Wednesday March 1, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Chair Brady opened the meeting at 6:00 pm. Craig Bown gave an invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.
2. Play >> OPEN SESSION –
There were no public comments.
4.1 Play >> Minor Site Plan Amendment
Briam Perez gave a presentation on the minor site plan for Lot 05 of Eastlake at Geneva. The building façade was constructed differently, and a different color scheme was used than was originally approved by the Planning Commission on February 17, 2021. The applicant is seeking to amend the site plan to reflect the existing elevation and color scheme. The staff recommendation is to approve the amendment with the following modification: the applicant shall add a parapet to the middle of the building and adjust the blue color.
Play >> The applicant Chris Kephart came to the podium to answer questions. Bryce Brady asked why the plan was changed. Christ Kephart stated that the tenant of the building, Nutricost, requested to paint the building their company colors. Bryce Brady asked why the roof caps were left off. Chris Kephart stated they were too expensive.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked if colors are generally included in the site plan and changing paint would require an update to the site plan. Morgan Brim stated that yes, it would require a site plan amendment.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins stated that he was concerned about the architectural differences in the building. Morgan Brim stated that staff was more concerned about architecture than building colors.
Play >> Brandon Jensen, with Nutricost the tenant of the building, made a comment that they would like to keep the blue accent color.
Play >> Craig Bown made a comment that the architecture is consistent with the style of the older buildings and that it may not be possible to change the shape of the wall. Brandon Jensen stated it may be possible to add elements of up to 3 to 4 feet above the parapet wall without major reconstruction.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked staff if they reviewed the paint change request. Morgan Brim stated there was an internal communication error.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked staff how it would be possible to catch major architectural differences earlier on in the process. Morgan Brim stated that planning staff will be more involved in the pre-construction meeting and perform midpoint inspections.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins stated that he is more concerned about setting precedence for future buildings and developers.
Play >> Bryce Brady stated he is concerned about the architecture features. He asked the applicant to come back to the Planning Commission with updated plans that make the building look equal to the original plan. Chris Kephart summarized potential changes.
Play >> Morgan Brim stated that there is a construction bond in place and the building can be occupied.
Play >> Brandon Jensen asked if the roof could be a different color other than brown.
Play >> Bryce Brady called for a motion. A discussion concerning the conditions ensued. Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to approve the minor site plan amendment with the condition the applicant roof caps, and awning are added, allowing for a gray color, and the new color scheme is approved. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Bryce Brady, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
4.2 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment – Water Efficiency Standards
Emily Kofoed presented proposed amendments to the Vineyard Zoning Code, Section 15.40 Landscaping regarding water efficiency standards. The purpose of these standards is to conserve the public’s water through requirements regarding the placement of turf. Play >> Emily summarized the proposed standards.
Play >> There was a discussion on the definition of single-family units and if the code will be enforceable.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to open the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Bryce Brady, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> Don Overson asked how this new ordinance will be enforced. Morgan Brim answered that a new position will be created to perform inspections. Naseem Ghandour stated the new single-family homes will be required to submit a landscaping plan that will require a final inspection.
Play >> Anthony Jenkins asked how the city will know if the water efficiency standards are successful. Emily Kofoed answered that we will track progress through data and goal monitoring.
Play >> Briam Perez showed the Planning Commission the final draft of the ordinance. Bryce Brady suggested adding language that would allow plants listed outside the Vineyard Tree and Landscape Manual. Staff stated that this power is granted to the City Engineer.
Play >> MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Bryce Brady, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to recommend approval of Ordinance 2023-12 as presented by staff also ensuring that City Council explores enforcement and public reporting and success measures. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Roll Call: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Bryce Brady, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
4.3 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Utilities and Services
MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to continue this item to March 15, 2023 with the condition that the public hearing notice is reposted. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Bryce Brady, and Graden Ostler. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Play >> ADJOURNMENT a
Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:38 pm.
Minutes Certified correct on: February 28, 2023
Certified BY: /s/ Rachel Stevens
Rachel Stevens, Planning Tech