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Vineyard City Council Chambers

125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah

Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 6:00 p.m.



Planning commissioners: Bryce Brady, Brad Fagg, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, and Nathan Steele.


Staff present: Patrick James, Staff Engineer; Naseem Ghandour, Public Works Director; Anthony Jenkins, Cache Hancey, Planners; Morgan Brim, Community Development Director







   Bryce Brady offered an invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.

2.             Play >>  OPEN SESSION -

2.1    Commissioner Bryce Brady allowed for public comments. Resident Daria Evans referred to Page 16 of the agenda packet CH6 – Consultant & RDA for Multi-family and requested clarification on the work session (i.e., Item 5 of the agenda). Commissioner Brady responded to have all other concerns addressed appropriately during the time of the agenda item discussion.

3.             Play >>   Minutes Approval –

3.1    October 4, 2023

3.2    October 18, 2023

3.3    November 1, 2023 – Commissioner Tay Gudmundson’s last name is misspelled throughout the minutes. “Gudmundson” has been requested to be corrected.  -

3.4    November 15, 2023

Motion – Commissioner Tay Gudmundson made a motion to approve the minutes with the proposed condition to correct the misspelling of “Gudmundson” throughout the November 1, 2023, draft minutes.

Motion Seconded by – Commissioner Chris Bramwell.


4.              Play >>  BUSINESS ITEMS

4.1    Appoint a Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair

Planner Cache Hancey highlighted the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Planning Commission, including their new role as a member of the DRC.

Discussion ensued among commissioners as they nominated the Chair and Vice Chair.


Commissioners requested staff to update the website to show the status members (i.e., regular or alternates).

Motion – Commissioner Chris Bramwell proposed a motion to appoint Commissioner Tay Gudmundson as Chair and Commissioner Bryce Brady as Vice-chair of the Planning Commission.

Motion Seconded by Commissioner Nathan Steele

5.             Play >>   WORK SESSION

5.1    Moderate Income Housing – General Plan

Planner Cache Hancey presented an update on the Moderate-Income Housing Report. He led a discussion reviewing current strategies and gather feedback on changes that need to be made to the General Plan relating to moderate-income housing. The Strategies include: Impact fees, adopt a station area plan (process ongoing), zone or rezone for higher density, create or allow for, and reduce regulations related to internal or detached accessory dwelling units in residential zones, amend land use regulations to eliminate or reduce parking requirements for residential developments and create a housing and transit reinvestment zone (HTRZ).

Discussion ensued about the strategies presented. The Planning Commission was not required to take any formal action.



6.              Play >>   TRAINING SESSION

6.1    Training on Open and Meetings Act and Code Enforcement

City Attorney Jayme Blakesly provided training for the Planning Commissions on Utah open and public meetings and code enforcement. The training on open and public meeting act is a requirement for all commissioners. Jayme explained what the public entails all the rules, violations, and requirements for all public meetings and how it relates to the Planning Commission.


 Play >> Planning Commissioners were trained on the Land Use Development and Management Act (LUDMA) and how it relates to the Planning Commission and its operations. City Attorney, Jayme Blakesly further explained how the LUDMA also affects Code enforcement. Constitutional challenges were also explained during the presentation. Challenges to legislation and administrative actions were discussed for efficiency.


  Play >>   Code Enforcement training and discussions.

The PC does not play an active role in Code Enforcement. The PC can only be involved under special conditions such as Criminal, Civil abatement, Nuisance abatement, and violation.

Discussions ensued about the possible ways of enforcing the landscaping for private property, now that SB174 has been enacted.




7.1    Planner Cache Hancey reported on the Bronze level designation award from the League of American Bicyclists.

7.2    Community Development Director, Morgan Brim shared updates to schedule and incoming conferences and agenda items for the next planning commission meeting.

         The City Council has expressed interest in scheduling a special session meeting on February 21st. This means the regularly scheduled planning commission meeting will be canceled on that day to accommodate the City Council special session meeting.

         Vineyard Beach update presentation by Planner Anthony Fletcher– March 6th Planning Commission

         Announcement of conferences Planning Commissioners could participate in;

         APA conference in Cedar City registration is ongoing for the event in May.

         Connected Community Summit

8.            Play >>   ADJOURNMENT

Commissioner Bryce Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:06 pm.





CERTIFIED BY:   /s/ Anthony Fletcher                                 

                                  Anthony Fletcher, Planner