City Council Chambers
125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah
August 11, 2021 at 7:28 PM
Present Absent
Chair Julie Fullmer
Boardmember John Earnest
Boardmember Tyce Flake
Boardmember Chris Judd
Boardmember Cristy Welsh
Staff Present: City Engineer Naseem Ghandour, Assistant Public Works Director Chris Wilson, Sergeant Holden Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Community Development Director Morgan Brim, City Planner Briam Amaya Perez, Building Official George Reid, Water Manager Sullivan Love, City Recorder Pamela Spencer, and Albert Foster with Facil HR
Chair Fullmer opened the meeting at 7:28 PM.
3.1 Play >> Discussion and action – Amendments to the Waterfront Planning and Design Services Consultant Contract
Community Development Director Morgan Brim will present amendments to the Waterfront Planning and Design Services Consultant Contract. The RDA Board will take appropriate action.
Mr. Brim gave a brief overview of the contract amendments. There was a discussion about the timeline.
Play >> Motion: Boardmember Welsh moved to approve Chair Fullmer to sign a contract with FFKR and EDSA for the Vineyard Waterfront planning and design services as presented. Boardmember Flake seconded the motion. Chair Fullmer, Boardmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Play >> Motion: Boardmember Flake moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 Pm. Boardmember Earnest seconded the motion. Chair Fullmer, Boardmembers Earnest, Flake, Judd, and Welsh voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.
MINUTES APPROVED ON: September 8, 2021
CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: /s/ Pamela Spencer
Pamela spencer, city recorder