Minutes of a Regular
Planning Commission Meeting

Vineyard City Council Chambers

125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah

October 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM









COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Bryce Brady (acting as chair); Nathan Steele; Graden Ostler; Natalie Harbin (arrived late).


STAFF PRESENT: Cache Hancey, Senior Planner; Morgan Brim, Community Development Director; Naseem Ghandour (arrived late), Public Works Director and City Engineer; and Madison Reed, Planning Technician.


OTHERS PRESENT: Resident Daria Evans.





1.          Play >> Call to Order/Invocation/Inspirational Thought/Pledge of Allegiance


Vice-Chair Bryce Brady called to order at 6:01pm. Planning Commissioner Nathan Steele led an invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.  Play >>  Public Comments PC


No public comments were made.


3. Consent Items


3.1. There are no consent items.



4.  Play >>  Business Items


4.2.  Play >>  Rezone and Zoning Text Amendment of the 145 s Geneva Road property (Resolved)


This item has been resolved as the applicant withdrew their application. There was no public hearing.


5.  Play >>  Work Session


5.1.  Play >>  2024 Zoning Text Amendment Overhaul


 Play >>  Senior Planner Cache Hancey provided a presentation for the Zoning Text Amendment and provided a background of the whole project.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey discussed the District Use Table with background. He noted the suggested changes: Check casing- Conditional use in the Regional Commercial Zone, and Mobile Food Court- Conditional in the Regional Mixed-Use Zone. He explained where and what the Regional Commercial Zone and the Regional Mixed-Use Zone.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey also included Allowed Temporary Uses and Development Standards. He noted that temporary uses are those established for a maximum of 60 days. The changes Senior Planner Hancey included were: exemption for shaved ice and farmer’s markets (allowed from April 1-October 31), requires parking standards, and requires restoration of property after 24 hours of permit expiration.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele noted that these are very specific, and he recommends language that can be a bit more vague and seasonal. He recommended something like a mobile food vendor. Vice-chair Brady added seasonal language to that suggestion.


Senior Planner Hancey provided more information on the changes.


 Play >> Planning Commissioner Graden Ostler requested clarification. Commissioner Steele noted this is when someone pulls a permit for a special event or a temporary use. Senior Planner Hancey provided an example for understanding. Senior Planner Hancey noted that this is for a temporary use City wide.


 Play >> Commissioner Ostler clarified anywhere.


Senior Planner Hancey noted the timeline and where the exemptions would come in.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele asked why this is being brought up. He discussed that these businesses are running without being regulated. The intent was to create standards.


Commissioner Steele noted that it makes sense to him, but the restoration after 24 hours may not be reasonable especially for improved parking surfaces.  


 Play >> Planning Commissioner Natalie Harbin entered at 6:10pm.


Vice-Chair Brady discussed the permanent dirt lot by 1600 N. He asked about the meaning of dustless.


Senior Planner Hancey responded in saying the language they have written: “such as gravel or asphalt”.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele commented that the cleanup timeline is a bit strict. Senior Planner Hancey made a recommendation of language.


Community Development Director Morgan Brim asked if this time period was standard.


Senior Planner Hancey said yes.


Scale for a deposit or bond was discussed.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey noted that if someone trashed it, that Vineyard could follow with the code enforcement measures.


Director Brim initiated conversation on temporary uses and drive-thrus.


 Play >>  Discussion about bonds and finances for them ensued.


Vice-Chair Brady asked if it was 60 days consecutive or 60 days in a year.


Senior Planner Hancey said 60 days in a calendar year.


Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour entered at 6:16pm.


Timeline specifics were discussed. Language suggestions were made.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele added language about dust control rather than dust-less.


Vice-Chair Brady conversated with Planning Commissioner Natalie Harbin to catch her up to speed. Senior Planner Hancey provided information.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey moved to Temporary Use Supplementary Standards. He added that they are development standards for specific uses. Senior Planner Hancey added that they are looking to require a site plan that is administratively approved and be a part of the temporary use permit. The changes included were: site plan required with application for farmers markets and firework stands (administrative approval), and maybe carnivals. He discussed the farmers markets, firework stands, and carnivals.


Commissioner Steele said that anything at grove park is not included in this definition because it’s a public park.


Senior Planner Hancey responded in saying yes and providing examples


  Play >>  Commissioner Harbin asked if this could be retroactively amended because of the minimal amount of land.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that this could be why we create standards. He noted that we could hone in on a specific type of carnival.


 Play >>  Vice-Chair Brady asked if they would have to get an events permit even if it was on private property.


Senior Planner Hancey affirmed. He added that at that point they would go through the review point.


Director Brim clarified that some of them do not require them.


Vice-Chair Brady asked if it was when it was under a certain number of people.


 Play >> Director Brim provided an example.


Senior Planner Hancey suggested a note.


Director Brim noted that if it requires traffic control or impeded public right of way then it could call for a permit.


Vice-Chair Brady added that defining things could get messy.


Senior Planner Hancey added that it could be divided by events with impact.


Commissioner Steele noted to have a catch all. He asked if we had definitions for all of those words: farmers marker, carnival, and fireworks stands.


Senior Planner Hancey noticed that he would check on that.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey introduced Temporary Use Exemptions. He described these as uses that may be temporary but do not require a permit. He highlighted changes regarding garage and yard sales.


Commissioner Steele noted his opinion on yard sale signs. Senior Planner Hancey noted that this is in sign code but that he could add something in this section as well.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey moved to the home occupations section. He defined it as a secondary use of a home and added the changes made. These included definitions, aggregate impact for multiple licenses, group instruction, noncompliance, and multifamily parking requirements. He discussed noncompliance with medical practitioners and animal healthcare; however, telehealth is different because it is non-impact.


There were no comments on this.


  Play >>  Drive thru facilities were the next section. Senior Planner Hancey included the changes: queuing lanes can not be located near the primary pedestrian entrance, requires a traffic impact study for every new drive-thru, and no longer allows drive-thrus to be permitted in front of a building.


Commissioner Steele asked if this would be applicable to every zoning district.


Senior Planner Hancey said yes, it would be city wide.


Commissioner Steele asked about a recent discussion about a drive-thru.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that they are requiring a traffic impact study for that project and that he would check and make sure it is not conflicting.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele noted the language on the paper Senior Planner Hancey provided. He commented that it should be clear and consistent throughout the code.


Director Brim agreed.


Vice-Chair Brady also agrees. He asked what we are defining as the front.


Senior Planner Hancey noted the front facade and acknowledged the difficulty. He added that they will look into that more and put together a definition.  


 Play >>  Director Ghandour commented on the traffic impact study to provide language for clarity and variety.


Commissioner Steele noted that his concern is he does not want to create any unnecessary burdens and that a new study would be needed for further development.


Director Ghandour gave another example.


Commissioner Steele suggested language for certain scenarios.


Director Brim used a current drive-thru for example.


Commissioner Steele summarized the discussion that calls for an analysis from a traffic engineer. He recommended to not have overly vague language.


Senior Planner Hancey provided examples of processes.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey added Check Cashing and Other Services. The changes included development standards for separation requirements, limit quantity based on population, and included definitions.  


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey moved to the mobile food court. This included changes in development standards for site plans with bathrooms, parking, trash, etc. and no drive-thrus. Other changes included requirements for conditional use permits and included definitions.


Vice-Chair Brady noted that if they came with a plan a drive-thru could be fine.


Director Brim discussed the requirements for the drive-thrus that vendors might try to bypass.  


Senior Planner Hancey discussed other requirements that we do not want to be bypassed.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele noted to not say no drive-thrus but to hold them to the standards because they can be very successful.


Director Brim noted that it could be added as a temporary use and provided language.


Vice-Chair Brady added that it should held to consistent standards.


Senior Planner Hancey asked if there was something they wanted to see in terms of standards?


Director Brim added that they had a want to provide a mobile food court by the beach. He suggested a parking analysis and added that it would be hard to have a blanket parking requirement.


Commissioner Steele noted that the discussion about this could take a long time. He stressed that he wants to structure it correctly.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey noted that we want feedback from successful ones and the perspective of food trucks.


Vice-Chair Brady noted a suggestion for spaces provided by the city at parks for food trucks.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that there have been conversations initiated to help this motivation.


Commissioner Steele brought up a successful example.


Vice-Chair Brady noted that we should look into it being in both public and private spaces.


Senior Planner Hancey added that Vineyard is re-examining the policy to see what Vineyard can do.


Play >> Commissioner Steele noticed that because of its seasonal use the infrastructure needed is good at a public place.


Vice-Chair Brady suggested to not limit ourselves with the public space.


Director Ghandour commented on infrastructure feasibility.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey moved to short term rentals. He discussed the suggested changes including allows for rentals less than 30 days, requires license held by owner, establishes enforcement language, no duplex rentals allowed, and records management required.


Senior Planner Hancey discussed the license types even further, introduced in 2 different types. Type 1 is for single family homes where there would be a parking requirement of 5+ parking stalls. They would have a maximum number of guests. In this type, you can not have an Accessory Dwelling Unit and a Short term Rental. Additionally, there would only be 1 license issued per 50 homes in a neighborhood.


Vice-Chair Brady asked how much it would cost to get a license.


Senior Planner Hancey answered in saying that they have not determined a price.


Vice-Chair Brady asked if you really did not want one in your neighborhood then you can just apply.


 Play >> Director Brim added that we would have to analyze the financial state for the cost.


Commissioner Ostler noted his experience with his Accessory Dwelling Unit.


Vice-chair Brady recalled this conversation from a while back.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that someone could apply for a license, but it would not be issued until it met the requirements.


Vice-Chair Brady noted that the question of should they be allowed has been brought up in the past.


 Play >>  Director Brim added where the city could see an economic benefit. He also discussed a third type that was not included in this presentation.


Commissioner Harbin asked about the economics behind it especially with the Olympics in the coming years.


Senior Planner Hancey added that we can not get that benefit right now. And enforcement is difficult and takes a lot of time.


Director Brim added some economics and lifestyle of the third type.


 Play >> Senior Planner Hancey noted that this could fit in the type 2. He briefed what this type addresses: multifamily housing, requires a conditional use permit, requires on-site management, limited to 5% of units within development, and maximum number of guests.


Commissioner Ostler asked about the owner occupancy.


Senior Planner Hancey said this would not require that. That would be a type 1. He mentioned that Vineyard prefers to keep it as housing stock. He discussed housing affordability.


Director Brim noted that it cuts into rental stock.


Vice-chair Brady asked about the owner occupancy with one license.


Senior Planner Hancey asked for clarification.


Vice-chair Brady added some can rent out a room. He noted his experience.  


Senior Planner Hancey acknowledged the documentation records.


Commissioner Steele noted it can get messy asking for documentation.


Vice-chair Brady added the issue with variation.


Director Brim said it was unenforceable.


Commissioner Harbin asked who was enforcing it.


 Play >> Senior Planner Hancey discussed enforcement options.


Commissioner Harbin noted that it is already a problem and that something needs to be put in place.


Director Brim discussed the code enforcement process.


Senior Planner Hancey added the 3-strike situation in code enforcement.


Senior Planner Hancey noted his email could be a source for feedback for this text amendment as well.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele discussed enforcement language.


Director Brim noted that the standard may be time limited. He suggested discussing it with Jaime (the city attorney).


Vice-chair Brady asked what happens if they continue after their 3 strikes.


Senior Planner Hancey noted code enforcement in action.


Commissioner Harbin clarified that we should respond to concerns by recommending reports.


Senior Planner Hancey said yes and noted how and what could be used as evidence for catching things.


Commissioner Steele provided his experience with legality.


Discussion ensued.


Director Brim emphasized to recommend reports.


Discussion ensued about report options and how it is being used currently.


 Play >>  Commissioner Steele commented on recommended changes and suggested to stay out of the messy documentation and limits for numbers.


Director Brim added an experience he had.


Vice-chair Brady suggested that limiting it may help the honesty of the system as a whole.


Senior Planner Hancey noted we could base it off bedrooms.


Director Brim commented on how his experience with short term rentals found their numbers for requirements. He discussed the reality of code enforcement.


Vice-Chair Brady suggested having it as informational.


Play >>  Commissioner Steele clarified that the limitation on an Accessory Dwelling Unit or a short term rental is to not reduce our housing stock.


Senior Planner Hancey said yes.


Director Brim noted that Vineyard gets in trouble with the state.


Senior Planner Hancey clarified that its an ADU license or a short term rental.


Director Brim provided details on why.


Play >> Commissioner Steele clarified that each community could have 2 short term rentals plus one for every 50 homes. He asked what the definition was for community.


Discussion about bundles for number limits ensued.


 Play >>  Commissioner Stele discussed type 2 licenses and appreciated resort-based developments.


Director Brim noted we could make a third type for something like that.


Commissioner Steele questioned how to track the number of guests.


 Play >>  Director Brim retouched on the room discussion and what they would rent out.


Discussion ensued about the number of guest allocation and intention of short term rentals.


 Play >>  Vice-chair Brady asked about onsite management and owner occupancy.


Senior Planner Hancey noted what language we could add for flexibility.


Discussion about housing stock and affordability ensued.


 Play >>  Commissioner Ostler asked about the benefit of requiring an owner living within 25 miles.


Discussion ensued about management practices.


Senior Planner Hancey added a suggestion for management or onsite property management.


Vice-chair Brady commented on type 2 to require a parking pass.


Senior Planner Hancey asked if dedicated parking stalls would be sufficient?


Discussion ensued about parking for type 1 and type 2.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey moved to the next section of parking. The highlighted changes included: screening language added to be consistent with other sections and the remainder of the chapter be reviewed by the consultant.


 Play >>  Landscaping was a section addressed by Senior Planner Hancey. These changes included: removed outdated language and included a definition of “weed”.


 Play >>  Definitions were a section addressed. Senior Planner Hancey included check cashing and other credit services, weed, and mobile food court in the changes.


Commissioner Steele asked if there is a definitions for mobile food vendors.


Senior Planner Hancey said no.


Director Brim added that we can do a major definition addition.


Commissioner Brim asked about the hammer/ gable.   


Senior Planner Hancey noted that he is always open to feedback.


Resident Daria Evans was prompted for her questions.


 Play >> Ms. Evans asked for clarification on the Regional Commercial zone.


Senior Planner Hancey presented those sections on a map.


Ms. Evans asked about medical practitioners and if that included massage.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that massage was not included and that we will tighten up the definition.


 Play >>  Ms. Evans asked about farmers markets and arts and crafts festivals and if it would be allowed in Utah city.


Director Brim said yes.


Vice-chair Brady added that the discussion was about private spaces.


Ms. Evans asked about mobile food courts and her experience with them.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that is what these standards are for.


Commissioner Steele noted that the intent was to be more defined.


 Play >>  Ms. Evans asked about type 2 parking for short term rentals.


Senior Planner Hancey clarified that a townhome or condo would not work unless they could have onsite management.  


Play >>  Ms. Evans voiced a concern about check cashing. She asked if there are businesses wanting to come to Vineyard?


Senior Planner Hancey noted that we are planning for the future to protect ourselves.


Play >> Ms. Evans asked about a dry cleaner.


Senior Planner Hancey said he is always open to suggestions.


 Play >> Commissioner Steele asked about state laws on HOA and short term rentals.


Senior Planner Hancey made a note to look into that.


Discussion ensued.


6.   Play >>  Staff, Commission, and Committee Reports


6.4. Property Rights Training


Senior Planner Hancey explained the training that will be coming in January.


Planning Technician Madison Reed noted that the date is still being decided but wanted to notice the commissioners.


Senior Planner Hancey noted that the calendar will be coming up.


Director Brim noted that it was national planner month. He asked if there was anything positive that could be recommended to notice.


 Play >>  Senior Planner Hancey gave updates on APA conference. He highlighted Planner Anthony Fletcher contributions, parking, and planning for kids and teens. He briefed Commissioner Harbin on conferences.


Planning Technician Reed discussed getting emails for the planning commissioners.


 Play >> Director Ghandour appreciated Staff Engineer Patrick James. He also provided an update on the transportation master plan. Director Ghandour also provided an update the review process of the standards and specifications for infrastructure. He added that the streets team grinded out the street to make it smoother by the lake.


7.   Play >>  Adjournment


 Play >>  The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.

minutes certified COMPLETE ON: November 6th, 2024


Madison Reed, Planning Technician

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