |
have that opportunity to to explore and walk the way you want. But if you're really just trying to go to the waterfront, you have | 01:27:38 | |
plenty of access on the perimeter of the park to walk along the streetscape as well. | 01:27:43 | |
Where flexibility does open up a little bit is in block 5. You can see my cursor is not helping as much here, but you can see. | 01:27:52 | |
Really, once again, the same methodology you open up to a Plaza space, but really getting you're going to need to get to the | 01:28:30 | |
southern side right now to crossover Vineyard Connector if you're really trying to get down to the waterfront edge right now. So | 01:28:36 | |
very much a setup. There's a variety of spaces, there's open walkways. | 01:28:42 | |
To get. | 01:28:49 | |
The only cross point across being connected will be the bridge the overpass, yes, other than the three intersections that you | 01:28:51 | |
document. | 01:28:55 | |
In US N Main St. the North Promenade, and then. | 01:29:00 | |
I don't know what we call the N 1 yet, but the north, the north intersection. | 01:29:05 | |
All right. Thanks for that. Sure, absolutely. | 01:29:11 | |
Foot back. | 01:29:16 | |
I guess it's also worth noting that a lot of that traffic is one way, right? Yeah, it's correct. | 01:29:18 | |
From the square about down from the square, about all the way down the vineyard connector, those are all just one way streets. | 01:29:24 | |
Cool. | 01:29:29 | |
Any idea? This is kind of irrelevant. Any idea what the speed limits will be on those roads? | 01:29:36 | |
Like 25 whatever the city. | 01:29:42 | |
So from a material perspective just kind of reinforcing what we talked about before really kind of on on these blocks east and | 01:29:50 | |
western half as you went from block to block having you know a bit of kind of open space for Plaza right here is where you would | 01:29:56 | |
have enhanced paving concrete unit favors what we're proposing right here. And then kind of on the East West walkways going to | 01:30:01 | |
like a really nicely scored concrete walkway. | 01:30:06 | |
Look like again? | 01:30:15 | |
The shade discussion if we're doing artificial turf, any kind of shade over artificial surface. | 01:30:17 | |
Super beneficial just because it gets hot. Understood. | 01:30:24 | |
Moving to block four, really the space opens up, we start on the eastern side, but the Plaza space with the with the Charles | 01:30:32 | |
pavilion that we were showing here. | 01:30:36 | |
From a materiality perspective, we noted kind of these courtyards, whether it's kind of a water play space, maybe stone paving | 01:30:41 | |
through here, decorative gravel for some of the other play elements. Once again it opens up to Lauren space, artificial turf, | 01:30:47 | |
right. We're proposing kind of on either side of the pavilion and then as you as you head to the West, really kind of opening up | 01:30:53 | |
to more gravel courtyards, not showing the plants here, but trees kind of shading and setting up kind of a Grove type aesthetic as | 01:30:59 | |
you go through here and once again. | 01:31:05 | |
You get to your western pavilion, the flanks and faces this lawyer as well. | 01:31:11 | |
Getting to block 5. | 01:31:22 | |
Plaza space on the eastern side enhanced with concrete unit paving. The walkways moving east and West as well as the name | 01:31:28 | |
walkways, North and South. Concrete paving really very much flanked by decorative gravel that's open. Allows for the broader uses | 01:31:34 | |
to proceed. Elements, fire pits, those kind of things play areas Jerry Could mentioned, you know wood chips in addition to | 01:31:41 | |
concrete paving for some of the accessible pathways through there as well. | 01:31:47 | |
The Sport Court would be concrete painted. | 01:31:55 | |
And then getting to the overpass area. It's intended to be concrete in Favors. | 01:31:59 | |
You can see here the walls will be cast in place concrete. | 01:32:07 | |
Metal elements. | 01:32:10 | |
To the overhead. | 01:32:12 | |
And getting to block 6, my hardscape perspective once again very much East, east West scored concrete paving, decorative gravel | 01:32:15 | |
for some of the walkways. The manual trials will want to be a connector as well as some of the seating areas, sand for the | 01:32:22 | |
volleyball courts and orchestra from the dog park. | 01:32:29 | |
So planting design. | 01:32:40 | |
From a from a character designed to perspective, the vision really has been, you know, you kind of kind of led us into this | 01:32:43 | |
conversation previously. But the idea is native active, ornamental and key areas really focused on kind of naturalistic planting. | 01:32:50 | |
One of the new connector for example, where you kind of have drifts of of kind of natives and make that. | 01:32:57 | |
You wanna see the full screen? | 01:33:04 | |
There you go, do the full one, zoom in a little bit more. But in addition, throughout park want to curate spaces, right And think | 01:33:08 | |
about seasonality, flexion through the variety of seasons. So looking for material that has character, you can see exfoliating | 01:33:14 | |
bark or ornamental grasses that keep the cups through the winter time. So really kind of starting to think about that character, | 01:33:20 | |
both the structured and naturalistic planting. | 01:33:26 | |
I've got a question here. We talked about this before. It's still up in negotiation as to who is going to maintain these grounds, | 01:33:35 | |
whether it's like an issue or the city. | 01:33:39 | |
It's still not confirmed is that the case? And I wonder about these walkways as far as snow removal, is that up to them? Whoever | 01:33:45 | |
takes care of it? What will can we expect there? | 01:33:51 | |
Yeah. I think, I think the expectation is just a high standard of care. And So what what we're working through is. | 01:33:57 | |
Do we set up some kind of foundation that that it's privately maintained through this foundation that gets funding through? | 01:34:04 | |
Through the tax in this area. | 01:34:13 | |
I mean, it wouldn't be like Flagborough. | 01:34:16 | |
Doing it ourselves, we would be hiring somebody to. | 01:34:21 | |
Or potentially this foundation would would hire a maintenance company that would take care of it, but the standard would be very | 01:34:25 | |
high for maintenance. Same with trash collection and sidewalks and sidewalks, snow removal, landscape care, all that. | 01:34:33 | |
So. | 01:34:44 | |
So from a planting perspective, just want to start with kind of overarching the tree palette, the idea. So really kind of wanted | 01:34:49 | |
to frame this out in different different kind of methodologies. So wanted to focus on street trees. You can kind of see would be | 01:34:54 | |
kind of one kind of certain tree types kind of working with the city within their standards on the species that they they | 01:34:59 | |
recommend and prefer. | 01:35:05 | |
And then obviously the overpass just the unique conditions, there's not structure finding, you know trees that are smaller able to | 01:35:45 | |
kind of grow within the conditions there as well. | 01:35:49 | |
Really kind of where we're thinking in terms of blocks five and six along the vineyard connector, really kind of shrub steps, | 01:36:32 | |
whether it's a seated condition. They're really kind of much more of a naturalistic planting with that kind of ever Evergreen tree | 01:36:37 | |
overlay we're discussing. | 01:36:41 | |
The dual tree plan. | 01:36:53 | |
Sorry I went backwards. So last thing that we want to talk about is kind of wedding my time character. | 01:36:55 | |
And then kind of throughout the Promenade, unique conditions, unique locations where there's really opportunities for accent | 01:37:35 | |
lighting. So you can kind of see that on the left or the right, Catenary, Festoon lights and maybe some of the seating areas. We | 01:37:40 | |
talked about it in Block 2, the Market Square with the overhead elements, really those opportunities in the play area, maybe some | 01:37:45 | |
accent lights to some of the structures or within the Charles themselves. | 01:37:50 | |
I don't know what's going backwards, sorry about that. So streetscape went to highlight kind of very much kind of a vertical pole, | 01:37:58 | |
horizontal light, the height there we're proposing about 20 feet and then typical spacing for those about 90 feet. | 01:38:05 | |
Within the park, the down lighting elements, so single pole, multi heads, variety of different directions and alignments about 15 | 01:38:18 | |
feet height. So really the idea from a character standpoint is higher on the street, really want to step it down to what much more | 01:38:23 | |
of a pedestrian scale within the park. | 01:38:28 | |
Sorry. | 01:38:39 | |
So the one place where we would go a little bit bigger, the larger lawns, block 5, Block 6 to cover light in those lawn areas, we | 01:38:42 | |
go with a little tall pole, same methodology as those pedestrian scale poles, single single pole, multiple heads, direction, | 01:38:49 | |
directions of light to really kind of flank both the walkways and the lawn areas. | 01:38:55 | |
This is a good example, kind of a catenary lights for some of these seating areas. So really once again kind of trying to keep | 01:39:44 | |
these scaled down a little bit more to to pedestrian orientation. The the white picture itself about 15 feet in height with the | 01:39:49 | |
poles kind of slung off in the distance with cabling holding those up. | 01:39:54 | |
And then just kind of a little bit of detail kind of walk through kind of the lighting power of the lighting tent for all these | 01:40:05 | |
spaces. So kind of overarching what is described within the Plaza spaces, which you can see in dark blue, lower scaled 1215 foot | 01:40:10 | |
poles, directional lights throughout the center. Once you get to the streetscape, you can kind of see in kind of the pain care, | 01:40:15 | |
the magenta color really kind of flanking that layout, pedestrian scale, lightweight lighting support some of the Trellises, the | 01:40:21 | |
retail elements. | 01:40:26 | |
Kind of on block one and then any accent lights for any of those key features that maybe are, you know, kind of a sculpture art | 01:40:32 | |
element in there, something to support that as well. | 01:40:36 | |
Market Square really the key lighting element is going to be an overhead, right with with kind of tied to the street lights | 01:40:47 | |
Shinedown. So really the idea is really to kind of scale the space and really it's brought to you know to kind of promote that | 01:40:52 | |
flow both back and forth on the other side of the street. | 01:40:57 | |
Service Square. | 01:41:06 | |
Kind of in in keeping with what we just discussed in magenta and pink kind of the the roadway scaled lights and as you step into | 01:41:09 | |
the park much more pedestrian scale. So stepping that down multi headed directional they're really trying to keep that on the keep | 01:41:14 | |
that on the perimeter. | 01:41:18 | |
Touch screen, Touch screen. | 01:41:24 | |
Sorry. | 01:41:29 | |
So part 4, this kind of gets into some more of the event lighting that we were talking. So you can see that orange directional | 01:41:35 | |
really trying to be cognizant about how how much we use these, not to overdo it, but really kind of to focus on kind of key key | 01:41:42 | |
locations and really highlighting kind of the functional use of the space. Once again, very, very kind of keenly aware of kind of | 01:41:48 | |
where you would space the lighting along the pathways really just to highlight the directions of travel to pass the egress. | 01:41:54 | |
Some accent or some key unique lights. | 01:42:36 | |
So the overhead the vineyard connector. | 01:42:45 | |
So really kind of within these overhead elements kind of having these accent lights kind of built within those, very much intended | 01:42:50 | |
to light down onto the walkway, be well lit and obviously to that point to really promote pedestrian access and free flow. | 01:42:56 | |
And then block six once again, some of the methodologies very much kind of in pink. The streetscape oriented lights very much kind | 01:43:05 | |
of in keeping with the rest of the parks and the walkways and the pedestrian areas, the dog park, lower slum, pedestrian scale | 01:43:11 | |
like fixtures and an alarm space, larger kind of event lights. | 01:43:16 | |
That's, yeah. | 01:43:26 | |
For the presentation. | 01:43:28 | |
Sorry. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for your patience. | 01:43:31 | |
That's not even close to how much material we received. | 01:43:38 | |
Did you guys have any questions? | 01:43:45 | |
I'm gonna start. | 01:43:47 | |
I was going to say like the future pool area that's indicated, is that like water feature or actual pool? | 01:43:53 | |
Yeah, that that area we're reserving for like a resort style pool, it would have public access to it. We we aren't far enough | 01:44:02 | |
along in design there actually haven't. | 01:44:07 | |
We've got schematic design from OJB, but we'll be moving that into more design development, but not far enough long to share, but | 01:44:12 | |
we'll bring that back through. | 01:44:16 | |
To show that, see what actual intention was. | 01:44:21 | |
Sure. | 01:44:29 | |
Did you understand? No, go ahead. This is more just me recapping. Some of the thoughts I jotted down as you are going through is | 01:44:46 | |
one of just the flow and connectivity of trails and sidewalks which we talked about which I think is important. Also we've got our | 01:44:53 | |
bike parking standards which are baked into the code, but we want to make sure that that. | 01:44:59 | |
Goes along there because you know, with so many people living near this, you would hope that they're not driving across the street | 01:45:06 | |
to go to some of these amenities that it makes it easier for them to use alternative forms of transportation. I love the idea of | 01:45:11 | |
the UTA digital boards where people can. | 01:45:16 | |
When things are coming out, I think that that would be a pretty unique feel there and I really am supportive of that. | 01:45:23 | |
I also like the idea of what you said where if there was anything different than what's proposed tonight that would need a site | 01:45:30 | |
plan amendment. I think that's important too, because a lot of, I mean this is these are publicly available in a public meeting | 01:45:37 | |
and people will see this and get excited about it. And I think most people would probably say if we got exactly what was shown | 01:45:43 | |
here, we'd be excited about it. I think the hesitancy and maybe it's not necessarily due to you 3, but. | 01:45:50 | |
We don't always get what is advertised, right. And so I think it's on the public to say, hey, that's not what you showed us in on | 01:45:57 | |
staff to watch it like a hawk and all that type of thing. So that's just true for every site plan, but particularly something like | 01:46:04 | |
this because I will say I personally think downtown success hinges on this promenade because there are a lot of downtowns and | 01:46:11 | |
there are a lot of parks, but I can't think of any place in Utah that has. | 01:46:19 | |
Merged them together. | 01:46:27 | |
Very well so. | 01:46:28 | |
Yeah, people can move to whatever city they want, but I think people will find this unique and something they take pride in if | 01:46:31 | |
it's done right. | 01:46:36 | |
Following the tree manual and general plan guidelines, I think are always good things to refer to, which it sounds like you're on | 01:46:42 | |
board with the stage that Morgan was talking about. Sounds like that's taken care of as well. And then yeah, I agree with any | 01:46:48 | |
shade sales around playgrounds or at least one playground in an area to make it more usable. Those are my my key thoughts there. | 01:46:54 | |
I thought of another thing that I was thinking about. | 01:47:02 | |
On I can't remember which lot where I saw an area indicated as garden. Is that just like a broad general garden or is that like? | 01:47:06 | |
Because we're all OK A children's garden, Yeah, that that is maybe just a landscape architecture term, but it's a it's a play | 01:47:18 | |
space, like. | 01:47:22 | |
Children's garden would be kind of like that, that playground area. OK, cool. I know a big part of our setting, community efforts | 01:47:28 | |
are a community garden space. | 01:47:33 | |
Had all thought about and our promenade areas we have that has come up before but because of some restrictions from DEQ. | 01:47:40 | |
OK, that's fair. We can't find that very much, can we, that that comes into play on this area? | 01:47:50 | |
Yeah. | 01:47:58 | |
I mean, I just have to ask. | 01:48:00 | |
There may be opportunities, you know on on rooftops in the area for garden spaces. | 01:48:03 | |
Like you get a lot of people wanting to move there. | 01:48:14 | |
Great. And you have anything? | 01:48:20 | |
All right. We'll just take a minute. If there are any public comments, I'll write down your questions if you have questions and | 01:48:25 | |
make sure that I ask them. But yeah, if you want to just. | 01:48:29 | |
Take a minute, Daria. I'm sure. Thank you. Daria Evans, I just have four questions. OK. OK. | 01:48:34 | |
Will you have ramps at all your blocks for accessibility or only on block 6? | 01:48:43 | |
And on block five I would suggest in all abilities playground. I think that would be a draw because there are children that. | 01:48:50 | |
Have issues, you know, disabilities and and we need to include everyone. | 01:49:02 | |
The dog park. Is that the only place that dogs will be allowed? Will they be able to access every other area? And if so, then | 01:49:09 | |
you'll need to have dog weigh stations. | 01:49:14 | |
Because, you know, I don't have a dog, but I could see it happening. | 01:49:20 | |
It's nice to see it happening on the trail and then. | 01:49:25 | |
I'd like to know if you know how many residential doors are anticipated. I've heard 14 to 16,000 and I want to know if that is a a | 01:49:30 | |
good guess. | 01:49:35 | |
And that's got it. | 01:49:41 | |
Yeah, in the whole in. Well, in this area, yeah, this section, not east of the transit station. So like surrounding the promenade | 01:49:45 | |
or surrounding this promenade, surrounding the promenade, you know, north of it. | 01:49:51 | |
Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're all in their area, the main thoroughfare. OK, then, how long is that? | 01:49:59 | |
Whole product is that like 5 miles. | 01:50:08 | |
Is it a couple miles? How long is it? | 01:50:14 | |
Just three quarters a month from transit to. OK, good to know. Those are my questions. Awesome. Thank you, Daria. Thank you. OK, | 01:50:19 | |
any other, any other comments from the public questions? | 01:50:25 | |
All right. I guess we'll get into these if one of you guys won't stand for these Rams at all the blocks. So help me remember | 01:50:32 | |
these. So I think the first question was ramps it all of the blocks. So one of our major goals was to have accessibility from the | 01:50:39 | |
train station all the way down. So we have accessible routes as Sam was saying and as Bronson also indicated where we have each of | 01:50:46 | |
the crosswalks, those are accessible areas. So we. | 01:50:54 | |
Accessibility is really important. | 01:51:02 | |
Second question was have we considered accessibility within the park? So playground code locally, state nationally requires. There | 01:51:04 | |
are subtleties between things, but we've considered each of the areas for accessible activities. So whether that's some type of a | 01:51:14 | |
transfer or a wheeled access to those park elements, those are all things we have considered and so. | 01:51:24 | |
The mulch. | 01:51:34 | |
Provides a level of accessibility as well as paths that we're taking to each of these areas. So that's kind of a long, that's kind | 01:51:37 | |
of a long winded way of answering the question. | 01:51:43 | |
I mean children will be able to get on swings, you know, and be able to have some type of protection. Yeah. And you know, like I | 01:51:51 | |
said to us, so you talk you, you talked, you talked about the swings. So there are. | 01:51:58 | |
Multiple types of swings and there are multiple types of disability. So some of those swings have a transfer, but there are also | 01:52:08 | |
people of certain abilities where you're put into a swing and it has something that that kind of comes around you. So not every | 01:52:16 | |
element needs all user abilities, but. | 01:52:24 | |
All user abilities have been considered for the children's play area, so that that that sounds like a non answer, but it's | 01:52:33 | |
something that we have definitely considered for all of those areas. So wheelchair access is one thing. | 01:52:40 | |
So, so we'll so accessibility in general. | 01:52:49 | |
Different abilities have been considered, age uses have been considered and then the surfacing has all been kind of considered in | 01:52:56 | |
those play areas. | 01:53:00 | |
Cool. And then next one was dog parks, right? So we have shown two dog parks. We've shown small dogs, big dogs, because they don't | 01:53:05 | |
all get along. | 01:53:11 | |
Those dog parks have a fenced area. There's also an unleashing zone, so you come into a gate, you can unleash, open the gate, and | 01:53:18 | |
then the dogs can go in. | 01:53:23 | |
When you talk about the perimeter buildings, one of the discussions that we've had with Bronson and his team is each of these | 01:53:30 | |
different buildings they may or may not have. | 01:53:35 | |
Dog facilities associated with them. I actually live in downtown Houston, so in a mid a mid rise building in most of the buildings | 01:53:42 | |
that are in my neighborhood when you come outside. | 01:53:48 | |
There's just inside of our building. You need to grab a bag or there's a bag on the outside, so that type of thing is being | 01:53:57 | |
considered. | 01:54:01 | |
I'm not sure what all of the dog rules are, but people will definitely be walking their dogs around all of these areas. | 01:54:06 | |
And then there was so another thing. I guess I have a question with a dog. | 01:54:15 | |
As well is with the artificial turf areas. | 01:54:22 | |
How you keep those clean? Dogs are probably going to poop there and stuff. What are the plans for keeping that clean because with | 01:54:27 | |
natural grass? | 01:54:31 | |
It goes back to work. I mean, it'll get picked up, but then the remnants kind of go back to where they came. But with artificial | 01:54:36 | |
grass, it kind of doesn't do that. So to be addressed on the overall park maintenance under discussion, as Bronson was saying, but | 01:54:42 | |
there are accommodations made. | 01:54:48 | |
With. With the turf. | 01:54:56 | |
And as we get into the final construction documents, we'll definitely have a hose bib potentially even. | 01:54:59 | |
Watering so that you can kind of. | 01:55:06 | |
Flush, flush, those lawns are those are the artificial turf areas. We say say lots and then she did have a question. It's not | 01:55:09 | |
really relevant to this, but I about full build out of residential units. I would defer that to bronze. | 01:55:17 | |
DVD we we don't like right adjacent to this we have blocks five and six. Block 5 has 199 units in it. Block 6 is 254. Our next two | 01:55:27 | |
buildings will be block 8 and 14 and those are around 250. So those are the the first four buildings that are coming on that are | 01:55:36 | |
adjacent to the to the overall but. | 01:55:45 | |
Adjacent to the promenade. | 01:55:55 | |
Like overall? | 01:55:57 | |
We're still working on what those numbers would be, so I don't have an answer yet. Thanks. | 01:56:01 | |
Cool. Any other public comments? | 01:56:09 | |
I did have a question When we were working on these plans years ago, we did talk about putting in a skate park somewhere. | 01:56:12 | |
Yeah, No, I'm glad you brought that up. So I think there's a couple of opportunities. Obviously we haven't shown a skate park in | 01:56:22 | |
this promenade, but as we move N up into the Geneva Park area, we've there's two locations up there that we're planning. There's | 01:56:29 | |
also a possibility in that space between the Lake Trail and Lakeshore. | 01:56:36 | |
We've been in some meetings where that's been discussed to program that area and that could be skate bike park area down there as | 01:56:46 | |
well. | 01:56:50 | |
And then up to the dog park. | 01:56:56 | |
Yeah, Question 2 on buildings five and six that are under construction, there's a dog park associated with building 6. It's a, | 01:57:00 | |
it's a grass area just to the South and West of that building. Cool. And then inside those two buildings also there's dog wash | 01:57:08 | |
stations. Those are like an amenity that are provided within the for the residents inside the building. Cool. And then I guess | 01:57:16 | |
good question you are talking about getting on. | 01:57:24 | |
Block 5 or. | 01:57:33 | |
On can't remember what numbers they were this year potentially. What's the, what do you think the timeline is for the rest of the, | 01:57:36 | |
so we think the duration, how long will it take if we start say October? Yeah, so I guess the timeline for that specific part but | 01:57:43 | |
timeline for all of it. | 01:57:50 | |
It's all going to be kind of like block 432 and one are all kind of contingent on the buildings that are adjacent to them, more | 01:57:58 | |
Block One and two more so because the buildings actually touch the open space. | 01:58:06 | |
The Civic Square and the Greenway, there's a street in between, but we really want to know what's happening in those buildings | 01:58:14 | |
before we come in and build, not only because of like constructability of like we've got a building under construction. How does | 01:58:20 | |
that impact that that space? | 01:58:26 | |
We'd rather not build a space and then close it down because we're building next to it, right? If that makes sense, OK. | 01:58:33 | |
So if I were to guess right now, we would probably go Block 5 and the bridge or or this package that we're working on right now | 01:58:41 | |
and then Block 6 and then Block 4 and then moving toward the the Plaza. But to Morgan's comment earlier like how will we make that | 01:58:48 | |
connection to the transit area like as quickly as possible and that's definitely when we, so our first residence will were like | 01:58:55 | |
buildings 5:00 and 6:00. | 01:59:03 | |
Like a 28 month build. And so we started those last month and so we're we're roughly 2 years away from having residents here. We | 01:59:11 | |
want to make sure this park is delivered before then, the community pool is delivered before then and so we'll we'll be back in | 01:59:17 | |
with community pool. | 01:59:23 | |
And then we we're working through how we make the connection whether temporarily or like permanently to the train station. | 01:59:32 | |
OK. From those initial buildings and and this park space, Cool. OK. | 01:59:40 | |
Sure you can come up. | 01:59:46 | |
It's it's age-old and it's very quick. | 01:59:48 | |
Wendy Purrington resident. | 01:59:52 | |
Where is the grocery store? | 01:59:55 | |
Yeah. | 01:59:57 | |
I'm just sitting here looking at it going OK now I know it it was supposed to be somewhere near. | 02:00:00 | |
I don't know. I guess Main St. | 02:00:04 | |
Do we do we go out from this at all? | 02:00:07 | |
So it sits right about here where the arrow is. So Yep. So that's Main Street. And so 800 N is about two blocks away from here. So | 02:00:11 | |
you come off of 800 N to one block, and then it's on the block to the left. There's a newly paved road, right? Yep. | 02:00:21 | |
And we are working really hard on getting that to this stage where we could come and talk to you about it. | 02:00:33 | |
Yes, I'm glad you did. I was expecting it and I was like, yeah, has it come up yet? | 02:00:41 | |
Cool. Any other questions? | 02:00:48 | |
All right. | 02:00:51 | |
So do I have a motion on this and before making a motion I would like somebody to add? | 02:00:54 | |
A few conditions that I need to. There's a big list of conditions that I saw. Can you stop sharing on that? | 02:01:03 | |
Yes, OK. | 02:01:13 | |
I have one, yeah. | 02:01:17 | |
Thank you. | 02:01:22 | |
Sorry, didn't take me a second to get there. | 02:01:24 | |
As he's working on that all, just suggesting to the City Council that there's more shade I think would be. | 02:01:27 | |
And this would be a site plan approval. | 02:01:35 | |
Oh, so this doesn't go to the City Council? This is all on you, right? | 02:01:38 | |
Alright, it should be pulling up here in a second. | 02:01:48 | |
How do we make a condition? | 02:01:55 | |
So yeah, we do have Rachel should in this presentation has listed out the conditions we've met right before this meeting with the | 02:01:57 | |
tree committee, another condition you wanna add to the list. We can type that out right here in this meeting. | 02:02:03 | |
And then? | 02:02:10 | |
You guys can include them as one big. | 02:02:11 | |
Workout. | 02:02:15 | |
Yeah, sorry, it's. | 02:02:18 | |
Maybe frozen? | 02:02:21 | |
I will try this. | 02:02:26 | |
Rachel, is this also in the staff report? | 02:02:53 | |
The condition no, there were a few added. Hopefully I can get it to pull up. | 02:02:56 | |
There we go. | 02:03:04 | |
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. | 02:03:05 | |
Yeah. OK. So I'll just read through these and let me know if you have any questions. | 02:03:14 | |
So a waste planning is created by working with city staff. | 02:03:22 | |
All trees will be a minimum of 2 inch caliper at the time of franting and maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet within all | 02:03:25 | |
site triangles. Building permits are submitted for each page for each phase in the project and includes all building and structure | 02:03:32 | |
elements located within the proposed phase. | 02:03:38 | |
Plans are updated to the 2021 agency when submitted for a building permit, A geotechnical report is submitted. Prior to obtaining | 02:03:45 | |
a building permit. The applicant makes any red line corrections and the applicant is subject to all federal, state and local laws. | 02:03:52 | |
And then the ones on the right are from the Tree Committee, which we met with them today just before this meeting. | 02:03:59 | |
The irrigation plan should include dedicated lines to the trees to ensure that water and trees is prioritized. | 02:04:08 | |
Teresa of proper root system including zone and soil type approved by the City Arborist approving period for trees and plants | 02:04:15 | |
needs to be conducted with the City Arborist prior to planting all plantings to have an establishment period of two years before | 02:04:22 | |
the obligation by the developers met. If they're planting fails, the establishment period resets. All trees and plantings that | 02:04:29 | |
delineate from the Vineyard Landscape Manual shall be approved by the City Engineer or his design. | 02:04:36 | |
If we want to add anything to that, I can just type it in here. Do you guys have any questions about those? | 02:04:48 | |
Not knowing about any of those. | 02:04:56 | |
Are there are there any outstanding red lines that we? | 02:04:59 | |
Are aware of there, OK. | 02:05:03 | |
That's just when we throw on all of them, yeah. | 02:05:05 | |
But there are no. | 02:05:11 | |
Sorry, I'm just looking at the. So based on that I mean what that list I read off, I think several of them are covered there | 02:05:17 | |
already. The two that I want to make sure we're in there would be like the. | 02:05:23 | |
The UTA timetable. | 02:05:30 | |
Table or digital boards, I'm not sure how we would say that Then the shade sales on. | 02:05:32 | |
Maybe not all playgrounds, but at least. | 02:05:41 | |
One or some so that there's options there, but that's the one that we'll probably need to find here. What are your guys thoughts | 02:05:43 | |
on something like that? Because we want to see more shade in the playground area specifically. Yeah, I think like a condition you | 02:05:50 | |
could put toward that maybe is something like we work with staff to do a shade analysis and come to a. | 02:05:56 | |
Good solution. | 02:06:04 | |
As long as the analysis concludes that. | 02:06:09 | |
What are your thoughts? Yeah, we could do something like that. And so that it'll provide us with a shade analysis and then | 02:06:15 | |
construct whatever their analysis requires. So if it says we want a shade cell here or here, then they're willing to do that as | 02:06:21 | |
part of the site plan or they then we might want them to come back to Planning Commission for that to show where these kids will | 02:06:27 | |
be. | 02:06:33 | |
OK. | 02:06:40 | |
Yeah, yeah. I think maybe bringing it back to planning just on the shade. Yeah, just on the shade. | 02:06:42 | |
And you guys can work something like that out. I understand once the trees are grown in like that'll be great, but it's just that | 02:06:52 | |
first five to 10 years. But I'm worried about. | 02:06:57 | |
Any other other things you have written down OK and then the shade sails will be removed. | 02:07:05 | |
At a certain time. | 02:07:12 | |
No, I it might be that maybe they have to reach some kind of percentage of shade because I don't think a tree would ever cover | 02:07:16 | |
like a whole plate area. | 02:07:20 | |
But I think, I think you guys, I think we can figure it out with staff and I think we can figure it out. Are you OK with. Yeah. | 02:07:26 | |
Yeah, are you OK with the language that I have right there for that condition at the very bottom? | 02:07:37 | |
Yeah, yes. | 02:07:44 | |
Like that. | 02:07:49 | |
Like in that transit Plaza particularly, I don't know if that makes sense, but that is a condition. But I think that's like a key | 02:07:50 | |
amenity to having people waiting for their training or bus and to include like the times or to like you just like. | 02:07:59 | |
The timing table for the transit options. | 02:08:09 | |
Being publicly displayed, do you want that just like at that transit Plaza or I would say so? | 02:08:15 | |
Is that something Bronson? | 02:08:22 | |
We could say they could work. The applicant will work at the ETA to provide adequate timetable because it does. That information | 02:08:24 | |
comes from UTA and we've requested that there's a conduit sent from the platform down the promenade. And so I think something like | 02:08:30 | |
that will work with UTA to work on like. | 02:08:37 | |
You're planning on that anyway, like my when my ears perk up, like that's a really neat feature. I don't want it to be like, I | 02:08:44 | |
hope we get that. That's a really neat feature. Let's make sure we get that. So that's where my head's out. And it may not be | 02:08:50 | |
something that's only in the promenade, It may be on some of our side streets and other areas through the downtown. But that's an | 02:08:56 | |
important part we think of notification of when the train's going to arrive. And I guess question for staff is, can we tie that | 02:09:02 | |
into more places in the city? | 02:09:08 | |
So that it's not just in the downtown bird, but you could see it, I don't know, somewhere else in the city like that would be cool | 02:09:15 | |
to take it down like the rail Trail, like down to Center St. | 02:09:19 | |
That would be cool. So that is being considered in the entire wayfinding master plan. That's gonna happen. So cool. Yeah. We just | 02:09:25 | |
want the city to be such that you can still know that you're going eastbound or north or southbound, even if you're not really at | 02:09:34 | |
the platform, You know it's about 9 minutes away from coming, so you can make your way there. So we just want it to be such that. | 02:09:43 | |
At least you can have 15 minutes away from the train station, enough notice to get to the Front Runner station. I feel like one of | 02:09:53 | |
the biggest reasons people don't use public transit is they don't know when the schedule is and they don't want to look it up | 02:10:00 | |
because the website is terrible. That has been noted and we will be working with them as we get closer to it. My own personal | 02:10:08 | |
observation of using Front Runner, the their times are not always accurate, but in in the discussions we had with UTA. | 02:10:15 | |
I think they're working on like an app that would give you the real actual location of the train and it's an estimated time at the | 02:10:23 | |
platform. And so while this idea of doing this tickerboard or something somewhere in the promenade, it may get outdated and it may | 02:10:29 | |
go to an app and maybe there's on the way finding. There's a QR code that you scan to get the app that shows you where the train | 02:10:35 | |
is or something like that. | 02:10:41 | |
Using their public transit, I'm I'm looking for those lit up awards because I'm like how long is it and I don't need their app. | 02:10:47 | |
Yeah, part of the problem is that that. | 02:10:55 | |
Like, this isn't a hesitation to move forward with this idea, but it is inaccurate even on the platform. And you're there, | 02:10:58 | |
waiting, and you're like, it says it. It was supposed to be here, and now we're like 5 minutes past. Where is it? That's | 02:11:03 | |
definitely true in Utah. | 02:11:08 | |
There I have found that their appetites. | 02:11:14 | |
Are more accurate. | 02:11:18 | |
Even now, that's still off because they don't update frequently enough, but they're better than any other. Yeah, at the very least | 02:11:21 | |
you're going to show up there on time. You're not going to miss the train. It could be a little bit early. | 02:11:28 | |
And you know, once they hopefully they move into a 15 minute increment and it'll, you know, hopefully the the train arrives into | 02:11:38 | |
parts at the same time. | 02:11:43 | |
More regularly because it's more frequent. | 02:11:49 | |
So. | 02:11:52 | |
Some of these considerations may get outdated before we can actually get them built. But yeah, yeah, that's the people who are | 02:11:53 | |
early. They can just go to the retail spaces right in front of it. Exactly. OK. | 02:11:59 | |
Don't Do I have a motion then? | 02:12:06 | |
All the conditions are updated. | 02:12:12 | |
You can just stay with the conditions as presented. We'll have this available. OK, I move to approve the site plan as requested by | 02:12:17 | |
Bronson Flagborough as presented with the proposed conditions listed by staff on the presentation slide. | 02:12:26 | |
I'll second that. Thanks, Anthony. Is this broken? This isn't Rocco. | 02:12:38 | |
OK. All in favor. Aye. All right. Thank you, guys. Thank you. | 02:12:43 | |
Cool. | 02:12:49 | |
Any Commission member reports or expected discussion and disclosure? | 02:12:52 | |
Done for me? No. | 02:12:57 | |
So when I was in San Diego, I did a lot of walking. | 02:13:01 | |
And I just. | 02:13:06 | |
What we're seeing in our downtown would mitigate a lot of the the issues I saw in theirs, which has better public transportation | 02:13:08 | |
getting from point A to point B. | 02:13:14 | |
Our train station is going to have. | 02:13:23 | |
Like. | 02:13:28 | |
Commercial around it and on the other side is the school that's going to mitigate a lot of the houselessness issues that they have | 02:13:31 | |
at theirs. | 02:13:35 | |
I mean, hopefully we have something in mind for them that would be nice. And then the. | 02:13:40 | |
Just the floor and funnel that we're planning. | 02:13:48 | |
Seattle, I mean, sounds gorgeous, too. San Diego is beautiful and just naturally really nice. But they don't. They don't have the | 02:13:53 | |
thoroughfare that we're planning, and you guys are really going to add a whole lot with all these pants, and I appreciate that. | 02:14:01 | |
And that's about it. I oh, do you remember that that training video we did a few weeks ago and they like had the big gravel area | 02:14:11 | |
with all the chairs and the tables and people like move their stuff around. I swear I saw the same spot. | 02:14:19 | |
Anyway, I just, I was nerding out. My boyfriend was like, OK, I knew you left this, but OK, that was like 5 months ago wasn't it? | 02:14:29 | |
I was like it stuck guys. | 02:14:34 | |
Anything from staff before you ask, I don't have an update on a mailbox yet. It's on my list of things I need to get done. But | 02:14:42 | |
USPS is kind of disheartening, yeah? And their lack of responsiveness. | 02:14:49 | |
Other things before Morgan, he had to step out. He did want me to mention that it is Rachel's last Planning Commission with us. | 02:14:59 | |
She'll be continuing employment with Vineyard, but it'll be remote. | 02:15:05 | |
She's going to be moving to Las Vegas and he wanted me to thank her for all the work she's done so far. It's not a good buy or | 02:15:11 | |
anything, but we'll be seeing her a lot less and she's done an excellent job. She did, you know, this whole week, this Promenade | 02:15:17 | |
site plan review and the phenomenal job with that. So we just wanted to thank her for her work and excited to see what she can do | 02:15:23 | |
remotely. You have been awesome. We are going to miss you. I'll miss you guys. I'll miss seeing living here and seeing all the | 02:15:29 | |
progress. | 02:15:34 | |
I plan to be back. | 02:15:41 | |
The other thing is we wanted to mention that if you guys want to go to the APA conference in Ogden, UT at the end of September, | 02:15:44 | |
just let us know and there is a possibility of us getting you a hotel room. That's all. | 02:15:50 | |
One other thing is going forward what will happen is the city is is in the process of hiring a deputy reporter and that deputy | 02:15:58 | |
reporter will kind of control the screen and everything for this meeting going forward. That'll probably happen in a few months. | 02:16:06 | |
So for now it'll be just anti filling in up there. Yeah, that's I think what we have in the same. | 02:16:13 | |
He always has something. | 02:16:22 | |
OK. That's it from staff. Cool. Great. Thank you. And if there's nothing else? | 02:16:26 | |
Meeting adjourned. | 02:16:32 | |
20 8. | 02:16:35 | |
Thursday, Friday and then Friday, Yeah, there's. | 02:16:42 |
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I. | 00:00:00 | |
Think. | 00:00:05 | |
Yeah. | 00:00:46 | |
No, I don't. | 00:01:00 | |
Yeah. | 00:02:03 | |
Chair, we're ready. | 00:02:09 | |
I don't know. | 00:02:11 | |
Welcome, everybody. Today is August 2nd. It is. This is the Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is 6:01 PM and we will start | 00:02:24 | |
off with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Anthony Jenkins. We'll do that pledge first. Thank you. | 00:02:31 | |
I pleasantly of the United States of America. | 00:02:41 | |
For which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:02:47 | |
Our Father in Heaven, we're thankful for the opportunity to gather together as a Planning Commission and as staff and residents. | 00:02:59 | |
Tonight we pray for guidance to treat these topics with the importance that they deserve and that we can. | 00:03:07 | |
Be open and understanding and that we can make decisions that will help move the city forward. And we pray for these things. In | 00:03:16 | |
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. | 00:03:21 | |
Alright. Thank you, Anthony. | 00:03:25 | |
All right. We'll move right into an open session. This is a time for any public comments, for something that's not on the agenda. | 00:03:28 | |
So if you have any public comments, please come up, state your name, you have 3 minutes, and if you have any questions, I'll write | 00:03:32 | |
them down. And yeah, we'll go from there. | 00:03:37 | |
Good evening. Thank you. My name is Daria Evans. Is it on? | 00:03:46 | |
Can you hear me? | 00:03:53 | |
Yeah. OK. Daria Evans, Vineyard resident. Thank you. I just. | 00:03:54 | |
I was riding my bike this morning and I'm getting a little scared riding it on Main on Center Street. So I was riding on the | 00:04:01 | |
sidewalk in front of the the farm plot and you know how you go into the street to get to that crosswalk? I was there at the | 00:04:08 | |
crosswalk waiting to cross. A gentleman stopped his truck. I was turning my bike, getting in to go, and the left lane flew right | 00:04:16 | |
past me. | 00:04:23 | |
And there was another truck behind who stopped. So I am asking if we might be able to get some flashing lights there. And also | 00:04:31 | |
when the mid block comes at the Loop Rd. if we can get some flashing lights at that one it's getting. I'm riding on the sidewalks | 00:04:37 | |
now. | 00:04:43 | |
It's getting scary, but I love to ride my bike, so I just want to address that. And also, I'm curious, will there be a public | 00:04:50 | |
hearing for the Lake Promenade site that they're talking about tonight? | 00:04:57 | |
Like, I don't know. | 00:05:06 | |
Because I have some questions about those amenities. | 00:05:09 | |
Yeah. And when we talked about the site plan application for the Lake Promenade, I'll open it up if you have some questions. OK. | 00:05:14 | |
Thank you. Yeah, that's not an official public hearing, but the chair can open up for public comment. OK. Thank you very much. | 00:05:22 | |
Just as well, I just wanted to echo your same concerns on crossing anytime there's a multi lane Rd. in this case a four or five | 00:05:31 | |
lane Rd. I even tell my kids this like if someone stops and waves you on like it's still scary because you don't know if the other | 00:05:38 | |
lane is going to stop, right. So that is that is a challenge there for sure and I think anything we can do to make that safe as | 00:05:46 | |
soon as possible. I mean it it's a it's an improvement and but it can always be better. | 00:05:53 | |
Especially as school starts up. So yeah, I echo the same concern. The scenes got an update I assume on when that's. | 00:06:01 | |
So I'm assuming that there were other works director, excuse me. So the flashing lights, they're called RFPs for the Rectangular | 00:06:09 | |
Rapid Flashing Beacons. No different than the Hawks. The Hawks are the high intensity lights that go easy overhead. They've been | 00:06:15 | |
ordered with a company. | 00:06:20 | |
They'll also include we've discussed they'll also include integrated St. lighting as well, because it shows up not just not just a | 00:06:28 | |
plastic light, but illuminating the whole area. | 00:06:35 | |
Especially at night, drastically increases driver awareness and safety as well. So we've worked with the company and our | 00:06:42 | |
contractor to get those things ordered and have them installed. We expect to get all these things installed shortly before around. | 00:06:51 | |
This school time, in regards to, excuse me, in regards to Main Street and Vineyard Loop Rd. also 600 N right by Penny Springs | 00:07:02 | |
Park, we submitted those designs to a contractor in terms of constructing a. | 00:07:09 | |
Protected Protestant refuge very similar to what was on Sarah St. | 00:07:18 | |
Also to utilize the same type of principle as well. And then we're also providing that same design to another contractor for | 00:07:26 | |
pricing, so we can get that implemented. We don't testify that to be done before the school year, but and that's also our | 00:07:32 | |
transportation master plan consultant. | 00:07:38 | |
We're discussing with them in terms of. | 00:07:46 | |
Excuse me. Adding adding that type of feature to ensure that those things are being integrated into our transportation Master plan | 00:07:49 | |
as well. So any domino effects after those things are placed in are being considered. So we're not creating a unsafe situation for | 00:07:57 | |
cars and pedestrians together. Great. Thanks, Missy. | 00:08:04 | |
Any other public comments? | 00:08:14 | |
All right, seeing as there are none, we'll move right into the business items, into 3.1, the zoning text amendment for 15 point, | 00:08:16 | |
12.060, the dimensional standards table. | 00:08:21 | |
All right. So yeah, we'll just do a quick refresher. This was an item that was on Planning Commission two weeks ago. It was | 00:08:29 | |
continued with some requests to see some view sheds of this area and the applicant is here and they have provided that. So I have | 00:08:36 | |
that. Further on this, just as a quick refresher, this is the applicant initiated zoning text amendment to increase the building | 00:08:42 | |
height in the RMU from 60 to 70 feet. | 00:08:48 | |
There are currently the in yellow. Those are the only two undeveloped parcels in in this area. | 00:08:56 | |
And however, this would also apply for any future redevelopment. | 00:09:02 | |
So there's the zoning text change. | 00:09:07 | |
OK, so if the applicant if you want to go up and you can maybe explain some of these. | 00:09:11 | |
Images, yeah, to help everybody understand. So they, they went out with some balloons, some at 60 and some at 70 feet in the air | 00:09:17 | |
to kind of show you the difference. And so that's going to be on the next few slides. I have those images. If you wanna maybe | 00:09:25 | |
explain this one a little more in detail, that would be great. Matt Brown with MW Brown Engineering. Basically what I did was try | 00:09:32 | |
to give a representation of if somebody was standing at the sidewalk at these three locations. | 00:09:40 | |
Three is in front of the Planning building, the HOA building or the Homeowners Association Building to Center St. and then the | 00:09:48 | |
apartments. One is the apartments to the north. | 00:09:54 | |
I just made a simple analysis saying that everything was flat and in the diagrams you can sort of see the the angles. | 00:10:01 | |
One is that 60 feet, the other is at the sight line at 70 feet. Could you also point out on this map where you put those balloons, | 00:10:11 | |
so as I show those the middle building in the middle building? | 00:10:17 | |
So basically, you know, attempts about a little over 11,000 feet in elevation. We're at 45150 at this location. The first two | 00:10:26 | |
sections you'd have temp would have to be 13,000. The middle section that it'd have to be a 13th over 13,000 feet to even see it | 00:10:34 | |
over the top of the building at 60 feet. | 00:10:42 | |
So that's the only one is Section 3 that you can see if it was constructed at 70 feet, so. | 00:10:51 | |
The developer went took some pictures of some balloons, sort of showing, you know what what it would look like from the different | 00:11:05 | |
standpoint and. | 00:11:09 | |
You know, the top balloon, 70 top yellow and 60 top green is 70. And this looks like it's taken from the planning building there. | 00:11:14 | |
Yeah, it's in front of the planning building. | 00:11:21 | |
That's it. I think it's Center St. there. | 00:11:32 | |
I think the wind was blowing a little bit on that one. | 00:11:36 | |
So, so you know, as you can see I mean. | 00:11:40 | |
The There's not really much difference between 60 and 70 feet. | 00:11:44 | |
The view to the east depending on where you're at is going to be blocked. You know there will be corridors through the design but | 00:11:50 | |
you know as you as a further develops to the to the South, you know you'll have actually buildings closer to the street at that | 00:11:57 | |
location. This is just a video driving up up the Rd. Mill Rd. there sort of show that you know as you're driving and and the | 00:12:05 | |
different videos. | 00:12:12 | |
You know, you basically don't see the mountains just because of the structures that have already been. | 00:12:20 | |
Constructed in your zoning ordinance, you know, the idea is to to build this corridor down there that you know, gets the | 00:12:26 | |
businesses that as close to the street as possible. So it seems like you know the height restriction. | 00:12:33 | |
You know, it's a little bit contradictory to it because it's if you move the buildings closer, your view is even more. | 00:12:40 | |
Obscured. You know if you get on the other side of the tracks, you know the existing structures. Apartments are most likely even | 00:12:48 | |
in a. You won't even probably see the tops of these, the 70 foot building from over at the ball diamonds you know on this side of | 00:12:55 | |
the tracks because of the existing structures that are there. So. | 00:13:02 | |
Cool. Do you guys have any questions for him? | 00:13:10 | |
Thank you for providing. Yeah, thank you so much. | 00:13:14 | |
No questions for you. I do have questions for staff on some of the language. So cash you mentioned that. | 00:13:19 | |
As proposed, this would also apply to any redevelopment. However, it looks to me like there's that green text on the page about | 00:13:26 | |
additional standards and there's #8 that's added that says a building height not exceeding 70 feet measured from top of back curve | 00:13:32 | |
to the highest point of the building or structure may be permitted. This height allowance will be limited to lots one and two of | 00:13:39 | |
the Mill Rd. East subdivision flat B. So, and this is what I was kind of hoping for, where we could narrow the location so that it | 00:13:45 | |
wasn't just. | 00:13:52 | |
An entire rezone for the whole RMU? Can you help clarify? | 00:13:58 | |
What exactly is being proposed here? Because the way I'm reading this is that it would not necessarily go into effect for all | 00:14:05 | |
future redevelopment. Let me pull that up for real quick. | 00:14:09 | |
And then it would be isolated to just these. | 00:14:15 | |
That Plan B? Lots one and two. | 00:14:18 | |
And while he's pulling it up, that was my primary concern last time is. | 00:14:36 | |
It's just a public base map, Maybe we could highlight. | 00:15:17 | |
Yeah, I mean this right here shows it like. | 00:15:20 | |
MMM. | 00:15:25 | |
Is there a reason why we would want it on one and two instead of just one? | 00:15:29 | |
That that would be up to the the Planning Commission the the applicant has requested that that we not limit it to further on that | 00:15:34 | |
side, but that would be to to that property itself. | 00:15:41 | |
So there was some discussion about limiting it to limit limiting it to just commercial buildings, the height allowance. | 00:15:50 | |
And so that that's a conversation you to have, you know tonight if you, if you want to further restrict it right now it restricts | 00:15:58 | |
it to those two parcels if you click on those or you just kind of use your cursor to show that one and the one right below. And | 00:16:03 | |
for reference which one is lot 1 to the north, North lot? | 00:16:09 | |
I believe studying in political county map, yeah. | 00:16:15 | |
How far from the residential units are these buildings set back? | 00:16:29 | |
Because we're looking at multi story buildings, looking into people's houses and I take huge issue with this. Yeah, we we can pull | 00:16:35 | |
a dimension line. So the ones that I mean across the street, I mean you have a really healthy distance. So the Mill Rd. is, is | 00:16:42 | |
very wide and so there's quite a bit but if you're talking about two the edge homes, yeah then that that'll be a little closer. | 00:16:50 | |
You still do have some distance because you have a portion of the parking lot. | 00:16:57 | |
So there is just some buffer that's just kind of you know, built into into baking the cake, you know, having the, the parking lots | 00:17:05 | |
and the landscaping kind of kind of pushed back. But we we can pull some dimension lines for you. So you want to give me a minute, | 00:17:11 | |
I can do that piece. Yeah. And this gives you an idea of the building location. No site plan has been approved yet for this. And | 00:17:17 | |
so this is preliminary. This is what they would like to do in that Northern lot. So you do have. Yeah, I don't Morgan can put the | 00:17:23 | |
statistics here. | 00:17:29 | |
To show what they are proposing in the in a future site plan application. | 00:17:36 | |
About 80 feet is what they're saying would be the distance between the property line and that the building too. | 00:17:41 | |
So sorry, so you're saying 80 feet to the property line? | 00:17:57 | |
So the property line, OK. And I can give you the number from the property line to the existing channels about 25 feet. Yeah, those | 00:18:00 | |
are really tall buildings, incredibly close to front doors. I. | 00:18:06 | |
That's a huge problem for me. From what I'm measuring is 28 and it looks like there's a pop out that comes a little bit closer. | 00:18:13 | |
I'm on. | 00:18:17 | |
So 28 looks like an average. | 00:18:23 | |
And then you have 25 feet, so 2528 the the the building faces undulate back and forth. | 00:18:26 | |
So that would be, you know, over 100 feet. | 00:18:34 | |
We don't have to open up a public hearing. | 00:18:37 | |
You guys want to come up to the microphone? You can. | 00:18:50 | |
So just so that. | 00:18:56 | |
You know, you understand the basis of wanting to go higher. | 00:18:58 | |
We're we're wanting to have a higher floor to ceiling space in the SO. | 00:19:03 | |
Whether you're at 60 feet or 70 feet, the extra 10 feet up above is more for the mechanical and the roof structure and that up | 00:19:11 | |
there. So the window elevations are going to be within probably a few feet of each other, whether it's at 60 feet or 70 feet. So | 00:19:18 | |
and that those are those three, the two buildings there, those are the ends of the building. So you know most of the windows are | 00:19:26 | |
east, West and not looking towards the north, yeah. | 00:19:33 | |
And as far as like setbacks and stuff, it's already it's owned how it is like, so whether or not the buildings go in, that's not | 00:19:41 | |
in our control right now. So yeah. | 00:19:47 | |
So as far as as far as one and two, do you guys have more commercial space plan for lot 1, which is the southernmost lot or is | 00:19:56 | |
there a reason why you're wanting to do both, just open up your options or what's the thinking well to keep to keep our options | 00:20:03 | |
open, I mean they they may want to put more office buildings back there, but the plan is to put more of a commercial component | 00:20:10 | |
down there and something that. | 00:20:17 | |
Parkings, you know, would be the issue when we get down to that site and so you end up with a parking structure. | 00:20:25 | |
But there's a definite need, I think you need in the city, and I need it around here to get some good Class A office space, which | 00:20:32 | |
is what we're trying to bring in on this parcel. The extra floor space is what, you know, the bigger companies are looking for. | 00:20:38 | |
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, height, ceiling heights, not building heights. Yeah, I understand that for sure. OK. Did you guys | 00:20:45 | |
have any other questions for him? | 00:20:52 | |
Or for staff though. | 00:20:59 | |
Not like it really matters because the army zone is full with residential, but I think potentially limiting this to 70 feet | 00:21:03 | |
maximum for commercial buildings. | 00:21:09 | |
Can we change that wording? Is that? | 00:21:16 | |
Yeah. If that's a recommendation, then we would pour that to the City Council. And then so you could do that as part of your | 00:21:18 | |
motion and then they they they could debate it at the City Council. Yeah, OK. | 00:21:24 | |
If there are any questions, does anybody have a motion? | 00:21:31 | |
Anymore you said you had some concerns. | 00:21:35 | |
I see it all my concerns. I have no control over any of it. | 00:21:40 | |
Yeah, so. | 00:21:49 | |
You know from a Planning Commission side you're providing the recommendations City Council. So if if if you there are concerns you | 00:21:51 | |
can you can put those in your your your motion. | 00:21:56 | |
They're also welcome to to to to request you know more information if you'd like. So I mean it's it's it's up to you. But we do | 00:22:03 | |
need to as this is our second meeting we we need to kind of start taking steps forward. So if there's like a a view line that | 00:22:09 | |
you're concerned about from the North side, you can you you could request. | 00:22:16 | |
That they provide you know a view perspective from you know the the townhomes on the on the north. You know you could just request | 00:22:23 | |
that they you know that that that is a concern that they consider. | 00:22:29 | |
I mean, a lot of it's just they're they're gonna be windows in this office space, and there are people's private residences right | 00:22:38 | |
there that people they don't know will be able to look right into. And what if they want to have their windows open like that, but | 00:22:44 | |
then they risk their privacy being invaded so succinctly by a commercial building? | 00:22:50 | |
This is all I'm just generally upset by it. And then we want to make it bigger. Like I'm going to, I'm going to hear from a lot of | 00:22:58 | |
people about this and. | 00:23:03 | |
I. | 00:23:10 | |
Don't know what else I can say. | 00:23:12 | |
But I was honestly hoping that this is for the northernmost parcel because I would have been like, yeah, two thumbs up sounds | 00:23:15 | |
great. | 00:23:18 | |
Because it's away from residents, it's not. | 00:23:23 | |
Right where people are going to be walking and playing and ripping, yeah. | 00:23:27 | |
But here we are. | 00:23:32 | |
And you know, you brought up a good point too, where I think you acknowledge that how it's currently zoned. | 00:23:36 | |
Has did consider, but I I do I do understand your your your concerns. So it just brings back to a neighborhood they lived by an | 00:24:14 | |
American fork and it was unfortunately next to the hospital property and they felt this size of a building about 60 feet, 70 feet | 00:24:21 | |
from the property lines. But you that's all you can see. | 00:24:29 | |
You go in the neighborhood. That's all you can see. | 00:24:38 | |
And that was deeply upsetting to everybody. | 00:24:41 | |
Around the whole hospital complex but like. | 00:24:44 | |
There was not a whole lot of. | 00:24:49 | |
Things we could do about it, right? | 00:24:51 | |
The one thing I Polish abuse is is an office building. So nowadays we can. | 00:24:58 | |
5 Apologies Now you'll have to. You can even talk into this one if you want, but we don't. We don't get anything on the recording. | 00:25:04 | |
It's not. | 00:25:07 | |
I. | 00:25:12 | |
I was saying that being the proposed use that we're bringing in is an office building. So the hours of operation are are more in | 00:25:16 | |
line with the hours that the residents there are going to work, going to school during the holidays, weekends. You know there | 00:25:25 | |
won't be many people in these buildings. And so that's actually a benefit for the type of use that we're proposing there. | 00:25:34 | |
But then also this uses granted. | 00:25:44 | |
I mean when the zone was created, these are the things that the city wanted in this parcel and put in. So the city previously made | 00:25:48 | |
the decision to put these type of uses next to to the townhomes there. So if you go back far enough, we wanted businesses with | 00:25:56 | |
residents on top. But again, here we are and I can work for them. | 00:26:05 | |
Yeah, I know. | 00:26:16 | |
I am voice my displeasure, but I I know this is before my time and I can be angry about it. | 00:26:17 | |
No, that's fine. We we definitely respect your your opinion and however however you guys want to to to move forward. It is up to | 00:26:27 | |
you. I think what we're looking for tonight is if we can I mean you're you're able to to continue if you want to. I'd be very | 00:26:36 | |
specific if you want something to if you want like a diagram or something but you know we would recommend that you move it forward | 00:26:44 | |
to the City Council and you can have them you know consider specific aspects of the project if if you are what worried about it. | 00:26:52 | |
So it's it's up to you however you want to make a motion. Thanks every motion. | 00:27:00 | |
Yeah, I'm comfortable making a motion and I hope everyone feels comfortable voting for or against it. | 00:27:07 | |
Wherever they stand. So I moved to recommend approval of Ordinance 2023-26 with the following conditions that it's limited to just | 00:27:14 | |
commercial space, and only on lots one and two of Plat B, nowhere else in the RMU. | 00:27:23 | |
Do I have a second? | 00:27:33 | |
So we'll we'll need a second on the motion guys. | 00:27:39 | |
All right, great. Then So this is roll call, right? Yeah, you'll have to do a roll call. | 00:27:42 | |
Commercial handoff, yeah. So office would to clarify office countless commercial, right. So it's basically can I say non | 00:27:50 | |
residential, would that be right as a clarifier you feel comfortable with that? Yeah, I know that there are some people that | 00:27:57 | |
wanted to make public comment as well, but I know we closed the public hearing last time so, so technically we did close the | 00:28:04 | |
public hearing with the in the last meeting. | 00:28:11 | |
I'll allow some public comments for some questions and stuff if you want to make them brief. I assume, Daria, that you have some. | 00:28:19 | |
We now we do need AI, don't know if someone seconded. If we did have a second, do we need to? OK, you do have a second. Typically | 00:28:26 | |
that's done before, but if you want I'd make it pretty brief cuz you do wanna once you make a motion you wanna make a decision on | 00:28:32 | |
it, so. | 00:28:38 | |
You could have people coming. OK, if you can make it real quick. Thanks. | 00:28:46 | |
I just, oh, Daria Evans. | 00:28:52 | |
I just have one question about how you're going to enter those buildings from the road, what roads, where are the entrances going | 00:28:54 | |
to be? So, so with all that, that's going to be in the site plans when they come with site plans and we'll talk about all those | 00:29:00 | |
details. OK. Thank you very much. | 00:29:05 | |
OK. | 00:29:13 | |
So we have a motion, Anthony, with a motion Did you want, did you want to? | 00:29:14 | |
That amendment. Yeah, as proposed by staff. And we have a second by Graydon and this is roll call, Anthony. Hi, Bryce. I Tay. No | 00:29:20 | |
Graydon. All right. And that passes. Yes. That passes 3 to 1. So it'll go to City Council. OK, great. Thank you guys for bringing | 00:29:27 | |
the like site, site using stuff that was very helpful. I want the businesses. | 00:29:34 | |
I just gotta make a point to City Council here. Yeah, thanks. All right, moving to 3.2, the site plan application for Lake | 00:29:42 | |
Promenade. | 00:29:47 | |
Yeah. | 00:29:54 | |
On this next item, we have Rachel who will provide a presentation and then the applicant and representatives from OJB who are the | 00:30:13 | |
landscape architectural firm that designed the promenade will will be here to to provide kind of the more in depth analysis of it. | 00:30:19 | |
Thanks Great. | 00:30:25 | |
Just trying to get it pulled up. | 00:30:33 | |
And Bronson, if you have material and stuff you you you can get up there, maybe just let Rachel go through her presentation and | 00:30:44 | |
then you guys can connect in so. | 00:30:49 | |
Her cast Could we switch? | 00:30:58 | |
These. | 00:31:01 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:31:11 | |
That should work. | 00:31:24 | |
Cash, can you come look at this? | 00:31:48 | |
I don't know. It's not. This has to be solid. | 00:31:59 | |
So it's still just living? | 00:32:05 | |
Have you used this before in your laptop? Yeah, I have. | 00:32:08 | |
If you want his my laptop I can pull the stack for. | 00:32:12 | |
OK, I have a presentation. | 00:32:16 | |
Where's it saved under the reports? | 00:32:20 | |
Yeah, Commission folder. | 00:32:23 | |
There we go. OK, so this is an application from Agboro. | 00:33:30 | |
They're all here tonight. We have someone from Flagship Woodbury, and they have their landscape architect OG Bay here. This was | 00:33:36 | |
something that the Planning Commission looked at a couple years ago for initial feedback. | 00:33:43 | |
Yeah. | 00:33:53 | |
So they're here tonight. | 00:33:58 | |
We have several conditions of approval. You guys can read through these, but we can go through these more at the end after Bronson | 00:34:03 | |
completes his presentation. | 00:34:08 | |
So I'll just turn over the time to him to go over all the details or whoever is doing the presentation. Yeah. So here I'll I'll | 00:34:16 | |
just say something really quick that we were really happy to have OJB here. We were at City Council a couple weeks ago and the | 00:34:23 | |
mysterious voice from Zoom was Sam. So we have him here in person. We're excited to have them here with us and really excited | 00:34:29 | |
about the project and excited to to get things rolling, so. | 00:34:36 | |
Without further ado. | 00:34:44 | |
That's still loading. | 00:35:09 | |
Where was this minutes ago? | 00:35:19 | |
A couple hours ago. | 00:35:22 | |
Need anybody on the same heritage with JB? | 00:35:29 | |
So as Marshall mentioned, I'm going to take a few minutes. I'm just going to walk through from a high level kind of the current | 00:35:33 | |
design and as well as some of the elements within the park design and Promenade design, so. | 00:35:39 | |
So is Rachel highlighted? The problem itself is broken into six blocks. It's highlighted on the diagram above, starting with the | 00:35:48 | |
transportation and running east to West towards the lake in the lakefront. Each block is unique in character. | 00:35:55 | |
Intent to We'll go through some of the design behind each of those. | 00:36:03 | |
Here's the size of each one. | 00:36:11 | |
Block one on the east, it's called the Transit Plaza. Just under 2 acres 1.7, two in size. Market Square streetscape is just an | 00:36:13 | |
acre in length and size. Pacific Square Lot 3 just under an acre as well. The Greenway, a little bit larger. Block 4, just over 2 | 00:36:20 | |
1/2 acres. | 00:36:26 | |
Block 5 is the the largest of the Six Blocks Civic Park, just under 5 acres. | 00:36:34 | |
Inclusive sub elements, including a community pool which would be something each pack. | 00:36:43 | |
Block 6, The waterfront park just over 4 and a quarter acres adjacent to. | 00:36:49 | |
So what I want to do is just walk through each block, talk about the design tent, as well as kind of talk about some of the | 00:36:58 | |
programmatic elements. | 00:37:01 | |
So is there, this is the transit Plaza part, block 1 dividing kind of direct connection to the transportation itself that's | 00:37:05 | |
currently there. It will be a little bit more urbane in character with buildings on either side both North and South. Part of the | 00:37:14 | |
idea is to bring pedestrians through the space so you can see the flowing meandering pathway network carved out by planting | 00:37:22 | |
elements of the kiosks, potential water feature there, lawn areas and a plane of opportunities for CD and variety of uses. | 00:37:30 | |
We've highlighted certain locations that we think that would be viable for furniture layout. They're highlighted kind of the Navy | 00:37:39 | |
blue color. And then we've also kind of highlighted potential locations where we think waste receptacles management opportunities | 00:37:44 | |
for the spaces. | 00:37:49 | |
Sam, while we're on this block, can we talk a little bit? This was brought up in kind of previous meetings. | 00:37:55 | |
About when you get off the train station, you're walking W you have essentially like that building right there. So I mean I think | 00:38:00 | |
the concern was creating kind of that sense of of arrival whereas like just because it's kind of a weird offset you're, it's not | 00:38:06 | |
like you're arriving in the Plaza, you have to walk over to it. Yeah. Can you kind of explain maybe how you maintain kind of that | 00:38:12 | |
sense of arrival? | 00:38:18 | |
With that, I don't know just kind of how how that environment is as you first come off before you you reach out. | 00:38:25 | |
And if you could even with the cursor maybe on that previous one just show like sure where where are they getting off the train. I | 00:39:16 | |
know there's there's a South and a N exit of. So right now on the Instagram we're just showing the Northern, but coming off there | 00:39:21 | |
would be a platform and then there's a pedestrian pathway that kind of runs NS parallel and then you would basically come off and | 00:39:27 | |
you would walk N open to the space. | 00:39:33 | |
You mentioned kiosks. What type of kiosks did you have in mind? | 00:39:40 | |
And so we'll have a few more slides. Right now, it's a trellis, an overhead structure, movable seating underneath. And then | 00:39:44 | |
there's also potential for a future restaurant or a restaurant or food and beverage element, which is the highest #30 there, so. | 00:39:52 | |
So just out of curiosity, what are the plans for that building where you step off the station and have that building right there? | 00:40:00 | |
What what are? | 00:40:04 | |
Your hopes for I mean, yeah. | 00:40:08 | |
Into the mic more so. We haven't designed that building yet, but. | 00:40:13 | |
It'll be mixed-use. It'll be likely retail along the bottom, possibly residential or office above that. And so part of the idea of | 00:40:20 | |
this is we want this Plaza to engage those buildings. So that first story retail, what OJB showing here that #27 and then some of | 00:40:27 | |
these like darker shaded areas you're living mouse here. | 00:40:35 | |
These are areas where we we are looking to whatever these buildings end up being when they're designed. The idea is that they | 00:40:44 | |
would spill out into the Plaza and engage with the Plaza. But we also realize a large function of this Plaza is flow through | 00:40:51 | |
people going up to the station from from the downtown area coming up the promenade to the station coming out of the station into | 00:40:59 | |
the residences or office spaces. So we we're kind of. | 00:41:06 | |
And I love the idea that like where you can actually wait near the train, like right next to the entrance of the train. Is there a | 00:41:46 | |
reason why you guys decided to go this direction? No, I think that's still, that's still the idea like this. This corner building | 00:41:52 | |
here would have that opportunity almost like a. | 00:41:57 | |
You know, like a train station function of people either waiting at the in the lower level of this building, it just hasn't been | 00:42:04 | |
designed yet It'll it'll come later, but that's still the idea. The parking structure, the large parking structure is just South | 00:42:10 | |
of these kind of three buildings that you're seeing. I was talking to Morgan earlier. We've kind of looked at those. The edge of | 00:42:16 | |
that parking structure is like doing some kind of mural. So that would be like this real big. I've arrived at that Utah State a | 00:42:21 | |
year. | 00:42:27 | |
That, yeah, that that would be awesome. | 00:42:34 | |
Utah City Avengers So. | 00:42:38 | |
Yet an amenity like this that maybe even had a board inside that says you know northbound 5 minutes, southbound 20 minutes, like | 00:43:13 | |
you know I I think that dispute that helped create that that that those amenities especially if we want our residents to take | 00:43:20 | |
transit, you know providing kind of just that those extra level of amenities is going to make it a much more like quality | 00:43:26 | |
experience. And then I I guess another question I have right there is. | 00:43:33 | |
Is this a road? Then right here, that's the regional trail. That's the trail. OK, so there are no roads between. OK, cool. | 00:43:41 | |
Perfect. | 00:43:45 | |
So just to maybe clarify a couple things, my name is Jared Boss. I work with Sam with OJB. As we look at the greater context of | 00:43:50 | |
the area, I know we're looking at the Promenade right now and at the Transit Plaza, one of the things that we have talked about as | 00:43:58 | |
we've looked at the architecture and then as we think of the greater team, there are a couple of things that come to mind. One is | 00:44:05 | |
we do have the the north-south Path, so that will connect through the Greater Vineyard project. | 00:44:12 | |
We are at the North End of the train station here. As we've looked at the architecture for these areas, these lower areas are | 00:44:20 | |
anticipated as retail areas. We are also in the process of bringing on a branding, A branding and a wayfinding consultant as well. | 00:44:27 | |
So we've talked about ideas of how do we engage people when people are using some of these retail spaces or if they're sitting by | 00:44:34 | |
the fountain, how would we, how would we notify them and and. | 00:44:41 | |
The train will be here in 5 minutes or something like that, so that there is this procession, there is this pathway. So I think as | 00:44:50 | |
we continue to move forward with the architecture, an opportunity on the side of the garage as we see that north-south path begin | 00:44:57 | |
to develop, I think we'll start to see plantings, trees, some lighting elements and some of that way finding that takes you | 00:45:05 | |
through as a greater idea and we'll show this through the slides. | 00:45:12 | |
The the real idea and and this is not an uncommon term as we look in other cities is it's really kind of this court ashore or from | 00:45:20 | |
the transit rail connection to to the lakefront. So we're very interested in connecting pedestrians all the way down this | 00:45:27 | |
alignment and Bronson Anthony. | 00:45:34 | |
Is Anthony Fletcher. | 00:45:43 | |
I was gonna say are Anthony, but you're our Anthony as well. Employee Anthony Planner. Anthony, you're a planner too, so this is | 00:45:45 | |
gonna be hard. | 00:45:48 | |
But Anthony's working on a master wayfinding signage for the city. And so as you work on your wayfinding signage, if we could kind | 00:45:54 | |
of marry those two and so if maybe if you have a group that's working on pull, pull, Anthony in all those meetings, so great, | 00:46:01 | |
Thank you. I do also just something to point out that I like is having the garage space closer to the transit is a good thing? I | 00:46:07 | |
mean it's somebody I know somebody commented previously. | 00:46:14 | |
That they wished that for those that have a handicap or something that they were closer and it is a good thing that the parking | 00:46:21 | |
dodge is closer and you want you don't want the parking garage to be there and then nothing. So it doesn't make sense. | 00:46:27 | |
And like to that point that that structure we anticipate that UTA would have. | 00:46:34 | |
A lot of stalls in there and there would be ADA stalls in there. So essentially we are getting those accessible stalls as close as | 00:46:40 | |
possible to the station. Perfect. Cool. | 00:46:45 | |
Just going to go through a few renderings, then we'll go to block 2. | 00:46:56 | |
Some imagery of what the water feature could be. | 00:47:01 | |
Block 2, Market Square. So as you head east from the transit Plaza towards the lake, the idea here is it once again, it's kind of | 00:47:08 | |
a continuation of a flow as you're heading through the open space, very much kind of a retail oriented space with walkways, lots | 00:47:15 | |
of seating. Part of the idea is to kind of work with the tree layout and have some potentially some sort of overhead element that | 00:47:23 | |
kind of sets the tone and the character space pedestrianize the scale of it. | 00:47:30 | |
Once again, the idea is also to carry through kind of the paving materiality to start to kind of link these spaces together. So | 00:47:38 | |
here's a few views of ideas of what the space could feel like. | 00:47:43 | |
And then moving to Block 3 Civic Square. | 00:47:50 | |
So it's where the space starts to open up. Starting on the eastern side, there's this opportunity for kind of an art element or | 00:47:53 | |
some sort of kind of visual kind of terminus as you're coming in into the promenade area that is almost that moment, right? A | 00:47:58 | |
visual moment as you're coming through. And what the idea is, it would open up to green space in the center, pedestrian circuit | 00:48:03 | |
circulation around the perimeter. And as you head to the West, it opens up to another Plaza space that starts to kind of marry up | 00:48:09 | |
to the streetscape. | 00:48:14 | |
In this rectangle, that's already, that's what you see has already occurred, yeah? | 00:48:22 | |
So driving into the downtown, this is the first feature you hit. Yeah. So when you when you cross on Main Street, you cross 800 N | 00:48:31 | |
This is 2 blocks up from 800 N. | 00:48:36 | |
So be looking east. | 00:48:48 | |
And you'll you'll see too. In here we have this, this. | 00:48:53 | |
Artwork you see in here, it's just placeholder stuff. This is not actually what's commissioned to go in. These are just. | 00:48:56 | |
A representation of some kind of sculpture or artwork that would be going in there. | 00:49:04 | |
With shade trees spread throughout, maybe some low slungs, you know, Charlotte. Additional trail structures where you can sit | 00:50:14 | |