Wednesday February 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Play >> Chris Bramwell gave an inspirational thought and led the pledge of allegiance and gave an invocation.
2. Play >> OPEN SESSION –
There were no public comments.
4.1 Play >> Conditional Use Permit – Vineyard Auto
Senior Planner Briam Perez presented the application submitted by Vineyard Auto for a conditional use permit and site plan to allow for Vehicle and Equipment Sale and Rental New or Used (Light) on the property.
The proposed conditions of approval included all work must be complete behind closed door, light poles shall be less than 20’ in height, site shall meet screening requirements, site shall meet bicycle requirements, no vehicle may be displayed in landscaping, and applicant must observe all ADA requirements.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked what the surrounding uses are and confirmed the zoning. Briam Perez showed the Vineyard zoning map. The zone to the west is regional agriculture and the zones to the north, east and south are in Orem.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked the applicant about the relationship between the property and Reality Auto. Kyle Spencer, the engineer, stated that they are working on improving and beautifying the site and the property owner can better answer Anthony Jenkins’ question. Morgan Brim stated that staff have been working with the property owner to come into compliance and obtain a conditional use permit.
Play >> Bryce Brady asked if there would be any fencing or walls. Kyle spencer said there are none planned. He said that work will be done behind closed doors to keep the noise under control.
Play >> MOTION: Bryce called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins restated the conditions. Anthony Jenkins moved to approve the site plan and conditional use permit. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> The property owner, Pedro, made a public comment and thanked the city staff for working with him.
4.2 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – Water Efficiency Standards
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to continue this item to March 1, 2023. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
4.3 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment
Senior Planner Briam Perez presented an application submitted by X- Development. This text amendment would modify Section 7.08 Development Standards to allow for parking in the setback area on lots with no building. It would also modify Section 7.12 District Use Table to allow for off-site residential parking lots.
Play >> Bryce Brady asked how much landscaping the site requires now. It requires a 10-foot buffer.
Play >> The applicant, Jason Bowl, presented the text amendment. The parking area would be connected to Edgewater development.
Play >> There was a discussion about how the parking lot will be accessed.
Play >> Craig Bown asked how the stormwater will be maintained. The applicant stated that this would be addressed during the site plan approval stage.
Play >> Chris Bramwell asked Jason Bowl how Edgewater came to an agreement with X-Development to build extra parking. Eric Towner with X-development stated that the Edgewater Homeowners Association approached them. Residents of Edgewater have been parking on X-developments property and this was a solution to the problem.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Russell Evans asked how many parking spaces are being proposed. Eric Towner said they had estimated 145 to 165 parking stalls.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to close the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Morgan Brim stated that staff is concerned about two walls surrounding a narrow space and creating a dangerous situation. He recommended adding a modification to the recommendation the Commission would make to City Council.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked about egress from the parking lot. Jason Bowl answered that it will be further studied in the design phase.
Play >> MOTION: Craig Bown moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council with the modification stated by staff. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
4.4 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Text Amendment
Senior Planner Briam Perez presented an application submitted by Hughes General Contractors. This text amendment would modify Section 15.12.050 District Use Table to allow clinical support housing to be eighty percent (80%) of the net square footage of a single building or development in the neighbor zoning commercial district. Clinical support housing is for those who experience development challenges and are generally teenagers and young adults.
Play >> Gary Tyler, representing the applicant, came to the podium. Bryce Brady asked why they are proposing the changes. Gary Tyler answered that the owner is not a developer with commercial connections. The current standard made the project impractical, and it was not financially feasible. He stated that the bottom floor will look like a commercial building and the proposed changes meet the intent of the ordinance.
Play >> Chris Bramwell asked if residents of the new building will share facilities with, such as a gym, with the existing building.
Play >> Bryce Brady asked if residents would work in the commercial areas on the first floor. Gary Tyler stated it is not intended for residents to have jobs on the first floor.
Play >> Craig Bown stated that project will serve a very specific population. He asked if 80% clinical support housing was enough to make the project feasible. Gary Tyler said that is it enough.
Play >> Briam Perez shared the proposed site plan.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked if the property were to switch owners would clinically support housing still be required. Morgan Brim said that it would have to be clinical support housing. Anthony Jenkins also asked about the placement of the building on the property and if it were possible to bring it closer to the street. Gary Tyler said there isn’t enough room because of property lines. Morgan Brim said they might be able to work out with something with Orem. Gary Tyler stated that the building would have to be redesigned due to fire access, grade difference, and property lines if it were to be repositioned on the property.
Play >> There was a discussion about this property being an entrance to Vineyard.
Play >> Bryce Brady asked question if the residents will own vehicles. They will not.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Chris Bramwell seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> Daria Evan asked how many residents the project will house and for clarification on how supervised the residents will be.
Play >> Russell Evans stated he supports this project.
Play >> Gary Tyler stated there will be 32 bedrooms split among 4 units. He stated residents are supervised but residents can walk out of the building. He stated that 1 unit will be under lockdown.
Play >> MOTION: Chris Bramwell moved to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Bryce Brady called for a motion. Anthony Jenkins asked if staff had any concerns about the proposal. Briam Perez stated no. Anthony Jenkins then moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously
4.5 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Utilities and Services
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins moved to continue this item to March 1, 2023. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
4.6 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING - Water Use and Preservation
Emily Kofoed and Briam Perez presented a new Water Use and Preservation element of the General Plan. The element plans for developing, delivering, and efficiently using our limited water resources. It was also stated the City needs to take planning actions in order to obtain more water rights.
Play >>Emily Kofoed presented four goals.
Play >> Chris Bramwell asked if developers are required to acquire water rights. Naseem Ghandour answered that Central Utah Water Conservancy District owns most of the water and Vineyard is seeking to buy rights from them. Developers are not required to purchase water rights.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked what data Vineyard had about water consumption. Briam stated that this element is a start and will be amended with more information and data in the future. is a start and will be filled in with data later.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson moved to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> Daria Evans stated that it seems impossible to get enough water for all the residents. She stated that to accomplish the goals outlined Vineyard should have less people. Emily Kofoed stated that several master plans are in progress to account for Vineyard’s growth.
Play >> Russel Evans stated he concurs with Daria Evans. He is concerned about future density and water usage.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins moved to close the public hearing. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked if we have data about water usage by each neighborhood Sullivan Love answered we do not have that data, but larger lots typically use more water and multifamily homes typically use the least water.
MOTION: Bryce Brady called for a motion. Chris Bramwell moved to make a positive recommendation to City Council. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Tay Gudmundson, Christopher Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.
Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm.
Certified correct on: March 1, 2023.
Certified by: _/s/Rachel Stevens _____________
Rachel Stevens, Planning Technician