

minutes OF A Joint work Session with

Planning Commission and a Regular Session


City Council Chambers

125 South Main Street, Vineyard Utah

June 9, 2021 at 6:01 PM




Present                                                             Absent

City Council

Mayor Julie Fullmer                                                                                        

Councilmember John Earnest

Councilmember Tyce Flake

Councilmember Chris Judd

Councilmember Cristy Welsh


Planning Commissioners

Chair Bryce Brady (6:09 PM)                          Tim Blackburn

Vice Chair Shan Sullivan                                 Jeff Knighton

Commissioner Amber Rasmussen                                                                

Commissioner Tay Gudmundson

Commissioner Anthony Jenkins


Staff Present: City Manager Jacob McHargue, Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer Mariah Hill, City Attorney Jayme Blakesley, Public Works Director/City Engineer Don Overson, Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson, City Engineer Naseem Ghandour, Sergeant Holden Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Community Development Director Morgan Brim, City Planner Briam Perez, Water Manager Sullivan Love, City Recorder Pamela Spencer


Others Present: Ryan Bybee with Cadence Homes and Nate Birchall with Goodboro Homes




Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:01 PM. Councilmember Earnest gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.



6:02 PM Joint work session with Planning Commission




Councilmember Judd recused himself due to a potential conflict of interest. City Attorney Jayme Blakesley explained the reason behind disclosures and recusals.



3.     Presentation and Discussion

3.1   Play >>  Development of the Clegg property

The developer will present a design concept for a housing development to be located on the Clegg property, parcel #18:021:0009. This presentation will allow the developer to receive feedback from the City Council, Planning Commission, and Staff. (This is a pre-application informational discussion. Public comments will be reserved for a future meeting once an application has been submitted.)


Mayor Fullmer turned the time over to Ryan Bybee with Cadence Homes. He gave a brief background on his company. He explained why they had teamed with Goodboro Homes. He reviewed the types of homes they would be building and that they would only be detached single family homes which included smaller lots for high-end active adults over 55 years of age. Nate Birchall with Goodboro Homes reviewed the different models that they would be building and the streetscapes. Mr. Bybee presented the overall development layout.


Mayor Fullmer called for question from the Planning Commissioners.


 Play >>  Chair Brady expressed concern with the active 55+ housing changing to regular single family housing in the future and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) being allowed in the development.  There was a discussion about the housing and lot sizes.


 Play >>  Commissioner Sullivan expressed concerns with the types of open space they were proposing.


 Play >>  Commissioner Rasmussen expressed concerns with the amount of open space and about the active adult homes. There was a discussion about the open space and affordable housing, ADUs, and the qualifications for a 55+ community.


 Play >>  Commissioner Gudmundson asked about the trail connections, zoning, and expressed concern with adding more density to the city. She wanted to see more park space and expressed concern with the parking and roads.


 Play >>  Commissioner Jenkins asked about the Homeowners Association and about tying the trails into Walkara Way. He asked them to look at other developments for their lot sizes, roads, and parking issues.


 Play >>  Chair Brady read comments from Planning Commissioner Tim Blackburn who felt that heritage was important and wanted to save the buildings on the property.


 Play >>  Chair Brady commented about the density and lot sizes.


Mayor Fullmer called for comments from the City Council.


 Play >>  Councilmember Earnest asked the developers to explain the reasoning behind the proposed development and the amenities. There was a discussion about the amenities and the overall development.


 Play >>  Mayor Fullmer asked about the lot sizes, density, open space, and the trail system. There was a discussion about each item.


 Play >>  Councilmember Flake mentioned that he had received phone calls from residents requesting larger lot sizes. eHHH ljfaldfj;lHe wanted to see the larger lots continue from James Bay through The Shores subdivisions southward. He also mentioned that he did not like how 400 South narrowed closer to the lake and felt that access to the lake in the south part of the city was imperative. There was a discussion about his comments, who owned the property closest to the lake, and density. Mayor Fullmer explained how the city was laid out. There was a discussion about the layout of the development.


 Play >>  Councilmember Welsh felt that it was her job to represent the community. She read parts of the General Plan. The community dream was that people could live their whole lives in Vineyard. She also expressed concern with the lot sizes and density. She felt that the parks and open space should be open to all residents and visitors. She asked about connecting the trails. She mentioned future lake development and traffic flow in and out of the development and the Sleepy Ridge subdivision. There was a discussion about her concerns.


 Play >>  There was a discussion about changing the lot sizes and the types of housing in each area.


 Play >>  Chair Brady felt that the proposed road going into The Elms subdivision raised safety concerns. He also mentioned that residents had told him that they wanted bigger parks.


 Play >>  Mayor Fullmer suggested that the council and commission formulate their opinions, mark up the map and send it to the developers by the end of the week. There was further discussion. Suggestions and comments should be directed to Mr. Brim and Mr. McHargue, and they would pass them on to the developers.



7:43 Regular City council session



4.      Play >>  Public Comments

Mayor Fullmer called for public comments. Hearing none, she closed the public comment session.



 Play >> City Council took a break at 7:44 PM. The meeting resumed at 7:56 PM




No reports were given.



6.      Play >>  STAFF, COMMISSION, and committee REPORTS

6.1  City Manager Jacob McHargue – Mr. McHargue had no new items to report.

6.2  Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady – Chair Brady had no new items to report.




7.1  Approval of the May 26, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes

7.2  Approval of Resolution 2021-11 Parking Regulations


Mayor Fullmer called for a motion.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Judd moved to approve consent items 7.1 And 7.2, with a roll call on 7.2. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.  



8.     Mayor’s Appointments

No names were submitted.



9.     discussion/Presentations

No items were submitted.




10.1  Play >>  Discussion and Action – Adopt Final Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget (Resolution 2021-12)

Assistant Finance Director Mariah Hill will present the final Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution. (A public hearing was held on the tentative budget during the May 26, 2021 City Council meeting.)


Assistant Finance Director Mariah Hill explained that there were differences in the Enterprise and the Capital Improvement Funds.


There was a discussion about the census numbers.


Mayor Fullmer called for a motion.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to adopt, by resolution, the Fiscal Year 2022 Final Budget as presented by staff. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously



10.2  Play >>  Public hearingAmend the Consolidated Fee Schedule (Resolution 2021-13)

Staff Accountant Bayley Deason will present recommended amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule. The mayor and city council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.


Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to open the public hearing at 8:00 PM. Councilmember Welsh seconded the motion.  Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously

 Play >>  City Accountant Bayley Deason reviewed the amendments to the fee schedules. There was a discussion about the recreation programs and fees.


Mayor Fullmer called for public comments. Hearing none, she called for a motion to close the public hearing.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to close the public hearing at 8:09 PM. Councilmember Judd seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously


Mayor Fullmer called for a motion.


 Play >>  Motion Councilmember Flake moved to adopt, by resolution, the Fiscal year 2021-2022 Consolidated Fee Schedule as presented. Councilmember Welsh seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously




Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to go into a closed session.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to go into a closed session immediately following the Redevelopment Agency Board meeting to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Councilmember Judd seconded the motion. roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously




Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting.


 Play >>  Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to adjourn the city council meeting at 8:10 PM. Councilmember Welsh seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously



Motion: Councilmember flake moved to adjourn the closed session at 8:49 PM. Councilmember welsh seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.





CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:   /s/Pamela Spencer

Pamela spencer, city recorder