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Chair Bryce Brady opened the meeting at00 PM. Commissioner Christopher Bramwell led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation. WORK SESSION1 Zoning Text Amendment – Medical and Commercial Uses The addition of Medical and Commercial uses is proposed for the Flex Office Industry (FOI), Industrial Zone (I-1), Regional Commercial (RC), and Downtown Vineyard – Town Center (TC) Districts. The sections of the Zoning Code under consideration would include: · VZC15.12.050 District Use Table · Special Purpose Zoning District– Downtown Vineyard (Town Center) | |
Community Development Director Morgan Brim reviewed the proposed code changes. | |
Chair Brady clarified that residential was not allowed in the RC and FOI and that there was still cleanup that needed to be done in those areas. A brief discussion ensued. 2 Forge Development Agreement Dakota Pacific is proposing a development agreement for The Forge property. The property is located at9 N Ingot Road Vineyard, UT059, and is zoned within The Forge Special Purpose Zoning District. Parcel IDs::258:0001 through:258:0007. | |
Community Development Director Morgan Brim gave a brief background on the Forge Development Agreement and some of the changes that had been requested. | |
Steve Borup with Dakota Pacific Real Estate gave a presentation on The Forge development. A discussion ensued. Public Concerns Questions | |
Resident Daria Evans asked about the Redevelopment Agency Board (RDA) funding and how it worked. She questioned why the city should be involved in funding a private developer’s project. | |
Resident Tim Heaton expressed concern with the privacy implications of the license plate reader technology. He also requested clarification on parking enforcement and building heights. Lastly, he asked why the city Redevelopment Agency Board (RDA) should pay for a private developer’s project as well. | |
Resident Sarah Cameron expressed concern with the parking allowance/ratio per unit due to the differences or variations in household composition and sizes. She recommended that the developer consider upgrading the parking ratios per unit to accommodate for future demand. | |
Resident Jake Holdaway asked about the target residents in the future when the development was built. He expressed that due to Vineyard’s proximity to UVU and BYU, there would be an influx of many students and families in search of affordable housing. Mr. Holdaway recommended that the Forge be built in such a way that it welcomes various classes of people with varied household composition/type, and parking should be re-considered. | |
Resident Chip Price asked about the elevation winding along0 North and how it would be built. Responses | |
Chair Brady responded to the questions asked by the public. A discussion ensued about all the concerns raised. 3 Site Plan for Aquatics Facility Flagborough is proposing an aquatics facility within the lake promenade in the Downtown Vineyard area. | |
Planner Anthony Fletcher introduced the project detailing the site location and total site. | |
Bronson Tatton and Pete Evans with Flagborough gave a presentation on the proposed Aquatic Facility. A discussion ensued. Questions | |
Resident David Lauret expressed concern about parking for the aquatic facility and asked for proposed parking plans and clarification on its management and enforcement. | |
Daria Evans asked about the total capacity of the facility and how many lifeguards would be stationed there during its operation. She expressed concern about the storage of the furniture in the winter. Ms. Evans had questions about the shade and size of the proposed splash pad in comparison to the Grove Park splash pad. | |
Jacob Holdaway expressed concerns about the infestation of flies and other bugs in the area or the proposed project site, being outdoors. He shared that it was worth considering the financial implications of controlling fly and bug infestation. Responses | |
Chair Brady and Mr. Tatton responded to the questions and concerns from the public. 4 East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement Anderson Geneva, LLC, is requesting approval of a land donation and development agreement between Vineyard City, Utah, The Vineyard Redevelopment Agency, and Anderson Geneva, LLC, for the following parcel numbers::019:0047,:437:0001,:437:0002,:022:0006, and:870:0004. | |
Mr. Evans explained that the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement had two components and discussed those. Commissioner Ostler asked about vested rights on the property. Mr. Brim responded, and a discussion ensued. | |
Mr. Brim stated that there will be a public hearing will be on December23 regarding the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement. He wanted to let the commissioners know that if they wanted to have a one-on-one meeting, they could set those up. | |
Chair Brady requested that the developers of the Forge present the percentage of owner-occupied residential units in their development and the percentage of residential to commercial spaces. ADJOURNMENT | |
Chair Brady adjourned the meeting at38 PM. MINUTES APPROVED ON: December23 CERTIFIED CORRECT BY /s/ Heidi Jackman HEIDI JACKMAN, DEPUTY RECORDER |
Welcome everybody. This is a Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is November 29th and it is 6:00. We'll get right into things | 00:00:02 | |
with Chris giving us. | 00:00:08 | |
Legend of prayer. | 00:00:15 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:00:22 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:28 | |
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful to be gathered together here tonight as a Commission and and with the public and the | 00:00:40 | |
residents of the city. Please bless us tonight as we do the the work of the public. Bless us as we have this workshop plus us that | 00:00:46 | |
we can have meaningful and impactful discussions and that we can be guided. And as we work toward strengthening our community, we | 00:00:52 | |
say things. | 00:00:59 | |
Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Awesome. Thank you so much. All right, we'll move right into a work session. Just so you guys know, this | 00:01:05 | |
is a special meeting. So we don't have the normal public comment that we do in a normal Planning Commission meeting. This is just | 00:01:10 | |
a special session. And the things that we're doing here tonight are just work session things, which means that no, nothing | 00:01:16 | |
officials taking place. We're not voting on anything. We're just kind of trying to hash out some of these things before we have | 00:01:21 | |
the public hearing that will happen. | 00:01:27 | |
Next week I believe it is. | 00:01:33 | |
I will allow for some comments just so that we can try to catch some stuff and. | 00:01:36 | |
So that when we come to the public hearing, we are ready for it. That way we can move things forward with the developer and we can | 00:01:42 | |
have things hashed out that need to get hashed out at the public hearing and they have some time to do those things. So that being | 00:01:49 | |
said, we'll move right into the work session to 2.1, zoning, text amendment, medical and commercial uses. | 00:01:57 | |
Great. Thank you, Chair and members of the Planning Commission. Thank you for coming. Yep. So we have this stuff right now. So we | 00:02:08 | |
do have some uses that need to be considered for our code. These are more specifically medical and hospital type uses. We have the | 00:02:17 | |
Huntsman Cancer Institute that is coming to the city currently under the code. We have commercial which. | 00:02:26 | |
Just a really broad category and it could kind of fit under that. You felt that would be important just to have the actual use | 00:02:35 | |
clarified. And so this is the table, you have the full table as part of your staff report. So this is showing for the downtown | 00:02:43 | |
under the downtown station for hospital. It would be not permitted in the downtown mixed-use. That's the blue that would be a | 00:02:50 | |
permitted use under the village. | 00:02:57 | |
General, that's the purple district to the north that would be a permitted use and then the lakefront residential if there's no | 00:03:05 | |
commercial uses allowed there. | 00:03:10 | |
At the lakefront commercial, that's like kind of the orange part right adjacent to the lake that that wouldn't be permitted. But | 00:03:14 | |
underneath that the medical uses, they would be permitted under that. Typically you're just the the General Medical uses are going | 00:03:23 | |
to have less of a of an impact than like a like a larger hospital. So that would be anything from medical office to. | 00:03:31 | |
To your medical clinics and then with. | 00:03:40 | |
Utah Valley University being a play having like the research component and then the University of Utah is also a partner with. | 00:03:44 | |
The Huntsman Cancer Institute, so that would allow those under the downtown station, the downtown mixed-use and the village | 00:03:56 | |
general not permitted in the residential area, but in the lakefront commercial. You can go to the next slide please. | 00:04:03 | |
This is the standard. | 00:04:13 | |
Zoning district matrix. So these are this is pulled out of that the full matrix is in the staff report. So these are a lot of | 00:04:17 | |
medical uses and different type of commercial uses that that could fit into those districts. And so the idea was to similarly | 00:04:24 | |
clarify is, you know, kind of the east side. The idea is to is to do a lot of medical and have it primarily and an employment | 00:04:31 | |
center with the the university of being right there. | 00:04:38 | |
The plan is to have kind of academia married with the, with the employment uses that will be there with the, you know, especially | 00:04:45 | |
the medical uses. And so you can kind of see through the list. We have clinical support housing that's housing that would be | 00:04:52 | |
catering to people who are, you know, within the hospital or employees that are living on site or or students that, that are on | 00:04:59 | |
site as part of. | 00:05:06 | |
Like a hospital or an academia type setting. | 00:05:14 | |
And so that would be permitted in both the RC and the FOI districts. And we have the commercial indoor permitted for the RC, | 00:05:17 | |
permitted for the FOI, the commercial output, the recreational outdoor uses that's a conditional use in both the conditional use, | 00:05:24 | |
just for clarification what that is in Utah basically it could actually use is a a permitted use with standards that you can | 00:05:32 | |
attach to it. And so if you see things that would provide some. | 00:05:39 | |
Of a negative impact allows the Planning Commission utilizing the code is kind of the guidance to provide conditions that would | 00:05:47 | |
help mitigate impacts. We do have golf course use that was shown as a conditional use of both those districts on that east side. | 00:05:54 | |
There is a lot of of concrete work and I think many of the commissioners have have gone out and done kind of towards the side | 00:06:02 | |
there had just reviewed. | 00:06:09 | |
Intensive concrete and so that that would provide kind of a, a surface level use whether or not it happens. It seems like a good | 00:06:47 | |
use. If there's an area that can't be utilized due to the concrete structures, some of those structures you can do if you were to | 00:06:54 | |
kind of scrape off the top, you might even be able to utilize it as flooding. So there might be opportunities to to utilize some | 00:07:00 | |
of those concrete structures. Parking is another news as well. | 00:07:07 | |
Health and fitness facility. | 00:07:15 | |
As permitted uses and hotels conditional motels conditional and we have these other medical uses. The nursing care facility | 00:07:17 | |
permitted and permitted nursing home comprehensive care permitted permitted then office is being permitted pharmacy permitted | 00:07:24 | |
warehouse club is permitted in the RCRC is a regional commercial use. So that seems like a use that would fit well there assembly | 00:07:32 | |
place of I mean really that's kind of a nasty way of saying children's. | 00:07:39 | |
Movie theaters, it's for having like some sort of facility where people would gather together. So under a code, typically assembly | 00:07:47 | |
place of that's the church. So if you wanna know where you can build a church, we'll look for the assembly use educational | 00:07:55 | |
facility conditional conditional with those being primarily state universities that will go there. Those are state uses that that | 00:08:02 | |
don't have to actually go through any local approval and so they're they can come in but if there was like a. | 00:08:09 | |
That educational facility that would pair well with, you know, with with, with what's going on down there or up in that area that | 00:08:17 | |
gives the opportunity if there's like a private college that has some sort of like specific medical training or something like | 00:08:22 | |
that. | 00:08:27 | |
Mercy care facility as a permitted use heliport that's that would be for, you know, having a medical uses up there so a helicopter | 00:08:33 | |
can can come in and then hospitals is conditionally used and then just generally accessory building. You're you're allowed to do | 00:08:41 | |
that really anywhere residential. You could have actually people have sheds and detached garages. Accessibility is just kind of. | 00:08:49 | |
The, you know, a building that is accessory to the primary use of the site. So it's just kind of a general standard, but it would | 00:08:58 | |
have to be related to to the use. | 00:09:02 | |
That is our proposal and happy to take any questions from the Commission. | 00:09:08 | |
Do you guys have any questions? | 00:09:17 | |
As far. | 00:09:22 | |
So just to clarify for the public in these areas, in the RC and FOI, residential is not allowed in these areas. | 00:09:24 | |
And there is still extensive cleanup that needs to happen in these areas. | 00:09:34 | |
With that being said, as far as these different kinds of facilities. | 00:09:39 | |
Even if they were a permitted use if they ground doesn't meet like certain standards cause. | 00:09:47 | |
Can you clarify I guess some of that stuff as far as since there can't be residential there, I'm just kind of curious how there | 00:09:55 | |
could be like a nursing home or or something like that, Right? Sure. So DEQ and feel free Jamie, to jump in on this if you have | 00:10:02 | |
kind of any more scientists. My understanding is any, any permanent uses have to any uses have to be approved. There's different | 00:10:09 | |
levels that are approved. Right now it's under an industrial. | 00:10:16 | |
Use approval. | 00:10:24 | |
But there are areas that because there was a really kind of heavy more contaminated places within where the Geneva footprint was. | 00:10:25 | |
And so those have pretty much been mapped. They're always being kind of remapped and studied. DQ would have to essentially sign | 00:10:33 | |
off and on, on those types of uses. So, so if if they're not allowed, then they wouldn't come through. So any of that has to go | 00:10:40 | |
through like the the state approval process. | 00:10:47 | |
Do you have any questions, Chris on this? | 00:11:26 | |
Cool. I don't think we have any questions up here, so. | 00:11:30 | |
Is there anybody that had any specific questions or something that you think we may have missed? | 00:11:34 | |
All right, if not, we'll move on to Item 2.2 Forge Development Agreement. | 00:11:39 | |
OK, Steve, yeah, why don't you jump up and I'll do kind of a quick introduction on this. This was the project that was brought | 00:11:48 | |
before the Planning Commission and City Council last went to council. I believe it was the 20th, 22nd of February is the days of | 00:11:54 | |
my head, but it was it was kind of right in there. There were elements that the council Planning Commission had requested. One was | 00:12:01 | |
a a reduction in the residential units proposed. | 00:12:07 | |
If you remember it was 1500 units that that were that were being proposed. There was there were concerns about massing and the | 00:12:14 | |
height of the buildings along the vendor connector those that so Steve will show you kind of the alterations of those. So there's | 00:12:22 | |
a lot more single level like retail that that's being shown and then there are also concerns about. | 00:12:31 | |
About the like the overall? | 00:12:42 | |
Management and so Steve has been working on kind of where the longevity of the parking management of the site. And so they can | 00:12:45 | |
share with you those ideas of how to do the parking management. If there are some specific things with that, those are elements | 00:12:53 | |
that can be incorporated into the development agreement. So, yeah, so once that's up, I'll bring you through that update, OK. | 00:13:02 | |
Just for the record, I'm Steve Borup, Director of Development for Dakota Pacific Real Estate. And for those I don't remember who I | 00:13:17 | |
was here, but for those in the public may or may not know, we own 38 acres approximately which is the majority of what is the | 00:13:23 | |
Forge zoning area in the in the in the zoning plan today, which is. | 00:13:29 | |
That gateway area of Vineyard Connector in Geneva, so just north of the theater. | 00:13:36 | |
I'm excited to be here. | 00:13:42 | |
Morgan said, last time I was here in these chambers with many of you was first quarter of 2023 and after months of presentations | 00:13:45 | |
and deliberations ultimately were given the guidance to go back and make some changes. And since that time we have been in | 00:13:53 | |
collaboration with staff and economic development subcommittee and. | 00:14:01 | |
Had a lot of back and forth and working sessions to find and present this plan that I'm going to present to you tonight. | 00:14:10 | |
The process is kind of painful sometimes and long, but we respect it and certainly felt those that we've worked with passion for, | 00:14:18 | |
you know? | 00:14:22 | |
The quality of Vineyard and we as a developer have felt the continued desire to bring something that's high quality, that will be | 00:14:29 | |
an amenity and it'll be iconic again at this at this gateway, something that everybody's proud of so. | 00:14:35 | |
I just really appreciate all the collaboration we've had today and look forward to this discussion. | 00:14:44 | |
The agenda will look like this. Please stop me. This is a discussion, this is a work session, but these are the agenda items I'm | 00:14:51 | |
putting up there. So you know what's coming down the pipe if you have comments around anything in particular on there. | 00:14:57 | |
By the way, I do have printouts. If somebody prefers that versus the screen, just raise your hand. I can I can bring it on. | 00:15:05 | |
I thought we'd start with the general plan. That's the guiding document for cities and what the development should look like and | 00:15:12 | |
in May 2019, the general plan that I found on the most turn on the website. | 00:15:18 | |
UMM shows us in this general area right here, which is designated for residential mixed-use. And again, this was established in | 00:15:24 | |
2019. At that time that that general plan was being established. I wasn't with this project, but understand that others were | 00:15:32 | |
within Dakota Pacific and there was. At the same time that the general plan was happening, there was also a negotiation for a | 00:15:39 | |
specific zoning district for this area called. | 00:15:47 | |
Used area and. | 00:15:54 | |
As areas are being developed into this area, I think there was some confusion maybe by some of the members of our team. You could | 00:16:00 | |
see these big pockets of residential that were being developed in the very South end. Then you had the yard, which is very | 00:16:04 | |
commercial and yet. | 00:16:09 | |
We were proposing and bringing something that was truly mixed-use and was different. | 00:16:14 | |
And the anticipated program that was truly mixed-use was about 121.2 million square feet of office and commercial and 600 | 00:16:19 | |
residential units. That's what the current entitlement stands as. That's what we're asking. You know, ultimately what we're asking | 00:16:25 | |
for is some variances and changes, but that is the baseline that absent any kind of an approval, that's the entitlement that | 00:16:30 | |
exists today. | 00:16:36 | |
So I pointed out partly because the idea was this is a special area, this was to be a micro general plan. Again, the guiding | 00:16:43 | |
document, this is to be a micro urban kind of an area and it is to be mixed-use. | 00:16:49 | |
From the first quarter feedback that we got, these were some of the words and feedback that we we we received. | 00:16:58 | |
Morgan mentioned density. There was 1500 residential units. That was a big topic of discussion. You'll see we reduced that in our | 00:17:07 | |
current plan by 25% to 1100 maximum residential units. We heard a lot about active open space, the need for it on this side of the | 00:17:14 | |
railroad tracks. We generally kept the same ratio of open space we had before and retained the highly programmed nature of it. | 00:17:20 | |
The kinds of commercial with a topic of discussion, bringing something that's an amenity for for the area, something that's active | 00:17:28 | |
and interesting parking. | 00:17:33 | |
Wouldn't be a meeting if we don't get through that, so I'll address some of our parking. | 00:17:39 | |
Strategies building height, I think there was some concern about what does it look like and still like along Vineyard Connector, | 00:17:44 | |
What's the building heights along Mill Rd. How do we just make sure the scale works and transitions on the work? And you'll, | 00:17:49 | |
you'll notice in our current plan, we've dealt with that specifically in the first phase. And then there was a lot of good | 00:17:55 | |
feedback about the affordable and affordable housing and some desire for mixed housing, different kinds of housing for sale, | 00:18:00 | |
townhomes, something else. | 00:18:05 | |
Is to provide some variety. | 00:18:10 | |
Anything else for those that were there that we should be thinking about that that you expressed or heard that isn't represented | 00:18:15 | |
in what I've just discussed? | 00:18:20 | |
I have a question as far as clarity. You mentioned you guys reduced the residency units by 25% down to 1100, but I also saw 600 | 00:18:28 | |
residential units. Yeah. So our Phase 1 is going to have about 600 that we're proposing. So we'll get into kind of the phasing a | 00:18:35 | |
little bit. And so there's the overall development agreement is written to allow maximum of 1100 units, but then we've defined | 00:18:41 | |
very specifically how and where. | 00:18:47 | |
600 of those units will sit and and and showing you a concept site plan for it. | 00:18:55 | |
And to clarify, currently as its own, they can have 600 residential units. So that's where that 600 was coming from. And then they | 00:18:59 | |
came up, they had a plan that they came in earlier this year that was a 1500 unit plan that went through the Planning Commission | 00:19:05 | |
and got denied by the City Council with adjustments. | 00:19:12 | |
The only other thing that was brought up as an issue or a concern was. | 00:19:21 | |
Traffic flow of traffic and. | 00:19:28 | |
Where to get in and out your exits and entrances and stuff like that. Can I clarify a really quick price? And I, I think under | 00:19:31 | |
the, the 600 that, that was kind of what that, that was like what was anticipated under the, the zoning initially. The zoning | 00:19:39 | |
actually doesn't have a residential unit limit. It's, it's a, it's a third. So allows 1/3 of the square footage to be dedicated. | 00:19:46 | |
So just depending on how intense they build it out it there's, there's not necessarily a cap. | 00:19:54 | |
That was back in 2015 when I was when I was adopted. So and I think the 600 number was, was kind of what that was what they said. | 00:20:02 | |
Well, if we were to build this out, that's a number that we could reach. If it was built out with like office and everything, it | 00:20:07 | |
was what the master plan comprehended that was kind of the basis for the zoning. | 00:20:13 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:20:20 | |
So our new approach or or revised approach is trying to designate certain areas within the forge mixed-use area for certain uses. | 00:20:24 | |
So before it was 1500 units, but we didn't didn't designate necessarily where those residential units would be. | 00:20:33 | |
And so in this revised approach, we're taking each block, each area and saying what kind of uses can be allowed in that block or | 00:20:43 | |
that area. And you can see we have an entertainment block, a commercial designation, business office and then mixed-use. | 00:20:50 | |
This entertainment area here. | 00:20:58 | |
On the quarter, a vineyard connector and Mill Rd. is meant to have an entertainment anchor. We will show you renderings of this | 00:21:02 | |
blue fate. The blue area is phase one, which will show you some more detail and vision on, but it's meant to be an active area | 00:21:08 | |
that's going to have this entertainment anchor which will have you know, you know. | 00:21:13 | |
Outdoor recreational area or a facility that facilitates entertainment based type use and then it'll likely have other food and | 00:21:20 | |
beverage and other interesting retail around it. | 00:21:25 | |
The commercial area anticipate things like hotels, other retail, food and beverage up here in the corner. There was a lot of | 00:21:31 | |
discussion in the first quarter about being able to provide something that's meaningful as a gateway to come in to bring your | 00:21:39 | |
connector and there was a desire for some office. And so we carved that out really for office with some potential retail and other | 00:21:46 | |
kinds of uses more as ancillary to the primary use of office. And in the middle in this core we have what's what's. | 00:21:53 | |
Neighborhoods feel for this area which is mixed-use where you'll have ground floor commercial, upper floor residential and some | 00:22:01 | |
interesting streets streetscapes along the way. | 00:22:06 | |
Other things to point out here is these green areas are the publicly accessible open space and we're retaining the central Plaza | 00:22:14 | |
which will highlight and show you more renderings of. | 00:22:19 | |
This entertainment. | 00:22:26 | |
Anchor is we'll show you what that could look like as an outdoor amenity. But one of the things that we heard was again, on this | 00:22:29 | |
side of the railroad tracks, how do you provide more open space that's meaningful? How do you provide an experience for these | 00:22:34 | |
people that live? | 00:22:39 | |
More on the eastern side of the city and the future plan is for this railroad to go away and become the Geneva Trail. And so our | 00:22:46 | |
vision comprehends that as as an occupant, which this is kind of that piece that sits behind the theater to be able to walk up | 00:22:54 | |
have some pocket parks. We're going to donate, you know, 3/4 of an acre or so for a pocket park there in that mixed-use area. They | 00:23:01 | |
can stop, they can they can rest, they can play there'll be some other kind of amenities along this trail system at this. | 00:23:08 | |
Gateway Park. We're comprehending and planning for a dog park here where again, you could let your dog out running a kennel, play | 00:23:16 | |
with some other dogs, come around Mill Road and kind of complete a loop around this area and have stopping points along the way | 00:23:20 | |
that are meaningful. | 00:23:24 | |
That's five plus acres of publicly open space just to kind of provide that corridor. And then you'll see these these pockets of of | 00:23:30 | |
larger programmed open space. | 00:23:35 | |
We've also retained within that 1100 units the affordable housing at the same ratio. So it's about 20. I think 21 is what the | 00:23:41 | |
development agreement says of 60% AMI affordable units and we'll go into that more. So that's the big picture land use that's | 00:23:46 | |
being driven by the development agreement. | 00:23:52 | |
I should also mention that this purple is an enhanced pedestrian corridor. There was a lot of discussion in the subcommittees. How | 00:24:00 | |
do you bring our development together with the yard so that it feels a little more seamless, draws people in. You can kind of park | 00:24:05 | |
in between and and have something that's. | 00:24:10 | |
That draws people into into our development if they park here by the theater or if there's a comprehended to be a garage here, how | 00:24:15 | |
do people walk up through here? And visually as you're driving down 650 N, you draw the eye. And so these green areas are meant to | 00:24:21 | |
be seating areas, some enhanced light landscaping, perhaps an over the street feature some lighting. | 00:24:28 | |
Again, give it kind of a neighborhood walkway feel. | 00:24:36 | |
Quick question about open space. Do you know what percent of of this is open space? | 00:24:41 | |
Open space by code is different than what I'm highlighting in green here. Within each of those developments, there'll be | 00:24:49 | |
additional considered open space that would meet the typical zoning requirement. Open space, this is kind of set aside | 00:24:55 | |
specifically for public access, right? But within, you know. | 00:25:01 | |
A retail area that could be additional open space within the multifamily there could be additional open space. So the total | 00:25:08 | |
development is 38 acres and again, we're saying 5 is going to be this kind of set as part special public open space. But, but | 00:25:13 | |
overall we'll meet I, I, I can't recall what the zoning requires for total open space, but we will generally exceed exceed that | 00:25:19 | |
with this additional 55 acres of. | 00:25:25 | |
Of public amenity open space in the agreement it says that we acknowledge part of it is outside the municipal boundary. Is that | 00:25:32 | |
actually is that part of it that's outside of Vineyard yeah. So we have a long Geneva that's right of way as we as U dot improves | 00:25:38 | |
Geneva Rd. the idea is that we would. | 00:25:44 | |
Improve our section of it to build a trail corridor. We did the general plan that was a pretty important route that was identified | 00:25:51 | |
by residents was to have a safe trail for like if you know, just if they wanted to commute or just walk right now it's, it's kind | 00:25:57 | |
of like no, no, no man's plan. But when they, when the expansion occurs, then that would provide us the opportunity to, to improve | 00:26:04 | |
that, that right away. | 00:26:10 | |
So depending on where that lands, we would contribute cash in lieu for anything that's not on our land. | 00:26:17 | |
Yeah. So you, you dot will do their, their base minimum and then we can do what's called a betterment. And so that that's where we | 00:26:24 | |
would utilize those funds to, you know, to if we needed to add landscaping to make it more attractive, to add trail side | 00:26:29 | |
amenities, those kinds of things. | 00:26:34 | |
OK. | 00:26:41 | |
So this is the rendering of our vision for phase one, which again I'll just go back real quick. This blue shaded area is what | 00:26:43 | |
we're comprehending as phase one. | 00:26:48 | |
This is the entertainment block. | 00:26:55 | |
Here. So just for orientation, this is Mill Road and then Vineyard Connector runs along this side. | 00:26:58 | |
This entertainment block in the middle will highlight more of what this is, but this is. | 00:27:05 | |
An outdoor active area. | 00:27:10 | |
And then you'd have surrounding it, retail, food and beverage, dining, sit down dining. We'll talk a little bit more about the | 00:27:13 | |
kind of food and beverage we're working to attract. | 00:27:18 | |
Umm, you can see there's entrances from along the major roads. It makes it feel like you're not on the back of buildings. | 00:27:25 | |
There's pedestrian access from these roads and some of these routes that we've talked about. | 00:27:33 | |
There's a mix of residential that sits back behind the entertainment block. These could be three story townhomes or flats, but | 00:27:39 | |
we've talked about the desire for some for sale type units. This would be a great place to be able to provide that type of use. It | 00:27:47 | |
also is lower scale at 3 Storey, just to be able to kind of transition over to, you know, a four or five Storey larger structure | 00:27:54 | |
that would have a parking garage in the middle of it. That parking garage will facilitate. | 00:28:01 | |
The overall density that you're seeing, you know, less surface parking and, you know, asphalt everywhere and there's more vibrant, | 00:28:09 | |
walkable feel for the overall area. | 00:28:14 | |
As far as the types of users around this entertainment anchor that we're discussing, we feel like there's a need and an | 00:28:26 | |
opportunity if we can build something with high character that has enough activity and vibrancy and this kind of neighborhood feel | 00:28:33 | |
in talking to food and beverage users that are, you know, mid to maybe higher end food and beverage users sit down dining type, | 00:28:40 | |
this is the kind of development that they're interested in coming to. It's different, it's got character, it's got a sense. | 00:28:47 | |
Place, right, They feel like people will want to come here. There's activity in and around it. And so this is key to kind of | 00:28:54 | |
providing that kind of service and opportunity for Vineyard. | 00:29:00 | |
As well as you know just this adjacent residential brings just vibrancy activity in the area, it'll bring users for these | 00:29:08 | |
retailers and together. | 00:29:13 | |
This concept becomes viable and works really well together. | 00:29:18 | |
The next rendering that I'll show you focuses in a little bit more on the center part of what we're calling the entertainment | 00:29:23 | |
anchor. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm going to show you a site plan first. | 00:29:28 | |
So this is now looking at that same phase. Top down, you can see the parking garage sits here. This helps park the entertainment | 00:29:34 | |
block. | 00:29:37 | |
And then in the center, this is that entertainment anchor where you could have some food and beverage. You could have sports | 00:29:42 | |
courts, you could have a yard where the retail association that all belongs to that block could hold, you know, music nights. They | 00:29:48 | |
could hold, you know, ******** competitions. | 00:29:53 | |
Movie nights in the open space as well as, you know, some fire pits. So the idea is that this is a place that people want to come. | 00:30:00 | |
They'll come during the day, they'll bring family and they'll bring friends. They'll hang out, they'll enjoy outdoor environment | 00:30:07 | |
and and have a lot of options to for food and beverage to stay and dine as well. | 00:30:14 | |
I'll also highlight this is the central part that we've talked about, which is a rendering of that and then. | 00:30:22 | |
The mixed-use multifamily, umm. | 00:30:28 | |
Being here with, you know, internal amenities to that project and then the lower story, you know, tech undergrads that would sit | 00:30:31 | |
behind, you know, some type of a town home or three story flat type type project. | 00:30:36 | |
This is the rendering of that central Plaza. | 00:30:45 | |
You know again. | 00:30:47 | |
Bring some commercial, some food and beverage cafe, you know. | 00:30:49 | |
Juice bar, smoothie shop, all that kind of stuff. Right here to the activity center you can see some pickleball courts is | 00:30:56 | |
something that has been considered fire pits, bike parking. | 00:31:02 | |
Come hang out, have fun. | 00:31:09 | |
And enjoy the social area. | 00:31:10 | |
This is the rendering of that Central Park, so if I'm standing on other side of cauldron I'm looking N you can see. | 00:31:16 | |
Various heights of buildings, you can see food and beverage flanking on either side. That's one of our agreements in the | 00:31:24 | |
development agreement is on the Central Park. Let's provision for commercial to be able to be there to make this more active. | 00:31:29 | |
There'll be some kind of play feature as the development agreement is written for kids to be able to climb on. And then just some | 00:31:35 | |
open areas for people again to be able to get sun and enjoy the outdoors. | 00:31:40 | |
Often at this point there's some questions, well, how does how does this get phased? Like what's the what's the commitment? | 00:31:50 | |
There's some residential, there's some commercial. How do we bring it all together? Development agreement is basically written | 00:31:57 | |
such that we can start this phase one area that the multi family and that phase one area a area, but we can't occupy that until | 00:32:03 | |
the entertainment anchor, which is here would have also started construction. | 00:32:09 | |
So that entertainment anchor has to come with a multi family. | 00:32:17 | |
And then once that entertainment. | 00:32:21 | |
Anchor is complete then the multifamily in this in this phase 1B can begin and then some of this retail and you know the. | 00:32:24 | |
The three story pet product would come just throughout those two larger phases. So I'll stop there on the design and the kind of | 00:32:34 | |
the phasing. Pause for any questions before we get into some of the more specifics around parking, affordable housing and traffic. | 00:32:42 | |
Do you guys have any questions? | 00:32:52 | |
Yeah. I was just wondering, do you anticipate signing? | 00:32:54 | |
Retail. | 00:32:59 | |
And commercial, you know, business entertainment contracts before. | 00:33:01 | |
Residential. | 00:33:06 | |
We are in negotiations with several entertainment acres. | 00:33:10 | |
People like this concept. There's a lot of interest for it. Obviously those negotiations kind of get stopped and you say, well, | 00:33:14 | |
does your zoning allow it? | 00:33:18 | |
And so those entertainment anchors aren't able to pro ceed and make an announcement that yes, we want to come. | 00:33:23 | |
And so we're kind of in a pickle on that. | 00:33:31 | |
But yes, there are interested avenues to be able to deliver an entertainment anchor and we're excited to be able to share them. We | 00:33:33 | |
just need that zoning, I think to align it so that they know it's commercially viable. | 00:33:40 | |
So I guess more so the question would be is in phase one, how many residential units and with those residential units going before | 00:33:49 | |
any retailer, is there any kind of requirement to have retail before residential or? | 00:33:56 | |
Before certificate of occupancy or anything like that. | 00:34:04 | |
The requirement as written is that we can't occupy this Phase 1A multifamily building without having built the entertainment | 00:34:08 | |
anchor. The entertainment anchor could be a retail user that provides outdoor or an entertainment facility of some sort or it it | 00:34:15 | |
it could be more outdoor based kind of park amenity with retail adjacent to it. | 00:34:22 | |
So to answer your question is yes, we have to provide. | 00:34:30 | |
Some kind of non residential use before we can occupy that phase 1A building, OK. | 00:34:34 | |
Is there a way we could define that further potentially as to what that is? Cuz I mean if it's not defined, it could just be like | 00:34:40 | |
a small playground and a snow cone check. Not saying it will be, I'm just saying it could be unless it's defined. So having some | 00:34:46 | |
kind of definition for that I think would be good. The development, I don't know if you saw the definition of the development | 00:34:52 | |
agreement. | 00:34:59 | |
It does define it. You have concerns with how it's written. | 00:35:06 | |
Can we bring that up? | 00:35:10 | |
It's in section 24, basically says it's going to include an outdoor activity area or facility that offers entertainment or | 00:35:19 | |
recreation as part of the entertainment land use area. | 00:35:24 | |
So that's what we have to deliver. You can see it's comprehended here as you know just about an acre of of outdoor space. | 00:35:29 | |
We want this to be sizable. This is the key to the retail around it. It can't be it, it, it can't be minor because we won't get | 00:35:38 | |
the leasing around it without some kind of draw to bring people in during the daytime. It's key to our whole whole strategy. If | 00:35:44 | |
you want a more definition, you could put something in there. So there there's still still some flexibility as how they kind of | 00:35:50 | |
Orient the uses, but. | 00:35:56 | |
As the entertainment block will be brought in at the same level. | 00:36:03 | |
Of amenities as depicted in the the concept plan because this will then be in the development agreement and so you show a very | 00:36:07 | |
highly monetized thing so when they come back for a site plan then that would be the analysis the Planning Commission would do is | 00:36:15 | |
you would say OK is this the at the same level you know and so it provides like so on some some wiggle room but it does allow you | 00:36:22 | |
as the as the Planning Commission under the site plan to say, you know you showed all these elements is very heavily. | 00:36:30 | |
We'll, we'll, we'll consider that. | 00:37:07 | |
Based on some of the anchors that we've been negotiating with, it was a little hard to find a global definition that provided the | 00:37:10 | |
boundaries. And so we did, we did attempt that, but we also need some flexibility I think in order to accommodate some of these | 00:37:17 | |
anchors. So, but I appreciate your comment. We will consider how to how to shore that up. | 00:37:24 | |
Anything else? Yeah, just one more point on clarification. Do you anticipate people living at the forge or shopping at the forge | 00:37:32 | |
first? First before. | 00:37:37 | |
Which one would I do where people live there? Or are you building the retail part first? | 00:37:43 | |
Well, we believe in order to create some critical mass for this type of development, the residential needs to come with the | 00:37:52 | |
commercial right at least concurrently and, and, and how that how that shakes out, I think the market will dictate to some extent. | 00:37:59 | |
There is interest for the commercial there. There really is for this kind of commercial there is market interest. I don't have any | 00:38:06 | |
concern about bringing it along with the with the residential. I don't think it'll be a challenge for us. | 00:38:12 | |
On your agenda, did you have a slide specifically to discuss height or we didn't discuss height a whole lot there? I mean, the | 00:38:21 | |
development agreement has, we didn't change it from what it was before, you can see in. | 00:38:28 | |
Well, my specific question, so I'm an Exhibit C because currently they can go up to 125 or 140 for anything in the project, | 00:38:36 | |
correct? So, so this has put a limitation in there for blocks A&E to be no more than 75. Is that is that correct? And then, but | 00:38:43 | |
then there's nothing presented here. I see that seems to even go up to to that higher height of up to 140. Is that correct? That's | 00:38:51 | |
right. So you can that's the current vested right. | 00:38:58 | |
You're not planning on that. That's right. I think with this block, you're guaranteed that the retail, retail typically unless | 00:39:05 | |
you're in like a mall, you're not gonna get a two-story format. I mean, you may here and there at the most, maybe there's some | 00:39:12 | |
offices that could sit above retail. But requiring this to be the kind of the entertainment block where you would have a lot of | 00:39:20 | |
restaurants, that's kind of the primary use. It's kind of ensuring that you're going to get like a pretty much a one story. | 00:39:27 | |
Format maybe with a double twos mixed in that that's block A&E for that 75 for the restriction is yeah. | 00:39:35 | |
Yeah, there were comments to ask that we restrict the height along Mill Rd. | 00:39:42 | |
And you can see we're honoring that plus in our concept plan. | 00:39:47 | |
That was my last question. Mr. Chair. Can I ask a follow-up question, and this may be for you and for the applicant on the | 00:39:55 | |
Entertainment Anchor. I'll be putting together some text edits to send to the developer to try to get an agreement that fits with | 00:40:02 | |
what you want when it comes forward at the next meeting. Do you help me understand what? | 00:40:10 | |
Your concern or desire is with the entertainment anchor and maybe the applicant can. | 00:40:18 | |
I know you can't name who the anchor is if you haven't negotiated terms or that kind of thing, but maybe you can give us an idea | 00:40:24 | |
of. | 00:40:28 | |
The type of thing you're considering, what the activity level would be that would come with it. I think this allows for | 00:40:33 | |
entertainment anchor uses that could be commercial in nature or could be recreational in nature. And, and Bryce, maybe help me | 00:40:39 | |
understand whether you'd prefer to see, you know, one type of thing or another. | 00:40:46 | |
So commercial from what I understand commercial anchor is what we're going like as far as the general plan is concerned is | 00:40:54 | |
bringing in commercial amenities for this area and. | 00:41:00 | |
I I don't personally know how to define anchor, but if it's something that is drawing people from a regional. | 00:41:09 | |
Way it has to be more than just a park, um. | 00:41:16 | |
And if it's like one of the defining features of this plan, it like. | 00:41:21 | |
I think that it's really important that it is. | 00:41:26 | |
An anchor, OK, that's helpful. So. | 00:41:31 | |
What strikes me as important and what you just said is that it's regionally significant and that it's a regional draw. | 00:41:37 | |
Is that the kind of thing the applicant could commit to, that it would be that whatever that entertainment anchor is, that it be | 00:41:43 | |
regionally significant? | 00:41:48 | |
Yeah. I don't know how that's defined or how that's always interpreted, but the idea that it's the draw that's going to bring | 00:41:54 | |
people to this area. | 00:41:58 | |
Right. That's going to both residents within our, you know, the overall area will use it, but it'll also bring outside people to | 00:42:02 | |
the surrounding commercial as well. I think I view it as, I mean you're going to have a catchment area for whatever this amenity | 00:42:10 | |
is, right? It will, it will bring people in either from within the development or from within the city or from within the region. | 00:42:17 | |
And I think what we're hearing is that it's important to the Planning Commission for the land. | 00:42:25 | |
That it be. | 00:42:33 | |
A regionally significant entertainment value that you'll bring people from other areas. | 00:42:35 | |
Not being able to define a commercial entertainment anchor. We've depicted something that collectively is an entertainment anchor | 00:42:44 | |
as well, right? Like you talked about, it just can't be an amenity park. It's not just an amenity park. It's food and beverage | 00:42:50 | |
dining. It's, you know, an experience to have some really interesting folks all gathered together around, you know, again, you | 00:42:56 | |
have a music night, you have a movie night. People come together. So it's not it doesn't. | 00:43:02 | |
I think it's helpful to say it's not just one user necessarily. It's a, it's a. | 00:43:09 | |
Or Walmart for large shopping center. That's not work. So we gotta be kind of careful. Yeah, this is a four acre block. It's gonna | 00:43:45 | |
be an anchor. So there's that too. And there's also like if you're working with someone, looking at their performa and seeing kind | 00:43:51 | |
of where they're pulling their customers from, I think there's ways that you could kind of understand if it's more just like a | 00:43:57 | |
local type use compared to a, I think, I think I understand your intent. It's just actually getting verbiage that kind of fits all | 00:44:03 | |
these various dynamics. | 00:44:09 | |
Is a little bit challenging, yeah, but I understand what you're asking. Yeah, OK. | 00:44:15 | |
Anything else? | 00:44:25 | |
Let's talk parking then. That's always fun. | 00:44:28 | |
We think the core issue with parking is not parking, it's occupancy. | 00:44:30 | |
When it comes to residential kind of condominiums, townhomes, apartments, when people occupy incorrectly, it creates parking | 00:44:36 | |
problems, right? If you have a three bedroom apartment and you put 6 bundled singles in there and each of them have a car, you are | 00:44:42 | |
asking for a parking problem. And that I believe is the core of so much of the issue. We do development at cities all around and I | 00:44:48 | |
keep asking myself why is it different here? What has happened in Vineyard that this is such a hot button where other places | 00:44:53 | |
typical parking ratios are OK? | 00:44:59 | |
And it works out. And so our commitment in the development agreement is to focus on occupancy to get upstream of the issue and | 00:45:06 | |
deal with it there. And so the parking ratio is 1 stall per bedroom for family occupancy, right. So if you have a one bedroom or | 00:45:14 | |
two-bedroom, which is I think above today, it's 1 1/2 stalls per per unit. And so now we're tying it to the size of the unit. | 00:45:21 | |
And then it's one stall per bed if you have bundled singles in there. So now if I have a three bedroom and I have 3 singles in | 00:45:30 | |
there, I need 3 parking stalls. If I have 6 singles, I need 6 parking stalls. Combine that with permitting, right? So our contract | 00:45:36 | |
is going to talk about occupancy, we're going to post occupancy requirements and we're going to audit occupancy. | 00:45:43 | |
Requirements. So this is now an obligation for the users and we have ways to enforce it where it's a little harder for the city to | 00:45:51 | |
enforce that because you're not signing the lease, all right. | 00:45:55 | |
And so. | 00:46:01 | |
When they sign the lease they say we're a family occupancy. It's a 2 bedroom. We give 2 parking permits. | 00:46:03 | |
Now they have two parking permits. | 00:46:09 | |
And if they bring a third car, where are they going to park? Well, they might squat in the visitor areas or somewhere where | 00:46:13 | |
they're not supposed to park. | 00:46:17 | |
We're starting to figure out, you know, these squatters who might be trying to skirt the permitting requirement. | 00:46:51 | |
We'll define you can park in these areas for so long that should be able to provide some nice turn against the squatters. | 00:47:26 | |
Don't sit in there. And the last, which I think is also really important. | 00:47:31 | |
Is in this initial phase. | 00:47:35 | |
When we looked at the parking requirements per code, we thought. | 00:47:40 | |
But this is an entertainment area, food and beverage, you could get some additional market demand. | 00:47:45 | |
And so with the market demand might be even a little bit higher than code. | 00:47:50 | |
But as we looked at the layout and where we can provide parking and how it'll all shake out, we're actually going to provide 15 or | 00:47:55 | |
25% excess of of of even the market demand. | 00:48:00 | |
That's kind of that's kind of the benefit of like when you're in the phases, you have like that NE block, that's the office block | 00:48:35 | |
and that that could be a good spot where you could put some some on the flow. But there are places in as you phase it in that you | 00:48:40 | |
could just add additional part. | 00:48:46 | |
Constructed footprint will have over capacity right, right on something as well is just the overall like like enforcement and | 00:48:51 | |
having personnel inside. Are you going to have someone on site but OK. | 00:48:57 | |
That's kind of, I mean that's obviously like, like one of the main issues that we've dealt with what we found is doing with the | 00:49:04 | |
rental type aspect when you have. | 00:49:09 | |
When it's managed kind of on that level, it tends to do really well. When you have lots of individual owners like in a town home | 00:49:15 | |
community or something like that, we have several different investors and they're renting out, then it gets a lot more | 00:49:21 | |
problematic. And so I don't know if you can you kind of speak to that, you know, kind of kind of what. | 00:49:28 | |
Right, because you have a kind of list of like in the occupancy, I guess like what do you, what do you do when someone comes in | 00:49:35 | |
and like whoever owns this? | 00:49:38 | |
By deed is now required to monitor their occupancy. So if it's sold another investor, the city's that that next buyer this this | 00:49:43 | |
and Jamie can clarify, but this development agreement runs with the land. And so it's it's not just a requirement for us until we | 00:49:49 | |
sell it, it's a requirement for the land. | 00:49:55 | |
You're right on the fact that the development agreement runs with the land and the requirement runs in the land. I think what we'd | 00:50:03 | |
like to see is one step further on that, that not only does the requirement run with the land, but you have. | 00:50:09 | |
A commitment that runs with the land that it will be managed by a single entity and not piece meal. | 00:50:16 | |
What we have found overtime is that things like occupancy and parking, when they're separated to individual owners, it's really | 00:50:22 | |
difficult to enforce those provisions. But when you have a single entity, you know, be it an HOA or or something similar that can | 00:50:30 | |
have a little bit more global view of the full neighborhood that it gets managed better and it's easier to enforce on the part, | 00:50:37 | |
particularly in this case private, but some public streets, but. | 00:50:45 | |
Streets is what you're referring to, not necessarily one person managing. | 00:50:52 | |
Both garages necessarily. No, I think we're talking about the garages. | 00:50:58 | |
Yeah, I guess I'm struggling to understand the the value that there there there will be an overall association I think we can | 00:51:06 | |
take. | 00:51:09 | |
Take that and talk about it more internally. The value of the city is if you run sideways, there's a single enforcement action and | 00:51:13 | |
not a dozen enforcement actions. | 00:51:18 | |
Yeah, yeah. And you do have private streets in there. And so if you have an HOA, some sort of management mechanism on that level, | 00:51:25 | |
there's already a property association that can certainly. | 00:51:33 | |
Have oversight on the and as I'm sure you're aware I mean really the like a really big concern too is like the megaplex is a huge | 00:51:40 | |
thing for the city and you know we that like the one thing we don't want is residents who are living there, you know parking over | 00:51:46 | |
there and and. | 00:51:52 | |
You know, I mean, that's something I could actually really impact sales tax. That's really important for like just the financial | 00:51:59 | |
longevity. So making sure that the two uses can belong to others. So anyway, and it's hard to solve them all until we kind of have | 00:52:06 | |
true site plans. Where is the parking? But what what the development agreement requires us is basically to bring a planning a | 00:52:12 | |
parking management plan per site per site plan. Basically it says this is our plan. | 00:52:19 | |
We need to have you approve it. | 00:52:27 | |
Then we're going to do the parking study at the end of phase one and then in here is already a requirement that that plan has to | 00:52:28 | |
talk about enforcement. How do allot the different parking stalls across the different uses enforcement and we can we'll we'll | 00:52:34 | |
look at the HOA kind of having some common umbrella oversight around parking enforcement. | 00:52:40 | |
Can you commit to put that plan in the CCNRS? | 00:52:47 | |
It's already asked to be recorded, so CCRS is. | 00:52:51 | |
Yeah, the development agreement I think already states that it will be a recorded parking management plan. Thank you. | 00:52:55 | |
So all the parking is it's privately funded or is there any RDA funds or nothing like that is being used for this, right. We do | 00:53:00 | |
have an application for RDA funds to support the structured nature of the parking. Would you be? So we have an initiative in | 00:53:08 | |
Vineyard to make sure we're considering privacy. Vineyards kind of the first city in the state saying, hey, let's build privacy | 00:53:15 | |
into planning and zoning. So when you mentioned using Metropolis for license plate tracking my profession's privacy so it. | 00:53:23 | |
You just say, can we delete the data after X amount of time? And it highlights our desire to do great development but protect | 00:54:01 | |
privacy at the same time while using technology. Yeah. Do you see any issue with that? I looked at the Metropolis app. It looks | 00:54:06 | |
like even with that, you can set the settings. But that's just a matter of working with the vendor to say, hey, after we process | 00:54:11 | |
the data, that's just dispose about after X amount of time. And that's just part of what we do if we're going to do license plate | 00:54:16 | |
readers. | 00:54:21 | |
Yes, yeah. In concept diagonal concerns of that we just got to work through the logistics of. | 00:54:27 | |
How that actually works and maybe there's some language that we have, we could add that to the development agreement or our legal. | 00:54:33 | |
Can put something around best efforts or. | 00:54:41 | |
Yeah, there'll be some disclosures or something along those lines. | 00:54:44 | |
I'd also, I would recommend on that too. So if you have the disposition, but then it's notice. So if public entities, even | 00:54:49 | |
private, we notice in our buildings today, yeah, just clear notice. There's license plate reader technology and then people get to | 00:54:56 | |
choose if they want to enter the garage. We do notice in our facilities today that use it. | 00:55:02 | |
I think that's important. | 00:55:09 | |
For going upstream, we think is is really important and we think that's going to really solve a lot of the challenges that you've | 00:55:14 | |
you've had where you have, you know six cars that was where a parking ratio was was was never intended for so. | 00:55:20 | |
We really think we're getting to the heart of the issue on that. Any other comments around parking? | 00:55:27 | |
Traffic. | 00:55:34 | |
Our proposed. | 00:55:37 | |
When we talk about traffic, I think the most important thing to understand is if nothing is done, what does traffic look like? | 00:55:39 | |
Eventually as this gets built out and what's the variance of that versus the current entitlement? The current approved plan has | 00:55:46 | |
20,000 daily trips and over 2000 PM peak trips. | 00:55:51 | |
What we're proposing today. | 00:55:57 | |
As 12,000 daily trips, 1100 peak, we're talking 40 to 50% reductions in traffic on this plan versus if nothing else is done and it | 00:56:00 | |
gets developed as approved. So it's easy to say, well, the dirt today. | 00:56:07 | |
We like that, but if you're really comparing against what's already entitled and allowed, this isn't a by by approving this plan, | 00:56:17 | |
you're approving a reduction in traffic versus the current baseline. | 00:56:22 | |
So the development agreement requires us to address our projects impact infrastructure which includes transportation. We have a | 00:56:29 | |
transportation impact study of sentence to staff today. It talks about adding turn lanes, deceleration lanes, acceleration lanes | 00:56:37 | |
in certain areas. It looks at the background versus our project, what can be mitigated responsibility for that and. | 00:56:44 | |
We're required to address our impact and and that's our commitment and we will always be using a third party engineer to be able | 00:56:53 | |
to measure and assess that impact. | 00:56:57 | |
So one thing that the concern is currently with the rail spur being where it is, 800 N can't be widened, Center St. can't be | 00:57:03 | |
widened and there can't be an entrance or an exit into this development until that's removed, which could be five years away from | 00:57:09 | |
now. So I think that a major concern from citizens and concern from the Planning Commission is this. If this plan gets approved, I | 00:57:16 | |
assume that it's going to be built as soon as possible. | 00:57:23 | |
Whereas the full development of what is already approved office space with those 19,000 almost 20,000. | 00:57:31 | |
Trips by the time that it reaches that 20,000 trips a day. | 00:57:39 | |
800 N would be widened, the rail spur would be removed, Center St. would be widened so traffic would be a lot less of a concern. | 00:57:44 | |
Whereas at least for the next probably five years until that gets removed. If we've got 12,000 trips happening, then that adds a | 00:57:50 | |
major concern to trust. | 00:57:55 | |
1. | 00:58:03 | |
So that that's just a concern of mine that so. | 00:58:06 | |
I Morgan gave me a heads up that this could be a question. We've asked our traffic engineer to look at that. They didn't have the | 00:58:11 | |
answer today. They think they'll have it in a few days. What the impact is if you can't cross those roads, what's the impact to | 00:58:17 | |
intersections and mitigations? And so for the next meeting, I'll be able to answer that more clearly. Thank you. Yeah. | 00:58:23 | |
And then another concern that's not so much a concern with you guys, it's more something that the city needs to do. If we approve | 00:58:30 | |
something like this or this or before they even start development, if they continue with their current plans, is we don't even | 00:58:37 | |
have a sidewalk that goes over to the rail to the transit station. | 00:58:44 | |
Say Bill, but maybe that's something the city could partner with UVU and see that and and you dot facility and try to get that | 00:59:23 | |
install quicker cuz it stops right after the overpass and then you're sort of you're walking on the shoulder so. | 00:59:30 | |
OK. And then the other thing I'd like to see that I didn't see initially in the plan. | 00:59:38 | |
But just want it to be in there somewhere is someplace for some kind of bus stop that's off the road that people can access the | 00:59:45 | |
bus any ways that we can mitigate traffic. Another thing that with that 20,000, if this were to be developed as it's currently, as | 00:59:52 | |
it's currently zoned for, a lot of that is office space. A lot of that is commercial space where people that live in Vineyard | 01:00:00 | |
could walk there and work there. | 01:00:07 | |
Whereas this if we don't have those places, if we don't have office space, we don't have someone for people to work and to go. | 01:00:16 | |
Than ever of course everybody's going to be driving to another city where they can actually work so switching it from. | 01:00:24 | |
Less office and less commercial to more residential I feel like does hurt the city in a way because then people have to drive out | 01:00:32 | |
of the city which in and of itself creates more traffic. | 01:00:39 | |
So yeah. | 01:00:47 | |
I appreciate that. I mean, of course we have office in our plan. | 01:00:51 | |
You know, 120,000 feet or so, which is isn't significant. If you build 1.2 million square feet of office, that's 6000 people, 6000 | 01:00:55 | |
cars. | 01:00:59 | |
Even even if you say you know a portion of those living vineyard, I don't think the impact is equivalent to traffic, but. | 01:01:06 | |
And regarding the bus stop, I was looking for it, I know in here we had talked to UTA and I think we committed in here to continue | 01:01:14 | |
to to work with UTA to provide transit facilities and connectivity to other areas via bus. Originally they said so long as there's | 01:01:21 | |
sufficient scale and you know demand they're willing to work with us on a route, you know from our place to the front runner | 01:01:28 | |
station, you know, directly and rework some of the routes so. | 01:01:35 | |
We would definitely bring in a bus stop. | 01:01:43 | |
And. | 01:01:49 | |
And put some emphasis on on bus transit. | 01:01:51 | |
OK. So that's traffic. | 01:01:58 | |
Last is affordable housing, again I'll just highlight at 2160% amid restricted housing units. These would be spread throughout the | 01:02:01 | |
project delivered at a rate of one for 50. So as the project, as we developed, they would be brought into the project as well. It | 01:02:06 | |
has a provision in here for the city to basically request us to have teachers and 1st responders is first on the list. So if we | 01:02:11 | |
have a waiting list and there's a teacher and a first responder on it, they would they would have first dibs at the affordable | 01:02:17 | |
housing. | 01:02:22 | |
And just to note that 100% of this housing is. | 01:02:29 | |
Is by 8 you know by HUD standards market rate attainable workforce housing, right This isn't or none of the rates are going to be | 01:02:31 | |
at over work phase workforce achievability to be able to to live and stay here. | 01:02:38 | |
So we think this is this is just important to contribute. It's not a hard requirement for this area, but we have offered it as as | 01:02:49 | |
something that's meaningful. | 01:02:54 | |
I don't know that we need to go into all of this, the construction phasing. | 01:03:02 | |
We've talked about open space. Phasing would be built out along with any vertical development that's consistent with what we | 01:03:06 | |
submitted in the first quarter. Sustainability is going to be a focus. We're going to look at all of those best practices. | 01:03:13 | |
From, you know, solar provisioning to the kind of energy that we use within the development, water wise landscaping will be a | 01:03:20 | |
major focus for us. | 01:03:26 | |
We talked about height thoroughly that that came up. So I think I think that covers that. | 01:03:33 | |
And then the last is just the phase one timeline. If we, you know, get through an entitlement and a development agreement this | 01:03:39 | |
this quarter you asked, you know, what would this, what, what could the schedule be? And yeah, we would move to try to bring site | 01:03:44 | |
plans, you know, into middle of. | 01:03:49 | |
You know in the second quarter or so of for this phase one, bring a bring a site plan for approval. | 01:03:56 | |
And then everything would kind of phase from there based on on that phasing diagram they saw so. | 01:04:02 | |
We're excited. We think it will be high quality, attractive again, this entertainment block and this idea of we're bringing | 01:04:08 | |
commercial that is just going to be a fun place for people to go and be able to hang out and bring bring people. | 01:04:15 | |
From the surrounding area to enjoy Vineyard as well. So we're we're excited about it. We're open to collaboration and more | 01:04:23 | |
discussion, but we do look forward to presenting in the coming weeks for, you know, a request for approval. | 01:04:31 | |
All right. Thanks, Steve. | 01:04:41 | |
All your questions and then we'll get to them. So if you have a question, come up here, state your name and I'll write down your | 01:05:14 | |
questions. | 01:05:17 | |
Hello Daria Evans, the Vineyard resident. | 01:05:27 | |
As I was looking at those slides, I noticed at the end it mentioned asking the RDA possibly for 10% more to upscale the | 01:05:31 | |
entertainment anchor and I'm wondering what that might entail and why we would ask the redevelopment agency to fund up scaling | 01:05:37 | |
their development. | 01:05:44 | |
No, no, not yet. I'm going to write down everything. | 01:05:58 | |
Any other questions? | 01:06:02 | |
Tim Heaton. | 01:06:13 | |
In sleepy rich. | 01:06:14 | |
So I'd be curious with that license plate technology that you were talking about? | 01:06:17 | |
Earlier, I suppose someone is found to have. | 01:06:23 | |
Violated the the parking structures? What? What types of enforcement mechanisms? | 01:06:28 | |
Would be employed to prevent that. | 01:06:34 | |
Also for time limited parking on the streets. | 01:06:40 | |
Is is there? | 01:06:45 | |
Are there any thoughts at this point for for the lengths of time that would be? I know that's a small question, I'm just curious | 01:06:47 | |
about it. Also, are there any considerations for making those spots be paid or is it just. | 01:06:54 | |
First come first serve free, and if you're there too long then that's a problem. | 01:07:03 | |
I maybe I missed this earlier, but. | 01:07:10 | |
Is there is the height of the buildings in the center higher than the proposed? Higher than the ones on the outside? | 01:07:14 | |
Maybe. Maybe that was answered here, but I'm not sure. | 01:07:23 | |
And it sounded, it sounded to me like there were. | 01:07:31 | |
That there were requests for already a money for. | 01:07:35 | |
For parking as well. Maybe I misunderstood that, but if that's the case, how how much money by percentage or by total quantities | 01:07:39 | |
being requested? And what is the logic for for having Vineyard front that money for that purpose? | 01:07:47 | |
Thanks, Tim. | 01:07:57 | |
Can I ask a question about? You got to do it at the. | 01:08:02 | |
Zones. Both zones. | 01:08:06 | |
What's happening on both sides of the tracks? We're not talking about the Utah City stuff right now, if that's what you're | 01:08:10 | |
referring to. OK. Yeah, sorry. Just we're talking about the forge right now. Yeah, sorry. | 01:08:15 | |
Yes, yeah. | 01:08:28 | |
So I'm Sarah Cameron just. | 01:08:32 | |
Just the. | 01:08:35 | |
Concern about one parking stall per unit. Most of those units probably will have a couple of married couples, so why not consider | 01:08:36 | |
2 per unit to begin with and just avoid the future problem? So just to consider. Thanks. | 01:08:45 | |
Yeah, Jake Holdaway resident. Yeah, I just met with so many HOA presidents that and leadership about how they have full time jobs | 01:09:01 | |
and developers throwing the responsibility to enforcement, enforcement on that and how they just, it's too difficult for them to | 01:09:10 | |
go through and do that. And we live really close to a, you know, UVU and BYU. | 01:09:18 | |
And we need to expect students to take a majority. I mean a very large section of these. And you know, students tend to have a car | 01:09:27 | |
each and students tend to say, hey, you know what, that's a 12 by 12 room I. | 01:09:33 | |
You know that that could be two beds, so that's six cars. And having that enforcement on the HOA is just and that that's really | 01:09:42 | |
what gets it affordable, right? | 01:09:46 | |
Is slamming in there and So what percentage could we do a study or slow it down to find out what percentage of students would live | 01:09:53 | |
there if we can kind of understand the the the residents that would want to live here because that that makes it affordable for | 01:09:59 | |
students right and and and being welcoming there and then also multi generational. | 01:10:05 | |
And we have a lot of minority families that love to live here in Vineyard. We want to be welcoming to them. And so many of them | 01:10:12 | |
view housing of saying, hey, you know what, let's let let's let's rent out that place for mother-in-law. | 01:10:18 | |
Be able to get in there. And so I'm really concerned about the parking requirement on this one. | 01:10:24 | |
Any other questions? | 01:10:33 | |
Last chance. | 01:10:38 | |
Chip Price, I have a question about the the, the elevation, the facade of the buildings that are going to be lining 8th N, Are | 01:10:46 | |
those going to be the total elevation or are they going to be like a staggered with like balconies and so it doesn't look like a | 01:10:52 | |
giant block? | 01:10:59 | |
Sitting on the side of the road. | 01:11:06 | |
Cool, thanks. | 01:11:08 | |
Alright, anymore. | 01:11:12 | |
OK. We'll get into the questions then as far as the RDA money. | 01:11:14 | |
Is not something. | 01:11:21 | |
Staff as far as using RDA money for an anchor I guess. | 01:11:24 | |
That's that's also going to be, I guess, defined by what the anchor is. I can't answer questions for what the RDA and Steve just | 01:11:29 | |
really quick might be helpful if you pull back up the, the the map and then we'll probably have to bounce between that and the | 01:11:35 | |
renderings. There's a few kind of architectural type questions and things. | 01:11:41 | |
So that's full discretion of the RDA. Simply putting it in there as an opportunity in some of our negotiations with one of the | 01:11:47 | |
entertainment anchors, they specifically asked for that. They asked for that everywhere they go, they typically ask for a lot more | 01:11:52 | |
and they typically get a lot more. | 01:11:56 | |
And so we were just trying to provision to say, look, this is outside of us as a developer. This is really about between that | 01:12:02 | |
business and the city, right? And the quality of that anchor and it's RDA says, look, the sales tax, that's going to be amazing. | 01:12:08 | |
It's going to bring economic development to the area. It's an option. And that's that's all it is. It's full discretion of the | 01:12:14 | |
RDA. Is it something that we need to have in the development agreement? Is it? | 01:12:20 | |
Not typically. And I should note also that state laws changed on retail incentives and so there is not as much flexibility now as | 01:12:27 | |
there used to be in the past for the use of RDA funds for retail uses. OK, so. | 01:12:35 | |
I don't know that I view that as a topic that needs to be addressed in the development agreement, unless you wish to limit it | 01:12:43 | |
somehow. Yeah, I, I don't think that it needs to be something that's in the development agreement. And I would say that's not the | 01:12:49 | |
discretion of the RDA. And then with, I guess what we're talking about, RDA, RDA for parking. Again, that's something with the | 01:12:55 | |
RDA. | 01:13:00 | |
Is that? | 01:13:09 | |
Something that needs to be in the development agreement. | 01:13:10 | |
Well, you have two levers the way the development agreement is drafted now you have two levers to address the parking issue. I'm | 01:13:15 | |
heartened by the comment about multi generational housing. I do think that's something to consider and think about when you write | 01:13:23 | |
this kind of agreement because if you place limits, sometimes they can apply inadvertently to those types of households, but. | 01:13:31 | |
The two lovers you have that are in the agreement right now are occupancy caps. | 01:13:40 | |
And then the parking management plan, all the details of the parking management plan are not established in the development | 01:13:44 | |
agreement, but the city has a role in developing that plan. And what it basically requires is that they hire a parking expert. | 01:13:50 | |
That expert makes a report, we review the report, use the report to the developer, uses the report to craft the parking management | 01:13:57 | |
plan, and then the city would review it and bless it. | 01:14:03 | |
Once it's done. So we don't know right now until we get that report and have more details about the phasing. | 01:14:10 | |
Specifics of the site and the buildings. | 01:14:18 | |
What the exact parking needs will be? | 01:14:21 | |
There you can, in a development agreement put in things like parking minimums and maximums. And I think what those are and what | 01:14:24 | |
you wish them to be as both a function of what's in the code and what your policy priorities are as a Planning Commission, as a | 01:14:32 | |
City Council. And so it's not my role really to tell you what they ought not not to be, but that those are the ways that you can | 01:14:39 | |
address it within the development agreement. | 01:14:46 | |
Where the agreements written right now is. | 01:14:54 | |
The city has a right to enforce against the property owner if they run afoul of either the parking management plan or the | 01:14:58 | |
occupancy limits, but the primary responsibility for managing both of those things on a day-to-day level resides with the owners | 01:15:04 | |
of the property. And typically that's Visa V the homeowners association. OK. I guess something that I do appreciate with parking | 01:15:11 | |
is that you're adding extra parking from the get go. | 01:15:18 | |
That will be. | 01:15:26 | |
Either used and if it's not used then you'll have a better idea of the next Phase I I was curious with the next phase if. | 01:15:28 | |
If that parking is being totally used in the first phase. | 01:15:35 | |
Is it going to be upped for the next phase then? Because with our current downtown development, we're doing a parking study every | 01:15:40 | |
500 units and if they're under parked then they have to compensate in the next phase of their development. | 01:15:47 | |
Remember how that's written for sure. I know I have to cure deficiencies from the plan, right? If people aren't aren't following | 01:15:55 | |
the plan, I don't. I don't recall how we wrote that. | 01:16:00 | |
That requirements not in the development agreement right now. I'd like the idea you could you could just refresh the parking study | 01:16:06 | |
and the parking management plan. | 01:16:10 | |
Based on information learned from phase one, yeah. And apply that Phase two. Yeah, that's something I would wanna see in the in | 01:16:14 | |
the development plan. Yeah, I know at one time it was directed, so I'll have to go back and look. | 01:16:22 | |
Then I guess while we're still talking about parking. | 01:16:32 | |
Do you have an idea and can we put this in the development agreement of how this will be enforced if people? | 01:16:38 | |
Our parking in areas like you were talking about and they're being tracked on their license plates. As far as how specific are you | 01:16:46 | |
asking? Like you get a warning and then you get, you know, 2 warnings and you get towed. Are you, are you looking at that kind of | 01:16:52 | |
specific or yeah, maybe we don't need to because it already says it's got to be monitored. It already said you're going to have to | 01:16:57 | |
have a permit. So. | 01:17:03 | |
Again. | 01:17:40 | |
I think the bones and the structures there to have that discussion in a meaningful way already requiring to say you're going to | 01:18:13 | |
enforce, tell me how you're going to do it meaningfully. Yeah. OK, cool. Thank you. | 01:18:18 | |
And then do you have renderings by chance of what it will look like from the 800 N side? | 01:18:25 | |
So I think the best this was, this was a large discussion in one of the subcommittees. | 01:18:31 | |
The reason you see this articulation here is because we're trying to prevent that solid urban wall. If you recall in in the first | 01:18:37 | |
quarter plan there was multi family here. So we reduced it by you know these three blocks were all kind of that same four or five | 01:18:45 | |
story multi family type building. And so this adds a lot of variety by bringing it down to one story and brings that wall a lot | 01:18:52 | |
smaller. But these deep articulations create that and then the the concept here isn't shown. | 01:19:00 | |
Perfectly anywhere but you saw in this plan how you saw some four story or you know, some step downs. | 01:19:08 | |
Around Oops. | 01:19:15 | |
Around the garage this will probably be taller and then this section around here it would be a story or two lower. | 01:19:17 | |
In the middle. So you'll see height difference, you'll see depth difference and you'll see finishes that are different. And then | 01:19:26 | |
in aggregate we've reduced it by, you know, 3033%. So there was a lot of thought put into how to make that. There was a comment | 01:19:31 | |
about balconies. The current code has quite a bit of requirements around. | 01:19:37 | |
How much glass we have to put there, the change of materials and finishes like what you see when you drive parts down parts of | 01:19:44 | |
interconnector. It wouldn't be allowed even by the code today. Like you guys could reject that site plan outright for not meeting | 01:19:50 | |
code. It's going to have to have some interest in it. So cool. And then just real quick, what do you know what the height of those | 01:19:56 | |
two buildings is about? So the 600. | 01:20:02 | |
And so each of these. | 01:20:09 | |
Buildings could be like 300 units and so if that were the case and that's that's how it ultimately ends up, this would be like 5 | 01:20:12 | |
stories around the garage and then this would be 4 stories over here drop down. So anything more would exceed our limit of of | 01:20:17 | |
units. | 01:20:22 | |
And then? | 01:20:31 | |
As far as like students and stuff, I mean, that all comes down to how you're managing it. What Jake was asking is the amount of | 01:20:33 | |
students or the amount of people that live there. That's all just part of it. Yeah, I feel like our proposed solution addresses | 01:20:39 | |
specifically that comment and that you can't put 6 singles in there. | 01:20:44 | |
Without having 6 parking stalls for the agreement. Yeah. So so we can accommodate student housing, we just have to provide the | 01:20:51 | |
parking for it. OK. And then this is something I'd like to see maybe in the development agreement, but I would like to see it | 01:20:57 | |
citywide, if it's even possible or legal. So this is gonna be a question for you, Jamie, is when people sign rental agreements or | 01:21:03 | |
lease agreements that it's required for them to sign a paper that says, I have this many parking stalls, is that something that we | 01:21:09 | |
could legally do? | 01:21:15 | |
I mean, it just says that they've seen it. They know how many they have. | 01:21:21 | |
Yeah, there there's a few different ways you can do it and it. | 01:21:26 | |
There's choices you would be able to make depending on how heavy-handed you wanted to be as a city government or or how. | 01:21:31 | |
You'd like to enforce it? How? | 01:21:39 | |
These are most often included in covenants that are recorded against the property. And then it's presumed that the notice people | 01:21:41 | |
get are the covenants. Where that falls short is people that rent don't ever look at the CNR, right? They're not doing a title | 01:21:49 | |
report. They're not looking at that kind of information that you would if you were buying. So you could require that there be | 01:21:56 | |
disclosure, you could require that of the HOA or the CCNRS, You could do a citywide ordinance that would require. | 01:22:03 | |
Some kind of parking or occupancy disclosure when you do a lease, you can require a signage or posting or those kind of things. So | 01:22:11 | |
short answer is there's a lot of tools available to you to do it. Long answer is you'll want to roll up your sleeves and consider | 01:22:17 | |
what, what is the best fit and how to tailor that to what the problem is that you're trying to solve. Cool. I, I think that's | 01:22:23 | |
something we should have as a discussion for the city. That's not a requirement for you. I just, I think that that's something | 01:22:29 | |
that we should definitely. | 01:22:35 | |
Like be thinking about and talking about and implementing. | 01:22:41 | |
Yeah, we, we are doing that parking master plan that's this analyzing city is going to look at those types of strategies. So that | 01:22:47 | |
that could be something that we could, we could ask the consultants to look at how they expect to work. Yeah, I think that would | 01:22:53 | |
benefit a lot of people cuz I think people move here and they expect like, hey, I can park here. And then they sign a lease | 01:22:59 | |
agreement and they find out that they actually don't have a place where they can park. And if people know up front, I think that. | 01:23:05 | |
Would solve a lot of issues. | 01:23:12 | |
Um, OK, um. | 01:23:15 | |
And then again, Sarah, with A2 per unit with it being one, it's just going to come down to how they're managing it. And if it's | 01:23:21 | |
being over parked, then they're going to have to address that in the future and they are doing it was 15 to 20% more parking | 01:23:27 | |
spaces in that first phase, so. | 01:23:33 | |
Yeah. Is there any other questions from anyone on the Commission? | 01:23:41 | |
No, OK. | 01:23:45 | |
So, just to reiterate a couple of things. Umm. | 01:23:47 | |
With the definition of that anchor, I think is super important when we've considered. | 01:23:53 | |
Other areas in Vineyard where we've upped the residential or changed the zoning for the residential, they've had a very. | 01:24:01 | |
A very solid definition of we're bringing this if we can up the residential in this area. So if you can have a more solid | 01:24:10 | |
definition of what an anchor is as to why the city should be considering. | 01:24:16 | |
Upping residential. | 01:24:24 | |
And also adding something in it as far as privacy in the development and. | 01:24:27 | |
Sorry, I'm looking through here. | 01:24:39 | |
I know there's something I wrote down the bus stops in transit and then some umbrella for HOA management. Some those are the four | 01:24:46 | |
that I have. Entertainment, entertainment anchor definition, HOA management, privacy and then they bust up great. | 01:24:54 | |
All right, cool. Thank you so much Steven. Thank you kind of crappy for anybody that go through, but we appreciate that you came | 01:25:03 | |
here to I think it'll help make the public hearing go a little bit smoother before we're done. Does anybody else from our team | 01:25:10 | |
have, did I miss anything that needs to be brought up differently? Okay, thank you Steve. | 01:25:16 | |
Since we've got an hour and a half right now, it might be good just to call like a quick 5 minute break between items. That way we | 01:25:25 | |
can kind of we we can get set up and then a lot of people go. So, yeah, all right. | 01:25:30 | |
Do I need to make? Do we need to make a motion to do a 5 minute break? | 01:25:36 | |
No, all right, we'll just take 5 minute break. If you want to use the bathroom, go get a drink or something. | 01:25:40 | |
All right. | 01:26:07 | |
We're going to get back moving into things. We're moving on to 2.3, the site plan for the aquatic facility. | 01:26:10 | |
Sorry guys, if you have conversations that you're trying to have, could you please have them outside of the room while we go | 01:26:19 | |
through this? | 01:26:22 | |
Yeah, please. Thanks. | 01:26:26 | |
I. | 01:26:30 | |
Swab, Anthony teed up. And then we'll turn the time over. | 01:26:45 | |
OK. To the applicants to, I thought you were ready, Anthony. | 01:26:49 | |
Hi, so my name is Anthony Fletcher and. | 01:27:09 | |
I'm a planner. I am here to present the. | 01:27:13 | |
Item 2.3, which is a site plan for the aquatic facility. So Flagboro is proposing to. | 01:27:17 | |
Build an aquatic facility within the Lake Promenade area in downtown. | 01:27:28 | |
And. | 01:27:35 | |
My way of location. | 01:27:38 | |
It is going to be in that spot that's being highlighted red. | 01:27:41 | |
So that entire site plan for the promenade was? | 01:27:45 | |
Approved earlier this year August 2nd. | 01:27:50 | |
And. | 01:27:54 | |
The whole plan is to have. | 01:27:56 | |
The product center built in block five of the promenade, which is going to be somewhere around this area where I have the mouse | 01:28:02 | |
cursor. | 01:28:06 | |
So the project site. | 01:28:15 | |
Is going to be located within the northeastern side of. | 01:28:17 | |
Block 5 highlighted in red. | 01:28:23 | |
Right there in the promenade area. | 01:28:27 | |
So at this point, I'll just turn it over to Bronson with Flagborough to go over the space programming and many of us regarding | 01:28:32 | |
this proposed project. OK, great. Thank you. | 01:28:39 | |
Is the green light on? | 01:28:49 | |
Oh, is it on? You're good. I think it is going on it it catches. | 01:28:51 | |
Thanks for the introduction, Anthony. Yeah, my name is Bronson with the developer. And like you said, we came in and got the full | 01:28:56 | |
site plan approval on all of the Lake Promenade. And when we came in, if you go back, just a slide, Anthony, the six blocks that | 01:29:03 | |
make up the promenade went through that site plan and got approved on this Block 5. We had a note that this would be the pool | 01:29:10 | |
location. | 01:29:16 | |
And we noted that we'll come back. | 01:29:24 | |
For that approval and that's what we're coming back for today. | 01:29:26 | |
So we'll just so everything kind of outside that red line is all still proposed as it was during the previous site plan approval | 01:29:30 | |
with the exception of just one element that we'll go over and I'll show you what that is so. | 01:29:38 | |
This is the just the general concept bubble diagram of kind of what we're proposing to do so on the South if we just kind of. | 01:29:48 | |
I'll just remind you of what we're looking at doing in the park space and kind of give you the context there. So that's the large | 01:30:00 | |
event lawn, that large green Oval and there's there was a proposed sidewalk that kind of split this space into two. So the large | 01:30:06 | |
event line with a large pavilion to the right hand side. | 01:30:12 | |
Actually, do you think your mouse will work over here? | 01:30:21 | |
There we go. OK, so this here is the event LON, the pavilion down here, that would be the stage for the event one. And then this | 01:30:29 | |
is the sidewalk that kind of split the space into two. So this is the aquatic facility that we're proposing this is. | 01:30:39 | |
A building structure on this edge. So it's kind of this L shape. There's essentially 3 spaces. This this space down here is a | 01:30:50 | |
restaurant. | 01:30:55 | |
And it has essentially three sides to the restaurant. So you have like the street side service people could come in, sit down and | 01:31:00 | |
eat or pick up their food to go. You get the the Parkside access to the restaurant and then also the from the pool side you get | 01:31:09 | |
access to the restaurant. The next space up to the north is on the bottom floor. | 01:31:17 | |
All of these these. | 01:31:27 | |
Spaces are two-story, so the restaurant will, you know, have dining on the bottom and there will be a mezzanine at on the second | 01:31:29 | |
level and outdoor seating on the on the deck. And then the the central space is on the lower level. It'll be the main entrance. | 01:31:37 | |
You can see this little star here. There's this kind of gateway entrance in. | 01:31:44 | |
And on the lower level is that'll be where you know you'll check in, buy your ticket into the facility. And then behind that are | 01:31:53 | |
the locker rooms and showers and changing area on the 2nd floor. It's an event space. | 01:32:02 | |
This area up here on the north is a is being proposed as a spa. So the that that's also a two-story feature. So you have kind of | 01:32:13 | |
your spa lobby on the bottom floor, on the on the ground floor with some of the treatment rooms on the bottom floor and then on | 01:32:22 | |
the top floor additional treatment rooms and then you spill out into this upper. | 01:32:30 | |
Terrace up in this area. | 01:32:39 | |
So as you as you come in through the main entry and get your admission in, this is the the main pool area. | 01:32:41 | |
That's got a bunch of little pockets and and loungers and everything all around this. And we'll see it a little bit better in the | 01:32:52 | |
site plan. And then over here on this side is kind of the kids pool area. There's like a smaller kids pool area and an older kids | 01:32:57 | |
pool area. | 01:33:03 | |
And then this building here kind of divides the two. It'll be transparent, it'll be able to see through it. But the South side of | 01:33:09 | |
this building is a concession stand that's accessible from from the park and from the pools. So we imagine that the restaurant | 01:33:17 | |
will be making the food and then the concessions is like a quick serve area. | 01:33:24 | |
And then behind that, there's additional restrooms, showers and lockers in this space. | 01:33:33 | |
And then the the area that kind of spills outside of the controlled aquatic facility is the splash pad area. The splash pad area | 01:33:41 | |
will have access to the restrooms that are already proposed in the park and then an additional seating area outside here. And then | 01:33:47 | |
there will be another pavilion that was already proposed in the previous plan with tables and chairs and everything underneath | 01:33:54 | |
that. | 01:34:01 | |
So that's kind of that's the general layout conceptually. | 01:34:08 | |
And let's go down to the more detailed plan. This is just kind of circulation. | 01:34:13 | |
The different entrances, the primary entrance, the spa entrance and then another entrance here from the Parkside if. | 01:34:20 | |
If there's users of the aquatic facility, they want to come out and use the splash pad, there's that easy access through this | 01:34:30 | |
controlled access. | 01:34:34 | |
And then this is the second floor layout. | 01:34:44 | |
This is the the the quiet pool area up in on this level, so you know, kind of adjacent to the spa area. This is proposes that | 01:34:50 | |
quiet pool. | 01:34:55 | |
And then cabanas and seating and everything around that space. | 01:35:02 | |
These are just some conceptual elevations on, you know, if the park is at like a zero elevation, it'll it'll be sloping this way | 01:35:08 | |
to the to the main pavilion so that this event line is kind of sloping to that pavilion. But in general, if this is 0, they may | 01:35:13 | |
step up. | 01:35:19 | |
Into the main pool area and the kids pool area. And then we there's a large step, you know, a second story for the quiet pool area | 01:35:25 | |
to the to the north. | 01:35:31 | |
And these are some elevations that kind of depict that. | 01:35:38 | |
Change. So this is the part over here. | 01:35:42 | |
Let me go up here and see if the. | 01:35:45 | |
Elevation or the section lines are drawn, doesn't look like they are, so I'll just kind of point them out. So that top one is just | 01:35:48 | |
kind of cut through. | 01:35:52 | |
Right here. | 01:35:58 | |
So here you can see that. | 01:36:02 | |
Upper terrace of the quiet pool area. | 01:36:04 | |
And then the general pool area, this is the street to the north, and this is the park to the South. Oh, here's the sections right | 01:36:09 | |
here. Sorry. | 01:36:13 | |
So now we're looking at this section on the bottom is cutting east to West through the through the pool facility looking north. | 01:36:19 | |
So this would be like the. | 01:36:30 | |
The street off to the right, I think that's 3rd Ave. and the restaurant, the building, the two level building. Actually this would | 01:36:33 | |
be a little more like the spa area, the quiet pool up above and then it goes down over to the kid kid pool area over here. And | 01:36:40 | |
then this is the park off here to the left. | 01:36:48 | |
These are just some of the things we were thinking about as we were putting this together. The views of the mountains, the | 01:37:01 | |
relationship with the event lawn on all of the seating area. | 01:37:06 | |
And how we can kind of make that a multi seasonal opportunity with the way we're facing the seating opening up to the park here in | 01:37:12 | |
the middle, the different aspects of the splash pad. | 01:37:18 | |
And then the kids pool and then looking at some of these, these strong access points through the site. These are kind of your | 01:37:27 | |
sight lines as you come in through the main entrance. You know, we're thinking about what are you looking at as you look across | 01:37:32 | |
the pool and looking at a focal point of some sort on this end, as you come out of the spa, what are you looking at? What are your | 01:37:38 | |
views? | 01:37:43 | |
That kind of thing. | 01:37:49 | |
And then here's the overall site plan rendering. | 01:37:51 | |
And then the kind of the. | 01:37:56 | |
The legend over there with the keynotes. | 01:37:58 | |
OK, so this is level one kind of floor plan layout. | 01:38:10 | |
Again, lower level restaurant space this this area that's. | 01:38:18 | |
I don't know what this color is. Beige is kind of your second level like deck area up above. So it's covered. The main entrance is | 01:38:25 | |
covered and we'll see that in some of the renderings. And then here are your. | 01:38:31 | |
Restrooms, men's and women's restrooms and lockers and showers and then the spa area and then the lower, the lower level of the | 01:38:39 | |
quiet pool is like all of the mechanical, mechanical, electrical equipment will be all housed. | 01:38:47 | |
In here. | 01:38:55 | |
That will service all the pools and the splash pad. | 01:38:57 | |
And then the second level. | 01:39:04 | |
The event the the terrace of the restaurant. | 01:39:09 | |
Umm, additional restrooms and the event space up here, and then the spa. You're seeing some of the layout of the treatment rooms | 01:39:13 | |
up here. | 01:39:18 | |
Up here in the quiet pool area, there's a cold plunge, like some hydrotherapy cold plunge jacuzzi spa. | 01:39:23 | |
We anticipate this upper level will be heated through through the winter so this this portion would be open throughout the winter. | 01:39:34 | |
These are cabanas along here on the north. | 01:39:39 | |
And then this feature and kind of hot tub on the. | 01:39:45 | |
On the West End of the pool with a shade pavilion and then stairs going down from the quiet pool down to the main pool area and | 01:39:51 | |
then stairs right here as well. | 01:39:56 | |
From the lower level to the upper level. | 01:40:03 | |
And then? | 01:40:08 | |
We'll go to the elevation so you can see those elevations. So this is from 3rd Ave. looking West. | 01:40:11 | |
So this is the main entrance in. | 01:40:21 | |
We check in to get in. This is the restaurant building and that mezzanine outdoor eating space. The restaurant or the event space | 01:40:25 | |
on the upper level here. All your blockers and restrooms behind the wall here. | 01:40:33 | |
These windows are are on a hallway so that we can have, you know, some of that transparency out on the street. | 01:40:43 | |
But there will be, you know, a privacy wall behind that and then the spa over here on this edge and the entrance over into the spa | 01:40:50 | |
area. | 01:40:54 | |
And then here's our North and South elevation. So this is from the park. This is what you're seeing. This is the restaurant | 01:41:01 | |
building. This is the north side of the building looking South. | 01:41:08 | |
So this is the spa areas just behind this wall. | 01:41:17 | |
And then this is the elevation from the main pool area, looking back to the building. Here's the restaurant on this side, the main | 01:41:25 | |
entrance into the pool, the event space up above. | 01:41:30 | |
And then the spa up above. So what you're not seeing is that terrace, the quiet pool terrace. That's kind of this volume right | 01:41:35 | |
here. | 01:41:39 | |
And then those elevations just modeled in 3D. | 01:41:47 | |
So the restaurant side, so the main event loans here, the pavilion kind of the stage area would be right here and this would be | 01:41:55 | |
flanking that side of the. | 01:42:00 | |
The park. | 01:42:08 | |
Here's your main entrance in. | 01:42:10 | |
And then this is the northeast corner, the spa corner. | 01:42:22 | |
Is the quiet pool area running down the street and then. | 01:42:27 | |
Event space here, restrooms and lockers behind that wall, restaurant down that way. | 01:42:32 | |
There's that quiet pool. | 01:42:42 | |
Area up above. | 01:42:44 | |
We'll get into some of the landscape. So these are, we're looking more at the building right now, but we'll get into the landscape | 01:42:46 | |
renderings where you're going to see kind of all of the different site furniture in the landscaping that's planned. So these are. | 01:42:53 | |
These are not finished. These are just, we're just mostly focused on the building here. | 01:43:00 | |
And also like the layout of the pools. | 01:43:06 | |
This is the concessions area. | 01:43:17 | |
And then the second restroom area, it's kind of it's splitting the main pool area and the kids pool area. | 01:43:20 | |
So we're like, we're looking from the park. | 01:43:28 | |
To the North East. | 01:43:32 | |
And here's the concessions building, that restroom, here's the upper terrace, the quiet pool area. So we're looking at the main, | 01:43:37 | |
the main pool area down below. | 01:43:42 | |
This is the concept of the spa area. This, this corner here would be a staircase with a large window. So there's, you know, | 01:43:50 | |
visibility in. | 01:43:55 | |
To that space from the street. | 01:44:00 | |
And now we're getting into some of the landscape stuff. So the consultants we've been working with, we're working with two teams | 01:44:05 | |
of consultants. So this is EDSA who did the waterfront master plan and then the architect is FFKR. So now when we're in the | 01:44:12 | |
landscaping, these buildings are just placeholders over here on the right. So we were just looking at the elevation. So these are | 01:44:19 | |
not, these are just placeholders while the landscape architect is exploring kind of their 3D model, so. | 01:44:26 | |
Just put that caveat out there. So this is this is like the landscape. | 01:44:34 | |
Scheme that we're proposing the landscape areas. | 01:44:39 | |
I think later in the presentation we have landscape materials and pallets. Can you have trees that close to a pool? | 01:44:43 | |
Yes, but they do require maintenance of like getting the leads out, of course. I mean, not even the leads, the roots, Yeah, and | 01:44:50 | |
they're all being protected. So the OK root's not making it to the pool water. OK, so. | 01:44:56 | |
I wish. | 01:45:05 | |
Yep. So here you're seeing, so we're looking from the South side, looking north. | 01:45:10 | |
Now we're north looking South. | 01:45:19 | |
So here's the main pool area down below the quiet pool, up above the kids pool to the West. | 01:45:21 | |
The the main pool. | 01:45:35 | |
We're proposing A0 entry from the on the main entrance side 0 entry just means you're coming in and you know, there's no step | 01:45:38 | |
down. It's just, it rolls down and it's sloping down to deeper water. And then here's you're seeing some of these little pockets | 01:45:44 | |
that that we created this. I took some of these slides out because I didn't want to get too long, wouldn't it? Which I, I maybe I | 01:45:50 | |
already am because Pete has to talk to, but some of the ideas of the inspiration behind some of the forms you're seeing is the ice | 01:45:56 | |
on. | 01:46:02 | |
And the fractal ice, you know, the shards of ice that are out there, that's why you're seeing some of these shapes in this main | 01:46:08 | |
pool and the kids pool areas. They come from that kind of that fractal ice idea. | 01:46:14 | |
So different views from different areas here on the up, up above in the quiet pool area. So this is coming out of the spa. This | 01:46:26 | |
would be your view looking West. | 01:46:31 | |
This is from up above, kind of that sawtooth edge of the upper quiet pool, looking down on the lower pool in the park beyond. | 01:46:38 | |
This is the pool or the SPA exit and entrance and exit and the. | 01:46:49 | |
The cold plunge and and. | 01:46:55 | |
And because the area, there's another, I think these are two other spa areas, hot tubs. | 01:46:58 | |
And then this is looking back toward the this is the spa building here. So this is that other, this is the shade pergola up above | 01:47:06 | |
the hot tub on the West End of the quiet pool. | 01:47:12 | |
And then the cabanas there on the left. | 01:47:18 | |
So this is the main pool. | 01:47:23 | |
We're kind of standing at the. | 01:47:26 | |
Over at the entrance, like you've just walked through the entrance and this is kind of your view. | 01:47:29 | |
Out along the. | 01:47:34 | |
Oh, no, sorry. We're looking back. Yeah, this little key here. So we're looking E back to where I don't think this building is | 01:47:36 | |
just the placeholder. | 01:47:41 | |
So this you'd be looking kind of out to the street through that opening. | 01:47:46 | |
Is there any kind of deep end? | 01:47:51 | |
Yeah, like in the middle is deeper. | 01:47:54 | |
How, how deep I think we're, it doesn't get like, I think we're like 5 feet. I don't know that we've got into that detail yet, but | 01:47:56 | |
5-6 feet, yeah, there would not be any typing. | 01:48:01 | |
OK. I think I think we're getting closer. Here's kind of that flex space of, you know, I was talking about how this relates with | 01:48:15 | |
the park. This is the park over here on the left, the event run, the splash pad in the distance and we've got fire pits planned | 01:48:21 | |
like these little seating areas off the side of the pool that are kind of that transition zone between park and pool. So is is | 01:48:26 | |
this going to be gated or where is the gate or where is the fence going to be on this is Yeah. So this is elevated and there will | 01:48:32 | |
probably be if. | 01:48:38 | |
The full 6 feet on the, you know, the elevation change, there will be a fence to get to that so that when you're in the park | 01:48:44 | |
there's a six foot barrier to get into the pool area. So this is part of the pool area? Yep. | 01:48:50 | |
I think that that's the kids pool area. So here you're seeing the younger kids, it's much shallower, a little bit deeper in the | 01:49:01 | |
older kid area and then the cabanas along the edge. | 01:49:06 | |
Looking back the other way on the kids Polaris. So here's your concessions building and your other restroom and a cabanas on the | 01:49:16 | |
left. | 01:49:20 | |
And then this is the splash pad area. | 01:49:27 | |
So kind of the difference between like the younger kid area and the pool area and the splash pad is the there's no lifeguard on | 01:49:31 | |
the splash pad. The water is not deep enough. They would trigger a lifeguard. | 01:49:36 | |
There is a little bit of depth on the water because it's kind of. | 01:49:42 | |
You have these big arching jets and the water will run in a little stream condition down to this side over here. | 01:49:46 | |
I guess you can probably see a little bit better here, but everything kind of funnels to a drain that's over here on this side. | 01:49:54 | |
So some of the features in the splash pad are those big arching jets that are going to be making kind of this water tunnel. And | 01:50:02 | |
then over in this area there's kind of the pop jets like the ground play type features and then the stream feature down to. | 01:50:09 | |
The Dream. | 01:50:16 | |
So this is on the end of that event one and then I'm sure we'll be going through the planting palette with the tree committee. We | 01:50:18 | |
just did that on the the promenade block with OJB today. | 01:50:25 | |
But we'll be getting that input. But this is just kind of some of the flavor, just much more natural landscaping materials that | 01:50:32 | |
we're proposing. | 01:50:36 | |
And around the pool area. | 01:50:41 | |
And in the park? | 01:50:43 | |
These are just, you know, some of the character images and I think that's my last slide. | 01:50:48 | |
Any any questions? Got a few. OK. You had a slide on there about what was public and what was private. Could you bring that slide | 01:50:53 | |
back? | 01:50:58 | |
See. Just get up there. | 01:51:08 | |
Yeah. | 01:51:15 | |
There, there we go, There it is. | 01:51:25 | |
Pete Evans with Flag Grill so. | 01:51:31 | |
Bronson gets to show all the pretty pictures and talk about how the pools patterned after fractal ice. And then I get to talk | 01:51:34 | |
about, you know, how how it all works. But there really the goal with this is we've talked about this over the last. | 01:51:42 | |
And this was backwards to what I thought it was unrolling, sorry. The goal on this was to create a really spectacular amenity for | 01:51:50 | |
really groups of people. So we have the people that live really near the pool in the adjacent neighborhoods. We have the people | 01:51:59 | |
kind of in the surrounding communities and then all the Vineyard and and the idea here was in this park area to create this. | 01:52:07 | |
Aquatic amenity that would really serve the needs of all three of those groups of people. | 01:52:15 | |
So we have the big area at the bottom that's kind of free to everybody, that's the open park, including the splash pad and that | 01:52:20 | |
area. And then over in this area, this is kind of that transition area where we have the concessions that are both inward and | 01:52:27 | |
outward facing. So as you're out in the splash pad or out in the park, you know, we, we view this concession as being not like a | 01:52:34 | |
full kitchen, but more of like. | 01:52:40 | |
Like prepared food? | 01:52:48 | |
Type of things and soft drinks and that kind of thing. | 01:52:50 | |
And then at that point also there will be access control where there will be an area here that will be with membership that's for | 01:52:54 | |
the public. And then also these are similar. They're these are. | 01:53:01 | |
The yellow. | 01:53:10 | |
But I mean, we're, we're, we're kind of assuming that this will be like a membership type of a structure so that you're, you're | 01:53:14 | |
not getting like what what happens if you have like a daily use admission fee is when it's 100° outside, it's overrun. | 01:53:22 | |
And when it's 80° outside, it's not. And so to level that out, it usually works better to have some sort of an annual or at least | 01:53:30 | |
monthly subscription membership and that would be open to anyone in the city of Vineyard. So this is like it's pretty similar like | 01:53:37 | |
a rec center like any, any public rec center. | 01:53:44 | |
And then this would be with subscription, but you'd have to live in the surrounding areas within the Utah City development to be | 01:53:51 | |
to have that the subscription for the quiet will appear. The other areas in here that are public would be just like any other | 01:54:00 | |
public space. So restaurant space, spa space, we, we don't anticipate operating those areas we anticipate. | 01:54:09 | |
Leasing those out to. | 01:54:19 | |
Operators who specialize in those functions, this entire thing will operate at a break Even so this will be a nonprofit and so the | 01:54:21 | |
any revenue that's generated from concessions, restaurant or the spa would just go to offset costs, operating costs. | 01:54:30 | |
So let's throw that pink area. Only people that live in in Utah City, I guess, can access that. Yeah. And then they would have to | 01:54:42 | |
also pay a different. | 01:54:48 | |
Like it's not just open to everybody in Utah City. OK, so. | 01:54:54 | |
OK. | 01:54:58 | |
I just wonder because you have the spa area and then you've got like the therapeutic like pools and stuff, it seems like they're | 01:54:59 | |
kind of, yeah, this is colored in too far. I mean, that line really should be kind of like here. Well, I mean, I mean, even if | 01:55:06 | |
that wasn't there, it's just seems like you have the spa and then you have like a therapeutic pool and all that. That's not that | 01:55:12 | |
is associated with the spa, but if it's not accessed by the public, it seems weird. | 01:55:18 | |
Yeah, Yeah. I think that this when I was doing that line, I think there are. | 01:55:26 | |
Pieces here that are part of that, like the cold plunge and that that will be accessed by the spa. OK, but then this part that the | 01:55:30 | |
line is just drawn in the wrong spot should be drawn like right here. | 01:55:35 | |
You know, because when you're in that therapeutic spot. | 01:55:41 | |
There's probably some more privacy that you're going to want and everybody in the quietful area, you know, seeing the spa users | 01:55:47 | |
over there, we've got to figure out some kind of privacy models and how that all works, OK. | 01:55:53 | |
And we're kind of showing those that I don't know that they. | 01:56:00 | |
How well, How well we are showing those in the memory? | 01:56:04 | |
So ultimately, I mean, I think. | 01:56:09 | |
I mean, it's been over a year in the making, but the goal to provide that kind of level of amenity, we're really excited about the | 01:56:12 | |
direction this is going and kind of where this is and the architecture that's coming in and the designs. I really think this will | 01:56:19 | |
be pretty spectacular for everybody who lives here in Vineyard. | 01:56:26 | |
Cool. All right. I do have a few questions and stuff. As far as the bathroom for the splash pad, the kids have to cross the street | 01:56:35 | |
to get to that bathroom. | 01:56:40 | |
And it kind of looks like that this this is just a sidewalk that's just a side, but it's kind of colored Gray like a street. But | 01:56:46 | |
yeah, it's just a just a wide sidewalk. Yeah. If you remember, that block is pretty big. So yeah, this park block is really big. I | 01:56:51 | |
thought the same thing when they put this in. It looks like they're going right through. I love it. And it's just a white sidewalk | 01:56:57 | |
trailer. | 01:57:03 | |
Is further to the left over here, further to the left. So we have like the. | 01:57:11 | |
There's a sports court here at that basketball. Yeah. I just wasn't sure if there was one more Rd. in there. OK. | 01:57:16 | |
Hours like is this just opening the summer? Is this a year round thing? So this would be open in the summer and then obviously the | 01:57:24 | |
splash pad would shut down in the winter. But then all of that area would be just kind of like the park is currently. And then the | 01:57:31 | |
the pool area. I mean, we're we're talking to some vendors right now who do winter activities. So this could turn into something | 01:57:38 | |
else. | 01:57:44 | |
In the winter time. So like for example, we're talking to a group that does ice skating like temporary ice skating rinks. So they | 01:57:52 | |
could, there's some uses we're looking at, but right now it's anticipated to be seasonal, OK. | 01:57:59 | |
And then I guess as far as fees like how accessible will this be the Vineyard residence is this going to be? | 01:58:06 | |
Like. | 01:58:17 | |
We don't have the operating budget done, but but it will be a break even like we won't be and it'll actually be subsidized by the | 01:58:19 | |
other paid uses in here like the restaurant, the concessions in the spa. And so it'll it'll actually be below cost for Vineyard | 01:58:25 | |
residence. | 01:58:31 | |
Yeah. OK. And then is there a reason, well, is there a reason you decided not to do the the upper pool as like? | 01:58:39 | |
Also, I just see the stairs that go up on both sides and it seems like it it accesses the rest of the pool really easy. I'm just | 01:58:50 | |
curious why you decided not to have that be public as well. Yeah, I mean, I think it was just a tiered structure to provide like | 01:58:56 | |
a. | 01:59:02 | |
You know, kind of an, I mean a lot of the the public amenities that are here are really more focused on the people who live closer | 01:59:09 | |
anyway. And so this was just kind of acknowledging that proximity, OK, I think. | 01:59:16 | |
That top tier of membership up on the quiet pool, they'd be able to come down and use the other pools. | 01:59:26 | |
With like a key card, but like with your second, yeah, with your second tier, you wouldn't be able to go up to that level. So | 01:59:34 | |
there would need to be some control in those spaces. But that's why there is access up there. OK, Yeah, yeah. Just as long as it's | 01:59:38 | |
clear on those. | 01:59:43 | |
That it's obviously not accessible to the public, right? Yeah. | 01:59:49 | |
Something right, OK. Did you guys have any questions? | 01:59:55 | |
I have a broader question. This is more about the promenade in general. We've talked about the ownership aspect of of of easement | 02:00:03 | |
public access or ownership by the city maintaining it as there been any progress made on that, on the just the bigger actual | 02:00:09 | |
ownership of the promenade? Yeah, I mean, I would say yes, we're still kind of working through some of the details, but this would | 02:00:15 | |
kind of fall into that same category. | 02:00:21 | |
Of, you know, making sure that we have an ownership, maintenance and you know, management structure. | 02:00:27 | |
It works, but we don't know what the actual ownership yet. | 02:00:34 | |
I don't know that. I don't know the answer other than it hasn't been established yet. Yeah, I mean, there's probably 3 main | 02:00:48 | |
structures that we're exploring right now. So I mean, I think it'll end up one of those 3. But is it, is it important to establish | 02:00:54 | |
that 'cause I mean, if you build more out on the promenade, like the the actual ownership? | 02:01:00 | |
You know of that is important before you start building the facility. | 02:01:07 | |
No, because I, I mean, I understand what you're saying, but I think that regardless of what goes in the promenade, whether it's | 02:01:13 | |
big, medium, small, it's going to end up the same ownership structure is going to be the one that will be appropriate for | 02:01:18 | |
regardless of the amenity level that's built. | 02:01:23 | |
I, I think it'll end up with, I mean, the way that it's being proposed and discussed, it will end up being a mix of private | 02:02:01 | |
ownership, public ownership and then management of the different amenities. The public places will be public places, meaning | 02:02:08 | |
they'll be open to the public. You'll have the same rights and options that you would if you were to go to a public park or | 02:02:15 | |
somewhere like that. | 02:02:22 | |
It's a little layered in how things are structured just because it's not a flat development. So it's not like you're drawing a | 02:02:30 | |
rectangle around the park and then calling that the park. You have, like you have in this site plan a mixture of things that | 02:02:35 | |
would. | 02:02:41 | |
You know, if you go other places in the city, you have a really clearly defined public park. You have a private clubhouse that's | 02:02:47 | |
only available to people that live within a certain community. You have private pools that are only available to people within the | 02:02:53 | |
same community. I think you're going to have things in this development where they're layered. And so you're going to have to have | 02:02:58 | |
agreements that are specific to each. | 02:03:04 | |
Particular portion of the development that will indicate who owns and controls. You know which layer of the development. | 02:03:11 | |
Your concerns are good ones, I just don't think we're to the point and. | 02:03:19 | |
The development process where that's all on ice quite yet. | 02:03:24 | |
And to me, I would say that that looks like a park. So it feels like, you know, a Grove park or something like that, that it would | 02:03:30 | |
be public, but it'd be easier to look at these things to be able to distinguish, you know, what's a city amenity that we're | 02:03:35 | |
maintaining versus what is something Black Borough is maintaining. So any, any clarity we can bring to that as we move forward | 02:03:41 | |
would be beneficial as we continue to do. | 02:03:47 | |
I think you'll have answers to a lot of those questions in the next few weeks and months because we're beginning the process of | 02:03:55 | |
organizing. | 02:03:59 | |
The revenue sources and the structures that will. | 02:04:04 | |
Govern and regulate these different amenities and we're anxious. I wish I had a more granular answer for you today, but I, I also, | 02:04:09 | |
I also don't want to tell you we have it all ironed out when we're not quite there yet. And you're right. I mean, we are to the | 02:04:16 | |
point where I mean, we've got site plans approved basically for the construction of a lot of the park amenities and areas. And we | 02:04:23 | |
want to start building those, but we need to nail down what that looks like first and some of it, you know, like we said. | 02:04:31 | |
Could be like, we're even maintaining that, you know, the public park areas because it makes more sense for us to maintain them | 02:04:39 | |
than for the city landscaping department to try to fold that into what they do. | 02:04:45 | |
So we're there is it's, I think, I think we're getting close. | 02:04:53 | |
Yeah, the the principles that are guiding the discussion are we want the neighborhood to have. | 02:04:59 | |
To be the source of the revenues that would pay for public places, not the balance of the city. So we want to localize those | 02:05:08 | |
things and then? | 02:05:12 | |
We want to make sure that all the places that on this document and other documents are indicated as open to the public, that when | 02:05:18 | |
we do the development documents, that's folded into it and we know what opened the public means. But if it's open to the public, | 02:05:25 | |
it's a public space and it would operate and function as a public space. | 02:05:32 | |
Thank you. Cool. And I guess just one more comment. I guess it's not totally relevant to the site plan itself, but as far as the | 02:05:42 | |
private pool, it would be cool if you went to the spot and that was an option to just go to that adults only pool if you're | 02:05:49 | |
visiting the spa kind of thing. Yeah. And that's definitely an option that we could look at. Yeah, I think that could be a really | 02:05:57 | |
cool amenity for the spa. Yeah, definitely. I I think so. | 02:06:04 | |
If there are hot tubs, then there's a therapeutic pool, like, yeah, I think that would be really cool amenities for those spa | 02:06:12 | |
users and not necessarily just the residents. Yeah, I think that makes sense. Cool. Any other questions? | 02:06:19 | |
Cool. I think it looks great. I really like the landscaping. I was going to ask about that northern side of the pool, but that | 02:06:27 | |
looked really good when I saw it in one picture. But I think it was great. Yeah. Is it going to be just like a wall and then now | 02:06:33 | |
there's like little landscaping and then it's. Yeah, it's cool. | 02:06:39 | |
Yeah, I think it looks great. Thank you guys. | 02:06:46 | |
If we have, yeah, yeah, David, come up. Sorry, I'm letting the public ask some questions just so that when we have the, I guess | 02:06:50 | |
this won't even be a public hearing, but that way it smooths things out for one week. | 02:06:55 | |
Hi David Lloyd resident. Hey, thank you. That's great. I love the look of the plan. This looks really nice. I live in the South | 02:07:03 | |
end of Vineyard and I want to bring some of my 17 grandkids up to play in the in the splash pad. Where do I park? | 02:07:11 | |
Do you have any other questions? | 02:07:21 | |
OK. Thank you there. | 02:07:24 | |
That is going to be one of the big questions is where are people going to park for this? Do you guys know yet or oh, sorry, sorry | 02:07:26 | |
I didn't see you. My bad. | 02:07:30 | |
Sorry, Bronson. Thank you. Daria Evans resident. I'd like to know what the capacity. | 02:07:35 | |
Of your Aquatic Center is going to be. | 02:07:42 | |
Also um. | 02:07:45 | |
Are you going to have first day stations with Aeds and how many lifeguards are you planning on having in that those areas? And I | 02:07:47 | |
noticed you have, you're going to have lots of beautiful outdoor furniture. Where are you going to store that furniture in the | 02:07:53 | |
winter time because it will deteriorate in the weather? | 02:07:58 | |
And also I didn't notice that there was very much shade structure at the splash pad and also. | 02:08:05 | |
What does this? How does the size of this flash pad compare to the size of the Grove Park splash pad? I'm hoping it's going to be | 02:08:14 | |
bigger. | 02:08:18 | |
Cool. Thank you, Darian. OK. | 02:08:24 | |
All right. | 02:08:27 | |
One more. | 02:08:29 | |
Or at least one more. | 02:08:31 | |
Jacob Holdaway. | 02:08:36 | |
Having lived here all my life, this is one of the most mosquito infested areas of the city being that the water is only two to 8 | 02:08:38 | |
inches for about 1/4 mile out there. | 02:08:44 | |
Had 40 years of trying to get rid of those Mitch flies. Being an outdoor facility, this is about 1/3 the way from the other splash | 02:08:51 | |
pad. The other splash pad is very uniquely reason why it was set up there is because it is. It was always for 40 years known to be | 02:09:00 | |
low mid fly area. This is the infestation of the lake right here. | 02:09:08 | |
For millions of years, the sediment. | 02:09:17 | |
The wind has always blown from the West to the east and that is why on the east side of the lake you're talking about 6-7 feet | 02:09:20 | |
deep, pretty steep drop off and all of the sludge moving this way and all of the sediment even with Linden Boat Harbor and we dig | 02:09:29 | |
that out, I think that's on a six or eight-year rotation. It feels right back up with sludge and. | 02:09:38 | |
Because of how low that sediment is. | 02:09:48 | |
And the wind way the wind blows, it just falls up and so that incubating location of Nidge flies are always going to be right off | 02:09:51 | |
of that coast. So doing an outdoor. | 02:09:56 | |
All of these lakefront can't go out past 4-5, you know, and and it's just an inundated with those columns and so understanding and | 02:10:03 | |
almost every development they come in and say we'll spray or we'll spray or we'll spray. And you know, I know our budget in | 02:10:11 | |
Vineyard City, we eliminated it just because it's it's so expensive and so like understanding. | 02:10:18 | |
Who's going to be flipping the bill for that? And then also understanding the financial consequences, you know, we're building in | 02:10:27 | |
this in one of the worst areas for that. So it's going to be quite pricey to be able to handle that. So and also the lighting, | 02:10:33 | |
like you know, the lighting is going to be the way in which we light this is going to attract mid flies like crazy to come and | 02:10:39 | |
attack us. | 02:10:46 | |
As well. And so you've got big buildings that are going to be bringing St. lights into debris to even bringing them off of the | 02:10:53 | |
lake. | 02:10:57 | |
To come in and attack this area, traditionally this has been a dark area and so the mid flies haven't come. And so now we're going | 02:11:01 | |
to be attracting them. So just some consideration. So and then also I like your comment about delineation of public and private. | 02:11:08 | |
The RDA, we put hundreds of millions of dollars into this and each time with Anderson development we move. You know, this is | 02:11:14 | |
expected to be the citizens downtown, right? | 02:11:21 | |
Especially with the hundreds of millions of dollars that we put in. | 02:11:28 | |
So we need it to be vineyards downtown, not not just like, hey, you get this section or that I'm thinking about. | 02:11:32 | |
You know, the 4th of July and all of our big city events, we're hoping that it can be within Utah City, right? Because it is our, | 02:11:39 | |
it is our downtown. So I like that comment. | 02:11:43 | |
Thank you, Jake. | 02:11:48 | |
Any other comments? | 02:11:50 | |
All right, OK. | 02:11:54 | |
Parking. | 02:11:56 | |
Yeah, so. | 02:11:59 | |
I haven't done the full count on the street parking around the the area just immediately adjacent to the building was 38 stalls, | 02:12:02 | |
but that's just just along the frontage so there's obviously the other side of the street. | 02:12:09 | |
When we build Building 8, there is surface parking up there. Five blocks, five and six also have surface parking down there. And | 02:12:16 | |
so I imagine some of the. | 02:12:21 | |
Most of the parking will. | 02:12:27 | |
You know, when this is open, all the street parking is probably taken 1st and then that overflow is probably spilling out into the | 02:12:29 | |
blocks around. So there will there'll be ample parking for that. | 02:12:35 | |
Can I ask a question on that? So I think you were here when we talked about parking with that the Forge project. Would you be a | 02:12:42 | |
minimal to having that same discussion as we, you know discussed the privacy concerns around this to make sure as we implement | 02:12:47 | |
technology. It's the one I use it and be a heart study, but it's a smart city where. | 02:12:53 | |
People, you know, they, they're comfortable with their privacy protected, so it's the best of the technology without any | 02:13:00 | |
integration. | 02:13:02 | |
Cool. And then I. | 02:13:11 | |
Oh, never mind, go ahead. Next thing was capacity for the pool. I was just, I was trying to, I know we have that because we had | 02:13:15 | |
the size get the restroom count to match the occupancy, but I couldn't find it. So in our next meeting I'll have that number. OK, | 02:13:22 | |
perfect. And then that'll also. So as far as pool facilities like this go, there is another layer of of review at the health | 02:13:29 | |
department and they'll they'll go through all of this again on, you know, the amount of. | 02:13:37 | |
Showers that we're providing the first aid equipment that's staged around all of the left. Yeah, the, the, the count on the | 02:13:45 | |
lifeguards. I don't know what that is off the top of my head, but that's all information and, and things that we'll have to comply | 02:13:52 | |
with to open this. And then furniture for the area. Do you guys, are you into that level of detail? I mean, we, we are showing, | 02:13:59 | |
you know, conceptually what some of the furniture could look like. I don't know that we've selected any, any models yet. | 02:14:07 | |
We do anticipate there will be storage in that mechanical space underneath that upper pool. | 02:14:15 | |
Many, many places. | 02:14:22 | |
As far as the furniture, many places also just have covers where they stack the furniture and cover sports stored in the winter. | 02:14:25 | |
Shade is going to be a big one for the splash pad because the current splash pad has none and we hear about it every year when it | 02:14:32 | |
happens. So right. | 02:14:38 | |
As far as staying, we have been talking about the the shade in the Arch Commission, OK, so that that approval was made to spend | 02:14:47 | |
that money. | 02:14:52 | |
And I think there was direction given that arch Commission on where the priorities were on the Grove Park. So that's definitely | 02:14:58 | |
something we'll look at here. | 02:15:02 | |
We do have two pavilions that are flanking the sides of the. | 02:15:08 | |
The splash pad. | 02:15:14 | |
But you can never have enough shape No, no OK, and then the size in comparison to Grove Park. I don't know what the square footage | 02:15:16 | |
is I this I'm pretty sure this is comparable to that size There's. | 02:15:23 | |
In the programming, if we went back to that slide on how? | 02:15:30 | |
The the different age groups that are being targeted in the different areas was the same kind of. | 02:15:34 | |
Methodology we used on Grove Park and so you have like a little kid area with the spray jets, like the ground sprays and then the | 02:15:41 | |
stream and then you have the bigger features. | 02:15:47 | |
I think this is probably more the size of that larger piece, but the the overall space is much larger than like for seating around | 02:15:54 | |
and everything is probably larger than what Grove Park is. Cool, cool. And then midges. Yeah, we talk a lot about the bugs. And we | 02:16:01 | |
also found out through this process that the health department requires a higher a higher lighting level, a higher foot candle, | 02:16:08 | |
which will. | 02:16:15 | |
Kind of make that problem worse, but some of the strategies were. | 02:16:23 | |
Using in the other in the other blocks that we've designed so far as getting the lights up higher so they're not so low to where | 02:16:27 | |
the bugs are, you know? | 02:16:30 | |
Down with where the people are at, but we're trying to get them up higher. | 02:16:35 | |
Putting them, you know, tucking them back into landscaping so that they're, they're still shining where they need to be, but | 02:16:40 | |
they're a little bit less conspicuous and we can tuck those back in the landscaping. So we're still lighting the pathways and | 02:16:45 | |
everything like we need to be, but. | 02:16:51 | |
Getting those light sources off the main pathways and. | 02:16:57 | |
Off the pool area and Bronson and is asked about you probably just the spring like was that something you're gonna take kind of an | 02:17:01 | |
additional layer maybe through? I think it's definitely something we ought to look at. But we like at this stage we don't have any | 02:17:08 | |
plans on what that spring schedule will look like. | 02:17:15 | |
That development they do get like a lot of dead mid flies or mid flies and they'll they'll they'll be at everywhere and they'll. | 02:17:22 | |
They'll go around here and there to kind of clean them up. But I think if you're wanting this to be a resort sad hole, I'd suggest | 02:17:33 | |
having like a higher level of, you know, just clean up. Yeah. And get into those hard reach spots because there's there's areas in | 02:17:38 | |
that development that they're they're tough to reach and it just they get filled with bugs and they die and it can be pretty, | 02:17:43 | |
pretty nasty. So. | 02:17:48 | |
What's what's the timeline for this? | 02:17:55 | |
So we're. | 02:17:58 | |
It it this, that we're further up behind in the in the design schedule than the park. So the the surrounding park is going to | 02:18:01 | |
we're hoping to start that in the spring. And then as soon as we can get through design, get it through engineering and planning | 02:18:07 | |
on the more technical review, we'll we'll start construction. We're we're hoping to start like summer, fall and then be open for | 02:18:13 | |
the next season. Cool. | 02:18:19 | |
OK, so there's a there's a ton to do between now and then, but we're. | 02:18:26 | |
Trying to be as aggressive on schedule as we can be, OK. | 02:18:32 | |
Any other questions? | 02:18:36 | |
Yeah, on the first maybe two or three slides, I saw a picture that showed a zoomed out view. I was wondering about the proximity | 02:18:38 | |
to our current Vineyard beach. | 02:18:45 | |
And how, if at all, will this affect it? | 02:18:52 | |
Yeah, so. | 02:19:02 | |
So kind of what you have between the pool area and the lake is we've got Vineyard Connector, we've got the overpass on the South | 02:19:04 | |
side of the park that goes up over the Vineyard Connector. | 02:19:09 | |
And then get you down to the lake. | 02:19:15 | |
And so that's, that's the proximity, um. | 02:19:19 | |
I don't imagine we'll get a lot of users at the pool that are, you know, going back and forth between the lake and the pool. | 02:19:22 | |
I think it'll be more of a destination where if you decide you're going to the pool that day, you're probably hanging out of the | 02:19:30 | |
pool. But it is there's a close relationship. You know you're within walking distance to the lake if you know that's an important | 02:19:35 | |
relationship, but. | 02:19:40 | |
We also wanted to make sure that the pool was, you know, more in the heart of the the downtown that's accessible for. | 02:19:46 | |
Olive Vineyard and this was the best block to do that on. It's our largest, our largest block in the promenade. | 02:19:55 | |
So yeah. | 02:20:06 | |
Any other questions? | 02:20:11 | |
All right. Thank you, guys. | 02:20:15 | |
Looks great. | 02:20:18 | |
All right, moving on to 2.4, the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement. | 02:20:20 | |
Who's got this one? | 02:20:29 | |
So do you guys want to kind of provide your general overview on this next agreement? | 02:20:34 | |
Let's give a minute to set up. | 02:20:42 | |
I'm afraid there's no. | 02:20:46 | |
Wasn't involved in this one, so there's no pretty pictures. | 02:20:51 | |
This is, this is one of those like you'll have, it's in your, it's in your report. So if you've had a chance to go through it, but | 02:20:55 | |
also I encourage you to treat it prior to the December 6th meeting as well. And people provide the, the kind of highlights. So | 02:21:02 | |
the, the, the LDDA, the land donation development agreement is actually really, really simple and straightforward. It's patterned | 02:21:09 | |
after the, the LDA that we did on the West side. | 02:21:16 | |
And basically just has 2 components. 1 is the donation of the right of way. We commit to donate the right of way for the Mill Rd. | 02:21:23 | |
alignment that goes through our property. And so even though that's a system Rd. we would donate that with the city and then the | 02:21:32 | |
development agreement part of it because there there isn't a like the Forge had like a whole. | 02:21:41 | |
You know, land use plan and development plan. | 02:21:51 | |
That there's that for the east side is still a little ways off. And so it would really just be solidifying and locking in the | 02:21:53 | |
zoning that's in place today for the east side so that we know what we're working with as we start to plan that area out. | 02:22:01 | |
Do you guys have any questions on that? | 02:22:13 | |
So there there's no plan submitted for it yet. | 02:22:18 | |
Are there are there vested rights on the property already? | 02:22:22 | |
Yeah, there is zoning right, right now. And so in that regard, there's not like approved site plans. Also, UVU owns property and | 02:22:26 | |
so they have the ability to kind of act independently. They've been great at working with the city to kind of help with their | 02:22:33 | |
master planning, make sure it works with everything else going on in the city. But yeah, other than that, there's the RC district, | 02:22:39 | |
the FOI. | 02:22:45 | |
There's an I-1 which is like the really old remnant. | 02:22:53 | |
Zoning that the whole area used to be I one that's like the last piece and Kidiva nitrate nitrogen, but under the Sonic code. I | 02:22:57 | |
mean, those are those are the uses primarily commercial. It's all it's all basically commercial. That area was envisioned to be a | 02:23:04 | |
very high employment Center for for like for the region, coupling that with with the university having it be kind of a regional | 02:23:11 | |
research and employment center, so. | 02:23:18 | |
Those are the uses that are just kind of in design, but outside of that there's not like. | 02:23:25 | |
Vested site plans or anything like that at this point? | 02:23:29 | |
Just a footnote to that question. | 02:23:33 | |
This document is not the type that's required to come to the Planning Commission for recommendation or approval. So this is really | 02:23:37 | |
an informational item. And if you have questions or comments that you'd like to be relayed on at the City Council, you're welcome | 02:23:42 | |
to do that. We just thought you'd benefit from having kind of a full picture of what's happening on the site and on the location. | 02:23:47 | |
Cool. | 02:23:53 | |
And as far as development agreements go, I mean, I don't want to speak for the city, but it's probably the simplest one we've ever | 02:23:59 | |
done, super straightforward. It just, it basically just gives us some predictability as we start to plan out, plan out the East | 02:24:05 | |
side over the next couple of years just to make sure that that zoning doesn't change and we know what to expect and how to start | 02:24:11 | |
to plan that out. Cool. | 02:24:18 | |
All right. So if you look at the the reports for the first items that lays out the uses for the FOI and the RC district. So I'll | 02:24:25 | |
give you a really good idea of of what what's allowed. But I guess that's all, it's all basically commercial uses just kind of | 02:24:31 | |
geared towards being a really large employment center. | 02:24:38 | |
OK. | 02:24:47 | |
Is there any other questions? | 02:24:50 | |
OK. Thank you. Thank you, guys. | 02:24:54 | |
Right, that's everything. | 02:24:58 | |
So everything Morgan, is there anything else we needed to discuss or that's fantastic? Public hearing will be on the 6th. So, so, | 02:25:00 | |
so please come. | 02:25:05 | |
With with with any, any of these, we obviously can't can't work in in quorums. But if any commissioners would like to do like like | 02:25:12 | |
a run on one meeting with with with the land owners and the developers to understand the project better, if you if you let us know | 02:25:18 | |
we can, we're happy to to set this up. So there were a couple of questions that. | 02:25:25 | |
I meant to ask for the forge and forgot. | 02:25:33 | |
If they could bring it forward when they present next time, the percent of owner occupied that they plan to do the percentage of | 02:25:36 | |
residential to commercial. | 02:25:41 | |
And. | 02:25:47 | |
And that should be it. And oh. | 02:25:50 | |
No, that is it OK. | 02:25:52 | |
The percent I'm sorry like like like Swerpers the residential to commercials yeah, yeah, like how it's switching from. | 02:25:54 | |
OK. All right. If that's everything, then we'll adjourn the meeting. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you, everybody for coming. | 02:26:06 | |
All right then I look forward to. | 02:26:21 |
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Welcome everybody. This is a Vineyard Planning Commission meeting. It is November 29th and it is 6:00. We'll get right into things | 00:00:02 | |
with Chris giving us. | 00:00:08 | |
Legend of prayer. | 00:00:15 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:00:22 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:28 | |
Our Father in Heaven, we are very grateful to be gathered together here tonight as a Commission and and with the public and the | 00:00:40 | |
residents of the city. Please bless us tonight as we do the the work of the public. Bless us as we have this workshop plus us that | 00:00:46 | |
we can have meaningful and impactful discussions and that we can be guided. And as we work toward strengthening our community, we | 00:00:52 | |
say things. | 00:00:59 | |
Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Awesome. Thank you so much. All right, we'll move right into a work session. Just so you guys know, this | 00:01:05 | |
is a special meeting. So we don't have the normal public comment that we do in a normal Planning Commission meeting. This is just | 00:01:10 | |
a special session. And the things that we're doing here tonight are just work session things, which means that no, nothing | 00:01:16 | |
officials taking place. We're not voting on anything. We're just kind of trying to hash out some of these things before we have | 00:01:21 | |
the public hearing that will happen. | 00:01:27 | |
Next week I believe it is. | 00:01:33 | |
I will allow for some comments just so that we can try to catch some stuff and. | 00:01:36 | |
So that when we come to the public hearing, we are ready for it. That way we can move things forward with the developer and we can | 00:01:42 | |
have things hashed out that need to get hashed out at the public hearing and they have some time to do those things. So that being | 00:01:49 | |
said, we'll move right into the work session to 2.1, zoning, text amendment, medical and commercial uses. | 00:01:57 | |
Great. Thank you, Chair and members of the Planning Commission. Thank you for coming. Yep. So we have this stuff right now. So we | 00:02:08 | |
do have some uses that need to be considered for our code. These are more specifically medical and hospital type uses. We have the | 00:02:17 | |
Huntsman Cancer Institute that is coming to the city currently under the code. We have commercial which. | 00:02:26 | |
Just a really broad category and it could kind of fit under that. You felt that would be important just to have the actual use | 00:02:35 | |
clarified. And so this is the table, you have the full table as part of your staff report. So this is showing for the downtown | 00:02:43 | |
under the downtown station for hospital. It would be not permitted in the downtown mixed-use. That's the blue that would be a | 00:02:50 | |
permitted use under the village. | 00:02:57 | |
General, that's the purple district to the north that would be a permitted use and then the lakefront residential if there's no | 00:03:05 | |
commercial uses allowed there. | 00:03:10 | |
At the lakefront commercial, that's like kind of the orange part right adjacent to the lake that that wouldn't be permitted. But | 00:03:14 | |
underneath that the medical uses, they would be permitted under that. Typically you're just the the General Medical uses are going | 00:03:23 | |
to have less of a of an impact than like a like a larger hospital. So that would be anything from medical office to. | 00:03:31 | |
To your medical clinics and then with. | 00:03:40 | |
Utah Valley University being a play having like the research component and then the University of Utah is also a partner with. | 00:03:44 | |
The Huntsman Cancer Institute, so that would allow those under the downtown station, the downtown mixed-use and the village | 00:03:56 | |
general not permitted in the residential area, but in the lakefront commercial. You can go to the next slide please. | 00:04:03 | |
This is the standard. | 00:04:13 | |
Zoning district matrix. So these are this is pulled out of that the full matrix is in the staff report. So these are a lot of | 00:04:17 | |
medical uses and different type of commercial uses that that could fit into those districts. And so the idea was to similarly | 00:04:24 | |
clarify is, you know, kind of the east side. The idea is to is to do a lot of medical and have it primarily and an employment | 00:04:31 | |
center with the the university of being right there. | 00:04:38 | |
The plan is to have kind of academia married with the, with the employment uses that will be there with the, you know, especially | 00:04:45 | |
the medical uses. And so you can kind of see through the list. We have clinical support housing that's housing that would be | 00:04:52 | |
catering to people who are, you know, within the hospital or employees that are living on site or or students that, that are on | 00:04:59 | |
site as part of. | 00:05:06 | |
Like a hospital or an academia type setting. | 00:05:14 | |
And so that would be permitted in both the RC and the FOI districts. And we have the commercial indoor permitted for the RC, | 00:05:17 | |
permitted for the FOI, the commercial output, the recreational outdoor uses that's a conditional use in both the conditional use, | 00:05:24 | |
just for clarification what that is in Utah basically it could actually use is a a permitted use with standards that you can | 00:05:32 | |
attach to it. And so if you see things that would provide some. | 00:05:39 | |
Of a negative impact allows the Planning Commission utilizing the code is kind of the guidance to provide conditions that would | 00:05:47 | |
help mitigate impacts. We do have golf course use that was shown as a conditional use of both those districts on that east side. | 00:05:54 | |
There is a lot of of concrete work and I think many of the commissioners have have gone out and done kind of towards the side | 00:06:02 | |
there had just reviewed. | 00:06:09 | |
Intensive concrete and so that that would provide kind of a, a surface level use whether or not it happens. It seems like a good | 00:06:47 | |
use. If there's an area that can't be utilized due to the concrete structures, some of those structures you can do if you were to | 00:06:54 | |
kind of scrape off the top, you might even be able to utilize it as flooding. So there might be opportunities to to utilize some | 00:07:00 | |
of those concrete structures. Parking is another news as well. | 00:07:07 | |
Health and fitness facility. | 00:07:15 | |
As permitted uses and hotels conditional motels conditional and we have these other medical uses. The nursing care facility | 00:07:17 | |
permitted and permitted nursing home comprehensive care permitted permitted then office is being permitted pharmacy permitted | 00:07:24 | |
warehouse club is permitted in the RCRC is a regional commercial use. So that seems like a use that would fit well there assembly | 00:07:32 | |
place of I mean really that's kind of a nasty way of saying children's. | 00:07:39 | |
Movie theaters, it's for having like some sort of facility where people would gather together. So under a code, typically assembly | 00:07:47 | |
place of that's the church. So if you wanna know where you can build a church, we'll look for the assembly use educational | 00:07:55 | |
facility conditional conditional with those being primarily state universities that will go there. Those are state uses that that | 00:08:02 | |
don't have to actually go through any local approval and so they're they can come in but if there was like a. | 00:08:09 | |
That educational facility that would pair well with, you know, with with, with what's going on down there or up in that area that | 00:08:17 | |
gives the opportunity if there's like a private college that has some sort of like specific medical training or something like | 00:08:22 | |
that. | 00:08:27 | |
Mercy care facility as a permitted use heliport that's that would be for, you know, having a medical uses up there so a helicopter | 00:08:33 | |
can can come in and then hospitals is conditionally used and then just generally accessory building. You're you're allowed to do | 00:08:41 | |
that really anywhere residential. You could have actually people have sheds and detached garages. Accessibility is just kind of. | 00:08:49 | |
The, you know, a building that is accessory to the primary use of the site. So it's just kind of a general standard, but it would | 00:08:58 | |
have to be related to to the use. | 00:09:02 | |
That is our proposal and happy to take any questions from the Commission. | 00:09:08 | |
Do you guys have any questions? | 00:09:17 | |
As far. | 00:09:22 | |
So just to clarify for the public in these areas, in the RC and FOI, residential is not allowed in these areas. | 00:09:24 | |
And there is still extensive cleanup that needs to happen in these areas. | 00:09:34 | |
With that being said, as far as these different kinds of facilities. | 00:09:39 | |
Even if they were a permitted use if they ground doesn't meet like certain standards cause. | 00:09:47 | |
Can you clarify I guess some of that stuff as far as since there can't be residential there, I'm just kind of curious how there | 00:09:55 | |
could be like a nursing home or or something like that, Right? Sure. So DEQ and feel free Jamie, to jump in on this if you have | 00:10:02 | |
kind of any more scientists. My understanding is any, any permanent uses have to any uses have to be approved. There's different | 00:10:09 | |
levels that are approved. Right now it's under an industrial. | 00:10:16 | |
Use approval. | 00:10:24 | |
But there are areas that because there was a really kind of heavy more contaminated places within where the Geneva footprint was. | 00:10:25 | |
And so those have pretty much been mapped. They're always being kind of remapped and studied. DQ would have to essentially sign | 00:10:33 | |
off and on, on those types of uses. So, so if if they're not allowed, then they wouldn't come through. So any of that has to go | 00:10:40 | |
through like the the state approval process. | 00:10:47 | |
Do you have any questions, Chris on this? | 00:11:26 | |
Cool. I don't think we have any questions up here, so. | 00:11:30 | |
Is there anybody that had any specific questions or something that you think we may have missed? | 00:11:34 | |
All right, if not, we'll move on to Item 2.2 Forge Development Agreement. | 00:11:39 | |
OK, Steve, yeah, why don't you jump up and I'll do kind of a quick introduction on this. This was the project that was brought | 00:11:48 | |
before the Planning Commission and City Council last went to council. I believe it was the 20th, 22nd of February is the days of | 00:11:54 | |
my head, but it was it was kind of right in there. There were elements that the council Planning Commission had requested. One was | 00:12:01 | |
a a reduction in the residential units proposed. | 00:12:07 | |
If you remember it was 1500 units that that were that were being proposed. There was there were concerns about massing and the | 00:12:14 | |
height of the buildings along the vendor connector those that so Steve will show you kind of the alterations of those. So there's | 00:12:22 | |
a lot more single level like retail that that's being shown and then there are also concerns about. | 00:12:31 | |
About the like the overall? | 00:12:42 | |
Management and so Steve has been working on kind of where the longevity of the parking management of the site. And so they can | 00:12:45 | |
share with you those ideas of how to do the parking management. If there are some specific things with that, those are elements | 00:12:53 | |
that can be incorporated into the development agreement. So, yeah, so once that's up, I'll bring you through that update, OK. | 00:13:02 | |
Just for the record, I'm Steve Borup, Director of Development for Dakota Pacific Real Estate. And for those I don't remember who I | 00:13:17 | |
was here, but for those in the public may or may not know, we own 38 acres approximately which is the majority of what is the | 00:13:23 | |
Forge zoning area in the in the in the zoning plan today, which is. | 00:13:29 | |
That gateway area of Vineyard Connector in Geneva, so just north of the theater. | 00:13:36 | |
I'm excited to be here. | 00:13:42 | |
Morgan said, last time I was here in these chambers with many of you was first quarter of 2023 and after months of presentations | 00:13:45 | |
and deliberations ultimately were given the guidance to go back and make some changes. And since that time we have been in | 00:13:53 | |
collaboration with staff and economic development subcommittee and. | 00:14:01 | |
Had a lot of back and forth and working sessions to find and present this plan that I'm going to present to you tonight. | 00:14:10 | |
The process is kind of painful sometimes and long, but we respect it and certainly felt those that we've worked with passion for, | 00:14:18 | |
you know? | 00:14:22 | |
The quality of Vineyard and we as a developer have felt the continued desire to bring something that's high quality, that will be | 00:14:29 | |
an amenity and it'll be iconic again at this at this gateway, something that everybody's proud of so. | 00:14:35 | |
I just really appreciate all the collaboration we've had today and look forward to this discussion. | 00:14:44 | |
The agenda will look like this. Please stop me. This is a discussion, this is a work session, but these are the agenda items I'm | 00:14:51 | |
putting up there. So you know what's coming down the pipe if you have comments around anything in particular on there. | 00:14:57 | |
By the way, I do have printouts. If somebody prefers that versus the screen, just raise your hand. I can I can bring it on. | 00:15:05 | |
I thought we'd start with the general plan. That's the guiding document for cities and what the development should look like and | 00:15:12 | |
in May 2019, the general plan that I found on the most turn on the website. | 00:15:18 | |
UMM shows us in this general area right here, which is designated for residential mixed-use. And again, this was established in | 00:15:24 | |
2019. At that time that that general plan was being established. I wasn't with this project, but understand that others were | 00:15:32 | |
within Dakota Pacific and there was. At the same time that the general plan was happening, there was also a negotiation for a | 00:15:39 | |
specific zoning district for this area called. | 00:15:47 | |
Used area and. | 00:15:54 | |
As areas are being developed into this area, I think there was some confusion maybe by some of the members of our team. You could | 00:16:00 | |
see these big pockets of residential that were being developed in the very South end. Then you had the yard, which is very | 00:16:04 | |
commercial and yet. | 00:16:09 | |
We were proposing and bringing something that was truly mixed-use and was different. | 00:16:14 | |
And the anticipated program that was truly mixed-use was about 121.2 million square feet of office and commercial and 600 | 00:16:19 | |
residential units. That's what the current entitlement stands as. That's what we're asking. You know, ultimately what we're asking | 00:16:25 | |
for is some variances and changes, but that is the baseline that absent any kind of an approval, that's the entitlement that | 00:16:30 | |
exists today. | 00:16:36 | |
So I pointed out partly because the idea was this is a special area, this was to be a micro general plan. Again, the guiding | 00:16:43 | |
document, this is to be a micro urban kind of an area and it is to be mixed-use. | 00:16:49 | |
From the first quarter feedback that we got, these were some of the words and feedback that we we we received. | 00:16:58 | |
Morgan mentioned density. There was 1500 residential units. That was a big topic of discussion. You'll see we reduced that in our | 00:17:07 | |
current plan by 25% to 1100 maximum residential units. We heard a lot about active open space, the need for it on this side of the | 00:17:14 | |
railroad tracks. We generally kept the same ratio of open space we had before and retained the highly programmed nature of it. | 00:17:20 | |
The kinds of commercial with a topic of discussion, bringing something that's an amenity for for the area, something that's active | 00:17:28 | |
and interesting parking. | 00:17:33 | |
Wouldn't be a meeting if we don't get through that, so I'll address some of our parking. | 00:17:39 | |
Strategies building height, I think there was some concern about what does it look like and still like along Vineyard Connector, | 00:17:44 | |
What's the building heights along Mill Rd. How do we just make sure the scale works and transitions on the work? And you'll, | 00:17:49 | |
you'll notice in our current plan, we've dealt with that specifically in the first phase. And then there was a lot of good | 00:17:55 | |
feedback about the affordable and affordable housing and some desire for mixed housing, different kinds of housing for sale, | 00:18:00 | |
townhomes, something else. | 00:18:05 | |
Is to provide some variety. | 00:18:10 | |