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CALL TO ORDER/INVOCATION/INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT/Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Earnest gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. | |
6:01 PM Work Session 2.1 The City Council and Staff will discuss the amendments to the Strategic Plan. Mayor Fullmer opened the work session and turned the time over to City Manager Jacob McHargue. Mr. McHargue reviewed the amended Strategic Plan. There were discussions about each section. Other adjustments suggested were: · Enhanced Amenities o Strategic Initiatives – securing additional land for a variety of future uses… · Connectivity o Metrics – add “access and connection for transportation”; create a Smart City Technology Plan; electric ports… · Economic Development o Metrics – add additional Economic Goals · Long Range Planning o Strategic Initiatives – move “update website’s experience to be more intuitive” to the Metrics section. o Metrics – Level of Service Plan by Department; updating the Transportation Master Plan and Park Facility Plan and then adopting them into the General Plan Councilmember Judd hoped to see more specific goals in the General Plan. There was a discussion about updating the General Plan. Mr. Brim suggested that the Planning Commission and City Council hold a joint session. 6:23 PM Regular session 3. | |
Public Comments Mayor Fullmer opened the public comments session and asked those speaking to limit any parking comments two minutes and requested that they have only one spokesperson. Resident Benjamin Jensen, living in the Edgewater subdivision, said that 82 people had signed a petition that they gave to their Homeowners Association (HOA) to improve the parking in the Edgewater development, and they had done nothing about it. He said that there were only 32 visitor spots, and people have to pay $100 to get a parking spot for which there was a waiting list. He said that they had to park in the visitor parking spots on Christmas Eve so that family could park there later in the day. He also had someone dropping something off, and they were towed after only being there for 20 minutes, which he felt was predatory towing. He felt that it was ridiculous that they built a complex was but had overlooked the parking needs. They should not have to pay extra to park or park miles away. He felt that this issue needed to be fixed. Mayor Fullmer said that staff had a conversation with the HOA and asked Mr. Jensen to meet with staff after the meeting. Resident David Lauret, living on Holdaway Road, felt that parking should be allowed in front of his home. He reviewed the width of roads and asked why other neighborhoods were allowed street parking and Holdaway Road was not. He asked the city what they could do to make this fair. Mayor Fullmer asked Mr. Lauret to meet with staff after the meeting to work on a parking plan. Resident Bryce Brady, living in The Elms subdivision, felt that paying $100,000 for a barrier on the Center Street overpass was a lot of money to give the impression of feeling safe. He said that people should drive responsibly. He also felt that they could install something cheaper. 4. | |
Mayor and COUNCILMEMBERS’ REPORTS/DISCLOSURES/RECUSALS 4.1 Councilmember Flake reported on the Utah Lake Commission meeting he attended at the end of March. He said that the lake was 2.5 feet below compromise, which was low. The average depth of the lake was under 10 feet. The State had fully funded the removal of the phragmites, as well as invasive species, for the coming year. They would chop up the marsh area and then spray to keep the growth down. They would seed the area with upland and lowland grasses. The June sucker fish was off the endangered list, and they had introduced Tiger Muskies to consume the small carp that they could not catch in their nets. The Provo River Delta Project was a year ahead of schedule; it was scheduled to be completed in late 2024 or early 2025. Walkara Way received funding from the State. The first grazing paddock had been fenced, and they hoped to put cattle on it in the spring to consume the phragmites. The Water Quality Study was on schedule and was projected to be completed in 2025, which will indicate what steps need to be taken to raise the water quality in the lake to an acceptable level. The commission would implement a plan, which will include requirements for all of the communities attached to the lake to maintain the future condition of the lake. There were two experiments conducted last year which were successful in reducing or eliminating the algae bloom. The treatments could add material that, over the long term, might not be good for the lake. He explained the reasons for the algae bloom. 4.2 Councilmember Judd reported on economic development. He felt that interest rates would most likely stay flat for the near future. He said that this would affect mortgage rates. He said that with housing shortages, construction material shortages, and land shortages, there were not very many properties for sale. He said that the construction costs were increasing. There had been an increase in theft on job sites, so security was something to consider and keep an eye on. 4.3 Councilmember Earnest reported on safety. He said that he sat on the Orem Community Hospital Board and felt that the hospital was an excellent option for Vineyard residents. Mayor Fullmer said that the hospital was going to expand into the city. She noted that Councilmember Earnest was facilitating a plan to improve health and safety in the community. Councilmember Earnest reported that there had been no reported cases of blood clotting from the 100,000 doses of the Johnson and Johnson COVI-19 vaccine that had been given in Utah. 5. STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS 5.1 | |
City Manager Jacob McHargue – Mr. McHargue reported that the recreation department had grown significantly. There were over 900 children signed up for soccer this year. He said that the City had received the budget award for the third year in a row. He mentioned that they had used interns to help with the budget document submittal and felt that the City and the interns had benefited from their work. He reported that the City would be receiving some economic recovery money from the county. There was a discussion about the use of the economic recovery money. Mr. McHargue said that the budget process was ongoing. Staff had met with the departments, and the budget should be ready to deliver to City Council by the end of the month. Councilmember Flake asked about the census numbers. Mr. McHargue replied that they would get a subcensal report in May because they had pushed the 2020 census report to September. He said that they had not adjusted the budget to reflect the census. Mr. McHargue reported that due to immediate safety issues, staff had asked that the Sheriff’s Office evaluate the illegal parking and then have staff red curb the areas that were having problems. He said that there was only one car in the Providence subdivision parked in the wrong direction when the officers checked recently. Sergeant Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office explained that they went out at midnight three nights ago and had only found one violation. Mr. McHargue said that they would continue to evaluate those areas. He said that they would start with areas where there were complaints, which were The Providence and Le Cheminant subdivisions and would continue to address other subdivisions as they received complaints. He explained that staff was working on automating the process for requesting overnight parking restrictions. It would be an online form that people from neighborhoods would fill out, gather the required number of signatures, and then turn the form into the City for evaluation. He said that they wanted to have that form available immediately. He said that he knew that the overnight parking restrictions were not the desired route, but it was available now while the City evaluated other options. Mayor Fullmer explained that she had surveyed the neighbors in the Providence subdivision, and they were amenable to the overnight parking restrictions. She said that the first phase was red curbing, and the next phase would be overnight parking restrictions. There was a discussion about the process. 5.2 | |
Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady – Chair Brady reported that Geneva Retail plat, on tonight’s agenda, was a change for the well that was going to be built on the property. He said that YESCO had submitted a sign standard waiver for the Maverik and Alloy sign that would be located in front of the expanded portion of the Maverik. He added that YESCO would also be installing the Vineyard City sign in front of the Maverik. There was a discussion about the sign. 5.3 | |
Building – Building Official George Reid – Quarterly Report – Mr. Reid presented his third-quarter fiscal year report. He said that this was the third-best year since he had started as the building official. He explained that it was still primarily residential permits, but he hoped to see more commercial revenues; they were over the $1 million mark; permit issuance was consistent for the last five years, with around 500 building permits issued each year. He gave the occupancy breakdown between the single-family dwellings and the multi-family dwellings. The population was estimated at 18,642 residents. He said that most of the permits issued in the third quarter were multi-family due to the Lakefront development. He concluded his report with the number of construction sites, inspections, units left to build, and lots that were left undeveloped. He added that this did not include areas that had not been platted. Mayor Fullmer said that even being a small community, they were still able to have different housing types, a large commercial farm, larger homes, smaller lots, and multi-family dwellings next to one of the largest Transit Oriented Districts (TOD) in the state. The city was trying to connect residents to transportation, higher education, and a job network. She explained that the town center would be one of the largest transportation areas in the region with FrontRunner, a light rail corridor, a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) connection, state roads, and an alternate north/south I-15 connection. That was why the city had taken the time to master plan the north side of the community. She mentioned that there were several bills in the interim legislative session that could affect building and zoning. 5.4 | |
Utah County Sheriff’s Office – Sergeant Rockwell – Quarterly Report – Sergeant Rockwell presented his 2021 first-quarter report. He said that the report compared the first quarter of 2021 to the fourth quarter of 2020. He said that case numbers and traffic stops had gone up, but public-generated calls had gone down. Burglaries and assaults had gone down, and while drug and alcohol cases went up by one. Priority 1 and 2 call response times had also gone down. Councilmember Earnest asked what the response time was for calls that involved medics, ambulance, or fire. Sergeant Rockwell replied that the deputies were getting there faster than fire. Mr. McHargue said that the new Orem Fire Chief would be doing a quarterly report next month. Sergeant Rockwell presented a Crime Report for 2020. He said that he had taken all of the cases throughout the year and filtered out those that were not crimes. He emphasized that this report included only crimes that did occur. He mentioned that some crimes could consist of more than one incident. He reviewed the report. He explained that with a population of 15,570. Vineyard had the following crime incidence rates, per 1,000 people: Rape – 0.193 Robbery – 0.064 Assault/Domestic Violence – 6.36 Vehicle Theft – 0.71 Alcohol/Drugs – 6.1 Mayor Fullmer asked how the numbers compared with other areas. Sergeant Rockwell replied that he was not able to compare the numbers because the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) report was not generated the same way his report was. 6. | |
CONSENT ITEMS 6.1 Approval of the March 12, 2021 City Council Planning Retreat Minutes 6.2 Approval of the March 24, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes 6.3 Approval of the Liberty Defenders Special Event Permit Mayor Fullmer called for a motion. Motion:Councilmember Judd moved to approve consent items 6.1 through 6.3. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Mayor’s Appointments No names were submitted. 8. discussion/Presentations No items were submitted. 9. BUSINESS ITEMS 9.1 | |
PubliC Hearing – Amend the Consolidated Fee Schedule (Resolution 2021-06) Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer Mariah Hill will present recommended amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. The mayor and city council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer Mariah Hill. Ms. Hill explained the amendment to the Consolidated Fee Schedule was to update to the recreation fees, clean up language for business license fees, and change the fees charged for streetlights to ensure that the developers were paying the full amount for the streetlights. Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing. Motion:Councilmember Earnest moved to open the public hearing at 7:11 pm. Councilmember Judd seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fullmer called for public comments. Hearing none, she called for a motion to close the public hearing. Motion:Councilmember Earnest moved to close the public hearing at 7:11 PM. Councilmember Judd seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fullmer called for questions or a motion. Motion:Councilmember Earnest moved to adopt by resolution the consolidate fee schedule as presented. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 9.2 | |
Discussion and action – Geneva Retail Frontage Preliminary and Final Plat B The applicant is requesting an approval of a preliminary and final plat for the Geneva Retail Frontage Plat B. Parcel ID’s 40:513:0011, 40:513:0010, and 40:513:0009. The City Council will take appropriate action. Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to City Planner Briam Perez. Mr. Perez mentioned that Kirk Beecher with Central Utah Water Conservancy District (CUWCD) was on a video call to answer any questions the council might have. Mr. Perez explained that the plat amendment allowed CUWCD to construct a well on the site. He said they were amending the original subdivision plat to add an additional lot to avoid any ownership issues. He said that staff and Planning Commission were recommending approval. There was a discussion about the well site and the look of the building. Mr. Brim explained the site would go through the approved site plan process. Mr. McHargue mentioned that CUWCD was working with Anderson Geneva to exchange it for well sites in the town center. Motion:Councilmember Welsh moved to approve the Geneva Retail Frontage Subdivision B preliminary and final plat with the conditions as proposed: 1. The applicant pays any outstanding fees. 2. The applicant makes any redline corrections prior to the recordation of the plat. 3. All city and county requirements will need to be met prior to recordation of the plat. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 9.3 | |
Discussion and Action – Train Station Panel Design The mayor and City Council will vote on the panels for the train station. They will take appropriate action. (This item was continued from the February 24, 2021 RDA Meeting.) There was a vote on and a brief discussion about the photos. Mr. McHargue explained that the photos chosen tonight would be installed on the panels at the train station. Mr. Perez reviewed the images. There was further discussion about the photos. The photos that were chosen were the old Geneva Resort, the man fishing, the merchandise store, and the milk train. An alternate would be the combine or the smelter if the combine photo did not work. | |
Motion:Councilmember Judd moved to approve the use of the images 1(combine), 2 (fishing), 6 (Geneva Resort), 4 (Store), 12 (milk train), and 11 (smelter) as an alternate for the 1 (combine). Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 9.4 | |
DISCUSSION AND ACTION – Gammon Park Playground City Manager Jacob McHargue will present a recommendation for the Gammon Park playground. The mayor and City Council will take appropriate action. Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to City Manager Jacob McHargue. Mr. McHargue explained that they had an initial discussion about the play structure options in Gammon Park at the last City Council meeting. The City Council had asked staff to complete an Assemble poll to get feedback from residents and provide some options. Ninety percent of those who responded to the poll utilized the current play structure, and of those respondents, 80 percent of them had children under the age of 10. The three elements that stood out were: slides, swings, and a climbing structure. He said that they could not fit all three elements into the current space. He said that were two options, but staff was promoting Option 2. Option 2 included a climbing wall, a higher deck for the slides, and a spinning feature. Option 1 included swings and a smaller playground feature. He explained that they were recommending Option 2 because it was a bigger playground, and they could add a swing set in the future when they redesign the park. Councilmember Welsh said that she had gotten feedback from people who would be using the park, and most of them wanted swings. She said that most people used Gammon Park because it was a small park for their young children. Some people had even asked for a baby swing for their toddlers. Councilmember Earnest asked if they could put the swings in the grass area. Mr. McHargue replied that they could not because they had to have soft-fall material for the swings. Swings would fit, but it would be a smaller playground. There was a discussion about where they could move the equipment. Councilmember Earnest asked how soon the playground would be available for use. Parks Manager Preston Jensen replied that it was a six-week turnaround once he ordered the equipment. There was a discussion about the two options. Mayor Fullmer mentioned that they were moving forward with plans for the park immediately. Resident Aubrey Bills, living in the Elms subdivision, explained that she home schooled her children and uses Gammon Park every day. She said that her children had designed their own park and would like swings included. Mayor Fullmer explained that the city was designing the park now and asked if she would prefer a bigger playground or a small one with swings. Ms. Bills replied that it did not matter as long as her children had something to climb on. Mayor Fullmer asked about elements for 10-year-old children, such as the merry-go-round. Councilmember Welsh felt that a merry-go-round might fill the gap for older children. Councilmember Judd said that some of the comments he received were that the neighborhoods to the south were that the swings were not necessary because they had older children. He liked Option 2 and then plan the park to add swings after the fact. He liked the idea of adding swings in the grass area and bring in the soft-fall material. There was a discussion about adding swings. Mr. McHargue said that Mr. Jensen would put together a plan for adding swings and present it at the next City Council Meeting. There was a discussion about the cost. Mr. McHargue explained that they would be using Recreation, Arts, and Park (RAP) tax money, and there would be enough money to install swings. Mr. Brady suggested that they include equipment that older children could also play on. Mayor Fullmer said that staff would look into the cost for swings and where they could put them. Motion:Councilmember Judd moved to approve the project and allow staff to move forward with the purchase and installation of option 2 as presented and come back to city council with their plan for adding swings. Councilmember Welsh seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. 10. CLOSED SESSION No closed session was held. 11. | |
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Moton:Councilmember Flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES APPROVED ON: April 28, 2021 CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: /s/Pamela Spencer Pamela spencer, city recorder |
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