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Chair Brady opened the meeting at30 PM. Commissioner Ostler led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.        JOINT SESSION WITH CITY COUNCIL1  PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment – Medical and Commercial Uses The addition of Medical and Commercial uses is proposed for the Flex Office Industry (FOI), Industrial Zone (I-1), Regional Commercial (RC), and Downtown Vineyard – Town Center (TC) Districts. The sections of the Zoning Code under consideration will include: ·        VZC15.12.050 District Use Table ·        Special Purpose Zoning District– Downtown Vineyard (Town Center) The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance.
Community Development Director, Morgan Brim, gave an overview of the zoning text amendments.
Chair Brady opened public comment.
Resident Daria Evans, living in The Villas, asked about the education facilities and if that meant no public schools.
Chair Brady stated that there would be no residential in these areas. Mr. Brim clarified the reason for not having residential in these areas.
Ms. Evans asked about meeting environmental standards for all uses. Mr. Brim replied that anything built there would have to meet the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) required levels of cleanliness.
Chair Brady clarified that it would have to meet the DEQ standards.
Mayor Fullmer asked Mr. Brim to explain what had already been cleaned up to a residential standard. Mr. Brim explained the areas and what had been cleaned up and what had not.
Pete Evans with Anderson Geneva explained that the area was designated in to three different areas and that not everything had been cleaned up.  He gave an overview of each of the areas.
ResidentCarolyn Snowden, asked about the cleanup process. Mr. Evans explained the process.
Mr. Brim suggested the property owners have a work session with the Planning Commission.
Motion: COMMISSIONER GUDMUNDSON MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT54 PM. COMMISSIONER BRAMWELL SECONDED THE MOTION. ROLL CALL WENT AS FOLLOWS: CHAIR BRADY, COMMISSIONERS GUDMUNDSON, FAGG, BRAMWELL, AND OSTLER VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.2  PUBLIC HEARING – Homesteads PodLive/Work Development Agreement Community Development Director Morgan Brim will present the Homesteads PodLive/Work Development Agreement. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Mr. Brim gave a brief summary.
Mike Olsen with Home Center Construction explained the original development agreement.  He further explained that the live/work units were discussed in20. He stated that he had not increased anything with the units. The amendment would include agreed upon uses. He reviewed some of those uses. He said they had started to look at rebuilding Vineyard Road to gain additional parking spaces. He mentioned that they were about four (4) years out from build out in this area.
Mr. Brim explained that all residents would be allowed to use the clubhouse. The development would include a dog run, and the Kelly Boren Memorial Park was currently a city park and was requesting to give back to the developer/HOA. The eastside would include public parking spaces along the trail next to the railroad tracks.
Chair Brady asked about the two parks and if they could swap them. Mr. Olsen said that they could look into it. Mr. Brim explained that it was a dog run not a dog park. He also explained that they would have to reengineer the park because it was programed as a detention basin. Chair Brady asked about the street parking. Mr. Olsen explained how parking would work and a discussion ensued. Mr. Brim explained what they would do if the development was approved. Commissioner Bramwell expressed his concerns with the use and if there would be enough parking. Mr. Brim explained that they already had adequate parking and were adding additional public parking. The discussion continued.
Chair Brady asked about the safety with the parking and people using the trail. Mr. Olsen replied that his engineer had no concerns. He mentioned that they were adding crosswalks in that area as well.
Commissioner Gudmundson asked about the letters from the engineers and stated that they did not mention the impact of cars pulling out. Mr. Olsen explained the road was not wide enough for reverse parking. A discussion ensued.
Resident Shawn Herring asked about ownership of the live/work units. He expressed his concerns with the amount of parking allotted for the live/work units.
Resident Ryan Holdaway expressed his concerns with parking on Vineyard Road. He suggested that they have parking spaces onsite.
Resident Terry Ewing, living in the Villas subdivision, requested that in the units they could have two or three places that were working successfully.
Resident Jim Miguel, living in the Sleepy Ridge subdivision, expressed concerns about The Homestead Pod Developer Agreement being signed in11, density and owner occupancy requirements.
Ms. Evans asked about the capacity of the new Vineyard Road and the density in the development. She asked about the number and design of the crosswalks.
Resident Russell Evans, living in The Villas subdivision, felt that the proposal was flawed and expressed his concerns.
Chair Brady reviewed the questions and discussed them with Mr. Olsen. The following information was relayed: ·        Live/work units would be owner occupied and managed. ·        Employee parking, the flex space was only square feet and could limit the number of employees. ·        There would be separation from the live/workspaces. There would be a door between the live/workspaces. ·        A possibility of having off-street parking. Mr. Olsen replied he would need to reevaluate the site plan, that they have already added additional parking to the development. ·        Property rights are rights that residents and developers have.
City Attorney Jayme Blakesley gave input to the concerns of the residents.
Chair Brady resumed answering the questions and explained what the development had done with their live/work units.  3  PUBLIC HEARING – East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement Anderson Geneva, LLC, is requesting approval of a land donation and development agreement between Vineyard City, Utah, The Vineyard Redevelopment Agency, and Anderson Geneva, LLC, for the following parcel numbers::019:0047,:437:0001,:437:0002,:022:0006, and:870:0004. The Mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Mr. Blakesley explained that there were two separate agreements. The substance was still the same and it did not affect the city’s rights.
Mr. Evans explained the reason for the separation.They were still committed to donate the right-of-way that would be needed for the Mill Road extension. He mentioned that buildout was years out.
Mr. Evans gave a brief explanation of the agreements.
Nate Hutchinson with Flagborough, explained that they would be installing the infrastructure and not asking to change any zoning.
Chair Brady asked what the impact would be if they did not approve this tonight. Mr. Brim replied that they had several medical uses that would like to come into this area. A discussion ensued.
There was a discussion about zoning. Mr. Evans reiterated that they were not asking to change the zoning. The discussion continued.
Commissioner Bramwell asked how this development agreement overlapped with the Public Infrastructure Development (PID) notice that went out to the people affected, and the tax revenue impact. Mr. Hutchinson explained that they were separate and had nothing to do with the development. Mr. Hutchinson explained what a PID was. A discussion ensued.
Chair Brady asked for clarification. A discussion ensued regarding the vesting of the zoning for the area. The inland port and PID would be acted on in the next meeting.
Ms. Evans asked what an MAI appraisal was and if they did this land donation, what would that entail.
Mr. Herring asked how the approval tonight affected next week’s approvals. Mr. Blakesley explained the different actions and that would not affect the city’s rights. He gave a brief overview of what a PID was. Mr. Pete Evans explained that the things for next week would not affect the land use.
Mr. Miguel asked if there was a land use map for the area in red and how many acres. Mr. Brim told him there were just over0.
Resident Jacob Holdaway, living on Holdaway Road, reviewed his election experience and expressed his concerns with vesting these items before he was sworn in. He added that he was disappointed that the conversation was misinformation and wanted to improve public dialogue.
Chair Brady stated that when they discuss the zoning text amendment for medical and commercial uses to think about the areas and what they are asking them to approve. Now is the opportunity to address any concerns.
Resident Sherrie Kaye Miller, living on Holdaway Road, expressed her concerns with the speed that these items were being pushed through. She felt that they needed more public input and notice before approving these items.
Resident Mike Cox, living in the Providence subdivision, agreed that the process had been rushed. He wanted each member of the council and commission to publicly state when they first heard about the inland port.
Chair Brady spoke about the area being discussed and rushing things through. He mentioned that the General Plan had been around for a while and the map on the General Plan showed these plans. He said that what they were discussing now was not the port authority. Chair Brady said he learned about it when it was noticed as a public hearing.
Resident Keith Holdaway, living on Holdaway Road, gave a background on the area as a future tax base and are able to collect every tax dollar. He expressed his concerns with density.
Mr. Miguel felt that at this point they needed to have detailed conversations about what they wanted. He expressed his concerns with what was being presented tonight.
Chair Brady stated that this item was not new, and they did not learn about this on Monday. Commissioner Gudmundson stated that the items being discussed were items they already knew about.
Mr. Ryan Holdaway stated that it was a new developer asking for vested rights and as a city they should have the right to say it might not be in our best interest any longer. Chair Brady replied that with vested rights, the city cannot initiate a zoning change. It protects the developer when they are finding businesses.
Resident Sara Cameron, living in the Parkside subdivision, asked for clarification on land donation and if it had to be decided tonight. Her other concern was about the railroad tracks. Chair Brady asked what her concerns were for FOI and RC zoning. Ms. Cameron said she had no concerns at this point as she was still learning about it and would like more time. A discussion ensued.
Commissioner Gudmundson clarified that the Planning Commission was not an elect body and not political.
Resident Tristy Lee, living in The Garden, asked why they could not make these decisions in smaller proposals.
Mr. Jacob Holdaway talked about what past councilmembers had done to vest the right to the land. He felt that they should wait a few months so they can make more informed motions.
Resident David Lauret, living on Holdaway Road, thanked the commission for handling the mission and listening to the public. He felt that there had been nothing in the presentations that were objectionable but that the issue was that they were rushing to make decisions.
Chair Brady announced aminute break.
Chair Brady reviewed the questions asked during the public hearing and asked Mr. Hutchinson to address the answers. Mr. Hutchinson explained that an MAI appraisal was as an appraisal from a firm who had a license to the do the appraisal. He noted that they did not have to donate the land to the city, but that they are. He explained that the maintenance of the road would be done by the city and that they are making smaller parcels due to it being inappropriate to approve the whole unit by the end of the year. A discussion followed.
Chair Brady opened the regular Planning Commission session at42 PM     REGULAR SESSION      OPEN SESSION
Chair Brady opened and closed the public session as there were no public comments.        CONSENT ITEMS1  Approval of the April,23 PC Meeting Minutes2  Approval of the August,23 PC Meeting Minutes3  Approval of the November,23 PC Meeting Minutes
Chair Brady presented the consent items for approval with a correction to the spelling of his name.
Motion: COMMISSIONER GUDMUNDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT ITEMS AS PRESENTED WITH THE SPELLING OF NAME CORRECTED. COMMISSIONER BRAMWELL SECONDED THE MOTION. ROLL CALL WENT AS FOLLOWS: CHAIR BRADY, COMMISSIONERS GUDMUNDSON, FAGG, BRAMWELL, AND OSTLER VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.        BUSINESS ITEMS1  DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Zoning Text Amendment – Medical and Commercial Uses (A Public Hearing will be held for this item during the Joint Planning Commission and City Council meeting.) The addition of Medical and Commercial uses is proposed for the Flex Office Industry (FOI), Industrial Zone (I-1), Regional Commercial (RC), and Downtown Vineyard – Town Center (TC) Districts. The sections of the Zoning Code under consideration will include: ·        VZC15.12.050 District Use Table ·        Special Purpose Zoning District– Downtown Vineyard (Town Center) The Planning commission will take appropriate action.
Chair Brady introduced the item and asked if there were any questions from the commission.
Mr. Brim explained the heliport and vertiport and whether they wanted it to be a permitted use or a conditional use. Mr. Brim recommended permitted use. He explained that it could be for a hospital or deliveries. There was a discussion about the types of use and making sure it was not too close to residential.
Mr. Brim recommended permitted use for the heliport and vertiport as they were mainly used for hospital deliveries.
Commissioner Bramwell expressed concerns with all the impacts to this property. He asked about the big picture strategy. Mr. Pete Evans explained that the items were independent and did not affect the other. A discussion ensued. Mac Woodbury, with Flagborough, explained why the vesting rights were important to potential tenants. The discussion continued. Mr. Woodbury felt that getting this approved tonight was an important step in the process that they had been working on for months. Mr. Evans did not want to change any of the zoning, boundaries or the detailed master plan in the future.
Commissioner Bramwell expressed his concerns with the taxes.
Motion:COMMISSIONER GUDMUNDSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE23-30 MEDICAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONING USES TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: THE HELIPAD AND VERTIPORT AS CONDITIONAL USE. COMMISSIONER FAGG SECONDED THE MOTION. ROLL CALL WENT AS FOLLOWS: CHAIR BRADY, COMMISSIONERS GUDMUNDSON, FAGG, BRAMWELL, AND OSTLER VOTED YES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.2  DISCUSSION AND ACTION - Homesteads PodLive/Work Development Agreement (This item was postponed from the November23, City Council Meeting.) (A Public Hearing will be held for this item during the Joint Planning Commission and City Council meeting.) Community Development Director Morgan Brim will present the Homesteads PodLive/Work Development Agreement. The Planning commission will take appropriate action.
Chair Brady introduced the item and asked the commission if there were any changes or clarification they would like.
Commissioner Bramwell asked about the parking management plan. Mr. Blakesley explained that it would be an amendment. Mr. Brim suggested that they ask for a specific parking safety study. There was a discussion about parking safety and capacity relating to other transportation modes in the area.
Chair Brady expressed concern with units with store fronts and parking being for residential use. Having a limit to the number of employees on site. Mr. Olsen suggested that they limit it to two offsite employees. He also mentioned that the live/work units be residential. There was a discussion about the speed on the road and slowing traffic down.
Mr. Blakesley provided language for the motion.
Commissioner Bramwell asked if they could vote on the resolution after next week’s city council meeting. A discussion ensued. Chair Brady felt that this met the general plan. Mr. Pete Evans explained that when the development rights were originally vested in14 there were no development details. The discussion continued.
Motion: COMMISSIONER GUDMUNDSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION23-51 EAST GENEVA LAND DONATION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL. COMMISSIONER FAGG SECONDED THE MOTION. ROLL CALL WENT AS FOLLOWS: CHAIR BRADY, COMMISSIONERS GUDMUNDSON, FAGG, AND OSTLER VOTED YES. COMMISSIONER BRAMWELL VOTED NO.THE MOTION CARRIED WITH FOUR (4) TO ONE (1).  4  PUBLIC HEARING – Forge Development Agreement (Resolution23-56) Dakota Pacific is proposing a development agreement for The Forge property. The property is located at9 N Ingot Road Vineyard, UT059, and is zoned within The Forge Special Purpose Zoning District. Parcel IDs::258:0001 through:258:0007. The Planning commission will take appropriate action.
Mr. Brim reviewed the amendments to the original plan, development agreement, and the process they had gone through to this point.
Steve Borup with Dakota Pacific gave a background on the special purpose zoning district and reviewed the current agreement. He mentioned that they had lowered the density by percent. Mr. Borup reviewed each block and then the phasing plan.
Chair Brady asked what regionally significant and an anchor meant. Mr. Borup explained that they had added additional language for the regionally significant piece. Chair Brady asked for a definition of an activity center. Mr. Borup gave a few examples of the size of activity acres. Mr. Brim gave some suggestions that could be added to the motion. A discussion ensued. Mayor Fullmer asked if they could add a seasonal qualifier. The discussion continued.
Mr. Borup continued his presentation. He discussed what a Property Owners Association would include.
Chair Brady asked if there were any owner-occupied units. Mr. Borup replied that there were some units that would be owner occupied. There was a discussion about the commercial and retail units, phasing, and what would be done in each section.
Commissioner Ostler asked what would be ready first, residential or retail. Mr. Borup replied that they would deliver the commercial with the residential. Mr. Blakesley stated what he wanted in the language added to the agreement. Mr. Brim added that the Planning Commission would review it.
Chair Brady mentioned that the word “significant” was used quite a bit. He then opened comments to the public.
Resident Tim Heaton, living in the Sleepy Ridge subdivision, asked if the developer would be willing to commit to a percentage of owner occupied. He also asked Mr. Blakesley where a-mile catchment came from. Mr. Blakesley replied that it was an effort to reach a compromise on how you would measure where people are traveling from and further explained that. He gave some examples of regionally significant.
Mr. Ryan Holdaway suggested they include a reception center.
Ms. Evans pointed out1.4 in the Development Agreement, about the affordable housing units for rent and read what it said. She asked about section4, a possible PID agreement and concerns of an inland port in the area. Ms. Evans then asked about the entertainment center and its possible use of RDA funds to enhance the structure.
Chair Brady agreed that what Ms. Evans brought up did not need to be in the development agreement and asked that the language be taken out of section4. Mr. Borup explained what a PID would pay for andthat the agreement only mentioned if it was an election to raise funds as a source, that they can. It would only be for their boundaries. Chair Brady requested to remove it from the agreement. Mr. Blakesley felt it would not create a binding obligation to the city.
Mr. Jacob Holdaway was in favor of the language on the agreement and agreed with Chair Brady on covering the amenities. He said he would like the entertainment center to be0 percent public.
Ms. Cameron suggested they consider an all-abilities park in that area.
Resident Kim Cornelius, living in The Villas, asked about parking.
Chair Brady asked for further comments.
Chair Brady addressed the questions asked during the public hearing. He asked about language used to say that the entertainment center would be0 percent for public use. Mr. Brim replied that there would be public access. Mr. Borup explained that there would be an easement for the city. Regarding the for rent or sale and owner occupied, Chair Brady clarified that the for rent or sale units would be at the rate of moderate-income housing, and what it would include. Mr. Borup replied that the affordable housing units for sale or rent would be open, it wasn’t determined as of yet.
Chair Brady addressed the questions about the RDA and PID. He felt they could be removed from the development agreement. He asked about the locations of the different types of parking. Mr. Borup explained that the structured areas were in the lighter gray areas and structured parking was behind the residential.
Mr. Brim read the recommended language for the motion.
Mr. Brim turned the time over to Bronson Tatton with Flagborough.
Mr. Tatton reviewed the aquatics facility.
Mr. Tatton gave an overview of the parking. Mr. Pete Evans with Flagborough reviewed the different uses for each of the areas.
Chair Brady asked about the parking study required for a certain number of units. Mr. Evans replied that he was not concerned. Mr. Woodbury explained that their entity is funding all the deficits. Mr. Hutchinson explained that their development would include an all-abilities park.
Chair Brady asked for further questions, hearing none, he called for a motion.
OK, we're rolling. 00:00:05
Welcome, everybody. It's a lot of you. Oh, we've got some feedback on the speaker. 00:00:10
Hello. 00:00:17
Hello. 00:00:22
No. 00:00:23
OK. 00:00:24
Yeah. 00:00:38
Yeah, it's good for you. OK, we're rolling. 00:00:39
All right. Welcome, everybody. We'll try to talk as loudly as possible so that you guys can hear us. 00:00:44
We're good. You guys can hear. Oh, is this working? Hello. 00:00:51
I'm just talking really loud I guess. 00:00:56
So yeah, we'll try to talk loudly as possible so that everybody can hear. If you can't hear, like raise your hand and just go like 00:01:00
this and we'll try to talk louder. We'll do the best that we can. 00:01:06
We're going to open the meeting. I grade an officer is going to give us an invocation and a Pledge of Allegiance. 00:01:13
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:01:18
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:27
I. 00:01:41
Dear Father in Heaven. 00:01:49
We are grateful to live in America. We're grateful to be here in Vineyard. 00:01:51
We are grateful to be free. 00:01:58
We're thankful to meet together to discuss. 00:02:02
Our city's affairs. We pray for the Holy Spirit to be with us. 00:02:08
As we. 00:02:16
Discuss Please guide our comments, questions and concerns. 00:02:18
Help us to make progress tonight, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. All right, the meeting did start at 6:30 PM and. 00:02:24
Apologies for the late start. We're gonna move right into the joint session with the City Council for Item 2.1, public hearing for 00:02:37
the zoning text amendment, medical and commercial uses, and we'll open this up for public hearing right now. So do I have a motion 00:02:42
to open it up? 00:02:47
Motion to open for public hearing. 00:02:53
Second all in favor, Aye, All right. 00:02:57
Hopefully this will pick me up. Planning Commissioners, thanks so much. 00:03:42
For bearing bearing with us. 00:03:46
Hello, hello, hello. I'm sorry. 00:03:51
Doing fast. So yeah, tonight we have quite a bit on the agenda. On the 1st is going to be the zoning uses. This is the area that 00:03:54
this will deal specifically with the downtown area. So we have quite a few businesses that are that are that we're working with 00:04:03
and one that is proposed right now the Huntsman Cancer Institute. 00:04:11
That's what this does is it provides the allowances for hospital. 00:04:21
For Heliport, for Verdi Port, very port is dealing specifically with drones and deliveries. The idea is developing quite a few 00:04:26
medical uses on both the east and the West side. So that's something we've been working on quite a bit. Vineyard has been seen as 00:04:33
a really great spot for for the medical industry and with the university as well-being a really great partner and willing to to 00:04:40
partner. 00:04:47
Also with with. 00:04:54
With the hospital and with the University of Utah, it's just kind of cool, kind of a dual university, a partnership there. And so 00:04:56
being able to provide for the views is important. And then medical use is office research. The MP is not permitted. So under the 00:05:03
downtown station area, that's a core area in Red Hospital wouldn't go there, but it would provide the ability for it to go under 00:05:10
the downtown. mixed-use in the village general. 00:05:17
That's the blue and the purple districts that you see there. 00:05:25
And then the heliport and Bernie Port would be allowed under the the downtown station under the downtown mixed-use and the village 00:05:29
general. Sorry, I'll try to speak up. And then medical use uses office research under all the districts except for the lakefront 00:05:38
residential. The lakefront residential is a purely residential district and that's the the Brown district on the South side. 00:05:46
And this area deal this district, this is more the general zoning district table under the kind of the is the establishment of 00:06:01
districts zoning table that's that's located just in like the general zoning code. So we have special zoning districts and we have 00:06:08
like the general zoning code. So this this deals with most of the zoning. So what this does is the provides allowances under the 00:06:14
FOI that's the green district and the RC that's the the blue. 00:06:21
Correct. Those are both. The RC is regional commercial and so that's the district that was developed for larger commercial retail 00:06:28
uses and there's several that we're kind of talking to now. And so being able to kind of make sure that we have the uses within 00:06:34
the table that could align with those businesses. And additionally with the FOI, the FOI was looked at as really kind of a high 00:06:40
employment zone type district. 00:06:47
If you go up on 1600 N north of 1600 N 1750, see a lot of flex office and those kind of businesses. 00:06:54
That's kind of, it's funny because when I first started that, that was the area that was always doing really well. But because 00:07:02
there's not like a direct connection from within the city, people don't kind of understand that's part of the city. But we've done 00:07:08
really well with like the flex office. We've added about a million square feet over the last the last decade in that area. And so, 00:07:15
yeah, a very healthy and great district for, for, for the city as far as providing quality jobs. 00:07:21
And so if you go through the districts allows for the clinical support housing. So that would be housing for people that that are 00:07:28
in need of care and also providing employees that are are working outside that, that kind of couples that with the employment. 00:07:36
Commercial recreation indoor, it was already allowed in the RC, but not really contemplated in the FOI. We feel like that actually 00:07:46
would be a really good district to put it in. We we already have like Coconut Cove, Coconut Cove was they they came in. 00:07:54
Kind of before the area was zoned, it was that I won that really if you remember the zoning district, the zoning ordinance back in 00:08:02
the day, that was like the the district that covered kind of the northern half of the city. So they were able to come in through 00:08:08
that. But this would allow for more of those indoor recreation uses. Outdoor recreation is listed as traditional use. So as you 00:08:13
understand as a Planning Commission, that conditional use is essentially a permanent use, but with conditions, it allows the city 00:08:19
to apply conditions to help. 00:08:24
You know, offset any potential detrimental impacts that are foreseen in the planning process. 00:08:31
And so we've done a few of those. I think we list in some instances car washes or car washes and you know gas stations and there's 00:08:37
things like that where potentially there could there could be impact. We've had been able to add conditions to kind of safeguard 00:08:43
residents that live adjacent to those uses. We have golf course, golf course because we have a lot of areas where we do have the 00:08:49
the structures that were built. As you know, this is the footprint of the Geneva steel plant and there's a lot of concrete and so 00:08:55
the concrete. 00:09:01
Some cases actually it's kind of a good thing because that's that provides like Apple places for surface parking, but also. 00:09:07
This could provide a commercial pipe use. So we don't really have plans for it, but that actually seems like a use that if there's 00:09:15
really large areas for like what can we do with that? It provides us the use health and fitness facility, teleport, very port. We 00:09:23
have hotel, motel, motel. Those are conditional uses. Nursing care facility is a permitted use involved. 00:09:31
Here's the home convalescent care, permitted offices, pharmacy. So just kind of go down the list where where else club we did out 00:09:39
there the permitted use of the RC that's, you know, for regional commercial. We didn't put in the FYI. We kind of felt like that 00:09:46
that would be better in the RC assembly place. That's kind of a fancy way of staying church. So basically wherever you see 00:09:52
assembly place that allows for for churches. 00:09:58
Then to be fair to religiously, I know this is, you know, those those as well. And so we've kind of followed that. 00:10:35
Educational facility, these will be mostly public universities. So the state does they are exempt from like the local process. We 00:10:45
do work with them on utilities connecting neural roads. But if we did have a private type institution that was that's something 00:10:51
medical nature that actually might couple really well with with the public universities and the the types of employment that we 00:10:56
have there. 00:11:01
Emergency care facility. 00:11:07
And then we have the heliport. So that's that's actually more that we have that part of the discussion is do you feel like that 00:11:11
should be a conditional use or permitted use kind of listed as both the PE and the C That's something to discuss. 00:11:17
And in this district, I think it's such a large area that's almost 100% going to be non residential that maybe a permit use is is 00:11:26
more likely. And so if you, if you let me know how your preference, we could we could eliminate 1. 00:11:33
And then off of the hospital under conditional use and accessory building, accessory buildings are allowed basically with within a 00:11:41
year. So we just want to clarify that you can have an accessibility similar to like residential you can have shed, you can have 00:11:47
access abilities with commercial use as well, but they do have to relate to the primary use on the site. And that is everything 00:11:53
from my presentation. Happy to take questions. 00:11:59
Any questions? 00:12:06
Anything from a council? 00:12:12
No. 00:12:16
We'll move up a comment, I think, but. 00:12:18
So with public comment again, I tried to carry your voice as much as possible. I apologize that the speakers aren't working. State 00:12:21
your name, which neighborhood you're from, and you can take as much as 3 minutes. If you have questions or something I can write 00:12:28
those down and I will ask them at the end of. 00:12:34
At the end of everything. 00:12:42
Hi, Daria Evans, Vineyard Resident. I just have a question. Talk about the educational facilities. 00:12:51
I'm gathering from that that means no public schools. 00:13:00
It just sounds like they're not gearing this development for future families. And so I just want that. I'd like to have that 00:13:04
clarified for me, please. Thank you. 00:13:10
I can clarify at the end. Yeah, at the end I'll write them down. 00:13:19
Any other questions? 00:13:23
All right. Yes, we're going into, sorry, as far as public schools, as far as public schools, there's not going to be any 00:13:27
residential in these areas at all. But I'll let Morgan clarify further on. 00:13:34
Yeah. I mean you do have a lot of environmental considerations for residential right now. It's it's cleaned up basically to an 00:13:41
industrial standard. So we probably would elevate that in some instances for like retail and that kind of stuff. We want to do a 00:13:47
hotel to kind of help service some of that employment then you know there there might be no, some things could be elevated. I'm 00:13:52
sorry. 00:13:58
I don't even, yeah, due to the environmental issues right now on the site, it's it's basically essentially cleaned up to an 00:14:05
industrial level and and some commercial levels. So yeah, residential may only be kind of contemplated kind of in support of like 00:14:12
the hospital the clinical type uses, but that that would be for like patients and employees that are working on them. Other than 00:14:19
that, it's not like contemplated to do. 00:14:26
Like like like a a neighborhood or anything like that. 00:14:34
So as far as a a school, though, schools are, you know, if they own the land and Jamie, you can help me out with this, but my 00:14:38
understanding is that schools, like a State University are exempt from the local regulations. They stop and work with you in 00:14:45
regards to connecting to the utilities and your roads. But if a school wanted to go there, they'd have to meet the environmental 00:14:52
regulations. And so they'd have to go through that process. But we wouldn't, wouldn't stop them. 00:14:59
Side of you got it right, OK. 00:15:07
Answer your question, Daria. 00:15:10
I have another question. I'll let you ask another question. You can come on up. Yeah, nobody else is asking any questions. You 00:15:12
can. 00:15:15
OK, so if the school has to meet a development, development. 00:15:25
The environmental development. 00:15:32
Like a standard. 00:15:34
Why doesn't everything else if, especially if you're having clinical support with? 00:15:36
Patients and things, shouldn't that all be raised to a higher standards so we don't have any problems in the future? Thank you. 00:15:44
Yeah, that's great. Yeah. 00:15:52
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. 00:15:54
Any anything built there has to has to has to meet the, I think it's DEQ is, is kind of the the regulatory authority. So yeah, any 00:15:57
use that goes up there has to has to meet the level. I mean, if it's an industrial use, pretty much it's, it's already it's going 00:16:04
to be easier. But if you try to put a hospital in there, it's it's going to be most likely require a lot of cleanup. And, and we 00:16:12
are in the process of of cleaning that land up. There's been quiet. I mean, I was. 00:16:19
Kind of one of the original considerations of do the RDA and we've utilized a ton to do that and US Steel and the property owners. 00:16:26
So over the course of several years, there's there's been a lot of cleanup and there will be continue to be a lot of cleanup. But 00:16:32
before anything can get built, it has to be the environmental regulations. So there's there's a layer on top of what the city can 00:16:37
do. 00:16:43
So, so just to clarify, even though the zoning. 00:16:49
Even though it's allowed, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's allowed. It's just allowed on one level. They still have to meet 00:16:54
the DEQ standards to be allowed on that next level, so OK. 00:16:59
Thanks, Morgan. No, no comments from. 00:17:06
The commissioner or Council? No. OK, do I have a motion to? 00:17:09
I just. 00:17:15
I feel like. 00:17:17
The cleanup in general is difficult to understand, so everybody must be the requirements of everybody and maybe generally for the 00:17:23
public boarding. 00:17:27
Yeah, so I'll be so on. 00:17:38
On the West side, so downtown, everything in red that has been cleaned up to a resident residential standard. That area was not as 00:17:41
I'd say, contaminated. And I know Pete and you guys have worked really closely in this, but you can add anything. You're welcome. 00:17:47
But that area's been basically cleaned up and is is ready to go for really any type of use from an environmental standpoint on the 00:17:53
east side. So you're kind of that turquoise and bluish colors and where the university sits, that area has been under remediation 00:17:59
for a long time. 00:18:05
Good cleanup process and we're still kind of in the process of that. Would you like to add anything else? Yeah. 00:18:41
Pete Evans with Anderson, Geneva. We own the property on the east side. 00:18:51
And are in a partnership on the West side. So just kind of in general. 00:18:56
This area is really designated in to three different areas. There are areas that have been cleaned up, there are areas that are 00:19:03
unregulated and were never contaminated, and then there are areas that are still being cleaned up. So everything that you see 00:19:10
there in the red is cleaned up to what the Department of Environmental Quality calls clean without controls. 00:19:17
Mean there are no restrictions, no controls. It's been sampled and tested and approved for any land use designation, anything that 00:19:25
you want to do that residential, whatever. 00:19:32
Then there are areas on the east side which have been cleaned up, but they have they still have restrictions on what you can do on 00:19:38
that lane. 00:19:43
So some of that will be cleaned up to industrial standard. 00:19:48
So that there will be an environmental covenant. 00:19:52
And. 00:19:56
A mitigation plan that will be associated with that land, and it will be there forever as long as that land stays in that 00:19:58
condition. 00:20:02
And then there's areas on the east side where there was number industrial impact and that area is not regulated by DEQ. And so 00:20:06
those are not part of the DEQ oversight regulation. 00:20:12
So there's been, you know, over $100 million spent cleaning up the property on the east and the West side. The West side has been 00:20:19
sampled. 00:20:24
Ad Nauseam has been designated as clean without controls, no further action, and completely clean. 00:20:29
The east side, again, there are some areas over there that have both been cleaned up and have environmental covenants and land use 00:20:38
restrictions. And then there's areas on the east side that are currently still being cleaned up. 00:20:44
And that's an ongoing process that will take several more years for that cleanup to happen. And then there are areas on the east 00:20:51
side that were not contaminated and they are not regulated. 00:20:56
You gotta sorry you have to come up. 00:21:04
But it's it still needs to be into the microphone so I can capture it. Thank you. 00:21:08
And just state your name. 00:21:14
State your name and where you live. 00:21:17
Please state your name and my name is Carolyn Snowden Resident. 00:21:21
And so my question to you is, you say. 00:21:27
I'm new to all of this, so we just moved here not long ago. When you say it's been cleaned up and the process is ongoing, how is 00:21:29
it being cleaned up? What is the process for it to be cleaned? Yeah. So it it totally depends on the type of impact that there was 00:21:37
and what the characteristic of that soil or in some cases underground water on the east side, what that impact is. So for example, 00:21:44
on the West side where that was. 00:21:52
A big detention pond, they call it the cooling pond, right? So they would extract water out of the ground, they would run it 00:22:00
through their machinery and cool their machinery. And then they would impound that water in a big reservoir West of the railroad 00:22:06
tracks. And then that water would cool back down to ambient temperature. It would recycle through. And so it was like a giant 00:22:12
heater system. They reuse it, but it was a closed system. So the impact of that land really was whatever microscopic particles 00:22:17
were being picked up in the pipes as. 00:22:23
Through that closed radiator system. So that that was very simple. That was just that dirt was scraped, scraped off that land, and 00:22:30
then all of that land was very, very heavily sampled. So they took the dirt away. They took the dirt away. Then all of those 00:22:36
samples were turned into DEQ. They all came up clean. DEQ came out and inspected everything. They didn't own their own stuff. We 00:22:41
had third party verification from consultants and engineers and they said this land is clean. You can do whatever you want with 00:22:47
it. All right with that. 00:22:53
On the east side, again, it just depends on where we're talking about. So what kind of facilities could build on the east side? 00:23:00
So like I said, there's land that was unrestricted because there was not an environmental impact to that process. There were other 00:23:12
areas like under the actual steel making facilities where there were some environmental impact. There's some areas over there 00:23:17
where there's some groundwater that's impacted, right, so. 00:23:23
It really depends on where and each of those areas have a specific mitigation plan that's being executed. So some of those have 00:23:30
been closed, those plants have been closed and and most of those ones on the east side have been closed. 00:23:37
Were cleaned up. 00:23:45
Conditions on those cleanups, so they say you can do a warehouse here or you can do a distribution center. 00:23:47
We could do light industrial manufacturing. 00:23:53
I'm so sorry. I'm gonna, I'm gonna cut this off real quick. If you have more questions, you have GEQ and the stuff that they go 00:23:57
through. Yeah, yeah. After the meeting, if you have more questions about how the DEQ filters everything and that can be a really 00:24:03
long distance. You know what might be helpful? Every single out of questions about just like we've referred tonight, if the, you 00:24:08
know, if the property owners would be willing to maybe do a, a, a work session with us and, and I, I think, I think that would 00:24:14
kind of help. 00:24:19
Yeah. And we could, we could even show like the footprints of everything in the different maps. And I, I think that because I 00:24:26
think looking at this like you, you don't realize, but that east side you're at, you know, if you take all that land, you know, 4 00:24:31
to 500 acres massive, it's a lot bigger than like a typical zoning map, maybe 10 acres. No, that's like really big. And if we 00:24:36
could get somebody from DEQ to come and kind of explain some things too, I think that would be very beneficial. Yeah, we, we can 00:24:41
look into that. 00:24:46
OK, OK. 00:24:52
Do I have a motion to close? Oh, we already closed a couple of. No, we didn't close it. We didn't close it. OK. 00:24:54
I moved to close the public hearing. 00:25:01
Second, all in favor? 00:25:04
All right, moving on to item 2.2, Homesteads Pod one live work development agreement. 00:25:08
Do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? 00:25:15
I move to open up a public hearing. 00:25:18
2nd. 00:25:22
Chris all in favor? 00:25:23
All right, all right, thank you. I'll have Michael Michaelson the he's the project manager come up. So I'll, I'll give kind of 00:25:27
just a brief summary and then he'll he'll get into into the details of the project. 00:25:33
Do you want to bring that up? 00:25:42
Good. Good evening, everyone. 00:25:50
Really quick, just yeah. So this is one that we've been working on for about kind of a year, I believe so on the staff level. And 00:25:57
then we came to the Planning Commission. I think we've had maybe 2 work sessions on this and then we had both the long last time 00:26:05
the one before. So I really do appreciate Mike Olsen's efforts. We we talked to Mike a while back about. 00:26:13
About this project and they had some some really kind of visionary ideas and and how we could provide more. 00:26:22
Kind of low cost employment areas because if you think about the cost being a young person coming out of college trying to find a 00:26:28
place to live and if you want to do a start up business, typically those are going to be two separate leases and that's going to 00:26:34
be very expensive to get, you know your traditional. 00:26:39
Office space or you know, warehouse space or that kind of stuff. What this does, a live work unit essentially combines that into 00:26:46
one lease and it makes it a really cost effective place so that they have a place to live and a place to have to have to start a 00:26:51
business. And so the area that we're talking about and I'll just show you. 00:26:56
So that provides 56 essentially kind of a townhome type setup where the ground floor is set up so that it's a it's a flex area 00:27:04
where where they can set up a business. It's it's, it's set up with that for the ceiling heights and just kind of the the openness 00:27:12
of the area and it has kind of a professional environment. The outside elevations will have kind of a a storefront type type feel 00:27:19
to it. And so it's something that we are, you know, we're we're very excited about. We've talked to. 00:27:26
UVU about potentially trying to do some sort of a partnership with their business Resource Center. So as people develop business 00:27:34
ideas in college, that this could be a really great spot for someone to come and to and to have a cost effective way to to to 00:27:41
start a business and to, you know, and a place to live. And anyway, so it would be limited to that kind of that that Northside. 00:27:47
And I'll turn the time over to Mike to explain anything else. 00:27:53
Good evening everyone. 00:28:01
These units are part of my development agreement that was agreed to in December of 2011. So I have on my development agreement I 00:28:03
have 288 units on Part 1. 00:28:09
The development agreement also required me to rebuild new Vineyard Rd. which we did in 2016 and 2017. And that's shown there in 00:28:16
the kind of the purple and in the blue color and that's been given back over to the city. I think we needed that to the city in 00:28:22
2018. 00:28:28
So these unit types also came up during COVID and we have a project in West Valley Kearns in Salt Lake County where a number of of 00:28:34
residents were returning home to work without having any proper zoning. And so we started to look at these units that would 00:28:44
accommodate someone who works at home, whether it be during COVID or just the fact they didn't want to go back into the office. 00:28:54
So I've not increased the number of units, I've not increased the number of bedrooms and I've not increased the number of square 00:29:05
footage in the units. 00:29:08
Everything ties back to my development agreement. 00:29:13
These units would have, and part of the development agreement would have agreed upon uses. I can't have a commercial kitchen. I 00:29:17
can't have a deep fryer. I can't have a hood vent. 00:29:24
And these units, if we get approval, will start the underground improvements probably early February and have some of these units 00:29:32
start ready for construction by the 1st of July. 00:29:39
Just one more thing, when we started working on this with city staff, we looked at some parking issues kind of around the city and 00:29:51
since we built the road that you see in blue. 00:29:57
We started to look at rebuilding the road by cutting the existing curb line out and pushing it back onto our property, which 00:30:03
allowed us, I think we picked up 167 additional parking spaces just in pod one. 00:30:11
So. 00:30:20
We'll do those improvements as we kind of build our way through the development. We're probably four years out before we 00:30:22
completely finish all of the 288 units in Part 1. 00:30:28
Any questions? 00:30:36
Yes. 00:30:39
I don't want to blossom too much, so I wanted just to point out just a few of kind of the site features as well. What's really 00:30:42
kind of exciting about this is that it'll provide the employees and the residents of those units the, the ability to access the 00:30:49
clubhouse as well. And so it kind of helps to, to, to monetize the, the workspace. 00:30:57
On the Northside, they're providing a dog run. I know that was really important thing from I think every time we have a Planning 00:31:05
Commission meeting, that's one of the main questions, like it's either parking or is there it's about dogs. And so there's at 00:31:12
least a spot for it. The park, Kelly Boren Memorial Park, that is currently a City Park, but it actually fits better as an HOA 00:31:19
park. So that's a park that was dedicated a long time ago. 00:31:26
To the city from from Mike's group. 00:31:33
But we actually would rather the city is our request that Mike's group take it back and stay as open space. They would be able to 00:31:36
maintain it at a much higher level than the city would. So it save us money in that regard. Right now, it's essentially being used 00:31:42
as a dog park, which you can't because it's you're not supposed to, because it's it's a works functions as a detention basin too 00:31:48
for storm water. And so you can't put a, you know, a dog facility for obviously reasons. 00:31:54
There and so it would provide the clubhouse is right right next to it. That's that that square right there to the to the West. 00:32:01
So we provide an on staff person that would be able to help kind of with the overall enforcement of that of that space. The other 00:32:07
kind of amenity too is on the east side adjacent to the tracks where you see it on the red line indicating the railroad right of 00:32:13
the way. There is parking spaces that are added. Those will be public parking spaces and they'll be an easement that'll be 00:32:19
established that'll provide a public easement to those parking spaces. The idea is that that's a trail that that will connect more 00:32:25
regionally. 00:32:31
Now, as you see UVU get built out in the downtown get built out, that'll be a direct link to the front runner station and then up 00:32:37
until Linden to the the Linden Hollow trail. So it'll actually provide a regional connection that, you know, will could take you 00:32:43
up to the Pearl Canyon. And so that that was a spot where, you know, if someone wants to to do like a regional ride on a Saturday, 00:32:49
you'll provide the actual public parking. So we we felt that that was a really great kind of asset to the city. The other thing 00:32:55
too, Mike's group will. 00:33:01
They'll pay for and build the. 00:33:08
They'll stub water to that area right there. And so if the city wants to build out their community garden program more in the 00:33:11
future, it's been very successful. So this could be a very good spot for another kind of phase of community gardens. But we'd have 00:33:17
the utilities in place. Some of the issues of cover past gardens, we had to come in and kind of put that infrastructure in. But 00:33:23
then this will make it so essentially we just come in with our boxes, you know, when that when that show that time arrives. 00:33:30
I think, I think I think it's kind of kind of covers those other elements. I did have a couple of questions about the dog park and 00:33:38
the. 00:33:41
That part. Is it possible to swap them? I know that the dog park is only 20 feet wide and just throwing a ball or frisbee in a 20 00:33:46
foot wide area for a dog can be difficult. And if we're doing garden spaces, it seems like a 20 foot wide area would be kind of 00:33:54
perfect for garden boxes and also just on the other side of Center St. and not on your property. 00:34:02
There's a park right there too, so I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to swap the dog park with the. 00:34:11
With that park garden area, the way your thoughts were on that, we don't care. 00:34:19
OK, the only issue we have found in our. 00:34:24
Our other projects with dogs is just a continually maintenance of cleaning up and you know, we've gone from concrete to press 00:34:29
granite to gravel to and if somebody doesn't clean up after their dog, it's it's a nightmare. And so but yeah, we'd be happy to 00:34:36
look at any of those changes. We kind of processed our site plan. OK, cool. 00:34:44
OK, if it's if it's already a storm detention basin or planned, yeah, it kind of double s as open space. I mean, it's not like 00:35:22
super deep. And so you're you know, it's not a huge slope and so people go out and they can throw a frisbee and stuff like that. 00:35:29
But at least right now we don't want it to be like an official dog park. That's fine. OK. And then as far as parking, I just 00:35:36
wanted to clarify the street parking that you have, is that included in your. 00:35:43
Parking for the individual units, yes. 00:35:50
Also, public parking, OK, So in our parking management plan, if I have a resident that has a sticker, that person can be there 24 00:35:53
hours a day. If they don't, they're going to get the city's going to fall or we'll tell them, OK? 00:36:00
OK. And then? 00:36:08
For those areas that are on the street, is that on public property or is that on your own property? OK, OK. The front of the car 00:36:12
would be on our property. The back of the car would be on the city property, OK. 00:36:19
And then as far as a parking management plan, do you have anything in place for you were saying a sticker, I think it's in the 00:36:28
development agreement, OK. 00:36:32
That's what, So what we would do with this, if the development agreement gets approved, what that does is it essentially the main 00:36:39
part of that is approving the use of the live work units. And then what Mike, Mike's team would do is they would then file for a 00:36:46
site plan. The site plan would come and you would see really like high level details and we would dimension out everything. 00:36:53
And that's where like the, you know, the street parking that that's where we would we would then have his his engineer come in and 00:37:00
and analyze at a higher level. I mean, you you would have actual site planning documents as opposed to more just kind of a higher 00:37:07
level development agreement exhibits. OK. So in the current developer agreement, that doesn't say anything to the effect of. 00:37:14
The pet parking will be allowed on the public streets or are they just in there isn't? Yeah. But what we would design it and so it 00:37:22
would it would be a construction. 00:37:27
Level type type design, OK as opposed to more conceptual where you go yeah, this is kind of where we're going. We know we need 00:37:32
like X, you know linear feet that's kind of what we did here. But this would be an actual length designed plan that that could be 00:37:39
implemented by contractor. My biggest concern being that there are other developments that have property that's. 00:37:46
That's next to a public St. a vineyard on street where we don't allow them to use the street parking for their development. So I 00:37:54
wonder why we would allow in in this case. This is this is parking that's been built into it. And so it would be expanding the 00:38:00
right of way. And so that that that's part of it. Whereas a lot of just like the the streets where we have issues, they weren't 00:38:05
built with parking into it. Like if you look at the downtown, the downtown is pulled out and and the parking is like built it into 00:38:11
the sides. 00:38:17
Those are things that the city can look at, but as far as. 00:38:53
You know, like whether or not you could do it. Yeah, you do. It's just a matter of designing it so that it works OK. 00:38:56
OK, I just bring it up. I just bring it up because of the lakefront stuff. How do I have the parking where there is parking? It's 00:39:05
meant to be parking for the lake eventually. Yeah, that's more programming. That's just however the city wants to program that 00:39:11
space. But that's an area where same thing, the the parking was purposeful. Like when we worked with the contractor, we designed 00:39:18
it so they could have parked in on. 00:39:24
That kind of thing. It's flip sides here and there, but it's built into it. So how many of the street parking? 00:39:31
Spaces are going to be open all the time for people that want to visit these businesses and stuff. How many of them? 00:39:37
Are open all the time. I mean, they'll be open all the time. I guess more of what I'm asking is say you're at full capacity for 00:39:45
all the units and they all have like you've given out all the parking stickers and every single one of those parking stickers 00:39:49
somebody's parking. 00:39:54
How many? How many are left? 00:39:59
No residential parking on the north side. That's what we talked about. 00:40:03
And then on the South side you'd still be able to apartment still like during the day if someone leaves them and it's it's open 00:40:08
parking. 00:40:11
So it would really still follow the same night night parking, but that that's up to you. Like if you, if you want to, we could 00:40:15
look at kind of during the site planning how we how we program it on the north side too. You can even do like a two hour, 3 hour 00:40:21
limit just so the parking turns over more. OK. 00:40:27
Galore are going to want to go here and they're going to have little shops pop up and my wife was like, this is this is great. 00:41:03
I've always wanted to do XYZ thing and I'm not going to tell you guys because you'll steal her ideas. But no, I think it's a great 00:41:09
idea. Is there enough parking, though? That's my concern. And do we have enough in here to require reevaluation of if you build 00:41:16
out a phase and it ends up, you know, being great and it's taking multiple years? How do we increase that capacity? 00:41:22
So we don't and I live over in Cascade, so we have Tucker Row and the other apartments there that have gone through these issues 00:41:29
where we built some of the higher density stuff. 00:41:32
There's been parking issues. You have a mix of rental ownership right now it's entirely going to be rentals, but but you could 00:41:36
sell units and there could be complexity created. So is there more? And I think this is a question for Morgan and the city. Have 00:41:44
we adequately addressed the the risk that it could be more popular than we're anticipating where they sell units and does the 00:41:51
parking strategy account for that? Yeah, right now we so as as the development States and as is the tile they they have. 00:41:59
Enough parking when they with this added use, I think it was 167 additional spaces that are being provided and that will help with 00:42:06
kind of the overflow for the resident, for the those living there and, and, and also for, for, for the, for the businesses. And we 00:42:14
have identified potentially there, there may be some other areas where parking could could be added. I mean, it's, it's one of 00:42:21
those things where it's in our best interest that it functions really well because just like you said, if it, you know. 00:42:29
Starts turning into a situation where it's hard to get in there and it's going to hurt the business as well. And so that's 00:42:37
something too that we can kind of delve even deeper in for the site plans typically where you get into like those level details. 00:42:42
But I mean, if there are things that you wanted to insert in the development agreement as like a safeguard, you could, you could 00:42:48
definitely do that. I mean, we don't have a parking management plan requirement in this one like we do in the forage agreement. Is 00:42:54
there a reason we wouldn't want that? 00:43:00
Development like this where there's at least some concern, yeah, we have some level of it just from the HOA, how the HOA is going 00:43:07
to manage it, but we could. 00:43:12
And so if you're wanting something like like at the level of the Forge that I mean that they're doing it at a pretty high level. I 00:43:18
mean, one thing you could do is have, if you wanted to approve it, you could do it with a condition that a parking management plan 00:43:25
gets approved through site plan. That's how the Forge has it. And you can actually put that language in, in the, in the 00:43:32
development agreement. That's how the Forge, what was drafted was that the parking management plan before any buildings can be. 00:43:39
Approved through the site plan process. 00:43:47
They would bring their parking management plan to the Planning Commission for approval. That I think would be a really reasonable 00:43:49
thing to do. And then you could also, if you, you know, you could have Mike even look at additional places in the, in the 00:43:54
development just to kind of highlight. 00:44:00
Is this This mapping doesn't really show really great, but. 00:44:06
Mike, I'm parking here, here. 00:44:10
Here, here off the street parking. 00:44:14
Throughout the community and so it comes spread out. 00:44:38
So they weren't quite a bad and he's got a pretty big effort just to make sure he put it like wherever, wherever he could. But I 00:44:41
think it's, you know, that's, that's one of the things through the side plan. If you put that in the, in the development agreement 00:44:47
requirement for parking management plan to be approved prior to issuance of a, of a site plan, you know, that's, that's how we 00:44:54
have it set up before. So I, I think that would be kind of consistent with how we've done in the past. 00:45:01
Another thing, I know that the trail is being added in on the north side which will kind of connect things going South, but it was 00:45:11
a concern in the last meeting as with these parking stalls here. 00:45:17
And kind of people crossing the road or biking on here kind of the safety of that and we talked about reverse parking, but have 00:45:23
you thought anymore especially about these spots right here just with. 00:45:29
The car is coming this direction. I know that was a concern of some. 00:45:36
Members of the commissioners report that was turned into the city. 00:45:41
On that curve that my engineer. 00:45:46
Traffic, whatever, had no concern on that. 00:45:49
We've added a crosswalk that connects phase seven and five, and another one that attaches right in front of my clubhouse and goes 00:45:52
over to Phase 8. 00:45:59
So we put two crosswalks in there and I think our development treatment calls for those both to have flashers installed, so. 00:46:07
Cool. Great. 00:46:20
Any other questions? Yeah, So in the letters from the engineer, I'm noticing that they they don't mention the impact of parking 00:46:22
with that curve specifically and what the impact on traffic would be for people pulling out. 00:46:30
They do mention that he doesn't recommend reverse parking because to sum up. 00:46:39
It would be inconvenient for the public to relearn. 00:46:47
So, and he does specifically say that he's concerned about the safety of erratic movements or over corrections to accommodate the 00:46:54
new conditions. 00:47:00
And. 00:47:08
I do feel like that is a valid argument to be made, but if we could continue to consider the reverse in parking. 00:47:10
People really fly around that corner. 00:47:19
First parking issue we had is that what Rd. is not wide enough even? OK OK so they would have to go. 00:47:22
So you have to go right in the middle. OK, that's good to know. 00:47:31
OK, so. 00:47:36
The diagonal parking might be the best we can ask for as I was looking like OK. 00:47:38
OK. 00:47:44
One thing that does help and we could, we could work with, with Mike's team on this as well, where you have those crosswalks, 00:47:47
that's an opportunity where you can do a bulb out, but a bulb out does it shortens the distance for someone to cross the roadway. 00:47:53
And, and, and oftentimes if you put like the lights there too, that that kind of creates in, in kind of planning what we call 00:48:00
like. 00:48:06
Friction, so you know, even though you're not, you know, physically touching it as you're driving. 00:48:13
If you have like $12.00 and things like that, then it makes you slow down and, and so those, those types of things help. And so 00:48:17
we've kind of considered is there a way for just like this section right here to make it like a slower section where people feel, 00:48:23
you know, better crossing because they will have the ability to, to access the clubhouse and, and those kind of things. And kind 00:48:28
of vice versa. Residents may want to use the dog run. And so we could utilize kind of those crosswalks areas as an opportunity to 00:48:34
create. 00:48:39
You know, like like put places to to slow down so visually as you're driving. 00:48:46
You're like, you're seeing like maybe like it feels landscaping comes out right there, but it provides a shorting crossing 00:48:50
distance. The feeling of the narrowness will naturally slow down. OK, It's because, yeah, the pedestrian and bike safety. 00:48:56
Paramount and then also. 00:49:05
I I just am concerned of with people backing out into traffic and then someone just flying around that corner. So as I don't know, 00:49:08
I enjoy also driving fast and it's kind of fun, but we've got to like make it less fun for people right there. 00:49:17
I don't drive a car. 00:49:30
25, yeah, it would be. It's a 25. 00:49:37
25. 00:49:40
So I mean, Danto Provo has it down to 15, which you can't even really coast it to 15. So but it's worth, it's worth considering. 00:49:42
You do notice about the pro. And I know there's been a lot of complaints with the kind of the how the parking is, but what they've 00:49:50
recently done is they created crosswalk tables. And so they they've they've elevated the crosswalks at the at the beginning of 00:49:57
kind of that, that. 00:50:04
Didn't work. You have an angle parking and at the end of it. So the east and West sides both have that. And so it kind of helps 00:50:12
to, I've noticed since they've done that, it sort of helps kind of set the standard like you're entering and entering a zone. The 00:50:18
parking still can be a little annoying, you know, I definitely see that, but that sometimes it's what you do with the 00:50:25
infrastructure. As I'm saying, those crosswalks could be an opportunity to sort of help set the tone. 00:50:31
For that block. 00:50:39
I look forward to seeing the site plan when it comes to we can talk further about it. Any other questions from the Commission 00:50:41
Council? 00:50:45
Any questions? No. 00:50:50
All right, we'll move to public hearing. 00:50:53
So again, state your name, what neighborhood you're from, and try to keep it to 3 minutes. If you have questions, I'll write them 00:50:59
down. 00:51:02
I've been talking to Mike. 00:51:08
Shawn Herring. 00:51:11
1st, I love live work. I think it's a great concept. Everything in Hawaii is gonna be these live working units, right? 00:51:15
Yeah. Just answer real quick. Just the next question, OK. That's 288. 00:51:23
Is each unit going to be live owned by the same work owned people or can that be? Is it going to be condomized? I guess so I guess 00:51:28
the ownership of the two. I live and work and. 00:51:36
And then if they are owned by the same, what's stopping one from subletting the other? And I did a 23 unit live work. 00:51:45
Development in Sandy and ran into a bunch of issues and the biggest issue was parking. I know it sounds like we we got a lot of 00:51:55
parking here, but when you've got say a married couple living up top and a small business below, even with two or three employees, 00:52:02
you're looking at 5 cars or more per unit. 00:52:09
So the parking in there is a tough one to calculate because it is always a nightmare and you can go through any live work 00:52:17
development and see the exact same thing. 00:52:21
So the use is, are they owned? Can they be sublet? Can we not let that happen? 00:52:26
The other thing they made us do, which I kind of complained about, didn't like it, but they made us have a door from the live to 00:52:31
the work. 00:52:34
Because for whatever reason, someone coming in and leasing a work unit did not want a door to somebody's house. 00:52:39
We initially didn't have that in our concepts and in our architectural plans, but they made us do that to make sure to try to make 00:52:46
sure that the live and work are the same people. So I love to live work idea. I just would be extremely cautious with that amount 00:52:53
of parking and and even the amount of employees allowed to work there except and fit 5 or 6 employees in the space of each other 00:53:00
probably so. 00:53:06
That's my concern. All right. Thank you, Tim. 00:53:14
Ryan, Hawaii resident I almost sat down because I echo a lot of those. I think it's a fantastic idea and concept. I am a manager 00:53:19
of employees and I know how many more cars come when you have businesses in an environment. What terrifies me is that 00:53:28
approximately a few months ago we had a high school senior not more than a mile away hit on the side of a Rd. 00:53:36
On For Sale and the parking on 4 S, if you guys recall, is parallel parking. There is no need for people to there is a great need 00:53:45
for people to cross the streets and she was hit in twilight hours when somebody was traveling westbound, which is the direction 00:53:52
this road turns. 00:53:58
At high speeds, as previously noticed, and we are. 00:54:05
Setting ourselves up for a lot of heartache, I believe. 00:54:10
For for residents who have small children potentially to have a fatality and I and I urge the Planning Commission to reconsider 00:54:15
it. 00:54:19
Sidewalk parking and make that make those parking spaces go on site to remove that possibility. 00:54:26
Sienna's family is paying price for, you know, somebody's. 00:54:34
Driving into the sunset, unfortunately, and I. 00:54:39
My heart breaks to the front thinking about this, so that's my best. Thank you, Ryan. 00:54:44
My name is Terry Ewing. 00:54:53
I'm resident apparently. 00:54:56
Cooling pond area. 00:54:58
I didn't know. 00:55:00
Probably that will help, yes. No, the speakers are not able to turn that a little bit. 00:55:05
Yeah, yeah. That's fine. We can probably hear you. So yeah, Yeah. Can we turn the podium? Yeah. Bargain. You got that. 00:55:14
There we go. That's good. Hi. 00:55:27
You know, my surrounder probably only starts. I think it starts at 25, so. 00:55:31
So, Terry Ewing, I live. 00:55:37
In the villas for cooling ponds. 00:55:40
I haven't had any water out of my faucet Anyway my concern my question I just have a request that in the in those places where 00:55:44
there is retail and then living over. 00:55:50
If we could have two or three places where that those facilities actually are working really well, are successful. 00:55:57
I'd really love to go however many miles to see them. 00:56:06
OK. All right. Thank you. 00:56:11
Hi, my name is Jim McGill I live in. 00:56:21
I have a question. I thought I heard the gentleman say that his developer agreement was signed in 2011. 00:56:27
So 12 years ago we agreed to this and we're we're building this is phase three that we're building. Is that right? 00:56:35
So we've built the yellow, built the purple, and now we're building the top white. I look at this, I look at this and it is 00:56:44
startling to me again at the density. It's also startling to me that these are not owner occupied units anywhere in this entire 00:56:50
area. 00:56:57
I, I don't know, I talked to this gentleman just for a second. I don't know how long or what the rules are on a developer 00:57:06
agreement, but I think that. 00:57:09
One that hasn't been reviewed in 12 years is worthy of discussion again with the community. This community has changed drastically 00:57:13
in 12 years and and all I'm hearing about now on the radio is Governor Cox and his desire to put people in homes, put people in in 00:57:20
owner occupied homes and that is. 00:57:28
This is this is an area. 00:57:37
Recognizing that it was agreed upon 11 years ago, this is an area where Vineyard could do better. 00:57:39
And I don't know exactly how to go about doing that, but 11-12 years is too long to sit on your haunches and not do your and not 00:57:44
build your project and then expect the people that have moved in the last 12 years to be cool with this. We didn't get anybody 00:57:51
that's been here longer than 12 years, less than 12 years, did not get to support this, did not get to hear it, did not get to 00:57:58
vote on it. As a matter of fact, 12 years ago, population was half of what it is today. So that's really concerning. Thank you. 00:58:05
Please keep any guys sorry. Keep any of that quiet, please. 00:58:16
Thank you. 00:58:24
I just have a question about the capacity of new Vineyard Rd. I read Gilson's engineering report where he said that Phase 7 and 8 00:58:27
will not affect the capacity of the road. OK, that's 56 units we already have. How many units in phase one? We've got 47. Phase 2 00:58:36
is coming on with 20. Next phase two phases coming on, that's additional 56. 00:58:45
By the time this is all built out would be 288 units. 00:58:55
That new Vineyard Rd. is going to be very difficult to navigate right now that that that roundabout is a tight roundabout. The 00:59:00
road is narrow, even though I appreciate that he has widened it, improved it. 00:59:07
But along with that parking, it's going to be very difficult. 00:59:15
To go up and down that road and that's my concern, I. 00:59:21
I don't know how we could address that other than. 00:59:28
Having him pulled back, maybe on the South side, widening that road so we have better capacity, better. 00:59:33
Parking for those. 00:59:40
Those live work units. 00:59:42
And also I have a question about the crosswalks. 00:59:46
Are they going to be straight crosswalks? Because I thought when we were the last Planning Commission in November, they showed 00:59:51
sidewalks that was kind of off, off center, one side this way and one side this way. And I want to know why they're having two 00:59:57
different crosswalks. And I think they should choose the safest 1. I think the one off center would be difficult. Somebody might 01:00:02
keep running. 01:00:08
Not on the sidewalk, you know, instead making that jog over. 01:00:15
And so those are my concerns. Thank you, Jerry. 01:00:18
Ross Levin's resident. It's already been talked about because it's just a diagonal person. 01:00:30
Thickest flawed we're backing with that road today and just backing into traffic. He's just going to gum things up. It's going to 01:00:34
cause accidents. It's going to cause like someone else said that people getting hit just just flawed. It's no good and Progo and 01:00:40
Center St. and I just wanted to. 01:00:45
Have it at home one more time. 01:00:52
Thanks, Russell. 01:00:56
Any other comments from the public? 01:01:00
All right. Let's get into some of these questions then. I'm close public comment. 01:01:04
Yeah, we can close public comment. Do I have a motion to close public comment all in favor, Aye. All right, getting into these I'm 01:01:10
up here again too. But with Shawn's question is live work units, they will be the owner, the owner will will be the only one to do 01:01:17
it. They won't be able to stop lenders at all. But I'll let I'll let Mike answer that a little bit better than me on the sublease 01:01:24
scene. We'll control that by. 01:01:31
Business license with the city and also with the management of the subdivision. It won't be allowed. 01:01:38
Yeah. And then as far as employees go, having employees come and driving and having a car, how's that gonna the flex space that 01:01:44
is. 01:01:50
The work unit is only 350 square feet. We can limit the number of employees in the space. That's easy to do. Can we limit that in 01:01:58
the developer agreement? Absolutely. OK, OK, we'll we'll get into that a little bit more, but I'll keep working through these. 01:02:06
And so the separation from the live work is what kind of separation is it? Will there be, there is a door there? Yeah. As soon as 01:02:17
you walk into the flex space, there's another door towards the back that leads up to the residential unit. There will never be an 01:02:24
occasion where the person that is using the flex space is not the resident upstairs. 01:02:30
And then I. 01:02:43
With the crosswalks, as far as the angles crosswalks, are there any angle crosswalks? Are they just straight across the road? 01:02:46
And then for parking, is there any possibility of having off street parking of getting the instead of having the street parking 01:02:56
there, of moving it all off St. into a small parking lot or something? 01:03:04
I'd have to reevaluate how we've laid out the site. 01:03:12
OK, I could probably get some off site parking. I already have some off site parking on both the Northside and the South side by 01:03:17
adding the additional parking spaces. 01:03:21
OK. And we're only talking 56 units that we'll have this live work. I'm not doing 288 units with live work. I'm only doing 56. 01:03:27
And then? 01:03:42
Speaking with speaking about the. 01:03:45
What I think, I believe it was Jim that mentioned it. This was approved in 2011 when the majority of our homes were approved. All 01:03:49
of the homesteads development where I live, probably where a lot of you live, they were approved in 2011. Lots of single family 01:03:57
homes and this section of townhomes was approved and whether or not you agree with it or like it. 01:04:05
It was available to see on. 01:04:14
Coming into the city or asking somebody about it when you moved here, I actually had a map before I moved here in 2016 of this 01:04:18
area with my neighborhood included that showed that there were gonna be 288 units here and. 01:04:26
Sometimes it's hard to find that information if you don't know where to look, but asking a city employee or something, you can 01:04:34
find that information really easily. And if you don't agree with it now, I'm sorry, but when you bought your house here, which all 01:04:41
of us that have bought our house here in the last 12 years, which is I bet 95% of us or more, this was already approved and taking 01:04:47
away property rights from somebody that has property rights like. 01:04:54
Like if I bought a piece of land in a town and wanted to purchase and wanted to build a home and I knew that I could build this 01:05:02
specific home and then ten years later someone's like, you know what? I don't want you to build that house there. You can't build 01:05:08
a house. Like how do you feel about that? Like people have property rights. And when you make a developer agreement, you have 01:05:13
vested rights, which means that you can build what was agreed upon. And even though a lot of the city has been built and many of 01:05:19
the homes that are. 01:05:25
That we live in now, we're part of this developer agreement. That doesn't mean that because we don't like it now that these homes 01:05:31
are here that we can just take that away. So whether or not you agree with that, I, I can't say, but that is, that's how it was. 01:05:38
That's how the developer agreement was approved. And you can't just take away rights like that. 01:05:45
Mr. Chair, I can answer that a little further if you want. 01:05:54
So Bryce gave a really nice summary of. 01:05:57
Property rights in the state and how they work and, and that's accurate. The development agreement that was approved 10 years ago 01:06:02
was a development agreement that set the zoning rights that the owner of the property enjoys and and is vested in. 01:06:09
And so what's before you today is really a negotiated improvement to that development agreement. It I went through the agreement 01:06:17
while the comments were coming in, just to note the things that it would change from the original agreement. It adds parking, it 01:06:26
adds a parking management requirement. It allocates the parking such that there are spaces set aside for public use. 01:06:35
There are spaces set aside for the live work units so that. 01:06:44
The live work units that will have customers during the day will have places for those customers to park that are near the live 01:06:48
work units that won't encumber or get in the way of the. 01:06:53
Other residences. 01:06:59
There are concessions by the developer to improve some of the amenities in the area. We talked about the dog park, we talked about 01:07:02
stubbing the area for. 01:07:06
The future garden use, if we want to do that, it limits occupancy and has an agreement in in there that would. 01:07:11
Reduce or or cap that occupancy so we understand it a little bit better and then it clarifies on the live work units what that use 01:07:22
is, what the uses are that are permitted within that area. It's sometimes hard to appreciate the time that goes into negotiating a 01:07:28
lot of those provisions and the, the many conversations we have offline with the developer to work on those and and try to make 01:07:35
sure that they're improvements to the prior agreement. But I, I really think what's. 01:07:42
Before the Planning Commission today is something that takes the rights that are already vested and tilts it to the benefit of the 01:07:49
city in really important ways. 01:07:54
Thanks, Amy. 01:07:59
So touching on some other things as far as owner occupied. 01:08:02
Why aren't you doing any other occupied? I know you touched on this in the last public Planning Commission meeting, but just. 01:08:08
Go over it again. Just made a decision as a developer to keep the units and Lisa, yeah, it's just a just a business decision. 01:08:15
OK. And Jamie, maybe you could talk about this too, as far as the city making? 01:08:24
Is there anything that the city could do to require a developer to have owner occupied units? 01:08:31
Not the terms of the development agreement. Leave that decision up to the developer. There are things you could put in code you 01:08:39
know for future uses. It wouldn't apply to a use that's already approved. OK, so currently this developer. 01:08:46
Can put in 288 units in this like you said, like Jamie was saying he's added parking he's added different amenities and he's made 01:08:55
the possibility for live work units which was not the live work units is really the big discussion here is do we want live work 01:09:02
units in the city or do we not the benefit that we get with the woodwork units is live work units we can walk there we can go to 01:09:09
these units as far as. 01:09:16
Density. It's going to be the same either way. 01:09:24
As far as parking, we're getting more parking. So the big question with this development is. 01:09:26
Is do we want live work units and so. 01:09:34
Yeah. Are there any other questions from the Commission or from the Council? 01:09:38
All right. Thank you, Mark. Thanks, Mike. 01:09:44
Moving on to. 01:09:47
2.3. 01:09:52
Moving on to 2.3, the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement. 01:09:55
Do I have a motion to open up a public hearing? I move to open a public hearing. Drive a second. 01:10:00
Second all in favor, aye. 01:10:07
All right. 01:10:10
Mr. Chair, there's a little procedural wrinkle to this. Do you want me to explain that? OK, so this items on the agenda for public 01:10:19
hearing and then a recommendation from the Planning Commission. 01:10:25
The developer and applicant in this circumstance is asking us to modify the agreement to make it 2 separate agreements instead of 01:10:31
one agreement with the substance being the same but the form of the agreement being a little different where it's two separate. 01:10:40
Their reason for the request I understand is tax related. It doesn't affect what the city's rights or what the city receives. 01:10:49
Under the agreement, So what we propose to do today is continue with the public hearing. 01:10:59
You can make your recommendation based on the substance of the agreements and then when it comes to the City Council, we'll split 01:11:06
the two agreements for that tax reason. 01:11:10
I'll review it to make sure that it doesn't change the substance of what you've recommended and what you've approved, but it'll go 01:11:16
forward in a little different form than what you have in front of you today. So what? What does it mean by splitting it into two 01:11:21
like 2 sections of it? Or what exactly? 01:11:27
Land use. 01:11:38
Will be a separate agreement. 01:11:41
OK. And then so you'll want us to continue the public hearing to like have the public hearing but have it open, OK. 01:11:42
So I wanted to note that now, so. 01:11:55
OK. Thank you. 01:12:03
And a peanut might might have a good Abby come up. 01:12:13
If you wanna give an overview of it, thank you. 01:12:15
So members of the Planning Commission appreciate the opportunity. Pete Evans with the developer. So as originally proposed, this 01:12:21
was a land development donation agreement. Like Jamie mentioned, we're splitting those into a land donation agreement and then the 01:12:28
land use agreement so that the two were separated. So we're still still committing to donate the right of way that would be needed 01:12:34
for the Mill Road ext between 800. 01:12:41
North and 1600 N. 01:12:47
That alignment is has not been finalized. And so the agreement will basically say they'll have an exhibit showing the preliminary 01:12:50
alignment that's been designated by the city engineer when that gets the final design and final engineering and that will be the 01:12:57
right of way that's dedicated for that that road facility. 01:13:03
Yeah, for no, for no consideration. So that'll that's just the land donation, OK. 01:13:12
I guess maybe you can give a kind of a summary of what this is for everybody that's here. Yeah, sure. So that's the first part of 01:13:21
it. The second part of it is. 01:13:25
The land use agreement or is you know, a development agreement, so that part of it would vest the zoning that's currently in place 01:13:31
today, so the regional commercial. 01:13:38
The flex office industrial that we talked about at the very beginning of the meeting that Morgan showed this light up, those uses 01:13:45
would be invested so that we can rely on that zoning as we develop that area. That area will be years long in development and in 01:13:51
and in planning. 01:13:57
We're currently talking to users that are interested in those areas, in locating in those areas. 01:14:04
That process with those kinds of users takes a very long time and so it's important for us to have certainty in the zoning and 01:14:14
what we can rely on when we're doing both development plans and then also talking to potential users. 01:14:20
With the developers, well, another thing is, is we're planning on putting a lot of infrastructure in, get going on mill roads, 01:14:31
sewer, power, water, gas, as we found everywhere else in the city. And the infrastructure really needs to go in first before 01:14:36
things start to occur. And so just as Mill Road ext to the South went in and then everything started to blossom and develop around 01:14:42
it, similar thing to the north, we're not asking to change. 01:14:48
Any any zoning as a part of this? 01:14:54
It's just, you know, what's currently there and then the environmental, you know, that's been a question tonight. Anything that 01:14:58
goes there will have to meet the environmental covenants that DEQ sets out. 01:15:03
So Morgan, I guess the question for you. 01:15:12
If we weren't to approve this for some reason. 01:15:18
What would be the impact? Why is this coming forward now? I guess we do have. 01:15:24
Several medical uses, some even working in that area. Oh, sorry. So the city, I'm trying to do like some warm ups. All right, so 01:15:32
the city has been working quite a bit with medical users. So we do have the Huntsman Cancer Institute over on the downtown side. 01:15:39
And then the hope is that we get these other medical users. 01:15:46
To be able to locate on on the east side. And So what this does is it helps to to provide that the predictability as we as we work 01:15:54
with them from an economic development standpoint that they know that they can count on design. So it does it does help to lock in 01:16:00
the commercial and the medical zoning. And so that provides that that predictability as opposed to it it being changed. So it 01:16:06
helps from economic development because you know, if you're telling someone you can do a hospital here at medical use there if if 01:16:12
it's not something that. 01:16:18
See as concrete and it's, you know, it's, it's tougher to, to, to get them to commit. And so just to clarify, it's zoned for that 01:16:24
currently. But that zoning, what would it take to change that zoning? What we're doing too is in the use table. So it's passing an 01:16:31
ordinance. And so the use table that we have right now that we're proposing provides for, for those, those those medical uses. And 01:16:39
so we believe kind of under the zoning right now, it's very general. So we wanted to make it very specific. 01:16:46
So when we're talking to a hospital, we're talking to a medical provider or a research institution that we can actually point and 01:16:54
go look, it says research, you can do research here. That's really important to them before they're, you know, they're gonna make 01:17:00
a really significant investment that they actually see in the zoning that that they can count on that that land use being in 01:17:06
place. OK, so I know we have the zoning text amendment, but for this specifically, like what, what would it take to change the 01:17:12
zoning? Like what's the fear of the. 01:17:18
Of somebody coming in commercially that the zoning might change all of a sudden like. 01:17:24
Yeah, just to clarify, Yeah, Yeah. So that's exactly the fear. So the reality is for something to change, they would either have 01:17:31
to be an application submitted or there could be, you know, a city initiated zone change if they decided to redo the general plan 01:17:37
or land use designations. And so where this is going to be multiple years and you're going to have users that are going to plan on 01:17:43
being there for decades and decades. 01:17:49
One of the questions that they ask is, are there vested, you know, development rights? Now in this case we're we're not asking to 01:17:55
change the land use designation. So usually when you have a development agreement coming to this body, it would say we want to 01:18:01
change the land use designation to XY and Z and we want to change our zoning to ABC. We're we're not doing that. We're just saying 01:18:07
we want to make sure that we have predictability and consistency with the zoning that's in place right now. We can work with the 01:18:13
zoning. 01:18:19
That's in place. We just want to make sure that we have predictability in the future. 01:18:25
So if we ever did have a use that didn't conform to the zoning, if we wanted you residential or something else, we would have to 01:18:32
come back to this body and City Council and ask to change that. So there may be uses in the future that everyone hears like, yeah, 01:18:37
I know we want that. You want it, they want it, we want it. And we all shake our head and say yes. And there may be uses that we 01:18:42
say we really want bring them back. And you all say no, we really don't want that. But that would have to go through an additional 01:18:47
process that happened. 01:18:52
All right. 01:18:59
You guys have any questions? 01:19:01
I I have a I know this is going to come up from the public, so I'm interested to know how does this overlap with the public 01:19:03
infrastructure development notice? I think that went out for the same parcels and. 01:19:10
Specifically around the tax revenue aspect, is there any impact there that may be considered? Yeah, I can answer that. So these 01:19:18
have they're totally separate and have nothing to do with each other. So I know there's next week is going to be a big discussion 01:19:24
about kids and about England Ford and some of those things. And I think this has absolutely nothing to do. 01:19:30
With those items, so with a PID so, so in this I mean we expect in the general plan. 01:19:36
RDA funds are used to extract tax revenue. Creation of the PIT, is that going to impact at all? I thought that that was created 01:19:43
the tax revenue that the city would collect. So I mean, we can, we can get into that this week or next week when it's on the 01:19:49
agenda. But a PIT is just additional tax on top of the ad valorem tax. 01:19:55
Which is, that's why you have to have 100% of the property areas in a, in a, in a zone agree to this. Because what you're saying 01:20:01
is a property owner, which is all us, we're saying we will levy an additional tax upon ourselves on top of the property tax that's 01:20:07
already paid. This is an additional tax that we will pay and, and then we pay that tax over time. So it's, it's not an additional 01:20:13
tax. It doesn't affect anyone else in the, in the area and it doesn't affect the, the ad valorem property tax that's already 01:20:19
committed to being paid on site. 01:20:25
That'll be more of a discussion for next week, but this item on the agenda tonight is totally independent and has nothing to do 01:21:02
with the discussion that we'll all have next week. 01:21:06
So I guess just to clarify that, um. 01:21:13
This item on the agenda, we're investing the zoning for the ROI and the. 01:21:17
FOI and. 01:21:25
And. 01:21:27
Which means that the things that are approved in the zoning for that which we just talked about in zoning text amendment for 01:21:30
medical and commercial uses. 01:21:34
That those things can be put here. So what we're discussing now is just the vesting of the zoning for this area, so the things 01:21:39
that are on the agenda for next week for the City Council. 01:21:46
The inland port, The PID. 01:21:54
Those are for next week. So if you have questions, if you have comments on that come next week for the the public hearing for 01:21:57
that. But right now we're just talking about specifically the vesting of the zoning in the east and the donation in the east 01:22:05
Geneva land development, OK. Any other questions? 01:22:12
Anything from the Council? 01:22:20
All right, public. 01:22:23
Did you guys get a map up of the area just to? 01:22:29
Hello again. I just have a question. What is an Mai appraisal for these income tax donation purposes? 01:22:39
That's listed in the summary. 01:22:50
And also, if we do this, the city will assume full responsibility for the ownership and maintenance of the road and improvements. 01:22:52
What will that all entail? 01:22:57
Thank you. Thanks, Aria. 01:23:05
Any other questions from the public? 01:23:12
Sean Herring, still the new resident. 01:23:16
I know you said not to ask about the important I'm going to how does this approval tonight, if this was to be approved, which I'm 01:23:19
most likely council is going to approve it, how does that affect next week? Or does next week's approval override tonight's 01:23:25
approval? And why the two so close to each other? We're talking about the same property. 01:23:31
OK, yeah, I'll ask. 01:23:39
Yeah, Sean, I'll try to clarify what the different actions are just to draw a bright line between them. The decision on this item 01:24:11
is not the kind of thing that would usually come to the Planning Commission, but because it related to the text amendment that 01:24:18
they're considering, we thought it best to bring the two together and. 01:24:25
Do it all at once. So the land donation and development agreement really accomplishes two things. The developer provides the land 01:24:33
for the street and road improvements. There are choices developers can make about when they make those donations. They can wait 01:24:39
until the end when you do a. 01:24:46
Site plan and then they begin pouring permits and then those things would occur. You could do like we saw in the development 01:24:53
agreement on the prior item where they'll chunk the property into phases and they'll make certain Rd. improvements at certain 01:25:01
times. And cities tend to defer a little bit to developers on those things because they have the best knowledge of. 01:25:09
Their own cash flow and their own tax benefits, and then we check what they propose to make sure. 01:25:18
That people aren't going to be living in buildings without the ability to enter and exit and get out. And so we force developers 01:25:25
in those circumstances to provide those things in a sequence that will work for the city. So in this agreement, what you're all 01:25:31
you're really seeing is the developer making a choice of when they want to make those donations and it relates to their own 01:25:38
financial decisions and it really doesn't affect. 01:25:44
The city's rights and so works were generally accepting of that kind of thing. 01:25:51
The second part of the decision or of the document is that when they make that donation their rights vest so they know that when 01:25:56
they abandon that property and and give it to the city that they're not going to be harmed by the city. Then changing the zoning 01:26:04
so that they can't build what they're expecting to build. I hope that makes sense. The paid decision next week or the PID hearing 01:26:11
is a public infrastructure district that. 01:26:18
Relates to the overall development and how do you fund the public infrastructure in those areas. And I don't want to get into too 01:26:26
many of the details today just because the agenda is long, but the short of it is a public infrastructure district that allows you 01:26:35
to localize the tax collection and the construction of the infrastructure so that the tax impacts of that. 01:26:43
Development are in that neighborhood and not in other neighborhoods of the city. 01:26:53
Crystal clear. Understood. Still though, the concern with what happens tonight and what happens next week. I guess as a developer, 01:26:58
why would I bring something up front of you now and then bring something completely different in front of you next week and maybe 01:27:03
they can answer that. 01:27:08
It's just a practical of how many things you can fit on an agenda in a given evening. 01:27:14
Sorry, Pete, you're gonna have to come up. 01:27:22
Would it be fair to say that the things that we're going to be talking about next week don't affect land use? 01:27:27
Designations and what you can do on that land. So when he's saying, hey, if one of these two things are approved next week, it's 01:27:34
gonna undo this, that's not accurate. I mean, what we're talking about tonight is land use and what you're allowed to do on your 01:27:40
LAN. 01:27:45
What we're talking about next week is more like infrastructure and how does infrastructure work and get financed. 01:27:51
Even on the inland port. 01:28:00
OK. Thank you. Thanks. SO. 01:28:03
Miguel Lakeview Dr. Is there a land use map for this area in red? 01:28:09
Can you bring that up the land, the one we just had up? Yeah, the zoning. 01:28:16
Yeah, it was the one we just the one we just talked about, OK. In this map it looked like a free for all, so I didn't know that 01:28:21
that that was. Yeah, we had this nice discussion about zoning and property rights and all that stuff. Yeah. 01:28:29
OK, so this is so this is everything in color there with the exception of well, no, everything in color there is now going to be 01:28:39
he's asking for vesting of everything in there. So it's this little part right here this which pieces this area, OK. And this 01:28:46
area. Oh, got you. OK, perfect. And how many acres is that? 01:28:53
Just over 300. 01:29:01
For the record, just over 300. 01:29:04
Sorry. Thank you very much. Thank you. 01:29:06
Any other questions? 01:29:12
My name is Jacob Walter all the way I ran for City Council. 01:29:20
And there was a very public process gathering thousands and thousands of people. 01:29:25
That involved talking to him and whatnot and. 01:29:33
The major discussion was that the. 01:29:37
Property rights were vested, invested, and they said they weren't vested. Over and over and over, hundreds of times this was 01:29:39
repeated, right. 01:29:44
In about a couple weeks, we'll be seated. 01:29:49
Over a 2 to one more majority currently and I know this isn't done. 01:29:55
Spoke There was a major topic during the election. 01:30:01
These people spoke. 01:30:05
They asked to be hurt. 01:30:08
This government is for the people. 01:30:11
By the people. 01:30:14
To have this. 01:30:18
Push through invested especially for the first project to say this was vested 12 years ago, right. So we have to do it. 01:30:19
So the vest this now. 01:30:27
We worked hard. 01:30:33
We played by the rules. 01:30:36
Main things were said, we stayed above board. 01:30:42
We had public comment. 01:30:46
I'd ask you to allow the people to be heard. 01:30:52
OK, that does not mean we would say no. 01:30:58
That does not mean that we would not give them a fair shake. 01:31:03
That does not mean that we wouldn't look at private property rights. 01:31:07
And follow the Constitution on that. 01:31:11
I know that many of you guys. 01:31:15
Didn't know about this plan as of on Monday. 01:31:18
It's never been presented to you. I talked to Commissioner Jenkins. It's no longer on there. It wasn't either to him. 01:31:23
Talk to council members, they too were rushed on this. 01:31:30
One of the main products. 01:31:33
Things on the campaign with government process slowing it down. 01:31:35
Allowing people to understand before vesting rights. 01:31:40
Now those rights that have invested already, we have to respect it is the Constitution. 01:31:45
Right, but these have not been vested. 01:31:50
The last thing I want to say is. 01:32:00
I'm disappointed that the conversation was misinformation of is it vested because 300 acres is a massive section of property to 01:32:03
not be vested and to be attacked in the public square. That everything is vested and everything is vested. This could have been 01:32:12
cleared up. To improve public dialogue, we have to improve the knowledge and the truth of what is or is not said by this body. 01:32:20
The average citizen has a third grade understanding of what we do, and if we don't use truth in delineating, we could have had a 01:32:30
better public debate during that election process. 01:32:36
And this is, and I'm not going to get into the pit or anything, but also how difficult that was. 01:32:43
We just put this onto the website, we don't put it on the social media, even though we know the information is going to be 01:32:51
consumed by social media. 01:32:55
It looks like it's by design. 01:32:59
That's not good. 01:33:03
You know the average citizen doesn't have time to come to these meetings. 01:33:05
We don't have to scramble. I got 100. 01:33:10
Calls, emails and texts saying hey, I voted, I wanted to be heard. 01:33:12
Did that election matter? Are we just going to trample forward on it? 01:33:19
And I want to be kind, I want to be respectful of authority and everything. 01:33:24
But to do this in this manner. 01:33:29
We were, we were elected and this will be sworn in. 01:33:32
And to go before the people. 01:33:37
That's been 3 minutes Jake saying if you could wrap it up. 01:33:40
I appreciate and respect everybody's authority, but I would respect that the people be heard in this election. 01:33:44
Thanks. 01:33:50
Are there any other public comments and maybe maybe to help some people with this? 01:33:53
When we talked about the zoning text amendment for medical and commercial uses, think about these areas I guess and think about 01:34:05
what is approved for the FOI and the RC districts and if you have serious problems with the things that can be built there. 01:34:13
Like this would be an opportunity for you to address concerns like that. 01:34:22
If this isn't, there aren't residential units being built here. As far as controversial buildings, I don't know of any that have 01:34:28
been brought up during the election or anything. I don't know of anything in the FOI or the RC that people are going to be mad 01:34:36
about going in. It's what we approve tonight is some medical stuff. There's industrial, not industrial. There's light 01:34:43
manufacturing, there's businesses. This whole area is. 01:34:51
Is non residential if there are, if there are instances where somebody has come out and said that they don't want things that in 01:34:58
the city that aren't residential, I haven't heard them personally. But if you have those kinds of complaints, by all means now is 01:35:05
your time. These things have been zoned like this for a while. 01:35:11
Vesting these rights, I don't think is is going against what the city wants personally. I don't think that maybe somebody else can 01:35:19
think that, but. 01:35:24
All of these things for me personally at least that are in that are approved to go in these areas. I would love to see in the 01:35:30
city. And I'd be surprised if there are people in the city that didn't want these kinds of amenities or businesses in the city. 01:35:36
But if you have those concerns, now is the time during this public comment to make those to to talk about that. So if you have 01:35:42
those kinds of concerns, please come up state those concerns. 01:35:48
We do have a microphone. 01:35:55
People talk so. 01:35:57
You still have to speak into the other microphone. 01:36:00
So maybe this is, I don't know, small, but I was watching up here and there was some kind of eye rolling and things that I thought 01:36:05
was very inappropriate and shaking heads. And I mean, I don't know if this is on video, but just for what it's worth, that was not 01:36:11
very nice. 01:36:17
The other thing is. 01:36:25
I'm I'm not actually, I don't know enough right now. 01:36:28
To, to say what, how I feel because I haven't had time enough to think about it. Probably the thing that I would say more than 01:36:32
anything right now is that it's the speed or the, the, the shortness of public awareness. And this is a, this is maybe a simple 01:36:39
example, but as the Arts Commission, we were working on the mural and we had it had meetings. It was agreed upon and unanimously 01:36:47
by our. 01:36:54
Mission and then we get a text saying we need to put it out for public opinion, we need to do a survey, and I thought that was 01:37:02
kind of interesting that maybe we should do more of that for this. If we did it for a mural, maybe we could do it for something 01:37:09
that's the state and I, and I don't mean to be I hope that doesn't sound condescending either. I just think if it's going to be 01:37:15
good. 01:37:22
And now it will be as good in 60 days from now. 01:37:30
Or. 01:37:34
We don't have to decide tonight if it's good. We're going to know more about it. Let's get the public aware because that's 01:37:37
probably what I'm hearing more than anything is like people feel like it's just being done faster so that it seems. 01:37:44
Hurried, that's all. 01:37:53
Any other? 01:38:00
Hi, my name is Mike Cox and I live in Providence. 01:38:04
I I agree with what Jake said and what she said. I I don't feel like that this process has been open enough. 01:38:11
And it's been it's obviously being rushed. I would like my I have a one question I would like to know. 01:38:20
I would like each Member of the Council and each member of the Commission. 01:38:30
To publicly state on the record, when did you first hear about the inland port? 01:38:34
And that's my question. 01:38:41
It's real quick. 01:38:48
Sure. I mean, we're not talking about the inland port right now, but just real quick, I did want to talk about. 01:38:53
This area in particular which is on the agenda. 01:39:01
We talked about how things are rushed through and I agree. 01:39:07
With that, there are some things that get rushed through for sure. This in particular talking about this with the zoning text 01:39:11
amendment and the development agreement for this area. Our general plan has been around for a long time. We all contributed to the 01:39:19
general plan when it was approved in I think it was 2019 when we did the last approval of it, the map on the general plan. 01:39:28
Shows this right here. It shows this zoning right here. So this isn't a surprise zoning. This isn't a surprise change. 01:39:37
That each of us had input on that has been approved. That is a public document that you can see right now on the Vineyard website 01:40:15
of this map that you're seeing right here. You look at it on the general plan, the general plan map, it looks exactly like that. 01:40:21
So this isn't a new thing. The thing that we're talking about tonight, the thing that we're discussing right now. 01:40:28
Is not the Port Authority. I don't know how I feel about that. I haven't learned enough about that. That's on next week's 01:40:37
discussion. 01:40:40
And I hope that we can hash that all out, and that's I hope that we can figure out what's best for the city. But right now we're 01:40:44
talking about the vested rights for the Eastern Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement that is in our general plan. This 01:40:50
isn't a new thing. These are things that we want in the city. 01:40:56
Like I agree, I agree that there are things that that can get pushed through, but this is not one of those new things that's 01:41:02
suddenly happening. So if you have any more comments, just please keep that in mind as you make your comments. But. 01:41:09
Again, still open to as a public hearing for you guys to make comments. 01:41:17
I think it won't answer my question. Oh, Sir. Yeah, I'll answer your question. I I learned about the the inland port when it was 01:41:22
made as a public hearing probably the same time as a lot of you. So I don't, I don't know very much about it at all. Yeah. 01:41:30
But. 01:41:40
So I heard about it Monday. Also, I'd like to clarify the eye roll. It was about Jacob all the way's comment. It was because he 01:41:41
rolled in two separate, totally different things into one. We were talking about the vested rights of land use change and the 01:41:48
donation of land. And he rolled in pod one into his comment because parking gets people rattle. So that's why I rolled my eyes. 01:41:55
But all right, go ahead. Because he just confuses people. So he throws in a bunch of stuff. 01:42:02
I'm Keith Hold away. I'm a long time resident. I might be the oldest 1 here and I was here when the town was 47 people and our 01:42:11
population was going down. 01:42:17
But anyway I am. 01:42:24
As a historical background, almost every Vineyard council has actually had this N property as as an area that would be our future 01:42:29
tax base. 01:42:35
Forever. 01:42:42
And I hope we haven't abandoned that. I hope we can collect every penny from taxes, taxation that we normally would, that we have 01:42:43
anticipated over decades of time. 01:42:50
And, and, and that we're protected that way. 01:42:59
Otherwise, everyone in this room and a few 100,000 or a few. 01:43:03
1000 people more will have increased taxes like crazy. 01:43:09
We've got to protect that tax base and, and, and that's my main focus tonight. I wish we were less populated personally. 01:43:14
I think we should have our share of high density, but I'm sorry we've gone too far. 01:43:28
But but that's just me. I'm old timer. Thank you. Thanks Keith. 01:43:34
Jim McGill, Lakeview Dr. I'm getting a little tired of the of the. 01:43:46
The lessons on general plans and the general plans are guiding documents, a guiding document that before we vest, we have 01:43:51
significant conversation about the general plan. This is just big. This is just big colors on a map, 331 acres of do whatever you 01:43:58
want to do that's within the. 01:44:04
3 letters. 01:44:10
And it's at this point where we need to have detailed conversation about what it is that we want. And this is too much land to 01:44:12
vest. Remember the conversation we had just a minute ago about vesting about he has, you know, his math is vested and, and all of 01:44:19
that. It is way too early and way too vague to do that. 01:44:26
But we all know why we're here. 01:44:35
We're here because of a change of leadership. We're here because of that today. 01:44:37
Please don't look at me like you don't know that. 01:44:42
And we have a right you talk about us speaking. The city has spoken in a landslide. We have two new council members that are 01:44:45
taking part in in our city swearing in on January the 2nd. 01:44:52
And what we should be doing now is celebrating our outgoing council members and briefing our incoming council members and getting 01:45:00
ready for the 3rd of December, 3rd of January. Nothing of this significance should be introduced to you on Monday, voted on on 01:45:07
Wednesday, and given to the City Council the same night. Not even two weeks different, are you? Let's just call it man. Let's just 01:45:15
call it. Everyone of you that votes on this is irresponsible and you are putting your thumbprint. 01:45:22
What is going on here that everybody knows? You know it. If you got this information Monday, you know why this is being rushed 01:45:30
through. 01:45:33
Once again, I'll make a comment. Please no clapping. Let's try to keep it quiet in here. 01:45:40
A public hearing. This is a public hearing. We're trying to listen to people. If you want to clap, you can go outside and clap. 01:45:48
And then second, again, this is not new. We didn't learn about this on Monday. 01:45:55
We've known about, we've known about the zoning for a long time, so. 01:45:59
The things that we are discussing tonight are things we already knew. Thank you. Go ahead. I don't think anybody is going to 01:46:04
debate that the master plan exists and what was there. But to comment on the connection to the previous developers, What brought 01:46:11
me up, and just to enlighten you on our perspective, which might be a different perspective than yours, is that the connection 01:46:17
with the developer who has vested rights from 12 years ago is now a new developer asking for vested rights. 01:46:23
And we can acknowledge in this room that change has happened in the last 12 years. So if we vest those rights, despite it being 01:46:30
the best interest right now, that something changes in 12 years, don't we as a city want to have the right to say it's not in our 01:46:35
best interest? 01:46:40
We're gonna change the zoning. 01:46:45
So, so the difference between the zoning now, as far as I understand and hopefully you can clarify Morgan, is that with vested 01:46:49
rights, it can't change. The city can't initiate the domain change. And before it's invested, the city could initiate the change. 01:46:56
But if it's vested, then the developer has to come forward and to make the change. Is that correct? OK. 01:47:04
So so it's protecting the developer when they go out to find businesses. 01:47:13
That those businesses know that the drugs not going to be pulled out from underneath them, that they can come in and know that 01:47:19
that's going to be zoned. Instead of like putting forward lots of money to make a plan to draw up architectural plans and things 01:47:25
like that. Just for the city to come in and be like, actually, you know what? We want to change this to something else. And they 01:47:31
wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars. 01:47:37
So that that's the reason for vesting and yeah. 01:47:44
Hi, Sarah Cameron resident. 01:47:54
So I'm extremely new to all of this stuff. 01:47:57
So first of all, I wonder if you could clarify land donation. I don't understand exactly what that is, so that would be helpful. 01:48:02
Secondly, does this have to be decided tonight? We're talking 3 weeks. 01:48:08
Just three weeks. But but also, Grace, you brought up something last week that I I drive on Geneva Road and you have the railroad 01:48:14
station. I mean the railroad, yeah, along Geneva Rd. So, so when I see all of this, I think you have, you have the front runner 01:48:22
station, you have the lake. We're still landlocked and we have the railroad that goes through that. So. So that's another concern 01:48:29
too. And you brought that up. That could be what, five years? 01:48:36
Before they actually change the railroad tracks. Yeah. So there's this, there's a lot of things and I don't know that this really 01:48:44
has to be decided right now. I feel like it could be shelved for a few weeks and give us time to think about it. And real quick 01:48:51
question for you, Sarah, is what are some things in the FOI or the RC that that you don't want to see in in this? Not necessarily 01:48:58
anything. OK, so. 01:49:05
Like I said, I don't stay a lot usually because I'm learning, learning, learning and I'm listening. 01:49:12
As much as I can. So that's my main question with this is there's a lot of people I know that there are a lot of people in 01:49:18
Vineyard that are against any kind of density or high density specifically. And if this zoning is vested, that's basically saying 01:49:26
that none of this can be or will be that, but it was having all of these other allowed uses and I'm I'm curious why people. 01:49:34
Are against the FOI or the RC zoning. 01:49:44
In this area at all, I think it's mostly it just feels. 01:49:49
It feels like during December, everybody's thinking about the holidays, everybody's. So if to us, it feels like this is being 01:49:53
pushed through and being rushed because they know a change of color is coming and we just want more time. Not that there's 01:50:00
anything wrong or that we're specifically against any of this. We just want to have time to actually. 01:50:07
No, right. Yeah, sure. That's that's all. 01:50:15
Thanks, Sarah. 01:50:20
Yeah, yeah. I'll, I'll get to those questions. 01:50:22
Sure. Yeah, I, I just. 01:50:28
I just want to further clarify, we are not an elected body, We are not political. 01:50:33
We are here to look at zoning and get your feedback on what's being presented so that we can better make. 01:50:40
A decision as a Planning Commission and make our recommendation to City Council. 01:50:50
Which is in theory impactful. 01:50:56
But but we we. This is not a good place for declaration of allegiances. 01:51:01
And this is not an appropriate place for, I don't know, a political movement. This is a discussion and I'm happy to hear it, 01:51:10
especially if it's pertaining to the agenda. 01:51:16
But outside of that is highly inappropriate. Thank you. Go ahead. 01:51:24
My question would be why couldn't we make these decisions in smaller proposals, right? If we've got somebody who is interested, 01:51:31
why couldn't we vest it once we know the interested party that way if it was something that we weren't interested in, you know, or 01:51:37
allowing in his own and then they generally know those things are most likely going to be allowed, right. So come in, talk to my 01:51:43
hypothetically. 01:51:48
Bring it here, vest it, and then it doesn't cost millions of dollars to say I'm interested in something. 01:51:55
Thanks, Christy. 01:52:02
I just wanted to end real quick. 01:52:04
You didn't go on the record real quick. When did you hear about it? 01:52:08
I did not speak to things on my agenda. Thank you. I am not going to give comment about something not on my agenda. So yeah, it's 01:52:15
OK if you don't want to go on record. 01:52:22
OK. Yeah. Thank you. Right off the bat. 01:52:31
When the election started, I was. 01:52:35
Attacked. You can call it that for my grandfather, my great uncle Grant and Norm for vesting rights in Utah City, right? He 01:52:38
envisioned Utah City. 01:52:44
Granted that for many, many years, right? So you can't ask Grant. 01:52:50
Yeah, he didn't. He bested those right years earlier, right. You guys are being asked about testing something that you don't even 01:52:54
know what is up there. Just vest right vested in those current things. 01:53:00
And take the flexibility away from current City Council from from future city council's to vest it. 01:53:07
That flexibility is what the councils need in the future to review it. 01:53:15
Allowing us to at the beginning of the year, go and meet with the developer and understand what those are, what those needs are 01:53:20
and that flexibility to adjust. It might go into February, March, understand what it is and and maybe lock it in. But one of the 01:53:27
worst things you can't you can do to a council is get rid of that flexibility. 01:53:33
And we're talking about a couple of weeks. 01:53:41
Right. And I remember those attacks coming in from from the developers side, right or whoever on their side coming in and saying 01:53:43
your grandfather, he's invested. These are vested. These are vested and obviously the people wanted to be heard and wanted to 01:53:50
adjust it, but those those vested rights were taken. So if you guys vest these. 01:53:56
Have not allowed the the people. 01:54:03
For us to take two to three months for us to listen to what those are, right? You're also talking about a Latino community that 01:54:06
doesn't speak Spanish. So Monday this comes out. We can't translate these things. You've got disability, disabled people that 01:54:12
can't come to these meetings and different things. It's only been a couple of days, right? So let's allow people and say, hey, end 01:54:18
of February, end of March, let's hear these things. 01:54:24
And allow that flexibility investing this, that's what we're asking for. 01:54:31
It's not on the agenda. Hi, David, Lorraine resident. 01:54:38
First of all, I want to say thank you to the Council Commission for your patience listening to all this and here all and Bryce, 01:54:45
thank you for your patience and handling all this and the way in the education efforts. Thank you. 01:54:51
I also wanted to. 01:54:58
Talk about these things I want to talk about separately because there are separate issues. 01:55:01
We have the issues of Port Authority and so forth until next week. We have issues about best about vesting riots and about 01:55:06
donations and about adding different uses to land uses that are already, you know, laid out there. You know, there's been nothing 01:55:14
in the presentations tonight in the three the three matters we've been hearing that that it's. 01:55:22
Objectionable. They're all good. I mean they're, they're all, all appropriate. It seems to me the the issue as I see is one of 01:55:31
moment of optics. We're here at the end of the year and we are a normal process. We'll have a hearing here and then the the the 01:55:39
Commission would would act on it and send their recommendation on the City Council which would deal with it. 01:55:46
In a week to three weeks or so from this time and when they when they get it on their agenda, normally that process takes like a 01:55:54
month or so. 01:55:58
And and it's and, but we're seeing now we have a joint session put together just specifically. 01:56:02
So that whatever action you take can be passed into the Council or they can take immediate action upon it. 01:56:09
And so whether or not there's a good thing or not, the optics already poor, especially in the right now you're in a period of of 01:56:14
transition. So this is not a criticism of the Commission, but the criticism for the council property, you see council perhaps, and 01:56:23
perhaps the mayor and enforcing this to take, you know, to happen on this time scale. It it just seems to be, it looks improper. 01:56:31
Whether it is or not, I can't say. There's enough time to figure it out. 01:56:39
But all the issues tonight seem reasonable. 01:56:44
And I'm glad that the council will hear, hear them and work on them. I would, I would hope that. 01:56:47
That's why the Commission will build that rule on this night, but then and then pass on the recommendations. I hope the Council 01:56:55
then would take time to say as well, instead of just immediately acting upon them. 01:57:00
So that's, that's my, that's the problem. I think that most of us here are upset because we've, you know, we're seeing these 01:57:06
things and we see a relationship between the area that we're talking about tonight and the area we'll be talking about next week. 01:57:12
And we see a strong linkage there. Whether or not one exists, I don't know, but nonetheless, it's very it appears that way. And so 01:57:19
the very appearance has caused this problem. 01:57:25
And so by rushing the process, by trying to compress it where it didn't need to be compressed. 01:57:31
It kind of created this little problem of optics. 01:57:37
So. 01:57:40
Thank you for your patience. Thank you as you consider this and I hope that the Council will continue this on their behalf so they 01:57:42
can deal with it in in due time. Thank you. Thanks, David. 01:57:49
Any other comments? 01:57:58
Seeing as there are no do I have a motion to close the public hearing? I move to close public hearing. I have a second. Second all 01:58:04
in favor. Aye, All right. 01:58:08
Moving into our regular session. 01:58:14
Do we want to take a minute and. 01:58:22
Can we go to the bathroom? Yeah. We're going to take a we're going to take a 3 minute break right now so people can go and use the 01:58:25
bath. Oh. 01:58:27
I'll I'll get back to it when we come back after the 3 minute break. 01:58:32
We're crawling. 01:58:37
About 30 more seconds and we'll get going. 01:58:40
That's one. 01:58:51
All right. So actually before we move into the regular session, there were a couple of questions. Thank you. Thank you, Darian 01:59:11
Christy for pointing that out to me. 01:59:14
There were a couple of questions that you guys had from the public hearings and I'll ask those right now. 01:59:19
For just a couple of questions, what exactly is an Mai appraisal? 01:59:25
Yeah, yeah. 01:59:30
And that's Jamie, if you. 01:59:36
Sheets the looks and brains of our operation. So he usually does this, but I'll try to handle this best I can so. 01:59:42
An appraisal appraisal from a, from a, from a firm that has a license to do appraisals. And the reason for that is not on your 01:59:48
end. It's actually on our end. When we donate property to the city like we're planning on doing in this instance, which we don't 01:59:54
have to do by the way, we don't we don't have to donate right of way. This is about. 02:00:00
You know, I can't remember the exact acreage, but it's I want it's plus it's above 10 acres that we just be donating to the city 02:00:06
here for the Mill Road right away. We donated the southern portion about a year and a half ago as well. And the 1600 N right away. 02:00:14
We also donated for us the donation. Can't remember Sarah here. Maybe she stepped out. She was the one that asked. 02:00:22
But it's just the donation is just literally us taking something and donating it to the city and the city saying yes, we accept 02:00:30
this and we want this. 02:00:33
Obviously you can't donate the property someone who to someone who doesn't want it or accept it. So we sign an agreement saying 02:00:37
we, we will donate this property to you and you sign the agreement saying we want to accept this property. And then I think, 02:00:43
sorry, also asked a question about maintenance of the road, I believe, correct. So, so Mill Rd. is the city road. It's always been 02:00:49
contemplated to be a city road just like the ones of the South. So we'll donate it. 02:00:55
And the city can will maintain it long term that snow removal, etcetera, when it needs a slurry seal the city, the city will do 02:01:03
that in the future. 02:01:06
Club. 02:02:10
Sam's Club or a Costco or et cetera, and some of these users. 02:02:13
Like this area, but they won't negotiate with us. And there are other places where some of those warehouse clubs are looking as 02:02:20
hospitals that are wanting to be here but they don't want to come. If we came in here with five acres and said can we zone a 02:02:26
hospital right here, invest that and you guys would all shake your head and say absolutely, can we invest 5 acres right here and 02:02:32
do a warehouse phone and everyone shakes their head. Those groups won't continue to negotiate with us. 02:02:37
If it's not master planned around them with similar uses, a hospital doesn't want to come in here and know that next door there 02:02:44
could be possibly potentially next to a meat farm. So having an area that says, okay, this whole area here can be medical use 02:02:50
because you like to cluster around each other, a warehouse use a warehouse club would like to come here and be around other retail 02:02:57
users, around office users, etcetera. So so there will be and I don't. 02:03:04
I agree with the optics of coming in here and trying, which was an option. 02:03:11
Had already been plant studying that had been had been to vineyard days and Sasaki has been working on a big plan for the last six 02:03:16
months and it was planned, if you remember to be voted on around this time had nothing to do with election. It was just how that 02:03:23
plan worked out. We said let's press pause on that because trying to get that plan through right now seemed inappropriate and 02:03:29
rushed. That discussion will continue with the Planning Commission and City Council next year. 02:03:36
Thank you. 02:03:45
All right. Yeah. And just to clarify, neat farms are not allowed in any of the zoning in in vineyards. So currently, currently, 02:03:46
yeah. 02:03:51
There's a big demand out there. 02:03:59
So this is a oh, sorry. I'll let you just see if they're looking through my questions real quick. 02:04:01
In Portland. 02:04:09
OK. 02:04:14
It's, it's just like a doctor's, an MDA lawyer's a JDMAI is the when you get an appraisal, they're recognized as licensed to do 02:04:18
the work. So when they take the land they're donating to the IRS and say it's worth X, they have to have an appraisal by a 02:04:24
certified appraisal. 02:04:30
Says it's worth X and that's what it means. It has no relationship at all that the city saying. 02:04:37
We're willing to accept this property. We it's going to be a Rd. 02:04:43
Cool, great. All right, moving on to the regular session. 02:04:49
So right now, we'll move into an open session. This is the time to for people to make public comments limited to three minutes. 02:04:54
And Tay has her timer for 3 minutes. And these are for comments on things that are not on the agenda. If you want to make a 02:05:02
comment, limit it to three minutes and we'll go from there. Make sure you state your name and which neighborhood you're from. 02:05:10
And it's open right now for. 02:05:19
All right, seeing as there no comments for the open session, we'll move into consent items for the PC minutes. The only thing that 02:05:24
I noticed was my name was spelled wrong on on one of them. So just so we got that, we're covered on that. And then do I have a 02:05:30
motion to approve the consent items? 02:05:36
Yeah, I move to approve the consent items as presented with the the change of braces name. All right, do I have a second, second 02:05:43
all in favor? Aye. All right, moving on to business item 5.1, discussion and action for the zoning text amendment, medical and 02:05:49
commercial uses. 02:05:54
So this is something that we just discussed that we just had a public hearing for. Is there any other questions from the 02:06:00
Commission? I just, I had the one thing that we wanted you to look at a little closer. It was the heliport slash Billy port. Would 02:06:05
you like to see? It's not going. 02:06:11
I'm sorry. 02:06:17
All right, I'll try to talk loud. OK. So the heliport report as a conditional use or a thank you for a permitted use. And so that 02:06:29
that was one that was one of those questions is it's kind of delayed that's I think it's better just in. 02:06:37
All right, I'll just, I'll just try to talk loud. 02:06:47
So a discussion as to whether that would be a permitted use or a conditional use. The conditional use gets gives you kind of 02:06:50
another layer where you may add a few conditions you feel like that might be an appropriate one, but also a permanent use could 02:06:58
work as well if you do have a lot of land there. You're not right up against residential. The other thing as well, and I, Jamie, 02:07:05
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a heliport or very port both require another layer of regulation to the. 02:07:12
And so and that, that's another one that's uses, that's not just the city review. 02:07:20
So. 02:07:26
Any comments from the Commission? Personally, I don't have any preference. I mean, the helicopters aren't flying out a time and if 02:07:27
they are then they're flying out for a good purpose. So I don't have any. 02:07:32
OK. Is there anything else? Yeah. Then in that case then I would suggest a permitted use would be appropriate and I would just 02:07:38
have that in your motion. OK. Would it, would it be like teleport specifically designated for hospital use or also for 02:07:43
recreational? 02:07:49
So in this Caribbean unemployment zone, you, you might get someone who is so it's mainly going to be for, for a hospital use, but 02:07:55
potentially you could get for, for deliveries with a brew report there. That's, that's where a lot of technology is doing has been 02:08:03
able to get people kind of the same day their, their medication. And so that most likely would be associated as well. But if you 02:08:10
get like a, a large, you know, headquarters or some sort of manufacturer of that, I want to, to, to ship goods as well. 02:08:17
Incorporate a report. I mean potentially you get someone that wants to have a heliport on top of their building. I mean we haven't 02:08:25
seen that here, but you might see that in downtown Salt Lake. There might be something like that but right so potentially a 02:08:31
company could come in like Amazon, let's say and they wanna do drone deliveries and. 02:08:37
It would be a permitted use if we allow it. 02:08:44
Yeah, yeah. I mean, they're like I said, they'd still go through the site plan process and then that's where you could ask for, 02:08:48
you know, FAA. 02:08:51
Approvals and you'd be able to check it there. Official use though would allow you to if you felt that there could be an impact. 02:08:58
You know to to like surrounding properties. Typically conditional uses are when you're putting something adjacent to residential 02:09:07
that that's most of the time we're all see conditions from a conditional use for the Planning Commission will I'm wondering if 02:09:13
that's something we could write in there because it it. 02:09:18
The the RC at the South that bumps up next to the forge, which is going to be residential. 02:09:24
And so if there's a way that we can like. 02:09:31
Write it into. 02:09:35
For the RC that it needs to be so far away from the residential areas that would that would be my preference. I mean, also on the 02:09:37
other side of the track just from the Vineyard downtown, the Utah City stuff. So maybe we should just make it a conditional. You 02:09:44
could just make a conditional. 02:09:50
Within, if it's within 500 feet of a of a residential use, it's got through a conditional use permit or you can just say 02:09:56
conditional use. I mean really the from a timing standpoint it's about the same. 02:10:03
Because they would go to the Planning Commission would be a dual application site plan and occasional use and that would allow you 02:10:10
to assign some conditions to help. 02:10:13
Mitigate any detriments that the use may have. Either way, sure, I just want to like. 02:10:19
Mitigate potential of a developer coming in and saying we want we want the helicopter, may we please have conditional use permit? 02:10:26
It would be nice if that wasn't an option too close to residential so they have to meet certain conditions that we would come. 02:10:37
So noise ordinance and the like. 02:10:49
Yeah, yeah, we have, we have code that kind of outlines within our conditional use permit code where you can assign conditions. 02:10:53
And so something like that I would get with Jamie and we, we would look at the the site and say, okay, what potentially are the 02:11:00
detriments and then what are some lawful conditions because I mean it doesn't mean you can just say or put anything on it, but you 02:11:06
have to still follow kind of the guidelines within our conditional use permit ordinance. 02:11:12
That's right. OK, thank you. So I think either way it would work. One thing you may do is provide a carve out for for hospitals, 02:11:19
hospitals or a permanent use hospital. Heliports typically are. 02:11:25
Ancillary used to to a hospital and they go through all the all the regulations where you may get something that is going to have 02:11:32
an impact could be just like a commercial business where it's someone who wants to put like a, you know, a helipad on top of their 02:11:38
building. And that's something we do in a future meeting. 02:11:44
You can make a recommendation to. 02:11:51
If we were to make it a conditional use, the conditions would be, was that something that would come through? The Planning 02:11:55
Commission has been making those, Yeah, yeah. So if it was conditional use, they would apply for conditional use permit, they 02:12:01
would dual site plan conditional use. They do that at the same time and then you'd be able to sign conditions, OK. 02:12:06
Do I have a motion? 02:12:13
Does anybody feel strongly either way or? 02:12:15
I can move. Can I express from reservation first? 02:12:23
Mean this doesn't necessarily dictate the way I'm going to vote, but I'm still I'm very uncomfortable with I know kids are 02:12:28
separate. Inland Port Authority is separate. I try to get some clarification between the meeting. But when we upzone a property, 02:12:34
we're going to increase tax revenue that could come from that property. Like I was first lesson I learned on the on the Commission 02:12:40
is we need tax revenue coming in and I I still and then and then we're going to vest rights. 02:12:46
And then there's a PID which you know in principle is really good and then an inland Port Authority is entirely separate and and 02:12:52
it all impacts tax revenue that could come from it and it could be good or it could be bad. And I've read all the agreements, I 02:12:58
read all the laws last night. I am still slightly uncomfortable in planning of how we planning for the tax revenue because I don't 02:13:04
know what's envisioned at the end. 02:13:11
And that that that's my reservation here is this, this is new. There's real tax impacts here. 02:13:17
And it doesn't mean I'm gonna vote one way or another, but I'm, I wish there's a little more info of what is the vision here 02:13:24
that's coming so that we understood how is this gonna be built out? How is this gonna support the infrastructure? Obviously it 02:13:30
needs to be built out. It needs to be built out downtown. It needs to be built out in this area. You need the up zoning to bring 02:13:37
the businesses in. But it's it's not good planning if we, we don't, you know, have all the info together. 02:13:43
I don't know if anybody could make some comments on the big picture strategy. 02:13:52
Yeah. I mean, if you want to talk about your big picture shed, I would just say from from a zoning standpoint, a lot of times you 02:13:56
you the zoning get gets put in place then that that gives you that the predictability that you're then able to do the master 02:14:03
planning because a lot of it's going to be based off of what you know who, who you can attract there. And that's that's where the 02:14:09
zoning is, is really critical. But if you want to provide higher vision stuff that's. 02:14:15
Pete Evans, again with the developers. So all of those things could happen on the same piece of property, but they're all 02:14:25
independent and they're mutually exclusive. 02:14:30
So the zoning doesn't have anything to do with a PID or the inland port. So the ability, the designation of what you can do on the 02:14:36
property is the zoning that gives you the guidelines of what has to happen to develop the property. 02:14:45
But but that's independent of and not. 02:14:55
Not related to a PID or the Inland Port Authority. 02:14:59
So if if up zoning was was done, I'm all for the up zoning. I think these are great facilities. 02:15:02
But then vesting their rights immediately, you know, there's a little concern they're expressed around that because even compared 02:15:09
to downtown, we're very early in the project there. But we'd be vesting these new rights that we'd upload tonight so that so that 02:15:15
those two are connected at least even taking pit in and then pour it out. So what is your view as if you do UPSTONE tonight? 02:15:22
But you don't invest is that enough to still because it I mean, it's in the zoning hospitals get billed and other stuff all the 02:15:29
time with without a master plan. Is that enough to to start those conversations and then. 02:15:35
Have a next step in the process to best rights. Yeah. So the short answer is is no. The the I think that they ought to be vested 02:15:41
immediately. And then the reason is when you when you talk to tenants who want to be here, their first question is do you have 02:15:48
vested development rights? So if the answer is no. 02:15:55
I mean, they have a very short window of when they're looking on their site selection, right? So. 02:16:03
And this takes a very, very long period of time to start and end these discussions. And so the more clarity that you can give and 02:16:10
certainty that you can give, the more likely you are to be able to develop it with the tenant that you want. 02:16:17
Ouch. Oh, not sure. 02:16:26
Macwood Bridge is some landowner in there. The the reason why the vestige in the rights is really important. So say you have the 02:16:34
warehouse club that wants to come to your site. We can talk to that warehouse club and they may look at our site, but they want to 02:16:40
know that they're going into a shopping center where other Co tenants are also going to exist and they'll look for those Co tenant 02:16:47
rights and make sure that's all in place. And so this is just the beginning. This is really pretty normal. 02:16:53
We just kind of a baby step forward of starting that shopping center and starting those developments. 02:17:59
If I can ask a couple more questions. So I mean, I, I am very inclined to even I think we should upstone and I see the value. You 02:18:05
cannot build a master plan without vested rights, right? Especially the quality of even downtown. You could not do something like 02:18:11
that to build something master plan without vested right. So they are they are important and and it's it's much better than doing 02:18:17
zoning by contract or things like that, but. 02:18:23
I am also very empathetic to to the voices here and I think everybody would end up supporting. 02:18:30
And this is if we want any chance of being ready by, you know, May or ICSP. And if you want to continue with in good faith with a 02:19:36
lot of these retailers and whatnot that we're talking to that we need to show them that we're making progress and show them that 02:19:42
there's things that are happening on our side too, not just the ways and and then they go look somewhere else essentially. So I 02:19:47
don't know. Yeah, the only thing, the only thing that I would add to that is that I we're sympathetic and understand, like David 02:19:52
said, the optics as well. 02:19:58
Our our intention with. 02:20:04
Not changing any of the zoning, not changing any of the land use designations, you know, not changing any of the boundary lines of 02:20:07
what was what on the general plan or even the the existing zoning plan was to be the opposite, to be very non controversial and 02:20:14
say this is a very this has been in place for years and years and years. So this shouldn't be there shouldn't be a controversial 02:20:21
approval. And it gives us a baseline to to continue to talk to these people while we work with for something. 02:20:29
Master plan more detailed master plan in the future. 02:20:37
Thanks, Pete. Thank you. Any other questions, Chris? No, no. 02:20:43
Did anybody have any questions on whether they would like to make a motion and have the permitted use for the helipad? 02:20:48
For a conditional use for the Health app. 02:20:56
As a helipad and verdiport. Very port and helipad. 02:20:59
Yeah. 02:21:04
I move to recommend approval of ordinance 2023-30 Medical and commercial zoning use to City Council with. 02:21:07
Like the helipad and vertiport. 02:21:16
As conditional use. 02:21:23
Drive a second. 02:21:26
I second, second, all right, all in favor and this will need to be. 02:21:34
Okay, Chris, I. 02:21:41
Brad I I Tay aye grid, right? 02:21:45
Passes moving on to item. 02:21:51
5.2 at the Homestead Pod One live work development agreement. 02:21:57
So again, we just talked about this and had discussions on this. 02:22:02
Were there things that anybody wanted to see changed? Are there things that you would like more clarification on? 02:22:08
Did we? You had mentioned the parking management. 02:22:16
Manage that a bit more to make sure that that parking was gonna work. And if it's not gonna work, he needs to put more parking. Is 02:22:49
there something you could do if you wanted to address that is to ask for and if there is a specific title in the scene, if you're 02:22:56
in here and let me know, But a parking safety study by a, by a certified engineer, that's something that you could have submitted. 02:23:04
What we received from Gilson Engineering was more of a preliminary kind of advisory type type. 02:23:11
As, as he has kind of been experiencing it, but if you wanted an engineer to analyze the street parking and the safety and, and 02:23:19
provide some recommendations, that's something that that you could put in, in the development agreement. 02:23:27
That, you know, that at least you would have it kind of scoped down a little further. I mean, how, how confident is community 02:23:37
development that there's not going to be any issues with this and and that this model of parking is going to work? Yeah, I mean, 02:23:44
there, I mean, nothing is is, you know, free, free of, of issues. So I don't want to say it'd be 100%. I mean, even without what 02:23:51
I'm saying, what we would require is for engineer drawings that are done by professionals with your certificates. 02:23:59
Review the parking and just the I guess the parking and parking management. Yeah, I want to make sure I understand your concern 02:24:36
before we kind of target it with language. Are you concerned about safety as it relates to the on street parking or are you? 02:24:44
Also capacity to have all the uses through there between people running, people walking, people stopping on the north side to 02:24:54
access those front doors. So people that will be coming in and out. So when you say capacity, you're not talking about the 02:25:01
quantity of parking stalls relative to the development, you're talking about how it relates to. 02:25:08
Other transportation modes in that area. 02:25:17
OK. And the impact it may have of I mean, I'm still imagining you get there on a Saturday morning, you have people pulling in and 02:25:21
out, you're going to have people driving by, they're going to be leaving soccer games. Like I, I can see scenarios where there's 02:25:28
just a lot of just even standstill. So I think we're talking about two things. One. 02:25:35
Visibility standards and the engineering standards that relate to where the parking is located and where. 02:25:43
Pedestrian movements occur. And then I think the other thing you're talking about is more. 02:25:48
Site circulation and how that relates to adjacent uses. And this is me just trying to use planner and engineering speak for what 02:25:55
we're trying to achieve. And I guess I'm, I'm going to look to the developer and just see is, is that an acceptable condition at 02:26:03
the site plan that we look at those two things, We'll look at circulation and then we'll look at the orientation of that parking. 02:26:12
You can, you can do some things with that that can help with pedestrian sight lines like you can, if you, if you have to have 02:26:21
parking their entrance at the exits, you can restrict that parking to compact vehicles and not, you know, then you don't have. 02:26:28
Big trucks where if the kids coming out, you don't see them until they're in the roadway. 02:26:36
You can adjust, you know, distances, turn movements, that kind of thing. 02:26:43
Jamie, could you maybe while we're having discussion, maybe kind of help us with some language, Appreciate that. Something, 02:26:48
something I kind of have an issue with is for these 56 units that have storefronts like having their parking on the street. I'm 02:26:54
totally fine with that. And having that kind of shared parking where the city owns part of it and the developer owns part of it, 02:27:00
I'm fine with. I do have. 02:27:07
Some issues with the that same parking, the street parking where it's partially done by the city and partially owned by the 02:27:14
developer. 02:27:17
Being for residential use, where I think that it should be specifically for the business use, if there is a possibility to have 02:27:20
off street parking for that kind of use, I would be more in favor of that. Or even just getting it out of the public right of way, 02:27:29
I'd be more in favor of that. And then the other thing. 02:27:37
Was that having a condition having? 02:27:47
A limit as to how many. 02:27:51
Non owner. 02:27:54
Employees are on site, I think is important. I don't know the exact number that would be good, but I think that this might be good 02:27:56
for you for that number of employees and stuff. Do you have any okay. 02:28:03
Because you do have a limitation on the occupancy for. 02:28:13
For three. 02:28:17
Yeah, sorry, Mike. 02:28:18
I mean, there's three employees. 02:28:23
Offside employees, I'd probably hold it too. OK. 02:28:26
I mean, my parking issues are more important to me than they are to the city. Yeah, because if I can't park my residence, I'm 02:28:30
going to be in trouble. And it's an economic situation for me. So I'd probably be OK to limit it to two employees, period. OK. 02:28:39
And yeah, I've made it clear to offside employees like. 02:28:49
In regards to the parking question. 02:28:56
I'd have to really think about how the site lays out whether or not I can shove the units around and get parking off the street. 02:29:00
Roughly this was about 300 to $400,000 to rebuild that road, and I've already built it once and gave it to the city and I'm not 02:29:10
too excited about rebuilding it again. 02:29:16
But we could certainly look at some areas. 02:29:24
Whether or not I can get parking in some of the off sites, we've not. And I know somebody here said that they built them before. 02:29:28
I'm not aware of anything like this in Utah where you have live work units, but I'm not aware of any development who is restricted 02:29:36
the work environment to the residential environment. 02:29:44
You know, our whole deal was is we didn't want to have issues between. 02:29:54
Commercial user on the main floor and the residents above or vice versa. Yeah, So in our CC and ours that will be controlled by 02:29:59
the HOA, the the licensing that we've talked about with the city. 02:30:06
Is never have an occasion where who's ever running that operation on the main floor is not the residence. 02:30:14
Yeah. So that would be detrimental to what we're trying to create over there. 02:30:21
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and something that I did appreciate with this, with the parking on the street and how narrow the street is, 02:30:28
it will slow things down. Like if you're trying to get through there quick, it's gonna make it harder for sure. Because with the 02:30:34
parking on the street and with it being that narrow, it's gonna be hard to drive fast, which is a bonus for anybody that's 02:30:41
walking. Because if people are afraid that they're gonna hit another car or the. 02:30:47
Afraid that the road is narrow so they have to pay lots of attention. They're going to be a lot more likely to see pedestrians. 02:30:55
And having those flashers on both of the crosswalks, I think those are all really good things. And on top of that, having the 02:31:01
trail that goes along the whole north side that wraps around going South and NI think will all be benefits for pedestrians trying 02:31:06
to go through this area. And a slower speed on this road helps everybody. It helps me as a developer, helps the residents, it 02:31:12
helps. 02:31:18
Contractors, deliveries, it helps everybody if we can solve that. Traffic down. Yeah, and I mean people, people speed, but I mean, 02:31:25
people can speed through a residential neighborhood where the speed limit is 25 and they shouldn't go. 02:31:31
They shouldn't go faster than that and it's super dangerous because kids are playing in the road. People just need to obey the 02:31:38
line. We need to do as much as we can to. 02:31:43
To make it so that it's uncomfortable to drive faster than that. And I think that by having parking on the road and by having a 02:31:50
narrow Rd. makes it uncomfortable to drive at faster speeds. So. 02:31:55
OK, OK, Thank you. Yeah, thanks. Can I, can I suggest language that you might include in your motion to recommend Section 2 of the 02:32:03
agreement is where it talks about the parking requirements. And So what I would propose is that you insert a sentence that says. 02:32:10
The site plan for the project shall be informed by analysis performed by a qualified transportation engineer of parking locations, 02:32:18
orientation and site circulation relative to pedestrian and bicycle movement on adjacent St. sidewalks and trails. 02:32:26
Does that accomplish what you're what you're after? 02:32:36
Then he can look at that analysis, modify the site, plan on the parking accordingly. I think there are some softer things you can 02:32:40
do that may not reduce the number of stalls, but. 02:32:45
Place certain types of vehicles in certain locations and orientations that will help with visibility and other things. OK. And 02:32:51
then also the condition for a maximum of two off site employees. 02:32:58
I'm good with that. Yeah, OK. 02:33:07
Do I have a motion? 02:33:10
I can move. I might need a little bit help with the wording. You can just say as stated. As stated. OK, I move to recommend 02:33:19
approval of resolution 2023-30 Homesteads POD 1050 God. 02:33:26
2023 Dash 50 Homesteads Pod One Live Work Units Development agreement to the City Council as stated with the conditions as stated. 02:33:35
Second, all in favor, this is Rocco. 02:33:48
En All right, that moves forward. Moving on to Item 5.3, Discussion in action for the East Geneva Land Donation and Development 02:33:54
Agreement Resolution 2023, Dash 51. 02:33:59
Again, this is something that we talked about at length. Were there any other? 02:34:05
Comments or questions from the Commission or. 02:34:10
Is there any way to vote on this resolution? 02:34:15
In next week's meeting when we just learned a little bit more about what's coming with the future of that area possibly. 02:34:20
On the 13th, so it would be a question of could we coordinate that with the Council to learn more and then vote on the resolution 02:34:28
or to me, my understanding is this. 02:34:32
We're not actually changing anything, we're just offering guarantees on the land as ourselves. 02:34:38
Sure. 02:34:45
And you need to vest the rights to do the master planning. But I mean, I mean say it and I'm going to mention it because it's out 02:34:48
there. Say an inland port does come, you know, as it's written in what was on the Vineyard website. You know, there's what is it 02:34:54
75% of the revenue tax revenue would stay locally and then 25% goes out and it gets distributed. 02:35:01
To, you know, to the city, to the Alpine School District, there's an impact on taxes and that's part of the general plan. I just 02:35:08
don't know how we can make decisions for that long term, invest those rights without understanding what is actually happening. I 02:35:15
want to say I feel I, I, I don't feel necessarily uncomfortable. I, I do feel like it's rushed. 02:35:23
So I guess question next week when they have the when they're talking about the inland port, if we don't approve this now, they 02:35:31
could still improve an inland port for this area and it would. 02:35:36
So I guess my question for you, Chris, is, is there something in? 02:35:44
In this land donation and development agreement that you're not comfortable with, I mean, the inland port could happen whether or 02:35:50
not the, the rights are vested. Is there something that you're not comfortable with and then having vested rights? Well, I mean, 02:35:55
this is disapproval of a, of the resolution anyway and referral to the, the council. I just, I, I don't think it's appropriate to, 02:36:01
you know, necessarily without understanding truly what's going on with the property and the planning aspect of everything coming 02:36:07
on it to. 02:36:13
To recommend vesting the rights without knowing a little bit more, yeah, like we were planning on big tax revenue from that. 02:36:19
What's the impact, What's the impact of it, if there really is, that's a decrease in tax revenue going back to the city. I think 02:36:26
it's a valid question and we don't necessarily know the answer to that and I agree that. 02:36:33