City Council Chambers
125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah
August 11, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Present Absent
Mayor Julie Fullmer
Councilmember John Earnest
Councilmember Tyce Flake
Councilmember Chris Judd
Councilmember Cristy Welsh
Staff Present: City Engineer Naseem Ghandour, Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson, Sergeant Holden Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Community Development Director Morgan Brim, City Planner Briam Amaya Perez, Building Official George Reid, Water Manager Sullivan Love, City Recorder Pamela Spencer, Planning Commissioners Anthony Jenkins and Amber Rasmussen, Albert Foster with Facil HR
Others Speaking: Resident David Lauret
Mayor Fullmer opened the meeting at 6:00 pm. Councilmember Earnest gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
work session
2. No items were submitted.
Regular session
3. Play >> Public Comments
Mayor Fullmer called for public comments.
Resident David Lauret asked who had fixed the flashing speed signs on Holdaway Road. No one knew who had fixed them. There was a discussion about the signs.
No reports were given.
5.1 Play >> City Manager Jacob McHargue was excused. City Recorder Pamela Spencer
reported that the 4th quarter financial report was in the Dropbox for council to review. She mentioned that revenues were higher, and expenses were lower than expected. She reminded everyone that the candidate filing period was open from now until August 17 at 5:00 pm.
5.2 Play >> Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady was absent. Planning Commissioner Anthony Jenkins reported on the last Planning Commission meeting.
5.3 Play >> Building Official George Reid gave his quarterly report. He noted that they were seeing more commercial development coming in.
5.4 Play >> Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson reported on the school zone being installed near Trailside Elementary. He also reported that the road striping would be completed soon.
5.5 Play >> City Engineer Naseem Ghandour reported that they would be conducting the study for the possible second crosswalk at Trailside Elementary after the second week of school to get a proper assessment. He mentioned that the Utah County Sheriff’s deputies as well as school staff would be out the first week of school to direct students to the proper walking paths. There was a discussion about traffic flow and safety for all of the elementary students.
Play >> Mayor Fullmer welcomed Jeff Acerson, the mayor of Lindon and a trustee for the Utah Transportation Authority.
6.1 Approval of the July 28, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes
6.2 Approval of a Water Master Plan Addendum 1
6.3 Approval of the Water System Design Tasks
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion.
Motion: Councilmember Judd moved to approve consent items 6.1 through 6.3. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
7. Appointments
No names were submitted.
8. Play >> discussion/Presentations
8.1 Discussion – Water Conservation
Staff will discuss the city’s response to drought conditions and water conservation.
Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson reviewed the city’s role with water conservation. He said that they had looked into options for more waterwise landscaping. Water Manger Sullivan Love mentioned that they were looking into grants that the city could apply for. Mr. Wilson explained that they had looked at non-essential spaces where they could help reduce water usage. He reviewed the estimated costs. He noted that they could lower the cost of replacing the landscaping if they worked on it during the winter months. He suggested that they could do surveys in different areas of the city to see how the changes would affect different neighborhoods. There was a discussion about water saved and changing out the landscaping.
Play >> Morgan Brim reviewed changes that they could make to the General Plan, such as adding a water conservation plan. He mentioned West Jordan City’s Water Conservation Garden and places where they could put one in Vineyard. There was a discussion about water conservation. Mr. Brim suggested that they add a line item in the budget for water conservation. Mr. Love mentioned that he had taken on the role as the water conservation coordinator and that he did a yearly audit report.
There was a discussion about how to budget for conservation activities and
where to start the landscaping. It was decided that staff would bring back a
recommendation to council.
9.1 Play >> public Hearing – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.32.230 and 15.38.030 Ordinance 2021-06
(This agenda item was postponed from the July 28, 2021 City Council Meeting.)
City Planner Briam Amaya Perez is recommending amendments of ZTA 15.32.230 wall and fence heights and ZTA 15.38.030 lighting pole heights to match Section 15.36.030. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this amendment by ordinance.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing.
Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to open the public hearing at 6:43pm. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
City Planner Briam Amaya Perez reviewed the amendments to Sections 15.32.230 and 15.38.030 in the Vineyard Zoning Code. The amendment was clarifying the requirements for a retaining wall and when people needed to obtain a building permit. It also established the maximum height of retaining walls and how fences could be installed on top of them, as well as adding clarify language. There was a discussion about fence heights. The amendment to lighting poles was to add consistency in the code.
Mayor Fullmer called for public comments. Hearing none she called for a motion to close the public hearing.
Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to close the public hearing at 6:51 pm. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to approve the proposed ordinance 2021-06 as presented. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
9.2 Play >> Public Hearing – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.34.160 & 15.12.060 modifying setbacks and location requirements for swimming pools. Ordinance 2021-07
(This agenda item was postponed from the July 28, 2021City Council meeting.)
City Planner Briam Amaya Perez is recommending amendments to VZC 15.34.160 & VZC 15.12.060 modifying setbacks and location requirements for swimming pools. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this amendment by ordinance.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing.
Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to open the public hearing at 6:52 pm. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Amaya Perez explained the recommended amendments to the code. He said that in the current code, swimming pools had to meet the setbacks the same as accessory buildings. The code amendment would allow pools to be closer to the house. If they were within six feet from the primary building, they would become a part of the primary building and be subject to the same setbacks and inspections as the primary building. There was a discussion about the distance of a pool from a house.
Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to close the public hearing at 6:57 pm. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
There was a discussion about the setbacks for pools and spas.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Judd moved to approve ordinance 2021-07 as presented. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
9.3 Play >> Public hearing – Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for 15.48 Signs Ordinance 2021-08
Community Development Director Morgan Brim is recommending amendments to ZTA 15.48 to modify wall and monument sign standards. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to open the public hearing.
Motion: Councilmember Judd moved to open the public hearing at 6:59 PM. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Brim explained the reason for the amendments and Mr. Amaya Perez reviewed the amendments. There was a discussion about the sign amendments. Mr. Amaya Perez mentioned that the amendments would be increasing the size of monument signs if they met certain conditions. There was a discussion about the size of signs and the amendments to the code.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to close the public hearing.
Motion: Councilmember Earnest moved to close the public hearing at 7:10 pm. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to approve Ordinance 2021-08 as presented. Councilmember Judd seconded the motion.
There was a discussion about the size of the signs and variances.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Welsh moved to continue Item 9.3 to the next meeting. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Roll went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest and Welsh voted aye. Councilmembers Flake and Judd voted nay. The motion carried with two nay votes.
Staff was instructed to bring back sketches of how the signs would look.
9.4 Play >> Discussion and Action – amending the Municipal Code Section 2.08.020 City Manager Powers and Duties (Ordinance 2021-09)
City Recorder Pamela Spencer will present an amendment to the Municipal Code separating the Budget Officer and Finance Director duties from the City Manager’s duties. The mayor and City Council will act to approve (or deny) this request by ordinance.
City Recorder Pamela Spencer explained that when council had approved the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget it created a finance director position. This change made it necessary to adjust the municipal code by removing the budget officer and finance director duties from the city manager’s duties.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Judd moved adopt ordinance 2021-09 amending the Municipal Code Section 2.08.020 as presented. Councilmember Flake seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
9.5 Play >> Discussion and action – Amending the Municipal Code Section 2.14 Election Code Ordinance 2021-10
City Recorder Pamela Spencer is recommending amendments to the Municipal Code Section 2.14 adding election code and amending the Finance Disclosure code.
The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by ordinance.
Ms. Spencer explained that when she was amending the documents of candidacy declaration, she found that the finance campaign piece in the code needed to be amended. While researching it, she found other cities who had adopted their own election code and felt that adopting a Vineyard election code would be beneficial to the city’s election process. There was a discussion about the code.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Judd moved to adopt ordinance 2021-10, Amending the Municipal Code Section 2.14 Election Code as presented. Councilmember Welsh seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
9.6 Play >> Discussion and action – Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual Amendment (Educational Reimbursement) Resolution 2021-17
Albert Foster with Facil HR will present proposed amendments to the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual amending education reimbursement. The mayor and City Council will act to adopt (or deny) this request by resolution.
Albert Foster with Facil HR explained the current education reimbursement policy in the personnel manual and felt that it gave the city more leeway in reimbursements. He then explained the suggested amendments. There was a discussion about the amendments. Councilmember Flake felt that the amendments should be effective in January to give them time to implement the new policy.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to approve the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual Amendment Resolution 2021-17 with the notation that they discuss this in the January meeting and make a decision on the funding budget adjustment. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Roll call went as follows: Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
No closed session was held.
Mayor Fullmer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Play >> Motion: Councilmember Flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 pm. Councilmember Earnest seconded the motion. Mayor Fullmer, Councilmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES APPROVED ON: August 25, 2021
Pamela spencer, city recorder