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Wednesday March 15, 2023, 6:00 p.m.


Planning Commissioners: Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Bryce Brady, Tay Gudmundson, Craig Bown, Graden Olson

Staff: Morgan Brim, Community Development Director; Briam Perez, Senior Planner; Emily Kofoed, Staff Engineer; Naseem Ghandour, Public Works Director; Rachel Stevens, Planning Technician; Brian Vawdrey, Park and Recreation

Others Present: Lar Anderson, Consor Engineering; Angela Trego, Wayne Holdaway, Brian Spencer, David Lauret, David Robbins, Tim Blackburn, Sherry Teschner, Nathan Newells, Tec Cameron, Jeff Thompson, Jack Holdaway, Christie Peterson, residents.



 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady called the gathering to order at 6:04 pm.


 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7 Tay Gundmundson led the pledge of allegiance and Bryce Brady offered an invocation.

2.  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  OPEN SESSION –

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady read a comment from Stephanie Lewis. It stated, “My name is Stephanie Lewis and my family and I live in Parkside. I take a special interest in the park plans that will be discussed because my backyard backs up to the wetlands. I appreciate all the time and effort that has gone into these plans. While they look promising from what we have been shown, we have concerns about the lack of detail on what will be or could be in the wetlands next to Grove Park. We have seen Vineyard City change plans with zoning at Clegg Farm, the Yard mixed apartments to bring in Top Golf and we see a pattern that could happen with the park once these vague plans are approved. We would like written into the plan details to help prevent changes after plans are approved. That would include no trees above 5 feet along the west side, to protect all of the homes who were promised and payed for a view. We would also like all lights to be downcast to reduce light pollution. We are passionate about only remediation and restoration of the wetlands south of the Park, to preserve what makes Vineyard so special. I express these concerns along with many other residents, and we strongly urge you to add these into final plans as you move forward.”

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady read a comment from Don Overson. It asked a question if the trail system will meet the requirements of a fire access.”

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady read a comment from Brian Vawdrey, Park and Recreation Director. It stated that the Park department would like additional storage facilities located at parks. He also requested that fields be made out of grass and not artificial turf.


3.1    March 1, 2023

There was a review of minutes, any action taken was not official.


4.1      12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7    PUBLIC HEARING – Central Corridor Master Plan

Briam Amaya Perez presented a master plan which will specify the city’s intended use and programming for the approximately 80-acre open space area in the center of the city commonly known as the Corridor.  Those uses include but are not limited to public open space, recreation, transportation options, economic development, and open space preservation. Additionally, this plan provides details for the proposed programming and future implementation.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Briam Perez presented the background of the project and the planning process which included public participation, an online survey, and a steering committee.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Project highlights of the north section of the Corridor include a dog park, walking trails, pickleball courts, and an expanded parking lot.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Gammon Park project highlights include a community center, Center Street cross walks, a community garden, an all-abilities playground, tennis courts, recreational fields, and bathrooms.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7   Morgan Brim shared various options for parking for accessing Gammon Park.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Project highlights of the fishhook section of the corridor include an arboretum, skate park, asphalt pump track, 4 pickleball courts, slacklining, hammocking, a playground, and a parking lot expansion to City Hall.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion on the proposed fire access into the Meadows neighborhood.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Briam Perez summarized the contents of the Corridor Plan. It includes a comprehensive strategy, recommendations for future developments, the wants and needs of residents, and overall improvements.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  The presentation also included images of inspiration for the heritage community and other park facilities.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady asked what happened with the hill in Grove Park. Briam Perez answered that at this time there is no funding for the hill and it will be brought back to the Commission at a later date.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady asked what the community center is? Briam Perez answered that it is not a rec center but may include amenities such as basketball courts, education, meetings, emergency meeting point, and an indoor running trail.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady asked for additional details on the wetllands. Lars Anderson stated that the Army Corps does not allow for any fill in wetlands. They do allow for trails and adjusting or maintaining vegetation. It was also stated that the Vineyard Tree Committee will select for trees in the wetlands.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion about the meadows neighborhood parking and how to prevent people from parking in the neighborhood to access the park. Morgan Brim stated that this can be managed through signage, programming, and adding priority parking.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion on the placement of the community garden and playground.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion on reverse street parking. The speed would need to be reduced to 15 miles per hour for this to work.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7 Bryce Brady suggested that there should not be a second trail in Gammon Park to allow more field space.

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion on the trail and tennis courts in Gammon Park.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Anthony Jenkins asked if there would be a baseball field. Morgan Brim stated that the plan is to utilize the existing fields in Orem. Brian Vawdrey answered that they would like to see a multipurpose baseball field.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  There was a discussion about lights. Briam Perez stated that there will not be any lights on the field and all other lighting will follow city code, which means they will be less than twenty feet and downcast.

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7 Anthony Jenkins asked if the trail will connect to Holdaway Road from city center? Morgan Brim answered yes, but the trail will not continue along peoples back yards.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Craig Bown asked what the steps of implementation are. Briam Perez answered that each phase will go through a site plan process. The plan wil be used as a guide.

   12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Public comment:

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Angela Trego asked to drop tree heights to 10-12 feet and for remediation only in the wetlands. She asked the trails to be forty feet away from the homes and to minimize lighting.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Wayne Holdaway stated that parking should be as close as possible to amenities.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Brian Spencer stated he like the plan overall. He wondered if the city should consider replacing the community center with a rec center. He stated that parking should be closer to playground in the fishhook.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  David Lauret thanked staff for moving the parking lot and stated he supports a parking lot in the center of Gammon Park. He expressed that the City should keep the softball field.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  David Robbins thanked the city for keeping donated land open space. He stated that heritage should be kept as part of Gammon Park. He stated he did not like on-street parking.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Tim Blackburn said thank you and like accessible playground. He gave ideas for other ways the community center could be used.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Sherry Teschner stated she wanted to keep Holdaway road quiet. She asked several questions concerning baseball fields, trees, trails, and other amenities. She stated that safety is a major concern.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Nathan Newall stated that citizens had been listed too. He stated he is also concerned about safety and easements in parks. He supported placing a park in the center of Gammon Park.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Ted Cameron stated that he is in favor of putting a larger buffer on trails. He would like to see the hill in Grove Park removed or adjusted. He also stated that the lights should be turned off at ten pm.

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7   Jeff Thompson said he like the corridor plan but is concerned about parking and traffic on Holdaway road. He suggested dedicating the features of the park to important people in Vineyard.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Jack Holdaway stated that the speed limit should be better enforced on Holdaway Road and to adjust parking in Gammon Park.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Christie Peterson stated that views should be protected and the wetlands should be taken care of.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Sherry Teschner stated that safety and trespassing is a major concern.

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7   David Robbins suggested adding a trail from Lakeside to Gammon Park.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Bryce Brady asked how we can ensure details. Staff stated that the Planning Commission can add conditions of approval. The ARCH committee will also review site plans for parks. Morgan Brim stated that changes will be made to the plan before the next Planning Commission meeting.

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7 Bryce Bready summarized changes that the Planning Commission would like to see. 


4.2     12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment - Domestic Livestock and Fowl

 12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Morgan Brim gave an overview of the proposed text amendment.  

There was a comment from the crowd to not allow roosters.

  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  Chris asked what would happen if there is a conflict between HOA. Staff stated that the HOA would be in charge of enforcing their rule. 

4.3    PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Public Utilities and Services

This was not discussed.


5.1    There were no work sessions.


6.1    There are no training sessions scheduled.


1.      Rachel Stevens and Morgan Brim gave an update on upcoming trainings.

8.  12FC3F62-1AF8-4c04-84DB-4D37D5474FF7  ADJOURNMENT

Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 8:01 pm.