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City Council Chambers

125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah

Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown.

Staff Present: Briam Perez and Chace Hancey, Planners; Morgan Brim, Community Development Director; Emily Kofoed, Staff Engineer; Naseem Ghandour, City Engineer; and Rachel Stevens, Minutes Secretary.  

Others Present: Eric Towner and Karla Mata, X-Development; Chris Kephart, MS Properties.





Bryce Brady called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. Tim Blackburn gave an invocation.

2.                     Play >>   OPEN SESSION

There were no public comments.

3.                     Play >>  MINUTES REVIEW AND APPROVAL

3.1    October 26, 2022 – Joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting.

3.2    November 2, 2022

3.3    November 16, 2022

Motion: Anthony Jenkins made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from October 26, November 2, and November 16, 2022. Tim Blackburn seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously

4.                    BUSINESS ITEMS

4.1      Play >>  East Lake at Geneva Industrial Park –Site Plan Amendment

Planner Briam Perez gave a presentation regarding the site plan amendment.

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning clarifying the zoning code.

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning if the site plan is allowed and further research needed.

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning the conditions of approval.

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning landscaping along 1750 N road.  

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning alignment of the Lindon heritage trail. 

  Play >>  There was a discussion concerning the building materials.

 Play >>  Motion: Tim Blackburn made a motion to continue East Lake at Geneva Industrial Park Site Plan Amendment to January 4th, 2023. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously


4.2      Play >>  Conditional Use Permit – Building O, The Yard

Planner Briam Perez gave a presentation about adding a drive through to Building O in the Yard Subdivision.  

 Play >>  Karla Mata, with X- Development, came forward and answered questions from the Planning Commission. There was a discussion concerning the existing drive-throughs in the yard.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning providing an updated master plan of The Yard Subdivision.

 Play >>  Motion: Anthony Jenkins moved to approve the conditional use permit with the conditions as outlined in the staff report. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously


4.3     Play >>   PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Text Amendment - Public Noticing

Motion: Tim Blackburn made a motion to open the public hearing for the zoning text amendment. Tay Gudmundson seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.

 Play >> Planner Cache Hancey presented the city-initiated zoning text amendment.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning whether people read notices in the newspaper and the value of posting a notice in the newspaper.

There was discussion concerning different methods of noticing and how to reach a larger audience.

 Play >> There was a discussion concerning how the notices are retained.

 Play >>  There were no public comments made.

 Play >>  Motion: Tim Blackburn made a motion to close the public. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gundmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously

 Play >>  Motion: Chris Bramwell made a motion to continue the zoning text amendment to January 4th, 2023. Tay Gundmundson seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously


4.4     Play >>  PUBLIC HEARING – General Plan Amendment – Active Transportation Plan

 Play >>  Motion: Tay Gudmundson made a motion to continue the general plan amendment to January 4th, 2023. Anthony Jenkins seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Those voting aye: Bryce Brady, Anthony Jenkins, Chris Bramwell, Tay Gudmundson, Tim Blackburn, and Craig Bown. The motion passed unanimously.


5.                    WORK SESSION

5.1      Play >>  Multifamily Mixed-Use Building, The Yard - Work Session

Planner Briam Perez introduced the project.

 Play >>  Eric Towner, with X Development, presented a scope of work and site plan on a multi-family mixed and asked the Planning Commission for feedback.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning reverse angle parking along 400 North Street.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning the rail spur removal.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning putting a traffic signal and pedestrian crossing at the intersection of 400 N and Mill Road.  

 Play >>  Eric Towner continued the presentation.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning artwork on the proposed building.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning landscaping and a multiuse path along Geneva Road.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning recreation amenities and a fire lane.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning what type of retail that will be located in the building.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning the short-term rental aspect of the building.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning parking.

 Play >>  Eric Towner asked for feedback about the proposed architecture and site plan.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning murals on the buildings.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning building amenities.

 Play >>  There was a discussion concerning the timing of construction.

6.                       Play >>    TRAINING SESSION

6.1    The Utah Land Use Institute Book


 Play >> There was a discussion about the Christmas tree lighting. 

 Play >> Several members and staff thanked Tim Blackburn for his service on the Planning Commission. 

 Play >>  There was a discussion about installing a USPS drop box in Vineyard.

 Play >>  There was a discussion regarding adding a parking plan to the zoning code.

8.                    ADJOURNMENT

 Play >>  Chair Brady adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.


Certified correct and approved on:  January 18, 2023


NOTICED BY:   /s/ Rachel Stevens

                          Rachel Stevens, Planning Tech