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We're good to go. 00:00:06
All right, we're going to go ahead and get our Redevelopment Agency Board meeting started still October 11th and the time is 6:32. 00:00:10
We'll start with our consent agenda. I just need a motion to approve the minutes or the items. 00:00:17
As noted, thank you. First by Ty, second by Marty. Marty, all in favor, aye. All right, we'll move on to our business items. We're 00:00:28
going to start with our public hearing extending the length of the RDA resolution U2023-06. 00:00:37
We'll start with a motion to go into a public hearing and then as you're our city manager, will present this plan. So I need a 00:00:46
motion. 00:00:51
So one second, OK, first by second by Christy. All in favor. All right, we're now in a public hearing. 00:00:58
OK, welcome. My name is Ezra Nair. I serve as the city manager and then also as the Redevelopment Agency director. In this 00:01:06
capacity, so many of you got a notice about the extension of the life of the RDA and are probably wondering what that means. So 00:01:12
I'm gonna give a brief overview of what the RDA is, a little bit of background to help understand and color what this decision 00:01:18
actually means practically for you all. 00:01:24
So today we're just going to go over the background of. 00:01:32
The. 00:01:38
There we go, The background of the RDA, how tax increment works, notable projects that the RDA has helped complete. 00:01:39
How our property taxes work into that and what the extension actually does. 00:01:48
So. 00:01:54
So to give a little background, the Geneva Urban Renewal area is the name of our project area within our RDA. So the RDA is the 00:01:58
organization that's established to run separate project areas and the Geneva Urban Renewal area is our project area is created 00:02:06
back in 2010 before many of your times, all of your time service on the council, but many of your service with the city. The 00:02:13
purpose of this project area was to redevelop an old steel mill site. 00:02:20
There, there was a old steel plant that was bought up by China, shipped out, and so it left a lot of contaminated dirt that was in 00:02:28
need of remediation for it to be used. There was no taxable value on that land and it couldn't be developed because the cleanup 00:02:36
was way too expensive for the time. The residents have Vineyard to pay for. There's only only two hundred of us, or 200 of them. I 00:02:44
wasn't part of that original group, the 2010 tax base of those 200 residents. 00:02:52
They couldn't, They wouldn't have been able to pay for any of that cleanup effort with the taxes that they paid on their homes. 00:03:01
So tax increment financing, how it works is when an area is created, there's a base here established. And so for the Geneva 00:03:12
Redevelopment Agency, that base year was established in 2006. Even though the agency was created in 2000, 2010, that base year was 00:03:20
zero, $0.00 for essentially all of the, all the, the tax value within that north area. So it covers basically the north side, 00:03:27
north side of it, your N half vineyard. 00:03:35
So after the the base years established and after the RTS created. 00:03:43
There's a lot of. 00:04:23
When manufacturing plants move out, they refer to those as brownfield sites generally. But for the Geneva RDA, we primarily use 00:04:25
bonds against the future tax increment of those properties. So the original value is 0, but knowing that, hey, if we get this area 00:04:33
cleaned up, then there can be generation, there can be activity on those sites. And so that's how the bonds within the RDA work. 00:04:40
The next step is then property within those areas are triggered or activated. 00:04:50
Every time that a parcel is triggered, there's a 25 year period where the tax increment funds go to the RDA instead of just the 00:04:56
general city coffers. And then the 4th step is that the tax increment is distributed to the RDA. So 75% of taxes of all the 00:05:04
participating agencies are used for the benefit of the RDA. 00:05:12
So different agencies that have come to participate, the school district, the city, the county and our special districts as well, 00:05:21
they've all agreed that hey, 75% of taxes is better on on something that's developed is better than $0.00 on an area that can't be 00:05:27
developed and doesn't have any value to us. 00:05:33
So some notable projects that were completed in the RDA or with RDA funds in part. Grove Park, Sunset Beach Park, the water's edge 00:05:40
community as a whole, the Megaplex. 00:05:46
Top Golf coming here. Lakeshore Trail Connections. Environmental Remediation. 00:05:53
Our Center St. overpass and our water tank and water lines and many more projects. These are just some of the notable ones, but 00:05:58
essentially all of the growth and development that you see in this area was made possible by the RDA. There is no way that 100 or 00:06:04
200 homes would have ever given enough tax, taxes to build roads, to build infrastructure to help connect Vineyard to other parts 00:06:09
of the county. 00:06:15
So with that, let's move on to our our discussion on property taxes. So you all, if you have property taxes in Utah County, you've 00:06:23
probably seen this little graphic on your tax bill. It has a little pie chart that shows you where most of your tax dollars go. 00:06:29
You'll see the big one is the school district. Most of the property taxes in Utah throughout the state really go to those school 00:06:35
districts with a smaller portion to the city, very small portion of the county and even smaller portion to the special district. 00:06:41
So this is a typical tax bill of. 00:06:47
A home that's right around the median value. 00:06:55
More or less. 00:06:58
So understanding that, let's talk about what your taxes look like for for typical home. Let's use some rounding just for for ease 00:07:02
of calculation. So if your house is not in a triggered part of the RDA, then you're paying roughly 1800 a school tax. And this is 00:07:10
again a median, median income household rounded 1800 the school tax 850, the city 250, the county 150 to special service 00:07:19
districts. So your total annual tax bill is about $3000. 00:07:27
So what goes to the city out of that? You have that 850 that you pay of the city tax that goes directly to the city at that point. 00:07:36
Now triggered parcel. 00:07:45
You'll see that all the taxes remain exactly the same. School tax, city tax, county tax, special tax. You pay all the same tax 00:07:47
dollars. And your total annual taxes, again, is that $3000. But the only difference is for triggered parcel, the triggered area 00:07:54
within the RDA, 75% of each of those funds goes to the Vineyard RDA, the Geneva Redevelopment Agency, and so the city for all 00:08:02
intents and purposes. 00:08:09
We all get to have $2250 benefiting city projects like parks, like roads, all those infrastructure things that we need to the 00:08:17
benefit of the city. So it really is this very specialized tool that can help us have a lot of different projects where all of the 00:08:26
different entities say, you know what, we we all recognize that as $0.00 of land value does absolutely nothing for us. So we'd 00:08:34
rather give up 75% to help an area develop so we can continue to deal with all the growth that we're experiencing in the county. 00:08:43
Then have that area sit empty, sit blighted for time and all eternity. 00:08:52
So today's item extends the life of the overall RDA. So each of the entities that became a part of the RDA all agreed that once a 00:09:00
property is triggered that we'll have 25 years where they collect that tax increment. And so they all knew that going into this. 00:09:08
So what extending the life of the RDA does is allow us to trigger properties as needed at later times depending on on when we need 00:09:15
the funds and most urgently to make the best use of that full 25 year your period. 00:09:23
And that is the basics of that item. I'm happy to answer any questions, but that's the basic overview. I've tried to answer any 00:09:31
questions that have come in as people have had them for the letter, but this is just a very administrative process that helps us 00:09:38
maximize those tax dollars for the benefit of the city as well. Are there any questions from the public? Please come up, state 00:09:44
your name and your question. 00:09:51
Unicorn Helios from the Villas. 00:10:03
My question was revolves around where did these around the word extension and I think Ezra, OK, thank you. Kind of explaining that 00:10:06
it's a 25 year period extension indicates that we're gonna now lengthen that out so the 25 years will stay so. 00:10:16
The 25 years will stay, but we'll just have the opportunity. So normally if you trigger something today, the RDA ends 24 years 00:10:27
from now. 00:10:32
And so for those parcels, we're going to extend the life so that we get that full 25 years regardless of when, when we were to 00:10:37
trigger it. 00:10:41
Maybe you can include why or when we trigger something and why that there would be delays versus Yeah, absolutely so. 00:10:47
Going back to this slide here. So this assumes that the base value is 0. So when we start a project, when you're looking at a 00:10:59
piece of land, if it has zero value, once you build a house on it, now it has value. So you get 75% of whatever value is created 00:11:05
from the base year. 00:11:11
In this case is 0, in most of the cases is 0, and so you want to wait to trigger properties until they're developed. So that way 00:11:18
you can say the base value is 0. Now it's worth $500,000. We can get 75% of that tax fee. 00:11:27
So we don't trigger undeveloped. We wait until they're developed and we trigger. And that helps us because if it was like half 00:11:36
developed, we would only get 75% of half of that building when we could just wait a year and get 75% of the full 100% of that 00:11:42
building issues. But there's no adjustment, no lengthening of the 25 year. That's correct. 00:11:48
It's all 25 years regardless of what parcel you're on. And this does not involve any developers or anybody that has come back in 00:11:54
and said, hey, we had this agreement, but now we need to extend that out for our benefit at all. No, this is all for the city's 00:11:59
benefit points of clarity. So I appreciate that. Thank you. No problem. 00:12:05
Did you have a comment, Marty? 00:12:13
OK. 00:12:15
I. 00:12:19
I can't tell what these parcels are. Can you tell me what these parcels? Are these the next parcels that are going to be 00:12:21
triggered? No, that that's just ones that haven't had the extension yet. So all these ones in here. So like Andrew, can you define 00:12:26
the map that you're looking at? Let me pull up. 00:12:31
Let me pull up the map that already has here. 00:12:37
OK, so. 00:12:55
Darius showing the there's this area that's highlighted this area and then the entire lakefront. So the lakefront is a good 00:12:57
example of one that's all been developed that's ready to be triggered. But if we were to trigger it today, we'd only get 25 years 00:13:05
of that benefit where if we extended it, gave it another year, we could get the full 25 years of that benefit. 00:13:12
So it's the plan to extend that like. 00:13:20
For one more year at the lakefront then. So lakefront, yeah, we could do one year for ease of administration because all the other 00:13:22
ones are are to later years. We can match it with those or we could just do it for one year. It doesn't really matter. 00:13:28
And I have one more question, if the triggering triggering these at stagger amounts, will this also affect those HRZT zones? Also 00:13:35
the HTRZ works in a similar way. 00:13:43
But the goal will be to not have those triggered at the same time, because it'll essentially if you trigger the HTRZ at the same 00:13:51
time as the RDA, the HTRZ benefit will only be anything that's not already being used from the RDA. 00:13:58
And so the city will get more funding if we have those triggered separately because then we'll essentially get the increment for 00:14:05
50 years. OK. And these these 25 years only goes to 2046 currently, yes. 00:14:12
Because no matter when you trigger between now and 2099, it's still just that 25 years. What do you think is the best benefit for 00:14:49
Vineyard? Which way to do it? 2099 makes it a lot easier to administer. So I would say just do it to 2099 and that way you have 00:14:55
the flexibility. 00:15:01
Whoever the next RDA director is has the flexibility to take a time that makes the most sense. OK. 00:15:08
Thank you very much. 00:15:14
I. 00:15:16
Larry O'Donnell from the Vineyard. 00:15:28
Do you know why they call him Brownfield? 00:15:31
Because it's usually not grass growing on them. 00:15:34
I was with partners when they made the first brownfield and it was we had to clean up that and that was the name of the property. 00:15:39
Oh, that's what they were called, Brownfields ever since, yeah. You remember at the school, I remember it standing. 00:15:47
The good part though, and one thing I'd like you to think about. 00:15:57
In another life. 00:16:03
You all have feelings like when the FDA asked to figure out a new drug and they asked the drug companies to do that. 00:16:08
May I suggest that hasn't gone very well. 00:16:19
Brownfields are not always successful, but there are certain attributes that make some successful and some not. 00:16:23
I would suggest that like the FDA, you would not. 00:16:34
Hang your hat. 00:16:40
On getting the developer to come and have their engineers tell you about. 00:16:43
The soil. 00:16:50
It'll make much better decisions if you have a third party tell you or somebody that's been once or twice around the block. 00:16:52
It's really not hard. 00:17:01
But. 00:17:04
Smoke and mirrors have been around for a long time. 00:17:06
And people will use them. 00:17:09
They're here. Developers are here to make money. 00:17:13
It's like. 00:17:18
You're really not your friends. They may tell you their friends that they need to develop all the land they can because they're 00:17:20
they're trying to recoup their capital. And I would suggest you look at that before you get too deep. Don't have a problem with 00:17:25
the extension. 00:17:31
Worked with cities before. 00:17:37
Been on the City side right now we have the Department of Environmental Quality that sends those reports back. So I think the 00:17:40
reason why Christie spoke about having the person who reports to the Department of Environmental Quality is to be able to come in 00:17:48
and say what permits and what clearance they've received from the DEQ. But the reports are available and we have those 00:17:55
conversations where we know where it's supposed to be clean to and tested. So we we are receiving them properly. 00:18:03
I recognize that. 00:18:12
Wish you luck. 00:18:14
I'm glad you're doing it and I didn't catch your name though, for the record. 00:18:17
Thank you. 00:18:32
I'm sorry. 00:18:34
Any other comments from the product? 00:18:38
OK. There are no comments from the public, so I'm going to go out of the public hearing. 00:18:44
I made a motion. 00:18:49
So moved first by Marty, second by ties, all in favor, Aye, All right. Questions from the RDA board. 00:18:51
More comments. I like your presentation as that was very helpful. 00:19:02
Any other comments? 00:19:10
I think we've been in discussion for this for a long time. We've been well aware of the need for triggering this at the right 00:19:13
time. And as the this opportunity is coming to us now, especially with agreements that the multiple agreements we've been through 00:19:20
with the railroad, this makes a lot of sense and thank you for the presentation. I think it's not only important to represent it 00:19:27
to the public, but in a clear way that helps us understand why we're doing it and how we're resolving the impacted material. So. 00:19:35
I think you did a really great job as well. Christy, did you have anything else before we put in a motion? No, I agree. I'm 00:19:42
running with a motion. 00:19:46
I move that the RDA approves and adopts Resolution You 2023 Dash 6 to extend the life of the RDA in the mapped areas such as 00:19:52
Geneva, Nitrogen, Martin Snows, E Geneva properties and Lakefront. 00:19:58
OK, First by Christy, second by Tice. Any discussion, Seeing that there's none, we'll go ahead and I'm going to ask for A roll 00:20:07
call just in case, guys and this excuse. Yay, Marty. Christy. All right, that carried. We'll move on to our discussion next. And 00:20:14
1600 N reimbursement agreement application, you're up again. Yeah, So I don't have any presentation for this one. 1600 N, as you 00:20:21
know, currently comes from Geneva Rd. 00:20:28
And doesn't go all the way out to the lakefront properties or the Lakefront Rd. Vineyard Lake Rd. Martin Snow, his company has 00:20:35
been working on completing that work and so we've have an application for him to receive reimbursement for that work since it 00:20:41
benefits the community at large. 00:20:48
OK. Questions from the RDA board. 00:20:55
Yes, I'd actually like to make a motion. What's the discussion? 00:21:06
I moved to approve Resolution U2023-O7 which authorizes the City Manager or RDA Chair to negotiate an agreement with and approve a 00:21:11
contract with Vineyard Properties of Utah LLC for a reimbursement agreement regarding infrastructure for the completion of 1600 N 00:21:20
and not to exceed 1,776,000 dollars $601,776,640.50. 00:21:30
Did you get that number? 00:21:40
I had said it twice. 00:21:42
I thought you were asking me and I was like I did not memorize what you said that I will read it off the paper. 00:21:44
All right, we have our first by Christy, second, second by Tice. I'm just going to do the spiral Claire as well. Tice. Hi, Amber 00:21:50
is excused. I Hardy. Hi, Christy. Okay, that brings us for adjournment. I need a motion. 00:21:57
I'm a motion to adjourn second. 00:22:05
Oh, did you have a question? 00:22:10
Oh, please come up to the microphone, state your name and what your question is. 00:22:13
Part I represent Martin Snow Vineyard Properties of Utah. So we gave you that number and then the city pushed our project a year, 00:22:17
so all the prices escalated. So I don't think that's fair that we're bound to that same. 00:22:23
Number that because the city pushed the product project, not us. 00:22:31
I think what we could do, it looks like there's a negotiation that's be accepted. If you wanted to make that negotiation with the 00:22:37
people that she suggested and it doesn't come to some kind of agreement and there isn't something found, you can always come back 00:22:43
to the next RDA board meeting. Does that work? 00:22:48
OK, great. Thank you for your comments. I need a motion to adjourn. Thanks, guys. 00:22:55
Second by Christie, all in favor, thank you for coming. 00:23:02
That was painless. Your keyboard worked. 00:23:09
No. 00:23:16
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We're good to go. 00:00:06
All right, we're going to go ahead and get our Redevelopment Agency Board meeting started still October 11th and the time is 6:32. 00:00:10
We'll start with our consent agenda. I just need a motion to approve the minutes or the items. 00:00:17
As noted, thank you. First by Ty, second by Marty. Marty, all in favor, aye. All right, we'll move on to our business items. We're 00:00:28
going to start with our public hearing extending the length of the RDA resolution U2023-06. 00:00:37
We'll start with a motion to go into a public hearing and then as you're our city manager, will present this plan. So I need a 00:00:46
motion. 00:00:51
So one second, OK, first by second by Christy. All in favor. All right, we're now in a public hearing. 00:00:58
OK, welcome. My name is Ezra Nair. I serve as the city manager and then also as the Redevelopment Agency director. In this 00:01:06
capacity, so many of you got a notice about the extension of the life of the RDA and are probably wondering what that means. So 00:01:12
I'm gonna give a brief overview of what the RDA is, a little bit of background to help understand and color what this decision 00:01:18
actually means practically for you all. 00:01:24
So today we're just going to go over the background of. 00:01:32
The. 00:01:38
There we go, The background of the RDA, how tax increment works, notable projects that the RDA has helped complete. 00:01:39
How our property taxes work into that and what the extension actually does. 00:01:48
So. 00:01:54
So to give a little background, the Geneva Urban Renewal area is the name of our project area within our RDA. So the RDA is the 00:01:58
organization that's established to run separate project areas and the Geneva Urban Renewal area is our project area is created 00:02:06
back in 2010 before many of your times, all of your time service on the council, but many of your service with the city. The 00:02:13
purpose of this project area was to redevelop an old steel mill site. 00:02:20
There, there was a old steel plant that was bought up by China, shipped out, and so it left a lot of contaminated dirt that was in 00:02:28
need of remediation for it to be used. There was no taxable value on that land and it couldn't be developed because the cleanup 00:02:36
was way too expensive for the time. The residents have Vineyard to pay for. There's only only two hundred of us, or 200 of them. I 00:02:44
wasn't part of that original group, the 2010 tax base of those 200 residents. 00:02:52
They couldn't, They wouldn't have been able to pay for any of that cleanup effort with the taxes that they paid on their homes. 00:03:01
So tax increment financing, how it works is when an area is created, there's a base here established. And so for the Geneva 00:03:12
Redevelopment Agency, that base year was established in 2006. Even though the agency was created in 2000, 2010, that base year was 00:03:20
zero, $0.00 for essentially all of the, all the, the tax value within that north area. So it covers basically the north side, 00:03:27
north side of it, your N half vineyard. 00:03:35
So after the the base years established and after the RTS created. 00:03:43
There's a lot of. 00:04:23
When manufacturing plants move out, they refer to those as brownfield sites generally. But for the Geneva RDA, we primarily use 00:04:25
bonds against the future tax increment of those properties. So the original value is 0, but knowing that, hey, if we get this area 00:04:33
cleaned up, then there can be generation, there can be activity on those sites. And so that's how the bonds within the RDA work. 00:04:40
The next step is then property within those areas are triggered or activated. 00:04:50
Every time that a parcel is triggered, there's a 25 year period where the tax increment funds go to the RDA instead of just the 00:04:56
general city coffers. And then the 4th step is that the tax increment is distributed to the RDA. So 75% of taxes of all the 00:05:04
participating agencies are used for the benefit of the RDA. 00:05:12
So different agencies that have come to participate, the school district, the city, the county and our special districts as well, 00:05:21
they've all agreed that hey, 75% of taxes is better on on something that's developed is better than $0.00 on an area that can't be 00:05:27
developed and doesn't have any value to us. 00:05:33
So some notable projects that were completed in the RDA or with RDA funds in part. Grove Park, Sunset Beach Park, the water's edge 00:05:40
community as a whole, the Megaplex. 00:05:46
Top Golf coming here. Lakeshore Trail Connections. Environmental Remediation. 00:05:53
Our Center St. overpass and our water tank and water lines and many more projects. These are just some of the notable ones, but 00:05:58
essentially all of the growth and development that you see in this area was made possible by the RDA. There is no way that 100 or 00:06:04
200 homes would have ever given enough tax, taxes to build roads, to build infrastructure to help connect Vineyard to other parts 00:06:09
of the county. 00:06:15
So with that, let's move on to our our discussion on property taxes. So you all, if you have property taxes in Utah County, you've 00:06:23
probably seen this little graphic on your tax bill. It has a little pie chart that shows you where most of your tax dollars go. 00:06:29
You'll see the big one is the school district. Most of the property taxes in Utah throughout the state really go to those school 00:06:35
districts with a smaller portion to the city, very small portion of the county and even smaller portion to the special district. 00:06:41
So this is a typical tax bill of. 00:06:47
A home that's right around the median value. 00:06:55
More or less. 00:06:58
So understanding that, let's talk about what your taxes look like for for typical home. Let's use some rounding just for for ease 00:07:02
of calculation. So if your house is not in a triggered part of the RDA, then you're paying roughly 1800 a school tax. And this is 00:07:10
again a median, median income household rounded 1800 the school tax 850, the city 250, the county 150 to special service 00:07:19
districts. So your total annual tax bill is about $3000. 00:07:27
So what goes to the city out of that? You have that 850 that you pay of the city tax that goes directly to the city at that point. 00:07:36
Now triggered parcel. 00:07:45
You'll see that all the taxes remain exactly the same. School tax, city tax, county tax, special tax. You pay all the same tax 00:07:47
dollars. And your total annual taxes, again, is that $3000. But the only difference is for triggered parcel, the triggered area 00:07:54
within the RDA, 75% of each of those funds goes to the Vineyard RDA, the Geneva Redevelopment Agency, and so the city for all 00:08:02
intents and purposes. 00:08:09
We all get to have $2250 benefiting city projects like parks, like roads, all those infrastructure things that we need to the 00:08:17
benefit of the city. So it really is this very specialized tool that can help us have a lot of different projects where all of the 00:08:26
different entities say, you know what, we we all recognize that as $0.00 of land value does absolutely nothing for us. So we'd 00:08:34
rather give up 75% to help an area develop so we can continue to deal with all the growth that we're experiencing in the county. 00:08:43
Then have that area sit empty, sit blighted for time and all eternity. 00:08:52
So today's item extends the life of the overall RDA. So each of the entities that became a part of the RDA all agreed that once a 00:09:00
property is triggered that we'll have 25 years where they collect that tax increment. And so they all knew that going into this. 00:09:08
So what extending the life of the RDA does is allow us to trigger properties as needed at later times depending on on when we need 00:09:15
the funds and most urgently to make the best use of that full 25 year your period. 00:09:23
And that is the basics of that item. I'm happy to answer any questions, but that's the basic overview. I've tried to answer any 00:09:31
questions that have come in as people have had them for the letter, but this is just a very administrative process that helps us 00:09:38
maximize those tax dollars for the benefit of the city as well. Are there any questions from the public? Please come up, state 00:09:44
your name and your question. 00:09:51
Unicorn Helios from the Villas. 00:10:03
My question was revolves around where did these around the word extension and I think Ezra, OK, thank you. Kind of explaining that 00:10:06
it's a 25 year period extension indicates that we're gonna now lengthen that out so the 25 years will stay so. 00:10:16
The 25 years will stay, but we'll just have the opportunity. So normally if you trigger something today, the RDA ends 24 years 00:10:27
from now. 00:10:32
And so for those parcels, we're going to extend the life so that we get that full 25 years regardless of when, when we were to 00:10:37
trigger it. 00:10:41
Maybe you can include why or when we trigger something and why that there would be delays versus Yeah, absolutely so. 00:10:47
Going back to this slide here. So this assumes that the base value is 0. So when we start a project, when you're looking at a 00:10:59
piece of land, if it has zero value, once you build a house on it, now it has value. So you get 75% of whatever value is created 00:11:05
from the base year. 00:11:11
In this case is 0, in most of the cases is 0, and so you want to wait to trigger properties until they're developed. So that way 00:11:18
you can say the base value is 0. Now it's worth $500,000. We can get 75% of that tax fee. 00:11:27
So we don't trigger undeveloped. We wait until they're developed and we trigger. And that helps us because if it was like half 00:11:36
developed, we would only get 75% of half of that building when we could just wait a year and get 75% of the full 100% of that 00:11:42
building issues. But there's no adjustment, no lengthening of the 25 year. That's correct. 00:11:48
It's all 25 years regardless of what parcel you're on. And this does not involve any developers or anybody that has come back in 00:11:54
and said, hey, we had this agreement, but now we need to extend that out for our benefit at all. No, this is all for the city's 00:11:59
benefit points of clarity. So I appreciate that. Thank you. No problem. 00:12:05
Did you have a comment, Marty? 00:12:13
OK. 00:12:15
I. 00:12:19
I can't tell what these parcels are. Can you tell me what these parcels? Are these the next parcels that are going to be 00:12:21
triggered? No, that that's just ones that haven't had the extension yet. So all these ones in here. So like Andrew, can you define 00:12:26
the map that you're looking at? Let me pull up. 00:12:31
Let me pull up the map that already has here. 00:12:37
OK, so. 00:12:55
Darius showing the there's this area that's highlighted this area and then the entire lakefront. So the lakefront is a good 00:12:57
example of one that's all been developed that's ready to be triggered. But if we were to trigger it today, we'd only get 25 years 00:13:05
of that benefit where if we extended it, gave it another year, we could get the full 25 years of that benefit. 00:13:12
So it's the plan to extend that like. 00:13:20
For one more year at the lakefront then. So lakefront, yeah, we could do one year for ease of administration because all the other 00:13:22
ones are are to later years. We can match it with those or we could just do it for one year. It doesn't really matter. 00:13:28
And I have one more question, if the triggering triggering these at stagger amounts, will this also affect those HRZT zones? Also 00:13:35
the HTRZ works in a similar way. 00:13:43
But the goal will be to not have those triggered at the same time, because it'll essentially if you trigger the HTRZ at the same 00:13:51
time as the RDA, the HTRZ benefit will only be anything that's not already being used from the RDA. 00:13:58
And so the city will get more funding if we have those triggered separately because then we'll essentially get the increment for 00:14:05
50 years. OK. And these these 25 years only goes to 2046 currently, yes. 00:14:12
Because no matter when you trigger between now and 2099, it's still just that 25 years. What do you think is the best benefit for 00:14:49
Vineyard? Which way to do it? 2099 makes it a lot easier to administer. So I would say just do it to 2099 and that way you have 00:14:55
the flexibility. 00:15:01
Whoever the next RDA director is has the flexibility to take a time that makes the most sense. OK. 00:15:08
Thank you very much. 00:15:14
I. 00:15:16
Larry O'Donnell from the Vineyard. 00:15:28
Do you know why they call him Brownfield? 00:15:31
Because it's usually not grass growing on them. 00:15:34
I was with partners when they made the first brownfield and it was we had to clean up that and that was the name of the property. 00:15:39
Oh, that's what they were called, Brownfields ever since, yeah. You remember at the school, I remember it standing. 00:15:47
The good part though, and one thing I'd like you to think about. 00:15:57
In another life. 00:16:03
You all have feelings like when the FDA asked to figure out a new drug and they asked the drug companies to do that. 00:16:08
May I suggest that hasn't gone very well. 00:16:19
Brownfields are not always successful, but there are certain attributes that make some successful and some not. 00:16:23
I would suggest that like the FDA, you would not. 00:16:34
Hang your hat. 00:16:40
On getting the developer to come and have their engineers tell you about. 00:16:43
The soil. 00:16:50
It'll make much better decisions if you have a third party tell you or somebody that's been once or twice around the block. 00:16:52
It's really not hard. 00:17:01
But. 00:17:04
Smoke and mirrors have been around for a long time. 00:17:06
And people will use them. 00:17:09
They're here. Developers are here to make money. 00:17:13
It's like. 00:17:18
You're really not your friends. They may tell you their friends that they need to develop all the land they can because they're 00:17:20
they're trying to recoup their capital. And I would suggest you look at that before you get too deep. Don't have a problem with 00:17:25
the extension. 00:17:31
Worked with cities before. 00:17:37
Been on the City side right now we have the Department of Environmental Quality that sends those reports back. So I think the 00:17:40
reason why Christie spoke about having the person who reports to the Department of Environmental Quality is to be able to come in 00:17:48
and say what permits and what clearance they've received from the DEQ. But the reports are available and we have those 00:17:55
conversations where we know where it's supposed to be clean to and tested. So we we are receiving them properly. 00:18:03
I recognize that. 00:18:12
Wish you luck. 00:18:14
I'm glad you're doing it and I didn't catch your name though, for the record. 00:18:17
Thank you. 00:18:32
I'm sorry. 00:18:34
Any other comments from the product? 00:18:38
OK. There are no comments from the public, so I'm going to go out of the public hearing. 00:18:44
I made a motion. 00:18:49
So moved first by Marty, second by ties, all in favor, Aye, All right. Questions from the RDA board. 00:18:51
More comments. I like your presentation as that was very helpful. 00:19:02
Any other comments? 00:19:10
I think we've been in discussion for this for a long time. We've been well aware of the need for triggering this at the right 00:19:13
time. And as the this opportunity is coming to us now, especially with agreements that the multiple agreements we've been through 00:19:20
with the railroad, this makes a lot of sense and thank you for the presentation. I think it's not only important to represent it 00:19:27
to the public, but in a clear way that helps us understand why we're doing it and how we're resolving the impacted material. So. 00:19:35
I think you did a really great job as well. Christy, did you have anything else before we put in a motion? No, I agree. I'm 00:19:42
running with a motion. 00:19:46
I move that the RDA approves and adopts Resolution You 2023 Dash 6 to extend the life of the RDA in the mapped areas such as 00:19:52
Geneva, Nitrogen, Martin Snows, E Geneva properties and Lakefront. 00:19:58
OK, First by Christy, second by Tice. Any discussion, Seeing that there's none, we'll go ahead and I'm going to ask for A roll 00:20:07
call just in case, guys and this excuse. Yay, Marty. Christy. All right, that carried. We'll move on to our discussion next. And 00:20:14
1600 N reimbursement agreement application, you're up again. Yeah, So I don't have any presentation for this one. 1600 N, as you 00:20:21
know, currently comes from Geneva Rd. 00:20:28
And doesn't go all the way out to the lakefront properties or the Lakefront Rd. Vineyard Lake Rd. Martin Snow, his company has 00:20:35
been working on completing that work and so we've have an application for him to receive reimbursement for that work since it 00:20:41
benefits the community at large. 00:20:48
OK. Questions from the RDA board. 00:20:55
Yes, I'd actually like to make a motion. What's the discussion? 00:21:06
I moved to approve Resolution U2023-O7 which authorizes the City Manager or RDA Chair to negotiate an agreement with and approve a 00:21:11
contract with Vineyard Properties of Utah LLC for a reimbursement agreement regarding infrastructure for the completion of 1600 N 00:21:20
and not to exceed 1,776,000 dollars $601,776,640.50. 00:21:30
Did you get that number? 00:21:40
I had said it twice. 00:21:42
I thought you were asking me and I was like I did not memorize what you said that I will read it off the paper. 00:21:44
All right, we have our first by Christy, second, second by Tice. I'm just going to do the spiral Claire as well. Tice. Hi, Amber 00:21:50
is excused. I Hardy. Hi, Christy. Okay, that brings us for adjournment. I need a motion. 00:21:57
I'm a motion to adjourn second. 00:22:05
Oh, did you have a question? 00:22:10
Oh, please come up to the microphone, state your name and what your question is. 00:22:13
Part I represent Martin Snow Vineyard Properties of Utah. So we gave you that number and then the city pushed our project a year, 00:22:17
so all the prices escalated. So I don't think that's fair that we're bound to that same. 00:22:23
Number that because the city pushed the product project, not us. 00:22:31
I think what we could do, it looks like there's a negotiation that's be accepted. If you wanted to make that negotiation with the 00:22:37
people that she suggested and it doesn't come to some kind of agreement and there isn't something found, you can always come back 00:22:43
to the next RDA board meeting. Does that work? 00:22:48
OK, great. Thank you for your comments. I need a motion to adjourn. Thanks, guys. 00:22:55
Second by Christie, all in favor, thank you for coming. 00:23:02
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