



This meeting was held electronically, via Zoom,

due to the COVID-19 gathering restrictions

January 27, 2021 – 8:01 PM




Present                                                             Absent

Boardmember John Earnest                             Chair Julie Fullmer 

Boardmember Tyce Flake

Boardmember Chris Judd

Boardmember Cristy Welsh


Staff Present: City Manager Jacob McHargue, Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer Mariah Hill, Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson, City Attorney Jayme Blakesley, Community Development Director Morgan Brim, Sergeant Holden Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Building Official George Reid, Water Manager Sullivan Love, City Recorder Pamela Spencer, Deputy Recorder Kelly Kloepfer, Planning Commission Chair Bryce Brady


Others Speaking: Brandon Watson with Edge Homes


1.      Call to Order

City Recorder Pamela Spencer called the meeting to order at 8:01 PM. Due to Chair Fullmer’s absence she called for a nomination to a Boardmember to chair the meeting.


Nomination: Boardmember Judd nominated Boardmember Flake to sit as the chair for tonight’s meeting. Boardmember Earnest seconded the nomination. Roll call went as follows: Boardmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. Chair Fullmer was absent. The motion carried with one absent.


Ms. Spencer turned the time over to Chair Pro Tempore Flake.



2.      Determination Letter:


Chair Pro Tempore Flake read the electronic meeting determination letter signed by Chair Fullmer.



3.      CONSENT items

3.1.    Play >>  Approval of the January 13, 2021 RDA Meeting Minutes


Chair Pro Tempore Flake called for a motion.


Motion: Boardmember Earnest moved to approve the consent item. Boardmember Judd seconded the motion. Chair Pro Tempore Flake, Boardmembers Earnest, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. Chair Fullmer was absent. The motion carried with one absent.



4.      business items

4.1  Play >>  Discussion and Action – Lakefront Infrastructure Reimbursements

City Manager Jacob McHargue will present as request for infrastructure reimbursements. The RDA Board will take appropriate action.


Chair Pro Tempore Flake turned the time over to City Manager Jacob McHargue.


Mr. McHargue explained that there were a few projects that they were looking at funding.

·         Reimbursement for a portion of 300 West and Loop Road that the city had requested be enhanced

·         Reimbursement for removing part of the old county road on the west side of the development

·         Cost-sharing at 50 percent of the regrading and seeding of the open space, and installation of the trail on the west side of the development.  

The project's total cost was estimated at $1,491,561, and Edge Homes was requesting a cost-sharing of $614,575 from the RDA. Staff was recommending that the board approve the application and allow the chair to sign a reimbursement agreement. 


Boardmember Earnest asked what type of grass would be planted. Water Manager Sullivan Love replied that it would be low-maintenance native grass.


Boardmember Judd asked if they coordinated with the county about the fence and trail. Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson replied that the fence would be removed.


Boardmember Welsh sought clarification on the regrading of the area under discussion. Brandon Watson with Edge Homes replied that the open space would be from the existing jogging trail to the Edge development as well as a parallel asphalt trail. He confirmed that the fence would be removed.  He said that Edge Homes had received approval from State Lands and the county. 


Boardmember Earnest asked about the timeline for the completion of the project.  Mr. Watson replied that they planned to spend most of the year regrading and improving the area and then seeding it in the fall.


Boardmember Judd asked about the maintenance of native grass.  Mr. Watson replied that the landscape architect put together a maintenance plan and had worked with Mr. Love to ensure that the city was comfortable with it. Boardmember Welsh asked for clarification on the native grass.  Mr. Love replied that they would be installing different types of grasses. Mr. Wilson explained that they took the approach that this was to be an experiment with different types of water-wise, low- maintenance grasses. Boardmember Welsh asked who would be responsible for maintaining the land. Mr. Wilson replied that the city would be leasing the ground and would be responsible for maintaining the land.


Boardmember Welsh asked about the previous agreement that required them to put a million dollars on the north side (the promenade), and if that were the case, would it make sense to use the money now.  Mr. McHargue explained that Edge Homes was not required to do that anymore.

Mr. Love explained that there would be three pavilions in the park are for public use. Mr. Brim suggested that they could add more pavilions in the future if there were a demand for it. There was a discussion about the use of the area. Boardmember Welsh asked if they would include connecting the trails and have a bridge. Mr. McHargue replied yes. The discussion continued.


Mr. McHargue mentioned that the RDA was going through the bonding project, so he did not know how quickly the RDA could reimburse them.


Boardmember Judd sought clarification if the terms would be brought before the board. Mr. McHargue replied that it was up to the board.


Motion:  Boardmember Judd moved to approve the RDA application and allow the chair to sign the cost sharing reimbursement agreement as presented. Boardmember Earnest seconded the motion. Chair Pro Tempore Flake, Boardmembers Earnest, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. Chair Fullmer was absent. The motion carried with one absent.




Chair Pro Tempore Flake called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.


Motion: Boardmember Welsh moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM. Boardmember Judd seconded the motion. Chair Pro Tempore Flake, Boardmembers Earnest, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. Chair Fullmer was absent. The motion carried with one absent.



RDA meetings are scheduled, as necessary.



MINUTES APPROVED ON:   February 24, 2021


CERTIFIED CORRECT BY:    /s/ Pamela Spencer

Pamela spencer, city recorder