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City Council Chambers

125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah

Wednesday, January 4, 2022, 6:00 p.m.




Commissioners present: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, Anthony Jenkins, and Graden Ostler.


Staff present: Naseem Ghandour, Public Works Director; Morgan Brim, Community Development Director; Briam Perez, Planner; Pam Spencer, City Recorder; Rachel Stevens, Minutes Secretary


Others present: Dave Foster, ALTA Planning; Chris Kephart, MS Properties






Bryce Brady called the meeting to order. Tay Gudmundson led the pledge of allegiance. Bryce Brady gave an invocation.


2.      Play >>  OPEN SESSION

There were no public comments.



3.1.   Play >>  East Lake at Geneva Industrial Park –Site Plan Amendment

Planner Briam Perez gave an overview of the project.

Play >>  There was a discussion regarding making a zoning text amendment.  


Play >>  MOTION: Chair Brady called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins made a motion to approve the site plan amendment for East Lake at Geneva Industrial Park with the conditions outlined in the staff report. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


Play >>  The applicant Chris Kephart asked a question to City Staff.  There was a discussion regarding how underground lines and pipes are labeled on the site plan and how the public right of way is used for internet companies.



4.1.   Play >>  City Recorder Pamela Spencer provided training on how City records are

maintained. The training began at 6:13 pm and ended at 6:48 pm. The Planning Commission present received approximately 35 minutes of training of 4 hours as required by Utah State Law.  



5.1.    Play >>  PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment - Public Noticing

This item and public hearing was continued from December 7, 2022.


Play >>  MOTION: Chair Brady called for a motion. Tay Gudmundson made a motion to close the public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


Play >>  MOTION: Chair Brady called for a motion. Chris Bramwell made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for the Zoning Text Amendment for Public Noticing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


5.2.Play >>  PUBLIC HEARING - Conditional Use Permit – Vineyard Auto


Play >>  MOTION:  Chair Brady called for a motion. Tay Gudmundson made a motion to open a public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


Play >>  MOTION:  Chair Brady called for a motion. Tay Gudmundson made a motion to continue the Conditional Use Permit to January 18, 2023. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


5.3 Play >>  PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Active Transportation Plan


Play >>  MOTION:  Chair Brady called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins made a motion to open a public hearing. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


Play >>  Community Development Director Morgan Brim and Dave Foster, with ALTA Planning, gave a presentation on the Active Transportation Plan.


Play >> There was a discussion concerning proposed improvements on Main Street and other priority projects.  


Play >> There was a discussion concerning realigning the intersection near Gammon Park and the elementary school.  There was a discussion regarding hawk lighting and signals throughout the city.


Play >> There was a presentation on a pedestrian crossing near Trailside Elementary School.  Play >>  There was a discussion regarding the Central Corridor Plan and if it aligns with the Active Transportation Plan.  


Play >> There was a discussion regarding maintenance of existing facilities.


Play >> There was a discussion regarding ride share and scooters.


Play >> There was a request that the plan include language stating the alternate modes of transportation should be more reliable.  


Play >> A public comment was made by Jordan Christensen regarding reducing speeds in Vineyard.  


Play >>  There was a discussion regarding adding another priority project, to study the intersection at Mill Road and 400 N.


Play >>  MOTION: Chair Brady called for a motion. Tay Gudmundson made a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.


Play >>  MOTION: Chair Brady called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council will the conditions that; another priority project is added to study the intersection at Mill Road and 400 N, and that language is added to the plan about micro-mobility. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Chris Bramwell, and Anthony Jenkins. The motion passed unanimously.

 Motion to close: Tay. 2nd: Anthony





Play >>   Anthony Jenkins reported the BAC will be meeting tomorrow.


Play >>  Chair Brady requested that The Forge paperwork was provided to the Planning Commission a week before the meeting.    


Play >> Chair Brady requested an update on the Holdaway Farms project. 



7.            Play >>  ADJOURNMENT

Chair Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:39 pm.


Certified correct and approved on:  January 18, 2023


Certified by:   /s/ Rachel Stevens

                          Rachel Stevens, Planning Tech