Wednesday April 5, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
Anthony Jenkins led the pledge and gave an invocation.
2. Play >> OPEN SESSION –
There were no public comments.
4.1 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – Central Corridor Master Plan
Briam Amaya Perez presented a master plan which specifies the city’s intended use and programming for the approximately 80-acre open space area in the center of the city commonly known as the Corridor. Those uses include but are not limited to public open space, recreation, transportation options, economic development, and open space preservation. Additionally, this plan provides details for the proposed programming and future implementation.
Play >> Craig Bown asked what the viewing structure in the wetlands was. Briam Perez answered it is a board walk-out for viewing the wetlands.
Play >> Gammon Park highlights include a multiuse field, an all-together playground, pedestrians’ enhancements, and community center. Concerns from residents were addressed by providing a parking lot along Center Street, adding additional buffering and trees, and stating that existing healthy trees will be kept and unhealthy trees will be removed.
Play >> Highlights of the Fish Hook area include a skate park, playground, pump track, pickleball courts, slacklining, a parking lot expansion, and additional shading.
Play >> Additional changes throughout the Corridor Plan include additional shading, seating, and picnic areas.
Play >> Briam Perez showed images which will inspire the park plans.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
The following individuals came forward during the public hearing.
Play >> Nathan Newell expressed his appreciation for the City listening to residents. He asked what the intentions are for the recreation fields and if they will be rented out. He asked if each property owner will be consulted for landscaping and trees along Gammon Park.
Play >> Travis Irwin asked about lighting at Gammon Park. He also expressed excitement for the all abilities park.
Play >> Dave Robbins expressed thanks for all the work that has gone into the plan and that many of his concerns have been addressed. He is still concerned about the street parking along Center Street and reducing the speed limit.
Play >> Nathan Newell stated that he wants to have enough parking for all the amenities playground at Gammon Park.
Play >> Tim Blackburn handed out a copy of his proposed changes to the Planning Commission. See them attached in Appendix A. He expressed his appreciation for including the heritage and history of Vineyard in the corridor plan and would like to see more of that language written down.
Play >> Bryce asked staff for answers to questions asked by the public. Morgan Brim and Briam Perez answered the questions. The fields will be used by Vineyard Parks and Recreation department to fulfill their programs. The baseball field is approximately 80-90 feet away from the houses. The public works department will discuss with each resident whether they would like trees along their backyard. The baseball field will be used by small children. There will be no big lights. There may be lighting in the parking area, however, they will be down lit and no taller than 20 feet in height, and turned off at an appropriate time. Staff will work with a traffic consultant for designing street parking.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to open the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to forward a positive recommendation of the Central Corridor Plan as presented by staff and with the recommended amendments found in Appendix A to the City Council. Craig Bown seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, Tay Gudmundson, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
4.2 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment - Domestic Livestock and Fowl
Cache Hancey presented an ordinance which would provide greater allowance for domestic fowl in lots less than 1 acre and would permit a certain number of chickens based on lot size.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to open the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no public comments.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to close the public hearing. Craig Bown seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council. Craig Bown seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
4.3 Play >> PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Facilities and Services
Briam Amaya Perez presented a General Plan amendment to the Public Facilities and Services elements of the General Plan. This will update the goals and strategies of managing public facilities and services throughout the City.
Play >> Craig Bown asked where the budget has been increased from $100,000 to $300,000. Naseem Ghandour answered that most of the funding comes from the gas tax and some money come from storm water fees. Most of the money gets handed down to cities from the State.
Play >> The presentation continued. There was a discussion on how plans are implanted and how the public can provide input.
Play >> The presentation continued.
Play >> Craig asked if a timeline is attached to each goal. Briam Perez answered that a timeline can be found in the implementation plan.
Play >> MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to open the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
Play >> MOTION: Craig Bown made a motion to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Those voting aye: Craig Bown, Anthony Jenkins, and Bryce Brady. The motion passed unanimously.
Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.
Certified correct ON: April 19, 2023
CERTIFIED CORRECT BY: /s/ Rachel Stevens
Rachel Stevens, Planner
Appendix A