MINUTES of a Work Session OF THE
City Council Chambers
125 South Main Street, Vineyard, Utah
November 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Present Absent
Chair Bryce Brady Commissioner Bradley Fagg
Commissioner Steve Anderson Commissioner Tay Gudmundson
Commissioner Christopher Bramwell
Commissioner Graden Ostler
Staff Present: City Attorney Jayme Blakesley, Lieutenant Holden Rockwell with the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Community Development Director Morgan Brim, Planners Cache Hancey and Anthony Fletcher, Public Works Director Naseem Ghandour, Staff Engineer Patrick James, Environmental Utilities Manager Sullivan Love.
Others speaking: Steve Borup with Dakota Pacific; residents Daria Evans, Tim Heaton, Sara Cameron, Jacob Holdaway, Chip Price, and David Lauret; Bronson Tatton and Pete Evans with Flagborough/Anderson Geneva
Play >> Chair Bryce Brady opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. Commissioner Christopher Bramwell led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.
2.1 Zoning Text Amendment – Medical and Commercial Uses
The addition of Medical and Commercial uses is proposed for the Flex Office Industry (FOI), Industrial Zone (I-1), Regional Commercial (RC), and Downtown Vineyard – Town Center (TC) Districts. The sections of the Zoning Code under consideration would include:
· VZC15.12.050 District Use Table
· Special Purpose Zoning District 3 – Downtown Vineyard (Town Center)
Play >> Community Development Director Morgan Brim reviewed the proposed code changes.
Play >> Chair Brady clarified that residential was not allowed in the RC and FOI and that there was still cleanup that needed to be done in those areas. A brief discussion ensued.
2.2 Forge Development Agreement
Dakota Pacific is proposing a development agreement for The Forge property. The property is located at 769 N Ingot Road Vineyard, UT 84059, and is zoned within The Forge Special Purpose Zoning District. Parcel IDs: 39:258:0001 through 39:258:0007.
Play >> Community Development Director Morgan Brim gave a brief background on the Forge Development Agreement and some of the changes that had been requested.
Play >> Steve Borup with Dakota Pacific Real Estate gave a presentation on The Forge development.
A discussion ensued.
Public Concerns Questions
Play >> Resident Daria Evans asked about the Redevelopment Agency Board (RDA) funding and how it worked. She questioned why the city should be involved in funding a private developer’s project.
Play >> Resident Tim Heaton expressed concern with the privacy implications of the license plate reader technology. He also requested clarification on parking enforcement and building heights. Lastly, he asked why the city Redevelopment Agency Board (RDA) should pay for a private developer’s project as well.
Play >> Resident Sarah Cameron expressed concern with the parking allowance/ratio per unit due to the differences or variations in household composition and sizes. She recommended that the developer consider upgrading the parking ratios per unit to accommodate for future demand.
Play >> Resident Jake Holdaway asked about the target residents in the future when the development was built. He expressed that due to Vineyard’s proximity to UVU and BYU, there would be an influx of many students and families in search of affordable housing. Mr. Holdaway recommended that the Forge be built in such a way that it welcomes various classes of people with varied household composition/type, and parking should be re-considered.
Play >> Resident Chip Price asked about the elevation winding along 800 North and how it would be built.
Play >> Chair Brady responded to the questions asked by the public. A discussion ensued about all the concerns raised.
2.3 Site Plan for Aquatics Facility
Flagborough is proposing an aquatics facility within the lake promenade in the Downtown Vineyard area.
Play >> Planner Anthony Fletcher introduced the project detailing the site location and total site.
Play >> Bronson Tatton and Pete Evans with Flagborough gave a presentation on the proposed Aquatic Facility. A discussion ensued.
Play >> Resident David Lauret expressed concern about parking for the aquatic facility and asked for proposed parking plans and clarification on its management and enforcement.
Play >> Daria Evans asked about the total capacity of the facility and how many lifeguards would be stationed there during its operation. She expressed concern about the storage of the furniture in the winter. Ms. Evans had questions about the shade and size of the proposed splash pad in comparison to the Grove Park splash pad.
Play >> Jacob Holdaway expressed concerns about the infestation of flies and other bugs in the area or the proposed project site, being outdoors. He shared that it was worth considering the financial implications of controlling fly and bug infestation.
Play >> Chair Brady and Mr. Tatton responded to the questions and concerns from the public.
2.4 East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement
Play >> Mr. Evans explained that the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement had two components and discussed those. Commissioner Ostler asked about vested rights on the property. Mr. Brim responded, and a discussion ensued.
Play >> Mr. Brim stated that there will be a public hearing will be on December 6, 2023 regarding the East Geneva Land Donation and Development Agreement. He wanted to let the commissioners know that if they wanted to have a one-on-one meeting, they could set those up.
Play >> Chair Brady requested that the developers of the Forge present the percentage of owner-occupied residential units in their development and the percentage of residential to commercial spaces.
Play >> Chair Brady adjourned the meeting at 8:38 PM.
MINUTES APPROVED ON: December 6, 2023