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Awesome. Welcome. It is 535 on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023. 00:00:00
And I'm I'm Hayden Roden and I'm going to call to order the Vineyard Bicycle Advisory Commission meeting. 00:00:07
So the first thing on the agenda is the open session and we'll use this time Anthony, if that's OK for public comment if there's 00:00:14
anyone that wants to. 00:00:18
Share anything. Now is the time to do so. 00:00:24
Hi, David Luray. 00:00:37
I just want to say. 00:00:40
This. 00:00:49
And we appreciate very much your interest and effort in doing. 00:00:50
And wanting to make Vineyard a better place. 00:00:54
Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate. 00:00:56
And also I wanted to say Azure, I noticed on your agenda you're planning for. 00:00:58
You know, beyond this year, beyond. I would ask you if you remember the the issue of the. 00:01:04
The bicycle Blvd. That was, you know, scheduled for Holloway Rd. Phase two of the Holdaway farms. 00:01:13
Is very likely to start this next calendar year. 00:01:20
And we were promised at that point as soon as that road went through at 400. 00:01:23
For the South went through and that'd be part of that effort. So we want to make sure that that happens. 00:01:29
Number one, Number two, once it does. 00:01:33
Make sure we don't forget through that bicycle Blvd. hallway. 00:01:36
So that was and thank you very much for your service. 00:01:39
Great. Thank you. Yeah, I know. 00:01:43
The The Bullet Bike Blvd. has been added to the Active. 00:01:47
Either the Active Transportation Plan or the Master Transportation Plan. 00:01:52
And so. 00:01:55
Yeah, I'm sure that once that road is connected that. 00:01:56
Be able to give a timeline or. 00:02:00
Update on the status of the bicycle Blvd. because yeah, that's something that I think. 00:02:03
We all would like to see as well in the city, so thank you for that. 00:02:08
I think it's on both. The active transitions. It's on both, yeah. 00:02:13
There's no other comments. We'll. 00:02:20
Dive right into the work session where we'll talk through the. 00:02:22
Survey responses for the safety survey. 00:02:27
For the northern part of the city. 00:02:30
Anthony, do you have those? 00:02:33
Handy. OK, cool. 00:02:35
Hi, my name is Anthony Fletcher. I'm a planner here at the City UM. 00:03:11
I will be. 00:03:16
All the responses we had from a survey that we sent out to the by Commissioners. 00:03:19
In the last three to four months, we did send out another. 00:03:28
Survey that was for the. 00:03:32
South end part of vineyard which. 00:03:35
Some anywhere from the southern part of Center St. 00:03:40
To the end of the vineyard. 00:03:44
So we had commissioners write this area and identify places where they feel we're unsafe. 00:03:47
And also identify. 00:03:54
Places that could be. 00:03:57
Or you know, redesigned to make biking in those areas safer. And we did send out another survey just as a commissioners for now to 00:03:59
also gather this information for the northern part of Vineyard, which is going to be the northern end of. 00:04:07
Center St. to You know, whenever, wherever the most built part of Vineyard. 00:04:17
Is. 00:04:22
This is the entire area for the study right now. And we're discussing the northern side. We did do the southern side. 00:04:25
So we would combine these responses that we've had from these two surveys and create a survey later on for residents to make. 00:04:33
Inputs for the entire city. 00:04:44
So this is in an effort to. 00:04:47
You know, gather enough. 00:04:50
To help us prioritize projects that could help make the biking and walking experience in the city. 00:04:52
A better one than it's ever been. 00:05:00
So this is the study area. 00:05:03
And it's pretty much everywhere from center St. up, as I did mention before. 00:05:06
For the sake of time. 00:05:12
Is going to be very summarized. I am. This presentation is summarizing all the responses. 00:05:14
To cover all that was. 00:05:21
Pretty much asked. 00:05:24
So. 00:05:28
We had a question that. 00:05:30
Allow the commissioners to rank the entire biking experience in the city. 00:05:34
From one to 10 being with one being the worst and 10 being the best experience. 00:05:40
We had an average of. 00:05:47
Being the overall experience, which in my opinion is pretty good, I am a biker myself and I I bike the city when I'm around. 00:05:51
And. 00:06:01
I would. 00:06:02
Say that seven was pretty accurate at least. 00:06:03
The information that I had that that doesn't mean that we cannot do better than that because the. 00:06:06
There's a lot of work to get even. 00:06:15
So. 00:06:18
The factors that contributed to the perception of safety while biking in the northern part of Vineyard were predominantly. 00:06:21
These you know, factors where we have, one being the quality of the bike infrastructure, we only have a few. 00:06:30
Trails that. 00:06:39
Are being multi use trails that are being used in the city and where people have to bike on the main road. It is a concern because 00:06:40
the infrastructure of shared paths and the entire city does not seem to be one that makes more bikers feel safe than they they are 00:06:46
or they should be. 00:06:53
We have the behavior of drivers. 00:07:00
A number of. 00:07:03
Factors listed and these were the top factors. 00:07:05
We had the behavior of drivers. 00:07:09
There are a lot of drivers that don't pay attention to the road nowadays. 00:07:13
Everyone is on their. 00:07:17
The better we we restrict drivers from doing. 00:07:21
The better it is for our bikers and pedestrians as well. So the behavior of drivers was ranked as. 00:07:24
One of the most. 00:07:31
Things that has to be checked, the traffic speeds on sudden roads. 00:07:33
Made biking unsafe for a lot of people in the northern part of Vineyard. 00:07:38
Based on the survey results. 00:07:43
We do also have. 00:07:45
You know the intercessions. The intersections are. 00:07:48
Design not all the intersections based on the responses or not all designed to. 00:07:53
Accommodate riders. 00:07:58
When they get there and have to also cross to the other side of the road. 00:08:01
You know, even just stay in their lane, drivers do not lookout. 00:08:05
Writers in the intersection. So what we're having from these responses there would be that would need to redesign. 00:08:10
A number of our intersections. 00:08:19
You know, make it safe for. 00:08:22
Bikers and pedestrians. 00:08:24
So in other neighborhoods, we did also have that street parking was an issue because it did prevent it. It didn't make some of the 00:08:31
riders. 00:08:35
Feel unsafe because. 00:08:41
In those neighborhoods, they were not sure. 00:08:43
Someone was gonna pop open your door while they're riding right next to the car, so it was a concern that was also raised in this. 00:08:45
Survey as well and. 00:08:53
Destructive destructive drivers was a big thing. 00:08:56
So these were the top three. 00:09:05
Intersections that. 00:09:08
Identified. 00:09:11
Being very unsafe for riders. 00:09:13
And these include the Vineyard Road and 400. 00:09:16
Not. 00:09:21
Vineyard Connector and Main St. 00:09:24
Center St. and Mill Rd. Intersection. 00:09:28
These were the top three. 00:09:31
There were others that also came up. You know, Mill Road and 400 N. 00:09:33
Was also identified. 00:09:39
But it was really not identified by almost everyone, but these ones came up pretty much on most of the responses that we had. 00:09:41
And we also did ask a question about. 00:09:50
The worst times for. 00:09:54
In. 00:09:56
You know, especially in the northern part being for this survey and the responses we had ranged from 10:00 AM to 9:30 AM. 00:09:58
Umm. 00:10:09
And 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 00:10:09
Which is pretty typical because a lot of people are trying to get to work and drivers are not watching out for bikers or people 00:10:13
that use bikes and other forms of. 00:10:19
You know micro. 00:10:25
Modes of transportation. 00:10:29
During these times, so it makes people. 00:10:31
Bikes very feel very unsafe. 00:10:35
And in the same way, between 4:00 and 7:00, a lot of people are coming back home. 00:10:38
Geneva Rd. is backed up. 00:10:44
Mill Rd. in the section is backed up and it just carries. 00:10:46
Part of the city as well, so these. 00:10:51
Times that were identified to. 00:10:54
The most UN. 00:10:58
To write in the northern part of Vineyard City. 00:11:00
Now we had a question on. 00:11:03
Wayfinding It was pretty much to find out if what a wayfinding we have for bikers and pedestrians was were enough. 00:11:08
Or would need. 00:11:16
You know the response that we had for almost everyone that responded. 00:11:19
Was. 00:11:24
So we need more wayfinding. And we have good news. The city is working till it's, you know, at least in the planning department. 00:11:26
We're working till it's developing A wayfinding master plan. 00:11:31
Which would take care. 00:11:36
All these issues concerns that we have so the way of finding master plan is not only going to be for. 00:11:39
The trails would have one. 00:11:45
Helps drivers know not only doesn't only point drivers to places in the city, but also. 00:11:47
Draws the attention of drivers or other road users of the fact that this road is shared. You know it's not just. 00:11:55
Used by you. Currently we don't have a lot of those signs. What we have is markings on the floor, I mean on the road that shows 00:12:02
that this road is shared and all that. So as we move forward with this wayfinding master plan is going to identify all these 00:12:07
things. 00:12:12
And our hope is to be able to start that plan. 00:12:18
Next year, 'cause we're in the works to get that started right now. 00:12:22
So wayfinding is a big thing. 00:12:27
We're happy that. 00:12:29
There was a general comment that I realized a run through some of the responses, which I think is very important. That's why I put 00:12:33
it here. It was not from every single person, but we had one that said that we need to improve upon the communication from the 00:12:38
city. 00:12:43
Including the Bicycle Advisory Commission. 00:12:49
To residents on bike and infrastructure and. 00:12:53
When people see bikers on the road, they're confident enough to leave their kids or other family. 00:12:57
Or people they known the city to just go. 00:13:05
Without fear of, you know, thinking they'll be knocked down by a car or have any accidents. 00:13:09
If we we encourage more people and raise more awareness. 00:13:15
Where Where the city gets to the point where we. 00:13:19
A lot of people on the road right in more than you see a lot of cars, which will take time. 00:13:23
It would encourage more people to step out and ride their bikes and thus make. 00:13:30
The entire city more bike friendly. 00:13:37
And obviously, once our city is bike friend. 00:13:40
It's certainly walk. 00:13:44
So for our next steps, the signage and infrastructure quality should be improved as I did mention to promote the bike safety. 00:13:48
And it does a. 00:13:55
In the northern part of Vineyard and we need to also talk about how we can make. 00:13:59
The city feels safer for bikers. 00:14:04
And umm. 00:14:09
That's what we have right now. 00:14:10
Thank you very much for your attention. 00:14:12
Awesome. Thanks, Anthony, for putting that together is. 00:14:16
Time for a quick discussion about that maybe from yeah, sure, we can have about a few minutes of discussion, maybe 10 to 15 if you 00:14:20
want to. I don't know that we need that much. But yeah, just for next steps just I. 00:14:27
Can you go back to the next steps slide? Sorry. 00:14:35
So I think. 00:14:40
In my mind, one of the next, because you mentioned that this was just Commissioners that took this. 00:14:43
Survey. 00:14:49
I would be interested in seeing. 00:14:50
Responses. 00:14:53
The greater vineyard population and see if we could get. 00:14:55
You know, a statistically significant sample on some of this stuff. And and and. 00:14:59
Maybe compare it? 00:15:04
To these responses that we. 00:15:06
Because now we've now done the southern and northern part of the city and just see if the the especially like the intersections 00:15:08
and. 00:15:11
The places where. 00:15:16
Maybe the infrastructure is lacking. 00:15:18
The intersections are feel unsafe. Make sure. 00:15:22
That that they're. 00:15:26
Across the city that. 00:15:29
Agree on what needs to be worked on or improved or what we're doing well, things like that. 00:15:31
So I would include that maybe in the next steps. 00:15:36
Putting together that and getting that out to the to the city. 00:15:39
Jordan, did you have something to say? I think that's a good idea. I wonder if we. 00:15:44
With that, I think the survey was good. 00:15:49
I'd be interested in also like a survey of like. 00:15:51
What destinations within the city do you? 00:15:54
Are achievable or safe to get. 00:15:57
Especially with like. 00:16:01
I think the classic example is like elementary school students living on Mill Rd. getting to school it. 00:16:04
Is this achievable in a Safeway for your kids to get there? Do you feel comfortable letting? 00:16:11
Your elementary school kids get there, or to the front runner, or even the City Hall or something like that. 00:16:17
And ideally have enough responses from different neighborhoods. 00:16:24
Yeah, I think going with that sort of. 00:16:30
Trip oriented. 00:16:33
Trying to figure out where people are trying to go from and from where is a big deal like I used to live on. 00:16:35
East side now the West side of Mill Rd. 00:16:44
And then I moved. 00:16:47
To the east side of Mill. 00:16:49
And it's like, as far as bike transit goes, it's like 60 seconds further away if you're going by the crows fly how the crow flies. 00:16:52
But I never went to any of the forged develop. 00:16:58
On a bike? 00:17:04
There's no way I would ever. 00:17:06
Risked my life going down the road, but now that I'm on the east side, I just walk over and. 00:17:08
It's not a big deal. So I think Kevin, that's sort of drip oriented. 00:17:13
Trying to. 00:17:17
How far? Where are they willing to go for that trip, and at what point would they say? 00:17:19
If they were stuck on a bike there, say screw this, I'm going home like I've gone too far and. 00:17:25
I don't think it's worth it either distance or safety wise. 00:17:31
At what point in this process are we looking at, are we even considering making suggestions to the Council on places where we want 00:17:36
to see? 00:17:40
Changes and if so, when in this process is that. I would think it's after the. 00:17:45
Survey yeah, I think that's why we started this process was to come up with suggestions or. 00:17:52
Kind of data. 00:18:00
Action items besides just like hey, we think that this, so this is obviously not. 00:18:04
The, and all be all of survey responses. But we would like to to get more more input and then yeah, I think. 00:18:10
I don't know when we could put the final survey together and get it out to the public. 00:18:18
Hopefully, you know Q1 we're meeting in February. 00:18:23
So maybe if we could get some responses. 00:18:27
By that meeting, we could maybe start putting together. 00:18:32
Proposal and then present it to Council. Yeah. March, I don't know. I mean. 00:18:36
Are if we did that, had the survey go out, got responses by February 20th. 00:18:42
Our next regularly scheduled meeting would be in May. 00:18:47
I mean, I. 00:18:52
Government goes slowly, but I would prefer not to wait till May to have an actual recommendation, right. Well, yeah, Special 00:18:53
session or something. Yeah, yeah, I think we could probably. 00:18:57
Meet outside of. 00:19:02
Main meetings. 00:19:04
And. 00:19:05
Put something together to bring the Council sooner. 00:19:06
Cool. Anything else from? 00:19:11
The Commissioner from anyone else? Did anybody else here feel like we missed anything in our current survey or? 00:19:14
Awesome. Well, thanks Anthony for for putting that together. We will move on to 2024. 00:19:24
Planning, so the agenda item 4A planning for 2024 and beyond, special projects, data needs, et cetera, we kind of talked about. 00:19:33
Just barely, but I think a survey is. 00:19:41
For the city is one of the first things that we would. 00:19:44
And would want to put out. 00:19:48
I don't know. I don't know if there's any special projects. 00:19:50
We. 00:19:54
Already talked about or that need to be brought up an idea for the project which was to. 00:19:56
I don't know how formal or informal we want to make this, or if we even want to do it, but the idea was. 00:20:03
Just go through any crash that happens in the city and just try to understand the contributing factors of that crash. 00:20:10
That we could, I know. 00:20:21
Been a few involving pedestrians and cyclists. 00:20:23
Bikers in the city in the past year. 00:20:30
We could start with those and. 00:20:32
Kind of the idea is. 00:20:35
Just to say hey, we're no experts. 00:20:38
In evaluating what a crash is and maybe there is a more thorough investigation that's happening, but. 00:20:41
Yeah, either understand what the investigation process is right now or and or contribute our own. 00:20:50
Thoughts to Underst? 00:20:58
Understanding what causes those crash. 00:21:02
Investigation process already. 00:21:08
We should probably get a report. 00:21:13
At least the ones concerning active transit users. We're probably not in the purview of car on car collisions, although I guess we 00:21:16
could because I would think that would. 00:21:20
Places that are dangerous for other people in cars are probably even more dangerous for bikers and pedestrians. But. 00:21:26
That's already happening. I'd want to see, report and if it's not happening, I. 00:21:32
Someone should start doing it, so it might as well be us. 00:21:36
Yeah, I agree with that. 00:21:41
Yeah, I think. I mean, I think that's a good idea. How? 00:21:44
So about I guess that would be the question is like yeah, what data is available or could be made available to us? 00:21:47
Umm. 00:21:56
From the. 00:21:57
Yes, please, I. 00:21:59
Since it is the County Sheriff, right, can you state your name and where you live? I am an alternate on the Commission. 00:22:03
Right. We still work with the County Sheriff, right. They have all that data I would and they do run things. I think it's just 00:22:12
really low in Vineyard. 00:22:16
Sure. 00:22:20
But to add to that, well, I think it's 'cause we don't have a lot of bikers, but maybe what you do is. 00:22:22
Look at our intersections. Compare them to other cities. 00:22:28
And like kind of relate the intersections in terms of traffic, like how much cars are going through and then see if those 00:22:31
intersections and other cities are. 00:22:35
Accidents, right? And. 00:22:41
You know, connecting those two together, we could potentially look at how do we stop this intersection from becoming that. 00:22:43
In the county is going to have all that information. 00:22:50
Yeah, OK. That'd be cool. 00:22:54
So could that be? 00:22:56
That's a good idea. And would it just be for cities that the Utah County sheriff? 00:23:00
Contracted with like I know Eagle Mountain. 00:23:07
And Saratoga. But could we do like Orem? Yeah, I'm sure you could reach out. I mean, I'm sure they could reach out to the city 00:23:10
Orem Police Department, get that information. OK, Sure. Yeah. 00:23:15
Yeah, I think that's a great place to start because, yeah, I don't know. 00:23:20
While we have had. 00:23:23
I don't know how much we. 00:23:27
Extrapolate. 00:23:29
Because it's good that we haven't had a ton, but you know we have had some, which is more than we want, but. 00:23:31
If we. 00:23:35
Somehow. 00:23:36
Figure out those common factors and get that number even lower than. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, and preventing. 00:23:39
Because we're not done making that building out the city, preventing new places from becoming like that, I think is. 00:23:45
Smart of us and we'll save a lot of people, a lot of Flack down the road, including ourselves for sure. 00:23:51
So moving forward with that, do like, should I contact the sheriff? Yeah, I think that's a good place to start. 00:23:59
Lieutenant Rockwell is probably who we talked to, right? OK. 00:24:07
And if you want to do. 00:24:11
I know a lot of times we do groups at 2:00, so if you want to I can join or unless one of you guys want to as well. 00:24:13
Yeah, no, I think that's a great place to start and. 00:24:19
Yeah, just let us. 00:24:23
How we can help and then we'll probably put that on the agenda. 00:24:25
February, just to talk about it. Cool. Something I also wanted to bring up. 00:24:29
As we've been talking about sort of looking at what TR? 00:24:35
Change to bike trips or. 00:24:40
We feel like we could improve bike infrastructure to make that an alternative. 00:24:43
I think we already have. 00:24:48
Trip lengths and different where people go to and from in the city. Is that correct? 00:24:50
I think I've seen that that sounds right in other meetings. So if we have a previous study on that, then I'd like to get. 00:24:56
That reviewed. I'd like to well, so Anthony Jenkins sent it was I'm trying to pull it up here. 00:25:03
He had bike. 00:25:12
Did you guys see this? Yeah. Did he send that? 00:25:14
I saw it somewhere. So Anthony Jenkins had Bike Utah put together. I'm trying to pull it up here. 00:25:18
Connectivity analysis. 00:25:26
Maybe not exactly. 00:25:28
Referring to but. 00:25:31
It's pretty cool. 00:25:34
Maybe it's not on the agenda because he's not here, but so we'll probably talk about it. 00:25:37
Next time, but it talks about the barriers to active transportation, our connectivity index. 00:25:42
And justice, The ability to connect origins to destinations and give some. 00:25:48
Some numbers and some information, so I think we could make this available. 00:25:54
At least to the Commission members and probably put it in. 00:26:02
The meeting notes and then talk about it. 00:26:06
Kind of formally next time when Anthony? 00:26:09
I think it's good you brought that up once we're done with this meeting because Anthony sent an e-mail saying that we should make 00:26:14
that report so everyone knows that this exists. So I will share that to the entire team and make it available to everyone else in 00:26:22
the city who needs it to study that it would it should be part of our next regular meeting. 00:26:30
To discuss because then. 00:26:38
Probably. 00:26:41
Some data from the several responses from the residents as well. So there's going to be quite a bit of things to discuss and 00:26:42
connect. 00:26:47
The connectivity analysis that was done as. 00:26:53
And does that include? 00:26:57
Modes of transportation or. 00:26:59
Active mods, do you know? 00:27:01
It's it's mostly pedestrian and bicycle I I don't think it has. It has a section on like traffic speeds in certain areas but it's 00:27:04
not. 00:27:09
There's not like any analysis for car. 00:27:15
Trips or how many it? 00:27:19
The speed, the speed limit on different roads and how that affects the bicycle usage, I think getting something. 00:27:21
Cars would be. I swear I've seen this before. 00:27:30
Like a Planning Commission meeting or something. I'll have to go look it up and bring it back, but getting something on cars as 00:27:34
well. 00:27:37
Because that can kind of like if you've got a road that maybe is 90%. 00:27:41
Cars and then a road right next to it that's only 70. 00:27:47
Cars that are taking trips down there. 00:27:51
That could be sort of an indicator to us that maybe that area isn't as safe for the bikers. 00:27:53
Maybe that's how we want it. We want one to be guard dominant and or how the city wants it, they want it to be card dominant and 00:28:01
then another place bike dominant but. 00:28:05
Sort of seeing where we. 00:28:09
Improve infrastructure, I think. 00:28:12
Also a case of looking at not just what is already there, but what is not there and is and what's replacing it, which would be 00:28:14
cars in most cases. 00:28:19
Cool. Anything else for two special projects or yeah, do we want to? 00:28:27
Do. 00:28:34
More frequently. 00:28:37
Yeah. So, I mean, sure. So that was something that. 00:28:40
We did. 00:28:44
I mean, it was kind of as a Commission, right? In May we did, We organized a bike bus to Vineyard Elementary. 00:28:47
And it was awesome. And we tried. I tried to get it off the ground. 00:28:53
In the fall, but just because. 00:28:59
Other factors It didn't happen, but I I met with Greg Lemon, who lives at lakefront, and he. 00:29:03
I don't know if he talked to you. 00:29:13
Yeah. So we, I think that's definitely something that whether it's as a Commission or just. 00:29:16
Residents with kids who go to elementary schools in the city, I think that it would be something that. 00:29:21
We should do. I talked with Lieutenant Rockwell and. 00:29:27
Deputies about for the first one in the fall, organizing a police escort. 00:29:34
For the first day, just to help. 00:29:41
Parents and families. 00:29:44
Safer about it and then. 00:29:46
Yeah. 00:29:49
As for the subsequent ones, we wouldn't have a police escort every time, but just for that first one. And they were willing to do 00:29:49
it. We just never. 00:29:53
Got it. Scheduled for various reasons, but yeah, I think that. 00:29:58
That would be something. 00:30:03
Would be awesome to do I. 00:30:05
I see stuff about him all the time and I'm a big proponent of. 00:30:07
Bike buses and getting kids. 00:30:11
Active in the morning. So I think, yeah, I think that would be great and whether. 00:30:14
A Commission sponsored thing or just, yeah, like I said, residents who have elementary school kids. 00:30:19
I think that should definitely be something. 00:30:24
A more regular thing and not just a one time thing during bike. 00:30:26
Sure. Yeah. Yeah. An. 00:30:30
So as part of the special. 00:30:35
We can make it a point to add this as an event. 00:30:39
That we want to have like, you know, not just an event, but something that's going to be happening. We have. We have to stop 00:30:44
planning for it now. 00:30:48
So that it doesn't just happen one off in May when it's bike month, right? So. 00:30:52
This could be, you know, recorded as one of the special events, because we want to. 00:30:57
Bike. 00:31:02
And. 00:31:04
Better than it's ever. 00:31:05
So 2024 we want you to take. 00:31:07
Most events. 00:31:12
You could also think about. 00:31:14
Plugging into existing events where you're making bike bicycles and, you know, bike into those areas. 00:31:18
Kind of a priority. 00:31:27
Get people to buy. 00:31:30
City events or, you know, things like. 00:31:32
Halloween Boap, Palooza and all that we could. 00:31:35
Umm. 00:31:42
Come up with something that allows people to just bike there and have no cars over there. 00:31:42
You know, stuff like that. 00:31:49
Something you could also be thinking about. 00:31:50
You know, plugging into already existing programs and new programs that projects that you want to undertake as well. So these are 00:31:53
things that I want you to be thinking about that's a good idea and one so on that. 00:31:59
Vein, I think that for these city events like whether it's Bupa, Palooza or. 00:32:06
Vineyard days or whatever, I think it would be cool to. 00:32:13
Yeah, like you're saying, plug into the existing events and. 00:32:18
Maybe it's as simple as having bike ballet. 00:32:22
Right. Where I don't know if you guys have seen those at different city events or different. 00:32:25
But just having a section of bike parking. 00:32:30
Because, quite frankly, at Lake Grove Park the bike parking isn't great. 00:32:33
And. 00:32:38
If we just had a section and had people there and gave valet tickets and said yeah. 00:32:40
Ride your bike. It'll be safe. We'll someone will be. 00:32:46
And then turn in your ticket when you're ready to leave and get your bike back and ride home and so. 00:32:50
I think. 00:32:54
Yeah. Can we think of ways? So the bike bus obviously is something that we maybe wouldn't do until the spring maybe, I mean. 00:32:55
I think a few people would show up in January and February for it, but I think. 00:33:05
You know, maybe March, April, May is when. 00:33:11
Have regularly scheduled days for the bike bus. But then what? Are then looking at the calendar of city events and saying, OK, 00:33:14
what are what are these events? Where are they? Could we do a bike valet? Could we organize? 00:33:20
Group ride. 00:33:26
Start of the. 00:33:28
Parade at Vineyard Days or whatever. I don't know what it is. 00:33:30
Yeah, let's think. 00:33:34
Maybe. 00:33:36
Maybe at our next meeting we. 00:33:38
A list of city events for 2020. 00:33:40
And. 00:33:43
Look at how we could. 00:33:44
Bikes and active transportation to and from those events. 00:33:49
One item that we talked about. 00:33:54
Trying to have events cycling events come through Vineyard. 00:33:56
I know, Anthony. 00:34:00
Had a few ideas on that one, but I think that's when we try. 00:34:02
Really look forward because we've got a lot of running events it seems like in the city, but. 00:34:05
To have different biking events, I think. 00:34:10
Would get. 00:34:13
Boards of cyclists as opposed to just one or two. 00:34:16
Yeah, I remember when. 00:34:22
James Lawrence, Do you guys remember when he was doing? 00:34:24
The Iron Cowboy when he was doing the 100 triathlons part of I remember Anthony talked about that because part of his route. 00:34:28
Road through through Vineyard and. 00:34:35
Yeah, I think that's when we talked about it. But yeah, if we could have, I don't know how we well, the Tour of Utah, It doesn't 00:34:39
exist anymore, sadly, yeah, but. 00:34:43
Yeah. 00:34:51
Not. 00:34:53
Yeah, so maybe, I mean. 00:34:55
I don't know what it could look like. Maybe. I mean, there's probably. 00:34:57
Places that we could do a crit race, but yeah, Anthony would be the. 00:35:01
Cool. Yeah, that'd be cool. 00:35:07
And I was also curious. I mean, it's been a while, but we talked about a bike part now and again. 00:35:13
Did that get Shel? 00:35:19
Yeah. And I can't remember and Anthony, I think this was before your time, but there was because we, when I was first appointed to 00:35:23
the Commission, we met with. 00:35:28
Company and they've they had designs for that E part of. 00:35:36
Park. 00:35:42
And they had trails and pump tracks and jumps and things. They had it all. 00:35:44
Kind of scoped out, but it did get shut down. 00:35:50
And I can't remember why, but it was very sad. 00:35:53
To hear that again, shut. 00:35:57
I thought we still had a pump track involved in one of the at least. So that yeah, it's right now it's slated for. 00:35:59
The. 00:36:08
This way South of the city. 00:36:11
Where there's pickleball courts, part of the Central. 00:36:14
Corridor parks. 00:36:18
Where there's going to be pickleball courts, a grassy area, and. 00:36:21
Uh. 00:36:25
Skate park in Pump. 00:36:26
I don't know the timeline on that. I just know it. 00:36:29
Planned in that plan. 00:36:32
If that's it for that, we'll move on to the proposed meeting calendar. Do we vote on this or we just look on it, look at it and? 00:36:42
You'd have to vote on it. 00:36:49
We met six times this year and this calendar was. 00:36:53
Has four dates. Is there a reason for only once 1/4? So once 1/4 is? 00:36:58
It looked like it's been in the past, so these are just 10, you know, proposed dates for you to talk about. You don't have to 00:37:05
accept everything you can add on, and once you decide to add on to this, I will check with the other meetings that exist in the 00:37:12
city to make sure we're not having any conflicting dates. 00:37:18
And we can just, you know, add this. 00:37:26
The the entire, you know, year schedule, the minimum should be at least four. That's why we have. 00:37:30
One in every quarter, right? But looking at all these projects that you have shared right now, you would have to meet more to 00:37:37
discuss these and make it happen. So you're at liberty to. 00:37:44
Schedule meetings as a. 00:37:50
Umm. 00:37:53
To plan such projects. 00:37:55
Then you can also add on to these. 00:37:57
If you need to right now. 00:38:00
Yeah, I mean. 00:38:03
Love to see at least six meetings, and so I would. Probably. 00:38:07
Want to meet in January, March and May, so we still have our meeting in May during Bike Month. 00:38:13
And then July, September and November. 00:38:19
One thing to consider, I think we did it this year was meet in eight roles that were planning. That's true. Yeah, that's true. 00:38:22
That was nice. 00:38:26
Yeah. So I mean, I'm open to whatever. I just think that we should meet more than four times. 00:38:31
March, April and May. I don't know that it would hurt. 00:38:37
Great. 00:38:43
So, so March, April and May. So you're just saying at so we'd have seven meetings then? 00:38:45
Sure. I think if we did. 00:38:53
Both March and April I know May's Bike Month, but at the end of Bike Month I don't know that we have a ton to talk about meeting 00:38:55
three months in a row. 00:39:00
I mean. 00:39:07
Not a big thing on my schedule, but for the city, with how many other commissions there are competing, I would think that would be 00:39:08
a lot of work for these guys. 00:39:11
I would cut the May 1, but that's not what you guys think. 00:39:16
Or we could do January. 00:39:22
I agree somewhat to some extent on the May meeting, but I think that. 00:39:28
Because it's more top of mind. 00:39:33
And we've made a push to have people. 00:39:36
People have attended. 00:39:39
Bike Month meeting which I think is a good thing but. 00:39:41
Yeah, if we feel like maybe there's nothing to, that's good with me too. Again, I'm good to meet every month if you want to, but. 00:39:46
I. 00:39:49
Don't want to overburden? 00:39:54
Do we have? 00:39:59
Proposal A final what? 00:40:00
I think, I do think April. 00:40:03
Whether or not we. 00:40:05
May. I think, yeah, it's probably good to meet before May. 00:40:07
To make sure everything is plan. 00:40:10
Logistics are handled for bike. 00:40:12
Either way. 00:40:22
So if we do, I think 6. 00:40:24
Yeah, and I think. 00:40:28
For the League of American Cyclists. 00:40:30
I think for the for silver we we we need to meet six times, Yeah, I think for bronze we need to meet four, but for six we need to 00:40:36
meet. 00:40:40
How would February, April? 00:40:44
July, September and November. 00:40:48
That would be 6. 00:40:52
That works for me. 00:40:54
OK, let's do that third Tuesday. 00:40:57
February, April, May, July, September and November. I think that'll be our February, April, May. 00:41:00
July, July September. 00:41:08
Nove. 00:41:10
OK, so we're adding. 00:41:17
July and September. 00:41:23
Yeah. And getting rid of yes and getting getting rid of August, yeah. 00:41:26
That works. 00:41:33
OK, so on here I have February 20th. 00:41:35
Being the third Tuesday. 00:41:40
To. 00:41:43
So there's no March. 00:41:45
Yeah, we have April 16th. 00:41:48
Does the Tuesday. 00:41:52
We have May 20. 00:41:55
We we have July. 00:42:01
Yeah. And then September 16th or no, 17th, 17th and then November 19th. 00:42:10
Which we might need to move that one because that's the week of Thanksgiving. Do we want to do the 12th in November? 00:42:19
Instead of. It's probably a good idea if that's possible, yeah, so that people are here. 00:42:25
All right. Because we moved to N1 to the second Tuesday, I will have to confirm with the recorder and just let you know if that 00:42:37
works. If not, would you be OK with the 26th? That's the week after Thanksgiving. 00:42:44
That sounds fine. Sure that will work OK for me. 00:42:52
OK, so do we need a like a motion and yes. 00:43:00
I move to adopt the schedule as we just discussed. 00:43:07
And then all in favor. 00:43:14
OK. 00:43:17
Moving on to our last. 00:43:19
Not our last, but our second to last. Um. 00:43:22
Topic appointment of chair and vice chair. So we've come to the end of. 00:43:26
Another year and we need to. 00:43:32
Appoint a new chair and vice chair. And so I think. 00:43:35
Anthony, I think. 00:43:39
Leave it open for people to nominate. 00:43:42
A new chair. 00:43:45
And then we'll vote on it, right? Yes, that's how you do. 00:43:48
I think you're doing a good job. If you want to keep doing it, I'm good, a good job. I'm happy to support someone else. 00:43:54
I don't think you guys have gotten a chance to serve on. 00:44:01
I'd nominate. 00:44:11
Chair. 00:44:13
You would or you do? I do nominate. Sorry. 00:44:14
I. 00:44:19
Yeah, all all those in favor of. 00:44:22
Tyler being our next chair. 00:44:25
Aye. 00:44:28
OK. 00:44:33
Well, I in that case I would nominate Jordan for to be Vice chair. 00:44:35
I. 00:44:43
OK. 00:44:45
And then all those in favor of Jordan as vice chair. Aye, aye. 00:44:45
OK, that was easy. 00:44:50
Anything else? Any. Was that formal enough? Yes, that's it. I will record it. 00:44:54
Could possibly be just a gentle reminder. 00:45:01
We have Amber Rasmussen as. 00:45:05
Council member. 00:45:09
All these on to the BAC, so the current chair would have. 00:45:10
Provide or put together a report. 00:45:17
To her. 00:45:20
You know, every quarter. 00:45:21
And would have to pretty much have a lot more interactions with her. 00:45:23
On most of the programs and projects that we intend to do. 00:45:29
And she will just push it to the next level, which is council. 00:45:32
When it comes to some of these implementations and stuff being passed. 00:45:37
So I thought I'll just throw that in. 00:45:41
You know, as the new chair. 00:45:44
You would have to be communicating a lot with Amber. 00:45:48
Great. 00:45:54
Do we want to for Bike Month? 00:45:56
Do we want to form like a subcommittee? 00:45:59
For people to work on that. 00:46:02
Last year there were a lot of ideas that we kind of just ran out of time. 00:46:04
Expl. 00:46:09
Tyler. 00:46:13
Well, no, in January, but OK. 00:46:17
I'm not ready for that, no. 00:46:20
Yeah, I think because because last year, because Anna worked on a lot of stuff. 00:46:24
Yeah, just in her role as events. 00:46:29
And so I think it might be good to. 00:46:33
A team or a subcommittee, whatever the formal if it's outside of the Bicycle Advisory Commission. 00:46:38
Just focused. 00:46:45
Bike month specific items. 00:46:47
Yeah, there were a lot of logistics involved and just making sure that. 00:46:51
We could. We can do everything that we want to. So I don't know how that works. But Anthony, looks like you can. I make a 00:46:55
suggestion? Yeah, you could probably start having interruptions with Anna. 00:47:02
About all the events that are about to happen next year. 00:47:09
And start having discussions on how you can start plugging in even before. 00:47:14
Bike Month because we would have a lot of lessons. Lessons to. 00:47:19
From then till Bike Month end. 00:47:25
Possibly have the best bike month that Vineyard has ever had. 00:47:29
So it's just a. 00:47:34
Yeah, I think that's that's a good idea. 00:47:37
You know, starting now. Kind of. 00:47:41
Events. 00:47:45
Ideas. Just figuring out OK. 00:47:47
What's happening? Who's involved and? 00:47:49
Working on. 00:47:52
To make it happen. So that's great. Anything else from Commission members, any? 00:47:54
Reports or things. I know Anthony had that connectivity analysis. 00:48:00
Put together, so we'll we'll make that available. 00:48:06
For Anthony, well, and we'll be able to see it and then, but other than that, was there anything else from from the group? I do 00:48:10
have a question I brought up potentially looking at design options for 400 S and how to make that safer, especially after. 00:48:17
The accident that happened there. 00:48:25
With that not being on the agenda, what's our plan for? 00:48:28
Making a recommendation if we want to make a recommendation, and I've heard that we also have gained control of that Orem. 00:48:32
We're doing that and I'd like to confirm or deny that rumor because. 00:48:42
Boomers are not useful. 00:48:46
Anthony, had you heard anything on? 00:48:49
There's no information right now. 00:48:53
On my end to. 00:48:55
But. 00:48:58
Can have it as an agenda item. 00:49:00
Or something, a rolling item where we can start discussions with the same. 00:49:03
Morgan on the way forward with this design and options because as a bike Commission we. 00:49:09
Pretty much discuss options for setting in their intersections that are not safe that we identify from our surveys. 00:49:16
And it'll be good to make some recommendations and also umm. 00:49:24
Have the engineer. 00:49:30
Work with us on making this happen so it's possible to have those discussions. 00:49:33
If possible, I would like to. 00:49:39
Have that be an agenda item at the next meeting, OK, for recommendations, not just on our portion of the road if that's that's 00:49:43
still a divided. 00:49:47
Use but also recommendations to bring to or. 00:49:53
So we'd make a recommendation for the whole Rd. 00:49:57
We can work with Orem or what have we got to do to coordinate with them and have something that's not just you know? 00:50:00
Sort of Half the road looks one way and the other half of the road looks the other way. 00:50:08
But yeah, I'd like to get something solidified and put into. 00:50:12
The transportation plan. 00:50:17
To get that changed so we can prevent further. 00:50:20
Yes. So one of the things we would be doing something we have discussed in the planning department and we want to roll out. 00:50:25
And. 00:50:34
Google sheet or Excel spreadsheet where we can? 00:50:35
Actually, is going to be Google Sheets actually where? 00:50:41
Can have you. 00:50:45
Or just share ideas on things you want to have on their agenda. 00:50:47
So it's roll in anytime you have an idea, you know there's one spot that you can go and put. 00:50:51
You know your concerns. 00:50:57
For items that should be on the agenda and before every be a see, we will see through that. 00:50:59
And make a decision on which which ones qualify to be. 00:51:07
Discussed in the upcoming. 00:51:11
Meeting. 00:51:14
So that will be sent. 00:51:15
First part of. 00:51:17
Cool. 00:51:21
Thanks everyone. 00:51:23
And with that, do we we don't need to move to adjourn, right? It's just. 00:51:26
We can just. 00:51:30
OK. Well, in that case, I moved to adjourn second. 00:51:33
OK. And all in favor. All right. All right. Thanks everyone. 00:51:38
Happy Merry Christmas. 00:51:43
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Awesome. Welcome. It is 535 on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023. 00:00:00
And I'm I'm Hayden Roden and I'm going to call to order the Vineyard Bicycle Advisory Commission meeting. 00:00:07
So the first thing on the agenda is the open session and we'll use this time Anthony, if that's OK for public comment if there's 00:00:14
anyone that wants to. 00:00:18
Share anything. Now is the time to do so. 00:00:24
Hi, David Luray. 00:00:37
I just want to say. 00:00:40
This. 00:00:49
And we appreciate very much your interest and effort in doing. 00:00:50
And wanting to make Vineyard a better place. 00:00:54
Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate. 00:00:56
And also I wanted to say Azure, I noticed on your agenda you're planning for. 00:00:58
You know, beyond this year, beyond. I would ask you if you remember the the issue of the. 00:01:04
The bicycle Blvd. That was, you know, scheduled for Holloway Rd. Phase two of the Holdaway farms. 00:01:13
Is very likely to start this next calendar year. 00:01:20
And we were promised at that point as soon as that road went through at 400. 00:01:23
For the South went through and that'd be part of that effort. So we want to make sure that that happens. 00:01:29
Number one, Number two, once it does. 00:01:33
Make sure we don't forget through that bicycle Blvd. hallway. 00:01:36
So that was and thank you very much for your service. 00:01:39
Great. Thank you. Yeah, I know. 00:01:43
The The Bullet Bike Blvd. has been added to the Active. 00:01:47
Either the Active Transportation Plan or the Master Transportation Plan. 00:01:52
And so. 00:01:55
Yeah, I'm sure that once that road is connected that. 00:01:56
Be able to give a timeline or. 00:02:00
Update on the status of the bicycle Blvd. because yeah, that's something that I think. 00:02:03
We all would like to see as well in the city, so thank you for that. 00:02:08
I think it's on both. The active transitions. It's on both, yeah. 00:02:13
There's no other comments. We'll. 00:02:20
Dive right into the work session where we'll talk through the. 00:02:22
Survey responses for the safety survey. 00:02:27
For the northern part of the city. 00:02:30
Anthony, do you have those? 00:02:33
Handy. OK, cool. 00:02:35
Hi, my name is Anthony Fletcher. I'm a planner here at the City UM. 00:03:11
I will be. 00:03:16
All the responses we had from a survey that we sent out to the by Commissioners. 00:03:19
In the last three to four months, we did send out another. 00:03:28
Survey that was for the. 00:03:32
South end part of vineyard which. 00:03:35
Some anywhere from the southern part of Center St. 00:03:40
To the end of the vineyard. 00:03:44
So we had commissioners write this area and identify places where they feel we're unsafe. 00:03:47
And also identify. 00:03:54
Places that could be. 00:03:57
Or you know, redesigned to make biking in those areas safer. And we did send out another survey just as a commissioners for now to 00:03:59
also gather this information for the northern part of Vineyard, which is going to be the northern end of. 00:04:07
Center St. to You know, whenever, wherever the most built part of Vineyard. 00:04:17
Is. 00:04:22
This is the entire area for the study right now. And we're discussing the northern side. We did do the southern side. 00:04:25
So we would combine these responses that we've had from these two surveys and create a survey later on for residents to make. 00:04:33
Inputs for the entire city. 00:04:44
So this is in an effort to. 00:04:47
You know, gather enough. 00:04:50
To help us prioritize projects that could help make the biking and walking experience in the city. 00:04:52
A better one than it's ever been. 00:05:00
So this is the study area. 00:05:03
And it's pretty much everywhere from center St. up, as I did mention before. 00:05:06
For the sake of time. 00:05:12
Is going to be very summarized. I am. This presentation is summarizing all the responses. 00:05:14
To cover all that was. 00:05:21
Pretty much asked. 00:05:24
So. 00:05:28
We had a question that. 00:05:30
Allow the commissioners to rank the entire biking experience in the city. 00:05:34
From one to 10 being with one being the worst and 10 being the best experience. 00:05:40
We had an average of. 00:05:47
Being the overall experience, which in my opinion is pretty good, I am a biker myself and I I bike the city when I'm around. 00:05:51
And. 00:06:01
I would. 00:06:02
Say that seven was pretty accurate at least. 00:06:03
The information that I had that that doesn't mean that we cannot do better than that because the. 00:06:06
There's a lot of work to get even. 00:06:15
So. 00:06:18
The factors that contributed to the perception of safety while biking in the northern part of Vineyard were predominantly. 00:06:21
These you know, factors where we have, one being the quality of the bike infrastructure, we only have a few. 00:06:30
Trails that. 00:06:39
Are being multi use trails that are being used in the city and where people have to bike on the main road. It is a concern because 00:06:40
the infrastructure of shared paths and the entire city does not seem to be one that makes more bikers feel safe than they they are 00:06:46
or they should be. 00:06:53
We have the behavior of drivers. 00:07:00
A number of. 00:07:03
Factors listed and these were the top factors. 00:07:05
We had the behavior of drivers. 00:07:09
There are a lot of drivers that don't pay attention to the road nowadays. 00:07:13
Everyone is on their. 00:07:17
The better we we restrict drivers from doing. 00:07:21
The better it is for our bikers and pedestrians as well. So the behavior of drivers was ranked as. 00:07:24
One of the most. 00:07:31
Things that has to be checked, the traffic speeds on sudden roads. 00:07:33
Made biking unsafe for a lot of people in the northern part of Vineyard. 00:07:38
Based on the survey results. 00:07:43
We do also have. 00:07:45
You know the intercessions. The intersections are. 00:07:48
Design not all the intersections based on the responses or not all designed to. 00:07:53
Accommodate riders. 00:07:58
When they get there and have to also cross to the other side of the road. 00:08:01
You know, even just stay in their lane, drivers do not lookout. 00:08:05
Writers in the intersection. So what we're having from these responses there would be that would need to redesign. 00:08:10
A number of our intersections. 00:08:19
You know, make it safe for. 00:08:22
Bikers and pedestrians. 00:08:24
So in other neighborhoods, we did also have that street parking was an issue because it did prevent it. It didn't make some of the 00:08:31
riders. 00:08:35
Feel unsafe because. 00:08:41
In those neighborhoods, they were not sure. 00:08:43
Someone was gonna pop open your door while they're riding right next to the car, so it was a concern that was also raised in this. 00:08:45
Survey as well and. 00:08:53
Destructive destructive drivers was a big thing. 00:08:56
So these were the top three. 00:09:05
Intersections that. 00:09:08
Identified. 00:09:11
Being very unsafe for riders. 00:09:13
And these include the Vineyard Road and 400. 00:09:16
Not. 00:09:21
Vineyard Connector and Main St. 00:09:24
Center St. and Mill Rd. Intersection. 00:09:28
These were the top three. 00:09:31
There were others that also came up. You know, Mill Road and 400 N. 00:09:33
Was also identified. 00:09:39
But it was really not identified by almost everyone, but these ones came up pretty much on most of the responses that we had. 00:09:41
And we also did ask a question about. 00:09:50
The worst times for. 00:09:54
In. 00:09:56
You know, especially in the northern part being for this survey and the responses we had ranged from 10:00 AM to 9:30 AM. 00:09:58
Umm. 00:10:09
And 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 00:10:09
Which is pretty typical because a lot of people are trying to get to work and drivers are not watching out for bikers or people 00:10:13
that use bikes and other forms of. 00:10:19
You know micro. 00:10:25
Modes of transportation. 00:10:29
During these times, so it makes people. 00:10:31
Bikes very feel very unsafe. 00:10:35
And in the same way, between 4:00 and 7:00, a lot of people are coming back home. 00:10:38
Geneva Rd. is backed up. 00:10:44
Mill Rd. in the section is backed up and it just carries. 00:10:46
Part of the city as well, so these. 00:10:51
Times that were identified to. 00:10:54
The most UN. 00:10:58
To write in the northern part of Vineyard City. 00:11:00
Now we had a question on. 00:11:03
Wayfinding It was pretty much to find out if what a wayfinding we have for bikers and pedestrians was were enough. 00:11:08
Or would need. 00:11:16
You know the response that we had for almost everyone that responded. 00:11:19
Was. 00:11:24
So we need more wayfinding. And we have good news. The city is working till it's, you know, at least in the planning department. 00:11:26
We're working till it's developing A wayfinding master plan. 00:11:31
Which would take care. 00:11:36
All these issues concerns that we have so the way of finding master plan is not only going to be for. 00:11:39
The trails would have one. 00:11:45
Helps drivers know not only doesn't only point drivers to places in the city, but also. 00:11:47
Draws the attention of drivers or other road users of the fact that this road is shared. You know it's not just. 00:11:55
Used by you. Currently we don't have a lot of those signs. What we have is markings on the floor, I mean on the road that shows 00:12:02
that this road is shared and all that. So as we move forward with this wayfinding master plan is going to identify all these 00:12:07
things. 00:12:12
And our hope is to be able to start that plan. 00:12:18
Next year, 'cause we're in the works to get that started right now. 00:12:22
So wayfinding is a big thing. 00:12:27
We're happy that. 00:12:29
There was a general comment that I realized a run through some of the responses, which I think is very important. That's why I put 00:12:33
it here. It was not from every single person, but we had one that said that we need to improve upon the communication from the 00:12:38
city. 00:12:43
Including the Bicycle Advisory Commission. 00:12:49
To residents on bike and infrastructure and. 00:12:53
When people see bikers on the road, they're confident enough to leave their kids or other family. 00:12:57
Or people they known the city to just go. 00:13:05
Without fear of, you know, thinking they'll be knocked down by a car or have any accidents. 00:13:09
If we we encourage more people and raise more awareness. 00:13:15
Where Where the city gets to the point where we. 00:13:19
A lot of people on the road right in more than you see a lot of cars, which will take time. 00:13:23
It would encourage more people to step out and ride their bikes and thus make. 00:13:30
The entire city more bike friendly. 00:13:37
And obviously, once our city is bike friend. 00:13:40
It's certainly walk. 00:13:44
So for our next steps, the signage and infrastructure quality should be improved as I did mention to promote the bike safety. 00:13:48
And it does a. 00:13:55
In the northern part of Vineyard and we need to also talk about how we can make. 00:13:59
The city feels safer for bikers. 00:14:04
And umm. 00:14:09
That's what we have right now. 00:14:10
Thank you very much for your attention. 00:14:12
Awesome. Thanks, Anthony, for putting that together is. 00:14:16
Time for a quick discussion about that maybe from yeah, sure, we can have about a few minutes of discussion, maybe 10 to 15 if you 00:14:20
want to. I don't know that we need that much. But yeah, just for next steps just I. 00:14:27
Can you go back to the next steps slide? Sorry. 00:14:35
So I think. 00:14:40
In my mind, one of the next, because you mentioned that this was just Commissioners that took this. 00:14:43
Survey. 00:14:49
I would be interested in seeing. 00:14:50
Responses. 00:14:53
The greater vineyard population and see if we could get. 00:14:55
You know, a statistically significant sample on some of this stuff. And and and. 00:14:59
Maybe compare it? 00:15:04
To these responses that we. 00:15:06
Because now we've now done the southern and northern part of the city and just see if the the especially like the intersections 00:15:08
and. 00:15:11
The places where. 00:15:16
Maybe the infrastructure is lacking. 00:15:18
The intersections are feel unsafe. Make sure. 00:15:22
That that they're. 00:15:26
Across the city that. 00:15:29
Agree on what needs to be worked on or improved or what we're doing well, things like that. 00:15:31
So I would include that maybe in the next steps. 00:15:36
Putting together that and getting that out to the to the city. 00:15:39
Jordan, did you have something to say? I think that's a good idea. I wonder if we. 00:15:44
With that, I think the survey was good. 00:15:49
I'd be interested in also like a survey of like. 00:15:51
What destinations within the city do you? 00:15:54
Are achievable or safe to get. 00:15:57
Especially with like. 00:16:01
I think the classic example is like elementary school students living on Mill Rd. getting to school it. 00:16:04
Is this achievable in a Safeway for your kids to get there? Do you feel comfortable letting? 00:16:11
Your elementary school kids get there, or to the front runner, or even the City Hall or something like that. 00:16:17
And ideally have enough responses from different neighborhoods. 00:16:24
Yeah, I think going with that sort of. 00:16:30
Trip oriented. 00:16:33
Trying to figure out where people are trying to go from and from where is a big deal like I used to live on. 00:16:35
East side now the West side of Mill Rd. 00:16:44
And then I moved. 00:16:47
To the east side of Mill. 00:16:49
And it's like, as far as bike transit goes, it's like 60 seconds further away if you're going by the crows fly how the crow flies. 00:16:52
But I never went to any of the forged develop. 00:16:58
On a bike? 00:17:04
There's no way I would ever. 00:17:06
Risked my life going down the road, but now that I'm on the east side, I just walk over and. 00:17:08
It's not a big deal. So I think Kevin, that's sort of drip oriented. 00:17:13
Trying to. 00:17:17
How far? Where are they willing to go for that trip, and at what point would they say? 00:17:19
If they were stuck on a bike there, say screw this, I'm going home like I've gone too far and. 00:17:25
I don't think it's worth it either distance or safety wise. 00:17:31
At what point in this process are we looking at, are we even considering making suggestions to the Council on places where we want 00:17:36
to see? 00:17:40
Changes and if so, when in this process is that. I would think it's after the. 00:17:45
Survey yeah, I think that's why we started this process was to come up with suggestions or. 00:17:52
Kind of data. 00:18:00
Action items besides just like hey, we think that this, so this is obviously not. 00:18:04
The, and all be all of survey responses. But we would like to to get more more input and then yeah, I think. 00:18:10
I don't know when we could put the final survey together and get it out to the public. 00:18:18
Hopefully, you know Q1 we're meeting in February. 00:18:23
So maybe if we could get some responses. 00:18:27
By that meeting, we could maybe start putting together. 00:18:32
Proposal and then present it to Council. Yeah. March, I don't know. I mean. 00:18:36
Are if we did that, had the survey go out, got responses by February 20th. 00:18:42
Our next regularly scheduled meeting would be in May. 00:18:47
I mean, I. 00:18:52
Government goes slowly, but I would prefer not to wait till May to have an actual recommendation, right. Well, yeah, Special 00:18:53
session or something. Yeah, yeah, I think we could probably. 00:18:57
Meet outside of. 00:19:02
Main meetings. 00:19:04
And. 00:19:05
Put something together to bring the Council sooner. 00:19:06
Cool. Anything else from? 00:19:11
The Commissioner from anyone else? Did anybody else here feel like we missed anything in our current survey or? 00:19:14
Awesome. Well, thanks Anthony for for putting that together. We will move on to 2024. 00:19:24
Planning, so the agenda item 4A planning for 2024 and beyond, special projects, data needs, et cetera, we kind of talked about. 00:19:33
Just barely, but I think a survey is. 00:19:41
For the city is one of the first things that we would. 00:19:44
And would want to put out. 00:19:48
I don't know. I don't know if there's any special projects. 00:19:50
We. 00:19:54
Already talked about or that need to be brought up an idea for the project which was to. 00:19:56
I don't know how formal or informal we want to make this, or if we even want to do it, but the idea was. 00:20:03
Just go through any crash that happens in the city and just try to understand the contributing factors of that crash. 00:20:10
That we could, I know. 00:20:21
Been a few involving pedestrians and cyclists. 00:20:23
Bikers in the city in the past year. 00:20:30
We could start with those and. 00:20:32
Kind of the idea is. 00:20:35
Just to say hey, we're no experts. 00:20:38
In evaluating what a crash is and maybe there is a more thorough investigation that's happening, but. 00:20:41
Yeah, either understand what the investigation process is right now or and or contribute our own. 00:20:50
Thoughts to Underst? 00:20:58
Understanding what causes those crash. 00:21:02
Investigation process already. 00:21:08
We should probably get a report. 00:21:13
At least the ones concerning active transit users. We're probably not in the purview of car on car collisions, although I guess we 00:21:16
could because I would think that would. 00:21:20
Places that are dangerous for other people in cars are probably even more dangerous for bikers and pedestrians. But. 00:21:26
That's already happening. I'd want to see, report and if it's not happening, I. 00:21:32
Someone should start doing it, so it might as well be us. 00:21:36
Yeah, I agree with that. 00:21:41
Yeah, I think. I mean, I think that's a good idea. How? 00:21:44
So about I guess that would be the question is like yeah, what data is available or could be made available to us? 00:21:47
Umm. 00:21:56
From the. 00:21:57
Yes, please, I. 00:21:59
Since it is the County Sheriff, right, can you state your name and where you live? I am an alternate on the Commission. 00:22:03
Right. We still work with the County Sheriff, right. They have all that data I would and they do run things. I think it's just 00:22:12
really low in Vineyard. 00:22:16
Sure. 00:22:20
But to add to that, well, I think it's 'cause we don't have a lot of bikers, but maybe what you do is. 00:22:22
Look at our intersections. Compare them to other cities. 00:22:28
And like kind of relate the intersections in terms of traffic, like how much cars are going through and then see if those 00:22:31
intersections and other cities are. 00:22:35
Accidents, right? And. 00:22:41
You know, connecting those two together, we could potentially look at how do we stop this intersection from becoming that. 00:22:43
In the county is going to have all that information. 00:22:50
Yeah, OK. That'd be cool. 00:22:54
So could that be? 00:22:56
That's a good idea. And would it just be for cities that the Utah County sheriff? 00:23:00
Contracted with like I know Eagle Mountain. 00:23:07
And Saratoga. But could we do like Orem? Yeah, I'm sure you could reach out. I mean, I'm sure they could reach out to the city 00:23:10
Orem Police Department, get that information. OK, Sure. Yeah. 00:23:15
Yeah, I think that's a great place to start because, yeah, I don't know. 00:23:20
While we have had. 00:23:23
I don't know how much we. 00:23:27
Extrapolate. 00:23:29
Because it's good that we haven't had a ton, but you know we have had some, which is more than we want, but. 00:23:31
If we. 00:23:35
Somehow. 00:23:36
Figure out those common factors and get that number even lower than. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, and preventing. 00:23:39
Because we're not done making that building out the city, preventing new places from becoming like that, I think is. 00:23:45
Smart of us and we'll save a lot of people, a lot of Flack down the road, including ourselves for sure. 00:23:51
So moving forward with that, do like, should I contact the sheriff? Yeah, I think that's a good place to start. 00:23:59
Lieutenant Rockwell is probably who we talked to, right? OK. 00:24:07
And if you want to do. 00:24:11
I know a lot of times we do groups at 2:00, so if you want to I can join or unless one of you guys want to as well. 00:24:13
Yeah, no, I think that's a great place to start and. 00:24:19
Yeah, just let us. 00:24:23
How we can help and then we'll probably put that on the agenda. 00:24:25
February, just to talk about it. Cool. Something I also wanted to bring up. 00:24:29
As we've been talking about sort of looking at what TR? 00:24:35
Change to bike trips or. 00:24:40
We feel like we could improve bike infrastructure to make that an alternative. 00:24:43
I think we already have. 00:24:48
Trip lengths and different where people go to and from in the city. Is that correct? 00:24:50
I think I've seen that that sounds right in other meetings. So if we have a previous study on that, then I'd like to get. 00:24:56
That reviewed. I'd like to well, so Anthony Jenkins sent it was I'm trying to pull it up here. 00:25:03
He had bike. 00:25:12
Did you guys see this? Yeah. Did he send that? 00:25:14
I saw it somewhere. So Anthony Jenkins had Bike Utah put together. I'm trying to pull it up here. 00:25:18
Connectivity analysis. 00:25:26
Maybe not exactly. 00:25:28
Referring to but. 00:25:31
It's pretty cool. 00:25:34
Maybe it's not on the agenda because he's not here, but so we'll probably talk about it. 00:25:37
Next time, but it talks about the barriers to active transportation, our connectivity index. 00:25:42
And justice, The ability to connect origins to destinations and give some. 00:25:48
Some numbers and some information, so I think we could make this available. 00:25:54
At least to the Commission members and probably put it in. 00:26:02
The meeting notes and then talk about it. 00:26:06
Kind of formally next time when Anthony? 00:26:09
I think it's good you brought that up once we're done with this meeting because Anthony sent an e-mail saying that we should make 00:26:14
that report so everyone knows that this exists. So I will share that to the entire team and make it available to everyone else in 00:26:22
the city who needs it to study that it would it should be part of our next regular meeting. 00:26:30
To discuss because then. 00:26:38
Probably. 00:26:41
Some data from the several responses from the residents as well. So there's going to be quite a bit of things to discuss and 00:26:42
connect. 00:26:47
The connectivity analysis that was done as. 00:26:53
And does that include? 00:26:57
Modes of transportation or. 00:26:59
Active mods, do you know? 00:27:01
It's it's mostly pedestrian and bicycle I I don't think it has. It has a section on like traffic speeds in certain areas but it's 00:27:04
not. 00:27:09
There's not like any analysis for car. 00:27:15
Trips or how many it? 00:27:19
The speed, the speed limit on different roads and how that affects the bicycle usage, I think getting something. 00:27:21
Cars would be. I swear I've seen this before. 00:27:30
Like a Planning Commission meeting or something. I'll have to go look it up and bring it back, but getting something on cars as 00:27:34
well. 00:27:37
Because that can kind of like if you've got a road that maybe is 90%. 00:27:41
Cars and then a road right next to it that's only 70. 00:27:47
Cars that are taking trips down there. 00:27:51
That could be sort of an indicator to us that maybe that area isn't as safe for the bikers. 00:27:53
Maybe that's how we want it. We want one to be guard dominant and or how the city wants it, they want it to be card dominant and 00:28:01
then another place bike dominant but. 00:28:05
Sort of seeing where we. 00:28:09
Improve infrastructure, I think. 00:28:12
Also a case of looking at not just what is already there, but what is not there and is and what's replacing it, which would be 00:28:14
cars in most cases. 00:28:19
Cool. Anything else for two special projects or yeah, do we want to? 00:28:27
Do. 00:28:34
More frequently. 00:28:37
Yeah. So, I mean, sure. So that was something that. 00:28:40
We did. 00:28:44
I mean, it was kind of as a Commission, right? In May we did, We organized a bike bus to Vineyard Elementary. 00:28:47
And it was awesome. And we tried. I tried to get it off the ground. 00:28:53
In the fall, but just because. 00:28:59
Other factors It didn't happen, but I I met with Greg Lemon, who lives at lakefront, and he. 00:29:03
I don't know if he talked to you. 00:29:13
Yeah. So we, I think that's definitely something that whether it's as a Commission or just. 00:29:16
Residents with kids who go to elementary schools in the city, I think that it would be something that. 00:29:21
We should do. I talked with Lieutenant Rockwell and. 00:29:27
Deputies about for the first one in the fall, organizing a police escort. 00:29:34
For the first day, just to help. 00:29:41
Parents and families. 00:29:44
Safer about it and then. 00:29:46
Yeah. 00:29:49
As for the subsequent ones, we wouldn't have a police escort every time, but just for that first one. And they were willing to do 00:29:49
it. We just never. 00:29:53
Got it. Scheduled for various reasons, but yeah, I think that. 00:29:58
That would be something. 00:30:03
Would be awesome to do I. 00:30:05
I see stuff about him all the time and I'm a big proponent of. 00:30:07
Bike buses and getting kids. 00:30:11
Active in the morning. So I think, yeah, I think that would be great and whether. 00:30:14
A Commission sponsored thing or just, yeah, like I said, residents who have elementary school kids. 00:30:19
I think that should definitely be something. 00:30:24
A more regular thing and not just a one time thing during bike. 00:30:26
Sure. Yeah. Yeah. An. 00:30:30
So as part of the special. 00:30:35
We can make it a point to add this as an event. 00:30:39
That we want to have like, you know, not just an event, but something that's going to be happening. We have. We have to stop 00:30:44
planning for it now. 00:30:48
So that it doesn't just happen one off in May when it's bike month, right? So. 00:30:52
This could be, you know, recorded as one of the special events, because we want to. 00:30:57
Bike. 00:31:02
And. 00:31:04
Better than it's ever. 00:31:05
So 2024 we want you to take. 00:31:07
Most events. 00:31:12
You could also think about. 00:31:14
Plugging into existing events where you're making bike bicycles and, you know, bike into those areas. 00:31:18
Kind of a priority. 00:31:27
Get people to buy. 00:31:30
City events or, you know, things like. 00:31:32
Halloween Boap, Palooza and all that we could. 00:31:35
Umm. 00:31:42
Come up with something that allows people to just bike there and have no cars over there. 00:31:42
You know, stuff like that. 00:31:49
Something you could also be thinking about. 00:31:50
You know, plugging into already existing programs and new programs that projects that you want to undertake as well. So these are 00:31:53
things that I want you to be thinking about that's a good idea and one so on that. 00:31:59
Vein, I think that for these city events like whether it's Bupa, Palooza or. 00:32:06
Vineyard days or whatever, I think it would be cool to. 00:32:13
Yeah, like you're saying, plug into the existing events and. 00:32:18
Maybe it's as simple as having bike ballet. 00:32:22
Right. Where I don't know if you guys have seen those at different city events or different. 00:32:25
But just having a section of bike parking. 00:32:30
Because, quite frankly, at Lake Grove Park the bike parking isn't great. 00:32:33
And. 00:32:38
If we just had a section and had people there and gave valet tickets and said yeah. 00:32:40
Ride your bike. It'll be safe. We'll someone will be. 00:32:46
And then turn in your ticket when you're ready to leave and get your bike back and ride home and so. 00:32:50
I think. 00:32:54
Yeah. Can we think of ways? So the bike bus obviously is something that we maybe wouldn't do until the spring maybe, I mean. 00:32:55
I think a few people would show up in January and February for it, but I think. 00:33:05
You know, maybe March, April, May is when. 00:33:11
Have regularly scheduled days for the bike bus. But then what? Are then looking at the calendar of city events and saying, OK, 00:33:14
what are what are these events? Where are they? Could we do a bike valet? Could we organize? 00:33:20
Group ride. 00:33:26
Start of the. 00:33:28
Parade at Vineyard Days or whatever. I don't know what it is. 00:33:30
Yeah, let's think. 00:33:34
Maybe. 00:33:36
Maybe at our next meeting we. 00:33:38
A list of city events for 2020. 00:33:40
And. 00:33:43
Look at how we could. 00:33:44
Bikes and active transportation to and from those events. 00:33:49
One item that we talked about. 00:33:54
Trying to have events cycling events come through Vineyard. 00:33:56
I know, Anthony. 00:34:00
Had a few ideas on that one, but I think that's when we try. 00:34:02
Really look forward because we've got a lot of running events it seems like in the city, but. 00:34:05
To have different biking events, I think. 00:34:10
Would get. 00:34:13
Boards of cyclists as opposed to just one or two. 00:34:16
Yeah, I remember when. 00:34:22
James Lawrence, Do you guys remember when he was doing? 00:34:24
The Iron Cowboy when he was doing the 100 triathlons part of I remember Anthony talked about that because part of his route. 00:34:28
Road through through Vineyard and. 00:34:35
Yeah, I think that's when we talked about it. But yeah, if we could have, I don't know how we well, the Tour of Utah, It doesn't 00:34:39
exist anymore, sadly, yeah, but. 00:34:43
Yeah. 00:34:51
Not. 00:34:53
Yeah, so maybe, I mean. 00:34:55
I don't know what it could look like. Maybe. I mean, there's probably. 00:34:57
Places that we could do a crit race, but yeah, Anthony would be the. 00:35:01
Cool. Yeah, that'd be cool. 00:35:07
And I was also curious. I mean, it's been a while, but we talked about a bike part now and again. 00:35:13
Did that get Shel? 00:35:19
Yeah. And I can't remember and Anthony, I think this was before your time, but there was because we, when I was first appointed to 00:35:23
the Commission, we met with. 00:35:28
Company and they've they had designs for that E part of. 00:35:36
Park. 00:35:42
And they had trails and pump tracks and jumps and things. They had it all. 00:35:44
Kind of scoped out, but it did get shut down. 00:35:50
And I can't remember why, but it was very sad. 00:35:53
To hear that again, shut. 00:35:57
I thought we still had a pump track involved in one of the at least. So that yeah, it's right now it's slated for. 00:35:59
The. 00:36:08
This way South of the city. 00:36:11
Where there's pickleball courts, part of the Central. 00:36:14
Corridor parks. 00:36:18
Where there's going to be pickleball courts, a grassy area, and. 00:36:21
Uh. 00:36:25
Skate park in Pump. 00:36:26
I don't know the timeline on that. I just know it. 00:36:29
Planned in that plan. 00:36:32
If that's it for that, we'll move on to the proposed meeting calendar. Do we vote on this or we just look on it, look at it and? 00:36:42
You'd have to vote on it. 00:36:49
We met six times this year and this calendar was. 00:36:53
Has four dates. Is there a reason for only once 1/4? So once 1/4 is? 00:36:58
It looked like it's been in the past, so these are just 10, you know, proposed dates for you to talk about. You don't have to 00:37:05
accept everything you can add on, and once you decide to add on to this, I will check with the other meetings that exist in the 00:37:12
city to make sure we're not having any conflicting dates. 00:37:18
And we can just, you know, add this. 00:37:26
The the entire, you know, year schedule, the minimum should be at least four. That's why we have. 00:37:30
One in every quarter, right? But looking at all these projects that you have shared right now, you would have to meet more to 00:37:37
discuss these and make it happen. So you're at liberty to. 00:37:44
Schedule meetings as a. 00:37:50
Umm. 00:37:53
To plan such projects. 00:37:55
Then you can also add on to these. 00:37:57
If you need to right now. 00:38:00
Yeah, I mean. 00:38:03
Love to see at least six meetings, and so I would. Probably. 00:38:07
Want to meet in January, March and May, so we still have our meeting in May during Bike Month. 00:38:13
And then July, September and November. 00:38:19
One thing to consider, I think we did it this year was meet in eight roles that were planning. That's true. Yeah, that's true. 00:38:22
That was nice. 00:38:26
Yeah. So I mean, I'm open to whatever. I just think that we should meet more than four times. 00:38:31
March, April and May. I don't know that it would hurt. 00:38:37
Great. 00:38:43
So, so March, April and May. So you're just saying at so we'd have seven meetings then? 00:38:45
Sure. I think if we did. 00:38:53
Both March and April I know May's Bike Month, but at the end of Bike Month I don't know that we have a ton to talk about meeting 00:38:55
three months in a row. 00:39:00
I mean. 00:39:07
Not a big thing on my schedule, but for the city, with how many other commissions there are competing, I would think that would be 00:39:08
a lot of work for these guys. 00:39:11
I would cut the May 1, but that's not what you guys think. 00:39:16
Or we could do January. 00:39:22
I agree somewhat to some extent on the May meeting, but I think that. 00:39:28
Because it's more top of mind. 00:39:33
And we've made a push to have people. 00:39:36
People have attended. 00:39:39
Bike Month meeting which I think is a good thing but. 00:39:41
Yeah, if we feel like maybe there's nothing to, that's good with me too. Again, I'm good to meet every month if you want to, but. 00:39:46
I. 00:39:49
Don't want to overburden? 00:39:54
Do we have? 00:39:59
Proposal A final what? 00:40:00
I think, I do think April. 00:40:03
Whether or not we. 00:40:05
May. I think, yeah, it's probably good to meet before May. 00:40:07
To make sure everything is plan. 00:40:10
Logistics are handled for bike. 00:40:12
Either way. 00:40:22
So if we do, I think 6. 00:40:24
Yeah, and I think. 00:40:28
For the League of American Cyclists. 00:40:30
I think for the for silver we we we need to meet six times, Yeah, I think for bronze we need to meet four, but for six we need to 00:40:36
meet. 00:40:40
How would February, April? 00:40:44
July, September and November. 00:40:48
That would be 6. 00:40:52
That works for me. 00:40:54
OK, let's do that third Tuesday. 00:40:57
February, April, May, July, September and November. I think that'll be our February, April, May. 00:41:00
July, July September. 00:41:08
Nove. 00:41:10
OK, so we're adding. 00:41:17
July and September. 00:41:23
Yeah. And getting rid of yes and getting getting rid of August, yeah. 00:41:26
That works. 00:41:33
OK, so on here I have February 20th. 00:41:35
Being the third Tuesday. 00:41:40
To. 00:41:43
So there's no March. 00:41:45
Yeah, we have April 16th. 00:41:48
Does the Tuesday. 00:41:52
We have May 20. 00:41:55
We we have July. 00:42:01
Yeah. And then September 16th or no, 17th, 17th and then November 19th. 00:42:10
Which we might need to move that one because that's the week of Thanksgiving. Do we want to do the 12th in November? 00:42:19
Instead of. It's probably a good idea if that's possible, yeah, so that people are here. 00:42:25
All right. Because we moved to N1 to the second Tuesday, I will have to confirm with the recorder and just let you know if that 00:42:37
works. If not, would you be OK with the 26th? That's the week after Thanksgiving. 00:42:44
That sounds fine. Sure that will work OK for me. 00:42:52
OK, so do we need a like a motion and yes. 00:43:00
I move to adopt the schedule as we just discussed. 00:43:07
And then all in favor. 00:43:14
OK. 00:43:17
Moving on to our last. 00:43:19
Not our last, but our second to last. Um. 00:43:22
Topic appointment of chair and vice chair. So we've come to the end of. 00:43:26
Another year and we need to. 00:43:32
Appoint a new chair and vice chair. And so I think. 00:43:35
Anthony, I think. 00:43:39
Leave it open for people to nominate. 00:43:42
A new chair. 00:43:45
And then we'll vote on it, right? Yes, that's how you do. 00:43:48
I think you're doing a good job. If you want to keep doing it, I'm good, a good job. I'm happy to support someone else. 00:43:54
I don't think you guys have gotten a chance to serve on. 00:44:01
I'd nominate. 00:44:11
Chair. 00:44:13
You would or you do? I do nominate. Sorry. 00:44:14
I. 00:44:19
Yeah, all all those in favor of. 00:44:22
Tyler being our next chair. 00:44:25
Aye. 00:44:28
OK. 00:44:33
Well, I in that case I would nominate Jordan for to be Vice chair. 00:44:35
I. 00:44:43
OK. 00:44:45
And then all those in favor of Jordan as vice chair. Aye, aye. 00:44:45
OK, that was easy. 00:44:50
Anything else? Any. Was that formal enough? Yes, that's it. I will record it. 00:44:54
Could possibly be just a gentle reminder. 00:45:01
We have Amber Rasmussen as. 00:45:05
Council member. 00:45:09
All these on to the BAC, so the current chair would have. 00:45:10
Provide or put together a report. 00:45:17
To her. 00:45:20
You know, every quarter. 00:45:21
And would have to pretty much have a lot more interactions with her. 00:45:23
On most of the programs and projects that we intend to do. 00:45:29
And she will just push it to the next level, which is council. 00:45:32
When it comes to some of these implementations and stuff being passed. 00:45:37
So I thought I'll just throw that in. 00:45:41
You know, as the new chair. 00:45:44
You would have to be communicating a lot with Amber. 00:45:48
Great. 00:45:54
Do we want to for Bike Month? 00:45:56
Do we want to form like a subcommittee? 00:45:59
For people to work on that. 00:46:02
Last year there were a lot of ideas that we kind of just ran out of time. 00:46:04
Expl. 00:46:09
Tyler. 00:46:13
Well, no, in January, but OK. 00:46:17
I'm not ready for that, no. 00:46:20
Yeah, I think because because last year, because Anna worked on a lot of stuff. 00:46:24
Yeah, just in her role as events. 00:46:29
And so I think it might be good to. 00:46:33
A team or a subcommittee, whatever the formal if it's outside of the Bicycle Advisory Commission. 00:46:38
Just focused. 00:46:45
Bike month specific items. 00:46:47
Yeah, there were a lot of logistics involved and just making sure that. 00:46:51
We could. We can do everything that we want to. So I don't know how that works. But Anthony, looks like you can. I make a 00:46:55
suggestion? Yeah, you could probably start having interruptions with Anna. 00:47:02
About all the events that are about to happen next year. 00:47:09
And start having discussions on how you can start plugging in even before. 00:47:14
Bike Month because we would have a lot of lessons. Lessons to. 00:47:19
From then till Bike Month end. 00:47:25
Possibly have the best bike month that Vineyard has ever had. 00:47:29
So it's just a. 00:47:34
Yeah, I think that's that's a good idea. 00:47:37
You know, starting now. Kind of. 00:47:41
Events. 00:47:45
Ideas. Just figuring out OK. 00:47:47
What's happening? Who's involved and? 00:47:49
Working on. 00:47:52
To make it happen. So that's great. Anything else from Commission members, any? 00:47:54
Reports or things. I know Anthony had that connectivity analysis. 00:48:00
Put together, so we'll we'll make that available. 00:48:06
For Anthony, well, and we'll be able to see it and then, but other than that, was there anything else from from the group? I do 00:48:10
have a question I brought up potentially looking at design options for 400 S and how to make that safer, especially after. 00:48:17
The accident that happened there. 00:48:25
With that not being on the agenda, what's our plan for? 00:48:28
Making a recommendation if we want to make a recommendation, and I've heard that we also have gained control of that Orem. 00:48:32
We're doing that and I'd like to confirm or deny that rumor because. 00:48:42
Boomers are not useful. 00:48:46
Anthony, had you heard anything on? 00:48:49
There's no information right now. 00:48:53
On my end to. 00:48:55
But. 00:48:58
Can have it as an agenda item. 00:49:00
Or something, a rolling item where we can start discussions with the same. 00:49:03
Morgan on the way forward with this design and options because as a bike Commission we. 00:49:09
Pretty much discuss options for setting in their intersections that are not safe that we identify from our surveys. 00:49:16
And it'll be good to make some recommendations and also umm. 00:49:24
Have the engineer. 00:49:30
Work with us on making this happen so it's possible to have those discussions. 00:49:33
If possible, I would like to. 00:49:39
Have that be an agenda item at the next meeting, OK, for recommendations, not just on our portion of the road if that's that's 00:49:43
still a divided. 00:49:47
Use but also recommendations to bring to or. 00:49:53
So we'd make a recommendation for the whole Rd. 00:49:57
We can work with Orem or what have we got to do to coordinate with them and have something that's not just you know? 00:50:00
Sort of Half the road looks one way and the other half of the road looks the other way. 00:50:08
But yeah, I'd like to get something solidified and put into. 00:50:12
The transportation plan. 00:50:17
To get that changed so we can prevent further. 00:50:20
Yes. So one of the things we would be doing something we have discussed in the planning department and we want to roll out. 00:50:25
And. 00:50:34
Google sheet or Excel spreadsheet where we can? 00:50:35
Actually, is going to be Google Sheets actually where? 00:50:41
Can have you. 00:50:45
Or just share ideas on things you want to have on their agenda. 00:50:47
So it's roll in anytime you have an idea, you know there's one spot that you can go and put. 00:50:51
You know your concerns. 00:50:57
For items that should be on the agenda and before every be a see, we will see through that. 00:50:59
And make a decision on which which ones qualify to be. 00:51:07
Discussed in the upcoming. 00:51:11
Meeting. 00:51:14
So that will be sent. 00:51:15
First part of. 00:51:17
Cool. 00:51:21
Thanks everyone. 00:51:23
And with that, do we we don't need to move to adjourn, right? It's just. 00:51:26
We can just. 00:51:30
OK. Well, in that case, I moved to adjourn second. 00:51:33
OK. And all in favor. All right. All right. Thanks everyone. 00:51:38
Happy Merry Christmas. 00:51:43
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