Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Vineyard
Planning Commission Meeting
Vineyard City Council Chambers
125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah
April 3, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Planning Commissioners: Tay Gudmundson, Chair; Graden Ostler,
Christopher Bramwell, Commissioners.
Staff: Cache Hancey, Anthony Fletcher, Planners; Morgan Brim; Community Development Director; Patrick James, Staff Engineer; Naseem Ghandour, Public Works Director.
Others Present: Daria Evans, Resident; Bronson Tatton, Flagborough; Kyle Spencer Northern Engineering; Jacob Wood, Resident.
1. Play >> Call to Order/Invocation/Inspirational Thought/Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Tay Gudmundson lead the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:01pm.
2. Public Comments
Play >> Daria Evans brought up concerns with sand volleyball courts and feral animals.
Community Development Director Morgan Brim referenced Brian, a connection, he could set her up with that and assured her that there would be maintenance.
3. Business Items
3.1 Vineyard Beach Park Improvement Site Plan
Play >> Planner Anthony Fletcher presented the site plan for the Vineyard Beach Park. He recognized the previous introduction and presented the project on a map. He provided visual aids to give insight to the project as well as the site plan for the Vineyard Beach Park Improvement Site plan. Other related projects and areas were discussed as well including the Green Loop. The amenities and safety measures included in this project were introduced. Planner Fletcher discussed the timeline of this project: Phase One A represented to removal and site preparation hoped to start late this spring. Phase One B is intended to demolition and preparation for construction. Phase Two was introduced to be for installation of foundational components and site structures. He noted that the lake road would hopefully be completed by Phase Three. And Phase Four and Five are represented on the Wetland scope which is contingent on the first three phases. These include the amenities for the beach and water. He presented a video for the beach site. Planner Fletcher recommended a site plan approval.
Play >> Mr. Brim commented that this approves the update plan and is more realistic than the plans previously informed. He shared that the army corps, permitting, wetland analysis, and habitat restoration plan would be included in this process. It will take longer. Mr. Brim noted that this approval would allow us to degrade and get the trail in place. The planning department will be coming back for a more detailed site plan, but this will allow the city to move forward with the larger items.
Play >> Commissioner Christopher Bramwell asked if there are considerations for separate traffic types of the trail users.
Play >> Mr. Brim responded in saying the public noted that they would appreciate a wider path. He included that the path with be 15 ft and there would be dual-direction bike lanes and a 5 ft running lane. There will be parallel trails to spread out the traffic. Safety is considered in the design.
Play >> Commissioner Bramwell commented that he feels that this could be a very unique experience for users and wanted to know about the landscaping.
Play >> Bronson Tatton, a developer with Flagborough noted that he is selecting the trees that are desired in the city. He addressed that they do not have a current selection but will narrow it down over time.
Play >> Mr. Brim added that the intention is for seasonal landscaping to help people get out and have great views to draw people in.
Mr. Tatton also noted that there will be fire pits as well.
Play >> Commissioner Graden Ostler asked when the water will be blue.
Mr. Brim responded in saying that part of the plan will include a sand saver wall or some kind of technology that will provide opportunity to dredge out and make it more user friendly. He mentioned that the planners may test a smaller portion before doing the whole capital project.
Play >> Resident Jacob Wood asked about the rebuild of the lakefront road and if the planners except people to take that road.
Mr. Brim noted that this lake road will provide really good regional connection. He discusses some of these connections with existing roads.
Play >> Chair Gudmundson commented that she felt it refreshing to see consistent progress on this process.
4. Staff, Commission, and Committee Reports
Play >> Mr. Brim gave an update about the Mill Road Grant. He shared the motive is to make it safer. Traffic lanes will not be removed, just new infrastructure for other modes of transportation and slowing the roads down to make it safer. Concepts will be put together.
Resident Daria Evens asked about how much the grant was for. Planner Fletcher responded in saying $120,000.
5. Adjournment
Play >> The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.
Minutes Approved On: 8/21/2024
Certified Correct By:
Madison Reed, Planner Technician